
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Third Day of Christmas: Japanese Silk – Lots of It!


Amazon Books

Today’s give-away came about in a funny way.

I had already decided to do this 12 Days of Christmas series of give-aways, and had drummed up quite a bit of generous and enthusiastic participation from designers, needlework retailers and manufacturers, tool-makers and so forth.

One day, while in the midst of working out the details, I received an e-mail from a reader who had a question about Japanese flat silk. Since the question was a scientific-practical combination one regarding silk, I recommended the reader to contact Michael Cook of Wormspit, who knows a lot about silk. The reader wrote to Michael, who then forwarded the question to me. While we were going in circles, Michael and I struck up a conversation, and he told me about a whole collection of Japanese silk that he had received from Julie Mar, a needlepoint designer.

It so happened that Michael had surplus silk and he was trying to come up with a clever way of getting the silk into the hands of people who would benefit from it, appreciate it, and use it to its full potential. I told him about the 12 Days of Christmas, and he jumped on board!

So, today, thanks to Michael Cook of Wormspit, and Julie Mar of Julie Mar Designs, we have two collections of Japanese flat embroidery silk to give away!

Japanese Embroidery Silk

These are full spools of flat Japanese silk, still wrapped in plastic and never used. There are 18 spools in the first collection in the give-away, and 12 spools in the second collection. The photo above and immediately below belong to the first collection in the give-away.

Japanese Embroidery Silk

Gorgeous, isn’t it?

Japanese Embroidery Silk

While the first collection contains primarily purples, with some golds and greens, the second collection is a range of blues, pale turquoises, and plummy pinks and purples.

Japanese Embroidery Silk

I love the blue-greens on the left – they remind me of a tropical ocean (a very nice thing to think about during cold Kansas winters!).

Japanese Embroidery Silk: How to Use Flat Silk

Both winners of today’s give-away will also receive a copy of the pamphlet, “How to Use Flat Silk.” If you’ve never stitched with flat silk before, this will come in handy. The pamphlet is geared towards using flat silk in Japanese embroidery, primarily.

For today’s give-away, the first name drawn will receive the 18 spool collection of flat silk, and the second name drawn will receive the 12 spool collection.

Give-Away Instructions

To enter today’s give-away for one of the two sets of Japanese embroidery silk shown above, please read and follow these simple instructions!

1. Leave a comment at the end of today’s article. If you click on that link, it will take you directly to the comment area, so that there are no mishaps! Comments delivered via e-mail or on other articles will not be included in the give-away.

2. In your comment, answer the following question:

What attracts you to the idea of working with flat silk? Is it the sheen and beauty of the thread? The challenge of working with it? The mere fact that it’s silk? Any of the above, all of the above, or other?

3. Make sure you leave a recognizable name either in the body of your comment, or on the “name” line above the comment box. For example, if your name happens to be Bella, you might include a last initial or a location to differentiate yourself from the other Bellas out there (example: Bella in Bellevue.).

4. Leave your comment before January 9th, 2012, at 5:00 am Central Standard Time (Kansas, USA!). All winners for this series will be selected on January 9th, and announced that day here on Needle ‘n Thread. You’ll have to check back on January 9th to see if you’ve won, because the winners will need to contact me within 3 days to claim their prizes. The Give-Away is Now Closed. Thanks for your interest!

Merry Third Day of Christmas!

Please do not panic if your comment does not show up immediately. All comments are moderated in the order in which they come in, and they will eventually be posted. If you are looking for your comment, please use the “older comments” and “newer comments” links at the top of the comments section. These will take you through all the comments pages, from newest to oldest.


(1,177) Comments

  1. I would just love to win one of these prizes, because I have never tried flat silk before, and although it would be a challenge, I could don some gloves to prevent it snagging. What attracts me is the lustrous sheen which would add so much to some of the projects I would like to tackle.

  2. Hi Mary,

    I think that the challenge of working with the thread and the opportunity to learn something new are the big attractions for me.

    The beauty and the sheen definitely contribute to the appeal, but the learning opportunity is the reason I am entering the draw.

    Heather (from Ontario)

  3. OMG!!! Look at the silk!!! Oh I love those teal shades. Teal is my absolute favorite color and those are making my mouth water. Several years ago I saw a Shay Pendry episode where she was working with japanese flat silks. i thought the piece was absolutely gorgeous and the sheen of the silks were fantastic. I’ve flirted with the idea of getting some of the silks but could never really come up with sufficient justification to buying what i didn’t know how to use. That being said, If i get lucky enough to win these silks I would use them on the monograms for my granddaughters.

    Jugding from what you’ve gifting for these first three days of Christmas once we get to the first day, we’ll all be on sensory overload with wanting and you’ll have so many entries it’ll take a bushel basket to hold them….lol….Thank you Mary and thanks to Michael Cook for giving them to you for us!

    sharyn in Cincinnati

  4. Hi Mary,
    I love all silk for the beauty of it’s sheen and the color. I’d love to try using the flat silk because I recognize that the effect would be different from any of the other more twisted silks I’ve used in stitching. Both collections contain some of my favorite colors.
    Lee C.

  5. I just am delighted with the 12 days of Christmas. Today is very exciting in that silk is a thread that I would like to take to the design not only for its sheen, texture and ease of stitching, but the colors are distinct and bright and almost 3-D! It would be something to win this give a-way!

  6. Oh my gosh! Such glorious colors! I would love a chance to win this. I have been reading your site for a few years now. Oh you are my hero. So brave to start new things. So adventurous with the fibers you use! You are my needlework idol! I would love to branch out and this would be something that would braver about doing so!

    Regardless of winning or not, you will remain my needlework idol!

  7. I’m taking Japanese Embroidery lessons an d love working with flat silk. It gives a whole different dimension to a piece. And you can use it so many ways – either flat or twisted in so many different ways. I’d love to add these to my supply.

  8. hello again Mary,
    I like the lay of the silk on the ground. I like how one thread can either be one of many threads side by side or itself, a stroke of color. JoanB

  9. I love silk! I applique with silk thread and I embroider with silk floss but have never tried flat silk. I’d love to be a winner of this give-away.

  10. Mary, I would have to say “all of the above”! I’m going into a completely new realm of stitching here. Both sets are gorgeous! I want to thank you, Michael and Julie for ALL the possibilities that come with threads like these.

  11. What attracts me to using flat silk? All sorts of things – most definitely the sheen, and I do love working with silk, both fabric and threads. There is NOTHING like it. My mum went out the other day with a ‘commission’ to buy me some silk fabric and came back saying, ‘I didn’t get it dear – it’s very expensive so I got you a sample of this artificial silk that’s half the price.’ I’m sure I don’t need to tell you it was hopeless. 🙂 Nothing like the real thing.

    Japanese embroidery is something I’ve had one tiny go at, in a very short taster workshop with the wonderful Midori Matsushima – it’s on the long, long list of things I’d like to do more of and if I won this I would definitely be kicked in to gear and start something off!

  12. Flat silk is gorgeous. The colours are so vibrant and it looks wonderful.Not the easiest thread to work with especially if your hands are rough but well worth the effort. I’d love to win a set. Japanese embroidery is mind blowing!

  13. What attracts me to this silk is the sheen…this is like bling for needlework!!

    Thanks for the lovely contest Mary…Merry Christmas!

  14. Hi Mary,
    my answer would be “All of the above”.
    I love to try it on a fan design or a kimono or just pure and simple japanese flower design..Thank you.

    Françoise Y. Beauchamp
    Mafyb Créations Textiles
    Bois-des-Filion, Québec, Canada

  15. I am a beginner when it comes to working with flat silk. I love the color and feel of the silk which is why I am trying to learn how to use it. I have enrolled in a correspondence course with EGA to improve my skills. This give away got my attention!! Thanks for the opportunity!

  16. I love the beautiful shiny colours of flat silk, the way the light catches the surface of the stitches. It gives a magical quality to quite simple stitches. I really admire Japanese embroidery.

    But I have yet to try out working with this type of thread! So I would really enjoy the challenge of using some beautiful silk threads.

    All the best for the New Year.

  17. The beauty of the threads is the attraction to me. It would be a challenge to use the threads since I have limited experience with flat silk thread. But the thread is beautiful and would be a joy to work with.

  18. The colors actually remind me of the beautiful shades we see at sunrise and sunset here in the southwest and the color intensity of desert flowers.

  19. I know how wonderful it is to work with silk threads but I have never used flat silk. How beautiful are the colours – like a garden full of summer flowers – and the sheen just like the sun shining on those flowers. How dreamlike it would be to produce a piece of embroidery using such sumptiousness.

  20. The sheen says it all for me, not to mention the rich colors! I would like to use then in my peacock feather project : )

  21. all the above, i have never used silk thread. it would be a great opporunity to try it.

    Joanie M in W TN

  22. Good Morning! What attracts me to this is working with these colors in silk and the texture/beauty created in the finished design. Thank you.

  23. What a beautiful selection of silk! I would love to try it having never used it before…love the sheen and the colors. Would be a challenge, I imagine, the first few times of working with it. Trying to imagine it being flat…maybe like a tiny ribbon?

  24. I have read your posts on working with flat silk and it sounds a little daunting but I have never been one to shy away from a new technique in needlework. And I just made a new batch of lotion and tried a new oil that is really wonderful for keeping my hands smooth so I’d love to try working with the flat silk.

  25. Happy Third Day Mary.

    I’m having so much fun with this! My answer to today’s question is: ALL OF THE ABOVE!!

    I have been attracted to the flat silks for quite some time. The physical beauty has grabbed me … I love the challenge I would face in working with it … and, of course, working with silk is satisfying and the results it renders are beautiful. And, Oh, the colors!

    I’m going to use LOTS of hand cream for the next few weeks just in case I’m chosen to receive this one. Can’t have any rough spots snagging the precious fiber.

    Thanks, Mary! 🙂

  26. G’day Mary…
    …And good on you Michael and Julie.
    Yes, the fact that it’s silk, and is natural. Enjoyed raising silkworms as a kid and the fascination remains. And the memory of Mum’s mulberry pies and jams off the same tree.

  27. I’d like to use flat silk for all the reasons you named, plus one more. It’d make me go to the manicurist more often! I need that external push to pamper myself.

  28. I have never seen this type of thread. The colours in both sets are amazing . It would be an experience to use the thread.

  29. G’day Mary, woops, sorry, should be in bed but…my comment just now, forgot to sign off!
    So, cheers, Kath from Oz.

  30. Can these Christmas gifts get any more exciting? It just makes me sing inside to know such beauty is out there. Whoever wins this will be one lucky person. Good luck to everyone!

  31. Dear Mary, To me it is definitely the sheen and the beauty of silk. With the soft sheen it brings anything you embroider to life. The way it catches the light which makes it appear that you have used more than one shade of a colour, is an added bonus. Looking at the prize I can just sigh in admiration.
    Kind regards, Elza Bester,Cape Town

  32. I have never worked with flat silk before, but am intrigued. I am learning embroidery for my 18th century costuming. I also work with knotting shuttles, and want to try making fly fringe with it. I would love to win a set!

  33. Hi Mary,
    I have never worked in Japanese flat silks before – they appeared to be very challenging to use, but the colours and sheen are truly beautiful. It would be great to experiment. Your 12 days of Christmas are certainly broadening my outlook. Thank you.

  34. gorgeous colors!
    i’ve never used silk to embroider but i’d like to try. we used to have a store in the local mall called ‘the jade tree’ ; i’d go in there just to lust after all the beautiful silk embroideries.

  35. Mary,
    I’ll be dreaming about these silks. Gorgeous looking.

    I started working with silk on a project kitted up by a local shop. Had always thought silk was expensive, but it was $5 difference on the kit. And I was hooked!

    Love the look and feel of silk. Have been noticing how different one silk is from another, and learning to appreciate them. Haven’t really worked with flat silk and want to give it a try. Yes, the lustre attracts me. (One of the things I like about Caron Waterlilies & Soie Cristale). Yes working with it will be a challenge — avoiding snags.

    You’ll be making two people very happy, while the rest of us drool.

  36. Hi Mary, To be honest, the only thing that attracts me to the silks is the amazing colours. I have never worked in the medium or even know how to work in it. So maybe having a book to teach me and having the silks would go a long way to getting me hooked. Love this 12 Days of Christmas! Makes us look at alot more stuff then we would normally! Anne Lemke Durban, RSA

  37. My answer: All of the above! Thank you Mary, Michael Cook of Wormspit and Julie of Julie Mar Designs.

  38. I love working with silk on a silk dupioni ground because it looks so elegant. Japanese silk is an item I’ve had my eye on, but not yet tried. I would love to win either of these collecgtions.

  39. Oh my, these are just fabulous silks!! I can see a LOT of beautiful projects coming out of these.

  40. I’ve worked with silk once before and love its sheen and color. It is a bit of a challenge, especially with winter-rough hands, but so beatiful! This collection would be a treasure.

  41. It is all of the above. The sheen and the beauty – I love working with flat silk – I do twist it when required, but like best to work with it flat, and when finished it looks so shining and gorgeous – a special reward.

    Peggy of Thornbury.

  42. Hmm-my computer hiccuped right before I hit “submit my comment” so here it goes again! I intended to embroider my husband’s wedding vest with silk–a first project–but got inimidated and ran out of time, so it didn’t get done. He tells me that I still owe him a vest! Before I try that though, I would try something small–maybe for my new step son and his wife who have both traveled in China and Japan. A vest was maybe too ambitious for a first attempt!

  43. The blues are absolutely gorgeous! I’m so glad that silk was able to make the 12 days give away! It makes any work done with it brighter. I love the texture and sheen of the silk. I have been wanting to make some Japanese art for my younger sister who is in love with the culture. But never had the guts to try it because I wasn’t for sure how to work with it.

  44. The silk is gorgeous. I have never worked with flat silk and am always interested in learning new things and enhancing my stash.

  45. What draws me to working with silk is the fancy nature of the materials. Silk makes even the most mundane subject matter seem somehow more rich.

  46. Happy 3rd day!
    My answer to today’s question would be “all of the above” AND I have never done embroidery in silk and would love to learn. The instructions for learning to embroider with flat silk would be a great help to a stumbling beginner like me, who is a bit intimidated by the idea of working in silk.

    Thanks so much,
    Vivian M.

  47. LOVE SILK – my fav thread/ribbon to work with. Its the sheen and the feel of it that I love – oh and vibrancy of the colors!

  48. All of the above and another major reason : unlike any other thread, flat silk directly reflects your inner calmness or turmoil – it teaches me many things, it is a meditative process, a way to reflect on the day’s activities, focus on the important, forgive and forget the rest. It had taught me much and most of all in it’s aplendour it has taught me thankfulness for all the things that make up our world.

  49. Oh, Mary! What beautiful colors! and in Silk! I love the colors, the shine, the feel… everything about them!!! It was so very nice of Michael Cook and Julie Mar to offer them. I would love to have the chance to embroider with such lovely thread.

  50. Hi Mary!
    Gorgeous threads.I love those blues.
    The challenge of working with flat silks attracts me more.I’m planning to learn Japanese embroidery soon,so if I’m lucky enough to win this maybe I’ll use it while learning.Thank you Mary for this give away.Also thanks to Michael Cook and Julie Mar.

  51. How luxurious! One of my favorite things to stitch is Sashiko–great to see the Japanese pattern affiliated with this give away. I’ve used silk thread for applique. Love how it buries itself into the folds of the fabric.

  52. Wow – those colours and that sheen! Silk is challenging to stitch but the results are just so beautiful. I have never used Japanese flat silk but I would love to try.

  53. The challenge of working with this silk is definitely the attraction. There is nothing as beautiful as a well-executed piece made with flat silk. The effort to master this is well worth it.

  54. Hello Mary,
    Another fantastic giveaway..I could not believe my eyes when I saw the beautiful silk.
    Everything about silk attracts me, I only own black silk to work blackwork patterns and I would love to try other projects with silk.
    Good luck to all of us, this is a great giveaway. Thank You.
    France from Canada.

  55. I would love to try the Japanese silk! I love quilting with silk so I can just imagine how embroidering in silk would be. And of course, the colors you have are just yummy.

  56. What attracts me to work with flat silk is the sheen, the softness of the beautiful colors, & the challenge of doing something I haven’t done before. Thank you for presenting the information & the possibility!

  57. Thank you for your giveaway. It is fun to see what it will be every day. I would like to try silk primarily because of reading your posts. I can’t afford to invest in it right now, but it looks beautiful. I would have to say that the shine and smoothness of it would be what attracts me. Also, the whole concept that my work has graduated into something that deserves to be done with quality materials.

  58. What attract me to flat silk threads is the beauty that it displays for the greater honor and glory of God when on vestments used for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Nothing more beautiful or breath-taking!

  59. the colours are beautiful. what a unique opportunity! thanx for offer your dedicated readers a chance to win.

  60. Hi mary, i’m mary varma and i’m from india. Thanks for such a lovely & beautiful gift for the 3rd day of christmas. I’d really love to win it as you had said it the mere fact that its silk that gives the thrill, and the sheer beauty and softness of silk makes it even more appealling. Thank you for the phamplet on how to use the silk, because i have no expirence in using it, but i would love to learn how to use it. Thanks again for this great gift which i’m hoping to win. Thank you

  61. I am attracted to the idea of working with flat silk for its sheen and beauty. I Also appreciate the experience needed to learn to use flat silk well. Michael, thank you for your generosity!

  62. I remember the trouble you had with this silk and gardeners fingers! My attraction to flat silk is the luster and sheen. It’s richness and changeability make it perfect for a project which changes with light.

  63. I’ve been conquering kalocsa and buzaki Hungarian embroidery the last few months and really enjoy working satin stitch. I have recently been to Japan, and I’d be very interested to work traditional patterns in the traditional materials, of flat silk. It’s a really beautiful material.

  64. Wow! This just gets better and better!SILK! I love working with silk fibers and am so excited about these flat silks! I wonder how they will be to work with? So far, I’ve used silk thread from Clover, YLI, and got off Ebay from India. Hair of my mermaids and the Queen were done in silk and I love the sheen and softness of the threads. It would be glorious to work a bird in the colors shown I’m thinking…

  65. Silk! Silk! I love how it shines when properly laid. A friend is working on Japanese embroidery and her work is beautiful! It is a challenge though, especially in the winter in Illinios. But so worth the effort!

  66. The attraction of using flat silk is because of the sheen. I’ve used black flat silk to stitch hair. It was beautiful! The shine is fabulous and it is much easier to use than I had expected. I have a spool of green flat silk to use someday but it is hard to find here unless I mail order, which I hesitate to do since picking colors is difficult sight unseen. So this would be a great treat to use and to share with my stitching friends.

  67. What beautiful threads! Thanks to you, Michael Cook & Julie Mar for these beautiful threads.

    I’m exploring all facets of embroidery. I fell in love with this beautiful thread while following your posts about the Marian medallion project. It’s a challenge I’m eager to explore.

    “Is it the sheen and beauty of the thread? The challenge of working with it? The mere fact that it’s silk?” For me, the answer would have to be “all of the above.”


  68. The sheen is what I love about flat silk — the difficulty/frustration is what has held me back! Perhaps it is time to get over that and just jump in!

  69. I enjoy the feel and look of wonderful silk. After 65 years old, I need monthly challenges to keep my brain working. Learning to use flat silk for my sampler would do the job.

  70. It’s SILK! that’s what attracts me, and those yummy colors – wow! Beautiful shading, I can see. As I do love anything to do with thread, AND the fact that they are silk – double win! 🙂 karen gass

  71. Work with silk is so beautiful! I just love silk anyway but would welcome the challenge of trying the flat silk in the beautiful colors. Thank you for such a wonderful offering!

  72. Mary,
    What gorgeous threads! I definitely LOVE the beauty of the colors and the sheen- the way the threads shimmer once applied to fabric. What a lovely giveaway! Thank you
    Peg F. in NJ

  73. Of course my first thought was “shiny” — and my second and third, too, but that’s because my brain is still in pre-coffee fog. Using flat silk would bring some of my historic embroidery closer to the original look and feel and would be a delight to get to use.

  74. Hi Mary
    Yet another wonderful give-away! Silk has to be the embroiders dream material. I have not often used it but when I have it is heavenly to work with and the effect is spectacular – probably because it is a natural fibre and gives that dream sheen – what more can one say! Luv it!
    Eleanor – Isle of Man

  75. SILK, SILK, even the name sounds wonderful. I have used YLI silk, and loved the sheen. I am hoping to win today, so that I can try flat silk. Thanks to your generous gift givers, a couple of us will be able to do just that.

  76. Wow!! I’m sitting here drooling on my keyboard. Gorgeous threads! I would love to win this!! I’m trying to teach DGD (age 10) to sew and embroider. This would be a wonderful new skill to teach her.

    Becky in upstate SC

  77. The attraction I have for the flat silk is the beauty of it and the look it achieves when used in embroidery. The first set of silks just happen to be in my favorite colors also. I would love to have the opportunity to use them.

    Donna D in Arkansas

  78. I have done embroidery work for many years but it has only been in the last year that I wanted to use silk. It has a gorgrous shine and the feel of silk is an experience in itself. The colors in silk also seem to be more vibrant which I love.

  79. Oh silk! I LOVE SILK! I’ve never worked with flat silk before and I would love to try it.
    The sheen and color is what attracks me to wanting to work with it. The colors are so beautiful! I’m so glad that you didn’t make us pick which one is our favorite, that would be a very difficult choice.

  80. Hi Mary and everyone!

    For me, it’s the luscious shine that makes the colours so strong and bright. Glorious! The only trouble with one of these packs would be that I would then want to get a goodly number more to complete a palette….

  81. Silk is like wearing your very best dress to a fabulous party! Being adept at laying it into fabric would be a new and interesting challenge for me. The smoothness just begs to be touched by the eye. The colors are fabulous. These will indeed be lucky winners! Thanks for the try. Chris Beresford from Michigan

  82. Oh, my!! My love of silk goes back to my parent’s living in Thailand and being friends with Jim Thompson who took Thai silk from a small production to a business for export. I grew up with raw silk curtains and adore the sturdiness, imperfections, feel, and colors that come from “insect made” silk. I watch videos of it being made and still can not believe that it is possible. I covet the pieces handed down to me by my parents.

    The colors of the silk thread sing joyously to me. I would stare at the colors and glow of the threads for hours. For a project, I would use the silk threads on two projects. I am designing a crazy quilt with silks and much embroidery work to keep me occupied for the next 40 years! And, for my stump work beetles, dragonflies and bugs (of course).

  83. This flat silk thread looks just gorgeous! I have never yet worked with silk, but would really like to learn how to do it, as I love the colours and the sheen and I appreciate the quality of the material. Wouldn’t it be great if I could win this?

  84. You had me at “silk”. This was the gateway to a new world of embroidery-the sheen and the deep colors just sucked me in! Using silk has improved all my stitching as I slow down and enjoy the process and resuts. Praise the caterpillar and bless all the workers!

  85. I did Japanese Embroidery years ago and have just started doing it again. I love working with flat silk – especially as you say the sheen, beauty and feel of it. There is so much you can do with it – flat or twisted.

  86. Never having worked with silk before I would love the challenge but the colors and sheen of the threads are what attract me the most. Beautiful.

  87. What an exciting gift, Mary. Honestly, getting up each morning to read the next “Day” of Christmas, is better than being a child in front of a row of penny candy 🙂 (Ooops! No such thing as penny candy anymore, I’ll be bound. But back to your question, I think what draws me to the idea of working with silk is my lifelong fascination with the whole idea of wearing something that a worm spun. When I was a very little girl I remember hearing about silk worms, and though I am sure my memory could be flawed, I believe I recall that they eat the leaves of the mulberry tree. I have a silk robe that is from when I was much smaller that I keep thinking I might cut for a project one day. Wouldn’t it be great to use it to form the framework around my first flat silk embroidery if I were to be the winner?

  88. Flat silk – wow! I’ve never worked with flat silk but have always wanted to – this would be my chance! I just love the sheen and when you look at it at different angles how it just glows! I can see beautiful flowers or butterflies! Thank you Mary for the opportunity!

  89. I love these give-aways. Each day I wonder what the next day will bring. I love the colour and sheen of the Japanese flatsilk. I haven’t used it before, but with Japanese embroidery it will be a new path to explore in terms of embroidery. Gay B, South Africa

  90. It’s all of the above. There is just something about the luster of silk thread that captures light even on a drab day.

  91. Oh my, how beautiful! I would love the challenge of working with these beautiful threads! They are really amazing. I hope I’m the winner!

  92. What attracts you to the idea of working with flat silk? The joy of working with natural fibers first off. Much of my work is done in wool, cotton and silk.

    Is it the sheen and beauty of the thread? Partly. Especially the juxtaposition of the sheen of silk on the matte surface of wool.

    The challenge of working with it? Figuring out what it wants to do, using it’s natural tendencies.

    The mere fact that it’s silk? Silk is a 4 letter word with allure.

    The colors in either set are awesome. Thanks again for a great giveaway.

  93. Oooohhh that is so pretty! I’d say its definitely the sheen of the silk that most draws me in… But the colors are great too.

  94. I love stitching with silk threads, and would love to learn the difference in ‘flat’ silk. The sheen and soft texture are a pure joy to work with! Thanks for these grand opportunities!

  95. Dear Needle’n Thread, When I was a child, I used to play with my mother’s color swatches–owning this silk rainbow would be reliving that experience,so many times over! It’s the rainbow of colors that draw me and the texture of silk itself–for the eye and the touch. I work in bargello and would like to experiment with silk. I have used silk in petit point, but not bargello. I imagine its luster would be beautiful.
    And–on vanity’s side, –after reading your post on moisturizing your hands, I’ve been doing that! No more snags–well, with cotton anyway! I wonder what would happen with silk….

  96. I love the luxuriant, radiant beauty of well laid flat silk. Whether the simple shine of satin stitch, or some of the more complex geometric Japanese stitches, divided into small precise single threads or the full width for great coverage, I love that flat silk is both gorgeous and very versatile.

  97. I’m really intrigued by the idea of working with flat silk since, yes, its silk. the sheen and luxury of the pieces I’ve seen worked in it are amazing. On the other hand, I’m sort of terrified of the challenge of it. My hands are never that smooth, Guess it would be the perfect excuse to try some of those lotions you’ve reviewed.

  98. I love the idea of doing something shimmery. The sheen is what grabs me. I’ve always been drawn to that look, but have not really achieve a level of expertise to invest in this very high quality stuff. The silk is so gorgeous – I am drawn to the idea of doing fairy sprites with water and flowers – I’d have to find the right picture to make a design from.

  99. Hello Mary,

    What attracts me to working with flat silk?
    I have recently retired from work and have found an interest in embroidery. I have planned a project for a monogram ‘thingy’ as a wedding present for my brother; so far I have been trying out samples with various different threads and I have to say that any silk thread stands out as special compared with the other threads I have tried; the lustre, finish and quality of the threads are wonderful. None of my samples have been with flat silk so I would be excited to try that out for this project.

  100. Wow! I’ve never used silk…always heard it was very tricky to get the hang of. I would be willing to try it since it’s free after all. Hope I win!

  101. The colours are magnificent and so tempting. I will need the pamphlet, but I would just adore having a go at using these silks.

