At the end of this past February, I reviewed Hazel Blomkamp’s new book, Crewel Twists. Hazel’s book is a technique and project book. She combines designs that you’d normally see worked in wool in crewel embroidery (many Jacobean in flavor) with various surface embroidery techniques, including embroidery with regular floss, bead embroidery and even goldwork. The projects in the book are wonderfully colorful and a heap of fun!

Well, today, I’m giving away a copy of Crewel Twists, courtesy of Hazel and even signed by her!

If you’ve already purchased the book, you can always enter for a chance to win the perfect gift for a stitching friend, right? And if the book is on your wish list, here’s your chance to see your wish fulfilled without working it into the budget!
If you’re not sure what the book is all about, do take a look at my in-depth review of Crewel Twists, replete with photos and a whole rundown on what’s in the book.

To join in on the give-away, please follow these simple instructions:
1. Leave a comment below (on this post, on the website – not via e-mail and not on any other post on the website). If you use this link, it will be easy to go directly to the comment form on the website.
2. In your comment, please answer the following question:
What appeals to you most about Crewel Twists? The designs, the color choices, the techniques – the beads, goldwork, etc? Or all of it together?
3. Please make sure you leave a recognizable name associated with your comment, either by signing your comment, or in the “name” line on the comment form.
4. Leave your comment before 5:00 am, Monday, April 16th. Check back on Monday to see if you’ve won, as the winner will need to contact me with a shipping address.
That’s it! Easy-peasy – and your name is in for a chance to win the book!

Today, I’ll be stitching like a mad woman on the Medallion project, until later this afternoon, when I have to hit the road for a quick trip to the city (that’s Kansas City – which, in my Limited Cornfield World, really is THE city – and it’s far enough away to feel like a major excursion!). So if your comment doesn’t show up right away, don’t worry! It will eventually! I moderate each comment individually before posting to the site, to guard against spam.
Tomorrow, I’m going to show you a storage solution for my threads, along with some threads situated in that storage solution. It’s a “long haul” solution. I figure if I’m going to be doing this needlework thing for a while (and I am!), I need my threads to be organized, accessible, and safe.
Best of luck on the give-away!! Now – go leave your comment!
See you tomorrow!
Good morning, Mary, and thanks to you and Hazel Blomkamp for this marvelous offer.
I’m glad you offered a choice of “all of the above” in your little quiz. The designs, color choices, techniques and materials all excite me. On top of the book’s contents it’s an autographed first edition, and that always gets my attention.
This books looks wonderful. It seems to cover the basics all the way to most advanced techniques. I did a crewel piece over 30 years ago…I would love to get back into it. I never even thought it would be done in white, with pearls, and gold…dah.. very exciting!
It’s hard to narrow down one favorite aspect of Crewel Twists–but if I’m forced to, then I would have to say the designs. They are inspirational!
pattern and techique is what in interest me .
I love it when you say easy peasy! And what I love about Crewel Twists is that it’s a technique
of “hodgie podgie”…in other words when you do the embroidery you’re adding alot of different things…stitches, embellishments, threads and yarns. I like to do more freehand embroidery and this book would be great for ideas.
thank you!
Thanks Mary for another great opportunity to get a great book. I would never know about all of the wonderful needle art books out there if I didn’t read your posts daily.
What excites me about Crewel Twists is the opportunity to expand my techniques in crewel embroidery with some great new ideas. I always can use inspiration to try new things and this book seems like it would provide plenty of inspiration. Thanks
Dear Mary,
Just as I get complacent in my humdrum world you bring out something I NEED!! As a crewel lover I can see that this is a book I would love to own. The color and the “fragileness” to her flowers is something I want to learn. I too use floss instead of wool in my projects (just can’t work with wool) and I love the color choices available in that medium. Thanks again for a chance to win.
Dottie J.
The combination of Jacobean designs with surface techniques and updated threads and beads! Fabulous! I love the old designs and love the new materials. This truly hits a fun (and practical) spot. Many thanks to Mary and Hazel for their generosity.
that I one technique have I have to tackle … these look like great project – love the white on blue!
holy smokes … I must have still been asleep when I typed that … it was supposed to say:
that is one technique that I have to tackle, yet … these look like great projects – love the white on blue
I really like the different textures and the rich look. I have not really tried crewel embroidery yet, but would love to do a project or two from that book.
I love Crewel Twists because it is worked in embroidery cottons rather than wool. Working with wools is too hard on my wrists but I can do my crazy quilting with cottons much more easily. And I love Jacobean designs too.
Hello Mary,
I am quite new to embroidery since I retired from work last year. As such I am very interested in investigating all sorts of different techniques. This books looks as if it would be a wonderful addition to extent my knowledge.
I love beadwork so that interested me in the book. I am an avid needlepointer but am starting to do more embroidery. Your daily message makes me want to do it even more. Having this book would be a great resource.
Can’t wait for you storage ideas for all of my threads. They are everywhere!
Oh boy, this is purrfect!
The attention to detail..every little flourish, the bead at the end, the imaginative designs..a true work of art. Thanks, Hazel, for your generosity and Mary, for the opportunity to win this.
Its everything combined! The designs look so luxurios and elegant. Iwould be thrilled to learn from this book.
What’s not to like about the book. It has crewel, it has beads and it has goldwork! Put them all together and you get a spectacular result. I like the fact that you don’t get tired of doing a single technique, but can do a bit of everything all at the same time.
Hi Mary, you have answered the question for me – the designs, colour choices, techniques – all of it! What a wonderful book, and the chance to win a signed copy is even better. Thank you for the opportunity. Liane
I have loved Jacobean embroidery since I was very young. The colors and designs are gorgeous. Crewel work has always been my favorite needlework. Thanks for offering Crewel Twists. It’s so exciting!
I love this book! I saw your original review and thought it was lovely. i’ve only done one crewel work and I can’t wait to try more but I was waiting until I purchased some more reference material. This would do it!
Donna Altieri
This book looks like a comprehensive guide, I am particularly interested in learning as many new skills as possible to get the most from my embroidery journey. And with a new joint project for me & my husband with him building & me furnishing a dolls house for our soon to be grand baby any new techniques that can be used for furnishing will help us create a spectacular heirloom for the generations who follow us.
Wow, what a great book! The designs are elegant and really ‘speak to me’. The designs, color choices, techniques, beads, goldwork….yes. I love it all! Thanks for all your inspiration and have fun in KC!
I forgot to say which part of the book i like best. It’s hard to pick one – i think the designs would be my favorite.
Dear Mary,
I love the tonal pieces – the grey and the ecru ones. I love that it is traditional designs and I love the use of beading. What a wonderful way to make tradional crewel embroidery modern and elegant.
Ruth Ann in London, Ontario
I love the complexity of crewel embroidery designs. With so many different stitches available, one can layer texture on top of the pattern design and still have a cohesive whole. But unfortunately, I do not have a local source for crewel wools. So to have the designs scaled to use readily-available stranded cotton/floss is most appealing. The addition of beads adds a contemporary punch without detracting from the overall traditional feel of the designs. Gorgeous.
I love everything about the book. The designs are beautiful, and I would love to learn more about crewel.
I love the twist of unexpected threads and embellishments, like the beads. Wonderful. Mary, we all want to see the medallion every day!!
Hi Mary! Many thanks to you and Hazel for this amazing book give away. I have had this on my wish list since your review of it in February. What appeals to me most? The designs! I haven’t stitched crewel work much but love the way it looks. I am also drawn to the colors. All those jewel tones and gold. So, yes please, enter my name in the give away.
Enjoy your trip to the City!
Morning Mary!
This book sounds very interesting. Especially the beading part. I love using beads and from the pictures that you’ve shown us, she uses lots of beads.
Thanks for the opportunity and have a great day!
Hi Mary, thanks again for introducing another WONDERFUL book!! I am excited to see the twists she has done with an embroidery style that fascinates me, all of it looks so wonderful and I would LOVE to win the book and try some out!! thanks again Mary for the great offer and your wonderful daily newsletter…happy stitching everyone!!
I love all of the above. I have gotten into doing some beading in my crewel embroidery and really like it. Then an autographed copy of Hazel’s book, what a super giveaway!
Wow! Mary What a book. It looks so interesting. I have always been interested in crewel, but this puts a different spin on it. The technique is what interests me and also the fact that she uses embroidery thread. I love all different stitches inside the flower. I’m not much on words, but I would sure love this book. Thanks Mary
I already bought this book. It’s wonderful! I love how complex the designs are, and there’s so much variety! It’s difficult to find “good” surface embroidery books, especially compared to the glut of cross stitch stuff, and this one’s well worth buying.
Thanks Mary & Hazel for this opportunity.
The modern twist on old designs which bring them to life for this century and beyond. Not just copying but inventing colourways, movement, gold and bead bling bring to life the combination of stitches creating a new Elizabethan world.
I love all of it and wish to continue the crewel work just begun by Hazel.
LOL ๐ Susan
I’d love to win this book because I’ve fallen in love with Jacobean embroidery, courtesy of you! Have been working on my first piece – which will be a bag – for the past few months now and am almost finished. Can’t wait to start a new project, and this book would be the perfect source!
Thanks so much for this opportunity.
I love the grey scale and adding beading that you’ve showed so that’s my “love at first site” for this book. Also, I am really looking forward to seeing your thread organization because I just started the stitchbow things, they are ever so much easier than the little cardboard spools – those kink up my thread so bad at the end I can’t stand it! All the best to whoever wins the book and thanks for passing it on, Mary!
Ooh, what a lovely book – thank you for the give away even if I don’t win! ๐
What do I like best – well, kind of ‘all of the above’. What I really like though is that’s doing something different – putting a twist on it! ๐ So the fact that she’s doing monochorme crewel, which I’ve not seen before, or incorporating slightly unusual materials, or making non-traditional patterns – anything that’s different to what you see in all the other books on crewel out there! I love crewel – I love the really traditional stuff, but it’s great to see someone going beyond that too.
Hello Mary,
I just love the idea of taking a traditional form of embroidery and adding a contemporary twist to it either in manipulating the design or introducing modern threads and notions.
The innovation of design in the book appeals to me. I think crewel work is so beautiful and love to see the wools being used in an original and unique way.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Dear Mary,
I looove your website.
Thanks again for another gift opportunity.
I felt in love with Crewel embroidery attending a class at the Royal school of Needlework.
Since then, I got hooked.
I am looking so forward to study this new book and all the new techniques.
Good morning,
it is really beautiful book, one of my friend have it, I look at it, an it is to died for. My answer is, all of them.
Thank you it is a really beautiful gift,
What I love best is the black and white design. It’s so lovely and modern! I love Crewelwork stitches, but most patterns end up being so girly and traditional that I am to drawn to them as much. Although the pattern is traditional, the monochrome treatment is amazing!
I so love this book. I received it last Thursday, and in the evening started Midnight Medallion – an extract of the original pattern – using my own colour scheme (fawny browns) with chocolate coloured metallic thread and dark fawn beads and bugles. I was so pleased with the finished article when I finished it on Sunday (thankgoodness for the holiday weekend!). My fingers were like sieves afterwards but Hazel even has a solution for that – superglue! I have since ordered the beads and threads for the cream project and can’t wait for them to arrive! I am so pleased to have found a book that covers several techniques that you can use stranded cotton for and decorate as you please. Hazel, for me, you have acheived your mission . . . I am well and truly inspired. Thank you! – Take a look here . . .
Hi, Nina – the link you posted didn’t work (it was broken), so I edited it out. If you want to try again, you may!
Here is a link to my Midnight Medallion. Best wishes, Nina!/photo.php?fbid=10150949721312785&set=a.461866292784.226483.687017784&type=1&theater
Me again . . . I meant to say it was Midnight Meander . . . I adore your Medallion project too!
Good morning! Another wonderful giveaway.
I love the many varied techniques in this book. I’d love a chance to win this lovely book.
All of this beautiful book is appealing to me! Thanks for the opportunity!!
Thanks for another give-away, Mary. What appeals to me most about Crewel Twists is the way the variety of stitches, designs, threads and beads create pizazz!
The designs appeal to me the most. Yum.
I enjoyed your review of the New Crewel. I think I am interested in just about everything the book offers. I would feel like a winner if I won!!!
Thank you,
I absolutely love the techniques! Since you reviewed this book I’ve been wanting to own a copy. The way the stitches and beads are combined are amazing and inspirational. It would be a treasure trove of ideas for crazy quilting. But in all honesty I have other reasons for needing this book. I’m pretty sure that if I owned this book, my wrinkles would be less visible to me and those extra pounds would matter less. I would have an excuse to buy more beads and more threads. Overall, life would just be that much better!
This is a wonderful book on crewel work. The Designs are really striking and that is want draws me in the most. I think I would learn a thing or two about more advanced techniques too.
Mary Ann
Hi Mary!
I would so love to win this book! I am addicted to embroidery and I am learning so much on your website! I just love the videos. They have helped me sew some beautiful things. Thank you for the website! Crossing my fingers that I win!
Sorry, I forgot to say what I liked most about the book…definitely the crewel twists!
I like everything about it. The colors, the stitches, and the fact that you can use beads too. I am into beading, so this is just one more way of me using up my stash of beads. I like the fact that this type of embroidery gives so much demension to my handiwork, like it almost comes to life.
This looks like a wonderful book! I’m attracted by “all of the above” as I’m concentrating on my hand stitching this year, and want to learn as much as I can about different techniques. The pictures look fabulous, and I love the colour Hazel has used. Thanks for this opportunity to win.
This looks interesting and would be great fun to try. I love how the combinations of various types of techniques and designs come together.
Beryl B
What’s not to love about crewel! This looks like a great book, and what a title. Perfect! I love the textures and the look of the designs. Would be a great book to have and use. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.
Dear Mary, This book is on my wishlist for sure, I just did not had the time to go and buy it yet. The whole concept of everything blended together is what appeals to me.Instead of having a book on every different subject, one has them all joined together in one neat publication! ๐ Elza Bester Cape Town.
Hi Mary,
Book looks great. I like the idea of the beads and gold incorporated into the regular crewel. Also, I like to win prizes. ๐
Hi Mary! This seems like such a neat book! I think what I love the most about it is the designs themselves and the use of all sorts of different techniques.
Really? You have to ask? OK – I think to be able to learn from such a beautiful book, and talented artist would be an honor and sooooo much fun. Every picture I look at is like watching fireworks – “Ooooooohhhhh, Ahhhhhh” and a whole lot of “I wanna make that, and that, and that”. Probably just like everyone – this book is catnip to an idle cat watching carefully!!! Thank you for yet another opportunity, you inspire me daily!
Hi Mary, and thank you for the give away offer.
