
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Inspirations & Organization


Amazon Books

Several months ago, I was offered one of those deals I couldn’t pass up. A fellow needleworker had purchased in bulk a massive quantity of magazines from some source, because she wanted to acquire certain issues of a different magazine (hm… is that confusing?) Anyway, she had to buy this whole quantity of magazines, in order to get the magazines she was actually after.

Once she sorted through her acquisition of hundreds of back issues of various magazines (some 200+), she grouped together the leftovers, which included all of Inspirations issues 1-25, plus numerous back issues of Piecework and other needlework related magazines. And I bought them!

Inspirations Magazines Issues 1-25

Many of these are repeats for me – I’ll know better which ones when I can sort through them and get them organized in folders this summer – but there are also several in there that are “rare” issues that I didn’t have, and at the time, it would’ve cost me as much to buy the individual copies as it did to buy the whole collection, plus all the other gems that came along with these. So I got a pretty good deal. One of my summer projects is to organize my books and magazines and remove all the duplicates! That should be fun!

Inspirations Magazines Issues 1-25

Inspirations is my favorite needlework magazine. It’s the only needlework magazine I subscribe to regularly, although Sampler and Antique Needlework Quarterly is also currently on my list.

What about you? Do you subscribe to needlework magazines? Or do you ever pick up a copy here and there at a newsstand? Do you think print magazines are becoming passé? Do you find subscriptions to magazines cost-prohibitive? Do you prefer using the internet to find the information and inspiration you’re looking for? What’s your take on needlework magazines? Share, share! If you have an opinion, feel free to leave a comment below!


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(110) Comments

  1. I still enjoy leafing through a magazine and I have some subscriptions. However if I am in a hurry, I will surf the internet to find the answer to a posing problem. Also, since I am on the computer for work so much, it would be stressful to me to only look a a screen for my relaxing reading.

  2. I subscribe to Inspirations and love it! However, I have only been subscribing for a few years since I found it so I don’t have any of the earlier issues. I hope you will have a giveaway of your duplicates once you have completed the sorting process. (Or I would be inerested in buying them from you!)

  3. I love Inspirations and subscribe to it! It follows me around the world, so I get my copies a bit later than most, but I agree that it is THE needlework magazine. I also subscribe to Needlepoint Now, The Gift of Stitching (an online magazine), and Antique Samplers and Needlework. I will let the subscription to AS&NQ expire. They’ve gone exclusively to samplers for the past year, and just … no. I used to subscribe to Classic Stitches. I miss that one.

  4. I only subscribe to the one from EGA, it’s good, can’t remember the name.

    All others don’t have enough embroidery things in them, seems to be mostly crossstich.

  5. I love magazines! However some of the ones I want are 14.99 each at the store. I thought perhaps it was due to my age that I still like magazines and books however I am only in my early 40’s….

  6. I love the idea of holding a magazine in my hands to look through for inspiration and direction. In reality I very seldom look through the magazine more than once. When magazines are 12+$$, I can find better things to spend my money on. I do have a few digital editions of magazines on my Nook. Even those are pricey when you consider they are downloaded and no printing is required by the distributor.

  7. Oh wow, I’m jealous! I would love to get a completed set of back issues of Inspirations. I’ve been reading it for years and love it. Recently, I’ve started ordering Embroidery & Cross Stitch from Australia since it focuses on goldwork and stumpwork so often. I absolutely love Stich and Embroidery from the UK Embroiderer’s Guild as well. And have picked up Piecework from the newsstands for quite a long time. My next magazine purchase will be from the Goldwork Guild in the UK – have you gotten any of their magazines? They have a good deal on getting a full set of backissues, and since it is on topic with what I’m doing now, I’m really wanting it.

    I find that I get so much from magazines that I doubt I’d ever give up spending the extra money to get them shipped in from other countries. And some of them you can pick up from US sources, like The Wooly Thread and Nordic Needle. Ebay is a great source too. Even Selvedge, which is outrageously expensive, gives me a great deal of inspiration and I may sub to that as well. There are weeks that you are as likely to find me re-reading magazines and looking at projects there as going through books. Do I spend too much on them? Absolutely. Nearly all of them need to be shipped in since Barnes and Noble seems to only want to stock cross stitch mags, other than having Stitch randomly, and Piecework. To me, it’s worth it though. And yes, I’m pretty passionate about this topic. I love magazines!


  8. What a wonderful find Mary! We used to get this magazine in the city but no longer. I picked some up at a sale one time and they are truly beautiful magazines – great photography, instructions and lovely projects. I would love to see this mag go digital, more affordable and takes up less space.

  9. Yes I subscribe to Inspirations. So far that’s the only one. Sampler and antique needlework looks very interesting as well.

  10. Personally I love print magazines as well as digital ones. I sometimes travel for business and usually will tuck a magazine or two (either SANQ or Inspirations in my carry on for long flights). The only magazine I subscribe to is The Gift of Cross Stitching. I pick up current and/or back issues of the above two plus Piecework and Interweave Crochet when I can. I also pick up cross stitching magazines published in the UK wehen I can as they have lovely ideas in them as well. I love to look through all of these to learn about hand embroidery or hand work as well as pick up new ideas or ways of doing things. They are a wonderful source of information and inspiration. I use the internet also but I can’t and don’t carry my computer with me and I do not yet own an ipad. I do handwork for the “feel” of fabric and fibers and the magazines contribute to that “feel” for me.

  11. Inspirations is one of my favorite magazines. I find the subscription cost prohibitive, but buy single issues when I come across them. My local Borders carries this magazine and I look in the racks everytime I go. I’ve also purchased current issues from Nordic Needle and back issues from The Wooly Thread. I have attempted a number of projects from the magazine and would do more if it weren’t so hard to put together the threads. I don’t know of any handy conversion site that would suggest an alternate thread more readily available here in the US. Still the magazine is as inspiring as its name and I find that all other magazines rather pale by comparison.

