
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Thread Drops: Fun and Convenient Thread Organization


Amazon Books

Today, I’m going to show you a fun and convenient way to organize your threads for your embroidery projects – Thread Drops! Have you seen these? Well, now’s your chance to see them! I’ll show you how they work, and I’ll tell you what I like about them.

Thread Drops for Organizing Needlework Threads

Thread Drops come in three styles, all three of which are shown above.

Thread Drops for Organizing Needlework Threads

The original Thread Drop is shaped like a drop (hence the name). It’s a drop-shaped thick card with a large hole punched in the middle, ample enough to hold your prepared skein of regular floss or even a larger hank of crewel wool. On the card, there’s plenty of room to write the thread type and color number. In the original Thread Drop package, there are 40 drops, bound in two groups of twenty on two metal rings.

Thread Drops for Organizing Needlework Threads

The second style is the Hop Hop Thread Drop – a bunny shaped thread drop, with two holes, one large and one smaller. The smaller hole accommodates threads that have been removed from the main skein. The Hop Hop thread drops come in packs of 20, all bound on a metal ring. On the card is a space for writing the thread type and color number.

Thread Drops for Organizing Needlework Threads

The third style of thread drops is the Flip Flop Thread Drop. It’s shaped like the sole of a flip-flop, with two smaller holes, one for threads from the larger skein, and one that’s perfect for threads you’ve already stripped from the rest of the floss, or for leftover long threads that can still be used. Like the bunnies, the flip-flops come in a package of 20, bound together on a metal ring, and with space on the flip-flop for writing thread information.

What I like about them: they’re a great way to set up lots of floss colors for larger projects, to keep them all bundled on convenient rings, and with a place to write thread info. I like all three styles, and I think the bunnies are really cute. I’m partial to the idea of the extra hole, because I always have stray single strands of floss that I don’t want to lose track of. Keeping the single strands out of the orts pile saves on thread, so it’s nice to have a place to hook up the single bits with the main skein.

The only disadvantage I see of thread drops is that once you’ve written on them, you’ve limited their use, unless you go a couple different routes: 1. use a pencil that erases easily; 2 you could use a removable sticker for your thread info, and peal off the sticker once the project is over (that’s the route I would go, if I were going to use the thread drops for multiple projects; 3. you could use permanent stickers that cover the previous-written color info. So the writing dilemma can actually be easily solved.

I’m all for any method of thread organization that works, that’s for sure, and I really like the idea of these thread drops!

You can find thread drops at your local needlework store. If they don’t have them in stock, ask for them. Maybe they’ll start carrying them regularly – but at least they could special order them for you if you want them!


(325) Comments

  1. I simply gather all my supplies and put them in a zip lock bag to keep them clean and usually only do one project at a time.

    Liz Williams


  2. I use envelopes with the number and type of thread on it. I then store these in a shoe box style rubbermaid container.

  3. Mary, my organizational style for threads is limited to say the least! For the project I am working on now, I have shoved the threads, beads, etc into a small plastic container and a box that housed a rotary cutter.


    Nita Carroll

  4. Hello… 🙂

    Well boy do i need to sort out a thread organiser system. I have just started embroidery and got a delivery (today actually) of over 200 skeins of thread 🙂 http://borninthewrongage.blogspot.com/ (see picture)

    My current method is hanging them over the lamp on my work desk:-) gets a bit cluttered. Would love any way to sort out the mess.

    Have a fantastic day,

    Sarah/Constance 🙂

  5. I’ve been using a cardboard with cutouts for my colors. Similar to the plastic butterfly things they make with holes for the thread. But I was too cheap to pay $6 for a piece of plasctic. I like the idea if the bunny and flip flop for extra thread to save. I always save everything I can. Thanks, Kathy

  6. I use envelopes and photo albums. I write the name and the thread number on the front of the envelope and then tape a small sample of the thread right under the number. The numbers help if I am doing someone else’s pattern, but when I make up my own, the sample helps more.
    Mostly I hand quilt – although I can use a machine too. I love to crazy quilt and I used your videos to help me refine some stitches I did not know. I love the videos.

  7. I’ve been using cardboard with cutouts for my colors. I wasn’t going to pay six dollars for a piece of plasctic that was too small, like those butterfly things. I like the idea of the bunnies or the flip flops for saving thread.

  8. Please enter me in your thread-drop contest. All three styles look great.

    My favorite way of organizing threads for a project is on a ring. My specialty threads are on rings, so it’s very easy to transfer from that to a project ring. I have an “S” hook hanging on my floor lamp, and it holds the ring for the project I’m working on.

    I’ve made my own simple “thread drops” – rectangles of acid-free paper, with a hanging hole at one end, and two holes at the other (stacked) to run the thread through. I use an acid free pen to mark what’s on the card. [Came up with this to hold my DMC #5.


  9. Those are amazing!!
    Right now I organize thread by wrapping it around the label on the original skein. All the skeins are just in a sandwich bag. Not really the best method, but it works for now.

  10. Mary, are you psychic??? This morning I was skimming the web trying to decide on which system to use to organize my thread collection for projects!

    No, I don’t currently use any system to organize my threads for projects, so winning a package of thread drops would be a great impetus to act.

    Sharon Brodeuse in France

  11. I like the idea that there is a place to keep threads that have been removed from the main skein. Thus far I have kept embroidery floss on floss bobbins or on a strip. However, this isn’t a great way to keep track of loose threads. Overdyed threads are left on their origianl holders which often have a second hole which can be used for loose threads, but this gets in the way of putting them on a ring to keep threads for one project together. Wools are usually kept in small plastic bags. While all these methods work to some degree I havn’t been completely satisfied with any of these methods. The thread drops look like they would solve the problem — interesting. I haven’t seen them in any shops recently, but there aren’t any needlework shops nearby, just the chain stores.

  12. I haven’t gotten around to organizig my threads yet, and have just put one skein of each colour in a separate little bag..

  13. Please enter me in your thread-drop contest. All three styles look great.

    My favorite way of organizing threads for a project is on a ring. My specialty threads are on rings, so it’s very easy to transfer from that to a project ring. I have an “S” hook hanging on my floor lamp, and it holds the ring for the project I’m working on.

    I’ve made my own simple “thread drops” – rectangles of acid-free paper, with a hanging hole at one end, and two holes at the other (stacked) to run the thread through. I use an acid free pen to mark what’s on the card. [Came up with this to hold my DMC #5.

    (sorry if this came in twice – the Submit didn’t finish)

  14. Oh what a lovely giveaway – I tend to have my DMC’s on the standard cards then wrap the extra stray bits around the card – makes for a messy box after awhile. I’ve now just got into the hand dyed Country Garden Threads, which are just divine – I’d love to try these new designs to see what works best. I hold all threads together with the project, so as longs as the project get’s done reasonably quickly – they don’t get lost 🙂 Cheers Jennifer

  15. I keep the skeins wound onto spools in a box and threaded needles stuck in a needle organiser.
    This can be a little difficult when stitching on the move. These are a wonderful idea.

  16. At the moment I’m not having a favorite thread organization technique … I’m a beginner and I’m still working on learning the different stitches. I read this blog every day from Italy. You’re great!

  17. Up to now I have used a piece of fairly thick cardboard, with sections cut out for each colour.
    I am so enjoying your emails.
    Best regards.

  18. Hi Mary,

    What a lovely way to organize threads for a project. I used to put 1 skein of the thread colors required in box before I saw thread cards like the ones you used in the Needle painting tutorial. Now I use them to organize my threads.

    Thanks for offering this cool giveaway!

  19. Dear,
    I used to cut card board in to a long strip and make the thread string around it. Like wise I am storing threads.
    Here your photo shows very good way of keeping threads.

  20. Those cards are fabulous! I do lots of cross stitch (used to anyway) and I used the little cards that came with the design. But this is so much better!

    Even if I don’t win the give-away (I loved the flip-flops) it’s definitely given me ideas to make my own.

  21. Hi Mary!
    I would like to participate in the give-away!
    I like to store my treads on plastic bobbins. I have a box to put them in and there is also room to place your scissors, pattern, needlebook, etc. It’s not a huge box, though. I drag the thing everywhere I go. The downside of the Bobbins is that the closer you get to the ‘end’, the more kinks in the tread. So I would definitely like to try the Drops!
    Gwen Kok from Dordrecht, the Netherlands.

  22. Wow! I do need these! I don’t presently use any system, but really need to…and these look great!

  23. Mary,
    I have struggled over the years to find the thread storage I like. Still haven’t quite found it. I like the thread drop. First I have seen of that. Right now I have threads in large plastic boxes, arranged in color value, and all of them in a plastic file holder. Works for me. Individual projects are usually arranged on a card board holder with holes. No place for the individual threads like the thread drop though. Thanks for the info.

  24. Right now, I use the floss bags. I like the organizational aspect of them, but I find them pretty inconvenient, having to open them, unwind the threads, then close them up again.

    Just wanted to say kudos on the new site – terrific!

  25. I’m just catching up after reading your using metallic threads..I create art quilts (using beads and threads) and never thought of using those threads when I do my hand stitching. I keep my threads/perle cotton on D rings (I also staple the wrapper with the color # onto the ring, in case I run out!). Thanks for so much info!

  26. I organize my threads in similar way. Only I use zip lock bags instead of paper labels. I also put those bags on rings (bags have little holes which are just the size of the ring). I have several rings – one for remaining color threads, and others for the project I am working on – every project with its colors on ring.
    When I am working, I just take one ring, pull the thread from particular bag and stitch, stitch, stitch 🙂

  27. Mary I do organize my supplies before i start a project and its simple i keep a small container with all the threads wrapped on a reel with the number of the colour written on one side of the reel (you know the wooden spool type i write the number on one side)i keep a photo copy of the pattern ,scissor a pencil every thing in the container ….this way whereever i go i just grab the container and am ready to do my job anytime anywhere.

  28. It depends on the project. Small projects floss cards are held together with a very large safety pin. Larger projects floss cards are held together with a knitter’s stitch holder.

  29. I confess, I don’t organize my threads very well for most projects. I just dump them all in a zipper bag and call it good enough. If I have too many different threads to do the dump method, I will break out the floss-away bags and put them on a ring.

  30. Erm, I’m kind of a new embroiderer and do free-form stitching, so I make it all up as I go. Right now my only organizational technique is to throw all my threads into this owl lunchbox I have. It gets pretty tangled! So these would be terrific!

  31. I just wrap my threads on pencil stubs. But they get an annoying curl on them if I leave the threads for many days. I am planning to use key chain tabs for my first project, on which I will use many colors of threads.

  32. Dear Mary, I already knew you were generous, now I see that you are also brave! I’m afraid my scatty and haphazard ways will give you fits! I used to leave my thread in its original state and just wrap any left overs around the middle of it (and as like as not, stick the needle in there too!) Which of course resulted in a tangled mess. Now I use bits of paste board or stiff paper (usually those annoying things that fall out of magazines…bonus points if they smell nice!) or cardstock that sometimes comes in junkmail to cut out a squat “I” shape and wrap the thread around that, still wrapping the cut off and separated threads on top…Every once in a while I dump out my thread box and wind all the bits and pieces long enough to use on stray bits of rolled up paper or pasteboard and put the unuseable stuff in the garden for birds to use in their nests. Since I have never followed a pattern to the T in my life without making some changes, I don’t bother about types and color numbers–I generally just use whatever I happen to have on hand that looks best or take my work out to the shop and get whatever looks good with my other colors. Horrible, I know, but you did ask! Thanks for the thoughtful and useful give-away! I think you will agree I need it! barbobbi

  33. I use the cards with 8 holes–I’m not sure what they are called, but sometimes I use the arm of my chair. I guess I’m not very organized. Love your website.

  34. How neat are these ! What a great find Mary.
    I took your long and short embroidery lessons and I’ve started putting all my threads that I am using for a project like you showed us in the lessons.
    I have them all stored in a baggie, I know I shouldn’t but that’s where they are at. I have lots of threads on those thread cards on the quilt I am working on the Long and Short stitches out of Trish Burrs book.
    The rest of my floss is on floss cards , some I just recently died are on floss bows.
    You can see my dyed threads at
    Gotta love those floss bows for dyeing threads. Thelma B.

  35. Wow! What a wonderful idea. I have no thread organization except for a plastic box that holds it all. This would be so much more convenient – and pretty too. Love your emails. Have recommended it to all my stitching friends.

  36. I organize my threads using the plastic that comes from a six pack of soda, or beer, etc. It has six or eight holes that you can tie your threads to.

