
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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RSN Handbook of Embroidery – Give-Away!


Amazon Books

Here’s your chance to add the Royal School of Needlework’s Handbook of Embroidery to your needlework library! Today, I’m giving away one copy of the book, courtesy of Lynn Hulse. (Thank you, Lynn!)

RSN Handbook of Embroidery

If you’re a history buff, a textile buff, if you love hand embroidery and its colorful and exciting past, and if you are interested in embroidery technique, this book will be a welcome addition to your collection!

If you’d like a chance to win this copy, it’s easy – just follow these simple instructions:

1. Leave a comment on this post (not via e-mail, not on another post on the site) by Monday, February 20th, 5:00 am (US CST). This link will take you directly to the comment form. The Give-Away is now closed! Thanks for participating!

2. In your comment, answer the following question:

What captures you about this book: technique, history, the Royal School, some of the above, all of the above, or something completely different?

3. Make sure you’ve included a recognizable name with your comment!

4. All comments must be left by Monday, February 20th, at 5:00 am CST. I’ll announce the winner on Monday.

I’m looking forward to reading all your answers – it’s always fun to hear what sparks your interests!


(403) Comments

  1. Hi! As someone relatively new to embroidery, I’m fascinated by all aspects of learning about it- history, technique, inspirational photos, etc. I’m an empty vessel waiting to be filled!

  2. This looks to be a very formidable book. As a history buff it facinates me. until hooking up with your site Mary, i’d never heard of the RSN, so i would really like to learn more about them and obviously this book looks to me to be the answer that curiosity.

  3. I am a real history buff, so I think I would love to have the book for that, but the knowledge of embroidery coming from the Royal
    School of Needlework also makes this book very special, and one I would love to have in my library.

  4. I have always dreamed of taking a course at the RSN. This book sounds wonderful, a fascinating research into history of embroidery, techniques and of course so many inspiring pictures.

  5. Hi Mary, This is a fascinating idea, and very kind of Lynn Hulse, so I am casting my entry in the hat!

  6. I am interested in the history behind needlework. It is fascinating to see how it has evolved and how it still endures. I love Jacobean style embroidery and Elizabethan embroidery. Also, I am eager to see if the techniques I use now a days, almost 500 years later are the same than those people use in the past.

  7. Am an incorrigible history buff, and this book combines two things that I enjoy hugely: the subject of embroidery technique and its history! In view of the RSN’s reputation as a first-class teaching institution and its extensive archives of all types of embroidery, I think this book will satisfy my historical embroidery “sweet tooth”!
    -Sharon in France

  8. It has been a long-time dream of mine to take a course with the RSN – maybe one day – but they have been around for so long and they are so precise it is fascinating. When you are looking for the correct way to do a technique, they really are the masters, so I guess that’s what interests me most, although the history is amazing as well. Wonderful giveaway.

  9. What captures me about this book? Well it’s not technique because I have dozens of technique books and although I’m ALWAYS happy to add another one to the shelf, it wouldn’t be the main thing. It’s partly the Royal School – what’s not to love about that, in a parallel universe I’m sure I was an apprentice there and it’s definitely history, because history is a passion, and I really, really love old needlework books (or facsimiles of them!) And on top of all that it’s the fact that the pictures you showed look somewhat Art Nouveau/Art Deco and that’s my current ‘thing’ – I’m in the process of designing an Art Nouveau inspired project and I can’t get enough of that period right now!

  10. I think it would have to be the history and technique. I want to learn more about the technique but sometimes you need the history to be proficient at the technique. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  11. Its the history that interests me the most, although anything relating to embroidery is extremely interesting to me. Thank you for this opportunity and your wonderful web site.

  12. Morning Mary
    I would love to have this book just because it’s from RSN. It would be like having a little peace of history,on a subject I just love!

  13. I’m interested in the history and the techniques. When I’m teaching a project to my club chapters, I find having various sources a way to reach out to all the students who may have difficulty with envisioning a stitch. I’ve found some of the older books have the best descriptions.

  14. The Royal School of Needlework reminds me of the rich history of embroidery and elegant garments that was made for royalty through the centuries! It would be fascinating to get acquainted with the history of embroidery and appreciate our quick online ‘disposable’ world, where heirlooms can still be made to the highest standards and treasured!

  15. I was so wistful of that book when you showed it to us in your last post that I immediately went and searched it out! I have had a love affair with the Royal School of Needlework since I was 8 years old. I dreamed even at that age of going right from high school into that school and someday stitch coronation robes and christening gowns for the monarchy. And not even mine! I’m American lol! Anyway long story short I couldn’t afford it and have still been dreaming of it. I am now 45 and living in Dubai. But a girl can still dream!

  16. RSN is TOPS and living in Ohio – books are the best way for me to be part of this extraordinary needlework. I am obsessed with historic embroidery/needlework and would spend hours with a cup of tea enjoying the contents of the book,learning and being propelled to another project,I’m quite sure. Thanks so much for the chance to respond. Ann

  17. What captures you about this book: technique, history, the Royal School, some of the above, all of the above, or something completely different?
    All of it. The two colors of the pages, the detail and care in presentation. The “old world” feel of the type and illustrations. A few color pages. Researched history. The documented facts rather than hear say or guesses are nice to have and understand. AND on top of that it show how to do some things.

  18. Hi Mary..First, I am a book lover expecially of any craft type books. The history part interests me quite a bit, but the Royal part really has me wanting to see this book! Luv stitching of any kind, so it’s pretty clear I would enjoy this book. Ty so much for a chance. Your daily emails are very fun to read!

  19. Hi There,

    What a fantaic book on the history of Embrodery, one always see’s tapaseres and embrodery from the past and i am in awe an wonder as to how they managed to create such BEATIFUL art work. The had no instant fabrics and dyed cottons like we can go and buy today. They had to hand dye what they needed.

    Embrodery is a beautiful art form and we need to continue it by encouraging the young people of today to part take in this art form so that it does not die out and we will only be History to those who follow.

    Leonie Fourie

  20. Mary, This book is intriguing–I work as a docent at a small historic site in North Carolina. The property was originally purchased around 1800 by a Scots-Irishman. Since I’ve been working there all aspects of history–especially of needlework and textiles are high on my list. This book about not only technique but the history of the Royal School would be a true treasure for me.

  21. I think the history and the techniques are both what make my “want it” light flash. Thank you so much for this opportunity, Mary. Lynn, Thank you for having a heart that takes something old and freshens it so that it can be new again.

  22. What a wonderful book to add to my stitching
    library! Everything looks so well done, but
    I would expect nothing less from the RSN. Thank you Mary and Lynn.

    Pat S.

  23. The historical aspect of this book is definitely what attracts me the most. I love historic embroidery, and the introductory essay sounds fascinating.

  24. Hello Mary,
    Another awesome giveaway and so many reasons why I would love this book. First I love to learn needlework skills and you cannot find a better source than the RSN. Secondly I am a living historian and do the most I can to demonstrate true historical needlework to the public. And third and most of all, is my greatest desire to visit the RSN one day and reading and utilizing their awesome books is the closest I can get to my heart’s wish at this time,

  25. Definately the history. I love to think that, through embroidery, we can have a connection with women through time.

  26. What attracts me is the facsimile of the original book. The instructions and designs are a part of our history as stitchers and I love those things!

  27. I’m an all-over buff, so I will read(eat) this book to pieces.
    The courses at RSN has been a dream for me for so long – and I will soon be going. Can’t wait to see and experience it all.
    This book just has to come live with me:-)
    Thank you for this great giveaway:

  28. I am attracted to the information in the book of embroidery history as I enjoy reading about the history of needlework.
    In addition,as the amazon copy is only available electronically, I would like a printed copy of this book.

  29. Hi Mary,
    When I’m stitching I feel like a Queen so “Royal” works for me!
    Have a great day!

  30. I’d have to say the history first captured my interest when I read your review the other day. Recently I started participating in a re-enactment of the 18th century with my husband. My contribution to the re-enactment is the needlearts of course so I have been immersing myself in the history and practice of needlework from the 18th century as well as the 17th and 19th century. I want my contributions to be an accurate portrayal so the research is vital.

    A statement in your review of this book really caught my attention: “…you will come to appreciate the influence that the handbook had on needlework.” I am an avid book lover and I know that we can “take for granted all the instructional books we have at our fingertips.” I am totally in love with my library and utilize several different libraries in the surrounding counties so I totally appreciate the resources we have at our disposal and am constantly aware of how precious books are to our lives. This book would be an incredible treasure to gleen information from and a valuable resource for needleart history.

  31. of course the history of needlework is compelling but the pictures and the how to is most interesting not to mention the prospect of adding another book to my collection.

  32. Oh wow, I would love to have this book. From the moment you posted about it I have been drooling over it. The reason I would like to have this book is to read about the history and techniques. Since I cannot make it to the Royal School of Needlework myself, being on this side of the pond, this book would be a wonderful way for me to experience a little of the knowledge the RSN has to offer.

    Thanks for the giveaway!! Deborah

  33. What captures me about this book is definitely the history; I’ve considered entering an embroidered piece into my living history group’s art competitions but have been daunted by the research needed to do so. This would definitely provide me with a legitimate source to use as well as ideas and patterns! Would love to win it, thank you for the opportunity!

  34. the history part attracts me . thanks for all your hardwork and interesting information.

    Joanie in TN

  35. The history looks amazing, but I’m really attracted by the patterns. Those line designs are amazing, and I’ve been drooling over the Proserpine since you first posted it!

  36. During my growing-up years in the Midwest, I watched my mother, aunts and grandmother embroider dishtowels, pillowcases, dresser scarves and other humble yet beautiful items for their homes. I like the notion that their day-to-day creativity and care with textiles is linked in some way to the grand, carefully nurtured and preserved embroidery techniques of the Royal School of Needlework.

    What I love best about embroidery–the museum-worthy pieces and the pillowcases in Grandma’s linen closet–is what it says about the time and place of the women who produced it. I would love to add the Royal School of Needlework’s Handbook of Embroidery to my small but much-loved collection of history books. Thank you for the opportunity to comment.

  37. Why I would like the book???? It is really quite simple, William Morris is my all time favourite designer and since there are some of his, and his contemporaries designs of the British Arts & Crafts movement in the book, this is one book that I would really treasure.

  38. The pattern part looks amazing! But I am sure that the whole book is beautiful and extremely interesting …

  39. I’m interested in history of all forms of needle arts as part of women’s history, and also would love to build my repertoire of techniques. The book itself is a beautiful thing.
    Rachel Hershberg

  40. The thing I love about this book is the history aspect of fabric and embroidery. What is not to love.

  41. Hi Mary,
    Ever since my grandmother taught me simple surface embroidery 50 years ago, I have held an interest in this art, have collected various American pieces of work and obtained different samples from different countries. To have the “Royal School” as a reference would be awesome! Thanks for all you do and most importantly, all you share!
    Sandy in Washington State

  42. What captures me about this book: all of it, the technique, the history, the Royal School. What a great give-away. Thank you Mary.

