
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Oyster Stitch Video Tutorial


Amazon Books

The oyster stitch is a petal shaped embroidery stitch made up of a combination of twisted chain stitch and chain stitch. The oyster stitch creates an isolated stitch that’s a bit chunkier than your typical chain stitch, a little wider and flatter, with a twisted, pretzel-like center.

Oyster Stitch Hand Embroidery Stitch

You can use the oyster stitch pretty much anywhere you would use a detached chain stitch (or daisy stitch). It makes terrific petals and leaves!

Here’s the video for the oyster stitch:

Feel free to check out my other embroidery how-to videos right here on Needle ‘n Thread.

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(19) Comments

  1. That was indeed a beautiful stitch. Thank you for the clear explanation. Eagerly looking forward to other interesting stitches.

  2. thank you, thank you,thank you!great clear expalnations!
    i had problems with this stitch and gave up on it. now i can go back and do it.

    neki desu

  3. thank you thank you thank you! I’ve just found your video for oyster stitch and I’ve got it!!! Yahoo! This is the TAST stitch that I just couldn’t quite figure out. Thank you for your clear explanation – and pointing out that it’s basically a twisted chain inside a chain – that makes it understandable for me!

  4. Please show how to finish each stitch. I do weave my ends in at the back, but that isn’t always possible with out causing more bulk.

    A fabulous tutorial.


  5. Hi
    I am not sure where to post. I would like a video on how to do the cast-on stitch and the double cast-on stitch. I just can’t seem to get it from pictures only. If and when you make more videos, this is what I would like.

    1. I shall add them to the list. Have you looked at the drizzle stitch video? It uses the same steps as cast on stitch, only the stitch goes down in the same hole it came up in. It might help!

  6. I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to do such a fabulous job with your instructional videos. Although I love embroidering, I am not able to get to it often. When I forget how to embroider a stitch, I turn to your website for help and it is always there 100 fold. Thanks, Thanks, Thanks.

  7. magnifique tutoriel pour apprendre ce point ! Merci de nous apprendre à enrichir nos broderies ! Bonne journée !

  8. Such a sweet little stitch! I love it. If I have a chance to use it in the future I will shoot you a picture~

  9. Thank you for this video, my mother taught me to embroider.. however I’d forgotten how to do this particular stitch which was one of her favourite. It’s lovely to know how to do it again.. many thanks 😀

  10. Thank you Mary, I kind of discovered embroidery a couple of days ago while scrolling through pinterest. So wonderful to learn how to do it the right way from you. Love your tutorials. Hope to use the skills you have taught me in my next few Bela Cigana Bag creations. The oyster stitch is a bit exciting for a newbie like me. cheers

  11. Hi Mary: Piecework Magazine gave away a free download of Weldon’s Practical Monogram book. I saw this Oyster stitch referred to as “Gordon knot stitch” as used in Mountmellick embroidery in “lesson 13”. I am more of a visual learner so I am very happy that I “discovered” that this is the oyster knot-looks like a daisy stitch with a long stitch in the middle. Many thanks-Michelle Flamer

  12. I would like to find a “how to do” the Balch stitch as was done on the samplers from Rhode Island in colonial times. Any idea where to look?

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