
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Stumpwork Medieval Flora – Book Give-Away!


Amazon Books

Would you like your own copy of Jane Nicholas’s new book, Stumpwork Medieval Flora? Then you’re in the right spot, because…

… I’m giving one away! To read all about this beautiful embroidery book that focuses on medieval flora in stumpwork, you can visit my review of Stumpwork Medieval Flora.

Stumpwork Medieval Flora by Jane Nicholas

Stumpwork, though a more advanced embroidery technique, is accessible even for beginners. It utilizes many of the same surface embroidery stitches we see in other embroidery techniques.

This book is written for the needleworker who has ventured into stumpwork already. While the instructions are detailed enough for the novice, they are not necessarily written with the beginner in mind.

Still, if you are a beginner, don’t let this deter you! If you’ve been inspired by stumpwork and have found yourself wanting to try it, this book will become a source of inspiration and motivation.

Stumpwork Medieval Flora by Jane Nicholas

My favorite parts of each of the stumpwork designs are the bugs. It isn’t often that I call bugs “beautiful,” but these critters really are just that!

So, if you want a chance to win a free copy of Jane Nicholas’s new books, do join the give-away. Here are the particulars:

1. Leave a comment on this article, on the website (responses via e-mail or on other posts are not eligible).

2. In your comment, answer the following question:

What do you find most fascinating about stumpwork embroidery?

3. The contest ends Monday, September 7th, at 5:00 am CST. Check back on Needle ‘n Thread on Monday, September 7th, when I will announce the winner. The winner will have to contact me within 48 hours with a mailing address, so don’t forget to check back to see if you are the lucky winner!!

Good luck!



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(121) Comments

  1. Oh my! I've been wanting this book so much but as usual, not available here. So I'm very thankful for the chance at least 🙂

    So on to the question: I find stumpwork absolutely fascinating because of it's realism and beauty. How people can do such mindblowing things with needle and thread. I really want to try my hand at this.

    Thank you very much for the chance to win this! That is really generous of you 🙂

  2. Thank you for the opportunity, Mary.
    I like the life-like textures very much. Stumpfwork is not like drawing, it is like relief.
    I would like to do a stumpfwork ladybug. I had a beautiful pair of children's gloves when I was 4 or 5, decorated with a ladybug. I lost half of that… I was very sad…
    I would like to re-create the gloves, perhaps my son will love it too. 🙂

  3. Hi Mary,
    I am keen of stumpwork, and a beginner in that technique. Why am I fascinated by it ? Well it gives deepness to the design, and I have the feeling that we still have a lot to discover. Flowers, bugs and insects can become almost real ! They can take part of your interior, not only behind a frame. That's what fascinate me most. And I would be so pleased to get that book, it looks so nice. Many thanks for that giveaway.

  4. Hi Mary,

    Stumpwork embroidery as a whole fascinates me. I love the dimensional effects, stuffed work and raised textures of Stumpwork. Reading your review and having a glimpse of the contents made me fall in love with this book.

    Please add me for the give-away.


  5. Stumpwork – man's creativity expressed in the most beautiful manner – an excellent way of recreating nature on a piece of fabric.I love the dimensional effects of stumpwork.

  6. What I find fascinating about stumpwork is the 3 d demension it gives. It combines different form of embroidery with use of wire and or padding to give it a realistic look.Beautiful work!

  7. What I find fascinating about stumpwork is that, like in the book cover, everything looks like a painting! It's like someone studied the elements, draw them very carefully, painted and printed! And yet, everything is built with only fabric, needle and thread. Absolutely beautiful!
    Very nice of you giving a copy away, Mary! 🙂

  8. Hi Mary,

    Stumpwork just fascinates me fullstop! I think it is because the designs always look so realistic and life like. I have never tried the technique myself but love reading books and articles on the subject. I have bought a small kit and hope with the help of your long and short stitch lessons to start it soon………

  9. I would LOVE to receive the Nichols book on Stumpwork. I have attempted to do some basic stumpwork after seeing entries at a needle work show. I am sure this book would be a good reference for me. Also my degree is in History and since I have retired I have been interested in needle work and how it expresses the social/cultural thinking of different periods in history.
    Thank you,

  10. Stumpwork is an exceptionally beautiful form of embroidery , notably because it enables you to add a 3 dimensional element to the depth of detail that you can achieve with fine stitching. This also enables you to far more expressive and creative in the overall design that you are creating. Imagination knows no bounds !!!

