As we near the end of 2021 and approach Christmas, it’s time for my yearly Stitcher’s Christmas series here on Needle ‘n Thread!
This is a series of give-aways leading up to Christmas, where other small needlework-related businesses join me in some Christmas Cheer by offering some stellar give-away prizes for the community here on Needle ‘n Thread. It’s a way of giving back to all the folks who support small needlework businesses throughout the year.
We’re going to kick off this year’s Stitcher’s Christmas with some gorgeous ribbon embroidery treats all the way from South Africa!
Read on for information about today’s give-away and for the guidelines for entering all the Stitcher’s Christmas give-aways this year. (The guidelines are important – please read them!)

If you’ve been on the embroidery scene for a while – and especially if you love ribbon embroidery – you probably are already familiar with Di van Niekerk. She is certainly the Queen of Ribbon Embroidery!
On her website, she offers lovely supplies to her world-wide audience. Here, you’ll find all kinds of hand dyed ribbons, printed fabric, and other needful supplies for creating your own ribbon embroidery masterpieces.
You’ll also find a blog connected with Di’s website, where she regularly features instructional tips and inspiration for ribbon embroidery enthusiasts.
Today’s give-away is for two prizes, so two separate winners will be drawn randomly.

The first name drawn will receive three bundles from Di’s new color ranges, which you can read about in detail here.
The prize includes New Hope, New Forget-Me-Not, and New Sunset. Aren’t they luscious?!

The second name drawn will receive one of the new ribbon collections (New Happiness), plus Di’s popular miniature Dreamscapes Fabric Print Pack, which includes eight miniature prints on fabric, ready to embellish with ribbon embroidery. You can read about it here.
They’re a great way to delve into small, manageable ribbon embroidery projects!
Give-Away Guidelines
If you would like to be included in today’s give-away, please follow the guidelines below. For the sake of saving me a lot of editing time, please please follow the guidelines!
This give-away has ended. Thanks to all who participated!
1. Leave a comment on this article, on Needle ‘n Thread. You can reach the comment form for this article by following this link. Your comment must be left on the website. Comments received via email are not eligible.
2. Please do not use the “reply” feature in the comment area to reply to someone else’s comment. Replies in the comments are not counted in the drawing.
3. Please leave a recognizable name in the “Name” line on your comment. If your name is Mary, for example, you might qualify it with a last initial or a nickname, so that, when the winner is announced, you recognize your name, and other people with the same first name aren’t confused when the winners are announced.
4. Please make certain your email address is entered on the comment form in the “email” line only. Do not include personal information like mailing addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses in the large comment box! Leaving public information on any website is a good way to end up with a lot of spam.
5. Please leave the website line on the comment form blank.
6. In your comment, please answer the following:
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you?
7. This give-away ends on Friday, December 3, 2021, at 5:00 am Central Time. The winners will be randomly drawn that morning and announced in the give-away for that day. The winners will also receive a notification via email. If your name is drawn for the give-away, you’ll need to reply to my email within three days (72 hrs). If I don’t hear from you within that time frame, I’ll draw for another name.
The give-away is open to anyone, anywhere. The prizes will be shipped from the business offering them. Please understand that any customs fees or import taxes or anything similar are the responsibility of the winner. Needle ‘n Thread is not responsible for lost or damaged packages. Winners should be aware that shipping may be delayed, and that there’s no guaranteed arrival time frame. Some prizes in this series will probably not arrive before the end of the year.
Good morning Mary,
Thank you so much for these fun Christmas give aways! Thank you to all the wonderful vendors who participate! What a nice way to learn about all the beautiful shops that are out there. I look forward to reading all the comments from folks all over the world, I feel like I am having a visit with many dear kindred spirits! Merry Christmas,everyone!
My dream stitching spot is definitely Rome! Beautiful city, amazing people, great espresso.
My ideal stitching spot is outside on my deck in the redwoods. I can watch the birds at the feeder and stitch at the same time. It is heavenly.
My dream stitching spot would be in a gazebo set in a butterfly/bird whimsical garden full of flowers of all colors.
Dream spot for stitching …. Given the time I’m happy to stitch anywhere uninterrupted. As long as I am shooting for the moon how about a fully stocked embroidery and beading store on a lakefront.
I’m happy anywhere I can stitch but a cosy armchair by the fire is ideal
These beautiful silk ribbons bring such life to embroidered pieces. The colors are vibrant and give depth and excitement to my embroidery.
My ideal stitching spot is in my favorite rocking chair with a lovely Jane Austen movie playing.
I would love to be stitching on a warm, sunny day with a waterfall nearby so I can hear the soothing rush of water.
My favorite stitching spot is my patio with the birds singing from the trees. A perfect blue sky with a light breeze is comforting. Always nice to enjoy nature and needlework.
Thank you, Mary for a new source for silk ribbon.
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot is at the lake. We go there twice a year and sitting out on the porch overlooking the water is my time to sit, stitch and de-stress for a few weeks.
I have my sewing chair set within a triple bay window with room for my supplies in nearby cabinetry. Watching the birds and deer helps rest my eyes.
I’d love to sit in a gothic window at the Cloisters in New York City, stitching away. Or, since I’m dreaming, how about a similar window or garden in England, with a cup of tea at hand?
My ideal “Dreamscape” stitching spot is being surrounded by the pines of Lake Tahoe’s forest… I love the mountains, the trees, the blue sky backdrop and the sound of the birds!!!
I would love to stitch on a balcony or porch with a gorgeous water view!
When we vacation at the beach, I always take along a portable stitching project. While I must be mindful of the sand, I find it extremely relaxing to enjoy the sun and sound of the birds, waves and children playing while stitching happily. This is my ideal DreamScape!
To be honest my own site here at home is my preference as windows give me wonderful wooded vistas. I stitch and enjoy the changing seasons as all my threads, beads and ribbons surround me.
I would love to go to Switzerland again. I would find a nice quiet spot by a lake, place a blanket under a tree and spend the time stitching in the peace and quiet
It would be late spring in Paris. I would be on the terrace of The Cafe Marley overlooking the Louvre. I would have a glass of wine, some smelly cheese with a baguette and my stitching at my side. I would simple linger chatting as people asked me what I was stitching.?enjoy people watching and the warmth of the sun.
My dream stitching space is a nice cozy home, with a comfortable chair in front of a large window over looking the water. I don’t care what kind of water – lake, river, ocean.
I am so excited to read about the silk ribbons. I think that they are something that I can easily incorporate into my daily stitching…thank you for your blog; I am always in awe and every once in awhile, I try something new.
What’s the colors are absolutely gorgeous
I am a senior citizen/homebody so my ideal stitching spot would be a screened porch with comfortable wicker furniture, lots of light, a gentle breeze with a glass of sweet tea nearby. Looking out would be green grass, a bird feeder, maybe a small pond, evergreen and leafy trees for inspiration all year. All my supplies would be inside, nothing to pack.
Happy and content! ♀️ Karen (KAK)
If I could stitch anywhere, I would go to France and sit in Claude Monet’s garden and be inspired by the waterlilies and the famous bridge that crosses the pond. It is one of my favorite painting series.
Just looking at those silk ribbons reminds me so much of the paintings that Monet did, and I would LOVE to win the bundle.
Thanks so very much!!
Stitching on my deck in the summer is one of the best places to be. If only I could do it all year long. These ribbons are so gorgeous!
My ideal place to stitch would be on a Celebrity cruise ship traveling smoothly to a coastal port.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If I could stitch anywhere, I would have to choose my home where all of my supplies reside, stitching with my granddaughters, who want to learn.
My Dreamscape stitching spot would be on an enclosed in porch looking south over a large lake where I could sit in my comfy stitching chair and look out over the water all day. It would be enclosed so I could use summer AND winter. Around me would be my stitching stand, light and a table on each side for all my stitching needs. Behind me would be my stitching room with built in for every thread, canvas and stitching need I have.
My ideal place to stitch would be in a beautiful room with a fireplace burning and Christmas music playing softly.
The perfect spot would be any porch at any beach!!
My Dreamscape stitching spot is actually where we plan to move next year. We have a home on a beautiful lake with a porch overlooking the water. I am excited to get a comfortable chair and sit out on my porch and stitch. Thank you for all you do, Mary. I love your articles and look forward to seeing your email in my mailbox.
If I could stitch anywhere I would like to be in a meadow surrounded by nature. Listening to the birds sing and the bees humming, sitting on the grass with wild flowers dancing before me. What a sight to capture I literally cannot wait!
This looks lovely!
My favorite place to stitch is on the beach surrounded by my large and crazy family!
If I could stitch anywhere it would be upcountry Maui, sitting outside, looking out at the ocean, surrounded by palm trees.
If I could stitch anywhere I’d be near my family in New Brunswick, near the beach (even in winter there’s a beauty there though the stitching would be done indoors near a heat source (a fire place?)). I’d have all my supplies on hand: linen, threads, scissors, thread heaven (just in case). I’d have a space where I could be on my own to stitch in the quiet if that’s what I felt like but be close enough to family if I felt I wanted company.
I wound stitch in a beautiful garden with a cup of tea and some biscuits next to me!
My ideal dream stitching spot would be on a big rock in the Tygart Valley River, WV.
My ideal spot would be in the Colorado mountains, stream side, blue sky with just
some fluffy clouds, temperature of 68 degrees, and a VERY slight breeze. Of course,
a comfy chair and a delightful canvas with beautiful ribbons would just enhance the
I would love to be in the mountains near a running creek where I hear nature all around me. Thanks for the contest.
My dream stitching spot is a comfortable chair in a well lit area with my stitching supplies and books close by.
I would love to sit and embroider on a beach anywhere in Hawaii. I would be shaded by palm trees with a cool drink and a snack or two. It would be so relaxing and inspiring to have the sound of the surf and beautiful flowers, plus all my embroidery supplies right next to me.
What gorgeous ribbons they are, just to look at and play with! As for _where_ to stitch with them, by our dining room window (floor-to-ceiling glass) overlooking the garden is pretty good. Even though it’s quite a small and ordinary garden, it’s ours and I love it, and all the light flooding in through the windows makes it Just The Right Spot, especially when our furball Lexi joins me.
I love to stitch in my comfy chair with lots of threads nearby.
The ribbons are beautiful.
My dream spot would be on a veranda overlooking the ocean with gentle breezes, the sound of waves, a pot of tea nearby and perfect lighting–though I would skip the tea if need be.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot is in front of an east facing picture window in the heart of a pine forest. As I stitch, I have a clear view of the water before me and the beauty of my peaceful surroundings.
Best place to stitch: my backyard listening to ocean waves and birdsongs.
My favorite dreamscape stitching place is outside. I love watching the birds and animals and sitting in the shade of trees. If there was a way to have all of my stash at hand, with all of my pals, I’d be in heaven!
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot …. in a quiet mountain spot with a small creek nearby.
My dream location for stitching would be beachfront on Maui!
My ideal stitching spot is right in my own perfect chair at home under good lighting with all my tools at hand – a boring answer, but true!
My ideal stitching dreamscape is a cabin overlooking the sea, like the one my parents share with some families from their church in WA state. It’s not a fancy place but it’s solid and you can watch the light on the water change and the tides go in and out and feel centered and safe amidst the beauty. I love stitching there and wish I had a place like it of my own!
If I could stitch anywhere right now, it would be on my front porch in May, I am surrounded by flowers, trees, a lazy dog, and there isn’t any bugs. Right now it is cold, cloudy, and brown as there isn’t any snow! – yet
If I could stitch at a favorite place it would be in a mountain lodge with snow falling, cup of tea steaming beside me, a fire in the fireplace and soft music playing.
My ideal spot for stitching is the childhood vacation spot my family visited since I was born. It was a small lake. It was beautiful and so tranquil. We visit occasionally. It never changes – thank God – but we sure have…
It would be in the early morning with nature surrounding me. I love the peace, hearing birds, watching the animals and sunrise while contemplating and a beautiful view.
My favorite place to stitch is in the mountains, hoping to see some elk or deer strolling by!
Stitching in a cabin in the north woods watching a light snow in front of a cozy fire
My ideal stitching spot would be the studio in my house which I have failed to get into working shape after five years. Having confessed that publicly I think I might shift my goal from ideal to imperfect but useable.
Favorite Dreamscape to embroidery is with my sister in Maui, 10,000 feet high up in the clouds
I can stitch anywhere… with my beagle snoring at my feet!
Looking out the window at a cold and wet landscape, I dream of stitching under a tree with temps in the 70s, surrounded by flowers that give inspiration to my latest needlework project.
I would enjoy stitching one of those delightful scenes in a calm country setting, with pretty views and the sounds of birds all around me! I would really love to win one of these giveaways!
Happy holidays and thank you for treating needleworkers !
My dreamscape stitching spot is the coast. I love the sea, sand and dunes. the sounds and the smell of the sea complete it.
I took my first embroidery class in Houston and learned some ribbon embroidery. This would be great to win and start my stash. I added her blog to my list. Thank you for keeping us informed in the embroidery world.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful work. I look forward to trying ribbon embroidery.
Ideal spot for stitching? It would have to be in my wonderful garden, surrounded by lots of stitching goodies and beautiful blooms!
My Dreamscape spot would be a cabin in Cook Forest State Park, PA. It is a very favorite place for me. I could stitch to my heart’s content without interruption or “tasks” that need attention. Ribbon embroidery is something I have not done but have on my list to learn!
On a balcony overlooking the ocean…any ocean will work for me with a warm climate. Banyan and Palm trees and of course a sandy beach would complete the stitching picture.
I find the sound of water soothing while stitching on my projects..the ribbon colors are beautiful and include sunrise and sunset tones.
Sorry, I got so excited I forgot to answer today’s question! My perfect Dreamscape
Place would be in a log cabin in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, sitting in a comfy chair in front of a roaring fire! It would be October, ( I adore autumn) and I would have my dog, Joy, with me. I would have an excellent cup of coffee, an afghan, and a beautiful autumn scene embroidery project in my lap! I would also have my eyesight from when I was 20 years old! Lol!
And…..I would be stitching with silk threads for the first time!
Ribbon embroidery has always intrigued me since I found remnants of my Great Grandmother’s handiwork in an old trunk. I’d love to be a winner of this lovely prize and try it myself.
My favorite spot for stitching is the corner of my wrap around front porch as I can look over my garden. I found that I will edit and amend both the garden and my stitching based upon the colors that please me. This spot is also where I stitch with a best friend weather permitting.
Anne C
Mary, Thank you so much for these lovely giveaways. I would be sitting in a summer house surrounded by nature with a cup of hot tea. I would have a view of a waterlily & lotus pond and a cottage garden (all in bloom of course). A few bird feeders would have hummingbirds and my blue birds flying in for a snack or a bath in the pond.
My pups would be on a dog bed nearby. Its the perfect temperature outside with a little breeze. The light is perfect and no bugs fly in to visit.
I would love to stitch on the front porch of a cabin, deep in the forest. I’d be surrounded by trees and nature sounds. A stream running in the background with little fish jumping… the sun shining… lovely wildflowers in a clearing. Perfect!
Thank you for the lovely giveaway! Would love to win either the luscious ribbon thread or Dreamscape plus thread.
Such generous gifts!
I once stayed in Turks & Caicos, in a condo right off the ocean. There was a patio looking out onto the sea, where we ate breakfast each morning. It would have been just the ideal place to stitch away – caribbean sun and light breezes.
My Dreamscape stitching spot is on a balcony looking over the beach – specifically the Gulf of Mexico in the Florida Panhandle! With a libation nearby, and a soft sea breeze blowing in.
My ideal stitching spot would be on a remote beach where I can hear nothing but the seagulls and the water lapping against the sand.
My Dreamscape stitching spot would be by a slow-moving river, and there would be no biting insects. I would be at a table that is the perfect height for my stand and sitting in a swivelling chair. The sun would be out but not shining directly on me. There would be friends around and there would be some intermittent chatting. We’d finish our day with a great potluck dinner.
I love silk ribbon and will be doing a class with my guild this winter. Those are luscious colors.
My dreamscape stitching spot woul be under a tree near a gently flowing river. There’s a spot like that very near me.
My ideal stitching place would be a cozy cottage in a comfy chair, in front of a crackling fire. With enough light and magnification to make stitching easy!
My mental picture of the ideal stitching location would be an enclosed porch type room with lots of windows, adequte heating and cooling systems for cold and hot days, and bordered by a patio/grassy area for the sunny, warm days. The surrounding area would be rural – civilization and a small road on 1 side; and trees,, pond, meadow area on the other. Animals like deer, squirrels, rabbits would be seen at times, and fit in well with my disciplined dog, cat and bird companions. A workable, comfortable chair, efficient lighting and various work (play) stands and stations
would be readily available. Ahhh, peaceful, creative and wonderful.
