
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Beautiful Needlework Tool Caddy (& A Give-Away!)


Amazon Books

Earlier this year, I showed you my absolutely favorite – and beautiful – laying tool made by Jack & John, a father-and-son team, at JR Crafter.

If you want to know what a laying tool is, you can read this article on the subject. You can also watch this video on how to use a laying tool.

The JR Crafter laying tools are my favorite needlework tools that I own. What they did was take the BLT (Best Laying Tool by Shay Pendray) and encase it in exotic wood or colorful acrylic – they’re the perfect size to hold (the BLT on its own is quite small and fiddly to hold), they’re the perfect weight, and – doggonit – they’re just pretty.

I have another JR Crafter “tool” that has been my constant stitching companion for the last six months. It’s an organizational tool. And it has solved that Where-Did-I-Put-It Dilemma. I no longer shuffle around for this tool or that while I’m in the middle of stitching.

And that, my friends, is a Wonder and a Miracle. And that’s why I’m showing you this pretty little tool caddy today – and giving one away. I also think this little beauty is a terrific gift idea, for those putting together Christmas lists.

Wood Scissor / Tool Caddy

The needlework tool caddy by JR Crafter is a small, sloped, round piece of beautiful wood – actually, several types of exotic wood put together – with a slit running across the top (perfect for a ruler) and six holes. There are two large holes that accommodate the JR Crafter laying tools, pens, or crochet hooks, and four smaller holes that can accommodate a whole variety of tools, from scissors to tambour hooks to seam rippers.

The base of each of the holes in the caddy (and the actual base of the caddy, too) is lined with felt, to protect the tips of your scissors and other tools.

Wood Scissor / Tool Caddy

The caddy sits on my worktable, just to my right (because I’m right-handed). If I’m stitching at a floor stand or at a large frame on trestles, it sits just to my right on a little folding table.

When I start a stitching session, it’s waiting there faithfully with all the tools that I’ll be reaching for at some point: a pencil or a micron pen, my laying tool, two pairs of scissors (one for goldwork, one for threads), my tambour needle (lately), and my little “stitch fixer” – a tool that pushes short threads into place or pulls them through hard to reach spots.

While I’m stitching, if I need any one of those tools, I don’t have to look for it. I don’t have to scrounge around on the surface of my work table, moving this thing or that, looking for whatever I need. They’re all right there in the caddy, and once I use a tool, it goes back in its slot.

Admittedly, at first, I had to train myself to use the caddy every time I needed a tool. I’m not by nature an organized person when I’m in the middle of a project, and I pay for that lack of organization with time and frustration, looking for tools, threads, and the like. At first, I had to keep reminding myself: Use the Caddy. Use the Caddy. Put it Back in the Caddy!

Finally, it developed into a habit, and I think it’s made a big difference in my stitching sessions. I never, ever fiddle for a tool anymore. My work area on my table is (relatively) neat and tidy. (Um. That’s the work area. Not necessarily the area surrounding the work area!)

Wood Scissor / Tool Caddy

There’s one other neat little feature of the caddy. It has an imbedded magnet on the front of it, where you can park a needle or two if you need to.

This has come in really handy while doing tambour work, because I use a needle to fix my threads on the back when I’m finished stitching an area. When I start a tambour session, I park a regular needle right on the front of the caddy, and it’s there when I need it.

Wood Scissor / Tool Caddy

This is the product picture for the needlework tool caddy in the JR Crafter shop. You can see how the slit can be used for a ruler, and you can see (much better!) how the caddy displays favorite scissors.

What I like about it:

1. It’s beautiful and well-made. I love beautiful tools and accessories.

2. It’s functional. It does what its supposed to do.

3. It helps keep me organized! And that’s a Very Big Plus!

4. It’s beautifully crafted by a father-son team working together. I love supporting Small Businesses like JR Crafter.


The Give-Away is now ended. Thanks for participating!

Today, courtesy of the folks at JR Crafter, I’m giving away one of these beautiful caddies. Think of it as a perfect little gift for yourself or for a stitching friend. And really, it can be used by any crafting friend who uses tools, or even for anyone who has a desk and keeps pens and pencils lying around. It’s versatile!

To participate, just follow these guidelines:

1. Leave a comment below, following this link. Comments sent in via email or left on another page on the website are not eligible.

2. In your comment, answer the following:

Would you categorize yourself as an “Organized Stitcher” or a “Disorganized Stitcher” – or somewhere in between? What’s your “work station” look like during a stitching session? Do you ever have to scrounge about, looking for specific tools? Or do you, by habit, keep it all neat and tidy?

3. Please make sure you leave a recognizable name with your comment.

4. Please leave your comment before next Friday, November 15, 5:00 am CST (Kansas, USA). I’ll announce the winner next Friday!

Enjoy your weekend – hope you can squeeze in some quality time with your needle and thread!


(534) Comments

  1. I try to be an Organized Stitcher, but I’m naturally more Disorganized. I do try to put away anything that might attract the cats, like threaded needles, though. So I’d say somewhere inbetween.

    My workstation-of-the-moment is usually pretty organized, just so I can find things when I need them. I try to keep everything I need for that project in the same basket or caddy.

    However, I usually have several projects going at the same time, so I do have to scrounge around and try to remember which one(s) might be holding the tool or supply I need right then.

  2. Hmm, I suppose I fall somewhere in between the two extremes, but more towards the organised end of the scale. I have a small, collapsible table next to me where I stitch normally and, whilst I’m working, I keep my needlecase, scissors (whatever type(s) is/are needed for the project at hand) and the project bag of threads on that table. I do have my stuff within easy reach, but it’s not all beautifully laid out like that caddy helps it to be.=)

  3. I would say I am in between when it comes to organizing-I am pretty much aware where my tools and things are but I have outgrown my space for varied crafts so its packed in my room-really packed. When I am working on a project-my desk is just covered with times-so at times I am looking for things
    another awesome giveaway-thanks for the chance

  4. I am a disorganized stitcher. I tend to put my favorite tools away with a project when I put it up for my family to use my stitching space. And then I can’t remember which project my laying tool or favorite scissors is packed away with.

    This is an absolutely beautiful piece and it looks very practical. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Nice organizer. Thank you for offering it.

    I’m a believer in the pile method of organization. For needlework, this translates into “put projects in bags and pile the bags.” Surprisingly this works well as I have a 4 bag limit and 3 makes me nervous. (Let’s not discuss how many projects are in each bag.) I do have the bad habit of not placing my scissors in a consistent spot while stitching, so I often go scrambling for them at the end of each thread.

  6. Looks great! I am semi-organized, but I do find myself always fumbling for my scissors and needle after I put them down! Thanks for the chance!

  7. Hi Mary C.
    What a glorious object! My “workroom” pretty much consists of one end of the couch and an end table (to be fair, the end table was built by my more-than-handy husband and has drawers and such). A caddy such as this would be invaluable, if only to keep things like the BLT from sliding onto the floor. Thanks for showing it to us and for all of your wonderful information.

    Mary D.

  8. I am trying to be more organized. I have just recently organized all my floss into those containers and put them on the floss cards. This has helped me significantly. Now I need to work on my sewing table top and get it better organized. I seem to keep hunting things. I need to get all my like items together. Some how keep my hand stitching items together and separate from my machine embroidery items and keep those separate from my regular sewing and quilting things… This is a beautiful organizational tool. Would love to own it and use it… Maybe it would make me more productive

  9. Dear Mary

    Thank you Mary for a lovely give-away so generous of you. What a beautiful organiser and I do like the slit in the middle for the ruler because I’m always losing my ruler in fact once I thought I lost it for good and it was on the floor behind the leg of the table I was so grateful when I found it so this little lovely organiser would help me not lose my ruler. Equally I’m so disorganised I have my threads all on top of each other although I try to keep them separate, I put them separately on the keyboard but then when I want to use the keyboard I have to move them hence the layers of thread. The same with my needles I put them on the laptop space next to the spacebar but alas as I use them I put them down and when I want a specific needle I have to hunt high and low for it and I would love a space for my new Tambour Needle, So please Mary help me to be organised like you and let me win this beautiful, beautiful, give-away so I can be soooooooooooooo organised.

    Regards Anita Simmance

    1. P.S. Mary I’m curious to know where did you buy you stitch fixer and how do you use it would love to know.

      Regards Anita Simmance

    2. Hi, Anita – well, I’m not even exactly sure what the tool is called. I call it a stitch fixer, but I don’t if I call it that because I saw the name somewhere, or just because I don’t know what else to call it! I’ll take some photos and do a little write up about it one of these days! I don’t know why I haven’t done so before – I’ve had the thing forever and I use it all the time! ~MC

  10. right now I would say that I am pretty darn disorganized but want to be better! At least my thread is organized, but finding a pen or my scissors is challenging sometimes!

  11. I am some where in between. This is the greatest little caddy I’ve ever seen. I love it. If I don’t win it, I want to buy one!!!

  12. Well… I would call myself something inbetween an organized and unorganized stitcher. I do tend to keep things together in a cloth handled carrier with pockets. But it seems I am always looking around for the thread I want or a new needle.
    This product is really gorgeous, by the way. I just love beautiful and useful things.

  13. I’m inbetween. Try as I might, I can’t seem to get all of my stuff in one place. My workstation is relatively neat but I use few tools, just scissors, glasses and a light so they are easy to keep track of.

  14. Generally I’m fairly organized, but when I’m working on a project I loose all sense of time and “other things” (like organization). LOL. So when it comes to sewing, after a session I have to re-organize or it would soon become a real “rats nest”! This little beauty of an organizing tool would be a great help. Crossing my fingers I’m the lucky one!

  15. It’s a constant struggle to be organized. This would help greatly! I’m a quilter as well as a stitcher and this is a perfect tool.

  16. hi mary I am so disorganized but tryin to get better. This would be perfect. I usually have all my stitching stuff on a small coffee table and they fall off a lot of the time.i lost my husband about three weeks ago and he was such a pack rat. I am decluttering and this jwould be wonderful

  17. As I librarian, I like to catalog and organize, so my collection of threads is highly organized, by color tone and type. The rest of my stitching space (which is to say, my couch) is a chaotic disaster most times. But my thread is always neat!

  18. Disorganized stitcher, unfortunately. My floss and needlebook all lives jumbled in a shoebox right now (in my defense, we moved recently), my pens and doodled ideas live in another shoe box, and all my fabrics are in a variety of boxes/reusable grocery bags. And my nice embroidery scissors have been floating around the house and may or may not have recently been used to cut fishing line for hanging foam bats on our porch. Please know I am properly ashamed of that. 🙂

  19. I *try* to be organized, but maybe I just need multiples of my favorite tools so I have have a stitch fixer or laying tool at the desk and the floor stand and in the kit that travels with me when I stitch away from home!

  20. Oh Mary, I am a very disorganized stitcher! My embroideries often involve a large selection of threads and they tend to take up more and more area. I use the chatelaine I made but not enough. Currently, I am surrounded by books and papers (for my math homework) as well as needlework tools – all spread across my desk. This lovely little tool could be a help for me! Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. Hi Mary :). Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful prize.

    I think I fall somewhere in the middle of organized and disorganized. My area is in my livingroom by a chair bought specifically for stitching comfort. I do try to keep things organized, but sometimes while working on a projects, floss tends to get strewn around, lol. But a handy little tool caddy would certainly help 😉

    Thanks again for the chance to win. Have a wonderful weekend 🙂

  22. I’m definitely a “somewhere in-between” stitcher. My studio is my dining room table with a hickory lazy Susan to hold threads, etc. and I like to leave my projects set up until my next stitching session. Love the beautiful wooden organizer…that would bring some order to my work area. Thanks, Mary, for sharing these exquisite and functional products.

  23. I am organized because I have my current stitching project in a basket that I tote with me. I always have to look for my scissors in the basket though so this would be wonderful to put on a table when I stitch. Thanks for the give away!

  24. I try to be organized, but I’d have to say I’m an unorganized stitcher. This is partly because I don’t just stitch – I also like to knit and sew, so I’m constantly having to switch back and forth between different sets of tools, etc. I also have just a tiny apartment, so there is no dedicated crafting area. Finally, my cat likes to annoy me by pushing things off the table to get my attention. As a result, things get scattered. This caddy, though, would be lovely for my computer desk, where my cat rarely goes. This would open up some other storage space for other supplies.

  25. I am semi-organized. My work area is a small U-shape with desk top, open bins and drawers, and sewing table. I would love this organizer, now I do something like it by using old tooth brush holder. It would be nice to have a very pretty one.

    Patricia C

  26. My work area is usually a large table with lots of space whichI easily fill. I like my needlework handy there and by my chair in the living room where I “watch” tv while stitching. I wish I were better organized!

  27. I’m probably in between. All the threads, beads, etc. for a current project are in a small drawer from a little foot stool that has 2 drawers in it. And my tools are beside me on an old typing table with another set of drawers on a shelf my DH made to fit inside it – some tools in the drawers and some just laying on the table. The lovely caddy would make it so much easier to find things. Here’s hoping 🙂

  28. I am a fairly organized stitcher. I usually try to have what I need in a tray when I am stitching. Fabric, wicker or season trays all are utilized according to my whim at the time.
    The caddy is work of art in its self. It would look lovely to the right of a tray on my table. My fingers are crossed!
    Thanks for a chance to win this.
    Pat W-S

  29. I stitch every day and have for over 40 years. Active in two guilds and love everything about stitching. My “nest” is often disorganized, depending on my interruptions and distractions. Part of the problem is the number of projects that I am currently working on.
    This is a fabulous tool! I NEED ONE

  30. What a beautiful organizer. I tend to be in the middle between organized and disorganized. I usually keep all my tools for a project together while stitching it but if I have to put it down to start or finish another project then things can get scattered about.

  31. Well, I hate to admit it, but I’m pretty disorganized. I am working on a small embellished wall-hanging right now and my workstation is a jumble of several sizes of embroidery thread, beads, felt, fabric scraps, and ephemera, all auditioning to be used. All my tools are there, but may have gotten pushed under the felt or fabric. I’d love a little organizer like this!

  32. I am pretty much an organized stitcher but there is always room for improvement. I’ve downsized my work station to a large plastic craft box for the tools and gadgets I don’t use with every project. But when working on a current project, the bobbin boxes, laying tool, extra needles, scissors, etc. are spread out on a TV tray that can be easily slipped into a dark corner of the room. In an effort to try to keep my accessories handy, I added two magnet strips to the table but if you could see the tray at this moment, you’d tell me to add a few more!

  33. This is a tricky question. On a macro scale, I am organized. In general, I can find the project, tool, reference or material that I am looking for. I have some storage items that help, though I would love a better system. (Milk crates on their sides is pretty low tech!) On a micro scale, not so much. I am always hunting for the needle, scissors, page 3 of the pattern, etc of my current project in my work area. Perhaps because my work area is quite small? It’s not my fault? I will tell myself that. 🙂

    Thank you for sharing.

  34. I’m pretty much an organized stitcher. When I’m stitching I’m sitting in a wood rocking chair with a special lite, small platform for my tools and a foot stool. This little tool would look great and be such an aide for me. Thank you for the give away.

  35. I think I am an organized stitcher. I like to have everything nice and neat when I start working. I get frustrated when I have to stop and search for something. Like you, the area around my workspace can get very cluttered.

    My stitching area is a comfy recliner with a rolling cabinet next to it. I keep a rough cotton hand towel on the cabinet and hanging down the side I am on. The nap of the towel keeps things sitting where I put them and not falling off when it gets jiggled which is a common occurrence with the 5 cats in the house! The towel also gives me an easy place to stick a needle when I am switching threads and works as a coaster for my water glass.
    I love the idea of this organizer. I can see lots of use for it to keep my scissors and pens from becoming cat toys, not to mention it is beautiful.

  36. I think I’m more or less an organized stitcher. I like to have my tools where I know they are. Finding my stash, on the other hand, can be hit or miss. lol! Thanks for the giveaway.

  37. I am somewhere in between. I often organize things but in the midst of stitching they tend to get quite disorganized. I have a small tool bag that I use which is good for when I’m taking projects on the go, but it tends to get crowded with random bits and bobs making it hard to keep up with the essentials.

    I don’t have one work station at home, but I move my floor stand around the house as needed. While actually working, I just sit my tools down beside me (on the couch or on a nearby table). I can usually keep up with them, but every once in a while, something goes missing for a bit.

    I definitely need to have a general tool bag, because I work on so many projects at a time and don’t want to have to duplicate tools for each project.

    I love this organizer, it would be perfect for stitching at home. I think it may be going on my Christmas list!

  38. As like most everyone – I try to be an organized stitcher – but usually end up disorganized. When attending a stitch in – I usually miss place items like my scissors or ruler or some little thing(usually end up under something), wasting some valuable stitching time looking for them. The Needlework tool caddy – would be something that I could use at my stitching work area or on the go at stitch ins keeping things handy and close.

  39. I somewhat of a semi organizated stitcher. I have a floor stand that is in my familyroom where I do all me stitching. Using the arm of my chair manytimes to park my needle. I have a tv tray to keep instrustions and threads. Having the wonderful wood block to tool to train myself to use it, I aspecially like the great idea of a magnet in it to keep a needle handy. I have lost many a needle down in my chair never to be found again, except my surprise when deep cleaning!
    I would love to have this tool cady.

  40. Hi Mary, I am an organized stitcher. I LOVE your new caddie! What really sold me on it is the built-in needle magnet. What a great idea. I have my Bernina in a Horn cabinet, and what I can’t understand, is that there is no room or space on the right hand side of the cabinet to put the tools that you need while you sew. I just don’t get it. I have a little basket hanging on a peg board on the wall beside my sewing machine to handle these items. However, the sewing caddie would fit just great on the little space that is there. I would love to win. Thanks for sharing.
    Connie in Columbus, OH

  41. Oh Mary! what a beautiful object.

    How organized and tidy I am depends on what I am doing and where. If I am doing my Japanese embroidery or beading, I a fairly organised with everything I need neatly arranged on my frame or on the shelf at the rear of my stand.

    However, when I am doing my evening stitching on the sofa, I am horribly disorganised and forever loosing things, sometimes down the side of the sofa. That tool caddy would be just the thing to stop my tools losing themselves between the cushions 🙂

    Thank you, and JR Crafter for this generous give-away.

  42. Dear Mary,
    I love this caddy. If I do not win it, I will have to buy one. I live in a retirement co-op, and this is so neat and organized, yet would take up so little space on the tiny work table in my tiny work room.
    BTW, I tried tambour stitch many years ago after reading a mention of one in an art gallery catalog. Knowing no more about it, I used a number 13, steel crochet hook. The one you show in your work is much better. I bought two so I don’t have to stop and change hooks.

  43. If putting things away means that I’m organized, then I am. I have cats, and have to be very careful not to leave anything out that could lead to disaster if they get into it.

  44. What a loverly tool caddy! I’d surely like to win it so here goes with Msry’s questions.

    She asks “Would you categorize yourself as an “Organized Stitcher” or a “Disorganized Stitcher” – or somewhere in between?

    Well, kinda half-and-half. I stitch at the kitchen table, threads in their own plastic project box, tools overflowing the recessed base of the Daylight lamp (that’s why I need the caddy). And probably a book or two sharing the space.

    Next question “What’s your “work station” look like during a stitching session?”

    A bit messy….threaded needles parked on Velcro strips attached to the head of “Grip-It” floor stand, thread “orts” being tossed into a wee glass for later dumping, dust bunnies swirling around my feet (who has time to dust when there’s stitching to be done??)

    Next question….” Do you ever have to scrounge about, looking for specific tools?” Hmmmm, they’re all right there or at least in the hutch right next to my chair but sometimes a search is held and the lost item is on the floor. Handiest gadget around is the long retractable magnet thingie.

    Final question in this quiz “Or do you, by habit, keep it all neat and tidy?” I say “don’t ask”.

    Bye. Ginger

  45. Hi Mary,
    What a beautiful organizer, that would make stitching all the more delectable!
    I vary between being highly organized, re-winding all my threads neatly, to periodically losing control and having loose threads all in a heap, unwound and unlabeled. Once I am into a project I tend to have those supplies organized.
    Currently I am working on a pine tree that is to be the base of an advent calendar- one for each daughter. My large coffee table was covered with a felt section, a loose wool section, a ribbon section, a thread section, a silky thread section, and a bead area. As I finished with each on the first tree, the table became more and more clean. While I was working with threads, each color lay across my sofa arm. As I write, I am thinking that I may not be as organized as I tend to view myself!

    I have packed up the second tree to take with me on a trip to Morocco where I hope I can stitch between stops. Threads and ribbons are going with me as well as beads. I am really looking forward to seeing some mirror embroidery there to give me inspiration! If I win your beautiful giveaway organizer, please don’t be surprised if I do not respond for another week!

  46. I am an in-between stitcher leaning to the disorganized. All of my stash is fairly well organized but the immediate area when I stitch does tend to get cluttered and I definitely do a lot of “now where did I put the …”. In my defense I do have to admit that my house is currently under renovation so my stitching area keeps getting moved as rooms are completed. At some point I will actually get a room to myself for stitching so this little beauty would be a perfect addition to help me keep organized. I love the fact that the compartments are lined to keep the scissors protected and the embedded magnet is sheer genius.

  47. What a perfect little tool! I’m not tremendously organized when I sew – my scissors are here my needles are there and my thread somewhere in between. My arm moves and my scissors fall onto the carpet. I would love to give one of these to my little 11 year old ganddaughter, whom I am teaching how to embroider (she sets up at night stitching before going to bed!!). She could learn early how to be organized!! And then I would order another for myself. Thank you for the opportunity.

  48. Wow! What a great idea. I am somewhat organized when I stitch but this little item could really be helpful. I take my work with me to several stitching group meetings so my tools also need to be portable. Last time you recommended JR Crafter tools I ordered a couple of their items. They are beautiful. It would be great if I could win this item to keep them organized along with my other tools.