  37. I pull my colors for a project and then put the cards on a ring, sometimes two rings.

  38. Hi! I organize my threads with home-made cardboard thread-drops (almost drop shaped). I’d love to try the other shapes as well!

  39. I’m in the “not much organization” group. I try to keep threads in their original skeins as much as possible. Generally, I dump all threads for a project into a ziplock bag, which gets put into a larger ziplock with the fabric, instructions, etc. If I have lots of threads for a project, I’ll sometimes separate them into multiple zip locks, either by type of thread or by color family. Often this system works really well. . . other times not so much.

  40. To organize my thread or wool for a project I use a plastic clothes hanger with a hook that swivels (so I can hang it any which way). Along the bottom I loop each color the same way you show it looped into the drops. Thanks!

  41. Hi Mary,

    I LOVE this idea! Right now, I keep all of my embroidery floss in a giant Pyrex bowl (I’m a sucker for vintage Pyrex in those lovely colours). My unused colours stay in the bowl with the bands still attached. Once I use a colour, I wind up the excess and place it in a smaller felted bowl that I made. It holds my little pieces and a pair of embroidery scissors.
    Whenever I start a new piece, I try to use the colours in my little bowl first, but I have so many on the go now that this method is proving to be a little tricky! (I’m getting a nice little tangled ball of floss)
    So, Thread Drops look like an amazing solution! Not to mention how cute they are.
    Terri P. (from Toronto)

  42. I have made a roll like one for cutlery where I slide one skein into one pocket. The cut-off’s are just placed on top and make a bit of a mess, but who’s perfect? It’s ok as it doesn’t take up much space as the “book boxes” from DMC.

  43. I’m embarrassed to say that I do not have a method to organize my threads. Sadly, this hampers my efficiency in completing projects. Maybe thread drops will be the solution to my problem. Thanks for featuring them. I’ll check them out next time I’m shopping.

  44. Wow! These are really cool! I haven’t seen anything like these. I use multi-drawer units bought at my local hardware store for DMC floss labelled in numeric order, and for over dyed floss I have a photo box. My projects are all kitted up in large ziploc bags, with the floss in individual small ziploc bags, so I can store the full skiens and any smaller pieces all in one place.

    I had just discovered your site, and I love it! I come back to it all the time! And I love your video library, so helpful! Thank you for being there and helping me stitch!

    Melissa Joyes, SW Ontario, Canada

  45. I love these thread organizers!! What a great and astheticaly pleasing method! I have been using index cards that I cut in a similar fashion, two hole and a ring. they work but they don’t look so nice!
    Thanks for offing this as a give away!

  46. Interesting enough, I have organized threads using a large 3 ring binder type ring with each thread in an indvidual mini plastic bag. Sometimes I write on the bag, other times I put a small piece of paper with the thread’s infornmation in the bag.
    At home, I hang related threads on hooks on the wall. For taking away, I pop the threads, ring and all, into a large ziploc bag.
    Ruth Ann W. in London, Ontaris

  47. What useful little things! Right now I have a little fabric pouch I made to hold my threads while I’m working on something, not really the best system, but hey!

  48. I tend to use those metal rings for my threads, I can hang them off the edge of my frame, or even put it on my fingers.

  49. Well, that’s my problem — NO system. I pull the threads I need from either a plastic floss box (thread is on cards) or from a hanger with floss bags. They all go into a plastic bag. Not very satisfactory.

  50. Favorite thread organization hmmmmm…. let me think. On floss packages that are stapled with a card describing the brand and color etc.
    I punch a larger hole and put my threads on it and then put them in the half zip baggies so they stay clean. The thread drops sound wonderful!
    Thanks for all your inspriation!

  51. I would love to win this on behalf of my Mother. She loves to cross stitch but is always getting confused with her colors. She is retired and money is very tight as she lives on social security alone, so she does not have the means to buy a lot of supplies that would aid her in not mixing up her colors. My name is Teri D from Kentwood, Michigan.

  52. Mary,
    I enjoyed the review of the thread organizers. When I am working on a small project (12 different threads or less) I use the arm of my rocking chair to put the threads on just as shown in the large holes in the thread organizers. I do think the Hop Hop Thread Drop is a better way as I always have to hunt for the left overs that drop on the floor. I will ask my local needlework store to order some for me.
    P.S. I ordered two of the books that you last reviewed. I am really enjoying them. Keep those book reviews coming.

  53. I don’t have a good way to organize the thread. Wait, can I count hanging the extra single strands on the lampshade beside my chair? lol.


  54. Drawers are okay for long-term storage, but I struggled with storage for the threads in use for a given project. I’ve used the floss bobbins in the past, but I wanted something different for my more expensive threads that would allow me to keep them wound but not kinked and easily accessible and untangled while working on a particular project. I wanted something like a spool that I could obtain easily and inexpensively.

    After some experimentation, I found that empty prescription bottles work well. After removing the label, I use the tab on the body of the bottle to secure the end of the thread–there is a small gap on each side of the tab that is just right for the width of a skein–and then wind the floss around the outside of the bottle.

    Any loose or single threads can be stored inside. If necessary, the wound thread can be secured by tucking the end across the lip of the bottle and closing the cap onto it. I haven’t needed to do this yet, and I am sure it would crimp the very end, but it would be secure.

    As far as identification, I can tape on a label from the skein, or just write the color on a piece of tape that can be removed later for another color.

    I also tried this with film canisters, cutting a small slot into the side and then taping the cut edges to prevent snags, and that worked all right, but the prescription bottles generally have more room and I don’t have to cut anything.

  55. My DMC floss are on plastic bobbins, so when I am working on a project with floss I use a TV tray and spread them out in numerical order. If I am doing a crewel project, I put my wools in baggies by colors so I can just grab the bag with the color I’m working on. I use 2 or 3 gallon zip lock bags to keep my projects in.

    I would love to try the Thread Drops. :o)

  56. Mary, I would love to win some thread drops. They’d be perfect, not only for my embroidery thread, and crewel thread, but also my tatting threads. I have used a couple of plastic thread holders, but there are limited holes and no way to note the thread numbers. I have been using old bobbins and cardboard thread holders, but neither are very good solutions.Thanks for the opportunity.

  57. Well I have used the little card thingee for years…but mainly for storage…when I am working on a project, I have loose thread everywhere!!! Help please!!!

  58. Unfortunately my threads are not organized other than put in a plastic bag which I’m sure is probably not good for the thread. I am wanting to start a Fractile which has a lot of threads so some type of organization I’m sure would be beneficial.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

    Leslie from North Dakota

  59. I love this idea! I’ve been doing redwork for awhile and recently found your site which has inspired me to spread my wings. I’ve been using a product that comes in packing boxes. it’s kind of like styrofoam but more rubbery. I cut my floss about 20″, thread a lot of needles at one time and then I’ve cut the foamy stuff into small 2″ pieces. I bury the needle into the foam and gently wrap the floss around it. It is so handy to just grab it and go. I soooo hope I win!!

  60. i unfortunetely dont really organise my threads when in working on a project.. well i sort of do i use a project box but my treads for the project are loose and its often a pain especially whem the colors are very simmilar.
    thanks caroline

  61. I have a floss organizer that is plastic and a soft foam. The plastic runs down the center and has pegs to wrap your threads around and then the foam extends beyond the plastic on each long side with slits that keep the threads in place. The plastic has a slot on each end to insert these long narrow pieces of thick paper. You can write the symbols on the paper and see them along the top in theory matching up to the threads. I’m using it for the first time for a project I’m working on and I will not use it again. The paper won’t stay in place; the spaces for the symbols are so small that humans can’t possibly manage to write/draw in them; the paper is slick so you can’t use pencil and with pen you need to apply a lot of pressure for it to show up; getting the spaces on the paper to line up with the plastic spaces is next to impossible; the slits on the foam are so tight that if you have a stick skein of thread it won’t stay in place securely. I still think the idea is great, it just needs to be executed more effectively. It makes me think of something a man would devise to try to help you with a craft – kind, ingenious, and completely useless/impractical. LOL

  62. I usually keep my threads on their winder cards. When working on a project I will pull all of the colors needed from the storage trays and place them in a small “project box”. I love going to the dollar store for different color or shape boxes. Many projects = many little boxes.

  63. The method I have used for 40 years is small envelopes-the letter size not #10 – I usually write the type f thread, the symbol if necessary, the number of strands for BS or fill stitch, and the number if repurchase is necessary. This has helped me keep the left overs together to save on thread! BUT I love the idea of the drops. I would throw the ring in a zip bag to protect them and go! The new site is phenomenal.

    Debbie Czerwionka, Chicago

  64. Hi Mary,
    I use Ristal plastic pockets to store many of my threads. These enable me to store my threads in pre-cut manageable lengths. I also find them great when working with stranded threads as I can very carefully draw one at a time. Whilst it takes some time to set up initially it certainly makes managing stray threads significantly easier. With space a constant issue in our house I also find this system very compact.

    The thread drops look fabulous!! I can imagine they would look quite spectacular filled with thread.

    Kind regards,
    Jo G

  65. These thread drops look like fun! The way I organize my threads is to wind a skein around a little plastic bobbin, then tape the number from the skein to the bobbin. The thread then just goes with the project and when the project is done it goes into numerical order with the rest of my thread on bobbins.

  66. I purchased a box of unprinted business cards. When I start a project I put thread winders containing unstripped threads on a ring. I use a hand-held hole punch to make holes in a couple unprinted cards, and place them on the ring. Additional holes are punched in the unprinted cards as needed to hold stripped threads. I note the color is noted on the card. As the cards are inexpensive, I don’t worry about reusing them. At the end of a project, if any significant amount of stripped threads are left on the card at the end of a project, I may re-wind them on the winder with the unstripped threads, but most often I toss the card with all the stripped threads in a box. I go to that box quite often because each card contains an assortment of color-cordinated threads I can used for small projects, testing stitches, or basting with a color that is easy to see, and therefor easy to rip out.

  67. Right now I have no way to keep my threads neat and tidy. I usually just tie the used portion around the skein. Or sometimes I use a cereal box. Cut out a cardboard strip and punch holes in the side and write the name or number next to it. Depending on how many colors you need it gets a little messy. Thanks Mary for your needlework expertise. I look forward for your e-mail daily.

  68. If I’m using stranded threads I use cardboard with holes cut out and if I’m working on goldwork or stumpwork I use what I call my project box: a plastic box where I put all the threads, tools etc that I require for the project. I often have several on the go at once therefore the thread drops would be really useful. Thank you Mary for such an interesting and educational blog.

  69. I haven’t been very organized to this point;
    usually only do small projects that don’t
    require a large number of fibers. The system
    you have illustrated looks like a great idea.

    Pat S.

  70. Would love to try these. I love organizing my stash! Right now I’m having a cabinet built into my work space and everything is a mess. Since I don’t have an area that I can close off, I have to come up with creative ideas to keep things neat or part of the decor. I try to organize my threads and ribbons by color but after a project, they always need serious sorting.

  71. Wow these are neat and sound like just the thing for your thread storage. Thanks for letting us all know about these!

  72. Mary,

    I would be very embarrassed for anyone to see my thread collection. It is all contained in a sewing box but when I work a project I collect the thread I’m going to use and put it in a ziplock bag. I have had a problem when colors are very close and I sometimes end up throwing thread away because of this. Time to get organized!
    Claudia B in Seattle

  73. How cute! I have all my threads wound on paper cards and stored in plastic bins. But I would love a new system!

  74. I’d love to win these. Right now I use the DMC cards, and they’re organized by number in an old cigar box, of all things. When I plan a project, I usually just take what I need and put it into a smaller cigar box (or a small tackle box).

    Frankly, I’ve passed my one year embroidery anniversary and I need to reorganize!

  75. If I am carrying a project with me I use a large key ring, but if I’m at home and want to work on my project in another room, I just pull the threads I want and put them in a ziploc bag. These drops look like a much better solution.

  76. Hm, how I organize thread or a project generally depends on the project and the thread. Stuff that comes on a spool I generally just keep on the spool. Skeins I typicaly use “floss away” or similar baggies. For small projects, I generally just toss all the spools/baggies into a larger bag. For really small projects, I’ll admit I often just fold up the threads in the fabric for “toting” purposes.

    The drops, however, sound perfect for my upcoming Bayeux-style piece. Which *will* be begun soon, maybe this weekend….

  77. I have a fairly pathetic organizational system. It begins with the bag from the fabric store, which is for unused colors. Once I have “opened” a skein of thread, it moves into my needlework case. While I am working with it, the skein lives on the back of the sofa. When the skein gets too low to keep bundled with the color number, I tie the paper number to the end of the thread.