My ideal Dreamscape Stitching Spot is in my own home, in a sheltered cushioned chair on our lanai, surrounded by all the beautiful plants, flowers and trees my husband has planted and nurtured for 30 years. The pool and waterfall are in front of me, the sun is shining, I can smell the jasmine and gardenias blooming. The air is cool enough to be outside all day, embroidery in hand. I would have to be creating ribbon embroidery since I’m inspired by all the flowers and leaves I see. I love Di’s ribbons and fabulous embroideries, I have two of her books and she is the very best at ribbon embroidery of any teacher and artist I know.
My Dreamscape would be overlooking water on a rocky coastline in a beautiful studio with large windows. Susan H S
My wishful Dreamscape spot would be in Paris on one of those lovely, beautiful Spring days sitting near the Eiffel Tower. To stitch in the bright, cool, sunny day and, people watch, picnic, and enjoy the day would be heavenly. Thank you.
Have admired Di’s silk ribbon embroidery for many years and learned much from her book.
My dreamscapes would be sitting on my dock and looking out on the water as the sun sprinkle off the water.
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot would be on a picnic blanket underneath a tree right next to a bubbling brook.
I would be surrounded by the sounds and smells of nature. And of course, I would have a picnic basket with me.
Only… I would have all my embroidery supplies in said basket! Ah, Life! Perchance to dream… Perchance to stitch!
My favorite place to stitch is in my comfy chair in our living. There is a table next to it and wonderful lighting. The chair has wide arms onto which I can rest my scissors and thread and pin cushion and other pretties that I need for stitching. It’s a cozy spot for sure!
Thank you, Mary!
My “Dreamscape” (or is that a “Dream escape) is a cabin with a big porch, located by a lake in the woods with sun shining thru the trees.
My dreamscape stitching spot would be anywhere I could travel right now. Not being able to travel due to the pandemic the past couple years, I’m ready to go anywhere. I always take something to stitch when we travel. My dream vacation right now would be Disney World with my great grandkids and stitch by the pool.
Ribbon embroidery is beautiful and the ribbon colours are fabulous. Ribbon embroidery is something that I have only tried a couple of times. I would love to try more ribbon embroidery to add to my embroidery skills!
Ah, I’ve been thinking about making a Gingerbread Conservatory this year for the holidays. That idea has gotten me looking at pictures of conservatories. I think that sitting in a lovely conservatory, in a cozy (big) chair, surrounded by plants…sun streaming in and lighting my work, warming my skin…what a lovely lovely place that would be to do handwork. Add in working with variegated colors, my favorite! It wouldn’t matter if I was creating a grand work of art, or patching my husband’s favorite threadbare jeans. Just yum.
Such luscious ribbon! My dreamscape stitching spot would be a comfy chair, near an open window (with a lovely view, of course), LOTS of table space nearby, great lighting, with a much loved old movie on TV, or an exciting new ebook to listen to.
My ideal stitching spot is on a sailboat in the BVI.
My ideal spot to stitch is on the boat while my husband is fishing. Not on a hot day (so I’m content to stay on the boat and out of the water), with a little cloud cover, and the fish aren’t flying in the boat (so I don’t feel compelled to pull out my own pole!). I love to sit on my lounge and stitch the afternoon away, enjoying the gentle rocking of the boat! It does mean I’ve got to be super prepped! 🙂
My favorite place to stitch is on my own front porch in the late spring
Oh, how delicious these silk ribbons look! It would be true pleasure and delight to work with them.
Honestly, I took up embroidery so I could spend time with my spouse in the evenings while he watches TV. I have trouble sitting still, but I’ve got a comfortable chair, good lighting (with a magnifier!), and some great storage, and it allows me to keep my hands busy and also spend that time with my spouse.
I mean, would I love it to be daytime, and free of obligations like a job? Hah! Of course! But I’m prettt happy with my stitching surroundings these days. 🙂
My ideal “ideal” stitching spot would be always set up with lighting, music, and cup of coffee; ready anytime I could squeeze in a little stitching (or a lot)!
My ideal “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be on a train in Canada or England–in fact, since we’re dreaming, why not make it the Orient Express?! I would have lots of lovely natural light from the window over my shoulder, an ever-changing landscape to refresh my eyes, ready-made snacks and meals during rest breaks, a cuppa tea whenever the mood strikes, and interesting companions in the seat across from me. My companions would be other stitchers, of course, who would be only too happy to discuss all the minute details of fibers and fabrics and techniques–and with whom I could exchange appreciation for our work. I would have a big steamer trunk tidily packed with all the necessary supplies for multiple projects so I could stitch for days without interruption. Now, won’t you join me?
My dreamscape scenario is in the middle of a mountain forest, with a wide wood table to lay all my tools and a super comfortable couch. Also, I wouldn’t say no to a minifridge with cold water and chocolate next to the couch 🙂
My ideal dreamscape is a comfortable chair, with a fireplace nearby to keep me warm, lots of natural lighting, a beautiful view out my window and a cat or two sitting next to me.
I love reading your posts while I have my coffee in the morning. And I’ve been a big fan of Di van Niekirk for many years and have been working on her large floral piece from her RES book.
If I could sit by the ocean and stitch I would be in heaven.
I did not read through all the rules! Please disregard my previous entry!
My ideal stitching spot is not a fantasy or unteacable goal. We own a small home on beautiful Lake Coeur d’Alene in Northern Idaho. We have a wonderful deck that overlooks the water. It is a perfect place to sit and stitch while receiving inspiration from the flora and fauna all around. I love it there and have spent many an hour happily stitching!
I am having a new porch built in my back yard — a dream for over ten years! In that area, I have a special corner, in definite shade and away from the summer sun, but in view of the Catalina Mountains. I make the most delicious cinnamon tea and I love to sit and watch the little birds play in the bird bath and the lizards chasing each other. Thank you Mary.
Dreamscape Stitching Spot: I would be on the western shore of Ireland, the Wild Atlantic Way, in Galway or Donegal. I would have the Atlantic Ocean before me and the Irish coastal country-side all around me. I would be inspired to stitch to ocean, the sky, the Irish hills, the sheep, and stitch using some of the Irish needlework traditions.
My Dreamscape stitching place is outside in a beautiful garden overlooking a lake. Warm weather would be important too!
Everyday, I walk our dog in a neighborhood with beautiful homes. Many have large wrap around porches. When I pass these houses I imagine myself sitting and embroidering on one of their lovely porches. My dream would be to have one such porch on my home, with a good chair and table, plenty of room to stitch, and easy access to stitching supplies.
I’d be stitching on the balcony over looking the Thames in London, England. It is one of my favorite places to watch the water and all the activities that happen there.
I love stitching in my rocker which is next to the hearth and in front of my tv where I enjoy going to strange places and solving mysteries. I have an overhead light that directly shines on my rocker and gives me the necessary other element that I need. It is a perfect place to enjoy my favorite passtime!
The ribbons are such beautiful eye candy. And you have such wonderful ways of displaying all your items on your page. Thank you for always making my day a little prettier especially on the grey winter days
This silk ribbon and the designs are wonderful! So beautiful!!!
My dream spot is my recliner at home, but I’d have bigger tables on either side of me to set things on. My needles would never get dropped on the floor, or lost in the chair cushions. The instructions would be big and readable at eye level and never fall over. I’d be able to see without wearing magnifier goggles. I’d never get sore or tired of sitting and my feet would stay warm.
Hi Mary,
My ideal “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be the pensione my husband and I stayed in while visiting Venice. It had a huge window overlooking the Grand Canal toward the cathedral and the light there was absolutely amazing. There’s plenty of room for a comfortable chair and a stitching stand at that window, and when I saw it the very first thought I had was that it would be a perfect spot for stitching. What a dream that is!
Thank you so much, Mary, for this fantastic stitching opportunity. Happy Holidays!!
At our cabin…on the screen porch…listening to the birds. With our yellow lab lying by my feet.
Nothing is better for me.
Such beautiful ribbon and designs! I would love to be stitching sitting lakeside in northern Minnesota.
Bravo site bien gérer très belle broderies
My perfect dreamscape stitching spot is, luckily for me, right in my own home! My husband calls it my “fortress of solitude”. The stitching fortress consists of a really comfortable chair and footstool, a table that holds a basket of essentials – needles, embroidery scissors, a small ruler, bookmarks, pens, pencils,handcream and a nail file. There is room for a cup of tea or coffee and a small snack. Surrounding my chair, and hence, the “fortress” label are baskets and canvas tote bags full of current and future stitching projects, a good adjustable light, a stack of books and magazines full of future stitching dreams and inspiration. Oh, did I mention a knitted afghan to keep me warm, my reading glasses and a box of tissues? My laptop and a laptop table, connection to the TV and the soundsystem speakers ensure that I have additional albeit virtual sight and sound to bring in electronically and take me away to tropical islands, alpine mountains, the ocean or where ever my dream stitching wanderings want to go!
Love that – “fortress of solitude!”
I like to stitch in my studio. It has great natural light a view to my front yard and has everything I need at close range.
I recently toured the conservatories at Biltmore House. There was light, warmth and humidity there which made it very comfortable and peaceful. BUT there were the most beautiful tropical plants, whole rooms full of orchids! Bamboo and palms! Twining vines! All I would need is a comfortable chair and a table big enough to hold my cup of tea and I would be all set- my stitching refuge.
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot is none other than my usual stitching spot–left side of the couch with my embroidery lamp burning bright, my tools and threads in a small container, and my cats nestled on a blanket next to me. Oh, and Hubby is in his chair 🙂 Merry Christmas!
I would love to be sitting on a porch of a cabin in the woods looking out at a pond .
I would be stitching in the gorgeous town square of Sienna, Italy. Surrounding the square are intriguing shops, tempting restaurants, sunshine and Italian residents strolling the sidewalks.
My ideal stitching spot is before a warm fire in my favourite armchair while the winter weather is excluded outside. I have music in the background and someone to make me drinks so I don’t have to interrupt my stitching.
Merry Christmas, Mary! You bring me good tidings of great JOY every week!
You are the best of the best!
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot would be in the mountains in Colorado during summer, preferably in a place without cellular coverage.
My ideal Dreamscape spot is going to the the park near my house to do any and all kinds of embroidery especially when the weather is nice.
I would be sitting under a huge palm tree with a latte in my right hand glancing up every once in awhile to see the beautiful pyramids in Egypt. As I stitch I look around and imagine what this place might have looked like 2,000 years earlier; several architects scanning the hot sand for the best place for their newly designed pyramid. To my left are some artists discussing their ideas for some beautiful drawings and other artwork to be placed on the walls and someone behind me is deciding what special items the newly deceased pharaoh would need for the afterlife. Many Egyptians are scurrying around me as I just sit and stitch and dream.
Oh, how I would LOVE to win these, especially the second one… x-ing fingers! My dream spot would be a comfy chair next to a lovely fire, surrounded by lovely needlework books on lots of beautiful wood shelves, in a room with wood paneling (the beautiful old type with all the pretty work within the panels, like a mansion’s library style). With a dog next to me in my chair (a wide chair. 😀 ) and one at my feet. What a lovely dream…
My favorite stitching spot would have to be at home, on my couch, surrounded by my cats. Home is the best place to stitch!
Door County tucked away in a cabin surrounded by a forrest and wild life…….just beautiful and peaceful……ideal for an afternoon of stitching………
Years ago I found one of Di’s books at Hobby Lobby and fell in love with her work. I ended up embroidering 4 fairies and a flower tableau. With lots of patience, they all came out great. I hope other ladies will be inspired by your article to do some of Di’s ribbon embroidery. I learned also a lot of other techniques that she describes in her books, besides ribbon embroidery techniques.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would be on the porch of a small endearing English cottage in the countryside on a sunny day, surrounded by an English flower garden. Having my dog laying next to me and my two cats curled up in another comfy chair, hearing the birds rustling in the trees.
My favorite stitching spot is the front porch of our cottage in northern Michigan. It’s screened in (vital due to bugs), and faces south overlooking the water. I love stitching in the natural light while watching the birds and other wildlife (including boaters and kayakers!).
My idea of a perfect place to stitch is on a porch of an abode on the water, preferably ocean water. It is so relaxing, that it is my happy place.
my ideal stitching place is outdoors in nature on a sunny but cool day. There would be trees and squirrels around as well as a babbling brook. I would be alone but maybe a cat or dog laying at my feet.
The perfect Dreamscape stitching spot is one I’ve been to many times as a younger woman, but has since passed on to another family. It is a house by a lake with plenty of windows for daytime stitching and lights for nighttime stitching. It includes wonderful stitchy friends, so much laughter your stomach hurts, adult beverages, and tasty food.
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot would be sitting on the sand along Sandbanks Beach in Poole, listening to the waves with a beaker of hot chocolate (kept closed in case of accidents!), for a few hours with no interruptions quietly stitching away.
Hi! My Dreamscape scenario would be an English countryside spot with a babbling brook and birds singing. I would stitch beneath a large tree with a gentle breeze blowing! Also, I would like to stitch at night under the stars (with the right lighting of course) and see the sun rise the next morning!
If I could stitch anywhere in the world it would be a 13th century castle in Scotland and surrounded by history (and a few spirits). My cat and dog would be next to the fireplace sleeping away while I would have tea served by my favorite Scotsman. All while sitting in my favorite chair, covered with my family plaid, stitching away. Awww daydreams. Now back to reality . . .
My first comment was not following guidelines…
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would be a beach in Costa Rica. There would be palm trees, ocean waves, blue sky.
I’m excited for the opportunity to try these beautiful ribbons in my embroidery
Donna Williamson
My ideal spot for stitching would be in a comfy chair with a view of the ocean. I’d have a good natural source of light and my magnifying glasses. A table to the left of me to hold my supplies and a cup of warm tea to sip on. And some good music to listen to, like Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young or Eric Clapton Unplugged. I may even have to have have a snooze in my chair when my eyes get tired.
My sewscape for stitching would be by a shaded brook with just enough sunlight to easily see my project, surrounded by friends and family who are stitching as well.
My dream spot to stitch would be a room with all windows and spectacular mountain views. Throw in a fire place and a cat who never even thinks about playing with thread. 😉
My favorite stitching place is sitting in my Recliner in my living room. Around me I have, a small table which holds a couple of favorite Stitching books and the pattern I am currently working on. On the other side of me is a set of plastic drawers on wheels. That holds all of my supplies for embroidery and beading so that everything is at my fingertips. I love collecting different fabrics and ribbons to use on my embroidery.
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot is my back yard, next to my koi pond and shade garden. With my dogs around of course! thanks for the chance.
My dreamscape ribbon embroidery place is my living room which has south and west banks of windows so have a well lit and serene view. I absolutely LOVE ribbon embroidery; have been trying to get some of my friends interested in starting this beautiful way to embellish their sewing and quilting items to no avail. I will continue on with my fascination. My Mother’s wedding dress had lots of this on the bodice. I thought it was the most beautiful dress ever.
My perfect Dreamscape stitching spot would be in a sunny garden surrounded by beautiful flowers, shade trees, and birds flitting about. The flowers would smell delightful and the breeze would be gentle enough to not blow my threads around.
I would love to be chosen to receive these ribbons and would like to experience a peaceful day of stitching along the coast of Maine.
My ideal spot to stitch would be in the middle of winter. The snow is falling, I’m sitting by a warm fire with my cup of tea in an old English cottage. Occasionally I will look up from my stitching at a winter wonderland. Snow sparkling on the trees; local animals foraging for food and the peace and solitude of silence. Just nature, me and my needle.
I love stitching pictures of landscapes, the beach or a wooded area, even my front yard in the spring when everything is in bloom.
My favorite place to stitch is on a screen porched, my book on audio, and a tall glass of iced tea, any season will do…..
My dream place would be on the beach at Scusset in Sagamore Beach, MA just at the beginning of the Cape Cod canal. A canvas each chair my project bag and a diet green tea. That would be my stitchers heaven.
I’m sitting in my comfy chair in the living room, fire blazing in the wood stove, all the Christmas decorations complete, a Hallmark Xmas movie playing, and my magnifying floor lamp at my side. Oh, almost forgot the glass of whisky slush on the table next to my favorite embroidery scissors! Almost heaven!
My favorite dreamscape for stitching would be my north facing studio in June on a sunny day with my little walled English garden lushly in bloom. I would be stitching with gorgeous silk ribbons on a Di Van Niekerk inspired design of my garden!
My dream spot to stitch for winter is by the fireplace with a hot fire and a hot cup of tea. During the summer my dream spot is by the lake and watching the freighters go by.
My Dreamscape is a terraced garden on a steep hill. Around me are ripe red raspberry bushes, tomato vines, and cucumbers – all ready to pick and eat as I watch the play of light on the hills in front of me. (This was a real place when I was a little girl and it’s still my go-to escape in dreams.)
Such beautiful compositions! *sigh*Another craft to master and so little time…
I would be sitting in my living room, in the library corner; in my favourite chair watching snow fall softly outside.
My ideal stitching spot would be near the ocean or near a lake. The air temperature would be just right for sitting under a tree that doesn’t drop things. There would be a very slight breeze, but not enough to blow my instructions or threads away. Can you tell that I might have actually come close to finding this spot? Oh yes, it would have wi-fi access so I could have a movie or TV show running that I don’t have to pay close attention to.