  11. I'm a complete beginner in stumpwork, (previous adventures in embroidery include silk shading, goldwork, blackwork and freestyle, including wierd modern textured pieces I used to just make up as I went along when I was younger) so for me it would be the challenge. I'm famous for taking on big difficult projects in entirely new styles, and those lacy wings and realistic flowers look like just my kind of challenge!

  12. I love handwork and also enjoy using other media to make things. I have done this all my life. Stumpwork allows me to play in both arenas. It is extremely challenging to me as well as just extraordinary in form!

  13. I was so interested in this book, I had it inter-library loaned (it will have to go back in a week). Being in a medieval recreation society (the SCA – sca.org or ansteorra.org) I am very interested in stump work. I have seen so many wonderful works of art on-line for the 1500s and 1600s that I some day would like to recreate them in a nice Elizabethan or Tudor styled dress for an SCA competition. That, however, is a while for me, but I figure if I start practicing now I may get good at it.

  14. It's the realistic, dimensional quality of the stitching. Stumpwork makes for such wonderful art work that seems impossible to achieve with a needle

  15. Hi Mary! Please put my name in your giveaway draw – thank you for this opportunity to try to win this book.
    Stumpwork fascinates me and I am just starting to experiment with it. I love the dimentional aspect – the berries,leaves and bugs.

  16. All Jane's books are gorgeous. I've been dying to see this one in person.

    What I love best about stumpwork is the realism. I can barely draw, yet with a needle and thread I can create something wonderful AND recognizable!

  17. I saw this book on Amazon a while back and didn't even know what Stumpwork was – but the pictures were so beautiful, I had to investigate! And after I did, I just couldn't believe it!! Those tiny little stitches, so beautifully meticulous to form a wing on a grasshopper and the very thin-ness of it's legs, just WOWED me! Surely you can not do this just with a needle and thread, I thought! amazingly enough… you can! (well, maybe YOU can… I'm not so sure about ME, but I'd love to give it a try!!!) 🙂

    thank you for the opportunity!

  18. The most interesting thing about stumpwork embroidery to me is not that one can make realistic things from wire and threads (and occasionally padding and fabric) but that well-done stumpwork is delicate and integrates with embroidery so well.

    I've been lucky enough to see some of Betsy Morgan's stumpwork pieces. They are gorgeous, fragile and like little gems. It is truly amazing.

  19. Thanks Mary, for another lovely give away.
    I find all insects (and spiders too) the most fascinating subjects in stumpwork.

  20. Dear Mary, The first time you reviewed Jane Nichols' book I fell hopelessly in love with it. As for you, those critters are just too beautiful for words for me. Like so many of your other readers, it is the fact that you can give you embroidery a 3D effect and in so doing gives it life, is what make me love stumpwork so much.
    Kind regards, Elza Bester Cape Town
    South Africa.

  21. Of what a great gift! I just love Jane Nicholas' books; They are a work of art in themselves.

    I think the thing I love about stumpwork is it gives another dimenion to canvasswork or and type of embroidery for that matter. I have tried a few things but I am not very good at it. I thing it is a study all it's own.

    Thank you again for this great gift.

  22. HI

    The stump work is a realistic work. I would like to recieve the Nichols book on Stumpwork. The designs are full of life, if you see from a distance you would feel that the object is placed.
    I am looking forward to have a personal copy of the book.

