The other day, I reviewed the book Stitch Sampler, and today, I thought I’d give away a copy.
Read on to see the give-away rules!

So, what am I giving away? A copy of the new edition of Stitch Sampler, which is slightly different from the copy I reviewed the other day, though the actual stitching content and instructions (and wonderful photo index) are all the same.
To enter the give-away, please do the following:
1. Leave a comment on this post – not via e-mail, not on other posts (it’s just too much to keep track of!)
2. In your comment, answer the following question:
What’s your favorite stitch dictionary and why? (If you don’t have a stitch dictionary, that’s ok. You can just tell us what stitch dictionary you’d like to own and why….)
3. Make sure you leave an identifiable name on your post.
4. To be eligible, comments must be submitted by this Sunday, October 10th, 5:00 am CST.
So, if you’d like to win yourself a free copy of Stitch Sampler to add to your needlework bookshelf, don’t be shy! Leave a comment below! I’ll announce the winner on Sunday!
I don’t have a formal dictionary that I follow.
I usually surf the web or have a few copies that I have made from different books, but below are the things I would really like to have in my dictionary.
1. Step by step simple instructions (along with pictures)of how to make different stitches
2. Suggestions as to what material is suitable for the stitch.
3.What are the mistakes that usually occurs while doing that particular stitch.
4.Over all the instructions have to be in simple language so that even a beginner can be comfortable.
Thanks for this opportunity to express my views
Even though I learned to cross stitch and do simple outline embroidery as a child, I recently got back into hand embroidery due to some wonderful classes at a local quilt shop. Thus, my library of embroidery books is rather small. That teacher highly recommends Inspirations’ A-Z books and my current favorites are the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches. I’d love the chance to add to my library and expand my resources by winning the Stitch Sampler book. Thanks for yet another wonderful give-away, Mary!
I don’t have any stitch dictionary.
What dictionary I prefer:
– with step-by-step explanations and good fotos of stitches,
– with names of seams in English, Spanish, Italian, French, Russian languages,
– with the photos of the wrong side of stitches.
A stitch dictionary will help me to broaden my horizon in the field of embroidery now that I am retired and to help preserve old techniques on the verge of extinction in the Netherlands.
The stitch sampler would therefore be very welcome as it seems a book with ample information.
My favorite stitch sampler is Embroidery and Crazy Quilt Stitch Guide by Judith Baker Montano because it is an app on my iphone and always convenient while I’m stitching. I also have it on my bookshelf and like that one as well because it is in spiral bound form and lays flat when open.
I love the stitch dictionary “The Embroidery Stitch Bible” by Betty Barnden. I don’t own this book but am constantly taking it out from our local library. It has great photos of almost all stitches. Even though I love that book it would be nice to own “The Stitch Sampler”. Your info on it sounded great.
My mother taught me to embroider when I was 5 and she gave me some copied sheets from an old Dictionary of Stitches. I still use them today and it sure would be nice to have a real book. I don’t know why I’ve never bought one, perhaps sentimental value. Anyway, I’d love to be entered to win this beautiful book.
Once again, most generous of you! 🙂 I love Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches (revised by Jan Eaton) because the diagrams are all really clear and well thought out, with good text descriptions to help you through if needed, and the layout of the book is excellent. It’s split into a variety of areas such as Canvaswork, Open Filling, Outline etc. so it’s quick and easy to decide what kind of stitch you want and then browse the book. Somewhat to my hubby’s irritation, it rarely leaves my side on the sofa when I’m stitching!
G’day Mary,
My very first, A-Z of Embroidery Stitches by Country Bumpkin. Even though I am an intermediate to experienced embroiderer, it is my stitching security blanket (yes, I sympathize with Linus).
Thanks for this opportunity Mary.
Kath from Oz
Hi Mary!
What a lovely give-away!
I have the Emboiderers handbook. I’ve bought it after reading your review and I absolutely love it!I have nothing like the book you’re giving away, so count me in for your give-away!
I’d love to win and start my own sampler…
Gwen Kok, Dordrecht, the Netherlands.
Hi Mary,
I have already a quite old dictionary but it has been helpful. Has curiously embroidered pictures of existing museums and private collections in the USA. I did not know this dictionary, but would like to have it because it seems quite complete and would give me the opportunity to learn a lot. That’s why I try my luck, but even that does not receive the book, will surely continue to read and learn from your articles. Take this opportunity to tank the sharing of your knowledge.
Have a nice day,
Teresa (Portugal)
A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 1 and 2 published by Country Bumpkin Publications are my favourites as they demonstrate how to execute the stitch so well and clearly
I have a copy of The Proper Stitch by Darleen O`Steen (the older edition). I really like and use the book often. Her diagrams are clear and instructions easy to follow….I love adding fancy stitches to plain samplers…it makes them so much more interesting! I would love to win a copy of this book!
My favourite is my first, “Plastic Canvas Stitch Dictionary” from Leisure Arts.
It have wonderful illustrations, too.
As I mostly do counted cross stitch and other counted stitches, this dictionary suits me well, and I love experimenting with the stitches shown in it.
I used to have a book called emboidery stitches but when we moved into a motorhome had to downsize me craft supply. Now I use the Internet when I need to learn a stitch but that can be inconvienent at times. I usually search this site first. I intend to buy this book if I don’t win it. I researched it on the Internet and it’s on my must have list. Thank’s for a great site. I look coward to your emails every day. Phyllis
Despite buying some beautiful stitch books such as the A to Z, I still find the most useful for me is 100 Embroidery Stitches, a small booklet by Anchor. It always gets tucked into the current project box. It’s not pretty, and it’s not in colour, but it’s been a mainstay.
Gail in Burlington ON
I don’t have a stitch directory, but this one really looks like something I could understand and use.
Of course I am enjoying all of the A~Z Books on stitchery from Country Bumpkin. My favorite that I have used the most is A~Z of Smocking. I found the stich variations for smocking to be a great send off to start with for my hand embroidery. Smocking is being used for so many different items than in the past. It’s just not for “babies and little girls anymore!
I just wanted to say that I have the 1999 one and have loved it for many years. It has always been tempting to make a sampler , her color pages are very inspiring!
Another one I like, but not as colorful, is the Cross Stitcher’s Bible by Jane Greenoff, 2000.
I’m a quilter who often includes embroidery work on my applique blocks. Since I don’t embroider a lot, I’m constantly running to the computer to figure out how to work a stitch. Your website has been a valuable resource! It would be so nice, however to have a book near my work area so I don’t have to go to the computer. Of course your email will still be on my top-20! Cheers!
I love my copy of “Australia and New Zealand Complete Book of Handcrafts”. It has a basic sewing section, and I love the kitsch colours & photos throughout. To be honest, I tend to refer to your video library when in doubt. Much easier to grasp 🙂
My only book of stitches is
Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches
(New Edition By Jan Eaton)
Thank you for this kind offer…I need all the help I can get!
Thank you Mary for all your hard work…it is much appreciated…
What a great give away. The book looks just what I need. I have A-Z Embroidery Stitches 2, but is a little more advanced to me.
Thanks so much,
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, but I sure wish that I did! As a self-taught stitcher, I’m sure that it would have helped! LOL! But I have heard great things about the A-Z series. Thanks for contest!
Melissa Joyes, SW Ontario, Canada
Thanks for the generous chance to win! I really like Mary Thomas’s book, but the little Anchor book is the one that stays in my embroidery kit-bag and is referred to frequently. When I taught at our youth group, that was the one that we provided all the girls.
My favorite stitch dictionary is the Embroiderer’s Handbook by Margie Bauer. She presents the form and use of the stitch in a short paragraph so readers get an idea of its application. Then she shows step by step how to make the stitch and build it into an area so you know what it will look like for your purpose, not just how to make it. Finally she shows a completed item using it. All very helpful for a person who is just learning that stitch. She has a variety of stitches so you can make choices–for example, at least a half dozen different roses. A lovely book. It’s not so big that it’s overwhelming, but it has a lot of interesting stitches so a reader who has the basics will find it interesting to use. The color photos of the steps are nice to have.
Perhaps the drawback is that the printing is a little too artsy. Publishers forget that many people doing this work have old eyes–and soft colors are hard to see in any light including the artificial lamplight from the new lightbulbs that I use in the evening. Unfortunately, the descriptive material about the use of the stitches is in very light ink so it’s not very easy for me to read. BLACK is always good in how to books!
I’ve just gone to a library where they have embroidery books going back at least to the 50s. Borrowed one by Jacqueline Enthoven called the Stitches of Creative Embroidery from Reinhold, 1964. It must have been done early in the revived interest in needlearts as she mentions that she’d not seen the Chinese knot in any books but had learned it through family who’d been in China–and now it’s in all (many?) stitch dictionaries. So despite having such limited options for researching the stitches, she surveyed MANY many stitches, uses, appropriate threads, alternatives, etc. Good line drawings. I like it a lot. No color, few photos but lots and lots of diagrams and helpful info about how to use each stitch. Easy to see and read. I wouldn’t mind finding a copy of this exact edition somewhere.
I also like the RD Complete Guide to Embroidery Stitches–but, my library has two books with that exact title. One by Melinda Cross, one edited by Jennifer Cross whose name didn’t get on the cover. I like this second one first because it is rather compact. Then it gives a synopsis of what the stitch family is, and how it is used and with what threads. Finally it gives a photo sample of how it looks as it is built, and a diagram of the order of stitching. So it has fewer photos than Bauer’s book but covers the same points. And has more stitches.
So there are three I like very well–but if I had money for only one, I’d go for Bauer’s book so list her first.
BTW, I checked four library systems around here and none have the A-Z series Embroidery Stitch Dictionaries that you recommended. In fact, only one had any in that series–the one on buillion stitches.
This book is my favorite!!! I’m a book nut and collector and a new follower of yours — thank you!!!
Mmm. Hard call! I tend to reach for my Mary Thomas books. Not that they’re the best, most modern, easiest to use, or most complete. They do however present a very broad ranging collection of stitches spanning many styles. Aside from a 25-cent Coats and Clarks leaflet, they were the first stitch books I had, so the habit is hard to break. What they don’t do is illustrate actual appearance, with real threads/yarns on cloth. From what you have shown of the Stitch Sampler book – that is its strength. I would like to be included in your drawing, and thank you for extending this opportunity!
Hi, Mary! Thanks for offering this book. My grandmother, when she was alive, was my stitch dictionary. She was great. When I sat down with a project, she could suggest alternate stitches for fill work, etc. She would sit with me and show me “new-to-me” stitches, and I would write it down in my journal and practice it. I still use that journal on occasion to find the perfect stitch for a project. I also use your how-to videos for inspiration.
Hi, Mary! Thanks for offering this book. My grandmother, when she was alive, was my stitch dictionary. She was great. When I sat down with a project, she could suggest alternate stitches for fill work, etc. She would sit with me and show me “new-to-me” stitches, and I would write them down in my journal with a sample of the stitch. I still use that journal on occasion to find the perfect stitch for a project. I also use your how-to videos for inspiration.
What’s your favorite stitch dictionary and why? (If you don’t have a stitch dictionary, that’s ok. You can just tell us what stitch dictionary you’d like to own and why….)
Since I don’t have a stitch dictionary (except for yours on the web site)… I would say my stitch dictionary would contain plenty of photos and descriptions so I can learn the stitches. This way I will be able to follow along while working the stitches up.
It would also have to be very organized so it is less of a headache to get to a particular stitch. That way if my mind goes blank I can grab the book… find the stitch then flip right to it and work it up.
That would be my favorite stitch dictionary as I am still learning how-to embroider. It would be simple and easy enough to follow and make the process a lot easier and less agrivations.
Melissa Schermerhorn,
New York
My favourite stitch is queen stitch. I like how versatile it is and how it stitches up
Love your site.have passed it on to my gulild in Charleston, South Carolina.
Your stitch sampler book is the best I have seen althought I use your website for the tutorials. I am a beginner and am figuring out alot of stitcing tricks that are never discussed for myself.
