
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch Video


Amazon Books

The Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch is such a pretty stitch! And it’s really easy! As far as movement of the stitch goes, it’s a combination of the twisted chain stitch and the feather stitch. It creates a pretty zig-zag line that takes gentle curves well.

Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch

There are lots of applications for Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch. You can use it in regular surface embroidery for borders, to create jagged stems, as a decorative line for swirls and curves. You can use it as an effective seam treatment in crazy quilting. It’s used in some Mountmellick embroidery projects. It’s a versatile stitch, and worth adding to your stitching repertoire!

In the photo above, the aqua thread (which is floche, stitched on wool felt) is the Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch. The lower stitch, in bright pink, is the wheat stitch.

Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch

You can also check out this tutorial on how to change your thread in the middle of a line of Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch. Sometimes, it’s hard to figure out how change to a new thread when you’re trucking along on a line made with a more complex stitch.

Closing the Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch

You can also close up the spacing on the Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch, to produce a nice, rich, braided line that looks like this:

Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch, Closed

We discussed working the closed Spanish knotted feather stitch in the Stitch Fun series, including information on stitch size, line width, thread weight, and so forth.

Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch Video

Here’s the video for the Spanish Knotted Feather Stitch (email subscribers, please visit the website to view):

You can find lots more how-to videos for hand embroidery stitches here on Needle ‘n Thread, and over the next couple months, the collection of videos will be expanding! I’m also slowly switching out all the older videos with newer, cleaner versions. I’m always open to stitch requests, too, so if you have any, leave a comment below or e-mail me!

Hope you enjoy it!

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(20) Comments

  1. Hi Mary and all folks here.

    Aside from the excellant tutorials, references and resources one of the things I love most about this site is the generosity of readers that share their (discovered) links. I find more each time I “enter” and save them to my favorites (sub-needlework). I can spend hours reading what folks are doing and following their links.

    Thanks to all. And particularly you, Mary, for developing and continuing this site.


  2. Mary,

    Thank you SO MUCH for your videos. I am one of those people who CANNOT understand the drawn diagrams in stich encyclopedias, so your videos are a LIFESAVER. I have already learned so much from Needle N Thread.

    THanks again,


  3. hola Mary ..me viene muy bien ,este tema.tengo en proyecto un bordado.y quiero probar con puntadas que se ajusten al tema.haber estas puntadas,quedarian muy bien.bajo el techo del edificio a trabajar y asi
    gracias y que estes bien Mary
    un abrazo

  4. My Dear Mary,

    Thank you so much for giving the technics and helping all the way we need to improve our abilities.

    I have a wonderful handycraft, done by myself.As a gratitude,I would love to shair it with you.

    Please let me know the way to send it.

    Huges and kisses!


  5. Hello Mary,

    Thank you for all your informative emails about embroidery. I am an avid read of all your news and tips.

    Best wishes,

    Barbara (Melbourne, Australia)

  6. I just started getting your e-mails last week and I am SO IMPRESSED!!! Your tutorials are so clear and easy to understand and that is really saying something since I am just beginning to learn about embroidery. Thank you so much for your “oh so interesting” e-mails.

  7. I began embroidery and crewl work at age 4 but then “life” happened and I was away from it for almost 20 years. Christmas I did a project promised at age 13 should a certain stage be reached in life for someone. It involved simple satin and chain stitching primarly. Now I’ve got the bug! I am also disabled now with lots of time on my hands and an inability to much else. I wanted a refresher but even with experience had trouble with most diagrams. I learned from family afterall originally. Your videos have been such a God send! Thank you so much! And I have even picked up a few very helpful new tips!

  8. I embroider to attach patches so my work is far from your level of expertise. Today some new stitches were sought and the Spanish knotted feather stitch caught my attention. It looks easy enough, has the flow of the feather stitch to meaner around a patch, and requires little extra thread (floss).
    New to this site I want to know if I am limited to viewing one, two, three or some number of stitch videos before a fee will need to be paid. Not familiar with the notion of paying for basic information I will not waste time where only my pocketbook is being sought.
    Embroidery repairs are done for the benefit of others, not for any payment and affording floss is expense enough in my opinion. I did like your presentation of simple stitches. If split stitch turning into wood grain or trunk bark can be included my fences and trees can be worked into others embroidery designs. I have water stitches, cloud stitches, leaf, petal and fur stitches that could also be shared should you find the time to help me learn to use your hand embroidery site. “Knowledge is useless unless shared.”

  9. gracias, por compartir, esta expectacular todos esos tutoriales de bordado, muuuuuuuuchas gracias.

  10. Beautiful stitch. Question – In the stitch done in gold – it looks like a gold trim – is this just done with closer stitches?

  11. For the life of me – and after hours of research online – I can’t figure out what this yarn is called or what the embroidery stitch might be, so I can try it for myself.
    You’re my last, best hope, Mary.

    I looked for this trim/edging at my neighborhood fabric store, where I thought I bought it years ago. No one knows anything. I’m willing to embroider it myself if you can help me out. The finished piece of trim/edging is 3/8” wide.

    Oh Pooh! I can’t upload a photo of the thread…

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