
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Goldwork: Metal Thread Embroidery


Amazon Books

Goldwork and metal thread embroidery are becoming more and more popular these days. This exciting embroidery technique is challenging and, when executed well, produces stunning results. If you want to find out more about goldwork, there’s an excellent book on the market called Metal Thread Embroidery by Jane Lemon.

Metal Thread Embroidery not only contains a wealth of technical information (on tools, supplies, and techniques), but it is the type of book that you could read from cover to cover just because. It’s a grabber! The author includes heaps of close-up color photos of metal thread pieces, from historical (the really old stuff) to contemporary, and everything in between.

You’ll find a thorough glossary of terminology for materials and types (or techniques) of metal thread embroidery – in fact, definitions make up much of the text in the book. While this may sound boring, the author explains not only what each technique or piece of equipment or type of material is, but also how it’s been used historically, how it’s used today, and other pertinent info.

As far as techniques are concerned (the “how to” behind metal thread embroidery), you won’t be disappointed! She shows you everything – from basic couching to Or Nue; from padding to beading. You name it, if it’s part of goldwork, the author addresses it.

To top the whole book off, Lemon includes a section on “Places to Visit” – for the traveller, you’ll find out where you can go to see goldwork around the world. She not only pinpoints the museums all around the world that contain goldwork, but she also gives a whole list of collections. Finally, she gives you a thorough list of suppliers.

I just purchased this book recently – and I can’t seem to put it down. It’s not just a handy reference; it’s entertaining, insightful, packed with historical content, and incredible to look at, thanks to the extensive collection of photos.

You can fortunately purchase this book through Amazon relatively cheaply. I bought mine through Hedgehog Handworks, but I paid the full retail price ($24.95). Amazon sells it for $16.97, and it ships within 24 hours.

If you have any recommendations for good books on metal thread embroidery, please let the rest of us know!


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