Thanks again
carol gross
Mary, I purchased Joan Fisher’s Guide to Embroidery at the local second-hand shop as it had more information than the embroidery book I’d purchased online. Neither is as comprehensive as I would like, so I’d really love to win Stitch Sampler. It would be so great to have for my CQing and embroidery. Thanks for the chance!
Thanks to you I now have downloaded Ms Christie’s “Samplers and Stitches” yesterday.
Until yesterday researching on the internet was my stitch dictionary. I did not know about the internet archive nor the book.
i had already looked at the “Stitch SAmpler” which you told us about, on—wonderful illustrations and pictures, and will purchase it at some point, or I would love to win it from you. By the way…I am loving reading you emails each day. I am new to stitching…and loving it…:)
I do not currently have a stand-alone stich dictionary. I have some vintage books that have diagrams for a good amount of stiches, but none with color photographs or with the array that seem to be included in this book. I have always wanted the Country Bumpkin A-Z of embroidery stiches, in fact it’s on my wish list for the year! This book would be all I would need to help bring my stiching to the next level.
I am a fan of the Country Bumpkin A to Z books for several reasons – the instructions and photo illustrations are really clear, the spiral binding makes them easy to use because the pages lay flat, and I love the beautiful illustrations. My goal is to own everyone in the series one day.
Good morning Mary! I have one stitch dictionary and I find the instructions a bit odd sometimes. I have stitched, taken out, stitched, taken out and stitched yet again only to leave some of the stitches alone and go back to the tried and true easier ones just to complete a project.
I do enjoy your video library, but I have limited internet access, so it’s hard to go back to the video when I need to.
I’d love to have a copy of this colorful and informative stitch dictionary!
Brenda, Wilmington, Ohio
My favourite stitch dictionary is the new edition by Jan Eaton of Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches. I like it since it is organized by types of stitches and it has large coloured examples of the stitches. Although the diagrams are not numbered to show each part of the stitch, the written instructions are very clear. I also like that this book suggests good uses for each stitch. Sadly it is not currently in print, so I use a library copy frequently.
Ruth Ann in London, Ontario, Canada
I use the Step by Step Needlecraft Encyclopedia because I do so many different crafts.
My “go to” is Jan Eaton’s edition of Mary Thomas’ stitch dictionary. I also take it with me when teaching classes, thus causing a significant amount of panic when I’ve left it packed in the class materials. I like that it has clear illustrations and instructions of the stitches.
I’ve looked at Stitch Sampler and thought about picking it up more than once, but haven’t gotten around to it. Like the Mary Thomas, I like that it has clear illustrations and photos and instructions.
I am a relative newcomer to embroidery- the only book I have is The Complete Illustrated Stitch Encyclopedia. Though I have no basis of comparison, it’s been a great book for me. It’s introduced me to many stitches, and the beautifully photographed projects and clear patterns are inspiring.
I would love to expand my library, so please count me in.
Thank you for doing this giveaway, and many, many thanks for all the great information and inspiration on your website- it’s become my embroidery go-to site.
I don’t own a stitch dictionary since we are only getting started with embroidery, thanks to your blog! The book you are giving away is very appealing to me because of the great pictures! I imagine that it would appeal to my daughters for the same reason.
My favorite is Melinda Coss’s Complete Book of Embroidery, perhaps because I have had it longer than the others and am more familiar with it. It contains clear instructions with colorful diagrams illustrating the technique.
I keep Eileen Bennets Sampler Stitches books beside my chair always. I also have an old Dmc embroidery stitches book I pull out often.
I currently own three of the A-Z embroidery books. I am making the “going home from the hospital outfit” for my first grandchild. Charlotte Annabelle is scheduled to arrive the latter part of November. Even with the above resources, I had to consult the web for instructions for the Satin Stitch. I am hand monogramming her initial on the seat of her double seat panties. Fortunately, I found your website with marvelous instructions for the Satin Stitch. Thank you for taking the time to post those instructions. It has been a life saver. My next project will be her christening gown so I could really use the stitch directory.
Hi, Mary! Thank you for another give-away! I only own one stitch dictionary, The Embroidery Stitch Bible. I love its smaller size (fits any tote!) and the colorful pictures. I also think that the stitch section of Crazy Quilting – The Complete Guide is a great start for anyone! I love these books! But of course, I intend to buy many others, it’s addictive – especially when I read your reviews!
Recently I bought an old copy for Mary Thomas’ Embroidery Dictionary which I like a lot. I also enjoy J. Enthoven’s Creative Stitching and because I’m left handed I also love Yvette Stantons book for left handed Embroiderers. (the exact title escapes me at the moment) 🙂
I don’t have a real stitch dictionary, just pages I’ve collected from different magazines and from a monthly craft club I was in years ago called American Pastimes by Field Publications. I also find the internet a wonderful tool….especially youtube…however, I have trouble staying focused on one thing when I’m on the computer!
I have a couple of stitch dictionaries – Betty Barnden’s Embroidery Stitch Bible is excellent and I also like the Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework. I am still in search of the perfect dictionary (if there is such a thing.) I think the Stitch Sampler and the A-Z guides come close to what I need. Lots of clear pictures of the process and completed stitch along with the variations.
Thank you as always for your reviews and give aways!!
Tania Kleckner
I love The Proper Stitch – but this one looks great too!!
Hey Mary,
I don’t currently have a stitch dictionary that I like to use, but rather pages from a lot of needlework books that make a sort of hodgepodge dictionary.
Years ago when I was teaching myself how to knit and and embroider I used my mother’s massive tome “The Complete Guide to Needlework.” It had very good color illustrations of many stitches and clear, concise directions. That book, while not really a stitch dictionary, still remains the most helpful needlework book I’ve come across.
Hi Mary, While I have a few stitch dictionaries at home, I don’t remember any of their names. That points to the fact I rarely refer to them – they aren’t too helpful, I’m afraid. This brings me around to your review the other day re THE STITCH SAMPLER by DK. I went into Amazon the same day and was looking around for detail on this book. I liked your photographs of what we can expect from the book – the detail of the illustrations is what captured my attention. Anyway, THE STITCH SAMPLER is now on my wanted list.
Hi Mary
thanks for this opportunity. I don’t own a stitch dictionary, and this one looks really wonderful in your review: I can understand that it makes you feel happy, because of all the bright colors! It looks like a great resource if searching for inspiration, or even for looking up how to correctly execute a given stitch!
I would love to own this book…
(By the way, I love your site and check it out every day!)
My current favorite stitch dictionary is The Embroidery Stitch Bilble by Betty Barden. I LOVE the information, layout, illustrations, and how the book lays flat. I really wish more how-to books were this well thought out, realizing that not only is the information being presented important, but usability factors in as well… IMHO 😉
I would like a stitch dictionary with a spiral
binding so that it can sit easily in my lap,
hands free, allowing me to hold my stitching and practice a new stitch.
Hi Mary–
I have two favorite stitch guides. One is the Reader’s Digest Guide to Embroidery. I have owned this since I was in high school and I refer to it constantly.
The other one is a very old Coates and Clark “100 Embroidery Stitches” book, that I think might have belonged to my grandmother.
Between these two sources, I rarely have any problems finding instruction or inspiration for stitches.
Awhile back I was searching for a “good” stitch dictionary and ended up with “The Complete Illustrated Stitch Encyclopedia.” It’s OK but this book for the giveaway is much better. My favorite part is having that stitch index where you can browse all the stitches at once, then go to the directions for each. Excellent format!
I don’t own a stitch dictionary….any would be most helpful…
Good morning, I am pleased to participate in your give-away book as I do not own a stitch dictionary. I usually go to your tutorial video as they are easy to follow and I am forever grateful that you allow us to use your knowledge every day.
Thank you and I sure hope to win.
I own a embroidery stitch directory.a handy book named anchor book of free style embroidery.the book i am having is helpfull to some extent.i just started my collection and for me the book should be with colorfull photograps and easy demonstartion of each stitches. thoe book you are giving away has lot of colofull photograps.hope i win. thank you for the give away.
I just started stitiching a few months ago. Hopefully this book becomes my favorite dictionary!
HI Mary,
I am new to your site, My shelf consists of One small book with pictures of Emb. Stitches. My wish list consists of A to Z in Embroidery Stitches. AND now I will add The Stitch Sampler to it.
I am a grandmother and have just started to embroidery. I don’t have a book yet, just internet to help me. Love Mary Corbets website, this is how I got started. When I read the newsletter about the book, Stitch Sampler I thought it would be so nice to have a book as you work to learn how to do certain stitches and even how to load your fabric in the different hoops. Learning to do this has been so much fun and I would love to win the book. Blessings, Charlotte
I use Elegant Stitches by Judith Baker Montano for the stitch combos when doing crazy patch and the A-Z of Embroidery from Country Bumpkin.
lol my favourite stitch dictionary? My MOM’S! It really is infuriating that I cannot remember the name of it now. We were at a charity shop and there was this veritable tome of a book going for like 50 cents. Every conceivable stich in every needle craft ever practiced by man or ape was it and she snagged it before me! She does not even stitch. She just really like the pictures. So like her Great Canadian Cookbook I have to wait until I come into my inheritance to get my hands on it. Sigh. I have a few stitchtionaries of my own. One sort of vintagey one by McCalls has served me well but it covers knitting and crochet etc so the section on needle work is limited some what.
Hi Mary,
I have a couple of stitch dictionaries but it all in my Indonesian languange, you might not know them if mention the name of the book.
The books helps me alot, but I get more help when I found some stitch samples in you website.
They helps me to teach more stitch variations to the mothers with HIV, so they can use the new skill I taught them to earn more money.
So I hope I can win the book for other’s needs 🙂
Thanks you Mary you’ve been a big help for my class
My favorite book is Mary Thomas’s Stitch Dictionary. It has easy to follow diagrams and a multitude of stitches. I am an avid collector of needlework books, and would love to add The Stitch Sampler to my collection. I do mostly surface embroidery, and I’m always looking out for new ideas.
Following your review, I added this book to my library list. I am retiring the first of 2011 and am preparing to begin again the art of stitching. It has been many years since I have been able to pick up a needle for more than a few minutes at a time! So many projects and so little time, I am anxiously awaiting the opportunity to actually spend serious time with needle and thread!
The opportunity to add such a beautiful book to my personal library would be terrific!!
Oh, this is so lame, I don’t own a stitch dictionary, so I would love to win this one…it would be my favorite. Right now, when I am looking for a stitch and how to do it, I usually come to your site and peruse your tutorials. I am truly a novice, but I’ve learned so much from you.
Thanks for the opportunity to win a stitch dictionary. I do not own one and would love to have one that has easy to read directions. I am new to embroidery and a guide would be most helpful.
Thank you, Laurie
Hi Mary,
Thanks for another fabulous giveaway.
My favorite is the A-Z Embroidery Stitches Parts 1 and @2 and I keep referring to them frequently.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, let alone a favorite one, though periodically I do go into the bookstore and drool over them… I haven’t come across The One yet, so I haven’t bought.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary yet. I also haven’t picked a must have yet. I have been getting my hands on copy via library loans and I have been reading reviews. I’m looking for the one I want in my collection.
Hi Mary,
My favorite stitch dictionary is Y. Stanton’s Left-Handed Stitch Dictionary. As a LH embroiderer, it simplifies my ability to learn and/or review how to do a stitch. It is enhanced by very clear written stitch instructions, with excellent (color!) illustrations.
I don’t own a stitch dictionary, but I wish I did. I’ve never been able to see this Stitch Sampler in person, but the images you posted looked very very tempting. Otherwise, I’m interested in the Right-Handed Embroiderer’s Companion.
I own about three books, but my favorite is Bullion Stitch Embroidery by Jenny Bradford. It is a great book for Brazilian type embroidery. I still would like to add more to my library. The next best and not a book is your videos on all the stitches there.
