
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Stitcher’s Christmas, 2018: An Exquisite Pair of Scissors!


Amazon Books

Happy Friday, my friends!

In honor of the Shortest Day of the Year, I’ll try to keep today’s give-away short – but even if I don’t, I promise it’s oh-so-very sweet!

There’s a short turn-around on this one, so if you want to join in, do it soon! I’ll be announcing the winner on Monday.

First, I’ll announce the winner’s from last Monday’s give-away, and then I’ll present the final give-away in this year’s series of A Stitcher’s Christmas.

I hope you all enjoyed this year’s series. Perhaps it introduced you to some new products, maybe new books you weren’t aware of, or maybe you’ve now discovered a new favorite needlework business to patronize when you need embroidery supplies? It’s been fun!

Now… onto the last installment!

Roulot scissors give-away on Needle 'n Thread

Needlework Tools Winners

Monday’s give-away consisted of a fantastic line-up of needlework tools from Needle in a Haystack in California. Needle in a Haystack is a locally owned needlework shop with an excellent online shopping cart. They pretty much carry everything you’d want for fine needlework – and if they don’t have it in stock, they can get for you! Cathe has been in the business for years and years, and she really knows the needlework industry, so if you are stuck with questions, you can’t find a particular product, you need help selecting threads… they can help you! That’s the wonder of a local needlework shop. The people there know their business!

The two winners of the tool collections are June House and Deborah Marshall. Congratulations, ladies! I’ll email you!

And Those Scissors…

Today’s give-away is courtesy of courtesy of Lisa at The French Needle. The French Needle is a fantastic online boutique shop featuring a wonderful collection of needlework goods and gifts.

Besides offering beautiful surface embroidery kits from designers in Europe, French Needle specializes in many French cross stitch patterns and books.

For example, one of my favorite new cross stitch books at French Needle is Merveilleux Noel, which is packed full with Christmas designs of a slightly different aesthetic – they’re very natural, woodsy, and delicate designs. If you like seasonal cross stitch, check out this book! It’s on my wish list this year, and you might want it on yours, too.

And then, of course, there are the scissors at French Needle. With a range of scissors for every budget, you’re bound to find that special pair for your needlework basket.

Roulot scissors give-away on Needle 'n Thread

The scissors for today’s give-away are hand-made beauties from the workshop of Jean-Marie Roulot in Nogent, France. His exquisite, delicately-wrought embroidery scissors are each a little work of art. Not only are they beautiful, but they are perfectly functional, sharp-bladed and finely-tipped scissors, ideal for embroidery.

The scissors tell the story of the crow and the fox from Aesope’s fables, and they come in a blue leather sheath.

Give-Away Guidelines

If you’d like to join in today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines:
This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!

1. Leave a comment below, in the comment form following this article. You can follow this link directly to the comment form, if you are unsure of where to go. Please do not comment as a reply to someone else’s comment.

2. On the comment form, please fill out the name line with a recognizable name (no anonymous comments) and the email address line (which is not published). Please make certain your email address is entered correctly. Leave the website line on the form blank, unless you own your own website.

3. In the comment box, answer the following:

What’s your Christmas needlework wish? Did you have a special needlework item on your wishlist? Or is there a particular needlework something that you’ve been contemplating? Maybe a tool, maybe a kit or a book? Or some threads, fabric… Well, the list could go on! Tell us about the one needlework thing you want that you don’t have and why you want it!

Please do not leave your email address, mailing address, or phone number in the actual comment box. The comment box is also not the place to advertise your own needlework business, so please do not leave links to other websites in the comment box.

4. Please leave your comment by Monday, December 24th, 5:00 am central time (Kansas, USA). I’ll randomly draw the winner that morning and notify by email.

5. Please leave only one comment on the give-away.

And that is it! The last give-away in this year’s series! Sniffle, sniffle…

Don’t worry – there are so many exciting things coming up on Needle ‘n Thread in 2019! I can’t wait to share them with you!

On Monday, which is Christmas Eve, I’ll announce the winner for today’s give-away and Wednesday’s give-away, so if you want to join in either of those, you need to do it this weekend!

Don’t fret if your comment doesn’t show up immediately! Comments are queued and moderated to avoid spam. It will eventually show up!


(1,228) Comments

  1. I wish that the Bathya sampler published by Nicola Parkman would be made available to all stitchers.

  2. My needlework wish is to be a winner in one of your drawings. Other than that, it is to continue to be able to complete my WIP’s. I completed 18 in 2018 – just a fluke. I started & completed 4 new projects in that 18.

    Merry Christmas & a good 2019. May your needles be smooth, your scissors sharp, your colors clear.

  3. Thank you for the link to the French Noel book. Lovely designs. So delicate.

    My needlework wish list is pretty short. A slate frame. LOL. That’s really the only thing I don’t have. Plenty of roller frames that I can side lace, but no proper slate frame. I have a good light/magnifier and my JaT floor frame, so I’m good for the long haul.

    My other crafting wish is an extension table (Sew Steady) for my vintage Featherweight Singer.

    We’ll see if I get one of those or the InstaPot (which is the other thing on my list).

  4. What I wish for is more time to stitch and more time to spend with stitching friends. If I had it then I would buy more projects, take more classes, and give more stitched gifts!

  5. My Christmas wish is a book which I don’t even think exists. I would love a collection of finishing ideas with instructions. I have so many small-ish stitched projects that aren’t really right for framing (and cost prohibitive!) but I want to display them because I love to look at them. I have managed some ideas on my own but I am always on the look out for creative suggestions – especially for gift giving – to incorporate them in useful objects. That’s my ‘why’! Happy holidays to everyone! I enjoy this blog more than I can ever express — Thank you Mary!

  6. I would like fabric. Just went through my stash and donated all the Aida fabric I’ve outgrown. The stash now looks rather pitiful. All out of backing fabric. My poor fabric bin is looking very sad.

  7. Those scissors are gorgeous. My needlework wish for Christmas is new marking pens (I seem to run out of them constantly), but more importantly, time for me to sit down and work on my stitching projects. Thanks for the great series!

  8. My wish is for more research on 16th century reticella lace. There are some pieces in museums I would so love better pictures of and wonderful books out there but so often in Italian and shopping can be killer

  9. I am mesmerized by all things gold-work embroidery. My wish list contains all things gold work, thread (metallic), fabrics, needles and the most important part – patterns and tutorials.
    thanks and Merry Christmas

  10. My wish is to start really earley next year on christmasembroidery…. And I would love to have a hoop on a standard. The one you can sit on. I donot know a good word for it. And of course these lovely scissors!

  11. This is a tough one. Too many to narrow down. I have lusted after these scissors ever since I first saw them on the French Needle website. I’m a bit of a scissors nut anyway but these are works if art. As for a stitching project, I would like the Alison Cole projects that are on Phillipa Turnbulls website.

  12. On my stitching wishlist this Christmas is TIME to stitch! I have a beautiful bundle of a 15 week old son who has been filling my world. <3 But, I'm craving some "me time" to do some embroidery in between playtime, nursing, and the neverending mountain of chores. 😉 Wouldn't trade it for the world, but maybe Santa (dear husband) will help me squeeze in some stitching too!

  13. I just read about the new book coming out in February – Botanica featuring the work of Julie Kniedl – and am really looking forward to getting it next year. thanks for the chance to win those incredible scissors.

  14. My needlework dream is to take Sara Homfray’s needlework trip to India. I’ve always wanted to visit India and her trip looks fantastic. Now if only I can convince Santa to give me my dream…lol

  15. My Christmas wish list includes a wonderful pair of scissors and many different types of threads!!

  16. I’m longing for a slate frame! It would make my life so much easier to be able to leave my work set up in one and keep the perfect tension – Mary, your posts about them have sold me entirely on them! One day…

  17. I would love a laying tool but know that this is not something I will be buying for a bit. I want one because it would make some of my stitches look smoother. While I will not be getting one over the holidays, that is fine – I have plenty of wonderful supplies and sometimes the anticipating is even better than the having.

  18. Actually your Stitch Sampler and Monogram books are! I want to do monograms for my mom in laws for Christmas but my attempts weren’t that successful so I need some guidance for 2019!

  19. Good morning, Mary!
    Thank you for this fabulous opportunity. The scissors are lovely!!!
    My needlework wish this Christmas is for some silk and Goldwork supplies for my upcoming project… or perhaps a gift card so I can go pick my own colors.

  20. My Christmas wish is for a good pair of “readers” so I can see fine work and all details for making my projects.

  21. My Christmas wish is for Alison Cole’s Pitcher Plant kit. My friend stitched it and it is so unique. This year I saw the Pitcher Plant growing in the wild, and now I would really love to stitch it.

  22. Thank you so much for the nice giveaway!!! It’s so good of you! Regarding what I wish for my needlework is not material. What I wish and need if TIME!!! Of course, a pair of surgical binocular would be nice, but really what I need more is time to stitch! I wish you a wonderful Christmas and I wish you love and health for the new year!!

  23. My Christmas wish would be for one of each of the new DMC sparkle threads. I think they would be a lot of fun to embroider with.

  24. First of all, may I say a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year to all.
    My wish for this Christmas would be a beautiful pair of new embroidery scissors. I love to make smaller gifts for special ones on my list.

  25. My christmas needlwork wish? Santa, I’ve been good all year so I would love a collection of au ver au soie silk threads (every color in the catalog), a tin collection box of DMC Etoile and beautiful scissors.

    (a girl can dream 🙂 )


  26. I have everything I need, except time. Want to work on that for next year. Thank you for the chance to have these beautiful scissors.

  27. OMG – On my wishlist is these exquisite scissors. They are gorgeous. Other than that, I am hoping for the exhibit catalog from Embroidered Stories on view at The Scottish National Museum.

    Merry Christmas, Mary!!!

  28. Like everyone else, time is usually my first wish, but I would have to say patience. I am not a perfectionist, however I need to learn more patience so that my work can become a wee bit closer to perfect. As a more plausible gift, I would like better lighting for my comfortable work space.

  29. I recently saw a completed florentine needlepoint ornament by Alexa that I am determined to get…eventually.

  30. I’ve wanted a pair of these scissors for many years. So that would be my Christmas wish, again.

  31. I’d love to have ALL the DMC colors in floss and pearl cotton, all sizes, plus a cleverly designed way to store them so they’re tidy yet always visible. Thanks!

  32. I would love the needlework system 4 travel and lap stands. I don’t work with a stand on all my projects, but when I do it would be nice to indulge with these.
    Thanks again. Have a Merry Christmas, Cheers

  33. I would like a better light over my favorite embroidery chair. I would like one brighter and smaller than the one I currently use. If Santa doesn’t bring it, I’ll be looking for one in the New Year.

  34. My Christmas wish is to find black 6 stranded DMC in any of the stores in my city. For more than a year now, they’ve always had almost every colour except black.

    1. By request I could get skeins of black DMC floss from the JoAnn’s Fabric in my area and post then to you iF yPU ate wit him my country. Local postage in the USA is $0.50 for up to one ounce, after January 19th, 2019, it will be 0.55.

  35. I would love to win those gorgeous scissors. My Christmas wish is a copy of A Passion for Needlework – Factorial VII.

    Thank you for all the information you provide on your newsletter. I have learned so much from you. Have a very happy Christmas season and a Healthy New Year.

  36. I would live to have a pair of the special magnifying glasses that lok like little telescopes. But for now, I use a magnifying glass and 3.5 readers from The Dollar Tree

  37. My winter needlework wish is for a lighting system that would make it pleasant to stitch at night (which is starting at 4 PM right now!). During the day I sit in a comfy chair with a window behind me and another window to my left. Perfect! But at night, the overhead lights and floor lamp which work fine for reading and crossword puzzles just don’t cast enough unshadowed bright light to do needlework. Quel dommage!

  38. My Christmas needlework wish for this year is to be surprised by a new kit for a floral design! Let’s see if Santa comes through! Best wishes for a wonderful holiday!

  39. Oh, I so desire to have an early American standing antique embroidery frame…perhaps from the 1700s!! Once in a Cold Moon I see one out there and long to own it. But truly, we all need something to wish for…and for now, I really have all I could ever want!

  40. One of my wishes for Christmas from my husband was Your KIT and DIRECTIONS for “A THOUSAND FLOWERS”.
    He asked me to do the ordering for him, which I did. I haven’t seen the kit or read the directions so it will be a great surprise on Christmas day.
    Thank you for designing such fabulous things for all of us needle workers.

  41. I am fortunate to have an abundance of canvases in my stash. Some beautiful overdyed silks and silk and wool blend threads would be a wonderful addition.

  42. A needlework accessory I would like to have is a set of needle ID cards, because I am making an embroidered needle book and want to organize and label all my different sizes of needles.

    Many thanks, Mary, to you and your generous vendors for these lovely giveaways.

  43. Handmade rosewood embroidery thread sorter/storage chest combo. Been hinting at this one for a while now, so we’ll see if Santa will bring it this year.

  44. My Christmas wish is for Time and Health to start, enjoy and finish ALL the needlework I wish to and continue learning new techniques, refining others. The second part of this question about what I do not have …. I would love to have the time and means to research certain techniques more in the country, find the materials I need and good mentors AND to finally realize more of my own ideas.

  45. My wish list includes the new cross stitch book Merveilleux Noel because it has such beautiful designs in it. It also includes a new pair of embroidery scissors and fabric and thread.

  46. I would love a fanny frame. Most of my pieces are small and worked with a hoop or in hand. It would be nice to have two hands to more efficiently embroider.

  47. Even without the first name as a constant reminder I love Christmas! I am working on several Christmas theme cross stitch projects and I cant count the number of embroidery, quilting and cross stitch projects in my stash.

  48. Merry Christmas! My Christmas wish is to have some time, to work on projects that I keep saying as soon as this is done or that is done I am going to get back to my fun projects. I am very lucky and have some very nice tools for embroidery, but a new one is always welcome. Thank you for all your inspiration threw the year. When I am sitting at my desk at work, I look forward to your emails.

  49. I have asked for a lovely shadow work piece by Tanya Berlin. It is a technique that I would love to try and her designs are awesome. To receive the scissors would be the hard sauce on the Christmas pudding.


  50. My wish list consists of a new container for my tools and a good stitch reference book or laminated sheet.
    Have a Merry Christmas

  51. My biggest wish is to have a lovely collection of au ver Soie d’alger silk threads to finish my stumpwork mirror frame. And of course, my other wish is to have lots and lots of time to use them.

  52. I think my wish is the universal wish for more time to stitch. Especially in the run up to Christmas and I’ve barely had any time to stitch.

  53. Top of my Christmas wish list is the beautiful Gentleman’s Cap currently available from Crewel Works! It is just beautiful. I think it will challenge me but I’m hoping to have the opportunity to stitch it! Merry Christmas, Mary – I sincerely appreciate all that you offer the stitching world!

  54. I wish for a time out. I want to be sent to my room with my embroidery! I don’t wish for things per say just quality time to create. Merry Christmas

  55. Conseguí el esquema “C´était in décembre”, de Amap. Por falta de tiempo no lo comencé.
    Quiero participar en su sorteo y agradecerle la iniciativa.
    ¡¡¡Merry Christmas!!!.

  56. My Christmas needlework wish is for the new set of DMC threads. I do love working with DMC threads for my stitching and these would a little sparkle to my holiday stitching! Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the drawing! Merry Christmas!

  57. The Royal School of Needlework book has been on my wish list (not sure how many books I really need but maybe “just one more”) 🙂

  58. The scissors are exquisite!
    I’ve been contemplating delving into crewel work, but would love to have some good books to help guide me… I am a self taught stitcher and rely heavily on printed instructions.

  59. I would love to try some shiny threads, maybe with beads attached and learn some new stitches using them.

  60. I am hoping for some gold threads this Christmas; I have a project picked out that I want to use to learn how to do gold work!

  61. I wanted a subscription to the print Inspirations magazine…. and since I had to help my daughter navigate the site, pretty sure it will be under the tree! 🙂 Merry Christmas Mary and thank you for all the goodies! God bless!

  62. Nice scissors!
    I wish you, Mary, would write a complete book of all the tips and lessons you give on the blog. So I would have a unique place to look for information.
    Also I would love someone to tell me where to buy paper so I can trace on fabric, I still don’t get that part!
    Thank you Mary for your lovely blog

  63. I really wanted to buy some nice linen to cross stitch on to convert a 14 count pattern to a 28 count or higher to make a quilt label.

