
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Yes, It’s a Fire Screen


Amazon Books

Remember this needlepoint “tapestry” that I picked up for a song? Well, I told you that I bought it for the “frame” it came in, and asked you to guess what it was. I thought I was being So Smug and Secretive. But you all guessed it right off the bat – thank you for unsmugging me!

I was going to stage some photos to show off the fire screen. But I don’t have a fireplace, and the thing is really too big for my minuscule living room. You might be wondering why the heck I bought it, then – and I don’t blame you! I find myself wondering the same thing! But I’m glad I did!

Needlepoint Tapestry in a Firescreen

Here’s the whole fire screen, with the needlepoint tapestry center. The pictures don’t do the frame justice. The wood has a nice warm glow to it, and the whole screen is in very good shape.

Needlepoint Tapestry in a Firescreen

The wood is really pretty. I’m not sure what kind of wood it is, but it has a nice grain. The finish is smooth as glass. It’s not super-ornate, but the top has this finial and curve thing going on …

Needlepoint Tapestry in a Firescreen

… and the base has a bit of a wave touched with a simple accent.

Needlepoint Tapestry in a Firescreen

This is a close-up of the side. It needs a good cleaning!

I have no idea of the history of the piece, where it comes from, how old it is, or anything of that sort. I’m sure it’s not that old. I’d be tempted to put it in the latter part of the 1900’s – the 60’s or 70’s, for example – when needlepoint was enjoying a resurgence of popularity.

I bought it for the frame itself. I’ve always wanted a fire screen (even though I don’t have a fireplace!) because I’ve always wanted to embroider something for the inside of one. This at least gives me a place to start.

Different Types of Fire Screens

There are different types of fire screens in the history of furniture. I think it would make more sense to call the one I’ve acquired a “fireplace screen” because it is not really meant for directing heat, but rather for covering up, in a decorative way, the gaping mouth of an empty fireplace.

Antique Fire Screen

Over at Ruby Lane antiques, there’s this oh-so-pretty fire screen that is actually a heat-directing fire screen. The center decorative screen pivots so that the heat can be directed away from (or towards) the people around the fireplace. I’d almost give my right arm for that one! I think it’s so pretty – and the beaded needlepoint figure is really different! But… uh… well. It’s not in the budget. Not by a long shot.

Then there are the spindly pole fireplace screens. The screen itself could move up and down on the pole, depending on the height or sitting position of the person it was shielding. Primarily, these were used to keep the heat or glare of the fire off the face of the ladies. Though they’re often seen with embroidered or needlepointed decoration, they were also commonly painted or decorated with paper collages and the like.

Then of course, we have today’s fireplace screen, which is usually some kind of metal mesh, used to protect the surrounding surfaces from sparks that fly from the lighted fire.

Compared to some screens out there, especially the more elaborate antique fire screens from the 19th century, my frame isn’t all that magnificent, I know. But I like it! I’m not exactly sure what I will do with it in the long run, but it’s a good (and affordable) starting point for an idea that’s been bumbling about in my head for a while.

So, if you had had the opportunity to pick this up for a song, would you have leaped at the chance? Would you think it “sacrilegious” of me to remove the original needlepoint and replace it with something of my own making? If you did that, what would you do with the old needlepoint? What are your thoughts about my new acquisition? Feel free to share them below!

Oh – and if you think I’m silly for buying it in the first place, given the fact that I don’t have a fireplace, and I don’t have a living room that can accommodate the thing, feel free to say so! There’s still a part of me that’s thinking the same thing…


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(80) Comments

  1. Hi Mary,
    I think it’s lovely! I would definitely buy something like that. I have two fireplaces, and it would look so much better than the metal screens I have now. Some of my furniture is from antique stores, although not antiques themselves. I might take the tapestry out and make it into a pillow or a rug, I don’t like it much. So what will you put into it? A nice crewel piece, perhaps?