Funny how people use books in different way! Answering the post above, I find theat stitch dictionaries are just about the only stitching books that I find really useful! All I want to know from a book is how to do a certain stitch, the design I can add by myself thank you very much. I don’t like project books. I find them inspiring (sometimes) and Ilike to browse through them in the bookshops but I don’t buy them, I prefer to makeup my own projects. So my only actual books on the subject are the stitching dictionary from Country Bumpkin, A-Z vol 1 and 2. I could not really say which is my favourite, since I slit them open and rebound them together as soon as I got them so I can’t say right now which is which. I do wish that these had a little more information about the history of the various stitches, but you can’t have it all. I like poring over the old stitching books you can download for free on the net to integrate that missing information.
This book seems to have somestitches that Idon’t know at allin it, which is what gotmy attention! 🙂
Hi Mary,
The Stitch Sampler looks to be a fantastic guide to stitches. I do not have a stitch dictiionary, but I do have the Windflower Stitch Guide that I copied form the internet.It is limited to stitches, however, it is better than nothing.I thoroughly love your stitch videos. I forget too fast how to make stitches, so I freguently visit your website. I need a hands on of all stitches since I am retired and embroidery has become my fill the days hobby.
Presently my favourite stitch dictionary is A to Z of Embroidery (1&2), but that could change . . . the one you reviewed looks very interesting.
Lacombe, AB
I am trying to learn embroidery. I don’t have a stitch dictionary. I would love to have one.
I don’t own a stitch dictionary, and living in Costa Rica doesn’t allow me a big selection of embroidery books. When I have a question, I look on your site. It will be lovely to win this book. You are very generous, Mary
Good morning, Mary!
I do not have a stitch dictionary but I would surely like this one . My daughter and I are considering the RSN certificate program and as we are beginners, this would be a great resource.
Thank you for your generosity,
Greetings Mary,
I have two standbys. Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches, which I go to when I want to vary what is called for on the chart. It has a wide variety of stitches, photos of the finished stitches in ’70s colors, and clear drawings of how to make the stitch. It’s a bigger book, so it stays on my shelf for occasional reference. I carry with me a wirebound book published by Cross’n Patch called A Collection of Beautiful Stitches by Emie Bishop. It has clear black and white drawings and descriptions of a wide variety of stitches. That one stays in my stitching bag.
The Stitch Sampler looks fabulous. I really love the gallery!
Hi there Mary,
How I would love to be lucky enough to win this beautiful book!
I have A-Z of Smocking, which covers some stitches, mainly those suitable for smocking, and Monograms by Susan O’Connor, another CB publication.
Sadly, I am still to have a comprehensive embroidery stitch bible in my little collection of books. I am desperate to find a Stitch Bible that actually has insertion stitches in – fagotting/cretan, simple and more complex versions and it would be a wonderful treat to own one book that I could refer to; rather than surfing the net and then finding that the stitches are talked about, but not enough actual diagrams to help me achieve success.
Anyway, good luck to everyone who is entering, there will be one lucky person smiling soon!
Thanks as ever for this being offered as a giveaway.
Marysia Paling.
i own the A-Z of embroidery stitches 2 and its great but you can never have enough embroidery books..?
caroline,montreal quebec
I’m another big fan of The Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework. I don’t even remember when I purchased it, but I really started playing with it after pulling it out to learn blackwork and its the first place I look for info. I also use The Embroidery Stitch Bible a fair amount. Not because I necessarily like the content better then other stitch dictionaries, but the spiral binding makes it really easy to use.
Heel graag wil ik ook het mooie Sapler borduurboek!! hartelijke groeten van mij
Hi Mary
at the present I only own at were bacis stitch dictonary in danich (Politikens sybog). So I often turn to the internet. But I’m on the out look… Will read these posts with great intrest.
Hey Mary,
I dont have too many books on stitching.Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework is one that I have and refer to constantly.I would love to get THE STITCH SAMPLER. It looks so colorful in addition to having a huge repertoire of stitches.
Thank you for having this giveaway.
I do not own a formal stitch dictionary yet. I’ve frequently thought of purchasing The Proper Stitch as I’ve heard good things about it. Often I will go on-line to find a stitch that I am confused by. I especially like to find animations so I can see full course of the stitch. My preference is for very clear, step by step instructions with good-size pictures. Btw, your reviews are most helpful.
I use “Enciclopédie des ouvrages de dames ” de Thérèse de Dillmont. I like it. It’s very ancient but I like old embroidery. I would like to know the one you presents. Who knows?!!!
Have a nice day!
I am always looking for new stitches to add to my repertory. There are 25 others letters of the alphabet besides “X”.
Hi Mary
I have just gone back to crewel and cross stitch after 20 years of raising my boys. Loving it again but I don’t own a stitch dictionary. This one looks great. In Canada we are starting to have trouble finding needlework supplies except through the internet. Love your site. Thanks
I don’t have one at the moment:-)
I tend to use the internet namly your website.
I have learnt so much from your website I haven’t got round to buying a stitch dictionary so far.
Take care,
Alison Collins
Hi Mary,
Although I do mostly surface embroidery and often just stitch without referring to a book, my favorite and most used book is
The New Dictionary of Needlepoint and Canvas Stitches by Rhoda Ochser Goldberg. It is a small book so easy to handle and carry around. It has a large variety of canvas stitches, and clear illustrations of what they look like. I often refer to it to get textures in my work, even if I am not doing canvas. I have had it for years – don’t even remember where or when I got it!
Thanks for the giveaway and for the great info you always share!
Kathy in Kenai
I’m always looking for ways to add new stitches to designs, this looks like a wonderful way to do this.
My favourite stitchery book is Stitch-opedia by Helen Winthorpe Kendrick. I like it because it is laid out very clearly and it is easy for me to find what I am looking for. The glossary and index are good !
Ooh! Ooh! Love stitch dictionaries! The only one I actually own is an ancient Erica Wilson Needlework book; excellent but missing many of the vintage stitches that I look I would love an updated reference to peruse!
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, but would love to have one. Then, I wouldn’t have to fight for the computer to go online and look at your website’s stitching lesson page! Even if I did have one, however, I would still have to come online and watch your how-to videos. They are the best! Thanks
Because it is the type of stitching I do I like Carolyn Ambuter’s The Open Canvas. AliceRae Kutish
I am new to Needle N Thread and look forward every morning to your E-Mail. Being a stitcher of many decades I find that your E-Mails are like little refresher courses.
Thank you for effort in keeping people like me up to date. Cathy H.
My current favorite stitch sampler is the A-Z 2, by Country Bumpkin. I got it after reading your review. I like it because it is clear to understand and it lays flat so I can read it while trying the stitches.
I personnaly dont’ think one can have enough stitch sampler books, though, so I’d really like to win the one in your give away.
I learn a lot from your stitch videos, Mary. Thanks for your efforts in producing them. In fact, I look to your website first when reasearching anything embroidery. Such a fount of knowledge!
Lin Taylor
I mainly use your website and Sharon Boggin’s site, for stitches, but I love my A-Z of Ribbon Embroidery book and would love to have the A-Z of Embroidery books. I think it would be great to have this book too, to have something to look at when I am away from my computer.
J. Enthoven has a good portable dictionary that is handy to have near-by. I also like ones with color illustrations for planning purposes. I have made use of the library editions of Donna Kooler’s works.
I love stitches, my favorite book is Crazy Quilt Stitches by Dorothy Bond. This little book was printed in 1981. There are 103 pages of stitch patterns, and every stitch I have ever needed. There are no writen instructions, but the best detailed diagrams I have ever seen. It shows how to creat a stitch then dozens of ways this stitch can be embellised to add detail to your pieces. I don’t know if it’s still available so I protect my copy with my life.
I would love to have this Stitch Sampler Book as I don’t have one. I just have a little pamphlet with some of the stitches printed out. I have to go to your videos to find a stitch I might like to use. BTW, your videos are great as they are so easy to see and learn from. I went to my local library and no embroider books whatsoever. It would be great to have this nice reference book – I would love it!!
Dear Mary.
I am a grandmother, retired from service and enjoying life.
I dont have any dictionery of my own.
I was thinking running stitch, chainstitch and buttonhole stitches are the embroidary stitches.
But on seeing your site and videos i really fainted.
But felt very happy learning all the stitches .
Now I come across Shron bs stitch in fingers and joined TAST.I am trying out those stitches and posting it happily by creating a blog of my own.
I am willing to get the dictionery but i am in India and the cast is mentioned in dollers and i am having rupees.
So i dont know how to get those books which i like to have.
Any how Mary you are making my life happy by teaching Embroiday and i am alive with those stitches.
thanks again.
Honestly I thought needlework was just something I was never going to master until I stumbled on your website and started your sampler(was a regular visiter before that just to drool) so I do not have a Favorite Stitch Sampler for needlework.
As a Knitter I love the book “Reversible Knitting: 50 Brand-New, Groundbreaking Stitch Patterns” a friend got me,very inspiring!
Hi Mary –
Stitch Sampler is a beautiful book! I’d love to add it to my small reference library.
I have two favorites: Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches (1959), and the Coats and Clark One Hundred Embroidery Stitches (1964).
Mary Thomas’s book is small enough to hold in one hand and flip pages with the other. I bought this one last year when it was recommended by one of the women in our local embroidery guild.
The Coats and Clark book is pamphlet-sized (only 29 cents when it was new) and will fit easily into any project bag. It is especially handy to take along when traveling. I’ve had this one since I first started embroidering as a little girl.
Actually, my favorite stitch dictionary is the Internet in general, Sharon Boggon’s site in particular. It’s nice to turn pages of a book, especially if it has great photos, but when you don’t have enough of that, the Internet really has everything you need, if you know how to search.
I don’t own an embroidery stitch dictionary. Thus far, I have been using online resources, such as your web site, and books such as Kristen Nicholas’s Colorful Stitchery. Therefore, I would love to own the one you are giving away. DK publications are always good.
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
Hi Mary-
Sure, I’ll try for a stitch dictionary!
I don’t have one that is laid out like a dictionary, but have seen some from the library that I thought were good.
I would love to have a copy of “Stitch Sampler”. I read your emails every day.
Ruth Wildermuth
I would like to own the one you are giving away…smile…..because it’s free
I would love to win this book. I am a beginner and I think it would be a fantastic start on this new journey for me. I’m a quilter but never really got into embroidery until I found your website and have been an avid reader since. Pick Me!!!! thanks.
My favorite stitch dictionary is by Mary Thomas.
I am very active in guilds, and am constantly on the go. We have 4 stitch and chats a month and I keep a bag packed, ready to stitch at a moment’s notice. I keep “Stitches to Go” in my bag at all times. It is small, fairly complete, and doesn’t need internet access. At home, I have several more stitch dictionaries (too embarrassed to say how many)but three good ones are “Encyclopedia of needlework”, “The Proper Stitch”, “The Embroidery Stitch Bible”, and then who can possible live without Mindy English’s series of canvas embroidery notebooks………do you see how hopeless I am?
I would like to win this book because I am a beginner and don’t have any books yet. I need all the help I can get! 🙂
I have not read many books but the one that i liked out of the few i saw is “EMBROIDERY TECHNIQUES AND PATTERNS – by Marie-Noelle Bayard”.It was easy to follow and the instructions are very clear.
I saw the photos that u have uploaded and this book looks interesting.. will surely search it out in the library.
Thank you For sharing it with us.
eighteen yrs ago when I was a member of EGA I did lots of embr work but then I became addicted to Bobbin Lace Making but I love your newsletter and am itching to try some of your ideas.
Etta J. Liberi
I have a stitch pahmplet from 1975. I used to do embroidered denim shirts back in the day. I would love to win a new book in hopes that the print and illustrations are bigger. My eyes are not what they used to be.
I enjoy your daily blogs.
I have the Left Handed Stitch Dictionary. I keep hoping for a quiet moment to practice my stitches. Thank you for your web site instructions….Barbara
The Mary Thomas book (Jan Eaton version) is one of my favorites, as are the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches I & II. I like the clear photos and instructions.