  102. I am very interested in working with flat silk because of the sheen and depth of color. It is beautiful!

    Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the 12 days series.

  103. Lovely silks! I would LOVE to try them – I never have. I have travelled often, and lived in Asia, and have many examples of both embroidery painting and flat silk embroidery in my ‘collection.’. Otherwise known as pretty things I saw abroad…:). The colors are amazing…..ESP the purples and greens. I’d be proud with either set!

  104. Well, yesterday I have written that I would love to receive the gold thread set because with the purpose of embroidering a small curtain for the church altar my hometown in Brazil using one of Mary’s church pattern. I think that for the religious embroidery the best choice is silk and gold; the flat silk has such a elegant lustre, the wonderful colors can be see from a far distance, beeing perfect for the church presentation. Since I have since the blue medallion work in this site, I am dreaming about silk and gold. Thank you for these beautiful images.Greetings Rita Violante

  105. You are amazing Mary, everyday is getting more exciting. I am a silk “Junkie”, I collect silk in all forms, fabric, new and old even collect old silk Kimonos and pieces of antique silk. Silk threads also in every form. I have tried the flat silk to sew with, but as usual my impatience gets the better of me and it is not perfect, so I buy books to learn. The thought of having these delectable colours and a book to show you how to use them is mind boggling………..I even collect old silk ties and cannot throw any old silk fabric cloths out just in case!!!!!!!!. So to answer the question…….just because it is silk with some instruction thrown in for good measure.

  106. I would love to try stitching with Japanese flat silk because I have never tried it. I love a challenge. The colors and sheen of the thread are beautiful and can only add to the challenge of using the thread to bring out the best, to make any design come alive.

  107. Oh wow, what a great gift! I love the sheen of silk, and would love to but it to good use with some satin stitching. Plus, it’s classy — I don’t think silk will ever go out of style.

  108. I am just in love with silk. I do crazy quilting and collect discontinued buttonhole twist on the tiny spools. Can’t get enough of silk!

  109. Greetings!! Any of these prizes will give me the opportunity to get into something new… and chanllenging. Thanks Mary for all these goodies!!

  110. What beautiful thread — it is amazing. I want to work with it because I’ve never done it before. I’ve used silk/wool blends and love them. You have the most wonderful things, thank you,

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  111. Mary – I love the look of oriential designs and think that the silk would really look great! Though I’ve never worked with it and consider myself an embroidery noob. Thanks for the great giveaways!

    Traci in OK

  112. The flat silk appeals to me for the color intensity as well as sheen. We have very limited resources locally for embroidery supplies, I want to expand beyond the standard embroidery floss available at the local Michaels store.

  113. Firstly the colors look gordeous and should look wonderful on the crazy quilts I am working on at the moment. Secondly I have never embroidered with flat silk,

  114. Mary,
    only the feeling of the silk, the luster, to see how the thread behaves. something that is so light (I dont’n know if that wordt is wright) and yet so strong. It is the most beautiful material where we can work with.If you work neatley (again I don’t know if that word is correct) than it does not matter what you are making. Your work will always be beautiful.


  115. I have sewn with silk fabric several times, and love the luxurious crispness and sheen. Learning to embellish with beautiful silk threads is a skill I have wanted to accomplish. I love the colors!

  116. I have used many different silks over the years, but for some reason, never flat silk – I don’t know why. Perhaps because it is not quite so readily available? Winning this set would be a wonderful opportunity to experiment with a new medium, which is always the most exciting and adventurous part of stitching. I’m already thinking about a design – just in case!

  117. I love the beautiful, subtle colors in silk thread. I especially love the colors in the first selection because they match perfectly the colors prevalent in my home, so they are naturally my favorites. But all are beautiful!

  118. Definitely the sheen does it for me, and surely the challenge of working with silk is more than worth the end result!
    Thanks for another great giveaway 🙂

  119. Mary
    I think it is always fun to try something new. Especially if it doesn’t cost you anything to try it. The silk is so beauitful I would love to see it worked up. Thanks for your giveaways and all the info you give on your site.

  120. Silk is such an incredibly lustrous and beautiful fiber. It is my favorite! The colors on these threads are amazing in their depth. My mind is already imagining a beautiful creation! Thanks for the opportunity to receive the silk and instructions.

    Jenny P. in Kansas City

  121. Hi, the colours and their sheen invites me to work with them. till date i havent got any nor have tried silk threads,if i get them along with the pamphlet, that day will be my day to begin silk embroidery. thank you
    ansu chennai.

  122. Oh what a beautiful prize, such lovely colours all. What I would say that attracts me to silk thread would have to be both the colour and sheen. What a wonder to work with, lovely.

  123. … smooth, shiny, sensational ,serene, scrumptious, shiny, shimmer, shady, simple, spectacular – serendipitous, soft, sleek , slippery.. satiny, and… so much more than meets the eye of the needle.. I would love to own a few spools to add to my projects.. and a booklet on how to use it – very sweet!

    joan in bryn mawr

  124. Hi Mary,
    I would love to win the silk because of it’s sheen, beauty and range of colors. I love my silk fabric for the same reasons. I have never used flat silk but I would love to learn how to stitch with it.

  125. Silk? Did you say silk?!! Oh the sheen, the challenge, the colors. The challenge of learning to use such beautiful thread is a dream come true!!
    Thank you Mary.

    Jean B. in Greensboro NC

  126. Mary, I’ve been wanting to work with silk of any kind since viewing your work here on Needl’n Thread. It looks like it would be beautiful to work with. I have some plain silk scarves that I would love to try these on.

  127. Gorgeous you said ? The 12 spool collection would be great. You suggest Japanese embroidery, I suppose it would be perfect for thread painting with the Trish Burr technique. I am presently working with her DVD and the silk would come in handy. Have a nice day !

  128. I would love to win one of these beautiful bundles. Silk is just so beautiful, sheen, color, texture and all. Never worked with flat silk, would love to give this a try!

  129. i haven’t worked with silk yet, but i’m certainly looking forward to it…..the colors
    are absolutely gorgeous and they just shine and
    shimmer….how could one not want to learn to
    work with them….excited to get started.
    thanks, mary

  130. Wow, those silk threads look gorgeous. I think my attraction to working with silk is the sheen and beauty of it. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! And just the fact that it is silk….so elegant!

  131. Wow those silks are just to die for. I would love to try a new kind of embroidery every month for 2012 so these would make a great start on my new years resolution.
    Hoping all who read have had a wonderful christmas and hope you all have a wonderful 2012.

  132. Love the color range you can achieve in silk and have never worked with flat silk – challenge!!

  133. My lifelong dream has always been to go to Japan
    and see the beauty there. If I had these silks to work with, even though I haven’t made it to Japan,
    I could create the wonder of Japan right now and
    for now I’d dream as I’m creating with the silks.
    Thank you.

  134. The sheen, the glow, the stunning colours, I can just picture the beauty of the stitching Oh, and definitely the challenge. My goal is to try as many different techniques as possible and I have yet to work with flat silk. I have been following your silk projects with intense interest. Your attention to detail is so inspiring.

  135. What a beautiful array of color! There’s just something so rich and deep about the silk thread. I want a new challenge and silk is the next step for me.

  136. I have never tried flat silk threads before. It would be a nice challenge for me to try something different this year. I’m attracted to the sheen and pretty colors.

  137. I think silk embroidery looks so beautiful and delicate. To be honest I am a bit intimidated by the thought of using it and if I have the ability to do it justice.

  138. If I got this silk, I would very carefully read the pamphlet, while I sat and just looked at the beautiful colors. Then I would try some monograms. I love your website and appreciate your generosity in keeping us up to date, and also these bountiful giveaways.

  139. I am attracted to using flat silk because of the beauty of the thread. I also like the way it feels in my hand.

  140. Actually, I am not attracted to working with flat silk–but I have a dear friend who is; she is working on her Level 10 in Japanese embroidery and the silk would go to good use. I would pack it up and send it to her immediately, if I were to win.

  141. HI Mary!
    I am amazed at your generosity! Thank you!!!
    I love silk. The luscious sheen of the flat silk on your last project made me quickly add it to my “gotta try” list. I know it will be tricky, but what a gorgeous result. Maybe combine them with the gold threads, too!
    The New Year is looking better by the moment.
    Thanks again.

  142. It would be wonderful to try using the flat silk.The colors are beautiful. I have used silk thread for applique, silk floss, and of course silk ribbon, but never flat silk. We don’t have shops around here that carry such wonderful items.


  143. Wow! what a generous giveaway. The silks are so beautiful. I have never worked with silk like this before so it would be so great to give this a try. Thanks to Michael and Julie.

  144. I am fascinated with the sheen of silk. I took one class in Japanese embroidery and have the piece languishing in a closet. These silks are an inspiration to get back at it.

  145. The idea of working with something brand new is extremely appealing. The plus factor is that silk holds color and sheen beautifully. The feel of it is so rich it just simply seems to bring out “life” to anything that it is in. Thanks for the many oportunities to learn new techniques and products. Happy New Year

  146. Thank you Michael and Julie for this splendid Third day of Christmas give-away.

    Well, Mary, I feel I hardly need answer today’s question because I am sure you know by now that I love stitching with flat silk; I love the lusterous sheen of flat silk; I love twisting flat silk into an infinite range of different twist and stitching with those. To me, flat silk is absolutely the best thread available and I can’t get enough of it.

    I have not heard of Julie before, so thank you for introducing me to another silk supplier as well ast for today’s give-away.

  147. What wonderful sites the links took us to. Michael’s Wormspit is full of different types of info. Chickens to making a loom from copper pipes! Julie’s needlepoint canvases are beautiful. I love the section on her braclets. They would be so pretty stitched with this silk flat thread with beads added in. Is the silk thread fragile? Maybe it would not be suited for something like a bracelet that gets lots of wear. I think the fact that it is silk and has a sheen like no other thread would make it interesting to work with. Thank you for another day of giving.

  148. What beautiful thread! It’s definitely the sheen of the silk that attracts me to flat silk, regardless of the finickiness of working with it. Thank you again for these marvelous giveaways.

  149. Two years ago I visited Japan and was fortunate enough to visit an embroidery class. Subsequently I was invited to the home of the embroidery master and his family. The work is breathtaking and I would love to try it. I think the sheen and depth of the silk would be an incredible addition to the stumpwork I do. However, I’m not sure how to get started. This package would give me the information I need.

  150. I love using silk, but have never gotten to try flat silk. Being in a medieval reenactment group, I try to use period materials in my pieces. I would love to try slap silk, and thank you for the opportunity to win a set!

  151. What a range of colors. I have never used flat silk. They are lovely. What a generous thing for Michael to share from his stash for one of us to try them.

  152. Wow! I just ordered my Japanese Bunka Fashion Design books and am taking a japanese draping class. I would love the threads! The colors are beautiful. Thx!

  153. “All of the above” attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk. I want to touch it and know how it feels!

  154. The silk is beautiful!! Years ago I watched a Japanese woman embroidering with it and I was mezmerised. I would love to try my hand at it.

    I think my favorite thing about the silk is the vibrance of the colors and the texture of it. It is so delicate that it just calls for you to look closely at the finished piece of work.

  155. Wellll….would want to try them all!!! the challenge, the beauty and the end results!! Yes!!!
    It is a very generous giveaway!
    Avis in VA

  156. Oh, the sheen! The beauty! And in my favorite range of colors, blues and purples! What fun it would be to work with these luscious silks. And with the booklet to show one how, it would be even better. I’ve been intrigued since you wrote about using flat silk, so this would be a good time and way to learn more. Thank you for the opportunity to try for a collection.

  157. Oh my goodness…what beautiful threads. I’ve always loved silk thread for applique. It’s so nice..I can’t imagine how nice it would be to do embroidery with!! I would LOVE to get one of these collections. My hands are itching to get at them! Thanks for such a nice collection and a chance to win them.

  158. Like Pamela, I’ve dreamed for many years about going to Japan. I was going to go with my daughter’s Japanese class but she backed out of the class 🙁

    Working with silk is a challenge, and I’m always up for a challenge, usually picking projects that are a stretch for my limited abilities.

  159. The threads are beautiful, and I would love to learn to work with them. I’ve used other silks, but not Japanese.

  160. I would love to try working with flat silk–the sheen is so beautiful, and the tactile experience is luscious. Japanese embroidery techniques in particular are meaningful to me, as I am part Japanese and it feels like part of my heritage and lineage. And the colors!!!

  161. Ive been doing quite a bit of silk shading recently, but have never worked with silk – I imagine it makes such a difference! I don’t know if it’s the season, but the first batch of colours seem really festive – they could be worked into a really pretty heirloom piece for Christmas 2012! 🙂

  162. Sumptuous! The purples in their gradations and the sheen would make such a great choice for an iris in full bloom. The technique would be a challenge to learn and help stop brain drain as I age.

  163. The threads shown are absolutely beautiful, and while I have never used Japanese flat silk, I’m itching to try! Thanks for the opportunity. I love your blog!

  164. Mary I think my attraction is to the lustre of silk. There is no comparison IMHO. I love to add the silk embroidery designs to my crazy quilt blocks and it is always a stunner in the silk.
    Thanks to Michael and Mary for making this opportunity available to your followers.
    Susie Jarosz in Omaha

  165. The beautiful colours & sheen of silk threads attracts me. The challenge of working with silk threads scares the heck out of me. However, it’s time for me to put my fears aside, bite the bullet and give these lucious threads a try.

    Incredible give-a-way, Mary.

    Linda A
    Ontario, Canada

  166. Mary, I’m interested in trying to work with flat silk for the first time. It appeals to me as a touch of luster that my applique peacocks lack. I am at the embellishing stage on “My Tweets” (Erin Russik). I’ve used beautiful fabrics in blues greens and purples (with other colors as a little “pop”). The peacocks still lack the luster that nature gives them, despite those beautiful fabrics. Embroidery could fix that, especially with the right silks! I’d like to be included in Your drawing for some of those silks. Thank You.

  167. What attracts me to the idea of working with silk is the sheen, the beauty and the colours of the silk, as well as the challenge of working with it.

  168. Silk has been my preferred choice for most projects for many years now. I normally use twisted silk because it is so much easier to stitch with, but I love to use flat silks when I REALLY want the impact and shine and rich colors of glorious silk. These colors definitely meet that description! Janet.

  169. My mouth is watering at the wonderful rainbow shining in your pictures. I wasn’t going to enter this one because I’ve never stitched with flat silk and figured it was above my skill level. But then I thought, “If you don’t try and don’t stretch yourself some time, you will never grow.”
    And the colors, Mary, the colors….
    And above all, silk is my very favorite fiber to stitch with.
    And the colors, did I mention the colors?

  170. These Colors are like jewels. I love them. I have never used silk before, but this would be a wonderful opportunity to try something new to ski off winter blahs.

  171. What attracts me is the different techniques that might be required to use flat silk. I’ve never tried it before and am curious as to how different stitches show off its luster.

  172. I am always looking to incorporate new fibers (those I have not had opportunity to try) in to my knowledge base. 🙂

  173. I give-up!!! On 3rd day you knock me out!! Japanese flat silk is everything that I what to have, know all about and use … A LOT!!! They are a chalenge on the begining … when we decide buy (many colors!!)… til start use!!(many ways!!) …. I want this too!! and the day 3 and 1 of your 12 days of Christmas … think I´ll need one of each of the 12 days!! What do you think about this my indecent proposal?!? 🙂

  174. Oh my goodness, how beautiful is this silk. I have a few colors of silk and it is so smooth and the colors are wonderful. I have seen first hand in China how the silk thread is made by the silk cocoons, even went through the silk embrodiery school. I pruchased a piece of double silk work and still can’t believe it’s true beauty. Haveing this threat would allow me the oppurtunity to try this craft on my own. Thank you for providing this fantastic give away. Theresa N

  175. Hi Mary – These threads are just gorgeous. I’m attracted to the beauty of silk thread – nice sheen, texture. They look stunning. I would love to win these.


  176. I have worked with silk long time ago. yes , it is challenging. so, I work with cotton. But yes to bring back those memories I wold love to have them.

  177. I looooove flat silk! It’s shiny, it’s soft, it’s silk- what’s not to love! I do medieval and renaissance style embroidery; I’ve been working with flat silk in opus anglicanum and or hue; next up is a piece using Italian stitch with flat silk.

  178. What attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk? All of the above. I’ve never tried working with anything but DMC and it would be wonderful to give silk a try. There isn’t anywhere in my area to purchase such beautiful threads.

  179. OMG! Those are beautiful! I have some embroidery projects that I would love to use silk on. I have seen embroidered works that they used silk, cotton, wool, etc all in the same picture and it was almost like 3D! The silk really popped it out! I am hungry to learn new things and I have never used silk. I think I felt I wasn’t worthy as an embroiderer to use it. But I would sure give it a try!

  180. The challenge of working with a different (sort of ) medium has pushed me to try harder when it comes to embroidery and I love Japanese embroidery.
    Shelly R. UT

  181. I love working with silk, it just gives such elegance to hand work. I’ve never used flat silk but would love to learn how to do it, as any day you learn a new technique is a good day.. The colours are glorious and life like

  182. I have always been attracted to Japanese style embroidery, which uses this type of silk floss, due to the interplay of light on the embroidered piece.

    Thank you!

  183. I have had just enough experience with flat silk to want to do more. . . Right now, I’m especially interested in trying to use it instead of traditional plied silk for some double running bands. . . I figure if those little girls could do it, I should be able to as well. . .??

  184. Truthfully, I think what attracts me to it most is that it’s the primary fiber for Japanese embroidery, something that’s always fascinated me. I would love to be able to work with this fiber in the traditional manner.

  185. It’s beautiful and I have never worked with it before. I would like the challenge of seeing what I could do with such beautiful threads.

  186. I absolutely adore silk. If I could afford it, it would be the only thing I use. I like the sheen, the colors, the way it feels in my hand, and most importantly, the way it looks in the finished design.

    I came across Michael of Wormspit some time ago. I haven’t tried his silk yet, but love the name Wormspit.

  187. The idea of working with silk has always been daunting but seeing the richness of the colours it is now something I would like to do. With the patchwork group I belong to, we are all in the process of creating a piece of Crazy Patchwork with fabric donated by one of our members who used to live in Japan. It seems rather appropriate to embelish with these type of threads.

  188. It just everything about silk that attracts me, the colours, the shine and the fineness of the thread. I have been wanting to do something with flat silk but I don’t have any in my stash so this would be an ideal way to get started. You are really offering some treats, thanks.

  189. Oh, this would be a fabulous prize to win! I’ve dabbled a bit with flat silk and I don’t think you can beat it for sheen. I’d love to try it a bit more.

  190. Right now I’d say it’s the beautiful sheen that attracts me. Since I haven’t worked with flat silk I don’t know how I’d react to the “challenge” of working with it but I’d love to find out!

    Marilyn P. in Las Cruces, New Mexico

  191. Thank you, Mary, Michael and Julie,

    The sheen of silk, I would love to use it for silk shading.
    Maria VF

  192. I’ve never worked with flat silk, just regular silk and LOVE it. This would be beautiful to embroider with and to learn with.

  193. Yum! I’ve never worked with silk of any kind but would certainly love to learn. Japanese embroidery is especially enticing and I look forward to making use of creating something beautiful.

  194. Good Morning Mary,
    First comment I have never heard of Japanese Flat Silks before and I love to try something new…that’s how you learn. Secondly after looking at them I must agree with you that the blue ranges are awesome and appeal more than the purple group…….but I can visualize using either of them. So yes I would love to win the giveaway, especially the booklet. You always continue to inspire, thank you.
    Thank you.

  195. Hi Mary! I’ve never worked with silk, but I fell in love with it after seeing pictures of japanese embroidery. I think that what atracts me the most is the sheen and the beauty of the thread… I really hope to win, mostly because in my country nobody knows this kind of thread and it’s imposible to find!
    Merry Christmas!!
    Libertad from Argentina

  196. The pure joy of stitching with something as elegant as the flat silk qouls seem just like a dream.I have recently become fascinated by some of the quilting and stitching works of several different oriental quilting artists, and I am being drawn to their products. Winning this would be a awesome way to start out the New Year.
    Mary, I have followed you for years and I have you to thank for a great portion of the knowledge I have gained regarding stitching. Your blog is always informational and your random subjects very interesting and educational. Please keep up the great work!

  197. I love silk, I love this wonderful feeling. For me it is the most precious thread on earth; the colours are vibrant ,just a treat to see them.I have used other silk threads , but not Japanese.

  198. I have a lady in Kimona to be done and these silks would be wonderful. I too, like the blue combos. I’ve been embroidering 71 years and I’ve learned sooooo much from your site that I’m amazed.

  199. Mary, Day 3 is a fantastic giveaway! Thanks to your suppliers for giving these to you for your 12 Days. I have never used any silk before & I think the sheen is what attracts me…also the challenge of working with something new!
    Sheila K in CA

  200. I use flat silks a lot in my work, mostly pipers silks though. When I did my embroidery teacher certification, my teacher was Shirley Mae Collis, who was one of the Japanese Embroidery teachers at the Japanese School of Embroidery. She does exceptionally beautiful work and these silks are wonderful to work with. Would love to add them to my collection of colours to stitch with.

  201. I might be the reader who started this – I asked about storing Japanese silks in their plastic sleeves. We decided that we’ve not seen harm done by doing this, and that professionals remove the sleeves due to the wasted time it takes to take them off and put them back on. Being professionals who are trying to make a living, time is money. And, it takes SO much time to create their works. OK, now on to the contest. I hope I win! I will share with my classmates.

    What attracts me to working with flat silk is its beauty and versatility. It shines and changes color with the light like no other fiber I know. The flat silk, with its many filaments, can be manipulated in to many different kinds of twists, some including metals. With flat silk I can make all the threads I need for an entire Japanese Embroidery piece. It starts from the simple flat silk and you end up with real beauty. These pieces are more than a sum of their parts.

    Christine in Northern Virginia, USA

  202. Wow! Another GREAT opportunity! After seeing your Medallion project coming together and reading your work up, trials and tribulations I am totally enamoured of flat silk! Not to mention the BEAUTIFUL results! Your right Mary, the sheen and opulent look of flat silk is like no other. I would LOVE to try working with it! I would choose a design with shading and a delicate appearance the match the delicate appearance of the silk. Plus the colours are all gorgeous!

  203. Vibrant, beautiful colors, natural fiber and the added bonus of sheen. Imagine the design possibilities. I love to do nature designs in my needlework and these threads would be a pure delight.

  204. I have never worked with silk thread the thought of doing so is thrilling. I think it is the color and sheen that makes you want to reach in and touch those colors it is like they are alive.

  205. Count me in on this one!

    What attracts me to working with flat silk?

    Hmmm…I love the colors and the sheen, and the fact that you can both stitch it flat and twist it to create perle silk. I love that it is suited to working on a wide range of ground fabrics. It feels yummy in the hands…LOTS of things!

    I have long loved the beauty of Japanese embroidery, and would like to try it myself, but I fear that I would rebel against the severe structure of the technique. Having some instruction, silk and patterns that I could try on my own might be a good option. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this one!

    Thanks to you, Mary, and to Michael and Julie as well, for making such a great giveaway possible.

    Carol S.

  206. WOW–Mary you have outdone yourself! Flat silk is the aurora borealis of the thread world. Back in the day, Shay Pendray’s shop in MI had drawer upon drawer packed to the gills. It was love at first sight & I bought several spools with–you guessed it–a side order of metal threads! What attracts me to using flat silk? The knowledge that I can “make” any thread I want–thin, thick, light twist, firm twist etc. The thread companies are trying hard to provide us with a huge variety of silk threads in color families but they simply cannot compete with this Japanese technique where any flat silk can be perle, floss, flecked with metal etc. Not every embroiderer wants to “roll her own” so to speak, but it’s one more way to get results. The winner(s) should invest in a good quality tekobari, an awl & a handmade Japanese needle to complement the flat silk. A beginner class at JEC or EGA would help as well.

  207. What wonderful colours! I have never worked with silk, and would like to do a birth sampler for my grand-daughter, I have an idea…. if it comes to pass it will be a miracle :), but this is the season!

  208. Why would I like to work with Japanese flat silk? I have been creating biscornu, needle and scissor cases for the past several months. I use the silk from Kreinik in Parkersburg, West Virginia. I would like to compare the colors from this company with the ones from Japan. After having spent a lifetime making gigantic pieces for my home, I am now making smaller ones for gifts for my friends, my daughter and my grandchildren. I want them to remember me…..

  209. I love needle painting! The flat silk you are giving would be a new thread for me and I will/would definitely love to use it.

    Elaine in New Mexico

  210. I love working with silk threads – the way it slips smoothly through the fabric, the feel in my hands, the colours. There is nothing quite like it. I have never used flat silk thread but I would love to try it.
    Winnifred, Braeside, Ontario

  211. I would love to try needlepainting with silk threads. What a luxury that would be. The colors and sheen are just gorgeous.

  212. This silk is so beautiful all on its own, the marvelous richness and depth in the colors. It seems that no other fiber can quite compare! I’m a sucker for anything colorful, and these spools are filling my head with all sorts of fancy project ideas!

  213. Good Morning Mary,

    I think that working with any kind of silk is very special and valuable not because of the price but because it is a gift from God. Having the ability to be able to work with different kinds of silk would give myself the opportunity to gain a new technique, new way to manipulate the Natural Material, or finding a new way of working with an unfamiliar Natural Material other than the typical cotton threads. Thank you once again for the Opportunity to enter in this give-away.

    Jennifer G.

  214. I love working with silks – the sheen is beautiful. Most of my projects are now stitched in silk instead of cotton. Does that make me a silk snob? I hope not, because I do rely on cotton for some of my work. Thanks for the chance to win these beautiful silks.

  215. I’m so, so glad that there aren’t any calories involved – there would be some sort of new obesity epidemic! I have been following your progress with the eccleastical (sp?) project you are doing and would love to learn how to work with these threads – and the color collections you have are both my very favorites!

  216. beautiful! the colours are fantastic! have never worked with flat silk thread, would love to learn how – after years of plain cross stitching, it’s time to learn new techniques, and this would give me a start.

    Elizabeth L Mac

  217. I’m attracted to the beautiful, rich color and the sheen of it. I’ve only had a tiny amount to work with and would love to have a collection to indulge in.

    Pam in IL

  218. I can’t begin to say how gorgeous these look!!! My needles are already drooling over who gets to be threaded first.

  219. Ooooooooooo silk. Is there anything that beats silk to work with? My hat is off to all of the worms that gave their little wormy lives to spin this glory for us. I have an old Betty Chen-Louis project that would look fabulous done in this silk.

  220. I have done a little flat silk work and it comes out beautiful. I would like to try couching over flat silk like your most recent project.

  221. What beautiful silk!I would love the challenge of learning to stitch with these vibrant, jewel-like threads. Glorious!

  222. oh wow I got so excited when I saw this silk giveaway-I just love silk-what inspires me is the look and the feel of it, and all the colors too It is just so elegant and lovely.
    I love using silk for applique, will need to learn about flat silk if I should win this. this would be just so awesome to win. thanks for the chance.

  223. Lieve Mary,
    Heel graag zou ik in aanmerking komen van This beautifool silk threads.It is my dream of working thad. I hoop so for prjs.
    Hartelijke groeten van mij.. Riet.

