For those of you who live in the Northeast or may be traveling to the Northeast, you might want to take a day excursion (or two day… or three!) out to Delaware, to the Winterthur Museum between now and January 8th, to see their exhibition of textiles called “With Cunning Needle.” It includes some gorgeous pieces of historical embroidery and, of course, the Plimoth Jacket.

And if you’d like to get an in-depth look at Winterthur’s exhibition, and learn a little bit more about historical needlework, they’re having what looks like a fantastic conference on October 21 & 22. The conference includes lectures from experts, close-up needlework tours, and even a few embroidery workshops. If I lived closer, I’d go!

Bill Barnes of Golden Threads in England (he makes a lot of these gorgeous goldwork threads that are becoming more available) is giving a lecture on goldwork, and its history, development, and modern use. Now, his is a brain I would love to pick! There are other lectures that sound interesting as well, but I’ll let you read the descriptions yourself in the With Cunning Needle Workshop Brochure (PDF).
The workshop isn’t “inexpensive,” but for the serious student of historical needlework, I think it would be well worth the cost.
Now…. what are the chances that I can get to the East Coast before January 8th?
If you can, look into it! It looks like a marvelous exhibit!
Oh, that is the place I would love to go, especially for the conferences. I can answer your question “what are the chances that I can get to the East Coast?”, the chance are sadly null for me.
Oh, thank you Mary for sharing that wonderful link to the Pilmoth Jacket.I had never heard of it and found the needlework and planning absolutely breathtaking! WOW.
Nor can I go see it, so the PDF is even more appreciated.
Looking really fascinating. I think I would go if I lived closer too.
Thank you for mentioning this, Mary. I think I’ve just added a side-trip to our next trip out to the Philadelphia area. Winterthur is beautiful at any time, but their exhibitions are usually glorious.
I found an instructable for making a light box for making transfers and thought the people here would like to check it out.