  49. I am a very organized stitcher – a place for everything, and everything in its place. I have to be, as I don’t have a crafting room. I keep my stitchery items in big decorative boxes, and what I’m immediately working on in a small box by my chair.

  50. I am mostly an organized stitcher.However, my workstation (the table next to my easy chair) DOES often get cluttered with floss, scissors and other acoutrements when I am working on a project. So I have to dig under little “piles” sometimes. 🙂 A caddy like this would certainly keep tools visible above the piles! Please enter me in the giveaway. Thanks!

  51. I am definitely a Disorganized Stitcher! I lose things all the time, though I try to keep them corralled. My sewing desk or area usually looks like it’s been ransacked. I think I need this caddy! 🙂

  52. Looking at my space, and outsider might say I was disorganized, but I can usually reach out and find exactly what I need in the midst of the mess. Woe be to any helpful person who tries to tidy my space without permission!

  53. I try to be an organized stitcher, however, I would classify myself as a disorganized stitcher. I have lots of things organized in boxes and labeled. I know where most things are, yet when it comes to finding my scissors at the time of stitching, that’s a mystery. Yes, I have a purple ribbon on them.

  54. I would say that I am an organized stitcher… I do not like to waste time looking for things when stitching and am always on the look out for ways to keep my work area and surroundings clutter free but still easily accessible. This would fit that bill perfectly!

  55. Oh Mary! What an absolute wonder this would be for ‘so disorganized’ ME! While working on a project I tend to pile things up on an end table next to my favorite chair and hunt & scratch all the time for specific tools – I know everything is all ‘there’ on that table, but I find myself searching continuiously. Thank you SO much for the opportunity to win one of these tool caddys!
    And as always – LOVE your website & newsletters!
    Barbara in TN

  56. I am organized right next to where I am working but disorganized from project to project. Leave tools,etc. with other projects and then cannot remember which project they are with. Drives me crazy. A beautiful organizer like that might at least get my main tools back to one constant place!

  57. I like to be organized because then I can get more done. However, many times the organization is only in my mind and does not make it to my sewing room. I also organize projects in bags where I have sometimes found dog biscuits hidden. The tool caddy looks wonderful and useful. Thank you for sharing.

  58. Wow, would I like to have one of those for my stitching area!

    I would say I am a disorganized stitcher while I’m working (Now, where I did I put those scissors? Cat! Come back here with that skein of floss! Don’t step there, I’ve dropped my needle.), but when I’m done working, I’m very organized. Everything goes back in the bag, and the bag get placed either beside my stitching chair or up in my stitching room. Magazines and patterns get filed away, threads get hung in the appropriate place, scissors and tools go back in the workbasket. Maybe the caddy would help with some of the issues with the stitching process.

    Thanks for another great giveaway! I forsee one of these being added to my Christmas list.

    Carol S.

  59. I think I’m somewhere in the middle of being an organized and a disorganized stitcher. My living space is small, so I don’t have a dedicated workspace… All my stitching supplies are housed in a gym bag/duffle bag… I have four plastic floss containers and a folder for patterns in the main pocket, scissors, needles, transfer pens and other tools in the front pocket, and extra material in the side. When I stitch I usually lay my scissors and other tools out on my coffee table, and I sit on the couch to stitch. So, my bag is kept very organized, but when I’m actually Stitching things end up spread all around me in a jumbled mess! I definitely find myself searching around for my scissors or a bobbin of thread that I set out, only to find after several minutes that they have fallen under me on the couch and I’m sitting on them! I definitely need some small space organization help! The caddy would be perfect because I could keep it in my bag, and load it with my tools and set it on the table each time I stitch… No more lost scissors!

  60. I consider myself a “disorganized” organized stitcher. Most of the time I AM organized, but sometimes it feels like I spend more time organizing and setting up for my work than I actually spend time sewing! It’s imperative that I not leave my current sewing project or tools laying out…I have 7 curious cats! My work station is usually a folding TV table set up — you guessed it — in front of the TV. I enjoy sewing in the evenings while listening to the TV…just a simple TV table with my current project set out upon it. I don’t usually have to scrounge around for my work items as I do keep them pretty well organized. As for this remarkably versatile tool caddy, it would make it possible for me to leave my tools out in-between sewing sessions, without worrying about my furry friends getting into anything!

  61. I’m a very disorganized stitcher – surrounded by clutter – this lovely little organizer would certainly help me a lot! esp the magnet – I’m always losing needles! Elizabeth from Saskatoon SK

  62. I am definitely a disorganized stitcher! I am constantly losing tools (embroidery scissors especially) under things. I own several pair, so when I lose one, I use another. When I get down to none, I stop and go on a search, find them all and start again. It would be INCREDIBLE if I could learn to use your beautiful caddy to help keep me organized. My stitching time would be calmer, as well as more productive.
    Thank you for offering such a beautiful and useful give-away.

  63. Hi Mary,
    I am an inbetween organizer. I do keep my projects organized in bags but do not keep my tools organized. Thanks for the opportunity to view this great organizational caddy. I think it is a great tool for keeping tools organized.

  64. I wish to win, so usefull, thinking of a caddy like this for long time

    Thanks if I win, I want that caddy


  65. I start out very organized with all my stitching supplies sorted in a divided cardboard tray but it doesn’t stay organized for very long. And I am a VERY disorganized stitcher — always looking for my scissors, thread, needles, etc etc etc! I tend to stitch in the living room in my comfie arm chair, so scissors sometimes end up down the side of the seat cushion, underneath me, on the floor . . . the not-in-use needles tend to get poked into the arm of the chair. Not a good situation! Could really use some help with organization. And let me take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful blog. I always look forward to opening the e-mail to see what you’re up to next.

  66. I am organized between projects, but during the process my disarray increases exponentially. This organizer might be the answer!

  67. I consider myself a wanna be organized crafter. I can only stay organized in my sleep because I’m usually multi-tasking between projects. When I start getting all my materials out, well, the organization starts to go downhill
    The needlework tool caddy is not only a beautiful peice,it’s functional. I particularly like the idea of the magnet that will hold needles. I do so much of my handwork in the living room and put the tools I’m using in a bowl on my sidetable. My needle, well, it’s been stuck in my pillow, my shirt, pin cushion that’s in the bowl the arm of my leather chair (oops), etc. I would love to have something like this that is so functional and beautiful.

  68. Oh wow, I’m a totally disorganized stitcher. I could probably finish a few projects if I’d be more organized. My workspace certainly is cluttered with more than one project at a time. And I certainly do scrounge around looking for the right scissors, my laying tool, or my needle threader. One of these organizers would help me a lot. I do have some wooden tools so this organizer would fit right in.

  69. Oh my goodness, this is wonderful. I usually start out organized, but quickly deteriorate into chaos. I’m usually doing my stitching on the couch, so my end table is my place for everything. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dug into the cushions to find an errant crochet hook or something. I also usually have several projects going at once.

  70. I am by nature an organized person (my brother thinks I have OCD!), so my work area is usually pretty neat and organized. I get too frustrated if I have to look for tools or threads in the middle of a project! I have a simple tool caddy but nothing as lovely as your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  71. I would say I’m somewhere in between . My studio is generally the victim of a sewing/knitting/embroidery whirlwind, however my favorite place to stitch on a daily basis is a chair in the living room where I can listen to the radio, watch TV and actually look at my husband when he is home (he won’t step foot in my studio, I maintain that all the needles scare him) and out there I’m quite organized. I have a baboo tray that holds my little sewing box, my pincushion and my working box of threads that sits next to my embroidery stand . On the stand itself I have a magnet strip for parking needles, and my needle threader and favorite scissors both hanging on leashes.

    i also solved my ORT problem by putting them in a quart size mason jar. Funny thing about my ORT jar, I save them up with the intention of using them to stuff biscornu. Recently my mom came to visit and saw my jarand asked if she could have it. She said she loved the layered look (I mostly design monochromatic black work style pieces so there are clear color strata in my jar) and wanted is as decor!

  72. Wow! So many clever ways to be organized in just one unique holder. I love the idea for a place to put a small ruler and the magnet which allows you to park your needle/thread with the project you’re working on. As for most stitchers, we love our tools and never have too many of them. I’m very impressed with the design of this holder. Not only would I love to use it, but know several of my stitching friends in the guild would as well.
    It certainly would help keep my stitching area more organized.
    Thank you for sharing this new organization tool.
    Lynn Engelbrecht

  73. I am an in-between type of stitcher. Because I take my needle work with me to work on in the car, at the hospital, on a cruise, etc. it is sometimes hard to keep things in a tidy spot. Sometimes things are all in their place and sometimes I have to dig in a bag to find things. The main thing is that I am stitching.

  74. Organized? Are you kidding me? I have scissors in ONE OF my 3 knitting caddies either in my bedroom, family room or sewing room (or in a travel pouch). I have supplies in a spare bedroom, in my sewing studio up in the closet, and in plastic pouches in assorted rooms. Ugh. Organized. Really? In my dreams. My biggest problem is finding a ruler when I need it. I worry that I win this beauty, I might not find it, either, when I want it! 🙂

  75. Oh do I really need this dandy tool to make another attempt at being organized. I am a disorganized stitcher and run from room to room looking for my supplies. I am a scrounger!!! My stitching friends kid me because I need a six foot table to stitch the smallest project–I spread everything all around. I have spent a small fortune on boxes, trays, etc. in the effort to become more organized–so far nothing has worked. This handy dandy tool caddy is the answer to my problems!!! With this I will have more time for needlework and get some of those unfinished projects completed.
    Kay from Strongsville, OH

  76. Oh Mary, I am the most unorganized stitcher around. I am always looking for my tools while stitching. I just lay them down and they dissappear! Or I place them “in a safe place” and forget where I put them. I am spread all over my houe! I NEED help!!!! Please!!!

  77. I love this caddy! I am constantly groping for scissors, and cannot remember not to just drop my needle wherever. Thanks for the opportunity to win one!

  78. As a card-carrying DisOrganized Stitcher, I would welcome the chance to lose the card and become organized. My needles are in a pouch to my right, mi scissors … well, they are pretty much everywhere. The rulers share a cubby with the TV remote. I have a cup that holds various pencils and a magnetic want … well, you get the picture. I try for organization, but miss it. Perhaps this caddie would help. It couldn’t hurt.

  79. I try to be organized but I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I was using my bag that I keep my most recent project in and could not find my little scissors. I guess I didn’t put them back in their pocket when done. I do love the idea of being organized and enjoy stitching more when I am. The tool caddy is beautiful.

  80. Oh I’m afraid I’m somewhat disorganized, my tools are all carefully kept but they may be in my Hug Me accessory bag and I have to dig them out to use. Or I may have tools stored with a specific project. Love being introduced to JR Crafters. thanks for entering me into the drawing for the needlework tool stand – it’s lovely. thanks Melody

  81. I try to be organized. I try to put stuff back in the same place every time. I try, but my stitching area is usually chaos.

  82. Sadly, I’m a disorganized crafter. So much so, that I will buy two or three of the same tool so I know I can find one when I need it. One of these caddies would be great for the work table. Thanks for sharing!

  83. I am somewhere in between. My supplies are in a plastic school box. But as its itch so much time is wasted looking in the box for what I need. So when I leave it out then my area starts getting disorganized and things fall down. The caddy is beautiful and I can understand how it helps. What’s that phrase “a place for everything, everything in its place”. Would love to win it. So thanks for the opportunity

    1. Hi Mary,

      I don’t like to be disorganized, but my days are busy and time flies and before I know it, disorganizion rules when creativity takes over -hmmm! This is a handy little tool and looks to be well made and practical for sure. Another clever idea for use and a great tool for stitchers! Thanks for offering this giveaway.

  84. I really have to be organized, but it is not my nature! My workspace is on the couch in the living room, so always in view of visitors! I have got some boxes I can put my work in very quickly but then: how to remenber in which box I put in my sciccors, needles and all the othr nescessary things? This caddy you show us, looks very very handy and presentable when unexpected guests arrive.

  85. Hi Mary. I’d have to say that I am a pretty well disorganized stitcher. But I keep trying to get organized. I do attempt to keep all things associated with a current project together, but often I end up starting a new project without putting away the last project with all of it together. And then there is the stitching time itself. Finding what I need at the moment can be quite difficult. But I keep trying.

  86. Definitely disorganized. I do try, but organization has always been difficult for me. It rather comes in spurts and starts, but doesn’t linger too long.
    The feature tool caddy is awesome and beautiful. Oh my my.

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  87. I consider myself semiorganized. In my defense, I have three cats and I have to hide any tools or materials that they find attractive/possible toys. So sometimes in hiding things from them, they are also hidden from me. My workstation usually looks rather cluttered. I have a few UFOs that have been under construction for quite some time.

  88. Hello! I have just discovered your website and am enjoying it. I do many types of needlework..it keeps me sane. I am definitely a disorganized needle worker. I do like to keep my area clean though as I don’t want my work to get soiled. I may have several things going at one time so tools can get misplaced. Also, I belong to different groups where I stitch, and tools go along and lost.

    Edie Reams

  89. What a lovely looking organizer we never see these nice organizers up here in Winnipeg. Hard to find.
    Ihate a disorganized worktable. I have to have all my tools in one place I have them in plastic boxes. My threads are organized for the project I’m working on by colour in their own boxes. And my scissors etc are all in another. I’m also a scrapbooker so everything has to be organized. Disorganization is just not my nature. This caddie would sure come in handy for all my tools on my worktable. It is beautiful. thank you for the opportunity to win one. Have a great day and week end.

  90. Oh Mary:
    You certainly hit a soft spot here…my need for organization when I am stitching. I crave organization but only achieve it in spurts and am always searching for scissors or whatever else I need at the time. This takes away from my stitching time, which is so very precious…it keeps me sane (or as near as I can get to sanity.)
    What beautiful handiwork and what pride this father and son team must feel. I would be everlasting grateful to be sooooooo fortunate to win this giveaway. Thank you for all the JOY you give us by this Site…it is the most educational and fun that I have ever come across.

  91. I am a naturally disorganized person, but I do try to keep threads and tools “findable” while I’m working. So far I have not come up with a system nearly as tidy and beautiful as this, though.

  92. I would love to say that I am an organized stitcher but alas I am not! Try and I may I just didn’t get the hang of organization. I actually blame it on working for 40 years at a desk and knowing where everything was located. I keep trying though and would love to win this absolutely beautiful caddy – this may really do the trick for me and start me on my way of being an organizer at least in y sewing room – the desk is what it is.

  93. What a lovely give-away. I love the colours of the wood and I know the workmanship will be exquisite. I would love to win, and it would help me be better organized (and more prettily organized!). I am not a complete miss when I stitch but more often than not my workspace is the sofa and it does tend to have more and more projects added to it until I re-prganize. But I am pretty good with putting my tools away. Most days. Well, sometimes 🙂

    Happy weekend, Mary!

  94. I am a fairly organized stitcher as I finally assmbled travel cases with the bare essentials. The home are is not as organized as I stitch in a few places. This lovely organizer would be a true asset. I love the hidden magnet and frankly the wood is beautifully selected and finished. Thanks both to you and manufacturer for providing this opportunity. As do the rest who are commenting I would throroughly enjoy having it and would be sure to show my many stitching friends what I might win.

    Thanks again for a great blog/website as well

    Jane M

  95. I’m somewhat organized. I always have one or two needle minders where I keep the threaded and unthreaded needles. I find three needles at most is best for me. Too many and I start losing them for some reason; less than that I get impatient having to thread all the time. All my tools are kept in a zippered pouch. Threads are separated and kept on a thread keeper, unless they are in spools or already on cards, in which case, they are in a separate clear bag from the tools.

  96. I think I am a wanna be organized stitcher. I start off perfectly organized but things fall apart pretty quickly as I get immersed in my project. I really like the covenience of this caddy and would be thrilled if my name was chosen.

  97. Thank you very much, Mary, for another wonderful give-away!
    Unfortunately, when I am in the midst of an “embroidery streak,” I am extremely disorganized – make that chaotic! I can never find what I’m looking for- things seem to migrate from room to room, and, on occasion, from home to home. I’ve tried buying duplicates of things I need, but can never find them, either. I could probably use several of these organizers; hopefully, I would be able to find one of them!

  98. Mary, thank you for another great give-away!

    No matter how hard I try to keep all my stitching tools close at hand so I can quickly reach for my scissors (and the specific pair of scissors!), I am constantly looking for my scissors. I sometimes think that my embroidery scissors are going on their own adventure..as they seem to travel on their own!

    I love this new organizer! I also love the shape and the material…definitely on my ‘gotta-get-one’ list!

  99. My work area is usually on one end of the sofa, so everything left there is fair game for the cat! That makes me an organized stitcher, in that anything “stitch-related” gets put away promptly when its time to quit stitching. I do, unfortunately, search around for any specific tool I need when it comes time to stitch again, because I don’t always put things away in the same place! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win the gorgeous tool caddy!

  100. Like so many, I fall into the middle organizational ground. My ancient wood stand has a tray attachment, and I try to keep everything I need for a project in or on the tray. I have attached strip magnets to the outsides of the tray, on which I have placed stronger magnets to hold needles and other items that will stick to magnets. My working scissors are attached to a lanyard hanging from a handy knob; reaching them is a bit of a stretch, but I figure that is good for me. It all sounds organized, and it is up to a point, but I confess that the contents of the tray itself get pretty jumbled, and the item I want is always under everything else.

  101. I am disorganized by nature and my stitching room is labeled “the black hole” for that very reason. I need all the organizational help I can get. Thanks for the opportunity.

  102. I’m a fairly organized stitcher. I find I really need to be in order to work well, but after I’m done stitching for the day I have to pack everything up and put it away. I never leave projects laying about. (I know! Isn’t it funny! It’s a left over habit from childhood stitching! lol …Mom taught me well! lol)
    I absolutely adore the beautiful tool caddy and would love to see it filled with my prettiest tools! Then I would have a reason to leave them out!
    Thanks so much for the give away!
    Best wishes,

  103. My work area is very disorganized,I have to look under things to find my tools, if using more than one at a time on a project,Yes, this organized would be helpful, its lovely too boot.

  104. Mostly organized, sometimes things get a bit out of control and what was organized turns into a mess. So – I’m still working on it.

    What is the tool you show that has a bend toward the tip and ’24’ on the side? And where do I find one like it? It looks like it would make a terrific laying tool for tight areas.

  105. I try to be organised but always seem to end up losing the tools I need! I live with 4 men (a husband and three grown sons) and they don’t see the need to keep everything together when they put my stitching projects away when they want to use my work area. I think that the caddy is a brilliant idea and is as decorative as it is useful.

  106. I start out as organized and then somthing happens and it’s all one Disarray area and the creatitivity takes over and I find my self looking for tools next to me on the table on the couch and floor and find them in the kitchen when I had to get that snack -opps.

  107. That’s an interesting question. I say I’m totally organized. I know where all my things are, unless a cat knocks them off the table. If you were asking my boyfriend, he would have a totally different opinion! He thinks my table is a slowly spreading mess.

  108. I am most definitely an disorganized stitcher. I need to get some shelves or something. There are threads all over my table, scraps of fabric, books–you name it is there. At this point, I have swarms of supplies swimming all around my chair and table where I work. It drives me nuts but I never know how to get organized! I’m trying. I think I need to sew up some organizers (i.e. thread cup catchers, tool organizers, etc) to help me get started. oi vey. But I love it!

  109. Like everyone else… i try to be organized, but during stitching everything goes askew. Then when my Grandtr. joins in to work on my small desk area, we really get disorganized… This would help and the woodwork is just beautiful.. Thanks

  110. I am organized with my supplies, but not so much when I’m working. I do spend time searching for my scissors and tools while working on a project. The tool caddy looks like a great solution.

  111. What a pretty organizer! To answer your question, I am an organized stitcher at the project level. Everything I need is kept together, usually in an unattractive zip lock bag, but I have found some zippered pouches that work well also. Tote bags are used for larger projects. At a general level, I am unorganized! All those packs of needles, the last great tool purchased at seminar, scissors,… get put away somewhere, sometimes never to surface again for months! Working to recover from this affliction!

  112. I start out as an organized stitcher, but then the whole thing devolves into disorganized stitchery. My 6 year old found a large plastic basket recently, which she gravely offered to me as a sewing box. I have been using it to keep my current project in, and that has helped, although it has very large holes in it, so needles and scissors keep falling out… however, she frequently points out her incredible generosity in giving me the basket, and asks how much I love her basket, etc etc etc, thus making it impossible for me to grab something better. If I had a tool caddy thingy, however, it would sit in the basket and stop things from falling out. Seriously, barely a day goes by when she doesn’t wander over, eye me thoughtfully as I sit and stitch, and ask me how much better my life is now, now that I have The Basket. How did I manage before, she wonders, without The Basket. I don’t have a really good answer, to be fair.

  113. I am strongly in the semi organized category. I do keep all my things from one project together. The problem is I usually have several projects going. I alwAys say I will finish one before I start another but it doesn’t work out that way. More like project in living room, project in bedroom, project on car, huge project on frame in living room. Sigh. Not enough hours.

  114. These caddies are so beautiful! I showed my son and he thinks they are fabulous! I am a messy stitcher. My dd is always after me to clean my work area. Maybe if I stuck with one project at a time….

  115. Hi! Lovely caddy by the way. I am somewhere in-between the two. When I start a project I usually gather everything I might potentially need into a bag or container but the container itself is definitely a mess and I have to hunt around for my needles, scissors, etc. Then I may add or subtract threads, ribbons, etc from it as my project goes along.

  116. I try to keep all my project supplies together while working on a project. Sometimes I use a box, other times a bag or a tray, or whatever seems handy. The problem is that if I get more than one project going at a time, and one (or more)gets put on the back burner,sometimes I forget exactly what I had bundled together. I have “lost” a silver thimble for years at a time, until I started back on the languishing project, lol. More than once! Maybe that’s why I keep spares of most of my sewing implements.