  12. Hi Mary,
    Congrats on the great score!! I like Used Book Stores as my primary resource for ‘in the hand’ books. There are a few exceptions (those MUST HAVE books!) I also use the internet as an information resource, a LOT! Which is why I LOVE your website so very much. I refer new embroiderers to YOUR website first! I also enjoy garage sales as a way to pick up vintage books, pamphlets, magazines, etc… I am very frugal (okay, downright, CHEAP!), but very picky and very much love a good find!!! I acquire quite a bit of embroidery tools and supplies at garage sales as well. (I got an entire grocery bag of unused DMC perle cotton for $2.00, YAY!)
    Thanks for Sharing 🙂
    SandiR (Happy Stitcher in Florida)

  13. In today’s economy and with medicare being threatned, seniors such as myself, with a limited budget, find these magazine subscriptions too expensive. I wish I could afford them. They are just lovely. Possibly they might consider an ‘e’ edition that does not require mailing or paper that will cut costs as many other magazines are starting to do.

  14. for several years I receive Inspirations and it is my favourit magazin.The most magazins in Holland is about crossstitching and I like crewelwork and broderie anglaise.Also the lond and shortstitching.

  15. Mary,

    I also began a subscription to Inspirations Magazine and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I don’t like magazine subscriptions usually. But I had to eat my words when my first issue came. I ordered up 2 miscellaneous issues and liked them so much that I subscribed for a full year.

    I much prefer books normally. And I’m amasing quite the library of stitch “how to” books more so than “project” books. I read my stitch book, then I watch your video. Read, see, do. Best way to learn.

    Enjoy rooting through those magazines. I’m sure each and every one will have something you’ve just “got to do!”…

    Brenda, Wilmington, Ohio

  16. I used to subscribe to quite a few magazines until I realized that many issues included nothing that remotely tempted me. Since then, apart from the magazines that I get as part of membership in an association, I only subscribe to “Workbox”. I pick up individual issues of the others from the newsstand.

    Note to Mary Martin: I was an early member of the Goldwork Guild, mainly to get the magazine. I think I have it from the first three years. There were a lot of good things – patterns, tips, etc. – in it, but the writing was so bad that eventually I dropped the membership. I’d be interested in knowing if things have improved. If so, I might rejoin.

    I’m not a fan of reading on a screen, so I hope printed magazines don’t go the way of the dodo!

  17. I love magazines and my craft closet is full. I am in the process of culling my collection down and have promised my myself (and husband) I will get rid of 50%. I have not seen the magazines you have mentioned. Normally I won’t subscribe to a magazine unless I have seen it several times and it has something “I can’t live without” in each magazine. When I get a magazine I read it from front to back. I mark it with removable index tabs when something catches my eye. I have a color for each season (red/green = christmas, yellow = fall, blue, pink = any occasion). It pains me to pull out the patterns or ideas that I want but I put them in a sheet protector and place in a 3-ring binder so it will be easier to find when I am ready for the next project. I then give the magazines away to another craft lover.

  18. I subscribe to Inspirations, Australian Smocking and Embriodery, and Sew Beautiful. Inspirations and AS&E are my favorites. These two publications are exquisite in their presentation and variance of projects. I don’t see how magazines with patterns could ever go totally electronic. There is something special about having back issues which you can easily refer to even decades after first publication. I have some old Workbasket magazines that my grandmother had back in 1950’s and they are great for looking back to for that something special to crochet or tat.

  19. Great find!!! Enjoy sorting through!!!
    As for me… I used to subscribe to magazines few years ago but stopped.
    I rather buy them if the projects/subject in it appeals to me, which means I just end up buying a couple occasionally.
    I do like some issues of Inspirations and Stitch, like the upcoming ones!!! Once in a while I also get patchwork/quilting ones.

  20. I love needlework and design books and magazines. I am fortunate to have a large needlework book library and a small collection of Insprations magazine. I think Inspirations is the only embroidery magazine worth buying although it is cost prohibitive to me. The others I find,for the most part, to be rather trite. I do find many embroidery inspirations on the web, particularly Antique Pattern Library and many blogs such as PinTangle and of course your’s.

  21. Lucky one. Inspirations Magazine is the best of best. I like STITCH fron England too.So our head is full of Idea.
    Did you hear of a publication from Hazel Bloomkanp (Fresh Ideas for Jacobean Embroidery) is was released on April 12, but can’t find it only in Australia, But I would like to buy it. Many Thanks for you everyday messages. Clau

  22. For years I subscribed to Sew Beautiful magazine by Martha Pullen, featuring instructions for heirloom clothing with free patterns.
    I used to subscribe to Threads magazine for expert sewing tips, but over the years I have become too much of an expert myself!
    Other mags are p/u’d at the fabric store checkout line!

  23. Boy!, do I subscribe to needlework magazines. I have subscribed to different magazines at one time or another, everything from cross stitch to quilting. To keep cost down, I often look for some at thrift stores, used book stores or antique malls and have managed to locate some wonderful finds. So when I want to relax, I grab a few copies of a magazine or needlecraft book, relaxing music in the background, a glass of tea or cup of coffee and drift away for an hour or two. I do enjoy looking through articles, hints, and how to’s on the internet but I just couldnt do without having some magazines or books to relax to.

  24. I used to subscribe to needlework magazines but decided not every magazine had things I wanted to make. Now I browse the book stores to pick and choose. My problem is many of my now favorite magazines (cross stitch) are from the U. K. They’re rather expensive and they come wrapped in a plastic bag. I have to decide based on the cover photo. When I do buy one, I can check in the back to see what’s coming in the next issue. But U. S. magazines are disappearing. I get the feeling needlework in general is still alive and well in Europe.

  25. Print magazines are the only way I will read them. Digital files are OK but you still have to print off the pattern if you are going to stitch it.