    1. Yes, I’m thinking crewel. Actually, I’m thinking along the lines of Hazel Blomkamp’s crewel-type work. I love her vivacious stuff!! But the screen is BIG, so I’m thinking this may be one of those life-long type projects! 🙂

  2. Its a lovely firescreen. So what that you don’t have a fireplace or a big living room.
    None of this is important.
    You wanted it, you bought it. Hurrah. Good for you.
    I can’t wait to see what you do with it.

  3. It is far more beautiful than I imagined! It did not disappoint, as it looked far different than I thought! More beautiful! I would do exactly as you, Mary…

    I’m a thrift store junky… I love to find pretty frames and holders for my stitched items. I also buy purse handles! The ladies at the store are usually going… Wow! What a buy! You got a great item! etc. etc.

    Then I get home and cut the purse off with my scissors, so I can design, stitch and sew on my own!

    As I also have been going through my late husband’s belongings, trying to pare them down… You may have to use what I call “gradual elimination.” At first you think, it’s too good to toss away! So roll it up and save it.

    A couple of weeks later, I usually think, can I sell it on ebay? Do a little research there… Roll it up and put it away.

    A little later on, it’s like, where is that thing?

    Look for it for a couple of weeks!

    By that time, I can usually release to be a treasure in the thrift box that someone else can find!!!!

    Best of luck!

  4. Hi Mary! We have a fireplace and I’ve always been intriqued by fireplace screens like the one you are showing. How did they not catch on fire? We have a metal screen over our fireplace and sparks do fly (there is a nice burn place on my carpet right smack dab in front of the fireplace hearth to prove that sparks do indeed fly out of the fireplace, landing on precious carpet, and burning a nice dark hole into it).

    As for what to do with the current needlepoint work inside the screen…I’d probably take it out and upholster it onto a footstool and give it as a gift to someone if I didn’t have room for it. I’ve found several footstools at flea markets that are reasonable in price but just need upholstering. Of course, that depends on what the shape is once you’ve taken it out and cleaned it up. I would imagine if it were used as a fireplace screen that it’s quite dirty. Ahhhh, something to do in my retirement years. I do wish they would hurry along and get here.
    Have a great holiday season Mary!
    Brenda, Wilmington, Ohio

    1. Some firescreens are meant for sitting in front of the fireplace when there’s no fire going, they simply hide any mess that may be there. I sometimes wonder if they used to fit tighter to cut down on drafts. Besides needlework versions, I’ve also seen painted wood panels.

  5. No, you’re not silly to buy a firescreen, Mary. Especially not such a neat and pretty one as that. And you are not silly to want to put your own needlework in it, in place of the pleasant but totally unremarkable needlepoint that’s in there now.

    Perhaps we have more firescreens of the fire-place-filling type over here in the UK – they’re still quite common, and were being made well into the 1950s and beyond. People like them because they fill the empty hearth when they have central heating. The kind that slides on a pole, we call a ‘pole screen’ – those are rare these days, because they have no real use. The mesh sort to stop sparks is called a ‘fireguard’.

    It doesn’t matter that you don’t currently have a suitable fireplace, does it? You will have all the fun of designing and stitching your screen, and end up with a nice, portable, freestanding item to take out to talks and to workshops, if you wish. And one day, somewhere, you will surely come across a cold, empty fireplace that is just crying out for a beautiful firescreen to share its life. And that will be a magic moment!

  6. That is lovely. The needlepoint in it does remind me of the needlepoint I remember when I was a child (60s/70s) — one purchased the canvas with that middle part (you know, the *interesting* part) already done, then filled in the background. That seemed mind-numbingly boring to me and is possibly why I was slow to take up canvas work. If the flowers had been done in petit-point, I’d have dated it earlier. My great grandmother did a rocking chair(!) cover and the floral part was “over one” while the background was “over two” making a lovely contrast. Sadly I no longer have that rocking chair…

  7. Hi Mary, I love the frame. It’s simple, but very elegant. And the needlepoint is very pretty. An excellent buy. Will you be keeping the frame and needlepoint together? What are you plans for both?
    Jeannette S. in PA

  8. Dear Mary,
    Your firescreen gives me an idea. Like you, I have a very small living room. Under the window, there is a big hole fitted with an air conditioner. Try to decorate around that! Recently, at the church rummage sale, I found a needlepoint kit of two cats sleeping before a fireplace. I am going to make it up and mount it on a firescreen frame and put it in front of that airconditioned. Imay even make a few more, so I can change the picture to suit the season.
    Thanks for the idea.