  43. Good morning Mary,

    It’s most definitely the history and a little of the others. I find the Royal School fascinating and dream of going some day, though I suspect that will never happen. I’ve always wondered how it got started and progressed through all the years.

  44. I love history of all kinds, and especially needlework/embroidery history. I’m also fascinated by the Royal School of Needlework. I am always amazed and excited to see work done by RSN graduates and to meet them and talk with them. Even better, take a class from one of them!

  45. When I like something, I try to do TONS of research on it. I love the idea of learning more of the history of embroidery. Thank you for another great giveaway.

  46. I think the history would be the most captivating — techniques are techniques, but it seems to me that the extensive history is what really makes this book special.

  47. The thought of being able to receive the RSN Handbook of Embroidery would be great. I love history, being able to have something like this book to read. As I am trying to create file of work that my Great/Grandmothers have done. Needle work is so important to me. And to top it off being able to learn the proper techniques to produce stitches, well it would be a dream.

  48. This book would be a great addition to anyone who does hand needlework. It has been published by the authority of needleart in the world, The Royal School of Needlework. The history alone would be invaluable. Thank you for the chance to add this book to a special library.

  49. Mary,
    I love the whole idea of the book, the history, the subject, the pictures, the how-to of it. It sounds like such a fascinating read and the photos look scrumptious. The Royal School of Needlework and their history alone are amazing and I would love the chance to study there if only for one day. This book would make a great addition to any library.

  50. I have always loved history! Even is school! It was my favourite subject! And to combine my love of history with embroidery?! Heaven!!! Thanks for the chance to win this book!

  51. Hello, Mary :-)!I have always been more atracted to handmade beauty than that made by machine, no matter how wonderful the machine works (you can feel the love and the energy put into a handmade project!). Yes, I am a bit traditional and I stick to the past in a moderate measure, trying to keep alive what is worth keeping, but I am also looking to the new. I live in a former comunist country and when I was very young, although I was interested in art in every form, I wasn’t allowed to follow my talents because that would had not helped me earn my decent living. Last year I met some very talented ladies in Holland, NL and this helped me to begin following my soul’s desire. They opened a world of creativity and insipiration to me! I cannot discribe the restlesness in my fingers and in my mind :-))). This wonderful book would be of immense help for me, since I have no other embroidery book! I read your marvelous blog and I learned a lot already. Your tutorials are very helpful and easy to follow. Thank you for posting so much valuable information and thank you for this opportunity! And a big “thank you!” for the lady who is giving away this book! 🙂

  52. I am fascinated by the history. Regardless of the form, whether needlework, quilting or fashion, the stories philosophies and changes thru time are just as interesting as the actual working of the craft itself. angela

  53. I like proper technique. If I’m going to do something, I’d like the technique to be the best. I find that no matter what I do, tennis, cooking, it’s the technique that brings the best results.
    Gail Romines

  54. I simply adore all books about the history of needlework. I would love to have this book to delve into and learn more about the history of and why the ladies and girls did what they did in earlier history. I have two antique samplers that were stitched by sisters, possibly twin sisters and if they could talk I would listen to their story all day long. 🙂
    Thanks so much! Ginny

  55. Having a family history of hand embroidery and textiles, the book fascinates me. I pursued crossstich and crochet as a child; however, I would like to continue the family tradition by learning, producing and handing down additional pieces of heirloom embroidery. I believe the book will provide the necessary tools, instruction and history to continue the legacy!
    Sarah Korab

  56. I would love to read the essay. The detail and history that is in it would be so cool to read. I love the history of needlework and the many techniques that have evolved. I would love to be able to read the essay and then see the practical applications in the diagrams and instructions in the back. Thank you for having this Give-Away!:)

  57. Well, history of course always intrigues me, whether my usual area of history or other periods, but I’m also somewhat of a collector of older needlework manuals, and I think the facsimile really draws me to this book.

  58. Hi Mary
    The RSN has published quite a few books, a few of which I do have but as yet not this one so any embroidery book is great! I enjoy seeing what others have done which would be the history part and of course the technique part is also so important so that you can also achieve the standards that the RSN is famous for. A great give away.
    Many thanks
    Eleanor – Isle of Man

  59. Hi Mary! Wow, what a wonderful give away. I am interested in the Royal School of Needlework and it’s history and educational opportunities. I would dearly love to go and take a class at the school. It’s on my bucket list. Whoever wins will have a wonderful book to add to their needlework library for sure!
    Brenda, Wilmington, Ohio

  60. Hi Mary, I am attracted to any book put out by the Royal School of Needlework. Their history and craftsmanship amaze me.

  61. I love the idea of a school (RSN) with such a rich history and connection with the royal family. Their publications are excellent.

  62. Without knowing it, I seem to have been collecting “history of needlework” books throughout the years, beginning with my mother’s books from her childhood.

    I especially enjoy reading about and imagining the women of yesteryear coming up with so many techniques and recycling ideas (like making hooked rugs from grain sacks) when their luxuries were few and their lives more difficult than we can imagine. Today, when needlework can seem “superfluous,” I love knowing that I am carrying on their history.

    –Sarah B from New Hampshire

  63. Oh what a wonderful book to have for reference and to read. Love the idea of learning more about the history of the craft. I am sure I would learn new techniques in the process of reading too! Thanks for the give away.

  64. I’m fascinated by everything embroidery at this point, but as lover of history and tradition, I never cease pouring over the history and people behind the arts. It’s like unlocking a little bit of the mystery of it. For me that sparks an artistic flame in me. Gosh, I sound so melodramatic!

  65. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the chance at the give-away. I love all of the topics you mentioned; history, technique, and the Royal School. I especially enjoy looking at the projects on the RNS web site, and then dreaming about taking a tour and class there some day to see the history and learn the techniques in person. The book would be a tiny step closer to that dream.
    Thanks so much for adding excitement and dreams to an otherwise dull snowy day in Minnesota!

  66. I have been doing embroidery since I was a little girl but I really don’t know the history. It would be great to read and see more of those pictures in the book. They look very intricate and inspirational.

  67. Very interested in RSN’s pivotal role in the Great Needlework Renaissance of the late 1800s, when styles that looked toward the past were exhumed, dusted off, and given currency and life. Thanks! -Kim

  68. I love the RSN books & have some of the older ones. This one really looks like something I could use to perk up my embroidery techniques.

  69. I love seeing goldwork and white work, Think a weddding gown is gorgous when these talents are used! thank you!

  70. Wow, a lot of things attract me here. First, I have been expanding my embroidery techniques like crazy in the last couple of months. I have tried drawn fabric embroidery and drawn thread embroidery, mixing this last with various forms of needle lace and needle weaving. I am gearing up to try goldwork, both formal and some things I have developed as a result of trial and error. I have learned to embroider with beads, both on fabric and as a jewelry technique. I am incorporating all of these techniques into crazy quilt pillows and squares so that they ultimately have utility.

    I have been buying old books on needle work to help with this flurry of embroidery activity. And last but not least, I have always had a fantasy about attending the Royal School of Needlework. I imagine being served tea and biscuits while a redoubtable lady critiques my offerings and then shows me the workrooms.

    I love the history of embroidery and do whatever I can to make sure this artwork stays alive.

  71. I am finding it interesting to learn about the range of stitches whose history goes back much further than I had at first thought. And the designs and inspirations – so varied. It would really be interesting to delve more deeply into this book. Thanks for yet another opportunity. Rowena in Kenya

  72. I love the history of things, to compare how things were with how things are. Sounds like this book does that. 🙂

  73. What a lovely book! The history side really appeals to me but the techniques too. A couple of weeks ago I realised that what I worked as french knots were nothing of the sort – more a vague bullion stitch – and the technique I saw demonstrated seemed so awkward I couldn’t believe I’ve ever stitched that way. The illustration in your book review seems to offer yet another technique, so I’m off to practise…

  74. I love learning the techniques women have used in all sorts of needlework throughout history. It creates such a connection with something greater than our own little world to learn and do things the way our foremothers did them. Thanks for the opportunity to possibly win a copy of this special book.

  75. Hi Mary – What interests me about the book is the period in time it documents. We lovers of textiles owe a debt to the English aesthetic thinkers and do-ers of this era such as John Ruskin, William Morris, and RSN for preserving the links among the end- product, designer, and handworker in the face of the on-rushing Industrial Revolution. It’s a good example for us to study in the IT Age. Thank you Mary and thank you to Dr. Hulse. Best wishes, Shirley

  76. I love everything about it and the beautiful illustrations would be fun to reproduce. I checked in our library after I saw your review, but no copies here, would love a chance to win.


  77. I am intrigued by the history of techniques–particularly their stability or fluidity over time and the changes in pedagogy displayed by instructional manuals from over a century ago versus today.

  78. I’m relitivily new to embroidery and being a research fanatic i belive this book and i will get along well. It has my history fix and techique, what more could one ask for?! Thank you! Steph M

  79. I have a couple of old needlework books and enjoy the classic appeal of the patterns/designs they use. It would be lovely to have this book from the RSN to read all the historical material and see their patterns/designs as well.

  80. One of the aspects of embroidery that I love the most is that it represents an long history of women. Wars might have been fought by men history, literature and art dominated by the masculine influence, but in the “lowly” art of craft, the quiet influence of women is passed from one generation to another, one backstitch at a time. I might embroider a crop circle rather than a patron saint, but the technique that I use are same and each thread ties my to a lineage of embroiderers.

    The Handbook of Embroidery would be a welcome reference book to explore that lineage.

  81. I love reading about the history of needlework. It is very interesting to find out what techniques women have used throughout the ages. This book would be a welcome addition to my library.

    Dawn C.
    Southcoast, MA

  82. Everything about this book calls to me; as an embroider the technique; as a history enthusiast the opportunity to learn about the history of a passion of mine (it is more than a hobby, more like obsession) and finally as a graduate of the RSN I am interested in anything that involves them and would love to expand my knowledge of the history of the school, especially since I was so fortunate to have spent time there. Basically this book ticks all my boxes and is definitely on my wishlist!

  83. That is such a gorgeous book! Stuff like buying that is only in my dreams, for now, budget wise. I love looking and working old designs from sorces like that. I even snagged all of my moms old McCalls mags. just so I can plan my next project. Something with more history I would love to own. Such the difference from American to British styles.