  26. Hi Mary,

    I’ve been subcribing to the Inspirations Magazine for years and love every issue.

    A few years ago, a needlepoint shop was re-locating and had a clearance pile with many
    needle-works magazine. In that pile was #1, #3
    and #5 Inspirations, I couldn’t believe it and
    immediately purchased all of them plus the price was right @$1.00 an issue.


  27. Oh, I love Inspirations too and have subscribed for many years – I keep all my issues. As for Sampler & Antique Needlework, I have every issue ever published. I love to sit down with a great stack of them and a cup of tea – utter relaxation!
    BTW – the EGA magazine is called Needlearts, I believe.

  28. I subscribe to Inspirations and love it! I will occasionally order back issues of Stitch from the Embroiderer’s Guild in the U.K. but I prefer the more traditional aspect of Inspirations to Stitch. Lately I haven’t been stitching many of the projects but I love reading through the magazine, cover to cover.

    1. Hi Celeste,
      I have a lot of the sold out back issues of the English Stitch magazines, which I’d like to sell. I’m in Australia, so I don’t know how much postage would be, but let me know if you are interested.

  29. The only embroidery magazine I subscribe to is Stitch from the UK- It’s their how-to-embroidery Guild magazine- Because my EGA chapter has a sister relationship with a New Zealand chapter, we get their quarterly magazine which is awe inspiring. From the few Inspirations magazine I’ve seen, they remind me of Stitch and since I have a large “to do” stack of projects from that magazine, I’ve foregone Inspirations.

  30. Hello Mary,
    I have let all my subscriptions expire. I almost totally rely on the Internet sites for patterns. Some of these quilting blogs are amazing and You tube tutorials are fun to watch. While I do graze through the quilt magazine section, I only occasionally pick up a newstand issue when I do my grocery shopping, if something catches my eye, but those times are rare. For what I used to spend on subscriptions in a year for 5 magazines, I can buy 4 or 5 jelly rolls when they are on sale!!! Let’s hear it for JELLY ROLLS!!!! 🙂

  31. I also enjoys these magazines, but I do not purchase them often. The only magazines I ever find at my local book store are Gold Crosstitch and other Cross Stitch magazines; sometimes there are magazines in Embroidery but not often. All of these magazines seem to come from Australia, Europe and England and are cost prohibitive for me since they can range from $12.00 to $30.00 Canadian. I don’t subscribe often on the internet since most magazine subscriptions must be paid by credit card for Canadian subscriptions instead of being billed later which I prefer. If I find one that allows me to pay later, I atleast have the chance to look over the first issue before paying for it and cancel if it does not suit my needs. If you have to pay by credit card first, then you are kind of stuck getting the magazine and if you don’t like it, then sometimes it’s a hassle to get a refund. But the ones I have bought, I have liked. I wish there was more for beginners or beginner intermediates, though. So many projects are labelled advanced and my heart sinks.

  32. I buy them……..all. Subscribe to maybe a half dozen. Not sure why just those. Love to browse the local bookstore and the grocery racks for new publications or special editions. Take a lovely soak in the bath each evening with my magazines and bubbles will eat away most cares of the day. That is my habit. My fear is that the paper gods will scoop away my rags and I will have to resort to an electronic device that is not nearly as nice. My humble opinion, of course. I am old. Chris Beresford, Michigan

  33. My problem is too many subscriptions. Besides the mags that come with my guild subscriptions to SAGA, EGA and ANG, I get Bead and Button and Beadwork, Piecework, Sew Beautiful, Inspirations, Australian Smocking and Embroidery. I occasionally pick up others, depending on the projects inside. I do look on the web for projects but also check in my LNS for anything that catches my eye. I also like to see what others are doing too!

  34. I only get one magazine and that was a gift. But What I kept thinking about was…*blush* saving cereal boxes and making them into pretty magazine files (like the ones at the library but pretty)!

  35. With space becoming more and more limited and expensive, I am leaning towards electronic magazines, but it is a trend that is barely beginning to take hold. Also, there is something quite satisfying about carrying all your books and magazines in one tablet, my security blanket! 😉

  36. Inspirations is my absolute favorite! I was able to fill in all back issues last year. What a treat it is to browse through all the old issues. I’ve just discovered SANQ, started a subscription a few months ago, and am enjoying it immensely.
    My other favorite is The Gift of Stitching. But after spending all day on the computer, thats the last place I want to spend my evenings, so I always print out TGOS for reading.

  37. Wonderful haul, Mary! I gave up cross stitch magazines years ago as most of the designs are basic and as my skills grew I trended to cross stitch shops and designers and then I went to work for a cross stitch shop. I would love to get Inspirations but I do find the cost of the subcriptions prohibitive.


  38. What a find !!! I’d love Inspirations mag. but on Social Security , it just ain’t gonna happen. I did see one once and it looked wonderful. I’ve looked at used book stores and they are not to be found. Enjoy. Eileene

  39. I SOOOO Love Inspirations! I had not heard of it until I had received one in a lot of patterns & books I bought off Ebay when I was teaching myself Silk Embroidery. But like most others the cost has kept me from subscribing.I guess you could consider the cost compared to buting the patterns individually. I just don’t like not know whats in it before hand. I did read on facebook that this latest copy has a feature on Hazel Blomkamp’s foot stool. I have to have it. So with some hunting I found a UK site hat sells The Magazine for 13.00! I so hope there is a pattern in there.

  40. I subscribe to SANQ…I am considering if I should renew my subscription to Just CrossStitch or not. I love my stitching magazines…so much more relaxing to read before going to sleep. It`s hard to prop the laptop up when i`m sleepy…

    When I moved to Colorado from Canada I mailed all my back issues of SANQ and my needlework books. It cost me a BOMB,($90.00 for SANQ alone!) but it was worth it.I was very nervous about them getting lost and worried til they arrived safe and sound.

