Good morning, and welcome to A Stitcher’s Christmas #9!
A Stitcher’s Christmas, 2017 is a series of pre-Christmas give-aways here on Needle ‘n Thread, featuring delectable needlework prizes from a variety of excellent small needlework businesses known for their beautiful products and terrific service!
So far, we’ve had 8 give-aways in the series. From threads, to books, to kits, to tools, to classes – each give-away has featured lovely embroidery-related goods for the needlework enthusiast.
We still have two more to go in the series – and today is one of ’em!
Today’s give-away is for two kits – one to each of two winners – but they aren’t just any kits. You’ll want to pay a little attention to the details here, because you’ll want to know you’re getting into with these kits before you commit to them!
I’ll also announce the winner of the Rouge du Rhin Christmas wreath embroidery kit, so read on, read on…

Courtesy of Joy at Bobbie Schoonmaker’s Microstitchery, today’s episode of A Stitcher’s Christmas features two winners and two kits – one to each winner.
The kits are for the Sense of Hearing and the Sense of Taste miniature tapestries that you’ll find described here on Microstitchery.
Update, 2018: While MicroStitchery is still online, they are no longer honoring orders. I have heard from many folks who have placed orders with them, but have never received the orders and had to apply to PayPal for a refund. I’ve tried to contact Joy, the lady who took over the business, but with no luck. Just a word of caution, for those looking for miniature tapestries!
The two tapestries are worked on 40 count silk gauze, in tent stitch. They include the silk gauze, DMC threads, and the full charts for completing each miniature tapestry. While the finished size is “small” in comparison to most charted projects of this scope (they finish around 5″ x 5.5″), in reality, each project is fairly intense and time consuming.
But they’re also fun and absorbing – and quite challenging in a good way! If you’re not familiar with counted work and following a complex chart, they might not be for you. But if you’re up to a challenge, you can definitely do this!
15 Minute Philosophy
I worked through the Sense of Hearing miniature tapestry back in 2011. At the time, I was working full time as a college professor, blogging part time, and stitching in little blips and starts here and there on several different projects.
I loved working this project, because it was easy to pick up and work on for 15 or 20 minutes when I could grab some time. I used it as a needlework carrot – if I finished real work in a given amount of time, I’d give myself 15 or 20 minutes to stitch on this, because even if you don’t have a lot of time during the day to stitch, just 15 or 20 minutes a day will still get you to the finish line! This is what I call my “15 Minute Philosophy” – and it really works!
True, I’d often get absorbed, and 15 minutes would sometimes magically morph into an hour – but hey! Who’s counting?
48,645 stitches – and five months – later, it was finished!
Is This Project for You?
If you enjoy counted work, if you want a challenge, if you love the Cluny tapestries, if you have a penchant for little things – then this project is for you!
Magnification is helpful, but not necessary if you have good eyesight and good lighting. For those who have less-than-perfect eyesight, you’ll be ok if you have a magnifier.
If you’d like to join in today’s give-away, then, just read the guidelines below.
But first…the Rouge du Rhin Christmas wreath winner!
Christmas Wreath Embroidery Kit Winner
The winner for A Stitcher’s Christmas #7 – this Rouge du Rhin Christmas wreath embroidery kit from The French Needle – is AveryClaire! I’ll drop you an email today, and you should have your beautiful new kit before the end of the year!
Give-Away Guidelines
This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!
1. Leave a comment below. You can follow this link to get to the comment box. Comments left on other articles on Needle ‘n Thread or sent in via email are not eligible.
2. Please leave a recognizable name either in the name line or in the comment box, so that there’s no confusion when the winner is announced.
3. Please don’t leave anything in the “website” line if you don’t actually own your own website or blog. Just leave it blank if you don’t have one.
4. In your comment, please answer the following question:
Often, we talk about the biggest project we ever worked. Well, today, I’d like to know about your smallest project. What’s the smallest embroidery project you’ve ever worked? You can think small in size, or small in scope. Sometimes, small in size is not always “small” in scope! You could also think in terms of “small” in amount of time involved. Tell us about it!
5. Submit your comment by Wednesday, December 28, 5:00 am central standard time (that’s in Kansas, USA). The winners will be randomly drawn that morning and announced here on Needle ‘n Thread. I’ll also notify the winners by email. The prizes will be awarded in this order: Sense of Hearing for the first drawing, Sense of Taste for the second.
6.The winners will need to respond with mailing information within 48 hours, or another winner will be randomly drawn.
The give-away is open to everyone. You can enter each give-away in A Stitcher’s Christmas when they are published here on Needle ‘n Thread, but you can only enter each give-away once. Please don’t leave multiple comments on any one give-away.
If you’re ready to work something challenging and absorbing in 2017, then go forth and comment, and hopefully one of these lovely kits will end up in your workbox in the New Year!
Don’t fret if your comment does not appear on the site immediately. Comments are queued for moderation, to avoid spammers. Sometimes, it takes a while for me to work through the list, but eventually, it will show up!
I made some bottle top pincushions with embroidery this year for my aunts for Christmas, I loved the tiny tiny stitches.
When I was learning embroidery, I created a flowerpot pattern on six cotton placement mats for our dinner table. The flowers were button-hole stitch, the stems were stem stitch and the pot was a sort of square interweaving stitches with golden sequins. It was simple and quick. I made six of those, one for each place on the table.
My smallest project was my name tag for my local EGA chapter. It featured dogwood flowers and an archway. I added a caterpillar.
Oh, pick me please! Those look like fun. The smallest piece of embroidery I’ve ever stitched was an intricate bird that as 1″ 3/4″.
My smallest: When I first learned to cross-stitch (many moons ago), I had purchased a booklet by Kount on Kappie that had mini Christmas ornaments to stitch. They were probably about 1″ X 0.75″. These little ornaments is how I learned to cross-stitch. I still have a few a them on my tree today.
Oh my gosh I would looooove to do one of these miniature tapestries! I think the smallest thing I ever stitched would have been a floral necklace pendant that went into a tiny frame.
Merry Christmas to you, Mary. Thanks so much for all you do for the stitching community.
Trish’s little bee eater was the smallest project I worked on and it was the very first needle painting piece. I loved it. It’s framed and was hung on my son’s bedroom door.
The smallest piece I’ve ever done was an itty-bitty scarab beetle for my mother, done into a brooch. She collected bug jewelry, and I didn’t want to give her the same old dragonflies and spiders from jewelry counters; she had dozens of those. I tried to make the scarab to scale–I don’t know if it was, but it was a nice piece of stitchery, if I can say so myself, and she loved it.
The smallest project I ever did was a wee pillow for my daughter to leave her teeth in for the tooth fairy–about 2″ square, small heart on the front and a little pocket for the tooth!
The smallest thing I’ve ever worked on is a piece of cross stitch on 40 count linen with one thread over one thread of linen. Truly enjoyable.
I always tend to go for the biggest projects but this year I did a small cross stitch scissor fob.
Thanks for the chance to be included in the giveaway!
My smallest project was to embroider a fish onto a shirt pocket flap- not any fish but a trout with the hook through its tail. I did this as a gift to my brother who actually caught such a fish through the tail! I smiled the whole time I worked on it and I’m smiling at the memory. I’d love to work on one of these little tapestries.
Congratulations to AveryClaire!
What a wonderful, challenging prize. My favorite small project is a scissors fob that has a scene on one side and alphabet on the other side, done in tent stitch over one on 32 count linen.
The smallest I’ve ever done was the United States Air Force Seal on 40 ct silk guaze. It finished about 4.5 x 4.5!
Kathy R
I stitched a tiny needlepoint Nutcracker Christmas ornament, and managed to use some specialty threads in it.
My smallest project was a little 2″x3″ angel that was a Christmas present for a niece. I had it framed and thenadded an easel for display. I hope she still has it. It was a fun little challenge.
I love making miniature (1 to 1-1/2″ square) pincushions. So far that’s the smallest thing I’ve worked on.
Hi Mary, and thanks again for a sweet giveaway! Ho ho ho! The smallest project I completed was a tiny scissor fob on which I used some silk treads and more stitches than one would think possible for a tiny piece. It is about 1 ½ inches square. Pretty tiny! Thanks again.
The micro kits are adorable. I would love to turn one into a pendant necklace or pin.
I love miniature work! In fact, I really love miniature anything, but I especially like richly detailed small things, embroidery included! My smallest project that was completed was the Lorna Bateman “In an English Country Garden” scissor keep. It’s about 3 1/2 x 2 inches and was a real pleasure to work. It ended up being the most lush tiny garden with french knots and cast-on stitch roses, to which I added raised cup stitch (which I learned from your site!) on the hollyhocks for a little more dimensionality.
Second runner up was a wedding veil I wanted to make for my wedding. Unfortunately, it ended up being too complicated and I was too busy to complete it so it never got off the ground but I did spend several months figuring out a way to successfully embroider scrollwork designs that were the size of a quarter onto cotton tulle with metallic silver thread . So that definitely wasn’t the smallest in scope but definitely the smallest embroidery physically I ever did, and most certainly the most challenging.
The smallest project I’ve ever worked was a brazilian piece that I designed myself of lilacs. It was only about 4 x 4 when finished. Each little petal of the flower was done with glory thread and had about 70 wraps on the bullion stitch, with a seed bead for the center.
Bobbie Schoonmaker has exquisite kits on her website. It is a feast for the eye. I have one of Bobbie’s smaller kits I haven’t started yet.)
The smallest things I have completed are three 40 count silk canvas samplers. There is something fascinating about miniatures. Initially I was concerned about how tiny the holes in the gauze were, but I found it was easier to stitch on silk gauze than a fine count linen.
Oh I always wanted to do tapestry, I hope I have a chance with that one.
The smallest thing I ever did a cross stitch on linen 48.
I just love tapestry and would love to try
Thank you for your great article too.
Years ago I stitched Christmas ornaments which took very little time. These are the smallest projects I’ve done.
The smallest piece I have worked on would be a Christmas Ornament. It was a lovely piece shaped like a Christmas “popper.”
back in the dark ages (when I was a teenager), I made lots of counted cross stitch mason jar tops and haven’t done any since. Recent projects have been on a much larger scale….perhaps something smaller might be a nice change and I have not worked on 40 count. a good challenge!
The smallest embroidery project I have worked on? Tiny little “hats” for some German soft-boiled eggs cups that are wooden bodies, the egg makes the “head” and then I knitted little hats and embroidered on an initial to represent every family members’ name.
The smallest project for me, were bread cloth designs that I made for several relatives. Small, easy to stitch designs, but I enjoyed them very much. Never having stitched on silk gauze this would be a challenge for me.
I would so love to win this! My first degree was in art history and I LOVE the Cluny tapestries! The smallest project I have ever worked on was a Madonna and Child project that was worked on even weave fabric. The face and hands of the Madonna and the entire body of the child were worked with one thread over one thread of the fabric while the hair, clothing, and halos were worked over two threads. The effect was stunning.
Several of Barbara Robinson’s designs have resulted in tiny, but exquisite, finished products. I love tiny and intense so these kits look just about perfect to me.
The smallest was a silk gauze sampler of alphabets.
When I belonged to EGA I made a nametag stitched over 1 linen thread. It was a beautiful pansy basket. I hemstitched it and pinned it to a piece of linen laced in a small frame. I use it as small sampler now.
The smallest embroidery I’ve ever done is a 4″ project. It was a log with mushrooms and grasses in front of the log. It was also my first step into embroidery. I have moved 4 times since but it still hangs on my wall.
I make doll clothing, so I’ve done quite a few small projects!
The smallest embroidery project I have ever worked on is a 32 count piece.
The smallest bit of work I have ever done was for Christmas presents when I had no money. I made little motifs in counted cross stitch, put some fabric stiffy on it, and added a bit of magnet strip to the back. Voila! Inexpensive but lovely refrigerator magnets were given away that year.
I am new to stitching so I really haven’t tackled anything small. I have only done a few years ago and am just now getting back into it.
What a marvellous kit!
I make 1/12th scale miniatures from “scratch” and have made several 1″ pillows on 40 count gauze. I’m currently stitching a 5″ x 10″ oriental rug on 40 count.
40 count silk gauze is one of my favorites! The smallest design was about 2″ x 2″. So much fun to work on!
I have always been fascinated by any and all objects small: as a collector and stitcher. The smallest projects have been the small casket items created by designers as well as of course Christmas ornaments. Just completed this year a darling little cross stitched sock monkey on 40 count linen. I am challenged equally by the construction and the stitching. I love to visit the Musee de Cluny when I can to see The Lady and the Unicorn. So beautiful.
The smallest piece I ever worked on was a sampler for a dollhouse. It consisted of a primitive ABC, some flowers and other motifs cross stitched over one thread of a high count linen. I got magnifiers to do it and it was a lot of work–but it looked fantastic in the dollhouse, so it was totally worth it! I’d love to do something in miniature again. Thank you for this giveaway. You are so generous, Mary!
Hello Mary and friends!
The smallest project I ever worked was a dollhouse pillow on, I believe, 40 ct silk gauze. It was of a bunny from one of the Unicorn Tapestries.
It was a good 20 years ago now, so I don’t remember who it was from. Could it have been Microstitchery?
Small project…. difficult. I’ve been overly ambitious in my stitching since I started.
Here’s one: I wanted to make a personalised gift for my cousin when she was getting married. So I found a simple line drawing of some religious symbols. Figured that with a braid stitch shouldn’t take more than a few hours.
My first mistake was wanting to do it on black fabric. Finding a viable way to transfer was so time consuming. I drove to about 5 stores looking for pounce powder…and no luck. Couldn’t see through a window. So I settled for ordinary powder (talcum) which smeared something terrible. At least, because it was such a simple drawing, I managed the lines without too many tears.
Decided to use a metallic thread that I found at a craft store. This was not a mistake – it was sheer stubbornness. How many times have you mentioned not buying packs of poor quality thread that will cause heartbreak?
The icing was when I decided to use a Hungarian braid stitch. It was just so beautiful. And it worked so beautifully using the cotton! But with the metallic abomination on wonky lines…
Ran out of the colours halfway and had to mix and match. Sigh.
It’s now in my sitting room. Was finished far too late…a year after the wedding in fact! I’ve been complimented on it a few times, but to me it’s a reminder that doing things properly is paramount.
So…a small piece, a simple piece, that had so much heartache and so many lessons in it.
I’ve done some small raised embroidery. One of my favourites is a small Christmas corsage with holly, ivy and berries all stitched or wrapped beads.
I LOVE miniatures. My smallest work(s) have been stitching ornaments for gifts.
Smallest project was several Bible bookmarks with Chi Rho on them for Christmas gifts. Took only about two hours to stitch and sew each.
Love these tapestries and was fortunate to sit all afternoon staring at them at the Musée national du Moyen Âge while my husband was in business meetings. For hours I sat while other American wives shopped while I was in heaven gazing upon these pieces of art.
As we traveled Europe I collected tiny counted cross stitch kits, 5cm squares, and have worked >20 of these! Some were very challenging with intricate wrought iron gates while standing stones were relatively easy! I’ve knit very small animals with tiny embellishments on them, also.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a miniature kit. You’ve brought back wonderful memories.
The smallest scope embroidery project I’ve ever worked was the hem on several linen towels. The designs were all about 2 inches tall by 4.5 inches wide.
The smallest project I have ever competed was a 6″ by 6″ turkey work set of snow people.
Wow! I’ve always been a lurker, but am amazed and inspired of everything you do
As a teenager my Mum and I would shop quite often at a local needlework shop. She pointed out the Jean McIntosh kits that were in petit point and were a fabulous price. She bought two of the single flowers for me to finish. I truly enjoyed doing both and have them framed.
I haven’t done any small projects yet but would love to try this one. I also love Cluny and most tapestries and have seen the originals in museums. I have done small tapestry like weaving projects.
Hi Mary,
My smallest project had to be one I did in primary school. Each child was given a card, about A5 size, with holes punched in it, and a shoelace was attached. You had to make a pattern in the holes with the lace. Over time, the laces wore out and frayed. I was left once with a broken lace about three inches long, which I couldn’t get to fit in the holes because the metal thingy at the end had come off. So that was my smallest effort.