  84. The history of embroidery is fascinating. So seeing the history of the RSN paired with their first techniques book is something special. Thanks for this give-away.

  85. I am very interested in the Arts and Crafts movement which began in England. I love the designs of Charles Mackintosh and would love to learn more about the designs.

  86. I’m torn. I love the history of our craft, but to have a book from RNS would be the jewel of my library. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

  87. I was once fortunate enough to visit the Royal School of needlework at Hampton Court. It was a treasure house for embroiderers, both from the work displayed and their library of books for sale. This is I’m sure another superb reference book and would be a wonderful addition to my own library of embroidery books to enrich my own work.

  88. I would love this book on so many levels! But the thing that initially attracts me is that it’s from the RSN! If I could go back and pursue one area of education (without regard to cost or livelyhood) I would attend the RSN.

  89. Mary, I love history, and samplers tell such a story and fills in the parts of our history that I feel is most important. The part of women of the past. I know there were men that stitched,but mainly women. I can’t seem to get enough, so this book is for me!

  90. I don’t think that I would have any chance of seeing the Royal School in person, so this book would be a wonderful way to “visit” and to read all about the different techniques. I’d love to have a copy!!

  91. This looks like a wonderful book. Thanks for offering the chance to win it. While I love just looking at pictures of embroidery, I am fascinated with the history of the art and it’s universality.

  92. I am a history buff and would love this book for the history but also because I always am on the look out for good embroidery books and your review got me interested in this book.

  93. Everything about this is of interest, especially the illustration, history and techiniques. I will likely never be able to visit the RSN nor even purchase this book. Receiving this would be great — Feb 20 is my birthday! Thank you for your wonderful blogs.

  94. Hi, I am 71 years young and now that I have retired and have been busy raising a family, I decided it is time for me to start embroidery work. I have always been intrigued with this kind of handiwork. Since my hands will not be as flexible shortly, I really need to start now and I believe your book will be an asset. I want to leave something behind for my children and grandchildren to learn from. Thank you so much

  95. I would love to learn more about the RSN…and I’m fairly confident my mom would love to read it too! (When I finish 😉

  96. Hi Mary,
    Thank you for this wonderful give away. I absolutely love history and because of that I want to be able to learn to sew my ecclesiatical pieces with the techniques of the period.

  97. Technique AND history! I think the RSN is amazing and I’m always interested in it. I would read that book straight through!

  98. This book looks like a ‘must-have’ for any serious embroiderer. The main reason I would like to own this book is because there is so much we can learn fron the history of any craft, and I find the old designs exciting and inspirational.

  99. Hi Marymentor:

    I don’t know where to begin. First of all I am a history buff (is that because I’m over 65? ha ha ) and love to dig into techniques from the past. Also I’m drooling over the panels and patterns in the book. Sure wish I could afford to attend some really in-depth classes such as RSN but would be thrilled just to get the book. Thanks again for all your comprehensive tutelage. Judy in PIttsburgh

  100. The RSN has always held such a cachet in the embroidery world and especially in my own opinion; the very idea that somewhere in the world someone takes embroidery seriously enough to award certificates and degrees for it, implying that one could actually earn a living at it. To be able to study under its auspices even just through a book would be a lovely opportunity. I do enjoy embroidery history so the fact that techniques are covered as well would be a bonus. I have enjoyed the RSN handbooks and would like to add this one to my library.

  101. I am always interested in learning the history of things. It is so intriguing to find out the odd twists and turns of how things came to be.

  102. I like knowing the background of what I do so I can understand some of the historical ‘aha’ moments involved with the various stitches and how they evolved….I’d surely love to win this one!

  103. I’m interested in the history of the RSN and the marvelous works they have created. It seems this is quite a complete book with the history, the examples and then the actual techniques. Thanks for offering it!

  104. As a student in the Certificate program at the RSN I am thrilled with this book. I just love the history of RSN, as well as the present. It is also fascinating to see the evolution of techniques. Today instruction books are expected to be full of diagrams and pictures, then instructions were written. It is interesting to see the change.

  105. I love the history this book offers, the way needlepoint and embroidery were done back in that period amazes me since there were really no outside sources of ideas like we have today. And the preciseness of the stitches is remarkable, and all by hand. What great minds. Embroiders at that time had no idea the turn embroidery techniques would take over following years.

  106. I would love to own this precious book. The techniques are what interest me. Just to learn more about stitching is intriguing. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.

  107. Wow~ my eyes have been open to a whole new world of embroidery. Little did I know that so many stitches existed. After reading the link of all the great books of embroidery that get 5 star ratings, I was a bit overwhelmed! I so appreciate handmade articles from needlepoint, cross-stitch, quilting, crewel and now my new interest embroidery, that’s just a start. Learning the history, techniques and the women or perhaps a man or two who inspired so many others is right up my alley! We are never too old to learn something new. With one in college and another one heading off next year, I’ve been recycling a lot more material goods than ever and coming up with new projects! This may be my next hobby allowance if I don’t win the book! Thanks for teaching me so much already Mary!

  108. Mary:
    Thanks for another great give-away! I am fascinated by the examples of historical embroidery, as well as the evolution of the stitches. I am particalerly drawn to the many names stitches had before they were “standardized”!
    Janice s.

  109. I don’t have any RSN books. I just bought the A to Z’s of Needle Painting, and I love it! I have seen the RSN of Blackwork but not this one. I am interested in mainly hand embroidery and would love to visit the RSN sometime in my life. I think my reasons are all of the above. Oh yeah the cover just happens to be in my favorite colors! Pink and green 😉


    Melissa Bird

  110. What a wonderful book!Thank you so much for this give-away Mary.History and technique attracts me the most.I can’t afford to take up a course in RSN.I don’t own a book from RSN,some of them are in my very long wishlist.

  111. I would love to win this book becuase a dream I have is to someday take a course at the Royal School of Needlework,

  112. I think the history of the RSN would be the most intriguing. It is amazing what has gone before us. Thanks again Mary, your website is great.

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  113. I’m a novice in this art and would like to know the different techniques. And a little of background history would be like a cherry on top.

  114. Hi Mary!
    I love everything about it! As many of my fellow stitchers, I enjoy learning about the history of needlework and techniques. What a wonderful read and addition to my library of books! Thank you for the opportunity!

  115. I love anything with history about needlework. And I sometimes think the old ways of showing and describing how to do things is better than the new.

  116. While it’s always good to have yet another technique book, I’m especially interested in the history of both Embroidery and RSN. I just love the idea of a big organization specializing in embroidery. We just don’t have anything like it in this country. I’m collecting all of their books, but only have two so far.

  117. Hmmmm…of all the reasons to want the book (and all of them do apply), I think the most compelling is the facsimile nature of the main text. Of course, the history commentary is valuable too – but being able to directly access original 19th century techincal instructions is probably the biggest reasons for me to enter this give-away contest – and if I dont win it, to begin saving up! Thanks for the opportunity, Mary.

  118. Everything about this book intriques me – history, technique, and the Royal School itself. This would be a wonderful addition to my library. I have numerous books on stitches, needlework and history but nothing that approaches this work. I could spend hours just leafing through this lovely book. Thank you letting us know it is available. It will be on my wish list!

  119. Mary–WOW! You offer great advice, patterns & tutorials–PLUS the best giveaways! You are so seriously busy, I can’t imagine how you find time to stitch on the Medallion Project or anything else? The RSN book is the whipped cream & cherry on the sundae. While I will say “all of the above” to your question, I am equally curious about the vintage line drawings & the birds on the inside of the back cover. I’m also interested in comparing RSN stitch descriptions to those in vintage DMC, Anchor & ‘digital archives’ books. There are some amusing differences, as it appears that each entity/company attempted to be the “expert” source of information back in the day. So I’d love to win, but if not, I hope it will soon be coming to a library near me.

  120. Hi Mary,
    This is such a lovely book! The history of embroidery must not be lost, or the techniques. And this book gives both. I would love to have it.

    Thank you for organising this giveaway, and for your blog, I learn so much here!
    Bye, Winnie

  121. I am not very skilled, but continue to admire and enjoy all kinds of needlework; desiring to improve my embroidery skill. I also enjoy history and never knew there was a Royal School of Needlework; this piques my interest greatly.

  122. I’m always interested in anything to do with textiles and/or embroidery. Sometimes I dream about what I’d do over if I could go back in time and study anything I wanted…and I think of textiles. It’s a fascinating subject! And putting embroidery on top of beautiful fabric, well, you can’t ask for anything more.

  123. I am absolutely fascinated by the way Lynn Hulse has used an original publication (which is still valid even now to develop and illustrate the history of the RSN. I would love to own this.

  124. I adore books too, but especially needlework books. For me, the history – the connection between women going back hundreds of years with our love of embroidery. The RNS has been part of that for a long time. Great give-away!

  125. I’ll have to say “all of the above”. If forced to pick one, I’d go with the reproduction of the original book. Not only for the instructions, but for the drawings of how to do the stitches. It’s amazing that someone had to draw them all, and now, it’s done in seconds with a photo.

  126. This looks like an excellent book, not only for the techniques that are covered, but also for the history. History of interests of mine, has always been a soft spot for me. I would dearly love to win a copy f this book! Thank you for the opportunity.

  127. I love everything about what I would learn in this book but really its the history. To know that we are working stitches that were done by women years and years past makes a huge connection.

  128. I would like this book because of techniques, and also I think the history of needlework is interesting.

    Cheryl in San Diego

  129. Dear Mary,

    Thank you and Lynne for this wonderful give-away. The book looks fascinating. I am both interested in history and needle work and, indeed, in Britain so this book would be a fantastic addition to my rather small library of two needle work volumes. My other two are by Trish Burr, but I’m building as I get more involved in this fascinating and beautiful artwork.

    Thank you, Greta596

  130. Oh, so many reasons to love this book! I am a huge history dork, a huge fan of the RSN, and a surface embroiderer starting the EGA MasterCraftsman program in crewel embroidery. This book would be a great source of inspiration!

  131. Hi Mary:
    The history you describe has my interest. Most of my stitch books are all technique so I would like to think that I would enjoy the history part the most.

    The line drwaings and pictures look very interesting as well.

    Lorie form MA

  132. What captures me about this lovely book? It is a timeless translation – and, by that I mean, it embodies what needlewomen have always done. Translate time through their fingers into works of art. With many colored threads, time and peaceful talent, needlewomen connect all of us throughout years. This work glows, like velvet in sunlight, illuminating what mattered most to women of that time, and how they expressed this need. In pictures and words, we can connect to them. This Handbook is a treasure and will shine on any embroider’s shelf, helping her to translate her time – into new treasure.