  9. HI Mary,

    Yes! I would have bought it too and I don’t have a fireplace either. lol I like the piece that’s in it. It would make a beautiful pillow. Looking forward to see whatever you do with it.


  10. Hello Mary,
    People are always saying that you should fill your home with things that you love. If it spoke to you, then it’s not a silly purchase. I think it’s a lovely frame and a great idea to personalise it with your own creation. I recently bought 6m of fabric because I thought the print on it was perfect for embroidering and would make fabulous wall hangings, but I don’t have that much wall space, not to mention the time it would take to make them all! So I can sympathise with your plight 🙂

  11. What a treasure!! The stand is gorgeous….I would definitely use something I’ve made to replace the print as you did. It’s a beautiful piece, and I wouldn’t care if I had a fireplace or not….I’d use it anywhere in my living room/family room where it would stand out and be noticed by visitors! Great find, Mary! Congrats…..

  12. This is a wonderful screen! That Ruby Lane screen certainly is gorgeou$. I’m not sure if I would have bought a firescreen before, but now I’d have to say, yes, I would. And I’d have no hesitation at replacing the center – maybe a crewel piece based on something from the Crewel Twists book?

  13. My goofy sense of humor would make me want to replace the needlepoint (reusing it somewhere else, of course….) and replacing it with a glorious needlepainting of a roaring fire. tee hee…..

  14. Yes, I would have bought it, and I think it’s okay to remove the needlepoint and replace it with something else. The needlepoint could be made into a pillow or something that would fit into your tiny living room.

  15. I personally would leave it as is, but then I don’t have your ability to replace it with something “better”. I would have bought it too if it had been in my budget. I think it’s gorgeous!!

  16. I kind of like the whole thing, even with all the floral frou-frou in the middle. I know I’m being overly cautious but before you start tearing it apart or cleaning the wood, do some research to find out where it was made and when. It might be worth more than you know historically speaking. (Yes, I confess: I watch Antiques Roadshow)

    1. Ahhh yes. Antiques Roadshow – if we could just land that one thing from our attic that really is worth something!!! LOL! But I’m pretty sure this isn’t too precious. Still, I’ll go slowly – why ruin a good thing, anyway? The tapestry definitely needs cleaning. Good thing it’s wool! ~MC

  17. Oh, what a lovely find. You’d have been crazy NOT to get it!!! LOL. As someone else mentioned, surround yourself with things you love. If you need a place for that center needlepoint when you remove it, I have a piano bench that could use it! Hahaha! I’m sure with thought you will find a grand place for it all.

  18. I would have leaped over you at the chance to pick this up – it is fabulous…and I have a fireplace and have always wanted a screen (we have the glass door/chain screen for the sparks)! I think I would make a pillow or small hearth rug to have a little vignette off to the side…hard to tell on the computer screen, but looks like it would even match my family room!

  19. I don’t think you were silly to buy it! I’d be having a very hard time removing the needlework tho, even tho it wouldn’t go with a thing in my house. I think it is much older than you imagine. I’d say late 1800’s, not mid 1900’s. Just mho 🙂

  20. Hi Mary,

    I would not have an issue with removing and repurposing both frame and needlework in this case. I’m a great believer in the creativity of this kind of action (ie framing vintage needleworked purses on the wall). As an antiques dealer specializing in textiles, I think what you’ve got there is a repro screen with late 18th century elements in walnut or mahogany dating to the first half 20th century, probably c.1940, with the needlework same period.