    Scouts honor. This is my system, but it works in a weird sort of way.

  78. When I use my Mulberry silks they come wrapped around a small cardboard tube (like a section of a drinking straw), and I just sort out the colours I need and stash them in a little hard plastic case with a belt clip, which I got from a DIY Store.

  79. wouldn’t that be nice organization is not my strong
    when i am working on a project i end up with more time spent with knots than work on my project
    go figure
    maybe with the thread drops i would be able to keep things neat maybe

  80. i use the card method but no matter if i win or not i will be using the drop method from now on then i will be storing the threads in groups of colours in large zip lock bags i wrap the threads in acid free paper this way i insure that the colours stay in mint condition especially those colours that i do not use as often as we al know we pick up and put down our work as we usually have so many projects on the go i am so glad that i found you site and i thank for all the infor that i receive
    marie landry

  81. Nothing fancy. I use the old DMC floss bobbins and collect all the colors needed for a project in a zipper-seal bag.

  82. Hi! NI already use tags to organize my floss but I really like the drops tags the best. I make some of my own by using a 1″ hole punch and garage sale tags ( the 2 3/4″ ones)

    Thank you so much for having this giveaway! I haven’t tried the flip flops or the bunnies yet!
    Jennifer Vaughn

  83. Tengo los hilos organizados en cartones de cada color, pero nunca había pensado en un agujero auxiliar para esos hilos que van quedando, me gusta la idea!

    Me encanta el conejo y la sandalia les veo muy originales y divertidos.

    Besos, Aderi.Spain.

  84. The closest that I’ve used to something like this is a card with many holes. My current solution is to use cardboard thread bobbin cards. I would love to have and use these thread drops.

  85. Honestly is the best policy, so I have to confess, I am a messy stitcher. Picture this, I am starting a new canvas,the excitement is building and I find the thread, use it to create the perfect stitch and then rather shamelessly leave it on my table.I admit, this practice isn’t ideal as I then have to search for my leftovers or have to find them a home when it’s time to put the canvas to bed. Oh, if only I was organized!

  86. Whoohoo first, or almost. 🙂

    Bunny drops? Mine! Although..I think I prefer my braided-on-a-ring-with-label method, I’m all for something that fits my hobby so well!

    What else would suit a rabbit raiser who embroiders? 🙂

  87. Hop Hop Thread Drop – love Bunnies!! I too love the extra hole!! This is a fantastic idea – I’m surprised it wasn’t invented sooner. I love your blog and benefit from it so much. Thanks!!!

  88. I dont organize very well. I do have a little winder that puts the thread on a squarish bobbin and it does a good job when I use it.

  89. For cotton floss I put the skeins on DMC stitch bows and then pile them into a lock and lock container that is just the right length. Recently I have acquired more larger skeins of floss and usually just jam them into a lock and lock as they are. I can see this system is going to let me down soon and leave me with a (beautiful) knotty mess, so I’m looking for a better way to organize this floss. I think hanging them on something like a thread drop might just do the trick.

  90. Mary – Thanks so much for this organizational tip. I am new to needlepoint, so I really appreciate this. Happy embroidering!
    Meghan M. – Newbury, MA

  91. Hi Mary – I enjoy your blog so much – I appreciate all the podcasts showing techniques and the time you spend is awesome! I would love to win the thread drops – I’m afraid I’m not the most organized person in the world – I do use the metal rings and attach threads but mostly for canvas projects – some companies have a handy hole at the top for putting on the ring. In stitching my samplers – I seem to just throw the threads (yes even silks) down into the chart pack – AAACKKK – I know – I need help! I need these thread drops LOL – thanks Melody

  92. I do not have any special way I organize my threads for a project. I keep them in baggies with my work. Sometimes the labels with the color number come off and get lost, then you have to guess the color. At times it can become a tangled mess. I have not seen the Thread Drops but they look like a good way to organize my thread.

  93. I’d love to win the thread drops. My working threads are fairly haphazzard. I store my threads wrapped on platic cards in plastic boxes. I take out the threads for a project and put them into a zip-lock bag, and I work from that. Inevitably I have short threads, stripped threads, new skeins, etc. all jumbled up in my bag, so an organizer like the drops would be great. Our last remaining needlework store here closed last year. I buy when I travel.

  94. Oh my gosh! What a wonderful invention. I don’t have a way to organize threads I’m currently using so they are sorta, kinda scattered. The idea of an extra hole to store the bits and pieces is the best thing since sliced bread. You are so clever to find the very best tools and share them with us. Thank you so much.
    Hanford, CA

  95. I’m pretty new to needlework, so my “system” is to put all the thread I’m using on those cardboad squares, then put them all in a small plastic baggie. I then put that baggie, scissors, and the project into a large plasic baggie so it’s easily portable. Love the idea of these drops! Would really make things easier.

  96. My favorite thread organization technique? that is difficult because these ones are really new for me. I have only used some cards that I made myself or the little DMC cards that are more common.
    I would like to participate in your giveaway.
    My email mbtobarl@gmail.com
    Thanks a lot…

  97. I would love to have a good thread organizer. At the moment I put my threads in zip lock bags. They are easy to see but slide around a lot. I always put each project in a 2 gallon zip lock bag. Don’t ask how many bags I have.
    Louise B.

  98. I reentered the world of embroidery this year after a long absence. I have a 20 year old Lo-Ran system filled for a large throw that I am working on again. There is a “table of contents” card where you write the color number and page number of the skeins and then separate cards that fit a number of skeins. It is a little bulky and I basically use it for storage. Then I end up with loose threads. I was wondering about alternatives and – lo and behold – your site has it. I discovered your site two weeks ago and love the many inspiring ideas and tips!

  99. Now this is a great idea! I’m fairly new to hand stitching (machine stitching) and recently re-organized my threads. They currently hang on rings and I created something similar to the thread drop above but a small rectangle about 2 1/2″ x 1″ wide with a hole in the bottom cut from clear heavier acetate (for stencils). I really like the idea of the additional holes for “singles”. Thanks so much Mary – love the new site….

  100. I use snack size baggies. They hold the skein and left-over bits and can be sealed. But I’d love to try the thread drops. Thanks for sharing, Mary.

  101. Hola
    Me parece una muy buena idea especialmente los Flip-flops. Yo utilizo unos cartoncitos de DMC que guardo en cajitas. Nunca he utilizado la anilla para mantenerlos todos juntos. Sí que para un trabajo determinado busco una caja o estuche determinado. Gracias por tus consejos y mensajes.
    Un saludo

  102. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the information on thread drops. I would love to try some of these. I currently wind my threads on purchased card stock bobbins that are available in the needlework section and when working a project I pull all the bobbins I need and put them on a metal ring that is also available in the needlework section. Problem with this is if the project is using a lot of colors the ring gets full pretty quick since the bobbins are plump with the thread. I always write the color number on the bobbins with permanent ink and never worry about rewriting since I would just refill the bobbin when that color runs out.
    I love to read all the helpful tips you post and enjoy reading all the information you have. Have a great vacation!
    Mary Ann

  103. These are terrific. I have all my floss on those cards that I can store in plastic boxes. But for a project I either pull the colors I need and put them in a smaller box if I’m using 30 or more colors. Smaller projects I use a piece of cardboard and use a hole punch to add holes. Kind of tedious. These cards look much more user friendly, especially the flip flop drops. Great way to keep the left over bits separate without tangling up.

  104. Oboy!! Do I need to win this contest!!!!
    I have a big rubbermaid container with tread in plastic baggies according to number. I got most of these from my mom and from school projects when I was teaching.
    When I’m working on a project I just pull the colours I want to put them in a chocolate box.
    They do get tangled.

  105. Hi Mary

    I have a large selection of threads – soft spun silk that I bought from vickie at Hand dyed Fibers and they came on a small card with their name on it. I punched a hole in the other end and hung them on a large ring. I can see what I need just by looking. I hang them in my laundry room. Have done this with any large grouping of threads. Others are left on cards if wrapped that way and others I have wrapped myself on embroidery cards and they are stored in large plastic toolbox type cases with handles for carrying. As I write this I think this gal has too much thread.

    Have a great vacation and drive safe.





  106. For works in progress, I use one of those comb-shaped thread organizers. For longer-term storage, it’s tiny ziplocks in plastic shoebox-sized bins.

  107. It depends on the type of needlework I’m doing!
    For cross stitch and plain DMC/Anchor floss, I’ve got them on plastic bobbins, and when I’m working a project I slip them onto a ring that I hang from the side of my accessory tray on my frame.

    For gold-work… I simply stick the threads in a box next to me. Doesn’t work REALLY well, but I have yet to figure out anything better. Suggestions would be appreciated.

    For Crewel, I have a big, 4 inch brass ring that I bought in the macrame department years ago and i hook my threads on it the same way you would on the drops, but all the colors on one ring. Since I don’t usually do crewel from kits where I need to know the color number, this works just fine for me right now! 😀

  108. I use a regular thread organizer even though I find the holes too small whole skeins. These drops look like they can accommodate more thread (more than one skein).


  109. I have plastic embroidery cards put in a box. I really would like to win those thread drops.

  110. Whoever came up with these is brilliant! Must admit that I’m not overly organized with my threads. All of my floss is wound onto those cardboard spool-shaped holders and then sorted by colour families into the plastic boxes meant for that. When I’m working on a project, it generally is kept in a plastic container of some sort, along with the threads I’m using. Unfortunately I’m not organized enough to take note of the colour # OR who made it, so if I run out I’m up a creek. I’m shortly going to be starting to work on a new cross stitch piece where I (gasp!) actually bought all the correct colours. These drops would be a fantastic way to organize!

  111. London calling! Just found your site and have spent a v wet afternoon here in the UK entertaining myself with the many varied sections.
    okay here we go – I use those plastic boxes with the wrap around cards for my main thread storage, then my back up skeins are in an indexed box file type thingy and actual treads in use are threaded onto cereal box cardboard strips with holes I have punched with a hole puncher. I can definitely see the benefit of the drops, the multi holes are a seriously good idea altho I have to say its the bunnies that have caught my eye – why have just practical when you can throw in some whimsy!!

  112. Wow, these are cool! I just organized some crewel wool from a kit, and all I could find was the floss organizers to use. I really like the extra hole (and the bunny) because I’m alway trying to figure out where to put the stripped pieces.

  113. I mostly work with plain old DMC thread, and I store it in little baggies on a ring (I think I got them at evil Walmart). During a project, I keep them in the skein. Cut threads are wrapped around around one end of the skein with the front end on the inside; I always keep track of which end of the thread is the front, but otherwise I’m not terribly organized.

  114. I actually do use cards or things with holes in them. When my grandmother taught me embroidery she would reuse thin cardboard from packaging by punching holes in it to organize her threads. These days I use the plastic organizers from DMC, but there’s no place to write any identifying information on the tread. These look perfect for the job. Thank you for introducing them.

  115. I absolutely love the idea of these thread drops. I think I like the bunny drops the most, because I tend to have some regular threads, along with a few strays of two or three strands. I don’t have a really decent way to keep these two types of the same thread separate, so these drops sound like an answer to a mess. Right now I just wrap both strand lengths on the same spool. My spools (thin white cardboard) don’t have a decent amount of space to put anything except the thread number and no name. Thanks for all you do to make working with needle and thread so much more enjoyable.
    Big Cindy (yes, there’s a little Cindy, my niece)

  116. What a great idea! I have used something similar for cross stitch but you have given me an idea for other stitching projects. I often take applique with me and usually take lots of spools which take up a lot of room. I could use these to winding some thread and note the color number something I failed to do in the past. Then when I needed more I would have the color.
    Thanks, again! I love all the ideas and the new products.

  117. I use small plastic pill pouches that I purchase at my local pharmacy. They are half the size of plastic snack bags. I write the color of my thread on the outside with permanent marker then place the thread in the zip lock bag. I paper punch the corner of the bags and slide them in numerical order on the ring. This makes it so simple to keep thread organized for each project and is easy to take along with you.

  118. I use the smallest baggies (snack size) and I make sure that the skein label is in there. I write on the outside of the baggie with a fine Sharpie. Longish orts can go in there too.