  133. What do I like most about this book? That is hard to say. Is it the history? Probably. Or maybe it is the drawings and plates. I don’t want to choose what I like the most. It will depend on my mood and what I am doing. What a gem of a book.

  134. Oh lovely, as a current student studying in the US this would be a fantastic book to learn more in depth about the school. And it’s fascinating to read and learn from old manuscripts. Thanks Mary for this giveaway

  135. I love historical textiles and techniques. I’ve been a history student at the local university (now studying math and physics) and am very interested in the RNS as well.

    I love these giveaways you have. You are very generous.

  136. Hi Mary and thanks for this opportunity. I have always enjoyed reading about the Royal School of Needlework and love reading about the history of needlework. I like seeing different techniques of stitches especially if they come from long ago.

    Jan B. in Florida

  137. I’m a book addict to be sure ^_^

    And being a nerd, the history of the art, and an institution that has done a great deal for embroidery as an art, is very attractive.

    So the book, as a teaching guide, history and academic work, looks wonderful!

  138. Part of the reason I took up needlework in the first place was to connect with my foremothers. They sewed the family’s clothing and embroidered to add beauty to their lives. I wasn’t going to sew my own clothes so added embroidery to my list of skills in honor of them. Learning more about the history of the needlearts is right up my alley! Thanks for making this book available Mary and Lynn!

  139. As a history & needlework lover (who came to
    needlework via history!), I would love to win
    this book. I’m especially interested in the way the RSN has been instrumental in reviving & revitalizing an interest in needlework. Thanks for this terrific giveaway!

  140. For me – the history. I’ve collected a few needle work books from the early 1900’s and it’s fascinating to think about how precious those volumes were to the women of the time. Justine

  141. I have been doing needle crafts since I was young and I have done crewel, cross stitch and needlepoint. In the past 3 years I have become more involved in cross stitch as a way to help me cope with my youngest daughter’s battles with an eating disorder and anxiety. Recently a “Grand Friend” has taken my daughter under her wing to teach her embroidery and she is loving it. This book would be a good way to commemorate her continued successes with her illnesses (her re-birthday is March 9th- third anniversary of her discharge from hospital for her eating disorder) and a way to help her gain a greater appreciation for embroidery and it’s history.

  142. Oh, WOW! I would LOVE to have this book!! I’ve been checking into their site for quite some time. They do THEE most beautiful work – as you do, Mary – it’s hard to believe that these works are done by human hands! My cousin lives outside of London and if I ever get there, the RSN is one of the first places I want to visit. Thank you so much for the opportunity to get this book. Cool!

  143. What captures me about this book is that it is a copy of the old/original book with all the wonderful instructions and the page you showed was of the french knot and often the diagrams are not great, but this one was actually one of the best I have seen. I learn well from a book with good illustrations, I know this would be a great tool for me plus the historical part of it too. Also, the history of this great place is of special interest to me. I have books about samplers telling the history or the people doing them and so enjoy that. I just know this would be a wonderful addition to my needlework books. I am not able to purchase at this time so really hope I win it. But, just happy you are allowing someone the opportunity to have it for their own. Thank you so much!
    Judy Starkey

  144. I am so impressed that an organization such as the RSN exists to this day. While I am unable to visit or attend classes there, I appreciate that the art of embroidery is taken seriously and is being preserved through education and instruction.

  145. I do love books; almost as much as stitching. This book serves both needs: reading about the history of needlework and RNS and learning more about stitching and the techniques our art is based on.

  146. Mary,
    I’ve watched your beautiful pieces “come together” for quite a while now, and am ready to “take the plunge.” What better way to begin than from the “Masters!” I’d love to add this to my library!

  147. I would have to say all of the above. It’s such a rich resource it’s hard to discuss it without writing an essay.

    Thanks, Mary, for this chance at getting a copy of it.

  148. The history of needlework draws me to this book, as well as techniques. Both my sister and a dear friend are gifted embroiderers and I would enjoy sharing this book with them. Thank you for the opportunity.

  149. I love books of needlework and embroidery. I would like to learn more about the Royal School, techniques and the history.I would love to have this book.

  150. Hi Mary,
    I love everything about the RSN. I was lucky enough to take a course there on my birthday 10 years ago. It was so wonderful and they even served tea and cookies at break! How cool is that. I love all of their history and the fact that Queen Victoria’s Daughter started the school. Everything! Plus, I don’t know if people know that they still make and repair ceremonial clothing and banners. They even made the lace fabric for Princess Kate’s wedding. I would love to win the book! Thanks for the chance.
    Connie Martin

  151. Hi Mary,
    Golly another giveaway! You are really generous. I really like this book because reading about the history of embroidery is always interesting and helps to give me a connection to the work as I embroider. I would love to win. Thanks!

  152. Hi Mary,
    As with ecveryone else, I love books. I have never been to the Royal School, but envision a most luxurious palace filled with beautiful embroideries and furnishings. I love to read about history, especially 16th century boigraphies of Catherine of Aragon, Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots, etc. I could just envision myself back in those days.

  153. I really enjoy reading about the history of needlework & love photos of the works done so long ago. The Handbook of Embroidery would be read from cover to cover.

    Linda A
    Ontario, Canada

  154. I just love everything about this book. It’s on my wishlist and will end up on my reading table sooner or later.

  155. Aloha Mary,
    Truth be told I want it for the illustrations.History would be a plus.
    Jacquelin Ihsan

  156. The more I get back into needlework, the more fascinating I find the history behind it. This book will make great reading as well as being useful with regards to technique.

  157. Wow! Another giveaway! You are so very generous! I’m always interested in the history of techniques and have dreamed for years about the RSN. Reading about would be the next best thing to being there! Grovenore (grovenore.flato@rolln.com)

  158. The connection to needle workers of times past is forever comforting and encouraging. Ah, the unbroken yet varied thread that unites us all! We honor those of the past as we strive to maintain their techniques while endeavoring to express our own lives (and times) with new ideas and new threads and new techniques. This book is a wonderful reference, and fabulous window to the past.

  159. Hi Mary,
    Oh this book fascinates me. I instantly added it to my wishlist! I think I am most interested in the history but would also love to learn more about the Royal School of Embroidery.
    Thanks for another wonderful giveaway!

  160. I have found in the past that any information from the Royal School of Needlework was valuable and interesting, well-written and very understandable. Handbook of Embroidery sounds like a wonderful resource let alone a great source of reading pleasure. While a school student, I couldn’t abide history but they never mentioned needlework in those classes. I now find history, particularly as it relates to needlework, quite fascinating. Technique also interests me and sometimes a book such as this will make more clear why I’m doing what I’m doing and how I’m doing it; often another method, and better, will present itself. I find it interesting, too, how techniques sometimes overlap and ofttimes have developed multiple names. Handbook of Embroidery would be a joy to own. – Carol

  161. We are so lucky to have these give aways – Thank You! It is the photographs and images that have caught my attention. I always love new sources of inspiration.

  162. Where else, would one that cannot travel overseas, have the opportunity to learn,and enjoy privately such an experience of the work we love to do. Your generosity in providing your readers with such valuable tools, as are your book offers, is gratefully appreciated.

  163. My passion is embroidery so this book , I think would be very interesting to read the history of this wonderful craft. Thanks for the opportunity of being in the giveaway.

  164. From your description, the whole book sounds delightful. However, I think I’m drawn to the history first; not something I know much about.

  165. I would really like to read the reproduction of the old techniques manual, but the academic essay is the main attraction
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win this lovely book

  166. Hi Mary,
    Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy of this wonderful book.
    I some times try to put myself in the place of those women in early times and think how lucky we are now a days with so much information, threads, fabrics, acessories etc to embroider with and yet those women did such beautiful and creative work with the bear essentials WOW 🙂

  167. The Royal Society books are what introduced me to the wonders of needlework. As a child I did some crosswork kits but it was not until discovering The Royal Society Guide to Needlework that I was introduced to this incredibly diverse world.

    I just about to start my first goldwork sampler…. Wish me luck.

  168. I would love to win the book. Although I can always use the “how to” section, I am most interested in the historical aspect. I love to read about needlewomen from years past and reflect on the similarities and differences between their lives and mine. Mostly I am humbled by what exquisite work they did without the endless variety of lights, magnifiers, and other tools we have today.

  169. This looks like an amazing book, thank you so much for the chance to win it! I would have to say “all of the above”, but mostly the historical aspect. I also have a dream to someday attend classes at the RSN, or at least get to visit there someday.
    Thanks, Michelle F.

  170. The history – both of embroidery and the RSN – are what fascinate me. I’ve recently returned to needlework after a 20-year gap, and the historical designs and techniques are the ones that have really grabbed my imagination. And the RSN seems such a quintessentially British institution, ancient and steeped in those traditions.

  171. I am a former technical editor with a passion for embroidery. I like both of my fields because I love detail. And I am particularly interested in how technical information has been communicated over time. In particular, I’m interested in information that requires people to perform a task often without benefit of illustrations (from line drawings, to photos, to videos). What compelled the need for the information, how is this information organized, and what level of literacy and level of knowledge is assumed? I would love to read the facsimile document, but I also want to read Dr. Hulse’s findings on the school and, I hope, why and how the school developed its handbook.

  172. I would so love to have this book in my library. The RSN has preserved and advanced the skills of needlework. It’s original raison d’etre and high standards are still the reasons it is such a highly respected institute. Having a fuller understanding of that history would be interesting. The book would also, for me, be a great resource source and a source of inspiration.

  173. I find it all just breath-takingly beautiful. I enjoy the history of it and learning these fine techniques.

  174. I love reading about the history of needle art. It is interesting to see how embroidery played a part in people’s lives from long ago, and how their lives have been woven into their art.

  175. I love both embroidery and it’s history. The RSN books that I have purchased have been excellent. That highly recommends this book for me. Thank you for offering it in a give-away.

  176. All of the above! I’d love to learn about the history of the RSN and to be able to study the handbook.

  177. Not long past, I read an article about a woman who’d graduated from the RSN. I found her experiences fascinating! It reminded me of a scene in a period movie depicting a group of young women stitching away while the men fought battles. The battle scenes we see preserved on tapestries, as well as other historical events, were stitched by women just like them-just like me! I’d love to have this book.

  178. Dear Mary,
    How very generous you are. I guess I am in the “all of the above” category. I love history and embroidery. Like many others, I would love to attend the RSE but may have to be content with reading about it. I have added the book to my wishlist.

    Fran in Red Oak, TX

  179. I think this book looks completely fascinating! I think it would be great to have a book that shows the official RSN way of stitching, but I think the best part would be the history. I love browsing the internet to find old pieces and I love hearing the stories behind them. What a great find!