  224. In the world of threads I don’t believe it gets any better than these Japanese silk threads. Absolutely beautiful!
    If I were to win either one of these sets I think I would have to set them on one of the shelves in my sewing room and simply admire them. I love the colors and would love to work them into a “special” project. And the pamphlet would certainly get me started!

  225. What attracts me to flat silk? The beautiful colors and sheen and the fact that I’ve never used flat silk (or silk for that matter) but have always admired not only those who work with silk but the projects that look extraordinary.

  226. What do I love about the flat silk thread? Everything!!! The luster and the range of colors are beautiful. If I win this I will definitly share it with my daughter who is a textile design major with an interst in anything Japanese. Mary, thank you for these give-aways.

  227. I love silk. The color, the feel, the sheen. I’ve never worked with flat silk before, but I would love to. It gives such a depth of color and such a lovely sheen to the work.

    Andi Scott

  228. I like the idea of working with silk but especially a flat one. I have never worked with a flat thread and would like the challange

  229. I recently fell in love with needlework. Having only ever worked with embroidery floss, perle cotton and crewel wool, I’m keep to expand my repertoire and silk is so gorgeous I’d love to have a go and make some really special items.

  230. All of the above for me…but it’s also classed as ‘scary’! In a house of rough hands and cats…

    But oh, the potential results…! I can think of some designs right off the top of my head that would be so splendiferous in flat silk…I think…!

  231. These silks are so gorgeous!!!! Just the word make me droll!!!! I’ve been an admire of Japanese embroidery for many years, but I’ve never dared try it by myself. That could be a splendid occasion!

  232. I have never seen flat silk close up. I’ve seen it used in museum pieces of course, but then, they are smart enough to put the pieces behind glass where I can’t get to them. I’d love to play with this…without the interference of a glass wall! Lau

  233. I really love flat silk. I have a few colors I’ve worked with that I bought from a Japanese Embroidery website. It’s lovely, and fairly thick so it covers well, but needs to be laid. I also have some colors that I ordered from England, from Piper’s Silk. This is easier to work with, but it’s narrow, so it takes a very long time to fill a space. My daughter is getting married soon, and I’d like to make some sort of commemorative embroidery for them out of flat silks that will shine the way only flat silk does. Those colors really make my hands itch to work with them!

  234. The colours of the silks look so vibrant and luminous. I embroidered a dragon in ecru cotton on turquoise satin for a kimono, I’d love to try a peacock in silk.
    Lisa in Stirling, Ontario

  235. I have been doing embroidery and cross stitch for over 40 years and it is fun to try something new and the thread is so beautiful, I have been thinking of doing a picture of a painted bunting, and those blues and greens would really make it pop. So you could say all of the above.

  236. I’m curious about what the difference is with “flat” silk. Guess I need to do some studying. I’ve loved working with other silk in the past. There’s nothing like it. The colors in these collections are beautiful.
    Nancy in Newport

  237. Mary, your 12 Days of Christmas is providing so many areas for me to explore beyond cross stitch! What draws me to Japanese flat embroidery is that I love doing cross stitch with silks and also learning new techniques. I’ll certainly be looking at the sponsor’s sites and others to learn more about this! Theresa/OctoberLace

  238. Merry Christmas Mary,

    I love the color ranges in the second set; like you, I’m attracted to those beautiful tropical ocean colors. For me, the lure of the flat silk is a combination of the challenge of trying for the first time as well as that incredible sheen and simply luscious colors; amazingly beautiful!

    Thanks again for your generosity,

    Cathy in PA

  239. I have used flat silk on only a few projects. It is me goal to master stitching with it. Surface work is my favorite technique and Japanese flat silk is the epitome of surface embroidery. I want to learn to stitch with them so that the threads glisten!

  240. Oh, Mary, these threads are absolutely gorgeous! All of the “reasons” listed would entice me to try Japanese silk threads. What a wonderful opportunity to try to win these special threads.

  241. It’s just so beautiful–my hands itch to get hold of some and create something! The challenge is definitely a draw too; I’m always looking for something more to learn. The colors are lovely, thanks for hosting this giveaway!

  242. Wow! The sheen on this thread is awesome. I guess it will be a breeze to stitch with it. I will also use it like a filament thread and wind it together with a 100% cotton thread for some body to tat with it. It will make gorgeous snowflakes and angels for 2012 Christmas.

  243. I have used silk threads in appliques but I have never done flat stitching, the threads are absolutely gorgeous and I would love a new

  244. I love working in silk! There is nothing like the quality and beauty of the natural fiber. The depth of color is amazing! I have only ever used spun silk, never the flat. If I won one of these I know exactly what I would use it for. I love historical embroideries and I have been reading about Gu embroidery from late Ming Dynasty China.

  245. ACK!! you’re makin this sooo hard…I thought the metal threads would be so fine and then you bring out this silk! I have been working with cotton combined with some small amount of metal threads because I can’t really afford to invest in both types of thread as well as the frames and necessary tools all at once! The silk is so beautiful – it just makes you drool! I would love to create something with it!

  246. The silk threads are just beautiful! The rich colors, the silky sheen and the fact it will go with the projects I am working on right now, attracts me big time! Wow, what a wonderful giveaway!

  247. I love the colors and sheen of this silk. I have never seen flat thread and think it would be a lovely experience to try.

  248. I really love the subtle sheen of the silk. But I’ve never seen flat silk.
    Well, you seems to be so enthusiastic with it, that I am sure it is worth stitching it !!! You know that I trust every word you say 😉
    Have a nice evening

  249. I’ve only recently worked with silk on 2 projects, but I loved the finished pieces very much. It was a little tricky at first, but worth the effort. I have at least one pending project that cries out for silk and I would love to use these beautiful colors.

  250. I have a dream of raising silk worms to make my own thread. I love the shine of flat silk. It is gorgeous and gives lovely details. Thank you for this giveaway Mary.

  251. Oh my word! I’m salivating just looking at that gorgeous thread. Nothing compares to silk – the gleam, the color. Aside from enjoying it in embroidery, it also works up beautifully in bobbin lace. I could certainly make good use of that lovely, lovely thread.

  252. The thread is wonderful. I used to embroider alot with silk, but since going on disability, I am unable to afford such a luxery. I would love to be able to use it in my work.

  253. I have never used silk of any kind so this would be a wonderful learning experience. I just found your blog and have spent the last two days reading throught you past post and tutorials. What a wonderful site, I have bookmarked you and love it!!! Thanks so much for the education and I look forward to learning much more. Lala

  254. I love silk shading,The beauty of all of the different threads just jump out at you. And yes, some times it is a challenge working with it. But if it is too easy there would be no pride in your work.

    Thank you!
    Camille VF

  255. These silks are simply beautiful. Just looking at them makes me happy. They would work in magic ways with the gold fibers from yesterday.

  256. Dear Mary,

    Thank you very much, those threads are “magnifique”. I like working with those flat silk. I take some japanese embroidery classes. I still working on a project. I am sure that I could use those thread on some project.
    A big thanks you and thank to donators,

    Nicole G from Quebec

  257. What a wonderful gift!

    I have never worked with flat silk before (only with silk floss), but I would love to try. Silk is so smooth and shiny, and Japanese embroideries are so beautiful!

  258. Wow, what awesome silk threads. The subtle differences in hues are amazing. I’m drawn to the possibility to think outside the box…. or think outside the hoop…. of cotton thread and try something as lovely as Japanese embroidery silk.

  259. I have used silk and really enjoy the feel of it as I work. I have not, however, used flat silk. I would love to try it. Especially on some crazy quilting. I have a crazy quilt I picked up in an antique shop in Burlington VT, hand pieced, but not a stitch of embroidery on it. I plan to do all the embroidery to finish the quilt. I also won some kimono and obi sash silk fabrics from Hannah at http://enbrouderie.wordpress.com and planned to do some small crazy quilting with them. This thread stash would go very well with the silk fabric!

  260. Your silk colors are divine. I have only worked with silk in some trapunto work in pillows I have made. You shimmery threads could only enhance embroidery work I have planned. I have been collecting butterflies for an embroidery quilt block project for the new year. I can visualize this tread shimmering to make iridescent wings on my butterflies.

  261. Hi Mary,
    All of above, I would love to work with them, as I have never. The colors are just beautiful, what a News Year gift. what a challenge.
    Cheryl H

  262. How pretty! I have a book on Traditional Japanese Goldwork that talks about using flat silk as well as gold. It sounds like something that would be fun to try to work with.

  263. The silk is beautiful and would inspire me to learn to work with it. I’ve used flat silk once or twice as small parts of a class but never used it for an entire project.

  264. The colour! The colour! The Colour. The shine. The lustre. The texture. The colours are like being inside a rainbow. I’ve just dabbled in silk. I’d like to learn how to use it easily. I’d like to know how to work with everything so I’d know what to use to do what I want to do.

  265. The colors and sheen do entice me to try this silk thread. I am a crazy quilter and would love to incorporate this into my embellishments. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  266. OMG I am drolling on the keyboard as I type. what is not to love. My answer is “all of the above”. To me silk’s beauty is epic, long as your hands are smooth and you use a laying tool it is wonderfull. if I win I would use it to create my first needle painting. If I don’t faint first. Thanks Mary
    Northern CALIF

  267. Oh yes!! It’s the sheen, the challenge of working with flattened silk threads. I’m starting the TAST 2012. These threads would look fabulous in it!!

  268. It’s so beautiful!!! I stitch documented designs on almost all of my garb (medieval clothing) for SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) and I use pearlized cotton, cotton, or leftover wool. I’ve bought some silk, which is nice to use, but expensive. Not only would the opportunity to work with this silk be a treat for me, but my friends who recreate documented designs and sometimes post on Historical Hand Embroidery on fb would love for me to share, which, of course, I would. I’d love to see what some master stitchers could do with this stuff in period recreations and adaptations.

  269. When I started embroidering motifs for Crazy Quilting I admired and studied everyones work, searching for what made them stand out to me and what I could learn from them. One day I had a floral motif that just stunned me. It was radiant and I just knew there was something different about the threads. I had to ask, and found out that she had used silk. I fell in love with the radiance of it and the way the fibers seemed to meld into one another.

  270. Silk in any form attracts me, its sheen, feel and beauty. I have never done anything with flat silk but would love to try. When the materials are so alluring, even the simplest project is enhanced. Mary, you have introduced so many stitchers to so many new materials and techniques. Thank you.

  271. Oh my goodness…. SILK! Anything silk has to be good. 2012 is going to be the year of threads for me; there are so many I need to learn about, try out, expand my narrow (mostly pearle cotton) horizons…it’s all good. I did not do well with silk ribbon, so maybe silk thread is the answer! Thanks for doing this – and thanks to Michael Cook, too!
    Joan from Gloucester

  272. I think the sheen of the silk thread and then the way that the colors can be worked to blend and shade are what attracts me. I’ve used silk threads on quilt appliques and in sewing with other silks but not for embroidery and would like the challenge. Thank you for the chance to win all those beautiful colors.

  273. Flat silk is beautiful in so many ways – and so challenging with which to work! I’ve only used it once before years ago, but am intrigued by the challenge of learning how to master it now. I believe the rich color of the silk is what most attracts me to it.

  274. I have worked with all kinds of silk threads but not the flat silk would love the challenge of learning to work with this beautiful silk…The colours are to die for.I have the book Beginners Guide to Traditional Japanese Embroidery by Julia D Gray and its very interesting but as yet I have not tempted it…But I believe that the flat silks can be put in a lot of designs and would be very interesting to use and learn how to use the flat silk the colours are so brilliant and gorgeous..Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful threads.

  275. Lovely, but hard to work with which makes it all the more fun! Anything challenging has greater results.

  276. I have never used flat silks. ll of the above reasons plus, I am making a Pansy for Remembrance Crazy Quilt in honor of my Mother-in-law who is nearly 95 and has Alzheimer’s. The colors in your exquisite giveaway would be perfect for it! Thanks for the opportunity to win, and for all you share daily. Happy New Year and Good Luck to all!

  277. How wonderful that you have these gorgeous threads to share with your readers, Mary! I love the sheen and gorgeous array of colors and after reading articles on your site and others, I am intrigued with flat silk. I would be thrilled to give it a try and add to my embroidery skills. Fingers crossed!

  278. I love the idea of using silk threads. I love all things silk. I sew with silk fabric anytime I get the chance so embroidering with this has to be a dream. Silk showcases color so well until it is eye candy just to look at the beautiful colors. It is just one of those things that just begs to be touched.

  279. Hi Mary!

    Thanks for another great opportunity. I would love to work with flat silk because of the sheen and rich colors of the threads. I also love the process of using a laying tool to get the most sheen from them.

    Jan B. from Florida

  280. I like the rich sheen of the silk best. I work on reproduction samplers and like to use as close an approximation as they used in the 17th C. And most of them used silk so I try to as well.

    The sheen of filament silk adds so much brilliance to a piece.

    Alice in Las Cruces

  281. Ohhh … how I love to create with silk – silk fabric, silk yarn, silk thread all mediums of silk.

    Silk is an amazing fiber – the color saturation is beyond compare and the hand is like no other.

    ~zoie in topeka

  282. Hi Mary,
    I hope I win these beautiful threads because I would love to feel the threads under my fingertips….the silk, hmmmm. I love the sheen and the colors, just beautiful.

    I once bought my husband a silk robe for Christmas. Months later I took it out of the closet while looking for something in the back of the closet. Imagine my surprise when a thick worm fell to the floor from a cocoon that was entwined in the fabric of the robe. Was it a silkworm? I have no idea! I can’t imagine how it would have survived the manufacturing process, but there it was – I’ve never seen anything like it before (or since).


  283. The sheen of the thread just glistens and it has been a long time since I have worked with silk. Looking at these threads reminds me of the beauty they provide to any project.
    Mary Bowers in Southaven, MS

  284. This kind of silk is not only beautiful, but has a sumptuous feel to it that makes anything it is used for, all the better.

    I have always dreamed of being able to have something this spectacular to use with my personal projects but have not done so as of yet. I would love the chance to do justice with this thread and would post everything I make with it to you so you could see how wonderfully this prize was used.

    Merry Christmas and keep up the great job on your site!

  285. Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I am inspired by the beauty and the glamour of silk. I would love to have the opportunity of learning to stitch with it. I love the glorious colors you have shown.
    Sharon K.

  286. The sheen of the thread is just gorgeous! I’m a little nervous about working with it though, because I’ll need to keep the skin on my hands in better shape to keep it from snagging!

  287. Having recently done some thread painting with flat silks, what I love most about them is their ability to reflect light because of their sheen thereby creating different shades of color with the one thread. They are a challenge to use, which is certainly an attraction, but the effect created by them is amazing and it that which attracts me most to using them.

  288. Gorgeous doesn`t begin to decribe the sheer beauty , sheen , of silk and the colors,love all these colors, and yes I`d like the challenge of working with silk thread. Thank you

  289. I think what attracts me the most to using these beautiful threads would at first be the challenge of learning something new and then to create something that would reflect the beauty of them.

  290. Since I first discovered silk I haven’t used any other thread for embroidery, both spun and flat silk. There really isn’t anything at all that shines and glows like flat silk, though. Since I really like putting a lot of work into my embroidery, I think that work deserves the best materials, too, and that means silk. Silk doesn’t knot itself up like cotton, which is a big plus. The challenge of using flat silk is very definitely a demand to do everything carefully and correctly. You have to set up the embroidery tightly, you have to put it on a stand, you have to use two hands, the laying tool is absolutely essential. But then, I should be doing all those things anyway. Silk insists that I do that, slow down, and pay close attention to every stitch. The “challenge” is what forces me to enjoy it that much more.

  291. I’ve been wanting to try silk for awhile now, but haven’t yet. I do primarily cross-stitch and always thought the sheen of the silk would be a wonderful effect if I was stitching something like water or stars to highlight the piece I’m doing. I would love to win these spools! (I love the look of the purples!) Thank you for the chance to win.

  292. Hi Mary, The beauty and sheen of silk is what first draws me to work with it. I have sewn garments from silk, made a fantastic cloth doll from silk and stitched with silk, but never flat silk. These colors are lovely, especially the purples. This would be the time for me to learn about using flat silk. Thanks!

  293. I love the way silk looks on my projects; it’s so smooth. I also love the feel of it. I’m beginning to use silk more and more.

  294. i would love to embroider with silk although i have not had the pleasure of trying it yet. I do handspin silk and enjoy knitting with it. This would be sooo much fun!!

  295. Mary,
    I have worked with silk, a beautiful Birthday gift from a friend. It makes the most beautiful embroidery that I have enjoyed working with. I now have RA but I haven’t let it stop me from my love of the needle. I just can’t seem to put it down. The challenge is well worth it.

  296. A member of my quilting group used. them to embroider veins on appliqué leaves. They were so luxurious looking and caught the light so well I’ve been wanting to try them ever since. Thanks for the opportunity!

  297. I have studied traditional Japanese embroidery since 1992. The silk itself is what originally attracted me to the embroidery. You’ve seen it so you know how beautiful it is. No photograph can do it justice. An array of it spread out on a table is like liquid color! Almost indescribable. It really isn’t difficult to work with once you learn how and its beauty makes it oh-so-worth it! I’d love to have one of the collections since I will be starting a new piece soon.

  298. For me, it is both the sheen and beauty of silk threads that I love. I have not done Japanese embroidery, however, I am the type of person who enjoys learning new techniques, and this would give me a great start!

  299. Hello Mary, thanks for the generous 12 Days sharing project. Those spools of thread are so beautiful and the colors are so spring-like! I would love to work with silk again, and I’ve never used flat silk so that would be an adventure. For some reason I don’t remember silk being difficult to work with although I’ve heard from so many that it snags.
    Thanks again! Stevie D in Colorado

  300. I love using silk to do appliqué and embroidery. Have never used flat silk. The colors are wonderful and the texture and sheen add to any piece. Thank you for the chance to win.

  301. Hi, While I would love to see and try to work with this I am just beginning and probably wouldn’t do it justice, but the colors are beautiful. I think the women who is making the quilt for her mom should win!

  302. What attracts you to the idea of working with flat silk? The Elizabethan-era embroidered items I have seen in museums were done in flat silk. I am trying to reproduce the look and style of those embroidered items, and so have been stitching with flat silk of late. It is a beautiful thread, and makes the pieces shine with the reflected light. Yes, it is a challenge to work with, but worth it.

  303. I love how shiny those colors are! Also, I love traditional Japanese designs, so it would be fun to try Japanese embroidery.

  304. It’s the sheen and the way it emphasizes the color. It has a richness to it that is special. Definitely for a keepsake project.

  305. Oh my, Japanese flat silks! Another thread I haven’t had the chance to work with and which I would love to use. I love the richness and sheen that flat silks give to an embroidered work. I would definitely love learning to work with them.

  306. What absolutely beautiful colors! I can just imagine a butterfly,a Japanese fan or a peacock embroidered in these colors. Thanks for the opportunity.

  307. The color, the sheen, the texture all really get my attention! I love oriental embroidery styles and this is something I have yet to try. Ideas are already popping!
    ~Valerie Kalyani, in CA

  308. What’s not to like about flat silk? Of course the sheen and colors are beautiful. I’ve long admired the result of when these threads are used in Japanese embroidery. But what makes this gift even more generous is the set of instructions that come with it. I’ve never used flat silk, and this would allow me to do so the right way from the beginning. I am at the point in my life where my stitching time is limited by a too busy schedule, so I want to make what stitching I do get to count — focusing on gifts that could be passed down in the family. As in cooking, quality materials bring the best result. I love fllowers — orchids to be precise — and can envision these threads neing used to create a glorious perpetual garden!

  309. Ooh, the fineness of color and smoothness of texture just emanates from the picture through my computer screen. Those silky spools are just asking to be adored. Never having worked with flat silk, I’d be thrilled to give it a go!

  310. What a wonderful Third Day of Christmas. Each day is more special than the one before!

    Silk – there is nothing like it to work with. For years, I custom made Bridal gowns. While each one was lovely, the gowns of silk stood out above the rest. There is a sheen and beauty that only comes from working with silk. It hangs differently, it photographs differently. It has an elegance which nothing else can touch. I fell in love with the fiber while making wedding gowns.

    I would love the chance to use silk thread in hand embroidery, especially for ecclesiastical embroidery. Watching and absorbing every piece stitched by you, Mary, done in silk, provides the encouragement that the challenges of working with the special fiber can be learned and mastered with time and practice. The goal is the beauty of the finished piece; seeing how the sheen, glimmer, and beauty of the fiber reflects the light.

    Learning how to work with flat silk will be a challenge, but I’d love to start!

    Thanks again for the great give-a-ways!

  311. These are gorgeous! I love working with flat silk and have done a couple of pieces that I took classes for….these colors are luscious and I would love to add them to my small collection….I see pansies!

  312. What’s not to love about silk in any form? However, I especially love the flat silk because all the attention is given to the glorious color and isn’t split between color and texture. And my favorite thing about silk is just that – the richness of color. The saturation of color lifts any work into a magical realm!

  313. Thank you for this opportunity, Mary. I love learning new things and I love shiny things so this would satisfy both pleasures. The colors are amazing as is the sheen but the booklet of instruction is also incredibly valuable.

  314. The flat silk I’ve used can up a project’s glam factor tenfold. By no means have I used it alot, but I’ve really enjoyed the challenge of getting it to lay correctly. It would be so much fun to try using shading for a project. Both collections inspire finding a project that would be heavily shaded–perhaps a floral? Even using them in a simple line-drawn design, the depth of the silk color would create a richness that enhances the work. Flat silk really makes a satin stitch become a true satin stitch…who doesn’t appreciate that?

  315. I have never used flat silk, but there are some looks that only be achieved with it. I love the wide flat straight stitches that cab be used to create the look of pine needles, or spikey edged leaves. Thanks for all these giveaways!! Sandi now in Oregon

  316. Flat silk is one of those “worth the trouble” kind of fibers. Twisted filament is easier to work with, but it just doesn’t have the luscious quality that flat silk has. These bone drying winters of Nevada make it hard for me to work with the flat silks because of my hands being so chapped, but in the spring and the fall, I am right there with several sugar scrubs and much moisturizing, achieving miracle effects with the shadows, contrasts and sheen that flat silk gives to simple stitches. It really is the “Ooooooooo” factor that make flat silk so appealing.

  317. I recently learnt how to use flat silk and am still trying to overcome the challenge of working with it, but I absolutely love it. The sheen of the laid silk is amazing and what is great that one can pare down each strand and make it as fine as one would like and still be able to work with it. Just wish it was not so expensive and hard to come by.

  318. I would love to try the flat silk. I have just started doing crazy quilting and would like to incorporate the silk into the seam treatments. Thanks for all the work you do with your daily posts. I don’t know how you do all that you do. Beverly

  319. I love the sheen of silk threads. I’ve used other silks in hand embroidery, but have never used flat silk.

    Carole Krause

  320. Wow! Those are beautiful threads! I would love to learn how to use them. Thanks for the chance to win!
    Happy new year~
    Diana in Sioux Falls

  321. Good Morning Mary,
    Flat Silk Thread – sounds so much fun and the colors are so soft and simply beautiful. I know silk fabric but to use silk thread to create, or enhance a design is intrigering for sure.

  322. The beauty of the pieces of Japanese embroidery which I have seen mostly on-line but a few in person makes me wish I could learn how to do this. I am amazed at the techniques that are used, it’s not like most embroidery that we do.

    I have been following Jane Smith’s blog “Nejiribana-sprialling flower design” for some time and have gained even more appreciation for the work that goes into each piece.

    To be able to have a chance to work with flat silk and learn how to properly use it would be one of the best birthday presents I could think of. I wish there were more places that taught this amazing embroidery. But this would be definitely worth receiving, to get a chance to do this!

  323. The sheen and the beauty, and it’s SILK! How beautiful!! Thank you for the generous gift of exciting fibers. Really hoping I’m chosen for one of these sets.

  324. I do Brazilian Embroidery (BE) and love it because of the sheen and brightness of the threads. The Japanese flat silk threads are very similar in this manor. I have been branching out from BE and trying other forms of needlework. This thread intrigues me as another type of embroidery I would like to try.

  325. I have taken a beginning Japanese embroidery class. My teacher passed away recently so I really would like to attend the Japanese classes in Atlanta, GA

  326. OOOOh Mary! They look so gorgeous – I love threads, yarns, embellishments – I never had any silk because of the price – I would use it for small items on my clothing or handbags probably. I own a Japanese one-point stitch
    embroidery book – There are many beautiful motifs I could use. I love the sheen – and the unexpected hues the silk would pick up from the light. The challenge – well – that doesn’t excite me – but I’ll take it. Thank you, blessings – Jane

  327. I have never worked with flat silk, have no idea what it is. But I love other silk threads, the softness and sheen.

    Bye, Winnie

  328. What fun! I’ve never even seen or used flat silk, but as a confirmed thread-o-holic, I sure would like the opportunity for a first! Thanks… Ellen

  329. Hi Mary

    I have never worked with this beautiful silk, but if I won it I would take it to our thread painting group and share it (there are 5 of us) so we could learn to thread paint with silk. How exciting.

    You are so sweet to share everything. Oh to be so prolific as you are. Amazing

  330. Flat silk! I have a friend who does gorgeous work with this fiber. I have always been to intimidated to even try. But with this great giveaway, I would be willing to try. The wonderful play of light on the silk and the different effects that are seen from several angles are what I find fascinating about the flat silk. Thanks for the giveaway!

  331. Hi Mary. Thanks for the chance to win these gifts. I have worked with many times with silk threads. Never the flat silks. Would love to try. Always a new challenge is what I look for. Thank you
    Judy , Caledonia

  332. I normally work with Pearsalls Silks that are a twisted 6 ply skein. A lovely thread to work with on a normal day to day – BUT Japanese flat silks are completely different. Their sheen is unbelievable, but difficult to work with. I have the chance to work with a Japanese lady (Matsushima Midori) over here (UK)and with her help would hope to produce a true needle painting.

  333. I love silks, but have never had the chance to work with flat silks. It would be fun to be able to try some out and the collections are so beautiful!

  334. I have never worked with flat silk–and very little with stranded..so I feel like a real beginner! So the challenge of working with silk attracts me (as well as the fact that it IS real silk–I usually play with cotton floss) I have been reading every entry of your blog since I found it 2 years ago–the information is helpful and inspiring! Thank you for all you do!

  335. Working with flat silk is different than than stitching with any other thread I’ve ever used. I especially love the reflective qualities the threads have when light hits them. What a luxury to have them to stitch with. The colors are breathtaking! What a beautiful ‘sunset’ they would paint!

  336. I am going to look into this for my store. Great promo.
    I love almost everything silk ,except my dry hands, when i’m around it.
    The sheen on these spools is alluring. I have wanted to do this small of embroidery since seeing a quilt 10 years by a group of Japanese women. Beautiful appliqued floral designs with tiny dragonflies and other garden bugs embroidered on the flowers. It was delicate and realistic. Just beautiful.
    Would like to try this new product.