  117. I am a closet disorganized stitcher! What that means is that we have two cats so I have to put everything away when I am done with it or it will be destroyed or loved to death. But I just tend to hide it in baskets, cupboards and such. Its not organized really, but no one really sees its not!

  118. I love this! I try to keep all my items together while stitching. Over-all though, I’m very disorganized….maybe for less stress in my life I should just sit and stitch….
    Because I am a stained glass artist I craft all day, so my ‘stitching station’ is usually in front of the TV to relax.

  119. What a beautiful caddy! I love the look and feel of wood.. it is such a special way to organize. My stitching station looks ready and waiting. I keep everything I need for my projects very close at hand.. but sometimes they slip between the instruction sheets and my laying tool tends to roll away or blend in next to something – that sets off a bit of panic.. because I LOVE my laying tool. I also worry that I dull my tools just by letting them laze about. I truly enjoy all of my stitching equipment – the fancy stuff and the not so fancy.. it is all special and deserves a beautiful resting place when not being pushed and pulled by me 🙂

    Joan B

  120. I keep moving from chair to chair and have a problem getting it all together so that makes me somewhat disorganized. This block looks like a gem . A beautiful tool !!!!

  121. I consider myself a fairly organized stitcher. I keep my multiple concurrent projects stored in separate ziplock bags. I keep my scissors, needles and laying tool in a hard-sided eyeglass case that has a secure lid. But I admit I could use some better organization tools.

  122. I am somewhat organized with tools and use several zip bags. I keep a Vera Bradley pencil bag with the tools I use on every project. It’s in the kit with the project I am currently working on, BUT I love the JR Caddy. I love the look, feel and smell of wood and would love to see it on my side table by my recliner. My scissors frequently fall on the floor or in the chair crack. The other day I retrieved them and 2 raisins. That’s what happens when you stitch on a recliner.

  123. This little caddy is a beauty! The different woods make each one unique and lovely. This sometimes, semi-organized stitcher would love to own one. I really like the idea of the embedded magnet in front, giving it even more functionality!!

  124. I am a disorganized stitcher. I am always looking for my scissors and needles while working on a project. There is a stitching imp that seems to take what I need and hides it. My workstation is usually a large endtable by my couch and you wouldn’t think I could misplace a needle, thread, scissors, etc. but I do. I do put things away when finished. I have numerous boxes with different projects so I do have to hunt around in some of them for some supplies.

  125. Hi there! I always start out as an Organized Stitcher, but then devolve into Disorganized Stitchery. Recently my 6 year old, Kate, found an old plastic basket in her room and took pity on me, gravely offering it as a sewing basket (I think it was originally from the dollar store, for her to play with, it’s like a shallow cutlery holder thing). I use it for whatever current project I’m doing. It’s actually helped, although if I forget to put it up on a high shelf my dog takes the embroidery hoop from it and eats it, but it does have very big holes in it, so needles and scissors fall out all the time. If I had this awesome little caddy it would sit inside the basket…. The other problem is that Kate is very proud of her gift to me, and often comes and watches me sew, and then asks how much better my life is since I got The Basket, and isn’t she generous for having given me The Basket, and in general, isn’t The Basket just the best thing since sliced bread? So, despite the fact that The Basket isn’t actually perfect, it’s here to stay. The caddy would be a nice addition, but I shall add it to my Christmas list if I don’t get lucky here! I love your website and emails, and sewing is such a source of happiness. Besides, with three kids, three dogs, three cats, seven chickens and a genially perplexed husband, organization isn’t something I achieve very often…. and I don’t really mind.

  126. I’m fairly organized but not totally. I tend to keep my projects together in the plastic take-out containers with lids and that works. Most of the time, that is. They are portable which makes it easy to carry around. Of course, that means that my scissors are somewhere, the packet of needles is somewhere, the right colored floss is…yep, somewhere, in one of the containers. Ugh!

    It blows my mind that the front of the caddy is embedded with a magnet! How ingenious is that? Must go and check out the website and make my Christmas list…

    Thank you!

  127. I am fortunate to now have a small sewing room, where I try to keep everything organized. However, during the creative process, things can get disheveled to an alarming degree. As a result, prior to beginning a new project, I tend to re-organize and re-group. Chaos is not conducive to creating, at least in my opinion, so any organizational tool is most beneficial!

  128. I would like to think of myself as an organized stitcher, but I have to admit that sometimes things get away from me -usually on to the floor!
    I think this little caddy is a great accessory and could be well used in my stitching room.

  129. I think I’m a relatively organized stitcher. I tend to try and keep everything I need for a particular project in a tote since I usually stitch in front of the TV in the family room and not in my craft room. I can’t leave things out because of the cats, so the bag goes into the closet or into the craft room when I’m not stitching. While stitching, things tend to get spread out though. I frequently put my scissors or laying tool down and then have to search for them.

  130. Right now I more disorganized than organized. Everything was organized at the last home, but due to a recent move, my stitching things are not organized here just yet.

    During a stitching session. Everything is within reach and pretty neat, so I can proceed without undue stress!!

    Project bags do help to keep each project organized, though, and I usually know where my favorite scissors are. However, the neat caddy that you are giving away would be wonderful to keep everything at my fingertips and beautiful as well. Thank you for your kindness in having the giveaway.

    I also like to patronize small businesses, especially when they have something as lovely and functional as this needlework tool caddy.

  131. I’m fairly organized and want everything at my fingertips (actually at my elbow). My work station is mostly the wide arm of my chair. I can stab needles and pins into the chair arm, and on it I have a thread catcher, scissors, and thread. If I’m appliqueing, then I pin small pieces to the chair arm. All very handy.

  132. Mary,

    Most days I am a disorganized needle worker. While I work in one spot I still scatter and cover up my tools. The tool caddy is a work of art and I do admire their craftsmanship.
    If I would win this I can truly say I’d be very proud to own this. Linda

  133. Oh my. What an answer to my dis-organization with tools when quilting! Blinkly grasping to my right just ‘hoping’ my hand will come down on the right thing so I won’t have to take my eyes off of the work! Yes! Put my name in the hat!

  134. I’m kind of an organized stitcher. I usually have the tools I need in each of my project bags, but I’m always scrounging around for scissors!

  135. I’m an organized stitcher who sometimes (okay, often) becomes disorganized in the process of a project. Everything has its place in my studio, and I have stitching stations at every place I like to work. I even have duplicates of favorite tools so I don’t have to remember to bring them wherever I decide to stitch. Nonetheless, I often find myself looking for at least one tool that is not where it is supposed to be!

    I would love to have one of these amazing tool caddies! I’ve learned that it feels good to have the right tools at hand for my project… and it makes me feel very special and pampered when those tools are the product of beautiful craftsmanship and materials. Thanks for such a great giveaway!

  136. I am such a disorganized stitcher.My work station is my sofa with all things around me. I need something to tidy me up.
    Jane Rice

  137. I would say I am an organized stitcher who goes thru periods of utter chaos. Although, during the times of chaos, I tend to not be stitching.

    I like being organized and where I am stitching stays organized, but my study tends to be immaculate or chaos. Not a lot of middle ground there.

    Interesting question. Thank you. Teresa

  138. Oh Dear! I LOVE to be organized; but I fail along the process if I don’t have everything labeled and in its place; and I have trouble doing that! I have begun cleaning and reorganizing my work station and sewing room, and although my flosses and needles are in a plastic box, but I need to make my stitching chair more efficient. I like the looks of this caddy, rather than more plastic stuff that falls apart or falls over. I like to do one stitching project at a time, but tend to give new meaning to the term, “drop and roll” when it comes to reaching for my tools! (sigh). Thank you for posting this.

  139. I have for the last 10 years tried to keep myself organized. I have bought basket, had shelves built all in an effort to make my sewing more efficient but with little success. I find that I am spending my stash money on organization and I am still hopelessly unorganized. This beautiful tool would help out keeping my essentials within easy reach (LOL)

  140. Mary: I cannot help but wish for one of these.
    First of all, I have a clock frame that my
    Dad made (in the 1930s) using similar combinations of wood. So this truly appeals to me. Secondly and more importantly, this will help me to keep current items being used in an orderly fashion and not hither and yon. Since I have to sit away from my sewing room to do hand work,this will save me many trips back and forth to my sewing room. Thanks a million.

  141. Here I am, taking a break from the chaos of shifting and reorganizing the contents of three rooms including two pincushion ‘sewing ducks’, husband’s grannie’s sewing box, stands, hoops, frames, quilting frames, two vases of knitting needles, bowls and baskets of thread and yarn, a cheese box of crochet projects (grand baby on the way), a tall basket of rag rug balls and, as they say on auction adverts, many items too numerous to mention. So what do I see? Another sewing accessory that I just WANT. It’s wooden, it’s laminated, it’ turned, it’s useful and it’s beautiful. I realized a few moments before sitting to rest and enjoy your blog, Mary, that my most comfortable chair should leave the living room and reappear in my now-within-sight-of-completion sewing, glassing, gluing, lamp-restoration and rescued monk parrot flight cage room.

    LOL, the above is all true and also true is how much I enjoy logging on and visiting you.

    1. I am organized but my ‘stuff’ is in six rooms and two baths of a seven room house—all heading for ONE room forever.

  142. I try to start out organized, but often end up covered in threads and fluff. My kids frequently walk off with my scissors, so I’ve taken to sitting on them to prevent theft. This doesn’t always end well, so I wouldn’t recommend it as a method. Recently my six year old, Kate, gravely offered me a large plastic basket as a sewing basket. (It is a shallow red thing, originally from the dollar store, I think, like a cutlery organizer. She used it for plastic animals etc.) It has very large holes in it, so while it’s great for fabric and large hoops, etc, needles and scissors fall right out. However, she is so inordinately proud of her generosity and thoughtfulness in sharing this basket, that I have no hope whatsoever of ever getting rid of it. Every time I sew she comes and stands there, watching me, and then sighs and asks how much better is my entire life since getting The Basket? Aren’t things just Better, now the The Basket is part of my life? Wasn’t it a good idea, her giving me The Basket? So, while I’d love this little caddy, it will have to sit inside The Basket, but at least it won’t fall out, and I’ll be able to defend it against theft. Hopefully.

  143. I would have to admit I am a rather disorganized stitcher. My spot is the couch so when I need to change needles or grab scissors or whatever, the needles go into the arm of the couch and the scissors get lost in the cushions. I really, really need the beautiful caddie give-away! My dream is to have a designated stitching area or room, but in the meantime the caddie would be a godsend. Mary, thanks for sharing your talents.


  144. I would be an organized stitcher … or it would at least be a possibility … but so often my projects have to move around with me as I travel and stitch at work and do the hard bits at home! That lovely wood stand is so beautiful though … it might encourage me to stay in one spot 😉

  145. I am somewhere between an organized and disorganized stitcher, depending on the project I’m working on!
    My “work station” is sometimes a muddle; I try to clean it up every couple of days.
    I often have to search for my tools because I get involved in what I’m doing and forget to put things back where they belong– this wonderfully designed cylinder would be a welcomed addition to my area!
    My husband was a wood worker, and has built beautiful furniture out of hardwoods with exotics for accents, so I am very aware of the beauty and the workmanship that has gone in to this project. He has now been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and has had to shut down his workshop….

  146. I think I am an organized stitcher in my stitching place. I try to have everything I need within reach so I don’t have to get up and go searching.
    Most of my materials and projects are stored in organized boxes or project bags but because I have quite a bit, all of it gets a bit disorganized. When I am looking for something in particular if it’s not “right there”, then the search begins. This can be frustrating. That’s the beauty of having more handy…just in case.
    I love cool, beautiful, & useful tools, and this one by JR Crafter is beautiful. I like that it has so many holes and places to store whatever you made need.

  147. I am NOT an organized stitcher, sort of…lol. i TRY to be but it doesn’t always work. My work area is a disaster waiting to happen…sort of….on my sewing machine table I have a huge Christmas coffee cup that belonged to my m-i-l and that i glued a glass flower frog into that holds many of my tools, i.e., several scissors, pencils, and anything round. in my stitching area i have an emerald green coffee cup my husband brought me from seattle. it contains, several scissors, pencils, pens, markers, crochet hook a tool that is about 4 inches long with one end is a crochet hook and the other end is a knitting needle…don’t know what it’s called….and various dbl point needles, crochet hooks, in other words anything that will fit. at times i do have to scrounge for something but it’s generally in a small 10 x 10 inch area of the table in some kind of container….so i guess you could say i’m an organized stitcher….sort of….lol….i try but not very successfuly.

  148. I am an organized stitcher, and crave boxes, bins and anything that makes finding things like scissors, fabric, patterns more accessible. My stitiching area is a big chair with a wee table to my right with a remote holder over the arm which I use for orts and my tools. I’m always rummaging in the pocket for scissors and my detailor. The caddy would look perfect next to my hand carved needle holder. Thanks for this give-away!

  149. Mary,
    I think this little caddy is the most amazing tool I have ever seen! Although I would like to say I am neat and organized, in reality, my work area can get super messy when I am working… scissors here, bits of snipped thread everywhere, etc.! The tool caddy could help keep things tidy and easy to find! What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!
    Warm regards,

  150. I categorize myself as a stitcher somewhere in between “Organized Stitcher” and a “Disorganized Stitcher”
    My “work station” looks a little messy during a stitching session.
    I sometimes have to scrounge about, looking for needles or scissors or tiny tools.
    i try to keep my work station neat and tidy but sometimes small tools get misplaced.

  151. I am a disorganized mess – more so in my sewing room than by my chair in the living room. Due to medical problems I do most of my hand sewing in a recliner. I shove all my tools and materials in an open basket. I am constantly getting poked looking for tools. The beautiful caddy would look great on my end table and save my fingers. I have multiples of tools because I keep putting them in project bags and forget which bag they are in. If I had the caddy I could keep them in one place and stop the searching. Thirdly the caddy is so pretty, it would be a joy just to look at it.

  152. I love reading your blog and watching your videos. I have learned so much from you. I am a very organized crafter. Everything I need for embroidery projects is all located in one special push cart with individual shelves for threads, hoops and projects. I would love to have one of these special tool caddies to have sitting next to me. Thank you so much for this opportunity and for everything else that you contribute and share.

  153. What a lovely caddy. I am disorganized I have scissors, magnifiers and needles all over the house it seems. Would love to be more organized.

  154. I start out organized and then I seem to go downhill from there. The caddy looks beautiful and would be a big help! Thanks for sharing!

  155. I aspire to being an organized stitcher. But I have different areas of the house with tools, materials, etc., and seem to have a lot of trouble getting them, and myself, all together! a caddy would go a long way to fixing this and letting me spend more time stitching and less time searching and sorting and cursing.

  156. I am very organized and tidy in my work area, probably to the point of over doing it. But it’s the only way that affords me the benefit of knowing where everything is and not having to look for things wasting valuable stitching time. This tool looks promising as I like the way it puts your favorite tools upright and at an angle for an even faster way to find things. I’d love to give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity.

  157. God bless you, Mary, for sharing your enthusiasm and your knowledge. You bring much help and cheer to the lives of stitchers.
    Organized ? – some.
    Useful for tools – small towel or flannel cloth on a small kitchen tray on a little side table. I have several tool trays (different projects) which can be stacked out of the way on a shelf when my stitching needs to be put away.
    Beautiful caddy! Thanks JR Crafter, Father & Son!

  158. Not an obvious answer to that one — I’d have to first say DISorganized in a general sense. But when I get going on a project, I stay organized for that particular project (while everything else falls about my ears!). I have tried a variety of “work stations” through the years in an effort to have all my tools at hand. Some work, some don’t. You’re right — it is a matter of training ones SELF to put the stuff BACK in/on the workstation!! This looks like a beautiful, well-thought out little ditty! I hope I win!!

  159. Oh I’m definitely disorganised! My workspace is always a big mess, but not as bad as my sewing room as I mainly stitch sitting on the sofa. I often stand on needles and sit on my scissors!

  160. I am organized. It keeps me time managed so I can get more accomplished. I do have friends that design and they cannot work in an organized fashion. I respect that. We all need to know our best working environments.

  161. “I’m not by nature an organized person when I’m in the middle of a project, and I pay for that lack of organization with time and frustration, looking for tools, threads, and the like.”
    I’m sure you were talking about me! My work surface gets cluttered the more I work on a project but my real tool issue is knowing where things are each time I go to start or restart a project. I’m surprised I haven’t had to pay extra for the legs on my tools…. they are fast and elusive critters. A tea mug doesn’t seem to corral them because there is no way to know if one has gone missing… that is until I need it and then Where did it get to?

  162. It depends what stage I am at. Things need to be tidy when I’m designing as I’m easily distracted. Once stitching things tend to pile up and nothing is put away. I am currently studying with Gail Harker so several things are on the go at any given time.
    This does look like a truly functional toy. Thank you for the opportunity to own one.

  163. “I’m not by nature an organized person when I’m in the middle of a project, and I pay for that lack of organization with time and frustration, looking for tools, threads, and the like.”
    I’m sure you were talking about me! My work surface gets cluttered the more I work on a project but my real tool issue is knowing where things are each time I go to start or restart a project. I’m surprised I haven’t had to pay extra for the legs on my tools…. they are fast and elusive critters. A tea mug doesn’t seem to corral them because there is no way to know if one has gone missing… that is until I need it and then Where did it get to?
    Seam rippers and scissors abound at my house … each tucked away with it’s own unfinished project. : (

  164. I’m a very organised stitcher. I keep my projects bagged up and pull out the one i’m working on at one time. I try not to do more than one at a time. My seating area is very neat and i have a strawberry pincushion I park my needles in and I made the Ellen Chester work basket that holds my tools. I just love this little gem. I crochet also and so would definately get good use of it. Thanks for this chance!!

  165. Mary,

    I start off neatly and end up with a pile of stuff. I don’t care for lanyards so my scissors are always M.I.A. This would be a blessing if I were to win this. Great give-away. Lorraine

  166. I’m a semi-organized stitcher, and I keep my tools in a pretty wooden box on the coffee table (my favorite stitching place is in the living room). However, I find myself putting more and more odds and ends (hand cream, earbuds, whatever) into the box, which makes it harder to find the tools in the conglomeration. So an organizer like this would be wonderful, and would look lovely next to my wooden box!

  167. If I was an organized stitcher, I would never have to call any of my friends asking them to check their couch cushions for my scissors! I am, on the other hand, surprisingly OCD about where my threads and tools sit in my home when I am stitching. Everything is placed just so, and woe to my husband if he tries to move things around on the coffee table (like it’s actually there to hold food or coffee… hah)! He is a sport about it though 😉

  168. Thank you for the chance to become more organized what a lovely gift.
    I am controlled disorganized stitcher. I had a friend tell me one time I spent more time trying to be disorganized than he spent trying to be organized. He told me this because my mother was the most organized person I ever have met and he said I spent more time trying not to be my mother…especially in her organization…and I was failing miserably and I just needed to learn to accept what was to be. He was right I am my mother’s daughter but I still fight it a bit…it’s the rebel in me.

  169. I’m both, probably more on the disorganized side though! I don’t have a work station, everything is in a bag that I can grab and take with me.

  170. This a perfect organizer for some one like me. I do keep my thing organized but am always looking for organizers like these.

  171. So disorganized. It doesn’t help that my partner also sews and we have different leaving-things-places habits. A caddy like this would be very helpful – we’re currently missing a seam ripper and a hem gauge. I’m sure they’ll turn up eventually…

    I tend towards mild disorder, which piles up and piles up until I clean ALL THE THINGS. Then it starts over again.

  172. I am a totally disorganized stitcher. When I’m in the middle of a project, it looks like my studio just threw everything in it onto my work table. I am constantly hunting for a needle threader, or my beading cloth, or my…….well, you get the picture. I don’t hunt for my scissors any more because I purchased a beautiful scissor thingy from Gerry Kruger but I sure hunt everything else. At the end of each project, I spend a day putting everything back in it’s proper place and my studio stays neat and tidy for maybe a day and then I’m off and running again.

  173. I think I tend to be disorganised in and organised way.
    Usually I need to chase down whatever it as that I was doing, however once I find it, everything I need is there.

  174. WOW what a beauty- this would look Marvelous next to my sewing machine, and I would Promise to give it a very good home!
    thank you

  175. I think this is the perfect tool for all stitchers,I am not an organized stitcher and I am always look for my needles and scissors and anything easle that I have missplaced.i think this would be great for me.thank you Margaret

  176. I would say I’m somewhere in between. I’d love to be a really organized stitcher. I’d love to say that. I can say I usually know where everything is at, so that makes me somewhat organized. Inevitably, though, I have to go digging for something because it’s become buried in my gathering of supplies or gotten down the cushion on the couch or something.

    What a dandy little organizer this is. Thanks for offering it in a giveaway. It’s really pretty and looks really functional.

  177. I’m somewhere in between but would like to be more organized, my late father was a woodworker by avocation, so I can fully appreciate the workmanship and beauty of the tool organizer, the hard woods are exquisite. Thanks for the opportunity to win and good luck to all! ps- I am enjoying watching your gold work progress, it is amazing!

  178. I am a very disorganized sewer. I am always spending more time finding things than getting work completed. Also, I am forever trying to find ways to organize my craft supplies. I need to win this, so please pick me. Thank you for your great blog.

  179. I would have to say I’m currently a disorganized stitcher. I used to be so much better — before I had kids! That was 20 years ago, though, so I don’t know that I can use that as an excuse anymore!

    I AM very good at keeping flosses organized. What’s harder is keeping track of scissors and tools. This organizer would be a great help!