  180. Hi, Mary,
    Everything about this book intrigues me, but I am most interested in the historical aspect as many books cover techniques but very few provide adequate historical background. The photographs would be an added plus (I found it hard to choose exactly which I like best!). All together, this is a wonderful book to grace anyone’s library! Noel

  181. You and your site are the biggest reasons I got back into embroidery after MANY years(at least 30)! It was you that sent me to the RSN website the first time. The history of needlework fascinates me as it has changed so much yet still remains the same. I would leave this book on my bedside table to peruse just before drifting off to sleep so as to dream of beautiful needlework! Thanks for the chance to win it! Peggy in KY

  182. Mary,
    This is another great giveaway. I have been checking out the RSN website since you have been showing us about it. I think I would like this book for the techniques & the history. Thanks for doing this!
    Sheila from CA

  183. Grateful appreciation of those whose needlework has built the “house” upon which our present opportunities stand, inspires us to share and expand our gifts with others especially the young. This book is another link illuminating our connections with the past and thus inspiring us to reach out in the present.

  184. Hi Mary,
    I think this book would be an invaluable addition to my library from both a history & technique perspective. I also like to read about the dedication & commitment of those that have challenged the status quo & ensured the RSN has endured and will continue to endure.
    Thanks for the opportunity.
    Chris from Australia

  185. Hi Mary
    I would buy any book the Royal School of Embroidery put out, sight unseen, as I have come to conclusion that all their books are of very high quality, easy to read, user friendly, etc. etc.

    This would be a welcome addition to my library.


  186. When most people think of embroidery, they think of a static, “old-fashioned” hobby – one that doesn’t change. I’d be interested to read the book with an eye to seeing how the craft has evolved.

  187. Dear Mary,
    This book sounds incredible! It is one I wasn’t familiar with, but sounds like it covers my favorite things- textiles, history, embroidery technique! Thank you for this opportunity.
    Peg from NJ

  188. This book sounds fascinating and I would love to own it. I believe that the techniques would be my first interest and then the history. I love your site and all of the information that you provide. Thank you.

  189. The history of technique is what captures me! As an archeologist turned embroiderer I want to study the history of technique a lot more 🙂

  190. Oh Mary the whole book seems fascinating. I love browsing through old technique books on the net and I love the history of the whole movement. It is the untold story of countless women through history and I love to honour it by knowing it and sharing that history through continuing the story with my own work and educating those that I meet about embroidery. The essay would be fantastic to read. Ooo and the pretty coloured pictures just divine and inspiring. In short would love the book – yes please!

  191. I would love to have any kind of embroidery book . when I start working on a project , I usually research in detail about the stitch , the history , types etc …..
    thanks for the giveaway

  192. I have a fantasy/day dream of being able to take a class with the RSN. Ain’t gonna happen, but having the book would be almost as good. I love the history of needlework, and to see what people have been able to do with their needles.
    Nancy in Newport

  193. I’ve always enjoyed seeing the things that were taught from RSN, just never have had a book. I would really enjoy! 🙂

  194. Oh man, that cover with the peacocks is killing me! I love it so much! I also live the goddesses and although I just started embroidery, I already want to try it!

    Here’s hoping!

  195. All of it interests me. I remember when my oldest sister first taught me embroidery. At that time it was a pattern stamed onto a piece of cloth (pillowcase, bed covering, towel)and DMC cotton thread. I thought that was all there was available, and it may have been at that time. When I went back to embroidery a few years ago, I was intrigued by all the different sources, materials and techniques, and forms of embroidery that actually exisited. I still am. Thank you Mary and Lynn!

  196. To me are all reasons …. I like very much embrodeiry … so … learn new and old techiniques … know about history … in this case Royal Needlework School and in the same time have beuatiful pieces to see … is a perfect combination … but better than all … Have a piece of history in my hands … so far from there!!
    Thank you !!

  197. I love everything the Royal School does! So classy. I’ve heard descriptions of the work by Marion Scoular who trained there and would give anything to go!

  198. I like to read of the history of embroidery. You get so many new ideas out of the old.
    I also love the picture on the front cover

  199. Hi Mary,

    Thanks for another wonderful give-away. I’d love this book for the history and to learn more about needlework in general.

  200. I am completely captured by the fact that some people are soooo lucky to have somewhere like the RSN to attend. I will have to make do with the book, for now!

    donna – tampa, fl

  201. Hi Mary, everything about this book intrigues me, but most of all, I think I would like to read about how stitches were worked in 1880.

    Recently, I spent 2 hours in the city library reading a book that was reprinted, for the 2nd time, in 1889. It was lovely to hold it & know that it had been held & read by other women for over 200 years. Of course it is no longer allowed out on loan, but that gave me a good excuse to spending all that time in the library.

    Marian, Dunedin, NZ

  202. The Needle Arts are a beautiful living thing! ah, this will make a wonderful addition to my library ~ after it spends a good year or so on my bedside reading table! Thank you, Lynn and Mary!

  203. I’m interested in the history of needlework, and how there seem to be cycles of interest in traditional skills. Plus, I wish I could take a class at the RSN.

  204. Before coming to know of this website I never tried embroidery. Then came all your information as to how wool was dyed (woud) I think that is how it is spelled) in the past and is still done today. That was wonderful information. You have peeked my interest in this art form called surface embroidery. In times past I saw beautiful hand-work on the vesper garments at various churches; I wondered who started this and how. You informed us of the RS of embroidery and wow many questions I had seemed to be answered about this art form. Mary, thanks for all you do for us and should this book be given to me, I would consider it all a joy to read and have in my personal library. Should I not win it, I know it will be my next purchase.

  205. I love to learn about the history of embroidery. I am so thankful for an organization like RSN to continue the art of embroidery.

  206. Echoing others’ sentiments, anything by RSN is a worthwhile addition to one’s library. As a history buff, it would be fascinating to scour the first half of the book. Thank you for sharing a few pages from the book, Mary! The vintage patterns are gorgeous from what I can see.

  207. Why do I want this book?!! It is history, technique, design, and OLD!!! These are ALL the things that I love. My passion for old needlework techniques, how things “used” to be, and how they turned into what they are today is all of what this book is about. I hope I am lucky enough to “win”…..or else I’ll be sending off yet another book order! sigh. (thank you, Mary!)

  208. I would love to win the embroidery book just to learn the history and also the techniques.
    Thank you for opportunity.

  209. Hello Mary

    Want to know what I like about the RSN publication
    .. the total commitment and dedicated effort taken in compiling the book, it’s unique way of doing embroidery – the RSN Method, its great past history, the techniques depicted in photographs, the high quality and easy to follow intructions… all of it that go into making this a wonderful embroidery lovers’ guide. Would love to have it…..
    Thanks Mary


  210. I would love to win this lovely book. I am fascinated by anything that contains old needlework techniques and it is always lovely to learn how to use them. The RSN is such a wonderful institution. I would really love to go exploring there one day. I think that I would come away with a lot of useful knowledge.S

  211. I would love to see and read this particular book to learn about the history and techniques used as well as all the pictures. Anything that has to do with the RSN has me fascinated especially since the Royal wedding.
    LJJ Australia

  212. Hi Mary,
    Love your daily emails, you always have so much information and inspiration.

    I would love this book; first, because I love books of all kinds; second, I love books that inspire me in something I love to do; and third, I really like the photos & drawings.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win.
    Happy Wednesday,
    Diana in Sioux Falls

  213. As a very traditional needle art person I am very interested in the history of everything related to thread and cloth. If I can make something that can be usable today but in the traditional technique its all the better for me.

  214. First of all, I love old embroidery books and this is one I haven’t seen before. I always learn so much from the older books. The new section is what I’m looking forward to, learning more about the creation of the book, the RSN, and the time period. Thanks for the opportunity.

  215. I just came across your site last week and love it! I so appreciate all the info, tricks, and tips you give. I’ve been embroidering for a very short time, mostly just outlining. I’m looking forward to the days I’ll fill in the work. I would love to win the give-away and learn the history of my new found needlework.

    Thanks for Sharing your knowledge with us!

  216. The history! I once took a class with the embroidery guild at Hampton Court Palace. Waaaaayyyyyy cooler than just taking a class!

  217. I’m going to be taking a class on antique caskets come May and I think this book will give me some of the antique stitch background I like to know before I start my own casket.
    And my bucklet list includes taking a class at the Royal School of Needlework in London, so anything they publish is of interest to me these days.

  218. What grabs me is that it’s from the Royal School of Needlework. I’ve looked through another of their books and it was gorgeous – inspiring designs w/ nice big pictures.

  219. What a lovely book. I have been admiring vintage linens lately and would love to see more about the history of embroidery. This book would be the ultimate eye candy!

  220. The Royal School is on my bucket list. Winning the book will bring me one step closer. Of course, not winning will just mean I MUST just go and order it! Thanks for the try on the lovely prize today. Chris in somewhat balmy Michigan!

  221. Hello from Down Under.

    What an opportunity…..firstly we had your detailed review on this 1880 Hnadbook on Embroidery, which I read from top to bottom, and now a chance to win the book!

    While I do embroidery myself it is not in the same vein as your work Mary, and would love the opportunity to become better with the use of the clear instructions in the book.

  222. About 15 yrs ago I became aware of the RSN. Since then I have taken classes. Am fascinated by the history and would love to have this book.

  223. Oh, I’d love to learn more about the Royal School and how to do some of the more intricate needlework.

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  224. The history. While I get to see examples of historical needlework from time to time, it’s fascinating to see the nuts and bolts of it. Usually, I’m amazed by how much knowledge is presumed already, as evidenced by sparse directions.

  225. I think it’s safe to say there is NOTHING about this book that does NOT interest me! It looks truly fascinating and beautiful.
    Thanks for the chance to win Mary.

  226. Need the book? of course.
    Want the book? of course
    All that said the history involved is a wonderful way to learn more about a special place. Having been a genealogist before quilting and embroidery I can only dream that I have a chance to win.
    Thank you for all that you do for the embroiderers in this country.
    Georgia Gal

  227. Always technique. I must get there one day. I love their publications. Thanks for the contest.

  228. The level of skill in historic needlework, especially ecclesiastical needlework, was what inspired me to go beyond counted thread work years ago. I am so thankful that RSN preserved and recovered the knowledge for the finest European handwork. I would love to take some classes as well as learn from this historical book. Thanks, Mary, for doing this.

  229. What captures you about this book: technique, history, the Royal School, some of the above, all of the above, or something completely different?

    History of the Royal School – which translates to learning technique via understanding- why it became customary to see certain stitches with a particular geographic area… colors etc

  230. What a wonderful prize. I absolutely love the illustrations in this book and would dearly love to have my own copy. Thanks for the chance to win!

