Here in the Northern Hemisphere, it is officially autumn – my favorite time of year!
To put you in the mood for this colorful season, I’ve just released a new design called Octoberfest!, a vibrant, leafy embroidered kaleidoscope perfect for beginners and beyond.
But that’s not all! Not only is Octoberfest! ready for you today, but there’s even a special House of Embroidery thread collection available to go along with the design, discounted and with free shipping for Needle ‘n Thread readers.
Gosh! What’s not to love?
Read on, and I’ll tell you all about the project and the threads…

Octoberfest! is a 21-page PDF e-book that features a kaleidoscope design, aglow with flaming autumn color and sparkling with little accent beads.
What’s In It?
All this:
- 7 patterns – the featured design, plus six alternatives including swashes, frames, and two other leafy kaleidoscope variations
- Complete list of materials
- Clear photo instructions for stitching the featured design
- Plenty of tips and techniques in ensure a successful finish
- Stitch and color layout guide with instructions on combining threads for gradual color changes
- Step-by-step photo instructions for all the stitches
- Complete resource guide for easily locating supplies

You’ll learn how to combine colors of floss and how to manipulate overdyed threads to achieve the gradual color changes that mimic fall foliage.

You can use the patterns as they are, or you can break them down into segments to adorn smaller or larger projects. You can also enlarge or reduce the designs, depending on what you want to stitch or what materials you’re stitching with.