  119. Thread and wool organization is often the bane of my existence. When I embarked on needle painting the many shades of each color, and all the attendant odd strands left over, were on the verge of driving around the bend. After several unsuccessful attempts at organizing what had been removed from the skein, I settled on using Trish Burr’s technique of removing only the strands that I need from the skein. The skeins themselves, I arrange in order of use in a sandwich baggie. I’m very careful to keep this bag flat and unjumbled. When the project is complete, I carefully pull any loose ends back under the paper bands of the floss skein (so they don’t wrap around each other and get all messy). The system isn’t perfect, and fairly long leftover bits end up getting tossed, but at least all of each color is in one place.

  120. Mary,
    First of all Many Thanks for all your educating postings you list everyday. Very interesting, helpful and fun to read.
    As for organizing, I’m still working on creating a system that works good and the thread drops look like a good place to start.I did purchase some square bobbins, but the thread drops look like they would work better as the thread would not be as bulky when put on the rings.It has been awhile since I have embroidered and I’m wanting to get back into the swing of it and I need to simplify things to make this a fun hobby. The thread drops you show would definitly simplify organization.
    Thanks for offering this contest and can’t wait to see who is the lucky winner 🙂

  121. I inherited a lot of floss when my mother-in-law died, and I basically have them group by shade into large baggies. Once I start a project, I pull the colors I need and wrap them on the plastic bobbins. I then put them in a smaller baggie along with thread conditioner, embroidery scissors, needles, etc.

    I’ve never seen the drops before. I like that they have extra holes to keep the floss you’re currently using.


  122. Mary, I have not seen anything like this before and would love to try this. I have all my threads on bobbins in a plastic container and I pull out all the colors I need for a project into a ziploc. Then I wind the unused portion of thread into respective colors of the same bobbin, so that I dont lose track of then and they stay organized, but yes, they do unwind at times. I always thought this was a part of thread work until I saw what you posted. I think both the flipflop and the bunny ones look cute specially with extra holes.
    Thanks for this wonderful opportunity
    – Ramya (Davis, Ca)

  123. I use the DMC bobbins and Baggies. But I still have a big container full of unorganized thread. Thanks for offering these up! I especially love the bunny and flip flop. being able to separate would be wonderful.

  124. I like to wind the floss for the project on the regular plastic cards and keep them in a little box. I always have problems with the separated strands, so these floss winders are great.

    Betty Z

  125. I have several waysto “organize” my threads…but they still are somewhat disorganized. I like the flip-flop “drops”. I like the way they have the smaller holes for separated and leftover threads. I think they would come in really handy for each project! Maybe I wouldn’t lose a floss or thread while in my travels or even sitting by my chair( they tend to slide down the side of the cushion). The ring holding them together would prevent that!

  126. I usually use a wooden board meant for organization. It has 20 holes to place your threads and an attached magnet to hold your needles. I love it except for three drawbacks: 1) if you have more than 20 threads for a project you have to double up, 2) if you have more than one project going, you would have to have a bunch of them and they are not cheap, and 3)you can’t easily label the color numbers.

  127. i put my threads in clear binder pages with pockets. i put them in color order. i wrap them on a snakk cardboard then put a rubber band around each one so they will not fall out.

  128. I just finished my first embroidery project, thanks to the inspiration of your website! I just kept all my threads in the plastic bag from the store where I bought them 🙂 Some of the little labels have come off. I can see how these items you mention in this blogpost would be very useful!

  129. Wow, what great products! Right now I am still using the same method I did in High School – box with lid. It works ok with the limited number of standard 6 strand cotton embroidery floss I was working with in High School but now that I am venturing into other fibers and hand dyed twisted skeins, the box method doesn’t work at all! Not to mention that I can afford better thread now so I have more! Justine

  130. I am so glad to see you endorse Thread Beds since they are my favorite way to organize my threads for projects. I keep my DMC in plastic bags in a box with rods that hold the bags, so I use those bags if I am using DMC. For the others, I love Thread Beds, in particular, the ones that have two or more holes to hold the used skeins. I think they are wonderful for silk.

  131. Hi Mary, The thread drops look as though anyone could be more organized with their threads. Love your site and would like to be entered in the contest.Thanks. Linda D

  132. Hi Mary, Many years ago in my very early counted cross stitch days I got a small tortoise-shell plastic butterfly with numbered holes
    around the edge. I still use this for my project threads when I am at home. If I’m away, snack size zip-locs and a small zip case are easy to pack. Thanks for your very fun give-aways!! Lynn Stiglich

  133. I don’t have any organization method figured out yet. I’m kind of a beginner. These look great!

  134. My favorite floss organization is wound on emptied thread spools. The traditional spool dowels can then be used to store them and floss colors/ type easily retrieved.

  135. I use different methods for big and little projects. For the big ones, I use wodden sticks with holes in them. They seem to tangle less than rings – but the flip-flop type or the bunnies have a separate place for ‘in progress’ separated strands. This looks like an improvement.

    For little projects, I keep the thread in the little plastic bags where I store them, in the bigger plastic bag with the pattern information.

  136. Ik doe de kleuren in aparte plasic dozen.Zoals alle blauw bijeen, alle rood bijeen, alle geel bijeen enz.
    deze drops zijn veel beter, maar helaas i have’nt. Ik wil deze heel graag proberen!!

  137. Hi Mary,
    If I am working on a larger project, I like to use those plastic containers that have about 17 little compartments. I wrap my floss on the cardboard floss bobbins. I put my floss in numerical order. I then can store any and all my beads that I will need for this project.
    My directions fit right on top when I am finished stitching for the day or night.

    If I am working on a smaller project, I put my floss on the floss bobbins and clip them altogether on a shower clip that closes.

    Happy Stitching,

  138. Thank you for posting info about Thread Drops. They must be the best thing since sliced bread! Wow! Must find some pronto. Currently when working on a project, I use a rectangle of heavy card stock about 3 inches by whatever length, make cuts about an inch deep every two to three inches or so apart and actually remove a small piece of the card to accommodate a bundle of floss, slide the floss in the slits, mark the numbers under the slice mark, make a small slit next to floss bundle for long threads removed and leftover. However, this method isn’t good for using with silks and delicate threads.
    Karen S in OH

  139. I keep mine in a standard (not “legal”) size box of envelopes. Just take off the outer wrapping and leave the envelopes in the box. Then number each envelope from 1 to whatever, label with the color name, and keep them in order in the box. Keeps it all in one place and easy to find and transport when traveling.

  140. Hi, Mary! These are really cute thread organizers. I embroider, crazy quilt, and do Brazilian embroidery, so I’ve been accumulating a lot of different threads. I’ve been experimenting with different ways to store them. I came up with a great way to store my sewing threads and silk ribbons on the inside of my cabinet doors that is fantastic….I can send you a photo if you want. I have my cotton and silk threads on the DMC cards in plastic boxes, but am trying to find something for the rayon threads offered by EdMar, etc. I have them hung on shower hooks and then the hooks on curtain rods on the wall right now, but have just ordered out some Annie’s Thread Storage units to try. They are organized on slide units that fit into file drawers or plastic file boxes. I’m hoping this might be the ticket. These that you are offering in the drawing look like they might be great for portable projects, though. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks for your great blog….I enjoy reading it every day.

  141. Whoops….Didn’t give my last initial and I’m from MN. Pays to follow directions 🙂 Sorry.

  142. Several years ago, I graduated from using nothing (just loose skeins – very messy!) to DMC Floss Bobbins. At night when I’m relaxing in front of the tube, I wind my large collection of cotton floss onto bobbins so they’re ready to go when I am! I’ve never heard of Thread Drops before and would love to try them!

    Thanks for letting us know about this product, Mary!
    😀 annie

  143. Hi Mary! I usually keep all my floss for a project on the original tag they come on. And then keep them in a baggie by project. Really like those flip flop ones for the extra holes. Always good to have extra holss 🙂

  144. Mary, organized is not how I would describe my current system. A small baggie holds my floss along with the stripped and left over threads. A good way to end up with a tangled mess. The thread drops look like a great idea & I like your suggestions for labeling.

    Linda A

  145. Hi, Mary!
    Answering your question, if the project uses few threads, I don’t use anything to keep them apart. But for larger projects, I usually get some regular computer paper sheet (that’s already in the “paper for drafts” pile), fold it so it will be thicker and then make holes in it. Just to make it more fun, I use a punch that I have in the shape of a fleur de lis – just because! 🙂 and then I write the numbers of the colors above the holes.
    Thank you for another give-away! 🙂

  146. Mary,

    I started out with the cardboard floss bobbins and diligently wrapped each skein of floss around them before a new project. I found a couple problems with this. First, I absolutely hated having to cut off a new length if I wound the entire sken on the card & it was even more difficult if I pre-cut the lengths before winding on the bobbin.

    Currently, I use the little plastic bags hole punched and arranged on a large ring. There is lots of room to write the thread details and it’s easy to keep pre-cut threads and partially used ones clean & organized.

  147. Hi Mary.I like this idea .Personally I cut one side of a square thick paper in order to stop the thread . I wish you a nice day.

  148. Unfortunately all I have now is some DMC organization supplies — cardboard bobbins and some of those stitch bow things. They work okay for DMC, but I’m not a big fan, and I do buy threads in other form factors than a typical DMC skein. Other threads get left on the tag if they have one at all. However, I like to keep supplies for a particular project together on a metal ring.

  149. Hi Mary,
    I mostly store my thread in plastic bags (making sure that air can get in by cutting off a corner) and when I am working on a project, I pull the required threads and put them on a ring which hangs from my frame. I like the bags as I can put left over thread inside very easily. I sometimes use a home made (with a hole punch) thread holder, but really prefer the bags.


  150. Hi Mary,
    I use the Floss A Way bags to organize my threads. I put each skein in it’s own bag, label it and put all bags on a BIG ring. Works great. I can roll up any threads removed from the skein and add it to the bag.

  151. I have recently “graduated” from using DMC cotton floss to the wonderful world of silks and specialty threads. With the DMC, I wound the floss on those squarish bobbins and hung them on a metal ring. That worked well with the DMC but I have been searching for something “a little more” These thread drops would be perfect.
    If I don’t win these, I will need to go shopping!
    Thank you. Love your website

  152. Hi Mary! I’d love to try some new organization techniques. I currently take off the label with number, tape it a the small plastic winder (looks like a spool) and transfer to the winder. Then I organize numberically in boxes and hopefully return them numerically when the project is completed.

  153. Hi Mary, I have some DMC cardboard little squares but I don’t like them as they leave a crease and also overtime if left in light you can get a colour change. I also use empty cardboard toilet rolls, by cutting a slit in the edge and winding the thread on, with another slit for the lengths already cut, archaiac I know but cost effective.

  154. How do I organize my project thread? Is that a trick question? It’s usually just in a tangle. Cute product — thanks for the opportunity to win.

  155. Hi Mary,
    Thread organization for me depends on the needlework type of project, size of the project and projected time I will be working on it.
    So, for samplers etc. I use Floss A-Way bags, for needlepoint projects I use either the bags and/or floss-sticks, for hardanger/pulled thread etc. I usually chorale the threads in a shaker box, Japanese embroidery silks are kept in large plastic boxes by project and trays when in use, Japanese beads are also sorted by phase and kept in plastic containers for beads, gold embroidery threads are kept in project boxes in the plastic containers they came in, all DMC threads are kept in a wooden cabinet wound up on plastic spools, Appleton and other crewel wools are kept in larger Ziplocs by color/per project. Life used to be simpler when my wooden cabinet was all I needed to work on my projects but then now I have four large cabinets with architect style drawers that house my collections of threads when I am not using them for a project… central/main storage area arranged by thread type etc.

  156. I have been working on blackwork lately, so I haven’t had to keep multiple threads organized. I just safety pinned the hank to the edge of my work.

    I learned my organization method from my mother – cut notches in index cards and wind the thread around it. Rewinding the threads can be a pain at the start of a project, but it does keep them neat in a drawer. I used to reorganize her threads all the time – by number, by color, by whatever system I came up with.

  157. Ooooo . . . I like all of those thread drops. I’ve never seen them before and I see how useful they would be. Right now I just toss my threads that are wound on the old paper bobbins into a small plastic baggie that gets tossed into the project. Not very exciting and can be very messy.

  158. I take all of my threads that I think I am going to use and put them into a half shoe box sized plastic box.

    I normally keep my threads wrapped on the small plastic floss cards and in a floss box.

  159. Hi Mary,
    My beagle, Sally, is my organizer. She decides where she will store all the leftovers, after she has tasted them to determine her favorite. I can’t figure out how she ties so many knots with her paws! I can barely tie a knot in the end of a strand and I have 10 fingers!