The smallest item I have ever worked is a canvas pin from Stitches magazine.
Loved it
This is so me. As a medieval re-enactor and a historical embroiderer, this would be a piece I would love to work up. My smallest piece was an opus anglicanum sample. About 1 1/2 inches square. It was to practice the stitches used in making the historical opus a works – split stitch using flat silk and underside couching using gold passing thread. I very much like the project and am currently working on a larger opus a piece.
The smallest embroidery I have worked on is a snowflake ornament by studio MME.
Several years ago I completed an alphabet counted cross stitch project. Each letter was laid out on a 2″ grid and a motif representing each letter was in each square.
I have done throw pillows in cross stitch for My doll houses. Quick easy and fun, but unsophisticated, snd alas long since given away, like the plywood dollhouses of my youth.
The smallest item I have ever stitched is something I made recently for a friend. She was having a ceremony and asked for a stitched rosemary posey (for remembrance) so she could always look on it and remember the day. I used a bit of floral wire, two shades of green floss that I braided together, and about a million buttonhole stitches. I used ideas from raised embroidery books and casket toys from Tricia Wilson Nguyen’s site for inspiration, but in the end I made up my directions. It was the most difficult thing I had attempted, but the look on my friend’s face was worth it. The “sprig” was a little over 2 inches long, but took about two weeks to complete. She pinned it to her dress and wore it all day.
The smallest project I’ve ever worked on was a latch hook rug for a doll house. At the time, I was working in an art gallery and the business was slow. So the manager had us working on her latch hook rugs to pass the time. God only know what she did with all those rugs! One day she came in with a little one for me to do. Everything was downsized to doll house size, the mat, the yarns, and even the latch hook itself was down to scale.
Gorgeous tapestries! The smallest piece I’ve done is a strawberry scissor fob, 40 count over one, 25 x 35.
Small…. I stitched 3 x6 pieces with some design specific to at least 6 friends and turned them into sewing kits/pouches. When I reconnected with one of those friends at least 20 years later, she still had it in use.
The most compact project for me was a beaded scissor fob. I do have a miniture pillow that has me intimated….would ove to win this.
Hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Hap Happy New Year!
My smallest project, both in size & time, was a needle holder stitched on a inch square of plastic. It was quick, easy, & useful – I pin it on when I am stitching & stick my needle there instead of holding it in my mouth when changing colors or locations.
This would be a fun challenge to be sure Mary! My smallest project I have stitched is a very miniature Dogwood spoon handle insert in petite point for my Moms spoon collection. She treasured the tiny addition! Warm memories of times past. Happy holidays to all,Pat!
Thank you to you and Joy for another fantastic give away! The smallest project that I’ve finished is a doll house rug on 40 count silk gauze.
Merry Christmas!
Mary in Billerica
I would love to win one of these kits. When I first read the question I immediately remembered something I did my first year of teaching 4th Grade. For Christmas gifts for my students I cross stitched small Christmas ornaments for each student. I think I had about 15 students. I was a poor single mother teaching in a small country school. I got so much joy stitching these ornaments every evening after school. Great memory!!!!
I’ve done several small projects. My favorite is a beaded cross stitch pin cushion with a pansy and surrounded by a looped fringe. I’ve done several altoid tins for tool storage and a needle case with lilies of the valley. These are always a challenge but the gratification comes quickly because of the size. Maryann
The smallest piece I’ve worked on is button covers. But, I have worked on 40ct gauze…it was Santa’s sleigh, if I remember correctly.
I love tapestries, but always shy away from them due to their size. This would be great to try
I love everything in miniature size. I have a doll house which I have been on working over the years. I also I enjoy making small quilts. I have a good collection of books and magazines that focus in miniature quilts.I will be ecstatic and grateful if I will be the recipient of the prize. Thanks for this opportunity,
The smallest needlework items I’ve made are a set of counted cross stitch Christmas ornaments. They measured about 2″ in diameter. Some were in little frames, others were stitched as tiny pillows. My favorite is still the little Christmas pudding on a tiny cake plate.
Thank you for all of these Christmas giveaways. This is lots of fun!
The smallest needlework items I’ve made are a set of counted cross stitch Christmas ornaments. They measured about 2″ in diameter. Some were in little frames, others were stitched as tiny pillows. My favorite is still the little Christmas pudding on a tiny cake plate.
The smallest embroidery I’ve done would be Christmas ornaments. I’ve stitched many ornaments but the smallest in size were the 12 days of Christmas in cross stitch. So while each was small in size it took a long time to stitch all 12.
The smallest design I’ve worked is a necklace pendant. About 1 inch by 1 inch. I like stitching bouquets of flowers that could be turned into pendants.
I embroidered a wild rose spray on silk, single thread, freehand. One rose plus two buds and leaves, on a stem. The overall size was 1″ square, the actual embroidery was half-an-inch by three-quarters of an inch. I have a photograph of it if you like to see it.
I don’t believe that I have ever made a small embroidery of any kind. I guess I always thought of a smaller project as not enough challenge. However, the miniature tapestry looks like it could be a challenge.
Hi, Mary. These tiny tapestries are amazing. I have never worked on anything so small, but I’d like to try. My smallest needlework project, also my largest, is ongoing. I am cross stitching all of Prairie Schooler’s alphabet series over one thread on a single piece of 28 count fabric. Currently, I am up to “G” with a long way to go. Maybe I should try your 15 minute philosophy to get it finished within my lifetime.
The smallest for me isn’t that small, maybe 2 inches square, of a poppy. It is beautiful but a beginners piece 🙂
40 years ago a dear friend made my daughters a doll house, excited does not describe how excited all 4 of were. I made needlepoint pictures, pillows and rugs for it. The pillows were about an inch square. I just gave the house to my only granddaughter this summer.
I love your blog, look for it first when I open my email.
I made a tiny 1.5 inch hoop into a pendant with 40 ct gauze and stitched Santas head and beard for my Mother in Law who loves old world Santas. That is the tiniest thing I have made!
I love the tapestry pattern. So beautiful! I have done stitching over one thread on 30 count fabric and would love the opportunity to try silk gauze. I have very good eyesight for which I am extremely grateful and would love the opportunity to create this beautiful pattern. Happy Holidays! Laurie DeScalzo
I love this! I’m fairly new to embroidery – every thing I make is small still. 😛
The first time I tried needlepainting I worked on a single flower, a pansy, about three inches across. Just wanted a quick project to test the technique.
I love tiny things! The tiniest project I have worked on so far was a project that I would describe as small in scope – it was a cross stitch pattern that only involved one floss color! It was a Turkey, with the word Thankful and borders. It was a quick stitch for a pillow ornament for a gift exchange. While not an especially small project, the scope of the project was the smallest I’ve yet attempted.
I’ve really got my fingers crossed for this giveaway! I have had my eye on these microstitchery kits for a while now and would LOVE to give them a try! I loved watching your progress when you completed yours! Best of luck to all!!!
I haven’t really worked small in embroidery but I like the idea. I have worked small in book binding making miniature books. Tapestry covers might be a beautiful addition to those.
I haven’t tried my hand at a miniature project yet (and I’m excited to) but the smallest project I did was a small framed cross stitch Christmas tree for my parents. It was very prim but they love it and still hang it every Christmas.
Oh, the tiniest project…for sure 5/8″ covered buttons. Now that I think of it, I don’t know what happened to them. There were for a wool dress, many, many, years ago.
These giveaways are just getting better and better. This one is just unimaginable. Thank you so much.
It’s difficult to come up with my smallest project. It was probably that small that I totally forgot about it. A small (in seize) project with a lot of stitches for me is a big project (time consuming). A small (in time) project with chunky material and big stitches I also call big (in seize). Mmmmmmm. So I must look at a small (in seize) project that I made in a small amount of time. Perhaps that will be the little flower I embroidered on the back of my cardigan, just for fun and to get suprised reactions.
The smallest stitching I have ever done was small flowers to put on a lapel pin. Thank you for all these great giveaways. Such a fun thing you are offering us at this busy time of year. Happy holidays to you and all stitching friends.
Thanks for the give away! The smallest project I ever worked on was a 2×2 inch tent stitch pin cushion.
I think the smallest project I stitched was a counted cross stitched hexagon scissor fob. I stitched it to accompany a cross stitched tin topper. Fun project.
I don’t think that I’ve ever worked on something “small”. Everything I’ve ever done has been really challenging and rather “big”. If it wasn’t designed to be, I have always made it so. There has got to be something wrong with me. Truly. Because this tendency to make a project bigger than it was began with the second embroidery I worked on, the very first night that I started embroidering. (See, this is why I love kits. You can start immediately. There’s no trying to find the perfect colors, or trying to improve your design, or blah blah blah. You just… start. And if you’re me, you make it harder while you’re working! No thinking about it for, like, days on end! No struggling with thread! “I need medium violet blue, but I only have dark and light! Why, God, why??!!!” A good kit is a blessing and worth every single penny.) I ended up ruining my second embroidery. I didn’t know how to accomplish what I wanted to do, but I tried anyway. And ruined it. Seriously, I believe that within my first ten projects, I may have ripped a hole in the fabric four times. Forty percent of the time. I. Ripped. The. Fabric. Perhaps I was a little too intense. Oh, and there was this stylized eye I was stitching that I decided to make realistic instead. And it started to creep me out. Cause it would stare at me while I was stitching it. And it would stare at me while I was trying to sleep… and I’m pretty sure that it was judging me… I was going to throw it away, but my mom insisted on keeping it, so… it’s somewhere in the house…
The smallest projects I completed were counted cross stitch ornaments (also could be used as pendant) that were only 1.5 inches tall
I made a little house ornament from perforated paper and beads. It’s hanging on my tree right now.
Hi Mary
I have actually did a bit of embroidery
On some miniatures I made a few years ago
For a friend who has miniature house
Gosh, that’s a tough question. I have done so much stitching throughout my life, I really have to think about this. Just recently, I made my 3 daughters portable sewing kits and embroidered on the cover a picture to represent who they are.
I’ve done lots of petite point on silk mesh so I am very familiar with following charts. I do use a lighter magnifier which makes stitching so much easier. I would love to win this stitch kit.
I’ve been making itsy bitsy Christmas ornaments. I did a red and white whipped backstitch to outline a gingerbread man, and I’m in love with the candy cane effect. 🙂
The smallest thing I’ve done is a few of the silk gauze kits from Kreinik. I love the look of the tiny pieces.
Hi Mary,
The smallest work I’ve done in size was a pendant for a necklace I offered to my sister in law. I did the same for my mother as she just loved it !
And this Rouge du Rhin tapestry project … what a beautiful work to do really ! You have such beautiful giveaway !
All the Best !
Oh how I would like to win this piece. I regularly stitch small stuf as I am a miniature girl. I have build several houses in 1:12 and embroidered both carpets, tapestries and furniture to the houses.
My smallest piece in size not in hours is a tea cosy that looks like a cat. It measures 3 x 2 cm.
I think the smallest project, in number of stitches and time but not meaning, was a simple motif on a christening tabard for my goddaughter. She now has children of her own but it was very special to have been able to add a personal touch to the ceremony.
The smallest embroidary project was one that my grandma and I did together. It would be embroidering tea towels. It’s an easy project to do with any young person and it definitely gives me joy to give them away still today.
I love those tapestries! The colors are great, and I like stitching something like this, and all things mini.
What a fantastic give away. Especially since I am very hard of hearing. The smallest piece I have done was a 2 and 1/2 by 1 and 1/2 piece on 48 count. Love doing silk gauze and Bobbies things are magnificent.
It would be the best Christmas gift ever.
The smallest project I had stitched so far is a pin pillow. It is 105″ x 1.5″. I stitched it in my favorite color, red. Assembling it was a challenge because of the size but I was happy with the result.
My smallest Project was my most recent- a Christmas decoration piece taught by my guild and used to exemplify beautiful stitching/finishing techniques. It took less than 2 hours total!! I usually have big
Projects of Counted work- like the Long Dog Samplers or ink spots creations -or even 17th century jewelry boxes- but the Clunys! I believe I’ve been saving them for when I am really good! Please send me a lit
And tell me “now is the time”! Merry Christmas to You and yours!
The overall project wasnt small but it was divided into twelve
3×4 inch diamond shapes which were challenging in their size
and complexity. I’m speaking of the Di VanNykierk floral silk
ribbon and stumpwork piece. I finished it last year and I thoroughly
enjoyed each detail and I especially loved working and learning
such a variety of techniques. The stumpwork objects were so
small they were hard to hold onto, ie. tiny hydrangeas with hundreds
of french knots or the sweet pansies. This was my first ever
silk ribbon project and I will treasure the learning experience as it
turned out to be quite wonderful, if I do say so myself.
I was intrigued so looked it up. Is it this one?
It looks wonderful! such delicate little flowers. Did you frame it?
My smallest needlework project was making Christmas ornaments as gifts for several family members. They were small 3″ round ornaments with a Santa or a snowman. I love making little handmade items for family for Christmas and I had little time as I was living in Europe and the gifts needed to be completed early to ship. I was also working full-time and raising a new-born son so time was limited. They were small on scale and small on work. Loved them. I inherited my mother’s ornament when she passed away and it now hangs on our tree.
Small in size was this Christmas’s tree hangers that I made. Hardanger and cross-stitch Christmas trees (own design) and baubles in various colours and various beading etc.
Large was the response to a small hand made gift to hang on the tree!!
A bell pull with three butterflies in petit point – beautiful but took time and very good light
The smallest project???? I really don’t work on small projects! But probably an ornament for a Christmas tree. Most of my projects are at least 12″ X 12″ and bigger. I LOVE big projects, just like a love big books, big dogs, big paintings, big journeys, big dinners, big (multiple sessions) TV series, and more!
Thank you Mary for all that you do. I really do hope I will be the winner for this small but wonderful kit!
My smallest project was a needle book for a smalls exchange on the Cabinets of Curiosity site. I had a great time doing it and it was a fun way to get to know others in our group.
I have done quite a few miniature projects in the last few years… I think I am trying to complete as many as I can before my eyesight fails. That said, my most memorable small embroidery project, is a bottle topper for a needlework magazine contest that I completed when I was 14 years old. It was my own design and I actually won the contest! It was a wreath design with scrolling flowers and leaves. Very fiddly work for my young hands! Now an adult, I have completed many more difficult and time-consuming small projects, but that project remains special because of my skill level at the time.
Thank you for the give-away, Mary!
My smallest embroidery project was a small hardanger scissor fob which was quite intricate to make and took quite a while as this was the first time I had tried this technique!
The smallest embroidery project I have done is a blackwork (done in red) Christmas ornament.
My smallest so far is a little needle case that has beaded blackberries and a stumpwork butterfly, with embroidered flowers. I loved every tiny stitch and was thrilled with how it turned out =)
The small project I am talking about is a quilt square for a friend who was treated for breast cancer. I was asked to contribute a square 2 days before I was leaving on an extended trip. I worked on the square while my husband drove to our destination. I made the deadline, barely. It was a large square but it turned out well. And it was a piece of love.
My “smallest” “shortest in time” project — Easter Eggs – quick to stitch with different stitches and quick to stuff and trim the edges with yarns and ribbons and beads and hang on the tree.
I would have to say the smallest embroidery I’ve done were dollhouse linens. I enjoy making things for dollhouses and I enjoyed the challenge of making tiny embroidered and crocheted items.
The smallest project I ever worked on was a Christmas ornament.
The smallest think I have worked on lately has been the needlebook for Merry Cox Ophelia. It was tent stitch on 40 count linen. I love working on small things and would love to have one of these kits. Thanks
The smallest project I’ve worked on is a Santa on silk gauze. Finished size about 3×3.
My smallest project would have to be the rose back to a ladies pocket watch. It was done on silk gauze with silk thread and was a fun challenge. Lots of color changes is a tiny space with little room to hide your thread tails.
I admit I’m drawn to gigantic projects. The smallest project I ever did was probably 4 x 6 inches. 🙂
I don’t know what my smallest embroidery is – probably a card.