I have done one little crewel flower, and feel like a beginner. I am a big fan of black and silver, and when I saw the book cover I was amazed at the gorgeous project on it, and I would absolutely love to win, so that I would have both the inspiration and the patterns and instructions. I guess the answer to your question is simply “all of it”…color choices, design and techniques.
Keep up your amazing work. I am grateful for your inspiring emails and images and book reviews.
Hugs, Ylva in Inverness, Scotland
I was just thinking about ordering this book from the book depository! I love her patterns, color choices and that she uses different types of threads. I once read in a book that you should only use wool for crewel work (which I don’t care too much for) but Hazel uses all types of thread and her work looks so beautiful!
Thank you for the give away!
Hi Mary! I’m so excited for this give-away. I fell in love of this book the very moment I saw it for the first time.
The thing that appeals me the most are the designs, really gorgeous pieces!!
Thank you for the opportunity, regards
I am fascinated with the beautiful and graceful designs shown in this book and the lovely stitches. Makes me really anxious to try them out. Thank you for bringing this book to my attention.
Another temptation!
I’ve already embroidered with a similar tecnique (Bandera embroidery), used in our italian ‘700 castles in a region called Piemonte. Motifs seems to be the same and also Bandera requires wool threads. But the effect is different, becouse of the pastel colors and the absense of gold or precious ornaments.
It would be intersting to deepen the differences!
So I race the game! Thank you,
Thank you, Mary, for your enjoyable daily posts and excellent book reviews!
I love the designs of Jacobean embroidery. My grandmother did quite a lot of crewel embroidery in wool, creating pillows and framed pieces, and even going so far as to stitch the upholstery for two arm chairs! I have spent hours looking at those designs, and I have stitched a couple of pieces myself. What intrigues me about Hazel Blomkamp’s Crewel Twists is that she so graciously challenges the traditions of this style of embroidery by using new techniques, beads, and threads. Her book revitalizes old-fashioned embroidery designs in exciting new ways.
What I like best about the book, is the combining of techniques. I like that it isn’t just wool, but utilizes beads, goldwork, and other threads.
Thanks to Hazel for this generous offer, and to you for hosting the giveaway.
I love the designs and colors in this book. They are gorgeous!!!!! Thank you.
Jean B.
I just love the way she combines so many different thread types with beads — eye candy!
While I like and appreciate crewel embroidery, I really love that she has updated the technique and brought it into the future. Love the colors, and the beads, and the gold, and on and on……
Oh Boy!! Another book I “must have”!! One thing I particularly like about this book is that it has a contemporary “twist” (no pun…..) on traditional stuff AND she has done it all while keeping the “scale” in tact — both with design and the variety of elements she incorporates. Good inspiration. Good use of materials. Good book! Fingers crossed…….
I have just started to learn embroidery, I am now 51 years old why did it take me so long. I am amazed at all the beauty.
Eye candy first thing in the morning, who can beat that?
I agree with the “all of the above” answer, the color and designs are lovely. I’d be thrilled to have this reference in my home.
Thanks for all you do,
I have had this books on my wish list ever since I read your review. I am fascinated by the mixture of techniques and the use of various embellishments. I am also excited to see how the different techniques are blended into the whole. The bling of beads, the gleam of gold and the warmth of wool, who couldn’t love that all on one piece? Hazel Blomkamp should be highly commended on putting together such a wonderful book.
I love the idea that she produces a tradition deign using non traditional threads. I have done crewel work, but I have a hard time finding wool thread. This book appears to be different than any other.
I really like the colors and the neat patterns in this book. You would not get bored with this book…
I’ve been really excited about this book ever since reading your review. I really like Jacbean styles and beading, so the combination of the two is really attractive to me.
The idea of using beads is most intriguing to me.
What a wonderful book. I love the way she uses regular embroidery threads along with beads and other embelishments. This is a book I would certainly love to own.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I love the designs and the techniques. Thy’re gorgeous. I wish I could win. Who knows?
Hi Mary, I am fascinated by the designs in this book and think it would be THE book to launch me into a crewel design project, which has been on my “to stitch list” for a long time. Thanks!
As the title suggests the book is full of fresh ideas for Jacobean embroidery. The designs are fresh, techniques extensive and the textural embellishments using floss and beads a delightful bonus.
I’m excited to see the combinations of techniques… I’ve never done crewel work with anything other than wool before!
-Bonnie D. in Virginia
Good morning, Mary, and thank you for another wonderful giveaway.
It’s hard to pick what’s most appealing about this book, but the color and the designs are both enormously attractive. The only crewel project I’ve done thus far was a pillow kit, and it was great fun to work. These designs are several levels up! Just beautiful.
What’s not to love about this book!!! Jacobean designs {my favorite}, the colors, and the use of threads other than wool (allergies) makes this the book of my dreams. It is currently at the top of my wish list. Winning this would mean more money for great fabric or threads.
Everything appeals to me but especially the colors and different shapes. You can take the designs apart and use them in so many other places. They are like little surprises tucked away.
I nees to break out if my counted comfy zone and try more surface stitches. This book is insperational for that, by being able to combine many techniques into a beautiful design.
I love to work in the garden and being a new embroiderer, I’m drawn to how beautiful the garden translates into the crewel and Jacobean designs. It’s exciting to learn new techniques and expand on ones just learned. It’s nice to have a resource for the different types of embroidery.
Thank you so much for your website and daily blogs. When I can’t figure a stitch out, your videos are my go-to; well done.
First,i hope you ‘ll understand what i write because i’m french! I really love Jacobean embroidery and i’m looking for a book which shows techniques,color harmonies….It seems that this book is the right’s one. For me all the aspects of crewel are important. Thank’s for your post
I would just love to have this book in my colection. I’m an embroidery apprentice and it looks fantastic. thanks to you and Hazel for giving us this oportunity.
I like new techniques of older styles. Sometimes it is nice to have something to refer to to get the mental juices flowing. I
am a big fan of Jacobean design.
I haven’t embroidered in years, but I love to dream of wonderful projects! I’ve requested that our library buy this book, but they’re waiting until it’s published in the US, so if I win I’ll be donating it so all the stitchers in the community can benefit. After I finish drooling over it, of course!
This book has been on my wishlist since the very first time I saw it. I absolutely love combining traditional with different. It is so elegant. Crewel Twists combines some of my very favorite things such as beading and of course crewel embroidery. The patterned areas are wonderful, I would never have thought of them. Things like this start the mind going in a million different directions — such stimulation. It’s great. Thank you also for making available all of the art that i would not have been privy to had I not found your website.
What a wonderful piece of work! I like the combination of all the techniques. It is a real challenge.
Kind regards from Austria
I admit my heart beat a little faster when I first saw this book. I love the fact that Hazel has played around with crewel work to give it a different and modern look. One of the reasons I love embroidery is the colourful nature of it, but for some reason I am very attracted to the black, white, grey and silver designs in this book.
Hi Mary,
This book is on my must have list, after reading your review. I think the first thing that jumped out at me was the unusual use of color – particularly the black and white on the gray ground. I always like to see traditional needlework done with a more updated approach. It gives me hope that the needlework field will continue to grow and flourish!
I would love to win this book. I’m so excited about all Jacobean embroidery so this would be a great addition to my growing collection of crewel books.
I’m especially attracted to the designs and the fact that they are worked in cotton floss.
Thank you for this opportunity to win a great book:-)
I think it’s the patterns and colors that caught my eye most. My first experience with crewel was in the 70’s, frogs and mushrooms were common design items then. Hazel’s patterns are so much more classy. I also love the added sparkle and texture of the beading in Hazel’s projects.
I guess the only thing I don’t like about the book is that I don’t have it already.
I’ve never heard of this book before. But the pictures you’ve shown are outstanding. I guess I could say all of it appeals to be, but to be a bit more specific…..I’m especailly drawn to the techniques, the combining of beads and such that gives it an extra special texture.
Thanks, Lori Shaw
What timing! Just yesterday, I commented on the post about Mac charting for the Ukranian egg designs, I mentioned starting to crewel again. Today you offers great book to help. I looked it up on Amazon. If I don’t win it, I will use the gift certificate I got this morning for my birthday to buy it.
The book “Crewel Twists” is certainly not like any crewel book I have ever seen. With the combination of beads and floss in the design a unique look is revealed in the stitching.
Since I love Jacobean embroidery using the combination of floss and beads only adds to the Jacobean design.
I envy your proximity to KC. If I were that close, I could visit Yarn Barn.
Oh boy!!! I have so wanted to get a hold of Hazels book!!! Not only is her work amazing but she herself is a work of art. Her work is what brought my attention to Jacobean work. I once commented on a picture of her’s and she responded herself to my many questions and comments. I was so shocked when she said that her work was done with embroidery floss and easily washable. But I should have known when its so elegant and colorful.
I really want to get into crewel a lot more, and love the look of all of the designs ๐
I would LOVE to learn more about crewel work. I’ve never seen it with goldwork & beads which intrigues me…
I love that it shows off this lovely, lovely style of embroidery in a fresh new light – it makes it easy to imagine how these pieces would work in a modern home, while still being true to form!
Dear Mary,
I’ve loved crewel work ever since I was a little girl and my grandmother taught me….I must admit that I’m not great at it, but it is one of the great pleasures of mi life. I am searching for a new project as my sister is to undergo surgery and I will have lots of bedside sitting to do. The book looks so interesting!
Cordially yours,
Wow! A chance to win Crewel Twists. I read your first review of this book last February. I loved the colourful pictures, interesting project ideas and gorgeous designs. I’ve not done goldwork before, but have added beads to my needlework. This book makes me interested in upping my repertoire and learn some new techniques. Hope I win! What a lovely start to spring this would be!!!
The medallion project ia SUPERBE.
I would love to win this book. Ever since seeing your review, I have been thinking about it and looked up prices on-line. The only thing stopping me was that I have bought myself several stitching treats lately and I have a good crewel reference book. But the projects are so pretty and the beads are so sparkly and there are some lovely shiny threads, as well as nice forgiving wool, so I am sure I could love this book. It could inspire me to try new ways of combining stitches and threads. It would be wonderful to win a copy!
Hi Mary,
Just want to say I’m so glad I stumbled into your site! I did crewel many years ago, and regular embroidery, also. Have always loved it, and your site is so inspirational. This book of Hazel’s looks amazing and full of fresh ideas using color and beads, a glorious combination!I would be thrilled to win this book, and I thank you for the opportunity. Happy Stitching!
What appeals to me about this book? Everything! I love Jacobean designs, I love trying new techniques and multi media. To have all this in one book is such a treat. Thanks to you and Hazel Blomkamp for making this available.
Hello Mary,
I’m working on a wall quilt, and feel the need to use as many techniques as possible for realistic effect. So far,
I’ve taught myself felting, machine threadpainting, dollmaking, sculpture, fabric painting, embroidery and so on. I want to expand the embroidery part and am excited about the way Hazel uses her materials. I love loads of color, of course, but have hesitated always about the bead usage and think this book would help me get over that. The use of goldwork of course would also be fun, given that my main period of interest is the Renaissance.
I’m thinking I will use the techniques right away in creating realistic trees in the scene I’m working on for this quilt; it’s set in the fall, and there’s loads of leaves, rocks, trees and water that could use some subtle sparkle as in dew and a stream are shown.
Please enter me in the drawing? Thanks so much!
The book is beautiful! I especially love this type of embroidery. Love the patterns, texture and color. Thank you for the opportunity.
Loretta in Canada
What intrigues me most about Hazel’s new crewel book is the innovative use of stitches, colors, and the addition of decorative beads. She has taken a traditional needleart yechnique and interpreted it in a modern, interesting way.
LOVE this one. Jacobean crewel designs have always been my favorite, and those shapes will be included in the embroidery of my new crazy quilt I am making. I could get a lot of good out of this one!
I have always wanted to try crewel work but was intimidated by the wool! To see it combined with beads which I love is too tempting not to try. The designs are just great and her writing style has pushed me over the edge of my indecision! It makes crewel look a lot less intimidating. If I don’t win this book I will be buying it when it comes out in the States. Thank you for offering a copy as a give away.
Crewel is a technique that I have on my list to learn more about, so this book would be a wonderful addition to my library.
Plus, the though of beads on crewel just gets my blood tingling. As far as I’m concerned, if a project calls for 1 bead, I must put on 10 beads. Love beads!
Everything interests me. I love following your blog. I already know I have learned so much from you that if you reccommend this book, it has to be good. Would love to own it. Until I found the internet a couple years ago, I thought handwork was a thing of the past. So glad to have found you. Thanks for your posts.
I think those are the most beautiful designs and colors I have ever seen. I can’t imagine being able to recreate one of them, but I sure would like to try!
I like the way she combines techniques. I enjoy doing that so much and new ideas are always welcome.
Mostly “all of the above” but with technic being upper most of interest perhaps. I love the Jacobean look. Years ago when I was doing crewel work I even painted a piece of furniture with “Jacobean crewelwork” done in paint. ๐
The minute I saw this I thought- oh, these flowers and design ideas would be beautiful in my eventual “fairy world” paintings/needlework combos. Crossing my fingers.
I love the way the designs are traditional with modern threads, beads and goldwork. It’s Jacobean in the 21st century. What a great idea!
I have found I love variety in creativity. But the thing that caught my attention right off the bat was the title!! A Crewel Twist, sounded like a Piers Anthony book! Great play on words, and made me think, just how many variations can there be! I can’t wait to see and try them! (I have one reference book for needlework, as I have been painting for a few years, but I can’t seem to put down my needlework!)
Definitely all of the above!
The designs -I have always loved the style of Jacobean needlework taken from the old tree of life palimpores; the colours -so beautiful, and so clever with the monochrome ideas; the techniques, including the beading, etc -well, that just brings them right up to date. In all, a totally modern twist on a traditional theme.
Yes please, I would love a copy of this book.
I’ve just re-read your review of ‘Crewel Threads’ to remind myself of the book – wow! My tummy literally jumped in excitement seeing all the wonderful pictures of the projects. I’ve always loved Jacobean embroidery: I feel an affinity with it somehow, and, as someone whose had her eyes opened by your incredible website and emails the thing that appeals to me most about this book is the instructional aspect of it so it looks and feels as if I may be able to launch into trying my had at one of these sumptuous designs. I love it all! Thanks, Lucy Cooper UK
I loved this book when I saw your review. I love the colour choices she makes – especially the monochromatic ones. Please enter me. Thank you so much.
Heather M.
I love that book! It has beautiful projects, using not only the embroidery, but also beads.
I have the confidence now after the Nesting Place class to tackle another project on my own, want to take use a pattern from this book.
Did you see the patterns she has in the book – they are much more then the embroidery, encourage you to think further. That is what attracts me, the colors, the use of beads, the whole thing together.
Bye, Winnie
Good Morning, Mary!
What do I like about Crewel Twists …. oh, just about everything. There’s a real designer feel about the colors and texture mixes that’s just enchanting and lovely. What I like the very best though, is that the author dared to think “outside the box” in an inventive and creative way, with great success; there’s a great lesson in that for all of us!
