
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Cornflowers – Embroidery Finished & Coming Soon!


Amazon Books

Do you ever get so excited about an embroidery project that it is constantly on your mind? That you’re always looking forward to your next encounter with it?

Do you find yourself, in those daydream moments throughout the day, imagining your next stitching session when you can immerse yourself in your needlework and let the world go by?

I love projects like that!

These cornflowers are that kind of project for me. And I’m so excited about them – and about what they will become – that I can’t help ending the week by sharing the finished embroidery with you!

I’ll also tell you what you can expect, timing-wise, with our next Stitch Snippet Stitch-Along, which features these very cornflowers.

Cornflower Embroidery Project

I mentioned before that these cornflowers are going to be finished into something – and it is! The finish will be revealed the day we announce the launching time for the stitch-along kit.

I hope this will happen mid-week next week. I’m awaiting the arrival of some little buttons from France. Once they get here (the package is due today, but I’m not absolutely sure about that – the tracking information is hazy), we’re good to go!

So, the plan is this: if the buttons arrive today, the kits should be ready by the end of next week and I’ll be able to share all the juicy details then, as well as the kits. Then the stitch-along will start about a week later.

Cornflower Embroidery Project

This is a small piece – only about 5″ square. The flowers are done in a kind of modified long-and-short stitch, making them very accessible for beginners and very quick to work no matter what your stitching experience.

The finishing process on this project is simple, too. It’s just a matter of sewing four seams and turning the fabric inside out.

There’s really nothing better than a project that involves beautiful embroidery and simple finishing, is there?

More to come! Suffice it to say, I’m excited about this project, and I hope you are, too! I hope you can join in on the stitch along – which, if all goes well, will be underway in about two weeks! Hurray!!

Coming Up

Here in the States, it’s Memorial Day weekend, which usually heralds in the beginning of summer. Here in Kansas, though, summer kicked in a while ago. To wit, I already have green tomatoes on my vines. (!)

My publishing schedule for the next week and a half might be off a little bit. Besides finishing up the kits and attending some events over the holiday weekend, we have a family wedding next weekend, with folks coming in from out of town and the big hoopla and hullabaloo that always goes along with these major events. It’s also the last week of school, graduation, and all the attending excitement that goes along with that. When it rains…

Still, I will do my best to finish preparing a couple interesting bits for you to share here on the blog. I’m toying with some wools, and I still have some beautiful new linens to show you, plus another studio project underway.

Books Available!

For those who have been waiting for them, Elisabetta Sforza’s beautiful embroidery books from Italy are available again in my shop.

All of Guiliana Buonpadre’s lovely books will be in stock again soon – the shipments are starting to trickle in now. Keep an eye out on the shop if you’ve been awaiting any of those.

We also have a few damaged books in stock again – The Art of Bead Embroidery and Life in Seasons – if you want to check out our damaged books listing. These are books that sustained some damage in shipping, that we sell at a notable discount. Please read the listing completely so that you understand how the damaged book sales work!

Have a lovely weekend!


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(2) Comments

  1. I am SO buying this cornflower project when it is available. LOVE it already and I haven’t even seen the entire piece yet.

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