I saw the Cluny tapestries when I was in Paris some years ago. The miniature would certainly be a challenge for me, but even at 80 my eyesight is still pretty good so I could enjoy the challenge.
I just started making magnets, 1.5″ across, that are definitely the smallest pieces I’ve done. I started with some snowflakes, and then did Star Wars characters for a friend.
The smallest project I’ve completed is “Irish Blessing” by Twisted Threads. This was my first time stitching an entire project over one, full cross stitches, on 28 count linen. I used one ply of overdyed Gentle Arts fibers and although it was tough for me at first, I enjoyed working the tiny stitches and loved how the final project turned out.
I love using 40 count linen now – it’s actually my favorite for cross stitch projects. I know I would love working on these miniature tapestry projects and am off to look at her site now! Thanks for this give away! Kevin Tober
The smallest project I ever stitched was a little snowflake as a little tag for Christmas presents.
The smallest project I’ve worked is a counted cross stitch bookmark
Oops I didn’t mean to post 2 comments!! Please delete one
A counted cross stitch bookmark:)
I love miniatures and have stitched quite a few projects now on silk gauze from carpets on 40 count to tiny little slippers on an eye watering 112 count gauze. I did need to use magnification for the slippers!
Hmm, smallest project would probably be some cardboard coffee cup sleeves that I personalized with peoples initials while experimenting with stitching on paper.
The smallest project I ever worked was the most pleasurable in retrospect. We had a new pastor who had been a tailor before becoming a priest. He had made his own confessional stole, but he did not know how to put the small cross on the back. Since he knew I embroidered, he asked if I would mind doing that small job for him. I really had no idea how to make the cross embroidery on an already finished stole, but I very carefully removed his expert hand stitches examining them as I worked. I completed the small satin stitch cross; it was probably only an inch across, and I had to hold the fabric tightly across my fingers because I could not hoop it. Then I very carefully restitched the stole back together using stitches as much like his perfect stitches as I could make. He was sure that I had not taken out his stitches when I explained what I had done. He was sure they were his own tiny stitches. It was a marvelous feeling to be his assistant in his ministry and also receive his approval of my humble stitches.
I love counted work! It’s no-brainer, relaxation stitching that gives an impressive and very satisfactory result! My smallest project was a small Christmas ornament, about 20 x 20 stitches (in cross-stitch). Thank you again for the giveaway!
I thoroughly enjoyed my first attempt at needlepoint in creating a small
pillow with 25 two inch squares each featuring a different needlepoint
stitch. The result was a 12 inch square pillow using the colors in my living room.
It has the initial of my last name in the center square. It gives me a sense of
accomplishment every time I see it. I learned a lot. I think I am ready for another
foray into the world of needlepoint.
I would love to win the sense of hearing because it was the first large stitched project I ever finished. It hangs in our bedroom to help us welcome each new day. I love miniatures and have some some very tiny samplers and a prayer rug on 40 count silk. The smallest of my teeny projects is a sampler on 60 count gauze! I would be tickled to complete the tiny sense of hearing and place it by the one I did 35 years ago.
Roberta Siegel
I’ve done several small things but the most fun was a purse to match my 14th century style dress. It was my coat of arms in red and gold.
Having seen the Cluny tapestries, I would love do one of these. The smallest project I’ve done is a scissor case and fob. It has the Eiffel Tower as the main design. I found the kit in Paris and started work on it on a flight back to the US. It holds my favorite German steel scissors. I like projects I can pick up and work for a short time.
Merry Christmas
The smallest project I’ve worked on … well, the first really small project was a Prairie Schooler Santa in miniature in silk on 40 count gauze. It was a Christmas gift from a stitching friend .. chart, fabric, floss. I know I must have looked extremely disappointed when I saw it. I had never done anything in miniature before that, and the whole idea of 40 count was, to say the least, appalling. It took several months before I was ready to tackle stitching it. I finally settled down with a good light, a big magnifier and a dose of patience while I learned how to stitch over one. It is different than stitching over 2 and there was a steep learning curve involved. Eventually, I finished it. I think it was, in addition to being the smallest project, also the longest project. But, once I had mastered the over 1 stitching, I have moved on and done many over 1 projects … most of them on 36 or 40 count fabric.
Adella Noelle Leilani
The smallest project I’ve completed is a leaping deer approximately 6 inches.
Have a Merry Christmas!
the smallest piece worked was a family sampler for my dollhouse that measured about 2 by 2 in. it also was done on silk gauze. it was alot of fun and spawned a few others for the little house as well.
I really, really love those kits. Especially the Sense of Hearing. My other hobby (can’t have too many hobbies) is harp with a focus on music of the Medieval and Renaissance periods.
The smallest thing that I’ve embroidered was a set of scissors done in goldwork. They were about 2 inches tall. It was a nerve-wracking project as it was my very first goldwork, and they were a gift to be included on a friend’s outfit for a special event.
The smallest project I ever worked on, a Christmas ornament.
I have enjoyed making many small tapestry pieces for a granddaughter’s doll house. Pieces like wall hangings and chair seats no more than an inch square on 32 count fabric. Counted work is what I like best.
Oh man, those tapestries have been on my wish list for like 3 years! OK, the smallest thing I’ve done so far is the first little project in the Cabinet of Curiosities course–the cuff of a toy glove in silk tent stitch on linen that was pretty close to 40 count. It’s really a scissors keep. I’m extremely near-sighted and did half the stitching looking over my glasses so I could focus. Now that I’m 43 I need a magnifying glass!
Mary, I love both tapestries but especially the Sense of Hearing tapestry as its about music which I love and about hearing which I think I’m loosing!
I do needlework for miniatures so my smallest project was a petit point pillow measuring 1.25 inches square. I have just finished a miniature needlepoint rug measuring 4.25″ X 6″ as a gift. I have also finished a 3″ square miniature knotted rug.
I made the sweetest little brooch for my mother several years ago. It was a miniature pastoral scene, complete with English cottage, sheep, hedgerows and flowers. I stitched it before I thought about things like archiving patterns or making notes to remind myself of how my pieces were created. I would love to have that pattern back! But every now and then, when I pick up my mother for church or a lunch date, she surprises me by wearing that treasure made long ago.
It sounds lovely!
The smallest embroidery project for me was my crazy quilt piece which I set in an old pocket watch case. Included on this small one and a half inch crazy quilt, which did have all the seams covered with embroidery stitches, was a small stump work dragonfly. This locket was a present for my sister.
The smallest piece I made was a bargello cushion for a doll house size chair.
Wow! Love the tapestry kits! The smallest non-Christmas ornament project I ever stitched was a little pin cushion on a wooden base. I stitched a Tudor rose for it.
Thank you for another beautiful give away. The smallest project I’ve done is a set of Christmas ornaments. I would not call them tiny, just small. But I plan to go much smaller soon because I want to try stitching small brooches…
Happy holidays!
My smallest project happened to be my first attempt at surface embroidery. I purchased a butterfly pin cushion from Trish Nguyen’s site. The finished size is maybe 2″ square, but the butterfly on it is very small requiring very small stitches. I loved it!
My smallest project was on silk, one thread, earrings for the adult ladies on my Christmas list!
I love petit point
Donna Huot
The smallest in size piece I’ve ever done is a halloween piece for a pendant. I stitched it over one on 28ct (?). It was a Prairie Schooler pattern. It has a cat on one size and a pumpkin…it’s one inch by 1 3/8 inch.
My smallest project that I have stitched would be the needle book from your “Lavender Honey” ebook. I had such fun making this!
Barabal D.
The smallest I have worked is Christmas ornaments that were about 3 inches tall.
My smallest project was making stumpwork strawberries.
My smallest project(s) were many years ago. An entire floral bouquet on silk ,I don’t remember the count but the design finished at about an inch and were mounted in pendant s for both my mother in law and her mother. Thanks for triggering the memory!
Oh I LOVE Cluny tapestries and miniatures! The smallest embroidery project I’ve completed is a 1.5″ square cross stitch that I designed myself. I still need to frame it. Another small project was a couple of ribbon embroidery sachets that could hang on the drawer pull. They were probably 3″ across at the widest point. The first was a kit, the second was based on the same design.
I think the smallest embroidery project I have ever worked on was on 18 count Aida. That being said, I know my eyes could never handle 40 count anything! So no I don’t want to win this gift! It isn’t mycup of tea as in designs either. I know my limits.
With my bifocals and the fact I have to use a wheelchair when grocery shopping, I can barely read labels as I can’t get my glasses adjusted right. Good thing my son gooes with me and can grab what I don’t see. I remember it was just one weekend I went from being able to see without bifocals and needing them on Monday! Weirdest thing! I have found that for some weird reason I can now do regular embroidery, but counted cross stitch is way harder to do to find those holes especially on the the 18 count and 11 count just doesn’t look as nice.
Hi Mary, the smallest embroidery I’ve worked on was an embroidered button .
My smallest embroidery was a pillow for my daughter’s doll house. When I graduated from high school m grandmother gave me some money which I spent on two periods point kits of ballerinas, definitely the smallest stitches I have ever done in a project. I studied the Client tapestries a few years ago for an art course and I love miniatures so these kits really appeal to me!
The smallest project I have worked on is some small single bird embroidery and one on a very small Christmas candle in cross stitch. I liked doing something that could be finished relatively quickly! Thanks for the giveaway!
The smallest thing’s I have worked on recently are bookmarks and Christmas ornaments. Both are small but a few wereasons very intense.
I bought 2 full sized Cluny tapestries in Italy years ago and have finished one of them, the to hear one, and am working on the other. I’ve always been enchanted with the story of how these tapestries were found by one of the Rockefellers covering vegetables in a French root cellars. The darkness and even temperature of these underground cellars helped preserve these wonderful works. I had no idea there were minature versions of these historic tapestries. What a wonderful addition one of these would be to make for my granddaughter’s doll house.
The smallest piece I have stitched was a tiny bell-pull for a miniature building that EGA was decorating. If I recall correctly, it measured ½” x 1″ and was done on 60-count silk gauze. It was a challenge. Val
Oh my. If winning were based on size you’d win all day long. What an accomplishment.
I buy little kits to learn new techniques such as beaded embroidery, smocking, ribbon embroidery. My smallest project was beading my initial “D” in a gothic style.
I did it simply to learn beaded embroidery and I have loved the technique ever since.
I have always loved the Cluny tapestries (or as I refer to them the “Unicorn” tapestries).
I would love the chance to work it in miniature!
Thanks, Diane
Back in the 80s I did a series of illustrated (mice in various Christmas poses) initial Christmas ornaments for family and friends and of course one for me. They were an inch and a half high and mounted in a 2 inch frame. I forget the count of the fabric but it was a high thread count. Even then, I used a magnifying glass and good light. Would love to do the giveaway. The Cluny tapestries are a long time favorite.
Mary K from Metairie
My smallest project was done about 20+ years ago & was a cross stitch kit from England. I believe it was called a chocolate box house & I enjoyed it so much, I did 4 different ones. My favorite is the oast house because we saw several while walking a 58 mile public path from Rochester to Canterbury, called Pilgrims Way from Canterbury Tales.
Thank you again, Mary, for the wonderful Christmas give-aways! My smallest project, I think, was the Seahorse and Reef pattern, by Candle in the Cellar. It was fun project to stitch, finishing up at 5″x7″, and went amazingly fast! I added a few extra embellishments, which is always fun to do, and the framed piece now resides in my bath so I can see it every time I enter or exit!
My smallest embroidery project was when my daughter was a baby I liked to stitch little animals on her clothes. I remember putting a chain stitched duck on her pjs I made.
A cross stitch ladybug for a mini embroidery hoop
I suppose the counted work I made for my dolls is the smallest (in size). However, these designs are even tinier. Thanks for the chance to win such great kits!
My daughter loves pigs! I embroidered a small pig on a homemade pincushion one year has a stocking gift.
Oooh … isn’t this a lovely give-away! I would love to work on this. Love to try something new, love all Medieval stuff, and hundreds of reasons more.
The smallest thing I did were cards and Christmas hangings in Hardanger. 1 evening and finished! So I made a whole bunch for the tree and also as a Christmas card for my extensive family (3 brothers and 3 sisters and mother still alive and kickin’ at 91 now!)
Thanks for the opportunity to win and above all, for your excellent website!
All the best wishes for a peaceful Christmas and a healthy and great 2017 from wet and windy The Netherlands.
The smallest embroidery projects I have made were little cross stitch Christmas ornaments that I made for presents when I was in graduate school in the ’80’s. I had two small children and not a lot of time! The cross stitch sayings and little designs fit into 2″ frames. What’s fun is that both my children and a couple dear friends still hang those ornaments on their trees today.
thanks, again for the giveaways, they look like so much fun. My smallest project was a little needle case, lots of decartive stitches in a very small area.
I am comparatively new to serious embroidery and fascinated by all things miniature! Also I think my new magnifying lamp would be put to good use on this project. And I know already who would appreciate the finished piece…
Cross stitched Christmas ornaments. They have since been packed away. I had to buy a floor lamp with a magnifier attached. Sometimes I slip on a pair of 2.5 magnified readers over my prescription glasses to work because I find myself hitting the big magnifier with my needle while stitching sometimes.
Thanks for this give away! My smallest projects are all Mill Hill bead kits. I have wanted to try silk gauze but have yet to get the opportunity.
The smallest embroidery project I’ve worked on was a wool, cotton, embroidery wall hanging. The embroidery was part of the project as well as embellishment of it.
I guess the smallest projects would be the Christmas ornaments I make each year for family and friends. I mean, each one is small – no bigger than about 4″ square (bigger than that and it counts as a picture) but collectively it’s a big project as I do about 10 each year. I love these Cluny tapestries and have been looking at them on Heaven and Earth Designs but haven’t succumbed yet. There was a radio show about them and what they mean on CBC about a year ago that was very interesting.
The smallest item I have stitched was a version of the Mackintosh Rose which I love.
A tiny brooch with beads
How appropriately seasonal for me! The smallest project I’ve worked on would be one of the Christmas mice I cross stitched a long time ago to put into very small frames. You’d have to take only one of them, though. Each mouse was a couple of inches tall at most, but of course they were on a higher-count fabric and at the time it seemed to me I labored forever to achieve each tiny mouse. Now since higher-count fabrics are more common, I laugh at myself. They weren’t so bad after all.
The smallest project: ribbon embroidered flowers atop a tiny clay flower pot, made into a pin cushion.
Last year I made a couple of small crazy quilted embroidery projects from several of Kathy Shaw’s Crazy Quilt Classes.
The smallest project I’ve done was beaded buttons for a friend’s head dress for her wedding.
I have looked for an affordable mini cross stitch/tapestry like that for ages but they are more than I can afford. I’d love to do that for a friend.
The smallest tapestry I ever worked was a “Sharon Rose” which I framed-2″x3″ – originally from England, she was very proud of it! Not time-consuming, but a beautiful finish!
I have made a number of small teddy bears. They are about 12 cm long. So the stitches were very small. I am now making a small doll. I don’t time myself as I just love doing my projects or gifts. Maybe I will be incredibly lucky have get a miniature tapestry.
I do a lot of aari stitching, making little abstract miniatures about the size of a small matchbox, often with tiny beads, on strand of dmc cotton and hair-thin strands of rayon. They are extremely fun to make, but take a long time!
The smallest piece I’ve done is a 40-count gauze measuring 1 1/4″ by 2″. Love working on gauze, and I love your emails and website! Thanks!
I made a cross stitch silhouette of a couple. It was done in black on white fabric. It wasn’t that small (about 5×7) but went quickly with only one stitch and one color.
Oh this would be pure joy for me as I am a miniature enthusiast. My smallest piece was a miniature Persian rug which I designed, stitched, framed and loved so much – but so did my sister who is not a stitcher and she asked for it as her wedding gift from me. Sadly she doesn’t live close by so I haven’t seen it for a long time. I would love the challenge of doing this piece!
I began making queen size quilts, then found I enjoyed lap quilts even more and now I love making doll-size quilts which are very popular gifts.