  180. Would you categorize yourself as an “Organized Stitcher” or a “Disorganized Stitcher” – or somewhere in between?

    I’m an organized stitcher in that I like to have all of my threads, charts, directions all together when I start a project. I also keep my stitching tools handy on a small tray that attaches to my small table. but the tray is not kept organized and my threads are not always organized .

    What’s your “work station” look like during a stitching session? Do you ever have to scrounge about, looking for specific tools? Or do you, by habit, keep it all neat and tidy?

    My work station is generally a mess 🙂 but isn’t that a sign of a creative mind? but then my desk at work is generally messy too, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find what I want!! So I don’t really scrounge about for the tool I’m looking for, it’s in a general location.


  181. I try to be an organized stitcher. I have multiple projects going at all times. I like to put things in one location so that they are readily available when working. I have a small studio so I try to be efficient.

    I would love to have this caddy. I will also be purchasing on of the lovely stilettos….

  182. I am an organized stitcher. I can’t stand a messy stitching post, so I keep everything pretty organized. However, I am constantly looking for just the perfect organizer to keep things tidy, so my organization is also constantly changing. And that can lead to a bit of the shuffling-through-things that I had hoped to avoid in the first place. Sigh.

  183. can’t say i am an organized crafter or have an organized station – maybe if i was i could get more accomplished instead of wasting my time looking for stuff i know i have SOMEWHERE! It is horrible to be disorganized!

  184. I’m a terribly Disorganized Stitcher. I don’t have a specific work station, so there’s no specific spot for organization there. I tend to stitch all over the place (wherever I’m sitting!) so all those spots are pretty much a mess. I always mean to do be better organized but it never seems to happen.

    Maybe this little organizer would help me set up a stitching station and keep it tidy!

  185. What a beautiful way to organize our tools!
    To answer your question, I am a *relatively* organized stitcher. I keep little bobs relevant to the current project in a wooden tray so I can easily lift it and transport my needlework bits all at once (plus it makes for a quick clean up). But then the stuff within the tray does tend to be cluttered… so, it’s a controlled / contained mess, in a sense. At the beginning of the stitching session, I take out my scissors and needle threader and whatever other tool I need and set them all on the arm of the couch, within reach. However, my tools tend to slide off the arm onto the floor or, even worse, inside the couch, right under the hardware so it’s very hard to dig them out (it’s a fold-out couch, with many complicated metal parts, so it’s not easy to slide your hand in there to fish out my tools!). So, my plan is to put this lovely caddy on the arm of the couch, and then everything will STAY IN PLACE. No more taking off the couch pillows, digging in its entrails!:)

  186. Oooh, I thought this was pretty (& practical) before I read that it was magnitised, so now I must enter!
    I am an organised stitcher, because I am that way in real life. I am about to move into a new flat, and I will have my OWN craft room, on top of my bedroom, and I am so looking forward to unpacking all of my goodies – some of which I haven’t seen for two whole years! Anything to help me more organised, is of course, most welcome.
    Please to be up-to-date with the posts, and able to enter a give-away for the first time. 🙂

  187. I guess I start out organized when stitching then as I keep working on a project I start laying needles and thread allover my stitching area which is the couch. Would love to win that little organizer. It would be just the thing to to keep on the end table bythe couch when I’m working on a project.


  188. Hi Mary!
    I am disorganized stitcher when in the throes of a project. I get started and have tools and materials scattered all around me. I generally know where things are, but occasionally I have to go on a hunt for the “missing” scissors, needle, etc. Then when the project is done, I clean and reorganize before I start the next one!

    Thanks, as always, for the great advice and giveaways!

  189. I am an organized stitcher. That is, until I drop something on the floor, or under my recliner, and I can’t get to it. So, I go get another needle/threader/scissors. But, now days, that means going upstairs, and I don’t want to be doing that very often. So, I need to stay organized on whatever project I’m currently working on. In fact, I spend more time organizing than I do stitching.

  190. None of the pictures were visible to me, but I can kind of visualize how it looks. I would love to win this so I could see it in person.

  191. I am an Organized Stitcher….Wannabe! I start out attempting to be organized, but after the first few minutes, it just turns to a free for all. I get so caught up I. The stitching that things just get set down and end up jumbled. It becomes a scavenger hunt for the right tool pretty quick. I guess I’m just eager to stitch and just want to have fun and pretend I can get the project finished….someday!

  192. Although the pictures aren’t displaying on your website today Mary, I did have a look at the JB Crafter shop site, and immediately began to drool. I aspire, most ardently, to be an organised stitcher but somehow failure seems to be my middle name. I usually do my hand stitching in the evening, so I sit on the sofa with a coffee table in front on which are 2 Japanese artist storage cases, each with 4 drawers. But since I can’t see what is in each drawer I tend to take out the things I am going to use and then they get covered up with other things and then…..they get lost. I would love one of those thingummies like yours, it is gorgeous, and like you I am an absolute sucker for well-made tools and things.

  193. I am a terribly disorganized stitcher. I have supplies in all directions and every time I want to do a project, it takes ages just to find my materials and tools. One of these days, my sons will leave home and then I will turn their bedroom into my craft/sewing room and I will be organized.

  194. I am definitely a disorganized stitcher! I get out of the house a couple days a week, and I like to take something to work on with me. So I will have 3-4 projects going, one on the frame, a smaller one in the hoop, and a couple I can stuff into a bag to carry with me when I go out. So there will be pins, needles, thread, scissors, etc. strewn from bag to favorite chair to behind the seat in my husband’s truck!! LOL I need all the help I can get to organize all these. It doesn’t help that my adult son (single) moved back home and took back his childhood bedroom. The room I had changed into my sewing room when he first moved out. So I also have bins and bins full of my fiber arts “stuff” stacked about the house. Someday I’ll get my sewing room back, but until then we live with thread bits and etc. all over the house! LOL

  195. I’m in-between. I try to have a place for everything and keep everything in it’s place but (there’s always a but) when I’m working on a project everything gets thrown out the window and everywhere else. Sometimes I can’t remember where I put an item(s) so I have my storage boxes labeled a thru whatever. I list what is in each box in Excel so I can search my spreadsheet instead of a physical search. It’s not perfect but it helps me remember. I love those caddies. True workmanship!!! I can tell they take pride in what they do.

  196. Hi Mary!
    I am somewhat disorganized in my sewing room, but the opposite in my project totes/baskets. For every project I’m working on I have a canvas tote, picnic basket type, and in it I keep scissors, needles specific to that project, thread conditioner if needed, type of threads specific to that project, my candy stash :), all in a tin of some sort. These are my quilting project totes/baskets as I do a lot of hand piecing.
    For my wool applique projects I follow the same pattern. I like my system…I have a different colored canvas basket for each project and they measure about 10″ x 18″ and 10″ high, made by JanetBasket.

  197. I am semi organized, it is especially my small tools for which I look mostly. This wonderful small packaging of arrangement would help me undoubtedly. It is a real jewel.
    I wish of the luck(chance) to gain(win) him(it), my birthday(anniversary) is 15 nov. Thank you M.G.

  198. Well Mary I am a Virgo so love things that help organise my needlework requirements. I have never seen anything as lovely as the caddy and would love to see it sitting on my table beside my chair on which I keep the current project and all the bibs and bobs that are needed for it. The caddy would make a perfect addition!

  199. I am an organized stitcher. I am an organized stitcher. I am an organized stitcher. Okay-now I click my heels together and it comes true, right? lol Seriously, I try to be organized! I have bins ,zippered plastic bags, and totes full of many attempts at it anyway! Someday, I will be. I just know it!

  200. I’m somewhat in-between while stitching, but then everything is tidied up ready for the next session.

    I adore the needlework tool caddy, and would love to win it. There is such pleasure in using beautiful tools, and all JR Crafters tools are surely that. If I don’t win, I might just have to give myself a beautiful Christmas present!!

    Thank you Mary.

  201. I always start a new project beautifully organized, all my tools and materials gathered and arranged just so. I can usually get in about 45 good minutes of stitching before I lose the first needle. Then my scissors disappear, my highlighter runs out of ink, and cat hair begins to materialize out of thin air and into my stitches, my threads, and my cup of tea. By the end of the project I’m working directly out of a battered ziplock bag, stitching the last little bit with a sewing needle since I’ve lost all my embroidery needles and borrowing my husband’s nail clippers because none of the dozen pairs of scissors I own are within arm’s reach.

  202. This would be a fantastic addition to my cluttered workspace. I start out to be organised and then something happens! I keep each of my projects in a bag so that everything is ready for that project, but sometimes I have two projects that overlap and therefore I start to become disorganised. This would be great as at least my tools would be in one place each time.

  203. I think I am some what organized. I do try to keep everything together so I can get to it. I love the little caddy. We have just moved and downsized so am having trouble finding “homes” for all my stuff!!


  204. I am an organized stitcher. Before I sit down to sew by hand or machine, I clear the immediate work area and collect all the items necessary for sewing. My work area becomes a little less tidy the longer I am working. I start taking more things out of their storage containers so they are visible. My scrounging around is only for the items that are capable of hiding from me when I’m not looking. (Like the scissors I used a few minutes ago!)

    The JR Crafter tools are beautiful. I don’t own a laying tool yet. I love the one with wood finish but would probably choose a brighter color, so it would be easy to locate.

  205. I am a somewhat organized stitcher. Closest at hand is the workbag my Grandmother Zilla Emond (b 1905) made, in which I store my current project and everyday tools (the tools are in a little notepaper box with a magnetized cover, which goes in the bag). Upstairs are 2 wicker baskets of “auxilliary” tools and materials – mostly slated for future use. My needles are kept on the magnet they came with. When I stitch, my scissors often fall to the floor,so the caddy idea is intriguing.

  206. Definitely Disorganised – my husband calls it untidy. When sat embroidering at my big stand & light, I usually have everything in bags around me. I try to use magnets to hold everything to the work. It does mean a rummage whilst I gather the appropriate tools for the work in progress. As I keep many of the projects in the pretty bags that come with bathroom product gifts – the clear “washbag” type, I have to sort through to find the particular pair of scissors or hooks left in a bag. I never remember where I have left them.

  207. I would have to say that unfortunately I fall into the disorganized category of stitchers! I do want to be organized but just can’t quite get there. My workstation is mobile as I tend to stitch when I have some time in the evening. I do at least keep all my threads,embroidery piece, etc. in one bag all together to avoid confusion.

    I love the caddy because I see that it can keep all the essential tools together and I love the idea that it is a work of art in and of itself. What a neat item!

  208. This question made me laugh out loud. What does my “workstation” look like? Well, my work station is a tv table on which I pile my project, although I have a cat that like to lounge on top of it, so things get knocked to the floor, others sprawl across the couch or a low table in front of the couch, and my baskets of supplies get pulled out and scattered around the living room. I am definitely a disorganized stitcher. I’ll have to get organized when I finally get to move back home with my husband. Oh boy! It will be tough!

  209. G’day Mary,
    I don’t know if you’d call this in between or …? My workspace is disorganised but I have a tidy mind. So, unfortunately, I’m not really a very relaxed stitcher as I’m in a kind of pull-me-push-me situation. I almost envy those who are messy and and it doesn’t worry them. This compact tool caddy would go a long way to easing my tidy mind and soothing my aesthetic mind’s eye. It’s beautiful. There is something extra special about an item that’s functional as well as being master crafted so wonderfully.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz.

  210. I end up being disorganised. mainly because I’m concentrating so much on what I’m doing I don’t remember where I put tools. No matter how small the work space it happens. I think I need to try your mantra.

  211. I am an organized stitcher. That is part of the fun for me too. I like to see all the colors of my thread neatly organized in their see through box like a rainbow!

  212. I like to think I’m organized in whatever it is I’m doing & like to have a place for everything. It’s possible to some extent. Then, as stash & equipment tools grow in number there’s the need to rethink, sort & find a way. Your Tool Caddy is a great one to have things at hand, to look & be orderly in a very attractive piece. Very helpful for one who is want to be so absorbed in a project that it’s easy to lose an item if it doesn’t have it’s own home in a handy place. Thank you for sharing what’s out there & for your generosity of heart.

  213. I try to be Organized, but my bete noir is putting things away, so after a while, it gets pretty Disorganized. Every so often I have to go through and return threads & needles, and the various etceteras to their rightful places. I keep needlework supplies in a few different places and it drives me nuts when something I thought was under the bed is actually in the basket in the closet. I try to keep current projects in a bag or basket on the couch where I work so that they’re portable if I’m headed somewhere else, but sometimes they get spread around. I’d love to have a dedicated craft room. In my mind’s eye it stays organized, but in reality… 🙂

  214. I’m a pretty disorganized embroiderer! I do keep everything in a large bag…..but I have to “fish” for the items each time I go to stitch! Yes, organizing tools like this would make things easier. I especially like the magnetic needle holder!

  215. I start off very organized, but in the blink of an eye, it has become messy. Story of my life. Ha!

  216. My seeing room, where I keep all my threads, canvases, accessories and such is very organized. Every thread has it’s place and threads for a specific project are kitted up together. However, when it comes to the chair where I sit and stitch-chaos. I have various stitch books, my ipad, printed up pictures of stitches that I found online and magazines on one TV tray. On TV tray #2 is 3 or 4 snap trays with items for different projects. They are piled in top of each other and often stuff gets in the wrong tray. On the end table next to my chair is a tray where I have embroidery scissors (curved, straight and metallic), boxes of different sized needles, laying tools, Allen wrenches to tighten my system 4 lap and floor stands, a 6″ ruler, regular scissors, threads that need to be put away because they didn’t work and hand cream. Then I have a coffee mug next to that with markers, pens and more laying tools in it. Then a bowl with nail polish, nail strengthened, more hand cream and eye drops for those nights when I am stitching way too late. Ah, such fun.

  217. I try so hard to organize my stitching. It doesn’t always work out that way. So I guess I would be between disorganized and organized probably leaning towards the disorganized.
    1. I try to organize my leaflets/patterns but only ends up in a pile but at least I can find what I am looking for.
    2. I have piles of threads that need to be wound onto cards but they still have the labels
    3. all sized needles in one pin cushion and I have to fish around to what I think the correct size may be.
    4. I have some beautiful fabrics in a nice pile and some of them I don’t know the count.

    When stitching I tend to misplace scissors under a pile of papers and my orts end up on the rug.

    Well, I am not perfect…..

  218. I love this-I have a simple block with a few holes made by my husband, but this is soooo much better. I try to be organized but fail more than I succeed!

  219. I love this block, I have a simple one made by my husband that is just a block with a few holes. thisiione is sooooo much better. I try to stay organized but I fear I loose more than I win.

  220. Function and Beauty, two for the price of one. How wonderful. I spend a lot of time rooting through my little box of tools, so I think this would be a life saver.

  221. Hi Mary, I am a disaster waiting to happen.. I have been known to step on pins and needles. I have a great space to stitch and since the needle stepping incident I keep my kitted up projects in those pretty gift bags. My trestles and slate frames are the only items that are neat and tidy in the corner of the room. A friend made my trestles and my husband finished them so they are very precious. So I am now a wee bit more tidy in my work area but always tidy at what I am stitching. The bag-lady of Raleigh.

  222. Would love to win the organizer from JR Crafter because I need to be more organized! My stitching table is small and usually covered so my laying tools and scissors keep trying to hide from me. If I had this tool they would be always upright and at attention ready to be put to work. So I’d get more stitching done instead of wasting precious time hunting down my tools! Thanks to you and JR Crafter!

  223. I am definitely a disorganized everything. Worker, too. If I could think “use the caddy”, I could become as good as you, Mary. Me thinks not. I love the beautiful woods and I am a ” tool fool”. Thanks for all you do.

  224. Oh Mary, I must confess. I am a very organized person, and I can’t stand a messy work area. I am also a woodworker, and the organizer caddy is positively beautiful. If II am the lucky winner, I will treasure it forever. And it will have a special place on my work table.
    thanks for the opportunity.

  225. Beautiful and useful. I love wooden things and am drawn to hand-crafted items. I say that I am an organized person and do work at that, but when I’m in the middle of a project I’m into the process and I’m constantly loosing my tools. I did buy a small pair of scissors for each of my work stations (6!!) because the darn things were always ‘walking away’!!!

  226. I’m a disorganized stitcher desperately trying to be organized but failing. I would love to win this little tool caddy, which is both good looking and practical
    Tania from Denmark

  227. Mary, this is a wonderful caddy, and I’d love to win it! I’m a fairly organized stitcher, but I’m usually working on several projects and jumping from one to another. My work space can get a little messy, so anything that can help me stay tidier and more organized would be a great help. Thank you for the chance to win this.
    Hugs from Suz

  228. Over the years, I have those “organize” days a few times a year, only because I try to be organized when stitching, but always find myself looking for that favorite pair of scissors or the orts holder, and, therefore, find that I spend an hour looking for the tools I need in order to start stitching. Your give-away would help me considerably and I would love to be the recipient of it.

  229. Hi Mary, Another wonderful give-away. Thank you. My husband and I just had that discussion this morning about creativity. I cannot create unless there is order in my space, my heart and my head. He works in a whirlwind of papers and numbers and “mess”. To each his own.
    Because I need organization, the little caddy would go a long way for me in saving time looking for my tools of the trade — even the errant needles that only our feet seem to find in the house!

  230. This caddy is a beautiful, very useful item.

    Although while working in offices over the years, I was always noted as being very organized and able to put my hands on any item at a moment’s notice – not the case with my sewing.

    I do move from spot to spot with my handwork and try to remember every item (scissors, needles, ruler, marking pen, etc) to move with me. Presently, I have been using a small wooden bowl to place some of the items and the spools of whatever colors I am working. This caddy with all the separate inserts would help immensely – plus the needle magnet! How many times do you forget to place one of the needles into the spool of thread or cloth so you know where it is? Or worse, set it down and not only are you searching but when you find it cannot easily pick it up? I love the magnetic idea and think, for now, I will locate a magnet and use for my needle.

    This caddy is just a perfect item and also would be a wonderful and appreciated Christmas gift for my Sewing Friends!

  231. Some would probably consider me an organized stitcher, but I’m really somewhere in between. I do a reasonably good job of keeping projects together and out of sight. But the project I’m working on? Another story. It is easy to pack up. But I also have to go looking for supplies as I need them (other than a the needle and a pair of scissors I usually keep with the project). This would be a beautiful way to keep tools organized – and handy! Thanks!

  232. I’m an in-between. I have some of my stitching tools organized on the little side table next to my stitching chair, but some of it is just tossed into a basket on the floor next to the chair and I have to hunt through it to find what I’m looking for.

  233. I suppose I am a in between the two kinds of stitchers. Depends on what day it is or week. Some times I am neat and I allow it it to go a bit messy but I do try to get back and tidy up things.
    My workstation: During stitching it is messy I admit, Sometimes I do have to scrounge around trying to find where I put something but most of the time I do try to keep it tidy so I can find things when I need them to start a project. I seem to be a multitasker and always have 3 or more projects going on at the same time.
    Thanks for this great opportunity to win such a fabulous prize!!

  234. I’m organized. My work table is like my desk. It looks cluttered but I know exactly where everything is. I straighten after every project and at the end of each day to be sure things are where they belong so I know where they are the next time I sew. Everything has a place I just need to put it there. I work on different projects at the same time so I have a shelf for each project.

  235. I think I am fairly organized when I stitch. I have a sewing basket with a tray where I keep all my tools and current project. When I am ready to stitch, I pull out everything I need; I put my needle nest, Thread Heaven and needle threader on my sofa armchair organizer and my highlight and blue marking pen in the pocket of the organizer. I wear my scissors on a lanyard around my neck and have a table by my chair where I have all the threads for my current project in a plastic box wound on numbered floss cards. Also, clamped to the table is one of those reproduction bird pin cushions that I use for my needles. I cross stitch/embroider in an oval hoop and pin my working pattern to the top area of the hoop. When I am finished that day, I put everything back in the sewing box, because my 2 little doggies love to chew up pens and floss! Sue

  236. I am a somewhat organized, disorganized stitcher as my work table is also my living room table. I keep all tools in a jumble in a Japanese wooden tea box. It has a nice lid so no one can see the inside. I also keep a small china plate next to for scissors and threads I am using at the time. I do tend to misplace needles.

  237. Mary I tend to have things all over my work surface as I get into a project. Multiple scissors, assorted tools, marking tools, etc. the tool caddy is not only well thought out it is beautiful !
    Susie Jarosz

  238. These caddies are beautiful. They must have actually consulted with stitchers prior to making the design!

    I am an Organized Stitcher. Everything has its home. But in the midst of a project, especially something that can travel, my work station might get spread out. I may keep a project downstairs in my special chair (along with my favorite scissor). Or maybe I get bored and begin working on something else. Every few weeks or when I realize that I’m having to hunt for something, I tidy up. It feels so comfy to me when it’s tidied up.

  239. I’m hideously disorganized. Well, I start right, but once I get going I end up wallowing in entropy. 🙂

  240. Love this! I would say I’m in between organized and disorganized. I usually stitch on the couch or in bed. I have sat on my scissors more times than I can count – my husband is convinced I’m going to stab myself. Despite always having to find my tools when I’m stitching, I’m not too bad about keeping everything in my project bag.

  241. At the moment my workroom is once again a danger zone – only a strong internal map allows me (but not my nearest and dearest) to navigate it safely. I need all the help I can get. Though a giant sized tool caddy might be what I really need, the JR Crafter tool caddy’s combination of beauty and functionality could be just the trick to turn the tide of entropy threatening to grind the wheels of creativity to a complete halt. Please, pick me as an act of charity from one needleworker to another.

    Awaiting your choice amidst the rubble.
    Catherine Schuler

  242. I’m pretty much an organized stitcher. Sometimes I let my area build up and get messy and then I get to work and organize it again. It sure helps when you are looking for something.

    What a beautiful piece of work, the wood looks lovely and would certainly be an asset to my work area. Nice of you to offer it.

