We have arrived at 2022! Hip, hip hooray!
At the end of last week, as I prepared for this week, I was musing about what image I’d use to kick off the year here on Needle ‘n Thread. I thought a stellar composite of past and future embroidery projects would be Just The Thing.
But it just never came together.
I wasn’t feelin’ it.
Then, this morning, as I was contemplating the day in my head, I thought of my view. I thought of it literally and figuratively. So here’s a typical morning view of mine – my favorite morning view – that heralds the day here in Kansas.

Normally, I look forward to the new day. I love dawn, rosy fingers and all. It’s a peaceful, calm – and yet brilliant – time of day. It’s when my brain works best. I’m definitely a morning person.
And if I like dawn, you can imagine how much more I like the beginning of a new year!
It’s dawn x 365, all rolled into one concentrated moment of expectation, hope, wonder, determination, and resolve. And even if I know these things may likely fizzle a bit (we are human, after all), I love the fresh view of a New Year!
Stitch Snippets for 2022
This year, I’ll be introducing a new series on Needle ‘n Thread, called Stitch Snippets! I can’t wait to tell you more about it and to launch the first Snippet.
These are small projects. They’re not projects that will take a year to work, or even a month. They’re projects that can be managed in much smaller amounts of time. And they range from finished, more elaborate little things to simpler little project with simple finishing ideas. Their purpose will be to share tips & techniques while exploring different types of embroidery, and sometimes to open up possibilities for dabbling with fun or different materials and supplies.
Like last year’s series on How to Embroider (Blank) – which covered five different embroidery projects over the course of the year – the whole Stitch Snippets series will develop here on the blog so that you can follow along with the projects.
For Needle ‘n Thread members over on my Patreon page, I’ll be making the series available in PDF downloads for ease of printing and saving.
In some cases, small materials kits will be available. When these kits are available, they will contain “snippets” of supplies. That is, enough to work the project, while avoiding the cost of full spools and skeins. On some projects, I’ll even be able to use fabric remnants in order to keep the cost for you extra-manageable.
The first three snippets are planned and almost ready, so the first one will launch in January. I’ll let you know ahead of time when it’s coming and what you can expect!
Bespoke Work
I don’t normally do bespoke work for a number of reasons (which I might discuss in detail some day), but occasionally, I will take up a custom job, especially if it excites me and I consider it worthwhile on a number of levels, none of which are financially related.
This year, I’ve taken on a very exciting custom project that I will share with you as it moves forward. The details are still in the works, but my plan is to take you through the whole Nitty Gritty of custom work, from design, to sourcing materials, to stitching, to finishing.
You probably won’t be surprised to hear that it’s ecclesiastical embroidery, since that’s my Thing. I’ll be sharing tips, techniques, pitfalls, trouble-shooting, and more as the project develops.
Other Projects
This year, you’ll also see a few goodies materialize out on the website!
For example, I’ll be re-releasing some Leafy Tree kits.
I’ll be launching Jacobean Sea as a kit.
The instructional materials for Key to My Heart – plus a floche thread pack – will be available in the not-too-distant future!
There’s a goldwork kit in the wings for you, too.
And there are some other projects that will come out this year, too – like the Summer Wheels projects I started last year.
And More!
In 2022, you’ll see a slow expansion of some retail offerings on the website. Think of them as a curated collection of tools, supplies, books, and materials, that I’ll be adding a tiny bit at a time. Because I think they’re worthwhile and I’ve gleaned satisfaction from them, I want to make them easily available for you, too. They’re worth sharing!
I’m also working on some new instructional content in general embroidery practices, which will drip out slowly over the year.
Let’s Get Going!
Lots to look forward to for 2022!
I’m so grateful and happy to have you along with me as we continue our needlework journeys. I’m hoping that your 2022 is full of abundant blessings! If you had a rough 2021 (admittedly, mine was a shocker…), may 2022 be above and beyond better for you!
Onward and Upward, my friends!
Happy New Year!
Your innovations for 2022 sound wonderful! I can hardly wait!!! I especially love the smaller projects (time! always short on time! especially since I’m doing my own projects in addition) for a chance to learn while creating within a manageable time frame.
Hip Hip Hooray, from Hoop Hoop Hooray!
Warm wishes for 2022!
Mary, 2021 was a difficult year but through it your blog posts were always a bright spot that I looked forward to! Thank you for them. I look forward to everything you write about in 2022 and hope your 2022 is full of blessings. I hope your vision will be fully on the mend and all your surgeries over and healed perfectly, and your family safe and well.
Happy New Year!! I love hearing about your plans. I’m wondering if you will do anything that’s a little more free form? I guess what I have in mind is something a bit more like crazy quilting on some cool fabrics. But that’s probably more at my lowly skill level than your much more elevated ability.