My dream place to stitch would be sitting in a comfy wicker chair on a balcony overlooking a white sandy beach with clear blue-green water ebbing toward the shore. The sky would be azure blue with little puffs of white clouds. The sun rays would dance off the water like little fairies skipping on the top. I could hear the lapping of the water onto the shore. Birds would be chirping in the sky. I’d have my coffee on a small table next to me. It would be the morning. So relaxed and peaceful to spur the creativity of ribbon embroidering.
Oh my! What a wonderful way to begin this year’s Christmas giveaways Mary. I just love Di (as I call her – not that I know her but well…). Anyway my Dreamscape stitching spot is on my front southfacing enclosed verandah. I can stitch out there for about nine months a year – we can have very frigid winters here so an enclosed verandah is a thing of beauty. Di’s painted scenes have so much light in them – very dreamy.
I have followed Di’s blog for a long time, but have not experienced her ribbon-craft. It would be lovely to sit in a cozy corner and watch some mindless, but interesting, TV while stitching.
I would love to to work with any of the products offered in the draw! Enjoy the emails and learning on your site!
My dreamscape stitching spot would be the fabulous gardens at Pittock Mansion in the forested hills of Portland Oregon with a view of Mt Hood. So much inspiration.
Those ribbons are to die for!
My ideal stitching spot is in a comfy chair set in a sunny corner window with my iced tea within reach and my cat curled up on my feet. It’s a little slice of heaven.
My “dreamscape” would be a snowy day stuck in the house with nowhere to go, curled up on the couch with a fire going.
If I were to choose an ideal “dreamscape” stitching spot it might possibly be a quiet, peaceful place— not too hot or too cold— possibly resembling the lovely fabric scenes shown on Needle ‘n Thread today— Dec 1–Or a at a lovely cottage in the mountains OR by the ocean….away from the “cares of daily life!”
If I could, I would be so happy sitting and embroidering in the beautiful Honeysuckle Cottage garden that’s part of Di van Niekerk’s Dreamscapes collection.
It’s a reminder of the years I lived in England and having the pleasure of seeing so many cottage gardens that inspired me to embroider flowers later in life as I remembered those beautiful flowers.
The Dreamscapes collection is very beautiful. Just like all the designs of Di van Niekerk.
With the birds singing and the bees buzzing outside the screened-in gazebo, I’d be seated confortably in an overstuffed chair by the lakeshore, my dog scampering on the dock, and splashing into the water to retrieve his tennis ball. On the table beside me would be a stitching box with a myriad of embroidery supplies in a rainbow of colours and sizes, a tall, cool drink to quench my thirst that mysteriously refills itself, a small plate with tiny goodies that melt in my mouth, and a background of peaceful, calming music that one can just hear. A perfectly sized standing hoop would allow both hands to work on my project, and all my fine stitching tools would be incased in a lovely wooden box on the table on the other side of my chair. I’d be in stitching heaven. Thank you, Mary, for this opportunity to win a fabulous giveaway.
Ohh! I hope I get lucky!
I love to stitch in a nice, quiet environment and due to eye issues that usually means in my chair with a magnifier by me. I like to look out my window and have a nice cup of tea and no other distractions. Just peace and quiet and enjoying the moment.
Please use the name “ellieo” if I am fortunate enough to win. Thank you for hosting these Christmas giveaways and all the time you have spent teaching and educating your audience. IF I could, my Ideal Dreamscape spot for stitching, would be sitting in a comfortable adirondack chair, on a covered porch, looking out at the waters of the beautiful and ever changing “Big” Lake, Lake Superior, and surrounded by trees and listening to the birds chirping and the sound of the waves hitting the shore.
Those are beautiful ribbons and I would love to win them. My favorite place to stitch would be someplace warm where the sunshine comes over my shoulder from behind me and lights up my work making it so easy to see what I am doing.
I could stitch anywhere if I had a comfortable chair and good light in a warm (but not too hot) room. I would love to be able to stitch outdoors, but I live in the tropics and it gets just too darn hot!
My ideal stitch spot is in my comfy chair, in front of the fireplace with a nice cup of tea too.
Thanks for your great website.
Hi Mary!
My dream place to stitch would be a cozy corner by a large window, overlooking the forest and a lake with my pets at my feet.
My ideal stitching dreamscape would take me to the farmhouse of Beatrix Potter in the lake district where she wrote and painted.
Thank you for introducing me to this amazing website and blog.
I took a ribbon embroidery class from SFSNAD some time ago, and have a lovely pincushion to show for it.
The ribbons ( bamboo!) are magnificent. The color bundles are exactly what I need, to make me use a more varied palette.
On the blog, I was immediately drawn to a small, free download of a couple of charming border patterns. So much inspiration!
There is so much to learn in this area of embroidery, and this new venue will be very helpful.
Thanks again.
My ideal Dreamscape for stitching is a big rocking chair on the porch overlooking the great Appalachian mountains. Add a nice frilly drink to sip on from time to time and a good audio book and I’m in heaven! I’ll also take sitting and rocking on a porch facing the waves crashing on the shore at the beach. Hand stitching is such a stress breaker no matter where I am!
My ideal stitching spot would be a beautiful meadow, overlooking a babbling brook, surrounded by flora and fauna.
My ideal dreamscape for stitching would be overlooking the sea from the gazebo surrounded by a beautiful flower garden with gorgeous scents and lots of butterflies.
I would see sail boats on the sea and birds in the air. I would hear kids laughing in the background. Lemonade and cookies on a plate beside me. Sigh!
I would stitch on the north shore of lake Superior; in a small cabin high on a granite ridge overlooking the mighty lake. I can smell the pines and hear the waves crashing against the rocks below. It is late afternoon and the sun’s rays are sparkling off the water.
My favorite stitching spot is simply my couch – cozy and warm at home!
My dream stitching spot is in front of my big bay window overlooking my backyard. I have loads of trees with bird feeders and get many types of birds. The inspiration for color choices is amazing.
I have had Di’s book on ribbon embroidery and stumpwork for 3 years and read it regularly. It brings me joy to see such lovely work. I have not, however, done more than a few stitches since silk ribbon is difficult to come by in my area. Her ribbons are beautiful and I hope to do a project next year.
I would be in the shade of a tree in my garden with the birds singing , my cat beside me and a lovely pattern to work on. It brings peace to my heart and mind.
My dream stitching spot would be in a well equipped sewing room with really good lighting and a couple of comfortable chairs – one for me and one for a stitching friend to join me. Cabinets would hold all of my supplies. And there would be two dog bods for my furry babies to join me. A table near my chair would hold the needed supplies for that day’s work and a cup of tea.
My favorite spot would be my comfy chair in my craft room with my kitty in my lap, stitching with a cup of tea beside us.
My dreamscape for stitching would be in a cottage by the ocean, looking out over the waves lapping on the shore. I would have a cup of tea beside me and no one else.
My ideal stitching place would be a cottage garden in my front yard with the ocean beyond it for viewing and then the forest as my backyard.
The ideal stitching spot would be anywhere surrounded by beautiful gardens, abundant flowers and plenty of sunshine.
When it is warm, I would be on the porch looking out over fields and woods. When colder, I would be in a cozy sun room with plenty of natural light.
My Dreamscape stitching spot is on the porch of a cabin in the woods. High on a hill overlooking a wondrous vista of trees and mountains.
My“Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would have a beautiful view, maybe with a waterfall, and I’d want to share it with stitching friends.
These offerings are a delight — a feast for the eyes. Thanks to you and Di van Niekerk. –Joanne
My dreamscape is anywhere next to the ocean. Not a tropical ocean though, I love the cool raw edged oceans. Big Sur in California is my very favorite. I love the turquoise waters, the smell of ocean, sage and fennel. Smugglers cove in Big Sur sitting on the rocks where the creek meets the ocean… thats where i want to stitch.
Thank you Mary for this yearly fun!
My ‘Dreamscape’ stitching spot is in a lovely garden with gorgeous flowers and beautiful trees to appreciate on a bright, warm day. Surrounded by my needlework treasures and listening to birdsong as I stitch is my idea of bliss.
I enjoyed going to Di’s site and looking at all of her beautiful ribbons and designs. One of the patterns/kits I noted was reflected a gorgeous home with a white picket fence along a waterfront. My favorite “dreamscape stitching spot” would be sitting in a porch swing there and listening to the beautiful sounds of nature. This reminds me of how people can spend so much more time appreciating beautiful things – – which we are still able to make if we take the time.
The ideal stitching spot for me is with a group of like-minded friends sitting around a large table with plenty of room for me to spread out my supplies and lots of natural light. The stitching friends gathered there are the most important feature of the ideal spot.
I have a favorite stitching spot- my enclosed porch. The lighting in the daytime is perfect and it is a quiet space. I look out of the window to see the view of the cranberry bog which always is calming. It can get chilly in the winter but it is still my favorite spot.
My dream spot for stitching is exactly where I am now stitching. In my comfy chair with my feet up and my kitty on my lap – yes she “lets” me stitch while she snoozes. This is my happy spot – TV going, family around and my needle, thread and project.
I would so dearly love to hand stitch by a cottage near the mountains and ocean with a balmy breeze and beautiful landscapes for inspiration.
Your article opened up a whole new embroidery world for me- ribbon embroidery. Her website is a treasure trove of the most gorgeous embroideries I have ever seen. Thank you for showing me what is possible.
My stitching spot would be in a mountain lodge surrounded by a beautiful view of a Colorado valley. An area outside for stitching when weather permitted and a spot by the fireplace with big picture windows when weather is cooler.
If I could choose my favorite spot to do my needlework, it would be on a garden bench surrounded by my favorite flowers and trees with sunshine and a soft breeze blowing.
Mary’s videos are the best!! I have learned so much and have been so inspired. Such beauty and finesse.
Thank you
My perfect stitching spot would be in a nice sunny garden, with a cup of coffee and an audiobook. In reality I usually sit on the train, which is less than ideal.
My dream stitching spot would be a small retreat in the Pisgah forest state park in North Carolina with a view of the smokey mountains in the peak of fall. All my stitching friends from near me and those in other states in attendance.
This retreat would have 360 degree views of the mountains and the forest with great lighting and lots of workspace along with comfortable chairs.
It would have a nice big fireplace with lots of seating.
It would include accommodations for everyone. Our meals would be included and prepared by a 5 star chef from Asheville.
There would be a walking trail (not difficult) to walk, places to sit and converse.
My dreamscape place to stitch would be a big comfy chair with my favorite movie on tv and a huge window with a view of a flower garden and trees with bunnies and deer.
My Dreamscape would be a lot like the Di landscape with a view of the water over a field of wildflowers. I’d want to be somewhere that I could feel the breeze off the water and have good light and natural surroundings, but be protected from sun, wind, and weather extremes. I’d be surrounded by my stitching essentials, a few comfy chairs for reading and visitors. And there would be a small area for making tea and coffee and storing a few treats to enjoy during stitching breaks and when company comes. And thank you for the chance to receive one of the beautiful ribbon collections, and spend a bit of time thinking about a Dreamscape.
My dreamscape stitching spot is bathed in natural light; big windows, east, north & south. When I look up to rest my eyes, I can watch the seasons change, the birds, small critters and on lucky days, a deer.
I finally have the free standing embroidery stand I’ve also dreamed about and an ergonomic chair to go with it. And a cushy chair for a guest (or for when I want to read one of my needlework books. A work table is nearby.
Baroque music gently in the background.
My ideal “Dreamscape” stitching spot is in front of the roaring peat fire in the great hall at the Isle of Eriska Hotel near Oban, Scotland. The aroma of the peat fire, the comfort of the overstuffed chair, the background noises of staff coming and going, the occasional offers of tea, and the puzzle-solving companions at a nearby table are all I would need–as long as I bring along a good, portable stitching lamp. If I need a change of space, the nearby cozy bar or the bright and sunny living room (both also with fires ablaze) are natural alternatives. What a great place for a stitch-in!
My dreamscape for ribbon stitching would be in the mountains with a stream, a breeze and wildlife symphony. The alpine wildflowers would be my inspiration.
My dreamscape stitching spot depends on the weather. On temperature friendly sunny days I like to be outside near a river close to our home. There is a bench with a fabulous view and the gentle sound of the river water is relaxing. On chilly days I like to sit in our family room after my husband has built a fire in the fireplace, listen to some music and stitch away while sitting on our sofa.
Thank you for the fun give away opportunities each year!
Thank you for the opportunity to win the beautiful ribbon embroidery thread. I would embroider a dreamscape of the lake in my area, there sre beautiful trees around the lake.
My ideal stitching spot would be in an oceanfront home, sitting on the deck overlooking the ocean and seeing my fiancée surf fishing (doing something he loves). Not only hearing the Ocean waves but KLove playing Christian music in the background. Having friends stopping by to work on their projects and for fellowship and dinner.
My dreamscape is the coast of Rhode Island that faces out to the Atlantic Ocean at Goosewing.
These are beautiful threads. I like how they are on a roll
I love looking at water and listening to the waves so my dream spot to sit and stitch would have to be on a beach somewhere tropical. Of course I would need one of those “umbrella” drinks to sip on…….
I would stitch on a patio at the beach.
Cathie W
My ideal ‘Dreamscape’ is in front of my house. I live in a small farming community on the bank of a small river. The daily changes of this lovely view are which birds have stopped in our area that day. Our options include ducks, geese, herons, egrets and eagles as well as turtles and many kinds of fish. The best part of the picture is that my family is with me as well. Maryann
Oh, I LOVE Di van Niekerk’s work. I look forward to her newsletters, as they’re so very much beyond my meagre skills and a treat for the eyes.
My “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be in an autumn forest, filled with birds and colors all around. But warm enough to keep my fingers moving!
My dream stitching location is at home surrounded by my loved ones and the garden birds singing outside.
Thank you also for your Needle ‘nThread website – so interesting and informative.
I’m so glad to see some ribbon embroidery. It is so satisfying and beautiful in a short amount of time and effort.
I have loved ribbons since buying small amounts for my hair 50+ years ago.
If I could stitch anywhere I would love to be in a cabin in the mountains with snow flakes falling outside while the fireplace emitted a warm glow of wood burning. I would love to have my sister stitching beside me and the sounds of Christmas music being played.
Di’s designs are inspirational to look at and to use for projects (gifts, special events, and as momentous.). I bought her book “Monograms & Words in Ribbon Embroidery.” It’s a wonderful investment for future projects.
My ideal stitching spot would be in a comfy big chair on a screened in porch overlooking the ocean on a warm, sunny day, with my dogs napping on their beds in a sun beam on the floor. Thanks for this great give away!
I am on disability and COVID has meant lots of time alone. I have used the time to embroider most of my Christmas gifts. Your how-to videos and your patterns are so helpful! I have never tried ribbon embroidery but I can’t wait. If I could stitch anywhere, the one-room school house in Armond, N.B. (which I open as a museum in summer) is my place to be.
My dreamscape would be a secret garden where I would have a comfortable chair to sew in. surrounded by fragrant flowers. A table near by to hold my supplies. A bird bath fountain where the humming birds, humming bird moths and other birds could enjoy a drink and bath while enjoying the flowers. A pond fed by a waterfall for a delightfully calming sound. A peaceful quiet healing place.
My dream spot to embroider is my favorite chair facing the woods in our backyard, with no distractions.
Thank you so much for doing the give away again this year. I have been working on several embroidery pieces with ribbon and discovering again how much I enjoy ribbon embroidery.
My dreamscape stitching spot would be outside beside a beautiful lake, sunshine with a light breeze, eagles soaring past and loons calling and with a magnificent view of Maine’s tallest mountain; Katahdin.
Ahhh…. A warm cozy chair in a quiet uncluttered corner near a window looking out upon a snow-covered landscape.
My ideal stitching spot would be in my house with my family nearby (doing whatever suited their fancy) and a cat (or two or more!) on the cat couch (also known as our couch with a cover on it) to pet during stitching breaks. There would also be a cup of hot cooca at my elbow. And let’s make it sunny, because right now we’re in the middle of a bunch of rain in my area.
I lived in Northern Japan for five years. I would love to go back near
the area of Misawa and embroider the surrounding landscape.
The projects and ribbon look so beautiful.
If I were to be blessed with either prize – I would be sitting in my so called “peaceful room” a small room with couch and loveseat and lighting for hand sewing. I would be surrounded with my handmade quilts, cute patchwork pillows and cross stitched samplers. Thank you for the chance.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be similar to what I currently have. My comfy sofa sits next to a window overlooking a lake emptying into a wooded preserve. I see birds flying about, fish jumping, turtles sitting along the edges of the lake and occasional large birds wading near the shore. In short, it is nearly perfect!
My dreamscape stitching place is my backyard. We have a wonderful spot in the country with lots of shade trees, and what really makes this wonderful is being surrounded by my stitching friends who come here to join me for an afternoon of stitching.