Another favorite is the early 1900’s(?) copy of the Therese de Dilmont DMC book. It covers many things in such a small (3″x4″x1.5″ ?) size. But I’m afraid to actually use it much as I don’t want it to fall apart, so I use the 1980’s version of it. It’s larger, so a bit easier to read.
For those who are looking for books that are out of print, don’t forget to check on There are other used book sites as well, but abebooks is what I’ve used to find a few older books, such as the 1930’s and 1950’s versions of Mary Thomas embroidery books.
Je me décide à participer à votre proposition. J’ai toujours brodé au point de croix et j’ai envie de découvrir d’autres broderies. Par hasard, j’ai découvert votre site et je me suis inscrite à la lettre d’information pour être au courant de vos écrits. J’adore votre site très instructif et surtout vos vidéos bien expliquées. Je m’amuse à apprendre. Merci pour tous vos bons conseils. Je n’ai pas de dictionnaire de points de broderie car j’habite en Belgique et je n’ai pas encore trouvé un bon dictionnaire.
I decide to take part in your proposal. I always embroidered at the point of cross and I want to discover other embroideries. By chance, I discovered your site and I was registered with the newsletter to know about your writings. I love your very instructive site and especially your vidéos explained well. I have fun to learn. Thank you for all your good councils. I do not have a dictionary of points of embroidery because I live in Belgium and I did not find a good dictionary yet of it.
I love Jacquelyn Enthoven’s Stitches with Variations: A Handbook of Basic Stitches. It’s a classic; but, still one of the best glossaries of stitches and stitch diagrams. I also like her The Stitches of Creative Embroidery.
Um.. I don’t have a stitch dictionary.. I started embroidering earlier this year and used your how-to videos to figure out the stitches I needed to do.. That’s my stitch dictionary!! 🙂
My favorite how-to book is the one you described.
My second favorite is “A Pageant of Pattern for Needlepoint Canvas” by Lantz and Lane.
Recently, it was my turn to have the program at my needlwork group. I presented my books showing how the books have changed through the 20th century. I had asked everyone to bring their favorite how-to book and telll us why. It was a successful program as everyone participaed and enjoyed telling why they liked the book they brought.
My favorite stitch guide is “Stitches to Go” by Suzanne Howren & Beth Robertson. I also like “The Complete Stitch Encyclopedia” by Jan Eaton
I would love to have this book. I am also a beginner and could use a basic book to get me going. I’ve seen the old one on Amazon and thought of getting it, maybe I’ll win this one and be able to remove it from my wish list.
I am in search of a good stitch dictionary. I have not found one yet and need help in recommendations which will be greatly appreciated. I love needlepoint and need help in this area.
I had a copy for years of a needlecraft book from McCalls that I got from my mother that had a very nice stitch dictionary amoung many other features (including knitting, crochet, tayloring, netting and many other types of needlecraft). Unfortunately, it was in a box of books that was lost the last time I moved. I’m just now getting back to surface embroidery after many years of cross stitch, knitting and crochet. The book you are giving away would make a nice addition to my needlework library, so thanks for the opportunity
Hi Mary,
I dont have any book regarding stitching and/or embroidery but i learned it from your website and I have two reasons to get one..1) I want to learn more than I know right now 2) I want my mum to enjoy her hobby that she’d left for long time now.
well now the answer to your question is, I would like to own this book you are giving away as It is suggested by you to be a very good book for every one so being a beginner it will help me a lot and it will be with me even after enjoying embroidery for long long time…and its free(lol) but even if I dont win it I am willing to buy one and enjoy needle n thread everyday…
i do not own any stitch directory but would love to get one to show the different stitches because i am learning and dont know what all the stitches are yet or how to do some of the stitches i found this site and have learned alot thank you for the videos and tutorials so much help
My favorite dictionary is Elegant Stitches: An Illustrated Stitch Guide & Source Book of Inspiration by Judith Baker Montano. This book for silk ribbon embroidery is delicious! It is spiral bound which is convenient and the diagrams are easy to follow.
I like the Country Bumpkin A-Zs for their clear pictorial instructions, step by step. I first discovered their style in the Inspirations and the Australian Smocking and Embroidery magazines from way back.
That being said, I love Dorling Kindersley publications – for instance I prefer their travel guides for their plentiful illustrations and “3D” maps, showing you some aspect of each of the various attractions, allowing you to prioritize your itinerary.
Thanks for your generous give-aways 🙂
I like The Red Book Of Sampler Stitches by Eileen J. Bennett. I like the diagrams, (clear, large, numbered stitches) and ease for look up (alphabetical.
As for the book: The rings on the binding allow the book to be ‘flat’ when open. The pages are heavy stock. The size is perfect to put in my project bag.
This book probably has MORE stitches tho, which would be terrific. I’d love to own it
: )
This web site has been my favorite stitch dictionary so far. I also recently picked up “practical encyclopedia of crafts” at a garage sale. It has some embroidery but I mostly wanted it for the welding and soldering. I don’t know if I will ever need that, but good to know if I ever do.
my favorite stitch is the one I just learned. The Algerian Eye. I know how simple but I love the counting…I do mostly counted cross stitch samplers so doing any’ as I use to call it’ embroidery stitches is rare. I do day dream about doing a Jacobean flower piece…. mary
Silly me I misread your email…….egg on my face…I do not have a Dictionary I usually just pick up new stitches with whatever chart or kit I am working on at the moment. Please consider me for the book or at least for new glasses. Mary
I don’t have a favorite stitch dictionary. I am not a very good stitcher but I am pretty good at organizing things. The best stitch dictionary for me would be one I put together for myself, with my stitches showing me the way. As I only stitch, and do not sew, I have not quite figuired out how I will do this. I have a few ideas and am doing some research on them now. I would love to win this book to add to my library and help me learn to stitch better.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary like this type, I only have Judith Baker Montano’s Crazy quilting books but this would be a wonderful addition to my library
Like many others, my dictionary is your site and pintangle. The other day I directed someone new in my guild to come here for instruction. It would be nice to have a book that has all the stitches in it (or many stitches). I hope the random number generator likes me today! Thanks for doing the giveaway Mary, your site is amazing!
Please enter me in the draw. I would love to have this book.
I only have two stitch dictionaries, and I like them equally well: The Proper Stitch and Donna Kooler’s Encyclopedia of Needlework.
I like your video site but best, but when I need to take something with me for a evening of stitching with friends I would like to have this book.
Hope I win.
Ricky in Winnipeg
“What’s your favorite stitch dictionary and why?”
I’ve got a few stitch dictionaries, from old Victorian books, to modern books. My favorite currently is “Proper Stitch: A Guide for Counted Thread” by Darlene O’Steen (the revised copy), since I’ve mostly worked in counted thread styles.
I would love to win this book, and hopefully expand my skills. Thank you for offering this giveaway.
Hi Mary, I have seen a lot of different books on stitches but most of them do not have good instructions, pictures or use of the stitch. I like the books from Suzanne Howren,”Stitches for Effect” and her set of 3 books. Also the A to Z books have good instructions and are in color. This new book you are giving away seems to have an added plus to it in that it is in color and shows you how the stitch looks finish plus other information. This book would be a great help in all needlework.
So nice of you to offer another give away. My favorite stitch books are the A-Z brands, such as A-Z of Embroidery Stitches by Sue Gardner. These books have the best photography of any I have purchased & are easy to follow. Thanks for the opportunity to win something new to me.
Sheila from CA
My favorite dictionary is your site.
Because you show us the film how to do the stitches.
What’s your favorite stitch dictionary and why?
A – Z of Crewel Embroidery by Sue Gardener and my 1970s edition of Complete Guide to Needlework by Readers Digest.
Why? A-Z has such clear and step by step instructions with full color pictures.
Complete Guide has a little bit on how to do everything. Kind of like what I do, a little bit of everything.
~Trish P.
I grew up using Barbara Snook’s Embroidery Stitches, but this has now been ousted by Yvette Stanton’s Right Handed Embroiderer’s Companion!
I don’t have a stich dictionary. Actually I am teaching myself how to embroider and this book would be very helpful in my learning stage.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, but as I recently started embroidering, I’d love to have one! Currently I use the few tutorials in the back of Meg McElwee’s “Sew Liberated,” or a look up stitch tutorials online. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I added this book to my Amazon wish list as soon as you posted about it! Of course I would love to get it free. 😉 I don’t have a stitch dictionary, so I guess my favorite is the internet! But, it doesn’t always work that well because if you don’t know what you’re looking for there aren’t really any places that you can browse the way you can browse a book.
Thanks for the opportunity!
Hi Mary,
I have seen this one around the shops, but can’t persade hubby enough that I need another dictionary, he says they’re all the same with the same stitches, I already own 4, but their all different and their all used regularly. My four are:
A-Z embroidery stitches 1 and 2 by Country Bumpkin, They have the best step by step instructions, Mary Thomas’s stitch dictionary, great because of the many variations she has, and for my crazy quilting I use Carole Samplers Treasurery of crazy quilt stitches, well her book and templates are just the best. When I get really stumped I head to the internet and check out what you or Sharon Boggons have on your websites, their just a great, but need a computer to access, which is not always possible.
I’d love another book, and since I’ve been eyeing this one anyway, it would be great to add it to my collection.
Arlene White
I have both A-Z but, one can never have enough stitch dictionaries. Or chocolate for that matter.
Dear Mary,
Thank you for the opportunity for another generous giveaway. I don’t own a stitch dictionary. When needing to understand a stitch, I go through the books that I have in hopes of finding an answer. Sometimes I am lucky, and sometimes I am not. If the project is from a book, there are often helpful hints included there.
Thank you
Peg from NJ
I would like to have the hardback copy of the Stitch Sampler. I am a newcomer regarding embroidery and I love it. I just need some help.
Hi Mary:
I have two books that I use. One is The Complete Book of Embroidery, by Melinda Coss and the other one is The Ultimate A To Z Companion to 1,001 Needlecraft Terms, by Marie Clayton. But for some reason I never found what I am looking for. I would like to win the Stitch Sampler because I think is the most complete book and I know that is going to help me a lot in the future.
Sonia G. From Indiana
I don’t own one yet, but I have Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches on my Barnes & Noble wish list!
Thanks for all the book reveiws. This one looks valuable. My favorite was the old Readers Digest Guide to Needlework. It doesn’t have a lot, but was a great reference when I started out.
Its amazing because I just found this book in the library and now would love to own my own copy.
I use Sharon B online stitch dictionary ( a lot and I also own 3 of Judith Baker Montanos books that as well as including good basic stitch instructions also have lots of ideas as how to use different stitches together. When in London a number of years ago I also picked up a little hand drawn stitch guide from one of the museums which is very handy. I don’t think you can have too many stitch dictionary type books.
hola Mary” para mi es muy dificil poder decir
mi puntada favorita,,,me encanta el punto de cruz,crewel ahi tenemos muchas puntadas
donde yo vivo ,es un gran lujo poder adquirir 1 ejemplar,,de bordado’solo revistas
y tengo varias chicas, con las que compartimos
esta pasion”me encanta intercambiar
experiencias,,sobre el tema
gracias,,, eres muy buena difusora
de este,,maravilloso arte
Dear Mary,
I have a wonderful small paperback book called “The New Anchor Book of Crewel Stitches and Patterns” that I just love. It was first published in 1989. The book teaches less than 50 stitches but it is colorful and easy to use. Descriptions of each stitch includes a written descriptions, a simple diagram and a small colorful photograph of a crewel embroidery that includes that particular stitch. The pictures provide inspiration for use of stitch as well as use of color. Trace off patterns are in the back. The book was obviously published to sell embroidery floss but, I love it as a handy reference and colorful inspiration.