    Thanks and Regards
    Vidya Ramesh

  23. I have to say that the bugs fascinate me. Who knew? I'm ready to be challenged, and I think stumpwork is just the ticket. Thanks for the opportunity and your generosity!

  24. What a generous giveaway!!

    I love stumpwork because it makes me do a double-take. It literally 'pops' off the surface and wants to be seen and examined. The threads also seem to have an intense sheen.

    Thanks for the great review, too!

  25. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

    Stumpwork fascinates me because I love botanical drawing, and this takes it to the next level, adding another dimension to the careful recording of a plant.


  26. Hi Mary,

    Thank-you for this great gift.

    I've always loved the realism of

    stumpwork and have been fascinated

    with the end result. If I were to

    win this book, I would share it

    with a friend who is on a very

    limited budget and has a passion

    for Stumpwork. Teri

  27. I'm just exploring the world of stumpwork with one of Marsha Papay Gomolo's kits… everything this summer has been on hold because of a terrible fall down the stairs and I haven't been able to do much. Maybe this book will
    get me back to needlework by concentrating on small components of the big picture. It would feel great to get a bit of good fortune by "winning" this book!

  28. I find stumpwork beautiful and so lifelike. Along with other projects I would like the opportunity to learn stumpwork now that I am retired.

  29. Stumpwork isn't flat. we try to make things look real with thread and fabric and wire…so it's more complicated than just sitting down and sewing…you have to get that 3D picture in your head…a challenge.

  30. What a gorgeous book! I am fascinated by the life-like textures of stumpwork. There is so much to see. You can't just take a cursory glance at it. Your eyes are drawn to the details and the details are amazing. I would love to learn how to do it because each piece is heirloom quality. A wonderful legacy to pass on to my children.

  31. Hi Mary, please enter me in the give-away for this lovely book! The thing that fascinates me most about stumpwork is how the textures create such a realistic look. I'm still getting up my courage to try it!

  32. Just seeing the cover of that book gets my needle finger itching! I love stumpwork becuase of the seemingly infinite variety of bits. Every time I look at some of the Stuart era caskets, I see something I hadn't noticed before.

    I should love to have my name in the virtual hat for this book.

  33. I have never tried Stumpwork before and what fascinates me is the dimensional effect imparted by this technique.

    This is art imitating nature at it's best.

  34. Hello Mary,
    I love stump work beacause of we use different technique which gives dimentional effect and thus adding the beauty. Im totally smitten by the beauty of this work.


  35. This is another of your very generous giveaways Mary! How nice of you. I know it's a book we all would love to win!
    What I like about stumpwork? I would have to say it would be how realistic it looks. I love the dimensionality (is that a word?)and that it mimics nature so well.
    Mary Anne

  36. Hi Mary,
    I probly shouldn't be in the running for this since I am just learning but I would love to be able to create such beautiful work!
    When my daughter was in college we had to collect different types of bugs…she was a biology major..and these bugs look better than the real ones!! I am going to learn how to do this!! I wonder why they call it Stumpwork?

  37. Hello, Mary!

    Thanks for your informative and enjoyable review of this great new book! God bless you for sharing this and all the helpful things on your wbsite! I have not (yet) done stumpwork, but after reading your review, my appetite is up. I enjoy seeing something old and beautiful and handworked making a comeback! I am interested to see how stumpwork can be applied in a Byzantine style to Orthodox Church embroidery.

    Fr. Boniface

  38. I think what's most fascinating is the ability to make realistic looking things with just a needle and thread. The stumpwork is so gorgeous, and I've just never quite been brave enough to jump into it. I would love to have a good book to show me how to do it. I love a challenge 🙂

  39. Mary,
    I have been wanting to learn how to do the bugs. This looks like a wonderful book and a person can never have enough books in there library. I am fairly new to stump work and crazy quilting and I am doing your shading class that is really interesting. Thank you for a chance to receive the book. Life is full of challenges and I love challenges.
    Beckie n Kansas

  40. I adore Jane's books. They're like a favorite picture book, only for embroiders.

    For me the fascinating aspect is that it makes me WANT to stitch bugs. Even ladybugs. And that's saying something after the full house infestation I had to deal with in a rental house in Alabama.