  337. Flat silk is soooo wonderful. One must have patience and a little practice doesn’t hurt either. Both of these sets are lovely and each of the gifters are very generous

    Lynn H Texas

  338. I found myself salivating a bit as I gazed upon these silks. My start exfoliating my hands NOW!

  339. I found myself salivating a bit as I gazed upon these silks. My start exfoliating my hands NOW!

    My biggest attraction to these silks is their other-worldy sheen. The depth of colour and texture cannot be beat & I would love to make use of in some historically inspired embroidery.

  340. Oh! Mary. I thought yesterday’s giveaway was fab.but today’s is even more fab.
    For me it’s just the challenge of using such a fine thread. It’s easy to snag on frame or hands but the end result is worth all the hassle.
    Pam in Hampshire UK

  341. What’s not to like about flat silk? It comes in wonderful colors, has unparalleled shine, and provides a challenge. (Not to mention that it finds every single rough spot on your hands. 🙂 )

  342. It is a great pleasure to work with natural fibers such as silk, wool or cotton. And when you combine that with embroidering a beautiful design using lovely colors, what could be more delightful!

  343. Anytime I have added silk in various forms to a project, it adds a special effect not attainable with other fibers. I’d love to see what could be done with these beautiful spools of silk.

  344. Both sets have gorgeous colours. I’ve never worked with flat silks, but I’d really like to find out what the finished embroidery is like to the touch. I love the feel of different fibers, different techniques – this silk looks as if it would be hard to leave alone!

  345. Flat silk? What’s not to love?! It makes such a gorgeous end result. I fell in love with the look from a stitching show on PBS probably 12 years ago and haven’t taken the plunge to try it for myself yet! (I know that’s horriblel!) I’m so impressed with Michael aka Wormspit. I’ve had a conversation with him on Ravelry about other creatures that make silk besides silk worms. He’s such a nice guy! Thanks for this great offer!

  346. I am always awed by how luminescent flat silk is. I haven’t had the opportunity to work with it yet, but I work mainly in satin stitch and can’t help but think it would add something very special to my finished pieces.

  347. I love the silk, the sheen, the brilliant colours, and the feeling when you touch it. I’m hopefully going to learn the basics in Japanese embroidery in spring, and I can’t wait for the course to begin. I will have to take great care of my hands, and stop gardening without gloves!

  348. The sheen of the silk is probably my biggest draw, other than the fact that silk is just wonderful.

  349. Merry Third Day of Christmas! What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you! What attracts me is indeed the beauty of the thread, the way it shines. I absolutely love the look and feel of silk. I’ve never embroidered with it, and the challenge would be so exciting.

  350. silk is amazing no matter what form it is in! so my answer would be all of the above! i would love a chance to try out these amazing looking threads! thanks for these giveaways!

  351. What attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk is the beauty of the threads and their intense but also delicate colors. To me their sheen is like the difference between the patinas of gold and brass — there’s an inner glow that comes out. I also like the idea of working with a natural fiber that has staying power.

    Thank you again for coming up with such a wonderful series of contests! They are really inspirational.

  352. The colors and shine of the silk are what primarily attracts me. I’ve used weaving silk in
    embroidery and I’ve liked the effects. I hope I win the silk.

  353. Flat silk has to be the most intimidating thread there is! But because of the sheen and the gorgeous colors, it is probably one of the most beautiful as well. Perhaps they would spur one to keep the hands well treated so that they don’t catch every wisp while working with the silk. The how-to is a great accompaniment.

  354. I have never tried flat silk. I am very curious to learn more and see what challenges it provides. I love the look of this and am very curious as to what you can create with these.

  355. It’s absolutely the shine and the smoothness that attracts me the most. I have worked with Soie d’Alger before and I liked it a lot. I know it’s not a flat silk, but it is silk and when I look at the above pictures it is even more shinier!

  356. Good Evening Mary
    These are beautiful and the sheen is georgous.
    I have never used these threads before, or even seen them for that matter. I think last months Inspirations magazine cover of the butterfly would look lovely done in these threads.
    So much to try.
    Thank you
    Karen Lowrie, Kettering, UK

  357. I have only worked with flat silk once, a deep royal blue color for an EGA GCC goldwork and silk piece. It is finicky but the sheen is beautiful. I love all threads in silk – hard to find one I haven’t liked yet. I first learned to use a laying tool while working with the flat silk (am still a beginner). Now I use my laying tools more often. So I’m grateful to flat silk for helping me learn something new. Yet, I still need to learn to work with flat silk in a better manner.

  358. I just live the sheen and over all beauty. I haven’t tried working with yet, but would love too.

    Mary in Oregon

  359. The sheen of these threads makes an embroidery sing! Having seen a piece worked with such threads (in person), I decided to take a Japanese Embroidery class next year. Aside from working in Japanese Embroidery with the wonderful silks, I would also like to experiment with the flat silks for a more modern take on embroidery.

    Cathie B

  360. You and your suppliers are always so generous. Thanks! I have lots of cotton and wool threads in my collection but only a small amount of silk. I love the sheen and since I do a lot of stitching on felt, the silk thread would contrast beautifully with the wool. I am close to drooling here…

  361. Silk in any form is wonderful. I love using silk threadd when I do hand applique. Becasue of the sheen and color selection I would love using flat silk when I do hand embroidery projects.

  362. I am very intimidated with the silk; however, I love working with silk fabrics when sewing unique evening purses and gloves; I would love to try stitching handwork stitches with the threads with its beautiful reflection of light and its smooth texture.

  363. It all ways feel like Christmas when opening your mails! Thanks for that.
    I would like to work with the flat silk for the challenge of working with it?

  364. Pretty! I haven’t worked with Japanese silk before so I’m excited at the idea of trying something new. And I love the colors – of both sets. Can’t decide which I like more. 🙂

  365. Hi Mary,
    What a stunning giveaway! Both sets of silk are utterly delightful. It is the high sheen which I love on this silk, but it is the challenge of using it well that attracts me. This would be a gorgeous win.

  366. When I was visiting Japan 2 years ago I visited a silk factory that produced silk thread and fabrics. It was mesmerizing to watch and I became very enamored with the beautiful products. Since January 1st is my birthday—age 65—it would be a very appreciated gift. I would attempt my first item of Japanese embroidery with the threads and would love every stitch of it. Thank you for your generosity.

  367. I am intrigued, as i have never knowingly worked with flat silk (maybe I have used round silk?)…and these colors are amazingly rich.
    Clearly the instruction booklet would be put to good use, too!
    What a great give-away. I find out about the coolest stuff on your site!

  368. Oh Mary you are like having Santa come along for the daytwelce days after Christmas! those colours just make my mouth water . . .
    Nana Pam

  369. I haven’t used any sort of silk threads yet, but do love a challenge and they look so beautiful in these photos.

  370. In answer to your questions yes, yes, yes and yes. I am intrigued because it is beautiful, luxurious, and also a bit intimidating. Truthfully, I would just enjoy looking at it in my thread box knowing it was mine to use whenever I want, and it may take me a long time to decide how to use it. Debbie Thompson, O’Fallon, IL

  371. I’ve never worked with this variety of silk and think the challenge would be fun, but I have to admit that the biggest draw is the company’s name! Gotta love their sense of humor.

  372. Oh these are beautiful colors. I love the variety of them all. I also like how the colors shine. Kind of like looking at a beautiful rainbow in the sky.

  373. I love the look of flat silk and have wanted some for a long time. I have been looking at “Threads across the net” and I am just gobsmacked.
    I also have a couple of books on oriental embroidery and would love to start using them.

  374. Mary, those colors look delicious! I have never done any embroidery with Japanese flat silk but I would love to try it. This would be a good way to try something new!
    Cathy S of MI

  375. As I am wiping the drool off my face, oh my goodness, what beautiful colors! I wonder how well that would work with crazy quilting?
    Heide / Escondido CA

  376. What lovely colours! I would love to use these silks to explore their use in rozashi, a technique I just started doing this year. They would look lovely in a piece with blocks of varying depths of colour, I think. I would love to give it a try!

  377. Dear Marymentor:
    In answer to No. 2 of your instructions, I truly have to say “All of the Above” 🙂 I feel I’ve reached the level where I can start to work with the really “elegant” threads and so very much want to learn how to turn out those gorgeous pieces that are actually worth framing or becoming heirlooms, (eventually ? )….I’m also excited that a “How To” book will accompany this of your Twelve Days of Christmas….Thank you so much for doing this giveaway. It really motivates me, and others I’m sure, to dive in and try new mediums and elements… Thanks again…Judy in Pittsburgh

  378. Hi Mary, Flat silk is attractive to me because of the sheen. I use stranded silk all of the time but have been afraid to use the flat silk. I have made it my goal this year to get my hands in shape so I can use the flat silk. First step STOP CHEWING MY NAILS.

  379. OMG, would I love to have the Japanese Silk threads!

    I am attracted to the beautiful sheen of flat silk when laid properly. So the sheen gets me first but then the beauty it gives to a piece of needlework is also important. I have used flat silk in embroidery before but I recall my very first time working with it. I had rough hands from working in the yard, dishes, housecleaning, etc. Well you guessed it. Before I could even lay the thread on the embroidery, I had a blossoming wad of thread that just could not be tamed!! Kinda like a blooming onion look. Soooo, I used an emery board on my fingertips (Probably not a good idea if you need to be finger printed) But since I haven’t committed any crime, and the needlpoint police were not after me, I figured it was my fingers and they WERE going to be SMOOTH!! Then I slept with my hands slathered in Bag Balm cream and gloves for a few days and tried stitching again. It was much better. Since then I take better care of my hands, especially if working with flat silk. I have to plan for it in advance so I can condition my hands.
    So there you have it.

  380. Hi Mary,

    Would like so much to work with silk and the colors are so beautiful.
    I’m dreaming of flowers ….Will see

    Thank you for all those give-away,

    Ginette of Mexico

  381. OOH, I like flat silk even if it doesn’t like me as well. I have taken a couple beginning classes in Japanese embroidery and am impressed with the beauty of the threads and the finished (or in my case, in process) product. Flat silk is a little tricky for me but I like all silks.

  382. Wow! I have taken classes from Sue Spargo to create wool applique that is heavily embellished with embroidery stitches. She uses an Italian silk thread that is round and makes wonderful bullion knots. It would be so much fun to try the “flat” silk thread. I’m signed up for Sue’s 2012 block of the month and there are wonderful ocean blues and aquas in the kit. Yummy stuff.

  383. Ooh, exciting! I have never worked with silk, but it looks like it would be a wonderful adventure. Thank you for the opportunity to win such a wonderful gift!

  384. I have often thought of trying flat silk because I love the way it reflects the light based on the angle. It also look hard to use and I’m always up for a new challenge. I’ve looked many times at the Japanese embroidery classes, but they center is across the country. Having these silks and instructions at my home would allow me to try this fiber, without the cross country commitment.

  385. I have never had the opportunity to work with flat silks. The colors and sheen are stunning.
    It would be an adventure to try and create an embroidery with these threads.

  386. I would like to try silk, because I haven’t worked with a fine material like this. It’s beautiful and it’s a new challenge for me.

    Have a nice day all
    Wassernixe alias Tünde

  387. Silk is the most beautiful media to work with it shines with a ‘life’ of it’s own and the colours it comes in are amazing. I have many different types of silk (including reclaimed sari silk) and it all adds life to any needlework project. I even own a handmade silk hammock which is so comfy to sleep in

  388. I’ve not heard of Japanese flat silk! I would surely love the opportunity to design specifically for something so lovely. I am afraid I am still drooling over the photos on your site. 🙂 Thank you, Mary, for introducing all of us to this product!

    Deb in Idaho

  389. after seeing so much beautiful Japanese embroidery on blogs– particularly threadsaccrosstheweb.blogspot.com, I am dying to give some of those incredible techniques a shot. I heart fuzzy effect! I’m really interested in making my own threads of different weights and mixtures with the flat silk.

  390. I am your basic magpie, I am drawn to the sheen, but I also love the feel of the silk. I am disabled now with time to take on new challenges and would love the chance to try. How wonderful of you and your suppliers to do this give-away.

  391. I have been viewing Japanese flat silk online its so beautiful would love to win some , the colours of the silk sets are just so lovely. One daysdreams of beautiful embroideries with silks.

  392. I love flat silk. I’ve never worked with it but the projects I’ve seen look so shiny and luxurious. Also, it’s more authentic to medieval embroidery 🙂

  393. Gorgeous! I like all of the above as ar as the silk goes. I have many other types of threads and fibers for crazy quilting and this would indeed be dazzling on my quilt. The pamphlet would come in handy too as I am not that familiar with the thread. I would love to embroider with this, and the colors are stunning.

  394. Hi Mary,

    My Mother-in-law has a large framed “painting” of swans on a lake that has been done in Japan with Japanese flat silk; everytime I see that picture it reminds me that I really want to try something like it.

    As an amateur painter, the idea of painting with silk is both challenging and appealing. It would be wonderful to use your give-away to make my first foray into using flat silks properly.

    Thank you, Greta 596, Nanaimo, BC, Canada

  395. Hi Mary,
    I´m so happy that I found you in the web. As someone has already said in the comments: It feels like Christmas every day,I love to receive your e-mails and I love to be able to visit the site every time I want. Thanks for your wonderful work. These spools of silk look like little jewels to me. I´d love to try to work with them. I have never worked with silk thread before. Can people abroad participate in the give aways (I’m from Brazil) ? Thank You for everything and Happy New Year.

  396. I love the idea of silk! It seems to shiny and professional looking. Both of these sets are gorgeous! 🙂

  397. Hi Mary,
    I’ve never worked with flat silk and I have been wanting to for a long time. All the colors are beautiful and the sheen just adds to it.Thank you.

  398. I love the colors, the sheen, the beauty of the finished product! You have said we must be careful when working with it; I am intrigued!and already making plans for a project…

  399. Hello. What beautiful collections of colors! I have used silk thread in hand applique, but have never used flat silk for embriodery, so I would love the opportunity. Thanks to Mary for the 12 Days and to all the sponsers.

  400. OMG! Who wouldn’t want to work with “Plummy” silk. The connotation of just thinking about that color thought pulls me into the wonderful wealthly world of Persia, Asia and beyond. I would use it in my “Crazy Quilting”. Haven’t been about to afford too much silk for that use. Thanks Krind

  401. Since memoirs of a Geisha was published, I have had a bit of an obsession with all thigs ‘Japan’ These silks are stunning, but I have a feeling my hands are just too rough to do them justice.

  402. yummy, yummy, yummy. What a treat it would be to work with those threads! No matter the project, it would be so beautiful

  403. The sheen on the silk is glorious, and I would really like to use it, to see how it will work in a larger design.

  404. For me silks are harder to use. But the result in appearance is worth it. I did three small pieces last year using silks and now I am hooked.

  405. Hi Mary
    I would love to use these beautiful silks to embroider the Obi for my Kimono.
    Thanks for doing this.

  406. Merry 3rd Day of Christmas Mary.
    The attraction to using the silk is that… that is what “the professionals” like yourself, uses. There is a certain intrique with its long history in the needle arts, with royalty and wealth…. I’ve not heard of flat silk until your website came into my life!! I have some silks that i have used for needlepoint, but not flat.
    Yes, it would amp up the dignity of the stitchery!!!

  407. Great giveaway! I love doing Japanese embroidery work and find that nothing reflects the “feel” of that style of work more than silk threads and, especially, Japanese flat silk thread. I would love to have a large supply and be able to explore this type of embroidery work more.

  408. Mary,thank you so much for the 12 days of Christmas. I love the blue range of colors.i’ve never used flat silk before but would like to give it a try.
    Nancy Green ,Allen,Md.

  409. Beautiful, elegant colors…I’ve only done minimal work with silk before so it would be fantastic to try using all those colors that remind me of a splash of a garden bouquet….
    thanks for all the info. you provide and the 12 days of Christams gifts…what better way to get people motivated to try new things…Grace from Minnesota

  410. Hi Mary, I have never worked with flat silk but recently saw a Kookaburra embroidered in Japanese silks by Margaret Lee here in Australia and Wow is all I can say, it was beautiful, and so life like. Thankyou Mary and sponsers 🙂

  411. Aloha Mary,
    Like a moth drawn to the light,I am drawn to these colors as they are my favorites. The beauty of flat silk is that it can be divided or twisted to achieve different effects from the same bit of thread. The care needed in using it shows in the finished work. Beautiful!
    Jacquelin Ihsan

  412. Wow! What attracts me to working with silks? Novelty, as I’ve never done it before, the sheen and feeling of it, the luxury (which I couldn’t really afford, so a giveaway is great!), and the fact that it’s a naturally made substance. Thanks for hosting!

  413. I just started working with flat silk. What attracts me the most is the shine of it when the light reflects on it at different angles. It is very different from twisted silk I had used before. I also love that it is silk, just because silk is so beautiful no matter how you embroider with it.

    And thanks again for your giveaway.

  414. I love the sheen of the silk, which makes shading so much more delicate. I went to a Japanese embroidery exhibition in Adelaide, South Australia, a few months ago and left with determination to learn from one of the tutors. This silk would really help!

  415. When I think of flat silk, I think of the incredible Chinese silk embroidery I’ve seen. Those old pieces inspire me to try to make something extraodinary and WOW in my remaining time alive, and not just fill the days with mediocre.

  416. Thank you Mary, Michael & Julie for this wonderful giveaway

    I love the beautiful sheen of silk and the wonderful depth of colour. I would love either of these collections.

  417. Another fabulous giveaway.The generosity of your goodies suppliers is amazing 🙂
    I love all types of thread and silk would be another to add to my stash for my crazy quilting.
    Phillipa in NZ

  418. Just Beautiful!!! The flat silk collections are so great they really cause the visual images to use them flash in the minds eye with so many combinations it’s hard to visualize all the beautiful color combinations you could design!

  419. I never have embroidered with silk, and I do dream to do that test. Those colections are greatest. And Im looking for Japanese embroideries since I was less than 10 years old (now am I 57…)It would be wonderfull for me, like each your give-away.
    Thank you Mary!

  420. I love embroidering with silk thread, but seldom get to because it is so expensive. I’d love to use these threads…

  421. I learned to tat from my maternal grandmother and appreciate handwork from both my grandmother and my mom. These silk threads are beautiful. I have never worked with silk and I would love to have the opportunity to work with these wonderful threads, and think my mom and grandmother!

  422. Wow those are beautiful! I have never worked with silk, but have always wanted to. I think the sheen is just beautiful and the colors are amazing! I find it a bit intimidating to think about using them but I think it would be an adventure!

    -Heather in Chicago

  423. Hi Mary,

    Silk just seems like the ultimate luxury thread – so beautiful – both the colors and the sheen. I’ve been wanting to try the flat silk since I saw you use it in the background of your Agnus Dei piece. And I love the look of the flat silk with the vermicelli couching. How wonderful it would be to have a range of colors to work (play) with! Thanks slways for your wonderful site and your inspiration!

    Janice U.

  424. Wow! These silks are the creme de la creme of embroidery threads. When I look at the colours I instantly feel that they should be used on an embroidery of a saint or in particular, with the blues, of Our Lady – because they are so special, they should be used on something very special. I love them! Thank you for showing them to us.

  425. Oh My Goodness! What beautiful silk. You are very lucky to have individuals and companies who respect what you do and provide such lovely materials for you to share with your readers. The colors are so wonderful to look at, imagine what they could add to any embroidery project. I believe that I would begin using it in one of my crazy quilt projects and when I felt more confident would try something entirely stitched in silk – perhaps a christening ensemble or a floral piece, depending on the colors.

  426. I’d love to use the silk thread to make jewelry, showing hanging clusters between beads. I’d also share this trove with a friend who incorporates multiple strands of threads into her artwork.
    Lynne in Baltimore

  427. OMG – These silks are truly lucious. If I won I would feel it was my destiny to attend the Japanese Embroidery Center in Atlanta – something I have wanted to do for several years now. It is one of my life’s dreams to learn Japanaese embroidery.

  428. Hi Mary,
    These colours and this silk are absolutely gorgous. I would use them and the pamplet to try Japanese Embroidery which I have never attempted. I would also like to be able to share the treads with others who would like to try this very disciplined form of embroidery.

  429. What attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk? For me Mary it would have to be the sheen and beauty of the thread. The purples and blues colors would look wonderful in my bedroom. The wheels are turning in my head already.
    Thanks Mary

  430. According to Melinda Sherbring, she can’t find any documentation, but she has seen extant examples that use it in 16thC work. It’s advantage is that it doesn’t ‘spread’ over time like a twisted silk can. Satin stitch, split stitch and the earlier Or Nue.
    I’m interested because you wrote an article mentioning only 2 sources of flat silk.

  431. I have only worked with silk once before and that was using Pearsalls silk, not a flat silk. However, I was impressed by its lustre and loved the richness of the stitching produced.

    I’d love to try the flat silk to see if I can learn to use it. It’s so expensive that I’m a bit afraid to do so in case I waste it so winning some might mean I’d be more willing to try!

  432. Oh, I think it’s the way the texture affects the colors – any color looks richer in silk. I’m keeping your pics just to enjoy the colors. Also, I ‘play’ with a medieval-recreation group; I would love to put historically accurate real-silk embroidery on my linen shirts. (I haven’t done a lot of embroidery on linen, BTW, but I heartily recommend it as a fabric to wear.)

  433. Hi Mary,
    I have never worked with Japanese silk and would love to try it. I think that the sheen and beauty of the thread is what I like the best. Thanks for a lovely give away.
    Joan Turrell from Canada

  434. Oh my – these flat silks look amazing – I am drawn to the beautiful colours – anything worked in silk always looks a million dollars – the sheen is usually to die for. Thanks for the opportunity to win one of these packs.

  435. It’s definitely the sheen and beauty that attracts me. Watching the work you have done with it makes me really want to try it. I must confess, the challenge part is a little intimidating.

  436. I have been stitching for a very long time, and I love stitching with regular silk thead. Actually, when I do my hand smocking, I use silk thread almost exclusively, because it’s much easier to work with and the end result is just beautiful. I’ve never heard of flat silk, but I am interested in giving it a try. I also love satin stitching, and I think this would be beautiful.

  437. Silk has held me inthralled since discovering the ‘special drawer’ that held my mother’s delicate lingerie. How she taught me the correct care and washing of she beautiful treasures’. Using silk thread has become my favorite embroidered imbellishment technique. The way light plays with the fibers, changing tone with sunlight to office light. I’ve never had the opportunity to try the flat silk threads, and am looking forward to learning this new technique for the new year. Thank you for your generous give-a-ways, and sharing all your valuable skills with your faithful blog followers’.

  438. Hmm, come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever worked with silk. Cotton, wool, synthetics, yes, but never silk. And since I’m somebody who has to try everything at least once, I’d love to have some to experiment with. Doesn’t hurt that I absolutely admire Japanese embroidery.

  439. Ooooooh! They’re absolutely gorgeous! I love the sheen and the colors! I can just imagine what they must be like when the light plays on them. I’ve never worked with flat silk. I’m currently working with a twisted silk for the first time and was disappointed to see how little shine it has. Like many, what keeps me from trying flat silks is the price. I would use it for an ecclesiastical project.

  440. It’s the beautiful color and sheen of the silk that I find so attractive. I love silk in my embroidery but have never used flat silk. What a wonderful opportunity for someone.

    Thank You,

  441. I love the colors of the thread, they are like oil paints waiting to be used on a blank canvass.I have never used silk thread before and a technique I would like to try.

  442. These silk threads look so beautiful I just hunger for them. Such beautiful things are only available via online stores for me. I cam almost feel the design taking shape. Flowers, flowers, and butterflies. The gleam of the silk, the softness under my hands, the patience, the time and progress. What a wonderful prize.

  443. Hi Mary

    How exquisite! The colours look amazing and I love the beauty of silk. I like embroidering with silk, particularly bullion stitch.

  444. I was lucky enough to do a class with Susan o’Connor using french silk and fell in love with its sheen and quality. I would love to try some pieces with flat silk, and these colours would make a beautiful picture, a shell perhaps? or maybe some flowers?

  445. What beautiful colors. I have worked with flat silk before and nothing can give you the look that it can. You need a gentle hand and smooth skin to work with it. I have projects now waiting for flat silk and would put this to good use.

  446. What beautiful fibers! I have only used silk when smocking silk fabrics. It’s funny that I started out loving embroidery and it led me to learning about smocking and now I’m back to wanting to learn more about embroidery! I do love the sheen of the fibers but I also love the soft feel it has when coming through the fabric.

  447. Thoses threads are just gorgeous…For all the reasons you said I would like to learn how to do japanese embroidery.

  448. Hello Mary. Wonderful flat silk. I like making japanese embroidery, I like flat silk because We can twist it, use it with one, two, tree or four bread and so on. it shine and we can often see two colours in one.
    No more that it’s christmas and this is the first collection I prefer, but where can I buy every colours ?
    Thanks for every thing you do.
    Happy new year for you and your family in 2012.

  449. Isn’t the world a funny place?
    I’m attracted to the colour and the sheen. It just looks so yummy!

  450. How beautiful! It’s the colour and lustre of silk that I love best, nothing else is quite the same. I would love to try flat silk and design some special embroidery pieces with it.

  451. What attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk is definitely the beauty of the thread.

    It’s all about the look and feel. 🙂

  452. I love the feel and look of silk. The colors change as you stitch it in different directions. I do Traditional Japanese Silk Embroidery and love the flat and twisted looks of the silk. I have been stitching with Japanese silk for 8 years and never cease to be in awe of the sheer beauty of the silk when watching a flower “bloom” as you stitch! I graduated from the Japanese Embroidery Center and have executed all 46 techniques of embroidery. The colors are exquisite.

  453. Only day three and I am having so much fun with the twelve days of Christmas!! I have never worked with this type of material before, but it just looks beautiful. You can tell without even touching it that it will be magical to touch and work with. I love the excited feeling I get just by looking at it!

  454. I think what attracts me is the color and the excitement of trying new things. Since I have recently become addicted to crazy quilting I can only imagine how perfect these would be as part of a very Victorian style block.

    Robin Smith

  455. Hello Mary,
    What attracts me to the flat silk is its sheen, richness and colors of the thread. It is such a very nice way to add interest and dimension to a flower for example by just stitching each petal slightly in a different direction. Please be kind enough to enter my name in the drawing.
    Thank you very much for offering these threads to us.
    Have a wonderful New Year.

  456. WOW! Have always wanted to try silk embroidery, now you are giving us a chance. The colors are gorgeous, thanks for offering these giveaways.

  457. Ooooohhhh, Mary!
    We all know Japanese silk is the creme de la creme of embroidery fibers and that mastering it proves two things:
    1) You’ve conquered the tekobari; and
    2) You’ve got perfectly smooth cuticles!
    Since the latter is a bit of an issue for me, I’d sure like to win some of that silk so that the next time it goes “pfft” I won’t be peeved by both the tangle and the cost!

  458. I love silk and have tried twisted buttonhole before and love the feel of it I also like the flat silk embroidery and that may be fun to try.
    Melisa B in Saskatchewan

  459. Wow! How could you not love these colors? They are so cool and the sheen is wonderful. I really would love to try working with flat silk on a special project yet to be determined. Hope I am one of the lucky winners here.
    Mary Ann H.

  460. Hi Mary,

    I love the amazing colors and the possiblities for use for Needlepainting or even some Monogramming. The inclusion of the instruction book is great too, so the winners won’t have to look up the technique for proper use if they don’t know them already. That would be me!