    I enjoy your musings and skill and references very much which teach and inspire me!

  21. Dear Mary

    What a lovely firescreen I can understand why you bought it I love the stylised curve at the top. You could take the tapestry out and make it into a footstool. Yes I agree a crewel piece would suit the style of the wooden screen.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  22. No, not a bad purchase at all. If it speaks to you, it speaks to you. I am pretty sure that all of us have done things like this at least once.

    If you feel really bad about not having a fireplace to put it in front of, they sell some really nice electric fireplaces for really reasonable. You can always get one of those to put it in front of. You could even put it in your studio so you could sit and stitch next to a roaring “fire”.

    1. Craig’s List! It’s the first thing I ever bought off there. My sister sent me the link, and I figured why not go look at the thing? (Though it was a 2+ hour drive – but it gave us a good excuse to go out to lunch in the city and do some other shopping! Hey, any excuse!)

  23. Where’d you buy it? I’ve heard that when decorating your home, buy what you love and in the end, it will all go together. I don’t know if that works or not, but more power to you for starting with what you like! I feel sorta ambiguous as I am sure the original needlepoint took a long time for someone to make, so I hope it will be reused for something just as special for someone. As far as your work goes, it will be outstandingly beautioooo, in that awesome firescreen.

  24. Wondering if the needlepoint would fit onto a footstool or rocking chair back.
    I really think the wood looks mahogany.
    It’s a great find. My husband would have been saying, “what do you want with that?” Just like he did when I bought an armoire off the street for $280 that is appraised for $6000!

  25. Hi Mary, Well done what a lovely piece. I can’t resist a bargain either especially if I can see some potential for it. From the photo of the side of the frame I think the timber may be English oak, but I’m no expert and I would prefer to see it before making a judgement on that one. I have often found when taking a “find” apart I come across more clues as to its age and origins and it would make a lovely large cushion. I’m not a tapestry fan I think it is like colouring in with wool but I would need to find a use for it as it is in such good condition. I think a piece of Crewel would look fabulous in it, a tree of life, or Phillips Turnbull’s Mellerstain Fire screen or perhaps something from the Taliferano collection perhaps. Your choice lucky girl.Could you have it modified when your new piece is ready to be fitted so that the top actually lifts up to become a small table then folds down again to take up less space when not required.

  26. you always make me smile. love your stories of found items and the history research you do. as to the fire screen….being a long time drifter in second hand stores and flea markets where the history of our country remains….if it speaks to your heart and you got the cash….buy it and take it home to learn it’s stories or if you are gifted….hear it’s stories for the ancestors. keep up the beautiful work you do.

  27. I agree with Lilian, you put into your home things you love. Each time you pass them they give you back such joy! If you remove the center I’d think of framing it again. It is so beautiful. Your handwork would be priceless in it. If you want to think ‘outside the box’, as they say, I think it would be fun in a bedroom or closet with a mirror inset to view your clothes and shoes to be sure your cordinated. However, I really love it as it is! I too would have bought it!! Lucky you! Gloria in Texas

  28. I actually like the one you bought more than the more expensive one at Ruby Lane.

    As to your question, I would have bought the screen you bought in a New York minute! Let me know when you get ready to sell it.

  29. I don’t have a fireplace either but I would pick this up and put it on the sofa table with a tall lamp and a small plant or something. It would make a beautiful backdrop!

  30. Don’t hesitate to remove the needlework from the frame–the wide black border looks like ‘make do’ to fit the space and so the composition looks awkward .

    No fireplace, oh my. Set it up on a chest or other sturdy piece of furniture. If you decided to make needlework that is translucent, such as shadow embroidery, you could place it before a window ( on the above-mentioned chest, LOL. )

    By the way, without the least proof, it looks between 1920-1950 to me.