Thank you, Cathy in PA
I’m crazy for crewel work, but I dont own one single book in regards to crewel. It’s the William Morris in me with the rich colors and flowing designs. Adding beading is intriguing. I’m actually thinking that the silver and black design shown would be stunning on a velvet jacket or cashmere sweater. A signed copy would be a treasure.
Thank you Hazel and Mary,
First of all I love crewel and want to do more. This book touched my heart because my mother, who died just last November, used beads in some needlework she did when she was young. It made me think of the needlepoint of hers that now hangs on my daughter’s wall that has beads incorporated into it. I would love to try some crewel with beads.
I would love to win that book. I really like the look of crewel embroidery, but don’t particularly like working with wool. But to achieve that look with cotton or rayon or silk, or a combination of all three plus beads . . . that’s my idea of a dream project!!
The techniques, beads, etc. are truly beautiful. Would love to do this as a challenge and the designs are amazing.
Dear Mary,Ican’t believe it.I’ve been looking for an embroidery book with Jacobean style for months.This one has so many bonuses,needlelace,beadwork,tools,patterns,exquisite pictures,step by step instructions.What more can you ask for!Gotta get it.Thanks to you,I don’t know how long it would’ve taken for me to find one.I must thank you again for your wonderful newsletters & website Nancy
ohhhhhhhhhhh so pretty! that title makes me giggle…luv of crewel goes wayyyyyyyy back ( im old lol) but the color choices are so delicious I have to stare…I dont yet have a book like this so yes I would be interested. ty for any consideration. LUV your posts! and your work is amazing!
Hi, Mary –
Thanks to you and Hazel for this great opportunity! I am intrigued by Hazel’s modern take on a beautiful and tradition form of needlework. The book is definitely on my wish list so I’m hoping my wish will be fulfilled!
As always Mary another great offer. Praise be to Hazel Blomkamp for creating this wonderful book!! I love every single page of this book! Really want this book. Love the new and exciting twists to crewel, would absolutely love trying my hand at adding beading.
Thanks Mary for sharing.
What beautiful projects in this book. The combination of color and designs is very appealing.
You can never have too many needlework books. I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
I discovered the book in ร shop, last week but I didn’t buy it. There was some other book (the latest book of Trish Burr) that caught my attention and I bought it.
Now I’m delighted to see it on your website. Last year I attended ร workshop on Crewel work. At first I didn’t like it to work with the woolen Threads but the results are very nice.
Concerning Crewelwork: I love the technique and the colours. But most of all I adore working with beads. Not only in Crewel work but I’m often using beads.
They give your work ร gypsy look. At least: in my opinion.
Thank you for mentioning this book.
Everything about Crewel Twists intrigues me! I did Crewel work years ago. I put crewel work aside for some reason. Actually, all needlework was put aside. Children. Work. The usual. Now I’m retired and loving every minute of my needlework projects. Thanks.
Thanks so much to you, Mary, and to Hazel Blomkamp for the opportunity to own such a lovely autographed copy of Crewel Twists. It’s impossible for me to narrow down my favorite aspect of this book, as it all excites me….beginning with the front cover!
Beautiful book. I’m designing a leaf surface embroidery sampler and this book would really help with ideas and techniques and etc.
What appeals most about this book is its shere audacity. To take such a time-honoured technique and experiment with it in such a colourful and embellished way is just so intriguing and empowering. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of this. Thank you for the opportunity Mary.
well I think I like all of it together because I need to learn !
thanks !
The idea of not using wool for crewel is very appealing. I have done crewel with wool and it was not that enjoyable.
The pattern is very modern Jacobean. Very nice indeed.
I didn’t know until I started receiving Mary Corbett’s newsletter’s what fabulous needlework is being done and this is such a wonderful example of that. The beauty of the work in this book is so wonderful that it puts me in awe of the expertise displayed. I would love to have it in my hands where I could just read and enjoy and learn to do more beautiful handwork. To be hand signed makes it even more special.
What I loved and love about embroidery is the use of colors and different stitches to create depth and movement in designs. I am currently a cross stitcher but started by doing embroidery. Cross stitch does not provide the medium to life projects from the fabric like embroidery does. I would love this book so that it would motivate me to get back into it.
I am interested in the book for the design ideas and techniques. I have been teaching a crewel class at a local women’s retreat. I love to find more information to make the class more enjoyable to the students and me.
Hello Mary, and thanks for this new give-away. It looks like a gorgeous book! What appeals to me the most you ask? I really couldn’t say, but I guess I would have to start with the aesthetics of jacobean embroidery, which I really love, although I haven’t had the chance yet to try my hand on it – so this book would be a perfect opportunity! And I would love to learn all the different techniques, working with different materials… So wouldn’t it be great, should I be the winner this time? I would be eternally grateful to you and to Hazel Blomkamp ๐
I would be thrilled to have the book, as I have always loved the Crewel embroideries. It may just spur a renewal of colored work rather than the Whitework I have been doing for the past few years.Thank you,
What appeals to me most about Crewel Twists is the detail of the designs, in that each motif is a small work of art in itself . The big design is a beautiful composition of all the small designs.
Hi Mary!
This book looks fantastic! I love the beads and fibers and the stitch diagrams make this book look very comprehensive.
I can never have enough technique books for crewel!
Jan B. in Florida
I love everything in this book! I like Jacobean embroidery and would love to own this book. She really does do imaginative creative twists to the embroidery. thank you Mary for offering it as a give-a-way!
In reading the review, I was most impressed by her thinking outside the box. Crewel embroidery hit a high point with Jacobean designs that in many ways has never been surpassed. I like the way the author uses some of the Jacobean designs with new materials and threads and maybe even different stitches. I especially liked the addition of metallics and beads. JA in Florida
Well Iยดd love to try and win this incredible book. The most appealing for me is the design and all the the wonderful materials combine that she use. Itยดs so unique!
thank you so much for this oportunity!
I love the beadwork and the designs. I would love this book!
I have stitched crewel embroidery for many years – always loved Jacobean designs – now a new touch – I would love to see in detail this new creation – it is remarkable, I would love to have a go, and have been looking out to find this book since your review, I would be so happy to be the lucky one.
Peggy Kimble
I am new to embroidery, but I would love to start a collection of embroidery books (even if they are over my head right now). I have always liked the Jacobean designs. The Crewel Twist book looks fabulous!
Sue Z of Boise
I like everything about the book. I do beading along with embroidery so I especially like that part of it. There are not a whole lot of books out that they combine both to the extent that this book does.
This book looks to be filled with beautiful pieces. You must enjoy crewel work and I do. Finally realizing, that I can just finish small sections, and not working with one color yarn or thread at a time, allows me to feel that sense of accomplishment and not daunted by the “whole”. I don’t know if that explains how that has made embroidering more enjoyable for me and I actually think that I could finish one of these beautifully beaded projects. I do like working with beads too.
Love this book and if not won will be on my wish list. I love the diversity of stitches and the way she challenges us to take the stitch and let it do the design rather than just working in colour. I am fond of her pieces of ecru on white and her love of different ways of working and using available colourways.
Hi Mary —
I *love* the representative photos from your book giveaway. I love the use of color and alternative materials! But my reason for craving this particular book is much simpler.
I have never done crewelwork before. My needlework experience is limited to cross-stitch and Brazilian embroidery (how can one resist the colorful rayon threads??? I’m a little embarrassed to admit that they were the first embroidery threads I had ever seen besides DMC cotton floss. I’ve been doing Brazilian off and on for about 20 years now.).
I’ve had my first crewelwork project in mind for quite a while now–the pomegranate corners pattern you have, arranged to form a square pillowtop. Since I don’t have a stash of wool fibers, and I want to be sure I enjoy crewelwork before I start acquiring lots of colors, I’ve decided to go monochromatic, stitching the whole thing in a muted burnt orange on an ecru linen background.
The one book on crewelwork that I have is pretty basic, but I’d love to gain even more inspiration from this beautiful book you’re giving away!
That book looks amazing! I’d have to choose “all of the above”. I could learn a ton and the designs and color choices are beautiful.
This would be an awesome book for me. I think all of the contents would be wonderful tools/knowledge to create heirlooms for my granddaughter.
Dear Mary,
Hazel’s creations have pizzazz! My computer dictionary describes this as – an attractive and exciting vitality, especially when combined with style and glamour. When I first saw the images my eyes popped “WOW”.
Thanks for explaining that you moderate each comment individually before posting to this site. When I saw that my first ever blog comment was waiting for moderation, I was apprehensive and wondered if the content was unacceptable in some way, and needed toning down. Iโm thrilled to find your site.
I can hardly wait for your next blog on storing threads. Mine are in the paper bags they came in and I live in fear of the moths and silverfish finding them, and mustiness, not to mention the system is not all that user friendly. I was planning to put them in acid free cardboard trays in boxes. I have a feeling that plastic is not good long term.
Thanks for your generosity in sharing and for the opportunity to go into the draw for Hazel Blomkampโs beautiful book.
Safe trip to the city.
Mrs. Corbet,
Your review of this Crewel Twists from Mrs. Blomkamps really do touch me. I am a beginner in this techinique and I really do appreciate all the points that you describe thoroughly.
This “fresh appoach” to the Jacobean style do caught my attention: I think that is what I do appreciate the most. I hope I will be the lucky recipient of that book give-away.
Meanwhile, I will continue to read your daily messages; I do learn a lot with you.Thanks so much.
Crewel Twists (love the title) – I am relatively new to the world of hand work and LOVE what I have seen, the possibilities amaze me. I am particularly interested in learning more about goldwork.
Thanks – Melanie
This is the book I have been looking for. Thr down-to-earth instructions look wonderful!
I’m enchanted by the combination of embroidery and beads! This book has opened a whole new world to me.
Thank you so much for reviewing it for us.
Sally S
I’m a newbie to your website and loving every minute of it. I have fond memories of doing crewel work when I made Birth announcements and Christmas stockings for my nieces and nephews. The projects in the book are just what I would love to do. The book looks like it will teach me well. I’m in awe looking at the pictures and can’t just pick one that I like most. Thank you Mary, for your lessons and inspiration and for the opportunity to try to win a wonderful book.
I absolutely love crewel work and in particular Jacobean designs. Through your website and a couple others I have begun looking into surface embellishing and this book would be perfect for me. I love your work and how you explain the stitches (stitch play). Thank you for the wonderful information and sharing your work.
Thank you, Mary and Hazel for this wonderful offer. I love Jacobean designs and in particular would love to learn needle lace stitches like in the ecru on white piece. Also the Bountiful season piece is beautiful. It would be great to win this book.
Thank you again.
I love the texture of crewel work. The book looks like it is full of inspiration. Thanks for the opportunity to see it and possibly win it!
Everything about this book appeals to me. I love the look of Crewel embroidery, but prefer using different fibers. I also love beads and especially enjoy combining different techniques and materials. After recently getting back to hand embroidery, I’m always on the look out for inspiration.
Mary – I am very excited to see this book of fresh crewel embroidery ideas! It looks to be a well-organized book with lots of new material for inspiration.
New tricks for “old” techniques, beads, goldwork – I love it all! Probably the best part in using familiar techniques in new ways. I love taking stitches used in other techniques and working them into a counted thread piece. Plus I love the name Crewel Twists – what fun!
Hi, Mary. This book is on my wish list, along with “Elizabethan Stitches”.This book interests me because of the way a traditional technique has been updated. I love seeing this art being moved forward as people try new things, or adapt older ones. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book!
Thanks for this opportunity. I love everything about crewel – my father made me a wonderful picture years ago and that inspired me to embroider. I have done quite a bit but want to learn more – your website is a big help and this book would be just what I need to progress.
It’s very difficult to narrow down one aspect.The designs are inspirational to me and I love the fusion of crewel embroidery and beads.I’ve started working more crewel projects now,so this book would be a great resource for me I think.Thanks for the opportunity to win this book Mary.
The technique and designs are what interest me most. I have only done outline embroidery and would like to learn more of the crewel work.
Thanks for an opportunity.
What a beautiful book! I would love to see more of her designs as well as learning of her special tips.
I drool thinking about this book! Using color and a variety of textures to achieve a unified whole is what I love to do most of all. It doesn’t seem to matter what the medium — I end up on that page no matter what artistic endeavor I’m dreaming up/working on.
Marilyn P. in Las Cruces, NM USA
This book fascinates me. I am the type that cannot leave anything alone. I have to add my own touches. This book would be wonderful to have for loads of inspiration. I can feel the creative juices flowing already.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
I do Jacobean applique and I love the patterns and the color. Doing Jacobean patterns in embroidery would be a challenge that I would love to try.
I have this book..It’s beautiful.
I did contact Hazel via her website as wasn’t sure the UK equivalent for ‘Hopsack’!
I had a WONDERFUL e-mail back.
We came to a conclusion of ‘Linen Union’.
Just need MORE time to sew!!
I would say the designs and the techniques. I love Jacobean works and the techniques in the photos look to be amazing. I like to create my own designs from pieces of other works and this book would be most helpful. Thank you,
Shelia in Oklahoma
Hello Mary!
Hope you had a wonderful Easter!!
Crewel embroidery has always been fascinating to me. I enjoy the choice of color combinations and the technique involved ..something that brings out the depth of the embroidery in a 3-D effect. Well the gold and beadwork just gives it a new dimension and enhances the beauty of crewel embroidery. I would love to go deep into this incredible art.
Thank you Mary and Hazel for this great opportunity!
Hi Mary! Thanks for the opportunity!
I love crewel work – it is my favorite thing to do, and anytime I can use it I do. So what appeals to me? Finding even more ways to use my favorite technique! I have used crewel on needle point patterns, combining it with needlepoint stitches to make interesting textures. (I am into textures!)
Happy Wednesday!
Hello Mary,
My embroidery journey began with crewel and after many years I still love it! What is most intriguing to me is the idea of combining crewel with goldwork. I would love to have a copy of the book to understand ways to do this, and a signed copy is so special.
Thank you for the opportunity.
PS Can’t wait for tomorrow’s post – I’m always looking for ways to store thread!
This book looks fascinating and I’m sure I’d try some of the projects.
I did a crewel class with Judy Jeroy and finished the piece (an owl). It was done in wool.
Also did the needlecase you recently ran. Hope I win!!
Hi Mary,
I love the colors, embellishments and outrageous flowers. You’re not old enough, but in the 60’s we had these purses with wooden handles and little buttons on the side and you could change out the covers. Mine turned up in a closet clean out and I was thinking of embroidering a cover for it. One of the designs in Hazel’s book would be PERFECT!
Dear Mary,
I like the crewel embroidery for all of it together in general but I absolutely love the designs!
