
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Clarifications on Needle ‘n Thread E-Mail Newsletter!


Amazon Books

Before I get to today’s embroidery-related post, I just wanted to clarify a few points concerning yesterday’s post, where I asked for feedback on my daily newsletter that comes in your e-mail, if you are subscribed! I’m afraid I may have left a few people confused, so I wanted to assure you of a few significant things!

Thank you for your e-mails and comments on yesterday’s post! I received an influx of e-mail this morning, and instead of responding individually (well, I will with some, but I can’t with all!), I thought it’s best to clarify here, just in case there are some of you thinking the same things, yet didn’t e-mail!

The daily “newsletter” from Needle ‘n Thread, as it is right now, is powered by Feedburner, a free service for me. For those who subscribe to the e-mail newsletter (via the box in the right column on the website), you receive in your e-mail each day the previous day’s post. Right now, there is nothing extra. The whole thing is automated, and that’s how it works. Basically, in your e-mail inbox, you just see an e-mail from me (from Needle ‘n Thread) and it has all the text and pictures from the previous day’s post.

Should I enroll in a service that costs me, don’t worry! It won’t cost you anything! I’m not planning on charging for my e-mails! (Yikes!) It would just make life a lot easier for me, and enable me to do some more creative things with my subscribers. It would be, in short, “fun” for me!

What I’m thinking about, for example, are things like e-mail groups. I may want to pass on, let’s say, some specific information about goldwork to those who are specifically interested in goldwork. If I had a group of subscribers to “Goldwork on Needle ‘n Thread,” I might send out a special newsletter (every now and then – nothing daily or even weekly!) that is sent just to those people. I might not do groups, but at least I would have the option, if it seemed like something my readers wanted.

Also, I would have the ability to send subscribers special information – like advanced notice of give-aways, or perhaps discounts at needlework retailers (if I could manage talking a purveyor into something like)… little special things now and then. Wouldn’t that be fun?

And, finally, it would eliminate some glitches that I’ve had with the e-mail newsletter service I use now. I’m hoping one thing it will eliminate is the major problem concerning AOL – it seems very few, if any, AOL users who sign up for my newsletter actually ever receive it. That’s the pits. I’d like to clear that problem up, if possible.

So, just to summarize: 1. right now, you’re not missing anything if you’re not signed up for the newsletter and you read me in your feedreader or just check in daily, and 2. I wouldn’t charge you for my e-mail newsletters! Going to a paid service (that I pay, not you) is something ultimately for my benefit, that I think would benefit you, too.

Ok, that’s cleared up! Feedback? Feedback? Anyone?

Now – on to today’s embroidery stuff – in a different post!



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(13) Comments

  1. Whatever makes life easier for you, Mary. I do feel for all the AOL users who are missing out on anything.
    I do not subscribe to your blog postings from your web site, but rather in my Reader service (free from gmail, but there are others out there, too)I have added NeedleNThread to my list of blog subscriptions. Whenever you make a post, it gets delivered to my Reader – easy and very convenient.

  2. Mary I have you on RSS feed and email just in case I can't get to one or the other. Like joey said whatever makes it easier for you.

  3. fwiw, I read your posts via rss and Google Reader. I don't really like email newsletters. You might look in to Yahoo Groups to do special announcements. There are several designers who use groups effectively (pinklemonknits and The Sampler Girl for example) It is free and you can control the level of privacy, content, who can post, etc. (But it might not fix the AOL problem.) Whatever you do, keep it simple to leave you more time to stitch!

  4. I am a AOLie and I do not get it. I do however make it to your blog everyday and have is saved to favs. I would be happy to 1)pay for my little peice especially if there were groups, and 2) would love to see a members only thingy. If it will help you I understand, but I really don't want you to spend your money, when you spend so much time here.

    Thanks for everything you do for us readers.

  5. Thank you for the clarificationSs Mary.
    Whatever you do is well done surely! If you change you'll advise your readers, right?

  6. Mary, I've only been reading your blog a very short time, but I absolutely love it! I prefer the RSS as it makes my mailbox just a bit less cluttered, but so far I read every one. You should use whatever is best for you.

  7. Mary, I think your idea of doing special emails for different topics is great. You certainly cover many different types of embroidery on your website, which I find really interesting.

  8. Go for it! I have always operated on the old principle that you get what you pay for. I'm sure a service for which you have to put down good money will allow you not only more flexibility, but the ability to put it together exactly as you wish. Good luck and looking forward to your writings every day. Ann H

  9. Mary, I think sending specific topics to those who request them is a really good idea like Yahoo Groups, although I enjoyed reading all of them.

  10. Hi Mary, I would just like to say, that if you have the opportunity to change the service provider for your email newsletters then you should do so. Ultimately it is about what makes You happy.

    🙂 I am guessing it would make AOL subscribers of the newsletters very happy too 🙂

  11. Mary, I don't want to miss a day of your letters. For one thing you've broadened my interest, and besides, I get a kick from your writing, it's like having a friend drop-in. Have fun with emailing, and we will enjoy it. What ever way you decide to go.

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