When I was in a convent, we marked all of our things with an assigned letter, using a Sharpie or, for clothes, a whipped backstitch. Small in size, scope, and time- but a huge project!
Like one of the previous people–one of my smallest projects was my EGA nametag. It just has my name & nothing else. I was going to put something else on but have never gotten to it!
My smallest project was a small stumpwork kit of a pansy. The project was meant to be a scissor fob, but as it was the first ever stumpwork and it took me forever to do, it is way to special to use as a fob. I love kits to learn new techniques, so would be thrilled to win this chance to try something new. Thank you
This is over the top! Wow! This is so special. A real show stopper! Trudy Garza
I love working small and have done several pieces on 40 ct. silk. I’ll be 70 next month. Being near sighted is a boon because I can just take off my glasses and I see fine. I’m slower than I used to be – sometimes it takes me several tries to get the needle in the right hole, but I find the concentration to be therapeutic.
Well, I am just working on my very first embroidery project…a set of pillowcases. And I am loving every minute of it!!!
Many years ago I stitched a schoolhouse sampler on 40 count silk gauze for my sister.
Finished size was 1″ x 2″. To this day, it is her favorite piece that I have made for her. She could not get over the detail.
Smallest project, hmmm? I’m always working on so many different projects at once… I would say: free hand flower embroidery : tons of different types of flowers, trying to make each as realistic as possible… loved the results. And, being a French expat here in the States, I LOVE, LOVE these tapestries!!! My grandfather had some old ones in his home and I always daydreamed about the women who made them on those cold winter days…
My name is Lisa Kampel and I would love to win this kit! The smallest item I have stitched was a cute little kitty scissor fob on 40 count linen over 1 thread. The kitty was less than 1/2 inch when completed.
My smallest project was a walnut she’ll purse that I made for a smalls exchange for Thistle Threads Casket Group.
Merry Christmas
The smallest project is 50 count Santa face. One of these days I wish to aspire to micro petit point as a competition with my now passed grandfather who at 88 took up petit point. His favourite piece with Blue Boy and Pink Girl (Gainsborough) on 100 count.
My smallest embroidery must be one I fell in love with in one of my mother’s magazines in my early teens. It’s an angel and measures roughly 1-1,5 inch square. It didn’t look that complicated on paper, but it had some bumps on the way with the pattern in the magazine being wrong and securing so many threads on such a small surface.
Wow those are so pretty! I love counted work. The smallest project I can think of that I did was a little french knot rug. It was only about 3″ but must have had thousands of knots in there. Very fun!
The smallest projects I’ve ever done are some cross stitch Christmas tree ornaments. They were a kit I got many years ago with gold colored plastic frames about 1 1/2″ in diameter. I think there may still be one or two in the ornament box, but we’ve dramatically downsized our tree, so we are a lot pickier about the ones we put on.
As an aside, I have a WIP of many years that is a large size of one of the Cluny tapestry needlepoint kits. It would be nice to have a small one I could actually get done. 😉
I would love to win one of these kits! the smallest project I have stitched was a little kitty scissor fob. It was a simple but very tiny pattern. I completed over 2 days of stitching. Thank you for giving the opportunity to have a chance to receive such a special gift!
I was a 10 year old girl on a school trip when I first saw the original of the “La dame a la Licorne ” tapestry at the Cluny Museum in Paris. I have been stitching ever since and would dearly love to win your beautiful gift. Thank you.
My smallest project is smaller than a dime; a tiny flower in a silver box from a project by Jackie du Plessis. I will try to include picture, if i can figure ou how. Sorry I don’t know how. Francine
Love this kit! Reminds me of the first needlepoint kit I ever did – a gift from my grandmother. The smallest piece I ever did was of a hummingbird – on 28 ct, stitched 1 over 1 doing full cross stitches, outlined and even french knots!
Thank you but no thanks. I haven’t the patience or the eyesight. Merry Christmas Mary!
The smallest piece was A piece of Dresden lace. The count was 45. I enjoyed it but it was white on white and was hard to see.
My smallest project is still in progress. It is a tiny lamb in a field and all made of French knots. Then it fits into a very nice round disc that hangs as a necklace.
I did a project a couple weeks ago at a workshop that was completed, including stitching and finishing in 2 hours – and I finished early, which never happens.
I love working on gauze and made a couple of “pictures” for my daughter’s doll house, many , many years ago. Today I like to both stitch and weave with fine yarns.
Oh this one is easy! Years ago when I was much younger I bought a linen and silk thread kit. I somehow didn’t realize most of this work is done over two threads. I did it over one on 32 count. The finished project is beautiful and miniature!!!
It is in my bedroom and I do love it!
I love stitching for my dolls house. I have made a medieval rabbit cushion on 40 count gauze which was challenging but very satisfying. I have also stitched a square rug and a bell pull and a sampler In 12th scale. The beauty of these small projects is they do not take everyone to complete.
My head is full of ideas of other projects to fill my dolls house.
I’m amazed. The Stitchers Christmas tapestry show a portatif. It’s a small lap pipe organ. None survived through the ages. Some have built them purely based on the images that have survived. My husband built one about 40 years ago for some one who wanted to experiment playing one with their early music group. What a special tapestry.
The smallest project I ever worked was on flower pendant on 50 count silk gauze.
The smallest project is a hard one. For crafts, it would be counted cross stitch earrings. I don’t think that I ever did a really small embroidery project. My in-laws used to make doll houses to scale with all the furnishings. Some of their doll houses/furnishings were featured in magazines. I’ve always been fascinated by the detail Mem could put in little rugs or pictures on gauze for her doll house. I would love to try this.
Vickie (vjvl51)
The smallest piece I ever stitched was also my first counted work project: a tiny birthday cake that was part of card kit. I made it for my grandma’s birthday when I was 19 or 20. I remember really enjoying it at the time, but didn’t pick up counted work for another decade or so–I wish I had realized then that the LNS where I purchased the kit wouldn’t be around forever!
Mine was the cutest cross stitch Taurus on a key ring of plastic Aida – a kit I bought in China. The thread wasn’t good quality though, so making tiny stitches with it was quite challenging.
I’ve worked on a number of Erica Michaels designs which she usually design for 40 count gauze. At first I wasn’t sure I could do them, but I love “smalls” so much I had to try. I do love the challenge and the amazement when people see something stitched so small.
I have always loved dollhouses and miniatures so over the years I have worked tiny little rugs and samplers in several scales, from 1:4 to 1:12. But never something this intricate, what a challenge it would be!
The smallest piece I ever did was a couple of years ago. I spotted a tiny bird on a twig , a motif in a larger Christmas ornament. I worked the little bird over 1 on 29 count, mounted it on a 1/2″ covered button and put a bit of very narrow lace trim around it. It made a darling mini brooch!
It’s been a long time, but I think the smallest embroidery project I worked was 5″ by 6.” But it did not need the minute stitches in this project!
I just left a comment because I was so stunned to see the portatif organ on the tapestry. I forgot to tell about one of my smallest projecst. I was using an image of an artichoke and cross stitched the image changing colors constantly to get the gradations of a realistic artichoke. Each cross was a unique combination of colors. I know I’m not supposed to leave two comments. Sorry about that.
Such beautiful kits!! Thank you for the chance to win one!
My smallest piece of embroidery in both time and size have been some mixed medium brooches for my friends. They involved embroidery, applique, painting and embellishments. I really enjoyed the project as the results were visible very quickly. Sorry I’ve run out of steam. Good luck to everyone.
My smallest embroidery project ever was (oh so originally) a book mark. A cross stitch book mark with the very simplest flowers in different colours and a red fringe at the bottom. Not very remarkable, though such an important aspect of my life. I lost the thing countless times, at the most unusual places, but it has always found its way back to me.
Smallest…would be some 3.5 inch fun embroideries I attached to pocket mirrors to gift over the holidays. A grand departure from the 4 mega huge Bayaux Tapestry kits I’m currently working my way through!
Happy Holidays!
The smallest project was also my first project! A tiny (approx. 2″ x 2″) brooch for my grandmother. It was a mini tapestry 🙂
A few very small projects that I worked on:
A) A petitpoint tapestry for a young man whose mother had passed away, leaving many unfinished canvases that her son wanted to frame in her memory. The piece itself was huge: 2′ X 3′ ! It took me months to complete.
B) My first foray into crochet at the age of 19 was a patterned weave using size 20 cotton. The narrow wristband consisted of 6 different Navaho pattern strips! I gave it away when finished!
C) Experimental Irish Cluny Lace using tatting threads #80 + #120 and a size 16 crochet hook.
D) Replacing batiste yarns in cloth with superfine sewing thread and size 11 flex needles to achieve virtually invisible joint seams
E) Currently : Bead weaving using Delica sized 15
The smallest projects have been the 2″X11.5″ 40 count gauze projects in the Erica Michaels ‘petites’ collection. I have done about five or six of them and it’s amazing the detail and varied color one can get in such a small design.
My smallest project was stitching”86″, which is my apartment number.
What a lovely little project to win! The smallest piece of embroidery that I have done was a monogram on my daughter’s collar-she was on the college’s equestrian team and needed a formal monogram on the shirt of her show habit-it was only about 1/2 inch square, but I sure labored over that!
My smallest was just simple – 3 table covers with a very simple flower design – stem stitch, french knots, daisy stitch. Nothing to it! I never did get them completed………
Hi Mary,
A few years back I worked on a brooch. It was 40 count linen with a very intricate design (I think it was floral). It ended up being someone’s present.
Oh, these look like just the kind of teeny tiny things that would be such a delight to work. Right now I’m working on what is probably my smallest project, and it’s no match for this – just a set of coasters for a gift to a friend.
LOVE these miniatures!! The smallest embroidery project I ever worked on was a little (1 by 1-inch) pillow for a doll house. I tend to enjoy miniature projects the most, whatever the medium. (I used to make quilted jewelry, and some of the earrings had more than fifty pieces of fabric within 3/4 of an inch. Not sure I could do that again in my older years, but it sure was fun. I’ve looked at Bobbie’s micro-stitchery before and thought it would be a wonderful challenge and very satisfying too. Any project that employs the 15-minute philosophy (which I’ve passed along to so many others, Mary) would be good. Thanks for the opportunity to win. Merry Christmas, everyone!
When I was fifteen years old I embroidered a miniature doily (2 x 2 inches). The motif was a cross stitch rose with two leaves. I used muslin fabric without waste canvas, so I counted two threads of the fabric to shape the cross stitch. To complete this mini doily I crocheted the edges with a tiny lace using embroidery floss. This dolily still remains in my parents’s home overseas.
My smallest project in cross stitch is usually a Christmas Tree decoration, which I make each year for my Guide group. As I usually make the same decoration for each Rainbow (5-7 years old), Brownie 7-10 years), Guides (10-14) and adult leader I end up making about 40 of the same design! I need them to be small so as to get them all finished for Christmas.
The smallest embroidery ive ever finished was a brooch , roses on silk.
I’ve never made any teeny tiny finds, but I’m gonna try, truly x
Hi Mary
I stitched my daughter a wall hanging for her 30th made up of 30 different pieces of embroidery. I stitched her favourite teddy on one of the smaller squares and that was the smallest to date. She loved the hanging and it also won a competition at my stitchers group for our 30th Anniversary.
Best regards
My smallest stitch has to be the corner decoration on a handkerchief for my dad on Father’s Day. It was a tattoo style graphic of an anchor with the word dad in a scroll going over it.
I honestly don’t often work on small things or things that don’t take much time. I adore complicated, large projects which is a pain as I have so much trouble finishing them. And for those who are unsure about these kits – I can tell you that I’ve completed one of the other miniature Cluny kits and it was wonderful to stitch on. Thank you so much for the opportunity to enter this giveaway.
The smallest project I have worked on is a 4″ by 6″ tapestry that I have been working on for almost 20 years. Why you ask, because I only work on it when I am on a flight. I keep it in my travel bag….. Maybe I will finish it after the new year.
The smallest project(s) I’ve worked a one or 2 dozen Mill Hill bead Santas that hang cheerily on my tree. Done on perforated paper you don’t even need a frame, so they take up next to no room to carry to appointments in your handbag. Very satisfying.
When a godson was born 40 plus years ago I made a small piece for his parents as a Baptismal gift. I thought of it as a sampler because it had lettering “God gave us Jonathan” but not he whole alphabet. I think I also added some small design elements to fill in around the letters. It was framed in 3″x 3 1/2″ gold frame, no mat, so the work was sightly smaller than the frame. I worked it on 40 count gauze with silk floss in tent stitch. The background was black. I had to work that in daylight, out of doors because there weren’t wonderful lamps then and I could barely see the holes in the gauze even in daylight.
I love silk gause….Never have done one this detailed tho. Would love to have this on my todo list. I agree its not a project for beginners or you couldn’t work on it steady……Buts that okay I have many UFO,s thaet i can work on between..Happy Holidays to you, Love your sight.
Sandi Vadset
My smallest piece is a pin cushion in half a walnut shell with little stumpwork fruit on it. I did it in a class, and still enjoy holding it and looking at it.
The smallest project I can remember is making a name tag for the Embroiderer’s Guild. I chose a fine count linen and stitches morning glories and my name over one thread! It’s so lovely and I cherish it to this day.
As the eldest of seven girls with parents who couldn’t afford a lot of things, sometimes you didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas. I had wanted a dollhouse & never got one. I was 31 yrs. old, married with a 12 yr.old daughter when Christmas rolled around that year. My dad teased me for months before about what I was getting for Christmas. When I went to pick up this gift, it sat under the tree covered with a large garbage bag. Dad was poised with a camera. I pulled off the “wrapping”,a flash from the camera, & there was my dollhouse, made & designed by my dad. He had plans to make one for each of his daughters. Sadly he died later that year at age 56 from a massive coronary. I have the only dollhouse still in my possession some 38 yrs. later & I love it.
Anyway, the smallest thing I have ever made was a needlepoint seat cushion for a rocking chair in the dollhouse. It was maybe 1″ square.
I love a challenge & hope to be a winner so that I can start the new year with a winning piece to challenge me.
Hmm, I think it was the Jam jar lids I did one year. Those were actually really fun, I should do them again. I also did an embroidery/drawn thread sampler that although a good size when finished, had various small elements/areas. That was also a lot of fun.
The smallest item I’ve embroidered was a simple bookmark for a bible. As a child I saw pictures of the Cluny tapestries in a library book and have been enchanted with them ever since.
Oh I remember when you were working on this and just totally fell in love with it! The smallest project that I remember was prob back when I was in college and didn’t have much money so I stitched snowflake ornaments in small embroidery hoops for everyone on my list. I wish I had made one for myself! Thank you for reminding us about this project!
The smallest project was a scissor fob that came in a kit.. and I hated it. It was too small even for my smallest hoop and I wasn’t about to buy a new hoop for this one project. Without a hoop it was very fiddly and frustrating. I’ve since learnt that I could have sewed additional fabric to the sides of the actual fabric that came in the kit. Next time… if I’m ever brave enough.
The smallest thing that I can think of was a silk ribbon floral design on velvet. I used it as the top of a lid for a tiny ceramic jar. Gave it as a gift. I would love to try this little kit. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
I have completed some of Bobbies kits, the a lovely. The smallest piece I have worked on is a tiny casket, worked on 60ct silk gauze.
Merry Christmas to all.
Mavis Cheyne
One of the smallest items I have made was a pair of earrings and the other was embroidered buttons on my child’s christening gown – they were both embroidered with tiny grub roses. I received many comments which made it worth the effort.
The smallest in both size and scope was a very simple bookmark done on fabric mounted on carton.
Oh, my I do love this!!! I really enjoy working on silk gauze. The first silk gauze I actually did cross stitches instead of tent stitches. No one told me that silk gauze is usually done in tent! It was just a bunches of flowers all grouped together and I got lost so had to put it down for a while. I eventually finished it and I really love it!!! Since then, I have worked quite a few very small silk gauze projects and really enjoy doing them. I really would love to win this kit!!!!!