  31. What a great buy! I definitely would have purchased it. It’s very pretty, but I do feel that the needlepoint is a bit out of scale with the framing. So, I’d not feel too guilty removing it. The screen frame is gorgeous and colonial style so it would be quite appropriate to put a pretty crewel piece into it. You’re a great designer…make your own!

  32. Ya know, sometimes you just have to do a thing whether it makes sense at the time or not. Who knows, you may someday move to a place that has a fireplace, or need to cover something in a bedroom corner, or, who knows. You can be glad you prepared for a rainy,huh, fiery day…..

  33. Of course you did the right thing buying it!! Don’t stop now — you can buy a portable electric fireplace to put behind it!!!

  34. I believe that the addage says “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. I do not think you are crazy for buying it if you like it. Not everyone likes those old-fashioned, frou-frouey, overly decorated, cupid-faced, overly metal-leafed, victorian (and other) styled antique styled stuff. The same idea applies to many of those old cathedrals in Europe, the cathedral in Amiens, France for example. There is soooo much decoration (inside and out) it is hard to absorb it all in the short time you have to enjoy it. Personally, I think that a smidge of flourish is just fine, but there is such a thing as too much. I suppose it depends on upbringing and taste, if your favorite great aunt was the stiff victorian type (like my paternal gg granfamily) who rigidly insisted on a more formal and “proper” type of existence, maybe you will like frou-frou. But if your favorite great aunt had a less rigid, frugal or “take what we can find/get”, not as picky existence (like my maternal gg granfamily who grew up in NM during the depression) maybe that is what you prefer. It is also possible that if your gg aunt (or whoever) WAS far too rigid (or not rigid enough for your taste) and a person grew up dreading having to visit that persons (like rigid gg granfamily for me) home, then maybe they don’t care for anything that reminds them of that.

  35. Hi Mary, I did a large cross stitch picture of bamboo shoots arching across the fabric which was intended to be for a firescreen but when finished my husband had it framed and hung in his office. The pattern was a DMC freebe. I hope you go for a slightly modern design for the replacement of the those flowers. Good luck!

  36. I would love to be lucky enough to find one if these. I’ve seen them in England but didnt want to drag it back or pay to have it pkg up and shipped. Buy I’m sure ill break one day. What a wonderful way to display a samer.

  37. Dear Mary, please delete my earlier comment… I hurriedly read your blog this a.m. and thought the one you were wanting to discard was the old guy with the harp!

    Re-purposing the tapestry is a great idea. Do you have a piano bench?


  38. I bought a fireplace screen a number of years ago (and have a fireplace!) and although a little more modern it seems to be about the same size. But I have had a hard time finding a pattern to stitch. It now has a cross stitched bouquet of flowers but I have never been happy with it and am always looking for something another pattern but it has to be big. If anyone has any suggestions for cross stitch or a charted needlpoint pattern would love to know.

  39. You did the right thing buying this item. It is an outward manifestation of your personality. You may not be able to put your reasons into words for others to read, but that is insignificant. You will enjoy replacing the embroidered panel so just do it. Remember that the previous owner no longer wanted it anyway. No fireplace? Look in your heart.
    Of course beauty is a luxury, but that makes it more wonderful when we have some.

  40. Oh Mary, I love this firescreen! The first thing I noticed was the finial in the center – you’re right, it’s a great curvy thing! I don’t have a fireplace either and also have a mini-living room, but if I came upon a similar buy, I would snap it up.
    Had I your talent, I would definitely remove the current needlework and replace it with my own work. Then, I would take the original work, give it a good cleaning, frame it and put it on the wall in a conspicuous place to honor the person who did the work even though that person is not known to you. Or to honor all those folks who have taught us and handed down the needle arts through the centuries.
    Have a lovely holiday,
    Judith in Honolulu

  41. Hello Mary – I think the firescreen is just beautiful. I too have a fire screen – mine has a silk embroidered peacock on it – I am a bit fanatic about peacocks – I think it is about 1940ish. Anyway my sister bought it for me after we were both admiring it in an antique store – she knew I had always wanted a fire screen and that I love peacocks – what a sweetie And no I do not have a fireplace and my living room is very small – it sits in there though in front of the heater that is not in use at the moment (too hot here downunder)! I reckon you should create your own masterpiece for your screen – the older piece would make a lovely picture or a great floor pillow to watch tv with!