  41. Mary,
    My magazines currently are NeedleArts from EGA, The Gift of Stitching (online), and occasional issues of Sampler & Antique Needlework Quarterly that I buy at LNS if there’s a project that interests me. Usually multi-issue, and then I need to work on getting the other issues.
    Long ago bought CrossStitch & Country Crafts; still have the collection. Recent discussion of a designer from that era sent me looking at her projects — was nice to still have them on hand.
    For now, I enjoy the printed page.
    I have NOT attempted to do a project from a screen. Maybe when they come up with a lightweight, portable, large unbreakable model? With the capability of marking off what’s been stitched?

  42. Good morning Mary ~ The computer can not replace the beautiful pages of Inspiration magazine. On the computer we are usually looking for a particular thing – who knows what you may see on the ‘pages’ of any stitching magazine that will inspire.

  43. G’day Mary, I MUST have mags. Reading them is more my hobby than using the patterns! And I mean really reading them. I read every word. The instructions, adverts, editorials, everything.
    I subscribe to Inspirations and our Creative Embroidery & Cross Stitch. Until recently I also got Aust Smocking & Embroidery and a couple of other craft/embroidery mags but financial pressure has caused me to relinquish those for the time.
    Our town library carries a good selection incl Inspirations. The latest copy’s are not for loan until a new ones come. They’re available to read and copy from for that time and is a good system. Everyone gets a chance at the new copy.
    I just love having my own though. Yes, storage is a problem. I just can’t give any away that aren’t doubles. I do re-read them too.
    I have all the Inspirations. I’ve gradually got onto the ones before I started subscribing. Ebay, op shops and back orders were my main sources.
    I could never go with e-mags.
    Thanks Mary. Enjoy your organising. I imagine it would be so lovely to have them all in order and at your finger tips. I stress the word ‘imagine’! One day. Cheers, Kath.

  44. I buy many magazines (for needlework, quilting and knitting). Sometimes I feel it is an age thing as, regardless of the ressources available on line, I still like good quality magazines. I cannot imagine a nicer way to finish a work day than to go to bed with a brand new issue of a favorite magazine.

    This being said, I am a great fan of your website and feel grateful that there are people like you out there who share their knowledge and their passion with others via the internet. Because of you, I have discovered some amazing websites, the most recent one being Talliaferro Classic Needlearts.

  45. I have quite a few Inspirations magazines, and am again subscribed for the last year. I am missing a bunch though, and I would be interested in acquiring some of the ones I am missing. Perhaps you could make them available for purchase when you figure out what you don’t want to keep?
    It is my favorite magazine outside of Needlepointers and Needlepoint Now.

  46. INSPIRATIONS! Beautiful! The only needlework magazine to which I subscribe, it is well worth the price, and is given reference status in my library — a real keeper. Thank you for mentioning it.
    News stand purchases? yes-occasionally.
    Print passe? no–I would prefer ones like “Inspirations” on paper and in hand. Great for relaxing. Internet is a good source, but not the same.
    Cost prohibitive? Sometimes. I try to be choosy.

    Thank you, Mary, for being so diligent in organizing and referencing on Needle’N Thread. I often wish to locate a previous issue or tutorial. I have no difficulty finding what I want. It doubles the value of the your site.

  47. I keep having this vision of going to a yard sale, thrift store and seeing a big box of Insparations mag for sale. A dream I know but what a blessing that would be. I’ve only recently been introduced to this mag and also a new embroideryer (SP?) You will have a great time getting all your mags and books in order. Enjoy, take time to drink in all in. Be Blessed, Patty

  48. I absolutely love needlework magazines. I’ve never read Inspiration but I love Sampler and Antique Needlework. I sometimes go to a large antique/junk store in a town near me to pick up used copies of Piecework and other magazines including quilting. I also love eBay for finding a particular magazine. The Quilt guild I belong to frequently has members bring unwanted needlework magazines and we all root them to find what we’d like. And finally a great resource are library sales. I hit them all and hunt for my treasures. One time I hit the jackpot and got an entire huge box of quilting and needlework magazines for FREE!

  49. Aren’t you lucky, Mary! I do not know “Inspiration” magazine, but will get myself informed on it via the link you provided.
    The needlework mag I regularly read is “Stitch”, the bi-monthly publication of the British Embroiderers Guild, and I quite like it.
    I am not in favour of e-mags, on the contrary I much prefer the good old print magazines. May they stay with us for a long time yet!
    Best regards,

  50. I am not currently subscribing to any magazine because of not having a fixed address, but I always buy Broderie Inspirations in France. Is that a relative of Inspirations? the style of the pics is similar!
    It’s the only needlework magazine that has instructive projects, things where youcan actually learn things. All other magazines I see here are all repeitions of the same old same old same old…

  51. Lucky, lucky you. I love magazines, and Inspirations is a favorite. I only have bought a few, but I do subscribe to its sister magazine, Australian Smocking & Embroidery. These magazines are fabulous. The photo are wonderful. I subscribed to Pieceworks for a few years and it was nice. I love to sit in the sun, with a drink and read a magazine.

  52. I absolutely love Inspirations magazine! It truly is “The World’s Most Beautiful Embroidery.” I, too, am missing some of the beginning issues, and I hope that you will be offering to sell your duplicates or do some type of contest for your subscribers. Please keep us updated!

  53. oh, you lucky duck!

    I had similar luck about 10 years ago and picked up most of the first 100 issues of New Stitches at a yard sale. I love looking at the flowers. I can’t afford a subscription at the moment, but I hope to once I find a job.

  54. I buy embroidery magazines here and there I also get them free from either the library or Senior Citzens center in my town. I also look at garage sales. Yes I think that magazine subscriptions are getting expensive. I would rather buy books. Or separate patterns that I want. I know that the magazine companies are hurting but I have so many patterns in magazines that I don’t want I would rather just buy what I want.