The smallest embroidery project I’ve ever made is part of one of the largest projects. I made a 1/12th scale embroidery shop window, which is 9″ wide x 7″ high x 3.5″ deep. All the embroidery is needlepoint (really “micro”point.) Inside there are 10 samplers and scenes, 2 fire screens, an embroidery stand with a bird’s nest in progress, 5 cushions, a footstool, a sewing box with contents, 3 baskets (1 with cushions, 1 with knitting needles, wool, and pattern, and 1 with sewing patterns), a tiny Victorian silver shoe pin cushion, and a Victorian doll pin cushion. In the past (and maybe still today?) you could buy needlepoint canvases for chair seats with the central flowers already embroidered. In the sewing box is the smallest needlepoint I’ve ever done. It’s a chair seat canvas (really silk gauze) with a needlepointed rose and leaves in the centre. The rose and leaves are 1/4″ x 1/2”.
recently I made 2 silhouettes of my children using satin stitch, each one was just under 2 cm high. Very cute! I also made a mini cross stitch sampler for my dolls house 🙂
The smallest project I have done was a tiny, 2 x 2″ gilt sylke twist bunch of grapes. It was a Needlework Nibble project offered by Thistle Threads. I mounted it into the glass lid of a small box, and I really like it. Thanks for the opportunity to win another little project.
A name tag with a capital S in the middle, little heart all around and my name at the bottom.
I used patterns from the William Morris fruit wall paper that had been done in canvas and wool as a cushion and instead used a single strand of DMC embroidery thread and a 50 count linen. They turned out beautifully BUT I have used magnifying glasses ever since!
Visiting the Cluny tapestries gave me goose bumps and reduced me to tears. They are exquisite.
8 of us from my Cloth Doll Club go away every August for a long weekend retreat and make a doll, stitch, chat, eat, drink and be merry. As a momento I stitch a small monogram, no more than 2 inch. Then my friend and I then sew it into something useful, this year it was a scissor fob using hungarian chain and bullion roses on linen.
I have started planning for next year – I’m looking at Lavender Honey & Favourite Monograms for inspiration
Would love to take on one of these lovely projects. The smallest thing(s) I have worked on was a series of old world Santas. They finished at about 4 inches square and were worked in 38 count linen. I worked on them when I was hospitalized for a long period. I knew when I finished all 8 Santas, I would be well. And I was!
Betty Lawson, Hot Springs, Arkansas
The smallest project I did was a sampler done on linen over one thread. I was young enough to not have a magnifier then. I gave it as a gift to my aunt and 30 years later she still has it on the shelf by her antique clock. Every time I see it I remember my frustration, but it’s exceptionally lovely because of the small size and big detail.
I have just finished my smallest ever project. I bought a pdf from Stitcharama on Etsy for a sacred Russian Talisman. I was looking for historical Finnish Embroidery, but this is as close as I could get. I had a really beautiful sterling and glass locket. So I had to do the embroidery on 32 count Belfast. I did it in a black silk embroidery thread. It was a scant inch when I got finished. I fray checked the entire one inch, let it dry, cut it out and put it in the locket. On my computer in really really tiny script I printed “find your true north”. This was the size of a penny. I cut it out and put it on the backside of the embroidery. I strung the whole thing on sterling necklace, added a Wanderlust and compass charm from Etsy and mailed the whole thing off to my niece. She loves it!
I have long wanted to try Bobby’s Cluny kits. The Lurcher? The Hare? The Pheasant? Another technique I haven’t tried.
Thanks again for giveaways. I think the smallest thing I’ve made was a little Christmas ornament. Not only did the stitching take longer than I thought it should, I also then had to the finishing!
Judy C in Madison
My smallest project in terms of time was “Santa Claus Checking His List” cross stitch on linen which I framed.
A covered button is my smallest. It was my first project in blackwork.
I used to embroider on my jeans in the 70’s. Not all at once just a vine here a posey there. Sometimes when I was wearing them. They eventually end up as shorts then a purse.
I forgot about that from the 70’s. I remember doing a red tongue. Was it from Rolling Stones Album.
I enjoy stitching on silk gauze. I’ve done 40 ct, nothing finer then that. I’ve done projects that are pins, I think 1 in by 1 1/2 inches. Also done some of the jar covers with Crossed Wing designs.
My smallest project was a sampler on 40 count linen. It was a challenge. But after some time I would like to return to something very similar. I also stitched in tent stitch, because it was simply impossible to stitch in cross stitches.
Well … it is hard to really define when embroidery ends and mending begins … ok, it ISN’T hard, because one is decorative and one happens after your husband comes home with a ripped shirt. But I sort of see solving problems – practical or decorative – with a needle on a continuum, and in that sense, the smallest embroidery projects I do are when I take a bit of felt and a needle and stitch up a tiny, tiny hole in one of Zach’s shirts before it can become a massive rip. A stitch in time!
I think the smallest project I ever worked on was a set of 3 little flower bouquets that were counted cross stitched on 18 ct Aida. They were pretty solid stitching and were placed in little oval 2 x 1 silver frames. I did these about 30 or more years ago and gave one each as Christmas gifts to my mother-in-law and both grandmothers-in-law. Over the years, all 3 of these women have passed and the pieces are all back in my home now. Whenever I see them, I think of these wonderful women and how much I loved them.
I like miniatures a lot. There’s something about tiny, perfect things that just keep me enthralled. I went on a Mill Hill ornament kick a while (a long while) ago and did about umpteen million of their cross stitch-beaded ornaments. Those are the smallest things I’ve done.
When I first read your blog on the Cluny tapestry you stitched I fell in love. I have always thought the original tapestry to be the most exquisite and colourful and would delight in the challenge of stitching a miniature one for myself. I have just retired and will have the opportunity to dedicate more time to my love of stitching. Thank you for this opportunity and I hope you are well and have a most wonderful Christmas. Roslyn from Australia!
ooooh this was made for me…. I love counted work… it is mostly what I like to do… surface embroidery is a real challenge for me… and I like small… but mighty… but haven’t done any 40count gauze before… but do own a collection of “things mythical” unicorns dragons fairies mermaids wizards etc… that I have been acquiring for over 40 years and this would make a splendid addition… I may have to buy it if I don’t win 🙂 I’ve done a lot of ornaments across the years… many of them quite small but I also did some “inchies” both as scissor fob and ornaments so that would be my smallest embroidery project
I have never done anything really small, working on very fine linen is the closest.
Would love to start though
Hard to think of this, but I think it would be some self-covered buttons I made about 20 years ago, with floral cross-stitch motifs on them. Very cute!
OH! MY! This kit is awesome! I have done mini stitching for years…I call myself a miniaturist in that I love tiny and love making tiny things…furniture, home decor, just everything for a doll house or room box…quilts, I could go on & on. This tapestry would be a perfect wall hanging in my tudor/stuart box. Thanks for the chance to win! joan chance
My smallest stitching to date is probably my cute little mousie ornamaent from Just Nan – only about an inch and a half tall but quite a lot of stitching nevertheless! I absolutely love the Cluny tapestries and had the privelage of viewing them in person a couple of years ago – not small!! Thanks for the opportunity to win a miniature kit and a very Merry Christmas to you and yours!
I want to tell you about my first experience stitching small. It was the Marbek Renaissance Angel which I stitched on 22 count hardanger cloth. I love her more each year; she comes out for Christmas. I now routine stitch 1 over 1 on 32 count linen. I love stitching complex designs 1 over 1.
I have a passion for needle/pin keepers and needle rolls. My needle keepers are never larger than 31/2 x 31/2 when folded in half. The needle rolls are 3/4″ diameter by 4 or 5 inches.
I would have to say my smallest project was an embroidered Christmas ornament for my church’s Christmas tree; however, it turned into a pretty large project as I embroidered, needlepointed and cross stitched many more and had the help of many other ladies to cover a 10 ft. tree.
My smallest embroidery project ended up being simply labeling my eldest daughter’s school top. I have been doing reversible blackwork for quite some time so it was a surprise to see that putting “ABI” into the top was also done in quick back stitch and nicely reversed on the outside! Thankfully the collar covered it up.
I really want that miniature tapestry! It could hang on a diorama wall behind my embroidered medieval garments in a Barbie-size scale, chain mail (silver knit) over a cream silk tunic embroidered all over in red single-strand geometric motifs. That is the smallest embroidery I’ve done. She even has a miniature cross bow. (twig-made, not embroidered)
The bottom third of a sampler which was a scene of trees, birds, and animals grazing on grass was embroidered with very small stitches to give it some great detail!
The smallest things I worked on were a pair of cross stitch buttons it took about one week to finish who would think something so small would take so long. Jennifer
My smallest project (both in size and scope) was a smiling sunflower in a brown pot with the words ‘Hello Sunshine’ stitched above and below the flower. I had decided to try cross stitch and this was my first attempt. After stitching was complete you could attach a magnet to the back and turn it into a fridge magnet. After that, I worked on successively larger and more complicated charts-mostly from Miribilia Designs.
Wonderful kits! The smallest embroidery I’ve ever done was a miniture tapestry of a teddy bear on silk gauze with silk thread. It measured only a quarter of an inch wide and high. I also worked a piece of Chinese embroidery (where the back was the same as the front) and although the goldfish design wasn’t small the thread was tiny or very fine it was one strand of silk thread that was separated 16 times into the finest gossamer like thread and was so tricky to work with but produces amazing results. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win these gorgeous prizes each day merry Christmas xx
I’ve made several silver and goldwork brooches which reminds me I still have one incomplete from a class – maybe over the holidays I will get that finished.
Catherine from New Zealand.
red pincushion
My smallest project was a dorset button – only had enthusiasm for one so it became a brooch.
My favourite works are always very small, wether it is origami, beading or embroidery. My favourite is a brooch, 3 x 2 cm, with a tree and a small stream next to it! Other brooches I made, the same size, are a meadow with sheep in it and a landscape withe a village in the background! I am not a counter, but these give aways are really beautiful, and I’d love to try them.
My smallest project was from a magazine and it was of a posie of purple flowers. Instead of doing two over two I used a different count linnen and did one over one. At the time I did this project my husband was overseas in a politically unstable country so rather than focus on worrying about him I focused on this instead and it is my favourite piece of work.
I found a little embroidery kit, I can’t remember where, that was a picture of one of the Queens of England. It had metallic thread, and I was really new to embroidery, scared to try it. I didn’t do a very good job with it, I didn’t really know how to stitch at that point, but it was all I could find at the time for some reason I can’t remember. It was so so tiny, maybe 3″ high. This little tiny lady, with all her gown and hair and face and all. It was kind of frustrating since I had no idea how to do it properly. But I still love it since it was one of my first efforts at embroidery.
36 count! a minature rug. Hard on the eyes but great result. I like your 15 minute philosophy.
The smallest project I’ve ever worked is a Siamese cat on 40 count silk gauze (I haven’t finished it).I did finish a black cat pincushion on a fine linen (don’t remember the gauge) which was cross stitch over one and really gave my eyes a workout. I have loved the Cluny tapestries for a long time and had the privilege of seeing them last year. Eye sight be damned, I’ll manage to do this if I win.
I have recently discovered petit point and really enjoy it. I have made four seasonal pictures measuring 1.5 x 2 inches. Sometimes I have difficulty finding the straight line and then have to remove and replace stitches but it is worth the challenge.
A number of years ago, I joined Iris Chapter of EGA and needed a name tag. I found an iris design to make a pillow in gros point. I reduced it to about 32 stitches per inch canvas…just right for a name tag. My father was suffering from early dementia, so I stitched it when I stayed with him for a couple weeks one summer so my step-mother could visit her family.
My most important embroidery was a set I bought at a convenient store featuring the center horisontal part of a cats head as if looking through a missing board.
It was wool on hessian.
What made it important was – that I finished it while in hospital after a blod clot in my heart, which I was told was due to smoking and stress.
Stopped smoking immediately and the stitching helped me through!
Cluny in miniature. It would look terrific worked into my in progress miniature crazy quilt.
The smallest, but most time consuming project I’ve ever undertaken was a carpet, just 8 inches by 5 inches , in cross stitch. I loved doing it, but have never been brave enough to start another one. I’d like to win this give away.
Several 3×2 inch pictures on 40 count silk gauze. Don’t remember the designers.
The smallest project I ever worked on was bargello seat covers for my 1/12th scale doll house dining room. I used 40 gauge silk fabric and DMC floss. They turned out great but I don’t know that I’d do it again unless it was maybe just one or two chairs – not 8 again!
Merry Christmas Mary – may the upcoming year be one of much joy and blessings to you, no matter the circumstances.
I think the smallest project in terms of embroidery has probably been some muslin cloths that I put a wee bullion rose bud in the corner of each cloth for the birth of my first son. He’s 21 so I’m thinking that would have been 22 years ago now! WOW, time speeds by at time!
Much love and thankfulness for you Mary,
A petitpoint brooch with a rose arch and English garden. Finished with a gold fancy back and clasp. It is still sitting on my dressing table…
I would have such fun attempting this beautiful kit… might have to make a castle for it to fit inside?
The smallest project I’ve ever done was a seed bead size pearl cross.
I think the smallest project I ever worked on was a tiny stump work kit in about 1974. I worked in a needle shop and we got these kits in. I had never heard of stump work but was intrigued. The kit was natural colors – grey and dark linen on a mustard colored background, about 3 inches square. It was a woven basket filled with flowers. I remember it vividly, but have no idea what happened to the piece in all my moves.
The tapestry kits are just beautiful They make me think of my mother, who passed away in October. She needlepointed 4 of the Cluny canvases and had them hanging in her house.
Mary it just came to mind that I thought I saw a name Hornwoggled. I can’t remember if it was to do with an embroidery or whatever?!
It is something I have not seen in many a day. I have a feeling that it was used with carpetbaggers. Poor John got Hornwoggled by the Carpet bagger Jenkins.
In other words cheated, duped, taken to the cleaners.
I wondered what that had to do with embroidery?
Must look that one up. Cheers MM
When I think of my smallest project the one that comes to mind was a piece of pulled thread work that I did a couple of years back. While not small in size I enjoyed it so much that I got it stitched in three days, so definitely my winner for smallest amount of time.
The smallest project(s) I have done were a series of cross-stitch initials which finished at about 4 inches square. The patterns were published in a magazine and I worked about 15, for which my woodworker husband made frames. I gave them as Christmas gifts one year. I haven’t done anything quite as small since although I did work a couple of cross stitch street scenes which were done on linen, one stitch per thread, so you can imagine the number of tiny tiny stitches.
I love this series of miniatures and would love to win one. Thank you for the opportunity.
My smallest project is the one I am currently working on from Inspirations Magazine no 89. The project is called Love Letters. As I’ve been mainly done cross stitch for the past 30 yrs, just in the last couple of months I have had the urge to try out new stitches. I am doing a trial one of the Love Letters, on a light weight linen fabric which was left over from a skirt I had made. This way I can master the stitches before doing the Letter again on some 32 count Belfast Linen. I intend to make myself a Hand sewing box, with the top and 4 sides have my monogram in different styles. I have already completed a trial Letter using your Daisy & Ring Monogram, which I think that I did pretty well. I love the technique that I learnt from your tutorials on No Knot starting and completing. I have always used the no knot method with my cross stitching. Thank you for the advice and tutorials that you supply for free. Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year from Australia.
Little Santa on a round cloth under a ball jar band for bright red and green pepper jelly.
The smallest project I’ve worked on was a miniature sampler done on 40 CT silk gauze. It was really lots of fun and since it was on silk gauze instead of linen it was easy to work on!
Quite a while ago I made two pendants using 40 count silk kits. They were quite small so worked up fairly easily. I have also made a couple pins using 32 and 36 count linen.
My smallest project stitched is a paperweight on silk in petit point – small because of the stitch size and fineness of the silk but not in time! Well worth the effort!
I think the smallest project I worked, in size and in time, was a single daffodil out of Ann Bernard’s Stitching Idyllic: Spring Flowers. My sister had torn a small hole in a shirt she liked, and asked me to do something interesting to patch it. The daffodil was just the thing and I was done in ten minutes!