If I could stitch anywhere, I would love to find a nice “cabin in the woods” stocked with all the necessary supplies (embroidery and necessities). That way, I would not have to leave! Oh, and Internet access to order more supplies 🙂
My ideal place is by the water, preferably salt water. The sun is out but it is about 74 degrees. I am under a palm tree. There is little wind so I can have all my equipment laid out. I have a great book I am listening to and a cabana boy getting me drinks and snacks.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot, would be on a beach somewhere warm not to windy as I don`t want sand in my work. A little sun hut is a must too, don`t want to burn up from the luscious sun shine.
My ideal Dreamscape is sitting by the water on a sunny day, hearing the splashing of the waves against the shore.
It just doesn’t get better than that!
Actually I would love to stitch in my sewing room without any interruptions, people or cats with current Christmas music; except for the occasional K-State basketball games on TV!
My dreamscape stitching spot is outside on our back porch where I can view the pasture and listen to the birds.
Thank you so much for this introduction to Di van Niekerk’s, work, website, newsletter and blog. I am so excited to have access to this new-to-me resource. The yarns, threads and ribbons are spectacular. The generous, meaningful free information is most appreciated. Thank you for sharing.
I would stitch in a cabin in the woods on a lake with a huge window so I could look out over the lake as I stitched
The Pebble beach in Brighton England! The sea on one side and the quaint shops on the other!
I loved stitching in the gazebo at my father’s place by the lake! I could watch the loons and other birds, and not get sunburned due to the shade of the gazebo roof. Though in the shade, the light was somehow perfect, and the breeze kept it nice & cool. Perfect!
I have been a closet ribbon Embroiderier as a way to embellish my quilts. I’m familiar with De’s work, and her colors are stunning. She has clearly raised the bar. Thank you for introducing us to some of her beautiful ribbons.
At the side of the Indian Ocean Western Australia
My ideal spot would be an isolated cabin with no distractions. Snowy outside, warm inside with a log fire and plenty of tea.
Di van Niekerk’s work is absolutely studding. Looking at it really makes you want to improve on your own techniques. When I stitch I sit in my living room and look out the window at the Pacific Ocean across Georgia Strait to Vancouver Island.
My dream stitching spot would be a comfortable armchair in a sunny spot on a cold winter afternoon. I’m in Connecticut so I know there are days like that just ahead!
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot is the South of France in the Languedoc-Roussillon area in the middle of a beautiful vineyard. I could stitch all day, every day there!
I would stitch in my screen porch looking out on the lake in the summer.
Thank you for your wonderful giveaways!!~! Always the most beautiful stitching supplies.
My dream place to stitch would be sitting on the deck of my lake house. First, I need to buy the lake house.
I have only just began to do ribbon embroidery and friend shared a couple of books with me. This would be a wonderful way to really experiment with stitches and colors. Thank you for thinking up the gift.
My dream stitching spot would be a cottage by the sea.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be in the north of Scotland, surrounded by craggy rocks and mosses and heather and whatever else could be found there. I might see some sheep or those gloriously shaggy Highland cattle, with maybe a bunny here or there.
What fun! And a great way for readers to learn about a variety of small businesses! Thank you so much! And Merry Christmas, Mary!
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you.
I love walking the trails at Tamarak Nature Center here in MN. There are benches placed over looking a lake and its beautiful. Ive often thought about bringing my current project there to sit and work away with nature all around me!
I have only just began to do ribbon embroidery and friend shared a couple of books with me. This would be a wonderful way to really experiment with stitches and colors. Thank you for thinking up the gift. My idea spot for stitching is in my sunny sewing room with some potted plants and my classical music playing.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be in a sunroom facing south so that I could enjoy sunlight for the majority of the day. Ideally, I would be close to the shore so I could see the vast horizon. I would be surrounded by plants and many creative pieces produced by myself and other crafters including my daughter. I would sit in a cozy armchair to stitch and have my sewing center and craft table close by. And of course, music to enjoy-especially the music of my youth 🙂
These colors are luscious! My dreamscape stitching space would probably be a quiet place that I can be in the woods and watch my cows grazing with my Benny (my Boxer dog) laying next to me. This is close to what I have now without being in the woods!
My ideal stitching spot is Grant Teton National Park surrounded by the harmonious sounds of nature.
Thank you Mary for doing this! I am Grateful for you and all of your teaching so we may enjoy stitching more!!!
Entourer de music avec un bon thé dans un lieu féérique comme un jardin botanique, ou une serre pleine de fleurs
Merci pour les cadeaux, c’est un plaisir a chaque année
I love these giveaways. Thanks for hosting them again this year. This ribbon is so luscious! My ideal dreamscape stitching spot would be in my garden, in the fall when the heat has broken and the flowers are flourishing!
I love to stitch in my own living room in front of a fire, with my dog curled up beside me on the couch.
The colors of this ribbon are gorgeous!
I’d be stitching in Belize, with my cat Teagan, and some tropical fruit on a tray with tea. Miles of tropical blue ocean and verdant green island mountains and quiet surrounding me.
I love stitching on a cruise ship!
Best stitching spot is my stitching room.
Silk ribbon colors are luscious – can’t wait to embellish with them!
A comfy chair with a view of a gorgeous garden would be perfect for me.
I would be at the beach under an umbrella surrounded by my Embroidery of seashells.
Oops! Didn’t read through all of the instructions before posting!
My ideal stitching location is the screened-in back porch at my Mom’s place in Maine. Lots of light, outdoors with no bugs, sounds of nature (including loons!).
My dreamscape stitching spot would be in a gazebo overlooking Trout Lake in northern Ontario, Canada, where I live. (I don’t have the gazebo yet).
Love the colours of these ribbons!
My dreamscape stitching space would be by a window overlooking a lake or large river surrounded by trees with mountains in the background. Natural light and plenty of tea enhance the stitching experience!
Bonjour Mary,
Et bien moi, j’aimerais broder en Irlande, sur une falaise au bord de la mer avec de grosses vagues….
Bonne journée
Hi Mary,
I would go back to my childhood home. On our front porch with my Mother’s roses and white picket fence in front of me. Beyond that a lovely view of the Ohio river. Nostalgia has been surrounding me for months now.
I love Di’s work and have every book that I know she has published. Thanks for her website.
May you find JOY in your life this holiday season.
My ideal “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be my daughter’s front porch at their new property in Roatan, Honduras! The warm sun, gently lapping waves and palm trees surround me. I am using Di’s new ribbon palette and stitching the sherbet sky with the sun setting over the dock!
My favorite dreamscape would be looking out on a secluded beach with palm trees swaying in the breeze, the sun glistening off the water and sounds of water gently lapping at the shore.
My ideal space for embroidery, especially ribbon embroidery, would be in an English garden surrounded by all the beautiful flowers and nature.
Thanks, as always, for the great giveaways! My ideal spot would be a big comfy chair in front of a big picture window. It would be snowing and I would have a big mug of spiced cider.
Dreamspot: in a house with massive windows overlooking the Pacific Ocean on the Northern California coast. A chair at a height that my feet will touch the floor, perfect lighting and a side table for tools & thread.
My ideal stitching spot is the covered deck off the 2nd floor of my house. My comfy chair is in the corner of the deck, almost amongst the branches of two large trees. The birds are always chirping at me to move away from their feeder, but that amuses me. The only drawback is that I can’t use this area year round!
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be in MY room, a combination sewing room, library and office. I would be surrounded by my beloved books and assorted needlework tools. I would have the most perfect northern light streaming in a window and next to it would be the perfect chair for stitching. I almost have all of that now — almost.
I’m happy stitching just about anywhere if there is good natural lighting. I also enjoy stitching
with my friends at retreats.
I would love to stitch on a covered and screened porch over looking a beautiful mountain sunset!
I love to stitch on my front porch with my two cats for company with the radio playing softly.
Di has easy to understand lovely kits. My favourite place – sitting on our deck overlooking the beautiful Doubtless Bay.
I love to stitch anywhere, but my ideal place would be along the middle to upper coast of Maine, watching and listening to the sea crash on the rocks. Since moving from upstate NY to OK, I really miss my trips through New England…..sigh.
My dreamscape is the porch on an old farmhouse in the mountains, overlooking a valley with a river running through it. It is beautiful all four seasons, from winter snows to bright summer sunshine.
Actually, my real dream spot is the corner of my living room, which is the spot where I stitch and dream about stitching.
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot is right here at home on my sofa. There’s no place like home. I’ve got my magnifying light, all my supplies nearby, a diet coke close at hand, and something fun to watch on TV. Bliss.
Pick me! Pick me!
In my dreams this is my ideal stitching place – a room with many windows, overlooking the Caribbean with the sound of the waves in the background. In that room – a comfortable chair, a large table to hold all the supplies within reach and at least one hour to quietly stitch without interruptions.
Thanks for the beautiful give-away!
My ideal stitching spot would have a comfortable chair with all my project supplies in easy reach with a view of the ocean.
My dream embroidery spot involves granddaughters- I am the only one in my family who embroiders. My little granddaughters love my threads and supplies- I dream of one who asks to learn. Anywhere would then be heaven!
I would love to sit and stitch surrounded by the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Nearby, I would have a cup of tea, a cat curled up in my lap, classical music playing and my current needlework project. In the distance, would be the inspiring, peaceful and restorative scenery of snow-capped mountains.
Thank you, Mary and Merry Christmas!
My ideal stitching spot is on a balcony looking past pine trees to the seashore and sea beyond on a sunny day.
I would be sitting in a comfy chair, in front of a large window with
a little snow and a forest of trees stitching.
My dreamscape place would be Sisters Oregon surrounded by my fellow stitchers. Love the fellowship and comradely of ladies who share the bond and love of stitching.
I’d love to be stitching in a lounge chair with my feet up – with lots of natural light – overlooking the sea – with balmy air temperatures – in a beautiful garden. On the table would be a pot of tea and lovely little finger sandwiches – maybe even little petits fours.
My favorite stitching spot is on my backyard deck overlooking a gorgeous 150 yr old oak tree.
Love the ribbon assortment, gorgeous colors.
Teri Sanfilippo
Happy Stitching December to you, Mary!
My favorite stitching dreamscape would be on a cold bright snowy day, in a sunroom looking out over a northern Minnesota lake. I’d have my stitching station right near my heat source, with plenty of light from the sun. I’d be surrounded by books piled everywhere, and a tiny hot plate to keep my hot chocolate warm. A cozy getaway!
My dreamscape stitching spot would be outside in the garden with dappled sunlight. I would like to be surrounded by flowers to enhance the beauty of the stitching spot.
My dreamscape stitching spot would be a in a large rustic living room, in a big comfy chair next to a roaring fireplace with really good lighting and magnification and munchies close by. No husband, children or grandchildren allowed. 🙂
Hi, Mary,
My ideal stitching spot is near a fireplace with Christmas music playing on the radio. Surrounding me are the Christmas tree with lights, a cup of tea, and a dog by my side.
I love your tutorials
The best place for me to stitch is in a garden full of flower.
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you?
I would stitch outdoors, in my backyard – surrounded by flowers and trees, with a view of the mountain near me, on a cushioned chaise lounge.
My backyard overlooking the marsh. There is always something happening. Kingfishers, Herons, Egrets and an occasional Bald Eagle always make it more interesting than TV. The only draw back is Gnats in Spring and Mosquitoes in Summer.
What a beautiful variety of colours in your giveaway ribbon extravaganza.
I would love to sit in a sunny spot overlooking the beautiful coastline near where I live. A cup of tea, a delicate cake and lots of inspiration.
My dream stitching spot would be in a comfortable wicker chair in the yard looking at that lovely thatched roof cottage in Di’s panel. The sun would be shining, my cat would be purring at my feet and heavenly music would be playing in the background. My work basket would overflowing with gorgeous threads and ribbon and my project would be almost complete. What bliss!
My dreamscape is my favorite chair angled in front of a big window in my bedroom. On a small table nearby are my supplies and a cup of tea while my cat is curled up on the bed sleeping. Pure peace. Thanks for the chance to win either of these great prizes.
One of my ideal dreamscapes is: sitting/stitching under a tree in a lovely mountain meadow – with flowers in bloom, the sound of birds chirping, deer grazing, little squirrels and other wildlife nearby. One of my favorite trips is to Yosemite.
I would love to stitch by a mountain stream with birds chirping and nature all around.,
How luscious! Thanks to you and Di for this opportunity!
My stitching dreamscape would be the porch of a cabin on a remote northern lake, with the wind sighing in the pines, the loons calling, and maybe a moose or three dripping water from their munchy greens as they wade in the lake at barely dawn. Of course a pot of tea and my stitching things at hand…sigh………..
Cheery stitch dreams to you,
My comfy chair and stitching light, classical music playing, tea mug with fresh tea steaming, and the view of the water, trees, and birds at the feeder. I’m extremely lucky to already have my dream stitching space!
At the moment by dream stitching place would be anywhere that I could stitch with other stitchers in person. I see a cozy living room with several of us stitching in comfy chairs around an open fire.
In a flower garden next to a babbling brook.
The variegated ribbons and floss are inspiring! I have been using less subtle variegated floss but i am now looking forward to using these colors.
Seasons greetings! Yummy colors and the prints are so cute.
My dreamscape for stitcing would be anywhere outdoors I could
Stitch, and see the ocean, or the mountains, or any scenery where
I am looking at nature. The natural light to stitch by is a bonus!!!
Regards, Suestitch
My “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be a shady porch on a nice cabin by one of our Great Lakes, with a warm breeze and a glass of iced coffee nearby!
Ideally, I would like to stitch Dreamscapes at a beach house my family has rented twice. I would sit on the balcony while the family played on the sand below. I would rest my eyes by looking at the ocean
I love sitting in my oversized chair, feet up and a large pillow to snuggle back into. The chair sits next to a south facing window with bright, warm sunshine streaming in.
The ribbons are lovely and Di van Niekerk’s work is beautiful. I love to stitch in my favorite chair with my older cat beside me and look out the window at the water and my garden. Thank you Mary for the lovely give-away to happy stitchers.
At a campsite at Kaibab Lake, early morning when the light is perfect, embroidering and watching the ospreys dive for fish.
My IDEAL DREAMSCAPE stitching spot would be high up in a tree house on the plains of Africa.
I would love to stich in Japan in a beautiful garden .
My ideal stitching spot would be a comfy chair on a lakeside beach under a shading tree; would have a table within reach to hold my supplies and a nice cold water to drink.
My ideal ‘dreamscape’ stitching spot would be a beautiful sunny garden room in my home, with comfy chairs and many plants. My color scheme would be whites, blues and creamy yellows with a lovely soft rug on the floor as I like to go barefoot (a lot).
Hi Mary!
Thank you so much for the Christmas give-away! Wishing you many blessings this holiday season.
My perfect stitching “dreamscape” would be anywhere quiet, surrounded by beautiful trees, and the sounds of the ocean waves dancing nearby to calm my soul as I stitch something beautiful for a family member or a friend. I’d love to have all of my beautiful fabrics and luxurious threads nearby too.
My dreamscape stitching place would be a private garden that is my own with sun, fresh air, flowers and trees and a beautiful view wherever I look such as a wooded area and lake.
My ideal stitching spot is my daughter’s old bedroom. It’s where I keep my supplies and has wonderful light. I do enjoy stitching at Jalama beach, but that darn wind!
My ideal dreamscape spot to stitch is sitting in a cozy chair on the deck of a home overlooking the ocean where you can hear the tide coming in and out. A nice warm cup of tea to sip while I stitch would be a must!
My dream stitching spot would be the Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court Palace. I am from the United States and I have a dream of visiting there someday to absorb the history and the majesty of that place.
My ideal stitching spot is on my balcony overlooking the beach – pretty much my ideal spot for doing anything.
Not only are the ribbon colors gorgeous but Di’s designs are wonderful. Ribbon embroidery is great fun to stitch.
My Dreamscape Stitching Spot would be in a mountain lodge, in front of a roaring fireplace with mountain views out my windows, and Christmas music playing softly in the background!
Thank you for the opportunity to try these beautiful ribbons.
My “dreamscape” spot is my deck on a nice summer day with my cats by my feet, all my supplies within reach spread out on the table with a light breeze blowing and a large glass of iced tea. That to me is heaven.
Well I am torn between stitching somewhere historical where embroiderers sat in days gone by. A place that is historical, perhaps in England or Scotland, where some of the antique tapestries were stitched.
Or stitching in a place where the natural beauty of the surrounding landscape brings inspiration to your inner being. A place so full of natural beauty that you feel happy just by being there. I can envision mountains or rolling hills and large windows letting the light in so you do not need any artificial light for stitching.
My dream stitching spot is sitting on my Oprah-style leather chair in my kitchen surrounded by my 4 cats and my beautiful house plants. Beside me would be a hot cup of irish tea and my iPad so I could listen to “Downton Abby” while I stitch away!
Mary, Thank you for all you do for this community throughout the year. Makes my day to see your posts.
My dream spot would be outside by a lake. Sunny and of course without bugs.
Happy Holidays.
Those ribbons are gorgeous! My ideal stitching spot is in a sunny window in a vacation house by the sea, with my family nearby.