  55. Hello Mary,
    I buy less magazines than before, but more books !
    Finaly I realized that I do not like stitching someone else’s pattern. So I mostly find inspiration in my head (and recently in a book for children)

  56. I love Inspirations magazine and have started to buy back issues. Right now we are in the process of moving, cleaning out one house and getting things situated in a smaller place. We also have a son who is terminally ill so alot of my time is spent at the hospital. I will buy some back issues over the internet, when they arrive it is a small treat and I take them to the hospital, I find that I read every word. I don’t have a subscription yet but I do plan on subscribing to Inspirations in the near future. I love reading magazines!

  57. I really enjoy magazines. My two splurges are to subscribe to Inspirations and to Stitch (with the Embroiderer’s Guild). Stitch is Britsh and its projects often push the envelope. I also get Piecework (and have from issue 1) and Sampler and Antique Needlework Quarterly. I prefer the regularity of subscriptions. (I love coming home to a new magazine!)

  58. I am SO jealous that you have the first three issues of Inspirations! What a great purchase. I have all but about 15 issues and love them. I tend to go through them every six months or so and find that often, a project that didn’t appeal to me when the magazine came out is now right in line with whatever I’m interested in now.
    I also subscribe to Australian Smocking and Embroidery, Threads and Sew Beautiful, and have just joined the EGA so will be receiving Needlearts. Sometimes I’ll pick up a copy of Piecework but I’ve been disappointed with subscribing. I’m also currently subscribed to three gardening magazines because we bought a house and the adjacent completely naked building lot.
    I’m a bit of a print junkie. This does not prevent me from heading to the internet for information, though. Your blog and PinTangle are my usual first hits, then I’ll do a search.

  59. Have subscribed to various mags off an on over the years. Wasn’t very impressed by SANQ, but it may have changed in the decade since I stopped buying it. Currently I take Piecework. I used to take Threads before they abandoned handwork in favor of tailoring and home sewing.

  60. Hello Mary,

    For me is Inspirations ‘the’ publication I could not miss even though some of their projects are not very ‘european’.I mean the tastes are not the same all around the world. But the techniques, the finishing, the explanations, the professionalism are unbelievable and not to be found elsewhere.

    Kind regards

  61. They are valued treasures!!
    Personally, I can not get out to purchase them each time they premiere as I am pretty much wheelchair bound for shopping and subscriptions are simply too costly though.

  62. I love Inspirations too but it’s a bit pricey for me. I have accumulated so very many needlework magazines over the years that I’ve been sorting out those I don’t want and finding new homes for them. Even with what I’ve kept, I know I’ll never live long enough to use them like I want. So I limit myself to very good deals on used copies. I do wish more people recyled instead of just pitching them when they’re done.

  63. Hi, Mary….I used to subscribe to all the quilting and art quilt magazines, then added Inspirations to the mix. After a while, it seemed like they all had the same information and designs in them….with few that I actually wanted to make. So, now…I only subscribe to Inspirations and may start getting Embroidery and CrossStitch, too. I’ve collected all of the back issues of Inspirations and am now working on finding all the back issues of Embroidery and CrossStitch. The problem is that both are Australian Magazines and more easily found over there, which means higher prices for shipping back issues found there. I enjoy two newsletters that I get, too. The WrapUp from BDEIG with lots of tips and patterns for Brazilian Embroidery and the one that I get from the Applique Society…both worth joining, if even just for the newsletter. I’ve bought a few online subscriptions of e-magazines, but it isn’t the same as a magazine in hand. The only good thing is that you usually only print out the items that really interest you, but the bad thing is that there won’t BE back issues for people like you and I to find later. Look how much we still seem to be learning from books and magazines that came out 50 – 100 years ago….so if it ends up that the trend keeps going towards e-books and magazines it’s sad for those that come along after we’re long gone and want to see what WE were doing with OUR stitching.

  64. Inspirations is the only needlework magazine I subscribe to. I get two quilting magazines that sometimes have needlework projects in them. I love seeing the color photos and patterns in Inspiration as well as the world view they have of needlewomen. It’s lovely to think of women in Japan or South Africa finding beauty in the same things I do. Making simple household items beautiful with their stitches as other women have done through history.

  65. Lucky find! I really hope that ‘real’ magazines don’t become a thing of the past. I don’t mind looking up a technique on the ‘net, but I still love to have a magazine that I can look at over and over (and take into the bathtub with me!).

  66. Hi Mary,
    I am currently rather cash strapped so the only magazine I have a sub to is Stitch, the UK Embroiderers’ Guild magazine, which I love. Here in NZ the cost of Inspirations has become prohibitive and anyway, as several embroidery friends have said, it has become a bit ‘samey’ – also it is no longer available through news agents. I check the public library copy and if there is a particular project I know I will make, I photocopy it. I did used to subscribe to Classic Stitches but was not going to renew my sub (samey again!) when it folded. I do like browsing the internet and bought my first e-mag last week. However, there is nothing like browsing through the real, rather than virtual, thing. Can’t wait for my next Stitches!

  67. The first time I bought an Insperation magazine I was visiting Western Australia and passed it around my English friends who could not wait for me to go back so I could bring more back. It was the biggest disapointment of my life when I could no longer buy them at a newsagent in the UK and as I no longer visit Western Australia and find the subscription too expensiveI have to do with out (poor me).

  68. The magazines I subscribe to are the Inspiration magazine , Sampler & Antique Needlework magazine and an English magazine called Selvedge. I also buy the Stitch magazine from UK from my newsagent. I am very fortunate to work part time in a needlework shop in Mosman called Mosman Needlecraft This helps to keep me informed about what is going on in the embroidery world. I am also a patchworker, need I say any more!!!!!

  69. How joyful. Inspirations magazines.

    I am still missing a few and would be interested in buying some of them once you get organized. I don’t know how you can do it all.

    Thanks for your wonderful site.