The smallest needlework pieces I’ve done come out of the Christmas box every year and are hung on the tree. I did a little crewel piece for each day of The 12 Days of Christmas. Each day is in a two-inch frame. So each day is tiny. But I did 12. Does that make it a big project? 🙂
60ct Silk gauze pendant was the smallest thing
Would love to win this…
The smallest project I ever did was a series of monthly small pillows from Shepherd’s Bush. I have a basket on my dresser just the right size for one and I change the display every month.
I recently made a bunch of stuffed ornaments for various family and friends and they were the smallest in size I’ve done. One of them I did for a cousin who rides horses was super quick too! It was this horse head pattern that had swirls and such and I just did split stitch for the whole thing only changing out the thread colors and it came out lovely despite taking so short of time!
Well, I’ll go with the first thing that came into my head (whether it fits-the-bill or not!). It was a single stump work acorn ala Jane Nicholas. The most difficult part about a single acorn (that I framed in a teeny gold frame) is all the threads that end up on the backside and create Big Lumps. It must have taken me 8 hours to separate the threads into single strands and find individual places to weave them into the back, so there were no resulting lumps. I did. And it looked very “simple” to the naked eye!! But I do LOVE working small — and these kits look very enticing! I don’t mind if I have to wear 3 sets of magnifiers — I just love the way it looks!
I accidentally bought a linen that was so fine that when I had to do petit point on it, I think it was an instant migraine. I did not have magnifiers and eventually gave up on that project. Of course I didn’t learn from that and accidentally bought another too-small linen for another project but this time I bought magnifiers. It’s going to look fabulous when done!
Many, many years ago, I embroidered a set of fine handkerchiefs with the recipient’s initial. The monograms were 1 inch high. They turned out very pretty and were well received.
The smallest project I’ve worked on is a tiny variegated heart about the size of a quarter. Thanks for the chance! Teal
I made a little cross stitch flower for my Grandmother!
While working in a craft store during college, I discovered many new to me needlework forms. For a while, I made oriental rugs in latch hook, needlepoint, and counted cross stitch. I still have the 5″ x 7″ needlepoint rug in the Kashmir Medallion design, colors blue, red and gold; I use it as a mug rug next to my computer keyboard. It’s one of the few handmade things I still have over 40 years later!
A small owl, small in size, small in scope, taught me that even tiny projects are enormous if you haven’t had your glasses updated in far too long. Eyeglasses are also pretty small in the scheme of things, but the difference they make can be the biggest thing in your life.
I think my smallest project of work has been a small pillow done in redwork. Thanks again for opportunity to enter the drawing. Kay H
A needle painting of a rose on 40 count gauze for a friend’s dollhouse. I’d love to try it again.
A tiny teddy bear on 40 ct silk gauze that will one day be a covered button on a teddy bear cushion. Merry Christmas everybody!
I was fortunate enough to have been Paris last May and went to the Cluny museum. Breath taking, amazing and just beautiful.
I would love, love to stitch one of these kits. The smallest piece I have stitched would probably be a small bird counted thread work about 3 1/2 x 3 1/2″. I also did one row of roses on a smocked nightgown. I love tiny detailed embroidery. So count me in and I hope I win.
I made a name tag on gold silk cloth using stump work, beads couching and cross stitch. It is oval in shape 3″ x 2-1/2″
The grapes are tiny beads and wire tendrals. Beads covered in thread depicting blue berries and little red berries. A dragon fly with stump work wings couched body and embroidered legs. X stitches in the background. leaves embroidered on the background. a gold spiders web embroidered with a little spider. My name is also embroidered on the name tag and the year that I made it 2012.
What I was attempting to achieve was a sample of embroidery work on the name tag.
The smallest in size project is when I crossstitched pillows and a bedspread for my dollhouse. But the smallest one
My smallest project was embroidering a hummingbird on linen for a small covered button. It was an embellishment for my mom’s crazy quilt sampler jacket and was a real hit!
Hi Mary, my smallest needlework ever was sampler in cross stitch on a plain piece of sheet cloth for a dollshouse. I used the tread of the cloth just as you would use linen fabric, every cross stitch was really really tiny. I made that sampler years ago but even them I had to use a magnifing glass, otherwise irt was impossible to do.
Elly B
What wonderful kits! I have been a unicorn lover since I was a teenager (I won’t say how long ago!). Anyway, the smallest project I completed was Tulip Slip, a kit I purchased from Thistle Threads. Finished size is 2 1/2 inches square. It was tent stitched on 34 ct. linen over one. Needless to say, I needed my magnifiers! Thanks for your awesome giveaways! Merry Christmas!
The smallest project was a copy of the postage stamp LOVE .
The smallest project I stitch is small on time. My mother bought me a stamped table runner when I was around 12. She think it keep me busy for a long time but in the afternoon of the next day it was done. I still have it (I’m 61 now).
Thanks for the give-aways . Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year Mary.
Probably the smallest piece of embroidery I’ve worked on is Soldier Pillows which was a project initiated
by Embroidery Guild of America in support of our troops deployed overseas.
Hi Mary, Merry Christmas… it was exactly this time of year when I made my smallest tapestry. It was a small brooch that I gave to my grandma for Christmas. When she passed away, I received it back. I haven’t worn it, but I remember gran wearing it proudly..
My local quilt shop made kits up with individual 6×6 blocks to embroidery. I did one of each she had so when I went in and asked if there were any new ones she said not now but soon. After asking a few times, she made oa kit just for me — it was a large happy face. I busted out laughing when I saw it and of course had it done in fifteen minutes. We laughed many time about it.
Either I work tiny projects or huge ones. There seems to be little in between. The smallest was a miniature bouquet done on silk gauze that was about the size of a quarter when finished. It was to be inserted into a locket. There was a tiny Santa for a pin as well. I have done several of that type of stitching on gauze, several miniature Persian carpets on gauze and usually work on 40 count fabric no matter what the chart says. My excitement here stems from the fact that I am presently working on the third of the Unicorn tapestries. These were very large and took years each to complete. Imagine my excitement to see the tapestries I love in miniature!
The smallest but challenging piece I worked on is a miniature Chinese shoe, finished with sole. The piece was worked in a variety of canvass needlepoint stitches and a variety of fibers as well. I used pearlized DMC, suede fiber, gold braid for the shoe and for the tassels DMC gloss with blending filament.
It is show cased next to the miniature Kimono (freshwater pearls, gold, silk fiber) on black laquar stand.
Creating a 3 dimensional article only added to the joy of the project.
The smallest embroidery I,ve ever tackled was 5 inch red work blocks of angels and baby animals for a baby,s quilt. It took me 6 months from beginning to end, but worth it! Thanks and Merry Christmas to you Mary, I hope 2017 brings you a prosperous and healthier new year.
When I first read your blog on the Cluny tapestry you stitched I fell in love. I have always thought the original tapestry to be the most exquisite and colourful and would delight in the challenge of stitching a miniature one for myself. I have just retired and will have the opportunity to dedicate more time to my love of stitching. Thank you for this opportunity and I hope you are well and have a most wonderful Christmas. Roslyn from Australia!
ps. I love unicorns!
My smallest needlework project(s) were some cross stitched Christmas decorations that I did a few years ago. They finished about 2″ x 3″ or so.
I would love one of these kits as I used to do a lot of petit point at one time & still do some counted cross stitch, both of which I really love. The petit pint is nice as it is so compact to carry with you when traveling.
These give-aways that you are doing are wonderful. Thanks so much for the chance to win one.
What a lover little tapestry. Fantastic. The smallest embroidery I ever did was around 3×5 of a Conch shell. A;sp a combo of quilitng and embroidery of a small fan block for a name tag for my quilt guild. The embroidery was done Crazy quilting style on the seams of the fan.
My smallest embroidery was 3.5cm square. It was quite fine and had just sufficient detail to show a man standing amid part of a flock of sheep with blue sky and green grass behind. The problem was finding a frame, or box lid, small enough to suit the size! Compliments of the season to you.
Oh how fun! I have always wanted to try a miniature tapestry but always talked myself out of it.
The smallest I ever worked on was when I was a kid and got a kit for two little unicorns in cross stitch. My mom didn’t know how to cross stitch so we had to figure it out together. It was fun but I steered clear of cross stitch after that despite all the pretty charts
The smallest embroidery project I’ve worked on is a Christmas ornament. This project looks intriguing.
The smallest projects I have happily worked on were two little cross stitch kits that my children bought for me when they were little. My daughter Jen gave me a little pink mouse (for her room!) and my son gave me a floral heart with Mother in the centre (for me!) Kids are cute!
I love the idea of a 15-20 minute daily project. A daily embroidery fix. Needle thread site is my favourite site – alongside our own Inspirations of course
The smallest project I ever worked was over one on 36 count linen. It was a mermaid sampler complete with lighthouse. I can’t remember who the designer was, but after I was done, I framed it by using five mats (kind of a shadowbox effect) and a yellow frame. It still garners the most comments by those who visit my stitching wall. 🙂
I made some embroidered name tags for a stitching get a way for my friends – vines and flowers entwined w/ their first names. So much fun!
I did a set of four counted cross-stitch refrigerator magnets back in the ’80’s!
I do love to stitch on silk gauze. My favorite smallest piece is a tiny pillbox cover, depicting a cute santa in silk on silk.
I actually have a dollhouse and the smallest project I have worked on was a gown for a porcelain doll for the house. She is only 5 1/2 inches tall and I handmade her gown along with tiny roses and vines embroidered on her gown as decoration. Very fun!
A rag doll face is the smallest embroidery ‘job’ I can remember.
My smallest project in size has been some assisi scissor keepers that I did for a friend, about 1″ square. I have the sense series of tapestries on my todo list, great to know about these miniature versions. Might to to update my Xmas list 🙂
My smallest project of embroidery is needle keeps. I love to make them so I can give them to my friends.
I love to stitch with very fine threads and do not mind how long it takes me. The finer the piece is the better I like it. I stitched a tiny, 3/4 of an inch, pillow for my mother’s doll house years ago. She stitched reproductions of her oriental rugs for her doll house so I come by the love of very small things naturally. I once reduced a bobbin lace pattern down to less than 1/4 of an inch to make a lace hanging for a four poster bed in her doll house.
Merry Christmas to you.
Always love these designs. Silk gauze, no problem!
This is wonderful. I stitched both of these in a much larger scale back in the 1970’s. I would love to do one of these in a much smaller scale.
Punto Antico sampler
The smallest embroidery project I have ever worked on were embroidered cushions for the tiny seats in my daughters’ dolls house, inevitably in pinks and purples and baby blues, perhaps not my preferred colour choices, but it made them very happy!
The smallest thing was a brooch.
Most tiny (size) things I do are massive on scale. Still putting the final touches on a 53 count pulled thread sampler.
My introduction to gold work was a small ladybug brooch, this led to many large goldwork designs.
These tapestries are lovely, my mother has done several miniature rugs, which are stunning too.
My smallest project was an exact replica of a friend’s daughter’s wedding gown for an 18 inch doll. Tiny seed pearls and embroidered lace. It was a beautiful labor of love.
The smallest item I made was a
2 1/2″ Christmas Ornament I made as a gift for a friend.
… so why is it easier to remember my larger projects than my smaller projects? Smallest recent one I can recall is a scissor fob, about 1″ square. What is special about this one, is that some of us were invited to pick an item from the estate of a stitching friend. We could also buy some of her kits and supplies, and this was one of them.
These silk gauze projects are wonderful. Of the two, I’d pick the Sense of Hearing, for the connection to music.
The smallest project I’ve done was a teeny rose mounted on a measuring tape. It was on 40ct linen over 1 thread but very delicate and pretty. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed New Year.
The smallest project I ever worked was putting a smiley face on the pocket of a ripped shirt. My daughters favorite shirt was accidentally torn as she was racing out the door. So I grabbed some floss and quickly mended the tear by turning it into a smiley face. All turned out well.
The smallest embroidery I have ever undertaken was about 20 years ago when I decided to embroider a brooch for my Grandmothers 95th Birthday. I had found this beautiful gold broach frame when wondering through a small sewing store which inspired the idea. I mean at 95 you tend to have all you need so I wanted to make something meaningful. My Grandmother was an accomplished seamstress and embroiderer in her day and still had enough faculties about her to ruthlessly critique any embroidery, gift or no gift, so the bar was set very high. I remember using fine silk sewing thread to create a tiny cottage garden on my 4cm canvas, primarily in shades of muted pinks and dusky greens. My Grandmother passed away at 104 years and wore the brooch every Sunday to church so I assume it meet with her approval. My Grandmother was English and the matriarch of the family, she grew up the eldest daughter in a family of considerable wealth in the County of Kent at the age of 20, against her parent’s wishes, she was rebellious enough to voyage across the English Channel and worked for Chanel sewing on buttons. My Grandmother referred to this as a very prestigious position but we always referred to her as “the button sewer”.
The smallest project I’ve worked are handkerchiefs I embroidered for some male friends on their engagements. I embroidered the handkerchiefs with their initials and a small image that was important or representative of them in some way. It was a fun little project and it didn’t take long to create or finish. The guys appreciated them and it was nice to see their reactions.
The smallest piece was a little rectangle of spare fabric that I embroidered with my initials, a long long time ago. It still sits in my wallet.
Great giveaway! The smallest piece I stitched was a little DMC kit of a colorful parrot. It was only 2 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 on aida. I finished it in a tiny notebook
Northern CALIF
What fabulous tapestries!! The smallest project I can remember doing was done when I was about ten or twelve years old, and I stitched an acorn – using sewing thread on an old scrap of linen tablecloth, stitching over one thread, and following a chart from I do not know where!! I no longer have it, but I do remember I stitched it in a maroon colour!!
My smallest project was a butterfly embroidered near the hem of my sister’s jeans-about 40 years ago!
NOW you have my attention! I’ve loved these tapestry kits ever since I first heard you mention them on the blog. Right up my alley. I would be thrilled beyond bits to win one. I’m a big fan of Erica Michaels’ cross stitch designs, many of which are on 40 count silk gauze. Anyway… the smallest project I’ve done was a Celtic image of a griffin that I created in cross stitch from from a Dover collection of copyright-free designs. I had recently seen an exquisite Christmas angel worked one-over on 40 count and suddenly HAD to try working teeny like that. Just for my own experiment and pleasure, I stitched the Celtic griffin one-over on 40 count hand-dyed linen. Never framed it or anything, just keep it in my stitching bag and enjoy looking at it and remembering making it. Perfect? Very far from it, but it’s not bad for a first try at working that small. I don’t have it right here handy, but I’d say he measures about 2″ x 3″ or 3″ by 4″. Thanks!
The smallest project I’ve done was a scissors keeper on 40 count linen with one strand of silk thread. The pattern was one of the free ones from The Drawn Thread.
It looked great, but then I started doing a pincushion drawn up by me based on the scissors keeper design and her spring sampler pincushion design. I made two small mistakes and ended up with two sides of the border done and it not hitting the right spot to turn the corner for the third side! I couldn’t face pulling out all those tiny daffodils in three colours along the border.
Both projects are still in my cupboard, waiting for me to get up the courage to do something about it. They have been there for years 🙁 One day I will pull them back out.
My smallest project was worked on 40 count silk gauze, the end result was lovely
These silk gauze kits are beautiful!
My smallest project was a Christmas ornament of an angel by JBW designs. I worked it on 40 count linen, full cross stitch over one thread with Tudor silk. It was small, quick, and beautiful – a gift for my sister.
I have also worked on 52 count linen, but while the linen count was finer, the project was much larger in size.
Helen in Tucson
My smallest project was a tiny clutch of lavender embroidered to make a brooch for a friend. It is an oval about an ingh high and three quaters of an inch across tops. I did a “small” amaryllis on 40 count gauze years ago – it is about 4 inches across!
