
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Thanksgiving! Forget the Football Game – Play This!


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Happy Thanksgiving!

Gratitude is universal, so even if you aren’t celebrating Thanksgiving today, I wish you a happy day full of love and gratitude for all that you have and all that you give.

Did you know that you are right up at the top of my Gratitude List? You are! So a big, hearty THANK YOU for all your support, encouragement, advice, interaction, friendship, and everything else that makes Needle ‘n Thread the online embroidery community that it is!

EYE Spy though the Needle's Eye - Thanksgiving, 2019

I thought it would be fun to celebrate Thanksgiving with you by playing a little game.

I’m calling this EYE Spy through the Needle’s Eye, the Thanksgiving 2019 edition. (I had to make it somehow needle-y, after all. I know it’s hokey, but hey!)

You can click on the picture above to make it go big, and from there, see if you can harvest the following delights from it!

Find These!

In the best tradition of the I Spy books, I’ve put the list into a corny little rhyme for you!

Fourteen orange-headed pins that prick
And one solitary boo-boo stick.

Acorns falling from a tree –
There are five of them for you to see.

Find three pins with yellow heads,
And five clips – two greens, three reds.

All over the place, bobbins abound!
There are thirteen here, scattered around.

Six thimbles (they’re such a handy tool),
And three little sweets to make you drool.

A bit of heaven and sunshine on the table –
Find them both if you are able!

Three pumpkins you’ll find just lying about,
And six laying tools – some thin, some stout.

Finally, there are frames – just four!
And even though there’s lots, lots more,
My rhyming skills are turning murky,
And it’s time for me to cook the turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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(30) Comments

    1. Thanks, Sue! You know, when we were little, we used to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade on Thanksgiving morning – it was a highlight of the day! I saw part of it a year or so ago, and I think… it’s not quite the same now. Why is that? LOL!

      Happy Thanksgiving!

  1. Happy thanksgiving to you and all you love. Thank you for suck a happy game, reminds me of being a child, the good bits anyway. I found everything apart from sunshine and one more thing… what ever is a boo-boo stick? I love acquiring obscure needlework tools, it helps when I’m unable to work when I’m ill again (and again) but I’ve never encountered this at all. Now I can look forward to yet more foraging for accessories to find one, thank you.

    1. 🙂 Ut Oh! LOL! You’ll have to look up a boo-boo stick, Angie. Just search “boo-boo stick for needlework” and I think it’ll come up. It’s handy, but not entirely necessary. Still, I use it occasionally for a fuzz-gatherer, and it works well for that!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Thank you for your silly game. Just know that we are all grateful to you and there are MANY more of us!

  3. Dear Mary

    Thanks for all you for us here on Needle ‘n Thread. A very Happy Thanksgiving today I hope you have a great time with what it is you are doing. I hope the turkey is cooked well for you and your family.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  4. So much fun on a lazy morning! “Boo-boo stick” also has me stumped. Guess I’ll have to look it up. Love all the things I’ve learned from your website!!

  5. Oh Mary, we are so Blessed to have you in our Needlework lives. Thanksgiving Blessings to you and all your family. Deo Gratias!
    Karole King

  6. Thank you for this clever brain teaser. It was fun! I love playing these find-it games. I appreciate you going to the trouble of putting this together – it was such a delightful game trying to find things amongst your pretty tools and stitching. Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. Dear Mary,
    Happy Thanksgiving! May your days be filled with abundance of all things good. You are a blessing to us all for your wonderful work, warm words

  8. That’s so fun, thanks Mary! And thank you for all your beautiful and informative posts throughout the year. I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving day.

  9. Dear Mary,
    I need the boo-boo stick! I accidentally sent my message before I was finished.
    I wanted to say, thank you for being you. Your gift is far-reaching as you bring great joy and enthusiasm to many people around the world.
    We wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Thanksgiving!

  10. I have been looking around your website a lot looking for the kind of tweezers you have mentioned you use, but found nothing. Could you tell me why you like it and where can I find it, please. Thanks

  11. Happy Thanksgiving Mary. I hope you have as wonderful time as you give us all the time. The game was fun. I always enjoy the I Spy games even though I’m not very good at them. I spent a fair amount of time hunting and managed to get everything except the fifth acorn and the other 2 pumpkins. I’m sure they are obvious and I’ll see them next time I look at the picture (LOL).

  12. Mary – What an adorable and thoughtful post! I love it! That is so arts-y of you and I ADORE the poem!! Thank you for being such a bright light in our lives! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  13. Red & green. Any ornaments I’ve stitched have been in red & green. My home is all decorated with red & green. Is there anything else at Christmase??

  14. I’m only just seeing this now, and probably someone (or several someones) have already made this suggestion/comment, but this would make a *great* jigsaw puzzle!

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