  41. I couldn't resist this give-away. Thank you. Stumpwork is so appealing because of the dramatic effexct you can achieve, normally realistic. It's fabulous.

    Sharon Downing

  42. I would love this book. I had a little dress as a child that had beautiful butterflies, ladybugs,a dragonfly and grasses. I treasured it and still do. I love to do handwork, it has such meaning to me. Thank you , Sharon

  43. Mary,
    How very generous of you! I've wanted this book since you posted about it last month.

    Anyway, stumpwork fascinates me for a number of reasons, but primarily because of the range of realistic effects you can achieve with some basic techniques.

    I've only finished one stumpwork piece, and I'm eyeing it now from my desk. It's hung VERY prominently in my house, and is the piece I'm most proud of.

    I look forward to seeing who the lucky winner is!

  44. This looks like a great book. I am very close to completing my first piece of stumpwork – a vine with berries, a spider and spider web and a dragonfly. The dimensional aspect of stumpwork makes embroidery come alive! I would love to have this book as my first stumpwork book!!

    Trish, Columbia TN

  45. I love the fun and challenge, the dimensional aspect and I love those little critters!

    What a great give-away.

    Thanks, Mary, for all you do.

    Lin Taylor, Florida

  46. The most fascinating concept of stumpwork to me is the dimensional aspect and realistic look of each piece and all the intricate detail involved. Thank you for the change to win such a marvelous book.

  47. What a wonderful give-a-way !!
    Stumpwork gives dimension, texture and realism to a piece. I design and teach Brazilian Embroidery – I love adding a touch of Stumpwork to a piece. It gives another layer to the Brazilian. The way you can shape a petal, leaf or butterfly wing and it stays in position – it really is easy and it brings live to your stitching.
    I would certainly like to win this book, but since I probably will not be that lucky – I hope my comment will inspire others to add Stumpwork to their stitching favorites.
    and congrats to who ever is the lucky stitcher ~
    Sharon – Modesto

  48. 🙂 another generosity from MC. Thank you first of all in behalf of everyone.
    Stumpwork is 3D and that is by itself the most attractive feature of stumpwork embroidery that I like!


  49. I am not well versed with embroidery techniques enough to know how stumpwork differs from other forms of embroidery, but I LOVE medieval illumination!!! Which is why I would love to have a copy of this book. I especially love the close up picture of the grasshopper. That would be the first thing I made!!!

  50. What a treasure the lucky winner will have! I am fascinated by the beautiful pictures of stumpwork and would love to learn the skill. I love all the detail! What a great feeling of accomplishment it would be to complete such a piece of art with "needle and thread".

  51. I just love receiving your daily postings! I have learned so much…and find ideas to really improved my needlework. You look at needlework in so many ways—that it increases my appreciation!

    I have never heard of stumpwork..I've seen it, but didn't know what I was seeing. Your articles help so much!

    I would love to win this book and try some of the special designs of nature. The details are amazing and impressive and give so much realism!

  52. Oh – I so want to win this book – I already added it to my wishlist for the holidays!

    I love the realistic look of stumpwork – the flowers and bugs seem to come alive. Its unlike anything else in needlework!

  53. I love the dimention of stump work. I lived in England for several years and we had some wonderfull emboriders who did stump work. I have been wanting to try it for several years, this book looks like it would be a good place to start.

  54. I love the texture and detail in stumpwork. The idea of learning new techniques is exciting. New toys and a shopping expedition are in store. It really looks like a great book, I'd love to win it. In any case the silk threads are calling me, just when I'd gotten the DMC organized. Regardless I do enjoy your website and newsletter. thank you, julie

  55. Ooh, good giveaway! Thanks!

    I adore textures. All textures. Ever met someone who can spend a quarter of an hour examining the surface of a cheap laminate desk in rapt fascination? Hi. Stumpwork is the single most textured form of embroidery I've seen, and it seems to combine with other techniques very easily (and overlaps with needle painting), which opens up even more options.