  243. Don’t know if the comment I made yesterday went through or not…to recap, I am an Organized *Stitcher* and I keep my floss, needles, etc. organized in boxes and bins but my “work station” is rather chaotic when I am working, especially at the beginning of a project: everything I need — or *might* need — is spread out all around so I can grab what I need and be inspired by the materials and equipment around me. Since my current work station is my armchair and a sewing basket, not much hope for organization there. Maybe some day….Barbara B in E’ville.

  244. I am a fairly organized stitcher. My work station begins with only the threads I am currently using and all my tools are in a case so that I can find them. Then I begin to stitch……At the end of the day things are put away again and I’m all organized, again but while stitching I tend to scatter about. The caddy would certainly make it easier to STAY organized:)

  245. I consider myself somewhat organized, but do take up a lot of space to do so. Ha, Ha. I use a project bag to keep hoop and all supplies in… but scatter them about while sitting on the sofa for night stitching. The project bag also allows me to be ready to take and go when necessary. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win a fabulous and “very needful” new tool caddy. I would love to improve my stitching station and the caddy is very beautiful. Judy C in NC thanks you for the opportunity.

  246. What a beautiful caddy!

    I am mostly organized with each project. My space, however, looks somewhat cluttered because I usually have too many projects going on at once. I like to have a crocheting project, an embroider project, a scrapbooking page, etc. going on at the same time so I can work on whichever one I feel like.

    By the way, we were in Wamego last weekend for state cross country. It’s been about six years since we’ve been there, when our oldest son was participating, but I always enjoy that drive. It’s such a beautiful area, and some of the houses and storefronts are so unique. People who think Kansas is flat and plain need to make the drive from I-70 into Wamego. 🙂

  247. Due to my age and knee problems I have to be a semi organized person. I use a lapstand which I have on one of those tables that you can pull up to you and then I sit on the left side of the couch and on the middle cushion I have a plastic container with everything I need for my project. I think this caddy makes a wonderful addition to any needlecrafter. Thank you and CR Crafter for offering this and Good Luck to all of us that are wishing for this beautiful work of art. Carmen Urbina

  248. I believe I am a combination of both. I try and keep my workstation organized. I really hate having to run around hunting for things I need in order to work on a project. Having said that once I sit down to stitch, my desk has all the tools spread around. The good news is I can find it.

  249. I would love to have this as I’m somewhat of a neatnik and like to have everything at hand when I’m working. At present I use a Plano fishing tackle box to help me keep organized on a current project but it doesn’t work for everything I use. This would be a big help as well as being beautiful to look at.

  250. I am partially organized. I keep all my tools together at my work station, however, when I am involved in a project, I sometimes forget to put tools back where they belong or keep my threads together when I switch a thread.

    What I have a hard time keeping organized is when I have several projects going at one time. I find it hard to remember to all parts of one project away when I switch to another one.

  251. I am an organized stitcher – almost compulsively so. When I am working on a project, I want to be able to go from one thread to another without searching.

  252. Well, I always start out as an organized stitcher in my favorite corner with a large basket, a great lamp, and the perfect chair. It is my intention to keep everything that way throughout a project. However – somewhere along the way – I lose my organization. Maybe it’s another color of thread that I’m trying out or maybe a different size needle or even a different hoop, but somehow everything gets mixed up. Plus, I pick up my embroidery and move to different chairs throughout the project. Tools here, threads there, a pair of scissors over there, I guess I end up as a disorganized stitcher. I could use the organizing tool. It looks so easy to keep everything together.

  253. Hello again. Love this caddy. It will help me to keep organized and to stop misplacing my tools which can be so frustrating.

  254. I am abstract-random about most everything I do. That is not entirely true about following patterns for stitchery. So I guess I’m sort of in the middle of being organized and disorganized. My stitching stuff is housed in a pretty basket I made. But I know just about where in the jumble everything is. So the organizer would be a wonderful piece to help me become more organized. And since I love having beautiful things around me, this piece would certainly qualify. If I win, I’ll be so happy. If I don’t win, I may just have to cough up some dough and order myself one. This giveaway is the very best! Wow! It’s amazing and so is Mary Corbet.

  255. What a great give away! I really need it! My workspace moves from spot to spot, depending on my mood. When the weather is beautiful, I like to work in a little nook on my patio where I have created a comfy spot, with a chair, table, footstool, and lighting that makes it wonderfully liberating. No matter where I am, however, I always need to leave my perch to hunt up some tool or another. When that happens, it’s not only a disturbance, but it’ also opens the upportunity for hijacking by some other, pushed-to-the-side chore that I have been ignoring. Since I would call myself a middle-of-the-road’r in organization, I think this lovely little organizer would help me tremendously and would help keep those pesky chores at bay!

    Thank you, Mary, as always, for offering this give away!

  256. I would describe myself as semi-organized. I keep all my tools fairly close at hand but they’re all in one or two containers – my favourite cups that are now chipped, but I can’t bear to part with them. Generally I’m not terribly tidy because I like to be surrounded by my stash – floss here, fabric there – all cozy

  257. I suppose I am somewhere in-between organized and disorganized. I carry my stitching back and forth between home and our motor home so I have to be somewhat organized so I always have what I need for that particular project.

  258. Hi, Mary!

    Love your website — it’s a great way to keep up with embroidery news as well as offering a wonderful way to learn more about so many embroidery techniques and ideas!! A thousand thank yous!!!

    As far as my level of organization is concerned, like most embroiderers, I suspect, I am a combination of very organized and very unorganized. I organize my materials and tools when I finish a project, but when I am in the middle of stitching a piece (or several pieces!) things can get quite out of order!!! Luckily my studio is in a separate out-of-the-way room that no one has to see and the cats can’t get into! The room has a wonderful walk in closet where my projects, materials, and other embroidery needs are carefully arranged on shelves in clear boxes. But the studio itself regularly erupts into chaos!

    Thanks for another give-away opportunity!


  259. I`m organized/disorganized . I try to place current project in a plastic bag with everything I need. But when I have more than one project ,then I`m a bit disorganized. I end up sharing tools and then go on the hunt for tools. Waste of time. This is the best caddy I `ve seen. Such a beautiful organizer too.

  260. I am in between being an organized and a disorganized stitcher. I do lose or I should say misplace items during a project. Needles are probably the worst.
    The caddy is absolutely beautiful!

  261. I am very un-organized! I work mostly in front of the tv to keep DH company, so frequently back and forth to sewing room for items I need.
    what a neat tool, thanks for sharing

  262. I would say somewhere I between. Om generally very organized, but I tend to have a little bit of crafty stuff everywhere!

  263. Ok I will admit at times I am disorganized. I think this is mainly due to working in several locations. Never fails a tool I want is not where I am presently situated. So I do scrounge. When I stitch I have things piled and rolling around on me so this caddy would be ideal.

  264. I think I am a fairly well-organized stitcher. However, I am just starting to do embroidery and have ordered a Lacis frame which I have not yet set up. I am looking forward to using it and trying one of your free patterns.

    I try to keep things nice and tidy and have tools close by. I don’t like having to search for something I need.

    The caddy looks like a very useful tool and, besides, it is really pretty!

  265. Hi Mary,
    Oh my goodness, I used to think I was an organized person, but trying to organize my stitching is probably the biggest organizational challenge I face daily! My work station starts out all pretty and after an hour of stitching I am searching for my tools which are at that point beneath graphs, photos, threads, and assorted what not. It’s not pretty, LOL. But it always saddens me in some crazy way that needlework tools are so beautiful, so nicely and lovingly crafted, and then end up beneath a pile of “stuff”. I love my tools and handcrafted accessories mean so much more. If I am going to hand stitch a masterpiece, I love doing it with tools that are the masterpieces of others. It seems to fit. Thank you for the opportunity your giveaways always offer us! Please keep reviewing products because your reviews are the best. Sue

  266. Mary:
    I sent an answer yesterday but I do not find it in the posts listed. if you have it just disregard this one. I enjoyed all the people who have already contributed and will take some of their ideas to my own use. I am a disorganized organizer. That means that my fabrics are in plastic boxes by color. Heaven help me with threads. Yes, I do have them in plastic bags by color but that is as far as that goes. All threads are in one box with a handle (from the hardware store) and mixed up good. I do try to be better but somehow it falls by the way side when I am working on a project. Everything else I have to hunt when I need whatever. Thank you for sharing this new gadget, it is lovely and I could use it to organize my tools as I work on a project.

  267. Disorganized–definitely. I do go through bouts of organization and they feel good, but rarely last. I do keep my stitching chair fairly de-cluttered but don’t look in my closets!

  268. Each time I start I have every intention of being organized but then in the end I usually find myself looking for this or that. THe fact that I have multiple projects going on each sharing same color threads or tools doesn’t help either!!

    the caddy is very pretty and functional. It would look lovely in my work area!

    thanks for another fun give away contest!

  269. I’m by nature an Organizer, but also a bit of a scatter-brain. I usually stitch near a craft light located where my husband and I can sit together and relax watching TV or listening to music. I like to alternate my stitching with other felt or knitting projects. I try to keep each project organized, but frequent visits from my 17 month old granddaughter means I need to pack up my tools and move them to safer ground quickly. This lovely wood organizer would mean that my scissors and sharps would have consolidated home and could be moved as one unit in a matter of seconds.

  270. Thank you for the giveaway ..That wood is so pretty.
    Please enter me.

    Thanks for all your hard work Mary and sharing with others so we may learn.


  271. I have my materials and tools very well organized and assemble what is needed for a project into a basket. My work table and general studio space is another story! There is random chaos of materials which I “audition” for each project, strewn about until I finish the project. This is a beautifully crafted tool caddy and one which would find a welcome home in my studio. Thanks for the chance to win it!

  272. I think I am mostly an Organized Stitcher. I know that I have days when I spend more time organizing my supplies than I do actually working on my project! The most unorganized I (usually) get is when I am deep in the throes of a project and haven’t looked up to put things back where they belong. 🙂

  273. I’m fairly new to this and I struggle to keep organized. So many needles in so many sizes, not to mention floss and scissors. I would love this beautiful caddy

  274. My work station consists of a small box (no lid. Each session I start out believing I have everything I will need but as the stitching goes so do my tools until I feel I am spending more time searching for something than actually stitching. Very frustrating.

  275. I think I am an organized person, but a somewhat disorganized stitcher, mainly due to space limitations, but I’m also just like my grandmother, who was a stitcher. I remember her constantly saying, “Where are my scissors?”. I find myself saying the same thing quite often! I love things that can help me get organized.

  276. I seem to have gotten more disorganized as time has gone one. Probably because I have more tools and equipment now and when I do different projects, things gets moved and never seem to be with what I want to currently work on.

    I try to keep my immediate work area neat, but it never seems to last very long. Stitching is often neater than any of my other hobbies though.

  277. Hi Mary, I’ll try this again. I am a organized, disorganized stitcher. I have all my projects in plastic bags, sealed, frabric, thread, patterns and anything else I need for each project. But, when I get a new magazine, book or pattern, I just have to try it right away and I “borrow” from my bags. Then I can’t remember which bags things go back to. It makes life interesting. My daughter asked me if I ever finished anything and I said, Why? The fun is in the doing. She has gotten quite a few things I finished through the years. Have a happy day.

  278. I lean towards organized! I like having everything right in front of me but when I have a couple projects things tend to get mixed so I have to take the time to reorganize. Glad you got the site back up–what a bummer yesterday! Love the tool caddy. A work of art for sure! Would make a great Christmas gift!

  279. I am perpetually disorganized, which of course hasn’t stopped me from trying to be organized. My “workstation” right now is a mesh pouch with everything I need for the project at hand, and a seat on the couch. This does cause my problems, of course–escaping needles is only one of them. And, because of this, I’m constantly misplacing my tools. This gorgeous organizer can sit on my end table and keep me from “losing” scissors, rulers, “pointy things,” and the needle I’m currently working with. Awesome!

  280. While my craft room doesn’t show it, I’m a bit of a neat freak. I love things that help me in my efforts to be organized. And this piece has the added bonus of being beautiful!
    Thanks for your give-aways, your instruction and the glimpses into your craft room.

  281. I am somewhat organized, having several baskets and a tote where I keep stitching stuff. However, what I use currently is lying around my stitching spot – both on the table and on the side of the couch where I stitch. This beautiful organizer would be a wonderful addition, especially with the magnetic needle-park on it.

  282. I consider myself an organized stitcher—and I love new tools to support my efforts! This organizer is so beautiful, and I know whomever receives this will so love and appreciate it’s beauty as well as function! Thanks for sharing! I like all the special slots and holders in one, with magnet too!

  283. I like to think of myself as organized but if you looked at my workspace you might conclude otherwise! I am trying to complete projects before adding more to the to do pile.

    Thank you for the give away.

  284. I’m definitely a disorganized stitcher. I usually have a pair of scissors close at hand, but they can end up on my chair, or on the table nearby, or under my pattern . . . well you get the idea. Everything else is usually in a pile on the table – not the best situation, but at least everything is together.

  285. I’m a want-to-be organized stitcher. I am constantly looking for ways to keep up with stitching supplies, and failing. My work station usually looks like a disorganized clutter of things usually covering the things I’m looking for. I seem to be constantly looking for the black hole that my tools keep falling into.
    I love the organized look and utility of the caddy.

  286. I would put myself in the in-between category. I have a little caddy with all my stitching needs by my side on my sewing room sofa when I stitch which has most of the “necessities”. That part is organized. The problem comes if I need something else – the rest of the room isn’t organized at all. When I retired 7 years ago, getting it organized was on the list and it’s still there. One of these days…. Anything to keep me a little more organized is great!

  287. Hi, I am pretty organized. I do get messy at times, but mostly I put things away. I would love to win this beautiful tool caddy. I have a pretty wood laying tool made by a gentleman from New Zealand. It would have a home in this caddy.

  288. I think I am somewhere between the two. I tend to be all organized at the beginning of a project and then it all seems to fall apart. 🙂 A common refrain in my household is “Have you seen my scissors?”.

    Thanks for a beautiful giveaway!

    -Heather in Chicago

  289. Love that little organizer. Oh boy, I guess I am at the not too glamorous end of the spectrum. I pack my tools and spools in a ziplock bag and carry that around with the project I currently working on. Although, I am proud to say do have all my threads very organized in plastic, sectioned boxes.

  290. Hello and thank you for all of your delightful teaching. You are the best and I appreciate all of your hard word. It’s beautiful!

    I consider myself a very disorganized, wanna be organized, stitcher. I am all over the place! My workstation is always a disaster and then I have to straighten with each process. And yes, I’m always scrounging about, looking for my tools. My hubby’s term of endearment is Messy Bessy!

    Blessings Mary,

    Jennifer Wright

  291. I’m a rather organized stitcher but I would be a more organized stitcher if I could win this useful caddy. I have most of my stitching threads,hoops,etc.in a caddy with drawers and wheels.I stitch in my living room in a big chair. If someone comes over-I can hide my work and caddy quickly behaind my chair-“not bad eh”? says the Canadian gal!

  292. Jusst the thing I could do with as I just put things down and loose them under a pile of otherthings. I love using wooden tools and the tool caddy looks as if it is made of the most wonderful types of wood. What a brilliant idea to have a magnet for making sure my needle could not get buried and never found aggain.

  293. I have transformed my desk into a workstation for my embroidery. I have rigged a canister and a magnet to hold my crochet needles and embroidery scissors on the outside while the canister corrals my crochet thread. I am a retired teacher spending more time on my hobby of embroidering flour sack dish towels with a crochet trim. Your website inspires me.
    Irma G.

  294. I have always been a very “organized stitcher”. Everything in my sewing room has a place and I try to keep everything in its place. My workstation is neat and tidy for the most part and I have the cutest little vacuum that I keep in my room to clean up threads before I track them all of the house.

    When I want to join my hubby in the den I put my stitching in a basket so everything is at my finger tips and together. Now if I could just get some of this organization to rub off on him!!

    The caddy from JR Crafters is so beautiful. I have looked at it longingly for quite some time now. Maybe I’ll get lucky!

  295. I am not typically organized…but I DO keep my stitching items at hand. I am also partial to attractive, unusual sewing tools. How many pair of scissor, pincushions, needle cases do I need? NEED is NOT the operative word, right?
    Beautiful workmanship on the organizer. Love the combination of woods.

  296. This is beautiful! And so functional.

    I want to be organized, but sadly have not developed an effective system during work periods, so I have tools just lying on the table beside me. And then they fall off. So I end up scrounging around on the floor looking for needles and notions. This caddy would be the perfect — and gorgeous — solution!

  297. I am working to develop the habits of an organized stitcher, though it’s not my natural state. A tiny workspace makes it more of a necessity than a preference.

    Thank you for this lovely giveaway. That caddy is a truly beautiful piece of craftsmanship. In fact, I think I know what my sister is getting for Christmas!

  298. Well, things not in use are stored on shelves and totes, so there is a semblance of organisation, but I am afraid that while I am working everything involved becomes a “structured heap”. This caddy would be a god-send.

    Thanks for the great review and for the opportunity of winning such a lovely item.

  299. I am definitely a “Disorganized Stitcher”. My “space” also houses bill paying and my computer/printer. My day today was/is going to be spent trying to clear off a spot on my table for my current stitching project. When I read your email just now, I thought how timely! It gets soooo frustrating when I get ready to stitch and have to go looking for all my tools, project, threads etc. before I can even begin stitching. So much stitching time wasted! Sigh, I have still not found my scissors for cutting metallic! Grrr. Thanks for the giveaway. It is beautiful.

  300. Definitely disorganized. I often have so many projects going at once that my tools are scattered between project bags and sometimes I have no idea when I last used them. 🙁 My craft space overall is a mess and it definitely makes it harder to motivate to get things done!

  301. I think I’m a fairly organized stitcher…..my things are in one room with lots of drawers,cupboards and shelves. A small wood tray captures my tools in use and I make use of small gadget bags for stitch-ins and classes. A magnetic knife holder on the wall contains extra scissors,tweezers,etc.One of my laying tools is from JR Crafters….love it , so beautiful and well made. Thanks for giveaway. Happy Stitching!
    Lyn in NS

  302. I would have to classify myself as somewhere between being an “Organized Stitcher” and a “Disorganized Stitcher.” Currently, since my work station is the living room coffee table (yeah, I know, not great on the posture or back, but it’s what I have to work with), everything is in a constant state of flux.

    I need to push things to the sides of the table so I can have room for my project (currently an 18″x18″ piece), and I keep my needle, scissors, patters, and anything else I might need such as a dry erase marker for the pattern sheets (they’re slipped into page protectors, and the marker keeps me on track for what part of the line I’m stitching)on top of my project.

    This small, rather disorganized space does lead to scrounging for my tools, especially if I have to walk away for any period of time. Just today, I had to go find my scissors because I forgot I moved them to a sewing kit I recently put together! At the same time, I do try to keep my actual work space, where the fabric is, relatively clean and organized. It’s something I like to call “organized chaos” and somehow always manage to make it work, though probably not very efficiently.

  303. I am a fairly organized stitcher. I have an area on my desk for my current project so I can keep the design or instructions, threads, etc. out and organzied. However, others don’t necessarily view it as “tidy” even thought it works for me!

  304. I aspire to be organized. I really don’t have a designated stitching spot which is part of the problem. How I long for my own room to store my supplies and stitch. My workstation (the dining room table or on my couch stays fairly organized because these are areas used by the rest of my family and because I have very curious cats!) This needlework caddy is wonderful. Beautiful and functional! I would love one.

    Thank you once again for a wonderful giveaway.

  305. I love, love, love this. It’s pretty but oh so functional. The best part is the embedded magnet. I am constantly losing my needle and since I have two cats and a dog that’s a big worry for me. What a dream it would be to set my needle down, like I ueually do, and to then have it stick to the caddy so I knew where it was. I have lots of wooden handled tools so this would go perfectly with it.

  306. Mary, thanks to you and JR Crafter for the drawing. I just love the caddy.

    I’m a disorganized, organized stitcher wannabe. I favor organization by baggie – each block of the quilt I’m appliqueing in its own large baggie containing pieces & freezer paper templates in smaller baggies, with a separate bin to hold uncut fabrics, patterns, and finished blocks. I keep the embroidery threads for the project looped on binder rings hooked inside the notebook that holds the current pattern, and I’m pretty good about finishing one block before starting the next.

    As to my “work station,” while I have a bedroom/studio upstairs it’s mostly a storage room with a drafting table. Downstairs, my late mother’s sewing cabinet has a rotating upper drawer to hold threads and small tools, and a deep lower drawer for everything else (meaning baggies). I usually do handwork sitting next to it in the living room downstairs and hide stuff in the drawers or a closet when company’s coming.

    I’d like to be “neat and tidy,” but I’m constantly scrounging for items I’ve just put down: how is it that I can sit in one chair, then spend 30 minutes looking for something I’ve just used without having moved from that spot? For certain items, my chatelaine is my savior – after all, if something is hanging around your neck you can’t lose it (can you?) – then all I have to worry about is misplacing the chatelaine.

  307. I am somewhat organized. I know where my tools and my current projects are but everything else…what a mess.

  308. Nice giveaway, Mary! Thanks to JR Crafter as well. I would LOVE to have this caddy because, try as I might, I become a disorganized stitcher during a project. I have a large copper tray I use to hold my stitching supplies but it is fairly unwieldy without a large table to accommodate its size. This caddy would make my stitching area more attractive and the process more fun.

  309. I guess that I am an organized/disorganized stitcher. All my supplies are carefully stored in labeled drawers and containers. I can put my hands on whatever you ask for in a moments notice!
    But my dining room table (aka my stitching area) has at least 3 projects on it (oops -4)including tambour beading, knitting and stitching. At least it doesn’t include all that it did last week! I actually finished 3 beading projects!