  160. I think the thread drops look like a really great way to organize your thread. Currently, when I work on a project, I use ziplock sandwich bags with little pieces of paper that tell the thread number inside. I have a binder that these go in, but unfortunately that one is full so I am using actual sandwich bags for my latest project that I am working on – a pillowcase set called “Oriental Garden.” Its a pre-printed cross-stitch pillowcase set, but instead of using the suggested colors and stitches I am using my own colors and using stitches I have learned from the video tutorials on this site. Good stitching everyone!

  161. Each project I organise differently. Often by colour co-ordination. So that you can see this new system would be ideal for me especially as I’m preparing a new project right now.

  162. What’s your favorite thread organization technique while you’re working a project?

    I just use the little DMC thread bobin cards. I keep them in a box and put the strands I’m not using through the hole instead of putting them all on a ring. I just let the loose threads sit on top of all the others inside the box until I’m done with them. Then I roll them back on the bobbin card. I take the wrapper of the floss and tape it to the bobin card. I write the # & Mfg. at the top of the bobbin. This works pretty well for the stranded flat silks as well as other stranded floss. The only problem is that when I get new floss, I have to sit and wind….and wind… The last time I spent and entire evening just winding floss. This was when I updated my stash, though. I don’t do that all that often.

    For other thicker and twisted threads I use the, oh, I don’t know what to call them, but I call them “bones” – the plastic things that are about 6″ long. They hold thicker threads better. I keep the one’s I’m using in a spare envelope within the box they are all in.

    I’m enjoying reading what others say about this. Being unorganized leads to thread piles and shorter stitching time. I used small baggies at first, but found they slid all over the place. I never tried the ring idea yet. I really like having them all in the box arranged in color wheel fasion. It lets me know what I have.

  163. I have used index cards with holes punched in, wood sticks with holes and a magnet, a plastic butterfly with holes on her wings, flat donut shaped beads on a huge safety pin. The thread drops seem to be an improvement over all my other “systems”. I think these could be my new favorite.

  164. Dear Mary

    I currently wind my threads onto cardboard bobbins. I write on them with pencil which means they could be used again, however they are quite bent by the time the thread is used and not much good for a second use.

  165. i do a couple things – my DMC floss is in the floss away bags in the beautiful cabinet made to house them on pendaflex style rows.i pullthe ones i need and put on a ring, then my carded threads like silk lame etc are on metal looseleaf rings. i pull all the threads for a project and put them on rings – velvets on one, metallics on another, looped silk and ivory etc on the rings directly thru their looped twists and the only thing not on a ring is krenik spools which i put in the beautiful bags i get on all those cosmetic specials at the stores – my two favorite “hobbies” combined – make-up and stitching!!! it’s so nice to be a girl!

  166. Up to now, I’ve been using a Flip Flop Thread Drop. Now, I think I’ll rather used the Hop Hop thread Drop one as it gives me the opportunity to write the name of the thread and safely keep the one I just started. When colors a similar, I have lots of trouble identifying the tread.

  167. I’ve been planning to pick up an. embroidery project, but dread going thru my stash of threads. These drops would make the chore a treat!

  168. I use a small plastic box for each project. I start out all nice and neat, but usually by the time I’m finished it’s an embarrassing mess. I could certainly need some organizational help!

  169. Hi Mary,

    My prefered method to store threads is to make a thread organiser out of thick cardboard and a single hole punch, 2 holes per colour. One hole for full lengths of floss and one for stripped lengths. Easy to write on the cardboard and then at the end of the project can be filed away in case I do the project again. I would love to try this alternative.
    Fingers crossed and thanks for the giveaway.

    Trish, Whangarei, NZ

  170. Good info and great giveaway, as usual, Mary! I keep my threads on large rings attached to the sides of my Elfa storage frames or on the rungs of those multi-rung over the door hangers with clips made for storing “gimme” caps. Fibres on card (RG) or large tags (GA SS) go directly on the rings. Floss and skeined fibers go in snack or floss bags. For large tag fibers like Gentle Arts, Gloriana, Thread Gatherer, I punch additional holes in the tag when I use them for projects to keep partial strands and still usable lengths separate. The problem for those fibers with small tags (Weeks, Dinky Dyes) is what to do with the partials – the drops would be perfect for this.

  171. Dear Mary

    I use those DMC thingys to store my plain stranded cotton but the ‘special hanks’ silks etc I leave to admire by placing them on antique glass dishes with stands. When they have enough admiration I store them away out of the light. Sad ek? I love the new Flip Flop thread drop since it allows you to conveniently stored both the stripped thread and also the length from whence it is taken. How handy is that for thisSoie d’alger fan.
    Cheers from a chilly New Zealand

    Robyn K:-)

  172. I put my threads into a ziplock bag and hunt and sort as needed. I KNOW there is a better way!!!! Just lazy! So this looks very useful for me!

  173. hi Mart, would love to win … i am an amateur but have my threads on wind on bobbins.many thanks . Pam in Oz

  174. Hi Mary

    I use cardboard bobbins in the plastic section boxes. I have my general collection from which I draw from and then other smaller boxes for specific projects. This system doesn’t work well with the variegated threads that I love that come in precut pieces.

    These thread drops would be great for these and they would also look absolutely gorgeous with all those variegated colours. I think the creators have been very clever in coming up with bunny and the flip flops rather than just an oval shape.

    Thanks for all your input

  175. I keep most of my threads wound onto DMC plastic floss cards in plastic boxes and am happy with this – except for the fact I can’t write on them. It is not really satisfactory to include the ID band, which can slip out. I have no idea any more what number my colours are. Lucky I am not doing a serious project.

    The rayons, crewel wools and more delicate threads that come in skeins need something better than the floss cards and Thread Drops would be perfect.
    Currently, most live in plastic grip bags in boxes.
    When doing a project I keep the threads laid on a tray and leave them until I finish the work.
    I remove the Edmar threads from their covers as I need them.

    Maureen B

  176. I have my threads on rings made from sea shells. Luckily I mainly use only one type of thread. But things sure got tricky when I wanted to try some needlepoint. My organising system circles around colours. My shell rings come in various sizes and I bought them at a cheapies shop. They are imported from an Asian country. I really like the idea of recording what colour and a bit of other trivia on the Thread Drop card. These little gadgets will save my sanity.

  177. I use snack sized baggies, punch a hole in them and put them on a ring. It gives me a place for my odds and ends and keeps some of the cat hair off…

  178. How do I store my threads? After I cut the skein, I do the same ‘knot’ that you show with the Thread Drops. When I split the ply, I tie the loose threads the same way onto the loop formed by the first knot. The Thread Drops seem to solve the problem of searching for colors or sometimes losing almost finished groups (they sometimes fall out when searching for a different color). It seems to me that all you would have to do is take out the ring and you have all the threads safely and quickly located and organized.
    Thank you
    Rachel R.

  179. I use the cards you write on, with holes for the thread, and a magnate at the end to “hold” the needle. I’d prefer something that I can just take one color with me when on the go instead of 10 colors at once though! these look fab!

  180. These are so neat especially the bunny ones! I keep my thread on the small spool shaped ones and pull out the colors I need and keep in a in a ziplock bag while I am working on a project. I love your blog with all the designs, tutorials, and neat new ‘stuff’ t make our crafting easier!

  181. I use snack sized plastic baggies, contained within a larger storage baggie, and sort out what I want into a separate baggie for a specific project. I can usually fit my cloth and hoop in there too so it’s all nicely contained 🙂

  182. Love the idea of thread drops, especially for some of the specialty threads that come in a skein with very little packaging – like gumnuts poppy. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

  183. I use the stitch bow system for storage, by color and then number. Once I’ve started a project the strands are put into snack sized bags, but then I need to still separate the strands which have now decided to make a nest in the bag… the drops, especially the flip flop, would be a nice thing to try.

  184. Hi MAry, I follow your column daily. I have used your tutorial for many stitches in my Brazilian Embroidery.
    Ann Rakip

  185. Until I started working in a cross stitch shop I was a die hard bobbin winder. When I started working everyone used the floss baggies and I felt like an alien because I was still using bobbins. I was stubborn for a while but soon caved and bought some baggies. It didn’t take long for me to see the convenience of the bags and now I am a baggie lover. I use them for all my threads, overdyes, pearl cottons, DMC. The threads that are currently in use are placed on rings and the idle baggies are mostly filed away in a drawer. On small projects I have left the Weeks Dye Works, GAST, or Carrie’s Creations on the hang tag that they come on and just put them on a ring as they are.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Brenda Schiesser

  186. I use lots and lots of zip top bags to store and sort thread. It keeps them clean and cat hair free 🙂

    While I’m working a project, I may hang my prepared thread on a plastic or mother of pearl ring and attach them to the frame I’m working on. But they always go back in a bag between times.

    Juliet O

  187. Some time ago, I think it was for a crewel project, I took a strip of plastic needlepoint canvas and cut out pieces to make bigger holes. I filled the holes with the yarn for that project. It was sturdy and light and looked very neat (as opposed to messy.) Of course, I never finished that one and, while it is someplace in my very messy sewing room, I would have no idea where to start looking for it, LOL!

  188. I love the idea of the thread drops. Right now I have a seperate container for the threads I am using. They are on cards. I wind the extra threads that I have after removing the threads I am using around a seperate card with the number on it. I place them in the box. The threads, I am using are put on a magnetic needle holder like the LoRan ones and I put the number on it so I know what color it is. So these would be great because I would not have to have seperate card for the threads I have seperated and the threads that haven’t been used.

  189. Well, I use a hanger to tie up my threads.
    I have been doing small projects uptil now.
    Soon I plan to embroider a saree. And I sure likes the idea of thread drops. I shall try
    to make some myself.

    Mrunal D.

  190. G’day Mary,

    I’m only organised enough to keep all together in a bag or container of some sort.

    I mostly find myself winding the stripped or left over thread loosely around the appropriate skein.
    It is not very satisfactory of course but at least they’re together. Sort of…mostly.

    Sometimes I do make a card with holes along it.

    If I’m not the winner of this competition I’ll be a winner anyway ‘cos I’ll get myself some proper drops after this. I like the idea of having extra holes for cut and/or stripped theads.

    Cheers, Kath from Oz.

  191. I mostly do small kit cross stitch projects and currently use an index card or folded up piece of paper with holes punched out along the edges to loop my threads through. I like being able to have the threads lined up by shade especially since sometimes I have trouble telling the light and medium colors apart.:)

  192. I have several methods, ranging from plastic bags to bobbins. However, I really like using the cards in the long-and-short stitch project and have made several more for specific projects. I am currently beginning a hussif project and plan on putting mother-of-pearl rings in it. I really like the bunnies with the extra hole because I need tobe able to keep stripped threads seperate from the main bunch, and currently have no good method for this. Thanks, Mary!

  193. I am always on a search for thread organization. I’m currently using a card that has holes for six different threads and a magnetic strip for threaded needles. Most of the time by the end of the project the threads are no longer in the holes but I love the magnetic needle holder.

  194. Organizing my threads, hmm, I like them neat and clean so I keep them in containers. But for my projects, I tend to work with one thread type at a time, though I may have the rest of the threads for the project in a ziplock or project bag. When I sit to stich, I will usually stay with it until I use all the threads from the length of floss I’ve chosen as I don’t have a good way to put those away. These organizers would be so great to win, I think they would help me a lot.

    Lynn D

  195. Mostly I work with the EdMar Brazilian Embroidery threads. They have a thread organizer with 16 slots. I use those to keep thread from tangling or getting snagged. Otherwise I put all the colors and weights I will be using in one of the Mesh Bags with the fabric, hoop, needles, scissors, etc.
    The thread organizer can fold up to put into a Mesh Bag – everything is right there.
    The Thread Drops you are showing would be nice to organize the cotton floss I use.
    Thank you for this give away – very useful

  196. Since I am just starting out, I’d say I have more of a lack of organization. Especially while in the middle of a project…(I’ve only done 2 so far ha!)

    My husband gave me an old tackle box of his lol, I bought one of those rings with the little cardboard pieces shaped like an “I”. Lemme tell ya, they aren’t really worth it! They are an unraveled, tangled mess laying in the bottom of my tackle box. I also have a few skeins (I guess that’s what you call them) thrown in in there as well because I gave up on the little cardboard thingys.

  197. Hi Mary,

    How to organize threads? Well, it all depends on the project. If I’m only using one or two colors, such as for smocking projects, I will cut a length or two of floss, thread all the needles and put them into one of my very many pincushions. If I’m using quite a few colors, which seems to be most of the time these days, I’ll make a thread card out of cardstock, using large (1 inch) holes and writing the colors on the card next to each hole. But I love the bunnies! I want them! If I don’t win them I’ll buy them!

