
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Upcoming Needlework Topics on Needle ‘n Thread!


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Over the next few weeks, Needle ‘n Thread is going to be on “auto drive” – but never fear, there’s a whole line-up of interesting articles on needlework-related topics coming up!

Road Trip Map, 2010

Why “auto drive” for the website? Because I’ll be driving somewhere else! You see, it’s that Highly Anticipated Time of the Year – Vacation Time! This year, it’s another adventurous Road Trip. This year’s trip promises to be entertaining, enlightening, informative, inspirational – but somehow, “relaxing” doesn’t come to mind! In record time (in the manner in which my family always operates while on vacation!), we will take in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City and Surrounds, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, the coast of Maine, Boston and surrounds, Providence, Vermont, up state New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Ohio, Michigan (again!), and then… whew…. back home. Though driving, we will still meet airline schedules, work schedules, ferry schedules, dinner schedules, and on and on and on.

Somewhere in the 6,000+ miles that we will drive, I’ll be ferreting out needlework related stops (when I can finagle them!) and I’ll still be keeping up with the behind-the-scenes work on the website, like moderating comments. I’ve slotted in a few days where I’ll be able to give you trip updates, too, assuming I discover things of interest to the needlework world!

Upcoming Needlework Articles on Needle 'n Thread

While I’m on the road, you’ll be treated to some guest posts on Needle ‘n Thread. What have I got lined up for you? Well…. there’s a four-part series on designing and stitching elements inspired by Italian pottery, a two-part series on dyeing threads using natural dyes, some Italian drawn thread work, a bit on making Princess Lace, a spunky blurb on embroidered trees, some bits on Brazilian embroidery, a look at canvas work and specialty stitches therein, an article on book publishing for those who have dreamed of publishing their own books but don’t know how to go about it, there are several book reviews lined up, some “stash” posts from my recent studio clean up, my fingers are presently crossed for a post on embroidered miniatures, and … other stuff! I hope you’ll be thoroughly entertained!

Because I’ll have limited access to the internet (and because I’ll be doing other things!), e-mail response time will probably be rather slow. I’ll try to do what I can if you happen to contact me, but if I don’t reply to you right away, it’s not because I don’t want to – it’s because I’m not able to!

And if you’re good while I’m gone, I’ll bring you back a treat – I promise! See you soon!


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(27) Comments

  1. Have a safe journey Mary! We, too, will be traveling this summer – from Berlin, Germany to California, Minnesota, Iowa and Michigan to visit family. I plan to get in hours of stitching on the airplane (and in the car) and a few needlework shops as we travel. Enjoy your vacation! Kathy

  2. Dear Mary , just want to wish you a wonderful trip. May you come back refreshed and full of new ideas to share with us, your faithful fans. ENJOY!!! Love Elza Cape Town.

  3. WOW!!!! Now thats what I call a roadtrip.lol.

    And you are the most organised person I know to have all the goodies lined up for us while you are away. When do you sleep. :).
    Anyway, have a great time.
    Regards Phillipa
    in New zealand.

  4. Wonderful shop in Toronto that has all manner of silk embroidery ribbon. I’ll see if I can dredge up the name.

  5. Whew! I’m exhausted just reading about your trip. As someone who lives in Nova Scotia, I can tell you that the only good needlework store in NS, NB, and PEI, is Because You Count in Moncton, NB. The most popular “female” crafts here are quilting and rug hooking. If you’ll be driving around the Cabot Trail in NS, be sure to stop at the hooked rug museum in Cheticamp and at some of the shops there that specialize in hooking and have demonstrations of the craft.

  6. G’day Mary,

    “She’s makin’ a list, checking it twice.
    Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice”.

    “…She knows when you’ve been bad and good,
    So, be good for goodness sake!”

    Looking forward to EVERYTHING Mary.

    Keep safe, Cheers, Kath.

  7. Hello Mary, What a trip…I have lived in all the provinces you will visit except PEI.
    My husband served in the Air Force and we were lucky to stay in Canada and enjoy our beautiful country. If you find some good shops in Quebec, let us know OK. Wishing a fantastic trip, I look forward to read you every day. BYE

  8. Enjoy your road trip adventure, Mary! Can’t wait to see what the surprise is that you are planning for us! And am anticipating learning a lot from the guest posts you have lined up for us as well.
    -Sharon Brodeuse (currently in the throes a massive thread organization project brought on by your thread drop giveaway/thread organization post)

  9. hi Mary!
    have a fantastic time during your holiday!
    Can i suggest my friend’s blog http://sylviastitch.blogspot.com/

    she travels a lot and she is always stitching while on holiday and she extremely productive!

    anyway, i had a question about canvas work, I am crazy about it….however, i cannot find many free projects online
    any ideas
    ( Australia)

  10. Oh Mary!!! Enjoy the holidays!
    So many work in your website to be connected with your readers. You are a gem!
    I think you are going to travel through a place where we were in your way to Canada – we had lunch at The Culinary Institute of America – it’s a culinary school we have eaten very well and loved to visit the school so interesting! Then you went on and visited the Vandelbilt Mansion at a beautiful place!It was place we’ll never forget!
    Have a great time with your family!

  11. Mary –
    Michigan is a beautiful, wonderful state. I just found a ndew, (and now favortie) needlework shop called The Stitching Well in Bay city – carries Gumnuts, among a whole 3-wall area of many, many threads. Love it! Hope you enjoy my state – it has so-o-o-o much to see!

  12. That is one crazy road trip itinerary! You’ll need a holiday when you get back from your holiday …
    Looking forward to the guest contributions!

  13. Dear Mary,

    What a wonderful trip you have planned. Looking forward your guests on the blog. Can’t wait to hear about your travels and what new things you discover.

    Safe travels.

  14. While near Niagra Falls, don’t miss ‘Whirlpool Point’ on the St Lawrence Seaway, and if you get to the center of NY try to get to Watkins Glen, a beautiful oasis that often looks like a tropical forest, it is at the bottom of the Finger Lakes. My dad took us on a trip all around NY state when I was a kid (about 60 years ago, grin, I think I was about 12), and we children never forgot that vacation.
    Maybe next year you might visit the south and do visit the mountains of NC, most beautiful part of not just NC but the country, grin, of course I am prejudiced, grin!

  15. Thanks, all, for your comments!

    I made the first leg today – all went really well, except for that darned detour in the middle of Nebraska on the backroads, for a whole hour!! Ah – summer, and road construction!

    It’s great fun so far!

    Enjoy the next couple weeks of content! And don’t hesitate to leave comments or questions – I’ll be moderating them each day, or at least every couple days!


  16. Hi Mary,
    What a trip! I don’t know how you find the time to do all the things you manage to cram in one day. Anyway, have a lovely holiday.
    I am looking forward to your post on miniature embroidery. LOL

  17. Good day,Mary!
    I am new here, and no good in English.
    The trip will bring you new inspiration,do share with us.

    Shino (China)
    your Faithful fans
    Have nice vacation!

  18. How exciting, Mary. If I’d known you were going to be in Battle Creek I would have arranged to be at the shop today and you could have stopped by. Well, you still could. Hope your trip is wonderful. I’ve always wanted to do a vacation like this.


  19. Good heavens! That’s an amazing and ambitious itinerary. I will be especially in interested in hearing about New Brunswick since I’m thinking of going there next spring. Hope you’re able to get in lots of needlework-related sightseeing/shopping.

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