  310. I started out as organized, but now I am accumulating so many tools that I need a better system. I lost my good scissors the other day, and I’m still on the hunt for them! This caddy would help me a ton, plus it’s soooooo beautiful!

  311. I’m both. While I’m working on a project, tools get a little scattered around me, but in between sessions I have a case for needles and other tools. That way everything has a home. I like the look of the caddy and the magnet is a great idea!

  312. I would say I am more of a disorganized stitcher. I need to put things away after each stitching session. My grandkids tend to put their finger on my stitching things if left out. I have an end table where I store all my necessities but while I am stitching,I tend to hide things by my chair so the kids don’t see it so I am always searching around trying to find where I hid my scissors and things. An organizer like would really make things simpler. It is a beautiful piece.

  313. Would you categorize yourself as an “Organized Stitcher” or a “Disorganized Stitcher” – or somewhere in between? What’s your “work station” look like during a stitching session? Do you ever have to scrounge about, looking for specific tools? Or do you, by habit, keep it all neat and tidy?

    I would categorize myself and somewhere in between organized and disorganized. My sewing room is upside down, but the project I work on is super organized. I get all of my tools that I will need for the project at hand and work. Then my tools stay in the container until I need things for another project and then the gathering starts again. Yes, to begin with I have to scrounge around for what I need, but once gathered, I am off to the races. This wasn’t asked, but I have to say I am a wood freak and love this piece that is up for grabs. Trying to catch the brass ring!!!

  314. I start off as an organized stitcher, but as time goes by and the needles are flying, and I go in search of something that MIGHT look or work better, things get shuffled, pushed around,caught on the dog as she walks by, etc. it ends up mildly chaotic.

  315. I cannot decide if I’m organized or not…I keep my current project in a large handmaid fiber bowl on the table next to my chair. In it are my wee ort bag, my zippered pouch containing needles, stitch ruler, two pairs of thread scissors, and all the other impedimenta of a stitcher. When I sit down to stitch, I take out the ort bag and scissors. Threads and all else lie loose in the bowl. There ARE times I dig for the thread scissors or some such. ::shrugs::

  316. I am in between. Mainly because I always have a couple projects going at once. When I sit down to stitch I lay out all of my tools on my side table. This way they are close at hand but at the same time I have patterns and floss all on the same table so it does get a little hectic. I do have some pretty tools that I think would look lovely in this little caddy it’s quite beautiful. My husband would describe me as ‘cluttered’! 😉

  317. I am a little of both. I do have alot of embroidery supplies and I have them in bags, boxes, and drawers. I have a miniature dresser that I have some things in such as needles, some threads, a few tools and various other odds and ends. I have a dmc chest for all of my floss. I have a antique oak wardrobe that stores frames and some unfinished pieces and boxes of supplies. I guess that is about it. I wish I had a whole room of my own just for my embroidery and crafts. That would be a dream come true.

  318. I am a very organized craft person. This would be a beautiful addition to my craft room and help keep things where I need them.

  319. I am a ‘beginning’ stitcher, learning to embellish quilting, and so
    have a medium size tote filling up with various embellishment supplies – some stitching and other goodies. So organizing it all
    into one tote bin was the beginning – then there are the threads
    and needles in other ‘envelope’ type totes…. admire your work and
    artfulness tremendously. You are an inspiration and i love reading
    of your thought processes and feelings as you work. Thanks for
    sharing. Whoever wins your give-away is getting a real prize.

  320. As with most everything, I am an organized stitcher. I have my little room with a neat library shelf, threads are labeled in baggies & arranged in alphabetical order. Sewing supplies are grouped and each drawer is labeled. All my fabrics are labeled with stitch count and size. Next to my stitching chair is a little table with my floor Ottlite just behind it. I have my sewing machine on a desk top with a little tray next to it that keeps falling off when I sew. This little wooden holder would be an excellent way to remedy that situation!

    Thanks for your daily newsletter. I appreciate your continued efforts to inform and educate us in the world of needlework.

  321. I am a disorganized, in an organized way! I try to keep all of my tools together at my stitching table, bit there just isn’t room to have them where I can find them. The tool caddy seems to be a perfect way to solve that dilemma!

  322. I am more organized than I used to be, having consoloidated all my needlework into my craft room. It used to be our family room and I converted several pieces of furniture into storage areas. This caddie would work perfectly on my craft table.

  323. I love the beautiful box. I tried everything to enter yesterday- I was blaming my computer!
    I adore this entertaining and educational website. You are very generous with your time!
    I wish I had time to try everything!

  324. Glad your site is back to normal.
    I would say I’m an organized sewer, whether doing embroidery in the evening watching TV or quilting during the day. I like being able to have projects ready to work on with all my tools easy to grab and use.

  325. I’m afraid I’m one of those totally organized people! Everything has its place and mostly everything is where it ought to be! I do admit to occasionally sending out the search party for the unpicker or the pen, so I can see how absolutely wonderful that caddy would be!

    Thanks for your generous giveaway.

  326. I’m pretty much an organized stitcher. I don’t have a work station in my little apartment, but I have “spots” for things so I can find them quickly. When I work, I have a divided box which I put my floss in (the color numbers are taped inside each cubby hole) and I have an area where I keep all of my tools. Thanks for the chance to win – I’ve been drooling over the laying tools at JRCrafter for quite some time!

  327. Oh dear ! I,m a ” somewhere in betweenie ” !
    How lovely that this is a handcrafted thing …made with love by father and son . I just love that ! Daisy Debs in Cornwall England

  328. This beautiful caddy would look great in my work space. It would certainly make my disorganised space look a little more organised. I do try to be organised by putting each of my embroidery projects in a separate bag, but sometimes the projects overlap and I am working between two bags, which seems OK at the time, but when I go back to it, whatever I need, always seems to be in the ‘other’ bag.

  329. Finally! Somebody has figured out what my mind couldn’t… I have been pondering how I can organize my needles, scissors, ruler, laying tool and such to keep beside my stitching chair. I’ve gone through boxes, desk organizers, cups… nothing works. Why didn’t I think of this? Well done!!

  330. My workspace is very small and I share it with a washer and dryer so I keep it spotless…that is until I get in there to create. I can mess the place up in 10 minutes flat. I looks much like a mad scientist has been in there. This little caddy is so beautiful and I would adore having it in my work space for my important tools so I wouldn’t have to fish underneath everything to find the appropriate tool to use. Please pick me, I would take good care of it.

  331. I try to be organized, but it always seems I have forgotten something when I sit down to stitch. I don’t have a work station. I sit at my couch. So my supplies go everywhere. I usually spend a fair amount of time looking for stuff. Sometimes it is on the floor, in between the cushions, or even hiding under the cat. I still think he does this on purpose, because he knows he isn’t allowed to touch the threads. 🙂 I wouldn’t know what to do if I was organized. I might get a project finished.
    Mary in Oregon

  332. Dear Mary
    I am a relatively new to embroidery crafter – my main hobbies are felt making and jewellery making, but I have discovered that I enjoy embroidery too. I am incredibly disorganised, with various things strewn ‘thither and yon’! I do have a lovely organised sewing box, but it is too big to be out much, so I decant what I think I’ll need into a basket, but then have to scrabble about trying to locate that pesky thing which has worked its way down to the bottom! I think what I am really saying is that I need all the help I can get with being more organised!
    Best wishes

  333. What a beautiful caddy! I have one of those lovely laying tools that I “stroke” because of it’s beauty. I’m fairly organized on my current project, but always am looking for a better more efficient solution for my tools especially when taking a class or a group project. The caddy would be the envy of my 25 stitching friends. They would all want one.

  334. Dear dear Mary How to explain myself. Well I really do try to be organised when I start a project but something happens along the way and I find myself spread thinly and widely. I often secretly blame Grandchildren but if asked they would probably just grin indulgently.
    However if I did win the caddy I would gift it to
    my lovely friend and instructor. She is as classy as the piece and generous with her time. I bow to the teachers of this world.

  335. I tend to be a Disorganized Stitcher. I’ve got a lot of tools at hand by my station, but I’m always missing one that needs to be retrieved from the basket (usually spare needles).

  336. Let me see (thinking hard), ….I am an organized disorganizer! I usually do a lot of different needlework projects as well as knitting. So ALL of my tools are currently on my recliner next to my couch, in my tin, knitting bag, or my end table, or basket. But they are all close by, so I guess that would be organized 🙂

  337. I think I am some where between tidy and a bit scattered. I do try to keep things together. That tool caddy is beautiful and would really help me keep on the tidy side of life.
    Carol W

  338. I would love to be an organized stitcher, but I can say with 100 percent certainty I am not, I am always looking for the ruler, the scissors, the needle, etc. I have had so much fun reading these responses, I can see myself in so many others – it really is nice to know you’re not the only one. Thanks for this give away it truly is a beautiful piece of art, and love the magnet – ingenious.

  339. I have a large farmhouse kitchen table at which I stitch. Each summer holidays(January for us) it gets a good organising. Work that I intend to finish is placed in order. Scissors are organised, along side my hoops, frames, needlecases etc. I have a clear area for working. I then totally ignore this process for the rest of the year sit to stitch wherever there is good light, or friends, make do with what space I have , burrow under other pieces I am working on to find the necessary equipment and in doing so find something else I might just have to pick up again very soon. In short beautiful creative chaos wherever I go!

  340. I would love, love, love to have this. My stitching table is crowded with my tools. Can’t live without my tools!!! I try to stay organized but it is sometimes a bit hard. Please, please select my name!!!

  341. Hello Mary,
    I would normally call myself an organized person except where crafting is concerned. Unfortunately I do not have the luxury of a dedicated craft room so my craft area is the kitchen table which is shared with my very messy husband. Most of my time is taken up with searching for my scissors, needles, ruler etc than stitching. Having a tool caddy where everything is in it’s place and not hiding under hubby’s computer stuff would be wonderful.

  342. I have to admit, disorganized is my middle name, I have been working at getting better, but still lose things and spend time, too much time looking for things. the good thing about it, I had to find at least one hinges, is that I find other things I lost. Lol

  343. I am a somewhat organized stitcher. I call it more like an “organized mess” in which I can find what I need before me. This nifty tool would sure come in handy!

  344. I can use any help I can get to be better organized with my needle work tools.
    Thanks for giving me a chance!

  345. What a beautiful tool! I’ve always had a fascination with all things made out of wood so I find this to be a work of art. I would LOVE to own one!! So…to answer your question….I start out being organized but as time goes on the neatness factor degenerates into utter chaos. When I reach the point of putting something down and not being able to find it minutes later I know it’s time to do a grand clean-up. Then I make another resolution to be neater, and you already know how that goes!

  346. I fall somewhere in the middle of disorganized because I have to spread out to work and I cover
    up my tools lots of times. Your caddy looks great
    and would solve the problem of finding more than one tool. Great idea. I love your explanation
    and video on the lay tool. Thanks again for all
    your great knowledge and projects.

  347. Hi Mary,

    I think I’m probably one of those “in-between” stitchers. I like to have everything handy, but it’s not necessarily what one would call really organized. Scissors nearby, but sometimes hidden! Threads in a bag by my chair, ruler nearby, but again often have to search for it. But I do like to have my stitching items a bit handier than all that. These stitching tools look fantastic and I just love most anything made out of wood!

    Thanks Mary!
    Cindy J.

  348. Disorganized! Except when I am organized. LOL I organize my stitching room and then it slowly dissolves into chaos. When I get really frustrated I spend an afternoon getting it all put back together and then…..I KNOW it would be so much easier to put everything back in its place. Maybe this caddy would be a step in the right direction and my whole life will turn around! Thanks, JR Crafter and Mary, for this great giveaway.

  349. I think I’m somewhere in between being organised and disorganised, both with my craft work and my ‘office’ desk. I have places to put things but I almost invariably put something down on a and end up scrounging around trying to find it. It’s very frustrating and time wasting. I’m working on teaching myself to put thing ‘away’.

    I love the tool caddy and am sure it would help! I have one of JR Crafter’s laying tools (thanks to your review) and adore it. This looks equally beautiful!

  350. I guess you would say I’m an organized stitcher. When I have a block of time to stitch (an hour+), I “feather” my nest–an easy chair with an ottoman–with a beverage (hot or iced tea, depending on the weather), a book -on-tape, and gather whatever tools I think I might need for the particular project. When I settle into my nest, I feel blessed and in the lap of luxury. How wonderful it would be to have a caddy of needed tools at my elbow and not have to mess about finding them here and there!

  351. I’m a disorganized stitcher, and am always scrabbling around for the tool required (scissors, screwdriver, pencil, etc), and it’s ALWAYS at the bottom of the pile …..
    This caddy looks to be just the ideal thing (not to mention beautiful!).

  352. This item is perfect for every stitcher who tends not to keep everything that she needs in one place and that would be me!

  353. I am very organized. I do tend to spread out and audition items to use, a few too many, but I always tidy up at the end of the day.

  354. I’m definitely disorganized. But it’s not all my fault! My cats definitely help. I have to keep moving things out of their way. Everything does go back in its place when I’m finished- sort of…..

  355. I am most definitely an organized stitcher with each project. I keep tools and supplies in little stitched caddies or bags for each one. I do not have a specific work station as our house is very small. I love wood stitching tools and organizers. Would probably want half a dozen of them because they are so beautiful!

  356. I am somewhere in between”organized” and “disorganized” — everything I need for the project in hand is on the work table; but somehow, it becomes ‘stirred-up’ and I can’t put my hand on the laying tool or the scissors (wee) or just the right needle, etc. It can become very irritating!! I do try to keep it neat and organized, but my focus becomes fixed on the design I’m stitching and making choices among the threads I’ve laid out. The “creative process” I call it!

    Janet Quinn

  357. I am a more organized than unorganized stitcher. I usually stitch sitting on my couch while semi-watching TV and listening to my 2 small dogs snoring in unison on my lap. My project of the moment is kept in a plastic storage box that I keep on the couch to my right. I normally replace everything back into the box at the end of a session. Thanks for the nice give away…hope I win!

  358. I would say I am semi-organized when I stitch,
    which is usually while “watching” TV in the
    evening. My work surface is a TV tray table.
    so space is at a premium.
    I try to limit myself to working on one project at a time, so that helps keep the clutter to a minimum.

  359. I think I fall somewhere in between. I don’t have a typical workstation. I usually needlepoint in my favorite chair (or sometimes sitting on the floor leaning again the chair). My lap stand with the canvas I’m working on is usually on the floor next to the chair, under my side table. The threads I’m using are usually in little baggies attached to a ring, so they’re easily accessible. But when I’m working on too many canvases simultaneously, it can get rather messy. My tools usually sit on the side table next to my chair, but they aren’t well organized on the side table and sometimes get lost among papers or pushed onto the floor (thanks to my cat). Reading about and seeing pictures of the tool caddy has made me realize that I should find a better way to organize my tools.. I guess I didn’t know there was a product specifically made to organizer needle-working tools and I’m sure it would make my needlepointing time so much easier, even more pleasant, &, most important of all, safer (I wouldn’t have to worry about someone stepping on one of my needles, laying tool or scissors).

  360. I am a “mostly” organized stitcher. I do have a lovely hand made 3 1/2″ spool that holds my scissors and has a small magnet to place needles. I love the look of this holder though as the rest of my tools end up dumped into my lap, or beside me on the couch, or on the table next to where I stitch. I am constantly searching for them so this might help keep me that little bit more organized.
    Thank you so much for your lovely little give-aways!!

  361. Oh Mary, does an empty bank check box qualify as an organizing tool? Arrgh! I really could use something a little more useful. Thanks for the chance to win!

  362. Well, unfortunately when I am creating, my work space is a mess and my dear husband knows not to touch anything. I think I am organized in where I put my tools but it never fails that when I am looking for it–it is not there. Then I stand up and start moving things around and find it when I thought I had just looked. 8o(

  363. I start out being organized then everything goes downhill! This caddy would really be great for keeping everything I need in one place.

  364. I am not very together when I set down to stitch. I must get up at least 10 or more times before getting it all in one place. This beautiful caddy would be just the thing and would also look wonderful on my coffee table and clean up the mess. I hope it is me that wins, would that be wonderful, WOW ! Jo McHenry

  365. I’m definitely a bit of both. I keep everything for my projects in one of those floss boxes, including needles and scissors just for that project. Specific projects and extra floss are always extremely organized. But the projects themselves end up all over the place.

  366. I am definitely a Disorganized Stitcher! I do try to gather up the tools I’ll be using, but it is not long before things are scattered helter skelter. And the threads! The short pieces at the end of a needleful get stuck on my clothing and wind up all over the house. What I need is an automatic waste bin! That tool caddy is so beautiful that I might actually use it. At least I’d be able to find the scissors!

  367. In my mind, I am an organized stitcher, but in reality I am pretty disorganized. I share my stitching area (the top of a desk) with my correspondence area, my accounting/banking/legal documents area, and the notes for the calendar.

    When I am stitching, I tend to clear a space on the desk top to put needles, scissors, laying tools, etc., on that space–but the top of the desk slants slightly so things roll off and I am constantly picking things up. What a wonderful idea to have a tool that would actually corral all the tools and keep them visible and easy to retrieve!

    Thank you for the opportunity to possibly obtain a tool that sounds like the answer to a real problem.

    Phyllis Louise

  368. OMG this is so beautiful. I have the equivilant of a pen/pencil can that I try to keep my standup items in view….I am somewhere in the middle of organized and disorganized. Please tell us where we can get one.

  369. Mary ,soy medianamente organizada,,me gusta tener en mi mesa mis herramientas,,pero este producto que facil resulta colocarlas en orden y muy bonito muy practico ,,si es especial para tijeras y agujas ,un gran complemento,,me gustaria mucho tenerlo
    un abrazo y gracias

  370. I am a wanna be organized stitcher. I try to be so, so organized always putting things just where I can find them AND THEN they are not there and I haven’t even moved off my chair! This looks amazing. I would love to win this tool cady.

    My workstation is the table next to where I stitch, but somehow it always gets crowded with other non stitching things, like dinner.

  371. I have a six drawer Ikea organizer. Each narrow drawer holds essential projects,tools,fabric and thread.My darling of a husband added a glass top to it.All it is missing is the beautiful wooden caddy!! Mary, thank you for your thoughtful and beautiful website.

  372. Oh, I am so disorganized! It’s takes way too long to find the right tools before I can start working. This is beautiful and I desperately need it. Thanks for giveaway. Sharon Lozano

  373. Well my projects are pretty well organized – everything needed for a project is pretty much put together and kept together for the duration of the project. That probably explains why I have so many pair of scissors!
    As far as the organization of the overall sewing room…well, that is a little more challenging!

  374. Well, I am neither an organized nor disorganized crafter…for there are some of my crafting tools which are properly stored in containers/boxes with labels whilst some are in large drawers. So when I am crafting I will be digging into everything to look for the right item.

    Thanks for the wonderful givaway

  375. So disorganized, and it doesn’t take much to exacerbate the problem. A spool of thread, needle, pair of scissors and instructions, and only a few minutes for the needle to disappear, the scissors to get buried and the instruction page I need most to get mislaid. Maybe the caddie would help!

  376. I am, sadly, a disorganized stitcher. I start out with lovely intentions and a neat work space, but even the smallest distraction leaves me with missing scissors, a needle parked in my shirt collar that is only found when I poke myself while looking for the floss that has somehow wafted into the dining room. And yet, I remain, ever hopeful that the organized stitcher buried inside will one day find her way out into the light.

  377. Hi Mary!

    So I am definitely a disorganized stitcher. I keep loosing the needle when I go for a new thread, have a pile of waste thread somewhere, and strands of thread I did not use all of and might go back too. Im either sitting on my scissors or I cant find them. And did i mention how I keep loosing my needle??? Too many times have I gone “uhoh i hope I dont find it by it jabbing into me.” Then again, Im just beginning so Im leqrbing how to be organized and what tools I need.

    Anyways, I was hoping you could give me some advice. I just started embroidery, as I mentioned elsewhere. I find myself being drawn to creating my own patterns with different types of stitches to make use of texture, look, and dimensional depth. However, I seem to hit a roadblock this week. I realize that Im not exactly sure about what to do. I find myself wanting to create more and more indepth embroideries but Im not exactly sure of well how to do that. I see pieces like that cleveland one and I want to create my own for a long term project. Or even pieces like with goldwork, victorian era work, or simple yet intricate surface embroidery in redwork or blackwork or multicolored (lol name?). Ive been perusing your website for a ciuple of weeks, looking at your dofferent lessons and different projects you’ve been doing. I love when you share about the history of embroidery and deconstruct old pieces to talk about the technique! I was hoping you coulf give suggestion about whats books youve written or know of that will help me expand. My birthday and christmas are coming up and Im asking for different sorts of embroidery supplies. Any suggestions about what can help or be useful would be greatly appreciated! Ive been learning so much from your website its a little shocking to see.

    Thank you so much for all your help and time,

  378. My work station is also my kitchen table, my fabric cutting table, my sewing table, my embroidery/smocking/knitting/crocheting table, my cats nap area, etc. When it comes time to eat, things get shoved aside and get buried. Needless to say, I am a “Disorganized Stitcher”, striving to be organized.

  379. Oh yes Mary. I used to be an organized stitcher, but since Scout, our Wire Fox Terrier puppy came into our home, organization has just become a fond memory. I stitch in an armchair next to my coffee table, where all my tools used to be laid out in an orderly manner, just waiting to be used. However, since the little criminal pup has come to our home, I look for scissors only to find they are lying next to the rosemary hedge in the garden. Needlecases have been found in the kitchen, and silk threads underneath my partner’s office desk! I would pay much for a secure work station, and it might just save the pup from being put up for adoption! Thanks for all the inspiration and tips that are enjoyed every day.

