Thanks to all who participated in the give-away run earlier this week for five full skeins of overdyed threads from Lorraine at LES Designs!
It was a fun give-away, and interesting to hear your preferences on colors and thread types. There’s nothing quite like discussing embroidery threads with a bunch of thread lovers! We do get enthusiastic, don’t we?

But on to the winner, because I know that’s what you really want to hear!
The winner is… Teresa Murphy, who responded to the questions thusly:
I have to say that these fibers are amazing. I had never seen them before. I really like the different pearl cottons in the same colorways, but the silks are just fabulous. So I think I would go for some silk and use them in a stitch sampler pattern I have. Thank you. Teresa Lynn
Congratulations, Teresa! If you would drop me an email with your mailing address, I’ll send the information along to Lorraine and you two can work out the details of the prize together.
Thanks again to Lorraine at LES Designs for offering the threads for a give-away!
Enjoy your Saturday!
G’day Mary…
…and way to go Teresa! Congratulations, and enjoy doing that sampler, sounds like a lovely way to use your special threads, a winner whichever way you look at it!
Cheers, Kath.
Congrats to the winner – they are beautiful threads!
I did not bother to enter this one because I have a shop full of embroidery supplies that will take me 3 lifetimes to use up!
Hope the winner enjoys it and shares pics!
Congratulations Teresa! You’re going to have a great time with these threads. I have a few monochromatic samplers that would also be perfect for threads like these. Now don’t be like me and just keep the threads to look at and enjoy. Be sure to stitch up something wonderful with them. 🙂
Hi Mary! I am so glad that I came across your website and subscribed to your emails. I love seeing your progress on projects. I grew up learning to embroider, but haven’t done it for a long time. Seeing your emails and seeing other projects on places like pinterest inspired me to start again. I started really basic and just posted my first project in over 20 years. Thanks so much for your all your work! It has really helped me to dive back in.