
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Still Fiddling with Needle ‘n Thread – in Lots of Ways!


Amazon Books

I’m afraid I’m going to bore everyone with website news, but I wanted to make a quick announcement that today (Friday, July 24), I am making the attempt to switch my e-mail service for the delivery of the daily newsletters! Read on, and I’ll tell you what you can expect!

I figured I may as well give a new service a try to see how it works, and if I (we!) like it, we’ll be good to go! If not, a little tweaking will put us back in place.

In the meantime, this is what you can expect:

I will be transferring the Needle ‘n Thread subscription list today (or at least, part of it…. I can only transfer 2,000 readers a day…) You will probably receive a confirmation e-mail again from me, to confirm your e-mail subscription. Following the confirmation e-mail, you will probably receive a follow-up e-mail, welcoming you to my newsletter.

If you do not receive either, don’t panic. Because you have already confirmed your subscription, you may not receive another confirmation. If, however, you go a few days without receiving the e-mail newsletter, you can re-subscribe via the form on the website here, or you can contact me directly and I’ll let you know what to do.

Once you confirm your subscription, you’ll get the daily newsletters, just like before, except there will be a few changes:

1. You’ll be able to reply directly to my newsletters if you have a question!

2. If I’m a good girl about writing my posts on time, for the most part, they should arrive on the same morning that they hit the website.

3. You’ll receive special editions – occasional newsletters with extra needlework STUFF in it – tutorials or what-have-you… think of it as extra editions of the blog. These will be random and, again, occasional (once a month, I’m thinking!)

4. You’ll receive advanced notice of contests & give-aways

So that’s the plan. If there are any glitches in the next few days, it’s because I’m fiddling!

If you are not subscribed to my e-mail newsletter and are interested in doing so, feel free to sign up! The form is right there, in the right hand column. Just add your e-mail address and click “subscribe.”

Stay tuned for a Better Embroidery Post later on today! Surely I can come up with something Far More Interesting than this!

Thanks for your patience!


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(11) Comments

  1. I feel like I'm missing out on all this excitement. I am not a big "content-to-email" kind of person in that I like to choose when and where I get my dose of websites, but I subscribe to your rss feed which tells me if there is something new. I just have to glance at the list to see if I should visit your site. But I guess I will miss out on all these intriguing extras.

  2. Yeah! You keep on going in the right direction, Mary! I'm a huge fan of yours! I usually don't comment, but I had to now!
    Mary Jo

  3. Dear Mary, Somewhere in the beginning of this year I came across your website by chance. Well these things do happen when you go surfing. I liked what I saw and I became one of your subscribers and every day just after 1:00 pm your letter arrives (2:00pm in winter time) I just want to thank you for all the
    effort you put in your daily letters. Also, you write like we are really good friends. It is always so warm and friendly ,keep up the good work. Kind regards Elza Bester Cape Town South Africa( PS I am on the new list)

  4. Being able to reply directly from the newsletter is a wonderful thing for me, as i`m on dial up. It will be a real timesaver!

  5. Being able to reply directly from the newsletter is a wonderful thing for me, as i`m on dial up. It will be a real timesaver!

  6. I already have you on my RSS feed, but decided that I must subscribe to your new feature, just so I don't miss anything! Thanks for all you do!

  7. Have followed you all around the world from NY to Vancouver, England and Shanghai – keep blogging Mary you are the best!! Love the new tweaks and am in awe at your energy and productivity. Best regards

  8. Hello Mary.
    I was wondering if I subscribe,will I receive a confirmation e-mail? I entered my email and pressed subscribe, but nothing happened.I tried that several times.
    Thank You

    1. Hi, Sky – yes, you should receive a confirmation email… Sometimes, they get shuffled to spam, so you might take a look there. It can take a while for it to work through the system, too, depending on your mail server. So if it isn’t in spam, give it a little time! Best, Mary

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