Thank you Mary, and vendors, for another season of giveaways.
I’m so lucky, I have my dreamscape, I stitch in my conservatory where I can see my garden that has so many varieties of birds that vist the feeders constantly. It is quiet and calming, and not far for me to go to get a cup of tea!
Oh, I love ribbon embroidery and those ribbons look gorgeous.
Dream stitching is in a comfy chair, with very good light, something to support the work so I’m not hunched over, and something to keep supplies on so I’m not losing them down the sides of the cushion.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be in an Italian villa, on the terrazzo in the shade next to a fountain. I would have a glass of cold pomegranate juice, and my dogs sleeping nearby
My ideal spot is at a friends house who live on a lake. Her den faces the lake where all kind of small animals live and play. The lighting is perfect so relaxing the atmosphere is wonderful could stitch there forever.
My favorite stitching spot is sitting by the glass doors that look out over our woods and pond especially when the sun is shining. CB
Dreaming of stitching on a Hawaiian beach
My dreamscape is Kauai Hawaii, where I am visiting now!
My Dreamscape stitching spot is a porch overlooking the ocean in summertime. In winter, I would like a window overlooking the ocean. So beautiful to create surrounded by nature.
My dreamscape for stitching would be on a covered porch at an ocean with a gentle breeze and good friends to talk with.
Oh what a lovely escape from fears of the real world. A fabulous way to enjoy a January day, creating or enhancing a beautiful garden. It’s just what the doctor ordered!
My favorite place to stitch, or do about anything, is by a sunny window overlooking the beach.
My favorite spot for stitching is in a park near home with a friend. I just bring a portable chair and my bag and we stitch under the shadow of trees. In summer time obviously.
Thank you for all the nice gifts…
My front porch. Surrounded by flowers, wildlife and trees.
My ideal spot to stitch is on my screened porch on a beautiful spring morning. The yard is blooming with early flowers, the birds are singing and all I have to do is spend an hour or two just stitching.
Dear Mary, thank you so much for arranging this wonderful giveaway. I love her ribbons. My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would have to be on a comfortable (soft and squishy, covered in silk velvet) sofa, in a large room with a full wall of sunny windows. I’d have to have several cats nearby, or preferably right beside me on the dream sofa. Soft, spring air, scented with flowers would be coming in the windows. Birds would be singing outside and there would be the sound of soft breezes in the new spring leaves. Maybe there would even be a lovely body of water in view. The beach and an ocean, dare I dream? Ok, I see I’m going to have to have more than one wall of windows to fit all this in… Well, a gal can dream I guess. ; )
My dream stitching site would be in my sewing room, in a comfortable chair, with sun coming through the windows on a cold day!
I would love to do embroidery in a mountain lodge, near a large window with a great view, in front of a crackling fire. Sounds divine!
My ideal stitching location would be by a stream flowing over rocks and down into a gentle waterfall. The sun would be shining through the trees sparkling off the water into beautiful refractions of colors. You can hear the birds playing with their mates chasing one another in and out of the trees, singing their birdsong. The smell of wild flowers drifts slowly on the breezes tickling a memory of days foraging for those small hidden gems. In the distance very faintly are the rhythmic beat of the waves flowing in and kissing the hidden beach and then back out into the vast blue ocean.
My favorite stitching spot is relaxing on our beautiful covered deck in the early spring while all the leaves are in full bud and the spring flowers showing off their new brightly colored dresses surrounded by my embroidery project and threads that I am working on.
thank you so much Mary for sharing your knowledge with us all. I sure appreciate your tips and tricks!
Have a lovely safe day.
I think I would like to hang out with fellow stitcher Amy Pilgrim in Claude Monet’s garden. What a great idea!
My dream stitching place is in a small lake house with a fire in the stove and bread baking in the oven. My darling hubby is gently snoring in his recliner next to me.
I would love to stitch on a porch of a house overlooking the ocean. With a nice warm breeze and the sun shinning.
Mary’s article brought back so many memories for me. We spent our honeymoon in Platres in the Troodos mountains of Cyprus. Women stitching openwork table linens formed a constant background and it is there I would love to be, this time, stitching among them. It would inspire me with “New Hope” and surround me with the blue “Forget me not” wisteria that seemed to cover all the homes. I would savor the days and dream about the future and my next project.
These ribbons are fabulous. I would love to have the opportunity to work on these projects in 2022. It is so kind and generous of you to do this each year.
If I could be stitching at my ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot… Since I have never been there I would love to be sitting by a wonderful fire in a beautiful castle in Ireland. Curled up in a comfy chair with a steaming cup of tea, or something stronger, just makes my heart go all soft and squishy.
A stitching spot! I have thought about this a lot. In front of a large window, looking out over green gardens and trees, lots of birds and flowers outside. A pond, too. Bright light inside and organization of threads and beads nearby. Bookcases lining the walls with all my embroidery books. A stand for my frame and a comfortable chair. A spot for my cat, too. Perfect.
Heather M. from Canada
Oh if time & money were not factors….I would sit & stitch on a covered veranda of a charming beach house overlooking turquoise ocean waters. Wonderful sunshine and coastal breezes. How good could it get?
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you?
Someplace where I can see both ocean and mountains, like on a beach in Hawaii
My perfect stitching place would be outside overlooking the ocean on a sunny 70 degree day. And since this is my perfect place, there wouldn’t be any chance of dust or dirt getting on my fabric or supplies! And a lot of wonderful music playing softly in the background!
My ideal spot would be in my backyard. We have a patio at the back of the property that is surrounded by palms, bird of paradise, and best of all, wisteria. It’s so beautiful and quiet there. But being surrounded by vegetation, it’s a little dark. I’d love to be able to sit out there during a storm and stitch. This little area of the yard is inspiring to me. I feel I can create and stitch anything while there.
dream stitching space, anywhere with a view
My “dreamscape” stitching spot is in a cozy winter cottage with a fire in the fireplace and snow falling outside.
After losing 8 friends and family in the last three weeks (mostly to COVID), I would choose Heaven as my Dreamscape to stitch. I would be surrounded by those I’ve lost and stitch while we talk about memories, love and calmer more peaceful days. The sounds of nature would be my background music and my muse — the gift of those who were loaned to me so that I would truly understand how precious each day is and how grateful I am to spend time creating stitches that reflect this beautiful world.
This would make a great Christmas gift !
My dreamscape stitching place would be a cottage in the mountains, with a deck to sit and stitch on during the day, and fireplace to stitch in front of at night.
Love the beautiful colors!
Greetings. One of the perfect places I like to stitch in the gazebo in my front yard. It is surrounded by all sorts of trees and provides a beautiful escape but one I can run and get supplies I may have forgotten in the house if needed! 🙂 During the winter and cooler months of late fall and early Spring, I love sitting at a window filled with sunshine.
Wow those ribbons are gorgeous! I did a bit of ribbon embroidery back in the 90’s. I still have my silk ribbon and supplies – will I ever do it again? Only time will tell.
Pure heaven would be stitching on the deck of my cabin deep in the woods with the only sounds being the breeze in the trees, birds chirping and a happy little chipmunk chittering away.
Wow those ribbons are gorgeous! I did a bit of ribbon embroidery back in the 90’s. I still have my silk ribbon and supplies – will I ever do it again? Only time will tell. My dreamscape stitching spot would be on the porch of a cottage on the Maine coast. I’d be watching the waves roll in to a rocky shore and seeing all the sea birds.
I currently have a wonderful, cozy craft room that I appreciate when I design and sew. However, I also have a Dream Home created in my head and on paper. In that design my “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would be in the Atrium. I would have a comfortable window seat overlooking the pastures, a garden, horses, sheep, chickens and some woods. There would be natural light to sew by, a couple of corgis at my feet and my supportive husband reading or doing one his projects.
My ideal dreamscape would be my back porch to watch the birds while I stitch.
I have been wanting to give ribbons embroidery a try. This would be a great way to get started. Liz R, Raleigh NC.
My favorite stitching spot of all time was our friend’s VERY rustic old cabin, deep in the woods in the mountains in New York. Rocking chair on the porch in the daytime, within listening distance of a rushing stream, blissfully quiet otherwise, hummingbirds whirring round the flowerpots. Inside the cabin at night, by the river rock fireplace, family around, all deep in their books with some music playing. Heaven.
As always, THANK YOU for doing this Mary, and for all the joy you bring us all year long!
My dream stitching location is in front of the fireplace in a comfortable chair with good lighting, a bottle of red wine and fabric and fiber in my hands.
I love stitching anywhere, but especially with friends! The ribbon is beautiful!
My dreamscape stitching spot would be a craft room in our home where I could have all my supplies organized. I’d also love to have a display space for stitched pieces, special/antique tools or other display items. I’d want to have a comfortable stitching chair as well as good magnification and lighting.
My favourite stitching spot is in a comfortable chair in the family room within eyesight of the fireplace.
Would love to win these lovely ribbons and sit on my deck in the sun stitching. Thank you.
Hello Mary!
Your give-aways are always great.
My favorite stitching spot is my sewing room. It looks out to the woods and my chair is wide enough for me and my dog!!
With the cold days coming, I love to stitch in front of the fireside, in my comfy chair and lap quilt. While sipping Hot Chocolate, and trying to figure out which stitches and colors I want to use in my next embroidery project.
I am a most fortunate person, because my favorite stitching spot is in my own home! I have a big palladium window facing south upstairs. It looks out on a woods with birds, deer, and turkeys. Even in a snowstorm, it’s a wonderful place to sit at my table and play with any project I might choose to work on, and my stash is ready to hand along with all the comforts I might desire. What more could I ask for?
My perfect stitching spot would be on the porch of a cabin in the mountains, with a waterfall nearby and a view of a wooded valley below. I would love the opportunity to learn ribbon embroidery, which I haven’t explored yet!
I’d love to be stitching near the New England beach on a sunny day. The time of year doesn’t matter as the location is always as beautiful as Di’s ribbons are!
My ideal stitching spot is outdoors overlooking a body of water. Years ago, while on vacation, I stitched while sitting on a covered veranda overlooking Lake Como, with a cup of cappuccino by my side. It was heaven. I was working on a deadline to finish a project in wool and silk embroidery that I would be teaching to my EGA chapter. Nowadays it would need to be a project I can see without my magnifier.
Preferably I would sit by a sunny window, with surrounding music and a cup of good coffee.
Working on one of these kits would be a dream come true since I have done all sorts of embroidery but not ribbon.
Merry Christmas !
I love to stitch in my sunroom, curled up on my chair with a good light behind my left shoulder! Alternatively, just about anywhere else.
Thank you Mary.
My dream stitching location would be a comfortable chair, surrounded by my stitching supplies, in a cozy room with a large window overlooking a beautiful floral garden.
My dreamscape stitching spot would be in Prague where the beautiful architecture of the city compliments the gorgeous colors of the ribbon bundles in the giveaway.
Hi Mary,
My favorite dream place to stitch is a autumn in Atlanta in a screen in porch. My cat would be by my side or if I’m honest on my lap. I would have a chair that reclines and is wide enough to allow both of my arms to comfortably stitch.
Thanks again for the giveaway’s.
My favorite place to stitch is on my front porch on a beautiful Spring or Summer day – with a beautiful view of the mountains and the sounds of nature. If I could stitch anywhere, I would choose a secluded spot surrounded by flowers and a stream trickling nearby with mountains in the background.
My dream stitching spot would be a cozy cabin. A big front porch with bright shade for stitching and watching wildlife. Inside, a fireplace for cold or rainy days and a really good lamp to light up my stitching corner.
How wonderful! This giveaway is the day after my birthday so it would be a real treat! I have had many of Di van Niekerk’s books over the years and thoroughly enjoyed them, they are treasured items to me, I even imported them with me when moving from South Africa to Bristol, UK. My ideal dreamscape stitching spot would be on the veranda of a beachhut at the seaside, in the sunshine!
My perfect place to stitch would be in a field of flowers next to a bubbling creek where all the animals come to drink and say hello.
Thank you for introducing a new and beautiful website!
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot:
I would love to sit within a shady screened porch or lanai overlooking the ocean; a gentle breeze, a sunny day, the sound of waves, and me in a comfy chair and ottoman with a small table of stitching supplies and refreshments.
My ideal dreamscape would be the wood beside the house where I grew up. I was brought up in an ordinary town outside Glasgow, but practically at the end of the street was the start of woods, and peat, and wild places but all within sight and easy reach of houses, streets, shops… And as a child I loved playing there with my friends. We were unsupervised and no parents to stop our exploring. The woods are still there.
I have introduced my three grand-daughters to the world of embroidery. Thank you for this opportunity to share.
Those colours and kits are so beautiful – I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed! I would love to spend the day stitching with my mom, learning from her, we could be anywhere in the world and it wouldn’t matter, we just need a comfy seat, a good light and a steady supply of refreshments 😉
I would be sitting on the balcony of my hotel room in Sorrento, Italy, with the Isle of Capri in my line of sight. Oh, how I’ve missed traveling and especially beaches and water. Thank goodness for memories!
What lovely colors and I bought some pegs for special floss, ribbon, etc. What an awesome idea! My dreamy stitchy place would be screened in four seasons room. Watching the birds chatter and fight over the seeds, fruit and nuts is always a delight. I would have my Ikea cart that I can roll about and my magnifying LED light. I also would have a water fountain because they’re so calming. I have some of Di’s books and she truly is a Queen of Ribbon Embroidery
TRANQUILITY is an excellent depiction of my dream-worthy stitching spot. Clear sky, slight breeze, enough shade to avoid glare, comfy chair, food and beverage nearby (for breaks) would let me stitch as long as I wanted. Di’s picture reminds me of The Cottage in the Wood, a boutique hotel in England’s Lake District.
Mountains! Mountains would surround me in my ideal sewing spot. Of course I would need a comfortable chai, a good light and be outdoors. Hearing nature are the sounds that would relax me and get me into my sewing groove.
My perfect stitching spot would be sitting in a comfortable rocking chair on a wide porch looking out at rugged mountains and a lake. Not sure how much stitching I’d actually accomplish though
Thanks for doing this giveaway. This is the first time I have participated but I follow both you Mary and Di. The work that you both do is so inspirational and informative. Thank both of you for sharing your great talent!
Central Texas Debbie H.
Dear Mary,
Oh so pretty!
My experience with ribbon embroidery is minimal, but I would love to do more and these ribbons could be just the nudge I need!
at my home in a sunny spot
Hello Mary
Glück auf!
FOR YOUR NEWSLETTER AND ADVICE!! I enjoy that regular.
I know exactly what my dreamscape of stitching looks like:
I would like to visit the „BEATING AROUND THE BUSH“ in Australia.
Coming from Germany where people mostly do cross stitch , I dream of this conference ever since, looking jealousy to all this fabulous projects kits , teachers…. I dream of being part of a likeminded group of stitchers , who are really keen on challenge, who love to learn, who burn for embroidery and share my HOBBY with great enthusiasm.
I don’t like CORONA !! but I have to mention that the STITCHERS COMMUNITY grow together very fast by the work of fantastic teachers like RSN STUFF, NATALIE DUPUIS( from SEW BY HAND, Montreal/Canada), MARINA K.(from SUBMARINA EMBROIDERY, Moscow/Russia) or CHLOE GIORDANO, (York/UK). They are all very fit at online teaching and give fabulous advice to very enthusiastic groups of interested and interesting persons/ stitchers from around the world!
we don‘t need you any more , leave us!! We would like to meet up…
A comfy couch, overlooking a garden full of flowers and birds, a cat stretching beside me.
My Favorite place to stitch is near the ocean- not necessarily on the beach- but on a porch overlooking the water- with soft breezes and the sound of the ocean.
After such a lot of Covid restrictions, distancing and travel limits it would be wonderful to attend a stitching event with a group of like minded people anywhere. We have not been been able to do that for so long.
My dreamscape stitching spot. Hmmm. Maybe at the picnic table on our back deck on a summer day, with NO wind! We tend to be a bit blustery here at times! This way I could see the back gardens and enjoy the trees and sunshine. It would be lovely. And writing this makes me realize I should be on the lookout for days next summer! so thanks for that and the introduction to Di van Niekerk. Those ribbons are gorgeous.
Thank you, Mary & Di, for this opportunity! One of Di’s kits is on my wishlist but it is too expensive for me and those who gift me at this time. Di’s ribbons are so luscious, just lovely!
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot is not far off from my real stitching spot! I live by the ocean and can drive to 4 different beaches with crashing waves in about 15 minutes. It’s always too cool, too breezy, too saltwater-misty to stitch on the beach, though. So, at home in a corner with big windows on either side, I have an old armchair draped with a lovely knit afghan (from my Grandma), lighted magnifier at my side. My tray with threads, scissors, ort dish, and blinged-up pincushion are on an old desk just beyond the light. On my other side is an old teacart with a big plant and room for my cup of coffee/glass of water. One window has some stained glass (my husband’s work), and both windows reveal our edible landscaping with cherry & apple trees, blueberry bushes (some are evergreen!), hydrangeas, hebe, huckleberries and flowers/veggies in pots. Our climate is mild so I see some green (and even some blooms!) year-round. I can see a bit of the ocean when I stand up on most days. Our cat, Agatha, likes to crawl under the afghan at my feet. I should be there now! instead of post-holiday laundry and soup-making! I am so blessed, Thanks be to God.
