
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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China, All the Way from South Africa…


Amazon Books

Last Friday, as usual, the postman dropped off the mail while I was at work. One of those little “we’ll re-deliver” cards was included in among the regular collection of Junkmail and Boring Stuff. The postman had written that the sender’s name was “China.” All day long, I thought about that.

I like the man who delivers our mail on our street! He knows everyone and is very friendly – all very small-town-rural-ish, and that’s great! Often, if he misses me in the morning but passes by later and notices I’m home, he’ll stop to deliver a missed package. So on Friday, curious about “China,” I waited. Alas, no postman.

Our post office keeps the screwiest hours in the world. They open after 8:00 a.m. (when everyone else in the world is already at work), and they close at 4:30 pm! Oh, but there’s always lunch time to hit the post office, right? No, no – they close (completely) at 12:00 noon, until 1:30 pm, for their lunch. On Saturday, they’re open from something like 8:30 – 9:45. Yes, it’s all very small-town-rural-ish!

So I appreciate our postman and his kind efforts! I really do! BUT – on Friday – with “China” nagging me all afternoon, there was no sign of second delivery. WHAT WAS CHINA??? I knew I could not rest until I knew…

So, at 4:20 pm, I called the post office. The card said I could pick up the package the next day, and in the past, I’ve never had success trying to pick up on the same day I received that taunting card. But I thought it worth the effort to call “just in case,” and… sure enough, I was rewarded! They had it in hand! They closed in 10 minutes! I rushed to the post office and got there just as they were coming out to lock the doors.

And there, in my hands, was placed a package. It didn’t feel remotely like china. It didn’t look as if it had come from China! Indeed, the return address was South Africa. And though I’ll never quite know how China figured into the picture when the card was left at my door by the postman, I was thrilled and ecstatic that the package was from South Africa!

Because I knew what was in it! I had been waiting

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

A mighty collection of Trish Burr’s new embroidery kits!

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

The kits are professionally packaged in a sealed pastic sleeve, and the contents are tucked into a folded cover page that has a full-color photo of the project within on it.

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

On the title information, you’ll find the intended skill level of the kit, and I believe each levels is further categorized by the color stripes on the side of the cover.

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

Inside each kit ordered with threads, you’ll find the instruction pages, which include a supply list, a stitch glossary, a color guide, and step-by-step photos and instructions on completing the project. You’ll also find the threads arranged in groups and marked clearly, separated either in bags or on hanging tabs. You’ll find the fabric for the project, with the design clearly printed on the fabric. You’ll find a needle. And finally, you’ll find a most pleasant surprise – a practice cloth, with little design elements drawn out, for you to practice long and short stitch on! A very nice addition to each kit, I think!

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

The instructions, as you can see above, are accompanied by a photograph of the project developing at every step of the way. Very helpful!

I’m so excited to see these kits in person!!! And now that I’ve seen them, I can reiterate that this is a great way to learn needlepainting, or long and short stitch embroidery! The rosebud is absolutely perfect for beginners – clean instructions, simple design, and all the perfect little touches to bring the design to life.

I cannot wait to finish my currect project so I can launch into one of these kits!

You can find Trish’s kits on her website, for those of you in the USA who want to try them. For readers in the UK or Australia, check the suppliers listed on Trish’s site!

Also, keep an eye out this week for my Give-Away, which will include one of Trish’s kits!!!

Enjoy your Monday!



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(16) Comments

  1. I ordered the beginner kit and got it last week. It’s just as lovely as you say in this post. I am looking forward to getting started on it as soon as I finish my current project.

    Thanks for the advice about working with rayon by the way! I’ll probably give it a try.

  2. Ooooo! The minute I saw the posting I jumped to conclusions that this had to be about your prior mention of ordering some of Trish Burr’s kits. I am so excited just knowing that some are actually here in the US. Even if I never get to purchase my own (my dear hubby didn’t appreciate the shipping, maybe he’ll come around) I will totally enjoy watching someone else and what will evolve from learning from such talent and eye bulging “eye candy”. I literally bolted in my seat and squealed in excitement for you. This is what makes being 45 worth it. I can be a part of such mature beauty and talent and get animated about it too. Thank you so much Mary for sharing.