  64. I would like to learn the basics of goldwork so my wish is for a kit with the instructions and supplies necessary to work on this dream.

  65. I would really like to have a nice assortment of woolen threads. They are expensive, so I have only been buying the colours needed for a specific project, but it would be wonderful to have lots of colours to choose from when I’m planning a project.

  66. Ahhh, my Christmas needlework wish… as a child, we had an advent calendar that my grandmother made for us. It was made with red and green felt, with a stuffed Christmas tree and 24 pockets. Each day, my brothers and sister and I would race through our morning chores so we could pick a tiny (usually smaller than 3/4″) ornament out of the daily pocket to decorate the tree. My wish is to recreate the advent calendar with beautiful embroidery, an Advent Sampler, if you will. Now that we have received the wonderful news of our first grandchild’s arrival, this has definitely moved up on my ‘to do’ wish list. Merry Christmas, and I hope you have a wonderful, healthy, and Blessed 2019!

  67. My Christmas needlepoint wish is that my floss, and hoop and linen all arrive so that I can begin my first embroidery project! I already have my needles and scissors and I’m
    scouting around for an easy floral pattern.

  68. I would love some books on different techniques of embroidery. Drooling over beautiful stitching is one of my favorite things to do. It makes me want to practice more.

  69. Hoping 2019 will be a “finishing” year and a “beginning “ year. Finish several small projects and beginning the “Cabinet of Curiosities “ design .

  70. I really do no need anything, I just need lots of hours to complete the things I have. I love each and every thing , If I had to choose one more I would Love another sampler from Hands Across the sea. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!

  71. I think my biggest needlework Christmas wish is time! 🙂 With two children at home and a full time job I find that I have a fantastic collection of threads and fabrics if only I had the time to experiment all I wanted. My DH is very understanding though and often tries to free up an hour or two for me to enjoy some quiet time with my needle and thread. The other tool I have been really eying recently is a set of frames. I have a cheap set that are OK but would love to splurge for one of the hand crafted wooden sets I have seen Mary review.

  72. I have been blessed with the opportunities to learn new Needlework techniques and media. That said, I have acquired new tools, fabrics, fibers, etc, as well. Now what I need most is a larger work space, and/or better storage space. And better lighting where my chair is. Maybe Santa has some solutions!

  73. My needlework wish is one of Luzine Happel’s Schwalm Whitework books. I learned of her beautiful work from your blog and took her online class last year. Now I can’t get enough! Thank you for sharing your talent through your wonderful blog!

  74. My needlework wish list has one big item on it: the gift of more time to stitch! I thought I would have oodles of time to stitch in retirement……but I underestimated the time I would want to spend with my grandson, the time I need to spend helping grown children in this crazy working world right now, and the time I enjoy spending with the love of my life who found me 4 months after I retired. Yes, I realize you cannot give me more time Mary. But those adorable scissors will surely make my limited stitching time more productive!
    Merry Christmas, Kathy

  75. I would dearly love some of those Sajou French silk threads. I haven’t yet worked with silk and I’m excited to try it.

    But because I’n a francophile, I sigh over everything on the French Needle website, including those amazing scissors. Sigh!

  76. I am hoping to get some wool threads for Christmas this year. Oh wait a minute, they arrived in the mail two weeks ago and I handed them to my hubby – hee! hee! Merry Christ-mas ya’ll.

  77. I would love to get a kit from Trish Burr, any one of her birds. That way all the threads etc. are included. with no decisions to make!!( have trouble picking out things that go together!!

  78. Ooh, I’m drooling over those exquisite scissors.
    Tops on my Christmas needlework list is time: time to stitch those projects languishing in my closet, time to spend creating my own designs, and time to stitch with friends.

  79. The item that would be on my Christmas wish list is, a floor stand!
    Thank you, the give aways are are fun!

  80. There’s always a wonderful supply of beautiful chart designs that make it onto my ‘need to have’ list, inspiring books that I yearn to look over and read. Let’s not forget all of the lovely, shiny tools that always catch my eye. But this year my stitching heart’s desire is just to have a bit of extra time to stitch in peaceful bliss. Happy stitching, Suzette x

  81. I would love something pretty to organize my embroidery supplies in. I am new to embroidery so I don’t have a large collection of supplies, but I do have some things. A pretty box that wouldn’t be an eyesore when it was left out, but was also functional would be the perfect thing.

  82. I think I have all the tools I need save one. I’m patiently waiting for a table stand from Needle Needs in the UK. I have ordered from him twice before and know it can be several months before it arrives but when it does, I will be so happy!

  83. My Christmas stitching wish would be to have tea and a chat with my estranged son and show him some of the crazy things I’ve made. He has recently made contact for the first time in ten years and my heart is both breaking and hopeful.
    That’s not going to happen, alas, so I’d love to have these delicious scissors…

  84. I almost always have a chart I’ve been admiring but hesitate to buy for myself. This year I’m wanting “Weeds” by Carolyn Manning Designs… it’s a beautiful pastel botanical sampler.
    I have a stitching friend who owns several pairs of these lovely scissors and it would be nice to have my own psir.
    Happy Holidays and thanks for sharing ❤️

  85. Christmas needlework wishlist! I really really want time! I have projects, threads, lots of laying tools and needles and canvases and a lovely crewel online course from RSN but no time. What with family and pets and a business and household chores I just get maybe an hour a day to play.

    So Santa, please, send me a couple of more hours each day to play with my stash and stitch and maybe even design something!

  86. I have so many wonderful tools m, fabrics, threads and beautiful projects on hand. The one thing I wish for in the new year for my needlework is a rare and precious gem…time.

  87. My Christmas wish is to have more days to learn new techniques and have the realization that nobody always gets things right the first time.

  88. On my wish list this year is the book “Whitework with Color”. It is one of those love-hate things in that I absolutely love the designs but I really don’t need another project to add to my growing list! Lets hope that the secret to a long life really is a long list of unfinished projects.

    Thanks, again, for this wonderful contest and for the year of reviews and instruction. It is very much appreciated.

  89. My needlework wish this Christmas was for a particular book. This is a very old book with some artwork in which I would love to reproduce using thread. I am waiting to see if a copy can be found…. perhaps not lucky enough to arrive for Christmas, but still, something nice to think about.

  90. What beautiful scissors!! My Christmas needlework wish is a bit unconventional. I wish I could convince my 85 year old father–who just lost his wife (my dear mother) of 62! years–to take up needlework. It would help him through the lonely days he will be facing ahead as he moves on without the love of his life. In my mother’s final weeks when she was weak and confused, I brought her some needlework and we worked on our projects for hours and talked, rested, and reminisced. The sight of threads and beautiful felted wool fabric (we did applique) made her face light up and she was so proud that, despite difficulty, she could still thread a needle. My wish is that all of those suffering from a recent loss of a loved one, or those who are just lonely, will discover that needlework can give them purpose, bring beauty to their lives, and comfort them even in their darkest days.

  91. My needlework wish would be a casket from thistle threads to embroider. I bought the course but just can’t afford the casket. Merry Christmas everyone.

  92. For my wish list, I always include a wish for a new embroidery kit. And one more thing! My local needlework shop sells beautiful laying tools, and I have been coveting one. I couldn’t justify the cost, but I would love to have one… and then learn how to use it! Happy Solstice and Christmas!

  93. I would really like to learn goldwork. So a kit and maybe an Online class. Thank you for the chance to win those lovely scissors.

  94. What a beautiful addition to my needlework. Will make stitching a extra extra special treat with handmade scissors and handwork.

  95. My Christmas wish would be for some wool threads. I did a picture crewel work a long time ago of a marsh, fence, and a red-winged blackbird. The flexibility of using wool with wool threads is amazing.

  96. I am always on the lookout for books about ecclesiastical embroidery and traditional vestment design. Gorgeous french scissors! Merry Christmas!

  97. My Christmas wish is to have a bit of time to start a new stitching project on Christmas Day. I would like to gift myself that! Just a quiet period of time to calm in the craziness of the day, between opening presents, cleaning up the wrappings, cooking, and making the family rounds. Thanks!

  98. My gifts this year include a light box and a sit on frame. Two things I had asked for. Whee! I have a special project picked out and am anxious to start.

  99. My greatest wish for my needle work is time…it seems that life is so busy and hectic that making time for this love is difficult. For a tool is is a good pair of sharp scissors. I love decorative scissors and the blue leather case on this one was so beautiful. Merry Christmas and Peace to you and yours. LA

  100. The needlework item on my wish list is a System 4 Needlework Stand. I borrowed one from a friend and loved it. Hopefully, Santa will bring that to me.

  101. A lovely pair of embroidery sicssors would be a grand gift. But I really want the gift of time management to finnish my wips and projects I have purchased. Thank you Mary for the beautiful gifts you are giving away. You have expanded my knowledge of new and old materials. Merry Christmas Mary!

    Karole in Texas

  102. I’ve been looking for ages for a needlework case to organize my scissors threads etc. At the moment I use the the plastic scrap booking boxes and odd pouches, but they’re never where I want them and my needle work room is chaotic! When I go to Guild the box takes up far too much room,

  103. Merry Christmas, everybody!
    My Christmas needlework wish is for the embellishments kit for Carolyn Pearce’s “Home Sweet Home” embroidered workbox. I’ve been working on the workbox embroidery for a while and embellishing it with bug and animal charms from here and there, but I’d like very much to have the “authentic” ones that she used. Finishing the workbox is at the top of the priority list after Christmas – maybe I’ll get it done by the New Year.
    I hope your New Year is a good one!

  104. On the top of my wish list is “A class for beginning Goldwork”. I have started using the metal threads, but so far, most attempts look like I need help.

  105. Merry Christmas! Beautiful scissors — love the theme! My needlework wish? To actually figure out how to completely finish a project before jumping to the next, because there are just so many wonderful treasures to create. 2018 was to be the year of The Unfinished Object, which all are still unfinished, as I’ve added more — I now have quite the stash for 2019. Happy New Year!

  106. I so wish for a goldwork design so I can continue to practice my technique and perfect my skills.

  107. Thank you for the two new web sites for needlecraft. I’m always looking for high quality tools and products.

  108. My needlework Christmas wish list: while a gift certificate is greatly appreciated from those who don’t know what to give me, Something handmade by a friend is always a treasure.

  109. Oh, those scissors are so beautiful! On my wish list for Christmas is the Inspirations magazine 100th issue index. I’ve been a subscriber for a few years now, but can only imagine all the beautiful projects I missed. Seeing them might inspire me to try and find missing issues.
    Have a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for all you do to inspire us stitchers.

  110. I would like a System 4 table/lap frame. I go to classes where I have seen this is use and it would be really helpful as well as easy to travel with. I have also moved recently and do more stitching in the living room as I no longer have a stitching room and this would be easy to move around when needed.

  111. I didn’t know it before this giveaway, but now these scissors would be on my Christmas list! Seriously, I haven’t really had time in the last 9 months to even think about stitching, so I don’t have a list at hand, but I would love any tool or a kit.

  112. My Christmas wish is to get a tray for the Thanksgiving sampler that I just completed and did not end up being square as designed. Merry Christmas to all.

  113. My Xmas wish is to actually complete 4 of the 20-some previously begun and then abandoned needlework projects that I have lying around my house in various bags – 1 per quarter. It seems reasonable to expect 1 per quarter, but I realize the odds are not in my favor. ; )

  114. Hi Mary,

    My needlework wish is actually going to come true…a handmade embroidery frame. I also am getting the Inspirations book you discussed previously. The additional items on my list would be some colorful threads and beads to help complete several projects I am presently working on this year. And of course, a beautiful pair of embroidery scissors would be a nice gift!

  115. My Christmas wish is, not so much for more tools or threads or other supplies but rather to be able to carve out enough time to work on the projects which I have already started working on and time to design the ideas that are in my head

  116. What’s your Christmas needlework wish? Did you have a special needlework item on your wishlist? Or is there a particular needlework something that you’ve been contemplating? Maybe a tool, maybe a kit or a book? Or some threads, fabric… Well, the list could go on! Tell us about the one needlework thing you want that you don’t have and why you want it!
    I have been wanting a laying tool for goldwork and other needlework projects. I have seen goldtone ones that I particular like. I have some projects to get started on and am anxious to get going after purchasing everything but a laying tool to get started.
    Mary, thank you for the batch of prizes you have offered! I wish you and your family a Blessed Christmas together with many more years to come.

  117. I don’t have just one thing I would love to stitch all the Christmas designs from Little House Needleworks!

  118. On my wish list would be TIME, glorious, endless time to stitch all of the projects I have in my mind… I collect antique French fabrics and old needleworks and would love to be able to go one step further with them and actually use them somehow! Having 4 smallish children is a constant hindrance and all I seem able to make is yet more piles of collected fabric! I would be thrilled to win these gorgeous scissors 🙂

  119. My Christmas list needlework item was the online class and kit from Kathy Rees and Shining Needle Society for her mystery sampler that starts on January 1. I ordered it, and it’s wrapped. But it’s still something of a surprise, because I didn’t open the box to check it!

  120. I would enjoy having a sweet pair of scissors such as these. It is not always easy to find a pair which are crafted as well as these and are handy at the same time. These would definitely rate as a “treasure.”

  121. A Trish Burr kit of one of her birds or really any of the gorgeous kits from Inspirations. Both your newsletter and theirs are so inspiring. I am thankful for both!

  122. Tops on my Christmas list is a needlepoint canvas of geometric animals – I don’t know why, but it just calls out to me… next on my list is a floor stand to make my stitching easier.

  123. My Christmas needlework wish is for time! I’m a teacher and so I’m greatly looking forward to the time over winter break to relax, stitch, and spend some time in my studio.

  124. My Christmas needlework wish would be for a free standing frame to work my stitching projects on. At the moment I have improvised a somewhat cumbersome system using the ironing board and a cloth covered brick. Not very elegant but it works. Happy Christmas to all.

  125. I would love to have a wonderful little scissor that would be dedicated to my needlework pouch.

  126. My wishlist for stitching, would have to be some of the transfer from bird brain designs. Some of the stuff for their spring, and the snowman are too cute in my opinion.

  127. My Christmas needlework wish list includes a beginner gold work kit and two books – Passion for Needlework and Marveilleuse Nature. My biggest wish is more time for needlework! Thanks for being such a huge inspiration!

  128. A good battery operated magnifying light that will last as long as class and not lose brightness. So many of the classes aren’t allowing plug ins and I currently have none that are battery operated. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  129. What a beautiful pair of scissors! Scissors are on my Santa list ….. a little person (whom I love dearly) used my embroidery scissors to make his Christmas decoration. Maybe I will get lucky and win a new pair! Happy holidays!

  130. My Christmas needlework wish is for better lighting! Or maybe better eyesight. C’mon, Santa! I’m only asking for 20/20!

  131. On my wishlist is to arrange better lighting at my worktable. I’m having an antique bridgelamp refinished and plan to rewire it and research a new shade.

  132. my santa wish list is a kit from The Crewelwork Co. i have admired their kits for so long but havent had the opportunity to stitch one. however, this year i have told Santa and hopefully i will be stitching in the new year!
    i hope everyone has a very Happy Christmas and wonderful New Years.
    thanks for everything.

  133. This year my wish is to work on and maybe even finish an UFO from years ago. Still working on Primitive Garden. Also need to get back to one with butterflies. the pattern calls for just stem stitch but who follows instructions? LOL
    Merry Christmas and Happy New year. Thank you for your wonderful work. You remain in our prayers.

  134. My needlework Christmas wish is to finish as many of my UFOs as I can! There are so many beautiful new projects to move onto! Merry Christmas!

  135. That’s a hard question to answer considering I just received my ultimate wish item for Christmas this year. I’ve been reading the reviews about the Millennium Frames for years and just never wanted to sink that much money into the expense of shipping overseas, etc. Well, I finally decided this was the year I was going to treat myself. So I ordered the Needle Needs Complete Kit 1 which I includes the Necessaire Floor Stand and Millennium Frame. I’m an extra happy girl this Christmas!!!

  136. I would like to get more into Blackwork and posted on my Amazon wish list some of the books so my husband could gt them for me. I have really enjoyed your “Stitches Chrsitmas” this year… it has been great!