The whole book excites me. I don’t think it’s a beginners’ book, but it does give inspirational goals. I would love to have it.
I love the idea of this book, remaking older embroidery styles and combining them with beads and other embroidery. It looks to be a fascinating read and i would love a copy maureen murray
What a wonderful gift! I am a great fan of Jacobean designs and I also love working crewel embroidery, expecially with the wool. Wool is such a pleasure to work with and being tactile, I love handling wool. I have not done beading with my embroidery and I’m interested in trying the technique. Thanks for the opportunity to win such a nice book.
I already bought this book, so I am just chiming in to say that it is really a wonderful book. The designs, colors, techniques and use of materials not usually associated with crewel make it a winner. It brings Jacobean designs into the 21st century without sacrificing the classic designs we all love. Truly a wonderful merger of the modern and the classic.
I love the designs and the original use of materials best. Anastasia
Oh, I would love this book to find new (and fun!) ways to do things with thread. Pick me! ๐
I love the concept of this book. The idea of blending these several techniques and fibers into a single design sounds like the next project on my list! I can already imagine holding all those different fibers and getting to “play” with them. Thanks Mary and Hazel for the inspiration.
Wow, what a terrific looking/sounding book! I’ve not done crewel in years, but this sure makes me think of doing it again! The designs are very inspiring!!
Thank you so much for keeping all of these techniques alive for us
Hi Mary!
I just have an absolute fascination with crewel embroidery and to work with beads, gold etc in addition to just is over the top wonderful! Thanks
lcalypso (aka Lynn)
Thanks, Mary, for all you do for us. You have been an inspiration, no doubt about it. I’ve been subscribed to your list for a little while and have learned so many wonderful embroidery stitches. I use quite a lot of embroidery in my quilting and design; my special area is Sunbonnet Sue. Cheers, Kathie
I am actually a needlepointer who is always looking for new ideas. Crewel twists is loaded with ideas for canvas workers. I love the three dimensional quality that has been achieved through the use of beads and the variety of stitches. It is exciting when we stitchers can combine the best from a variety of stitching resources.
The appeal of the book is everything. As a someone rather still new to embroidery, one of the most challenging aspects is learning how to incorporate the aspects of design together for a pleasing finished affect. Having wonderful source books on hand to use for practice and inspiration is very helpful. The most challenging part for me is still the stitches, and what to use where. The designs and the colors are what make the stitches delightful to behold.
I like the combination of traditional crewel designs with non-traditional materials–beads and goldwork, particularly. From the samples I’ve seen you post, it looks fascinating!
I’ve come to embroidery late in life and consider myslef a newbie/novice. I love the colors and textures in needlework. I study the stitches and have several small books on stitches that I hope to use in my quilts.
gauen at mbc dot edu
Thank you for another fab give-a-way. I am drawn to the historical flavor, and the yummy use of beads and pearls in the patterns.
I absolutely love the designs and pictures in this book – I’d love the opportunity to re-create such wonderful embroidery!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Wow another book give away! How kind of you. Iโd love to win this book as Iโve been taking Crewel Embroidery courses through Embroidery Association of Canada. Iโm a bead person (Iโm part Crow I think,) and I had been looking for Crewel embroidery with beads. My EAC councilor told she had seen crewel works with beads. I keep looking and looking for Crewel embroidery with beads. This book would be perfect for me.
Bunny Goodman
Nanaimo B.C. Canada
I love the rich combination of textures!
This is definitely on my wish list.
I have just recently discovered your website, signed up for the daily posts, and can’t wait for the next ones to come! I love silk and metal, Jacobean designs, crewel work – so this book is just up my alley! In fact, I’m teaching a class in the fall entitled “Jacobean Blackwork” that I would love to show this book to my class. What a beautiful addition this could be to my library!
Where do I start!!! Love it, love it, love it.
The patterns, colors, designs, tips, etc. This is the kind of book I not only use bit also like to just sit down in the evening and “read”. Like the idea of floss as I can’t get wool locally as all of our shops closed, so I order online and sometimes it’s “wow, why did I order that color” besides I am a person that likes to see and feel the materials.
Sorry for the next comment but:
Your review and pictures make me love the entire book.
What a wonderful resource book to own. Always looking to branch out to other types of needlework and this would be a great inspiration!
I love it all The color choices are georgous! The gold work beautiful and I woukd love to learn the techniques…thanks so much for the chance to win this book
I made a jacobean wall hanging of cotton applique. I would love to learn some wool techniques to embroider.
I very much like how Ms. Blomkamp combines traditional motifs with unorthodox techniques without loosing the motif’s Jacobean flavor. For instance, the beads in her Spring Trellis enhance the design without looking out of place. The way Ms. Blomkamp substitutes texture for color in her ecru-on-white project is inspired! I would love to stitch her monochrome designs not only for their elegance but to learn the many techniques in each project.
Thank you and thank you to Hazel Blomkamp for the offer of this beautiful book. I have always been drawn to Jacobean designs and needle work. I don’t know if it’s the unique way of taking a flower, or leaf, or strawberry “apart” and then putting it back together in stitches and or the patterns, but I love this style of crewel embroidery art.
I would really enjoy winning an autographed book, but will buy it when it comes available.
Regards, Annette
This beautiful book is especially appealing to me as it the look of historically accurate embroidery from centuries ago! I am an enthusiast of “period” stitching and much of the Jacobean work combines the authentic feel of design and techniques from centuries ago. I particularly love the color and goldwork displays! Thank you for offering it as a give-away, Mary. If I don’t win, I’m going to buy it anyway!
I would love to win this! I like the stitch guide and the beautiful colours in the designs best!
Thank you
I have had the pleasure of leafing through this beautiful book, my best friend just got it. What really ‘sends’ me is the heavy beading! I love the way a lot of it seems to simulate stitches by the choices in materials. This is a gorgeous volume and I would be thrilled to have my own copy.
I want to see you work the framed piece in that photo. SO PRETTY!
I love the intricate colors and distinctive designs of crewel work.
I do a lot of crazy quilting and enjoy playing with varieties of threads and beads and whatevers. And I’ve been itching to do some crewel work lately. What fun it would be to experiment with these multiple techniques. The book looks beautiful!
I think the designs are just beautiful. Mostly with this book, though, I’d like to learn better technique and I need some help with beadwork. I haven’t done much with beads yet and I’d like to learn the right way – as I fly by the seat of my pants right now! haha. Thank you for the chance to win this nice book!
Thank you for this opportunity. I love crewel embroidery because I enjoy working with wool and appreciate the warmth/depth of that fiber. I think what appeals to me most about this book is the addition of bead work and gold work techniques. They add texture and sparkle and build nicely onto richness of the jacobean-like designs. There is an opulence created that I have not seen before. It would be a lovely book to have and fun projects to try!
Hi Mary
I remember reading the review on this book and turing green with envy of those in the UK who could get it. I love the fact that the book shows in detail new twists on an old art. The quote from your review โYou spend many hours working on a project. Use the best quality material you can afford.โ is so very true and I am slowly increasing the quality of the materials and tools and accessories that I work with.
Thanks for these wonderful give aways, they are great for inspiration!
I have been dying to try Jacobean embroidery for the longest time now. I love the Elizabethan embroidery book, but it is out of my price range.I drool over those designs and can imagine how I could combine those beautiful stitches with my beading. You must be exahausted reading all these crazy requests. Thanks for the opportunity to participate.
What a lovely and exciting new take on crewel. The adaptation of the Victorian designs are awe inspiring! Thank you for spreading the word on combining techniques.
Hello Mary
Thanks for this give away. This book makes me dream. I began a year ago crewel embroidery and I love the colors and the designs,I think that this book can help me to explore new techniques and I would like to begin goldwork during this summer .
Severine in France
The designs and techniques in Crewel Twists are inspiring. Looks like a wonderful book.
Barb form OR
Good Morning Mary,
I’m particularly enamoured of the texture and colours in Hazel’s book; which is quite beautiful just as a publication. I have always liked the look of reds and blues together and I find a lot of Jacobian work uses these colours. Having said that, the ivory on creme (or creme on ivory) piece is exquisite!
Would love the chance to see this book first hand, and it would be even better to add it to my collection, be it a small collection, of signed works.
Thank you for the opportunity,
Greta 596
Ooh, I love the look of Crewel Twists! I’m just getting ready to start learning crewel work, so this would be perfect. I like mixing things up (adding beads, gold, etc.)and I like things just a little different – love the picture in grays and blacks, but I’m wild for color, too.
It’s all of it together, for me. The combinations are so exciting in this book. I love how the bead work enhances the traditional designs. I really love the box. When I read the review, I put this book on my wish list. How cool it would be to win a copy! Thanks to you Mary and to Hazel Blomkamp for this wonderful opportunity.
OMG you are getting me in trouble again! I hope I win this time. I keep ordering these books from your reviews. This is FANTASTIC. I LOVE the pictures. Now, can hold out until after I find out if I have won?
Mary, I found your wonderful website recently and am so glad to receive your daily emails. I enjoy doing many types of needlework, but began using a needle at about age 8 when my grandmother took me to the “dime store” to buy cup towels to embroider. My only experiences with crewel were some Erica Wilson kits long ago. This book looks like something I could use to experience crewel in a new way. I already combine many fibers in needlepoint, so this is of interest to me. I especially like the photo of the one with lots of color! It is great that the author includes the info on supplies and stitches, because I would need that. Thanks for expanding our minds with new (and old made new) projects.
I’m an 80 year-old stitcher, and an ardent fan of your daily blog. I taught myself crewel many years ago, along with numerous other techniques. I am intrigued to see what I can add to my crewel work to make it more exciting, for me to work at, and for a finished product. I’d love to win the book!
I like this book for what it ISN’T–yet another ‘here is crewel, it is always done this way, we will beat it into you and try to make it more interesting by using lots of words you never heard anywhere near embroidery’.
I love taking ideas and playing with them, and the transliteration of traditional crewel designs into varied other types of embroidery just tickles my designer bone and makes me expand my horizons even more.
Thank you Hazel and Mary!
This is a beautiful book with wonderful designs and I particularly like the suggestions for uses of these projects. It also incorporates beading into the crewel designs and makes me anxious to try this technique as well. I am currently working on my first piece of crewel — a Deerfield design(the old shades of blue and white)and this book certainly whets my appetite to do more!
I would have to say that “all of the above” is the most accurate. I was intrigued by the beautiful photographs in the book review and I already have a few ideas brewing for how I can embellish my work. I have been on the hunt for a pillow design for my living room with a sort of chinoiserie feel. Regardless of the outcome of the contest, I think this book is absolutely on my holiday wish list.
Thanks for this great give-away!
I love all about crewel work. Right now I am into making keepsakes for my children, grandchildren, and now 2 great-granddaughters -something beautiful to hang on the walls in their houses that will remind them of me with a smile.
I look forward to “winning” this book on crewel – almost as much as I look forward to reading each day on your web page. Thanks for all that you do.
I am just getting back into embroidery and love the information and inspiration I get from your web site. I read it each morning with my tea and save it for reference. Thank you .
I have this wonderful book already, and I would dearly love to give one of them to my friend David. His embroidery is fantastic and he teaches a small group of women in goldwork. He makes wonderful copes and church banners, and he would gain so much by having a book like this.
Thanks Mary for offering this book.
I have done Jacobean Embroidery in the past and have enjoyed it. This new book is fresh in that it incorporates many different stitches. I was taken by the white, gray piece. I think it is a new approach to Jacobean Embroidery, and even though I have never added beads on my pieces, I may try it this time.
Thanks again for the offer. I hope that I will lucky this time.
Oh, everything about Crewel Twists looks appealing!! What a great way to fire up some creative juices- Thanks for the opportunity to win this great looking book.
I dont know anything about crewel twists, but the pictures say that they are interesting and my kind of needle work. I like the way the stitches look and am sure the techniques would be interesting too.
Absolutely Stunning!!! I just love the beautiful photography shown in this book. I have zoomed in on the shots you have shared and on various reviews (including yours) on this book. The stitching and bead work is amazing. I NEED this book. It has been on my “wish” list for some time now. In fact I have just spent every spare moment these last few weeks sorting all my glass beads by colour – very tedious let me tell you but I am now prepared for any beading project that strikes my fancy (and there are several in this book that have caught my eye).
The part of the photos you shared were the use of color, lots of color and in contrast the last photo of the white on black. I am sure there were grey’s and maybe silver for the shading. Stunning work.
Thanks for the chance to enter to win.
What a fabulous give away. And a signed edition too! The beading and gold work are amazing. I really appreciate the chance to own this beautiful book – one I have wanted since I first read your review of this book.
Heather from Surrey, BC, Canada
I agree with others who say that this book looks like great source of inspiration and I love it when the technique is described right there. I feel like this is the kind of book I would get something new out of every time I pick it up. Thanks so much for sharing with us!
You must know how very much I adore this book!! I have a stitching friend who is dying to borrow mine!! I simply can’t part with it yet-but perhaps I can gift a signed copy to her? ๐ So much is glorious about Hazel’s book and her technique-how do you choose just one thing about this book? For me it has to be the use of cotton floss instead of wool-very clever indeed!
The variety in Crewel Twists and the look achieved using 21st century techniques are stunning. Love to try the beading she uses, as is gives it a completely different look. Would love to add this embroidery to the Jacobean that I have done. Unfortunately we don’t get the chance in S Africa of being able to buy these books here. So here is hoping that I am lucky this time.
I’m a sucker for anything “crewel” so this book would be a delight to have for all it’s glory.
Thanks for holding the “give-away” !
I have always liked the Jacobean designs and it is wonderful to update them with the beadwork.
The colors are great but that illustration with the ecru on white is also beautiful.
Good morning! Thanks to you and Hazel Blomkamp for this wonderful offer. I’ve wanted to learn crewel and perhaps I’ll win this book and begin the crewel journey.
Hi Mary – looks like a great book!! And I love all the different ideas/patterns. Love your emails. They are so inspiring.
This book looks just fabulous! I would be interested in the design portion of the book and “how to” is also important.
Thanks for another give away, Mary. Hazel has taken crewel embroidery to a new height and I am itching to try it. The whole aspect of using beads, metal threads etc. make this crewel very contemporary and blingy…..which I love. Whether I win this copy or not I am going to try one on my own with silver metal threads and see how it comes out. Keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi Mary,
My name is Amy and I would dearly love to win this give-away. I am new to the world of embroidery, but I have sewn and quilted for 20 years. I love all things hand stitched. I am beginning to build my embroidery library, thanks to your wonderful book reviews. I have recently purchased Trish Burrs needle painting books and am loving her techniques. Most of my embroidery education has been self-taught so I try to buy books that are good learning sources and also offer beautiful projects. Crewel Twists is just this sort of book.