My favorite place to stitch is outdoors with the perfect blend of sun and shade, warm weather, and surrounded by plants. This can be my backyard, at a music festival, or visiting somewhere new.
Your website is very informative and I always see things I want to stitch. Ribbon embroidery is one them! Oh my, I may have to buy something. The Di’s ribbons are very pretty.
As for my dream stitching spot, usually at home or with friends with a nice cup of tea.
Thank you for the information.
Roberta L
There is something so beautiful about silk ribbon!! The idea that each overdyed color comes in different widths for embroidery is just simply perfect!!! I am so motivated to stitch when I view the needlework of such artists as Di van Niekerk. She is indeed the Queen of Silk Ribbon!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing her information!!
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot would be a comfortable chair in a sunny room. Around me would be a nice lamp for those cloudy moments, a nice table for supplies and patterns, an occasional cup of tea or glass of wine and lovely music – classical or jazz – playing softly in the background. This room could be anywhere but most ideally in my house on a cozy, quiet and stress-free day.
My ideal “dreamscape” stitching spot would be sitting in my favorite chair in my sunroom. That room faces toward the southwest and provides great light and views year around.
My “Dreamscape” stitching spot is my sitting room: a down-filled, comfortable couch or chair, a small table on the right to hold all those necessary stitching tools, a colorful Lowery work stand holding one of my MANY treasured WIPs, with windows all around. The sun shines in, the TV remote to mystery movies is at hand or Adele is on my WAVE, and in my dream world, an ice cold soda is at hand (removed from precious threads, et al). What more could I want? Oh – the phone’s turned off!
I love stitching anywhere, but the place I enjoyed the most sas in my cabin on a cruise ship in Hardanger Fjord on a clear still day, doing my hardanger. It was so calming and beautiful!
Love ribbon embrodery – hard to find good supplies. Thank you for
the information
Di van Niekerk has the most beautiful overdyed silk ribbons! Thanks so much for sharing her information…
My favorite / ideal dreamscape is stitching on the balcony of my cottage on a warm summer’s day refreshed with a cool breeze, overlooking the Black River in Washago, Canada. The birds are singing their sweet songs, the squirrels play tag in the pine trees, and the hummingbirds thrum around the feeder in the corner.
I dream of sitting in a park in Paris and stitching the day away.
my dream stitching spot would be a porch in summer overlooking a wooded yard with birds singing and a small fountain and flowers blooming
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot would be sitting on a deck facing the ocean with a comfortable chair, great lighting and a table that would hold all my stitchy supplies in an easily accessible and organized way, and a delicious beverage. My family and my dogs would all be nearby. My deck would have lovely plants and flowers and an awning for shade when needed. (One can dream).
My ideal “Dreamscape” spot would be at the seaside on the verandah of a cottage overlooking the beach. Warm with the fragrance of the sea and the sound of the waves.
My favorite stitching spot would be outside in a comfortable beach chair surrounded by the ocean, listening to the waves, and enjoying a beautiful sunny day.
I have several comfy, picturesque and somewhat exotic spots possible for stitching , but I love to stitch when I go camping and my favourite camping spot is in Banff National Park. It is a stunning dreamscape for me.
Always wanted to try ribbon embroidery. I think this would be a nice way to start. Love stitching in the studio.
I’m a pretty social person, so my dream stitching spot is in a group of like-minded friends during a stitching retreat. It would be great fun to enjoy at a hotel with all meals provided, and we’d just stitch and giggle together…no worries about meals, cleaning up, or household matters.
Thank you for the opportunity! My ideal dreamspot to stitch is the headlands at Fort Bragg’s Mendocino Beach area. I’ve whiled away an afternoon while stitching and enjoying the sunlight there during two separate vacations.
I could stitch anywhere as long as it’s comfy! I would need some soft music playing and a tall glass of water and a window to glance out!
Hi Mary!
what a lovely give away! I have not done this craft yet but those pics of the ribbon and the website make me want to try it in the new year! TYVM for a chance.
My *dreamscape* for stitching is in a lounge chair, overlooking a beautiful garden with not too much sun as I still need my light and magnifier! My yard is great, but someplace warmer would be heaven!
My dream stitching site would be on a balcony, overlooking a beach.
My ideal stitching spot is in my living room – comfy chair, supplies to hand, magnifier at the ready, past stitching on the walls, and a cup of tea always available.
Ooooh ideal stitching spot is hard, because while I love being outside in beautiful places, I don’t so much love the idea of trying to keep track of needles and thread etc. outdoors. I’m already bad enough at keeping things corralled when I’m inside! So I think I’d say in my parents’ living room in RI, in the winter, with snow falling outside and lovely fire in the fireplace.
I love to stitch outdoors near the gardens and listen to the birds sing and enjoy the butterflies while the hummingbirds gather.It gives me a sense of peace and calm.My little bit of heaven.
Deception Pass, WA
I wish I could do ribbon art like this!
My dreamscape in which to work would be a solitary desert-like scape. There are lots of friendly cats species and all they want is my company, all the time. So, as I create, I’m in the company of alllll the kitties. See, they don’t complain or need much of anything from me. (Although it seems ironic, because they’d probably annoy the heck out of me chasing the ribbons…. But whatever). I love all cats and that’s that.
My dream stitching spot is on the verandah of our house, looking out over the vineyards that surround us. The ever changing seasons provide so much inspiration.
My Dreamscape spot to stitch would be in natural light on the beach looking out at the water. However, the practical Dreamscape spot is in my family room, dazor light and magnifier by my side and all my supplies beside me ready for me to stitch.
My ideal stitching spot is by a warm window overlooking the woods.
Mountain cabin. Mountain surroundings are so calming, but some music and tv would have to be available.
Gosh, it is time for the Stitcher’s Christmas already? Thank you, Mary, for your generosity!
I know it’s not what others may consider ideal, but my ideal “dreamscape” stitching spot is my favorite chair, backed by my OTT light with my stitching tools nearby, where I can settle in for some serious stitching.
I’ve been silk ribbon stitching for decades and love nothing better than stitching at my little corner of utopia, my log home in the woods and dunes near Lake Michigan, My dream site would be i Florence, Italy, city scapes, but I’ll probably never get to do that one. Sara L.
I have not tried Ribbon but seeing these lovely colors makes me want to try it. And the pictures to be enhanced would be just the thing to start with.
I love embroidery and reading about new products and techniques, my favourite place to embroider is sitting in a comfortable chair beside a very large window that has a wonderful view of the beach and ocean, with lots of natural light, the sounds of the ocean allowing the relaxing enjoyment of my craft, embroidery
Thank you
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot is the North Carolina beach sitting in a lawn chair next to a sand dune listening to the waves coming in. The spot is near the site where the Wright brothers first flew their airplane. I’ve been there twice many, many years ago and still dream of being back there.
Love stitching anywhere! The most perfect Dreamscape would have a view of the bush or the sea, with a comfy chair, great light and something to listen to while creating something beautiful with stitches and thread.
My ideal dreamscape to stitch in is a garden in early spring. Too early for roses, but the plum trees would be in all their glory. Daffodils would be nodding their approval. A lovely 68 degree day, with a cup of tea on the side table and the cat lolling in the sunshine would just about make it perfect. No smoke, no fires, no covid, no earthquakes….would round it all up.
My “Dreamscape Spot” for stitching would be to sit on the Grand Canyon West Skyscape so that I could occasionally look up and see all of the gorgeous colors nature has given us. My spot of heaven on Earth.
Thank you Mary for doing these giveaways every year, so much fun and I get lots of wishlist ideas to share with my family 😀
My dream stitching spot would be a beautiful garden so I could enjoy the flowers and birdsong while I stitched. Ideally, maybe I’d have a little screened in shelter so I wouldn’t have to deal with bugs 😀 Lots of natural light, a little stream burbling away but close enough to the house for snack and potty breaks!
My ideal “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be snuggled on the couch of a South Coast beach shack in winter with my two little ones stitching by my side!
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot would be inside Bayeux Cathedral. I would be able to imagine it as it once was hosting the Bayeux Tapestry! It’s a breathtaking place – especially at night- lit up with it’s colourful light display.
Since I began stitching, I’ve pictured the perfect place to do it: a glass-enclosed dome in the woods. I’d lay on a chaise lounge, surrounded by small tables full of supplies. And NO ONE would know where it is. 🙂
I would love to win some silk ribbons. They are almost impossible to find locally and I’d love to incorporate them into my crazy quilting.
What lovely ribbons. I’ve never tried ribbon embroidery, winning would give me a good start. Let’s see, where would I stitch. Well, I have a friend who has the most beautiful exotic garden in Boquete Panama. I’d love to stitch her flowers while sitting on her back porch watching the hummingbirds and drinking wonderful Panamanian coffee. I’m sure I’d have to stitch a few hummingbirds too.
Other than my favorite chair with my kitty next to me, my favorite stitching spot has been on the lania overlooking the beach and ocean.
I hit send accidentally, drat.
My favourite stitching spot during the day is near my family room window where I can watch the birds at the feeder…at least during the daylight!
Thanks for the contests…fun dreaming.
Love to be in Greece.
My dreamscape stitching spot would be on a beach with the sound of the surf rolling in and lots of palm trees.
My ideal stitching place would be on a beautiful sunny day next to the pool with a cabana boy bringing me a tall glass of iced tea.
Di’s website one of 5 bookmarked for years like yours. I’d dreamily manipulate ribbon embroidery amidst forest of trees on this west coast. Thanks for this holiday seasonal opportunity (& the recent jigsaw puzzle!)
My ideal stitching spot is on a patio near the lake where I grew up. I love listening to the sound of the waves and watching the birds fly overhead.
Thank you for organizing the give-aways again this year-such a fun way to count down to the holidays!
My ideal stitching spot is where ever I am stitching at the moment;) I think the Dreamscape element to that would be not being interrupted!!
Lovely ribbon! My favorite spot would be sitting on a deck overlooking the beach in Florida.
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot would be in out back yard, in the gazebo surrounded by flowers and warm sunshine
My “dreamscape” stitching spot – somewhere outdoors on a calm, warm sunny day (like today), with a tree or two to keep the sun out of my eyes, and a view of the sea or a stream. Birds singing in the trees. Fortunately I bring everything I need with me, and don’t have to stop because I’ve forgotten something important.
My ideal stitching spot is the table and chair by the sunny window in my bedroom. Memories accompany me there from stitching time that spans generations-from my grandmother, mother, siblings and even my grandchildren!
My perfect dream spot to embroidery would be outside in a screened-in porch with perfect lighting, the ability to enjoy the beautiful weather along with abig glass of iced tea. Thank you for this lovely giveaway.
My favorite place to stitch is in my recliner surrounded by my stitching supplies and my two poodles.
My favorite stitching spot would be sitting on a porch on a warm day with a gentle breeze.
I think I’d like to be stitching in a mountain meadow surrounded by flowers and family…I’m afraid my frolicking flower picking grandchildren would scare away any critters but it would be so nice to look up from my stitching and see everyone having a great time!
Oh easy, I’d love to stitch at the beach…any beautiful beach. To hear the water lapping on the shore as I sit under a nice umbrella with colorful ribbons…just peaceful to my heart.
My perfect stitching spot would be sitting on a porch, in a rocking chair, looking out at a blue ocean, with a gentle breeze blowing.
My ideal stitching spot would be on a porch looking out over a mountain stream. Fresh air and the sound of rushing water would be so relaxing.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot is a shaded comfy chair somewhere I can hear the sound of the waves lapping the shore.
It would be in my sewing studio, in a comfortable chair, with great natural lighting that can be enhanced with additional lighting. My threads and ribbons are sorted by color and stored in easily accessible drawers. This studio does not exist…yet.
Ahhh, I would be sitting in a comfortable chair, with a handy side table that held my hot cup of sweet tea , there would be a good light to illuminate my work. A fireplace with a crackling fire. I would have my beloved German Shepherd lying on the rug before me. I would even have a good book on standby for when I needed to rest my hands from needle work. and maybe some music playing softly in the background.
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot is in an old Victorian house, full of mahogany furniture, at an embroidery frame next to a window that looks out to a garden and the woods!
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot is sitting on the edge of a lovely garden, surrounded by beautiful flowers and singing birds. The lighting is perfect, all my stitching supplies are close at hand, and there are no bities (here in Australia, there are so many flying biting things). Perfect inspiration!
My dream site would be a butterfly garden.
These ribbons are absolutely beautiful! I’ve not done ribbon embroidery in a few years but these ribbons are a true inspiration!
These ribbons are scrumptious. They make me want to start stitching with ribbon again. Such beautiful printed scenes would be so much fun to stitch. Thank you for arranging this drawing and bringing beautiful items to our attention.
My dream stitching place is on a cruise ship along with lots of stitching friends and maybe a stitching teacher/designer. I two-week cruise would be wonderful.
Thank you Mary for all the blogs and advices for embroideries.
Thank you Divan for your kind offer, you indeed are the queen of ribbon embroidery. I have several of your panels and I am enjoying stitching each one of them.
My ideal stitching place is a room facing the ocean with the windows open so I can hear the waves.
If I could, I would be on the glider in the front porch of the family farmhouse. Dogs and cats at my feet, and hopefully the rest of the kids off doing something else.
My ideal embroidery dreamscape would be in a large sunroom, preferably with some company and a lake view, with some chocolate close at hand (:
What lovely give-aways! If I were to be working on ‘Dreamscape’ I would choose my backyard! It would not cost me any travelling expenses and also be covid free! I would sit around my pool area surrounded by beautiful trees for privacy – what a joy this would be! Absolute bliss!
Sitting by a fire on a snowy day.
My ideal dreamscape stitching spot would be by the water somewhere, in Summer but not too hot, sitting under a shady tree with a glass of bubbles by my side and my two besties stitching along with me. Heaven!
My dream stitching spot is my big comfy armchair in my lounge in the sunshine. I have my magniying stand handy and the dream bit would be always having everything else to hand before I sat down! like scissors and my glasses!
My “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would be overlooking a babbling brook with a hands free embroidery hoop stand, all my tools within easy reach, a comfortable chair oh and no bugs. I just love silk ribbon embroidery and Di’s ribbons are wonderful.
Those ribbons look beautiful. Have not done ribbon embroidery, but would love to try it.
My favorite place to stitch would be in a quiet cabin on a lake somewhere remote.
my dream stitching place:
In my lovely own stitching room, surrounded by books, threads and music, with food and drink delivered and no interruptions!
Thank you for your blogs all year.
I would love to stitch in a woods in England surrounded by tall ferns. The BBC PBS tv makes me drool.
Love your blog. I can stitch most anywhere as long as I have light.
My Dreamscape Stitching Spot would be curled up in a solarium overlooking an English flower garden with birds singing and bees buzzing.
My stitching dreamscape would be: to be sitting on a bench with the Mograni mountain ranges surrounding me, the sounds of birds and the rustling of the trees taking me to a peaceful time and place, although I might tend to be a little distracted while I am stitching.
Love your website. Have had much inspiration and new ideas
I’d be in a cozy cottage, in a window seat, overlooking a lush forest. I’d be surrounded by good light and snoozing kitties.
My dream location for stitching would be in a cabin in front of a fireplace with a view of a calm lake outside the window. There would be a footrest, soft music playing in the background and a covered mug of hot cocoa sitting nearby.
Omg, I wish I could do ribbon art like this!! It’s a dream of mine to have a completed project entirely of ribbon and silk. One day I hope!
My ideal stitching spot would be Jane Austin’s home. She is the one who inspired me to become a writer. I would be surrounded by the incredible gardens of Mr. Darcy’s home with Ms. Austin sitting beside me as we enjoy tea together. Total fantasy 🙂
I would gladly use these gorgous ribbon embroidery colors while sitting in a local, nationally known garden in the spring – or anytime actually. These colors astonish me with their vibrance.
My dream place to stitch would be sitting on a big slab of granite at Hermit Valley ,California which is at 10,500 feet elevation in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The location is amazing. Beautiful clear sky, the overpowering smell of pine trees, the sounds of beavers building their dam on the Mokelumne River, and not hearing one car or another human being.. Heaven!
I would sit in my favorite place-the same spot I have designated as my stitching seat. I have windows all around me. Since I live in the northeast US, and it is November, I look out my windows at the myriad of trees, ready for winter. There are conifers and deciduous trees. Those deciduous trees have given up their beautiful leaves by now, except for the Mighty Oaks, which hold on to the dead leaves until spring. We have several birdhouses, all occupied. We have heated birdbaths, so our feathered friends can always get fresh water. We have several bird feeders, too. So much to watch, as I sit and stitch. I can’t think of a more pleasant place to spend my time.
Those ribbons are luscious!