  137. I am a beginner at embroidery, but have somehow managed to amass a large amount of floss. I really need a storage solution for all this floss to keep it all organized!

  138. Needlework wish list? A class from the Royal School of Needlework, preferably at Hampton court. Blackwork or pulled thread would be especially nice and of course for any of them I’d need really fine scissors 🙂

  139. Strange as it may seem, I am looking forward to trying to make a temari ball this coming year. I have always loved looking at them, and despite others telling me that they are hard to do, I want to give them a try!

  140. What a beautiful scissors. I have been trying to justify Patchwork of Peace, love the piece but quite a project, one of those yes/no depending on the day, but a longstanding discussion with myself!
    Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  141. Those scissors are exquisite! I’m going big with my Christmas needlework wish. We are going to moving to a new home in 2019 and I am wishing for a a new cozy stitching spot with great light where I can enjoy many hours of stitching.

    Congratulation to all of the winners! Thank you Mary for making all of this possible on your blog. Thank you to all of the prize donors, too.

    Merry Christmas to the Mary Corbett needlework community!

  142. my Christmas wish is to have more time for my needlework. I need to organize my life so that I can put stitching on my daily schedule and really get to it! Merry Christmas to you. I am happy to have discovered you.

  143. My wish would be a friend or person to sit and stitch with each week- someone that we could learn from each other. With a recent move, I’m still meeting people but not so many people are interested anymore! To pick an item, I would pick new scissors! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

  144. It’s hard to have just one Christmas wish, being greedy I would love to have Renaissance Dyeing set of Elizabethan range of wool threads as the colours are beautiful and they would start me off on crewel embroidery which I have on my list of things I want to try. Also if I could win these scissors they would look so good and add a touch of elegance in the Strawberry Fayre neccissaire that I’ve nearly compleated.

    Thank you Mary for another year of great inspiration and knowledge. Happy Christmas

  145. My biggest and best wish is for more time to do the needle work that I love. I guess that would intaile someone else cleaning my house. Yup! If you are going to wish, wish big. If I had someone else doing the cleanup around the house…. think about all the time I would have. Sigh. This has been on my wish list for a very long time.

  146. I would love to win this most interesting pair of scissors. Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  147. I’ve always wished for a high quality, beautiful pair of scissors, but they’re such a luxury that I knew I would never possess such a delight. You can imagine that I find this give-away opportunity compelling!

    I wish you a Merry Christmas, and a healthy, happy New Year, Mary. Thank you for the many years of quality needlework education.



  148. Gosh, that’s a gorgeous pair of scissors!

    The needlework tool I’ve been pondering and wishing for is a good light. I’ve dithered over whether I want one to follow me all around the house, whether it should have a magnifier attached, whether it should go from tabletop to floor. It’s time to fish or cut bait, though, because my eyes are protesting about anything close-up. Getting older, you know.

  149. At the top of my wishlist is a full spectrum light so that my needlework can be shiny and bright!

  150. My wish is for time. Lots of it. Bursting from presents wrapped under the tree and stuffed all the way down to the toes of the stockings.

  151. My needlework wish is for more time! We all wish for that, I suppose. My other wish if for a nice set of embroidery trestles. I have some nice floor stands that are great for most things, but trestles seem to fill a special niche.

  152. My Christmas wish is silk threads, a good assortment to create something for me. Not likely at all to happen because my Santa has no clue what or how to acquire them. it would be a huge surprise under the tree. I haven’t been able to justify ordering online, I’m certain that if there was a shop locally I would pop in and pickup a skein here and there. My practical Santa would never understand why I would need more thread when I have 365 colors of DMC Cotton.

  153. The only thing I want is for the pain in my hands to abate somewhat so I can do needlework again. It is driving me crazy to be unable to stitch!

  154. On my impossible dream wish list is the Needlework System 4 floor stand. I seldom work with a hoop but I would definitely use the floor stand if I had one.

  155. My entire wish list consists of embroidery related supplies! There are some beautiful silk thread sets I’ve had my eye on, hoops and jewelry settings for smaller projects, scissors, a new iron, and oh-so-many cute patterns. I have many big patterns waiting to be worked on, but I need some smaller more compact projects to work in between when I need to feel the accomplishment of finishing something.

  156. Merry Christmas! Beautiful scissors again! Wow! My Christmas wish is for a zippered case designed especially for embroidery supplies. I am getting into embroidery in a serious way finally in my crafting life and am gathering nice too,s and supplies. For now things rattle around in totes and that’s okay but a nice case would be perfect. I hope Santa got my letter!

  157. this year my needlework goal is to work a project with silk. I have only used silk threads in a very rudimentary sample way and they were so glorious. I am looking forward to figuring out what the challenge will be.

  158. An item on my wish list is for a millenium stand to do my work on. Since there are no shops or stitchers that I know of around me, I tend to shop online and I think this item could greatly help me out with a stable, easy to work on space for a couple of projects that are larege and on my want to stitch list like Chatelaine’s Mandalas.

    I also would love to have a special pair of scissors.
    Thanks Mary and Joyeux Noel!

  159. My needlework wish is to have LOTS of inspiration to create more of my own designs. I am blessed with lots of supplies, now to create new designs with them!
    Many thanks Mary for your wonderful website. It is my first resource even though I have lots of needlework books.
    Health, happiness and lots of stitching time to all in 2019.

  160. Can one ever have too many pairs of needlework scissors? Scissors that are hand-made works of art have an extraordinary attraction! So, I guess the one needlework item I would put on a wish list is a pair of the exquisite scissors from the Jean-Marie Roulot workshop. I have admired them countless times on the French Needle website. Actually owning a pair that I can enjoy every day while stitching would be quite a wish fulfillment!

  161. Just getting back into cross stitch so I have a few charts on my wish list. This scissors would be wonderful to have. Thanks for the opportunity.

  162. Under the tree I would love to see a gift that would enable me to work on petite point. Included would be mesh, hoop, stand and needles. And a how-to book. I would be all set to learn and work a new (to me) embroidery technique in the new year.

  163. My wishlist is a collection of Soie d’Alger floss. I like to use different fibers, textures and color in my embroidery projects

  164. I have been wishing for the Autumn acorn kit from Inspirations ever since they were first shown. The beautiful colors, fabric and threads just appeal to me like no other kit in a while. It’s also of a size that can travel
    without needing a stand or bulky frames. Just lovely!

  165. I don’t have a frame to work larger pieces on ..I have always worked in hand..maybe time to start as my hands are getting arthritic…
    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all..May your wishes come true

  166. I would love the scissors for two classes I have coming up, one is an appliqué class and the other is an embroidery class.

  167. I am so blessed with wonderful tool, fabrics and threads. Not sure if time is a tool but what I really need is more time to use them. To be able to study and learn more would be fabulous.

  168. I’d love to have a source for linen dinner napkins in a natural linen colour, to embroider. I’ve been thinking of embroidering sets for each of four sisters and one brother, at least two of whom would prefer the natural colour. This is something I’m planning to accomplish in 2019, I mean it this time! I’ll use white for everyone, if I must, but would love to find these dinner napkins in natural as well.

  169. I want to try to use silk threads and goldwork threads. Just got some silk so will try a new project in the new year but it also needs some goldwork so I am waiting to get those. Looking forward to using them.

  170. I want to find more paper pieced quilt patterns. Also would like to do more embroidery and making hexies.

  171. My needlework wish is to finish all the projects I have for friends and family, but to accomplish that, I need more fabric, and more hoops.

  172. I am the delighted new owner of a Needlework System 4 lap/table stand and would dearly love to have a couple of accessories for it: a clip-on light and magnifier.

  173. I’d love to get one of the speciality handcrafted pait of scissors made by M. Roulot. I have several of the plainer ones, none cuts as well as his.

  174. I have just purchased a beautiful kit from The Crewel Shop that is a design of the nativity scene. My hope for this year that I will finish it and it will be pretty enough to do service to this Holy design.

  175. As a novice embroiderer, my Christmas needlework wish is something no one else can give me: a stitch sampler book. I hope to achieve this endeavor in 2019!

  176. I’ll probably always wish for a pair of the beautiful scissors from French Needle. Maybe I’ll win the lottery one day and get my wish!

  177. I am in the Philadelphia airport leaving my home of 50 years and on my way to a new one in Portland OR. Downsizing, or right-sizing as my realtor called it, required that I reduce my fabric and needlery stash by more than half. There was still enough shipped out West to occupy me if I do nothing but sew and embroidery for the rest of my life. My Christmas needlery wish is that the auction buyers who go home with the lengths of cashmere, silk, Italian wool, Liberty of London lawn, and Irish linen will find joy in them. My personal hope is that I will have room for an embroidery trestle.

  178. My wish this Christmas is to decide on a fabric/color/hand dyed or otherwise to stitch Flower Power on. It’s been in my stash for at least 10 years and now I REALLY need to decide on fabric and begin my project for 2019

  179. I would love to get more scroll rods and side bars from Needle Needs in England. The Millennium frame is my favorite drone to stitch large cross stitch samplers on.

  180. I have several Swedish Christmas kits from my mother, but no thread with them! I’d like holiday colored packs of thread that I could use to complete the kits.

  181. Oh my! These are gorgeous! My needlework Christmas wish is for your tea towells that were delivered yesterday! Thank you!
    Actually, my husband was a bit put out that I bought them for myself cause HE wanted to give them to me…

  182. My needlework Christmas wish is to purchase the new Alison Cole kit available at The Crewel Work Company called The Gentleman’s Nightcap & Decorations. I have been traveling with my husband in our RV for his job and have had no room for a frame set up. We are now in a townhouse for a year..so I am excited to be able to have the space to stitch to my hearts content!!

  183. I have always wanted a floor frame to hold my Needle Needs scroll frame. It has been on my wishlist for some time. Maybe someday, Santa will put it under my Christmas tree. I have many kits to finish so another want is time – don’t we all want more time to work on our beautiful needlework kits. Merry Christmas to all!

  184. Oh, scissors from M. Roulot have been on my list for ages! That would be my needlework item. I love scissors — seem to collect them as many do!

  185. Just this morning I learned wbout the beautiful “Cottage threads” from Australia. I would love a collection for Christmas to add to my stash as my crazy quilting ideas are running rampant!
    Also love beautiful useful scissors! Keeping my fingers crossed……

  186. I adore anything to do with needlework and have several pincushions which I have made, but not one is an emery. A cute little emery pincushion would be lovely along with some Tulip brand needles to try. Practicality is my main style but once in a while a little beautiful or cute item makes my heart sing. Thank you for your newsletters, I read them thoroughly and find them so full of useful information and instruction. Merry Christmas to you and I look forward to enjoying your expertise in the New Year.

  187. My Christmas needlework wish is a copy of Inspiration’s A PASSION FOR NEEDLEWORK: FACTORIA VII. I was heartbroken when I was not one of the five winners in the first draw this year. Your November review gave all the reasons why I want it! Thank you, Mary, for all the inspiration you provide throughout the year.

  188. Wow! Honestly I haven’t dared put Monsieur Roulot’s scissors on my Christmas list because they are such a treat…..just look at them! Actually on my list is vouchers for the Royal School of Needlework to put towards some classes next year.

    Merry Christmas!

  189. My needlework Christmas wish is for motivation for me to finish all my started projects!! Some need a lot of work, but some only need a little bit to be complete! This could be considered a new year wish as well! Merry Christmas, Mary. Thank you for all the fun and informative emails. May you be blessed with a healthy & happy 2019!

  190. I’ve already purchased my wish list thanks to you and the folks at Fiber Talk. Copies of Inspirations A Passion for Needlework and RSN Book of Embroidery.

  191. I would dearly love to have the latest DMC thread color sampler with actual strands of their entire line of threads. I have an old one with several add ons but the newest has even the latest threads. The sampler is expensive but is a really helpful tool when you want to change a pattern’s color or choose ones to work your own ideas. Do hope you have a lovely family Christmas and a Happy NEw Year.

  192. My needlework wish for awhile now has been to have a really nice and also beautiful pair of scissors. I drool over them every time I visit The French Needle (my copy of Merveilleux Noel came yesterday and it is even more beautiful in person).

  193. I have given my family my Christmas wish list which includes some unique embroidery patterns, gold threads, and a subscriptions t9 Insprations magazine. I just retired from my presidency of our ladies golf Association and looking forward to spending my time now relaxing and my needlework,

  194. I am hoping for a kit that I saw (unfortunately in another catalog) its for a Geisha girl and it is so beautiful but it costs too much. I love doing kits because everything is included and I don’t have to worry about finding the right yarns or thread.

  195. My biggest wish for holiday needlework is time!! I wish I could enjoy a quiet afternoon of stitching with no interruptions. Also new super sharp scissors is at the top of my dream wish list. Thank you for all you give to the stitching community.

  196. My wish is to slow down and make the time to stitch each day even if for just a little bit. I think it clams my nerves and just relaxes me and boy do I need that!!

  197. Oh my! What is my Christmas wish? This is a difficult question this year as we’re planning some big personal changes in our lives for 2019. What I’d really like to have is more time to stitch in general. I have most everything I want or need, although there is always some beautiful tool I see and then begin to drool over. Wait a minute I know what I want. I want a beautiful hand crafted aficot from Boxwoodruler on Etsy. Maybe one of the ebony tools….

  198. The stitching tool I need most is a magnifying light that works best for my eyes. One advantage to being retired now is I have more time to stitch, but the disadvantage is my eyes are not as good as used to be!

    Those scissors are magnificent. Wow, I hope I win those. I have looked at these scissors many times on the French Needle website.

  199. What’s your Christmas needlework wish? Did you have a special needlework item on your wishlist? Or is there a particular needlework something that you’ve been contemplating? Maybe a tool, maybe a kit or a book? Or some threads, fabric… Well, the list could go on! Tell us about the one needlework thing you want that you don’t have and why you want it!

    On my wish list is always your kits (I want to do the Christmas tree samplers which I have purchased and I also treated myself to the Fall sampler you did. BUT…I really want/need a great pair of embroidery scissors. It seems to be the one thing I won’t allow myself to indulge in. Why? If I knew, I wouldn’t be hoping to get this give away.

  200. My wish is to complete three UFOs, try one new Needlework technique and stay healthy. I wish everyone a great 2019!

  201. There are a number of things on my list but one in particular is any book by Ellie Sinkewiecz. I have started a Baltimore Album quilt class led by a very talented teacher who is a long standing member of my quilt guild in Rhode Island. Another student and active member of my guild encouraged me to join the class because of my love of embroidery. I am hooked and now I would like anything written by the master, Ellie!

  202. At the top of my wish list would be attending an embroidery class taught by a professional. I imagine there are many things a person could pick up just by being in the same room as a teacher and other students. In the meantime I am certainly not deprived, given online classes, books and internet resources (hello Mary Corbet!).

  203. I have been telling myself that there is no need for a Christmas Needlework wish since I have lots of UFO, kits, threads, fabric, canvas, etc. I just need time to do it all. So my wish is for a long life with good eye sight and nimble fingers.

  204. In my wishlist, i have silk threads to Sajou and scissor of M. Roulot, Hazel Bloomcamp’s crewels kit and may others thing. My wishlist mesuring 2 feets long …..

  205. Scissors – these are gorgeous and what a pleasure it would be to use these daily as I stitch away. Please, please

  206. What I would love to have and cannot afford is metal adjustable Lowry floor standing frame for needlework.

  207. My Christmas stitching wish is to be able to do my stitching again after 4 eye surgeries I am excited to tuck in this winter and try my best! I found a hardanger pattern I’ve been searching for over 10 years, bought the threads, fabric and these scissors would make it even better! In any event wish me luck to be able to stitch and see what I’m doing!!! Merry Christmas!

  208. My wishlist is well populated! Wool threads, a proper stand, books (one can never have too many books!), a proper needle work area, and…a pair of exquisite scissors to live among the glorious supplies and creative inspiration!

    Merry christmas all!

  209. My wish is that each recipient of my Christmas gifts of stitching know that I thought of them with love as I stitched.

  210. my wish is to have both my hands in working order (had carpal tunnel surgery on left in october and right in december) for 2019!

  211. Mary, I want those beautiful scissors for Christmas! The Fox is charming.
    Thank you for all you do for the embroidery world!