  231. I have long had a fascination with the Royal School of Needlework, RSN, mostly due to two reasons: I’m an avid embroiderer and a royal watcher. I commend their commitment to teach, practice and promote the Art of Hand Embroidery to the highest standards. I love anything I can learn about whitework, Jacobean embroidery, hedebo, reticella, and many other types of hand embroidery. My favorite embroiders/ embroidery designers of all time- Miss Louisa Pesel, Mrs. Archibald Christie, Erica Wilson, and William Morris were either apprentices, teachers, or designers at the RSN.

    The Royal Weddings and Royal Coronations just wouldn’t be as beautiful without the embroideries worked by the members of the RSN- they embroidered the Coronation robes of George VI and consort, Queen Elizabeth II had her wedding dress and Coronation robe embroidered by the RSN. Recently the lace appliques on Kate Middleton’s wedding dress. I also enjoy the RSN’s facebook page. It is full of wonderful photos of fine embroidery. I’m sure the book must be wonderful.

  232. I have never seen this book before, but the pictures you showed mean I now have to get it. I am fascinated by the four goddess panels. I would love to win this book. Thank you. Teresa

  233. Hi Mary,
    Without the RSN, and its wonderful history of design and technique, the world of embroidery would be missing one of its most important components of modern times. Long may it live!

    I would love to own this book, just as I enjoy reading and using other books from the RSN.

    Thank you for your generous giveaway, Mary!

    Victoria Gemmell, North Vancouver, Canada

  234. I love your give aways they are so much fun.

    When you first talked about this book I was drooling over it and so wishing I could get one or better yet go to the school. But…both were out of my reach. NOW the give away! WOW.

    I think I would really enjoy the instructional part of the book the best although I also love to learn about the history of things. It gives me a real conection to the people who have paved the way for us to do what we do today with needlework.

  235. I admire the recognition and value that has always been placed on the thread arts in Britain. I think it is wonderful that there are schools and college programs dedicated to their mastery. Books like this one make me feel as though I am a very small part of a magnificent tradition-

  236. i am a big fan of embroidery and i would love to know other techniques and the history behind them.

  237. *Squee*. As a newbie to embroidery.
    It would be a dream to own literature that delves into history and technique
    of embroidery.

  238. What captures you about this book: technique, history, the Royal School, some of the above, all of the above, or something completely different?

    The history of the RSN, the techniques that would have been popular during 1880 (hopefully not all of it Victorian extravagance) and the history. It all interests me.

  239. Hi Mary,
    First it would be the history that the book contains that interests me. About 10+ years ago I was able attend the annual tour of the RSN when they had items belonging to the royal family on display. The items ranged from an apron belonging to Queen Anne to an abslutely beautifully embroidered gown in Ayreshire work worn by King Edward IIV as a baby.
    Next it would be the techniques and other information that the book contains that would be read. It would be a privelege to own this book.

  240. When I need to relax (which is quite often with two small children), I go to my ‘Happy Place’ and imagine being a student at the RSN surrounded by all things embroidery. To have this book in hand would bring that ‘Happy Place’ just that much closer…

  241. I think it was Ben Jonson who said the re-marriage was the triumph of hope over experience, but I can tell him that it is entering and re-entering all Mary’s fabulous give-aways.

    This book appeals to me mostly for the historical content which I am starting to understand has much more influence on what we do today. I also admire enormously those women who were bolshie enough to reject marriage and go out and do something for themselves, not to mention lots of others.

  242. I would love to have this book because of my interest in the history of embroidery and my desire to learn new techniques, but also because the RSN is a symbol of great traditions in needlework. The book would be a wonderful addition to my library.

  243. Hi Mary,
    The book looks a bit interesting from the historical point of view and also that the school holds a bit of mystery. It would be interesting to learn more about the school and how they have been able to uphold the needleart craft.

  244. I’d love to have this book to add to my library. I have a particular interest in historical samplers and I imagine they would be dealt with in this book

  245. Hi Mary,
    A book, any book is always tempting. I am not so keen on history, but I love books, and the RSN is such a reference that I would love to own another embroidery reference book.

  246. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book. It looks like a great book. The designs and history must be wonderful. If I don’t win your drawing, I will just have to buy this one 🙂

  247. Both the history of embroidery and the techniques are what interest me. Why is it my stuff never looks like what is in the book or brochure? I’m sure it has to do with technique, which I need to learn.

  248. I am very interested in all aspects of embroidery and techniques and am lucky enough to live in the UK not far from London, Salisbury and Oxford and Bath which are rich in sources to expand my knowledge. The internet has also helped extensively, however nothing can compare with some time alone with a piece of cake or a packet of biscuits (cookies) and a good cup of tea and a well researched and illustrated book about needlework.
    If I’m not a lucky winner , this book will most certainly be added to my next wanted (needed) list anyway.
    Jan in a very springy Wiltshire – daffs , crocuses and snowdrops popping up all over .

  249. Thank you Lunn Hulse and Mary for yet another generous gesture.
    What moves me about this book?
    A walk through the history of embroidery, the diagrams, the techniques and the book itself being a labour of love of a passionate needle worker.

  250. I think it’s the combination of history and technique that really intrigues me. I would love to put myself in the 1880s classroom in my mind, learning techniques the way the ladies of that time did.

  251. This book encapsulates everything that my Grandmother passed on to me from over the waves via letters full of great detail. She was in Wales and I was/am in Australia. As a young child I would eagerly await her instructions of what I “should” be able to achieve at such and such an age. Never realising until now as I look back, that she was actually a hard taskmaster at times, lol. But I loved her dearly for it, these same lessons I have been able to pass on to my daughter and son and I hope they will pass on to their family and future generations. Luckily they both share the passion for design and craft work. It would make a great addition to any crafters collection thank you for offering it =)

  252. I would love to win this book for all of the mentioned reasons. Would like to add it to my library and am always interested in learning new techniques and how to properly execute my stitches.

    Thank you

  253. I’m fascinated by the historical aspects of the book – I love looking through old embroidery books, so the back half of the book is what really interests me!

  254. It was the colours that grabbed me before I even knew the title of the book – so gentle and soft, so feminine. They make you want to open the cover to see what’s inside. Are the stylized flowers from an embroidery, or perhaps from a wallpaper. I’d like to copy them. Look at their outlines. They could even be done as shadow work.

  255. Just look at that cover! It is just dying to be made into something… A pillow, I think. What self-respecting embroiderer wouldn’t want to win a book by RSN? I do! I do! I want it so badly I am tempted to enter twice.

  256. The thought of having a RSN book to look at view techniques, stitches and to find the history of embroidery is amazing. It would be awesome to have a copy of this book to help me with stitching and to find I formation a out different techniques. Thanks for the opportunity

  257. Hi Mary,
    first of all i am interested in history and of course techniques of RSN embroidery. It would be nice to have this book. thank you for the chanse to win it!

  258. I enjoy reading about the history of various needle arts, but have not read a lot about embroidery yet. Currently am reading about spinning, now I have to make a drop spindle and try it. If I got this book, I’d try real embroidery sooner. I really admire your projects and will try some even if I don’t get this book.

  259. Hello,

    I’m a newbie to embroidery and I learn English too. I’m sorry for my poor writing style.

    I Was doing embrodery to stop smoking, a funny thing. It was just for to keep my hands busy. And now, I’m falling in love of it.
    I can learn the most possible things in books, on the web. But it’s just not enough. This book Have a true value for learning history and style of embroidery. Each pattern have a past, a story and a share of it located in the following work.
    The beauty of this book is in this history and what we can do with it.

    With this book, I think possilbe for me to take a part in this continuity and sharing.

    In any case, thank your for work.

  260. The Royal School of Needlework is my dream but the courses are so expensive. In the meantime the book would be a lovely stopgap.

  261. Hi Mary,

    I love embroidery and painting on fabric. I did some fabric painting while working a 9-5 office job and a little embroidery. From 1.1.2012 my retired life has begun and the first thing I did was to attend embroidery classes. I enjoy your videos and am curious to know where and how the stitches originated. However, Embroidery books are not available any more where I live. Therefore I would love to have your Give Away with the history of embroidery,techniques,designs and all there is to know.

  262. I would love to own this book!! To visit the Royal School of Needlework has been a dream of mine for such a long time…owning this book would help me to feel closer to fulfilling this dream.

    Thanks, Mary.

  263. You are the reason I discovered RSN and I’ve been fascinated with them ever since. I love history and reading about all the women before us who embroidered for churches and other work in history. I would also love to travel there to take a class one day.

  264. I think I would be most interested in knowing more about the RSN. I already have some of their technique books, so more about the RSN would fill in some gaps in my knowledge!

  265. I think learning some history would be great. I have been mainly focusing on learning the stitches so far, and have been neglecting the history aspect. And pictures are always great too!

  266. I would love add this book in my collection.
    I am a history buff and the dream of my life is to visit RSN a day. Thank you Mary for your “bonjour” every day. Louise from Québec

  267. Hi Mary,

    Definitely, the history section would be my favorite! I am always eager to learn who did what in the development of any form of needlework. The technique section would be valuable for reference when needed, but the section I would read right away and reread from time to time for enjoyment would be the history part.

    Thank you for the chance to win this book and for the excellent review!

    Helen in Oklahoma

  268. I am a picture person. I love looking at the detailed work someone has put in their embroidery. Reading the history behind it is even better.

  269. I think this would be a very important book to own with the history and the glorius patterns.
    I would really love to win it.
    Sharon K.

  270. Dear Mary,

    I already own “Royal School of Needlework – Embroidery Techniques”. Now I’m very interested in learning more about the history of RSN itself. It’s a dream to attend a course there anytime…

    Kind regards, Sandra

  271. Both the technique and the history draw me to this book. First, the technique is documented from the premier source in the world. Second, I’ve always been interested in needlework as a culturally binding art and craft. It binds all cultures and genders all over the world. But I’m particularly interested in and appreciative of how it has been a common interest and source of independence for women for so many centuries. I’d like to read Dr. Hulse’s research.

    Thank you for the offer, Mary!

  272. Thanks for another chance to win a great resource! The history of the school and the way the handbook was written to be used interests me. Take care, Carla

  273. Mary,

    Your site always amaizes me each time I open it. I have been studying the history of quilting and embroidery for about three years and would love to add this book to my small collection. Thanks for offering these wonderful books because we can only dream of visiting RSN someday.

  274. The Royal School of Needlework has an stellar reputation and is well known for its excellence in needlework techniques. I really appreciate the opportunity to win a copy of this book, The Handbook of Embroidery.