Thank you,
I had mentioned this book when you wrote about it last week on one of my forums…Right now I do not own an emboridery encyclopedia, but I really liked this one, as it was easier to follow (for a visual learner like me) than the black and white picture drawings included with some of my cross-stitch peices or in some of the embroidery project books…
There are times when I want to get away from the chart method and go “freestyle”, but I am still an extreme newb when it comes to embroidery, though somewhat experienced cross-stitcher…
I am rather new to embroidery, so I’ve not yet acquired any stitch reference materials. I’ve been looking at some different resources on the internet, but it’s quite time consuming. I didn’t even know that there were such things as stitch dictionaries, but now I want one!!
I am new to needle work and I could use all the help there is out there.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!
P.S. I love your web site!!!!
Still green behind the ears,
Katherine Herrin
Hi Mary,
One can never have too many Stitch Dictionaries. I use Country Bumpkin’s Embroiderer’s Handbook and The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden constantly but a third would give even more scope for research.
Many thanks for you generosity.
Trish, Whangarei, NZ
My favorite stitch is probably the blanket stitch. I find it a little different, easy and useful.
If I don’t win, where can I buy this book?
I have macular degeneration and have very little sight left, but I have lots of magnifying glasses areound the house and lots of good lighting.
I just love your website.
I would love to win this book! Count me in on the drawing!
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, but from what you showed us inside this book, this is what I would want.
jane1 at cp-tel dot net
What I really loved in your review of this book is the pictorial table of contents. I would love to win this book.
By the way, I have really enjoyed your decriptions of the spot sampler and what you plan to teach your hjigh school students – makes me want to go back to high school so I can be in your class!
Sue Jones
My absolute favorite stitch dictionary is Sharon B’s Pin Tangle. She has crystal clear instructions and also suggestions for useage. I would love to create a band sampler like hers to show each stitch as I learn it. Thanks Mary!
since I am still beginner, I have bought many books that I love and have learn alot from….but I alway go to The Embroiderer’s Handbook and in my sewing kit that I take to the dr.s office and on the bus is Embroidery and Crazy Quilt Stitch tool by Judith baker Montano….
I only started stitching recently, and whenever I need something, I browse the net to try to find the appropriate stitch and the instructions. It will really be handy to have a dictionary.
When I was at High School we all got given a little envelope from Anchor Threads that had little file cards. Each card had an embroidery stitch, and there were at least 50 of them. I still have most of them in the bottom of the kiddie-satchel that was my first sewing basket, nestled next to the perl crochet thread my grandmother gave me and a wooden reel of silk thread we found in _her_ sewing basket.
I used that set of cards to embroider my school blouse. I got into _so_ much trouble :-}
I don’t have any stitching dictionary, I’ve done kits and some video game sprites but that’s all, so I’d be happy to start breaking into more than just an X while I stitch
I have taught my girls to do basic embroidery by using library books for children. We love to work with fabric and thread and so any book with clear pictures and examples is inspiring and gets us stitching.
A happy thought: the possibility of owning a stitching dictionary
Mary, your website is my favourite stitch dictionary! That being said I also turn to my
A-Z embroidery book for help when the computer is not available.
The “Stitch Sampler” looks to be a great book which would be wonderful to own.
Linda A
Since I love crazy quilting, my favorite stitch book is by Dorothy Bond, “Crazy Quilt Stitches”. No pretty pictures, but the line drawings come to life when stitched.
I just found your site and spent about a whole day just going through it, signed up for the newsletter and am enjoying the information gleaned from it. Thanks for all the inspiration at your site!!
ILOVE this site !! You have taught me lots of things that I couldn’t learn before, because I need visual instructions. Thank you for that. The stitch dictionary I use is Sharon Boggon. I know I didn’t spell it right but her site is where I go. Thanks for all the teaching you do. Eileene Gaiche aka noiseynana
Dear Mary,
I dont have a stitch dictionary/handbook. I usually hop onto the internet and look at your videos or Sharon B’s website to choose stitches that I’d like to embroider. I would so love to own one! Thank you for such a wonderful and generous giveaway!
At the grand and wonderful age of 60, I have gone back to hand embroidery and delighting in every moment. I am relegated to home for a month because of illness, and have been literally eating up your tips and great information on your website, and have downloaded your blackfish and going to try my own version. I don’t have an embroidery book, just working off your website as in the wheatbelt of Australia. Your Stitch Sampler looks magnificent.
Oh well, can dream and now back to my fish.
My favorite is gone – the Classic Stitches stitch dictionary on the web. I do use a lot of Sharon Boggin’s site quite a bit now. I have a few stitch dictionaries, and I like them all. Each one has a unique set to see examples of.
I will have such a great joy winning that book!
I have an old one that belonged to my grandmother, but it doesn’t have a cover. Anyway I follow the instructions that are legible.I wish I could attend embroidery classes.What I have seen in your site had helped me a lot.
My favorite is Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches, I like the photographs of the stitches. The A to Z books are wonderful, too. Thanks to you, dear Mary – I am back doing embroidery after 30 years! Your site is truly my favorite source to learn stitches, thank you, thank you!
I have a couple of Judith Baker Montano’s with crazy quilt stitches but would love to win this one. I like the clear pictures and the look of it. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
I haven’t got a proper stitch dictionary yet. During the last year I have started doing specialty stitches which I love, some stitches have been described in charts, but others I’ve had to find on the internet. A book would be so much easier and this one is so wonderfully colourful.
Thanks for the opportunity
Julie in Australia
I don’t have a stitch dictionary. Mostly I just search google. But I have to admit this one looks fascinating!
The only stitch dictionary book I have is A to Z of Embroidery, by Sue Gardner. It’s a great book for quick reference, or learning a technique new to me.
I do not own a stitch dictionary. I would love to own a copy of this stitch sampler. Thank you again for sharing.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary. I really need one though. I have recently got back into cross stitch and am learning embroidery so this book would be wonderful for me!! 🙂
I own and appreciate two reference books:
1) The Complete Encyclopedia of Needlework by Th. de Dillmont. My edition is copyrighted 1972. It is packed with information and black & white diagrams. It is classic and quaint and much fun to browse. It has a good table of contents but no index.
2) Encyclopedia of Needlework by Donna Kooler is well organized, is indexed, and has good descriptions and excellent diagrams.
Both of these favorites are a little heavy for my needlework carry-along bag.
Thank you for you email newsletter. Inspiring!
I hand embroidered when I was a little girl because my Mother did it-That was 50 some years ago-I have just started to embroidery again and really don’t have an stitch dictionary. I do have a book entitled the New Encyclopedia of Modern Sewing published in 1946. It has a chapter entitled :Flossie Touches: that shows hand embroidery and a few variations. In some way things haven’t changed much-but I would still love to have a newer book to add to my very small collection.I was so thrilled to find your web site and just signed up for your daily email and I look forward to reading them.
I bought the A-Z Embroidery Stitches 2 that you recommended,when it was on sale at Wooly Thread,after I wasn’t lucky enough to win your drawing. I’m returning to embroidery after many years so,I need all the help I can get! I’m starting to relearn what I have forgotten and to learn all of the new(old) techniques I can’t wait to try. Thanks to your blog and all of the wonderful readers’ comments and ideas,it will be much easier than trying to do it alone.Thank you!
I don’t actually have any stitch dictionaries, but I want to start collecting them. At the moment, I’m hoping very much to start with this one!
hey Mary,
I dont have any stitch dictionary with me. I keep forgetting some of the basic stitches that I have learnt. But dont which dictionary to buy.
Hope atleast this time i am going to win this book. i have just fallen in love with the colorful illustrations and so many stitches. Already so many entries… :(.
I do not have a favorite since I haven’t found one to buy yet.
I checked out your review and love how the book lays out the stitches in color. I like to do wool applique and would love to have a good reference book for stitches that I can use in my pieces.
Dear Mary! I use the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches by Country Bumpkin Publications. As you know, it has clear diagrams and easy to understand directions for each stitch. I need that as I am not an very experienced embroiderer. Another book I use often is CREWEL EMBROIDERY with texture and thread variations, by Audrey A. Francini. This books has a lot of wonderful embroidery deisgns. It tells you what stitch to use on the designs and how to do the stitches. It too is very clear and fairly easy to understand. These 2 books I could never give away.
Hello Mary! I have 2 books I would not be without. The first one is A-Z of Embroidery Stitches by Country Bumpkin Publications. As you know, they have clear diagrams and instructions for doing all the common embroidery stitches. I need that as I am not an experienced embroiderer. I only seriously took it up in my retirement. The other book I use is CREWEL EBROIDERY with texture and thread variations by Audrey A.Francini. This book has wonderful embroidery designs in it. It tells you on the design what stitch to use and the stitch instructions are very clear, even for someone like me. I could never give away either of these two books. I now have your website as referece— your videos are so clear — you show it all at a nice slow pace. Thank you Mary for all the pleasure you give people like me. Reading what you write everyday makes me realize how much there is to say about embroidery. You can never say too much. I belong to the Queensland Embroiderers’ Guild here in Queensland and have done several classes with them. As you see, I am a learner. Sincerely
I use an old copy of Erica Wilson’s Embroidery Book. I acquired it somehow – perhaps at a book sale. I remember watching her on TV and have a couple of her books.
Hi Mary,
I love stitch dictionaries. I have quite a few, got the “Stitch Sampler” you’re giving away, so don’t enter my name. Got the A to Z (1 and 2) of Embroidery of Country Bumpkin and love them, also have Betty Barnsden Stitch Dictionary, and a french book. I find that every one of them are very good. In some you find one little detail that the others haven’t got that makes the explanation that much clearer, so I go from one to the other, and anyway spend hours leafing through the books dreaming of which stitch I will try out next. I find that your tutorials have brought me a lot also – there’s nothing clearer than seeing something being done from scratch in front of your eyes. Thank you.
The only sampler that I own is Anchor’s which is more like a small handbook. The stitch sampler that you have been showing looks really very interesting since it gives step-by-step instructions on how to do each and every stitch. I’d love to own something like this!
Mary, I’ve collected several stitch dictionaries, all different, but seem to always go back to Jacqueline Enthoven’s books. However just lately I’ve been dipping into the A-Z series by Country Bumpkin again for the excellent colour photographs showing where to put the needle and the ANGLE of the needle to get the stitches. Sharon B’s online dictionary helps too, and of course your own excellent instructions from time to time, VBG. Please put me in your draw, thanks for being so generous to us all.
Christine in sunny Sydney Australia
hello mary
i am kiran from pakistan i cant have any dictionery or book about embroidery but i want to learn embroidery stitching and i really want this book because in my country embroidery type books is not available plz plz give me a this give away i am really thankful to you and your your website is superb.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, but this one sounds like one I would enjoy and benefit from using…thanks for the chance to win…
I’m new to embroidery (except cross stitch) so I don’t yet own a stitch dictionary. But I have my heart set on The Right-handed Embroiderer’s Companion by Yvette Stanton.
And why? – Your reviews of her books!
I use Sharon’s “In a minute ago” website as the reference when i have some doubts. This is well organized also.
Also I check out your sites if I want to watch the videos.
I have been jonesing for the A-Z stich directories for the longest time.
But for every day I use Sharon B’s and your websites!
Thanks for this generous giveaway. My stitch dictionary is Dorothy Wood’s Complete Book of Sewing Techniques. I got this in a book exhibition here, in India.
Pls add me to this giveaway.
Dear Mary
I enjoy reading your email on stitching embroidery everyday. I envy your students. I wish I had had the opportunity to take your class in school.
When you introduced the stitchers dictionary, I immediately went on Amazon and added it to my wishlist. I don’t know embroidery too much, but when a stitch is suggested on a pattern, I have to go to your website to see how it is done. When my computer is not turned on, the book would be very handy.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be able to try to win the book.
I own a few good stitch sampler books but not this one. What a generous giveaway. I think many of the books mentioned have great merit. One that I enjoy for needlepoint stitching is Father B’s Book of Needlepoint Stitches which work well for most counted thread work. There are so many techniques and so many good books it is hard to know which one to recommend.