As for my dream stitching spot – I would love to be beside water, preferably a waterfall, with a lovely comfortable chair and a friend or two to stitch with.
I dream of sitting on a lovely porch overlooking a lake stitching peacefully with my dog Zena at my side.
Stitching whilst sitting on the balcony of a villa that overlooks the ocean in Italy surrounded by my two sisters Chelle and Kay and their stitching
Uh-oh. I didn’t read all the instructions when I wrote a comment just now.
My “Dreamscape” for stitching would be a cozy corner on a cruise ship. It is a pleasant place to be without housework or telephone to interrupt my stitching. Music and the scenery add to my enjoyment.
I have enjoyed stitching on cruises but right now it’s not advisable so I’m thinking of memories.
My ideal stitchy space would be on an Alaskan cruise!
I enjoy stitching either in my craft room or my new easy chair with a view of the garden and the birds twittering about. It’s nice to have my sweet Aussie nearby as well.
I am very lucky to have a verandah that attracts many native birds . It is my favourite stitching spot and I really can’t imagine a lovelier place to stitch !
My ideal stitching spot would be at a picnic table outdoors on a sunny day about 70 degrees.
My dreamscape would be in South Africa where I could sit beside Di and pick her brain! Thanks for hosting this wonderful giveaway and to the people who have such great products to share.
My absolutely best Dreamscape stitching spot would be where my sisters and myself had a week together to stitch-the actual place is secondary since we’re scattered over 3 states and haven’t seen each other for almost 3 years!
My favorite stitching place just happens to be in my sewing room with all of my supplies at hand and some good music to listen to. I have a drink of something ice cold and fruity like mango selzer water, and some dark chocolate. My Craft Optics glasses with beam are the only way I can work, so of course I have them too!
What beautiful ribbons, they are so rich in their color. My favorite stitching spot would be on our deck. I live in the woods and it is so peaceful and beautiful. Although I would like no mosquitos. Thank you for the chance. Happy Holidays.
What amazing prizes, thanks for the opportunity, Coral.
My ideal Dream Spot for stitching would be sitting on a balcony in Florida overlooking the ocean with all my threads and tools close by me.
My ideal stitching place, especially in the winter time, is my cozy armchair in my studio space with great lighting and my chosen music playing from Apple music through my iPhone.
Thank you for your wonderful content
Thank you for your wonderful content. I love to stitch in my studio
I would do my needlework in the hammock on my daughter’s lawn in Hawaii.
My dreamscape would include the sound effects of breeze in palm fronds and her wind chime.
A comfy rocker with an ottoman in front of a giant picture window looking at nature, any kind, the mountains, a forest, the beach, my backyard.
This is a light one. I really think that stitching by the fire is my favorite. However, I would need a big table to my side to spread out all my stuff. Also, a tv or iPad .
My favorite “dreamscape” spot: In a nice, shady sunroom with a soft wind blowing for fresh air. Not hard enough to blow my papers and supplies away. I fell in love with one of Di’s pieces with tons of roses and flowers on it. That is the one I would be working on!! Maybe some soft music in the back ground, watching the world go bye! Linda in NC
Oh, Boy! Oh, I hope! Oh, I want it! Wonderful giveaway!
My dreamscape stitching spot would be where I’m most content: in my recliner in my living room . Not very “dreamy” but it’s ideal for me.
Thanks to you & Mrs. Di for a wonderful opportunity.
My ideal dreamscape for stitching (during winter) would be in front of a fireplace in a comfy chair or sofa with all my supplies next to me, adequate lighting, hot cocoa on the table next to me.
I like stitching outside on my patio when the weather allows. I live in Wisconsin and my backyard has a huge shade tree over the patio with gardens near the patio.
I’d just like to pull up a beach chair in the heather and stitch away. That is what one of those little scenes brings to mind.
My dream spot at home would be outside with my family, husband and two Gordon Setters by my side. And my other dream spot would be at the home of one of my embroidery friends surrounded by a number of other embroiderers enjoying our stitching and each others company. Helping each other with our projects.
Well, after the year we’ve all had, I don’t have any problem nominating my perfect ‘Dreamscape’ location, it’s right here where I live! My little coastal village is just so beautiful… golden sands, sparkling ocean, prolific birdlife and an ever-changing vista as you look out over the sea. Wonderful.
I would be somewhere warm near the ocean sitting on a screened in deck with all my stitching supplies and threads. No winter for me if possible. Thanks for a chance to win this amazing give away.
I recently moved from California to Indiana. The top thing on my new home must have list was a large sewing studio where I could be surrounded by my “stuff” and have plenty of room to spread out and stitch. I found the perfect home with my perfect studio and really enjoy stitching there.
If I could stitch anywhere I would love to stitch in one of those cottages pictured in the dreamscapes fabrics, with Di next to me teaching me the right way to do silk ribbon embroidery. It is one of my favorite forms of stitching and I’ve done quite a bit and have several of her books. Those silks look so very yummy and the fabrics would be just so fun to stitch up.
Thankyou Mary
Those colors are lovely, I haven’t tried embroidery with ribbons yet but have been wanting to experiment. My favorite place to stitch is in my back yard on the patio, either on my swing or in a chair in the shade depending on the weather. Most peaceful place I know.
If I could choose the perfect stitch location it would be in the Sun room of some form of old home/manse. It would feature 12 foot windows arranged almost pentagonally. The central window would be set of doors opening out onto the green of an overgrown European garden bristling with petaled colour and mottling green shade.
Really, my favorite spot to stitch is on the couch with a good movie on TV. But, if we’re dreaming big it would be somewhere in the Colorado mountains with a spectacular view
My Dreamscape Stitching Spot would be sitting at a picnic table outside the door of my little cabin along the Athabasca River in Jasper, Alberta, Canada. A nice campfire burning on a sunny day enjoying a nice mug of tea while I stitch the afternoon away……. How relaxing!
My “Dreamscape” stitching spot is a simple place, but I have such pleasant memories of knitting in this location. It would be in the lodge of the Oregon Garden Resort, on a comfy couch, in front of a rock fireplace with a roaring fire. It’s made even more cozy by having coffee or tea, rain or snow falling outside, and the occasional conversation with other visitors, some who share a love of creating handmade items.
Thank you so much for this gift away opportunity, and introducing me to Di Van Niekerk! I am definitely going to enjoy exploring her shop and blog!
My ideal place to stitch is out in the warm sunshine in my yard, where I am surrounded by the woods and overlook the Columbia River.
Thank you Mary for this lovely seasonal tradition you have created!
My ideal stitching spot is right where I am, with a temperature of about 25C instead of the normal 35C! I’m surrounded by a riot of colourful threads and fabrics, ribbons and books, and a wild little garden, my dog at my feet ( or in my chair if I’m not careful!) and a feeling of gratitude to be so blessed.
I like to stitch near our fireplace in a comfy reclining chair with a bright light.
My ideal spot to stich would be sitting outside on a deck, with the waves roll up on the rocks, a warm breeze and birds singing in a warm climate.
I am new to stitching and your website is wonderful. Thank you for helping with learning new stiches. Still get a little confused while trying to mix stiches but practice makes happier stiches. Thank you again.
My dreamscape is any place with good lighting in a natural setting – a wooded area, a garden, a view of mountains or sea!
Beautiful designs in the making
My dreamscape stitching spot is being on a porch with the view of the ocean or a lake! Second best is stitching anywhere with fellow stitchers!
Right now my favorite spot to stitch is my new workroom. We moved in spring and ended up with a larger house where all the bedrooms were as big as our master bedroom in the old house. It seemed a waste to make the big master bedroom in the new house just a bedroom so it is my workroom with room for all my “works” – embroidery, knitting & crochet, sewing, weaving, drawing – plus my computer, a big table, a comfy rocker and excellent lighting.
I love using silk special spot to stitch in would be a house with a nook/room facing the ocean beach with large windows to bring the outside in, my craft supplies on shelves nearby, beautiful plants around as well and a Comfy chair to sit in. Bliss!
I enjoy stitching anywhere – but to make it my dream just fill it with family (the ones here and the missing ones) – that would be bliss.
My Dreamscape Stitching Spot would be an enclosed porch area with large windows that not only offer spectacular views of an outdoor landscape but also open and close to allow the breeze to blow through. There would be comfortable seating, great lighting, and a fireplace for warmth during the winter months. Looking out I would be able to see gorgeous flowers and plants during Spring and Summer along with beautiful Pine trees. I love the smell of Pine trees and how pretty they look with freshly fallen snow on their branches! My spot would be a place I could go to at any time of the year.
I forgot to add ,being a kiwi that lives by the sea there us no better place to stitch and keep in youth with the world online
I’d love to stitch in a room filled with natural light, looking out over the ocean. So relaxing and inspirational.
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you? My ideal spot would have excellent lighting, a comfortable chair with a footstool, and a cool drink.
Recently I learned about her and her beautiful ribbons, etc. The colors are yummy and would be a terrific addition to my stash. Thank you for providing the links.
My ideal stitching spot is;
at a big table, looking out on a little flower garden with a few active year round bird feeders. The hardwood floors make it easy to find dropped supplies. The soft green walls offer a tranquil background and the nearby fireplace burns gently to keep my ‘ol feet warm.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be sitting in the big metal lawn chairs(the ones that were only for the grownups) with my grandmother under the large oak trees her backyard. I first learned to stitch along side her when I was still a preschooler. I am fortunate to have several of her projects. Seeing them in my home always keeps her memory present.
Thanks for all you do for the stitching community. I love being a part of it.
My dream stitching place is at our cottage on a lake. It’s quiet and so pretty and inspiring. My second place to stitch is with friends either in person or online. We have a small group that gets together each month and it’s very fun.
My ideal stitching spot would be sitting on my covered front porch overlooking the ocean on a beautiful day.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be from the second story covered deck of my newly purchased beachfront house, watching and listening to the ocean. Ahhh, that would be heaven on earth!
I would love to be stitching in Hawaii, in a nice courtyard surrounded by all sorts of tropical flowers.
My ideal stitching spot would be a quiet sunny yard with plenty of shade if I needed it. There would be a fountain, two cats, flowers and a comfortable chair (just right for long stitching sessions), a table and needlework stand to hold all my gear.
I love to pick up my needle and thread in the afternoon. This time of year offers much in line for a creative atmosphere. I take tea on my deck and set up whatever I need for stitching, keeping it simple. The sun is at a perfect angle for good light. Birds are busy preparing for evening. Children are more likely to be active outside at this time. Neighborhood folks walk past with an end of day greeting. All these parts of my “span of time sewing” give me a very, very enjoyable feeling making this easily a favorite part of my day!
My dream work space would have a comfy chair with a work table that has leaves that fold down when bot needed. Big windows for lots of light.
My ideal stitching place – comfortable chair, table with everything I need for the current project and a view of the ocean where I can hear the ebb and flow of the water. Also good lighting and magnification.
My daughter and I tried ribbon embroidery last year. These ribbons make my fingers itch to do more
These ribbons make my fingers itch to do more
These ribbons make my fingers itch. I would take them and curl up in my dreamspace – a big comfy chair where I can look out on the woods next to the house and watch the seasons change.
My dream place to stitch is my home in front of the fire with a snowstorm raging outside. Thank you for this giveaway.
Eileen Gualberto
My ideal stitching spot is anywhere I can have my magnifier, stand and tools – love settling into my comfy chair at home after a long day …
This is a fun way to start December each year ! Love Di’s books and projects…
A dream spot to stitch would be a cottage on a lake. Summers the stitching would happen on the dock or covered porch while listening to songbirds & loons. Winter stitching would be seated in a comfy rocker in a bay window for lots of light while a fireplace crackles nearby. Of course there would be plenty of supplies within easy reach, & great lighting for evening stitch sessions as well as a wonderful sound system to listen to audio books & music when needed.
My comfy spot is the corner of our couch with my project spread out, a good audio book playing and a hot cup of tea with honey next to me.
My ideal stitching spot would be somewhere of historical significants. Such as Hampton Court Palace or the Biltmore estate in NC my home state.
Thank you,
I have loved Di’s work for several years and she keeps adding more to her website. I am happy she now sells her ribbon so when I purchase some it is the correct ribbon to be used. There are many websites that offer ribbon but from her I know I will be getting quality silk ribbon.
A relaxing place with a cup of hot tea, with natural green field, I found this in one of the outside garden when I stayed in a hotel in Greece. It would be perfect when my three little kitties are with me as well.
What a special opportunity! My dreamscape stitching spot is outside in a comfy chair surrounded by sweet smelling Hawaiian flora with the ocean in view.
Ribbon adds just that little texture and dimension to embroidery.
My dreamscape stitching spot would be in a warm, dry, sunny, ocean side location under a sun umbrella with food and drink served to me. I could stitch, snooze, stitch some more, and then maybe have a quick dip in the ocean to cool off to stitch some more.
If I could do needlework anywhere in the world, it would be ensconced in a buttercream-yellow, flowery chintz, oversized chair with matching footstool in a cozy window nook in the morning room of a French country chateau. Gorgeous daylight would be streaming in over my shoulder and a soft breeze ruffling the petals of a large arrangement of multicolored delphiniums on a console table nearby. A lovely side table on my right would hold my petite embroidery scissors and luscious threads; to the left, a tea table holding my floral china coffee pot and steaming cup would be just within reach, so as not to threaten my stitchery (I’d be ever so careful!) My darling French poodle girl, Poppyseed, would be snoozing nearby, enjoying the warm sunlight and sweet and spicy fragrances of the garden blooms just outside the morning room. I’d plan to stitch for an hour, and then we’d both arise, stretch, and stroll outside through the open French doors for a refreshing break before returning to stitch for another hour. Bliss….
G’day there Mary, and thank you, sponsors too,
Over looking a quiet beach, close enough to hear the surf but well sheltered, preferably a partly closed in verandah.
Cheers, Kath.
Hi Mary, My ideal spot would be anywhere there is peace and quiet! No phones or other interruptions and the mental space to be creative.
Have a lovely weekend 🙂
My dreamscape embroidery place is on a summer house porch overlooking the ocean. I’m sitting on a wicker love seat with an overstuffed cushion. There are flowers hanging between each post and my dog soaking up the sun. I have a glass of iced tea by my side and a basket of beautifully colored silk ribbons beckoning to be threaded. I am at total peace.
Such beautiful pieces of embroidery. Love the colors of ribbon!!!
My favorite stitching spot is by the fireplace, on a chilly night, fire going, mug of coffee nearby!
My dreamscape would be in a cozy room in an old library of a stately English home with either the rain falling or snow drifting down outside.
My dream spot for stitching would be under a palm tree on a beautiful beach in Hawaii.
I would be so happy to sit and stitch in an old castles courtyard. If I can’t have that, I’d sit in a flower garden surrounded by colour for inspiration. Anyone ever read the Secret Garden as a kid? That garden. I think I’d surround myself with some hot tea, my favourite reference books and a cozy chair. Viola, stitching happiness.
My ideal spot would be near the ocean surrounded by family.
my ideal dreamscape to stitch in would be someplace with the most comfortable chair, some good podcasts to listen to, and the very best lighting ever to be found!! The rest is unimportant to me!
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you?
Not fancy, but a motel in Saugatuck, Michigan. I went with two girlfriends. I drove. I had brought my current stitching project. They wanted to go to the beach, and I didn’t feel like it, so gave them my car keys. I spent about four hours stitching and listening to classical music on the radio. There was a screen door, so I could enjoy the weather and hear the kids playing in the pool. That must have been 20 years ago and I still remember it.
If I could stitch anywhere, it be in a warm comfy room in my comfy chair surroiunded by my family.
I don’t think it gets any better than sitting out on my patio this time of year and stitching until the sun sets in all its glory in Arizona this time of year.
What gorgeous ribbons! I would stich on my verandah with a view of Lake Malawi and a cup of coffee
My ideal spot to stitch is a comfortable chair, good light, fine music in the background and my cats purring nearby.
My Dreamscape stitching spot would be to move my current sunroom to the Rocky Mountains with a beautiful snowcapped mountain in the distance and in the foreground a lovely lake with lots of wildlife.
My dream spot would have a comfy chair with a cabinet next to me with every color thread under the rainbow. It would be next to a big picture window with lots of natural light
My favorite stitching spot is in front of the fireplace.
Silk ribbons have the loveliest colors. The pictures made with them by Di van Niekerk are wonderful.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot is sitting beside a river in a beautiful wild area.
My stitching dreamscape is on the beach in The Maldives. I am on a comfortable lounger with the fronds of a palm tree overhead, tiny crabs scuttling across the white sands, baby reef sharks in the shallows of the lagoon. I have a Mai Tai on a table at my side and my stitching project in hand.
Dear Mary,
Thank you for running another Stitcher’s Christmas series this year. It is as exciting as going to the fair with each give-away awaited with great anticipation. We also get to hear again about the small needlework businesses that support and make our passion with needle and thread possible.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot depends on the season, but always in a comfortable chair, with a good cup of tea, and in reflective solitude, as I like to concentrate on my stitching and not talk.