Hi, Mona – Well, Crazy Quilting is not really my Thing. It’s a definite “project” approach to stitching, and if one doesn’t make Crazy Quilts, then it’s hard to get into Crazy Quilting. I did dabble with it for a while, but the fact is, I had the worst time ever trying to assemble CQ blocks. I’m just not that great when it comes to sewing … though I am getting better at it. One thing that I notice about tried-and-true CQ-ers is that they have a fabulous fabric stash, too. Two things prohibit me from stashing quantities of fabric: 1. space; 2. funds. So I don’t really have the foundation for pursuing much in the way of CQ-ing. I love seeing Crazy Quilts, and I love exploring the embellishments used on Crazy Quilts, but I don’t know that it will ever be my Thing. Never say never, though! LOL!
I just want to wish you well in all your endeavours for 2022. May you be richly blessed and experience good health. Over the years you taught me such a lot. You are one of those rare people who has the knack to explain everything so informatively, and your video stitch library is excellent. I just looked it up, l joined your blog on 7/24/09, neary 13 years ago! Where has the time gone? Thank you for what you have done for the embroidery community. Whenever there is a question about embroidery by others, your page and blog are always the two I will refer them to. Mary you are the best.
Lots of love. Elza from Cape Town.
Thanks so much, Elza! Wow – thirteen years is a Loooong Time… even though right now, it seems pretty short, doesn’t it? Thanks so much for hanging around with me! 🙂
I hope 2022 brings you all that you need, and then some! Happy New Year, Elza!
Happy New Year Mary! I’m looking forward to whatever you do, it is always impressive.
Yay! I’m so glad you are back – I’ve missed you over the holidays but know that you needed a break, too! Your lineup of excitement in 2022 is – well – exciting. The stitch snippets sound right up my alley and I like that there will be finishing details as that is one of my great failings. I guess I love the process of things more than the finishing – doing more than done. Welcome to 2022 to you all all that love Needle ‘N Thread.
Happy New Year Mary! You are a true much-needed inspiration for me. When the pains and difficulties of life try to sidetrack me, I read your encouraging words and find myself. God bless you this year.
Karole in bluebonnet Texas
Hello Mary
Happy New Year to all of us!!!!
I’m looking forward to waiting for your new designs for 2022. I think smaller embroideries are great as we start and finish fast!!!!
May 2022 come with its news.
A big and “warm” hug from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
And a Happy, Healthy 2022 to you and all your readers! Stitch Snippets is a wonderful idea – I’m sure I’m not the only one who finds it easier to learn a technique in context.
Dear Mary
Wishing you a very Happy New Year and may this New year be full of hope and peace. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a good rest. I like the photo above lovely winter morning photo. I’m looking forward to the new snippet series they sound really interesting and can’t wait for the tips and techniques that you will be introducing with the projects. 2022 looks very exciting with all the added projects and other offerings I really look forward to sharing with you in 2022 a journey of needlework fun. Thank you for sharing with us the contents of 2022 it sounds exciting.
Regards Anita Simmance
The first post of 2022 sounds wonderfully delicious. Thanks Mary. And wishing u and ur fmly a very blessed new year. Yes, last year was a very dangerous and disastrous year for me and I hope this year wish will a miracle. Take care. Love u and this site always.
Belle et heureuse année 2022.Merci pour tous vos conseils et vos jolies réalisations .
Sounds like 2022 is going to be great. Thank you for everything you do for us.
I’m looking forward to your projects this year. I hope your 2022 is as pretty as that sunrise photo.
I sure hope yours is way at the top this year after last year Mary. I would even give you a little of my own to if I could. Thank you for ALL the lessons last year, specially on leaves and and sharp points. I still do mostly applqiue but I like to add some embroidery to most of them. Looking forward to travelling with you again this year. Cheers Glenda Cairns Australia.
Thanks so much, Glenda! Happy New Year!
I’m so glad I found you while I was searching the web for directions on how to set up a wood slate frame. I’m just beginning to work on a double door casket Cabinet of Curiosities class. I have a feeling following you will be a very nice add-on as I work on my casket.
Oh yes! That’s a wonderful project – how fun! What a great project to look forward to building throughout the year, too. I hope you enjoy it! Welcome aboard, Barbara!
My copy of Inspirations Pinchushions arrived faster than I had any right to expect!!! I thought the photos of the pincushions were really very pretty before I bought the book, but they are simply outstanding in the book itself! And the templates. and lists of material and clear instructions will make using this book so easy!
What is the best way to launder a piece with Silk threads?
It depends. That’s not something I’d normally advise on unless I could actually see the piece. But for starters, don’t use hot water or steam! And avoid any OXY products!