    I'm also a sucker for color, which also helps!

    I'll probably end up buying this book when I have time to take up a new project. (Ha ha. "Time." Like that ever happens.)

    – M. VanTassel

  56. Hi Mary,

    I'm amazed how life like the designs look. It's beautiful.

    I thoroughly enjoy doing floral and or botanical creations myself and would love to win this book to expand my talent.

    Thank you for always thinking of us.

    Happy Labor Day.

    San Diego, CA

  57. Your article about the book is very well written and sounds like a great book to add to anyone's library.

    Stumpwork is fascinating because you can use so many everyday things to complete projects. Like a toothpick for a sword, heavy card for the foundation of a building or wooden beads for berries.

    I love your blog and read it often, you always have interesting updates about the type of work I enjoy.

    Thank you,

  58. Jane Nicholas is the queen of stumpwork! Her books are well witten, and fascinating. I love stumpwork. After working in the flat dimension of weaving for the past 20 years, the idea, and application of working in a 3 dimensional media is nothing but tantilizing, amazing and breathtaking, beautiful, inspirational. Flowers, mirror surrounds, broaches, insects (love insects), pictures, needle caskets and endless inpiration abound!
    The history behind stumpwork also brings me closer to the artists who have gone before. I find the human genius to be unlimited and timeless when it comes to art. And stumpwork is definately timeless and an art form.
    I always show samples of stumpwork design, especially Jane's books, to visitors and fellow fiber addicts. Invariably it elicits Ooohs and Ahhhs as people pick out their favorite designs.
    Even though I am a beginner, this medium brings out a facination and passion I do not always experience working in other art forms. Thank you for this opportunity to win one of her delightful and instructional books!

  59. Thank you so much for reviewing this book. I love Jane Nicholas's books. I have her first two and have even stitched a project or three. What do I like about stumpwork? EVERYTHING! I love the raised textural look of it, I love that out of a simple needle and thread you can achieve something so realistic and beautiful. And I love how in many of Jane's designs she tucks a tiny ladybug or bee in amongst the foliage. A little surprise. I would love to win this new book of hers. Thanks for the chance.

  60. It's hard to chose what one loves the best about stumpwork, but my favorite 2 are the 3 dimensional aspect of it and the bugs and butterflies.

  61. Like many others here, it is the dimensionality of stumpwork that fascinates me. In general, that is not something stitcher's produce! I've played around with stumpwork a little and have Jane's first combined book, but truly LOVE this one because of the medieval work – dimensional, almost botanical drawings! Thanks for the opportunity.

  62. Two things make stumpwork so wonderful: it is three dimensional and has wonder critters, like beetles, caterpillars, and spiders. Thanks, Mary, for this fabulous giveaway.

  63. Dear Mary
    A chance to win a book from a very exciting embroiderer. I have to say in my 'young' days I had a very poor view of stumpwork thinking it was an early, ugly form of old English embroidery. THEN along came Jane Nicholas and her 3D flowers and bugs. I was 'stung'. This Australian lady had inspired us again. I would love to own one of her books instead of borrowing from the library.
    New Zealand

  64. Mary, Thank you for your generosity. I also enjoy the insects and the realism achieved in stumpwork. Although never having done any I would like to experiment with combining goldwork with the stumpwork.