  70. Hi Mary,
    I do subscribe to many quilt magazines as well as Piecework. I also use the web for lots of information.
    I know that many people are foregoing magazines because of the cost and for environmental concerns, but I have to say that I really enjoy my magazines and on a long winter afternoon, I love curling up with a cup of tea and browse through them over and over again. The ones I really treasure are the vintage Needlecraft magazines from my mother. At some point I do pass them along to others or donate them to the library free box etc. maggie

  71. Mary,
    I currently subscribe to Sew Beautiful and Threads.
    I would absolutely love to have a subcription to Inspirations & Australian Smocking and Embroidery but they are cost prohibitive. I’ve tried to find them on Ebay, but by the end of bidding, you might as well spend the money on a brand new subcription, as they are well in demand!
    I cannot imagine only digital magazines, there’s nothing like flipping through a magazine or book looking for inspiration to hit!
    That being said, I think of your website as an invaluable resource and your daily email is the first one I read!
    Keep up the good work!
    PS-I’ll gladly take those duplicate issues off your hands! 😉
    They’d make a great give-away!

  72. Oh, Mary! You are lucky! Inspirations is one of my favorites, too. I do subscribe to Sampler & Antique Needlework and American Patchwork & Quilting magazines. I do find A LOT of inspiration on the internet, but there’s no replacement for being able to page through a magazine, carry it with you, cut it apart, and look through it often. I love needlework magazines. They keep me current of new trends and old techniques. They seem to only get better with time, too.

  73. Hi Mary,

    What a nice site you have! The subjects are variated and very interesting. For many years I subscribed to INSPIRATION. This magazine is a treasure for an embroiderer. Sometime, I buy RAKAM, an Italian magazine. I am ZERO in Italian language and my English is bad but the pictures in those magazines are beautiful.NEW STITCHES has often nice Blackwork (I love).
    Je suis à la recherche d’un bon magazine français qui ne s’intéresse pas uniquement au point de croix. Merci Mary Louise from Québec

  74. I have a subscription to Piecework–I used to buy it from the newsstand, but I was so upset whenever I missed an issue, and also I’m a broke student and subscriptions are so much cheaper per issue, that last summer I got a two-year subscription. It’s the first subscription I’ve had in my name in about six years, I had forgotten how much fun it is to have something to read (and drool over) show up in the mail. Speaking of which, as a student of textiles I’d really love the chance to buy some of the duplicates you come up with. I’ve got to say, I don’t think I’ve ever read Inspirations . . . sadly, we don’t have many good newsstands for needlework or even crafting in general in this town, and the Borders closest to me closed, so I don’t get to browse nearly so much any more.

  75. What a great find! I have subscriptions to AS&E, Inspirations (all time fave!), Sew Beautiful (much improved now!), Threads, and the dearly departed Creative Needle. I pick up Piecework as I see it, which is not frequently. I am also in SAGA and EGA so get those mags as well. I used to have sooo many quilting mags but I donated them to the local library when we remodeled the Master Bath and Kitchen and I was purging the closets. I love ebooks, but I like to hold a magazine in my hands.

    So, will you sell some of your duplicates?

  76. Hi Mary,
    For me print magazines can never be “passe”. The ebooks and ebook readers can never replace or reproduce the pleasure we get in leafing through the pages of a book.
    I love subscribing to magazines and I do subscribe to the one and only needlework magazine available in India. I did contact the “inspirations” people to find out the cost of international subscription,but it was way too high. You are a lucky girl. I hope you enjoy organizing them.I wish I could buy the duplicate copies from you,but many have asked for the same and they came before me.

  77. I love magazines. I don’t subscribe to them anymore (the economy), but whenever I find myself in a Barnes and Noble, I purchase an ‘Inspirations’. I like it the best of all the needlework magazines. I had a subscription to ‘Piecework’ several years ago and wished it wasn’t so “all over the place” with it’s subject material. I think I got about 2 magazines that I felt like I would use and the rest of them were not about any kind of needlework I was interested in. But I love everything about ‘Inspirations’!

  78. I receive Inspiration and have most of them. This last one was great as I wanted to work on a house, it’s turning out well. I also buy Cross Stitch and Bead Weaving, wonderful. I love working with beads and her patterns are in both cross stitch and/or bead weaving. There is another one, Embroidery and Cross Stitch but hard to fine.

  79. I LOVE magazines and do not want them to go away, but I love the internet too. I hope they both continue to exist, because I can’t really curl up w/my computer….have fun!

  80. No i don’t subscribe to needle work magazines. In South Africa we don’t get needle work magazines iv’e looked for a long time and cant find anything. We don’t get newsstands! I do find that subscribing cost money and quite a bit of money. Yes i prefer the internet but even there i can’t find exactly what i’m looking for only when i come to needle and thread then it is a different story.
    I just wish that we can get those type of magazines at least anything to do with needle work it is nice to have something like that for future reference. i love learning new things for needle work(embroidery). Thankx.

  81. I love Sampler and Antique quarterly and have subscribed to that for years. I used to receive Fine Lines–another favorite until they stopped publishing. I also have quite a set of vintage needlework mags. They are all dear to me.
    Now i am collecting quilt magazines.

  82. Dear Mary I, like you, have lots of magazines, but since discovering your website I decided not to renew my subscription. I found that the content in the mags. in Australia were no longer an inspiration. Now I see that there is a mag. named Inspiration, I will look for it out here. I just love your website and the daily email is so enjoyable, I am amazed you have the time to update all the time. Thank you so much for your “inspiration” Regards Sandra

  83. I love magazines and will always buy a physical copy (until they stop printing that is). I even print off inspirations and projects from my computer because I do not like having it all stored in a fragile device. I constantly go back and look through past issues of magazines and have them bookmarked with projects I want to complete. All of this makes me feel like a dinosaur even though I’m not even 30 yet. 🙂

  84. Ohh, lucky you, imagine having a complete Inspirations library. I also pick up magazines as I stumble across ones that interest me. I subscribe to Inspirations and Gift of Stitching. Space is becoming scarce so I am learning to be more selective, but giving up Inspirations is not an option. Enjoy exploring you treasure trove.