  42. Mary,
    It is a lovely firescreen both the frame and the tapestry. and it is all in really good condition. This is definitely a screen for use in the summer months to cover up the sooty fireplace cavity. I think that, when you take it apart, you may find that the border area will contain the makers/designer/ name/company and then you may be able to research when it was originally available. My guess would be the 30s and completed in the long, dark and lonely evenings of the 40s. I know that you will let us know what you will find when you excavate.
    Have fun, Ann

  43. Mary, I love your web site, look up stitches how tos, and your daily notes. I’m getting to feel like I know you!

    Maybe you can use the screen in front of the TV when company comes?

    thanks for all you do. Call me “inspired” – patsy

  44. Mary,
    How dare you question yourself! I think it’s marvelous that you saw a “deal” and treated yourself. If you hadn’t made this purchase, you’d be kicking yourself. So, if that made you happy, be proud and smile every time you look t it. And if you never put your own work in it, that’s okay, too. Enjoy life and all it’s little pleasure they say.
    Happiest of holidays to you and yours.
    Claire in Florida

  45. Perfectly understandable wanting to own a nice antique that is suitable for needlework display. So, you’ll make a new canvas screen for it and remove the old one, right? That should be a fun, long-term project. What will you do with it after completion?

  46. keep the needlepoint in the fire screen frame — use it to de-mark an area of a room — or get one of those clever eletrici pseudo-fire places that provide electric heat for your sewing room.

  47. What is a needlework studio without at least a few pieces on display? To twist Jane Austen a bit: There must be a corner in want of a fireplace screen! There must indeed!

    In my “old” sewing room, I often displayed beautiful pieces acquired along the road in life. It’s the room I spend most of my time in, and thus is the place where I can enjoy them the most. (With no complaints:)

    It’s a lovely piece! Enjoy the frame and whatever you plan for inside.

  48. Not silly at all. I have an inherent need to maintain old things so taking it apart is not something I would do. I don’t believe it’s wrong to repurpose the piece anyway you want you saved it so enjoy it. However could you mount another piece on the other side. Since you won’t be using it as an actual fire screen perhaps that would work. You found a great piece and I would have jumped st it myself if I had seen it. Whatever you end up doing enjoy your find.

  49. I would have definately bought it too Mary! I have too. One my Mum did when she was first married that is in my bedroom infront of the fire place that is never alight! I also kept walking past one that had been painted white with a gorgeous rose needlepoint insert at a favourite market of mine that I was lusting and lusting after, but I knew I didn’t have any room…..so I showed my sister and she bought it, which is nearly as good because know I see it all the time!! I love a bargain on ebay, thrift store etc…..I can’t help myself even if I don’t have room or don’t really need it. Of course many of the things I buy end as props in Inspirations! (Well that’s my excuse!!)

  50. I can’t tell you how many times I have purchased something I had no use for. Sometimes we find things that we know for sure will make us or someone else happy. And your new firescreen is so beautiful it’s sure to make you happy!

  51. Who cares whether you have a fireplace, Mary. It is such a beautiful piece of furniture which you can use in any way you like.

  52. Hi Mary,
    If you’ve wanted something for a long time, you see it: you buy it (if it does not break the bank). If you hum and Ha about it, when you decide you really want it, you go back – and it’s gone!
    Life is too short. Follow your dreams

  53. My sister and I visited a hospital thrift shop – she went one and I the other. We each saw “it”. We met up “hey did you see …” and so by virtue of the fact we never agree on anything we bought “it”. We rented a truck for the day and then dropped it off at a friends garage until our “new” house was ready to move-in. Then we rented a truck again and lugged it into the house….we received lots of compliments and oohs and ahs. Then we moved again and wondered WHY did we buy this long big “it”. It fit perfectly in the den. And then the house burned down and “it” was destroyed too. So now we relish the memory of our beautiful antique five-seater pew with theater style seats. Enjoy the fire-place screen for the artistry and unique purchase on a whim.