All the instructions are accompanied by photos that you can zoom in on if you’re viewing on a computer, tablet or mobile device. They’re crisp and clear, so that you can see exactly what’s going on in each photo.
If you want to print the PDF – or parts of it – you can do that, too!
The PDF is interactive, with links you can click for further information and other tutorials that will help you learn the art of embroidery. There’s a helpful list of linked resources, too.
Ready to Stitch It?
You can find Octoberfest! available right now, right here.
It’s a fun project, really relaxing to embroider, and perfect for spicing up your autumn embroidery sessions.
And if you’re in the southern hemisphere and heading into spring, there’s no law that says you can’t change up the colors and make it spring bright!
And that’s the really fun thing about this design – it’s completely open to your own personal interpretation. You can experiment in any number of ways, to make your finished masterpiece uniquely your own.
House of Embroidery Threads
To embroider this design, I used overdyed threads from House of Embroidery. Because these threads are no longer available as a thread set, you can substitute your own selection of autumn-themed colors, using regular DMC stranded cotton. If you would like the effect of overdyed threads, try DMC Variations. They have several autumn-themed colors available. In this project, I mix two colors in the needle (one strand of each color), which helps achieve a good effect of changing leaves.
You’re also welcome to make substitutes with whatever 6-stranded floss you have in your stash. Because overdyed threads like these are dyed differently from standard threads, there’s no color conversion chart, but you can definitely select your own range of autumn colors and stitch a stellar design!
Whatchya Waitin’ For?
Jump on over here to my shop and pick up your copy of Octoberfest! today!
And don’t forget, when you purchase any of my project e-books, I’m always around to help you out with any questions you have.
I hope you enjoy working the project as much as I did. Now go forth and stitch it!
(Can you tell I’m excited about this one? I really am!)
Thanks! It was so much fun to stitch…and with fall weather promised this week (here’s hoping!), I’m thinking I should stitch it again. 🙂 I’d love to do one of the alternate kaleidoscope patterns in the book, working the overlapping central leaves in stumpwork, with long and short stitch. Ahhhhhh – so many projects, so little time!
I’m excited about this project. Not only is it beautiful, but the timing is perfect as I’ve been looking for a project that will let me learn a bit more about how variegated thread can be used. It helps that fall colors tend to be my favorites! I have purchased the beautiful floss as well. Just FYI, Mary, the Corbet20 coupon code isn’t being accepted based on the fact that it is already on sale. I bought it anyway as it’s just too pretty to pass up at that price.
Hi, Anne! I’m glad you’re excited about Octoberfest! – it’s a lot of fun to stitch!
That’s correct about the thread special – it’s 20% off regular priced threads. The mini collections are already on sale. 🙂
So excited for this wonderful project! Thank you for arranging the threads packet and, of course, for your superb instructions!
Thanks a bunch, Elizabeth! I’m so glad you like it! 🙂
Mary, I just placed my order for your ebook Octoberfest and also ordered 3 sets of the thread from House of Embroidery. You can never have too much beautiful thread. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Have a grand day. Louisa
Thanks so much, Louisa! I totally agree about the threads!
I heard from the thread folks this morning – they said they think they underestimated on quantity as they were almost sold out. I had to laugh, because I haven’t even sold half as many ebooks as they’ve sold of the thread sets. I guess people like the colors! 🙂
Treasure all those thread packs Louisa you lucky lady, I missed out.
Dear Mary
Just purchased your Octoberfest and glanced through the e-book it looks really good. I can’t wait to look at it in more detail. I always liked this design and the October variegated thread colours are lovely, perfect for the project. Thanks for sharing with us your new e-book and for the reduced price on House of Embroidery threads. Good luck with Octoberfest great idea.
Regards Anita Simmance
Thanks, Anita, so much! I think you’ll enjoy it – it’s very relaxing to stitch!
Mary, it’s stunningly gorgeous. I love it so much and am awfully disappointed to have missed out on the special threads. There seemed to be one left but by the time I got it sorted on phone (laptop on the blink, drat it!) it was gone.
Thank you though for sorting it all with the people for us.
Cheers, Kath
PS, I’ve purchased your e-book Mary but have to wait until tomorrow, or at least later this a.m, it’s 2.30 here, to get into Terry’s office and computer. Can’t wait!
Thanks so much, Kath! They’re going to be restocking the threads, so I’ll announce it when they’re available again!
Thanks, Kath – they’re going to restock the threads, so I’ll announce it when they’re available again. Of course, you can always make substitutions! Any six-stranded cotton in autumn colors will work! 🙂
Oh, I’m so pleased Mary, I so love your colours. Interesting that they represent the pulse of a tree slowing down but they quicken mine. Thanks Mary and the good threads people.
Such a shame only 100 Octoberfest! thread collections were made – they are sold out already 😉
Yep, they’re going to restock. The threads proved more popular than the ebook, apparently! :-/ I’ll let everyone know when they’ve got their stock back up.
Just saw this at 11:00am and the threads are all sold out already!
Yes, the threads went quickly. They’ll be restocking, though, and I’ll let everyone know when they’re back in stock!
Ohmigosh. I love this design.
Thanks, Lori!
Omigosh again! You are too popular! I’m already seeing that the thread is out of stock! Sorry for inundating you with exclamation points, but I can’t help it!
Yes, they sold out pretty quickly! LOL! I can’t help wishing the ebook would sell equally as well as the thread! 🙂
So disappointed that the Fall floss collection is already sold out. Any suggestions as what to replace it with?
Hi, Mari-Ann – they’re going to restock those threads, in case you want to wait on them. But if you don’t, any stranded floss in autum colors will do it. If you want overdyed threads, Colour Complements carries a nice range of overdyed threads, and some really pretty fall colors. I don’t have all their colors on hand, though, so I can’t make direct comparisons, but you can peruse what they have, here:
Thank you Mary! I’ll be watching to see when the thread is restocked
Just purchased your e book and I’m awaiting its arrival. Haven’t received it in my e mail yet and very excited to see your fabulous designs.
Hi, Mari-Ann – Thanks a bunch! Looks like you placed the order with a different email address than the one you’re using here. The download link is delivered to the email address you placed the order with. On this end, it says it was downloaded at 3:18, so I’m assuming you have it now. Let me know if you don’t! Thanks again!
Mary, your book is FANTASTIC and I preordered my thread. What a wonderful and relaxing Fall project!
Thank you!!
Thanks so much, Mari-Ann!! So glad you like it!! 🙂
I was so sad to see the threads already sold out that I cried out loud at work (people thought something truly dreadful had happened). LOL. I’m very glad to hear that they will be restocked. And Mary, I’m going to buy your ebook too, I just thought I would jump on the thread first as I figured it was a limited amount, the price was fantastic and the ebook would still be there. I’m sure the purchases for your ebook will start rolling in as well. And I love your design and colors. And I thought of winter the moment I saw the kaleidoscope with the leave in the center. I’m can’t wait to get my hands on that design and do something with it.
Thanks, Sherry!
Hi Mary, Prowling the house at 5.30am this morning trying not to wake my husband and son. Opened my email and found this. It is really lovely. I love the colours, there is nothing else out there like this. I hope it does really well for you. Congratulations.
Thanks, Dionne!
Wow! That would look great on a quilt square!
I agree! I think it would be great fun to stitch a whole collection of kaleidoscopes and turn them into a quilt!
Mary, thank you so much for this great project. I have been doing needlepoint for some time and just hunger for some surface embroidery projects. I do appreciate your logical and thorough instructions, blessings, Charlotte
Thanks, Charlotte! 🙂
Have been perusing my brand new copy of this ebook – LOVE it! I can’t wait to start. I love the photos showing exactly how to do each stitch and step.
Julie, thanks so much! Glad you like the photos of the stitches. They’re always the most problematic part to get right! Thank you again! 🙂