
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Free Embroidery Pattern: Cross, Crown, Flowers


Amazon Books

Here’s the embroidery pattern for the book cover I’m embroidering this week, in case you want to add it to your collection, too! I received a couple e-mails asking for it, so here ’tis.

I’m embroidering this design primarily in long and short stitch – the cross and the flowers are done, and I think, with the crown, I’ll be using the same stitch, although I’ll touch it up with something (I’m not sure what, yet!) for texture. I don’t want it to look cheezy at all, so I want to be pretty careful with the crown! All the vines are worked in stem stitch, and the lettering will be done either in stem stitch or in a tiny whipped backstitch.

But you could use anything, really, with this design, as far as stitches go. You could outline instead of fill, using any variety of chain stitches. Or you could fill in with split stitch (in an Opus Anglicanum kind of way) or chain stitch or stem stitch.

If you go with a filled-in design, the design will stand out boldly – if you go with an outline design, it will look more delicate.

So, here’s the design. I’ll be adding it to my list of other hand embroidery patterns, too, so you’ll be able to find it there.

Click on the design for an even larger version, then resize as you wish.

I took the bottom line off the crown, by the way, in my project…


Interested in more church patterns?

Church Embroidery Patterns: Book One

Check out Church Patterns: Book One – a collection of over 120 patterns in a 38-page PDF, suitable for church embroidery, and also for other arts & crafts endeavors (appliqué, paper crafts, painting – you name it!).


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(14) Comments

  1. I am wanting to teach my 4 yr. old granddaughter to embroider…is that too young? What stitch would you suggest I start with and what type of supplies do you suggest?

  2. Hi, Betty –

    In my experience, 4 years old is somewhat young – at least, for most 4-year-olds today. BUT – that isn’t to say you couldn’t try!

    What about trying a plastic canvas project, with cross stitches? That way, you can use a plastic needle and yarn instead of floss.

    You could try regular surface embroidery, too, if you’re really intent on trying it with her. I’d use cotton twill, a plastic hoop, large needles, and #3 or #5 cotton perle. In fact, you could have her draw her own picture, then you could trace it on the fabric, and show her how to stitch it with simple stitches, like running stitch and back stitch.

    Anyway, anything’s worth a try! At that age, fine motor skills are not all the way developed, so I wouldn’t try finer work, with stranded floss and smaller needles, which could just lead to frustration and her losing interest fast.

    Best of luck!

  3. Thanks so very much for taking the time to answer my question, Mary. Your suggestions are excellent! I can’t wait to get started!

  4. Mary, Betty asks about the age of a child to begin embroidery. I have a niece with a congenital cataract in one eye (retina, I think) and she has asked many time for me or her mother to teach her cross stitch, but she is just not able to ‘see’ the holes in the Aida cloth properly.

    She now wears glasses, and I have yet to suggest another go, but what can I do to stop any bad tempers when she can’t get it right.

    I think that for the forseeable future (no pun intended), and oepration to correct the defect is not likely, although it was suggested, many times, that this might be an outcome, but the doctors deferred because she was so young. She is now 10.

    I look upon this as a challenge as I have previously taught a girl with intellectual disabilites (and her teacher’s aide at the same time). The girl in turn taught her mother and both women now cross stitch and this craft has bought mother and daughter closer together.

  5. dear mam i’m a regular viewer of ur website!!!
    i juz luv cross stitching!!!
    mam i would like to ask you to upload desings that are easy for a 10 yr old.
    mam i’m a great fan f ur designs.

  6. For Marion, who would like to teach the child with a cataract, have you tried Herta cloth? It is like Aida but is a 6-count instead of the largest Aida at 11-count.
    My chapter of the Embroiderer’s Guild teach around our area and use a mini ABC sampler on Herta, #5 Pearl thread and a size 20 needle as our basic kit for grades 3-5, and then move to Aida 11-count for the next level, grades 4+. I think that with the larger count she may be able to see the holes well enough to stitch on. There is always perforated paper too, or even needlepoint canvas. And my kids learned by stitching through pre-punched holes on card when they were very young!

    1. Lar,

      I was busy with my college degree and I have only just found your reply. Thank you for both your reply and suggestions. My niece is now 14 and loves watching me stitch. Eventually she will ask for lessons in something, whether it is embroidery, sewing, knitting or crochet, I can help with all of that. 😀

  7. I began to embroidery when I was 5 years old. My mother had 5 girls growing up, and to keep us busy we each were taught to do embroidery, crochet, or knitting. Because I am left handed I was never very good at knitting. But I loved the art of embroidery and crocheting. I believe that with patience and love your child can learn this craft one step at a time. Stamped pieces were what my mother taught me on perhaps your child could learn using a pillowcase or towel with an iron-on or stamped on design. I’ve discovered that children enjoy “filling in the blanks”. Mother began teaching us Crewel embroidery because the technique was simpler for our smaller hands and our young minds.

  8. Me encanto los bordados que haces!! Recien te encuentro!! Muchas gracias ! Todo divino

  9. Hello Mary

    I’d love to see your finished piece. I am about to start work on a rose chasuble, stole, maniple, veil and burse and our vicar likes your design. I am therefore considering (with your permission of course!) using it to add to the orphrey braid on the chasuble and the crown on the stole, maniple, burse and veil. Wish me luck – I’m a novice gold worker!
    Best wishes

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