
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Royal Blossom Stitch-A-Long Update


Amazon Books

Here’s a brief (really brief!) update on the Talliaferro Royal Persian Blossom design that I’m working in conjunction with our stitch along over on Ask & Share.

Royal Persian Blossom Crewel Embroidery Project

Lovely, isn’t it?

Whenever I have the opportunity, I like to snip out my stitching. After all, you just gotta love those fuzzy bits of Appleton wool….

What was the problem that triggered the snipping? I didn’t really like the abrupt change in shades on this. And since there’s an extensive range of shades in this blue, I decided to snip away so I can work some more shades of blue into the area.

This is my Sunday project. I only work on it on Sunday afternoons, when I have a couple quiet hours. Hence, it’s a slow mover.

But that’s ok.

I’m obviously not in any hurry!

If you’d like to join in the Royal Persian Blossom Stitch-A-Long over on Ask & Share, you are most whole-heartedly welcome! We aren’t working with any set deadline in mind, and you can start (or stop) whenever you wish. It’s a Very Casual support group for the Royal Persian Blossom projects. If you’re working the project, join us!


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(3) Comments

  1. Mary: Couldn’t you have avoided pulling out the Appleton wool (which you earlier described as something along the lines of “double-yuck”) by just adding in random stitches of the interim colors to soften the transition of shades? I’m always amazed at how easily the eye is fooled by just a few stitches. Janet

    1. Hi, Janet – Yes, you’re right! And I did do that. Long and short stitch is pretty forgiving, in that regard. It’s easy to sneak in a few stitches here and there – I do that more often than I don’t do it! But I still didn’t like the shading on this piece, so I’m going to attack it a different way…. 🙂 MC

  2. OK, then. I have also learned over the years to quit arguing with my inner-self. If my inner-self starts muttering “that isn’t right,” I might as well just rip it out right then because I’ll never be happy with it, and it’s usually easier to fix sooner rather than later. At least this wasn’t a big area. Janet.

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