If I could stitch anywhere in the world it would still be where I am most relaxed, at home, in comfortable clothes and familiar surrounding. In the heat of summer my favourite spot is on the cool verandah or under a shady tree in the garden, in spring and autumn it is by a sunny window, and in winter, definitely by the heater – since this is our dream spot, I’ll make that by an open fire place (now that would be wonderful!!!).
Best regards
My stitching dreamscape would be a really comfy chair with glorious natural sunlight all around and no distractions – just stitching to my heart’s content.
My ideal stitching site is next to the river under the shade of a lovely tree, looking up every now and again to watch my husband fly fishing!
I absolutely love the colours; they are gorgeous. Love Di’s fabric prints, too – plenty of scope for embroidering.
Deep in a karri forest in the southwest of Western Australia, sitting by a tiny stream
with maidenhair fern along its edges: karri is the second tallest tree in the world and they are majestic to behold.
If only I could, I would stitch on an old bench overlooking the Ammersee in Bavaria on a beautiful summer day. My husband would be with me, and we could watch our grandchildren sail across the lake. Then our friends would join us with some wine and cheese. Lacking that, I’d just stitch on my patio on a gorgeous Houston November day. My husband is there, my grandchildren are in the Jacuzzi, and my family and friends will stop by later for cheese and wine.
Mary, these are so wonderful- esp the bright colors! I just started using ribbon on a project & though I’m not great at it, I LOVE it! The ribbon has all sorts of strange things one can do. I’m waiting for an opportunity to us w beads! Maybe line up a bunch of size 8 seed beads on a line with holes open to the line and sewn on w matching C-Lon. Then one can run ribbons through them! It’s unconventional in my weird way, but still looks awesome for a strong line. It might work on a monogram with long straight lines like M,W,X Z F H L…
My dream place to stitch would be in a glassed in sunroom with a view of the sandy beach…. inside so the wind doesn’t steal my supplies 🙂 and a view of a beach because the waves are always different, and the sound is so relaxing.
I would like to set up a stitching spot next to a mountain lake. Trees, sunlight, glittering blue water, wildflowers, little critters….
On of those old fashioned window sills you could actually sit on, like on a bench. Then some light and a built-in heater for under the bench … perfect for winter.
Good day
Thank you for the opportunity to participate.
My “Dreamscape” stitching spot would be under a huge shady oak tree in a beautiful garden, full of colourful flowers for inspiration, listening to birds chirping. Oh, and with a pot of tea and a stitching friend to chat with whilst stitching…. bliss!
I have been interested in ribbon embroidery for some time. The miniatures seem like the perfect project to learn how to do ribbon embroidery.
I forgot to mention my dreamscape place to embroidery….. it is simply doing it anywhere with my loved ones,❤️
Each summer I stitch at a small lake in the UP of Michigan surrounded by trees and water. Serenity!
My ideal stitching spot is my patio, just feet from the lake, with my cats prowling and the Belted Kingfisher scolding.
If my entry isn’t drawn, I plan to visit Di’s website and, perhaps, purchase one of her inspiring preprinted backgrounds. I really need motivation to develop my silk ribbon stitching skills.
My dream stitching spot would be sitting in an outdoor patio overlooking a flower garden 🙂
My Dreamscape Stitching spot would be a treetop craft cabin, high among the trees, with a clearing overlooking a field of flowers, a waterfall and river in the distance and animals roaming free. Of course my dog Java would be joining me along with a group of stitchy friends to enjoy ‘stitching in the tree tops’.
My dream spot for sewing would be in the little walled garden of the home in Poitiers where I lived as a student. Beautifully cared for by two elderly sisters who became my French Aunties. The love and affection I felt when so far away from home, sheltered in that garden, remains my dream spot.
My ideal Dreamscape stitching spot is behind a picture window overlooking a lake with views of trees. Water and trees are each restful so together would be bliss and inspirational to actually do some stitching.
I think I would love to stitch at the beach, with the waves lapping, the sun shining with a beautiful beverage and under an umbrella. However, my cozy spot is in front of the fireplace with a warm drink and Christmas tree all a glow❤️.
Sitting on a patio of a private villa overlooking the hills of Tuscany
Hi Mary! What a great giveaway! My dream spot would be a cosy cottage, with nature to inspire me outside, and a nice cup of tea!
Gorgeous ribbons!
I would like to stitch on the beach in Leland Co. Michigan (but only in summer)
My ideal stitching spot is our main living room, it looks out to a sheltered paved courtyard, with a banksia rose on one wall of the courtyard and a pale blue potato vine on the other, with a standard rose in a pot on each side of the gate….hmmm 🙂 bliss.
Describe your ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot. If you could stitch anywhere, where would it be and what would surround you?
In a cozy armchair by a fire. My dogs at my feet.
There are so many ideal DREAMSCAPE stitching spots I could think of but the one that seems the most inviting place at the time would be a small island with a lighthouse a few miles from my house. The lighthouse was never used for its purpose of lighting the way for boats but stands elegantly against the beautiful blue sky. The little island is such a calming place with many trees and other foliage. Recently a new bridge was installed from the mainland so one can access the island safely including wildlife such as deer and others.
I would go there taking all my embroidery essentials and a good comfortable chair and pick a spot in the shadow of the lighthouse. I would listen to the calm and imagine in the day what it would have been like to come ashore on this little piece of Heaven.
My first project there of course would be the lighthouse and I can imagine it with beautiful ribbon embroidery.
I love the island it calls to me and invites me to venture and create.
A crackling fireplace, snow falling outside, and a cup of hot chocolate beside me…that is how I would like to stitch!
That’s mine too!!
Thank you so much doing giveaways! It’s such fun.
My ideal stitching spot would be looking out the window at a beautiful view of water while a roaring fire burns in the fireplace..
Happy stitching!
My dream spot would be anywhere comfortable with great light, provided that my family (and especially my grandkids) are in the same place.
These are beautiful! I love stitching by a big bright window. It’s a good way to keep the imagination active while stitching.
Beautiful colors.
My dream setting is beside our lovely little pond. It is secluded and yet very lively with blue birds, ducks, herons, deer and even the occasional bear.
Happy Holidays to All!
These threads are absolutely gorgeous! I would choose to stitch in a garden surrounded by beautiful blooms. The location isn’t important, as I seek out public gardens wherever I travel and have found wonderful ones in many places.
This summer I got to stitch on the second floor of a lake side boat building (it housed the boat rentals and community offices) — it was so nice to hear the chatter of families – watch them go out on canoes and paddle boats — while sitting in a rocking chair and stitching. There were no bugs and there was a nice breeze. It was just lovely.
Dreamscape place to embroider… Mine is pretty basic: a comfortable rocker-recliner chair, excellent lighting, a (humongous) cup of tea or coffee, and, most importantly, surrounded by a group of friends and acquaintances who are likewise embroidering and chatting merrily about everything!
Oo! How lovely!
My perfect stitching scene would be beside moving water, shaded but well-lit, and my coffee cup stays hot and full.
Ideal stitching spot would be a nice cozy library with a fireplace and a nice view of the outside.
My dreamscape is a living room of comfortable places to sit with a fire going and atleast 3 friends with a raging rain storm out side the picture window
I would love to be in Glacier National Park in the Valley of the horses near Many Glacier Hotel. I think that describes what I would see.
I love the colors of the embroidery ribbon!
My fantasy is stitching and embellishing while sitting in a comfy
chair on the beach. The colors and the light that surround me inspire my handwork!
My ideal dreamscape for stitching is with a few friends in a public setting where other people can watch and comment on what we are doing. Watching others stitching is a good way to interest other people in getting involved in a stitching project.
My idea spot would be in a bright room with lots of windows over looking at lake in the mountains in a comfy chair surrounded by all of my embroidery supplies with an extra comfy chair for my hubby.
My favourite spot to stitch is on my deck at our summer house in PEI Canada watching the fishing boats going in and out of New London Bay.
My favorite place to stitch is on the veranda with a Cuppa. Well, and my doggies, of course.
My Dreamscape stitching spot would be in a recliner in front of a roaring fire in a room with large windows so I can see outside. I would have a glass of something special on the end table and my dog curled up beside me. Hubby would be in a matching recliner listening to music.
My dream stitching spot would be any quiet spot near an open window so that I could listen to the birds singing outside.
My Dreamscape would be sitting on the beach in a lovely beach chair, under an umbrella with 2-3 different embroidery projects close by. I would embroider to my heart’s content listening to the sound of the ocean while my husband did his favorite sport, body surfing. Oh yes, there would be someone to bring me an occasional cool glass of watermelon or cucumber water.
It would be great if my stitching situation was inside with great light, a comfortable easy chair with a footstool and a side table for my stitching supplies. This should be at the shore with the sand beach for some quick exercise and the sound of the ocean through open windows to calm the spirit.
I have stitched in many places but my favourite is my solarium. The natural light and comfort is the best. I can stitch, look at the flowers (or snow in winter), and watch the birds.
Thanks so much for the excitement of a give away. My perfect spot would be an autumn day on the deck of a vacation cabin beside a mountain lake that has a backdrop of autumn leafed trees. A glass of iced tea beside me and the homey sounds of my gourmet cook preparing a wonderful luncheon and snacks for afternoon tea. As long as I’m dreaming, I thought the cook was a good touch.
I love these ribbons!! Would love to use them in my designs!!!! Thanks
I look forward to receiving your emails . They inspire me and make me want to try everything.
I’d like to think I can pick up my needle and thread almost anywhere. I have a sewing room with a lovely view of the river. Everything I need is close by. I am very much a homebody. I sometimes wish I had a person to deliver lunch or coffee. Thank you Mary for your lovely work.
My perfect stitching spot would have excellent lighting, a table near by with all my supplies, and a comfortable chair.
Beautiful treasures!
My dreamscape stitching spot would be a cabin up in the mountain of Colorado, in front of a fire, when it’s snowing outside. Plus, I have a nice cup of chocolate milk with marshmallows. Breakfast is being cooked by my husband in the kitchen and I have a huge pictures window to watch the snowfall with a view of the Rocky Mountains.
I would chose a cabin in the mountains in North Carolina in the fall. A roaring fire in the fire pit, a cup of tea, and the sounds of my family nearby!
If I could stitch anywhere in the world it would be home ️. Earlier this year I contacted Gillian Barre and have spent 7 months in hospital. I am now just home after complications and have not yet been able to stitch again. I know I will and it will be while sitting out in my garden under my beautiful big gum tree.
I love Di’s work and products and have been following her for years. I have done 3 of her large panels and have 2 in the waiting queue. Her silk ribbon is luceous.
My ideal place to stitch is anywhere with my stitching friends whom I miss so much! Having just had to cancel another trip with my friends because of the new COVID variant I am hoping the new year brings many safe opportunities to get together, maskless of course.
If I could stitch anywhere, it would be on the porch (with a roof) of an ocean side cottage in Maine facing the sea. A light breeze to keep the bugs away would be good too!
Ideal spot often depends on what type of embroidery I am doing. Probably my most favorite is in a class – at a table – with other people around who are also happily stitching, chatting, and smiling!! Happy Times!
I love her ribbons and projects
My “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would definitely be a cabin in a clearing in the woods. The clearing is useful because stitching is easier with some nice sunlight!
I really look forward to getting into ribbon embroidery next year. I have so many ideas!
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would be on the porch in a cabin in the hills, with sunny blue skies, vibant green trees, and burbling brooks nearby!!
My favorite spot to stitch is by a waterfall in the mountains. It need not be a large waterfall just as long as I can hear the water.
Donna G
My ideal stitching spot would be out on my deck listening to the birds on a nice summer day or on the deck of a place to over look the water!
My dream stitching spot would be on the back deck of a cabin on an Applachian mountaintop overlooking a river. The cabin would sit right on the ridge, and the deck would be raised on stilts above the drop of the mountainside. In the spring, rhododendrons and redbuds would fill the landscape with beautiful colors, then fade into the lush greens of summer. Brilliant fall color would paint the view into a masterpiece, and then the cold, crisp white of winter snow would take over, showcasing the green pines and icy rocks below as we scoot closer to the firepit for warmth. I’d sit in my comfortable rocking chair, listening to the sounds of birds and the rushing river below as I create my own needlework masterpiece. My husband would sit beside me creating his digital paintings, and we’d breathe the air together in peace and joy. That’s my Dreamscape. 🙂
I love the stunning colors!! My dreamscape is the patio of my mother’s condo in Florida. She has a wonderful ocean view with flowers all over on her patio. The ribbon colors remind me of all her wonderful flowers. Sitting on this patio stitching with my mom would be my ideal dreamscape.
My ideal spot would be just an arm chair by a fireplace and a large window. Warm, cozy, and plenty of natural light.
Love Di’s Facebook posts. She shows kits, stitches, all beautiful things!
Love your precise stitching, helpful hints, and tutorials. You are an inspiration to us beginners. It is so fun to see threads and embellishments to make projects even more interesting.
Someplace warm with a beach and a great view! But also happy just stitching in my sunroom on a nice sunny day.
In my craft room, in the glider chair by the sunny window, with tea by my side and an audiobook playing.
I was so excited about this first giveaway as I just started learning silk ribbon embroidery and I love it! My dreamscape stitching spot would be at a particular campsite at Steamboat Rock State Park. This site overlooks the reservoir and the big rock hill behind it. Throughout the day you can watch the rock change hues as the sun moves across the sky. The end of the site is lined with tall, tall birch trees and it is so relaxing when a gentle breeze rustles the leaves. It’s my happy place!
My dream spot to use the beautiful
silk ribbon would be on a screened in porch… either by the sea or in the Shenandoah mountains!
Silk ribbon is my all time favorite thing to use to free form embroider!
My dream stitching spot is any place I can have supplies and references nearby. I also love having the company of fellow crafters to share and learn. Thank you for your inspiration!
What magnificent rainbow colors -very inspirational.
I would love to stitch my dreamscapes by the sea.
I would stitch on a porch overlooking the ocean.
My Dreamscape would be the Cotswolds in England where my husband and I honeymooned. It is very romantic with it’s cobbled streets, thatched rooves, a very beautiful landscape. We would be surrounded by family and friends in the UK that we haven’t seen for 2 years due to covid.
My ideal dreamscape stitching place would be in my Carolina room watching the dolphins in the river while stitching with my daughters! Cannot imagine anything any better!
It’s difficult to decide on my dreamscape but the biggest part me would choose middle creek wildlife preserve on the top of the stone mill trail, it overlooks natural forests and the large creek while being surrounded by plants and wildlife native to eastern Pennsylvania and of course the creek
My ideal stitch spot is in front of my fireplace . I would have classical music playing. In summer, I love stitching on my covered porch listening to birdsong and smelling the fragrances of the flowers.
My favorite place to stitch is on my lanai in Florida. We are fortunate to have a special place for the winter months and I find it very peaceful to sit and relax over my very favorite thing to do!!
My ideal stitching spot would be sitting in an Adirondack chair on the rocky coastline of Maine surrounded by seagulls and the Atlantic Ocean.
My ideal space to stich would be in a gazebo in a garden. It would have to have screens though to keep pesky bugs out and be in the mid 70s. I’d want lilacs and peonies and roses in bloom as well a apple trees and citrus trees so it would smell good too.
If I could choose anywhere to do my embroidery it would be a quiet snowed-in cabin in the mountains somewhere , with nothing else that needs doing and no where to go for multiple days, just a cozy chair with some of my favorite hot tea, in front of a fire with mystery audiobook playing!
I would love to stitch with these gorgeous threads!
My ideal stitching spot would be my porch in the San Juan range of the Colorado Rockies where I used to live. Views of mountains, high meadows, forests of spruce and aspen, the strikingly blue sky. I would be stitching that view.
If I could stitch anywhere, my dream would be with a couple or all of my stitching friends again. A beach would be nice but the main part would be all of us together again without covid.
My ideal “Dreamscape” Stitching Spot would be somewhere warm near water – could be a river, a stream, lake or ocean, I’m just so happy around water. Surrounding me would be family having fun outdoors, and sharing meals together. Optimally – one or two of them stitching too….and don’t forget a nice glass of wine ;).
This is so beautiful. A crafter would love to win this. I hope whom ever does, really enjoys it!
Any place I can stitch surrounded by color is my choice for a place to “play.”
I love van Niekerk’s ribbons, and while I don’t like working on pictures (I like to do my own silk ribbon designs), I love silk ribbon colors. I hope that is a polite way to say thank you for the giveaways, but if you select my name for the pictures to be embroidered, I suggest you skip me in favor of someone who would appreciate the pictures more.
Glad your eyes are doing better. I hope the appreciation (perception?) of color gets even better over time.
My Dreamscape stitching spot would be the patio of a cozy cottage overlooking the ocean perhaps in Ireland or Scotland surrounded by a comfortable chair, a lap blanket and a pot of tea!
My #1 favorite stitching spot is my home. Good chair, good light, all tools nearby with favorite movie on and a treasured project-in-progress in front of me.
Thank you, Mary! for your continued support of our stitching community!