    Susie H

  461. I only worked a little bit with silk thread. Its beauty and sheen attract me. If I get one of these flat silk collections, I will definitely use it for my Victorian crazy quilt project.

    Thank you, Mary.

  462. It is so delicate and shiny with satin stitches. I love combining flosses, stranded cotton, metallics, silks, blending filaments, perhaps beads too. (I mostly do cross stitch.)
    I absolutely love them.

  463. I love that the colors with silk are so clear and rich and the texture is so smooth. I’m intrigued with “flat” silk.

  464. Such gorgeous colours. I have worked with cotton and wool but never silk. Would love to have a chance to try it though. Thanks for the generosity from you and your suppliers. So very nice. Take Care

  465. I love the idea of working with silk and learning to work with flat silk. Love those lustrous colors.

  466. Wow, that amazing give-away!!!! Beautiful colors!
    I would like to try this kind of silk someday, needle painting beautiful butterflies Thank you for the chance to participate in this give away!

  467. I would love to win one of the silk packages. I love working with silk thread, but have never worked with flat silk. It would be fun to learn how to work with it while enjoying the sheen of silk and the gorgeous colors. I love the tropical sea colors! Thanks, Kendra H.

  468. I am just drawn to the beauty of silk. I want to learn to use it in small projects. I have a couple of small kits, but they are sooooo expensive. I’ve just learned to do Brazilian embroidery, and I think some of their patterns would work with other floss/yarns/threads including silk.

  469. On a recent visit to Japan I had the incredible experience of touring the embroidery studio of one of the National Treasures of Japan. The amazing work he, his sister and the apprentice were working on was of a quality and beauty rarely seen. I felt privileged to see it. They let me buy the first Japanese silk I had ever had and gave me a special needle to get me started properly. I just love everything about it-the richness of the colors, the sheen and the memories which come whenever I work with silk.

  470. I love the richness of the colors and the luxurious texture of the silk itself. I pleasure to see and touch! Thanks for the chance to win!

  471. Without doubt, it is the fabulous sheen of flat silk that attracts one. I have a set of antique fansticks that I would love to use for mounting a Japanese design in silk thread. Peonies, perhaps?

  472. I’d love to try working with the flat silks; partly because of the extra effects I could try out, and partly because I prefer sewing and embroidering in natural fabrics where I can, so I’d love a new option to add to my choices!

  473. When you want shine, flat silk is about the only thread to use on fine embroidery. I’d like to get better with the laying tool.

  474. The Japanese silk is appealing because it is So Beautiful and because I have never used it before. I love trying new threads and techniques!

  475. Flat silk intrigues me and I am planning to go to South Australia for the Japanese Embroidery classes and how awesome it would be for a beginner to have such an awesome collection of flat silk.
    I love the look of it all I love the feel of flat silk and the colours are fantastic.

  476. Have not heard of “flat” silk, but love the colors and would love to try it.

    Love your website.

  477. ooooohhhh, have never had the opportunity to use silk. would love to win some and try it. thankyou so much.

  478. Firstly, thank you to Micheal Cook of Wormspit and Julie Mar for their generous contribution.

    I have loved silk from a very young girl as I used to keep silk worms and sell the skeins to the nuns for pocket money. They dyed and wove it and made vestments or something.

    I love silk’s feel,the depths of the colours.

    I have always thought silk is a tender fibre but strong willed. Works if treated correctly but can play up if not. In the end it will give a bright smile to the simplest of work.

    Seeing your work on the Marian project, Mary gave me an idea for where I could use it. I think though I may have to do a few test runs. Could be a challenge, but one has to at least give it a try.

    If I were lucky enough to win a set I would like the first as it has the greens and my favourite colour is green, but either would be wonderful.

    Happy days to all.

  479. I could not believe what I was reading. Japanese silks!!! Wow!!! I do Japanese embroidery and treasure these silks. All I can say is let it be me. I love the blues and plum colours however I would be eternally grateful for any at all. What a wonderful connection that you made. I cannot believe anyone would part with them!

  480. Oooh all that shimmer and sheen and shine. It’s just so beautiful!!! I love the first set best of all with all the plums and pinks and greens. It’s like a treeful of damsons or a basketfull of blackberries. I have never stitched with pure silk before and I would love the chance to try. I have a friend getting married later in the year and it would be wonderful to be able to make something special for her and her fiance that has an interesting “story” attached to it and this silk would be ideal for that.

  481. What colours, gorgeous to look at. Would definitely like to feel them slipping through my fingers. Thanks to Michael and Julie for their generosity.

  482. I was floored when I saw the beautiful flat silk. What a collection of serious colors. I don’t know that much about flat silk yet but will invite myself to learn quickly about it. I know quite a bit about color and these colors are spectacular. Thank you for all you do.

  483. I like the sheen of flat silk. It adds such richness to a piece of embroidery.

    Thanks, Mary, Michael and Julie!

  484. Sometime back I THINK I saw a needle which was designed to not twist the thread – it opened my mind to the idea of flattened thread. Then your wonderful review of painting embroidery …. And now Flat silk. I think I can combine all these concepts with beautiful – flat silk incorporating it’s sheen and colors.
    mabbettLorraine at yahoo dot com

  485. Well all of the above AND the fact that Purple is included! We are a big fans of K-State–hubby and two sons grads and third son attended.
    Would love to get my hands on the purple!

  486. Oh my goodness! I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I win this one!

    Well, I’ve never tried flat silk before; so, I think that it would be wonderful to try something new (and challenging).

  487. Hello there, thank you for the opportunity of entering your giveaway. For me it would be the challenge of using the flat-silk, I like to challenge myself to make the best of everything. Thank you. Regards Mandy (mandycurrie@googlemail.com)

  488. Mary,

    All silk thread is beautiful, these collections just happen to be more beautiful than most. The sheen and the colors and the fact that it is Silk all appeal to me.

    Fran Johnson
    Red Oak, TX

  489. They are so beautiful! It would be hard to choose between the colors if I had to.

    I am brand new to embroidery (thanks to your site) but I love silk because of it’s beauty and richness so I’ll go with that. As to the challenge of it, I’m sure it might take me a while to get there 🙂

  490. OMG!!! What a generous giveaway! Thank you to Michael and Julie. To me silk means elegant, beautiful and classy. Just the idea of silk exudes such elegance that who wouldn’t want to work with it!

  491. I have never worked with silk thread before on my crazy quilt projects. When I saw the pictures of the thread give aways I was enchanted with the beauty of the thread compared to what I’ve used. I would love to try the silk thread out and use it in my more special projects.

  492. The beautiful rich colors and the sheen would be the first reason I’d love to work with this silk, and the fact that it’s challenging would come in second. If done well, the results are amazing!

  493. Working in flat silk calls me because the colours look so so shiny. For examples, the blues in the last photo above look lust like wet water in a tropical locale – imagine this with fish and coral!! Could I make it look wet and alive? Maybe …

  494. Exquisite! That’s the first word that comes to mind. I lived in Hawaii for over thirty years, and loved seeing silk-embroidered things, but. couldn’t afford either the items or the supplies. The sheen is to die for, and in a finished product looks even more amazing. I would love to try my hand at it.

  495. I would love to try working with Japanese flat silk, I am keen to experiment with any embroidery medium or technique. I love the colours and the sheen of the silks they are so sumptuous and beautiful 🙂
    Sue, New Zealand

  496. WOW-e-e-e-e-e!!! Thank you Mary, Michael, and Julie for this opportunity with Japanese Silk. Just looking at the pictures makes me drool and start looking for a project to use them on. Those blue-greens (Teal) and purples together are my favorite colors. Yes, it would be a challenge, however, IT’S SILK and so warm and lovely! Wish me luck!!!


  497. I have been wanting to learn to use silk thread but I have been to afraid to try. I been practicing with cotton thread to develope my skills. The color you are offering in the give away are just beautiful plus the addition of instructions is a great bonus.

    Thank you,

  498. I have never used Japanese flat silk and would love to try especially with such wonderfully yummy colours. The instruction booklet would come in extremely useful when working with it.

  499. Silk takes color like no other fiber. The vibrancy of color is so amazing! To work in silk thread is such a delight with the touch as well as for the eyes.

    Merry third Day of Christmas!

  500. I love the sheen of flat silk that just can’t be achieved with anything else. I finished my first Japanese embroidery piece about ten days ago and enjoyed the challenge very much. My only regret is that I didn’t have more shades of silk to work with. Tina from Melbourne

  501. wow!! How are you coming up with these great give a ways? This is another fabulous package. I have never worked with this….I can only imagine. Pick me, pick me!!

    Debi in MS

  502. I would like to get one of these sets, because I’ve never worked with silk thread at all, much less flat silk, and I’d really love to learn. I’m a big fan of all things shiny, but silk just hasn’t been in the budget.

  503. I have never worked with flat silk but would love to. The colours are so sumptuous and the lustre so gorgeous. I would really like to make something very special with these silks.

  504. I took a workshop stitching with silk. The teacher said that silk really reflects the light well and even using just one colour, depending on the way the light shines on the stitches, it can look like you shaded it. I didn’t believe her. When I got back to my room, I stitched a petal in pink and then moved it back and forth to see what effect I’d get. Imagine my surprise when that petal looked like I’d shaded it. It made a believer out of me and since then, I’ve loved stitching with silk simply because of the way it reflects the light.

  505. BEAUTIFUL ! What else can you say
    These call for a very special project, thank you for this great opportunity

    Bernadette Garcia Albuquerque New Mexico

  506. Would love to have either colorways of these beautiful silks. I have used them in the past, and although they require special handling, they give a sheen to the embroidery that can not be replicated in any other way. Thanks, Mary, for putting them in your 12 Days of Christmas Give Away.

  507. Because I am primarily a seamstress, anything with the hand of silk is luxurious to me. Years ago I started to do my Hardangar, Needlepoint and Cross Stitch with silk fibers and although the silk was hard on my hands, nothing could have been finer nor more beautiful.

  508. I’d love to win the flat silk because it’s so shiny and gorgeous, and I’d love the challenge of learning how to work with it properly.

  509. Hi Mary,The colors of silk are so vibrant and rich looking and I’d like to try my hand using silk………… I must say that your site is the best I’ve come across, I’m new to embroidery and I’m finding everything I need to know in one place, keep up the fantastic work

  510. Mary
    I’ve used silk on a goodly number of pieces….love the effect. But, have never used flat silk. I think the sheen of it would greatly enhance a lot of needlework patterns that I plan to work.
    Jean Beck

  511. OHHHHHH Mary, I would use the silk with my japanese embroidery book. I have used silk floss in my crazy quilting and in my silkribbon work, but not the flat silk and I am truly drawn to the artwork of silk

  512. I am attracted to working with flat silk because the depth of the color and texture in a piece of embroidery would be noticed when the finished piece is displayed. To me, the effort put into learning a new craft method is part of what keeps crafting interesting over time.

  513. These threads look so wonderful they would be fit to be The Twelve Days Christmas Gift. They have a Royal look about them. I have always loved the look and feel of silk. It feels good to your hands, your skin. There again, the Royal look of silk.

  514. It’s the luscious gleam and variety of effects that result from how it’s used that attract me. And the colors. If I win one of these, it will definitely be time to re-visit your entries on winter hands and stitching with silk!

  515. These threads look so rich and wonderful they would be fit to make the Twelve Days of Christmas. They have a look of royalty about them that even the Queen would love. I have always loved the look and feel of silk. It feels good to your hands, your skin. There again, the Royal look of silk.

  516. The beauty, the romance and the history of silk threads! How much these little spools would be treasured by needleworkers hundreds of years ago.

    I would love to slip back in my imagination and spend some time with them while trying my hand with this beautiful gift.

    Doreen B.

  517. Silk is SILK! The lustre, the color, the shine, the “precision” — there is just NOTHING else like it!! That color range just screams “hydrangeas” to me — in some Arts & Crafts format…. How generous of all these designers/artists/editors/etc. to share stuff with us needlework junkies! Here’s hoping I get to do my hydrangeas!……..

  518. Wow! What a wonderful collection. I work primarily with silk and love the feel, the way it slips through the fabric. I’ve used Midori flat silk for a few of my pieces and can recommend the vibrancy of the colors. Hope to be lucky enough to be selected for this flat silk pack

  519. Ooooooooooooooooooo……………………..

    What attracts me is all the above and the fact that I’ve never really used silk thread of any kind before. It’s always nice to learn something new. I’ve always wanted to do a silk needle painting.

  520. All of the above is my answer! I’ve been working with all kinds of silk threads lately and this would be perfect for my stash!

  521. I love working with silk and would love to experiment with flat silk. The variations in sheen would be amazing to see. So thoughtful of you to think of including an instruction pamphlet as well!

  522. I didn’t know what flat silk was until I came here today. I would love a chance to win. I have been working a silk velvet wrap as a personal challenge to blog everyday during the month of December. I have begun an infatuation with blowsy roses and would love to use flat silk for its sheen.

  523. Thank you for opportunity to win this array of beautiful silk thread. I love the way the satin stitch just shines with the silk thread. I do allot of embroidery and crazy quilting!! The colors are beautiful!!

  524. Any embroidered article of flat silk embroidery invokes royalty. Flat silk is rich and elegant. I would deeply enjoy the challenge of embroidering with flat silk and keep the piece as an heirloom.

  525. I have been closely following your Medallion Project and absolutely loved when you put the “creme” flat silk on the background. Wow, then you added the gold vermicelli. I like to do couching. I think the flat silk would be a challenge to do as well as you, but I love a challenge. My main interest is ecclesiastical embroidery.

  526. Many years ago, I learned basic embroidery skills from my grandmother. Children and other life stressors put that hobby on the back burner.
    Now, with the children grown, I have had time to be involved in the wonderful hobby of medieval and Renaissance recreation and have been working to improve those old embroidery skills. I have been working with cotton floss, but am ready now to work with more period patterns and materials.
    I haven’t taken the step up to silk yet, but this would be a perfect opportunity to do so!

  527. Oh Mary!
    What a treat. For me, it’s the sheen and beauty of the thread. The challenge of working with it is a little scary! And after all – it’s silk!

  528. Beautiful! I’ve never had a chance to work with these threads but I have admired the fine work done by the Asian artisans with silk for many years.

  529. Luxurious silk and brilliant colors. Would love to win these threads as I’ve never worked with silk threads before.

  530. I would love to try working with flat silk. Because the silk is flat, I imagine that the sheen on the wider surface would be very reflective.

  531. I would love to win the silk! I am very attracted to the sheen, but alos-I have never heard of flat silk, but worked with other silk threads and loved it. I will keep my fingers crossed

  532. I have never worked with flat silk thread, but I have used silk thread. I love the sheen and the way that it appears to glow when light hits it in just the right direction. The blue-green threads are definitely my favorite.

  533. The colors are so soft looking and the sheen is awesome! Would love to try these beautiful threads on a project. Theresa L.

  534. The Japanese silks are so beautiful that it makes even poor stitching look good and helps me aspire to do better.

  535. Oh – already it’s the unbelievable intense and beautiful colors that can be made with silk. The spools are so pretty – thank you both!

  536. Flat Silk what a wonderful thread. It can give trouble when hands have burrs but that is easy to solve. The thread loves to be stroked into position and what lovely results. My dream is to do more in Japanese Embroidery. The ultimate is to be able to attend another class with the experts.

  537. Wonderful article on these two kinds of silk. Have worked with silk but not these. Would love to use them on pieces I’m working on.

  538. OMGolly!! How beautiful the colors!! I think as an embroiderer, we are always looking for new and exciting threads to work with. I have no clue what “japanese flat silk thread” is but would love to find out! I can just imagine how it must feel as it looks so luxurious.
    I look forward to reading more about this thread. Everyone is sure enjoying the fun of 12 days of Christmas…

  539. I love the sheen of flat silk and the challenge of working with it. To my mind it is the ultimate in embroidery threads and I adore how it looks when stitched up. I would love a few spools to play with!

  540. I love your site, and that is a great giveaway. The silk is just so elegant, the colors so brilliant.
    Thanks for sharing.

  541. I love the color and the shine of the silk. I would also love to learn to work with something new to me!

  542. I have never worked with silk. I have seen a couple of items made with it. If I win, it will be the sheer ultimate experience of working with such luxurant and fine fabric. My mind is racing with some fabulous ideas that I have gleaned from sites on the internet. I love the royal look of such delicate fabric.

  543. Ohhhh, more lovelies! The colors are gorgeous. I’ve never worked with any kind of silk floss or thread, so if I win either of the giveaways I’ll keep some of the threads and share the rest with my local EGA members :-).

  544. Can you imagine a thread so beautiful and fine that is spun by a tiny silk worm? The girls in my quilting group love to applique with silk thread for its durability and strength. I would love to use this thread in a Victorian piece of embroidery reminiscent of that time period.

    Suzanne from The Woodlands

  545. I would love to try working in any kind of silk because I think it’s so feminine and delicate. I also think it’s a way to go to the next level in our chosen art, as a student.

  546. I have never worked with silk. The word “silk” has such lovely connotations: lustrous, soft but strong, elegant, and gorgeous colors — all these make the idea of working with silk appealing. I especially loved the blues/turquoises of the second set of silks.

  547. These silk threads just look so luxurious and beautiful; I’ve never worked with flat silk threads but would love the opportunity because the colors are just so vivid, rich, and stunning. I would enjoy the challenge of working with some of these threads. To paraphrase my husband when I bring home new fabric or thread – “You saw something shiny, didn’t you?” Yep…I saw something shiny. Thanks for this chance Mary!

  548. WOW what an amazing offer…. I am attracted to the sheen, the beauty and the exquisite colors. I love embroidery designs and have a few very old patterns I think would look lovely in silk. Thanks for the chance

  549. I haven’t had the opportunity to use silks yet except for a small sampling and I love the beautiful colors and silky texture!
    Thanks 🙂

  550. The shine, beauty ,texture and the challenge of using flat silk in needle painting adds to the excitement of working on a project.

  551. I have never worked with Japanese flat silk threads before but I would love the challenge of working with these threads and adding another dimension to my embroidery skills. I love Japanese silk embroidery. The colors, shine and beauty of these threads are magnificient. Once again thank you Mary for your generosity.

  552. I have worked with silk fibres in the past and they are beautiful. Hard to go back to DMC after using silk. I would love to try these ones and already have a few project ideas should I be lucky enough to win.

  553. I have stitched with silk floss, but never the flat silk. The color and sheen are amazing. oh to do a piece of work that beautiful……

  554. The colours of the silk thread all look lovely and I can see (in my mind’s eye) a beautiful painting that can be created! The sheen and beauty of the threads is breathtaking and the article on ‘Suzhou Embroidery’ (though its Chinese) that you had posted comes to mind. I remember going to the site on Suzhou Embroidery and just gazing at the amazing pictures created and wishing I was a wizard at embroidery!
    Rose Mary from San Diego CA.

  555. You asked to tell you what attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk. Mine is mainly selfish because I love learning how to do new things in the area of embroidery and Opus Angelicanum. I have been studying the venue and just love seeing the shimmer and colors. Yeah, it’s really the colors… I just love the rainbow of happiness it gives me. So, like I said, mainly selfish.


  556. I’ve never worked with flat silk, but I LOVE the way silk thread handles, so I’d say I want/need to win because of the sheer joy of using silk. And who couldn’t love threads that come from something called “Wormspit”!!??

  557. These colors are very exciting and it would be an honor to have such a prize. The colors are so very precious, and the booklet would add so much richness to my needlework knowledge.

  558. Lucious!!!! Just exquisite thread – the sheen, the colors, and elegance of silk are like sirens of temptation! vbg
    Again, this is a fantastic giveaway, but being such a newbie I wouldn’t be ready to use such lovelies.

    I just wanted to pop in and say…WOW! They are fantastic!

    Good luck to all of you talented stitching women!!!

  559. Several years ago I completed a group needlework project using multiple kinds of silk and metal threads. I loved working with the Japanese silk because of its sheen and the beautiful ways it lays in the work. I have several geometric designs I want to work on and the Japanese silk would be perfect.

    Thank you so much for your newsletter. I have ordered several books (which I read cover to cover again and again) based on your recommendations and I love the tips and instructions. Thank you so much for all you share.

  560. OMG OMG – I ****WANT***** this one more than any of them! I’ve worked a bit with silk and I am in lust – but largely it’s too expensive for my DMC budget – I have the perfect project in mind – a stained glass interpretation….. the sheen, the softness – where can I start? Thanks Michael!!!!

  561. I used silk thread for the first time this year to hand sew buttonholes on a tailored jacket I made. I would love to try these in embroidery. It’s really lovely to use!

  562. What beautiful colors in the Japanese Silks.
    It would be a first for me to use such thread.
    Thank you for the opportunity to enter the contest. Best regards,

  563. I love the feel of silk, and the very luciousness of it! Thank you for having thing
    Give away contest, ver generous?

  564. I have never worked with silk. I love the colors. What a great giveaway! Thanks for
    the opportunity to win!

  565. These threads would allow me to really learn the art of silk embroidery. To be really good you must practice practice practice. These would make it easier to really learn with the art. I’ll keep my fingers crossedl

  566. The sheen and color! They remind me of the “silk” embroidery by my Mom and Grandmother!
    Just beeeeutiful! Thanks for the chance.

    Toni P. in Lakeview OR

  567. I love silk thread and have used it in Stumpwork. I have the opportunity in 2012 to learn Japanese embroidery, so to have these threads would be a wonderful start for this new venture.

  568. It’s just so shimmery and lovely and when done right, is a flat expands of silk that boggles.

    (posting from Disneyland) 🙂

  569. I looooove silk, all silk, and even if I don’t actually use it the fact of owning it is enough. Some time ago I bought a spool of ‘new’ silk thread without realising that it is actually flat silk, and I don’t really know how to handle it. Winning this would be doubly wonderful because I would also have the instructions for using this gorgeous stuff.

  570. Ah, silk! The truth is I love everything about silk, but what I love most of all is the natural processes that set the very creation of it in motion. No one can read the history of silk and not be beholden to the humble silk worm, who labors and sacrifices so that silk (in all its forms) is created. Learning how to embroider with flat silk would be an amazing new venture for 2012. While I’ve embroidered on silk fabric, I’ve never experienced using flat silk threads. Intriguing! Thank you for introducing some of us to yet another wonderful technique in our beloved world of embroidery.

  571. Mary, these are such lovely threads. The beautiful colors and sheen attract me greatly, but the difficulties scare me off. I have never worked with flat silks (nor spun silks for that matter), but I would LOVE to win these threads and take the plunge.

  572. I haven’t met a silk I didn’t like
    sooo I can only imagine what fun it would be
    to learn how to use a flat silk. Happy third day of Christmas maureen in tx

  573. These silk threads are absolutely luscious! I would work on a thread painting design of several different flowers. They would work up beautifully!

  574. Silk is my favorite fibre, period. Hard to believe something so strong, luxurious and beautiful can come from worm’s spit, eh? 😉

  575. I have never worked with flat silk and would love to try this new experience. The silks themselves shimmer with life and light so think they would make any project beautiful.

  576. The beauty & sheen of silk make any kind a joy to work with. But the challenge of working with a new (to me) type of silk just adds to the fun.

  577. Just beautiful! Never worked with silk before, so would love to. Something extra special planned for this. Happy New Year!
    Pam in Alabama

  578. Wow, I love anything to do with silk. I would love the challenge of learning to embroider with the flat silk. Thank you for providing the opportunity to win this wonderful product.

  579. What a beautiful collection of threads. I fell in love with silk five yrs ago when I went to China and saw such beautiful art done with silk threads. I love it all. . Candy

  580. Thank you for introducing me to the websites of Michael Cook and Julie Mar. The beauty of the flat silk is made all the more intriguing by the fascinating information about the silk worms and by the lovely designs using these fibers.

  581. Wow! This is soooo beautiful. I would not mind the collection of mostly blues (the 12 spools).
    Thank you for having this giveaway.

  582. Hi,

    Iam a beginner in to this beautiful world of embroidery. i love to try all sorts, and the beauty of silk thread attracted me most…

    rajis from threadwithme

  583. It’s nice that the pamplet on How to Use Flat Silk will be included with the thread giveaway. I’m thinking maybe a tropical type embroidery project would show the real beauty of this silk thread. I have never worked with flat silk but I hope to someday soon 🙂
    Thanks Mary for this opportunity of this awesome giveaway.
    Teres USA

  584. I would love to win the silk as I have never done any needle work with it before. I am always apreciative of the beauty of silk anything. Nothing man made can ever compare to silk.

    Robin Marks

  585. I would love to have the flat silk for thread painting floral motifs. This kind of silk is possibly the most beautiful of all the embroidery threads available, albeit a bit tricky to work with. Silk has the most unique affinity for color…and then there is the lovely sheen. Happy New Year to all!!

  586. You know, Mary, I’ve been curiously checking NnT emails these days for the novelty of your giveaways. Flat silk! You certainly have some aces up your Christmas sleeve.

    Flat silk conjures images of delicate cherry blossoms, spiny legged cranes, snow capped mountains and geishas reposing in a Japanese landscape. The uniqueness of this embroidery technique, the sheen and beauty of this rare thread and admittedly, the fact that I ‘won’ this exquisite gift attracts me to the idea of working with this silk. I’ve just added to my many other mental images, a flat silk embroidered ‘sensu’ (Japanese fan) or ‘sakura’ (ornamental cherry blossom branch) framed on my living room wall. Nothing wrong with ‘what-ifs’ if they brighten your mood, right?

  587. I would love to win these threads what attracks me to them is all of the above sheen beauy etc. I am trying right now to get my grandaughter intrested in embroidery and maybe seeing something done with these beautiful threads will entice her.

  588. These threads look beautiful. I have stitched with silk but never this
    Japanese flat silk, and it would be fun to try. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  589. The thought of silk, first says smooth and luster. With it being flat would enhance the shine of placeing it just right. Would love to experience it in my embroidery. What wonderful colors oh those lavenders are scrumptious. Thanks for all that you do. Love it

  590. I have worked with many types of silk threads but never with flat silks. The beauty of working with silk is why I love it so much but the challenge of working with flat silk intriques me and would be a fun challenge!

  591. I have never worked with flat silk but I love working with other types of silk thread. Silk is so beautiful–I just love to look at it as well.

    Thanks for another opportunity to win something great.

  592. Wow, Mary you really know how to give gorgeous gifts. A really close stitching friend of mine and I are going to Adelaide ( from Perth a 3 hour flight)in February to start our adventure with Japanese embroidery with Margaret Lee. I love working in silk, purples and aquas are quite my most favourite colours so getting one of these packs would be the icing on the cake-which i would of course share with my stitching friends.

  593. Hello Mary,
    I’ve only seen a few pieces using flat silk and was completely overjoyed! The brilliance and scintillation of the silk made the hand work much more lifelike and desirable. With that said above all that has been offered in the contest the flat silk would by far be my choice! I would love to try my hand at using the flat silk. I have admired the use of flat silk in thread painting and would consider it a great blessing! Blessings to you too Mary!

