
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needlework Snips for Weekend Reading


Amazon Books

Happy Saturday! And here’s to a glorious weekend!

Now, settle yourself in with a nice cup of coffee, and let’s explore some needlework snips together! Some good reading, some inspiration, some stitching ideas…

Coffee Embroidery

And yes, you may have a cupcake, too.

Let’s start with some good reading, specifically about embroidery techniques, and more specifically about metal thread embroidery techniques.

Needlework Techniques by Jane Zimmerman

Jane Zimmerman is a well-known name in fine embroidery in the US. In case you don’t know who she is, she has website, and on it, she has some excellent resources. Specifically, take time to read her Needlework Technique Chapters. So far, she has added metal thread embroidery chapters, and they are really good!

Lovely Linen!

Thomas Ferguson Irish Linen is one of the few linen weavers left in Ireland, and the only Irish linen weaver left producing linen damask. They produce beautiful linen for the home!

If you’d like to learn more about linen, they have some good reading on their website, including About Linen, which unfolds the fascinating process of how linen is made.

You might also check out their Interesting Facts about Linen, where you’ll find fun, practical, bizarre, and interesting facts about linen.

Going Small with Holiday Stitching

Over on Janet Granger’s blog, she shows off some really, really tiny and cute holiday stitching for dollhouses. While I don’t have a doll house, I’ve always been super-fascinated with stitching miniatures of any kind. And Janet’s are just lovely!

Incidentally, Janet is also working through Carolyn Pearce’s Home Sweet Home workbox. She’s been chronicling it on her blog, so that’s worth checking out, too!

Some Goldwork to Buzz About

If you have not come upon Katherine Diuguid’s blog until now, you might enjoy checking it out when you have time to browse! Her glorious goldwork beehive is just wonderful! Take a look at all her photos of it – and you can go to past articles to see it (and her other embroidery works) in progress. I’m so glad she’s in my feedreader – I really enjoy seeing what she’s up to with her needle and thread!

Pinterest Interest?

If you have an interest in Pinterest, I’ve been doing some reorganizing of my Pinterest boards lately, trying to separate things up and categorize them. You’ll find me over there under Mary Corbet, and if you pin my stuff, chances are, I’ll find you and follow you, too. I’d love to see what inspires you!

And that, my friends, brings me to the end of the list for today. Enjoy the browse, enjoy the weekend, and I’ll see you again on Monday!


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(9) Comments

  1. A weekend post! HOW FABULOUS! Good Afternoon, Mrs. Corbet! Finally finished the coloring project, so I have a lot od seed-stitching to catch up on! I can’t wait to sort through all of these links! Thanks for sharing! (Dare I hope this becomes part of the regular weekly schedule?)

    I don’t have a Pintrest account, but now I’m seriously considering it. I do follow you on twitter, and I’ve sent you a couple of tweets. All in all, you’ve provided me with tons of fun stuff this weekend. I’m grateful because Monday I have to go to get a giant needle stuck in my head!


  2. Thank you so much for this post, as a matter of fact all your posts are wonderful! So comprehensive and informative, not to mention well written and witty! Your blog is the first one I go to! Love love!!! ❤️ Happy stitching and have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Thank you Mary for the links to Jane Zimmermans Needlework Techniques and the Goldwork links. Much appreciated. Thank you also for the very enjoyable and interesting articles you post daily – these are most appreciated too. If I want to know something, chances are I’ll find the info I need on your site, so I’m frequently on here researching something – I’m never bored here!!

  4. G’day Mary,
    All of great interest. Thank you. Pleased you sorted your Pinterest boards. I’ve unfollowed a lot of those I was following. Couldn’t keep track of over 3000! I couldn’t believe how quickly they multiplied. So many things interest me. I kept yours of course, and looking there tonight I see the Embroidery and Embellishment group board. So interesting to browse (and pin) through the other’s boards in the group too. It always intrigues me the different interests other embroiders have, especially those of the calibre of your group board.
    Cheers, Kath.

  5. Thank you for a fantastic lot of information. I have been downloading and reading Jane Zimmerman’s brilliant work. The Thomas Ferguson site is fabulous as is Katherine Diuguid’s especially the work she did for her Master’s degree where she recreated the wedding dress Consuelo Vanderbilt wore for her marriage to the Duke of Marlborough as well as a modern wedding dress. There is such a lot of information out there if you know where to look and have the time to do the looking.

    So thanks again, Mary, you are fantastic.

  6. Oops. I forgot to mention Janet Granger. In addition to her wonderful miniatures, and the Carolyn Pearce work box, she embroidered the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic as a gift for her Sufi teacher (lots of different threads in there). It is a great set of blog posts and well worth a look.

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