  3. Oh! I forgot to add “I still don’t understand how ‘China’ fits in the story”? Did I miss something? Feeling silly, Tammy

  4. Wow! So excited to see these! I have been practicing and practicing long and short with drawn shapes–these kits could actually BE something attractive. I know Trish’s materials are not considered to be true “crewel,” but that’s not what she is selling either–just long and short embroidery, key to so many kinds of embroidery: Japanese, crewel, needlepainting, lots more. Thank you for the pix and the info!

  5. What a wonderful letter from “China”. It was really worth waiting and thinking. As I see, these kits look really great. I guess I should buy one and try this stitching for the first time. But now I am waiting to see your stitching. Will it be the bird from the 4th photo?

  6. Hi, all! Just a quick note to let you know that Trish did recently adjust the shipping slightly. Shipping from South Africa to America is pricey, ’tis true, especially if you are just buying one kit. My suggestion – if you have a “stitching buddy” (or know of someone interested – friend, relative, etc.) in trying the technique (think guild groups, if you’re in one), pooling an order and splitting the shipping would certainly bring down the cost.

    Oh, China! Sorry, Tammy! That was on the post office card, saying I had missed them for delivery. The “Sender’s name” area read “China,” which made no sense to me. Often, our post office will write the place of origin in that spot. I knew I hadn’t ordered anything from China, nor had I ordered china (dishes or anything like that!), so I was puzzled… I still don’t get why they marked “China” on the card?!!

  7. Oh, yes – and you’re right, Agne – the bird will most likely be first, though my sister wants to learn the technique, so we might work through a beginner kit (the rose bud) together. We’ll see. I’m DYING to do the bird! I love it!

  8. I picked up my Trish kits from the Post Office on Friday as well. (Mine didn't say 'China', however. 🙂 I bought 3 kits without threads. I got the rosebud (for a friend who wants to do some shading), the poppy, and the bird.

    The kits seem to be nicely packaged and I am looking forward to stitching them. They will make good 'portable' projects so that I have something to carry with me when I'm out and about. I think the inclusion of the practise cloth is a great idea. I also noticed that there are thread listings for DMC or Au Ver a Soie included. (I'll probably use DMC.) In addition, the poppy came with some Eterna silk for the 'hairy bits' on the stems.

    From what I've seen so far I would definitely recommend these kits, especially the simpler ones, to anyone who wants to try out soft shading. (Then you can work up to the more complex designs!) I hope Trish has great success with her kits. It's nice to have quality designs available in kit form (and I don't have to transfer anything..yea!).

  9. Wow. I just checked them out and WOW. Even the prices – wow!
    I'm excited, but I don't know which one I want to do first!

  10. My jaw just hit the floor. You are one generous lady, Mary. The kits sound superb and the practice cloth is a lovely touch. I think temptation may yet get the better of me 🙂


  11. I just ordered the African Pygmy
    Kingfisher, received it in rcord time, great kit; can't wait to
    start stitchng.

    Love the flower being offered as a
    free kit, would love to stitch it
    as well,I would use it as a companion piece to the Kingfisher.

    If I win, I would frame it in a
    shadow-box frame and find a special
    place to hang it next to some beautiful pictures of flowers painted by my late Sister-in-law.



  12. I have looked at trish Burrs embroidery many times it's lovely. If I were to be the lucky recipient of this package I would complete it and give it to my newly married daughter for her new home.

  13. Just received my frist Trish Burr embroidery kit. It ends up being pricey with the shipping but such gorgeous work. I am thinking a lovely bag (perhaps to carry my MANY unfinished embroidery projects). Thanks for your constant inspiration. When do you sleep?
    Joan Jeffers

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