  594. I have a list of why flat silk attracts me but I will just say that Helen Stevens uses it,my sister raves about it, it is so beautiful and so on. Anyway, thanks for having a give away. Lisa from Plano

  595. Hi Mary ! I don’t normally enter your contests but I am obsessed with flat silks even though I’ve never gotten to use them. I love the look and sheen of them. I am desperate to get into Japanese embroidery for the challenge of it.

    My two dearest friends are getting to go to the Eastern States and take a class but due to being laid low with a bad back I can not go. I’m very excited for them and am so glad they include me in their preparations for attending the class.

    You’re very kind to do these give-a-ways and I am sure whoever receives the silks will treasure them.
    ~Chrissy H

  596. Hi Mary,
    The sheen and luster that the flat silk brings to a piece is enough to get excited about. I have only worked with silk once before and the thing I remember the most was the cost of the thread. These sets would be a substantial investment. The pallets on these groups are also beautiful shades.
    Thanx and Merry Christmas,

  597. Silk, silk, silk I just love it, but have never worked with flat silk. I would love to try

  598. Hi Mary,

    I have never worked with flat silk threads.I would love to try my hands on these lovely threads.


  599. I think its the lusciousness of the colours the shine makes the colours seem deeper, almost decadent. Also the fact that its a natural fibre, and comes from such an unusual source – the person who first thought of unravelling tiny silk-worm cocoons must have been thought quirky, if not downright mad, by their contemporaries – but look what a fabulous outcome they achieved.

  600. I think, for me, the colors and the sheer fact it is silk. I don’t believe I’ve ever used flat silk, but I have other types and I love the softness and sheen that it has.

    I have several cross stitch patterns that I think substituting silk threads would give them an extra special finish-such as in some of Teresa Wentzler’s pieces.

    Thank you for this opportunity and I hope you’re having a wonderful day!

  601. oooooh…. those colors are yummy. i can just feel those silks running thru my fingers right now. I just like the idea that they are silk!

    donna altieri

  602. Oh Wow. I feal like a kid. It is like walking down the big streets downtown and looking at all the fantastic toys in the window. Even if you never ever got one the dream is yours while it lasts. I have not felt like this in a long time. I am so glad you did this. I think this is the best part of my Christmas. THANK YOU. I hope you pic me for this. I want to Take the class and to do an inital in silk. My sister would just die next year when she opens it.

  603. I was referred to your site for information on making altar cloths. The silk would be wonderful especially for the communion set I’m working on. I don’t know a lot about working with silk other than to be very careful but I am more than willing to learn.

  604. What attracts me to using flat silk?

    It is something I have never done before but have read a lot about. I think the finished overall effect with that beautiful smooth and shiny touch is what really fascinates me.


  605. All the colors are so beautiful, but the first collection will fit in here beautifully. Of course I would manage to fit in the second collection beautifully as well. I have only used flat silk once at a Seminar class. Came out just fine with a lot of one to one help. The pamphlet would be a BIG plus, in lieu of the talented teachers at Seminar, which, unfortunately, are not at my disposal.

  606. The silk is beautiful to look at and I can imagine what it would look like in a design. Would love to lear to work with it.

  607. Never worked with silk threads like this before and can imagine the mauves making some very beautiful thread painted flowers perhaps.

  608. The beauty of the colors is what attracts me the most to silk. I have tried flat silk but would like to become more proficient in using it.

  609. Mary, what a special treat!
    I would love to work with it.
    It’s a pleasure to read at the blog of Michel Cook too..so 2 times thanks.

    Love from the Netherlands


  610. The reason we stitch is to create something of beauty for someone to treasure and what could possibly be more beautiful than a piece done in any kind of silk? Not just a treasure for today, it would also become an heirloom especially in the hands of a dedicated stitcher!

  611. I would love the flat silk as it is beautiful and I have never worked with it before in embroidery. I have spun silk and it was quite challenging.

  612. I have never heard of Japanese flat silk! The colours are gorgeous! I am always looking for new and challenging embroidery to learn.

  613. Mary , Have used silk thread in a few pieces I have done but the georgous colours & sheen of the flat silk is wonderful . I went to an exhibition of Japanese Embroidery & was blown away by it’s beauty.Doreen M . Australia

  614. Hi Mary, Luscious silk threads, how wonderful. I have one of ‘Helen Stevens’ silk painting patterns in mind if I win. I have several of her books as well.

    Doto of Wanneroo Western Australia

  615. it is the challenge of working with silk and the possibility of the beauty of the finished design

  616. I love silk and the sheen of silk, it never disappears no matter how old the embroidery is. Although I embroider using silk, I have never used Japanese silk and I would love to.

  617. How generous! How exciting! Silk is sooo fabulous. I love the way flat silk catches the light along its length and the fact that it spreads to fill any gaps! I share with my students so it will be a great opportunity to take sharing to the next level. Thank you.

  618. Bonjour,

    Je n’ai jamais travaillé avec ce genre de fil mais je crois que ce serait l’occasion de commencer. Les couleurs sont tellement belle. Merci pour cette offre exceptionnelle et bonne année.


  619. Chère Mary,

    vraiment c’esr de plus en plus beau ce que tu nous donne, ces fils qu’elle beautée je pense que je broderait certainement un de tes projet que j’aime beaucoup la leçon de point empiétant que je trouve très joli en sempler!Merci encore!!!

  620. The richness of the yarn & the vibrant colours are what attract me. These threads would make a beautiful embroidery.

  621. Wow Mary,

    you should have seen the glimmer in my eyes when I read the article.
    I love silk. It is beautiful and I simply love to touch it. I have not found flat silk so far here in my area around Hamburg, Germany. I would be out of my mind, if I would win this prize.


  622. Son muy hermosos! su brillo y colores atraen soñando con hermosos proyectos. Sería un reto poder trabajar con ellos. El panfleto que explica como usarlos luce atrayente y muy interesante. Me haría feliz ganarme algún giveaway! He aprendido mucho tratando de leer el contenido de las 2 direcciones que nos has dejado, mil gracias.

  623. Th colours are absolutely beautiful…that’s why I like working with silk thread. The sheen and beautiful colours.

  624. The silk is so beautiful!!! I would love to try out flat silk because I never worked with it before – would be a very nice challenge 🙂

  625. Wow, what a wonderful chance to receive this lovely silk thread, I can already see the beauty and sheen of some lovely long and short stitching.

  626. The colours are gorgeous and having never worked with flat silk would love to try a new challenge.

  627. Wow, I’ve never heard of the stuff before but it’s sooo beautiful. I think it appeals to me from the start for the “shinyness” I think it would look gorgeous on a quilt.

  628. What attracts you to the idea of working with flat silk? Is it the sheen and beauty of the thread? The challenge of working with it? The mere fact that it’s silk? Any of the above, all of the above, or other?

    I love the beauty of the silk, however I have never had the opportunity to work with this. Now that I’ve found your blog, I’d love to give it a try. I live in SW Ontario, and suppliers are limited. (yes, I’d help with shipping costs if I’m chosen). I started embroidery in grade 2 or 3 being taught by my mother.

  629. I love the sheen of silk and the vibrant way it takes up the colours.

    I have never worked with Japanese flat silk thread before. I love embroidering and wish there were enough hours in the day to keep sewing!

    thank you for the opportunity to win such amazing thread.

  630. I love Natural materials of course also silk. So far, i have never been with such silk embroidered in. But i would like to try it out. And I love the splendour of the silk and colors.

  631. Color, color, color! What attracts me to silk is the color! Of course other threads and fabrics have color too, but somehow it is more intense, more vibrant and more delicious when it is on silk – a simply magical substance.

  632. A few years ago the Japanese Orthodox Christian church gifted our bishop with an icon of the Theotokos done in flat silk embroidery. It was amazingly beautiful. Since then I have been very interested in learning more about this kind of embroidery. I would love to win this. Thanks for the giveaway!

  633. I want to do more embroidery because it is easily transportable.. I can take it to work and work on some lovely gifts This silk thread is gorgeous.

  634. It would be a delight to raise to the challenge of working embroidery worthy of such beautiful organic threads.

  635. What a fabulous giveaway! I am attracted to the flat silk because it is silk! I will use it to ply my handspun yarn, to add color and sheen.

  636. I’ve been attracted to working with flat silk since I first saw the gorgeous embroidered pieces that my parents had from when they lived in Japan. I also am an “historic embroiderer”, and am looking to re-create a couple of Opus Anglican pieces that were done in flat silk. I’ m attracted to the sheer beauty, and the challenge of working with flat silk, especially while using split stitch.

  637. The challenge of working with such beautiful threads…thinking of the humble silkworm. Could I do it justice: I`d love the opportunity to raise to the challenge.

  638. My sweet hubby just got me an embroidery book for Christmas. I am really looking forwward to trying some of the new (to me) techniques. This silk collection definitely answers my question, “Where do I get that?”

  639. I love silk threads. I also love working on challenging projects. These would fit the bill!

    Dawn C
    Southcoast, MA

  640. The sheen and beauty of the threads intrigue me. I would love to try something challenging!



  641. for me the experience of working with silk and incorporating it into some of the work that I have been doing. Very much self taught but have enjoyed learning from your website. Thank you.

  642. To me – it’s the beauty of the thread, luxury, special feeling for such an expensive item in your hand

  643. What excites me about flat silk is 1. it’s silk! 2. it’s pretty. and 3. I’ve never used it before and my crafty goal for 2012 is to try new crafty things related to sewing

  644. Japanese Embroidery got me started with flat silk. Use it flat or make cords with it. It unlike any thread ? out there. Do you call it a thread or a fiber or what???

  645. I’m relatively new to embroidery, and am so won over by the colours of those reels along with the sheen just makes them glow. What a marvellous opportunity. thankyou for even the chance of winning something so soulful! x

  646. bonjour,
    je n’ai jamais eu location de travailler la soie celle-ci étant assez chère, cependant c’est une matière dont je meurs d’envie de travailler, elle a un rendu si beau au regard et si doux au touché que j’adorai pouvoir effectuer un travail de broderie avec elle;
    mon rêve pourrait peut-être ce réaliser grâce à ce concours.
    merci pour votre site qui m’appris beaucoup et devant lequel je rêve souvent.
    bonne année


  647. It is a very generous gift indeed, and what a lovely idea to include it into the 12 days of christmas.

    What is speacial in flat silk?
    It’s the lustre, the brilliance of the colours, the incomparable shine it has. The beauty of the finished piece and the patience and time it requires working it.

  648. This silk thread is beautiful. I would like to use it for its shine and because it is silk. Anything made with this thread would be a special gift to give. I would use it for family and friend gifts throughout this year! They will feel so spoiled…..

  649. One of my goals in 2012 is to challenge myself with new sewing techniques this thread will nicely fit the bill to try my hand at some embroidery.

    Ruth in San Diego

  650. I love wormspit! I’ve raised wild silk moths and it’s been a fantastic experience. Have never used silk thread, though I’ve saved my babies’ cocoons and hope to process the silk for use some day. I won’t get one long unbroken thread from any of them, but maybe enough to do some cross stitching with!

  651. I have been hankering to try something a little bit more challenging than my typical embroidery and flat silk seems like just the thing to give me a challenge and also to expand my horizons, I would love to give this a try. Thanks for the give-aways, Mary, I love all the exciting products you are featuring!!

  652. Strands of flat silk can be used in any combination or twisted together to make a twisted thread! So beautiful and versatile!

  653. bonjour,
    je n’ai encore jamais eu l’occasion de broder avec du fil de soie, celui-ci étant trop chère.
    je meurs d’envie de pour le faire un jour. la soie est si belle à l’œil et si douce au toucher.
    Qu elle satisfaction quand le travail est terminé. peut-être me donnerez-vous l’occasion tant rêve de pouvoir la travailler
    j’aime votre site avec lequel j’ai beaucoup appris et qui me fais tant réver
    bonne année

  654. WOW! I love silk, but I haven’t used it yet in my embroidery. I would love a chance to win this amazing set. Silk, to me, is a beautiful fiber and getting a chance to work with it would make me feel slightly more professional or more confident I should say. Great giveaway!

  655. WOW! All I can say is that the twelve days of Christmas are getting better. I am partial to the blues and purple collection. As you said, those remind you of a tropical scene, and cold winters need something warm! Thanks again!

  656. Mary,
    I love the sheen and the beautiful colors of flat silk. I also like the challenge of working with it.This is really a fantastic prize. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

  657. Wow..I love experimenting with different types of threads.Flat silk is something which I have never even seen before.So it would be a pleasure to own some and stitch with one.

  658. Oh what a lovely collection of thread and generous giveaway! I think the beauty of the silk and the challenge of trying something new attracts me to the flat silk.

  659. Wow, You allways fine a way to light up a day for thousand of people who read you. I first saw Japanese silk embroidery on the internet. Beautifull colour and what I attracked me was the simplicity of the forms, and colour. Not many design, but the life that the flat silk, and other twisted silk that gives a that creation. I am still at the first session of my Japanese silk embroidery, and I love it. Working with silk needs a good care of your hands, good magnify lens, and of course the magnificient silk.
    Richard Qc.

  660. Chère Mary
    Votre générosité dépasse les frontières!
    La vue de ces fils de soie évoque la douceur, le calme et la beauté. Comme je serais heureuse de les enfiler dans mon aiguille pour réaliser un motif religieux de votre album (série 1).
    Merci. Just looking this silk is so calming and my hand would try it. Thank you.

  661. For me it is the sheen of the silk, and the way it lies against the fabric. The flat silk creates a plane of color, that hovers just the tiniest bit above the fabric. It just fascinates me. I have several of the Helen Steven’s books on flat silk embroidery, and have been planning to work a project in the near future. Both of these generous collections are just beautiful, and would certainly start me on my way.

  662. What wonderful looking thread! I would love to have the chance to try this out and see how it works! Silk can be difficult to work with so I would like to get more practice. I think it would be wonderful in seam treatments of crazy quilting and to make small Japanese embroidery type motifs.

  663. I am new to working with silk I adore it! Flat silk is what I am starting with to learn how to use silk for embroidery. Really liking ho silk it is elegant and gentle yet so very versatile & strong as medium. Love the way silk adds an extra “something special” to a project. This is a fabulous giveaway the silk choices are wonderful! Thank you for having this contest! Happy New Year!

  664. I’m interested in working with flat silk because it’s more historically accurate for some purposes, and because it gives the embroiderer great flexibility in texture based on how it’s twisted (or left untwisted). I’d love to experiment more with it. (And it’s beautiful!)

  665. i have worked with stranded silk and silk ribbon. i have enjoyed it so much. i would love to try my hand at flat silk. there is just something about working with silk fibers, nothing else compares. thank you for the chance.

  666. Gorgeous colors. I don’t usually respond but love your postings and patterns. I am all the time stitching away while working on a personal care wing in a small town in Montana. Recently I have been incorporating your satin stitch techniques into more of my embroidery work and liking the results more and more. I think it would be an adventure to try stranded silk!

  667. Working with silk can be quite a challenge. But any project worked in silk, adds its own richness what with the sheen and varied hues of colour. Would love to try it out….


  668. I hsve done Japanese Bunka embroidery and I loved the threads and the process. I have never used this type of thread (flat silk) but the lovely colors call. AWESOME!

  669. I have never used flat silk before. I have always wanted to try it, but I could never afford it. Thank you for being so generous

  670. The colors look like candy. Silk has such a wonderful texture. I have worked with flat silk on one Japanese embroidery project (yet to finish). I love the challenge of working with the flat silk and to have so many colors WOW!

  671. I like the shine to it and the vibrant colours. One of the first embroidery books I bought was on Japanese flat silk embroidery but I thought it was too advanced for me at the time. Maybe its time to get it out and give it a go now.

  672. I’ve never worked with silk threads but they are so appealing – colour, texture – everything about them.

  673. I have always loved Asian inspired threadwork. So this would be the perfect way for me to get started. Fingers crossed!

  674. Hi Mary
    I love the beautiful sheen of the silk. I have also been tempted to try different embroidery techniques due to your wonderful and informative blog. I would love to try out working with these silks


  675. Thank you for this lovely giveaway opportunity. I think the intrigue of working with flat silk is that it’s silk and it’s an interesting medium to work with. I love the way it looks on a piece after stitiching with it.

  676. The colors of this silk are fantastic! As a crazy quilter, I love trying new and different threads to my pieces. These flat silks would be the icing on the cake.

    And I just saw — are you in Kansas? I am too! I wish you were close.

  677. The loveliness of the colors call to me. I have never worked with flat silk,so do not have any experience with the challenges it brings, but I do love a challenge.

  678. I love working with silk floss and would like to combine it with the shine of flat silk in portions of some projects. I’m particularly interested in using some in a floral portion (quite small part of one long strip) of the embroidery from the Vizcaya Museum in Miami, which I worked on years ago.

  679. Wow! This would be wonderful to win! I love the sheen of silk, but don’t have the nerve to buy any and let it sit, gathering dust. Maybe this would get me past that fear of working with silk! Thanks for this opportunity!

  680. I love the richness of the colors and sheen of the silk thread and was thinking of using it on an upcoming project. Thanks for the opportunity to win some – the colors are just gorgeous!!!

  681. I have so been wanting to try flat silk! I love the feel of silk, and the color saturation, and the sheen! I also crush on Asian things in general. This giveaway made me squeal WOW!

  682. Hi Mary-
    I would love to try the techniques I’ve seen for using this flat silk. It’s one embroidery technique I have yet to do. I love the beauty and sophistication in the pieces I’ve seen using flat silk.

    Thank you!

  683. Mary, thank you for hosting the wonderful 12 days of Christmas!
    I’ve never used silk thread, but I am attracted to it’s sheen, and would definitely love to try some on my CQJP 2012 Challenge! My theme is Christmas, so I can use all the sparkle and shine I can get. The silk threads would be beautiful on my project! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  684. Hi Mary, the colours are quite pretty, but as to your question “What attracts you to the idea of working with flat silk?” I think it is just the idea of working with a new type of thread.

    Marian (NZ)

  685. I love the delicate color of the silk threads. I have never worked with the flat silk and would love to try it!

  686. Flat silk is the best. Love the sheen and finished look. Yes it is a challenge if our hands have burrs. Silk loves to be stroked and lays so beautifully. Now to get our hands in condition!

  687. One of he biggest reasons I enjoy embroidery so much is because of all of the beautiful colors to choose from. I’ve always wanted to try flat silk…I love how it shimmers and shines and it has a really unique look.

  688. Intrigued by the laid stitch possibilities. I have not worked with flat silks, having mostly done cotton and woolen work. Would be an interesting new area to explore, both traditional forms and applying it in new ways to take advantage of the sheen and intense colors. So my answer would be “all of the above – sheen, color, and challenge.” Thanks for the opportunity! – Kim

  689. The sheen of the silks is a draw. I especially love the blues and green. I worry about working them with the chapped finger ends of winter and wonder if it catches easily on those minute cracks and hangnails that develop so quickly. Guess I’m a practical woman. Thanks, Sue

  690. The colors are extraordinary! I have never worked with Japanese silk before, but it would be a wonderful project for the new year.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  691. Thanks for day 3 – beautiful Japanese silk! I have wanted to do this type of embroidery for a very long time. I once saw an expert doing it and the piece was stunning. She did it with relative ease, too, which amazed me. I saw that it just looked that way because she never let that silk get it’s own way, if you know what I mean. I like the tradition of it and that’s why I’d like to try it…not to mention that getting a stash of this thread would make my mouth water, so to speak.

  692. I love the colour and sheen …….. Only if I could win these ….
    thanks for the awesome giveaways

  693. I’ve never used flat silk, but love silk in all its different varieties. The colours look lovely and the shine feels so luxurious. I’d love a chance to win it.

  694. I would love to work with flat silk just because it is silk! Also, I am in love with sashiko and japanese embroidery and would love to make some of my own.

  695. Above all ,I like the delicat color of the silk threads;The embroidery with this threads is prettier

  696. Those colors are all so beautiful! I love working with silk- the colors are always rich and dense and as you said, the sheen is amazing. It looks beautiful sewing on light or dark grounds! I’d love to experiment with some traditional Japanese embroidery. I’ve only used flat silk once before and it’s true that it can be a challenge!

  697. I love the look of Japanese silk in needlework, and would welcome the book with help on using Japanese silk.

  698. I have crocheted with flat silk thread before, and the result was beautiful. This article has made me long to work with it again, and numerous ideas are whirling in my head.

  699. I was drawn to the beautiful purple hues and the sheen of the silk. Currently working on some new projects and these would be a wonderful addition. Thank you for sharing 🙂

  700. As my family will tell you, I am a japanophile. I love anything Japanese. I have a collection of antique japanese dolls (warriors and Geishas). I would love to have the shiny Japanese thread and I would use it to embroider a Oriental design

  701. I am in the middle of my very first project. I work with cotton thread and would love to try silk. I think it is the sheen that makes it so attractive to me.

  702. Mary
    Another wonderful giveaway. I haven’t used flat silk before it would be interesting
    to try, these colours are so beautiful.

  703. My absolute favourite thread is silk, but I’ve never tried Japanese silk, although it looks even more beautiful than normal silk. How can anyone not be attracted to silk! Silk is to cotton as oils are to acrylics—more vibrant, more present, more beautiful.

  704. I would love to win these silks. I really would like to try my hand at flat silk thread because the sheen is so glorious. Not only that, the colors are simply breathtaking! Flat silk thread would be an amazing addition to my stitching repertoire.

  705. The colors draw me to the silks – but that is true of any embroidery threads, whether they be cotton, linen or silk.

  706. Hi Mary, I read your articles every day and this is something you use alot I would love to be able to try it out and see what a novice would be able to do.

    Thank you.

  707. Hi Mary, this is Lisette from Oregon:) My heart jumped in my chest when I saw this giveaway! Today I added another bird to my crazy quilt using silk threads. I was using a laying tool to smooth out the threads, and I thought “I wonder what it would be like to use flat silk”? I love everything about silk, even if it is quarrelsome at times! I would love to try my hand at flat silk work and oh boy would I love either of these collections! No matter who wins them, what a wonderful and kind giveaway!

  708. Hello Mary,

    I love the shine of the Japanese silk – I have tried once to work with it, but didn’t have a lot of luck! Perhaps if I had the incentive of a large amount of silk, together with the instruction leaflet, it might improve my technique!
    Penny JB

  709. Wow! What gorgeous colors!
    I like stitching with silk just because it is silk. It has a beautiful sheen, it glides through the fabrics, it’s just very beautiful amazing stuff all the way around!

  710. OMG the colors!!!! They are absolutely gorgeous and I would love to have a chance to work with them. I have used silk thread in quilting, but have never tried silk embroidery threads. Thank you for your wonderful giveaways! Merry Christmas to you!!!!

  711. The brillant colors are amazing. I’m a newcomer to embroidery and haven’t ventured yet to such lavish threads. I’d be delighted to work with the silk. What a birthday present it would be. Yes, the third day if Christmas is also my birthday.

  712. What beautiful silk thread! I’ve only worked with cotton so far, but I would love the opportunity to work with such lovely thread.

  713. This would have to me my favourite giveaway so far. After a recent trip to England. I made a trek to Whitchurch to see a silk embroidery exhibition, it was just wonderful it inspired me to have a go at Japanese Embroidery, it looks so shiny and just stunningly beautiful. I have never seen the threads or used them before so this would be a great starter for me. PS just love your newsletters each day.

  714. I have used regular thread for embroidery, but would love the opportunity to use the breathtaking silks you pictured. Both the hues and the sheen are so appealing. Good luck to all!

  715. OOOh definately “all of the above” – absolutely *nothing* looks like silk, and I’m fascinated by the effects of light on differently laid threads.
    Thank you for a very generous christmas season!

  716. Dear Mary
    There is certainly the “challemge” working with flat silk which I am not too sure I am up to. I would not be entering this without the offer of these very special threads which even in the pictures have a unique glow even compared with other silks. I just the sheer beauty of silk, it has a matchless sheen. After buying the laying tool I would use the pamphlet as my guide to this world. Then I would love to do a single 5-petal flower on a stalk with leaves. If successful other purple or blue flowers would join this lonely flower. Thank you for this glorious offer to a work I never thought that I would have the opportunity.

  717. Hi Mary
    I just love the rich look of silk embroidery and would love the chance to try it. Thank you for the opportunity.

  718. I love silk any kind of silk. It is wonderful strong stuff no matter what you are using it for. There are so many colors to choose from and it feels so nice. I just can not say enough about silk. I have never used the flat silk and would love to try it.

  719. I love the colours and richness… I haven’t worked with silk before (!!!) and would love to experiment. Thanks!
    micheletimms at gmail dot com

  720. I love the sheen of flat silk. It feels so smooth and seems to make embroidered designs flow and shimmer. I also like its versatillity. Not only can it be used as is, but it can also be twisted in to numerous different thicknesses.

  721. Mary, I absolutely love finding your blog, all the tutorials, and the beautiful art you create! I am mostly a self-taught artist both in fine art, sewing and design, and all needlework. To be introduced to a new medium, which the Japanese Flat Silk is to an artist, I am bonkers! As I am almost to retirement age, all family off to other places, and living alone, I have discovered it is time for me to explore God’s gifts in me. Exploring with Japanese Flat Silk is a “OMG” moment, and I certainly hope to win. Even if I do not, I have learned.

  722. I love to experiment with threads on crazy quilt blocks and this is a thread I have not heard of.

    My brother brought me back a beautiful silk embroidery from China along with the picture of the lady who stitched it and I thought I would like to try something like it in silk threads some day.

  723. I would love to use this silk for my “Souvenir de ma vie or Pronkrol”. This is a role that patches of 30 cm x 30 cm contains various embroidery styles and embroidery techniques such as cross stitch, Blackwork, Bargello, Quaker, Berlin Wool, pattern darning, etc.
    It seems a very nice piece embroidered with silk thread to make.

  724. I have never worked with flat silk before and i know it would be a challenge. It would certainly liven up the little birds that i love so much and like to embroider ! Thanks for such an opportunity.

  725. Oh, such rich looking colors.
    Have never, ever worked with silk thread but sure would love to give it a try. I bet that would be pretty on homemade cards.
    Thank U 4 this opportunity

  726. I have only sewn with silk once but loved the feel of it going in and out of the fabric. I would love to use this on my crazy quilt that I am starting in January as my embellishment embroidery. thanks for a sweet opportunity to win.

  727. The colors and sheen are gorgeous. So many good ideas in the comments. I love to see how the creative mind works. Anyway, I would LOVE to have these.

  728. The beauty & sheen attracts me to the flat silk. I have already dreamed up a project to use the thread if I should win your contest…so I’m hoping.

  729. I would love to win it as a gift for my mom. She is getting into embroidery and is starting a business with machine embroidery also. Her and I would like to work on embroidered art quilts as a team both hand and machine stitched. Thank you for the opportunity

  730. The beauty of the thread makes me want to learn how to use it. Thank you for showing these and how to use them. Your blog definitely widens my sewing experience. I look forward to your postings. Thanks again.

  731. I have several pieces of Japanese and Chinese embroidery and would like to try working with the flat silk in a contemporary style. The luster and sheen appeals to me as does the challenge of using a flat thread to cover larger areas.
    L Peters Dallas fiberartist

  732. I think my favorite thing about working with silk is the intesity of the colors. Even the palest and most subtle colors seem clearer in silk than they do in other forms of fiber.