  54. Of course you’re mad but so am I. I too bought a screen – painted black, top finials missing and no compensation of a piece of embroidery inside. Incidentally does it still have the glass? I suspect your wood is mahogany and the style about 1920’s if from the UK. Those finials are all over Edwardian furniture that is pretending to be Georgian. Good luck – lost mine in a move – suspect husband….

  55. Hello Mary,
    It’s a delightful screen especially the finial and the subdued ornament. These were made originally in the 17th and 18th Century and would have been about 15 or 18 inches square and would have been on a satnd with a tall pole on which the screen could be slid up and down as need, this enabled the ladies of the time to fix the screen between their faces and the fire to prevent direct heat and scroching. Tater they became large and floor mounted to protect the whole person from heat.
    If you really can’t find room for it then how about removing the legs and hanging in the hallway over a small table or something.

  56. I would have leapt at the chance – OK, so no fire – but what the heck? It’s a beautiful piece of needlework! 🙂

  57. I love your screen and do not think you foolish to buy it. I am going to buy one someday when I see one. Since you don’t have a fireplace, maybe you could use it as a room divider. The needlepoint is pretty, too. You can always use it as a pillow.

  58. Mary,
    Love yours, And the one you’d love to have.
    Sometimes there is just something we see that we just have to have. At least I know that’s been my history.
    These are unique, beautiful, and the frames are masterful as well. Works of art and a piece of history.

  59. I am in no way an expert in these things, but my husband the woodworker and I both believe the wood to be one of the walnuts (there are several types). It doesn’t look red enough for mahogany. I don’t believe it was ever a pole screen since it has quite well-developed legs which they don’t have and it looks larger. Of course that impression could be wrong since you neglected to put a ruler in the picture for those of us who are a little anal-retentive about such things.

    I do like the man with the harp – well his frame, mostly. I don’t even mind the flowers but they are a bit predictable aren’t they, and if you got it (in this case the talent to change it) flaunt it.

    1. Yes, I believe you’re right about the walnut – a wood working friend of mine said the same thing when he saw it up close. You’re also right that it wouldn’t be a pole screen – way too big. I mentioned the dimensions of the piece when writing about the tapestry – it’s 27.5″ x 28.5″, and then you can figure a couple inches all around for the frame. -MC

  60. I inherited beautiful needlepoint from my great aunt many years ago. I was hoping to find a spindly pole screen; I haven’t have any luck.
    I see these screens on TV and in pictures of estates. Do you have any suggestions.
    Thank you.

  61. Oh my goodness I purchesed afireplace screen online in 2008 for exactly the same reason. At the time I had a very large fireplace, but have since downsized but I still love it. I did, in fact take out the original needlepoint and had a new canvas made that is just about now complete – its ready to be blocked. I started it in 2009 worked on it for about a year and got frustrated when a part of it wasn’t looking like I wanted. So I set it aside, moved, remodeled a much smaller place and then in October 2013 broke my ankle. Being laid up a bit I picked up the unfinshed piece with a new determination to finish it by Easter 2014. While its not yet in it’s frame I still figure I met my deadline and I’m really excited to show the finished work to Leigh Des9igns who painted the original canvas for me. I can send pics if you’d like to see.
    Best Regards, Carrie

  62. Hi there, just bought a embroidered fire guard, how do I clean the art work inside the framed guard.,thanks and love your piece

  63. The top one looks like Mogogany and the one with the music player looks like Rosewood.
    They can be verru hard to get and very expensive.

    1. I am a Dutchman and my english is not that good.
      Its Mohogany and its also very hard;-))


  64. How about a tutorial showing how to make and assemble a HISTORICAL inspired fire pole including a needlework piece

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