  212. Hi Miss Corbet,
    Our family doesn’t really do Christmas presents anymore, it’s a lot less stress for everyone involved 😉
    But since my birthday is in january I have already been thinking what I would like to receive as gifts then lol. I really like books and the one I would love to get is Salley Mavor’s “Felt Wee Folk: Enchanting Projects”, her work is just amazing!
    Kindest regards from Holland

  213. I would like the DMC thread materials for all the letters recommended in the Stitcher’s Alphabet with the exception of “B” “F” “H” and “V.” I am already enjoying the color palettes of those letters.

  214. Hmmm…I’m fortunate enough that I’m usually able to just get what I need, but I COULD probably use more silk threads…

  215. Such exquisite scissors. Thank you for this and all your generous gifts! My needlework wishlist is for Yvette Stanton’s needlework book for left-handed stitchers. Most instructions have no idea how difficult certain stitch diagrams are for us left-handed stitchers. Yvette is a gift to us!

  216. My Christmas needlework wish is to motivate myself to organize tiny “kits” that I can take anywhere. Slow stitching keeps me de-stressed.

  217. The needlework gift I want for Christmas is merrily, Merrily We Welcome Spring Sampler pattern by Blackbird Designs and fabric and threads to stitch it.

    I love Blackbird Designs and this sampler is beautiful!

  218. I enjoy Caolyn Barani’s designs—I love the variety of stitches and the whimsy in particular. I am currently looking at the ewe mille-fleur pillow top—

  219. I would love to have these delightful scissors. I’n A new sticher, embroidery that is and only have my dressmaker scissors.

  220. My Christmas wish list would definitely be one of Lorna Bateman’ s exquisite silk ribbon kits for her pincushions or needlebook. Love her designs. Merry Christmas everyone!

  221. My Christmas tool wish is great magnifier with a light that I can use when sitting in my lounge chair. Sometimes I am not using a hoop or scroll bars to attach so clip on ones are not the right tool. The right tool means everything.

  222. My needlework wish would be this lovely pair of scissors! I love beautiful scissors, and these would be a wonderful addition to my collection. If I don’t win, I just may have to purchase them myself. Thanks, Mary, and Merry Christmas to you!

  223. The one item I want that I don’t have is a trestle. Since I’ve started using a slate frame, a trestle would make it so much easier leaving two hands free. I’m sure I won’t get one though, since I haven’t asked!

  224. I’d like to have more time to stitch over the holidays so I can maybe finish at least one project. And that’s a gift I plan to give myself!
    Merry Christmas everyone and happy stitching in 2019!

  225. For Christmas I wished for the Inspirations Index for issues 1 – 100. When it first becomes available I felt it was a little pricy for my pocketbook so I put it on my wish list. I believe it will be a valuable tool in finding the right project from the issues that I have.

  226. The obvious answer would be a pair of hand crafted scissors from Jean-Marie Roulot, for their individuality and beauty, there is really nothing quite like them. Realistically I would be happy with any quality needlework supplies, silk threads, beautiful linen, goldwork threads; in short things to inspire me to try to develop my own designs, if its not in a kit then I will have to think about what I could use them for.

  227. For me the thing I would like most is a selection of silk threads for thread painting. I find it very frustrating to want to start a new project and to then have to search many stores to find the right threads. But of course the main thing in life that’s needed is peace and good health these are more important than material things, but it’s always good to have a little want, isn’t it..

  228. My Christmas needlework wish is to wave my little needle “wand” in such a way that those beautiful scissors travel to my hand to be my companion for years to come! They are at this moment the special needlework item on my wish list. The set that I actually have needs to be readjusted almost each time that I use it!
    Anyway, if I get the magical scissors I will not be able to use them immediately. I will have to wait until I realize that I was not dreaming!..

  229. What lovely scissors!
    My needlework wish is a deskto Ott light. I have a floor stand Ott light, but would like something for when I am working at a desk or table.

  230. I hoping for some beautiful silk threads – especially the variegated type. They are so lovely to work with and the light and shimmer enhances anything. The variegated ones add that extra pop to my work.

  231. One day I intend to get a light for my stitching area. It need not be big as this area is tiny. Nice color comparison and recognition, the ability to see well when untying knots, and for needling threads, are my reasons for wanting a nice stitching light.

  232. I’l like a new magnifier/lamp stand to replace the one whose arm is on its last legs. Then there’s all the floss I’d like to round out my DMC stash – some DMC Satin, all the DMC Perle (every size and color), DMC Etoile, and, of course, all the DMC Diamant. Plus some more Caron threads. Then there are a bunch of Mill Hill packs I’d like to stitch up. (Yeah, I’m dreaming big!) But I think lots of TIME to stitch is the most valuable and worthwhile thing I’d like most!

  233. The one needlework thing I’d like for Christmas that I don’t have and want is the new Sampler “Mary Clayton” from Hands Across the Sea, with the silk threads to stitch it. I love the colors and motifs, I find it very pleasing to the eye and it isn’t too big that I could accomplish it while I still work full-time…

  234. I wish that I would have pursued serious stitching earlier in my life. There are so many beautiful things to learn and do. I have recently taken a couple of workshops in Brazilian embroidery. I have always crossstiched, but with silk, wow, how exciting and beautiful. Wish I had more silks.
    Merry Christmas everyone! May our efforts in stitching be enjoyed for years to come by those who inherit them.

  235. I have been wanting some tulip needles to try out after reading about them. I also always want more and more thread to create fun pieces.

  236. I wish for time and discipline to make sure I get better at stitching. And I LOVE those beautiful scissors! Merry Christmas Mary. Thanks for all you do for us.

  237. My Merry Christmas wishlist includes a wish for more time to stitch and a wish for better eye sight. A big thank you and Merry Christmas to Mary and all the creative people sharing their talents on the internet!

  238. My Christmas needlework wish is to have more time. I am going to get my wish, May 1, 2019 when I officially retire.

  239. Happy Holidays!
    My Christmas wish is for a nice thimble. I have been doing hand sewing (embroidery and quilting) for 40 years and have recently started using a thimble due to arthritis. I would love to upgrade from the not-so-nice thimbles that are available locally. I love the peaceful feeling needlework provides.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.
    Mary Ellen

  240. I would love a gift certificate to use for your online shop. I’ve been primarily a cross stitcher for 30 years, but I would love to get some of your ebooks. Your blog has opened up so many beautiful stitching possibilities! I want to learn learn more stitches, shading techniques, and stitch some of your gorgeous patterns.

  241. At the top of my stitching Christmas wish list is a lamp/magnifier that can use power or battery and can travel easily. It has to be very bright and have a decent sized magnifier. I don’t even know if or where it exists – but I’m sure it does. And I “need” it. Lol!

  242. I wish for more time in a day so I can finish the 20+ projects that are almost finished and time to start all the new kits I have in my stash!

  243. Since you are “talking” scissors for this give-away, yes, I would love to own a pair of these lovely scissors, as they are just so beautiful. I have many pair in my stash, but not this make. What a gift this would be for a senior stitcher. Joyce

  244. Today, after doing the final food shop for Christmas, I put the finishing touches to a long term cross stitch of Rome. It’s been my fill in project between other pieces, for a couple of years, and actually am quite thrilled with it. It is a Thea Gouverneur design, so I can only claim diligence and patience.

  245. I would love another set of the Floss Inn thread organiser. They are lovely and so useful. In my mind you could never have enough. If you have several projects on the go you can have an Inn for each one. How decadent would that be

  246. To be honest I need a magnifier that is lighted. I wear reading glasses to do my embroidery and if I’m working on dark fabric I cannot see!
    The only way around this is to work by a window with natural light and in winter that doesn’t always work out. It’s on my Christmas list.

  247. It’s hard to think of a needlework wish, because I’m able to buy almost anything I want (which is why I have enough kits and charts stashed away to last me for the next 400 or so years) (but one of my friends says we won’t die until we finish all the items in our stash, so it looks as if I’ll live for another 400 or so years). So my needlework wish is to have more time in my life so I can do more needlework. There’s one piece I’m dying to start, Chatelaine’s Scottish Mandala, but I keep telling myself I need to finish several UFOs before I can start something new. So I may just give myself a New Year’s present of starting the Scottish Mandala even though I have about 15 UFOs.

  248. Hi Mary.
    My wish was that you would have a healthy year.
    Also that we would all have a healthy year for our stitching friends and projects.
    Thank you for all your fun give aways and reviews of all things stitching. Always helpful.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 🙂

  249. Other than a wish to have more time to stitch with my friends, I love pretty hoops for finishing smaller projects. I’ve had fun with some of the ones I saw here!

  250. I don’t have a specific Christmas wish for me personally. Peace, health, joy, abundance to all is that wish.

    In terms of a needlework wish, that’s easy. I truly want to see the quality of my work improve, despite physical limitations that seem to gain ground yearly. I want my stitches to be even in size, tension, and appearance. That is my wish.

    I thank you for everything here on your blog. It has been delightful to be a viewer in your community.

  251. I love getting new threads to play with – I’m always personalizing the patterns I stitch so having a big stash of thread makes it easier.

  252. My Christmas needlework wish? It’s quite simple. I need time, a couple of uninterrupted hours every day when I could sit and just stitch without having one eye on the clock.

    My husband and I are carers for our very elderly mums. My husband lives with his mum full-time while I live in our house which is miles away from him so that I can visit my mum every day. We also have a business which takes up a substantial amount of
    the time I have at home. I seem to be permanently running to keep up with the demands of our responsibilities. Often I don’t sit down in my stitching chair until quite late in the evening, by which time I’m tired – often too tired to pick up my needle.

    So please can you intercede with Santa – just ask him to send me a pair of helping hands so that I can have some time to myself. Even an hour would be nice.

  253. My Christmas Needlework wish — and it’s a sky-high wish — is to go on one of the needlework tours in England. Or, more reasonably perhaps, to take an in-person workshop or class at the San Francisco School of Needlework. There may be places closer, but I don’t really know of them. I just think it would be great to stitch with others, particularly experts who can help me perfect my stitches! I’ve been learning through kits and online classes (Tanja Berlin is an excellent long-distance teacher!), and an in-person class would be a great addition to my experience.

  254. Well, allow me to think something bigger… I wish to receive an embroidery workshop/tour/retreat in Europe as a Christmas gift.

  255. Hi, Mary!

    My Christmas needlework wish is that I would stitch more and over-think less.

    Merry Christmas!


  256. I have admired Yoko Saito’s designs for some time now. I would love to add her books to my library. The colors and fabrics are so calming and her designs are charming.

    Thank you for the opportunity for the scissors from The French Needle.

  257. I wish for more time to do my sewing! Between family and work which are all good things, I wish I had more time to sew. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!

  258. I am a scissors junkie. Nothing would give me greater pleasure than to win this beautiful pair of scissors. I recently won a beautiful embroidery lamp so I hope I am on a winning streak. I am holding thumbs.

  259. My Christmas needlework wish is for a good needlework stand. It would make things much easier, especially bigger projects. But of course, for that I’ll also have to wish for a bigger room to put it in so I don’t have to keep moving it out of the way 😉

  260. Those are very pretty scissors.
    My wish is for more time to stitch those projects lying in my stash.

  261. My Christmas needlework wish list is simple, inexpensive, and impossible to give: time to stitch! If that’s not feasible, then tools, I always like tools! Thank you for the opportunity to win those beautiful scissors. I’ve always admired The French Needle’s incredible range of scissors.

  262. The scissors are enchanting. On the winter solstice I always wish for, and can be assured of, more light.

  263. I tend to embroider (counted cross-stitch), and really enjoy the outcome. If I was to select one item that I would enjoy receiving, it would be a book and/or video showing me how to use ribbons and metallic threads. Of course, a book is informative, but hopefully that special person would include the fabric and necessary tools, thread and ribbon.

    But you know what I have never done? The Tambour Embroidery. It has a beautiful look to it, while anyone looking at it, knows how much work and love went into creating it.

  264. Mary though it may sound silly, I was hoping to win something special here – something that would be a bit extravagant for me – a small treasure! Alas it’s almost over already!
    Thank you for another chance.

  265. Wow – perfect timing! Believe it or not, embroidery scissors is on my list of things I want and need badly. My dear granddaughter, unknowing to me, used my best embroidery scissors to cut paper for a science project! They are still good, but still – you know what paper does to good scissors! This would be wonderful to win. Thank you for the chance to win these beautiful scissors!
    Merry Christmas!

  266. My one needlework item I would like is to have two Ikea Finnvard trestles to use for a needlework stand, they are a good price and tilt so I can use them flat or at an angle when stitching. I have seen them being used in a few blog’s and they look so stylish, plus they be put away when not in use. Plus if they don’t work out as a stand, I can turn them into a desk by adding a nice piece of wood on top of them.
    Merry Christmas Mary, have wonderful and safe holiday.

  267. Oh, now that I’ve read everyone’s comments, I have a much larger wish list! My number 1 wish is the online blackwork class offered by the Royal School of Needlework. My other wish is for Shizuko Kuroha’s book Indigo and Sarasa (in English). It’s out of print — I have a copy in Japanese, because that’s all I could find — but despite sluthing for an English copy for a few years, I have never found one. Her quilts are so beautiful.

  268. My needlework wish is, a wool pressing mat and a new needle threader. I’d love to have the beautiful french scissors.

  269. One thing on my Christmas needlework list is a nice frame. I just started doing cross stitch on linen after 30 years! I’ve had surgery in both wrists and my wrists are fused and don’t bend much. But I am having so much fun stitching again, granted I have to wear glasses and a headlamp, but to use a frame that holds my work would make it so much more comfortable. I LOVE the scissors, they are just beautiful. Birds on a scissors makes them extra special. I get such joy every time I read your emails. Such inspiration! I’ve just gotten my youngest daughter at 22 to start stitching! Merry Christmas and Thank you! Blessings, Maggie

  270. My needlework tool I’m wishing for is a light tracing tablet. I’m terrible at drawing, so patterns need traced in my case. It’s so much easier using a light box/tablet.

    Scissors are a fetish I have. I don’t think you can have too many. What a gift this pair, an exquisite gift, for someone to receive.


  271. I would love to have one of the UK frames that hold linen very tightly. I think they are called Needle Needs. I would also love to have those beautiful scissors.

  272. My Christmas wish is for my new English needlework frame to be set up so that I can finish the tapestry that is now called the F******Fox and begin the business of finding appropriate chairs to put them on. I would like the fox done because I dearly hope that I can begin a Cross-stitch project for my son that is a loon rising from a lake. The reflection of the loon is displayed as the aboriginal drawing representing a loon. My fingers just begin to twitch when I think about stitching that. Merry Christmas to all

  273. What’s your Christmas needlework wish?

    Mine would be to have time to stitch everything that I have lined up to stitch.

  274. Stitching is my very favorite pastime, but finishing my stitched creations is not. What I wish for is cash with which to have my stitched goodies finished into the treasures they are meant to be.

    And winning a very special scissors from you would be acceptable too!

  275. I have been embroidering since I was a kid so I pretty much have all the basics that I need. What I would like is TIME. Handwork takes so long and there are so many commitments on time and energy that I find it hard to stitch as much as I want too.

  276. On my list this year are The Stitch Bible by Kate Haxell and Foolproof Crazy Quilting by Jennifer Clouston. I love adding to my library of books.

  277. Oh boy, that’s an easy one, Mary. I am wishing for a copy of “Inspirations, a Passion for Needlework”…..my Santa has hinted that he ordered it from across the pond and it might arrive by Christmas. I hope so. I am wishing to win one of these contests too and the scissors would be extra lovely. Merry Christmas to you, Mary, from Florida.

  278. My needlework wish is for the red linen and threads to stitch ByGone Stitches’ Yes Virginia. Happy holidays Mary. Thanks for this opportunity.

  279. My wish is to get my needlework mojo back. Last Easter my mum started to be ill and then thru the summer was in and out of hospital. She became more and more frail and passed away in September. During this time and since I just could not focus on my sewing but I now have a long break over Christmas and I am determined to do something which I love so much again. Something Mum taught me and which will honour her and show my love for her.

  280. I ordered what Santa is bringing me. One of my gifts will be kits for projects in A Passion for Needlework: Factorial VII. What fun!

  281. I don’t know that I have a specific Christmas wish. Recently I purchased a chart that I have been secretly admiring for a couple of years, “And a Forest Grew” by Rosewood Manor. And I am also eyeing their pattern, “Music Amongst the Trees.” Both are unique and beautiful.

