
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Monograms for Hand Embroidery – G, H Daisy & Rings


Amazon Books

Moving along with the latest monogram alphabet, here’s the G & H for the Daisy & Rings alphabet for hand embroidery.

Some of you asked if I would just go ahead and post the whole alphabet all at once, so that you can choose the letters you need and not have to wait for them. Good question, and the answer is simple!

Monogram for Hand Embroidery: G

It takes a couple hours of sitting at the computer to clean up the letters from their original scans, turn them into vector illustrations, and make them print-friendly. I work on the letters when I have spare time to sit at the computer and fiddle.

Cleaning up two letters every several days to once a week is a good average, because sometimes I have more time, and sometimes I have less.

Sometimes, I feel like sitting at the computer and doing this kind of work (which can admittedly be rather monotonous!), and sometimes, I don’t!

Monogram for Hand Embroidery: H

(I Love this H!)

So, no real secret – it’s just a matter of how much time I have to devote to this type of work on the computer.

Printable Monogram Patterns

Here are the printable pages for the G and H in this alphabet. If you choose “no scaling” (or a similar setting) on your printer, the letters should print at 2″, 3″, and 4″ high. You can enlarge and reduce them to suit your needs!

Daisy & Rings Monogram for Hand Embroidery: G
Daisy & Rings Monogram for Hand Embroidery: H

Favorite Monograms – PDF Collection

You’ll find this complete alphabet – along with 15 other decorative alphabets – all in one place in Favorite Monograms, a downloadable PDF collection of 16 monogram alphabets perfect for hand embroidery and other crafts.

Favorite Monograms for Hand Embroidery and Other Crafts

In the photo above, you can see samples of each alphabet available in Favorite Monograms.

Each letter in each alphabet in Favorite Monograms has been carefully traced into a clean line drawing that can be easily enlarged or reduced on a home printer or a photocopier.

The 16-alphabet collection is delivered as via a download link to your inbox shortly after purchase, so that you can begin creating right away! Priced at less than $1.00 per complete alphabet, monogram lovers can’t go wrong with this collection!

Favorite Monograms is available in my shop, here.


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(10) Comments

  1. Dear Mary

    Yes I agree I really like the H from the Daisy and Rings monogram alphabet it’s pretty and lots of stitch ideas come to mind. I know what you mean in my experience it takes longer then you expect when you are editing anything on computers so thanks for devoting time and effort to share these free monograms patterns with us.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  2. Mary,
    I found the best surprise in a box from my mom this week. A whole alphabet of monogram letters from about 1974. It is easy to see how much work you do with them when you can see the originals that were used as iron transfers. I may miss the days when I could go to the store and pick them up ready to use, but your designs are so nice and clear. Thaks for taking the time to “fix” them and make them useful for electronic transfer. Debbie

  3. Thanks so much for all of the time you put in to your monogram alphabets (and all your patterns). I can’t thank you enough for all the time and effort you invest in all this stuff just for us.
    The H is very pretty.

    You Are Awesome!
    Sarah 😀

  4. I think it’s awesome that you give your time for us. It makes me feel loved and special. Thank you so much, Mary, hope you are well again.

  5. I also love the H. It reminds me of the way I used to make an H when I was in high school, many years before I met my husband and needed to use an H.

    I wish you would show how you embroider a letter from each set. I can’t decide of those little nodes on the uprights of the letters are part of the letter, and need to be in the same color, or if they are something else, and can be a different color (or maybe just a different shade).

  6. Hi Mary
    I’ve been thinking for a while about taking on another project (still ploding away at the green on the secret garden embroidery and feel like I need a break)and am loving the new monograms. I quite like the idea of something that will “grow” quickly and thought that I could perhaps do something with crewel wool. But I’ve only ever used that on canvas, and then if I used too long a piece it got fuzzy and nasty looking. And now I’m worrying about what sort of fabric would avoid that and be nice for monogramming, I’m not planning to make anything more complicated than a piece for framing. Your (or anyone else reading this) advice would be very welcome.
    Thanks in advance.

  7. Dear Mary,
    It is very evident that you devote a great deal of time to your blog content. It is the best. I love every instalment. This sharing of your life’s passion for hand embroidery, freely given to benefit others, brings joy and inspiration to many people. Thank you for your time and effort, it is very much appreciated.
    I love this set of monograms too!

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