I have two booklet form stitch dictionaries, put out by Anchor. I treasure these as they were my Mother inlaws. They were published in the 1970’s, but hey the stitches are all the same!
Hi Mary, My favorite stitch dictionary is A-Z of Embriodery I and II by Country Bumpkin. I like it because of the colour photos and step by step instructions.
Love your blog Mary keep up the good work.
I still consider myself a newbie to CQ and would love to win this awesome library of stitches!
I do own a library as of yet and this would really come in handy. I actually use your videos to learn the stitches that I incorporate into the pieces that I do. I am a very visual learner and having your videos has helped me more than anything.
As I posted yesterday….OOOH, MEMEMEMEMEME!!! I WANT!!, but here’s *why* I want/need this book…
I don’t have a stitch dictionary; much of what little I’ve done over the years has been largely off the top of my head. That visual index is worth its weight in pure platinum to me, because it says ‘here’s the look’ and then I can go find out how to accomplish it.
I went to the bookstore, and looked, and drooled, and had to be forcibly detached from this book since I couldn’t afford it…sure hope I manage to win this one!
(And Viji, if you use PayPal, you can use your rupees to pay in dollars; their currency conversion is very simple to use.)
I have “The Embroidery Stitch Handbook” which is a good book, but I would like some more fancy stitches.
Although i haven’t but i really love to have Sharon B’s Pin Tangle.As she has instructed step by step of each stitch.
I’m crazy for creative stitching and i want to own this book plz plz jst give it to me.
Ireallllly love ur site.
I would love to have a stitch handbook as I am trying to incorporate embroidery into my quilts! Thanks for the chance to win!
stiches makes decor of gernments look good, would be a good aid while worko\ing
My favorite stitch sampler is an oldie: Left Handed Stitching by Sally Cowan. It is a part of a three-booklet “set” on my crafting library shelf, along with Left Handed Sewing by the same author and Left Handed Knitting by Regina Hurlburt.
I have wanted to try Yvette Stanton’s book, “The Left-handed Embroider’s Companion,” but haven’t gotten my hands on it yet.
Please enter me for a chance to win your wonderful giveaway.
IsDihara from VA
I don’t actually have a stitch dictionary! :o) When I need to learn a new stitch, or brush up one, I have just gone to the internet. It would be wonderful to have a book at my fingertips!
My favorite stitch dictionary is the Lefthand Embroider’s Companion by Yvette Stanton. The instructions are so clear and easy to understand. I am lefthanded and you can pick up the book and look up a stitch you may not have done for a while and you can do it so easily without having to workout whether you are doing it the wrong way. Gone are the days of using mirrors try and copy the stitch opposite to a righthanded person. It’s the best thing to me since sliced bread.
I usually end up going through Inspirations Magazines or hitting the internet to find a stitch instructions. I’d love a book such as the one you reviewed as the gallery looks like a really smart way of finding stitches.
Actually I do not have a stitch dictionary I use the web to find stitches. Would love a book so I can sit and look and compare stitches.
I like Embroidery Stitches by Mary Webb. I found it on a bargain tale at a local bookstore and bought it for the plaited braid stitch directions. It covers basic, fabric and canvas stitches, with a picture of each stitch and written directons. My only compaint is that a couple of the stitches pictured on the back cover are not in the book.
I use Sharon B online and the Dorothy Bond book. My little library doesn’t have embroidery books. I’m new to needlework this year. It would be wonderful to have this.
I don’t have a fav dictionary, but would love to have this one… it looks lovely..and would beat having to keep checking the ‘net for techniques…
I have embroidered in the past and had a Reader’s Digest Encyclopedia of Stitches. Since I was not into it much, I passed on the book to a friend. Recently, I started to learn Crazy Quilting and that is when I wished I kept that book. I don’t have a favorite yet. However, this book would be an awesome one for my library.
Hi Mary. Another great give-away! What fun! The only stitch dictionary I actually own is a little green Coats and Clark leaflet I picked up somewhere about 25 years ago. It has only the basic stitches but I have found it useful. I am currently reading a new stitch dictionary from our local library called Stitch-opedia by Helen Winthorpe Kendrick which has the temerity to call itself “the only embroidery reference you’ll ever need”! I’ve only looked through it a couple of times, reading a bit here and there, but I must say its thoroughness and the clear and excellent illustrations make it bidding fair to living up to its claim! If you would like, I could scan in the table of contents and a few representative pages–just say the word! Thanks for great give-away offer!
Barbara Bobbitt (barbobbi)
My favourite and actually the only embroidery book I have is Erica Wilson’s Embroidery Book. Instructions are clear, interesting introductions to different styles (crewel, bumpwork, blackwork, etc.)
Hi, I’ve just recently started learning to embroider so every stitch is really trail and error for me and trying to find really good toots online isn’t always easy, and I’m never really sure what dictionary’s would be good to use, so getting one from someone that really knows would be great.
I read your review and think that I absolutely have to have it! If I don`t win, Amazon here I come.
My favorite book, and the one I go back to every time is a book by Dorothy Bonds, I see it was mentioned earlier here, I was lucky enough to buy one directly from her a few months ago. She is in her 70s and still had a few copies to sell.
A stitch dictionary would be a wonderful addition to my library! Usually, I surf the net for what I’m looking for or go to Judith Baker Montano’s Embroidery & Crazy Quilt Stitch Tool book. I like it because it has a spiral spine that allows it to lay completely flat while in use, or even to stand up like a flip stand. Thanks so much for the give-away! Great idea!
Hi Mary–
I love your blog…I always learn something new and creative from your site. I usually look for stitches online if I am in the mood to explore. Right now my favorite stitch sampler book is “Donna Kooler’s 555 Cross-Stitch Sampler Motifs.” I love all the old school designs and the pretty little touches that are included. Your generous offer of this cool looking book would make a really nice addition to my library. I would love to win it! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks.
My favorite resource is the A to Z books. I treat them as one not individual books. Even though I have other resources I usually go to these when I want to see a certain stitch or am looking for something different. Diane
Hi Mary, I am into embroidery n all kinds of craft work since i was small. My dictionary is my mother and she had learnt it from her mother, so you can say it runs in the family.But i would definitely like a copy you are ofering for my records and further consultation thanks for giving me a chance bye bindu
Actually I don’t have any stich dictionary, but i would like one. I’m learning for myself and this book would be really usefull!
hi mary,
my favorites would be country bumpkins a-z embroidery stitches 1 and 2. before i got those two books i had no idea there were so many stitches. since i am mainly a surface embroiderer it has been fun adding to my repetoir. thank you so much for the give away.
terri sue
Hi dear, I don’t own any and seeing the designs in your previous e-mail, I so badly want to have it and try it out. Currently I am designing kurtis for me with little embroidery done on it here and there. . .with this book in my hand I bet you wont regret ;-)I will make full use of it . Hope I win. . .have so many ideas in mind with the stitches I saw. .
I knit, needlepoint and do cross stitch, all of which I learned ages ago from my grandmother. Over the years my knitting techniques have evolved, yet my stitches leave something to be desired. Based on your informative review, this sounds like just the book for me! I would be a very grateful recipient if I were to be the recipient of the Stitch Sampler.
I’ve only just started embroidery and don’t have a stitch guide. Previously I did cross stitch and hardanger and wanted to branch out into something new.I have been learning new stitches on the internet but a book would be so much more useful.
I’m fairly new at embroidery, so I’ve been getting various books at the library before deciding on what I will buy. My favorite, so far, is A-Z of Embroidery Stitches. The reason I like it is because it illustrates every step of a stitch. So many books give you one picture and it simply doesn’t have the information a newbie needs.
This is a great giveaway. I’ve been trying to get this book, but haven’t had any luck at the library lately. Thanks so much for doing this.
Dear Marymentor”
A stitch dictionary that I find useful, albeit outdated, is a section of Donna Kooler’s “Encyclopedia of Needlework”. It really gave me the courage to delve into embroidery in all it’s varied facets and was so user-friendly. Now I have been able to move on to more advanced stitching, thanks to you and all your advice and recommendations. Thanks again,
Judy in Pittsburgh
After reading your review of Lucinda Ganderton’s, “Stitch Sampler”, and looking at it in my local book store, I would have to say that THIS is my favorite dictonary of stitches. My experience with other DK published books is their excellent photography, and page layout. Ms Ganderton’s explanations are clear – and make my fingers twitch for my needle and floss!
I have Jo Ippolito’s Needlepoint Stitches and a small one that I can’t lay my hands on! I know this would be a great addition to my library!
I don’t have a stitch Dictionary but would love to win this one! 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway!
Mary, The guide I enjoy referring to is “Linen Stitches” by Ginnie Thompson. It was published in 1987. I have been stitching for a long time, but always come across new ideas. Your book would be a great asset for me.
Mary K
No stitching dictionary here either. When I start a new project, I search the web for the stitches required, practice on scrap material till it looks right, then just go for it! And it works out pretty good. I’d love to have this book. It’s easier to look in a book then to search the web. Thanks.
I have “The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery” by Mildred Graves Ryan. It has more stitches than I have ever even tried.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Mary, well I’m going to get my hopes up again and hope I win this stitching book…I’m a beginner embroiderer, and can use all the help I can get. I get up every morning looking forward to reading my emails because I know you’re going to be there..I luv,luv your site and all the information on the different things you have for us. Don’t know how you do it but you do a wonderful job. thanks for all you do…Lia
I love adding specialty stitches to my embroidery. I particularly love the Queen Stitch. Whenever I design a piece, I remember there are 24 other letters of ht alphabet besides ‘X’. lol
The Needlepoint Book was my first stitch dictionary. I learned how to do Hilton stitches, even though I didn’t know anything about Jean Hilton. It is a great reference, but ponderous to carry around. On the road I will often access ANG’s “Stitch of the Month” files–but since they are not indexed, they are most useful when you know the name of the stitch but need a reminder how to work it. I really wish that Suzy’s Portable Stitches and Ruth Schmuff’s digital applications were available for Blackberry. I loved the way that The Stitch Guide has pictures with the indices. How incredibly helpful!
Because I am a beginner, I bought “The Embroidery Stitch Bible.” It is great for a visual learner like myself. It is the perfect size to carry in my purse and the colored pictures are great. Good ring construction for laying flat. The font size helps my old eyes to see well. The pictures in the Stitch Selector (Table of Contents) quickly guides me to a page desired, since I do not know the names of many stitches.
(This was deleted from #46) Because I am a beginner, I bought “The Embroidery Stitch B*ble.” It is great for a visual learner like myself. It is the perfect size to carry in my purse and the colored pictures are great. Good ring construction for laying flat. The font size helps my old eyes to see well. The pictures in the Stitch Selector (Table of Contents) quickly guides me to a page desired, since I do not know the names of many stitches.
HI! I use the A-Z books as the pictures and instructions are outstanding. A-Z books by Inspirations are beautiful, easy to use and come in a variety of titles for all types of stitching not just embroidery. I am a collector. CC
Mary, I continue to delight in reading your e-mails each day. I live with my daughter and between us (both being avid stitchers) we have quite a few stitch books, but, not this one. My favorite ones are “Embroidery Stitches” by Mary Webb and any by Judith Montano, This o ne might be another to join that list. We have used some of your stitch ideas for our EGA chapter programs lately and everyone finds them very interesting. Thank you very much for being so generous with your experienc with stitching.
I don’t have one stitch dictionary. I have several cross-stitch books which have the basics, like The Cross Stitchers Complete Companion by Eaglemoss Publications (and Crafters Choice) and several of Donna Koolers books. Lately, I’ve been learning alot from the Pin Tangle site – the woman’s a genius! I would LOVE to have a single book with all the stitches in it. Thanks for the opportunity!
I don’t really have a favorite stitch dictionary. I like to collect as many as possible because some have better pictures than others and some show different names for stitches. I find myself looking at all of my books when I’m trying to decide on or learn a stitch. I’m fairly new to embroidery and am working on a very ambitious project – orphreys for the back and front of a chasuble. I need all the help I can get and your site has become invaluable to me. Thanks!
