
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Thread Painting Tips – a Follow Up


Amazon Books

Yesterday, I touched on the topic of thread painting with one thread as opposed to two or more, showing you the difference in the way the finished project looks. Here’s a follow up tip for you…

After writing yesterday’s post, I heard from Trish Burr, who is well known for her many books on long and short stitch shading techniques. She is, in my mind, one of the real masters of long and short stitch shading, and, if you’re familiar with her books, you will probably agree with me on that!

Trish wanted to add a suggestion. Her tip is a new idea to me, but it makes a lot of sense, and I am looking forward to trying it out on my next thread painting project, which hopefully won’t be too far distant.

Anyway, here’s the tip:

If the shape you are filling is large enough – try using 2 strands of thread in the first row and changing to one strand in subsequent rows. This enables you to fill the first row closely which is important because you need to have substantial stitches to work back into – but still create a fine (one strand) effect overall. I do this on all my needle painting now; it saves a lot of time.

Thanks, Trish! I can’t wait to try this out!

This weekend, I’m finishing up a “little” project that I’ll be sharing with you in “little” stages, as soon as I can get the finish work and final photography done. Then, I have plans! BIG PLANS! Well, the truth is, I have one more week of vacation before the school year kicks in. During that week, I’ll be doing the following:

1. School work – yes, it is inevitable. I must. I’ve scheduled a chunk of time each day to devote to my real job, in preparation for the next semester and to finish off the last semester.

2. Stitch videos – yes, I will. I will spend at least two filming sessions next week on the list of stitches that I’ve compiled, in order to expand my Video Library of Hand Embroidery Stitches. The filming takes time, but the editing takes even more time for each stitch, so please don’t expect a sudden onslaught of videos, though I do plan to be trickling in some new ones over the next couple months. One of them will certainly be that long-awaited long and short stitch video, if all goes well!

3. Project set up – any time I have time off, I like to set up at least one major project that I can devote time to in the following months. I’m planning on setting up a large-ish project that involves needlepainting and goldwork on a somewhat overdone and grand scale. Probably biting off more than I can chew, as usual. In addition, I have three small projects to set up, but no immediate deadline on any of them, so – life is good!

4. Blog catch up – I need to index a lot of new stuff on the website from the last couple months, so I’ll be devoting a bit of time to re-organizing Needle ‘n Thread. I’ll let you know what I accomplish!

So those are my plans, which of course must be mixed in with regular real-life, daily activities. Think I can do it all? Well – you will be the first to know if I do, and even if I don’t!

Have a terrific weekend!


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(6) Comments

  1. Dear Mary,
    I just wanted to let you know that I love your blog. Quite a while ago you posted some beautiful letters and I wanted you to know that I appreciated it immensely. I made a monogram pillow for my brother Daniel and his lovely wife Stephanie with a D and S from the ones that you posted. I substituted the flowers for silk roses. If you would like to see it just click over to the blog but it is a few pictures down on my last post. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart.

    1. Wendy, would you please send me a alink to the design you’re referring to? I’d love to see it.

  2. Hi, Wendy!

    Thanks for your comment! It’s always very encouraging to hear that people find Needle ‘n Thread so useful!

    I popped in over at Wandering Rose and saw the monograms. I love the way you combined the two letters, and I think the ribbon embroidery for the flowers was a brilliant idea – it looks great! I hope your brother and sister-in-law really like the pillow (I’m sure they do!).

    Thanks again!

    Best wishes for the New Year –

  3. Aww, Thanks so much for the sweet comments. My brother and sister in law really loved it. I plan to make a few more pillows as well until everyone has one with the date of their wedding on it. Thanks again,

  4. if trish burr says so, it must be right. thanks, trish. i ordered your book, even when the rupee to dollar conversion said it was a bad idea. glad i listened to my heart instead of my purse strings.

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