  85. I am feeling jealous of all those Inspirations magazines. I would love to just sit and work my way through them. What will you do with the duplicates?

    I tend to get a subscription to a magazine for a year, which gives the flavour of the content. Then I move on to another, buying single copies of others when they are of special interest.

    I think the best two are Inspirations and Stitch.


  86. Hi Mary,
    That is just what I want to do with my Inspirations magazines. I have bought duplicates (but not sure which ones) as I use them so much. Inspirations is 10-15 minutes away so this beautiful shop has classes and stitch’n’chats and welcomes all. The staff & teachers are as knowledgeable & needleworkers as the magazine.
    I also purchase other Aust magazines such as Enbroidery & Cross Stitch, Handmade but found their usual beautiful items are now featured in
    Australian Country Craft & Decorating (same publisher). And also Patchwork & Stitching.

    I occasionally have bought (Aust) Quilters Companion and they have started a “Precut” Quilting Mag with DVD. This is excellent for Jelly Rolls etc…

    I used to see the Sth African embroidering mag., but see only X-stitch mags from overseas. And if I need this there is Sth Aust Jill Oxton’s Cross Stitch & Beading which is celebrating 21 years. So I have enough Aussie mags to keep me busy.

    Enjoy the sumptuous stitching in Inspirations Mary & also the fun stuff.
    Much Love

  87. Hi Mary,
    I subscribe to Inspirations although I find many of the designers I really enjoyed have moved away from them but I still look forward to receiving it in the post. I thought I had subscribed to Sampler & Antique Needlework magazine on-line but it hasn’t turned up yet so you have reminded me I need to follow it up. I also order Stitch from my News-agency and I enjoy that one too. the information I get from these magazines which I read from cover to cover time and time again is invaluable and one of the joys of my life.

  88. I also subscribe to Inspirations and I must say it is one of the best magazines I know. I get Cross Stitcher monthly but the magazine has changed lately and I don’t really like it now. Apart from the fact that I am always waiting for the magazine to arrive and it doesn’t. Their delivery security is not good and it is not cheap to subscribe to as it has to be sent abroad. As others have said I would also be interested in obtaining a few of these extra magazines.

    Keep up the good work.


  89. Therese Ryan (no.39) Dear Therese,
    I have Inspirations 70 in front of me and you are in for a treat. (And a lot of embroidery) The pattern uses Anchor & DMC stranded and is just to die for. The colours, the stitches are from pp42-55 with loads of illustrations and instructions on 5 stitches. Would you believe I am waiting for wools from USA which Barbara Jackson has used in a crewel design. They are “Heathway hand-dyed Merino wool”, I have never heard of them. (Ribbon embroidery, Mountmellick, simple stumpwork, bullions on mattress ticking for bag, threadpainting in 70)
    Katy on the Road (NO. 70) Hiya Katy, I am 99.9% sure it’s the same mag. cos sort of remember some talk that it couldn’t be called “Inspirations”….because… (and I forget) But I can check in the next few days to confirm.
    ofelia (no. 31) I just chatted with Ellaine from the Editorial team just catching up and it may not be for a couple of months before I catch her again. The Thursday night Country Bumpkin stitch’n’chat which Ellaine goes to I have another class but if bump into anyone before then will put forward your idea. It may not occur immediately – but who knows.

    Thank you Mary for allowing me to talk with your emailers. It is just that I am so proud of this publication and know that it is also not easy for Country Bumpkin to keep up their high standards in today’s climate. So please ask your local or town library to subscribe – I used this until I could afford again. This magazine must continue so please support it.
    Thank you. Happy Stitching, Susan

  90. Mary – I’m so glad you’re enjoying the magazines from my find. If anyone is going to get the most out of Inspirations, it’s you.

    I found great homes for my extra Creative Needles and AS&E that I bought, too and like you, I’ve been working my way through the remaining 85 or so mags, tagging all the “wanna-dos” with post it notes.

    I’m going to have to live to be 117 to complete all my flagged projects. LOL.


  91. I don’t subscribe, and usually I get my Inspirations cheap second hand from ebay. I used to buy it in newsagents full price if I liked the designs, but I can’t do that anymore… and since it is not on the shelves I don’t have any way to get it unless I take a longish car trip as I refuse to pay postage.
    I recently picked up a stack for 50c each. I have nearly all issues except for the really latest ones.
    If I need to learn something particular I usually hit the internet. Now that there are video tutorials the only way it would be easier to learn is finding someone willing to show you how for free… but you can’t always access those people in person at 2am when you’re in the middle of a project…. 😉

  92. Lately I am finding the cost of a subscription prohibitive. With everything a person NEEDS to buy (gas, food, electric) costing more, less is leftover for things like going out for dinner, subscriptions, and the ‘fluffier’ things of life! Sometimes I just have to make do with what I find on the magazines website, which isn’t always the BEST, but it’s better than nothing!

    I’m amazed that you finished that piece in 4 1/2 months – i think i’ll adopt the 15 min method on some projects I’ve been trying to get done. (hmmmm, I think I might have said that before!) 🙂 The piece is also beautiful, just beautiful!

  93. My current subscriptions are Piecework and S&AN. I must say I’m a bit concerned about both – they seem to be getting thinner every issue (page count, not content quality).

    I pick up Inspirations on occasion, and have gotten a couple issues of Spool, and found a few issues of the EGA magazine at a used bookstore. The local B&N seems to be geared toward cross stitch magazines – what few they still carry. Love the results of cross stitch, but it’s not my favorite needlework technique.

    I’ve considered subscribing to Inspirations, but the price has made me hesitate, but now that I’ve decided to not renew a certain German sewing magazine, I just may go for it. I may continue picking up Spool at the local needlework shop, it will give me a good excuse to stop in. And I’m still pondering joining EGA as an no-local group (what’s that called?) member.