  198. I haven’t really had a way of organizing my threads before. I just carried them around in a ziploc bag, not a great idea. These drops look really neat and tidy, just what I need. Thanks for the giveaway!
    Kelly S. – Alabama

  199. hi mary,
    boy could i use these! i always have several projects going. right now i have 5. i once got an extremely good deal on some stork scissors. they were discontinuing a name brand and i got them for $1.99. i bought six pair knowing how i work. i have a number of cloth bags i made for myself.every thing needed for each project i put in it’s own bag, complete with it’s own pair of scissors so i don’t ever have to worry about not having a pair. the floss though. oh no. the floss just gets thrown in where by the end of the project i am left with detangleing skeins and orts and it is a mess. i keep thinking i’ll come up with something but so far i haven’t. cleaning out my embroidery sewing basket is on my list of things to do this summer. i have floss from when my mother was embroidering as a girl in the 30’s. i got the box when i was a teenager and i truly do not ever remember sorting and cleaning it out. i guess i would much rather be stitching.

  200. Hi Mary,
    I keep all my threads (6-strands floss) on DMC crossbows, so when I start something new, I get all the required bows, put them in one of the special file pockets (still DMC) and store them in numerical order in a file I keep for ongoing projects. I don’t know if that makes sense to you, but it works beautifully, everything is very tidyly packed and easily reachable

  201. Hello Mary, I haven’t seen these thread drops before and think they are a great idea. At the moment I am still winding my threads onto cardboard bobbins and storing in a plastic fishing tackle type box. For individual projects I use a zip lock bag for the threads required. Keeping my fingers crossed for a win here. Thank you for the opportunity, Dianne C from Australia.

  202. Oh my – I think these look neat. I haven’t seen them in the stores yet but will definitely keep an eye open for them now. I started out using bobbins and plastic boxes but that didn’t work out for too long. Next I tried little snack baggies. They worked out better because the partial threads could go in there too. I have a Stitchbow but haven’t figured it out yet to give it a try. I like the baggies too because I could punch a hole in them and thread them on rings for a project. I need one good method because now some are still on bobbins, some are in bags, and some are on bobbins in bags! lol

  203. I use the thread cards that come with thread organizer box.There is no favorite technique as such this is the only technique I have ever used.
    And this is a great opportunity to win some lovely thread drop organizers.

    Kirti Narkhede

  204. Hello Mary !
    Here is the mess 😉
    I have several pouches where I store the threads that I use. And sometimes, I can’t find them anymore…
    I had never heard of these drops, they are funny.

  205. What a cool system. Most of my thread is just loose and tangly in a plastic tub. I did wind the thread for my current project on little floss cards and they are all in a separate tub. This is the most organized I have ever been. For on the go I put it all in a gallon ziplock bag.
    Kathi Eddy in Salem, UT

  206. I use a snapware case to keep all of my embroidery supplies together, and I wrap my thread on those cards that you can buy from DMC. I really like the idea of the thread drops but its much easier for me to get the thread I want from a wrapped card than being tied on, and it also take up less space in my box. But I think i’ll still get the thread drops because anything embroidery-related I love to buy and they look really cute to display my thread on as well. ^_^

    -Renate W.

  207. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh what a antastic idea.

    I am wondering where in the world you are????

    Wendy in Australia

  208. Love the idea of the thread drops. I have made myself cardboard thingys with holes for odd bits of thread, but usually keep the new threads on a card. When the thread is left on a card for a long time then creases appear in the threads I like your “thread drops ” better.
    Thanks, Margaret Price

  209. Dear Mary,
    What a lovely idea and give-away. Would love to win such a useful prize.
    I pull all the colours I need and keep in a seperate thread box, but love the idea of the thread drops in all it’s shapes. A really neat way to keep threads needed for a project together easily.
    Thanks for all the valuable information you pass on daily – something I really look forward to.

  210. hello first i cut my thread in required length all shades then i make tail. some time make one tail of all shades and some time separates.then put all project in small bucket which i can handled everywhere.i love embroidery and do it since childhood.this is the way i use from childhood. buy

  211. What I like keeping skeins of floss in are the plastic boxes used for the Fererro Rocher chocolates.
    The chocolates are sickly sweet and not really to my taste, despite loving chocolate 🙂
    However, the boxes are great! If you don’t have them in the States (although I think you might!), you can see a picture here:


    If your project also needs a lot of floss, they are good to store the ones you are using.

    I do also use long pieces of card, about 8-10cm wide and use a paper punch to punch holes on either side of it. On the left I put the unseparated lengths of floss and on the right, any that I have separated or little bits of left over thread that I have started using. In the middle, I write the identification for the thread. The whole lot then goes in a snap top plastic bag.

    I do also have a couple of shoe boxes with lots of Penelope tapestry wools that I have accumulated over the years.

    Nevertheless, I do like these Thread drops. They are cute! Especially the rabbit one.

    Elaine Maul
    Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, UK

  212. hello first i cut my thread in required length all of shades then i make tail.some time make one tail of all shades and some time separates. then put all project in small bucket which i can handled everywhere.i love embroidery and do it since childhood.this is the way i use from childhood. byeeee

  213. I just love threads, and I am into learning and trying all of them. At the moment I have the plastic box with the little cardboards to rewind them on. I know the Edmar ones should be on the plastic sleeves but I only have 5 of these so as they grow I will get them,. But it is the Bunny Hop that has me intriqued as I have been doing my embroidery its the little bits that are left over and it seems a waste to throw away, so this looks great.
    Thank you in anticipation
    Cranbourne, Vic.

  214. As I’ve been working with embroidery that doesn’t require lots of different threads and colors (I mean in particular Hardanger) I got used to keeping my threads in a plastic bag, so to keep them clean. To be honest I’ve never heard of thread drops and as I saw them now here it’s like a revelation to me :). It’s so simple idea and so genuine in the same time. I can imagine keeping lots of threads in order is some sort of a challenge and these little white pieces make it so easier.

  215. I haven’t found a method I really like for organising my threads but I do like the look of the flip flop thread drops.
    I have used the cards with holes punched on the side for both individual projects and for my main storage. The thing I don’t like about this is the long threads either hanging down, getting tangled or being bulky if wrapped around the card.
    I’m not sure why but I have never liked the cardboard bobbins.
    I have purchased some of the DMC plastic thread holders and the plastic sleeves they go into but haven’t actually put some of my threads on them and given it a try.
    Currently all my threads are in plastic storage boxes loose. I just have my fingers crossed that none of the labels slide off.

  216. Hi Mary, I have arranged my threads in order of colour/shades in my needlework box. For threads that are currently in use while doing my embroidery, I have a small cloth pouch into which I put the unused threads before I close for the day. The thread drop idea is really wonderful.

  217. It varies as to what I use but I have a big basket beside where I sit to sew and there are various types of storage but mainly I use the card system in plastic boxes which works most of the time but when I need to use rayon or silk threads I sometimes have to iron the thread prior to sewing. For projects it is the plastic bag with all and sundry for the project including its own scissors, thimble, threads on cards and needle case so I can just pick up a project and take it with me whereever I go and not have to look for the accessorys for it to be functional.

  218. Dear Mary,
    I use a combination of bobbins and a clear plastic bag, I don’t like either part of my system but can’t find anything that works better. I’ve seen this system before on your blog before and am really intriqued, so good luck to me!
    Thanks for having yet another contest!

  219. What’s your favorite thread organization technique while you’re working a project?

    Some years ago my husband went in to a shop and asked for “one of each colour” in machine sewing threads, so was forewarned when he was tempted to buy one of each colour of DMC or Anchor cotton threads – he bought “Gold Concept” binders and A4 thick plastic envelopes divided into thread tunnels. Now I insert a piece of A4 card into an ordinary A4 plastic envelope, stitch about 6-8 horizontal tunnels and slide the threads in with a chenille needls and lasso of thread. If I am starting a new project, it is easy to insert the page into a binder and keep all the threads together.
    Winchester UK

  220. I have a plastic box with my threads wound on the cardboard things plus I made a hold all with clear plastic pockets that take the cardboard things and folds up and holds what I am working on

  221. Hi Mary,

    At the moment, I am recycling card, and winding my current threads around that. The idea of a space for the full thread plus stripped threads is great!
    But do you hang all your threads? To put it another way, how do you store your thread drops once they’re loaded? I assume you have a room dedicated to needlework?
    Thanks for your very useful information!

  222. Oh Mary, my favourite was to store my thread changed the very minute I discovered your ‘Thread Drops’. Your three designs are so clever and practical compared to my outdated method of re-winding thread onto the those small, square, plastic bobbin gizmos.
    I’ve not done any embroidery for two years but am about to make a comeback. Opening the timber cases where I store my threads and seeing the beautiful colours waiting to be used is always a joy. I choose threads needed for my project then pop them back when finished.
    I’ll do a post comparing our thread storage methods on my blog before your competition ends.
    Fabulous to find you Mary!

  223. Though I have bought & like the idea of the bobbin winders and case, I keep my floss together as best as possible and that works for me. For project, I do write down what I’m using and I also keep it together in a box or container for that specific project. I’d love to try these out though-the hole for the loose 1 or 2 strands sounds cool because I hate to let them go to waste but they’re easy to loose track of.

  224. I don’t really have a technique, but after reading all these comments I should probably develop one…or at least a better one. I started off using bobbins and grouping them together on metal rings, but I’ve become lazy and haven’t done anything with my more recently bought floss. One day.

  225. When I have a needlepoint or counted cross stitch project, I use little snack baggies to hold the threads. Then if I have a left over thread or two, it is keep with the main skein.

  226. Mary, Thanks for another giveaway. I have not used these drops but usually keep my threads in small baggies that I put into another, larger baggie that I put into a small tote to carry around while I’m working. Sounds cumbersome & it is! Now that I’ve seen these, I might just buy some. Sheila K in CA

  227. These thread drops are awesome! I have yet to come up with a good way to keep my threads in order. I think a hole puncher is going to come in use the next time I bring out my threads for any reason…

  228. I love to sew in bed and have all my plastic thread containers spread out all around me on the bed.
    It sounds a wee bit better than disorganized……LOl

  229. I do a lot of plain sewing on my sewing machine, so I always have a bunch of empty thread spools begging to be reused instead of ending their lives in a landfill. So, whenever I am starting a project that I know will use the better part of a skein of thread, I take two empty thread spools and simultaneously strip the thread into the number of strands required for the project while winding the thread onto the spools (once you get the knack of winding a spool in each hand while letting the skein dangle so that it can spin as it unwinds, it’s really very easy!). As soon as the thread is appropriately striped and wound, I consolidate it onto a single spool (this process may require the use of a third spool, depending on the number of plies in the original and the number I intend to use). Then I attach a label to the top of the spool with the brand, thread type, and color number. Not only do I enjoy the “reduce, reuse, recycle” aspect of my method, but it also gives me an acid-free, tangle-free, and crease-free way to keep my precious threads organized. Once I’m done with the project, if there is any thread left, I can even keep these spools in an ordinary plastic thread box!

  230. Hi Mary,
    Right now I use 2 things. One is I tie the excess floss in a bow around the skein then store as neatly as possible in a plastic storage box. 2 I use cardboard from cereal boxes and punch holes in the sides and right the numbers on it. Sometimes my family don’t eat it fast enough. It can get bulky. Thanks for sharing your expertise on needlework.

  231. Mary, how wonderful do your “Thread Drops” look??? I store my silk threads on a metal ring, but have nowhere to write the name/colour. I store my Edmar threads in the plastic sheet/sleeves. My DMCs, on the plastic sheafs, that they make. But I love the idea of your Thread Drops, just so neat and tidy… WOW!!!
    Thanks for sharing… Faye

  232. I use a somewhat similar system with the DMC rectangular thread bobbins. I’ve never gotten the hang of those hanks of thread cut in lengths. I know they look pretty in a thread organizer but when the project is over they haven’t ever had a label. So I wind the new skein of floss around a labeled DMC bobbin and use another one for my thread splits. But these drops are so much suter – the bunny ones are really charming.

  233. I love to have everything really organised in my life and particularly in my sewing room. These thread drops for the silks that are in use at a particular time would be perfect for helping me maintain that goal. Until now I have various methods of achieving this but how to deal with incomplete threads is aways a problem. I love the idea of the small holes to accomodate them, what a perfect solution. I’m crossing my fingers I may be the lucky person to win this give away.
    Thank you Mary!