  65. Mary, I love so many things about stumpwork, but I think for me it's the link to the past that intrigues me the most. I've always been fascinated by the 3D Elizabethan "caskets" I've only ever seen online or in books. Doing stumpwork pieces somehow links me to those clever ladies (and gents!) who spent hours with wire and padding creating realistic scenes to decorate their boxes and I'm greatful to curators who are preserving them for us to see today. Perhaps one of my efforts may be kept for the future generations to admire (one can dream, you know VBG)
    Thanks for the chance to win Jane's wonderful book

  66. Oh, this book is just gorgeous! I love how stumpwork brings such a dimensional quality to embroidery, making the work so much more realistic. It brings embroidery to life. ~ Ashley

  67. What fascinates me most is that it gives a primarily 2-D art form an opportunity to incorporate 3-D forms into its perview. The design aspects become those similar to those of sculptors and architects.

    Diane Stavola

  68. Stumpwork is so dimensional, it is close to real life…at least the way Jane stitches it! Thanks for such a great site, I check on you often, and am always pleased by what I find on your site.


  69. I am amazed about the things some people can create with a needle and thread. I am no where near that league but would love to win this book to try to learn! thank you!

    tiffanys819 at gmail dot com

  70. Stumpwork amazes me because it's so detailed, especially compared to the cross stitch that I usually do. The picture of the grasshopper is my favourite. I love his wings!

  71. This is like a double bonus! First we receive your most helpful and informative needlenthread blog and NOW you are giving away this beautiful book that I would love to have. I do Brazilian embroidery with rayon floss and love to add stumpwork featuress. Stumpwork adds a wonderful touch of realism to our work. I hope I am lucky enough to win this book.Thank you.

  72. I think the most fascinating part of stumpwork is the ability to manipulate fiber, beads and fabric to resemble nature in a realistic dimensional form. It fascinates me how simply a beautiful bug or a blossom can be made to look so very realistic. You almost have to touch it to know it isn't real. I just love this technique!

  73. Mary, thank you for this fun, generous give-away.

    What I find fascinating about stumpwork embroidery is the whimsical, magical quality it conveys right along with botanical accuracy.

  74. My first fascination with stumpwork, when I first saw it, was wonder and surprise that stitching could be 3 dimensional. Now my fascination is with the details that lift a piece and make it beautiful. Such as the insect wings on the front cover of the book. So light and gossamer-like on the cricket and delicate and amzing vein detail on the dragonfly.
    To read and learn how to do that would be fun and exciting.

  75. Can I answer just this: "everything in stumpwork fascinates me"?

    I remember that one of the first questions I made you was "what means stumpwork?" – I couldn't find any translation for that… it seems like it was long, long ago!

  76. I had never heard of stumpwork before I started reading this blog, and it's amazed me ever since that it's even possible to create something three-dimensional with needle and thread!

  77. Yet another form of needlework I have fallen in love with as a result of Mary's blog. Since I do mostly whitework, it is the colors that I find most exciting about stumpwork.

    Thanks for this generous gift, Mary.
    Susan N.

  78. I love not only the realism, but the textural feel of the stumpwork embroidery. It is almost as if it lifts its hands off the cloth to praise the Creator. True poetry!

  79. I'm drawn to stumpwork because of it's dimensional and life like quality. I found that stumpwork isn't as hard to do as I had imagined, though it is very fiddly.

    I love the bugs too, and like to browse through Jane Nicholas' book on Beetles. They are so life like.

  80. I'd love to throw my name in the hat for this beautiful book!

    I've been embroidering for over 20 years, but I've not really gotten into stumpwork. This book is very inspiring! I love the 3D quality, and the life-like detail to the flowers and the insects (I'm not a bug person, but ladybugs and butterflies are cute!).

    I am an avid fantasy gamer (in fact, designing fantasy games is what I now do for a living) and my husband and I have digitally created so many family crests for our characters. It's on my "to do" list to physically make cloth banners of those crests, and stumpwork would be the perfect way to decorate them.

  81. You have no idea how much your website is helping me cope with my son's departure for college… Thanks Mary! What I love about stumpwork – I just love the magical look of this type of embroidery. The 3-dimensional look is just so beautiful. Like so many other things I love – it just makes me happy!

  82. Hi Mary,

    The most fascinating thing about stumpwork is that it gives life to embroidery for instance the bug looks real….thats why I like it.