  282. One thing I can never seem to have enough of are scissors. But, what I would really like to have is a complete set of Sampler & Weeks Dye threads. I’d love to just go to the stash and find the perfect color without having to find a LNS first (which there isn’t one nearby ;-(

  283. Since I have been very nice this year ( I think) i asked Santa to bring me the new Inspirations Book, Passion for Needleworks. Keeping my fingers crossed, 3 more days and I will know !!!!

  284. My Christmas wish was a Millennium Frame. I have has my eye on it for a long time and can’t wait to get it! I am so excited for all the new projects I can do. My goal is a mountain scene. We will see if I can pull it off!

  285. My needlework wish would be to embroider faster so I can get all my projects done……..there are so many challenenging, beautiful embroidery techniques to explore.

  286. There are so many wishes that I could make, but if I only had one, it would be for a BlueMax HD Light, 70 watt lamps that you have shared information on several times. There is nothing better than good lighting when you are stitching.

    Thank you for all that you do for the needlework community, not just the Stitcher’s Christmas, which is spectacular, but the sharing of your knowledge and your creativity gives so much inspiration to others.

    Many Blessings this Christmas and in the year ahead.

  287. My Christmas wish is for more time for stitching in the coming year. I enjoy it so much and there is so little time, maybe I should be concentrating on doing smaller projects until I do have more time. I am blessed with many of the tools I would need, but certainly a beautiful new pair of scissors always will fit in my life, and this new French needlework book just fits my tastes, and the projects are small; I loved every one. My Christmas wishwould be to have the book that Mary highlighted today,

  288. Mary, your Christmas give-away from the French Needle is my Christmas wish…an exquisite pair of hand-made embroidery scissors. I marvel at their artwork and practicality. What a wonderful combination. Thank you for hosting this give-away.
    Merry Christmas! Beth F

  289. oh my gosh! My mag lamp fell apart this week….really lost without it as my favorite stitching is miniatures on silk gauze. Hope that Santa can fix it or else bring me a new one.

  290. My Christmas needlework wish is to get my notebook cover finished for my New Year book ‘Today I Will….. ‘ so I can start filling it in on 1 January. Of course, I can start without the cover but it will be so much better to have my crazy patchwork embroidered and completed

  291. I think that my most desired needlework wish would be a wish for time- something we all have in such short supply these days. I have already started planning in my mind how I will spend those precious moments of vacation time happily stitching away, sitting in my favorite chair, watching Christmas movies and enjoying time with my hubby.

  292. My one wish is more time to stitch! I suppose I could get it if I gave up a few volunteer positions but I don’t want to do that. 😉

  293. I’d love to get a pair of Jean-Marie Rulot scissors for Christmas! It is my dream for a long time and may be this giveaway will help me 🙂 Fingers crossed 🙂

  294. I’m hoping Santa will bring me a collection of Sue Spargo threads to use in work with a wool wall hanging.

  295. I think at this point in my needlework journey. there are so many things that I would love I can’t even list them! These scissors are beautiful and would love to have them!

  296. Silk thread! I always want silk thread. I dream of one of those bixby cabinets like Mary has filled with every color of silk thread avalible. I might need two cabinets!
    It would be a huge pile of potential!

  297. My wish is for more time to do all the projects I would like to do. So many techniques, so many ideas.

  298. My needlework wish really is a wish: I’d be delighted if needlework elves would sneak into my sewing room and organize it for me, including installing new cabinetry. I suspect, however, that the only way I’m going to get organization is if I buckle down and do it myself. It’s fun to dream, though!

  299. It’s been many years since I’ve done any crewel work, so my wool threads are non-existent. And, of late, I’ve been looking at a lot of crewel designs, that I suspect are going to wind up in my list of projects. Plus, I’ve never tried mixing very different kinds of threads and think that would be great fun.

    So wool! I need wool!

  300. The one needlework thing I would love to have is Time. More time to stitch with my friends 🙂 Merry Christmas!

  301. Hello Mary,
    What a beautiful pair of scissors!
    My Christmas stitchery wish is for lots of ideas for beautiful threads, like hand-dyed threads and gold work threads! I love seeing what you and your readers have made with lovely thread colors in family color groups.
    Merry Christmas to you and all your readers!

  302. My Christmas wish is for a really good floor lamp to place next to my favorite stitching spot. Thank you, Mary, for this truly special giveaway. I have always loved Aesop’s Fables and have enjoyed reading them since receiving my first volume over 50 years ago at the age of 7. The crow and the fox is a particular favorite, and Jean-Marie Roulot’s scissors are stunning!
    Best wishes for a very merry Christmas,
    Linda B.

  303. These scissors would fulfill every Christmas wish I’ve ever had about stitching tools! Yes, I have plain ole scissors but using these would be a delight every time I picked them up! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone!

  304. My wish is to spend time stitching with family and friends. What a blessing that would be…
    Merry Christmas and blessings for the upcoming year.
    Judy Parsons

  305. Stitcher’s Christmas – Scissors

    On the Christmas wish list – this year and every year – is a pair of Jean-Marie Roulot scissors! I admire this artisan’s work every time I visit the French Needle website. This is the luxury item I have yet to convince my beloved family is actually any self-respecting stitcher’s necessity item! How ’bout it this year, Santa baby!

    Ho ho ho!

  306. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy Healthy Prosperous New Year.
    I enjoy reading your e-mails, and purchasing your recommended books and supplies.
    Again, Happy Holidays.

  307. My Christmas wish is for more time to stitch – alone, with friends, on needlework travels. And this wish is for stitchers everywhere. May your New Year be a happy one!

  308. Well now that I’ve had a peek at Merveilleux Noel book, it is definitely on my Christmas wish list now. I’ve never seen such gorgeous Christmas cross stitch patterns before.
    Have a wonderful Christmas.

  309. What would I love for xmas? A trip to San Francisco to become a student in their certificate program or to do some advance study in design and crewel work.

  310. There is a Farmers Market counted cross stitch pattern in our local needlework/quilt shop that I would just love to make.

  311. Well, who knew? I didn’t think I had a Christmas needlework wish this year. Then I followed your link to “Merveilleux Noel” at the French Needle. Now that’s at the top of my list!! Merry Christmas, Mary!

  312. I wish for knowledge! I am struggling with transferring patterns onto my projects. I would like to try chalk pens as the waxy Clover paper does not show up on these dish towels I bought to embroider on. In general I need better tools! I’ve watched lots of videos on transferring but I still struggle. I love your website!

  313. I would love a gift certificate to Needle in a Haystack, which is about a two hour drive away. I would love to use it for thread, including gold threads for goldwork.

  314. I Love books and my wish would be to get one of the many beautiful books you have introduced me to or a subscription to Inspirations magazine.

  315. On my Christmas wish list is the Millennium Frame. I really want a smaller set and a larger set. Although that book you showed is just lovely. One of these years I will just order it in….

  316. I would like to receive a packet of each kind of needle so that I can be more organised and throw out those that I’ve been using for years! I’ve seen a lovely leather business card wallet that the packets could be organised into.

  317. I think my wish is what every stitcher wishes and that is to have more time to stitch especially time without distractions. I hope to make it more of a priority.

  318. The one needlework tool that is on my wish list, and I would love to have more than any tool in the world, is an exquisite pair of gorgeous handmade scissors by Jean-Marie Roulot:)
    Merry Christmas to you and all and may God bless with good health and happy stitching!

  319. My Christmas needlework wish is for a load of Silks4U hanks. Such beautiful colours, and there is nothing better than stitching with silk 😀

    Merry Christmas, Mary, and thanks for hosting such a great Christmas giveaway!

  320. I really want a good magnifying light, and I want it because I really need it! I live in Oregon, where you have to keep lights on in the house during the day because it’s just gloomy. And then there’s my failing eyesight. Not going blind, per se, just old. Yeah, I really should have put a good magnifying light on my Christmas list. I wish I’d thought of that…..

  321. I had two embroidery related Christmas wish lists. One is a whole bunch of hoops and the second is the new light effects DMC embroidery floss. Oh wait another one I just thought of… a head lamp.

  322. This Christmas I would love to find a lovely pair of scissors in my Christmas stocking.
    I have been working on a Christmas stocking for my youngest granddaughter and a new pair of scissors would be inspirational in completing it for 2019!.

  323. My needlework wish for Christmas is just some time to spend with my embroidery.
    And guess what, I’m probably gonna get some.

  324. Have said this before, but embroidery has come into my life rather late. So a good sharp pointed pair of scissors would be a joy to have. The ones I am currently using are from my art supplies and are great for that but not the point I seem to need.

  325. My pie in the sky, win the lottery, Christmas wish would be a trip to the UK for a stitchers retreat/class/tour of historical needlework. Like minds spending time together would be so inspiring.

  326. Would love to have a kit from The Crewel Work Company, particularly the Mellerstain Firescreen kit! It’s a dream of mine, but due to the price, will have to enjoy it from afar . As a child, I remember stitching a couple of Crewel kits and enjoyed it. Would love to pick it up again.

  327. indigo dyed fabric on which to sew Sashiko designs. I have been exploring these designs on a variety of fabrics, but I have a hankering for true indigo dyed cotton. Scissors are next, you can never have to many scissors, I like to have scissors with each project I am working on so I don’t have to hunt for them.

  328. I have been watching a lot of teaching videos on tambour embroidery and my embroidery Christmas wish would be a tambour needle and some suitable fabric. I love the rythm of tambour and the textures that can be accomplished.

  329. My Christmas wish this year is to discover new threads. I recently retired and now have time to devote to stitching and I realized that I had only used DMC for all of my projects. Upon my retirement a friend gave me a few skeins of Gloriana thread, I was so taken with the feel and how lovely it lay on the fabric. I am now looking for classes to take so I can expand my stitching knowledge.

  330. I wish I had more time/resources to take more classes, seminars and workshops. I love learning new techniques and perfecting old ones from the fabulous teachers available to us. My happiest times are at EGA national seminars and regional workshops.

  331. I have pretty much all the supplies and tools I could possibly need… except I’ve wanted to try goldwork ever since first seeing it on your site. I have nothing for that, and haven’t seen any kits that appeal enough to spend the money. I’d have to start totally from scratch, and it’s hard to justify that kind of expense 🙂


  332. My Christmas wish…. to receive Susan O’Connor’s chatelaine all kitted up! It is so beautiful and we all deserve to have beautiful things!

  333. My needlework wish is to complete as many projects as I did last year -11. A couple were started at the end of 2017 and completed in 2018 but I want to be able to keep up the momentum and to share it with those that I love. But the one thing I don’t have is a slate frame and would love one day to get one. I have some large projects that would be easier to work on this rather than stretcher bars and a stand. Happy holidays everyone!

  334. Other than those beautiful scissors, what I wish is that 3 of my zillions of UFOs would magically be finished by Christmas.

  335. I wish I could commit my re time to hand stitching
    I always seem to run out of time for doing my things!!! Ever a mother!!!

  336. Greetings, when you asked for a Christmas wish, my mind went to what is my prayer for Christmas! I don’t even celebrate the holiday, but my constant prayer is the universal prayer of peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Blessed and happy holiday to all!

  337. Merry Christmas, Mary! My needlework wish this year is to finally get my sewing/embroidery room set up. For various many reasons my goods have been in boxes and storage for years and I just want to have my handwork life organized and consolidated!

  338. I want to learn stump work but have a hard time sourcing the materials I would need, soooooo this in 2019 I’m going to bite the bullet, order a kit from Inspirations, and laugh at the postage.
    P.S. those scissors are exquisite

  339. What a really want for Christmas is a stitching buddy! I had a really good one close by, but she moved too far away.

    We used to go on stitching day trips together and trade things back and forth, but primarily she knew stitching so I could talk to someone who shared that passion.

    There don’t seem to be a lot of people around here who stitch a lot, but I will keep looking.

    Thanks, Mary, for all of the delicious stitch treats you have been handing out. You are the stitching goddess!


  340. My Christmas Needlework wish is for more stitching time. Lots more time! There are so many gorgeous projects on my bucket list hat I really want to get to. Thanks so much Mary and The French Needle for this opportunity.

  341. My Christmas wish is to have a lap scroll frame to make it easier to do my stitching, right now I am just using a ring frame and I have to move it often, plus it tends to warp the finished work for a while.

  342. I would like to to do a bird miniature on 48 count silk gauze that is in one of my magazines. It may be “Threads”. I do have it saved.

  343. I just made myself a precious origami folded embroidery supply quilted case to carry on-the-go stitchery supplies; so I can stitch in the car and while waiting at appointments. It’s just the right size to tuck into my handbag. Now I am looking for wonderful, inspiring supplies to store in the case. I made six of them for friends this year as well. For my friends, I added sweet little scissors and a fancy needle threader, and a variety of specialty needles and decorative straight pins, as well as embroidery thread cards. I’m hoping to sometime soon deck mine out in the same way. So that is my Christmas wish for myself, but I doubt my husband will take the hint and supply them. So, I’m hoping Santa will put a gift card in my stocking. Having the right supplies is so inspiring when doing creative work like embroidery — at least for me. “Sew” many projects, “sew” little time! Merry Christmas!

  344. My needlework Christmas wish…

    I would be over the moon if I received a lap frame. I’ve had surgery on both wrists and holding a hoop or trying to work in had makes them sore. I would also be able to stitch with both hands which would help me stitch faster. Santa has my list so we’ll have to see if I was nice enough to receive one!

  345. Thanks for the chance to enter this drawing. I have two items on my wish list for this Christmas…one is a work tote that I can carry with me in the car and the other is scissors…I want a pair of good embroidery scissors and a pair of small scallop scissors. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

  346. I want a special 2.25 inch scissors. I had one that fit in a holder and chain and hung around my neck. I lost the the scissors at the lake three summers ago. Cant fi d one that small to replace it. Hope i win this one. It won’t go to the lake with me.

  347. My Christmas wish is that pair of scissors.
    When I was a little girl in France, the name of Nogent made me dream.
    My grandmother has multiple object from Nogent in her house, scissors large and embroidery, nail clippers etc.
    As well, she had friends in that town she visited, and my child curiosity wondered what their place would look like, a confused paradise of blades with Nogent on all.
    Now I live in Canada and anything that takes me back to my roots is precious, that is why a Nogent pair of gorgeous scissors for my embroidery is on my Christmas wish list. Thank you.

  348. “More Lights”!!!!…old eyes…means brighter lights…! Great Lighting is something I am always on the lookout for.

  349. Hi,
    I dreaming of beautiful wood hoops. And those scissors too!
    Thank you Mary and Merry Christmas. Peace and health for you, for your family and friends too.

  350. Well like everyone I’d love to have more time to engage with my needle, but that’s not something I can ask for. What I’d love to do is take a class with the Royal School of Needlework. Now that they have online courses, I’ll be watching those and depending on price and subject, maybe I’ll get to do that this year! Merry Christmas Mary!

  351. I wished for books on free form embroidery, and also stitch encyclopaedias. I know my hubby has bought one, since I helped pick it out!

  352. I have been stitching for over 45 years and have tried many, many different techniques, taken classes and taught classes. The only thing I have not done is attend Beating Around the Bush in Australia. Saving as best I can and hope some day to attend. In the meantime I just keep stitching and teaching.

  353. I do not make a whish list, I am more clever than that. During the year, I buy embroidery books that I really want wether in store s or when I see it on in blogs or on websites I ask my favorite embroidery store to order it for me. I s’so Buy lots of efaboulous embroidery books when there is a sale from our guild’s library to make room from new books. They sell books for 5 or 10$ And some for less than that. As soon as I buy them, I give them to my husband and tell him not to worry about finding Christmas or birthday (December 31) gifts for me. He already have lots of wonderful books to give me. And by the time I get them as a present I do not remember them and it is a total surprise. Except for one this year that I am waiting for… Whitework with colors from Trish Burr.

  354. I’d love to get a complete needlework kit of a very detailed project. It can be such a pain to source supplies….lol.
    Merry Christmas, Mary.
    Hugs from Canada

  355. I thought I could get a particular Stitchery project done 8 times as Christmas gifts for 8 stitching friends. Well, I only got 1 and 3/4 done. So I’m ready to get started on next year’s gifts already! Can’t give up!