  234. Hi Mary,
    I use Plastic container for keeping the thread. When working on something, I store required amount of thread winded in cardboards or bobbins.
    Thank You.

  235. I use the zippered plastic floss bags from Hobby Lobby on two 3-inch binder rings. When I’m working on a project, the main skein remains in the bag, although I might keep the “next” 2- or 3-strand piece of floss loosely coiled, waiting on the pin cushion.

    I’ve recently begun writing the floss color number on the project in water-soluable pen, after losing track a couple of times. That has been a huge timesaver and has prevented repeating the mistakes of the past. 🙂

  236. I’m having almost as much fun reading everyone’s ingenious organizing implementations as the original post 🙂

    When I am working a project with a small variety of threads I use something similar to the “LoRan Project Cards” (if links are allowed, this one will show a picture: http://www.123stitch.com/pictures/DRITZ-PS3P.jpg ).

    These are rectangular cards with holes punched along the lower long edge for the floss, with space above each hole to note the make and color of the floss in that hole, and with a small magnet at one short side to keep your needles. I typically use two holes per color: one for full six-strand floss, the other for the partially stripped floss.

    When I undertook an (overly) ambitious project with almost a hundred different floss colors, I had to find an alternative method.

    I found a system of (roughly) 4×6 ziplock bags with two holes on the closed side and a white area on which to write on the bag itself. I put all the floss in there, organized by number for ease of retrieval, and hooked two rings through the holes.

    On a smaller ring I have those bags I have extracted for use with the subset of floss required on the specific area I am working at a given time. My embroidery scissors for that project is also on that ring – less chance that I might lose it.

    The bulky two-ring “album” of floss for the entire project stay fairly statically in my needlework area. The smaller single ring set travels in my little project bag with the project and the photocopied pattern – easy to grab on the way somewhere where I might be able to stitch.

    The Thread Drops system looks like an ideal solution for smaller projects. I would love to participate in the give-away. Here in Seattle summer has been really slow in coming, but the extra rainy days has meant more time to sit inside stitching 🙂

  237. I use the floss away bags, when I am working a project I use a ring to keep them in order
    So far it has worked well. But the Thread Drops look like they would work great especially for Crazy Quilting.

  238. Discovered when I won the raffle at our monthly meeting of the Charleston Sampler Guild. I love ’em! Makes using flosses of all types much easier and keeps them flat and straight.

  239. Hello-

    I usually use snack size ziplock bags for threads and hold them all together with giant safety pins. I am always looking for new ideas to organize floss.

  240. I have no method for organizing my threads while working on a project and would absolutely love to win this giveaway. Thank you for introducing such wonderful and creative products. I learn something new every day.

  241. Hi!
    I use those plastic boxes with the compartments for the bobbin cards. I try to buy the plastic bobbin cards as they are sturdier and thicker. I’m new at all if this and have no idea how to store my growing collection of silk ribbon. Any suggestions?

  242. Mary – What a great idea ! I’ve used most every kind of organizer for floss that I’ve ever seen, and haven’t been really happy with any of them. The system I have been using most recently is similar to these floss drops, but without the advantage of the extra holes. I’ve just been using metal rings , and I have them all on a tension rod in my sewing room.
    Awhile back, I read a great hint in an issue of Australian Smocking and Embroidery for storing floss. It’s a little complicated to explain, but they cut the floss to the length you want (the whole skein)and braid these around a ring. This way, when you’re ready for a length of floss, you can pull it from the braid without any tangling. I’ll try to find the issue to send you.
    Anyway – I’d LOVE to try these floss drops !
    (and LOVE your site – I’ve told many many people about it and what a wonderful resource it is !)


  243. I have used the bobbin cards, but confess to laziness in keeping them up. I’m no longer willing to spend the time winding them. They are also too small to use for bulkier types of threads. Thread Drops look like they resolve all of those problems. Thank you.

  244. I do not have a special way of organizing my threads. I have tried different things like wrap the thread on little card board pieces and in ziplock bags. I find the thread gets a kink if I wrap on the card board and tangled in the bags. I did try a foam with a hole punched in it and I did like this technique and it is very similar to your give away. I would like very much to win something like this to make my life a little more organized. Thanks for all you share with us. Maria in Kansas

  245. Hi, I would love to win the thread drops, I organize a lot of my threads in small plastic bags, keeps them clean and neet. I also use a bit of cardboard and make holes and write the number or name of the thread under them. Your way sure sounds a lot easier. Thanks for the great web page.
    Take care,
    Joan Turrell,
    Richmond B.C. Canada

  246. Hi,
    I had trouble locating a good way to store my Floche thread I purchased and finally came up with a grand solution. I found plastic zip lock pill baggies at my local Walgreens pharmacy. These bags are about half of the size of the snack size baggie at grocery stores. I write the color of the thread on the outside of the bag with permanent marker. Then, I paper-punch a corner of each bag (going the same direction) and slide them numerically onto snap-able metal rings. Sometimes I paper-punch both sides of the bottom of the bags and slide them on two rings. It is like having a rolodex for thread. I like these pill bags because they are made of heavy plastic and are small. I also place the thread(s) I use for a particular project this way because it makes for an easy take-along.

    Thanks again for an interesting question to share.
    Colleen Lim

  247. If i”m working on a small project, I put the threads into individual small bags and then place them all on a shower hook (the pear shaped type). If the project is larger with many different colored threads – I would organize them with a plastic box that has the 12 or so dividers – first winding the skeins onto spindles.
    I was planning to try your thread drops but couldn’t decide on which style. “When” I win – I can compare the 3 types and pick my favorite to order next time.

    Ellen S. in NYC

  248. My favorite thread organization technique is to use the templates you provide on your website! I like putting the threads in the holes and labeling them because it makes them easy to find and neat. I usually print out the template, glue it to a piece of thin cardboard or a couple of sheets of cardstock, then punch the holes. It makes them more durable. I’d love to win the thread drops! I’ve seen them but haven’t ordered any yet. Winning them would be wonderful!

    Gina S. in FL

  249. Mary, those thread drops look like the answer to my situation. I keep my threads in little baggies hung in numerical order on metal rings. If I remove a little baggie for a project, it is not available if I need it for another purpose – I have to strain my memory to try to remember where it is and if that fails, I must replace the skein leading to unnecessary doubles, or triples in some cases, – generally all from a different dye lot.

    While working on my project, I’ll have skeins and part skeins spread around me on the couch where I sit – often for more than one project. One has to be careful to avoid mixups.

    I like the idea of a place for the skein, the strand removed from the skein and the leftover plies. And when I’ve finished my project, the whole Thread Drop could return to the baggie with no tangled mess – the leftover pieces would be easily accessible for another time.

    Definitely a good idea!

    Carol Sp. in Alberta

  250. I usually wind my floss onto the plastic bobbins for cross stitch or any other tecnique which requires stranded thread,& store them in floss boxes. For crewel wool, silk, rayon etc; I buy large ring binder rings which open with a hinge. I plait the threads with their label threaded on the loop end before I begin plaitng. I then thread them onto the ring & close it. I find them most useful that way especially if I thread them on in colour families e.g. blues, greens, etc; If I want to extract a thread form the plait I just begin pulling it from the looped end at the top of the plait & it comes out clenly leaving the rest of the plait intact.
    L. Hale. Christchurch, New Zealand.

  251. Hi Mary,
    I usually have 3-4 projects going at a time and keeping the threads in order is always a challenge. I have sometimes punched holes and old greeting cards and looped the threads on them and at other times used the cardboard bobbins, that come with organizer boxes, and put them in a metal ring to keep them together. These thread drops are really nice and the holes are large enough for crewel wool too! Thanks for the give away and love reading your blog and facebook page.
    Happy stitching!

  252. I just started back up with needlework ( I am a knitter) so I don’t really have any organization. Right now I only have 2 needlework projects goingso the thread is in ziplock baggies loose and all jumbled together.

  253. OH,to be organized with my threads! What a wonderful dream…..Say! Those Thread Drops may be the answer to my thread mess. Thanks for the tip!

  254. THIS is what I’ve been unconsciously looking for. Love the idea. I’m going to implement a version of this the next time I pull out my threads. Thank you for introducing this ingenious idea!

  255. I really like these organizers. They address the need for more room to state more than just the thread number. I think from now on I will also try to add the YEAR I purchased the thread. It might prove helpful when working an old chart. For general organizing I would like these tags a bit more of they had an attachment (?) to work with that system that will store in a hanging file box. That system seems the best way to organize many threads, easily expandable as far as a container to store the threads. I doubt the office supply industry will give up the hanging files anytime soon. It would help give us a central SPOT for all of our threads. Mine are scattered.

    Current system: Very high tech. I’ve got my embroidery piece & hoop, a ring with those little floss cards holding my thread stored in a zip lock bag (along with an extra needle, threader and a pair of scissors).

  256. Hi Mary – Years (and years!) ago, I started organizing threads for a project on a piece of cardboard, like 10 to 12 inches by 1 inch, with slits cut in it for each color. I put colors either in number order or grouped similar colors together. You can write the no. on the cardboard, and can see all of them together. Not high tech, but it works and I still find myself looking for cardboard now and then when I start a new project!

  257. What a great gift! I have enjoyed looking around at your beautiful work and thank you for everything!!

    I love stitching by hand … alas, not often enough to start and finish everything in my SOS.

    Just wanted to wish everyone Good Luck!!!

  258. I use index cards with holes punched along the lengthwise sides to hold my threads for an embroidery project. I indicate the color number using the DMC pre-numbered labels (which I have found to be reusable). If I am not using DMC threads, I indicate the color number on the blank labels provided with a permanent pen (so that ink does not rub off on the threads). For large quantities of wool needlepoint yarns, I have used the 6-pack plastic holders for soda cans. I then use cardstock tags to identify the color numbers. If I am using rayon or metallic threads, I keep them in their original wrapper, since they tend to “kink”

  259. Love your website. Just found it the other day. Working on my own stitches to improve.

  260. These thread organizer are quite different. I do think that the 3rd Flip Flop would be real handy with the 3 holes. Hummm. This is new to me.

  261. These thread drops are great. My current method of organizing threads for a project is to use the small plastic snack bags.

    Katrina M.

  262. Well I just started stiching on monday so I haven’t done much,and I haven’t thought much about organizing my threads. I decided to start stiching after coming across a group of stichers’ here http://countedblessingsproject.blogspot.com/.
    I’ve never heard of thread drops but those are pretty cool!

  263. My favorite storage needs have not been found as yet. I’ve tried bobbins, plastic bag w/binders and binders with plastic inserts. Did a whole binder full of thread and they half fell out when I was finished. These thread drops look great so I hope I win. My embroidery/quilt closet will look fabulous and very neat with these. Thanks for the chance.

  264. the only organisation I hve with my threads is that I sit & wind each colour onto a DMC bobbin while I am watching tv or a dvd. It’s partof my preperation

  265. earlier I use to keep my yarn gathered together as a plate this seems to me a great idea to keep yarn neetly. If i did’t won tis I may be able to make it with aa harde board thanks!

  266. When I do a project or stitch practices, I put my thread in a clear ziplock baggie or I use a small pencil pouch. Otherwise my thread is in a clear plastic bin.

  267. I organize my thread in 2 ways. I kind of changed the way I liked after I had already started another way, so I just kept on organizing but in a different way. When I started out I bought a Lo-Ran thread organizer which was kind of like a sheet of vinyl with pockets in each end and a 3 ring binder thing in the middle. You placed these cardboard sheets into the binder part. The sheets had little holes all down the side, I forget how many, and you attached your skein of thread by looping it through the hole in a hitch knot. There was a space then next to it to label the thread. Then the whole thing folded over twice and was secured by a velcro tab. I used these for a while. I outgrew one and then had to buy another one. Well, after I used up the second one, I went back to the store for another one and discovered the little plastic boxes with the flat cardboard spools that you wound your skeins on and so I started using those. I’m currently on my 3rd one. For a project, I get a sheet of cardboard and put holes in it and put the threads I’m going to be using on that cardboard piece. Then I don’t have to carry all that thread around with me, just the cardboard holder.

  268. I use different thread types and makers. I currently have all DMC colors which I keep in order on plastic bobbins, these are kept in Artbin storage boxes with the series (ie 300-500)labeled on the lids. All DMC colors are kept in an Artbin storage box holder that is relatively small, zips across the top and has pockets on all sides. It holds six or seven artbin boxes filled with floss, this is very portable and travels easily. My Floche and other specialy threads are kept in plastic bags.