  275. Hi mary

    I am from india and havent heard about the royal school.so I am eager to know about the history of the school and the hardwork they have taken for the needlework.I was inspired by your work and was willing to learn needlework.I think this book will help me to go through the history as well as techniques of the needlework.
    Thank you for the offer
    Take care.

  276. This book interests me for so many different reasons. First, history in all areas of decor (specifically fabrics) is a large part of my job. I work on sets and have to put things together-most of my work is present day. My dream, along with every other art director, is to do a period film. I watch movies like The Duchess, Pride and Prejudice (yes, there is a patch you can see on Miss Elizabeth’s dress as she takes her first walk up the family home’s steps…I notice those bits), and films like Harry Potter (a different world, how did they put it together) and Gone With The Wind (how did they do the art direction without modern day eases). I worked for a couple months in Windsor, England. Staying at The Harte and Garter and working at Headsor House…and I think I left my heart in England. I would love to take the entire curriculum at Royal School, but I cannot leave my family here for three years! So it’ll stay on my bucket list for now. I love photo tutorials and videos as well, we have it so easy now. But I have many, many first print books. My Grandfather held all of the materials now on display in Washington D.C. for the Nuremberg Trials, my Grandmother (a librarian) had the copies burned after his death, donating the originals. I still have not seen the works, and although it is not enjoyable matter to view, I believe that all history is something to be shared and cared for.
    Being as I’m learning, technique is a great enticing factor in purchasing a book. I’ve loved the books I’ve purchased through great advice of more seasoned stitchers. This looks like another gem.
    There isn’t much about this that isn’t appealing about this book! I was able to view and touch vintage textiles while in London, and tour the grand castles and homes (we shot in a 1600’s estate and viewed several before choosing)…there isn’t much I don’t love to just turn over and wonder about how they did it.
    Thanks for adding this book to the list! Winning it would help my husband…then I couldn’t get blamed for buying it!

  277. The origins of embroidery is what is intriguing. For it is only once you understand the origin of something can you fully understand its evolution. Cannot wait to take a look into the past!

  278. WooHoo Mary! What a great opportunity for one of us to have this esteemed book. For me, it would be “all of the above”. There are so many stitches I have yet to learn, let alone perfect. Thank you to you and to Lynn!

  279. I love the history of needlework. The main reason it is a favourite topic of mine is that it makes me feel connected to all the generations of stitchers that have come before me. Learning about the times they lived in, the materials they used and the techniques they designed or developed makes me feel connected to a much bigger picture.

  280. The whole aspect of the book intrigues me. I love the history of embroidery and how we translate the techniques into modern embroidery. I am signed up for a two day goldwork class at the Royal School later this year – on a quick visit to the UK to see our daughter – and I am so looking forward to stitching in Hampton Court and just imagining the histroy that happened there so long ago.

  281. Ironically, before I viewed your current give away I was wishing there were a school for embroidery. I went to Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science 20 years ago, and was fortunate to spend many summers studying in Italy and France. I never though had a chance to learn embroidery until I happily stumbled upon your website a few months ago. This book would be most appreciated and I would consider the possibility of studying this much honored but often under appreciated art of embroidery through an official source.

    Thank you for your website!!
    Congratulations to whoever the lucky winner is!
    Emily from Ardmore PA

  282. While I think the entire will be very interesting, I’m very much interested in the history part of the book. I enjoy history, history of needlework and am looking forward to reading about RSN in particular.

    Thank you for your blog – I’ve been fascinated by all you’ve had to teach us!

    Debby in CO

  283. Wow!! All of the above. I would really love to delve into the history and techniques in particular but anything to learn more about embroidery and appreciate it looking back over the previous centuries is great. Once again thank you for your generous offer of a chance to win another free book.

  284. This book looks amazing. I am a total newbie at hand embroidery and could use all the help with technique it could offer. Also, I home educate our girlys and would love to integrate it into our curriculum.

  285. I would say the words royal school of needlework intriques me. Also I would love to learn the techniques to improve my needlework.

    Mary in Oregon

  286. I think it’s a little of all of the above that captures my interest. Since I still consider myself new at embroidery, a handbook is going to be useful and practical. (I guess just as much to experienced embroiderers, too.) Learning some of the history would be fun and I know will have an effect on my embroidery. And the RSN…well, that’s a good thing.

  287. History, techniques,a reference and the photograghs in beautiful book……..
    Thank you for your newsletter I enjoy each day and for the opportunity for a chance to win this book.

  288. What a gorgeous book! I think I’m most drawn to the line drawings and pattern pictures. Prosperina is so lovely! But the technical instruction would be well read and (hopefully) assimilated. I’m a wordy individual- I’d love to read it!

  289. What interests me most about the book is the history. I feel such a connection to the past when I stitch…my needlework connects me to all the others before me who have plied the needle. It’s something to be carried on and shared!

  290. G’day Mary,
    ‘All of the above’ most certainly. It’s the type of book I browse, read the text and/or the pictures, AND dream on, depending on my mood.
    Thank you Mary and Lynn for this special treat opportunity.
    Cheer, Kath from Oz.

  291. I absolutely love the historical treasure this book is — it’s like having your great grandma’s tutoring and wisdom and experience right at your fingertips. The art and illustrations are also lovely! I would be thrilled to own this book!
    ~julie from Michigan

  292. The history of the Royal School of Needlework would be the important aspect of this book for me. Also, I just like the name “Letitia”!

  293. I’m fascinated by the longevity (history) of the embroidery – and how it still ignites our imagination today. This looks like a wonderful book that will be an invaluable asset to the library of any lover of historical needlework! Thanks for the opportunity, Mary.

  294. The book, The History of the Royal School of Needlework Handbook of Embroidery, has many elements to entice the reader. Firstly the history of the School, a history of which fascinates and intrigues. Consider all the students (mainly women) who learnt this amazing skill under expert tutelage and the embroideries they produced and have left behind for our generation to admire. The 1880 publication of the School’s handbook shows how women of the period had to decipher instructions with very few pictures to follow. Imagine having to do that today.
    The book is beautifully produced as are all the Royal School of Needlework publications. It would be a joy to read.
    Thank you for giving embroiderers the chance to win a copy.

  295. I am a senior citizen, and I remember clearly when Erica Wilson arrived in New York and introduced American women — who embroidered tea towels and pilowcases — to heirloom embroidery. It was the first time we had ever seen contemporary crewel, goldwork, blackwork, and the *right* way to perform various stitches. We were entranced, and haven’t been the same since. The cry went out: she’s a graduate of the Royal School of Needlework.”. We fell into reverent silence and sat worshipfully at her feet and learned. And from that day to this, the Royal School of Needlework has represented to me the peak, the zenith, the ultimate in stitching. It is thrilling to learn of this new book!

  296. Oh, oh, oh, everything about this book sounds great. I perused the book online, and it looks to be a wonderful book, showing something from the past that is applicable today. I would devour the book, cover to cover, if given the chance to win the giveaway! Thank you for such a fun, educational, and just great website.

  297. Mary,

    Thank you for the wonderful opportunity to win this book! I have been dreaming and dreaming of getting to the RSN to take their certificate course over the summer – it would be a very intensive study to be sure, but I would love it all the same! 🙂

    I have always been a lover of history – British especially – and love (also in awe) of the fact that Henry VIII had 80 palaces and the RSN at Hampton Court was one of these! How cool and neat is that?

    Since I can’t make it this year to RSN, and have very HIGH hopes of being there next year, I would love to get this book so that I may start studying how they do embroidery there, and what I can learn to do on my own until I do get there.

    Hugs and Love,
    Jennifer from Honesdale

  298. I would love to add this book to my library. Anything about the RSN has always facinated me. I would love to take a class there.

    I hope it has examples of old samplers and the types of floss that was used in the past. I have always been curious about how the floss and yarns were sold and packaged in the past.

    Thank you,
    Debbie Brian

  299. This looks fascinating! I love needle arts and history and this book would be a total indulgence! ~Judy in Pittsburgh

  300. The history is what I would find most interesting. I visited Hampton Court before I knew what treasures it contained. One of the great boo boo’s of my life.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  301. Oh Mary! You will never know how much you have taught me in such a short time. I judged the needlework at a neighboring small county fair in August of 2011, and someone had entered several Brazilian embroidery exhibits. Much to my dismay,I did not know as much as I should have to judge them as well as I would have liked to. I came home from that fair and I immediately got online to see what I could see….and I found your site and a whole world of information has opened up to me! I have gone back and read each and every entry over the last few months and I have to say thanks to you, I have enriched the coffers of many, many needlework shops around the world. I have threads and flosses and metal threads for goldwork, books, frames, fabrics and many, many other items to work with and. So what I’m tying to say is this; don’t send me this book. I will most likely purchase it for myself anyway as I have already purchased many other items too numerous to mention.

  302. Oh, everything you have shared about this book is interesting to me. Fingers crossed I win, but if not, I will be purchasing a copy.

  303. Hi Mary,
    Everything,I guess,but especially the technique.Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!Now I’m working in a flower that I named Débora,based in Beth Lea’s project of Bluebell Wood.I made this flower in my fingers with the technique of corded brussel stitch and than applied in a towel toilet.You can check on my blog,please? Let me know what you think about.

  304. Hi,
    All of above but more honestly the technique by which i’ll learn a lot. Thanx for sharing such a precious book Mary

  305. To answer your question in a nutshell: all of the above, but especially the history. Old-school history was mostly about kings and battles and such, but I’ve always liked the glimpses of ordinary folk and ordinary lives. It sounds strange to say “royal” and “ordinary” in the same breath, but the school was founded to preserve what had been an ordinary art/craft that was becaoming extraordinary.

  306. I love historical needlework and am teaching myself to do a variety of different kinds of embroidery and lace making-with vaied success but I keep trying! This would be a wonderful addition to my effortd at learning more about both the technique and history of needlework.

  307. I am interested in the history the book has to offer. I am also interested in the technique and any stiches I do not have learned as of yet. I am sure the pictures would be a great help in my journey of learning and practicing what I learn and sharing with my loved ones and friends as gifts. I love seeing the look of delight on their faces when they recieve a gift made by hand and love.

  308. Hi Mary
    Anything the RSN publishes is usually of a high quality and I am interested in all the points ranging from historical context, patterns to techniques and applications. The main reason I am yet again responding here because I really NEED to feel that I can WIN something….somehow just winning something would make me feel a lot better right now esp. after the christmas giveaway disappointment.
    SO I am keeping all fingers and toes crossed this time!

  309. I love embroidery books. Really I love everthing about embroidery!
    The RSN is very important because it keeps hand embroidery alive and at the same keeps history alive.
    I read your review of the handbook and was captured by the patterns and diagrams.

    Thank you so much.