  356. Merry Christmas Mary! My Christmas needlework wish is to win those beautiful scissors! I gave my sister a beautiful pair of Sajou scissors one year and kept hoping she would give the back to me! Have a wonderful Christmas! Diana

  357. If I could have one more ask dear Father Christmas then please could I have a long arm quilting machine and some lovely fabrics to work with too. This is because I tried one of these at a show and it was just so much fun!

  358. Aside from wanting every thread I encounter, I would really like a needlework system stand (put that one on the keep dreaming list as my budget won’t be able to handle that one for a while), almost everything in Trish Burr’s shop (esp. the linen, I got some, I really like it and I want more) and an awesome craft table & storage system for my stuff.

  359. My goal is more finished projects, but what I really want are more
    inspirations and sharing of information from needleworkers.

  360. I would like a good hoop, perhaps one that I can sit on the base of it. I have seen these and have always thought that one would be nice to have. I am getting into more handwork as I get older, it is easier to manage than quilts. The scissors look absolutely lovely and I would love to add them to my handwork supplies.

  361. I have always wanted a special pair of needlework scissors. Right now I use small snippers that used to belong to my Mother. They are a treasure for sentimental reasons however they do not cut thread very good at all. It takes a few snips to chew through the thread.

  362. I love the French Needle. My Christmas wish is to have continued inspiration from people like you and Lisa at French Needle. And of course more silk thread

  363. ¡Libros! He puesto en mi lista algunos de los que has recomendado en los anteriores artículos, Soy una entusiasta de los libros de bordado , patchwork y labores en general. ¡A ver si hay más suerte!

  364. Merry Christmas Mary! And thanks for a year full of good tips and knowledge. I love your blog.
    I have so much … an embarrassment of riches really … but if there was one thing it would be a new sewing bag organizer to hold my tools. I have had one for years but the zippers are broken and it’s very frayed around the edges. It owes me nothing and I think it deserves a peaceful retirement.

    Thanks Mary!

  365. My needlework wish list includes a new frame/stand that I found on Amazon in Great Briton. It combines a “q-snap” like frame with a table stand. Super light and easy to carry around for classes and the like.

  366. My Christmas wish was a subscription to the embroidery magazine “Inspirations”, however, I’m wishing I’d put those beautiful scissors on as well! They’ll have to wait until the birthday list. Merry Christmas!

  367. My Christmas needlework wish is for more time in my day to work on my needlework projects because I have a long list of ” want to do projects”!

  368. My Needlework wish is for a stand to put my work in and more time to stitch.
    Thanks for this contest and very Merry Christmas!

  369. My Christmas wish is for some green ribbon – the colour of Agapanthus leaves, to finish the design I have put on hold for the past eight years. The kit is from Lesley Turpin Delport of an Agapanthus flower with leaves.
    Happy Holidays to you all.

  370. I’m hoping to receive a light box for Christmas.

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway again this year. It’s always so much fun.

    Wishing you health and happiness in 2019!

  371. My Christmas needlework list has included some new threads for stitching…I love brightly colored cottons and silks. But these scissors are just magical. I have perused the pages of The French Needle and my heart always returns to these scissors pages. May your Christmas be filled with the joy you share with all of us. Thank you!

  372. My Chirstmas needlework wish is to have more time to work on and finish the projects started and already in mine. I also hope to learn something more about stitching from each project I work on and complete.

    Happy Holidays Patricia

  373. My needlework wish is many types of threads.The design of the scissors is quite impressive if you consider the size

  374. I don’t have a decent pair of embroidery scissors. I would wear them around my neck like a necklace so they would always be to hand if needed and I would never lose them!

  375. My inventory of tools is relatively small, but those that I have are of fine quality. I really desire (in addition to a new pair of lovely French handcrafted scissors in a leather case) is a quality storage system to protect and keep them organized between uses.

  376. My needlework wish is the Inspirations Magazine kit of amazing tulips. It’s in the 100th issue.
    Joyeux Noel and I hope that your new year is happy and healthy. Maryann

  377. I would wish for a skein from every color of au ver a sole’s silks collection, and while I’m at it, I might as well wish for the moon!! 😉

  378. My Christmas embroidery wish is to get my motivation back for embroidering! I have a stack just waiting for me…

  379. I would love to have one of Trish Burr’s kits. I adore her little birds, and I’m eager to try my hand at more complex needle painting. I would also like the time to work on something fun for me. I hope she still offers that charming little bee-eater. Hmm, maybe I’ll look him up…hubs may have just ordered my birthday present….

  380. My needlework wish might not exist yet, I would love a really different highly-detailed hand painted needlepoint canvas of Marie Antionette with lots of shading and outrageous background. I am a huge fan of Marie Antionette and the hand painted canvases on the market are relatively simple. I also would love a pair of the scissors you are raffling off!

  381. My Christmas needlework wish is to continue friendships and activities in two EGA chapters I belong to. I lost my husband this past summer and connecting with people with like interests is the best therapy. Of course beautiful scissors in my stocking would help too.

  382. At the very, very top of my Christmas wish list is the exquisite book PASSION FOR NEEDLEWORK, FACTORIA VII. Ever since I read the review of the book on your website my fingers have been tingling…the only difficulty will be in deciding which project to stitch first! The reticella sampler, the whitework and needlelace hare, the colorful crewel, the very fine needlepainting “Le Magnolia”, Hazel Blomkamp’s footstool cover… I love them all, sigh…
    Santa, if you’re reading this, I’ve been very good this year….

  383. I have three kits on my wish list. One from Renette Kümmel of South Africa, on from Alison Cole of Australia and one from Tanya Berlin of Canada. The problem is when I tell people what is one my list and where it is from, they just roll their eyes and say, “What else?”

  384. My stitchers Christmas Wish is more uninterrupted time to stitch! I love the quiet, refreshing soul and mind therapy of creating a work of art with needle and thread. But until my wish is granted I will delightfully treasure the few moments that randomly come my way!!

  385. My favorite Christmas stitching wish is MORE TIME!! I have many projects both new and UFO’s! I have lots of fabric, thread, beads, needles, scissors, tools, and more! But more stitching time would be such a luxury!

  386. Mine is like sugar plum fairies – totally unattainable now…the Strawberry Fayre kit from Inspirations issue #95. I just had huge financial obligations at the time it was available and could just never afford it. 🙁

  387. My needlework wish is for my shoulder to heal so I am able to stitch again!!! I so miss it!!! I would also like a pair of Sojou mother of pearl scissors but these would be wonderful!!!

  388. On my wish list is a book by Marcia Brown, “Distinctive Presentations of Needle Art: A Complete Guide to Professional Finishbof your Needlework”. I would like to finish some of the things that I have completed and need ideas and instruction!

  389. I’m dreaming of fabric under the tree! I have lots of projects that only want for fabric to be started!

  390. I would like a resident teacher.
    I have recently returned to live in the north of England after 40 years away. A few years ago I took a day class at the RSN at Hampton Court and got the bug for needlework. Unfortunately, the nearest places I could go for tuition are either Glasgow or Durham. So if the teacher cold live in the cupboard under the stairs I would be ecstatic.

    Have a very Happy and Peaceful Christmas Mary

  391. Hi Mary,

    I, to, asked for the wonderful “Merveilleau Noel”, and who would not have the beautiful Jean-Marie Roulot scissors on their Dream List! I hope your wishes come true!

    Merry Christmas,
    Connie Martin

  392. My Christmas Needlework wish is that my eyes will stop going out of focus whilst I’m stitching so that I can continue to enjoy my favourite hobby.

  393. I would love to have a space where I could leave my work out all the time. Then I wouldn’t have to waste time getting it out and putting it away!

  394. My Christmas needlework wish is to visit The Royal School of Needlework with my good friend and stitching pal Josie.

  395. My Christmas needlework wish is also short and sweet. To get enough of those “round tuits” to finish all those UFO’s I wrote of in my comment on the last give away.
    Merry Chrristmas, Mary! Thank you for all you do for us.

  396. I’d really like to get all the Appleton crewel wool I need for some designs by Anna Scott. Some are in Inspirations magazines and some are patterns I bought from her Fine Stitch Studio on Etsy for learning and practising a variety of crewel stitches. I like her designs because they are lively and in cheery bright colors.

  397. My wish all year long is for a Needlework System 4 floor stand – the portable one. Everyone, enjoy the holiday and have a happy new year!

  398. I have been inspired by some of the simpler gold work i have seen on your community page (previously seemed way too daunting) – i would now love to try it! Best wishes for a happy, merry & blessed Christmas.

  399. My Christmas wish is for my health to remain good for the new year. I have several classes and retreats scheduled and I want to be able attend them all to see my friends, all the wonderful wares offered in shops and at conventions, and all the excellent teachers who are so patient with all of us who are learning new techniques and new ways to use what we already know!

  400. I would love ro turn on the computer and see tha I had won this coming Mondaymorning. I would love the beautiful scissors displayed. Thank you.

  401. I’ve never entered a comment in any of your giveaways before. Mostly, because although I’m lucky in love, I’m not at all lucky at competitions. But, how could I possibly pass on a chance to win a pair of M. Roulot’s scissors. I’ve coveted a pair ever since I came across an article about M. Roulot a few years ago. To own such beauties would be akin to owning a tiny slice of heaven.

  402. My needlework Christmas wish is just to have the time and patience to finish the projects I need to do by deadline. Only.. four days away.

  403. My needlework wish (besides time) would be to have one of those tools without a name that has the fine wire that pulls short threads so you can tuck them under when finishing on the back. I always want to use up thread right down to the last stitch and then find I do not have enough at the back to properly end off with a needle. This little tool would be wonderful. I used to have one (sigh) but the fine wire broke and I have been on the lookout for one ever since! Merry Christmas from Canada!

  404. The Christmas needlework thing I would like is a complete set of Gloriana threads and QVS threads so I wouldn’t run out in the middle of a project and would have enough fiber to do several things in my stash and really feel accomplished about getting them done.

  405. I already have my Christmas wish – I just retired last week AND I have a brand new grandson, so now I have more stitching projects lined up and time to do them. Blessings to all of you!

  406. I go from chair to chair when I do needlework trying to find the right comfort, support and location. None seem to work for any period of time. So,t Christmas wish would be for just the right chair, and, if I could really dream, I would like the chair large enough to share with my granddaughter so we could share the moments together!

  407. I’m usually too cheap to buy kits but I wanted to try goldwork this year so I put two beginner’s kits on my Christmas list, one from Becky Hogg and one from Golden Hinde.
    I’m hoping the step-by-step directions help me get started without too much frustration. Crossing my fingers that I’ll receive a kit, AND win those gorgeous scissors.

    Have a lovely holiday.

  408. I have been eyeing some new scissors for my embroidery projects. I need some with a finer tip on them then the ones that I have.

  409. Hi Mary,

    My needlework Christmas wish would be to some day, some way, some how … attend a class at the Royal School of Needlework. I whisper that wish to Santa every year.

    Merry Christmas to you and those you hold dear.

    Sandra F. in NY

  410. I would love to receive the gift of time for peaceful days to embroider. I have several projects that I want to do, including some lovely ladies just waiting to come to life with needle and thread. That is my Christmas wish.

  411. The item I want for Christmas and that would be the most beneficial is TIME. I want more time to get the projects done that I already have started. Knowing that won’t happen, I collect scissors, so any scissors that my family wants to give me would be wonderful. Merry Christmas, Mary. I really enjoy your newsletter.

  412. My Christmas Needle work wish would be for everyone to have enough of the perfect Floss and Fabric and the time to complete all of their projects, so that the world will be sew much more beautiful. I also wish that everyone would have enough of the things they need to live without fear, sadness, pain and loneliness. Happiness and joy to all who read this and it is my most heartfelt wish for everyone to have love.

  413. My Christmas stitching wish is to find time to research new designs, stitches, and threads to expand my embroidery skills. I just ordered a set of the new sparkly embroidery thread and can’t wait to find my first project design.

  414. While I feel like I continually collect new things, I honestly do not NEED any additional items. More TIME would always be nice. Or a sewing room fairy that would keep my things organized so I could FIND whatever I am looking for. Most of my needlework energy this year has been on mentally planning what I want to do, but the hands-on work has been planning and making models for my classes. Oh yeah, and there was that RSN class in Lexington. It has been a good year!! I look forward to 2019 with Mary!!

  415. It’s so nice of you to share such wonderful for stitchers! Great gift ideas!
    On my Christmas needlecraft list is the 12 Days of Christmas ornament patterns, felt and threads featured by mmmcrafts on etsy. I’ve been watching the progress of the ornaments on several blogs…so fun! Wish lists are fun!

  416. I would love to have a piece of fine linen fabric to stitch on and linen or silk threads to stitch with. It’s a dream of mine to create a work in beautiful needlepainting.

  417. I have asked Santa for an array of silk threads. I’m hoping to advance my beginner embroidery skills this year and maybe try some goldwork too.

  418. My biggest needlework wish is the motivation to work on my 18th Century pocket. I don’t know what it is but it is full of mental blocks! Physical items on my list are a tambour hook to go with the beautiful (huge!) frame my boyfriend made me and a seat frame. And maybe a gift card to the local embroidery shop 😉

  419. Thanks for all the inspiration this year. My Christmas wish…and I may get it myself is a collection of threads to embroider snowflakes for a Christmas quilt to give to my daughter in 2019…. can’t wait to start stitching.
    Happy New Year!

  420. My most-wanted item of stitching equipment is a floor frame. I have a table frame in the studio, but it would be nice to have the floor frame for stitching in the evenings with my husband as we watch the British mysteries. I like the frames that accept a stretcher frame rather than the roller/scroll types, because I work in so many different sizes. In another year, I keep telling myself . . .

  421. I have just bought the two embroidery books that I wanted for Christmas. But still wish for a pretty pair of scissors. Just because they are so much nicer than my ordinary boring scissors.

  422. I would love to have beautiful linens to stitch on, My closest shop is 4 hours away and she has a very limited supply if I can get there. I stitch a lot on used vintage napkins etc. Real stitching linen is a dream, next would be pointy sharp scissors that don’t have orange handles. Something special. My friends go to yoga while I stitch for the same reason. I can’t imagine not having needle and thread in hand some time during the day. It’s my joy.

  423. My Christmas wish is to get some new hoops and needles along with organizing my handwork supplies. I don’t do as much as I want because I’m my supplies aren’t easy to pick up and put back in their place. I think this will become my top priority for the new year because I love needlework and it bothers me that I don’t work on it as much as I would like.

  424. I want a gift certificate of substantial amount to my favorite framing store. I would not feel so guilty next time i finish a project.

  425. I’ve been sewing and embroidering for over 30 years. If there is one thing I really need it’s more time to finish my unfinished projects. I do love stitching.

  426. My wish list Christmas needlework item is an unlimited finishing budget! I have lots of items stitched, but they still need to be turned into ornaments or stand ups. As I don’t have the expertise to do this, I could use some finishing financing!!

  427. Hi Mary!
    I can’t believe you are giving away a pair of Jean-Marie Roulot’s scissors. They have been on my wish list for years. I’ve never asked for them because they are such an indulgence. But someday I would love to own a pair.

  428. Hi Mary, I have two needlework projects on my mind for the coming year! One is to try Trish Burrs Floral Alphabet and the second is to work on a large appliqué with embroidery quilt called Natures Notebook by Sandra Leichner. Thank you Mary for all you do to help us along our stitching journey. Cheers from Canada!

  429. The one thing I need is more storage space for my stitching supplies. I keep accumulating more needles, threads, fabrics, etc. and I am running out of room to store them until I have the time to finish all the projects I have planned.

  430. My Christmas needlework wish list consists of a way to organize my stash and get it under control. I wish all stitchers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  431. Mary, My wish is for more “time” to stitch! I am always so busy doing ‘things” that I often do not get to my stitching. So a few more hours in each day to stitch would be great!


  432. I am wishing for Mystic Christmas pattern and threads from Victoria Sampler because it is the nicest Christmas Sampler I have seen.

  433. This Xmas i have liked shiny threads with beads doing cards to send for friends.
    Would love a new pair of embroidery sisscors as lost my last pair and now using a big craft pair yuk. Now embroidery needles in the house there must be a pile of them as I loose them. Would like Xmas book with designs in, feeds the brain…
    A magic cupboard that replaces all I use mmmmmmmm

  434. I have looked on line and in some stores for the really nice crewel thread I use to buy at reasonable prices. I loved the muted and deep rich colors. This was in the 1980’s. I still have some that I still use on pieces. The scissors are lovely.