Crewel Twists would be a fabulous addition to my library because it is packed full of practical information for beginners like me. The projects seem very do-able and I love, love, love the way she combines beading, lace stitches and surface embroidery in her Jacobean designs. It would be my first Jacobean designs book to own. To be honest, this looks like such a beautiful book I would love to just sit and read/ look at the pictures for awhile before choosing a project.
Thank you for considering me in your give-away.
Everything about this book appeals to me. It is perfect for the projects I am learning to do. Even if I don’t win it, it is on my “to buy list”
Mary in Oregon
I love the designs in this book and I the colors. I also enjoy the use of nontraditional materials
I just love the ecru on white needle lace piece. I’ve always wanted to work on some needle lace and this seems to be a great place to start. The tips and techniques would be a good reference as well.
What appeals to me most is the Jacobean designs done in threads other than wool. I have always liked the look of Crewel but I have one major problem I am allegeric to wool one touch and it is head to toe hives. So I have just admired the crewel work others from afar. Looking forward to your thread storage ideas.
I saw this listed on Amazon a while ago and was interested in it; it’s on my ‘wish list’ as we speak. What appeals to me about the book is the topic (I think Jacobean embroidery is fascinating) as well as what information is presented, and how its presented. The art work is great as well as the instructions.
I look forward to having my own (hopefully signed) copy some day!
Thanks, Sherri
I love the colours and textures in the stitches,the patterns are to die for.
I like the colour combinations in this book, along with the use of beads to crest some wonderful crewel work embroidery. It is inspirational embroidery and would help me to look ‘outside the square’ when it comes to my own embroidery. Thanks for the opportunity. Fiona -Hamilton, NZ
What a beautiful book as someone else said it is “eye candy” but also makes you itch to get stitching. The colors are beautiful but the projects are unique and today. Would love to have this in my library and as a venue for learning more.
I love the idea of using different materials for crewel style embroidery, especially regular floss and beads, which are much more available to me than wools and silks.
I have been doing embroidery since I was a little girl and have just recently decided to challenge myself by trying new stitches and techniques. Most Of what i done is surface emb. along with a small amt of needlepoint and crewel. This book would make a wonderful gift to myself on my 70th birthday this month. Thanks to Needlenthread for a fun blog to read every day.
I have been fascinated with crewel since I first saw it many years ago. I have signed up for various workshops, which invariably get cancelled because of lack of interest. The whole books appeals to me! I thought I was the only person who thought this technique was lovely and worth pursuing. Thanks for the chance to explore on my own.
Since reading your review, I have had this book on my wish list! It shows the potential of crewel work beyond the traditional wool on linen and provides fabulous designs using a variety of techniques. The designs maintain the look of the historical work I really love. This would be a great addition to my needlework library and a source of a new stitching challeng.
Marion B.
This is everything I aspire to be as an embrodrier. I love th colour and the beautiful stitches, which I hope to be able to do once I have read (or studied) this book.
What appeals to me most about Crewel Twists is that it proves that I have the freedom to choose the materials and techniques that appeal to me. Hazel shows that I can break some rules and still produce a beautiful piece of needlework. It’s almost a bad thing because now there are more options. Decision-making may be MORE difficult. Plus I don’t think I could just throw any colors and materials together willy nilly and have it look as nice as hers. This may require more knowledge about design rules that just can’t be broken?
Thank you for the book review and giveaway!
I have always loved Jacobean embroidery. Something about it being a stylized form of nature truly appeals to me … Graceful and fanciful at the same time. I really appreciate how thorough the directions are, all the pictures and the beginner info in the book (I would need them all for these beautiful projects).
Thank you!
I love the crewel designs and the big variety of stitches.
I like the designs. So pretty!
ah, I think for me the designs, textures and colour choices are the hit for me. And the fact that she uses beads actually opens my eyes as to what can be achieved in embroidery. If only I was as imaginative as Hazel.
I’m always amazed at the talent demonstrated by you and the books you give away. It only makes me want to work harder to learn and I am 70 with eyes a little less focused but still work hard at achieving great results. As Sally Collins says “The only time you have to get it right is the last time you complete the stitches, quilts or whatever. I wish myself some luck.
Thanks Mary for this chance again!
The designs and color choice are not always easy to me, so a book with help about them is always welcome.
Of course – if I win the book – I’ll pay all my attention to the techniques.
Hope your Easter was great and peaceful and full of sweets
I am impressed with the three-dimensionality and texture of this embroidery, and would love to learn how to do it!
What a great look. I want to learn it all! If I don’t win I’ll be forced to buy a copy. I will definitely have to use the twisted thread technique on some of my other embroidery. It gives such a neat look.
I saw the announcement of this book. It is interesting in crewell a combination of beautiful pictures with a variety of complex techniques of embroidery.
Hi Mary! Your messages are so uplifting and cheerful, they brighten all of our days! – I am astonished at the crewel work: so perfect, so full, so rich, so elegant, so attractive… I like everything!!! The way stitches are embroidered, they look free, stiff and firm, sewn by a professional hand… The golden thread to uplift certain areas… the beads work so interesting…! Crewel,beads,satin,textures… all is put together to give a rich look of the work, just the way I like to work. I am very interested on the book, to have ideas and see patterns, but above all, to get confidence on the technique.
Hi Mary 8D
I love the way crewel stitching, which is very traditional to me, and beadwork, which seems more modern (but I don’t think it is) look when worked together. I’ve recently paid my dues for my 2nd year in EGA, and crewel work is something I’d like to explore more. I have been following your medallian project, and have been awed by the way you are using the gold in it. Today, I saw one of the ladies at our meeting do a chain stitch w/ gold thread–it looked like a purchaced chain from the jewelry dept of a craft store it was sooo regular. Needless to say, I was knocked out of my socks. But I’m more into beads and want to see more about how they are incorporated into crewel work. Thanks for the blog–I really look forward to reading it.
I love all the “Twisted Crewel” book, I love Jacobian (doing some in quilts) and any handwork is a pleasure to me. the fibers, beads, ideas….all of it is yummy. Would love this book to get me started on some new projects. Gail Clark
Aloha Mary,
Well, all aspects interest me. Design and use of color is my real fascination. What colors push themselves out there and which like to hide. What the eye sees and what the mind sees. Interesting.
Jacquelin Ihsan
What appeals to me most are the mixture of techniques :-). And the book’s title gets a big thumbs-up, as well!!
Hi Mary,
Thanks again for a beautiful giveaway…and signed by the author! The things I like best about this book are the designs & the beadwork. I have always loved Jacobean designs & the addition of beading is a step above.
Sheila from CA
Hi Mary,
I have always been drawn to Jacobean design, maybe because of the texture and flow of the design. This book is very exciting to me as it shows alternative ways to achieve texture beyond traditional fibers. I look forward to reviewing this book and potentially adding it to my collection. ;-}
Hi, Oh my! This has got to be the nicest most complete book I have ever seen. I love Jacobean embroidery. There are many things I like about this book. She discusses 45 different stitches and even has diagrams with it. I like the fact we can use regular thread with beads. The projects you have shown are beautiful and so colorful, which adds to the beauty. The outcome of technique and colors used I guess would have to be my favorites in the Crewel Twists. This book includes everything I would need or want in making these designs. Mary
What a wonderful book to add to the collection.Her projects are beautiful. She certainly put a lot of thought into the designs.PLEASE PICK ME. Thank you for your articles I have learned a lot. Candy
I absolutly loooove Jacobean designs and this design just blows me away. I love the use of color and beading combined with stitching. Breathtaking. I would love to learn how to do this!
I am greatly interested in the silver/gray and the white/ecru designs that you mentioned in your critique of the book, Crewel Twists. I have been working in Crewel for a number of years, using Appleton wools. From the photos on your site, I can see all kinds of possibilities for branching out into other areas using crewel. I love your site and the excellent explanations of your work.
What I love most is the combination of embroidery and bead embroidery. When I comes to color I prefer the elegant color schemmes, white, ecru and white, silver, black. I have never done Jacobean embroidery but this book makes me want to try it.
Hi Mary
Those projects look awesome! I’d be most interested in the inspiration for combining stitch types – I’m very new to Jacobean style though I love the modern touches. And, of course, the autograph is a lovely bonus ๐
Thank you for an amazing website!
Tessa in Stellenbosch
Hi Mary,
I love everything about Jacobean embroidery, especially the challenge.
Thanks for your daily blog; love it!
Hi Mary,
I really enjoy how the Jacobean finished product is for unique. The stitching is absolutely beautiful and so intricate.
I love all of it! Jacobean designs with their flowing lines, riot of colours, monotones, and of course beads – my love of beads would overflow on these beautiful designs! And the use of many different types of threads as well just puts me in seventh Heaven! I would just love to own this gorgeous book!
I’m not sure what appeals to me the most. I never thought of combining crewel work and goldwork, nor not using wool for crewelwork, nor monochromatic crewelwork. I guess it’s the latter. I can just picture the black/silver/grey piece mounted in the silver porringer that was a gift to my father at his christening in 1917. Cripes! That porringer is almost 100 years old! And I never use/display it. Wouldn’t it be lovely used to display my collection of hat pins?
Crewel is my alltime favorite stitching technique. The colors are so vibrant and luscious. I can’t wait to see this book in person to enjoy all the pictures, designs and techniques! And the fact that is a signed first edition is also very exciting! Thanks for this offer!
Oh, wow Mary, thanks for the giveaway. I would love to win this book. I love wool and I am getting ready to design a wool crazy quilt with lots of appliques and beads and I wanted to use crewel embroidery on this.
This book would really help me out with ideas and the stitches.
My late sister always embroidery with the crewel technique-I love it-the finished look and everything about it. Kathy
What fun! I have loved Jacobean embroidery ever since my grandmother taught me to embroider and showed me all of her handiwork in this style. I’ve done a few projects, but went on to other techniques because this area didn’t seem to have much variety or growth. This book opens up an entire new world. This book is now on my wish list, and I can’t wait to get started on those projects. Adding beads and goldwork! Dynamite! Thanks for sharing your finds.
Hi Mary, I love your blog and am thrilled to subscribe. You always have such interesting things to talk about and love your easy-to-read style. As you said about Hazel Blomkamp of “Crewel Twists,” no pretension here!
My favorite design from the book, from what I saw through your review, is the Tudor Rose design done in goldwork and red threads. I work and teach miniature crewel embroidery (please see my blog which shows my miniatures, dolls house collection and embroideries or Cookie’s Historic Needlework at think Hazel’s book will aid considerably in my teaching. I, too, work in DMC floss, Sulky rayon, silk, etc. and not the Appleton’s and Medici yarn of old because of scale limitations. I am currently working in 1″ to the foot and design tiny crewel pieces. It looks enough like crewel yarns in this scale. I am awaiting my copy of Jacqui Carey’s “Elizabethan Stitches” now and would love to win a copy of “Crewel Twists.” Either way, thank you for enlightening me about it!
Also about to launch a full scale stumpwork project and you will see more about this if you look at my web site or blog. I intend to do a practice piece on a small casket I found at Joann’s Fabrics and may teach that project online to my miniature group called Petitpointers (on Wow, I went on a bit more than I planned. Hope you enjoyed reading!
Best regards, Cookie Ziemba
I really love all the combinations – goldwork, beadwork, color, black and white. They each appeal to a different side of me. All so very lovely.
Thanks! And enjoy “The City”.
Hi Mary, As I am fairly new to the technique of Crewel Embroidery and after having had a look at your review of Hazel Blomkamp’s book Crewel Twists find I would really enjoy this book with all the helpful tips ad designs, the colours are fabulous especially when combined with beads and gold-work [which is another challenge for me] The Jacobean in ecru on white looks fantastic. For me the best part of this book would be owning it, needless to say I would love to be the lucky winner.
Thanks for the opportunity of competing.
Leta Hunter from New Zealand
I enjoy using many different stitches and colors in the same design. Todayโs Crewel work is so bold and expansive. LOVE it!
All of it!! I love all of it. At first it was the riot of color and the beading that I loved. Then I saw the alluring grey–so glamorous. I love it. Oh my, there is more–the stately ecru on white. How beautiful! Who wouldn’t want to do all of them? I want to do all of them!
I love to learn traditional forms of embroidery, along with their history, and then put a modern twist to it so this book has it all!
I love crewel work patterns….I’ve always loved those Jacobean patterns (although I don’t know if these are truly Jacobean but you know what I mean. Thanks for the opportunity.
would love to win this book, just looking at the photos gets me excited about trying some of the techniques I haven’t done as yet.
Wow, what a wonderful giveaway. I love Hazel’s work and would really appreciate her book. Jacobean work is one of my favourite styles of embroidery. This book would also help me with some of my stitches, her colour selection is lovely. Regards Mandy
EYE CANDY and the different approaches are what appeals to me. ๐
Mary, thank you for another wonderful opportunity. When you reviewed this book, I was drooling. To some, it may look like a “mash-up” of styles. To me, it looks like a revival. Old designs with a new twist – very appealing, and inspirational. The projects and tips sound great — a wonderful addition to any stitcher’s library.
Thanks for continuing to make us aware of such resources.
O how beautiful!It has been years since I did crewel work,and this book is inperational.It would give a reason and motivation to start a new crewel project again Thank you for this oppertunity!
Mary, I am so loving your blog having just found it a week or so ago. I am so inspired! Thank you, Laura
What a crewel twist for someone like myself who is just itching to start a new project!! It would be such an honor to own this book. I also prefer to crewel in floss over wool. So many designs ~ such a crewel twist :0)
Both the designs and especially the mon-traditional color choices. Plus she makes surface embroidery seem easy even for someone like me who wants the comfort of counted work, knowing exactly into which fabric hole to plunge the needle.
Please Please choose me,I love crewel embroidery, and would love a new twist on it.Hazel is one of my favorite embroiderers, I would gladly pay the postage to Australia,
Thank You
Hi Mary
The book of Hazel Blomkamp would be a welcome addition to my library. I cannot access good embroidery books on crewel embroidery further than just ‘basic’ and this would be very helpful to extend myself in this area. I love embroidery and love extending my knowledge on the subject. The book looks magnificent and I think everything about it is fantastic and just what I am looking for.
I would have to say that the reason for my wish for the book will have to be all of the above. I love the look of Jacobean work but have been in awe of it and not dared to tackle it. Maybe I could with this book.
Thanks a million for all that you give to us . . . . embroidery-ries!
I’ve done a little bit of crewel embroidery before. When you reviewed Hazel’s book I was taken by the combination of threads and beads…I love the extra depth and sparkle they give to a piece. To learn new ways of combining them in such an historic form of embroidery makes me shiver with excitement…such possibilities! Thanks for the opportunity to win this lovely book.
The Jacobean designs are fabulous. I have purchased a few for my embroidery machine but never have seen any to work by hand. This is a dream come true! Thanks for the try. Chris Beresford
I do not subscribe to the less is more adage – I love all of it – crewel work appeals to me because of all the different stitches used. This book takes it to a whole new level with all the different techniques combined! I love it!