  380. Oh that I was an organized embroiderer. My scissors walk away from where they should be, threads end up go ether no matter howmany times I sort them out. And, then there are the patterns and books for things to hide under. Some of these even go missing all in one evening. I think I spend far too much time searching. Wouldn’t one of these organizersbe wonderful!

  381. Hi Mary
    To say I’m a disorganized stitcher would be an understatement. I start off each new project with good intentions. Finding the right storage container for the project is just as important as gathering the materials. A place for everything. But not for long my scissors somehow varnish as do all the other bits and bobs.
    Winning this beautiful Caddy would hopefully help to keep them from disappearing and I could spend more time stitching and less time searching .

  382. I try to be organised and to that end, I have a pretty china bowl or dish beside my work station to hold all my tools. This isn’t ideal, because everything sinks to the bottom of the dish and some stuff just doesn’t quite fit, so ends up on the table beside the bowl, or on the chair beside me – often left behind when I finish the session and thus ‘lost’ until I sit on it another day. This little caddy answers both my requirements in an organisational aid, it is both of good practical use and beautiful to look at. How could you not want to have one beside you while stitching?

  383. Hi Mary,

    I would have to say, I am somewhere in between. I share my sewing room with my twin toddlers, who nap in it in the afternoons. That’s when I get to squeeze in a bit of stitching time! My sewing table is somewhat disorganised because I also keep spare nappies and wipes next to my overlocker and dangerous items have to be beyond the reach of inquisitive hands but there is some order to the chaos. I am proud though, that the portable items, like my old sewing box, and my box of threads, are tidy. I carry my sewing box everywhere, so that I can move from space to space following the girls as they play, and also have spare embroidery scissors hiding in handy high-up corners. My older twin is incredibly interested in my sewing tools, and loves to stick my silver thimble on her thumb!

  384. WOW!!! What a gorgeous caddy. I so love wood of any kind and how neat is this tool for your tools. How kewl to have a built in magnetic area, i just love that feature. thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful art piece that is functional as well! ~Gin K.~

  385. I have learned to use my orts jar and not leave snippets of thread somewhere between my work area and the bin so I’m now tidier. I do organise everything I need for each project and keep each one in its own bag, I use gift bags I have received so each project looks pretty too. My floss is mostly in thread organiser boxes but I do so wish I could organise the rest of my workroom. The JR Crafter needlecase is on my Christmas wish list too, all their products are beautiful.

  386. Hi Mary. I try to be organized. I currently have an arm chair organizer than includes pockets on both sides. I use a couple of different methods to keep the thread organized (thread cards or bobbins attached to the circle thingy). Even give all these items, I still lose my scissors, somewhere, somehow! So I have attached them with a piece of string and a clothes pin to my floor lamp. That looks so hideous in my family room. I try to remember to take them down when I am done stitching (ahhhh, that is not working) and I try to remember to get them down before company comes over (I now recognize “The Look” when someone is noticing them.

  387. Organized somewhat! As long as I’m not disturbed all is well. That’s why I need this organizational tool; dog tails and grandchildren blow my neat little areas where I put things quickly!

  388. This caddy is really beautiful and smartly designed. My workspace is usually my bed or my chair in the living room. I try to stay organized by keeping my tools in a little pouch, but sometimes I don’t put my scissors away and they get lost in the bed covers (or worse yet, needles sometime disappear in the bed! Whoops!)

  389. I am definitely an “in-betweener.” I pull everything out and spread it all over my table when I am working but then when I am done, everything goes back into the various storage boxes with little dividers so everything has its place.

  390. I’m a fairly disorganised stitcher! I keep trying to get sorted but the stitching (and blog reading) gets in the way. I love the tool caddy, wood is so tactile especially when differentwoods are put together so beautifully, love the thought of the magnet, I always need somewhere to out my needle.
    I do enjoy reading about your stitching life every day thankyou for that and the giveaway.

  391. I have small stacks of supplies in many different places. There’s a cup near my chair that has crochet hooks, scissors and needle packets in it. I keep a box on the floor by my chair with a mellor, glass-head pins, thread winders and more needles. Then, of course, the hodgepodge of places in my craft room where I have specialty scissors, unusual tools and more needles. It’s the cup by my chair that gets the most use, however. It’s sort of a catch-all for the things I use most and I have to poke around in it to locate what I need. Usually, I find my husband’s toenail clippers, a dog comb, and sundry other items in there, as well. I love the idea of a beautiful wooden caddy where each tool has it’s own place.

  392. I love items that are a little out of the ordinary but classy. This georgeous tool caddy perfectly fits that description. It is elegant because of the design, the use of multiple woods, and the care in finishing it. The folks at JR seem to have thought of everything, including the felt padding inside and out!
    As for me, I am relatively new to stitching and am fairly organized–but when you stitch under your Ott lite sitting in a cozy corner chair with your feet resting on an Ottoman, tools aren’t always exactly where you need them when you need them. I keep most tools in a small mesh bag on the Ottoman, but the ones that I have out to use seem to periodically hide when I look for them. It looks like this tool caddy would solve that problem! Thanks for offering it as a giveaway.

  393. Hello,

    How cool is that tool caddy. I love the magnet at the front.

    Well, I always start off my sewing projects organized, but by the end I’m normally in a bit off a mess.


  394. I guess I am in-between. I am usually working on several Projects at once and my tools tend to get distributed among them.

    Elaine in New Mexico

  395. I’d like to think I’m an Organized Stitcher. I obsessive over newly discovered stitching caddies….anything to be able to corral my stitching tools easier.

    This is a beautiful caddy! I can see possible Christmas gifts for stitching buddies!

    Thank you for introducing us to this artisan!

  396. I need to be as organized as I can for peace of mind. They make gorgeous products. I cut and finished wood products in the 80’s and I miss that. Have a great week. Thanks

  397. I am a disorganized stitcher.
    When I am working on a project, there are threads everywhere. I often have to get up to locate my scissors…you know where they slipped.LOL:)

  398. I used to think I was an Organized Stitcher. That notion evaporated the day I finally found my most precious pair of embroidery scissors in the pantry cabinet. I suppose they were hungry, surely it was not moi who left them there! My children keep mumbling something about it being good that my head is attached….. The caddy is beautiful. Thank you for showing it to us!

  399. I am definitely not an organized stitcher, I am always looking for stuff so maybe this will help, thanks for the giveaway.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  400. Good morning Mary! My studio is organized chaos when I am involved with creating, and I would love to win this little caddy! I use decorative bowls to group my tools in. One holds paper scissors, another fabric ones, etc., but I adore tools, and this caddy is a tool, that means I want it, lol! I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember the name of the little tool that acts like a third finger, a laying tool, yay! Thanks for sharing Mary, I so look forward to your updates:) Be well! Lisette in Oregon

  401. Disorganized! Not from want of trying, just can’t quite get there, but never giving up. Often these days hunting for something I just had in my hand. My work station becomes disorganized partly from the small space. Hopefully trying to move forward a little everyday will win the war.

  402. I definitely try to be organized every time I stitch. I take out only the tools needed and organize them on the end table next to where I stitch. However, things never end up staying there. Eventually, I find my scissors or laying tool in between the couch cushions. I also have a bad habit of using the arms of my sofa as a pincushion!

  403. Doing more needlework, I am coming to understand how disorganized my sewing is. Each time I must search for the tool I need, I lose steam for the actual sewing. Love the beautiful workmanship and design put into this useful piece. William Morris would approve.

  404. I would have to say that I am a very organized stitcher. So much so that while the uninitiated observer would say that I have stuff all over, I can usually lay my hands on exactly what I am looking for from the get-go. If I can’t find it, it drives me absolutely berserk until the item can be recovered and returned to my sweaty trembling hands.
    Someone once told me that I have a photogenic memory. My mother says that I am “just like my father” with a pronounced *sigh* following.!

  405. What a beautiful, useful tool! It would be delightful to have one of my very own to help me “stay” organized. I generally start off well. All the parts are neatly stowed in an envelope and the instructions are in a handy binder, but as I progress, things tend to get messy so that I’m searching for my scissors, losing time looking for my needle, knocking over the beads, etc., etc. But, still the projects get done, I learn from my disasters and vow to do better until the next time.

  406. Disorganized stitcher. I tend to work on my sofa and end up with supplies spread around me on the cushions which I then have to quickly scoop up and put in a pile to avoid the ravages, er, help of my cat. I am particularly bad at organizing needles. I think they keep disappearing into another dimension.

  407. I am definitely a disorganized stitcher! It’s a miracle if I start a project with everything nearby; I am often hopping up to dig back into the storage bins to find what I need in the middle of a project.

    I just moved and will finally have a dedicated work space — first time ever! I’m so excited.

  408. Absolutely beautiful. I start out all of my needle projects very organized but since we all have several projects going at once, things deteriorate rapidly. And the things that set my husband off quicker than anything is when I utter, “Oh, now where did that needle go?!” so the hidden magnet would be appreciated! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  409. I try to keep things organized but most of the time I think it could be considered organized chaos. Right now my sewing table looks horrible but I am working on a dress for one of by grand daughters. Because of this my embroidery area looks pretty good but that could change in a minute. I am pretty good at keeping my tools put up except I can never find a ruler. That’s something I liked about the tool holder a spot for a ruler and it is beautiful also. I love beautiful tools. Diane

  410. I’m trying to be more organized. I have a rolling cart with lots of drawers that I’m storing all my items in lately. I can just pull out a drawer and take it to wherever I want to work, then put it all back when I’m done. While I’m working though – things do get a little strewn about.

  411. I am defintely a disorganized stitcher. I try to get organized several times a week, and then I find something I was looking for a month or two ago…

    This tool caddy looks wonderful, and also small enough to tuck into a corner of a traveling work bag!

  412. Organized when I start, but then my pincushion chair, tray, and floor area are pretty messy by the time a session is over. I have begun put everything back in their place, but I don’t think I have a very good system (too many little places where stuff goes, so it’s like a mini-gathering to restart the next time I stitch). I need to work on this!

    Our newest cat member hasn’t learned the rules about my stitching area as yet, so that has caused problems several times…even when I was in the middle of stitching.

  413. Hi!
    I would have to say that I am a disorganized stitcher 🙂 Everytime I embroider I always tell myself to get more organized lol! Always laying my floss here and there! Yes, I do find myself looking for my embroidery scissors when I am cutting off thread! I really don’t have a work space. This is beautiful caddy and it would be awesome to own. Especially love the built~in magnet for needles! 🙂 Thank you for the lovely give~a~way…

  414. I would say somewhere inbetween – leaning to disorganized – I put small projects in bags to get ready “in case” then I can’t find it. So the bags are organized – I am just not organized to find it when needed. I have a room housing multiple crafts –
    so I have much in the way of supplies. My work areas become a bit messy – but then I clean them – then they are right back. Oh, well. It works for me!!
    Thanks for the chance for this wonderful tool.

  415. I would say I’m in between as far as being an organized needleworker, and any little bit of help is appreciated. I would really like the tool caddy for this purpose. Thanks.

  416. Thanks for this opportunity. I want to be an organized stitcher but alas, I fear I am an unorganized stitcher.

  417. I have to be organized by necessity. Four years ago, I had some cross-stitch sitting out, and one of my cats batted at the thread, then suddenly I saw a flash of metal and the cat had swallowed the needle! I screamed, grabbed the cat, and ran with him to the nearest vet. I couldn’t afford the X-rays for the cat, much less the surgery. The vet took pity on me and told me to take the cat home, feed him as much wet food as possible, and see if he passes it.

    So, I did as told. Lil’Bit loved the individual attention and all the wet food he could eat without being forced to share with the other two cats. Two days later, I thought I had just imagined it, but kept dutifully checking the litterbox. On day 3, I found the needle in the center of a little deposit he’d made – thread wrapped around it. Lil’Bit was extremely lucky and made it through with only a heart attack and tears on my end.

    Now I make absolutely sure there’s no needles where a cat can get ahold of them, even if I’m just going into the kitchen for a snack. Because of that, I’m pretty organized. I use a StitchBow case for my ongoing projects, because it’s easy to tote around. Everything else is stored in a bamboo-like box from IKEA in my office, though I am outgrowing it.

    Oh, and here’s video of said cat during the whole ordeal, when I was testing stuff for a tech blog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8n2UuK2fsA

  418. Hi Mary, I would love to be an organized stitcher but it is hard. I just get things the way I like them and some little grandson comes over and rearranges things. Good thing he is so cute. The caddy is beautiful and would help me keep everything in one place.

  419. I think I’m more toward the “organized stitcher” but I have little elfs who always seem to disrupt my organization. My crochet hook or heaven-forbid, my scissors will get used for other purposes – perhaps to use as a poker in the ant pile or to cut the rope for a grenade launcher! I would love something that would be definitely OFF LIMITS so that my tools never grow feet again! Thanks for the give away!

    Carrie Plane Nut

  420. I’m pretty organized. Have to be. I am a full time snow bird living in a 27 foot travel trailer with partner and two miniature schnauzers! There is no room! I had to get creative to find ways to ensure I have, basically, a rolling mini-needlework shop. I use the space around me very precisely!

  421. I am a disorganized, semi-organized stitcher, which means that I manage, always, to at least toss my tools into one of my “current project” baskets before my two puppies come thundering into the room. The first question later is, which basket? The second question is, where in the basket? If I make it past Question 1, digging gently through the depths of threads, fabrics, and patterns to find a thread snip in the basket is quite a challenge. I never lose a tool, and I always find it eventually, but what a process. Maybe keeping the tools out of the baskets and in one central place is the answer!

  422. I strive to be very organized. I love working in a neat and uncluttered area and love tools that work and look beautiful at the same time.

  423. i hvave to admit that though i always ‘plan’ to be an “Organized Stitcher” i end up being somewhere inbetween,leaning more towards being a “Disorganized Stitcher”
    During a stitching session my work station looks quite untidy as i get called away once too often frm my work.But fortunately,have developed the knack og finding things without having to scrounge about
    The minute I’m done with my project, i arrange everything back in order….till the next one begins

  424. I know that I’m far from being organised…I try….really I do….but somehow I’m always loking for a needle….where’d my scissors go (and I have loads of them because the needlework gremlins get them all the time!) I stitch in the lounge while listening to the telly, so my box of threads are normally at hand. I have a huge plastic storage box where I keep all WIPs nd WISPs in, with any specialised thread for those projects in the ziploks with the projects. It’s the needles..the threader, scissors, and sometimes even the hoops (as there are several different sized ones) that are subject to my disorganisation. So…I guess I’m really a halfway in betweener 🙂

  425. My work space is usually disorganized, I simply can’t work in a clean space, I know how much work it took to get it organized, so it’s hard to start a new project, but when it messy, I just breeze along. After each project I straighten up, put the old threads away, thenget ready for the next project. But misplacing my tools is my biggest problem, because I work in the living room while on the sofa. My Lowry on one side, my mighty brite on the other side, my sofa holds the pattern and threads. Fireplace offers extra heat. Growing older is so much fun.

  426. I start out being organized but soon things are not in their right places. This organizer would help. The tape measure is one thing I never can find, misplace the other things too. The needle and thread go into the arm of the chair. This is a beautiful, thought out, wood organizer. I would love to have it. Thanks for a chance.
    Debra Puma

  427. Hah, I’m very disorganised. I tend to do needlework on the couch in front of the TV and my little tools generally go on the table in front of me or the arm of the couch. Not good places to put things when one has 4 “helpful” cats 🙂

  428. Organised?? Me?!! Crikey!!

    I have many patterns and kits for needlecases….but have I finished any of them? Where are my needles when I want one??

    Who wastes half an hour looking for this and that….the right size needle, the scissors, oh my gosh, the scissors!! I am embarrassed to tell you all how many pairs I have…..but when I need one, where have I safely put them all?

    and then charts….wanted to take a chart on holiday with me a couple of weeks ago,do you think I could find the chart, yes, I had put the GAST special threads in a labelled box…but took much searching to find the chart

    Julie N

  429. I hope I did not miss the boat and enter too late for this beautiful and useful tool. I struggle with an organized and handy way to quickly grab the tool that is needed but have miserably failed so far. This would definitely solve the problem in a beautiful way…..and I so love beautiful wood. Pick me, pick me. Thanks for the opportunity.

  430. I fall in between… all of my threads and tools are organized per project and in their own bag/case but my work area/desk is a mess. I do everything at my desk it seems and all the paperwork from real life ends up in a pile. My desk is an old teachers desk with the pull out shelves(?) so I put my case on the shelve and sit back in my chair to work. Normally I put the tools back in their spot, but there are times I lay a needle down just for a second or the scissors.. and they tend to disappear for minute. If I tried to keep my desk organized I think I would never get anything done. I do attempt to get organized every now and then, but I always fall back into the old habits when life gets overwhelming. My desk area is also a safe area where our dogs can’t get at my tools. We foster dogs from our local Animal Control until they can find a new home and I just never know if they are going to be a chewer or not. I love your website, I’ve learned so much from you and spent way too much money on the neat little tools you review. I can’t thank you enough for leading me in the direction of quality embroidery hoops. They are some of my prized possessions and make life so much easier.

  431. What a beautiful caddy! I am fairly organized, in that I can pick up whatever tool is needed without hunting for it, but it doesn’t always look so pretty, with threads, needlecase and scissors in a bag beside me.

  432. Hi Mary, I would describe myself as an “in between” stitcher. Things can get fairly messy while I’m stitching but since my situation demands that I put away all of my materials and supplies after each session, I’m limited to how crazy it gets. I do love having and using beautiful tools. I feel that when I am using something beautiful I am challenged to create items of the same quality. It helps me take the time and care to try to make my projects as nice as possible.

  433. Wow! That tidy little caddy is a dream come true. I am organized in that I know where things are (as a general rule), but once I gather things I need together for a project, they don’t stay as tidy as I would like in the work area. I have a lap board that I lay over the wooden arms of my rocking chair, but there is a slight tilt to the chair arms, so I have to be careful that things don’t slide off. Unfortunately that happens WAY more than I like! Then I have to put the lap board aside, stand up and retrieve whatever fell, then sit back down and replace the lap board. This would be a wonderful way to keep things right where they are supposed to be! And gorgeous on top of all the other positives!!

  434. I like to be an organized stitcher and am currently working on organizing my craft cupboard. When my supplies become unorganized I find I become overwhelmed with unfinished projects and lose my motivation to stitch…so I’m looking forward to a tidy work space and more creative stitching.

  435. Hi again Mary,
    Honestly, I’m not trying to enter the giveaway twice, I simply realized that, in trying to compose my entry while in the process of running out the door (such an unusual thing, I’m sure!:-)), I didn’t answer your initial question. So, I would consider myself a Semi-Organized Stitcher: My floss & yarn are neatly in divided boxes, the thimble my grandmother gave me when I was 12 is always carefully left in the same place, but everything else lands wherever.
    Thanks again for all your inspiration.

  436. My stash storage is well organized but my stitching area is not. The end table next to my stitching chair is always overflowing with tools and other stuff. This would be the absolutely prefect accessory to try to turn that chaos into an organized area.

  437. Mary Corbet, you are quite amazing! I just love your approach to everything! You are so honest and so forgiving! Don’t we all find ourselves in a bit of an embroidery mess from time to time? When, however, we are all organised and have everything where it should be, we sing or whistle while we work and everything seems to go more smoothly. Embroidery can be very frustrating and I was so impressed to read that there is now even a tool to help tuck unwanted short threads away…how wonderful! Your daily emails blow my mind, ’cause I just don’t know where you get the time and energy, but you do and I’m so sure everyone of us on the receiving end of this enthusiasm, can only sing your praises!! To win this Tool Caddy would make me so happy. I spent quite some time on organizing a Wendy House in our garden to accommodate all my embroidery supplies. I pray I’ll live long enough to use them all! As for that magnet to hold your needle… well I should enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being able to loose a needle in no time, by simply putting it down and not being able to recall where I put it!!! Huge congratulations to JR Crafter! Where in South Africa could we possibly buy one, I wonder? Happy wishes and thanks a million for all you do for embroiderers all over the world!

  438. Mostly disorganized. Each of my (several) current projects have a bag of their own, but anything shared between them (like scissors) could be anywhere. I also do a lot stitching in front of the tv and have almost lost things in the couch more than once.

  439. I am an Organized Stitcher, keeping my tools close at hand in small baskets and boxes. It drives me crazy if I have to stop what I am doing to find something I know I have but can’t find right away!

  440. I really do try to be organised and sometimes it works – I keep count of the number of needles in use at any one time. I sometimes spend more time looking for the missing one than sewing !! But Usually find the needle because I feel I need to protect our cat from injury. I suppose I am disorganised and can find myself working with a messy heap of fabric, threads etc. oh well just need to try harder because disorder can waste so much time and is very frustrating.

  441. I recently took up embroidery and have been making lots of presents lately. My boyfriend sees me with this or my knitting while we’re sitting in front of the tv has told me lately that I should teach him how, so he can help me. He’s adorable. This would be a beautiful gift for him. He works at a reclaimed wood lumberyard and is always showing me the different varieties. This organizer would truly inspire him.

  442. An organizing tool might keep me more organized! It seems I can never locate a pair of embroidery scissors when I need one, and forget about my laying tool! And it seems very functional, as well as beautiful!

  443. I am a pretty organized stitcher. I already own and use almost daily a JR Crafter laying tool. I absolutely love the beauty and workmanship of the wooden holder! I am a “sucker” for beautiful wooden ware and would so love to have the caddy you’re offering.

  444. Hi. I would classify myself as a “Disorganized” Stitcher. My workstation is an easy chair with an end table on both left and right sides. I am left-handed, so I tend to use the left side table which also holds the remotes, coffee cups, mail, etc., for both my husband and myself. Everything tends to get piled on top of everything else. The table on the right side is very awkward to use (I may have to learn to become right-handed). This beautiful tool would at least let me find my needles and scissors and possibly my chart (it may fit where the ruler goes, just a thought). Thank you for offering this give-a-way. Will these be available for purchase if I do not win? TTFN… Sharon

  445. I’m quite disorganized and my work area can get quite messy but usually I reach a tipping point and find myself going through a cleaning/organizing spree. Each time I get more and more organized as I figure out what works for me.