I’d love a chance – please enter me, I don’t have a stitch dictionary yet and it would be so great if I didn’t have to look on the web for help 🙂
I love you site and I will follow the give away for the Stitch Away book, I am just learning all over again.
Thank you for encouraging and challenging us in novel ways.
My ideal Stitch Dictionary would combine the best of the examples of a hundred or more years ago with the best of the beautifully photographed samples of today’s work.In this way, the charm, simplicity and naturalness of approach of the old would balance the streamlined, glossy perfections of today’s samples.On a more emotional level,with the old stitchery books, I recall the faces and hands of old aunts as they sat with their work.
Hi Mary, I too have a copy of Country Bumpkin’s A_Z of Embroidery Stitches.
The other stitch dictionary I have is Lansdowne’s Knitting. It was my Mother’s & I bought it for her in 1983.
Otherwise I come here for inspiration for stitches.
I don’t have a favorite stitch dictionary but would love to have one! I would like to learn a few more of the basic stitches to finish the embroidery patterns for a baby quilt I’m attempting to make…1st time…I’m in serious need of help ;0)
I don’t have a stitch dictionary. I actually go online and do a search if I need help. I’d like to win this book. If you say it’s a good reference, than it must be. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hi Mary! My mum was my dictionnary. She had all the stiches in is head!!!! But now I try to remember or I google to find something I love. I would appreciate to have this one, just near me.
Thank you for this giveaway. Have a nice day!
My favorite stitch dictionary is A-Z of Embroidery Stitches for two reason. One, it’s the only one I have. Two, it opened up a whole new world of embroidery beyond the three stitches my mother taught me. It’s a great book with clear instructions and a good variety of stitches.
I use my grandmothers old embroidery books for reference. When I found your website with the tutorials, it is the first place I look. The bullion tutorial helped so much, now they actually look like roses! I look forward to your e-mail each day and would love to win a copy of the book for times when I don’t have access to the internet.
Thanks so much.
I’m part of the crowd without a stitch dictionary but this looks lovely. It would be nice to add one to my library.
The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitches, I think is the name.
I can always use another stitch dictionary.
Thanks so much.
I don’t have one, but I love to embroidery.Thanks
Mary, I am new to embroidery and became interested after seeing some vintage hand work from my grandmother. I think the Stitch Sampler would be a great teaching tool. Clear pictures and instructions will be the help I need to begin some Christmas projects for my daughter and nieces.
Finding this site is really exciting and I am looking forward to returning for the tutorials.
Thanks you for the information and give away.
My favoritem stitch dictionary is Judith Baker Montano’s Embroidery and Crazy Quilt Stitch Tool. I like it because it is small and spiral bound making it easy to take with me and use.It also has 180 stitches & combinations in such a small book. The pictures explain the stitches as you go.
My favorite stitch dictionary is Sharon Boggin’s online stitch dictionary. (-;
first would be 4-H book of embroidery stitches from early 70’s next book would be the coat and clark book they are simple embrodery stitches it also from about that time frame.
My favorite stitch books are the A-Z books on embroidery I and II. I cannot imagine trying to do embroidery without them or without this website. they are clear and concice. They also give ways to change a stitch by little bits and it changes the look of my designs. I love them. I check the videos when I want detailed examples. Keep up the good works.
Cathy S
My fave is Reader’s Digest’s Complete Guide to Needlework. At a whopping 500+ pages, if you can’t find it here, it probably doesn’t exist. Covering all manner of needlework with step-by-step illustrations, even the table of contents and index are a dream to navigate. What else did you expect from these folks? A keeper!
I don’t own a stitch dictionary. I have starred a lot of tutorials in my google reader, but owning a dictionary would be a lot easier. I would love to win this one so that I would have one! It looks very colorful and the cover says it’s practical and easy. 😉
co4hfamily at gmail dot com
Hi Mary ~ I frequently use 2 books for reference 1. The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden
2. A-Z Embroidery Stitches 2
I hope to add a third – Stitch Sampler
from your review it looks another great reference to add to the library – each has something different. You can never have to many when looking for a different stitch to inspire.
Thank you for another great give-a-way.
I will keep my fingers crossed….
Hi Mary,
I really don’t have one special stitch dictionary but do refer back to various books. The ones that I seem to use the most are the A-Z ones. I would dearly love to own the stitch sampler, I thought that the illustrations were very good and I am sure that it would be a lot of help to me. Thanks for being so kind and generous to your readers.
I am new to embroidery! I started cross-stitching recently and really enjoy it so now I want to learn to embroider. I haven’t picked a favourite stitching dictionary yet, though I have been following Sharon B and checked out various books at the library. It’s just a matter of time… 🙂
Good luck everyone!
And thank you for sharing your site, Mary! It’s lovely!
I started doing freehand embroidery when I was a young teen and I just recently (this week) got back into doing. However! I was never taught by anyone so I feel like I am learning how to do it. I really only know one stitch =D. Your site is extremely helpful and I hope to start using new stitches soon. I’ve honestly never heard of a stitch dictionary, but a book like this would definitely help me in the right direction.
The book I seem to get out most often when I need to look up a stitch is an olf copy of Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Emrboidery Stitches. I find it easy to usein that the stitches are in alphebetical order.
Pam L
I would love to own a book which is very concise and gives tips on easy embroidery and this book looks exactly like the the one i have thought about.
Here in India, there are many books available but most of they talk about Indian embriodery. It will surely be a great idea to own and try the stitches outside the country!
Happy Stitching whoever wins!
This Sound Great!!! I would an opportunity to get one!!!
My favourite stitch dictionary has to be The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. It covers stitches relating to many forms of embroidery. It is clear and concise with good photos and easy to follow instructions.
It is also beautifully bound and opens easily to the page required. Whenever I am befuddled with a stitch, I refer to it, and soon I am on my way!
Gay Booysen, Knysna, South Africa
Hi Mary,
I dont have any dictionary with me. I went to classes and learnt some basics.
But after seeing that book I would love to have it. Very nice colored illustrations and seems easy to follow. Thank u for that give away. Whoever gets it is very lucky.
I don’t have a stitch dictionary, but would love to have one! I am a new stitcher… Hugs
My favorite go-to stitch books are any of the A-Z books. I need the visuals. I also have an old Reader’s Digest Complete Guide To Needlework that I pull out on occasion and Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches has great illustrations also.
Mary, please enter me for the giveaway. My favorite stitch sampler book is one I don’t own….I checked out the Reader’s Digest “Complete Guide to Embroidery Stitches” from the library and decided I’d like to buy it, since it had a large sampling of stitches and the instructions were easy to understand. Unfortunately, a visit to Amazon showed that new copies cost $75….and used ones from $60. Yikes! I didn’t purchase, to say the least. 🙂
Hi Mary,
I refer to several stitch dictionaries frequently. Each one seems to offer a good way of learning stitches/or presents stitches in a different way (by category, using color photos, etc.) But, my “cannot be without” stitch dictionary is Yvette Stanton’s Left-Handed Embroiderer’s Companion. -Sharon in France
I love doing different stitches in the gift boxes I make for my family. I put alot of love in doing these boxes, so that the family has part of me always to remember. I work on these during the evening, while my husband and I watch television. I think my family appreciates the time and effort I do for giving them something creative. Pamela
Hello Mary.
I remember , when I was young , my grand-mother and my mother did beautiful clothes with embrodery stiches , so they taught me the basic .I think that I am lucky .Now I learn more from many sources ( web , magazines , books ) . you propose an interesting book , I hope to win it .Thanks
I crazy quilt and the Stitch Sampler would be a great reference book to have. I now use An Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Stitches and Motifs by Linda Causee. It has been very helpful; however, one can never have too many books… I can see needle point in my near future.
I am an avid stitcher and follow your letter every day. This is a book that is missing from my library and it would be wonderful to win it.
Thank you for such an informative letter. I look forward to reading them.
Hi Mary I love your website its so valuable to me,
a beginner stitcher. I would like to win the sampler stitch book please put me with your considerations.
Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!
I like two stitch directories Sharon B’s online stitch directory and A-Z embroidery stitches of country bumpkin.
Please enter me in the Stitch Sampler Giveway give away. I love,love your site….. I just found it and am addicted. I am working on starting the Spot Sampler , I just got my frame this week and am waiting on the linen to arrive ….. What fun… I have no reference materials , but have used the internet and your site to print off some instructions. I am a stitcher at heart. When I was in the third grade I had a teacher who taught us to stitch. She was a wonderful kind woman who thought outside of the box in that day …. I won a contest and a piece of my stitchery toured all over the country. I have always had a lust for needle work and have been a quilter, rug hooker and now am revisting hand needlework after about 30 years…. I am facinated…
Thank you for all that you do for us out here in cyberspace… You make learning fun and exciting . My fingers are itching to get started on my sampler (after I figure out how to lace up the linen on my new frame)
Thank you again…CB
My favourite and all time book is Jacqueline Enthoven’s The Stitches of Creative Embroidery. She was one of the most creative teachers of embroidery I have ever known. Second most favourite is Audrey Francini’s book Crewel Embroidery. Another embroidery icon.
Helen McCrindle
Hi Mary…..thank you for the chance to win a stitch dictionary. I don’t have one and honestly I don’t think I’ve ever seen one either…boy am I missing out on a good thing! It looks like a WONDERFUL thing to have!! I LOVE your site and have really been enjoying the amazing tutorial videos!
I actually like a lot of the old books on Library Archive. They aren’t in color, but they only cost printing, and you don’t have to print the whole thing. It is at least enough to get you off to a good start. The sampler one you posted the other day is especially nice.
My very favorite are the small paperback books from Anchor. The two I have are The Anchor Book of Counted Thread Embroidery Stitches and The Anchor Book of Hardanger Embroider. They are small, portable and can slip in my basket or bag to take traveling for a weekend project; full of good stitch directions and little motifs … wonderful!
This Stitch Sampler book would be a great comprehensive addition to my library. Thank you for the wonderful website.
Cathy Dassler
Hi, Mary. I really enjoy receiving your newsletters! I really don’t have an encyclopedia of stitiches, other than what I learned from my mother years ago, when I was a child. I’ve just recently started picking this back up as a hobby, again. I have several projects started, from a tablecloth to a sampler. I hope I win the Stitch Sampler book.
Sandra C.
I like Jan Eaton’s version of the Mary Thomas stitch dictionary. The A-Z of Embroidery Stitches is wonderful also. I like the nice clear photos of how to do the stitches, and of what they look like finished.
My other favorite is the early 1900’s copy of Therese de Dilmont’s DMC book, it covers so much! However, I don’t want it to fall apart, so I usually revert to the 1980’s copy of it.
And now for a public service announcement – last week, I saw Yvette Stanton’s Embroiderer’s Left-Handed Embroiderer’s Companion. If you are a struggling left handed stitcher – BUY IT!!! Not as many stitches as some other stitch dictionaries, but extremely well done. I’ve been regretting not buying it, even though I’m not left-handed.
Yes, I do love a well-done stitch dictionary, I think even more than project oriented books. It allows me to look at stitches and then wonder “what if I did…” or “how would that work?” Not that I actually *get* it done.
Any and all of the A-Z books.
I use a few stitch books for reference, but my favorite is The Needlepoint Book by Jo Ippolito Christensen.
Thanks Mary!
I have about 5 stitch dictionaries, but I always go back to A-Z of Embroidery Stitches and A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2 by Country Bumpkin Publications. The instructions are clear, the pictures are great and any stitch I’m looking for can usually be found in either of these two books. I also use More Stitches for Effect by Suzanne Howren and Beth Robertson. I like this book for patterned backgrounds, i.e., grass, sky, fences, pathways, etc. I can always find something that works well and looks great.