  733. I have not worked with silk flat thread but just seeing the pictures it is beautiful but I am sure it would be a challenging task but worth the trip.

  734. Would love the chance to work with these beautiful silks. The colours are amazing…have tomake sure my hands are smooth before I start though. Thanks for the opportunity.

  735. This is beautiful silk. I would love to use this silk. I have embroidered with silk ribbon before, and would love to try this silk thread for crazy quilt blocks. Thank you for this opportunity.

    Cheryl in San Diego

  736. Oh my!!! How beautiful. I have never used silk thread but I am always admired it. I would love to try. The applications it could be used in are limitless. My mind is already spinning with the ways!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for offering this wonderful giveaway!!!!


  737. Oh the colors, oh the shine! I have never tried
    Japanese embroidery, but have a book on the technique
    and surely would start a project if I were to win
    one of these thread packages.

  738. I am a silkophile and am drawn to its luscious threads like a magpie to glistening gems. Such opulence!.

  739. I recently started using this type of thread…it is an absolutely amazing look. Here’s hoping I win so I can add some more colors to my art studio.
    Gil C.

  740. Dear Mary, Another gorgeous offering! Thank you! Even if my name is not chosen, I enjoy looking at the gifts and dreaming about using them. I am entering for the flat silks mostly for the sheer beauty of them. The colors, the sheen, the fact that they are silk, because, honestly, nothing else really looks like silk. Now, back to dreaming about what I could embroider with them…

    Barbara B in Ellettsville, IN

  741. The colors of the thread—-they just draw you to it. Even on the spools you just want to look and enjoy. Such wonderful gifts,

  742. I have only stitched with silk a little bit. I don’t know that I would even use these beautiful silks right away, but would enjoy taking them out often and looking at them. Until you take the first stitch, you can cling to the fantasy that whatever you stitch will be extraordinary!

  743. I have never used silk for embroidery, but would love to learn to use. Mary, you are so thougthful. Thank you and Happy New Year

  744. Oh my! What a gorgeous collection of threads! The vibrant, rich colors and the beautiful luster are what attract me to them. What a joy they would be to work with. I’m also attracted by the fact that there is an instructional pamphlet as I am somewhat novice stitcher.

  745. I love stitching with silk, especially Soie de Paris. I have never used flat silk or tried Japanese embroidery and would love to learn. Your pictures make the spools of silk look like jewels!

  746. AHHH silk. It does a body good. I could only imagine what it would be like to work with. I love working with silk ribbon I am sure working with silk thread would be a challenge well worth taking.

  747. I have never worked with silk. I would like to try this beautiful thread to see what it is like working with it. It is to expensive to buy and i wouldn’t be able to afford it just to try it out. I would answer “all of the above” in your questions.

    Thank you,
    Maxine Miller

  748. The lusciousness of silk is soooo inviting, though working with silk will be a challenge in itself, I’m sure. Thanks for the giveaway.
    Karen Rosario.

  749. These are so beautiful! I’ve never worked with silk before but, I love the way it looks & would love the opportunity to create something with these.

  750. These silks are exquisite and I would love to learn more about how to use them.
    Thank you.

  751. Silk is the ultimate thread for stitching…its feel, sheen, and vibrant colours.

    I have not purchased much silk thread. I have used a bit of silk floss and like it very much. It would be challenging and fun to learn to work with flat silk. Love looking at old embroideries where the stitcher has combined silk thread and gold work.

    Marion B.

  752. Hi Mary! Silk thread feels so good, but is hard to work with. My biggest challenge is not snagging it on my hands. Just when I think I have smooth hands, the silk finds another dry spot to snag on! I am doing a wedding dress band and flowered pins for the bridesmaids, and want to use silk. This would be perfect!

  753. I love working with silk. Being able to create something extraordinary is why I became a Crochet Artist/Crafter.

  754. I love the beautiful colors and sheen. Never used this kind of silk, would love to try it!

  755. I love to work with silk because of the shimmer and sheen in the final product. And it came from a worm, imagine that!!

  756. There are so many “best things” regarding flat silk. It is “to die for gorgeous” and when it is successfully laid on the fabric, it shines. In addition, which I love the most is that it will change with changes of light upon it: always a beautiful surprise.


  757. These silk threads are so luscious to look at.The colors are spectacular. I would love to feel them in my hand and needle. I have a Japanese stitched piece in silk threads and just totally admire the work in it. Would be fun and challenging to try it myself

  758. I think I would like to work with flat silk just to try something new. Since I’ve been embroidering, I’ve been doing crewel kits, so I’ve only worked with wool. I love the crewel stuff, but I would like to do some religious based embroidery at some point, and of course I’ll be wanting to use silk and gold then.

  759. I have never tried these threads and would love to have the opportunity to. They seem like they would have a nice sheen to them and add wonderful texture to my stitching. I think it would be hard to find these locally so hope I get a chance to try them.

  760. The shades of the Flat Silk are gorgeous… the sheen is amazing almost makes you just want to frame the spools. I’d like to take a try at working with flat silk for the challenge of doing something new with my embroidery. The purples, gold and greens in the first batch would make beautiful Petunia’s and the second batch remind me of the beach and strawberries.

  761. All for me! The beauty and the sheen of these threads which give the finished pattern a unique look. The challenge to manage and best-use this fine and delicate medium. It is not just silk! It has a special significance in my culture: Handwoven handmade wedding dresses :). Traditionally, women used strands of silk to make wristbands for their brothers. The strands symbolized purity, strength, the good wishes of a sister, and the promise of a brother to be always there for her.

  762. I would love to try silk thread. The colors are so vivid and shiny. I’m thinking it would work up so much better than some of the same old embroidery threads. Thanks for sharing the prizes.

  763. I have never worked with silk embroidery thread. I would love to try it out and this would be a way to do that. I love the look of silk fabric and I think doing silk embroidery on a piece of silk fabric would be very interesting to say the least.

  764. The beauty of silk thread! What fun it would be to stitch with some! The rich colors and sheen are so appealing. I’ve never worked with it myself but I would love to try! Thanks!

  765. I would love to win one of the beautiful flat silk collections and try using them on a
    Japanese design.

  766. These silks look just awesome, beautiful colours and sheen. I have used silk in some jewellery projects and they look fantastic.
    I would love to win them!

  767. I’ve never worked with silks at all and watching you work on your medallion makes me want to start a project using flat silks. The beauty of colors in silk always seems so much brighter and dynamic.

  768. I got so excited about this one, I have never used Japanese flat silk but I have used silks I bought from my local needlepoint shop. They have a wonderful selection but nothing like this. These colors are stunning. I think these would be on display for a little while in my needleroom Definitely a special project from one of your designs. I have found that my hands must be well moisturized so I don’t snag the silk. Otherwise, it the most beautiful medium. Thank you to Michael and Julie for this opportunity!

  769. I have never seen such beautiful colors. I am working with silk now and I love the feel of it. I’m making needle books and biscornu. I’d love to be able to try this flat silk. I have made countless large pieces for my house and to share with others. Now I’m concentrating on smaller pieces to give to younger folks. All the best to you in the new year!

    Karen from Minnesota

  770. I have great plans for these beautiful threads. I have just gotten my grandmothers lace and would love to combine them with these threads. Thanks for the chance to win.

  771. As far as I know, I’ve read everything you’ve written about working with silk and the different sorts. I love the feel and look of threads. For example, I’ve acquired what Paterna wool I can.

    I haven’t had the opportunity to work with silk. Flat silk looks beautiful. You’ve talked about the challenges but I think I could work with it. So it would be partly the challenge, partly the fact that it is silk.

    The generous amount of silk would give any lucky winner enough silk to experiement, to play and to produce something beautiful.

  772. I have been wating to embroider with flat silk for a while. I seem to be doing only handwork lately and I just think it would feel so nice in my hand and look so shiney and colorful. It will never be in my budget so hopefully I can win some. how fun. I have learned so much from your blog. thank you.
    Anna Hanks

  773. I love, love, love working in silk. Flat silk gives the most beautiful sheen. Sure it’s a bit tricky to work, but if you persist the results are beyond fabulous. I have never tried Japanese flat silk. I would so love to give it a try.

  774. Oh Mary, thank you thank you thank you for including these glorious silks in your giveaway!! I’m currently planning embroidery projects for the 10th aniversary exhibition of the Creative Textile Group I belong to. The theme is ‘Bright Brave Beautiful’, so what could be better than these wonderful colours?! I love working with silk, but haven’t used flat silk before – the lovely sheen is the main attraction, and I find the challenge quite compelling as well! All my fingers are crossed…. 🙂

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, and enjoy your New Year – it’s forecast to be 41C here in Shepparton, Australia!!

  775. Beautiful silk colors! I love the feel of silk, the sheen of silk and the way it looks once an embroidery project is completed. The first time I saw real silk embroidery was after having married my husband and moving to Japan. We saw silk embroidered kimonos and they were lovely. I then did an Internet search of how to do silk embroidery and found that there is a school in the U.S. that teaches how to do the traditional style of silk embroidery. I later found a book on Japanese embroidery and later actually found a store in Kyoto that sold some silk thread. My thread is much different than the thread that you show above. Thank you for the opportunity to win this unique thread. Happy New Year to you also.

  776. Es un verdadero reto , trabajar con esta seda plana japonesa, quisiera poder iniciarme en esta grandiosa labor, se que no sera nada fácil, pero prometo esmerarme al máximo
    Gracias gracias por todo
    Magdalena Monroy

  777. The sheen of silk is unmatched. The colors are unbelievably beautiful. I am inspired to try this–but I will need the booklet!!

  778. I think the shine and the colors are so beautiful. I would love to work with silk. Thanks for doing this.

  779. I’ve just started branching out with my stitching, and I’m excited to try such a gorgeous, shimmery material as silk. The colors are also among my favorites–jewel tones. I feel I ought to learn more about Japanese embroidery, so I’ve got my eye on a book at Amazon so I can do the technique justice if I win. My birthday is in January, so I’ll have to leave my husband some strong hints!

  780. I have never used silk embroidery thread and would love to try it. My granddaughter is part Japanese and I am sure we could find a lovely pattern to do together.

  781. Dear Mary,

    Ulrike Voelker’s book of beautiful butterfly patterns in bobbin lace and her use of flat silk for them is what completely sold me on flat silk. I’m sorry to say I’d avoided it for years because I thought it would be too difficult to handle. Now that I’ve learned to stroke it, I’m friends with flat silk and would like to try traditional Japanese embroidery next. It’s the sort of living inner light that flat silk gives off that draws me to it. Cheers, Shirley.

  782. I am definitly a color type of girl. I love shiny,metallic,glittery,bright colored everything. I am currently working on an embroidery project that these would be perfect for. I have never worked with silk before but I bet its just fantastic. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy New Year.

  783. I’m intrigued with trying flat Japanese Silks because I have enjoyed working with other types of Japanese threads, but never this type.
    Working with silk of any type is a special experience, as I’m sure this would be.

  784. hello,
    I like silk threads more, because the work with silk thread is really hard and slow. But the result of this hard work gives a great finishing, originality and satisfaction.

  785. I just loved to work with silk (a Helen Stevenson kit – not finished yet…:( ) I never saw Japonese silks alive but for long I follow coral-seas exquisite works on Threads Across the Web and love her works!

  786. I love working with silk. The luster is outstanding. I liked working with flat silk very much. I had a chance to work with some flat silk in an EGA workshop and found it to be a challenge but the results were well worth the effort. I would like to do some additional work with this fiber. What a joy it would be to add either of these collections to my stash.

  787. Oh, What a wonderful Giveaway. I would love to win these beautiful silks. It’s my daughters wedding in 2013 and those beautiful purples and mauves are her favourite colours. I would make her a sampler and cushion in those colours. She has asked for butterflies and hearts in the design. These would be perfect for such an occasion. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
    Happy New Year and Happy Stitching.

  788. Silk, what is there not to love about any of it? I would love to try it out. Trying new things keeps us open to many new adventures, which I just love.
    The colors are gorgeous, I wouldn’t care which set I got, they are just beautiful. And to have an instruction guide, how thoughtful!
    Thank you for a chance in this great give away!
    Judy Starkey

  789. Hi Mary,
    I think what I find most wonderful and attractive about silk is it’s look & feeling of utter splendour. Thee is simply nothing else like it!

  790. Oh my! Silk! Nothing else looks like it. And, more importantly for me, nothing else feels like it.

    I admit, I’m a bit intimidated by the challenge of flat silk. But the work I’ve seen done in it is so beautiful I can’t help but be inspired to overcome my fear.

  791. I have used TESS silks for designs by Helen Stevens, and have been yearning to try out Japanese silk but could never justify the cost. I would just love to win this so that I could try this silk for one of her larger designs without feeling guilty!

  792. I have never tried working with Flat Silk, but I was watching and chatting to one of the Japanese Embroidery ladies at the knitting and stitching show this year, and was seduced by its beauty. I’ve always been a bit frightened of it to be honest, but if I won the give away, I would have to rise to the challenge.

    And a small Japanese piece in flat silk would make such a nice addition to my framed sampler (a collection of embroideries done in different techniques but co-ordinating designs and colours, each framed individually and arranged on the same patch of wall) for my new house!

  793. The sheen of silk can’t be beaten by anything! The luxurious feel of silk is also special. I have never worked with flat silk but would love to try and of course would need the instruction guide

  794. I have never worked with silk and would love to get the chance to try! I love the rich colors and I am sure working with it is wonderful.

  795. I think it’s the inherent beauty of the silk that is the main draw to these threads. they are beautiful! thank you! ~Amanda

  796. I would love this because I love crafting and I love Japanese culture!! I have never tried to work with silk thread before, but I would loge to take the time to learn how. I absolutely love the shiny look and bright colors!! I think I would try to make a wall hanging as my first project.

  797. I’ve never heard of flat Japanese SIlk, it is the same as regular silk threads? I am certainly attracted to the beautiful sheen of the silk, and love working with it. When it is used in embroidery it adds so much richness to a project.

  798. I have never worked with silk before but I love the colours and the sheen. I imagine it would be a challenge and there’s nothing mire I like than a challenge! I would love to do something speacial for my daughter for her wedding day.

  799. What a beautiful collection! I love the sheen. It’s almost like a smooth paint when your canvas.

  800. The colors are amazing. The sheen adds so much to the stitched piece. I have used all threads in crazy quilting for texture and interest. Silks definitely stand out.

  801. I love working with silk–I’ve done a lot of work with soie d’alger, gobelins, perlees and soie d’paris, but have never worked with flat silk. I’d love to try it! The colors are gorgeous and there’s nothing like the sheen of SILK!

  802. Oh – I did a large number of temari balls this winter for gifts, and my favorite ones were done with silk. I wuld love to play with the amazing range of colours shown here.

  803. Silk just sounds so deliciously forbidden to me. It sounds difficult, yet sophisticated and exotic. I guess that’s why I’m so attracted to it.

  804. Ooh! Ooh! I love these colours (pardon my drool)! I love using silk threads but have never tried Japanese flat silk. The “how to” booklet is a real winner in this deal.
    Pick me Please!!!
    Thanks for the generous opportunities you are offering! Love your site.
    barb aka omashee

  805. My first foray into silk embroidery threads was when I was part of a team designing a wedding canopy. Inspired by an Audabon painting of a pair of doves, I developed a project which was WAY beyond my skill level at the time. However, it was the beginning of a love of the subtleties of color and detail possible using fine silk threads. When I was organizing my embroidery corner last week, I found the inception of the project, begun with enthusiasm for the wonderful threads available but what I now realize was a lack of unity in the planning of the materials. I would use these threads to develop my fledgling skills in needlepainting, and plan to complete my Doves eventually!

  806. Eventhough I have not concidered doing Japanese Embroidery I can think of several uses for flat silk. The sheen and the play on the light would definitely be fun to experiment with on maybe a fabric motif, such as representing a flowing skirt or the florals seen on Micheal’s web site. The threads make the piece very elegant just like the amazingly beautiful artwork of Japan

  807. SILK ! It is so shiny and soft! It adds something special to your project.
    Ren. Mondragon Taos New Mexico

  808. Have never had the pleasure of making it’s aquaintence. (giggle) But oh those colors have me drooling…. Like the added in book gift so you know what your doing. sigh…

  809. I’m plotting my embroidery projects for next Christmas…would love to try the flat silk because it looks like, from your pictures, that it would be shiny!
    Happy holidays!

  810. I have yet to use silk, but I really want to so I can make some yubinuki. It would be even better to try with Japanese silk so they’d be authentic.

  811. I would love to try working with these threads because they look beautiful. I love the colours and the sheen.

  812. I love the ease of cotton and wool embroidery but I want the challenge of trying my hand at silk embroidery. A lot of my Chinese relatives have silk embroidery work hanging up in their homes and I’d love to try my hand at it.

  813. What beautiful silk! The colors are exquisite! I looked at the first picture and thought how much I liked them and then I saw the second set – they’re both so beautiful!

    I don’t know that I’ve worked with flat silk before, but I have worked with others. What attracts me to the silk is the sheen/lustre of them that makes it so wonderful in your work and also how wonderful it feels to work with it.

    Thanks for offering these prizes to some lucky person!

  814. While looking at the pictures of the spools of silk I found myself oohing and awing over the colors and the sheen. I have never worked with silk but I’ll bet it’s beautiful when done.


  815. I love silk and have never tried to work with flat silk so would love the opportunity to do so if I won this beautiful silks.

  816. Silk and curiosity. While I am familiar with silk embroidery, flat silk is something new to me.

  817. Having never tried it before what attracts me to it is beauty, shine and color, curiosity and challenge.

  818. What attracts me to the idea of working with flat silk? All of the above. And the colors are gorgeous.

    Kathy Pennington
    Diggins, MO

  819. I have gone thru the list of names 5 times this morning and don’t see me here, and would really love a chance to win these beautiful silks.
    everything about silk appeals to me, the colors, luster, beauty, I use silk thread for applique, but would love the opportunity to learn about flat silk thank you for the chance
    Kathy in Missouri

  820. These colors are wonderful and I love all thigs Asian and things that shine. This would be so fun to work with.


  821. To me there is nothing more beautiful than silk. I have tried silk once, in a small, very small design. And would like to use it once again, but, unfortunately I am unable to get any embroidery silk. I love the colors for both giveaways.

  822. I’ve never, ever used flat silk–in fact, I only heard of it a few months ago when friend hooked me up with this website. But it looks SO COOL, and I’d love to learn how to do it! I’m more a purple person, but would be hard-pressed to chose between the giveaway groups.

    I can say I would use the threads to embroider something for my husband. We are in a historical re-enactment group, and I would love to use these threads to make him something from the period he studies.

  823. Hi Mary,
    I took a seminar course at the EAC Seminar in May2011 from Judy Jeroy on traditional Japanese Embroidery. We used the flat silks and I thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Bonnie B N.B.Canada

  824. The beauty of silk is what draws me in. The color and sheen is quite beautiful and would look beautiful on a piece.

  825. I have never actually used silks before, so this would be a challenge which i enjoy! These are so pretty to look at and to touch i imagine, i think i would really enjoy trying to use these on a project!


  826. I am a fibreholic and use a variety of threads in my work. I’ve never used flat silk but would love to incorporate into my repertoire.

  827. I’d like to win this giveaway because I love flat silk. It would be a welcome addition to my growing silk collection. The attraction for me is undoubtably the sheen and sheer beauty of these threads.

  828. I used to love using silk from my grandma’s fabric store to do details. I thought it was so awesome when I made silk buttonholes! I just like using silk. It makes it a bit nicer.

  829. I am a beginner of Japanese silk embroidery, transferring my surface skills into this new technique. Having a set of these silk threads would certainly give me a boost up of the stash acquisition of materials for said technique. Thanks for your always educational and entertaining newsletter, and happy new year.

  830. One of the things that I like about this silk is the intense colors. I have not worked with flat silk but I can picture some beautiful flowers made with it.

  831. I have never worked with flat silk but like stitching with silk threads. I like the feel of silk threads and the look of the silk thread.

  832. I have never worked with flat silk, but I think silk embroidery is so beautiful. I regret not learning Japanese embroidery or buying some silk while I was in Japan.

  833. I love working with silk floss. I love the feel and the shine. I have a feeling that I might not be the person who has the patience for flat sik, but would like to give it a try. Then again I know someone who would love to have it if I won.

  834. I have never worked with flat silk, but love other silk threads, my favorite being Silk Buttonhole Twist. The lustre of silk cannot be matched, and it is so soft and lovely to work with. What a wonderful giveaway- thank you for the chance!!

  835. I have never worked with flat silk before and am intrigued by it. I have used silk floss and silk ribbon, but not flat silk. It’s very nice of you to include the booklet on how to use it too.

    Nothing compares to the sheen of real silk. Plus, it’s a great excuse to get a manicure. This is one fiber you need smooth hands when using. 😉


  836. How generous these people are. Panic attack. Which lot of flat silks do I want to win? Both are a treasure trove. I have not used silk threads but have been wanting
    to. And just in time for needle painting! I’ll put in for the first lot & hope.

  837. What draws me to the silk thread is mainly the sheen and beauty. I can imagine a beautiful border around the sweetheart neckline of a dress. It’ s a good thing that a “how to” booklet is included because I have never worked with flat silk before. So I’m drawn to it out of curiosity as well.

    Thank you!

  838. there is no other material like Silk threads.. they might be difficult at times to work with.. but nothing else gives the shine and classic everylasting look to your embroidery like silk threads.. the best part is that no matter which 2 colors you use.. somehow they end up mixing up well when its a silk thread.. they dont look mis-matched.. they also give very true natural look to ones work..

  839. Hello,

    I think what really attracts me the idea of ​​working with silk, as well as any other material of crafts, is the freedom that everyone has to create their own pieces. Obviously, the more beautiful the yarn, the greater the challenge, we are more delighted with the results.

  840. Let’s say all of the above. Love it! Love it! Love it! Gorgeous doesn’t begin to describe this beautiful thread. I’m almost in a frenzie just looking at it.

  841. Sorry Mary ,I take the liberty to write an other comment,after to much information to the japanese flat embroidery silk, this silk which has Brighter,luster,required Patience and practice and I like to work this technique. Thank Mary

  842. Hi Mary!

    I would LOVE to win this collection. In all the embroidery and needlework I’ve done over the past 40 years, I have never once worked with flat silk. In fact, until last year, I never knew about it! I still haven’t gotten around to ordering some, so, I’d love to win this collection and be able to design something wonderful to embroider with it. Thanks!

    Mary Martin
    Houston, TX

  843. Working with silks are perhaps my favorite thread to work with. I love the sheen and how light plays of the thread. It is so elegant and lots of fun to work with
    Beryl B

  844. beautiful. just learning to sew and wld love to try these. thanks for the chance to win. anna

  845. I love the sheen of the silk threads. I have never used this kind and am intrigued by it. I imagine the flatness makes it even more beautiful!

  846. I went to a huge craft show in Ohio just before Christmas. There was a wonderful display of Chinese Embroidery with a woman from China who was working with flat silk. Mary…people stopped because they thought the huge display on the wall was oil paintings! Imagine their amazement to find it was done with needle and silk threads. Stunning. I wouldn’t begin to do anything of such magnitude, but to learn using these find threads would be great. Brenda Day, Wilmington, Ohio

  847. I would to have have the opportunity to try this silk thread. It would be fun to learn a new technique!

  848. These look amazing. I would treasure working with any of them because it is pure silk. Silk is the most amazing natural product to wear or to work with and it is incredibly strong if treated with respect. There is a wonderful side effect – it will encourage me to look after my ageing hands – neglected nails and rough skin just wouldn’t pay appropriate respect to this most venerable material!
    Lynne Humphrey St Albans UK

  849. Awww! I would love to try this. I think it is because it is so shiny and lush. Love the colours too!


  850. What draws me to these silk threads is the lustre and the fact they are silk and they just look gorgeous.
    I am hoping to join a class sometime in the new year to learn to stitch with these beautiful threads. I would be so excited to receive either of these collections to start my collection.

  851. Oh, the pure luxury of working with such fine materials in such beautiful colors is such an exciting prospect! The first lot of colors reminded me so of a Scottish Thistle with all of its purples, golds and gray-greens.

    Thanks to you and your contributors for this giveaway!

  852. The colors of silk are so gorgeous. Anytime I stitch with silk I wonder why I still use cotton so ofter. Silk feels so good and your work with the flat silk provides the incentive to try it.

  853. I use silk for applique, but have never used it for embroidery. I love working with silk, love the feel of it, the sheen, the color saturation, and the softness of it. So, I’d love to try using it for embroidery.

  854. Silk is beautiful, adds shine and elegance and richness. It’s also challenging, and I’m always interested in learning something new!

  855. I love silk. I love working with it – when I get the chance, I love look and sheen of it, I love the feel of it, and I even love the smell of it. You might not be able to smell it in thread form but you sure can when it is woven into fabric.
    I’ve never gotten the chance to even see flat silk but I am guessing that I will fall in love with it as well.
    Karen in western NC

  856. Wow! The colors on this silk is beautiful! I can just see some of it matching some recent fabric purchases I made, and wouldn’t it look lovely on a handbag? Silk has always fascinated me and I think the challenge of working it makes it all the more satisfying when it’s done. But it definitely has t be the color that really gets me. It’s always beautiful rich colors and it makes little ol me feel ever so posh to toting around silk!

  857. I’ve never worked with silk thread. Part of the reason is that I think it’s so fragile. So definitely, what attracts me would be the challenge. Of course, it looks beautiful too!

  858. ohhhhhhhhhh how pretty is this ? I am drawn in by the colors of course first, but havent tackled this medium so yes, want to try it..I am sure it is stunning as accent in embroidery (which I have done) so please please toss my name in the hat…it is soooooo pretty! ty for a chance

  859. I’ve used YLI and DMC silk for embroidery. I’d like to try using flat silk to see how it’s different than what I’ve been using. Of course, I can’t say enough about the gorgeous colors as well. Thank you, Jan T.

  860. To be absolutely honest, I have long admired Japanese embroideries that use flat silk, but had no idea *how* it was actually stitched until I started reading about the wonderful work you’ve been doing; in particular, I greatly admire the gold couching randomly done over the laid white silk in your Medallion project 🙂 If I were lucky enough to win one of these gorgeous collections, I would like to attempt some “vermicelli” work of my own. Thanks again for the generous giveaway!

  861. Please don’t enter me in this give-away, it doesn’t seem right to take away a chance at winning from someone who’d be able to put this to good use. I just wanted to comment that I’d never heard of flat silk thread before and so I did a little google searching to see some things that people have created using it. WOW.

  862. Well. . .not sure if I posted to this or not. All of the above are reasons why I would love to win either of the sets, but most especially the set with mostly purples. Always up for a new challenge, since I’ve never had the pleasure of working with this type of thread. Anything silk is fabulous.

  863. l would love the opportunity to work with this silk thread.
    l love learning to work with different techniques and this would give me great pleasure.

  864. Wow – look at these gogrgeous threads. So I think it’s safe to say it’s the gorgeous sheen and colours that attracts me to Japanese silk. The challenge of working wth them also makes my heart race – nothing quite like learning a new skill.

    Thank you for a great giveaway series and the chance to win fantastic prizes.


  865. I have always been a big fan of silk, the sheen gives a amazing and regal finish that elevates embroidery to something magical. I love the challenge of working with new materials, and would love to embroider some small flower and birds in silk.