  446. Hi Mary
    Lovely exotic-looking caddy!
    Not having a specific workstation, I´m relatively organised, keeping each project in its box/bag, but inevitable I always manage to lose my scissors, pencils,etc. so this caddy would really serve its purpose!
    Thank you.

  447. Thanks for doing this lovely give away 🙂

    I’d count myself as an organised disorganised stitcher.

    My craft room is very organised. Everything is in just the right place and in easy view. The disorganised bit comes in when I choose NOT to actually do my stitching in the craft room, but instead take what I need and go into the lounge so I can re-watch a show while I stitch. My tools sit on my computer table (which is right next to the couch I stitch on) and ditto with my ort jar. My Needlework System 4 stand is a permanent fixture in the lounge too.

    When I’m done stitching a project, the materials do eventually make their way back into the organised craft room, but they MAY sit in a paper bag I have in the lounge to store this sort of thing in LOL!

  448. I am, for sure ,a Disorganized Stitcher!! I have only recently picked this up about nine months ago (after a 12 yr. hiatus)and have fallen in love with hand stitching, and am learning all the wonderful stitches online, one by one! I have just today found your explosive site!! It’s filled with so much…much is like a foreign language, but I have already using your tut for the heavy chain stitch for a paisley piece. I guess this is like riding a bike, or muscle memory. Practice gets rid of the rust slowly. I better start finding ways to organize my growing collection of tools. Finding many I will soon have!! Love to have a beautiful wooden object to get me going!! 😉

  449. neat & tidy is definitely no where in my middle name. i’ve misplaced my needle, just now, as i’m sitting in front of my computer! i’m trying to finish my last few stitches to my quilt as i check my e-mail. trying to multitask doesn’t help with trying to stay organized.

  450. I try to be organized. 70% of my DMC threads are now on cards and well packed in a box. I always have a little woll felted box by my side when I stitched and it contains all my tools… when they are not in a plastic bag with some other unfinished project!

  451. While I would love to say I’m an organized person I’m afraid I fall into the latter disorganized state the majority of the time.

    I am forever hunting scissors for my current project; they are all usually stashed with previous ‘current projects’ of which I have many.

    I am forever looking for something that when I find it I thought I was putting it into a logical, “I’ll remember that” location which obviously it wasn’t!

    Surely with such a lovely needlework tool caddy at my side my workspace would become more organized!

  452. What a beautiful Tool caddy! I would love to win this. I start out organized and pretty soon it dissolves into chaos. I have lost 6 needles in one sitting before and have to hunt scissors in between the cushions of the couch, on the floor and even sitting on them (ouch!)This caddy would go a long way to helping me and my husband(he has found needles the hard way:)

  453. As I’m stitching I’m generally Organized but it looks disorganized. I tend to leave my threads in a pile. I leave some tools out so I can easily grab them, but that can look messy at times. I do always put my scissors away in the bag so I don’t do any harm to my couches.

  454. I’m a semi-organized stitcher! I’m really organized when putting together a new project, putting all the materials/supplies together in a bag or box. I’m usually good at keeping things together…Problem is that my “workstation” and favorite stitching chair is in our guest room right now and every time we have guests, I have to move it all. I do sometimes misplace scissors, etc. The Caddy might help! Then there is the “other” room where I store supplies and have my sewing machine…it can get scary in there….

  455. I am an extreemly disorganized person. aspiring to be more organized i am trying everything i can to keep it need. I reciently bought a 45 drawer library card catalog piece to help me!

    thanks, EN

  456. This is a beautiful tool caddy – love the idea of the embedded magnet. I trend towards the disorganized side of stitching. My favorite place is on the sofa on the third floor (nice and warm in winter). I have one dog leaning solidly into my left leg, the other dog keeping my feet warm, and two of the three cats vying for space on my lap (third cat is too large to attempt heaving herself onto the sofa). Doesn’t leave much room for careful organization of tools, and so many precious noses and paws to keep safe from sharp things. This caddy would be a big help in corralling all my necessary items at no risk to my family curled around me. Now, if I can just find that tack that eluded me last night…

  457. I am definitely a disorganized stitcher. I always try to keep everything organized but I inevitably always end up with embroidery floss everywhere on the floor, needles falling into the couch cushions or get lost in the carpet, etc. I always have to scrounge around to find all my tools before I start a project but usually I can keep them all in one general area while I’m working. I would really benefit from a caddy like this one.

  458. What a wonderful piece! Being organized is Difficult! Using beautiful tools makes it so much easier!!

  459. I am a fairly “organized stitcher” by project, but overall, my total embroidery supplies are a little too spread out for my liking. I want to set up a total “craft space,” but that hasn’t happened yet.

    I mostly embroider while the family watches t.v. so I don’t have true a “work station,” but everything gets put away for the day/evening when I am done. I keep everything together in the same general area, but I dream of having one home for everything so that my fabric, tools, extra hoops, iron and ironing board, and trims could all be at my fingertips.

    The caddy is beautifully crafted.

  460. Hi Mary, Like many of us, I start out organized and then entropy begins to take over. I am usually very organized and love for my stitching environment to be both beautiful and organized – this seems to aid my creativity. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  461. Hi Mary, I would love to win this tool caddy as I know it would help me be more organized and not spend time looking for tools that I need as I work on a project. I know I would be more organized and it is so beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  462. I am fairly well organized but when I get very involved in a project, organization can go out the window. The tool caddy is gorgeous!

    Love your blog and all the detailed work you do.

  463. How does organized chaos sounds? I try very hard to keep all my tools as handy as possible. Normally when staring a project I put everything I think that I might need into a large 15x15x4 plastic scrap booking box. This allows me to carry everything from room to room at home or to the cabin without fear of loosing anything. My work area at home is another story…I agree it is hard to remember to put things back where you found them so you don’t get so frustrated wondering where you set something down. The caddy looks amazing and the only thing that might improve it would be a voice activated sound that tells you to return all tools to their proper spot at the end of the day! 🙂

  464. I make a strong effort to be an Organized Stitcher (which is a great contrast to many other areas of home and life). I want to be able to pick up my embroidery at any available moment. Organizing helps me make sure I can pick up a project and begin working whenever I have time; it also means I can focus on the very enjoyable part — actually stitching! — rather than hunting and gathering supplies. The fact that I am more organized with my embroidery than with most anything else also speaks clearly about my priorities — I’d rather be stitching than anything else!

  465. Ooooooo…. that tool caddy is sooooo….. beautiful and would really help me to keep my embroidery work station tidy. I have fallen in love with it. It would hold my laying tool, awl, scissors, tweezers,and I would be able to find them.
    Since emigrating to Canada in February of this year, I now do all my stitching in our living room. My embroidery frame is balanced between two little tables, which also have boxes of threads and all my embroidery tools on.
    This beautiful little caddy would really make my stitching area look so….. neat and tidy.

  466. I love to be organized but when it comes to a stitching work in progress I need help. The scissors are one place, the laying tool another, needles somewhere else. This tool looks like a minor stroke of genius. I WANT it!

  467. I spend a good portion of my time “organizing”. Not necessarily because I am disorganized, although there are doubters, but more because I keep thinking I will find a better way of organization. Not too long ago, I found an adorable flower frog that had the cutest cherub sitting on the edge which I used to hold my embroidery scissors. Unfortunately this wonderful organizational tool met with an untimely demise. Because of this, the idea of strong, solid wood is very appealing.

  468. I am an organized stitcher – most of the time! Like most stitchers, I work on a few projects and keep them in individual baskets. However, I do misplace my scissors – they are ususally found in one of the baskets. The caddy is lovely and would be a great addition to any stitcher’s work table.
    Thank you Mary!

  469. I think I’m totally organized. I always find what I need, and it’s usually out of the way of the cats. My boyfriend, however, has a completely different view on things. He looks at my table and sees a disaster. Probably the same as when I look at his tools or radio parts.

  470. I’m an organized stitcher in that I keep all supplies for a particular project in a zip-lock plastic bag (often gallon sized) and keep those bags in a special ironwork basket next to my stitching chair. And that is where the organization begins and ends. Because I do so many different types of stitching and have so many different projects started or kitted or waiting for “finishing,” the storage areas — the table, the boxes, and most especially the lovely ironwork basket — are overflowing. The little table by my stitching chair houses a basket with scissors and a pin cushion, but more often than not, that is overflowing, too. I wonder if such a lovely organizer would at least bring some relief to my little tabletop basket? One can only hope!

  471. I would class myself as an organised stitcher in regard to my immediate work space. I always gather everything required for the “Project du Jour” together in one of the decorative boxes I have collected for the purpose. I have a good variety of needles on hand, a needle threader and a pair of favourite scissors in the box as well. I mostly work in what I loosely refer to as my studio and it is there where the disorganisation begins! I enjoy many types of needlework including gold work, Japanese embroidery, stump work,cross stitch as well as patchwork and quilting and my studio reflects this, helped along by my 4 year old granddaughter who is very keen on trying her hand at whatever I am doing but has not yet grasped the concept of “putting away”. The beautiful caddie which you are kindly offering as a gift would be a great start in the training of this concept.

  472. I think maybe I’m a Wanna-Be Organized Stitcher… I’ll go on a wild rampage sorting fibers and setting up storage for future projects and be ever so neat and tidy. But then the urge to stitch takes over and the organization sort of falls apart as I pull out this or that to work on my project du jour (don’t we all have multiples Works-of-Art-in-Progress for our various moods?) My current favorite stitching location is my armchair in my family room, with Ott lights flanking me over both shoulders, and my great-grandmother’s sewing chest (a “Martha Washington” style sewing cabinet) to one side, as well as some book shelves with reference volumes and see-through storage bins stacked neatly with various yarns and fibers. The sewing chest/table makes for easy tool storage and access, and a safe spot for my to keep my magnifiers when they aren’t in use. I recently invested in some flat-file zippered artist portfolios (acid-free) in varying sizes for storage of hand-painted canvasses waiting for their day on the stitching frame. The see-through “leaves” of the portfolios make it easy to spot a particular canvas, the canvasses don’t have to be rolled up for storage, and (the best part, I think!) the folios become sort of picture books to thumb through to admire the artistry of the painted canvasses. Not sure I’ll ever get them all stitched, so am actually thinking about mounting and framing one or two unstitched canvasses that I really love to hang on the wall. (OK, I admit it… I’m a little on the nutso side!) Happy stitching, everyone!

    The scissors caddy is beautiful… I have a set of the JR Crafter’s laying tool and needle case and have just ordered another set as a gift. They do gorgeous work. Thanks for the opportunity on the organizing caddy.

  473. I am not an organized stitcher. I am constantly looking for things that I have mislayed. This tool keeper would be a great help!

  474. There is no question…I am the most disorganized Stitcher. I spend as much time looking for scissors as I do stitching. I will be saying ” where did they go? I just had them!”

    The most organization I have is that I can tell what pile contains the needles or thread that I need.

  475. I am tidy, but not organized… seeming to crave designated places for supplies I put red threads with red threads or all the scissors together, which makes this idea of organizing around a project revolutionary for me.

    Such thought provoking posts that lead to action is the power of your NeedlenThread diary – another form of organization!

  476. This organizer is not only perfect for a stitcher but for a knitter/crocheter which I am. I love your sight for color inspiration and one day to try my hand at stitching. My knitting work space is most certainly disorganized and I am constantly laying my scissors, needles, markers and other little knitting helpers to the side on a table or the arm of the sofa or whatever is near at the time. Needless to say, I do get frustrated at myself frequently. This little wood block would fit my scissors, hooks & needles perfectly for whatever current project I am working on.

  477. I really like this tool caddy as it is the perfect place to keep my new Tambour tools handy. I love to embroider but never did Tambour until you mentioned it a short time back. Looking forward to many years of doing this new (to me) technique.

  478. Would you categorize yourself as an “Organized Stitcher” or a “Disorganized Stitcher” – or somewhere in between? What’s your “work station” look like during a stitching session? Do you ever have to scrounge about, looking for specific tools? Or do you, by habit, keep it all neat and tidy?

  479. What a beautiful caddy! I love organizational tools, especially when they’re pretty.

    I’m disorganized by nature, but I strive to be an organized stitcher. Partly to keep the pets from undoing my work, but mostly to make working more pleasant.

    I like to gather everything around me – the ort jar, the threads box, scissors, needle book. And of course I often have to scrounge — This little jar would be perfect for helping me in my quest for tidiness!

  480. I have a terrible time organizing my needlework supplies….trying to look for a particular item takes more time than reading what I need to have! I would love to have the organized sticher caddy so I can be an organized stitcher!!! Thank you!

  481. I try to be an organized stitcher, but I’m pretty disorganized in general. I do keep all my supplies for a given project in one place, but I have a tendancy to just drop them all into a ziplock bag or something similar and then wind up with wads of thread wrapped around everything else.

  482. Mary, thank you for the opportunity. Actually, I am more organized — not totally; maybe 75% on the organization spectrum. I do have a specific method for organizing spaces. I am moving from a small apartment to a house where I will be able to set up a studio and leave my projects out so they will be easily accessible. The storage tool would be put to good use on my worktable.

  483. I am a very disorganized artist in several media. I am usually sifting about for just the tool I need that I know I have – somewhere. It seems like such a time-waster to be organized before starting a project, but, of course, I neglect to factor in the time wasted later when I can’t find what I need after all. I read somewhere it has to do with the “artistic mind”. If you are too organized, you’re not quite as artistic. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. 😉

  484. I really, really try to be organized but as the project goes along I usually become totally disorganized!! This would be such a great help as I have a kitty that really likes to “help” with anything involving my sewing!! Thanks for the chance to have one.

  485. People say I am organized but if you look at my workspace with a project underway, it can look pretty wild. I haven’t come up with the system for putting the scissors and laying tools down. This is it! Looks fantastic.

  486. I start a project trying to be organized but it is not long before partial or total disorder emerges. When it gets really bad I stop and tidy up and the cycle starts all over again. The caddy is a wonderful tool – what a help it would be to keeping a lot of order in place! Thanks for sharing.

  487. What an attractive, as well as useful, tool caddy! As for your “cartoony” tambour sample, I would prefer to call it “folk art” – and I like it!

  488. I’m a sort of in between organized stitcher. I want to be organized. I usually sit on one end of the sofa near a good light and have a tray table near me, but then my cat joins me, so that limits space on the tray table so things end up lying on the sofa beside me! A tool caddy might be just the thing to help me find the things that usually roll off the sofa cushion and into cracks here and there and the search that ensues! Thank you for providing an opportunity for some stitcher to have such a beautiful stitching tool.

  489. I am definitely an organized stitcher. Actually that’s part of the fun for me. Also,
    I will periodically stop the stitching and clean up/organize as that gives me a chance to stop and reflect on my progress.

    Than s for the give away Mary!

  490. Wow! What a wonderful and beautiful tool! Thank you for this opportunity to win it. I am a disorganized stitcher. I seriously want to be better, and I do try. I have several projects going on so I am always looking for one thing or another. Right now, my “working space” is my dining room table, so everything has to be moved back and forth. One day, though, I will achieve my goal and be much more organized!! Thanks again for this chance and for everything you do for us!

  491. This caddy is just beautiful and has been on my wishlist for a while. I am a very disorganized stitcher even though I try to organize myself. I use an old champagne cork to store all my sharp bits when not in use but I am afraid they do not always get put back when I am working LOL. Thank you for the opportunity to win one.

  492. I start out organized but after an hour or so, everything becomes disorganized. I stitch sitting on the sofa with a folding table in front of me. It holds my embroidery stand and has room for my scissors, threads and needles; however, I tend to move things onto the sofa beside me and it quickly gets covered up with instruction papers, threads I’m not using at the moment, and anything else that I move out of the way when I’m stitching. Because I also do some stitching in my sewing room upstairs and with a group outside of my home, I tend to buy 3 of everything so I have the tools I need in the living room, the sewing room and a travelling tool kit. That way I don’t spend a lot of time trying to figure out where I left my stitching tools.

  493. I am definitely a disorganised stitcher. I start off with all my ingredients and a clear working space but within minutes it descends into a jumble of scissors, needle case, skeins and reels of thread, bits of fabric, pins, etc. I become engrossed in the process but am not good at putting things away. In the absence of a disciplined mind, I could certainly do with an organising gadget!

  494. I would say i am some where in between, as a mother of 3 kids, one a baby who is 5 months old.my skeins are in a box. not arranged by colours or any category. i dont have a sewing room ot station but sewing & embroidery stuff are in tote boxes in the basement.

  495. I’d classify myself as an organized stitcher between projects. When I have a project on the go my work table gets fairly messy and sometimes I have to find scissors or needle buried underneath things. The tool caddy looks great! Thank you for another give away.

  496. HI Mary,
    I am a wanna-be Organized Stitcher, however, as the project gets going things get a little out of hand. I try to stay organized with little boxes for the tools at each of the areas I work, but tools seem to grow legs and go walk-about. This tool holder is so beautiful that I am encouraged that it may help me return tools to where they belong.
    Thanks for this opportunity and your great Blog, Mary!

  497. I am pretty organized, but it doesn’t take me long to shatter my organization, especially if I’m working on CQ since I seem to pull a lot of my stash out to draw from. (-; Connie

  498. Dear Mary,
    I just cannot say how much I love your blog! I’m not into social media, and yours is the only blog I follow. What did I do before I found you?!?!?
    I am a very organized person, but my stitching area is not as well organized as I’d like it to be. If I am so lucky as to win this gorgeous caddy, it will inspire me to figure out a better system than I have now. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the drawing.

  499. That is a beautiful caddy! I start out pretty organized, but over hours I start putting things in different places and they start hiding under my work, or worse, get brushed onto the floor or trash can next to my chair. I look forward to your happy emails every morning! Thank you for the instruction and inspiration.

  500. Hello Mary,

    It’s sunny but cold this morning in Shepparton, Australia.

    I love this tool caddy! Partly because of the beautiful woodcraft (my sister is a woodturner), and partly because I acategorise myself as a Hopelessly Disorganised Stitcher! I have pretty organised storage systems, but when I’m working I tend to use the Drop it Where You Are When You’ve Finished Using It method, so I waste a lot of time looking for things 🙁

    Thanks as ever for your site/emails/passion for stitching. I’ve been enjoying your recent adventures into tambour work.

    Happy stitching to all, Judes

  501. Am I organized or disorganized if everything I need is either on the table beside me or in the bag beside my chair along with my other current projects? Lone the wooden organizer!

  502. I would love to be an actually-Organized Stitcher. Instead, I am often on the run and dropping things where I worked on them, then later trying to find them again. So I guess that makes me a Disorganized Stitcher! (The only thing I am successfully Organized about is the quick toddler-proofing when my granddaughter comes over. It’s amazing how fast I can move things from the table to the bar-height countertop when she’s coming.) Even though I am fundamentally disorganized, I am trying to improve. You left out a category for “Working on It!”

  503. I try to be organized but…..i like to stitch in two separate places, watching tv and in the library. Unfortunately I only have one set of tools and am always having to run up or down the stairs for the one I didn’t think I would y need. An organizer would be handy to bring everything at once. By the way does anyone know where I left my stiletto?

  504. I follow your blog and take great inspiration from it. I’m completing a sampler from a ukranian needlework class I took this fall.
    The tool caddy is lovely. I would gift it to my sister who does various needlework.
    Thanks for the giveaway !

  505. I am far from an organized stitcher, but keep trying to find a way that works for me. Right now I keep the tools I use the most in a cup by my chair. A basket holds my projects. I have not found a suitable way to keep my threads while working. They always seem to get tangled up. Any suggestions? Tools are another problem area. They seem to find good hiding places.I am trying to organizing my whole work space so that I can find what I need when I need it, but some how it’s more fun to stitch then to organize. I just can’t seem to find an organizing method that both works and that I can afford. So to answer your question; I am semi-disorganized, but still manage to get my stitching.

  506. I like to keep things in containers and then, when I am finished the stitching session, I put everything back and close the lid. If is is a small project this makes it very portable. For larger projects I stake out an area and have my tools close by. Of course keeping the new kitten away from the tools can be a monumental task!

  507. I have arthritis Mary – once I sit down it’s not easy to get up, so I have to be organised. I love the idea of the imbedded magnet. It would stop me from making more holes in the arm of my upholstered chair with my needles. And my husband would be glad if the lovely caddy came my way because he wouldn’t need to keep coming to pick up my scissors!

  508. Hi,
    Frankly I would love that all my embroidery tools be put at the right place when I need them. But like many people, I do have to look everywhere, since I have many UFO projects, and in each of them I left needles, and other things.
    This tool caddy is the perfect solution, and would help me to be more organized.
    thanks for this opportunity to have this wonderfull object.

  509. Dear Mary
    I am a new member and I love your emails. They are full of useful tips and information.
    I like your new ‘toy’, it is just what I need.
    I am getting more organized. Each project is put into a bag with the necessary equipment. This makes it portable even if it is just to another room.
    However scissors, threads etc need to be in one place, for their own protection.
    It would be wonderful to win one, quite make my year.

  510. I am a beginner with Embroidery and just joined you!I am so disorganized always getting up to look where is my scissors or some other tool! Love new gadgets to try out to make life easier when im doing some embroidery!

  511. I don’t consider myself either organized or disorganized. I am not very neat and tidy but I do know where everything is when I need it, if someone else has not moved it.

  512. I’m an inbetween organizer. I have things in specific places in my work room, but I don’t have them in fancy boxes and the shelves are hand me downs that I’ve collected over the years. Could it look nicer and probably be more conducive to stitching in that room? Yes, but to get that organized takes time and money away from stitching!


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