
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Interlaced Herringbone – Printable Tutorial Available!


Amazon Books

I admit I went way overboard on this one! What I intended to be a quick, basic tutorial turned into something so thorough that by the time you finish going through it, you will be a master of the Interlaced Herringbone! You’ll be able to do it in your sleep…

Interlaced Herringbone Printable Tutorial

Stitch Printables: Interlaced Herringbone Stitch is a 37-page PDF booklet on the Interlaced Herringbone Stitch. I know what you’re thinking! 37 pages on one stitch?! Don’t worry – I’m thinking the same thing!! But in my defense, the page count includes table of contents, resources, printable charts, and the like.

As you work through the tutorials in the booklet, you’ll learn how to work the double herringbone stitch and the basic interlaced herringbone band, and then how to work the band around a corner. After that, you’ll learn how to work it on a whole frame, and finally, how to work it on a circle. The booklet is arranged from the simpler to the more complex, so that you can build your skills as you work through the booklet.

The booklet begins with a materials list and information for left-handed stitchers. The whole booklet is organized with a table of contents so you can easily navigate through the tutorials, and it ends with a resource page, listing places where you can find all the materials I used throughout the tutorials.

Interlaced Herringbone Printable Tutorial

The printable is filled (and I mean filled) with color, step-by-step photo instructions, covering everything from starting and ending your threads (two different ways), to mapping out the layout of the design, using it on even-weave fabric, transferring your design to plain-weave fabric, to stitching each step of the double herringbone stitch, lacing the double herringbone stitch, starting new threads – you name it. Anything you need to know about the interlaced herringbone, it’s in here.

Interlaced Herringbone Printable Tutorial

The instruction in the Printable is rounded out with clear diagrams, to make sure you understand the placement of the stitches and how they all work together.

Interlaced Herringbone in a Circle

By the time you work your way through the Printable, you’ll be able to figure out exactly how to work the interlaced herringbone in any stitching situation.

Interlaced Herringbone Printable Tutorial

Once you’ve saved the Printable to your computer, you can refer to it on your computer without going online, you can print the whole thing and save it in your own stitch binder, or, to save on paper, you can print just the pages you need, to learn the things you want to learn. To save on ink, you can print using a “draft” setting on your printer or you can print in black and white. So how you use the Printable is up to you!

You’ll find Stitch Printables: Interlaced Herringbone Stitch available in my shop here on Needle ‘n Thread. The booklet is $5.

Stitch Printables: Interlaced Herringbone Stitch comes to you in PDF format (11.5MB). It is delivered through an auto-download, so shortly after your purchase, you’ll receive an e-mail with a download link in your inbox. If you have any difficulties with the procedure, just let me know and I’ll help you out.

And of course, you aren’t at all obliged to purchase the Printable to learn the basics of this stitch! You can find a free tutorial for interlaced herringbone here. But if you’re looking for more thorough instruction and problem-solving with the interlaced herringbone, you’ll find all that in Stitch Printables: Interlaced Herringbone Stitch!


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(26) Comments

  1. The way I was taught is much easier. You stitch it all in one pass, from one end, and the stitches don’t need to be woven – the over and under is done for you.

    Of course, you still have to weave in the second color thread if you want that.

  2. Thank you Mary. You put a lot of work and inspiration into a fun booklet. Now if my download will hurry up I can start enjoying the fruit of your labors. (Very slow internet out here.)



  3. Mary, I don’t know how to purchase the Interlaced Herringbone PDF. My cart shows 0 in it. I’ve tried everything and can’t seem to find the right place to buy it. HELP! Great idea to do this. Lovin it.

  4. Fantastic, Mary!

    Great job! It’s so cool seeing your ideas take off! You really deserve a big pat on the back along with a day off.

  5. Hi Mary:

    I love this idea and will be buying the tutorial. I’m a collector of stitch dictionaries and love to spend time with my doodle cloth and my stitch instructions learning new techniques. This will be my next appointment with the doodle cloth. I look forward to the next printables and hope they are well received.


  6. Bonjour Marie, suis française, je ne parle pas anglais mais je suis fan de vos letters. comment faire pour suivre et acheter vos documents en euros ? merci pour votre dévouement

    1. merci Mary je suis actuellement en vacances loin de chez moi je ferai en rentrant à la maison bonne journée violette

  7. Hi Mary,

    So my very sloooooooow internet timed out after trying 4 or 5 times to download the PDF. In the past I have downloaded your lessons and your other book just fine. However we are on expedition out in the boonies and verizon is not consistent. is there another way I could get the pdf?



  8. Forgot to mention in my remarks that my favorite needlework is Crewel. I also like Redwork, Crochet, knitting, Quilting., etc. Problem is no time for everything.

  9. Excellent book. Very clearly written with good illustrations.

    Only one comment – the colors used are so similar in value that a B&W print-out was useless. Next book, would you please use threads that can be distinguished better in B&w?

  10. Mary!
    I just received my download of the herringbone tutorial! It’s fantastic…I just browsed some of the pages and your detail for instruction(s) is amazing! Thanks so much!! You know I use your stitches in my art quilts and reference your wonderful site often!! Again, thanks for all you do…now back to reading!

  11. Me parece una gran idea preparar tutoriales para unos puntos determinados a bajo precio. Te deseo mucha suerte en este proyecto. Por cierto ¿existe la posibilidad de conseguirlo en otros idiomas? ¿español, por ejemplo?. Espero tu respuesta.

  12. Mary I want to thank you for these printables. I just bought both of them. I love the idea. I have always learned from books and although I like the idea of looking at video to see someone do somethingI haven’t done before.There are a lot of times that I cannot look at a video such as when waiting in a doctors office or ridding in a car. Or just sitting and talking with friends, Also before got my laptop recently videos were a problem so thank you so much for writing and making the printables.

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