My small project was a replace project….when I was 10 my mother and other women would clean the chapel every Saturday morning. On this Saturday I was to be with my Aunt all day, but she was a nurse and was called into work. So, she drop me and my dog off at the church, and I was to go find my mother….on the way through the church I stop and looked at all the different Nativity set up through out the church…when I finely made it to my mother. I saw that my dog(baby girl) was chewing on something….when I pulled it away from her , she was chewing on a cross stitch baby Jesus…..guess what I worked on for the next 2 weeks…..a new baby Jesus…
Nannett in Stanton
I had a kit with 40 count silk gauze. Right now, I can’t remember what it was. It may have been to put in a bookmark. Anyway, it was fun, and it was the first time I had to use magnification to stitch.
Hi Mary! The smallest piece I’ve ever worked on was a small necklace. About 1 inch by 3/4 of an inch. It was supposed to be a Christmas pattern, but the local needlework guild I belong to has a “rule” that each member wear a nametag to our meetings or get “fined” $0.50! So I changed it up a bit to have my name on it with a little sheep and flowers. It was a quick and fun little project.
Smallest project…hmmm…first thing that comes to mind would be a Margaret Sherry kitten in a basket card that came with a cross stitching magazine.
I do, however, have a small counted cross stitch sampler kit on similar silk gauze that I intend to try sometime next year.
Well, my LARGEST work was the Sense of Hearing – done in crossstitch on linen. It took AGES – all 48,645 stitches of it.
The smallest work I have done is a copy of a Klimpt design – on gauze, with single silk threads. I worked it out from a picture, and am so delighted with it.
And I would love to have the tiny Sense of Taste done on silk, to compare with both of them!.
A wonderful Christmas Mary – bless you for the joy and companionship you bring to my life.
My smallest project was stitching a wreath over one thread on 40ct linen (so tiny stitches). That time i did not know there are linens of different count. Today i cant believe i created it myself, as those who see it at first time think it is a print on fabric.
I love all things miniature….the smaller the better. Probably the smallest thing I have done is a scale 1″to12″ double bed patchwork quilt for a dolls house.
Merry Christmas to you and all who are dear to you xxxx
My smallest was a silk ribbon brooch. Just a pansy and some leaves. But I wasn’t very good and it took me ages!
My smallest embroidery project is a French knot parterre garden picture. It is small in size and in the size of each stitch but is a very detailed little garden with hedges, shrubs and roses. But it certainly was not small in the time it took to complete!!
My smallest project was actually a miniature doorstop from Microstitchery. This was my first time stitching on 40 count silk gauze but it was a delightful experience and I loved the finished product!
The smallest project I ever worked was a wee needlepoint project for a dollhouse to mimic a tapestry hanging. I don’t know what I was thinking. The scaled down size was completely insane. Final size was 2 inches by 3 inches. Still it was a lot of fun to be challenged in that way.
I always put my name in for the give-aways but have never been a winner. This is a project that I would love to do. Not only for the challenge, but I have been intrigued with the stylistic tapestries since I was a small girl learning embroidery from my grandmother. So I will sit with my sewing box in suspense in hope that this will be my next project.
I tried a cross stitch apple on 40 count linen 1 over 1. It wasn’t an unqualified success because the pattern required negative spaces. I’m still considering filling these in with a different colour.
Thirty years ago, when I didn’t yet wear glasses, I loved to work one-over-one on 32-Ct renewables. I did an owl for my dad that measured 1 inch x 1/2 inch when finished. Now I’d need not only my glasses but a magnifier to do that, but I still love tiny fine work.
the smallest project in size is probably the silk gauze projects. I actually used to be able to adjust my eyes to see the silk gauze without glasses. Of course, those days are long gone.
I also do the Secret Needle Night project from the Silver Needle in Tulsa, OK. And I just finished a small canvas of Union Station (In KC, MO) at the time of the World Series win by the KC Royals. I used french knots to show the people outside and since several of my friends went, I made groupings of them and their families at the rally. When I finished the piece I got pictures of those friends with the canvas.
Very beautiful and inspirational. True works of art
Little tiny Christmas tree ornaments, so cute!
I made a couple of small (1 1/2 x 2) ccs of Halloween scenes. they were my short plane ride works. I always have a piece going at work and my boss laughs. he says 15 – 20 minutes a day and you get it done. Well he is right. In the course of a year, I always finish a decent size piece and donate to a co-worker for his Breast Shoot Fund Raiser.
The smallest project I’ve worked was a tiny beaded Christmas ornament that was a little white cat…just like our cat Snowy. Snowy loved sleeping under the Christmas tree, he thought we put it up just for him! He isn’t with us anymore, but we still hang the ornament on the tree every year.
The smallest piece I made was a kit of counted cross stitch of the 54-40 or Fight quilt block. The piece had 4 of the blocks surrounded by a double border and was done with silk floss on 40 count linen. It finished at just under 3″. I decided to use it as the center patch of a larger 54-40 block because I had fabrics in my stash to match the floss. I makes a lovely wall hanging and serves as a great reminder of the friend that gave the kit to me.
My smallest project was a bookmark for my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher. I had my daughter write out “Save this spot” to show how much she’d improved her letters, and then stitched it onto a bookmark =) It was really fun!
I’ve done several projects on 40 count gauze, but size wise, my smallest project was a stumpwork snowman head that I put into jewelry findings about 1″ x 1/2″. I designed it as an introduction to stumpwork class for the winter since berries are hard to be excited about making when there’s snow on the ground.
I tend to work large, but the smallest projects I have worked on were embroidered patches to be appliqued onto dresses. I created some roses, and some birds to be added to ladies dresses.
the smallest item I’ve worked on are cross stitch Christmas ornaments.
Hello Mary,
In my livingroom I have a Victorian doll house (1:12 scale) that my father made from scratch (no kit involved just a blueprint). So I sometimes tool around on line looking mini handwork ideas for it but I have never seen Microstitery’s site. Thank you for the introduction.
The smallest pieces I have worked on would be the few, simple, things I have made for the doll house, pillows, blankets and such. Nothing to the great scope of Bobbie’s lovely work. So fantastic that there are mini reproductions !!!
I believe 2017 will be the year I get some serious stitching done for the doll house!
Thanks for these giveaways…so fun!
Seek peace,
I did a series of 4 counted cross stitch pieces – each a log cabin in the woods, one for each season on a pale blue 36 count linen, stitched over one thread. The pieces were framed individually and were a gift to my parents. They are now deceased and the log cabins have come back to me. I enjoy looking at them, remembering working on them and seeing (in my memory) them hanging in my parents’ home (my childhood home) for many years.
I have recently made a mat (rug) for my mum’s dollshouse, I designed the pattern also. It was the smallest cross stitch item I’ve ever made. Tiny stiches look so neat when the item is finished.
Wow! For a mini tapestry kit, it has a lot of detail. I purchased for myself an embroidery book on all the different types of stitches and at the time I was working on a wool applique table runner so I decided to test out various stitches from the book!
Teresa M
My smallest project to date is on 44 canvas where I created a floral design to contrast with fabric to make a stomacher for a miniature doll dressed in 1775 era. I did gold embroidery on the male’s coat and vest. Was so thrilled to see these most excellent kits. i have plans to sculpt a miniature Rosamund in a bower vignette and this would be perfect for her wall. I am a miniaturist and am currently working on a miniature carpet. Reduction of a large size to scale. Also, am trying to teach myself some tambour embroidery with an eye to miniaturizing as well. With your reviews have purchased my new present of the JAT floor stand. This project would be most wonderful to work with free hands. Thank you for your wonderful gifts. Kathi
Kathi, I also do miniature work, not for dollhouses but for miniature art shows. Would absolutely love, love to see your work! There is a miniature artist who also does doll house things, I think mainly “paintings” for walls named Barbara Stanton that I know. Perhaps you’ve run across her name. 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I’m working on the smallest project I’ve ever done now. It’s for a Christmas ornament for next year and I’m using string padding for some of the details. I’m not certain if string padding is going to work on these small details (it’s already getting a bit crowded) but if not, I’ll know for next time!
My smallest project is a 1.5 in broach. Set in the pin broach it is 2″ overall. I made it in 1999 and still wear it and get compliments every time. It’s orange so I have to pick the outfit I wear it on.
My smallest projects have all been on 40 count silk gauze. I’ve stitched several birds and butterflies from Cross Wing when they had silk gauze kits. Also many flowers set in Framecraft brooch, earring, and compact hand mirrors.
I made some tiny ornaments for a miniature Christmas tree one year. They were less than one inch in diameter and worked with a single strand of DMC floss, mostly in backstitch. I don’t remember the thread count of the ground fabric, but it was tiny.
I love the Cluny Tapestries and create miniature scenes. This would be perfect for a medieval banquet hall, or “my lady’s chamber”. I would need to adopt the 15 min philosophy to finish this … and I would want to finish it! this would be a good new years resolution.
My smallest project, though not particularly small in scope, was a cross stitch bed spread for a 1/12 scale bed. I also made a crazy quilt clutch purse with what seemed to be a million stitches. LOL
the smallest projects I have worked on are embroidery motifs on clothes for my children.
My husband and I met in a mid evil recreation group (SCA) and I made him a favor to carry into combat. We have now been married for 20 wonderful years. This would be such a wonderful gift that I could give to him. He is my dearest love.
My smallest project is learning new stitches. I have a designated time on Monday night where I learn a new stitch. I sew a row on fabric and when the piece is full of different stitches it gets added to a fabric book. I am currently working on my third sampler book
I have done a lot of miniture needle works but I think the smallest was a Christmas stocking that had Santa on a sleigh going over the top of the rooftops. It also had the ladies name at the top of the stocking. The total size of the finished stocking was 1/2″ and I don’t have it as I sent it to USA in Christmas gift swap. Would love to do another miniture for my dolls house.
The smallest project I’ve ever worked on, in both time and size, was embroidering on the cuffs of my infant grand child’s socks.
Robin Voiers
Mary, my tiny project was many years ago when I was a new stitcher. It was a gold/brass metal snowflake with a 7×7 stitch center. After stitching, I carefully glued a piece of Ultrasuede on the back to conceal the finish. When I proudly showed it to a friend, she pointed out that I had missed a stitch! Not one of my finer moments. Thank you for offering the Lady & Unicorn give away. The series is wonderful & I remember when you were stitching your piece. The Unicorn stitchery has been on my radar since then because I have hand painted Unicorn lace bobbins. It would be thrill to stitch a matching box top to store them.
The smallest project I’ve ever worked was in fact the project that made me want to embroider again. My son Carlos, that was four at that time, was always loosing the sweater of his school uniform, so I decided to embroider his name in it. While doing so, I remembered when I was little and I learnt to make embroideries, and I started to practice again. Little by little I got better! So, even if it’s my smallest project, it meant something very big to me.
Smallest embroidery project was a bookmark that was my “bus project” to and from work during one of my college summers. I’m not sure how I managed to work accurately on a jouncing bus, but it turned out well!
The smallest pieces I can remember doing are little Halloween ornaments that go into the Tim Holt’s pocket watch frames. Fun! And quick to do and finish!
Probably the smallest project I worked on was a small cross stitch book mark – a very simple one. But it gave me great pleasure to look at it every time I used it. Sometimes small things give great satisfaction.
The smallest embroidery project i ever made was a cameo pin with a picture on it.
I can’t think of a small, totally-embroidery project I’ve completed, but I’ve been using embroidery to add details to different projects. The most recent such project was a quiet book I made for my niece’s little boy. I used embroidery for the branch in the dove’s mouth on the Noah’s Ark page, for details on the Daniel in the Lions’ Den page, etc. It was fun and added a lot to the overall look of the book.
I have recently finished a Long Dog Sampler on 40 count and the result, if I do say so myself, was fabulous.
The smallest item is did was to cross stitch covered buttons. These were then attached with hot glue to a pinch clip that also had a ribbon with a loop attached. What was it for, you say? They were clip on clothes baby pacifier holders. Just use the ribbon loop to attach to the binky. If the baby dropped the binky it wouldn’t fall on the floor and was always ready. I stitched ladybugs on them and used black satin micro ribbon. So cute!
I sure would like to win this one! Love the subject matter.
The smallest project I have ever done is to finish up a petite pointe pansy that was started by my neighbour’s mom and then she passed away from cancer. My neighbour is not a stitcher so passed over all her mom’s stash to me. I found the “work in progress” and finished it off and gave it back to her for the following mother’s day so she had a completed item from her mom.
My smallest finished piece was a kit for a couple of kittens in a garden, half-cross stitch over one on 36count linen.
I did this when I was younger and didn’t need magnifiers
Thank you Mary and Joy for this chance to win something so beautiful
The smallest project I have made that I can recall is a three inch round felted wool medallion to hold a small star pin. I embellished with ribbon embroidery around the edge. They were small but I made seven of them.
I’m not really sure what my smallestproject was, but I am sure it would have been a counted crossstitch Christmas ornament.
Cheryl in Loganville Ga
My smallest project was charms done in silk ribbon. It was actually tiny instead of small. I did several flower designs.
Definitely the smallest pieces I’ve worked are the ones that fit those little mini frames. One was a round 2″ diameter of a cardinal on a branch and the other was a “lake scene” with colorful bushes and a weeping willow tree along the bank. That one was my favorite and I almost hated to sell it!!! Not sure if I sent you a photo of these or not Mary. Don’t think so, but not sure. Think I sent earlier work and these I did later on, just this past spring. I know because they both sold along with the fox which I did sent you the photo of at a gallery show in May I think it was. At any rate they were fun, fun to do, especially the lake scene.
Hi Mary
The smallest work that I have done is a cross stitch. I have a 32 count even weave fabric, and I cross stitched a Paula Vaughn project on it. I did it in peti point, cross stitching over one thread. It took me a while to finish it. I have really enjoyed your Christmas give aways. They have been very inspiring. Have a Merry Christmas & Happy stitching.
The smallest thing I ever stitched was a dollhouse sampler. My aunt had a dollhouse at the standard 1 inch to 1 foot size, and had stitched many things for it. I found a pattern for a dollhouse sampler and made it for her. It was fun to look at the dollhouse when I visited and see my sampler looking quite at home there. Coincidentally, the sampler was on 40 count linen.
I went to the Musee de Cluny in Paris a year ago. The tapestries in this set are hung in a separate section, darkened, I presume for preservation purposes, and very quiet. I wanted to sit there all day and commune with them, but didn’t think my travel companion wanted to put in quite that much time at the museum.
Hello Mary,
Thank you again for once more doing the week before Christmas Give-Away! And I definitely agree with you (in a nutshell) that it’s nice to receive presents as much as giving them at this time of year, and I know I’m probably not the only one hoping that I might end up with a gift to look forward to in the mail before 2o16 ends.
Anyways, on to your question “What is the smallest project you have ever worked?” Mine would be one that is right in line with the amazing Cluny miniature tapestry kits, in that it was a miniature laurel wreath pin done on I think 32 (possibly 40) count gauze, I made use of the local JoAnn’s kit that contained silk and a pre-mounted silk gauze piece just big enough for a pin. It was my first time trying something so small, but I really wanted to make my friend something nice, so I figured ‘I know the stitches, this won’t take long. Little did I know that I would struggle at first with seeing the holes till a friend saw my plight and let me borrow her magnifying pendant. After that, boy did my needle fly! I managed to get it done in time for gift giving and she says she still treasures every tiny stitch even today (a good near decade later). It may have been my first, but I certainly plan on it not being my last if I can help it.
Hope you and all my fellow readers have a wonderful holiday!
Thank you,
Holly Jordan
Hope you
Hm this one makes me really have to think hard!
Probably the smallest project was a Christmas cross stitch stocking that I made for my nephew. A tiny little thing, but very time consuming.
My smallest project is the one I’m working on now, a pincushion. The design is a single crewel-work flower, about the size of my palm.
My smallest project was when I made a monogram with a yellow whipped spider web rose in the centre for a friend who had to make a sudden move, she received confirmation of a new job and she had 4 days to move to a new city. Incidentally it is probably the quickest project too. It got on a 3″ hoop frame and I did it in an evening.
Smallest project was stitching french knots of my design of a flower and butterfly on my jeans when I was in high school. Easy no finishing just stitch and ready to wear.