Hi Mary:
I have two books: The Ultimate A to Z companion to 1001 Needlecraft Terms, by Marie Clayton and the Reader’s Digest Complete Book of Embroidery. I would like to have the Stitch Sampler because I never found what I am looking for in the two books that I own. For the information that you posted in your review
The Stitch Sampler looks that is the ultimate guide for all my needlecraft projects.
Sonia G. from Indiana
I like “The Embroiderer’s Handbook” because that’s the one I own and use frequently. It has easy-to-follow diagrams.
I also use Sharon B’s Stitch Dictionary – mostly to look at seam treatment ideas.
Although I have lots of different embroidery books, none of them is really a comprehensive stitch dictionary.
For that, I either come to Mary’s videos or Sharon B’s stitch dictionary at
However, I would love to have this book. Every other DK book I have looked at has had suberb photography. After reading Mary’s review it sounds like a ‘must have’ for easily finding a stitch.
Thank you for running this give away.
Cheshunt, Herts, UK
I love the Stitch Bible, because it’s so comprehensive. But this one looks really good too 🙂
I have an old Mary Thomas book but would really love to have this one as it seems more up to date. Please enter my name in the hat.
Oh my gosh!! After reading other comments, I have just realised that I too own a copy of the Reader’s Digest Embroidery stitches. I havent seen it for quite a while, but I guess on this rainy & overcast Saturday, I could go hunting and maybe tidy up my needlecraft books.
Maybe I should start a catalogue so that I know exactly what I have.
I’ve been away from the computer for a bit (my dad passed away), and came back just in time to see this giveaway. It looks like another great book! I would have to say my current favourite is Judith Baker Montano’s ‘Embroidery & Crazy Quilt Stitch Tool’. I like the size of the book itself and that the index shows pictures of the stitch as well as the name, making it much easier to find a particular stitch if you don’t happen to remember what it’s called. The instructions are shown for both right and left handed embroiders too. It’s probably the first one I consult if I need to know about a stitch.
My favorite is a 1964 edition of McCall’s Needlework and Embroidery. I just had to glue the binding 2 days ago. It’s an oldie but a goodie!!
Hello…I am new to your site….LOVE IT!! I would love to win the Stitch Sampler Giveaway..I needed to brush up on embroidery stitches because I joined a quilting class..and looked up your site…with great joy..,solved my problem..the video was excellent..I needed a review of the padded satin stitch..and there it was expertly done and so easy for me to follow. I love all the needle arts and this would be a wonderful addition to my library. Please keep up this wonderful work…Thank you.
My goodness…I haven’t seen this book in a while! I have never owned a stitch dictionary, but was fortunate to discover this very book, in that edition (if it is the 1999 hardcover), at my small local library soon after it was published. I spent an entire winter teaching myself needlepoint stitches from that book, which resulted in a large sampler I used as a pillow. I was definitely a beginner, but I didn’t let the stitch levels stop me! The visual stitch index was so inspiring, I used to love looking at it. And then the library lost the book, and I never saw it again.
I’ve been looking for a used copy ever since, with no success. I haven’t been able to find anything like it, either. I remember the exhilarating feeling of being able to complete the stitches more or less as shown, and the frustration when they didn’t quite turn out. It was my first needlepoint piece, and was my first large craft project, although its eventual success led to many more.
Technique-wise, I’m more into counted cross-stitch these days, but am just getting back to needlework after a long period of absence where life got in the way 🙂 I still don’t own a stitch sampler, and I would love, love, absolutely love to get a copy of this one!
I’m new to your site and chanced across it through a chain of blog links, but am very glad I found it and will be visiting in the future! Thanks very much for offering this awesome giveaway, and I really enjoyed your review of the book. I never forgot about it, but seeing the photographs you included brought it more vividly to mind again.
I’m crossing my fingers!
Thanks again!
(And to Mary Anne, Comment 18 – my sympathies on the death of your father)
My favorite stitch book is Crazy Quilt Stitches by Dorothy Bond, printed in 1981. This little 103 page book is wounderful. There are no written instructions, but the diagrams are so well done and easy to follow. Each stitch is given in a step by step drawing, followed by dozens of ways for using the stitch to emblish any project. I believe this fantastic little book can be found on line even though it may be out of print. Possibly as a collectors item. I love this book, it’s the most useful in my collection. If you have a chance look it up, I would love to know what you think.
Hi Mary,
I dont have a dictionary so refer to your video library all the time for help but am planning on getting the left handed one (as I am a lefty) I am particularly interested in the tapestry section of this give away.. Never having done any tapestry before I am planning to design and stitch a 2 metre by 90cm wall hanging for my brother of him as a satyr!(his idea). Its a massive undertaking and will involve me firstly learning to work those tapestry stitches then develop the design and then of course sew it so any resources that could help with this and my embroidery work would be fantastic.
Thanks for the opportunity to win.
Hi Mary,
I am a self-taught stitcher. I do not have a stitch dictionary. I would enjoy learning some new techniques to expand my repertoire of stitches and projects. The Stitch Sampler would be an asset I would cherish.
Thank you for the voluminous stiching knowledge you impart to all of us by way of your website.
I was thrilled when I accidently stumbled across this group of stitchers who were so willing to share and teach. I don’t have a favorite becasue I am so new to stitching I don’t know who to choose as my favorite which is why I was so delighted to find this stitching group. Soon I will be able to have a better understanding of books that would be on my list of favorites. Ask me a year from now and I will be able to give an informed answer. In the meantime thanks to the group for being there for a 71 year old beginner. I can say the reason I have been drawn to stitching is my grandmother who raised me did embroidery and also she crocheted. Unfortunately, she didn’t teach me but she did embroidery and crochet lace edges on many pillow for me. Although I treasured everything she made me the only things I have left after 50 years of marriage are the doilies. Judy Neil
Hi, I would so love to winn a nice stitchbook because I started Crazy Quilting and I feel like a sponge wanting to absorbe al kind of stitches.I don’t have a good stitchbook yet but
I would love to get the oppertunity of buying the A-Z embroidery stitches book because I see this book so many times refered to.
Thanks for this book giveaway
To be honest, I don’t have a stitch dictionary. But I really enjoy embroidery and in order to get better, I think a stitch dictionary is crucial!
Mary, I enjoy my daily visits with you and am learning much. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with all of us. An opportunity to “win” another stitch book is most welcome. Although I have several (the A-Z Australian books, the Anchor “Free-Style Embroidery Stitches”), my favorite stitch book is “The Complete Guide to Embroidery Stitches and Crewel” by Jo Bucher. It is a hard-back book copyright in 1971. I also take advantage of Sharon B’s on line stitches. Yeah for creative stitchers!
Norma Harris
I am a fledgling stitcher having just began in the last year. I rely heavily on web based instruction, and have found Needle and Thread to be one of my best resources to learn stitches. As far as my home library goes, I have a copy of Jo Ippolito Christensen’s “The Needlepoint Book” (pubished in 1976). It contains a well organized catalogue with diagrams and illustrations of over 300 needlepoint stitches and lots of projects. Found it at my local library’s book store. I’d love to win your latest giveaway to add to my library! Thanks for all the wonderful content here at Needle and Thread!
Hi Mary,
When I first found your website, I was thrilled to see the How To Video section. I am a beginner to embroidery and would love to win the Stitch Sampler as I am sure it would be very helpful in my progress. I look forward to reading your website every day.
Diane B.
Although I;m 85, I am a novice to Embroidery. I just LOVE it..however, I pretty much stick to the 5 basic EASY ones. I have Judith Montano’s book and refer to it regularly, but my stitches never look like hers.However, I keep trying!.
I would love to have thie Sampler and hope I am lucky enough to win it.
Thank you for all the help you give us.
I don’t have a favorite stitch dictionary – yet! Maybe this book is the one? 🙂
I’m just getting interested in embroidery again. I did a bit when I was in elementary school and a crewelwork sampler for my grandmother when I was just out of high school but that’s about it so far.
I wish I could remember the name of the dictionary that I had from the library years ago as it was quite good. You’d think I’d remember it since I checked it out and inadvertently had it for about 5 years (thought I’d returned it) – perhaps the embarrassment erased the name from my memory?
My favorite is an old pamphlet I picked up at a thrift store, I believe it’s called “101 stitches”. I adore it!
Hi Mary: I appreciate your Needle ‘N Thread a lot. I am a novice hand embroiderar. Have difficulty with satin stitching – a lot of difficulty; haven’t found an easy method yet, but will persevere. I also don’t have any embroidery references except what I see on you website. I also enjoy the designs you have on your site. Please know that they are appreciated too. Thanks Mary.
all stitches because their beauty.
I would love to find a book on left handed stitching. Being left handed can cause problems sometimes following direction for right handers.
I just found your site and I love seeing all your tutorial, it helps seeing you do the stitches and then at least I have a good idea as to what I need to do.
Hi, Mary Jane – For left-handed stitchers, the best stitch dictionary you’ll find is Yvette Stanton’s Left Handed Embroiderer’s Companion. Here’s a link to her site: You can see the book there, or you can read my review of it here: If you’re in the States, you can purchase the book through Nordic Needle. It’s a great book!
Hello Mary Jane,
It was my lovely Mom’s B’day on the 22 of October. She loves your site so very much & it always inspires her to take up Embroidery & Smocking, as a hobby.
She lives in the Netherlands. Please help her win a book.
Thank you & all the BEST in your career.
Sharon Boggan used to be my go to site for stitches that I needed but that has now changed since I found your site with vidoe’s showing how to make the stitches.
As far as books I have a couple of JB Montano’s also a couple of her video’s.
As far as new books,I’d love to get the Left Handed Stiching book you talked about the other day from Australia.
Mary Jane T
Hi love your work been learning alot through your videos and also instructions. My favourite stitch at the moment is bullion for the roses as I am learning to smock
your site and information is great and very informative not many around these days for hand stitching.
I have 4 books that I go between: Quilt Savvy by Joan Waldman,Stitches with variation by Jacqueline Enthoven and 2 Packet guides by Leisure Arts. I can tell you I also have Brazilian Embroidery books and Silk Ribbon books. I guess you can say I love to collect books.Don’t get me wrong, I do use them all depending on the mood I’m in.
Trudy ~ I received a copy of your comment, that you are enjoying bullions on your Smocking. Have you tried bullions with the EdMar ‘Z’ twist rayon?
We use it for Brazilian embroidery. We do LOTS of bullions
If you would like a a sample skein, I would be happy to send you one. Are you in the US?
You can email me at
I have always wanted to do Smocking, it is so pretty
This is a message to Sharon about smocking…do you know where I can find patterns for adult smocking, example ladies night gowns.
Thanks MJT
Hi, Mary Jane – You should try Country Bumpkin Publications – especially their magazine Australian Smocking and Embroidery – they have beautiful projects, and you might find what you’re looking for in one of their publications! Hope that helps. Here’s their website:
When I first started stitching I could not believe the variety of stiches available to learn.
This would be a welcome edition to my reference books. There is always a stitch I haven’t tried.
hi.. thought I’m new on stitching, i
‘d love to have this book.. but it’s too late for me.. can u give me a soft copy of this book?.. i really appreciate so much…btw i’m from indonesia n love ur website much.
I am just getting into crazy quilting embroidery at 70 years old.I can use all the help I can get. I would be honored to win your book. Have a Very Blessed Evening.
My favorite stitching guide book is:
the left handed embroiderer’s companion by Yvette Stanton. I bought it after you reviewed it and I just love it….
I just look on your videos or on SharonBs stitch dictionary. I don’t have a book. Maybe this will be my first.
Readers Digest Complete Guide to EmbroideryStitches. It is so complete, easy to read and understand, illustrations are excellent and every thing I ever wanted to know is in this book. I love it
My favorite stitch dictionary has to be Yvette Stanton’s Left Handed Embroiderer’s Companion. Why? It’s the first all left handed helper. It just wonderful with all the pictures and step by step diagrams on every stitch out there. It is now the most used book I own. Thanks for introducing it on your site.