  435. There are many things I would like to have to help with my (Christmas) stitching but I think the best would be a little elf who overnight would fix any mistakes I made during my stitching of the day before. I know this is a lot to ask but I do hope one day this little elf would like to come live at my house.

    Thank you Mary and French Needle for the opportunity to win these delightful scissors to help me and my elf with my projects.

  436. My Christmas needlework wish is to finish a cross stitch piece by the 25th! It’s also to have the confidence to start stitching on a felted piece I made.

  437. Such a beautiful work of art. magnificent scissors. Promised my self to finish 3 projects started in 2018. Merry Christmas/

  438. My Needlework Christmas Wish is to take a class on making a Hardanger table runner. I love the beautiful designs I’ve seen and would love to be able to make one for my family. I’ve looked at patterns for them but would like to have someone “hold my hand” through the process.

  439. For this Christmas, I would love to receive the RSN’s book of Raised Embroidery. I enjoy books, and I love learning from them, so it would be very much appreciated!

  440. My dearest needlework wish is a trip to Australia for Inspirations annual event. The magazine and the books are exquisite and their projects are amazing.

  441. If there is no limit to what I can wish for, it would have to be a bigger sewing space. My room has a big window that allows for natural light, but the room itself could use a little expansion. I guess I’m lucky to have a dedicated room, but a girl can dream, can’t she?

  442. I wish I could find the perfect stand. I’ve tried several and find that none of them keep the fabric tight enough. So I would like to have the best stand for me.

  443. My Christmas needlework wish? I would like an excellent standing light with magnification built-in but optional. And even more, I would like more free time to stitch. I plan to take advantage of some holiday time off work to do some stitching.

  444. I remember my grandmother’s stork embroidery scissors which were so often right next to her. I don’t know where they went, but I would like someday to have a pair like them, just a pretty and special pair of embroidery scissors.

  445. My Christmas needlework wish is to finish converting my (now adult) son’s bedroom into my needlework studio! Then, I will have more room and *time* to do needlework because I won’t have to spend such a large chunk of my stitching time getting my project out and organized and stowing it away again every time I get a chance to work on it.

  446. My wish is for the time to sit and stitch for at least 2 hours every day for the whole of 2019!

  447. I would like to receive a Laurel Burch cat handpainted canvas with all the threads to complete it. I just love her designs. Then I could hang it with my Laurel Burch pictures. Of course, scissors and tools are always great.

  448. Well, the thing that I most wish for is for my hands to stop hurting so I could stitch more. But if I have to pick something that’ll fit in Santa’s bag then I would love a super-bright pretty new light to stitch by.

    I always enjoy your Christmas giveaways, Mary. They’re fun and inspire some happy day dreams. Thank you and I hope you have a lovely, blessed Christmas!

  449. My needlework wish is to have more time to stitch , which will be happening in 6 months when I retire 🙂

  450. Hi Mary,

    My Christmas needlework wish is for a room I can use exclusively for needlework. I would love to have a space where I can store my supplies and equipment and work on my projects in a space entirely my own.


  451. I’m lucky to have most of the equipment I need, so my Christmas wish would be for better health, as there are so many projects I want to do but are unable at the moment.

  452. My Christmas wish is to have new inspirations for this year and complete the projects that I develop. I wish for them to turn out the way I imagine them.

  453. This year I put this lovely book on my Christmas list: Embroidered Treasures: Flowers: Exquisite Needlework of the Embroiderers’ Guild Collection. It is a beautiful book!

    Best wishes,

    Debbie Caruso

  454. My wish is… to win this BEAUTIFUL pair of scissors! Thanks so much for all your generous giveaways, Mary. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

  455. My Christmas embroidery wish list is a gold work pomegranate piece with all the threads and tools and instructions.

  456. It is hard to say what I would like to have for Christmas. Anything would be great, some silk and gold threads, a new slate frame, some Alison Cole’s Christmas ornament kits or a sampler kit. These scissors are exquisite, I have some nice scissors but nothing of this quality. Could I ever use them? I don’t know, perhaps just keep them out on display.

  457. Thank you so much, Mary, for this beautiful giveaway!
    My Christmas wish is a kit from Nicola Jarvis : “the Linnet”. And of course, the time and some self confidence to stitch it.
    Or if Santa don’t have it in his studio, the pattern an antique German reproduction sampler “ACG 1728”.
    Wishing you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas!
    Warm regards,

  458. My Christmas wish is for a pair of the special beautiful French embroidery scissors. I love scissor and have several German pairs, but no gorgeous ornate French ones! They’re rather pricey for me but I’m sure worth every cent!

  459. Wishing a peaceful and considerate world would be top of my Christmas list. And the second would be a new slate frame.

  460. Always on my Christmas wish list are vintage or reproduction vintage embroidery or tatting tools. The craftsmanship and design on these implements are a work of art. They make my soul happy!
    Merry Christmas to you, Mary, and the whole NeedlenThread Community and your families.

  461. We used to have a great needlework shop not five minutes away but they closed this year. Their shop stands empty and now my nearest shop is an hour and a half’s drive away. So what I would like for Christmas is for someone to re-open the shop so I can just drop in, join in, see the threads, see what’s new, see the colors, feel the fabric, have a chat about things sewing and be among friends who love the same things as I do. Sigh – if only.

  462. My Christmas needlework wish would’ve to attend a needlework class. Something that would further my skills. One day! Those sissors would be nice too! Merry Christmas!

  463. Anyone who knows me knows how much I adore scissors and these are the pinnacle of all things scissory!

  464. My Christmas Needlework wish is Judy O’Dell’s floor stand. I have been wanting this for some time now and I think my wish is about to come true!

  465. Thanks for the contest. I would love a pair of beautiful fancy scissors for Christmas. I love petit point, especially Christmas. I plan to design and stitch several of these. Thanks again.

  466. Mary – I don’t comment often but couldn’t resist the chance of these scissors. I am truly thankful for your site and how it’s expanded my love of embroidery of all kinds. Hope everyone has a great holiday.

  467. I had asked last Christmas for a floor hoop so I could stitch more comfortably One daughter got me one last Christmas…..but didn’t realize it didn’t come with a hoop. As it came from England, I’m hoping someone will get me the hoop that fits. Anxious to sit in my chair and stitch away.

  468. I think my Christmas wish list has on it a stunning pair of scissors now! Actually in all seriousness, I have been using my son’s old school scissors ‍♀️, tragic I know! But a light box is actually on the list! Thanks for a lovely year of reading your emails and sharing your lovely work x

  469. The two embroidered treasures books are on my wish list. I’ve been good this year, so I’m hopeful Santa will be kind.

  470. On my Christmas wish list you will find
    my wish to find more stitching time!

    Merry Christmas to all!

  471. My Christmas needlework wish is to find a book and/or kit that I can learn to improve my embroidery and explore stumpwork with it. I enjoy combining different techniques in a piece, and I would like to expand my repertoire.

  472. Fabric, I need fabric. I can’t find the perfect fabric for DMC cotton. It’s to soft and it’s to tight.

  473. I have a studio that while it’s not full of supplies there is enough for most anything I want to stitch. I am fortunate to have 2 needlework shops within an hour and a half of my home so I can get something I may be out of. What I wish I had, was more willpower to stay off Facebook and instagram and solitaire games and just stitch. The joy is in the stitching.

  474. My needlework wish is more storage space! I have things kind of spread out across the house because I don’t have a dedicated space for my needlework… and time to finish all my WIPS and long long queue

  475. My needlework Christmas wish is an online course from Royal School of Needlework.
    Thank you Lisa and Mary for a beautiful give away. Those scissors are a treasure.

  476. Currently high on my wish list is a comfortable chair in which to stitch that can remain set up for stitching. I have been making do and dragging chairs from room to room, but once I finish my organizing of my stitching space and projects I hope to find just the right chair!

  477. My Christmas needlework wish is to make more time for stitching. My wishlist is for a new pair of tiny scissors and I would love to be working on a Humel embroidery kit with beautiful wool yarns.

    I am currently working on a quilt square for a church raffle. The one think I don’t have is a book of embroidery stitches. I want to use it to fill in a drawing for this quilt square.

  478. My wish would be for more time to stitch! Beyond that, I wish for all of us more kindness, more peace and more thoughtfulness in our lives. Merry Christmas to all.

  479. My needlework wish would be Qsnaps. I’ve always worked in hand, and I wonder if I’d achieve better tension with Qsnaps. Merry Christmas!

  480. What lovely giveaways! My wish this year was actually for an embroidery scissor! Wishing you a lovely holiday season.

  481. Who would not want the likes of this beautiful scissor. I guess I might be normal when I say that I love having several scissors because the ones I need at the moment miraculously are not in sight.
    I love trying new stitching skills to stretch my abilities. Often I find they’re my next favorite. OR, that’s the last time I’ll try this again!! The possibilities are endless.

  482. My one stitcher’s Christmas wish would be those scissors. I am fascinated by functional art, and the pleasure it brings to everyday chores. I am well supplied, but these would be TOOLS

  483. I don’t have anything coming on my stitchy woshlist for Christmas unless I buy it myself. Maybe I’ll hunt down Rachel Howells from the Scarlet House for myself.

  484. I would love to have a workshop with you (maybe with your summer kid class). I keep muddling along and think this will be the year I move up a level in my skills. The scissors are a work of art!

  485. My needlewish for 2019 is pretty basic. I wish for hands that don’t become too arthritic to hold a needle and eyes that can continue to see the small stitches I love. To all the younger stitchers out there – please be grateful for all you’re able to do and appreciate your accomplishments. Happy Stitching to All.

  486. This might be cheating, but I would like the complete set of Au ver a Soie’s Soie d’Alger threads. Then the sky would be the limit and I could stitch just about anything!!

  487. My needlework wish is for a copy of Stitches from the Garden by Kathy Schmitz. I love flowers and love stitching flowers!

    Happy, Peaceful and joyous holidays to all and thank you Mary for a great blog!

  488. Besides one of every thread in the world, I would most like to be in my new house with my new craft room by Christmas…. Alas, it won’t happen, but early next year I will have a new large space for stitching, crafting, etc. Am hoping to get it all organized before I die!!

  489. These beautiful scissors in my bag would just round off 2018 as being a very memorable year.

  490. My wish would be to take a stump work class and learn how to do that beautiful needle work. Then it would be finish up all the projects I have in line to-do. Anne

  491. My wish is Lady Anne Flower kit a crewel work kit from Phillipa Turnbull . Just love all the colours. Beautiful design.

  492. My Christmas Wish list – well, I have so much to be thankful for and so much to stitch…but…there is a vintage/antique needlework pretty that I would like to have. It is a Chinese thread holder. Shaped like a shoe it holds approx. 3 spools of thread and has the beads and tassels found on the round Chinese baskets. I have several Chinese style vintage needlework tools, baskets, etc. and this thread holder would be nice to add to the “collection”. Maybe Santa is listening?

    Thank you for all you do for the needlework community,

  493. Merry Christmas Mary!

    My needlework wish is to keep challenging myself by trying different techniques, designers, and materials.

  494. Happy Christmas Mary! Enjoy your holiday! My favourite needlework gift would be either of the Inspiration Passion for Needlework books..a real feast…I hope my husband’s listening!

  495. Oh I’d love to have some beautiful silk threads to try. I’ve never used them and I’m anxious to give them a try!

  496. Top of my needlework Wishlist is to have an antique pin cushion. Maybe a sliver shoe/boot or a silver filigree style pin cushion and while I’m dreaming it would be amazing if it came with a history of who owned it.

  497. What’s my needle work Christmas wish? Those scissors! They are one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, please Santa, please

  498. I think my wish would simply be to make more time to stitch, to lay aside some distractions and to pick up whatever I’m working on for at least half an hour each evening. As for the list, there is a few things…medieval monogram letter, Trish Burr’s beautiful Lion, a tapestry footstool, along with finishing current projects.

  499. My Christmas wish is healthy eye sight, hands and more time to finish all the projects that I have.

    Mary I wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I am looking forward to your very informative blogs every week.

    Thank you very much for all the research and work you do for needlework world.

  500. My wish…is to have a stitching group near me to teach me more. I’m not very good, but I love the advanced craft!!

  501. The foremost of my many wishes is to get my embroidery half-room completely set up and organized. It’s not that I don’t know what I have; it’s just that I don’t know where it is!

  502. My Christmas “Needlework” wish. Well, I wish for more stitches and less pricked fingers. Truly! I just finished the binding on a quilt and have a few sore spots. I’ll heal, thankfully, and will be stitching away on something soon.

    Merry Christmas!

  503. I have two wishes – time to sit and enjoy doing some needlework and to win the scissors for my sister, who has taken up embroidery recently and discovered she has a true talent.

    Happy Christmas!

  504. This Christmas I’ve made 7 new stockings with personalised monogrammed collars. Even have two spares for future additions to the family. I also try to do a Christmas block of the year to eventually make a big wall quilt to put up annually.
    On my wish list is a gold plated machine foot . Bernina has made them to celebrate it’s 125th birthday. It is totally impractical and decadent but for some reason it rocks my boat.

  505. Oddly enough, considering the give-a-way, but I’d love a pair a high quality embroidery scissors. Maybe my wish will come true!

  506. My needlework wish is to at least finish some of the beautiful projects that are waiting for me in my sewing room.

  507. Because I’m a relative novice to embroidery, I’m dreaming of having a frame where I can stitch two-handed. I was pondering about buying stretcher bars for painting, but then I don’t have trestles – how could I work with them. And I’m a couch stitcher. That’s why I was thrilled to discover the Elbesee seat stand with interchangeable hoops in three sizes on their stalks from The Crewel Work Company! Now this is my Christmas needlework wish – if Santa is good, I hope I will soon be able to do braid stitch, couching etc. freely. :o)

    There was one more wish on my list: the DEKA iron-on pen. All iron-on pens I could find in Germany as yet didn’t work, so I was very envious of you American gals for a long time for your fine point iron-on pen by Sublime Stitching. Until I studied Luzine Happel’s website, where she’s recommending the DEKA iron-on pen. Now I’m eager to see if any of my wishes will fulfil – and if these tools are as good as I imagined.

    I wish you, Mary, and all of our embroidery community a Christmas full of peace and joy!

    Angela from the Ore Mountains

  508. I am a late bloomer to embroidery. My wish is to find the time to do and complete all the projects stored in my head. There is a lot on my plate but I am very interested in learning to use Brazilian embroidery. I have not been able to find an available book via my library or Amazon. Any suggestions.

    Happy Holidays.

  509. My wish is to re-do our home office to incorporate a comfortable corner for stitching. And I would love a pair of quality scissors. Thank you.

  510. My Christmas needlework wish? A good light. Those tiny stitches and eyes of the needles are gettin tougher to see. I want to keep stitching so I had better figure out how to see better!

  511. My Christmas needlework wish is to have complete sets of threads that I don’t have on hand in my collection right now.

  512. Apart from all the usual beautiful threads there are out there I wish I had a slate frame and trestles to place it on. I hope you have a very happy Christmas, Mary, and thank you for all your interesting newsletters throughout the year.

  513. Oh, dear Universal Genius of All UFOs, please help me to complete *everything* that has been waiting patiently for completion.

    Help all who are in this group to finish their UFOs.

  514. Wow, this one is a tough question. I use to have a huge list of things, but now I have such a large collection of supplies, patterns and tools, that I don’t really have anything that I really don’t have anything that I’m wanting or needing. I do like those scissors though. I do love the handmade tools – they are just very special.


  515. My needlework wish is a calendar from Inspirations Magazines. It would be a beautiful piece of photographic art to hang on my wall, and an ‘inspiration’ for my stitching.
    Peace, happiness and health to all in the new year.

  516. On my Christmas wishlist this year is Thistle Threads new 17th century Whitework Sampler online course that is an 18 month course that takes a deep dive into the whitework/cutwork found on English band samplers. As a present to myself, I’ve enrolled in the course and can hardly wait for the March 2019 start date. The last 18 month course I took from Thistle Threads taught me a lifetime of embroidery and gold work skills, so I am definitely looking forward to this course!

  517. My Christmas wish is for a new sewing table. It must have lots of drawers down the side to put in all my craft tools so they are readily available.