The smallest project I have probably done was a blackwork Christmas ornament which was about 2 in. by 2 in. in size
Linda Mc in Erie, PA
The smallest project I’ve ever done was a series of pictures for a granddaughter’s dolls house. There were four of them, each 1″ square, with pictures of flowers. They were to hang on the wall of the drawing room in the dolls house. I did them on 32 count – 1 strand over 1 thread. It’s many years ago now and she’s grown out of the dolls house. I had so much pleasure in making them for her. Maggie Hillock, New Zealand.
Handkerchiefs for my daughter just before she began school. I never developed the habit of carrying a kerchief everywhere I went. My husband does that and I think its very good personal hygiene.
So Kaitlyn’s handkerchiefs had a posy of flowers, her initials and abstract florals. 5 years ago, and some of these old kerchiefs still find their way in her pockets.
The smallest project I have made was a tent stitch scene of the Fox Glacier, here in New Zealand. It is 3 inches both ways. I was making this for a friend who had been a passionate climber and a guide at this glacier. Unfortunately, he passed away before I could give it to him. I have kept it as a momento of him.
I love small! I’ve done several petit point works including a Persian rug and an attempt at ‘The Tree of Life’. Still working on it! I’ve seen the Cluny tapestries twice. They’re extraordinary! My fingers are crossed! Thanks once again Mary for the opportunity to win this. Happy Holidays!
Using small stitches I have stitched a petit point picture of a pelican on 40ct gauze.
Very enjoyable to do and looks lovely framed on my wall. As far as small articles go I love to stitch biscornus, the Sweetheart heart tree has some gorgeous ones that are quite intricate too.
Merry Christmas to you Mary and I do hope 2017 will be a wonderful year for you healthwise
I made an embroidered broach. I sat down with a book of stumpwork stitches and picked out ones that I liked and used them to make a free form embroidered pattern in a circle.
One winter when I was a college student I made several people embroidered fridge magnets. They were about 2 1/2″ wide.
Many years ago, I did a little kit that turned into a brooch (a little Christmas wreath) It was about 2 by 3 inches finished and I loved it. Wore it on my coat for advent for many years until it got pinched in a restaurant. I would love to win one of these, love Cluny and love silk.
The smallest thing I’ve every worked was a counted cross stitch rose design for my mother at Mother’s Day when I was … goodness that was a long time ago, I think 17. It ended up fitting in a 3×5″ photograph frame.
My smallest piece of work was a name tag I made for wearing to my local embroidery group.. I often wish I had not made it so formal, it has my surname on it as well, and no decoration but I was only a beginner!
I stitched a small tree for making a needlebook. It was a tiny 2″ needlebook.
My smallest (in size) project was a pincushion with goldwork embellishments, completed with lots of magnification. I’ve always loved the tapestries, these miniatures are intriguing.
A brooche in all french knots, actually colonial knots.
I’ve worked several silk gauze pieces that were ultimately made into pins. Have always wanted to do an oriental rug at that scale but haven’t taken the plunge!
Oh, yes! I love all of the above. But I love to needlepoint small things best of all. I’ve done several William Morris, and others, designs in 32 or higher count. I’m always looking for small project. Changing my eye glasses prescriptions, of course, but not giving up.
Thank you so much, Mary, for all the wisdom and eye joy you give us.
I wish you all the best,
alicia (from falls Church, VA)
The smallest thing I have ever made was a dollhouse rug- I loved creating it even more than the large needlepoint rug that I made for myself. there is something therapeutic about the small stitches. The 15 minutes a day is truly all it takes.
The smallest embroidery project I ever worked on was a pincushion. It was a little square pillow embroidered with a simple floral bouquet.
I made a miniature floral cross stitch to go in my Grandmothers open locket. unfortunately the glass broke one day and the embroidery was lost. I now have a new glass for the locket and will try something else.
So beautiful. What a lovely design.
So beautiful. How lovely.
Oh my goodness, Mary, these are so beautiful!
I stitch toppers for Altoid tins to give as gifts – they are pretty small in size but I use 36 count fabric so the stitches are also pretty small! You can get a surprisingly wonderful level of detail into a practical and pretty gift that way.
The smallest project was a a needle minder with bee embroidery on it Diane Schultheiss
The smallest embroidery project I have done is a 2″ x 3″ counted cross stitch design of a little girl hanging a tiny quilt in a clothesline.
Sewing, stitching, wrapping, giving, cooking, eating, drinking, hugging. Merry Christmas to you all.
Hi Mary, The biggest project I’ve done was to make 7 dolls out of silk, (think Harlequin or fancy jester dolls with long elegant lines) and embellish all the seams with embroidery stitches in silk buttonhole twist, then make their hair out of a fringe using said threads and some metallics. The stitching was only a portion of each doll, but there were 10 seams on each and I got some blisters and very tender fingers with all the stitches. Turned out fantastic though and so much fun to make. Thanks for the giveaway!
The smallest project I ever worked was a teeny, tiny box of cross stitch kittens. I can’t remember who designed the pattern, but it was three tiny kittens, each about 1/2″ tall. They were made into individual standing forms stuffed with fiberfill. Then all three were put in a tiny perforated paper “cardboard” box with the word “FREE” stitched onto it. Very cute.
I am having family Christmas Eve and Day with Secret Santas at both. The grandkids will be there both days to see their delight at opening gifts. After all have gone, I am sitting down and picking a new needlework project from my stash and pulling threads. That’s the BEST!
The smallest project I’ve worked on was a small embroidered turtle on a baby boy romper I made for my cousin’s new baby. It was so cute.
I made the Hardanger Pincushion from the Nordic Needle kit. Turned out beautifully! I use mine everyday.
In fact I actually made three as first one was “practice ” for creating two “Pocket-sized Ring Pillows” for a niece’s wedding! The ring pillows were lovely with hearts, date & initials embroidered on the backs and a lovely gauze ribbon bow threaded through front to secure the wedding rings.
Nancy White
Smallest project so far – and I’m a beginner so they are all small – monograms on napkins.
I’m a newbie so I think all my projects count as small. 🙂
The smallest in size and stitching time is the canvas work pansy (congress cloth) I stitched to fit a 2 1/2 inch heart porcelain box (Framecraft?). I did a similar one for a 2 inch round porcelain box. Very fast gifts I could finish myself!
The smallest thing I’ve worked on is a suit button!
The smallest embroidery work I completed was a tiny wheelbarrow charm overflowing with bullion lavenders in mauve, pink silk ribbon buds, cornflower blue French knots nestled between them and wispy grasses. I did this weeny embroidery picture as a class at my much-beloved and now sadly closed Scarlett Ribbons embroidery shop which did great classes, many (and this one included) were taught by the very-talented Janette. Was so sad when this fine shop closed – Perth in Western Australia has precious few embroidery shops left. The pickings for group classes appear slim nowadays!
In addition to counted cross-stitch, another of my hobbies is dollhouses and miniatures. At one time I made a needlepoint flower picture on 32 count silk gauze with one strand of silk gauze. I had to use a magnifier to see what I was doing.
I am really enjoying stitching a Biscornu pincushion. I have to work the little stitches wth a magnifier and the look so beautiful.
The smallest thing I have ever done is a bookmark-sized sampler of various stitches. It was very simple and straightforward, nothing fancy, but I still have it!
Probably my name tag would have been my smallest. Haven’t done a great deal of embroidery apart from cross stitches. Looking forward to doing more.
Although I have done quite a few cross stitches, I have never tackled anything quite that fine.It would be quite a challenge.
I did enjoy following your adventures with that piece. Especially your ‘fix’ when you discovered you were out by a couple of stitches.
How beautiful are these stitcheries! I have always loved miniatures and doll houses, and these would be perfect–I never knew that patterns and kits were available for such things.
All the projects I do now are usually big, so I guess that the smallest things I do are needlebooks. When I was a child, though, I used to embroider faces on pipe cleaner dolls, and had lots of fun making each one different. My Mom was much better at it though–each individual had a real personality.
I follow your blog avidly but I have not done this kind of embroidery so many years. At that time my mother went to Italy to visit her sister and came home with Burda magazines. My smallest project was 1 to 1.5″ pillows for a dollhouse project. 40 stitch silk canvas was used and since I did not have access to silk thread I used 1 strand of DMC cotton embroidery thread. I also did a rug and a 4 x 6 inch picture, all in the same size canvas. Some months and many migraines later I stopped!
Wonderful resource for needlepoint
My smallest project so far was a trans pride badge stitched in a miniature wooden hoop – 2cm across on 22ct aida. I’m yet to try proper miniature needlework!
My smallest project was embroidering a small canary, a photograph of which had been screened onto an inexpensive canvas pillow. The feathers and colors were quite clear, and I was able to duplicate them nicely. The pillow was greatly improved, if I do say so myself.
I have been stitching for so long I couldn’t even guess at the fastest. Probably a book mark or ornament I made in the margins of a needlepoint piece where I didn’t need the margin for mounting. The smallest in needlework finished is a stitched book over 1 on 32 count linen. Actually I stitched two pieces that stand alone on 32 count: the hear no evil… frogs kit and the french alphabet. I have 3 more books started, one on 40 count, one on 50 count and the last on 55 count linens. I was trying to see how small I could stitch and enjoy it. Cataracts got in the way, but I will get back to stitching small as soon as I get my eyes back. Can’t wait.
My current embroidery project is the smallest. I am sewing hand drawn pictures in a 1-3/4″ square. Each one is different and when finished they will be the windows in a Cathedral Window quilt. Each one is a tiny reminder of a special moment or favorite activity of my 4 children, my husband and myself. I hope when finished, it will be “my story” quilt. So there are lots of flowers, a blue butterfly, a strawberry short “cut”, an apple pie, state flags, maps, birds, and flowers, sports equipment, engagement rings, christmas tree, logos from favorite restaurants. a gingerbread house, a sailboat… the list is endless. Although tiny, it’s a monumental project that I love working on!
G’day Mary,
Simple rose buds embroidered on little buttons for a doll’s dress. The doll was preemie size and the dress was adorable. Being a doll I didn’t have to worry about the rounded covered buttons being uncomfortable to lie on as would with a real baby.
Cheers, Kath.
Hi Mary,
When my daughter was a baby I wondered what I could make as birthday gifts for her playgroup friends as they turned one. I discovered a small embroidery kit in my local general store and re-discovered cross-stitch making up one for the first friend. It was such a hit another was made, then another and before you know it I had made a whole series. Brings a smile to my face as I remember them, especially as my daughter is now 22 years old!
Have a very lovely Christmas Mary,
I am starting on a 40 count silk gauze tent stitch design. It is a miniature Persian rug design. This will be very small stitches. Once I made little tiny embroidered felt buttons. They were small!!
That required some thinking, but I finally remembered.
I did these cute little embroidered buttons for my mom’s dress, just about 2 inches in diameter. They turned out really well and look good on the dress!!
My smallest embroidery project was adding a few stitches to a photograph. It made a really cool effect, was pretty easy and quick.
My fingers are too large to work tiny stitches or small items, but I admire the intricacy of small pieces. I have a friend who would love to work this give away project. I love your philosophy of working 15 minutes at a time.
Dear Mary,
The smallest thing I have ever stitched was some embroidered flowers on a small baby doll’s clothes. The doll was about 5 cm long, and the items of clothing were 1-2 cm. All it took were a few well-placed stitches. The hardest thing was keeping the back neat and not too bulky!
The smallest thing I have ever stitched is on a hoop presently. She is a lovely angel on 4 by 6 inch linen. She will have two tiny sisters to follow her when completed. Have a wonderful Holiday!
My smallest embroidery project I can remember was a tiny, 1″ by 1″ Sacred Heart badge. I was made out of merino wool felt, with an applique red felt heart and DMC floss for the embroidery.
First, as it is December 24th…..”Merry Christmas” Mary, and many thanks for giving away all these delicious gifts! As for my “smallest” project, I have to say there were several as I love to work in miniature. A good friend of mine is a doll house enthusiast and often enlists my help in making tiny needlepoint, petit point or ribbon embroidery pillows, rugs, wall hangings etc. for her doll house furnishings. Some go faster than others (so small in time) while some are really tiny (so small in size) Much of what I learned is from Pamela Warner’s book “Miniature Embroidery for the Tudor and Stuart Dolls’ house. A treasure trove for this type of work. The smallest pillow I ever did was 1 1/2″ x 1″1/2” …so that’ll tell you! Anyway, either “Sense of smell” or “Sense of taste” would be something I would adore doing during the Winter months ahead. Besides, I could actually keep that one!! Again Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
My smallest project: a monogram handkerchief for my husband on our wedding day!
I watched you make this tapestry in 15 minute increments, a great way to stitch if you are busy. One of my friends has children and say she doesnt have time, but surely 15 minutes could be achieved now and then.
I have wanted to buy a large version of the sense of hearing (they are all great, but how can you choose!) but have put this off as it is such a huge project
My smallest project was a sachet i made when I was first embroidering. Very cute with little satin stitch flowers and french knots, filled with lavender.
The smallest for me would be Christmas ornaments. Usually around 2.5-3.5 in.
I saw the Lady and Unicorn tapestries in October! I was amazed at how three-dimensional the weaving is. It was great fun to see them up close and personal: i must have taken a hundred photos for future study! I’m not answering the question because i really don’t want to win these- it looks too advanced for me! i was just excited by the picture
The smallest sewing project I have worked on was a walnut purse. Beautiful and very satisfying when complete but great concentration needed
Hi..I made a simple small kerchief for my brother once .. a simple line drawing on edges… cant think of smaller than that now..
Smallest physically: A petit-point poppy, about 1.5×1″ , that I believe I made into a brooch and gave to my mother. Smallest in scope: The knitted catnip mouse I just finished for my sister’s cat, who went to sleep on top of it. Cats do say thank you . . . if you can interpret it.
I really hesitated over signing up for this one, because it is such a commitment, but I think committing to do something this complex will be good for my learning as a stitcher.
The smallest piece I’ve embroidered was a ~3 inch Alpha & Omega stitched as practice for our church’s Advent parament.
These look like amazing kits! I’ve done a lot of cross stitch and this would be a welcome addition to try! The smallest project I’ve done are embroidery ornaments of Santa heads, reindeer heads, and mini snowmen. Thanks for the chance to win and for posting such awesome stuff!
I believe the smallest project I’ve ever done was a Stumpwork pansy on a scissor fob kit. Merry Christmas!
Gosh, I don’t even recall, it’s been very long since I even tried embroidery. Thanks and God bless!
Oh what a lovely little piece of work. I think the intricacy is just fascinating. I have stitched many small Christmas ornaments from kits or from Just Cross Stitch ornament issues over the years but definitely nothing as complicated as this piece. It will be a lovely challenge for 2017.
J’ai fait une petite brodeuse miniature sur du 50 fils au pouce sur 1 fil .
Passez des belles Fêtes. Joyeux Noël.
The smallest embroidery item I have worked on was a tiny scissor fob designed by Jenny Bradford and worked in Brazilian embroider. I made it as part of a class and still have it 20 years later.
I haven’t worked on too many things that are smaller in size than ornaments – a few inches in either direction. As for linen count, I have stitched on 36 ct. (Maybe struggled is a better descriptor! It was before I got good lighting and magnification. I have yet to go back to the project.) But I’d love to have the opportunity to try to stitch on gauze.
I think the smallest embroidery project I worked on were bridesmaid purses for my wedding!
My smallest project was a bookmark.
I have made quite a few miniature rugs for my dollhouse miniatures. 48 count silk gauze is the smallest size that I have worked. Most of my rugs have been designs by Lucy Iducovich worked in the tent stitch.-they are beautiful. The smallest rug I have completed is a thatched cottage design by Teresa Layman . It was worked in thousands of french knots and finished measured 2 1/2″ x 3 1/2″. So pretty, with so much texture. At this moment I am working on a sampler 2″ x 2 1/2 ” on 48 count silk gauze to hang on a dollhouse wall. I think 40 count silk gauze is my favorite size. Believe me I have a very good light and a very good magnifer. I couldn’ t work without them.
The smallest project I ever worked were mini monograms on handkerchiefs.
Quarter inch letters in stem stitch.