  94. When working on something like the minature stitching project, how do you handle all the color changes. You mentioned today that a lot of stopping and starting of threads will be necessary to finish the project. What method do you use to do that?

  95. I love to go through my magazines and am in awe of people who do such beautiful work and share it.

  96. I love Love LOVE Inspirations magazine. And I do have a subscription. I also subscribe to Piecework and enjoy the articles on the history of the various forms of needlework. But it is Inspirations I turn to for, yes, inspiration, when I’m feeling hohum about my embroidery. How fortunate that you were able to acquire such a treasure trove of back issues! I can imagine the dreamlike hours I would spend poring over their beautiful contents. I even soak up the ads! I’m so happy for your good fortune. I know you’ll enjoy the sorting and reading. Best wishes, Phyllis

  97. Great Catch Mary! Inspirations is a lovely mag but I’m not a subscriber. As a member of EGA & ANG, I receive their publications & occasionally purchase Stitch (UK) when there’s an interesting project & it’s in stock at Barnes & Noble. My “must read” is Marie Claire Idees, also from B/N. This is not strictly an embroidery mag & features all kinds of eclectic textile projects: a Kaffe Fasset yo-yo quilt, a knitted birdhouse, a floral alphabet with Laine StPierre & a floral etui (kitted by Bonheur des Dames) to name a few. Free & reliable content is readily available online: Digital Archives, Antique Pattern Library, SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism), Pattern Maker charts, your site & others. Foreign language sites are surprisingly accessible, either via an English version or translation software. So while I don’t think mags are dead, the business model has changed. They need to charge for content while competing in a “free content” market. It would seem that guilds, publishers, suppliers & designers need to get together because they are all in the same boat. There is not enough disposable income to pay for all this stuff & stitchers are getting very picky.

  98. I love needlework magazines. I’m very visual and tend to index by images (in my head). If I’m looking for a certain project, I usually remember it was in a fall issue with the goldwork oak leaf on the cover. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a librarian, but it’s sometimes easier to remember based on the editor’s choice of putting an issue together. I allow my loved ones to buy me subscriptions if they can’t think of anything for a gift. I subscribe to some foreign things that I can’t get here. Otherwise, I browse the magazine rack regularly and only purchase the issues that are of interest. I do organize them by title and a little by date. Some have too many techniques to sort by that.

  99. Ciao Maria, ottimo acquisto anche se avrai del lavoro per sistemare tutto! Io ho fatto in passato abbonamenti ma forse ho cambiato gusto e mi sono stancata delle riviste italiane. Ho avuto anche un abbonamento con una rivista americana ma non ero soddisfatta. Attualmente compero se mi interessano perchè non ho molto tempo per guardare i giornali. Quando li ho, leggo ogni parola e trovo bellissimo sfogliare le pagine piuttosto che guardare in net. Le riviste comunque costano sempre troppo, a mio parere, e ancor più i libri. A qualche mostra compero il libro perchè voglio avere il ricordo di quello che ho visto e in una in particolare, mettono anche gli schemi e le spiegazioni! Io amo tutta la mia raccolta e ne sono gelosa.
    Grazie per le tue osservazioni e anche per stimolare con i nostri commenti, la trovo molto interessante. Buona giornata Maria!

  100. I have to ask again – where do you store everything? I would love to subscribe to Inspirations. I have a few that JoAnns gets once in awhile (40% coupon) but other than that it’s rather pricey. Still, it’s beautiful.

    I love needlework magazines, but have a hard time getting rid of them. They are all so beautiful and full of projects I want to do.

  101. I currently subscribe only to two quilting magazines. I used to get a few cross stitch magazines, but as the fervor of cross stitch wore off I figured that with all the books, leaflets and magazines, I have enough patterns to last a long time. I’d love to read a magazine devoted to embroidery only, but have never seen one. As such, I’m grateful for all the wonderful websites (yours included) that offer everything from embroidery news, patterns and …. just about anything a magazine would offer.

  102. I love inspirations magazine, lucky getting so many!! I can’t afford to subscribe at present, and they are no longer selling through local newsagents so they are hard to get hold off!

  103. Inspirations is a magnificent publication. I love the inspiring photographs in magazines. I subscribe to a quilting magazine but your website is the most amazing. The photos are great and I still cannot comprehend when you sleep! I appreciate your book reviews as they are very helpful.

  104. Oh my gosh I am totally drooling. I have some misses in Inspirations, 3 of the first ten and then when I got divorced and couldn’t afford anything. I just found the Sampler and Antigue one and have holes all over in that collection. I wish magazines w2ould NOT string designs over more than one magazine, I have a lot of half designs with this magazine.

  105. I’m an avid collector of needlework mags, and Inspirations is one of my favorites too! I also love Stitch (with embroiderers guild), an English magazine. Like your fellow needleworker I bought a large quantity of this “Stitch” magazine for only a couple of issues. Would you be interested in buying my back issues of Stitch?


    PS I love your work, and look forward to your emails regarding your ongoing projects.

  106. I am also looking for A back issue of Inspiration. It would be over 10 year old and it has a baby bunting in it with embroidery blue ribbon, bear, and flowers. It is white lined in blue check. I made this at one time and cannot find my copy. I would love to make again. If you have a duplicate copy please let me know.

    Thank you

  107. I have just discovered this site; as the comment about the wonderful offer of duplicate copies of various needlework magazines that was made to its author was written in May 2011 I doubt if there are any copies still available! I would like to be able to purchase Issue 10 of “Inspirations” (or “Classic Inspirations” as I believe it is called in England.)I have subscribed to this wonderful Australian needlework magazine from its inception. I loaned my copy of Issue 10 to a fellow needleworker, but unfortunately she moved house and my magazine was lost! So I have every issue, except No.10.
    Val Jenkins (New Zealand)

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