  310. I have always been fascinated by Royal School of Needlework. If they had correspondence classes I would be first in line! I don’t think I will ever be able to personally visit the school, but this would be the next best thing. I love the history and am always amazed at the beauty of embroidery done so many years ago.

  311. Your book contests are so exciting. All the books spur me to start new projects. The pictures and techniques in The Handbook of Embroidery are very valuable to any novice or pro.

  312. I am obsessed by embroidery and am always trying to learn more! I would love one day to do a course at the RSN but as I live in New Zealand it probably won’t happen! But this gorgeous book would be close enough for me! Thanks so much for giving us needle thread fans an opportunity to win this amazing book!

  313. I like the historical aspects. I love to look at and learn about the early Stitchers. I am often amazed and heartened that some of hem were not as perfect as one might think. I like that!

  314. This sounds like a wonderful combination of history and needlework! And they just happen to be two of my favorite things!! Mary, you introduce me to some wonderful topics, techniques, and plain old points of interest. Thanks.

  315. I would definitely say the history but all of it interests me! I just recently found your website and it has helped my embroidery work immensely. Plus your work is very inspiring.I’m hoping that this book will help my embroider work as well.
    Thank you so much!
    Katherine Browning

  316. Hello there from a chilly England. What a great giveaway, I am just so taken with the RSN and the history that’s what I look for. I would love to win this book, I seem to have lost so many of my books one way or another. Regards Mandy Currie (mandycurrie@googlemail.com)

  317. Thanks so much for the opportunity to have such a wonderful book. I was able to visit the RSN in their old location in London and was so inspired by the work they do. The history and instructions would be so much appreciated.

  318. I am very interested in the history aspect of the book. I am currently doing research myself on blackwork and the aspects of Islamic culture that influenced the stitching motifs. I came to my interest in embroidery via samplers and being fascinated that little girls with few resources could make such beautiful art and that it was part of their education. I wished it had been part of my formal education, too!

  319. Hi Mary, I would love to take part in this giveaway. I have done cross stitching since I was 12, hardanger for a few years and am really interested in learning more about other stitches and about stumpwork and needle painting and and and…lol I really want to learn more about the history of embroidery (love all history) and I absolutely LOVE books. Have not got that many good embroidery books yet though, and I think you can never have too many books:) Hugs, Ylva

  320. Everything about this book sounds interesting and would make a wonderful addition to any needlework library. I’m a real history buff and the history of needlework as well as the technique really appeals to me.

  321. Hello Mary
    I love the history and all things Royal School of Needlework. I just love books period!

  322. Hi, I was in EGA for about 18 years and loved the teaching and history for all needlework. My love is working Antique Samplers on fine linen. The flowers could be needlepoint or crowel. That is what captured my attenetion. Oh I hope I win.

  323. I am a volunteer at the Arnprior & District Museum in Arnprior, a small town in Eastern Ontario Canada; working with textiles. We have some very delicate handwork clothing and artwork in our collection; including beading, needlework and samplers. The history of the skills shown have always been of great interest to me. I find the work I see at the museum very inspirational and encouraging. I have attempted several needlework pieces of my own and am always trying to learn more. Currently I am working on a reproduction of a 1893 sampler. The addition of this book to my collection would be greatly appreciated and I know I would spent many hours of pleasure just looking at the book. Then I could read the history and try some of the stitches illustrated. As you can tell I am very exciting over the possibility of winning this book. Thank you for the opportunity and thank you for your emails I look forward to reading them all.

  324. Oh, my!! I can’t decide: the pattern pages or just being able to get my hands on a book from so far back!!!

  325. I would love to read Lynn Hulse’s historical thoughts on embroidery. We have come along way since the 1800s but one thing we know is that the old embroideries have lasted for centuries, will ours?!

    I have certain pieces that I hope will stand the ravages of time and have stored them (hopefully) well enough.

    Mary as a relative new member I have been reading slowly through your site. You certainly offer the old to the new sewers a wonderful choice of “method how to” and other information on the subject.

    Even to an old chook like me.

    From the heart a big thank you.

  326. I guess the thing that intrigues me about this book, is the mention of The Royal School of Needlework. I have been to the Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion in Alabama and have taken classes from a number of instructors that have studied at The Royal School. I always envision that this is the ultimate learning environment. Also, it was mentioned that part of Kate’s dress was done at The Royal School. Wow!,

    Debi in MS

  327. Hello…Ever since I read your review I’ve been watching this book on the web–hoping for some “miracle markdown”! It would be fabulous to win the book–so much that I read over all the entries looking to be sure mine had made it. Didn’t find my earlier submission so here I go again…really love your site! As for the book…the historical aspects are those that interest me the most…and I love pictures of wonderful embroidery. I’m currently fascinated by goldwork…Kate

  328. I find all history related things fascinating Mary. Thats why I make bobbin lace (luckily being able in the modern times to make all sorts of different patterns and types of lace compared to the olden times when they usually made only one pattern and kept cutting off when they sold it and continuing on). When embroidering I specially like reproducing old samplers, shame we can’t go back to olden times isn’t it. Well maybe only as long as we were healthy!!

    Julie in Australia

  329. Enjoying other people’s talents, I find needlework books fascinating because one can identify a particular artist by the finished project.
    The RSN is always a pleasurable place to read about and see virtue in motion. That is patience and skill.

    This giveaway shows us treasures from the past. My Mom lived to 101 years old. She loved beautiful embroidery and embroidered herself.

  330. Hi,
    I am an artist and would absolutely love to win this beautiful book. I have always wanted a book from the Royal School of Needlework. I love history of needlework and love looking at old patterns and work and adapting some of them for my own use. Embroidery is so relaxing and easy to tote around. This book would be great in my reference library. Thanks for all your giveaways, even though I haven’t won yet. Jacobean embroidery is my first love – the patterns are so unique. And just to let you know I have learned so so much from your website!! I love it and love getting an email everyday from you!! Thanks for YOU!! Sherry

  331. I love to embroidery and I’m very interested in the history of the craft. It would be a joy to me to win this book and to learn more about embroidery, the tools that I could use. I would really enjoy learning tips from the past as well.

  332. I love everthing about the RSN Handbook especially the history and techniques. I am fascinated by historical textiles and every step involved in their creation. This looks to be an awesome book that will answer all sorts of questions about embroidery and some of its history. What a wonderful giveaway!!

  333. I have nothing from Europe on any kind of stitching and I understand that the Royal School is one of the best places of learning. I would love to have this for the history and ideas in it. The pages you showed were wonderful. I’ve been designing my own mostly embroidery patterns for a year. I get ideas from everything. I would love to have this resorce to inspire me also.

  334. A fascinating book! What attracts me most is the historical aspect and that its from the Royal School. Thanks Mary for this opportunity!

  335. I am always amazed that I am doing the same stitches which were embroidered hundreds of years ago & especially their quality. So it is a combination of history with technique which fortunately the RSN has sources and resources to maintain and continue this glorious tradition from a grub to a butterfly.

  336. Hi Mary,

    What a great opportunity. I’d love to read about the history of the Royal School. Many thanks to you and to Lynn!

  337. Hi Mary, another good book to win, I already have some RSN books and they are both well written,I am very interested in history of embroidery.This one would certainly be a very nice one to add to my collection, I do hope I win.

  338. Hi Mary –

    Sometimes when I see embroidery from the past, I also notice little differences in technique with the very same stitches – that inspires me to try that same stitche…or, try to figure out how the effect was accomplished. Recently, I have found some examples at the Women’s Market near me. Lovely stitches that are a variation of ones in current books. These women embroiderers decorated everyday fabrics and made little changes which reflected their personality or made the item sweet. I would look for these in a book written by the Royal School of Needlework – and,thanks to your website, there is at least a chance to actually own such a beautiful resource. Thank you for the opportunity. Charlotte

  339. I love this book. I saw it once at a friend’s home in England. I usually do needlepoint on canvas and feel a little shy about trying other techniques, but I believe I’m getting there. Love, love your newsletter! alicia.

  340. This book has gone onto my wishlist! The history looks fascinating, and I love reading older technique books for handcrafts.

    The images you showed of the artwork/patterns look awfully tempting too.

  341. I always like a book with good photos. Although, I like that this book has a lot of history. It’s why I subscribe to Piecework magazine, too. Thanks, Mary!

  342. I am interested in anything & everything concerrning hand embroidery. It is a dream of mine to study the history of embroidery. Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  343. The school history would be interesting to me. But I would be most interested in the embroidery techniques. Thanks for all you do Mary.

  344. I LOVE history on needlearts. In fact, some times I read too much and then do too little. But it is there in my mind, incubating and waiting for the chance to get out and onto the linen. In the meantime, I’m starting out this new year a little late with my ABCs: in embroidery. Would love to win this beautiful book; RSN is such an inspiration. I visit their site quite often. Thanks, Mary P.S. LOVE the changes to the comment section. It’s really nice!

  345. I had never heard of the RSN until recently. Oh, what I would have given to have known of it as a teenager! I am just becoming re-aquianted with embroidery and the book would be the lovliest first edition to begin my new endeavor.

  346. I think the history of the book. textile work all appeal to me. I would love to learn better technique and get more ideas for pieces. I love to creat things on my own. This would help out tremendously! THanks again for all your giveaways!

  347. I like English embroidery books and have been buying and reading them for years. This one looks very interesting for the historical section but especially for the addtional introduction. I was also very impressed with the photos that were shown. JoyceAnne S

  348. Most of my books are about embroidery techniques and a book with history of embroidery would be wonderful. This book would be inspirational, another embroidery project….. Thank you again

  349. I think it’s a little of all of them. I love history
    and I love learning new things.
    -Heather in Chicago

  350. Anything to do with RSN makes me happy! Right now I’m on a journey of rediscovering the needle arts of my youth. So now I have the time to really study the hand arts and this book would really help me do just that!

  351. What captures me is the history and the pattern pages and that it is a RSN book… If I don’t win this it is going on my wish list! Thank you for having the give-away!

  352. Mary, I’m a newbie in learning about needle work arts, by visiting your informative blog I’m learning about aspects of fine textile works every time I read your newest postings. The Royal School of Needlework book is sure to please all who love the history and methods as would I.

  353. I think, that everything. I am interested in history, but also RSN as a place and people in it, making beauties, interests me a lot.
    Thank you for the possibility to win!

  354. For me…it’s the Royal connection and the historical significance of the School. It’s mission “To teach, practise and promote the art of hand embroidery” is one that inspires me to support them and using their products and materials will do that.

  355. If there ever is a book to be had by embroiderers it would be this. What a fantastic giveaway. This book will have it all. And for those of us that need their 70’s embroidery classes updated theres no better way. I have longed for this one forever!! I also hope to visit the school this summer.


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