Hello Mary
I just HAD to acquire this book after your review – I LOVE the designs, the colours and of course the combination of textures – but have to try for this autographed copy! Thank you for the opportunity.
Even though I’ve done some crewel work and just love doing it, I have not worked with beads in a project because I’m not sure how it would look once done. Maybe with this book I could see it done and learn to do it.
I love all the techniques and materials used, but most of all the colors.
Thanks for another give away Mary.
There is nothing I don’t like about this book!
But the beading on crewel work looks like tons
of fun. Thanks for offering this wonderful
Pat in Lebanon
Hi Mary
I love everything about this book, especially the combination of threads and beads. The designs are great and the modern twist is very inspiring.
I have been doing plain crewel work for some time now but I have never done beading on any of the pieces. I would love to learn the technique not to mention a new book of designs and techniques. Thanks Mary
Carol Davis
Oh my gosh, I’ve had a little note sitting on my “sewing” room table since I first read your review of this book. It simply has the title and author; it’s a reminder to me that I want this book as soon as it’s available here!I love it all, but I think I will especially drool over the beautiful photos, and the project! Oh yes, and the stitch diagrams! I really would love to win this!
Hello Mary,
What a beautiful book! This is very inspiring. Putting different stitches into different areas of a design reminds me a little of crazy quilts. This intriguing form of embroidery in Hazel’s book is like a little journey for the eye. All that texture it creates! All the lines traveling from here to there! And then she adds beads.I could look all day! Thanks for bringing it to our attention.
Wow, what a great giveaway!
I think I really like everything in combination – everything in every photo is utterly gorgeous.
What a fab book! I think the techniques are what interest me most, along with the fabulous photos for inspiration to try out my own ideas.
Hello Mary,
Thank you for introducing me to hand embroidery. I have machine embroidered for years, but once I retired, I wanted something with a little more hands on appeal. Once I discovered your website, I was immediately drawn into the excitement of this historical art form.
I had no idea that there were SO many forms of surface embroidery. Trying to learn all of the techniques was overwhelming. So I decided to focus on one technique at a time. My first choice was Crewel. I chose Crewel because it is so bold and alive! It has almost a three dimensional look and feel to it compared to the โquieterโ forms of embroidery. (If that makes any senseโฆlol.)
When I read your review of Hazel Blonkampโs new book, Crewel Twists, I was even more intrigued by her combination of floss, beads, knots, and twists with Jacobean designs. Jacobean designs flow and move dramatically. The thought of combining Crewel stitches with Jacobean designs really hit a cord with me. However, being just a beginner, I need instruction that is clear and to the point. When you mentioned that as a key point in your review, I immediately put this book on the top of my ever growing Wish List. How I would love to have a book that combines my favorite embroidery technique and design in a clear cut direct writing style. Wow! Whatโs not to love about thatโฆ
Thanks again for your website! The information and insight you shear so openly is truly a blessing to me and has greatly enriched my retirement years.
Alice O
I love your giveaways! What appeals to me most about this book is the technique aspect. I love looking at new ways to blend styles.
The shapes of the designs with their combinations of beadwork, goldwork and thread appeal to me greatly. I’d love to own this book. Thanks for the opportunity! Sue
I did a Jacobean many years ago when starting embroidery and it was the opening door for me to all the stitches the different mediums, techniques and colour most of all, its like a garden every colour fits in I dont have to think if I like it or not, it flows right into the picture, and I would be truly honoured to own a signed copy of this wonderful book, I thank you once again for the lovely giveaway you have and also all your input and knowledge you share with all of us.
Have tried my hand at thread painting and now see it as part of the crewel family. I would be thrilled to study crewel technique and try my hand at a crewel project!!
Ah great to see the giveaway Mary, which means book must have arrived in your hot little hands. Sitting in Adelaide wishing you were here!! Although quite frankly why anyone would want to travel when your plane is delayed at the start of the journey, you nearly miss all of your connecting flights, when you get to the other end your suitcase isn’t there, and they confiscate your duty free cigarettes at Perth. And then there’s the jet lag! Love H
It’s a little superficial, but part of me covets the book for the title alone. ๐ Beyond that it appears to be an excellent resource and inspiration.
I love crewel. I love pointed needles. I love beads. I love color. I love modern/contemporary designs using “old” techniques. ‘Nuf said? I would so love to add this book to my library.
I think what appeals to me most is that it’s a)crewel and b)seems to be Jacobean in style. Which are my top two favorite kinds/styles of embroidery so far. But the colors are absolutely gorgeous as well.
Thanks for hosting! I love any fresh takes on classic techniques, so this book appeals to me a lot. One thing that jumped out at me right away is the beading. Encrusted yumminess!
Good Evening Mary.I just looked at the latest book offered in your generous give away.I was so pleased to see the designs as I purchased a beautiful beaded evening bag at a local antique sale last week.I immediatly knew that I must give it a try as the colors simply jump out and beg for a second,third and more closer looks.The designs in the book all look appropriate to my ideas.I wish I knew how to send a picture of my little treasure for your opinion.I have my fingers crossed to be the chosen one in the latest drawing.Keep us inspired to try new needlework designs.Judy.
I would so love to receive this book. I love the look of crewel and really love the lovely designs with different treatments with the book. I have expearimented with some crewel and different threads and had great fun with it. I so enjoy your newsletters each day. you have a really great way of describing stitches and of course the pictures are wonderful. Thank you for doing the newsletters.
I was so excited to see this book review. I’ve only recently begun to read your blog and this is exactly the type of work I’m interested in learning. The richness of the colors and the classic Jacobean designs would blen right in with my living room, and I’d love to make a piece for my mom too. The sophistication of the designs pictured in your review reminds me of the time my parents and I spent living in England. I’d love to imake some reminders of that happy time for my family.
I love all the crewel work combining beading with the texture and colours is great would love to try some work.
Oh, darn. Yet another book to put onto my list because I have always really liked Jacobean embroidery, but I love Hazel Blomkamp’s work. The monotone projects are so elegant. I didn’t think I would like all the beading – she just has a magic touch with them that some how makes it all work. Someday I hope to be able to make something as beautiful as she does, but first, I need that book!
karen in western nc
I want this so bad! I am begging my library ot order it! I love crewel, but yarn is hard to find – and this will give me even more ideas I suspect!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
After reading your review of this book, it went on my wish list. I have always loved the look of crewel, but didn’t like stitching with the wool. This book incorporated many of my loves in embroidery, crewel, goldwork, and beads and put them all together in some fabulous designs.
Hi Mary,
I think Crewel Twists would be a fun book to win. I love the use of beads and gold with the crewel work and I think the combination of these give the projects a little contemporary and updated look. Looks like a book to while away some hours with! Thanks again for the generous giveaway.
Mary Ann H.
Hi Mary,
Another great giveaway – I’ve had this book on my wishlist since I read your review! I really like that these projects are worked in DMC thread and also beads – they add sparkle. The designs really appeal to me, but I particularly like them because they are worked with DMC.
Penny B
Wow. I would love to have this book, I love the designs. What a great opportunity.
Since childhood i have seen a lot of embroidery projects but this Jacobean embroidery seems to be a very nice combination of the bead work & different stitches.
I admire the way different basic stitches are used in combination to make this beautiful masterpiece. I especially liked the color combination of different shades of black, white n grey… I have done a project using just the black but the combination of the black, grey, white and the beads is amazing.
I have seen & learnt lots of Indian embroidery styles…but i never had a chance to learn the Jacobean embroidery. This book seems to be a very good book to learn the Jacobean style of embroidery.
Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. I would have to say the most appealing thing about the book is the mixing of technique and it not being all wool. I love the look of wool, but find it frustrates me to have to do a lot of stitching with it. I really love the look of these designs in the variety of threads and beads. It’s really that color photo that has sold me on the book. It’ll be on my wishlist (if it’s not already).
I have been drooling over this book! I love the combinations of techniques and really am attracted to several of the projects. I hope to be able to do at least one this year….winning this book would sure help!
jan from Mt. Pleasant, MI
I love all kinds of handiwork, This book would make an impressive addition to my library. I’ve been a follower by email on your site for quite awhile now, and I must say your monogram project is just amazing. I really hope I can win this book.
Thant you, Lesley
Dear Mary,
After reading your review of Crewel Twists and visiting Hazel Blomkampโs website, I am intrigued by the combination of beadwork and embroidery with regular floss, yet inspired by the incorporation of goldwork and needle lace techniques! This book has a treasure of information which would give me the confidence to complete the projects. It was thoughtful on Hazelโs part to include the basic information, such as the thread conversion charts and generous as well to provide all the beautiful projects which would become true heirlooms.
I’ve been waiting for this book to hit the US ever since you reviewed it. I think what I like best about it is variety of stitching techniques. The needle lace sounds really fun.
Thanks so much for such a great giveaway.
I would absolutly love to win this book!!
I love all the colors, bead work and Gold work combined!! If I don’t win it I’m still going to buy it.
Robin Marks
I dabbled in some crewel projects w-a-y back when and am happy to see it’s coming back, albeit in a much more modern way. I love the idea of using it in my crazy quilting and anything with beads catches my ‘magpie’ eye!
What a “CRUEL TWIST” to embroidery! I’d love to win & peruse this book craftily written by Hazel Blomkamp. Geared to help beginners budgets but conveying the desire attain the artistic grace and quality used by the experts. She combines a great combination of stitches, techniques, & projects to try & treasure including (my favorite) Jacobean! All the rest is icing on the cake.
Hi Mary,
Thank you for the information on yet another beautiful addition to the embroidery world. I love the way Hazel has used bright “modern” colours. I love the Jacobean designs and the opportunity to use a range of stitches, but the traditional pieces have not had the advantage of modern chemistry and the range of colour that we now have. It is the use of colour in this book that I find really enchanting. It would be a lovely book to own and to be able to read and dream over.
I love reading your emails. Keep up the good work. I also enjoy your book reviews as it gives me a chance to see before buying.
These are 2 of my favorite things!! I am an avid needlework book collector and especially LOVE signed books. I have a small signed book collection and would be happy to add this book to my growing collection. I am also a very big fan of crewel embroidery!! I really enjoy the designs of crewel along w/ its history. I was initially hesitant about using wool threads in my 1st crewel project but once I started I LOVED using them and have enjoyed crewel ever since. Thanks for a great newsletter!
Based on your review of Crewel Twists Hazel Blomkamp has not only created an extremely well organized book, but she created an extremely well organized book on crewel embroidery! It does not get much better then that.
I love it when the embroider uses lots of colors in crewel embroidery. It’s gives so much more feeling to the embroidery. And for me that’s like the last piece in a puzzle making everything come together and fit. That’s what makes it seem to say “Someone put a lot of work into me! Someone make me look alive and full of worth!”
With all it’s pictures, patterns, and information, Crewel Twists seems a masterpiece among embroidery books. Well done Hazel Blomkamp for putting together such a book!
Best regards,
Katherine Browning
I love Jacobean embroidery. The designs and materials in this book look really interesting.
I loved doing Crewel Embroidery. I got away from it and from surface embroidery, when I discovered Counted Cross Stitch. I had never really liked the blue lines to stitch on and gave them up in counted cross stitch. I am at a point in my life where I want to take up Crewel embroidery again. I had even pulled out some of my patterns a few weeks ago, but couldn’t remember any of the stitches to use, so I put them back and pulled out a counted cross stitch kit.
I came upon your blog about two months ago and it has inspired me to begin surface work embroidery again. Jacobean needlework has always fascinated me, along with stumpwork, and I was so taken when you first posted this book that I looked for it in the US to no avail.
I’m so entranced by her use of color…this would be a true collector’s item for me. Thanks for making this offer available.
This book looks like it has some beautiful, unique projects that have a certain twist on a traditional technique. It is beautifully named. Hopefully, it will take a turn down my road.
I love the intrincancy of the embroidery. Makes me want to do some very elaborate designs. Love all the color combinations. I must get some gold thread.
I’d love to be entered into the drawing for this book. i love those photos and really like the idea of using a variety of threads and techniques in the one crewel project – I’ be able to look through my stash and apply some to such a project, I’m sure.
I love crewel!
I love the concept of this book. Anything that mixes my love of beads and crewel work? Thats Fabulous! I just finished The Bead Journal Project of 2012. Which combined both of my loves so would now like to extent my knowledge with some fresh ideas and techniques. Thank you for the opportunity. xx
I have a drawer full of wool floss just waiting for me to get a few books on crewel embroidery, so I would have to say – all of it! Thank you Mary and Hazel!
I would love to own a copy of this book. I do work in bargello type patterns because I love working in color. I also do crewel as well because I like the circularity of the designs–it energy and happiness. To find the two combined is great, while learning (for me) the skill of using beads is an even greater plus.
Thank you, Ms. Blomkamp, for offering such a lovely book for the needlework community!
I used to do a lot of crewel work (a la Erica Wilson), but never with beads. I’m looking forward to seeing that in the book. Wish I could see those beaded pieces in person! Thanks, Mary.
Hi Mary,
Thats THE most beautiful book I’ve seen….the combination of design & colour just leaps out of the pages!
I bought Yvette Stanton’s Mountmellick book and have been engrossed in white work…time for some colour & this is just the book.
Wish I’m lucky this time!
I read your review, and decided that I need this book. I was awed by the the use of beads. I love, love, love beads. I needlepoint, and look forward to applying the techniques in Crewel Twists to canvas. I enjoy your blog and your emails, and your photos are wonderful.
Wow ! Thanks for this marvelous offer. I love this book because of the modern approach of Jacobean embroidery. Mixing beads and goldwork is terrific !
If I had this book, I would stitch the black and white design.
Have a nice day !
This is an amazing book. The designs and colours are wonderful. For a whitework stitcher like myself I mostly need a little help to get colours right and to see that she has used needlelace techniques as well as really made me sit up and take notice. This is definitely on my “wish list”.
Hi Mary,
My FAVORITE, FAVORITE type of embrodery is Crewel, I somehow feel I was born in the wrong centery.I can almost see myself in a differnt era like 19th centery doing crewel embrodiery in one of those “puffy dresses”, and spinning my own wool and buying my fabric from a trader that comes around. Sigh, enough dreaming.
What i LOVE about the book is the respect of the old and the fusion of the new with the introduction of beads and the vivid colours.
Yet the designs are beutiful and have practical applications. The design I love the most is Midnight Meander the grays and whites and silvers and black, i would never have thought that it would work but it is absolutelly STUNNING!
Thank fo for the opportunity to enter this fantastic giveaway.
Thanks Mary for the chance to win this book! I love everything about crewel embroidery period…so I shall love everything Hazel has to offer in her book.