  269. I love needlework, which i Learned at school.
    My favourite way to organize thred is to take a piece of card and make some cuts in it.

    The separated skeins for the current project are wound onto the card. The other skeins are put into a box so that they stay dust and dog hair free.

    I am from India and we do not have a lot of options, like the thread the thread drops that u have featured, for arranging threads.

  270. When I am working on a project, I keep the threads on a ring. I sort them by type and number. I put the whole thing in a in a bag, often a baggie, but sometimes something more fancy. I have used gossamer wine bags, silk bags, and paper gift bags.

  271. I usually use the bags, since I always have left over threads and I’m thrifty (read “cheap”) so I don’t want to waste anything. But for projects that require mixed threads and frequent needle changes, I made a hanging threaded needle holder that can be rolled up for travel. It’s made of doubled canvas about 2 feet long, has 4 horizontal rows of vinyl for stickers with thread numbers and symbols, and beneath each vinyl row, has a tube of canvas, stitched down on top and bottom, running horizontally across. I park the threaded needle with the 2 colors of thread, at the appropriate place in the stitched-down tube and always have it ready when those 2 squares for that color come up later on. The tube keeps the needle from poking through the rolled up hanger when I take the project with me. I hang it from the clip on my light meant for a chart and it’s always beside me when I park or go look for a needle.

  272. Hi Mary, I have to be the most disorganised stitcher and do need help. I have my skein threads on cards in boxes, and the balls, and specialty in plastic containers. There are also a couple of antique biscuit tins, and boxes I have painted or made. However when working on a project I use baskets so I can have everything I have chosen there in the one place, and the basket holds the project and threads until it is finished.
    These gadgets look wonderful and would be a great way to keep the threads tidy.

  273. Guten Morgen Mary –

    thank you for publishing how other keep orginized. Gives me lots of ideas for the future 🙂
    Right now I keep all floss sorted by colour in different stack boxes I just bought. Little bags are inside with the leftover sniplings. When doing a project I take a piece of card board and just punch holes into it. I tie each colour next to the information like brand and colour #.

    I really enjoy your site. On mine a link with my “stitchlings” will be added as soon as I can take pictures of all of them.

    I have learned stitching at school when I was about 10 also. We made a sampler bookmark and a tissue holder, the bookmark I still have along with the one my daughter made when she was that age. I just added those to my list of photos to come. I am glad they still teach that in German schools.

    Hugs from Germany,

  274. A question for Diane of post #88:

    I would love to see some pictures of your canvas solution- it sounds intriguing but I can’t quite picture it.

  275. HI Mary,
    well, I must say that Im rather ashamed of myself for not having some whizz-bang way of organising myself! However, at the risk of seeming un-embroiderer-like, I shall plough on. I started embroidery 100 years ago (ok, maybe not, but you get the point) and tried those cardboard things that you wind the thread around. Well…lost interest in that pretty quickly, so I bought those long plastic stick looking things that you are supposed to be able to put a whole skein on. All these years later, they remain unopened.
    I have only recently (as in, the last couple of weeks) come back to embroidery after a long absence. I am after ANY help I can get because the fear of lost threads (sadly, the labels did come off), tangled threads, and all sorts of problems that you cant even begin to imagine, still haunt me as I am embarking on my first embroidery project after almost 8 years…
    Onto other matters, THANK YOU for this amazing website. I discovered it yesterday while looking for something else and it is such a pleasure to read. Congratulations.

  276. Mary,
    I just discovered this issue of your newsletter, so I know this has passed. However, I would like to tell how I store my embroidery floss.
    Have some strips of matting cardboard, 6″ long, buy 3″/4″ wide, free from a framing shop, they are discards, and I use a hole puncher to make holes on the white side so I can write the # of the thread and loop my floss through. This is a neat way to store it.

  277. Wow!! What a wonderful site, I love your tutorials, thank you !!
    To organize my floss, I buy the plastic sheet with pockets that baseball card collectors use. I put the DMC number on the front of the pocket, put my floss in. I usually keep these plastic sheets in a binder. This way, I can flip thru the pages and know exactly which floss color I need to buy when there is a sale

  278. I learned this from my mother since I was a little girl. I normally divide each skein into working lengths, I continue doing this for all the thread I want (various colors together) then I fold in half and barid the thread. This keeps my thread from tangling up regardless of how I stored it. Recently I started weriting the color number in an index card in case I need to go back to the store and buy more thread.

  279. Hi Mary, these look like fun but useful products. I have been looking for a method of holding the threads taken from the skein as well as the skein. I use small pieces of blue tack to stick the original label off the skein to the thread holder. Easy to remove and replace with the next one.

    1. Hi, Sandra – That’s a good idea. Another thing that I find works well is the top (sticky) edge of a post-it type note. I write the thread numbers on those, and stick them to the card. Then they peel right off when I’m finished. They make low-tack removable labels that would work well, too, but I’ve never actually invested in any…. I’ll try the blue stuff! Thanks!


  280. Hi Mary,

    I have always used the little plastic bags for my threads, stored by # in small boxes, until recently, that is. A friend of mine gave me a thread keep from Germany and I like it tremendously. The only problem is that I always have several projects going at the same time. Your little thread keeps are very charming. Thank you for your generosity Mary!!!

  281. I wonder if it’s too late to join in!!

    Those drops look great, especially like the bunny one — for threads already hopped away from the main skein.

    It’s a wonderful idea and in my head now for the next embroidery or ccs occasion. First better finish UFOs, however.

  282. I always cut up strips from cereal boxes and punch holes along the edges and write the number and symbols (for cross stitching)next to the holes or put them in color groups for embroidery.

    I want to say how much I enjoy your blog and I am learning soooo much from you. My daughter in law just started embroidering and mentioned to me how much she too likes your blog.

  283. Have just started a little project for my new grandchild (1st one!) and am just refreshing my embroidery “skills”. Do love your blog which I just discovered this morning! Am also trying to find out something about spraying starch on a linen piece of fabric to see if that will protect it from my use of a graphite pencil that I am using freehand to do my design (along with lines for the provenance message in my own cursive handwriting…. eek!) I read on another site that it would help with the wash out the markings.
    Thanks so much and LOVE your blog!!

  284. I don’t have a “favorite” yet as I’m really new, 3 weeks, in to doing needlepoint and collecting the pearl cotton.
    I stumbled on this link and really got excited to find there’s something other than snack size storage bags.
    Please tell me more!

  285. I was reading another stitching newsletter and your newsletter and your newsletter was mentioned. I checked it out and found it was just what I was looking for so I signed up’

    I haven’t embroidered anything since I was very young. I have a Williamsburg sampler I’ve always wanted to do. With your excellent website and instructions, I am going to begin the project.

    Thanks so much; I’m really inspired.

  286. I cut pieces of card board and punch as many holes to accommodate as
    many color &/type of threads needed for that project. I then write the color, thread type and symbol (for cross stitch) or stitch pattern (for canvas work).
    Thank you for teaching us something every day.

  287. Mary, I love the Hop Hop thread drop method.
    Have been using cardboard spools, but there’s no place for the extra threads and no place for color, #, etc info to be written……
    Right now when I split floss I use a jewelry/necklace holder to drape the extra threads over for safe keeping til I need them. Not very efficient, but its somewhere to drape them untangled til needeed.
    You are my little bit of ‘E-mail Sunshine’ every day when I read your inspiring words.
    Thanks for all you do for us.

  288. Noticed “peal off the sticker.” Does a bell “peal” but fruit has a “peel”, hence “to peel off?” Editing note, unrelated to your entertaining, helpful (and very correct) site. Have never seen thread drops, only sorters. Where are those available in Colorado?

  289. I have two methods one is punching hole in a strip of cardboard and threading the corresponding colour to the number, and the second is using the cardboard bobbins and winding on the skein of cotton thread. Having seen the drop method that would be my first choice for keeping threads tidy with each project – of which I have many!!!

  290. I have always made my own from card and using a inch size hole punch. It takes time but cheap. Would be nice to have pre made ones save a lot of time.

  291. I use different methods for different projects. If it is thread painting using lots of colours my pincushion is a cushion with either sticky labels or the old cardboard price tags -miniature drops on the cushion. If doing a few colours then pop in plastic bags which have a hole punched and a hinged ring to hold.Leftovers can be popped in the bag. These drops would make thread more accessible + could identify strands easily. A wool skein being held with the cut & used strands. Just what I need & want

  292. These thread drops look great I have been looking for a good idea for my threads for years. Do you know if they are available in the UK yet?

    1. Hi, Hilary – I’m not sure if they’re available in the UK! You’ll have to check your local needlework shops, to see if they carry anything from Access Commodities (which is a US company that imports European goods and also manufactures goods). If you can’t find them there, it wouldn’t be hard to make something similar, using heavy card stock…

      Hope that helps! ~MC

  293. April 16, 2011

    Dear Mary,

    I just read your blog – about the thread drop
    organization – it looks fantastic and exgtremely
    helpul and I would really love to know how to
    purchase it and where. I do lots of cross-stitch projects and love every minute of it. I follow the steps of my mom and a great aunt.

    Please answer me. It was a really pleasure and delight to read all your instructions and comments on embroidery.

    Thank you very much.

    Ana Maria

  294. HOla!! escribo desde Argentina, he leido la nota, y la verdad que me parecio muy interesante!!!! muy buena forma de organizar los hilos para nuestros trabajos!.- Me gustaria poder tener un juego de estas “GOTAS”, ya que aqui, donde vivo, no hay para comprar.- Por eso yo las hago con trozos de carton y tijeras, como puedo me hago los cartones para que los hilos estén ordenados.- Gracias!!! Ojalá pueda disfrutar de un juego de estas GOTAS!!!!!! Cariños desde Argentina!!! ah! me gustó mucho toda la nota que has escrito!

  295. I never organize my threads. A year ago I was working on a big Chinese tableau of 2 horses and their boss (the person looking after them.) Now I want to go on but when I look at the plastic bag where I put the threads, I don’t know which is which. So I am stuck. Probably I’ll have to forget that project (undo the old stitches) so I can use the canvas for something else.
    Wished I had come across your website.
    Thank you and have a nice day.
    Warm regards, nga smith

  296. I keep threads in individual little plastic bags with the number written on a small piece of card inserted in the bag. I file them in numerical order in a small cardboard box. Usable lengths of cut off thread are kept with the main skein in the bag. It’s a bit fiddly and I think I would benefit from using a system like the Thread Drops!
    Sandy in the UK

  297. If using DMC, I punch a hole in the top of the cardboard and put it on a binder ring.

    If using Overdues, I simply place them on a binder ring, which also has a floss tag attached!

  298. I just read your comments about the thread drops for organizing embroidery thread. OMG I’ve been a self-taught embroidery and recently took my first formal class. I used a version of the the thread cards which I stored in a tackle box. Not a bad storage place but so cumbersome to tote around. My mind is spinning thinking of the different ways I can store my thread using these thread drops.

  299. Mary, I like the thread drops. I used to make my
    own, when I did crossstitch. But they tangled so
    much I gave that up.I think these would be a cut
    above the ones I made. Thank you Mary.
    Margaret G.

  300. I currently use a pasta rack for my current project and the bag system for holding my stash of lively threads and yarns. My DH attached small, strong magnets to my wooden frame for holding a few working cards and threaded needles.

  301. how wonderful, these are adorable, I usually take my little storage cards and put them into a zip loc bag or other work bag when I am working on a project, but these would be sweet..

  302. For small projects, I’ve started using greeting cards I’ve received with pretty fronts on them. I cut the front down to incorporate the part I like best (and the make it the right size), punch holes, and number them. On the back I usually note who sent the card, for what occasion, and when I received it. It’s a nice way to preserve the card plus I don’t feel bad when it wears out and I have to toss it.

  303. I mainly use the same idea as the thread drops, or they are wound on a thread card and sorted by putting them in numerical order in those plastic boxes.

  304. These look wonderful! Still use card stock w/slot and a plastic box. This “old dog” would welcome a new way to work and store thread.

    Thank you for such helpful info,

  305. I use centuries old plastic wraps from my smocking days. They are in a tackle box in numerical order. It works pretty well. I love the “pasta/embroidery thread” rack and will have to look into that. Thank you for sharing all of your goodies with us.

    Peggy from Portsmouth, VA

  306. I have never heard of these although as a new embroiderer, that’s not surprising. Also I don’t live near a good supplier, so I would love to win a thread drop pack. I was wondering how I could stop all those bits of thread from turning into spaghetti!


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