
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Church Patterns for Embroidery & Other Arts – Now Available


Amazon Books

At long last, here’s my first “e-book” collection of church embroidery patterns!

For those of you interested in ecclesiastical embroidery, I hope you find it of interest.

Church Embroidery Patterns: Book One

Church Patterns: Designs for Hand Embroidery, Appliqué, Paper Crafts, Painting & More is a collection of over 120 Christian designs, ranging from simple crosses to more complex patterns that include medallions, borders & bands, symbols, sacred monograms and more. The majority of the designs will translate well into any kind of surface embroidery. Some are particularly suited to whitework (there are a few designs that are specifically cutwork designs, but they could be modified to work as surface designs as well), and many are perfect for goldwork and more elaborate techniques. Many of the borders and decorative frames are adaptable as well to secular (non-religious) projects.

The book is simply a design collection – 36 pages of clear line drawings that can be enlarged or reduced and traced or printed for your projects. The designs in the book can be used for all kinds of arts & crafts, beyond hand embroidery – card-making, painting, appliqué work, wood burning, leather crafts, even fancy coloring book pages! Because it’s formatted as a PDF, you can scroll through the collection, decide what design you want to, and print just that page – no wasting paper or ink for printing designs you aren’t ready for yet.

If you’re interested in the collection, you’ll find sample pages of Church Patterns: Book One here, plus all the pertinent information for purchasing.

I hope you find it useful and inspirational!


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(24) Comments

  1. Congratulations on your first book, Mary! What a tremendous amount of work. love the idea of “ready-made” patterns. And the patterns can be adapted as non-ecclesiastical motifs, too, if desired. Am thinking in particularl of several of the cross motifs without a center medallion. Or several of the floral borders. Looking forward to stitching my first project soon!

    1. Thank you, Sharon! It was a fun – though time-consuming – project. I’d have made it more extensive, but once I hit 122 patterns, I thought perhaps it might be a bit much in one collection if I kept adding. Yes, the floral borders are especially suitable to non-religious embroidery. There are several in there that would look great on table cloths! So many ideas – so little time! 🙂 Thanks again! ~MC

  2. Yay!!! (Applause! Clapping! Cheering! Woo Hoo! Go, Mary! Go, Mary! I thought you were amazing, but you just catapulted yourself to heroine status… :))

  3. purchased!Congratulations and thank you Mary! I have a question for you right off though. I recently ad my computer fry it’s hard drive adn I lost everything. (yep, 6 months worth of pics of my 2 year old!!) Anyway will I be able to save your book to a disc for safe keeping?

  4. Oh, Mary I love them!!! I will be looking at this for so long!! There is SO much to look AT! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

  5. Beautiful! I’m so pleased with this book! A technical note: I had to do the purchase from Internet Explorer. The “purchase” button didn’t appear in my normal FireFox browser. I have ad blocking enabled in FireFox, so that might be part of the issue. A text “purchase” link would be helpful. But no matter what — this book is worth the price. Job well done, Mary!

  6. Congratulations Mary! I have been anticipating this since you first mentioned it. Just beautiful!

    Might I anticipate some future posts on symbolism, color and stitch choice?

    Now off to teach!

    Blessings, Sharon

  7. What a great way to start my evening. Ok – so supper is not going to be on the table on time tonight!

    I’ve been planning on using your IHS wheat and grape design on page 21 for a set of green paraments. Looking at old frontal designs, something more was needed to complete the large space of a frontal besides just orphreys.

    Your book has the corner design on page 27 to match and the coordinating design on page 27 which can be incorperated in the superfrontal. This is so exciting! Now I just have to wait for Santa to bring that Needle Needs frame, and I can begin after Christmas!

    Thank you so much – this has been well worth the wait. So – book 2? Next year?

  8. Dear Mary, I’m so happy for you! Congratulations on the release of your first book, I’m sure someone will soon publish it – although it’s pretty awesome that we can just download and start working!
    I hope it’s the first one of many, and I’m sure it will be a best seller! 🙂
    Now we wait for the DVD with the stitching lessons, is that it? 😉

  9. Dear Mary

    Thanks so much for your all hard work on the ebook. Purchased as soon as I saw your post fantastic love the Agnes Dei, but all the patterns are fantastic. Well done you!

    Regards Anita Simmance

    1. Hi, Jennifer – the purchase button is at the bottom of the page. It doesn’t look like a standard Paypal link, I’m afraid. Just a little “buy now” button. If you’ve got any kind of ad blocking set up in your browser, you might not be able to see the button. This seems to be the case for those using Firefox. If this is the case for you, try switching to Chrome, Explorer, or Safari, and you’ll probably be able to see it just fine. If this doesn’t work, let me know. We can work it out another way! ~MC

  10. Hi Mary,

    Oh I can’t wait to get this Patterns book. Soon God Willing. May I ask does this book have patterns of The Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ? If not are you Considering making a book of just Biblical figures?

    Thank you
    Jenn G.

    1. Hi, Jenn – this book is primarily symbols – there are no figure patterns in here. Eventually, I’d like to put together a collection of figures! It would be fun, but a lot of time-consuming computer work. We’ll see what the future brings! ~MC

  11. Hi Mary,

    I just got my book today I love all the patterns they are all so beautiful… We are expecting a baby and I am thiking of doing my first Project with the Lamb and Wordings of “God Bless Our Baby” I am almost 2 months now and have enough time to make it :0)… I think you did the Lamb I will look for it to see the colors and if I am mistaken I kinly ask that you give me suggestion with the colors… Thanks a lot Mary you are my Inspiration… God Bless you

    Jennifer G

  12. Hi Mary,

    Are these ecclesiastical images suitable for Catholic vestments? I would like to begin a project for a very dear Catholic priest. Have you already done a series on how to start with an image and translate it to a garment?


    1. Hi, Irene – yes, they are! If you look under tips & techniques, the current project I am working on is an ecclesiastical project that is documented from the beginning of the project. It’s called the Marian Medallion. You’ll find it listed right at the top. Hope that helps! ~MC

  13. Would you know of someone who does the embroidery of you designs. I live in the Boston, MA area and have a communion table cover that I would like white-on-white embroidery work along the front panel.

    Thank you for your help.

    Daniel Greco

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