  83. I like the realistic and lifelike quality of stumpwork and the way it breaks the frame because of its use of the third dimension. But most of all I like the bugs. In stumpwork you can enjoy their beauty without them jumping all over the place. I don’t paint well enough to do the tromp loeil that I admire, but I would love to be able to learn how to make bugs and add them to unexpected places and pieces./Matilda

  84. Hello Mary,

    This book is a beauty. I find stumpwork engaging my mind into creativity.

    Lot's of fun on your web site.

    Lorraine Connelly

  85. I am fascinated by all textile techniques that take the two-dimensional into the three-dimensional. I really like the sculptural aspects of stumpwork and I'm interested in how it could be used in more non-traditional ways.

    thanks for the gift opportunity,
    eileen2000 at hotmail dot com

  86. Please add me to the draw. I enjoy the multimedia aspects of stumpwork–I can use a variety of materials, sometimes in creative ways, to create a realistic or fantasy effect. I can draw from things I've learned over the years and expand on them. Synergy.

  87. Ever since you reviewed this book Mary, I have wanted to own it! I have all of Jane Nicholas' books, except for the dragonflies. What a wonderful opportunity you are giving everyone!!

    Stumpwork has been a passion of mine – mostly to look at, though I have done a few pieces, notably a clas with Jane Nicholas. I love the realism, particularly the bugs – they just seem to jump off the page!

  88. I like stumpwork because of it's realistic nature. You can appreciate it from different angles and see something different from each perspective.

    Thank you for the opportunity.


  89. Hey Mary –
    I love stumpwork because it adds that third dimension to stitching. I like experimenting with different textures (I am a tactile person!) so I really like the added dimension. I haven't done a lot of it but want to incorporate more into my landscape scenes, especially with flowers and grass.

  90. What I like about stumpwork is the change from the usual boring flat embroidery. OK, no embroidery is really boring, but the dimensional look makes executing it more interesting.

  91. Hi Mary

    Thank you for generous give-away of a copy of Medieval Flora.
    It is fascinating that this traditional form of stumpwork embroidery is so versatile that it can be used to produce beautiful flowers and realistic brightly coloured insects. The exquisite details make my beginners fingers itch to have a go at creating this world of medieval flora and fauna! Still you have to start somewhere so I will dream on!! Regards Pam

  92. I agree with all the previous comments. . . but would like to add something else I really enjoy. That's what I think of being in touch with my "inner kindergardener" when I do stumpwork. There's something so very satisfying about cutting out little pieces, assembling them together, linking them with stitching. . . How often do most of us get to play with shapes and put them together in something that other people will ooh and aah over!

  93. Me, me, me, I'd like to win this book. Oh my goodness, look at all the names in the hat. Not surprising, this is a wonderful and very generous give-away.

    What do I like most about stumpwork. Looking at the cover of this book, I love that the flowers and bugs look so lifelike. How wonderful to mimic nature beauty in such a realistic manner.

  94. Stumpwork facinates me, and I second everything about the detail, realism, and simple complexity that has already been said about it's qualities. I'd love to have this book and use it to improve my skills.

  95. I sooooo totally love the texture, detail and dimension of stumpwork. I don't know if I would ever be able to master the technique, but I love to drool over it!!


  96. First of all, thanks for reviewing this book so we all could know of it. What amazes me about stumpwork is that not only does it look astoundingly real, it’s such a different sensory experience than other types of needlework, both in the viewing and the making, especially since you handle and manipulate the individual bits as you go.

    From the online illustrations I’ve seen, Nicholas deftly juxtaposes the formality of the botanicals with the whimsy of assorted bug life – an effect that could have been cloying in less sophisticated hands, but is just right in hers. I covet each of the insects she’s created, so well-crafted and realistic they look like they could fly off the page. I spent many childhood hours molding rubber bats and beetles and lizards with my Creepy Crawlers Workshop oven — for an eight-year-old it was like getting to be God “on the day He created every living creature that moves.” What luck that I can still indulge that impulse as a grown-up through Nicholas’ books!