This book is a real winner! Her designs are absolutely amazing – her stitching magnificent! I love her use of colour – everything comes together so beautifully – the colour, the beading, the goldwork and I love her use of needlelace – absolutely amazing. From the book review I like the clear and concise instructions and photographs which help tremendously as you are embroidering. Definitely a book worth having in my embroidery library!
WOW!! everything that appeals to me in one small packet. Dynamite!!!
Oooh this is one Iยดd really love to win! What appeals to me is..well, a combination of things! The techniques mainly and how, with those beautiful designs, she makes the techniques so appealing. Iยดve tried a little crewel work, but I found the general style of crewel work often not so inspiring, when I do really like the materials and the techniques, this book seems like a great inspiration to create your own more contemporary designs and learn the techniques to actually stitching them ๐
Also, have fun in the city! I’m very curious for the storage sollution, as I have problems with that myself sometimes…
Hi Mary.
It was really wonderful of you and Hazel to offer this book.I have always been a great fan of her work.It would be wonderful if I could get her autographed copy.To tell truly it was only her work that inspired me to learn embroidery.
From your review, as well as others I have read, I will love everything about this book…The projects look gorgeous, one can always brush up on technique, design tips and ideas inspire and knowing what threads and fabrics will work best saves grief later on. I would love this book and would use it – it would not just sit on the shelf read and then ignored. Thank you both for the chance to win a copy.
I just love everything about this book. I have it on my wish list. Jacobean embroidery is my favorite and to be able to incorporate a variety of stitches and beaded work which I also love would be fantastic. To have this book would make me feel like a child in a candy store and the person behind the counter saying you can have a pick from anything you want in the store. The designs are brilliant I especially love the black, grey and silver embroidery it is so unusual. Thank you once again for another give-away.
Hi Mary,
You’ve done it again. Given me the “must have this book” urge. I love all the colours and different techniques, mixture of threads and beads. The projects look so alive, modern, colourful and full of joy. I know, if I am not the winner, this is a book that I would really love to own.
I have been intrigued by this book since reading your review. It is definitely on my wish list.
As a great fan of crewel work, I would love to discover different ways to develop it further.
I already have the book so I’d rather it goes to someone else. I would like to leave a comment though as this book is on my bedside table at the moment and I love looking at it daily. After seeing the pictures and reading Mary’s book review I fell in love with it straight away, and got it from Amazon.Uk. It is stunning and I love beads and embroidery together. I then ordered from Hazel Blomkamp’s website the full bead pack for the Spring trellis and Midnight meander (my husband loves the latter so I will probably turn it into something for the dressing room). I also ordered the fully pattern-drawn fabrics for the above projects and for The Bountiful season. I can’t wait to start but The Nesting Place needs finishing now once I take the fabric from blocking. The variation here is going to be that I want to do the Crewel Twists designs in real silk threads and choosing them will take a while. I will have to go though my own Anchor and DMC threads to see the colours used. I like the original colours very much so will just have to match them. I am undecided whether to use Soie d’Alger, Soie de Paris or the South African dyed Chameleon silk (Au Ver a Soie)or a mixture in order to achieve all the beautiful colours. My order has arrived and the colours of the beads look stunning and the beads are all already inside the boxes ready for use.
My mouth dropped open as I gasped at the gorgeous work achieved using floss instead of crewel wool. I said out loud “how stunning”. Then I read on down and that is how you described the fire screen. I had never thought about using floss but just love the effect it makes with the Jacobean designs. This is definitely a must have book for me!
Hi Mary.
I have only explored crewel in a traditional sense, wool on twill, so Hazel’s book offers me the chance to try something new. I have to admit though, that I am a sucker for Jacobean design so this is what intrigues me most about Crewel Twists.
Thanks for the opportunity.
Chris from Australia
What really appeals to me in this book is her use of alternative threads, and embellishments (beads, etc) in her designs. It’s lovely to see a surface/crewel embroidery book with Jacobean type designs (which I love) using these different methods. “Crewel Twists” really shows you what you can do when you let your creativity loose.
Kimberly from Ontario, Canada
I have not done crewel embroidery before, but I always like to learn new procedures, and especially in needlework. Thanks for all of the time you spend showing us all of these neat things.
Hi Mary,
Thanks to both of you to give such an opportunity to all. As to your question, I love the designs and color combinations than anything else.
I love Jacobean embroidery and have been wanting to actually create a project instead of practicing stitches and techniques. I love the addition of the beading to the crewel designs. I love collecting and using beads but am not always sure of the best application. I also like the fact there are only 6 designs that can be focused on without lots of others begging to be started. And lastly I like the combination of textures and fibers used in these designs/techniques. Diversity within a project is usually what draws me to a particular piece. Thanks for the giveaway.
had to have a good think about this. It would have to be the idea of a different approach to something traditional. I love the idea of using goldwork and beading. Hazel aeems to have nailed it without losing the essence of crewwl work.
Hello Mary,
So far, I have never tried crewel work, simply because I’m not keen on working with wool. I prefer finer threads, beads, ribbon and goldwork. However, this book has thrown that fear out of the window, because, having read your review of it, it immediately went on my wish list. I hadn’t realised that so many beautiful things could be made in such a wide range of media as is shown in Crewel twists. So, in answer to your question, it must be the variety of designs and materials that I love most.
Thank you for the chance to win this book. I’ve been drooling over it since you did the review. I love the colors, the patterns and the techniques.
Enjoy your trip to KC. It’s been a number of years since I visited there, but it is always worth the trip.
Kathy Pennington
Springfield, MO
Dear Mary
Hazel Blomkamp, has a bit for everyone in this book. My fingers is itching to start stitching.
Hi Mary,
Thank you for the opportunity to enter your giveAWay competition for this wonderful book. I love crewel work, I love beads so combining the two is heaven for me. I admire needlewomen and designers who re-invent, re-design, modernise and bring age old techniques to modern day with a new twist. I think Hazel Blomkamp is really talented to achieve this with such beautiful results. Even if I am not lucky enough to win this fantastic prize then it will certainly be placed at the top of my wish list.
Kindest regards
I’ve never been a big crewel fan–usually prefer counted stitching, but this book is not your old-fashioned crewel. Some really pretty and interesting techniques that make me want to give it a try again! Thanks much to you and to Hazel Blomkamp for the super offer!
Since retiring I am trying my hand at all and any needlework, therefore, this book would be a glorious find. Needle work has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I like to learn new techniques, styles and especially the Jacobean intricate pieces. This book looks like it would be helpful in any needle craft in which I might endeavor.
Hi Mary,
For me it’s a combination of texture, color and patterns.
Hi Mary,
“Crewel Twists” has been on my wants list ever since you reviewed the book. I have done only two crewel projects – a tea cozy and ‘the nesting place’ needlebook using traditional crewel wool and I would love to try new projects with regular floss and beads, using innovative techniques as illustrated in Hazel’s book.
Thank you for the opportunity.
Best wishes,
Those designs are beautiful. I love the look of Jacobean style and the beads would make them even more beautiful.
Mary –
I would love to win this book – I am so interested in using regular floss for crewel designs. I have dabbled in this, but would be eager to see what a real pro had done!
Thanks for yet another give-away!
Tomi Jane
Hi Mary: I have been doing crewel work since I was a young married woman. I have self taught and taken a few classes but I am left handed and I have had to be patient and ingenuitive in learning myself. I have used many books and then I found your website which has been invaluable. I love crewel and all the different colours and fibres you can use for it. This book looks intriguing to me and I really think it would be great to win it. When I stitch I forget my cares and enter another space much like getting into a good book. I really hope I hear back from you.
Love your inspiration and your website.
Jackie in Canada
The designs and techniques are probably what interest me most, but it all looks great. I mostly do crewel these days, so any book on the subject is of great interest to me.
It all appeals to me. lovely.
I think the Crewel Twists book interest me th emost because I am so fond of Crewel. I like the texture added to the work. It lends itself to more novice stitchers as a great place to develope skills needed in emboidery. I would love to have a great collection of projects and how-tos at my disposal.
Thanx for the chance!
Thank you for this wonderful offer. I love the look of crewel embroidery, the techniques, the colors and the materials are all just fun to work with. I started learning embroidery with a crewel project back in the 1970’s and have been fascinated by it since. I enjoy the texture that crewel work gives to fabrics and the challenge of stitching with the different threads to create the designs that are often replicated from antique artistry.
I’d have to choose “all of the above”. The book gives me lots of interesting things to work with and then tweak into my own choices and projects.
I love your site! Lots of great designs and ideas. Thanks.
I’m fascinated by the goldwork, but I love all the colourful Jacobean flowers too! I guess I’ll have to do some colourful gold work!
Hi Mary, I hope your trip to the big city is loads of fun! I would love to add this book to my library, it is a stunning work of art! I love Jacobean designs, the way they flow, and the way they are all so different, even when in the same needlework. I love variety, and I also love beading, so, this looks like a book I would love! Sincerely, Lisette Root
Thank you Mary for the opportunity!
Two of my favourite things Crewel Work and Beads!
It looks like a very special book !
Angela in New Zealand
Hi Mary,
I would love to win the Book Give-away. Hazel sound like my type of stitcher. I love bling and color! The projects in the book are just what I am looking for.
Debbie Brian
Hola Mary,
Quelle gรฉnรฉrositรฉ!
I`m glad to know this book. I like to stitch crewel embroidery but I have never added bead and gold thread. It is new for me.
I would be happy to win this book. Thank you.
Thank you, Mary,
The designs are incredible, I love gold work and really would like to do the screen project.
I have a round inlaid foot stool and would love this type of work and design on its cover. It would be so appropriate and fun to work.
Wonderful giveway! I think I like all of the crewel work, that is of what I’ve actually seen. Would love to try it!
Seymour, IN
WOW! It’s “all of the above” for me. I’m already drooling. I love crewel embroidery and Hazel’s use of alternative specialty threads and beads in her projects makes me want to get started on a new project right away. Thanks for the opportunity to win this book.
Pat B from London,Ontario
I have been “watching” this book. I’m not much of a crewel person (yet) but I am quite taken with historical embroidery, especially goldwork.
Thanks for these offers…Kate
I am interested in this book because I am interested in everything regarding crewel and I am especially interested in Jacobean designs. I designed and stitched a Jacobean-inspired piece in pulled thread and wish to learn more about crewel, Jacobean patterns, and different ways of stitching crewel Jacobean pieces. This book looks like one that should be in everyone’s library.
Good Afternoon Mary!
I would love to have this book beings that I am going to be taking the crewel work course through the RSN. I love every bit off it, it looks so very pretty.
Thank you for your generosity!
Best wishes,
As I begin to attempt different techniques I find that I am drawn to projects that incorporate a variety of threads, stitches, embellishments and anything that gives texture to what I am doing. I am a new embroiderer and still finding my way around all the huge range of techniques to explore. This book appeals to me because it seems to incorporate much of the above – it has some lovely patterns and the use of colours is striking. And such a useful section on tools – goodness what are all those for?! The review is great and I will certainly get the book even if I am not the lucky winner. Thank you again and again for your informative newsletter. Rowena
I am fascinated by the black and white work in this book. I am a beginner embroiderer and would really like to try out some crewel work. The beading in your examples is also quite beautiful. Thank you!
What appeals to me most about Crewel Twists is that the designs are Jacobean and yet so very different and interesting. Stitching them would be a fun adventure.
Oh, I love all of it! I haven’t dived much into crewel so this would be a great book to get started.
What appeals to you most about Crewel Twists? The designs, the color choices, the techniques โ the beads, goldwork, etc? Or all of it together?
Designs and color choices. Goldwork OMD I want so much to dabble – jump in to Goldwork.
Hi Mary,
I love how she’s taken this type of embroidery and made it so unique with the beads and goldwork. I’d love to give a few of these projects a try. Thanks for the opportunity to win and a reminder that this book is available-I had completely forgotten about it. Rereading your review got me excited about it all over again!
G’day there Mary,
As much as I love the whole thing of this book, the ‘subtle elegance’ of the design on the book cover, and the ‘elegant ecru on white’ design have stayed with me since your review. I’m not an elegant person but, mate, do I appreciate it! I suppose I have eclectic tastes ‘cos I love country too. That ecru on white, maybe, could be ‘elegant country”?
Cheers, Kath from Oz.
Hi Mary
What a wonderful idea to combine the classic Jacobean designs with materials such as regular floss, gold and beads. It is great to see such a creative approach to embroidery. A few years ago I bought a little box that I was going to use to store some threads. It is the perfect size to store threads for a project. The top of the box has an area for an embroidered piece. My first thought was to do a small crewel piece for it. However, I have never quite found something that is ” just right.” This book might just be the inspiration I need.
Thank you for the opportunity of winning and for your generosity.
I really like to modern twist given to the technique. I particularly love the monochrome on black design.
Well, of course EVERYTHING about this book IS appealing! I’m most intrigued about the filling stitches, similiar to blackwork…and the addition of beads to the designs. Keepng my fingers crossed to win!
I love the Just Jacobean project. Vivid purple background and complimentary colours make for a real eye catching piece. I found pictures of the projects on Hazels website and am crossing my fingers that a copy of the book comes my way.
Hi Mary, and thank you again (and Hazel Blomkamp) for another lovely offer.
I would have to say that everything about it interests me, but mostly the bead work. Bead work fascinates me and I hope to incorporate that into my embroidery one of these years!
Crewel Twists, just the name alone is exciting and then you throw in the color, the stitching, the jewels and it has to be a winner. I’ve never done anything that is even close to being this beautiful and winning this book would hasten the day that I could start learning a new sewing skill. I’ve been sewing for more years than I would want to admit to so learning something new now would be a real gift.
Thanks for the oppotunity to learn a new skill. I so admire your work.
Congratulation Mary for explanation for this new book. I like all embroidery and wish this.
Thank you for your informations daily.
This looks like a terrific book. I do a lot of surface embroidery and am always looking for designs/ideas. etc. I love the pictures – colorful with beautiful designs.
Thanks for this giveaway.
J’habite le Quรฉbec Canada.
Merci Mary de nous offrir l’oportunitรฉ de gagner un livre super intรฉressant. Je suis accroc de tout ce qui touche fils tissus et tout ce qu’on peux rรฉaliser avec…Je veux vous remercier pour vos messages quotidiens que je m’empresse de lire avec attention; bravo pour vos rรฉalisations.
I like everything! It looks like an excellent book. I’m particularly interested in the use of beads, since beadwork is one of my major interests.
It has been many years since I have done any crewel embroidery but Crewel Twists has wetted my appetite to pick up my needle again. I really like all the updates to this airt form, the different threads and the adddition of beads have me itching like crazy to return to it.
I grew up with crewel and have one Erica Wilson book. Crewel Twists appeals to me because it is more colorful and brighter with the addition of the regular floss, beads, or goldwork.
