Patricia Cummings of Concord, New Hampshire, is certainly an expert on quilts. She has written numerous articles and books about quilts, their history, their care, adn their construction. Of primary concern here is that she has recently made available on her website several of her books for free, including a couple on redwork embroidery —- with patterns!!
At Quilter’s Muse, you will find all kinds of information on quilts! For needleworkers, you must check out Pat’s books on redwork!
You’ll find three redwork books on Quilter’s Muse: Redwork Embroidery and Needlework Traditions in Europe and America, Just for Fun Redwork Book, and Emma’s Quilt (with embroidery patterns for an antique quilt).
While you’re browsing through Quilter’s Muse (it’s a great site for browsing!), check out the Redwork Index, where you’ll find a magnificent redwork peacock design. It’s really nice, and it’s not limited to redwork – when I saw it, I started immediately thinking of adaptations!
If you’re interested in textile history, be sure to check out Pat’s section of historical articles, the List of Articles Related to Quilt History, Embroidery, History, and Literature. You’ll find enough reading on there for weeks!
Finally, while perusing the site, don’t miss the Photo Gallery of Embroidery.
Take some time to browse through Quilter’s Muse – it really is a “virtual museum,” and well worth a lingering visit!
Mary, I’ve fallen in love with Redwork and have been collecting information and usable artwork for the past week or so! Thanks so much for the links and information you’ve offered here!
I did find one website that suggested that the red DMC colors that are most offen used for redwork are as follows; 498, 817, 321, 304.
I’ve not found information on what DMC colors are suggested for Bluework though. Not that I imagine the rules are hard fixed regarding this topic but I am curious about the rule of thumb. Any thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks once again! J. Mosley