    In a few weeks I’m taking a four-day stumpwork class, and after that I believe I’ll feel emboldened enough to tackle one of her projects. As much as I like Nicholas’ earlier designs, I’d like to start with her medieval flora, which are so in keeping with my Arts & Crafts era house.

  97. Hi Mary,

    I'm just starting to try stumpwork and it is fascinating. I just love the bugs! Right now my bugs look a little like they've been stepped on, but I'll get better with time I hope. Thanks for the great blog.

  98. Mary, how thoughtful of you to give us the opportunity to win a copy of Jane Nicholas' latest book.

    Stumpwork is a challenge and must look daunting for a beginner. However, I have been fortunate enough to do a class with Jane when she visited New Zealand. She is a gifted embroiderer and designer and a skilled teacher. Her instructions are clear and even a beginner can accomplish a lovely piece – just follow the instructions one step at a time and you will have a piece of stunning work to show off.
    Stumpwork is not quick to do but is utterly satisfying and well worth the effort. I look at the piece I did in Jane's class and feel so thrilled that I created something so exquisite. I have since done stumpwork on a bride bag I made for my daughter-in-law. She treasures it. I would love to own Jane's latest book to enhance my stumpwork skills, especially as I have such an interest in medieval style work.

  99. Thank you once again Mary for sharing your your love of the art. A true lover of a subject matter wants you to love it too!…that is what makes "that person" so willing to share what "she" loves a lot.
    What I love about Stumpwork is the 3D, realistic way of working fiber and cloth to recreate part of nature to be closer to it. It is like bringing the garden inside.
    Learning how to do stumpwork, like any other needle work, keeps us in touch with the past, being able to keep it alive for the future.
    Thanks for your time Mary, we really appreciate it!
    Kathy Kelly

  100. oh!!!! I want this more than any of the other people! Pick me pick me!!!!!!

    Stumpwork got me interested in all kinds of embroidery again. I was fed up with seeing cross stitch and uninterested in embroidery… then I saw a stumpwork butterfly in a magazine and WOW! It looked real! It jumped off the page, literally! And Jane Nicholas does some amazing work! This book combines my love for medieval things with my love for stumpwork. It is on my Christmas wishlist, but if you can make this wish come true I would love it so much!!


  101. Hi Mary,
    I love your newsletter, first thing in the morning, before doing anything else, I read what you've been up to. I really do wonder how you squeeze so many things in 24 hours – hoursin the States must be longer than here, or maybe we 're just too laid back.

    Stumpwork makes embroidery take a new dimension (no pun intended) and I find it fascinating although am really a rank beginner and attempts are a bit fumbly to say the least.

    Would love the book, as would all your other readers I'm sure.

    Thanks for for giving us so much pleasure every day.

  102. I love all forms of needlework but the reason stumpwork appeals is the three dimensionality of what can be produced.

    Thank you for the opportunity and mostly for what you share of your mind and experience with so many.

  103. Never heard of Stumpwork before, but the Ladybug is so cute. I´m still searching for MY embroidery. So maybe it is Stumpwork. I would love to win the book.
    Hope it is not to late to join.
    Greetings from Germany,

  104. I find that doing Stumpwork elevates the level of needlework and enhances the piece that it is created for. The third dimension adds so much realism into our artform. I stitch many different types of needlwork and always find that I always want to do another piece of stumpwork.

  105. I love Stumpwork and have just completed Di van Niekerk’s “Perfect World” and last year, the RES project. Yesterday, I purchased Jane Nicholas’ Medieval book from Joann Fabrics which was on sale. I love it so much. I am ready to do more challenging projects from her book, in particular, all the insects. I will be happy to send you pictures of my finished Di projects. I am still new at your website. So happy I found you. Clemmie Rounds

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