Oh MY! YUM! YUM! YUM! How I love the beautiful stitching and the BEADS! Love combining the two together. Such wonderful examples of pure delight! Almost better than chocolate. Thank you for reviewing this book. Marianne from Santa Fe
Dear Mary, everything about this book appeals to me. Thank you for the opportunity to add “Crewel twists” to my library.
I like everything about the book. Thank you for doing the drawing. I really hope I win!!!
I spend my evenings working on small crewel projects. I am trying to break away from basic stitches and experiment with new (to me) techniques. This book has all sorts of that I would love to try.
Such a fantastic oportunity! I love crewel work but haven’t yet had the privilige of producing anything as wonderful as the projects shown here. I love everything about this book; the colours, the techniques, the designs, it’s such a feast for the eyes and looking at the combinations that Hazel uses makes me hungry to try them all. I NEED to own this book, could it be a Crewel Twist of fate?
Oh, it’s the designs that appeal to me. I’ve done some crewel work and I love it and I love this style
Dear Mary,
My heart is really taken with this crewel embroidery book. This is a needlework skill I have long wanted to do but am a little afraid. I believe this book would break it down enough for me to try stitching. I like every thing about the style shown on your website, in pictures from Crewel Twists, and thank you for giving away so many items on your site.
Andra Lewis
Mary: ย I’m an avid reader of your articles on the ZITE magazine on my IPad. ย I enjoy all your articles because I love to embroider. ย It’s my favorite hobby! ย Regarding the Crewel Twists – what appeals to me is the definition and sharpness of the designs. ย The color choices are almost endless, the technics are very challenging, but my favorite part are the embellishments because that make my imagination fly and bring my creativity to the maximum. ย Thanks for all your tips and explanations.
I love the color combinations; some of them are really unique for the Jacobean style.
In the past I have done alot of cross stitch with beads and floss but never beads with embroidery…the ideas and patterns would appeal to my inquisitive side…can I really do it? The projects look fun and beautiful…thanks….Grace from Minnesota
I fell in love with Crewel embroidery which led me to fall in love with Gold work and then Silk Shading and….well you get the point! This book Crewel Twists is so exciting because it involves so many of the different embroidery techniques in innovative and incredibly creative ways. This book is a “have to have” in any needle workers library! The designs, colors, beads included in the projects in this book are in an amazing class all their own.
Crewel was my first needlework activity and I would love to learn more about the different techniques in this book, it sounds amazing!!
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway ๐
Hi Mary, you always have fabulous give-aways! You’ve inspired me so much in the few months I’ve been following you and created such a wonderful world to lose myself in. I’ve recently bought “Goldwork” by Hazel Everett.I’m awestruck by the beauty of this extraordinary art; “Beginner’s Guide to Mountmellick Embroidery” by Pat Trott, I love the texture and tone in the materials and the way it changes with the light; and “Beginner’s Guide to Crewel Embroidery” by Jane Rainbow… and she is named so aptly – Crewel is a rainbow of colour and depth, it is so tactile it leaps off it’s background beginning to be touched… and being worsted wool it does lend itself well to practical items. I’d be delighted to add Hazel Blomkamp’s “Crewel Twists” to my rather meager embroidery library. Enjoy the Big City, kind regards. Shona
I’d say the designs are the most appealing. I love to see new designs and from there I can imagine all kinds of variations. Plus, the more designs, the more inspiration!
This book looks exciting! I am interested in Jacobean motifs and the varied techniques add to the excitement. The “strawberry” really catches my eye for spring.
Thanks for the chance to win Mary =)
In reply to the question…All of the above,but, what I love most about the book is the inspiration it stirs within me to pick up a needle and rekindle a past (20 years)love of crewel work. Win, loose or draw this book is officially on my wish list.
I’m working on my first crewel project, and love it. I’m good at some stitches, and need more practice on a slew of others. I want to work with beads, and am contimplating adding some to my project. I want to learn about it all.
Hi Mary,
I must have missed the original book review, but this book looks great. I really like the black on black and the monochromatic cream designs shown in the pictures. The beads really seem to add a lot to the stylized flowers. If I don’t win this book I’ll have to buy myself a copy. I love crewel work. I think it’s a very forgiving style of stitching and lends itself to much more than just stitching with only wool. I like to blend in a little silk to give more texture and depth to the flowers and leaves. Thanks for the book review. Elaine in WV
Hello mary, I have always loved crewl I begin in my early twenties learning embroidery with wool and twill have ventured into other needlearts but now into my mid sixities have come full circle to my point of origin I am just learning of this book and it looks like a must-have so not to worry if i don’t win I will make it a present to myself Thank you for spotlighting this treasure myra
Wow! I love all of it! I could learn to expand embroidery skills beyond DMC threads and linen.
I just love Jacobean Embroidery, don’t you!. I love it all, the stitches, the threads, the material, the process. I would love to one day take a class from an expert on Jacobean Embroidery. Thanks for the opportunity to win this wonderful book.
Just Janice
I have always loved jacobean crewel designs but not so much stitching with wool. To do the designs with beads and metal threads, oh my that is just up my ally. Since I am trying to rekindle my creativity that got lost raising kids and care taking my mom , it’s my time to try new things like this. Thanks for your inspiration and for the chance to win this book.
love this book, love the great opportunity to get sign copy. love The combination of Jacobean designs with new materials so love it all: The designs, the color choices, the techniques โ the beads, make me feel stitchy.
Thank you for the give away!
this book looks fabulous!
I put this on my Amazon wish list when I read your review. What appeals to me is the use of everything all together – and a whole load of new designs. I’ve done bits of everything – beading, crewel, silk shading and goldwork and have tried to mix and match techniques in my designs. So I’m interested to see how she’s done it and have a go at ideas put together by a pro.
This book is one of the best and most interesting I have come across in a long time. Hazel is most innovative and I cannot think of a better present to get than this. In fact it is already on my christmas wish list,(my birthday has passed unfortunately).What a long time to wait!
She does things with crewel embroidery, and beads and everything else, that I have never before imagined. I find the pictures of her work so inspiring that I’m wishing this year away, as I can’t wait to get started on her ideas. Truly she is brilliant, and will excite embroiderers for a long time to come.
Crewel with goldwork mixes two of my favorite needlework topics. While I haven’t mixed them on a project yet, I look forward to seeing what Hazel has done. Please provide the ISBN.
Hi Mary – I love the whole romantic, dramatic….(I’m lost for more descriptive words)effect achieved by using the amazing designs, colour choices, different techniques, use of embellishments, etc in Crewel embroidery. Would love to own such an inspirational book.
After I read your review of this book in February, I contacted Hazel, ordered the book (from another source), and I ordered a kit from her for one of the projects in the book. The book is beautiful, the kit is great too, I look forward to working the project. I was so excited about this that I wrote a review about this book for our local embroidery guild and, after running it by Hazel for her approval, submitted it for the guild newsletter. If I win this copy, I will put it in the guild library as I am sure, after reading the review, there will be a great interest for more information. Thanks for the opportunity, Mary.
Part of the rich heritage of West Virginia is its artisans and crafts people, from woodwork to pottery to fine glass to needlework. One only needs to travel through West Virginia’s lush green mountains with its lovely, colorful flowers to feel at once secure and at home. Needlework and, in particular, crewel work gives me that same feeling. The rich, lusciousness of crewel takes me to my home in the West Virginia hills no matter where I am. This is a beautiful book full of inspiration. I would love to have a copy!
WOW! What a gorgeous book!
I LOVE dimensional embroidery and applique. I try to use it in everything that I do. The techniques and stitches help to make the article dimensional. This is such a wonderful opportunity! I thank you both for it!!!
I’m back to crewel this year – or sort of with the Mountmellick work. This book is on my wish list – I just love the idea of mixing up stitching techniques with the wool crewel embroidery of long ago.
I just love the way all the materials and techniques come together and it is surprising that not all crewel is done in this way. I’d love to learn how she does it!
Crewel has a detailed elegant look that no other needlework has. I would love to get back into crewel work again and this book would give me the inspiration I need. Thanks for all you do!
Thanks so much for offering this giveaway. I enjoy your blog so much, it’s the best resource I have found online.
All of the above for me – I love Jacobean, but always tend towards layers of texture and color in all of the work I do, so this book is perfect for me.
I am really interested in seeing modern interpretations of the crewel designs. I love seeing work in wools but am happiest stitching with finer theads and beads and adding texture etc etc
Thank you Mary and Hazel for giving us the great opportunity to win such a lovely book
How I love this book. Not only are the designs fabulous but the coloures she has used as well. The whole thing is beautiful.
This book has fascinated me since you first reviewed it. You give such excellent information in your reviews that we can’t help but be inspired by them. So far, all the books I have purchased, that you have recommended have been excellent sources to learn and grow in this beautiful craft. I think the thing that appeals to me the most are the combinations of threads, goldwork, silk, beads used to create these Jacobean designs. I love the color and textural combinations that would inspire me to move in those directions much more when I see these great examples. Thanks for sharing these great resources to those of us who are very isolated from a book store, or a needlework shop. (southeastern Montana) You bring the world of embroidery to us so well!
I love the intricacy of the patterns and the combination of techniques, materials and textures that combine so graciously to create a beautiful piece of art.
Catherine M. Langan
Such beautiful traditional designs,but with a modern touch, using colour variation, beading and goldwork emboidery. Love the book and the gorgeous designs.
Thank you Mary for this great giveaway!! I have been doing crewel needlework for many many years!! I have alot of beautiful pictures for my children to have someday! This looks like a wonderful book, I think I would have to say all of it together. I do love the Jacobean design!
I enjoy the texture of Crewel work. I also like that it incorporates several different stitches. My first embroidery project was a Crewel project and I feel in love with it! I would really enjoy having the Crewel twists. It looks like a very inspiring book!
Oh my! This book is right up my alley! I love that Hazel add’s a new twist to the Jacobean style. A style that dates back centuries, and my personal favorite. I also love how you describe her as being direct and to the point, as my nature is a lot like this as well. I think I would really like to meet her….
Fantastic, love all the different techniques, the colors make look 3D. I follow all your projects from beginning to end, and try to take care with my designs and stitchery. Thank-you for making embroidery fun again. Tks again,sher.
Hello Mary. An exciting combination! Hazel Blomkamp is a favourite of mine. Her colour choices, bead and gold work are delightful.
Thank you so much for your blogs, they are always so interesting. Your dedication to your art is admirable. God bless.
What got my attention immediately was the monochromatic design, which led me to taking a closer look at this book. I was so very excited to see needle lace (my latest passion) incorporated into some of the designs. What a treat.
The variety of texture and color is what appeals to me. I also like that the instructions have photos of sections of the projects to help us take the piece a bit at a time. This is a book that will provide instruction and inspiration for many years!
wow! this looks fabulous! Beads, beads, beads! What fun and exciting projects, oh my i’m just imagining adapting these ideas to my own projects,what about a pair of curtains!!! ooooooo! Exciting!!
hi, I have just discovered your website and find it quite delightful. It is full of great tips and ideas.I have just had eye surgery and now that I can “see again” am going to try Jacobean Embroidery, I am also joining our local embroidery guild. I will visit your sight often and look forward to learning this art from your videos.
Thanks for giving us folks that live out in the “boonies” a chance to learn. I think I will look for the book to purchase. Pixie
The unique use of stitches, the bead embellishment and the author’s use of colour all appeal to me. I can’t wait for this book to become available in Canada. What a talented lady Hazel is. Thanks for sharing your passion!
I love the designs and the color choices and I’d love to win this book! Hubby deployed a few weeks ago so I’m in the neighborhood for a few good projects to make this year go fast ๐
Hi Mary, I love the simple intricacy of the designs and the stunning colors involved. It would be a joy to own this book, learn the techniques, and work the projects.
Hi Mary,
Since you first reviewed this book I have been diligently checking Amazon to buy it. I enjoy crewel work but don’t always like stitching just in wool. I love how Hazel Blomkamp has revitalized crewel work by utilizing different fibers and beads. I especially like the second image in your post and have my heart set on stitching it.
Thanks for the chance to win this book. It looks like it would be very inspirational. I have done some crewel in the past and this book would surely make me decide to try one of the designs. I love your blog and love the stitch videos!
I think this book would be a wonderful addition to my embroidery collection. I did crewel embroidery back in the seventies and loved it even more that regular embroidery which I learned with a a small child. I have am in a crazy quilt group and love all the embellishing I get to do and I see in the book that I can add this to crewel work. I have become interested in doing crewel embroidery again and I especially love the Jacobean designs. I can see adding beading to this/ As tomorrow is my birthday I think this would be a great present!
Thank you and Hazel so much for this great opportunity. I hope I win!
First let me say “Thank You, Mary.” Thanks to both you and Hazel Blomkamp for this marvelous prize. I haven’t worked crewel since my teens when my German Grandmother was teaching me to embroider. This book brought back so many wonderful memories and though, as you say in your review, it’s not your traditional crewelwork it has a little of everything, for the beginner to the expert. I especially liked that it has both surface and needle lace stitches, and even though I’m an old pro at beading, the patterns you previewed are elegant and beautiful, and spark the imagination. I particularly like the ecru-on-white Jacobean-like design. I’ve been looking for something to embroider on my daughters wedding negligee, and I could just imagine how beautiful it would be with a few subtly placed crystal beads and spangles.
Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.
Kathy Ward
I love the beads and the Jacobean style. So sparkly! I need to try that!
Mary, it is always so nice to come to your site….the ‘all of the above’ is of course my choice – but if I had to pick just one thing, it would be the stunning variety. floss work and the creative uses the book promises to deliver. Oh wait – that’s not just one thing – so, I cant make up my mind on this – hmmmm. Maybe I’ll just have to buy it if I’m not the winner.
Definitely the techniques. Gotta start with the basics. I am itching to tackle some sort of crewel project, and having a technique book like this one would be so wonderful!
The designs appeal most to me because I really like Jacobean imagery. The colour choice is next in an odd way because it is the monochrome designs that made me think about what I like most about Jacobean embroidery. Removing colour realises the strength of the designs. Having thought about the designs, I can now think about adding colour back in.
I found the review a source of inspiration as it made me think about Jacobean embroidery and realise that the design comes first and is thenenhanced by the colour choices. Colour can not compensate for a weak design.
The use of needlelace as a major component of a Jacobean design interested me.
I see the book as a source of inspiration and of instruction.
I adore the clever use of beads in the designs shown. I also need a push to get into goldwork, I have supplies, but need incentive to start!!
The Jacobean designs are always so sumptuous, gosh I wish I could design things
Julie in Australia
buon giorno …sono dispiaciuta averla scoperta (per caso)solamente adesso.TUTTO meravigliosamente STUPENDO.Non potro avere il libro in regalo ma posso sapere dove lo posso trovare?io ricamo ma รจ il ricamo italiano.GRAZIE e buon lavoro iulia