  518. I would love to win just once and especially anything to do with needlework, which is my favorite hobby.

  519. I would just love a pair of beautiful Jean-Marie Roulot scissors. A pair of these little beauties have been on my Christmas list for a long time now but Santa hasn’t left me any as yet. I’ve been a good girl too and even left him extra mince pies and a bigger glass of sherry in the hope I can win him over! 🙂

  520. My wish is to have a needlework store near me. I would love to be able to walk around and see things stitched up instead of just shopping on line!

  521. My Christmas needlework wish is for time to be able to do all the embroidery I have planned But never seem to be able to get around to.

  522. My Christmas wish is actually just for some productive time stitching this year! Wishing everyone the very best of the season.

  523. Hello and Merry Christmas Mary:
    On my wish list is a stash of beautiful silk threads as I will be starting a new needlework project. It is the beautiful Colonial Lady and I would like to do her in some of the gorgeous silk threads. If Santa does not pick up on the hints I have written out for him (the colors needed, name and email of company ) then I guess I will just go ahead and order them!.
    Thank you Mary

  524. My Christmas needlework wish is to succeed in making time to do MUCH more needlework. I really feel I have enough of the tools, equipment, books, kits (never enough fibers !!) – I just want time to stitch it all but not miss out on all the new designs and designers I have yet to meet.

    Happy Holidays to all.

  525. I know I’ll be getting my sit-on needlepoint hoop because I gave it to my DH to give to me for Christmas 😀

  526. The Necessaire floor stand and frames from Needle Needs are on my list and have been for years. This is my lucky year I think!!

  527. My Christmas wish, if these things were magically granted, is to have city-like speed and volume of internet so I could watch ALL the tutorials. I live in a National Park pretty far from anywhere, so as well as pantry duty, my chatelaine duties extend to portioning out the internet GBs. That means no vids for me. The alternative is enough money to pay for a home tutor/nanny so I can go and attend amazing tutorials in person. Not asking much, am I.

  528. I just read where Julie Kniedl has a new book our called
    “Batanica The three dimensional Embroidery of Julie Kniedl. She does beautiful work and it would be fun to read her book cover to cover

  529. To be honest, I have adequate stash and books but I do have too many WIP projects. So my Christmas wish is to give myself more time, which is possible and to have back the eyesight I had when I was 20, which would need a Christmas miracle 🙂

    Thank you so much Mary for a year of wonderful stitching articles and my best wishes to you for a happy and healthy 2019.

  530. My wishlist item (besides these scissors!) is Chatelaine’s Desert Mandala pattern and threads.

  531. Every since I saw the tin collection box of DMC Etoile threads, I thought that would be something I would really like.
    Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for your fun giveaways!

  532. My Christmas needlework wish would be that I was lucky enough to be the owner of Jean-Marie Roulot’s exquisite “crow&fox” scissors!!! My Christmas wish is for a happy and peace-filled day for all of our loved ones wherever they may be in the world.

  533. A truly exquisite pair of scissors would be a delight to receive. I improve the tactile and visual exercise of stitching.

  534. The one item I do not have that I would like is a nice standing frame for my work in progress.

  535. My dream is for a needlework trip to England, Scotland, and Ireland. I would love to take classes from all the wonderful teachers who’s books I have read. I would love to shop in all the wonderful shops I hear about over the pond and live and work on those memories, and everything I bought for the rest of my life. Hey, if I’m wishing I may as well wish big!!

  536. My Christmas wish would be a kit for a wonderful embroidered casket. i’m Obsessed but just out of my price range.

  537. I want a larger cart to put my projects in…or rather a 2nd cart. This cart holds 6 plastic boxes (large). If I use the smaller box, 2 per shelf. I usually have about 12-15 projects going at once. Things are much more organized if they are in these boxes but then….where to put the boxes with only the 1 cart. I’m waiting for this item (in Joanne’s) to either go on sale or to have a 50% off coupon and the money in the same week. I am retired and don’t always have the money at the same time. We only get paid once a month. That is my wish this holiday.

  538. I wish a week at the Royal school of embroidery in UK… maybe some day and of course winning the beautiful cisors.
    And I wish you a Merry Christmas.

  539. My wish that is going to come true next year is two have all the colours of Devere Yarns 6 thread silk. I have a few plans that I want to stitch with them, so it will be much easier to choose colours if I have all 300 of them at home… What the nice collection will be in my hands…

  540. My wish has been for a special pair of embroidery scissors with a lovely sharp point lets hope father Christmas is listening.

  541. I have two things on my needlework Christmas list: The book Glorious Goldwork from Golden Hinde Embroidery and their gold work Unicorn kit.Truth be told, if I don’t get these for Christmas,I will buy them myself in January!

  542. The needlework item on my wishlist is a needlepoint kit with a William Morris design. I’ve been looking at a couple of them — they are pricey for sure, but I think they would be great fun to accomplish and beautiful as a chair cushion when completed.

  543. My ideal stitching Christmas gift would be a rainbow selection of linen and all the silk threads to go with it.

  544. Top of my wish list is for my vision to improve to be able to do silk shading again as it has been affected by chemotherapy. Next is a book on Monograms as I would like to explore these and can probably manage to do them if I don’t get my first wish.

  545. Easy question for me. I’ve been wishing for a Needlework 4 system ever since Mary wrote about it. My son asked me what I wanted for Christmas, A gift certificate to help me buy one. Hope Santa gives me one too.

  546. I have a few things on my list, but one that I plan to get soon is one of yours. “A Thousand Flowers”. I am intrigued with the little animals. I think they would make fabulous gifts.
    I love scissors and would love to win these. I drool every time I see these, he is a true artist.
    Thank you for a chance! Much appreciation.
    Merry Christmas!

  547. My wish would be for a needlework-related trip, perhaps a visit to a museum or two that feature famous embroidered work.

  548. I have a canvas that has bright colored flowers. It is just the thing for a gloomy winter day.

  549. The one needlework gift i would like above all else is ‘time’, time to stitch and of course to be able to hold this beyond beautiful pair of scissors in my hand would be just so delightful. It has been a very busy past few years with work, children and finally this year organising the sale of my home of 8 years after losing my husband in and accident in 2015.
    I have many, many projects stashed and awaiting that illusive ‘time’ so that I may continue to create these heirloom pieces of history like many thousands of women before me. My projects of choice are not small and will mean hours of dedication to complete and include among other talented designers, significant pieces of 17th century Thistle Threads stumpwork caskets and the fun and frivolity of Sue Spargo’s incredible talent. Along with this i have numerous ideas constantly floating around in my head for creating my own designs using my needlework passion and my skills. I am forever grateful to my Mother for passing on this beautiful passion and am working towards having more ‘time’ after settling into our new home in 2019.

  550. Dear Santa,
    This Christmas, I’d love an assortment of Overdyed pearl cotton threads in sizes 8 and 12. Also some silk embroidery ribbons in floral colors. Pretty please? I’ve been so very good.


  551. My number one needlework item on my wish-list is TIME…to get all those projects, that I’ve already started, finished! Enough of procrastination for 2018…let the new year begin with fresh determination to use my time more constructively.

    And a heartfelt wish for you Mary to see 2019 as a hale and hearty one, with no unexpected bumps in the road. You are doing a fantastic job here, one I enjoy reading every single day.


  552. What I mostly wish for is time to do more embroidery! That is a hard one to wrap so my next wish is a class on dyeing fabric I can embroider on….and these divine scissors! Merry Christmas Mary! I look forward to 2019 and some great reading on your blog.

  553. I think like all needle workers I wish for more time. Even though I’m retired it seems like other things always get in the way. And I’m the type of person who just can’t work when I’m tired – sometimes I make mistakes, sometimes I just don’t do good work and then I regret it later.

    Have a wonderful holiday, Mary!

  554. My needlework wish would be to go to a needlework school. Royal School in London, Beating Around the Bush in Australia. A week of stitching without distractions. my idea of heaven.

  555. My needlepoint wish? That’s a hard one but I think I would like one of every colour of Soie D’Alger. I love working with this silk and being able to see and choose a colour instead of looking on line and then waiting for an order to arrive would be heaven.

    Merry Christmas

  556. On my wish list is a kit for making an open box. The one I saw in Inspiration magazine was called “a garden in a box”.

  557. These exquisite scissors have now become my only Christmas needlework wish. I collect scissors and would so love to be the winner of this give away. It has been great fun participating in A Stitcher’s Christmas, 2018. Thank you.

    May your Christmas be joyful and the New Year kind.

  558. I am dreaming of th Glittering Nightcap Kit from The Crewelwork Company.
    It looks beautiful and challenging.

  559. My needlework wish is for a seat frame. I have a wonderful husband who gave me a fabulous Needlework System 4 stand and accessories. Then he made me a set of trestles for those large projects or projects that just need a large frame. But for when I travel or visit family a seat frame would enable me to continue on some of the projects; for isn’t it the way of most to work on more than one project at any time. I have been eyeing the seat frame from the Crewel Work Company. Hmmm. Wonder if he got the hint!

  560. My Christmas wish list has a set of flour sack towels that were recommended by you!
    Wow,these are gorgeous scissors…as well as the blue sheath

  561. I have been collecting embroidery scissors for years but now that I am elderly on a fixed income I can no longer afford to buy these scissors, however I do go to that site & absolutely drool over these absolutely beautiful hand made ones! Would love to add them to my collection & be the envy of all of my stitching friends!!!

  562. I would like a good needlework stand. As I get older (aren’t I lucky to be able to say that!) I find i am not able to hold, flip my hoop or frame as easily or for extended stitching sessions as of yore. Been looking on line, decision may depend on post Christmas sales.

  563. Thank you Mary, for sharing and teaching us so much. It has been a delight to see all the wonderful things being given away. Your suppliers are so generous and kind. Thank you to them also. Your blog has opened up a whole new world of stitching to me. Since reading about your two favorite pair of scissors, I have been wanting a pair of good quality scissors with sharp points for my needlework and those very cute Christmas designs they have at the French Needle that remind me of my childhood are on my wish list too. Merry Christmas. Wishing you Health and Happiness for the New Year!

  564. My most desired Christmas wish item is TIME. I have been so blessed with fabrics and fibers ( except silks) that when I have time I can do what I want. However, I would love spending uninterrupted time…no dinners to prepare, no husbands interruptions, just pure stitching!

  565. My embroidery wish this Christmas is a quiet space to take myself to for some quality embroidery time

  566. My Christmas wish is for a day of pleasant company and wonderful nothings! No time constraints and no one pushing to get something done. My needlework Christmas wish would include quiet time to stitch and plan for the future. I have projects planned for the new year and the main one is a sashiko pattern I just started. It is a BOM, so I’ll be working on part of it at some time all year. Looking forward to that. I have lots of wonderful needlework items and books, so anything added to it is grand, but can’t think of anything that I NEED. Wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday with a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

  567. My out of this world Christmas dream wish is the Sajou LA FONTAINE’S FABLES Kits.
    I would love to make these for my first born great grandchild. I love that La Fontaine’s Fables cross stitch have a history. It is important to me to pass down works art and history to the new generations in my family and to teach them my skills. It would be very sad if these arts are lost to technology.

  568. Looking for a beautiful pair of embroidery scissors to use with my free hand design for a pillow top. The French made embroidery scissors would make a beautiful addition to my embroidery kit.

  569. for Christmas (or any time) i would LOVE a pair of scissors that don’t fall apart on me. i don’t know why but every pair i buy the screw falls out – sometimes i can find the screw in the carpet and other times i just have to go out and buy another pair. it’s gotten so that i carry a glass repair kit (magnifier, tiny tiny screw driver, spare screws) in my tool box. oh well – such is life!!

  570. My needlework wish list would include a lap frame for my embroidery. The lap frame would be helpful when I feel like I need an extra hand to make some stitches.

  571. My needlework wish for this year is as goldwork kit. A kit so I don’t have to try and find everything, its all in one place and goldwork because I haven’t tried it yet and would really like to.

  572. I got my Christmas needlework wish by enrolling in the Thistle Threads 17th Century Whitework Sampler course that will start next year. I’m looking forward to working through the techniques and learning from the historical material that are part of this project.

  573. My wish is to finish an over one sampler before February is over so I can get it framed at Attic needlework in Mesa, AZ. My tool I want is one of these scissors from Nogent. I’ve been eyeing them for years.

  574. I have been wanting a really fine pair of embroidery scissors, and your giveaway pair looks fabulous. If I win them, I promise to treat them with special care and enjoy using them for many years to come.

  575. I wish for a large variety of linen, on hand, so I can match design to fabric. Dream combos rather than having to guess whatever I order will do. Mostly a color issue. Since I really don’t like to buy less than a yard of any particular linen, this is very budget UN-friendly. Other wish is more time. So many things I want to become more skilled at or try. 40+ years with needle in hand and still so much to explore.

  576. I definitely would love to have a really good pair of scissors. I have cheaper pairs which work ok, but are not what they really need to be, especially for cutting the Hardanger. I could certainly be one happy camper to win these! Thanks Mary for the opportunity.

  577. I’m sure I’m with many in wishing for more time to stitch, but if I had a thing on my list that I’d love it would be one of the beautiful stitch rippers that Sharon Boggon’s husband Jerry makes. It’s not something I would ever use – but I would like to have it so I could fondle it and admire it.
    Merry Christmas Mary!

  578. Thank you Mary and the French Needle for these lovely scissors.
    What is my needle work wish – well, to win these scissors
    option if I don’t win these is more stitching time.
    I am not asking for much, am I?
    Sharon ~ Modesto

  579. I am wishing for a needlework stand – a Lowery – and the needlepoint canvas “Whatever” by Renaissance Designs. And I am hoping for a ribbon class in the new year. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!

  580. The most current item on my needlework wish list is the kit, Gawthorpe Needlecase, by Jenny Adin-Christie. It is a beauty!

  581. As I started with the “normall” stitching (should mean “not cross stitch”) last Monday, I’d wish some threads – but I think there is no hope: it’s too late!

  582. I would wish for threads–more glorious threads of silk and gold to create a lovely monogram for my husband. He was complaining that most of the items I embroider are bound for other homes, and suggested that it might be nice to have some more of my embroidery hanging in our own home. Wasn’t that a lovely thing to say?! He also suggested that, besides the Christmas Crazy-Quilted wall hanging and the lace and roses wall hanging, that I make one for each season of the year. So, I would need more seasonal fabrics with wonderful threads to match, and conplement, to create them. These, too, would be on my Christmas Stitching List, if I had one. Alas, our t.v. was dying and so we bought each other the new t.v. for Christmas. There’ll be no thread under the tree. But maybe, if I’m lucky, there will be a new pair of beautiful scissors?
    Wishing you and yous a Blessed Christmas Mary! And wondrous stitchy adventures in the New Year!

  583. I would like the confidence to attempt a pattern I have put together. There are stitches and combinations I have not tried and not really sure if they are the right ones. If Santa could put it in a little box, I would be really happy.!

  584. Honestly, all I want is some time to stitch. I have had six concerts in the past three weeks (not evenly spread out), and I have barely gotten anything done. I’m perfectly happy with stranded cotton for now — I wonder if I will ever reach its limits — and my set of needles and scissors. I don’t have a laying tool, and I have never needed one. Maybe I would like to have some thread conditioner to help with some of my fake gold and silver threads, or beadwork and shisha work. I usually make any specialty trim that I need for my projects from materials that I already have, so… just time, really.

  585. Those scissors are gorgeous! I would love to have this certain OOP Birds of a feather chart for Christmas!

  586. My Christmas wish for this year is a simple one: A few 4 inch embroidery hoops! I want to do some voided monograms and I am always terrible at estimating how large to make them. I end up making the background too big for the monogram. I would like some appropriately sized hoops to try my hand at a few monograms for gifts this coming year. The scissors would be a nice addition to my projects in 2019! Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone! May your days be merry and bright, and your stitches beautiful and tight!

  587. The top of my Christmas wishlist is A Passion for Needlework Factoria VII. I just love books, and this book looks like it can take me along a wonderful needlework journey! Hopefully hubby gets the hint!

  588. love your site, so much info..you can’t have too many scissors and these are beautiful..trying to get Christmas quilts finished.. only have the bindings left..sweat, sweat..

  589. My Christmas letter to Santa asked for a selection of Tulip needles. Fingers crossed! Merry Christmas to everyone and I hope your wishes come true.

  590. The one needlework item I would love to have is a laying tool made of wood, that fits in my hand.