  866. Hi Mary, hope I’m not too late for the flat silk prize draw. I both love it and hate it! I embroidered the bodice of my daughters wedding dress (which I made)with my own design using only flat silk. It took me a couple of months and the result was stunning, if I say so myself.Although if you have worked with the silk you will know what I mean about hating it!, it catches on any rough place on your hands and needs extreem care, still it was worth the effort and I’d love to do some more work in this medium. Thanks for the always interesting newsletters.

  867. I’m attracted to the beauty of the silk, but the challenge of mastering something that, at first, seems so difficult and intimidating to create a piece of artwork is irresistible.

  868. I have never worked with silk but it is so beautiful, I am dying to try it. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy New Year!

  869. Hi Mary –
    I was born in Paterson, NJ, called the “Silk City” for the many silk mills that ran until about 1945. My great-grandfather was a “de-tangler”, meaning when the silk threads became tangled in the manufacturing process, he was called in to de-tangle the mess gently and without losing lengths of thread. So I guess you could say silk is in my blood – I love the sheen and beauty of it, the way the thread holds color, and the elegance of the results when I use it for stitching.

  870. Definitely the sheen and beauty of silk! Silk embroidery is so special. As a Japanese I have seen great many breathtaking silk embroidery. Unfortunately, though,I have never had a chance to learn it myself. So I guess now is the chance!
    PS Your site is just as wonderful as these silks! Thank you so much for your brilliant work.

  871. I am just learning to use silk to embroider with. I would love to have such a set of threads to work with and come up with something truly elegant.

  872. Although I have stitched with a variety of silk threads, I have never stitched with flat silk; the color, sheen and challenge are very intriguing. I have a flat silk project that my dear step-mother started years ago that I would like to finish, using these silks to change or enhance the color palate she chose. Thanks for the opportunity, Demi

  873. No other reason than it’s beautiful, it’s shiny and it’s silk. More than enough reasons to try it 🙂

  874. I have never worked with it before. It sounds slinky and luxurious…. absolutely delicious! I have to say the colours excite me….I’m the type of person who can walk in a paint store and just stare at the colour chip wall and be happy!

  875. I have never tried stitching with flat silk, but would love to try it both because silk is so beautiful and because I love to try new things — at least once.

  876. I have only recently started working with silk threat. I simply love it as a material (both threat and fabric) and the colours are just amazing.

  877. Having worked with silk in lace-making I know the beauty it adds to a design. I would love to try working with flat silk on an embroidery design. Being entranced with Japanese themes recently, this really appeals to me.

    The colours in these collections are just beautiful.

    Happy New Year and thank you for this fabulous website – an oasis of inspiration.

  878. I have just started to work with silk and find it luxurious and so much fun. I love its sheen and it challenges me to try more difficult pieces so the project measures up to the wonderful silk threads.

  879. I love the colours and sheen of flat silk, and the challenge of learning to use it is one I’d like to take up.

  880. The colors of silk threads are so beautiful. Cotton does not compare. Silk may be a little more difficult to use, but is well worth the efforts. I have not worked with flat silk for some years, but would love to use it again. Thanks for the offering, Mary Beth Jensen

  881. I’ve never worked with silk of any type. But these are very beautiful threads and would love the challenge of working it into my projects of not only embroidering but also jewelry.

  882. What lovely sets of Japanese embroidery silks. I just started this fall venturing into using silk theads and learning the laying tool! It would be wonderful to win one of these sets. Thanks for offering them.

  883. Firstly, its the sheen that attracts me. I love regular cotton embroidery thread but it lacks a certain luster that I find truly attractive in other pieces. I wonder if you could blend both materials? I know it would be a challenge but I welcome challenges. Embroidery for me is another form of artistic expression and I work to make art, this would certainly bump up the quality of my stuff!

  884. I learned to embroider when I was a child, and I’ve been rediscovering it lately. I’ve only worked with silk threads a bit, and never with flat silk – I’d love a chance to learn about it, and it’s certainly gorgeous!

  885. I’ve never used silk before, and I think the pretty colors and the way they catch the light is beautiful. It would be nice to give them a try!

  886. I love silk and when I was in school we went on a field trip to a silk factory and saw 1st had how silk worms make silk,I have been wanting to sew silk cushion covers and if I win these Beautiful threads I will embroider with tem ,I love the brilliant colors!Tahnk you for doing this!

  887. The colours in both sets of give aways are tantalising – almost luminescent. I have worked with silk but had not heard of flat silk and do find it a bit unforgiving if there is any roughness on my fingers. I am very drawn to silk in any form – and it is far stronger than one thinks. So the answer is ‘all of the above’. Once again you have given a subject for an internet search. Thanks.

  888. I love the colours and the shininess. My sister just took up embroidery, made some lovely Christmas presents for us, and promised to teach me. So I know the both of us (well, my sister mostly) would make good use of them.

  889. Well, the most attractive is that I’ve never worked with silk, and I think it would be fantastic and brilliant! I love these colors…
    Thank you!!

  890. I would love to work with this flat silk. I have never used it before, but it is gorgeous. The sheen even on the spool is beautiful. Thanks so much for doing this series, you are going to make a lot of people happy with it.

  891. Ohhh, I love flat silk. I take a full week to condition my hands to use it, but it is so worth it. I can hear the rhythm of my hands plying the silk getting it ready for stitching. The sheen of the silk as I stitch allows me to lose myself in my work. And I’ve never had access to the color range you have to give away. But alas, I lost my job and no longer have the money for flat silks. I’m sure that I will be working again soon…. The small amounts I have on hand won’t allow me to do much. Isn’t that the way it goes, all the time in the world now and no money for supplies. Unless I win, I will have to settle for my stash of cotton and linen threads. Maybe that isn’t a bad thing. I think I will go look for a project right now to stitch.

  892. What gorgeous colors! I’ve worked briefly with flat silks in a couple projects, mostly to twist them into boucle. The color & feel is just amazing. It would be wonderful to have a range of colors to try a whole embroidery project.

  893. I haven’t worked with flat silk yet, just the regular silk, but I would love to try it out! The sheen AND the color range is just lovely. Of the two (challenge vs. sheen), it would be a narrow win for sheen!

  894. I first fell in love with silk thread when I needlepointed a tiger picture as a gift for my son. I split the canvas to work the eye in 28 count. The silk thread I used was certainly not as fine as these in the giveaway, but the eyes came to life as I filled in the stitches. Since then I always use silk, despite it’s occasional contrariness when I want an aspect to stand out, shining subtly amid the thread expressions. I would use my threads as incentive and integral components in my planned needleworking of two of the Cluny works involving the senses, My how that unicorn would shine!

  895. I have never used flat silk but it looks really beautiful. I’d love the challenge of reading through the pamphlet and seeing if I could learn to use it.

    Thanks onc again for all these extremely generous giveaways. 🙂

  896. Hi Mary,

    I have to say both. I would love to use the thread for a Long and Short stitch project or even some monogramming. The colors and sheen are incredible a would be such a joy to use.I think it’s especially nice that you are including instructions on how to handle this challenging type of thread

    Susie h

  897. Hi Mary,

    What’s not to love about silk? Ok it is stringy and un tame, but it is so beautiful and shiny and the colors are so vibrant it is worth the extra effort!! If I had them, I could use the laying tool that I found in a box of stuff from my grandmother.


  898. The silk sure is beautiful. I’ve never worked with it before but I would love to give it a try. Seems like it would create a unique and beautiful look. Thanks for giveaway!

  899. The sheen of flat silk is utterly alluring.
    I must say that the difficulty in using it seems rather daunting, but such sheen and shimmer would indeed be worth the effort. And that how-to book on Japanese embroidery sitting on my shelf would finally be put to good use.

    Andrea in Berlin

  900. OMGoodness … these are so lovely … delicate and …. so inspiring … i’ve nver worked with flat silk before but would love to have this opportunity …. thank you … darlene

  901. Flat silk? The idea of working with something new is intriguing! I haven’t had much experience with silk at all, but I’m hoping to rectify that this year! Purples and greens are my favorite colors! My daughter is interested in everything Japanese so maybe I could make something with it for her.

  902. I have some spools of silk dating back almost a hundred years,(Corelli) and I enjoyed using them. But I have never tried using flat silk thread and it sounds like something I would love to try.

  903. The silks look wonderful and the colours are beautiful and I would love to work with flat silks and learn all about them.

  904. I love working with silk, but haven’t tried flat. The colors in both giveaways are extraordinary. I can’t wait to create something spectacular with them.

  905. I LOVE Japanese embroidery and prints and quilt fabric- I have not worked with flat silk thread but the oriental ambience appeals to me more than almost any other genre of art. I would love to have an opportunity to play with these!

  906. I think it is all of the above. I have never worked with pure silk. What an opportunity.

  907. I’ve never worked with silks (the shame!) so for now I will have to say the beauty of the thread is what appeals to me.

  908. I have never worked with silk but they are beautiful and shiny (love that)and I would enjoy the challenge of a new medium.

  909. Hi Mary,
    I would love to include some of these lovely threads when completing the “Home Sweet Home” sewing box and sewing accessories project that I am undertaking.

    The sheen and lovely colors of the flat silk are just beautiful. I have read that you really like the spool type of packaging of the silk and I do too. What a wonderful treat to have all of these colors to choose from when starting a new project.
    Debbie Brian

  910. I’ve never used Japanese silk threads but love the colours and the beautiful effects that they produce.

  911. I think I’m attracted to silk because it just seems so luxurious and like it would produce such beautiful results. We are using green and purple as the accent colors in our family room, so if I won that set I could use it to make awesome throw pillows or some beautiful artwork for the wall, or both! But the other set has fun colors too-I’d definitely find a use for it.

  912. The beauty and sheen, of course, but the real attraction for silk is “step-up”. No matter what I do, I find silk elevates the process and the end-product.

  913. I’m very attracted to the sheen of the silk as well as that it is a natural fiber. I prefer all the natural fibers to the man made ones especially for ease of working with them. The color pallets are both beautiful, they make me think of beautiful birds.

  914. Definitely the beauty of it! I think any project you used those on would end up so gorgeous!

  915. The texture and the way the silk reflects the colors is what appeals to me. It evokes different emotions!

  916. I love the look of work done with flat silk but have never attempted to do it myself. It all looks so precise! The colors of the silk are also appealing.

  917. My attraction to the flat silk is really a combination of both – wanting a challenge and the beauty of the silk! That sheen! I would love to have it running through my fingers and laying on the fabric so pretty!

    Thank you,
    Betsy Pratt
    Knittingbetsy (at) comcast (dot) net

  918. I’m a fiber junkie, so am always interested when I find a new material. I’d never heard of flat silk until I started reading Needle n’ Thread posts. It’s a beautiful, interesting thread, and one way or another, I will have to get some and try it out. As a spinner, I know how difficult it can be to spin silk, let alone one so fine. I want to see how it’s stranded, how thick it is, and what kind of twist it has. I’ve stitched with Soie d’Alger and some Perle silks, but never with Flat Silk. Soie d’Alger is great for stitching antique reproduction samplers (a passion), but will Flat silk work for that as well, or is it best suited to Needle Painting, which I’ve never done? What other kinds of stitching will it work for? Does it require a laying tool? How many strands to I need to use on a sampler when stitching on a 30 or 32 count linen over one thread? Over 2? And how badly does it tangle? Those are questions that can only be answered when I have it in hand to touch, look at, take a little apart, and stitch with.

  919. I begin a few month ago to learn japanese embroidery so I should be very pleased to have these beautiful threads . It is already a pleasure to see them on your website.

  920. I love the colors the most and the sheen is beautiful as well. I have never used silk before and it would be really awesome to try something new and so beautiful!

    Thanks for the opportunity to win. The giveawy is truly awesome!

  921. I have never used silk thread before but would love to give it a try! When I was in 3rd grade (many years ago!) and we were studying Japan, we raised silkworms in the classroom – I have been fascinated with silk ever since.

  922. I am attracted to these fibers for their apparent smooth texture and the amazing colors. I think I could use them to stitch some lovely Japanese motifs.

  923. I love the richness of the colors and the subtle sheen of the threads. It would be a joy to work with such high quality materials.

  924. What attracts to the flat silk is the beauty and richness of silk threads. As well, I have never used flat silk, so I would like to challenge my brain and my hands to try something new. Trying new things is what keeps us young you know?!
    Ruth Ann in London, Ontario

  925. I have stitched with a silk threads but I have never stitched with flat silk. The colors on this silk is beautiful!

  926. I have never used flat silk, but the fantastic colors and sheen of this thread make the spools so inviting! What a pleasure to visualize working with such fine thread. The “How to Use Silk Thread” pamphlet would be a great help to this novice!

  927. I have never used flat silk, but I do love love love Silk buttonhole twist. Silk is so luxurious to work with, and the sheen is so very beautiful.

  928. The quality…definately the quality of color, texture, sheen…nothing beats the lasting quality of this ancient material.

  929. Of all the embroidery work I have seen, flat silk is u favorite for not only it’s sheen, but the way it lays on the fabric. I would just love to work with it.

  930. All of the above! I think the thought of using silk makes one feel luxorius. The feel and colors are so much better. It would be a challenge to learn to execute beautiful stitches with beautiful threads.

  931. How delightful to the eyes to see those beautiful silk threads! Wow! I could never imagine thread being as gorgeous as these. I would think, working with it would take you back into the time of luxury, fantasy and pure magic of the sewing of long ago. I never knew thread could be so beautiful, until I read this. Thank you so much!

  932. I love silk threads…! They are so soft and kind to work with…! The sheen and color brighteness of the threads…! I happened to receive a rolled pack of silk threads (all of them individually inserted and protected into small pockets on a rolling fabric…) from a very good friend of mine, who handed me her granma’s fine silk threads, she was no longer going to use… What a finest gift…! Nowdays, very little is left. I would very gladly receive silk to work with! Thank you, Mary, for giving us this opportunity of winning and receive such a gift! -Celestina Perez

  933. I guess the sheen and beauty of the threads, would even make a beginner’s embroidery “Sparkle”.

  934. Wow, what beautiful colors. All of the above reasons. Silk is so beautiful and the sheen… I would have to save it until I was a bit more proficient though. Just look at at it for a bit- ha.

  935. I love the colors and sheen of the silk thread. I would love to learn the flat embroidery. When I appliqued I always used silk thread for that. It’s such a beautiful thread to have.

  936. The challenge definitely, I have never worked with flat silk and it scares the bejebbers out of me.

  937. Hello Mary, I would have to say that it is because it is silk. I just love the feel of silk. I have never heard of ‘flat’ silk before though, so I definitely need to look more into these. Thank you for your generosity and the generosity of those who came forward to provide so many new and wonderful things for all stitchers to try. Teresa

  938. The way silk glows is definitely the draw for me. but I am also interested in the fact it is flat and how that effects things.

  939. The sheen is spectacular. I’ve worked with other types of silks but never these. It will be lots of fun to try.

  940. Several years ago I took a class using flat silk, it was way beyond my skill level at the time. Now I think I’m more ready to try it, it is beautiful and I do love the look of it stitched. Also just want to know I could do it.


  941. Silk is in a class on its own – the sheen, the colours, the feel of it…….I don’t think anything else compares to it. I have never worked with flat silk but would love to try. I am a fan of Michael’s work too. I have spun a very small amount of silk for needlework in the past (cross stitch) with success. It just is a great fibre!

  942. I have never tried stitching with flat silk, but love other silk threads. Silk is wonderful to stitch with.

  943. Silk threads are the best for embroidery…they just enhance the final stitched piece with thhe right texture

  944. Working with silk would make me feel like I am an embridery queen….Silk is so rick looking, and feels so smooth….

  945. I love the whole concept of the thread, it’s beauty,it’s creativeness, and I love silk!

  946. I have come to the conclusion you do not sleep. I enjoy your newsletter every day and it has become a daily highlight for me. Thank-you. How very nice of you to organize such a spectacular give away spanning days! I was trying to guess what was coming next. I wish I could win the Silk embroidery floss. I am very interested in Japanese style embroidery and winning these wonderful skeins would help me immensely. Have a happy New Year.

  947. Hi Mary,
    These silks are just gorgeous. I would love to learn to use them. I am attracted to them pretty much just because of their beauty and sheen and of course all the beautiful colors.
    Thanks for considering me

  948. I have never tried working with silk even when doing applique on my quilts. The colors are so bright, and I have been told the thread handles so beautifully that I will never want to use cotton thread again! This will be a great present for whoever wins.

  949. Oh my! I think I just want to have a chance to hold it. They are beautiful. I am very curious about working with it.

  950. What attracts me to working with it? All of the above! Of course, I’ve never had the guts to try working with silk, due to cost – but this would give me the perfect excuse to suck it up and give it a go! – Jessica S from Torrance

  951. I would love to learn to work with silk threads! It would be a challenge but one I would love to undertake – love SILK! Judy R

  952. I love working with silk! I love the way it glides through the fabric, the way it shines, everything about it!

    Thanks, Mary.

  953. Wow! Since I love to needleturn applique, this silk thread would be perfect for lots of projects. It is also nice to embellish! This is a wonderful collection!

  954. Oh, oh, Oh! would I love to get my mitts on this silk! I designed a set of 3 water vignettes a couple years ago that are just waiting for the right thread to come along! the colors in collection 2 would really bring my designs to life. 🙂

  955. I’d have to say that the mere fact that it is silk is enough to make me interested. I looked at some flat sllk embroidery and it was beautiful,, but more subtle than I thought it would be due to the flat nature of the threads. The booklet on how to use the thread would definitely be a help.

    Thank you for the giveaways.

  956. I have always been fascinated with silk in all its forms but have not yet tried to use it in embroidery. I love the sheen and vibrancy of the colors, the softness and elegance, and the sense of luxury it imparts. The chance to have these threads to begin a project would give me so much pleasure. This would be a wonderful gift.
    Thank you for all you do,

  957. Looking at all those spools of silk threadd makes me drool. I am an oldtimer who has done most work with 3 ply wool. Now i am doing a sampler with Splendor and the feel in the hand is sooo nice. I would love to try Japanese flat silk. It looks like it would be beautiful when the project is finished.

  958. The colours of the silk are just entrancing. Sends my mind off into all sorts of ways in which I could use them, perhaps even in ways that I haven’t before. I love the feel of new threads in my hand and the way silk seems to glide through the fabric. Both colour collections appeal to me with their jewel-like colours. What a generous gift!

  959. I am not sure I wouldn’t just enjoy all of the threads in a glass container to enjoy looking at them. The colors are divine. I would also like to work with a new thread I have never tried. I have worked with silk floss which I love, but never flat silk. I would like the new challenge.

    Martha B
    The Southern Matriarch

  960. I would love to win it beacause it is so beautiful and I have never worked with silks before.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win!
    Diana in Sioux Falls

  961. I love to work with silk threads because of the beautiful colors and the sheen. I do crazy quilting and silk threads really make a difference.
    Gita L.

  962. I have done some Japanese silk embroidery. I love the luster of silk and the colors are brilliant. I have not worked with flat silk and would love to try it.

  963. I like the colors and the sheen of the silk. However, the challenge of working with it scares me. You may be hearing from me, Mary!

  964. Hello…I’m attracted by the “silkiness”! I’m also captivated by the near-iridescence of the thread and the sheer luxury of it. Thanks, Kate K

  965. Most definitely, I am attracted to the Japanese Flat Silk for all of the reasons you mentioned. I can only imagine the sheen you can get because of both the fiber and the flat thread. I’d love to use this in my Crazy Quilting, but I think also find other places to use it just because of its beauty.

  966. The sheen and beuaty as well as it being silk. I do like to try new things and challenges and since I have never used flat silk it would be a new challenge for me.

  967. I’ve never done Japanese embroidery, so would love to have some of these threads for when I get around to that. The colors, sheen and challenge all call to me.

  968. I have never gotten the chance to use silk thread,now would be a good time to learn. My latest quilting project is complete and I need a new project. As my Daughter would say “oh–shinny” that is the best description of the silk thread. Rainbow of colors, with many a color combination option.

  969. Hi Mary,
    Wow the silk threads have caused a flurry of comments but I do understand this as silk is so beautiful to use. I have stitched a repoduction sampler with silk & enjoyed every minute of it. I would love to try Japanese stitching & I happen to have a couple of patterns so fingers crossed.
    Thanks ley.

  970. These beautiful threads would compliment a sketch book of traditional Japanese patterns and enable me to complete some of the designs in it. The book was given to me by a Japanese lady who was also a student at a certificate course at the Royal School of Needlework about 7 years ago.

  971. There are so many stitching techniques to learn. I have not used the Flat Silk yet. I hope to win.


  972. Mary
    I love working with silk in general but these silks look wonderful, What a treat to work with them. The colours are lovely too!

  973. Hi Mary,
    Silk thread always comes in so many beautiful colors. I took a course in Japanese embroidery and found out how really hard it is to get flat silks to lay flat. I’d like to try some needle painting, maybe a Trish Burr design, in silk and throw in some cotton or linen threads in a few spots for texture. So many stitches to take-so little time
    Have a goog New Year
    Elaine B. in WEST VIRGINIA

  974. These silks look like they will be so fun to play with. Thanks for offering this great giveaway. Debbie S. Or.

  975. hi mary. oh i guess all,, though the challenging part is most overpowering… the chance to work with different texture of thread is so tempting. i would love this

  976. I love the sheen of flat silk. I attended a class last year that used flat silk (tiny turtle thimble case with Wendy White) and the silk wasn’t as scary as I thought to work with. It’s given me confidence to find a different project to use it on.

  977. The beauty & sheen of the threads as well as the challenge of working with flat silk is what draws me to these lovely threads.

    from WI

  978. Silk.. oooh la la!
    Just the word makes people smile.
    I have never stitched with silk, have used it in knitting as a blend with wool. I can just imagine how beautiful it is to work with in needlework. When I was a military wife I loved seeing the silk fabrics the guys would bring back from overseas for their wives and girl friends. I even have a small piece from 1980 that I still treasure and keep in my craft room.

  979. I have never worked with flat silk before so the idea of trying to work with it to me would be a challenge since it is a new technique to me.

    Those colors are amazing! The shine! Oh boy!

  980. Oh my, this is so shiny and lovely! I’ve never stitched with silk and I imagine the final product would be incredibly gorgeous. It would be so fun to hunt up a project that would show off the lovely luster of these threads. And it would be fun to feel the difference of using silk instead of cotton.

  981. I want to use it because it’s beautiful. I don’t really care about the challenge of working with ugly threads! I love the way it shines. It would be gorgeous either in a project by itself, or as highlights in a project combining many kinds of threads.

  982. I have just begun doing embroidery for the first time in my life. Using such beautiful thread would be a challenge, but one that I am ready to tackle. As my children are now grown (Wow! How in the world did that happen?!?!?!), I have more time to dedicate to creating beautiful things that I love.

  983. I am attracted mostly by the fact that I love silk, of all sorts–and that I haven’t done anything with flat silk before.

  984. I`ve never sued silk but I have seriously contemplated it`s use. I want to make a wedding sampler for my niece and I believe this is most worthy of silk.The colors, sheen and beauty are very special enough for a lasting memory project.

  985. What beautiful materials for hand work. Something I would never let myself buy, but would love to win.

  986. The sheen and beauty of the threads are one thing, but for me I think the challenge of working with these threads is what draws ms in.

    I have never worked with Japanese silk thread and the thought makes my fingers quiver in excitement at the prospect!!

  987. The colour and sheen of these threads is just so beautiful. I’d love to try them for trying some Japanese embroidery and for my needlepainting – maybe a humming bird. I’d need a big tube of handcream too if I won.

  988. I love the beauty of the silks. I’ve never used flat silk but this is beautiful and I’d love to get my hands on it and into it.

  989. I have always wanted to do some of the beautiful Helen Stevens’ designs but have not had access to the flat silks that she uses in her work.

    I tried working with flat silk once and found that keeping it tamed was a challange – so obviously I could use more practice with it.

  990. Silk is such a fabulous fiber! I love the feel and the way light plays off it. I have never worked with flat silk, but I love Japanese embroidery. Having a beautiful selection of threads available, would probably give me the encouragement to try a project with it.

  991. Have never worked with flat silk, but the colors and sheen are lovely. I’d like to try it!

  992. The color ranges. The fact that it is silk and the sheen. I would think that it gives depth and picks up the light on the project’s surface.

  993. I love silk. It’s soft, and shiny but not gaudy. I haven’t worked with it in embroidery before, but I’d love to try embroidering an obi with it.

  994. I love the colors of this silk thread! I would like to try Japanese embroidery and this seems like a great way to get started! Thanks!

  995. Hi Mary,

    I really love the sheen and beauty. I’ve only used silk thread to applique…..it was quite wonderful…so smooth. These would require a project search worthy of such beautiful thread and simple enough for my skill level. I would love the learning experience! Also, my hands would require some major reconditioning!

  996. I took a class in Japanese Embroidery which blow my mind!! I learn to embroidery on both sides of the silk fabric which one cannot tell which is the wrong side and which is the right side of the fabric!! I learned silk shading, these spools of silk embroidery will be a blessing to my collection of supper flat silk embroidery floss.

  997. I love all the pretty spools of silk thread and would enjoy having a play to make something stunning. I think for awhile I would just touch them and enjoy looking at them.

  998. I love silk because it is so silky. I love any natural fiber. I have never used this type of silk before and I have a project in mind.
    Louise B. from Bridgeport

  999. The fact that it is silk – just that word is enough to get my attention. The sheen is amazing.

    Rachel (RLJ)

  1000. Silk=Luxury. The touch, the feel, the look. Silk flows with life. It is so natural and so lovely. Some times, I just sit and feel some of my silk. It is perfect for every thing I use it for.

  1001. I am definitely attracted to this material in spite of it’s challenges because of the sheen and beauty, and the fact that it is silk. I have recently worked on a project involving other types of silks and want to try more. The shine and colors just call to me.

    Melissa H. from Payson, UT

  1002. Thus far I have only been able to work with regular DMC floss, but I have so many ideas for projects and inspiration for how to make them lovely based on what I have read on your website. I would love to be able to work with this silk simply because I have never worked with anything like it before and I am eager to try.

  1003. My attractions to silk threads started when I started to do a hardanger Ring Bearer’s Pillow for my son’s wedding. The silk feels and looks beautiful and elegant. I have not done Japanese Embroidery; but, I have seen it. I have wished to learn how do use the flat silk. The spools you have pictured look gorgeous – such wonderful colours!

  1004. I enjoy working with flat silk. (I would especially enjoy working with the set of purple silks! 🙂 I love the sheen.

  1005. I have never worked with silk but look at it every time I go to JoAnn’s. I would so love to make a knotted bracelet combining silk and horse hair, and I may even embroider something with it.

  1006. Hi Mary,

    I work mainly on linen and silk and have only worked with silk a few times but I love the hand of working with silk! Dyed silk colours aren’t achieved with any other medium.
    What a wonderful giveaway.
    Laurie from Mississauga

  1007. I love to do embroidery, and I think that this silk would enhance my knit pieces beautifully!! I’ve been looking for something different to use that would catch the eye, and I think this is just the ticket!! Thank you for a most generous giveaway!!


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