
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Mission Rose Embroidery Pattern


Amazon Books

Last week, I introduced you to a new embroidery project I’ll be working through here on Needle ‘n Thread, called Mission Rose.

So far, we’ve looked at fabric choices for the ground fabric, transferring the embroidery design to the ground fabric, and framing up the fabric to get it ready for stitching.

Here’s the pattern I’m using for Mission Rose, in case you want to follow along on the project.

Mission Rose Embroidery Project

The overall design was inspired by and taken from this fragment of silk and gold ecclesiastical embroidery, where most of the stitching was originally done in tambour work.

Mission Rose as I’m doing it is not an ecclesiastical piece – it’s simply decorative embroidery, and for now, my “finished vision” of it involves framing and hanging. I think if the design were a little wider, it would make a nice book cover or something like that. It would also make a great insert for a box top, for a long box that opens on the short end. But for me, I want to frame this one.

If it comes out, that is….!

You’ll notice that I didn’t use the acanthus that’s found on the design on the original embroidery fragment. I debated about it, and I worked up a version of the pattern that has the acanthus leaves on it, too. But I like the simpler line border better. It sets off the rose and doesn’t distract from it. By the time I had decided on this, I’d also named the project Mission Rose, and the simpler border goes well with the “Mission” style, I think.

Another change that I made was in the rosebud at the top of the design. One reader mentioned that the original looked like lips sticking up there. And I agreed with that assessment! The rosebud on the original is the typical stylized rosebud that you often see on pieces like this, but I decided to make it a little more rose-bud-looking. I ended up with something that looks like it’s wrapped in a snuggly bathrobe. But I think it will serve my purposes when it comes to the embroidery on it.

A final note: when I transferred the design, I bypassed the squiggly nature of the stem and went for clean lines.

Mission Rose Hand Embroidery Pattern PDF

Here’s a printable version of the pattern, for those who want it:

Mission Rose Hand Embroidery Pattern (PDF)

If you choose “no scaling” (or whatever similar option you have) on your printer settings when you print the design, it should print exactly that the same size I’m using, which is 4″ wide by 7.5″ high. You can, of course, enlarge or reduce it, if you wish.

Eventually, I’ll post an index for the Mission Rose project, so that all the articles relating to it can be organized in one place for your convenience.

If you have any questions as the project goes along, don’t hesitate to ask!

Enjoy your weekend!


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(12) Comments

  1. Glad you’re not doing the squiggly stem lines. They look out of place, like someone was shaking when they drew them (something I would do). I’ll watch to see which colors you use. Makes me think of a stained glass window.

  2. Thanks so much for the pattern, Mary. I like that you provided dimensions since I often wonder at the size of your finished embroidery


  3. Very pretty, Mary! This is tempting to me for the simplicity of the design will lend itself quite nicely to the beauty of the materials used. As always, thank you.

  4. This looks lovely Mary. I do like the colours as they are in the original but I guess they have faded or changed over the years. (I know, you haven’t got that far yet, but I am a colour freak.)

    I may follow along with this (minus the goldwork) now that I have sussed using the Millenium frame, thank you for your help.

  5. Hi Mary,

    I was the “lips” person. I saw the change you made to the design right away and wondered if you would mention my comment. lol I love your new rosebud; it looks just like it is supposed to now. 8)

    Take care,
    Susan in Texas

  6. Been following your progress on this piece, it is absolutely beautiful. Amazing work, I will have to try doing this piece someday soon.

  7. Thanks, Mary! That would be most helpful having an index for the Mission Rose project. I’m easily disorganized but having all the info re: Mission Rose in one place is a good help for me.

  8. Mary re: the Mission Rose articles
    I encountered this attitude (the haters) when my niece received province wide notice for academic excellence two years ago.
    Don’t let them stop you. I was pleased to note that items which you had covered well in the previous project were not covered in minute detail, but we could still see and follow what you were doing. As well, you notate well with references to past photos and articles.
    Don’t stop publishing details of your gold work and ecclesiastically related projects! Don’t fret or feel insecure! In another life I would be sitting right beside you doing this magnificent work and donating to my local church! Just as an aside, when I tried to get a project going our pastor was not happy with a project like yours. He wanted felt hands and finger painting! *sigh*
    Don’t let the haters stop you! If they don’t like it, or are bored, they don’t have to read or receive the posts. It is really that simple. I suspect their motivation is the “green-eyed” monster so well described by The Bard”.

    The rest of the world is grateful and (in a good way) insanely jealous of your tours de force.
    Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

  9. Love that you are sharing the mission rose project with everyone, I am learning a lot and find it interesting. Seems to go hand in hand, with having a website; one will always receive impertinent suggestions!
    keep up the good work!

  10. I posted this on Pinterest – and I must say it has generated the most repins of anything I have posted. Nevertheless, this mornings’ repin surprised me: Tattoo site

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