
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Thanksgiving!


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Happy Thanksgiving!

Today, in the US, it’s Thanksgiving. Despite the fact that today is principally a US holiday, I always think of Thanksgiving as a universal event, since gratitude has no boundaries.

Today, I have a lot to be thankful for…

Thanksgiving - Thank you!

…not the least of which is you.

I just want to say thanks every so much for your continued support, friendship, encouragement, and inspiration. I think of our little Needle ‘n Thread community here as my extended family (and that’s saying a lot, because I have an amazing family that I love dearly) – you are an important part of my life!

As I mentioned earlier, last week I had surgery, and that’s why things have been pretty quiet here on Needle ‘n Thread lately. It was not quite as successful as hoped for, but it was successful in other ways. Many of you have written kind notes of encouragement, sent me beautiful cards, and have been pulling for me from afar – thank you! You’ll never know how much they helped and encouraged me!

For those who want to know what’s going on with me, I’ve prepared this short letter, because I believe you deserve to know. If you don’t want to know – and I don’t blame you! we all have our troubles, and a blog on embroidery isn’t the place to talk about them! – you don’t have to read it. No worries at all!

I promise that my current situation is not going to be a consuming topic on Needle ‘n Thread. I’ll be going forward as usual, on embroidery, although occasionally, I may bow out for short spurts of time until I get through the next several months.

In the meantime, I wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving, wherever you are! It’s good to be back! May your blessings ever increase!



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(186) Comments

  1. So thankful for you and your lovely website this Thanksgiving, Mary. I am sorry to hear about the health issues you are facing. Take them on as you do embroidery — one stitch at a time. I’ll be rooting for you every step of the way.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Mary, I’m grateful to have found your blog and look forward to your daily posts. They always make me smile and remember why I stitch. As I continue with my current projects, some for advent, yikes! I will be grateful for your inspiration so you take great care of yourself and recover will my sincere best wishes F X

  3. And Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mary. You’ve been on my mind as I stitch several small trees…..tiny ones as you demonstrated awhile back. Thank you for your letter letting us know about your health. I’m sending loads of positive vibe for a full recovery.

  4. I just read your Thanksgiving letter. I have been praying for you, but now I can be more specific; thank you for sharing. Your attitude, like your embroidery, is inspirational. I will miss your posts/emails when they don’t come, but I hope you will take care of yourself first. God’s speed in your recovery.

  5. Dear Mary: Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you, too, for your letter. I am very sorry for your diagnosis and send my best wishes for your recovery. I’m sure the next months will challenging. Please know that your cyber community will be here rooting for you. Bear wishes!

  6. Dear Mary,
    A good attitude goes a long way towards a positive outcome! Will be praying for your return to vibrant health!
    Thank you for all you do with this website! It has been of great help to me on my crazy quilt journey.

  7. Mary,
    You have an amazing outlook. I want you to know, my prayers are with you for a return to good health. Your blog is a treasure. Thank you. Take care and know there are those ‘out here’ praying and wishing you the best.

  8. I hope that you are home and doing well – and that you have the best doctors you can find. It makes a big difference. I wish you a good recovery.

    A friend of mine had the same sort of stuff and went through 2 years of treatments until it was GONE!

  9. While the body fights and recovers, the creativity rests and bides its time. Mind, body, and spirit working in concert. Thinking of you on this blessed day with heartfelt thanks.

    1. Lyrique, that is absolutely the most inspirational message I have ever heard. Perfect! God bless, and thank you. Judy

  10. Mary,

    I read your blog every day, but don’t usually post comments. I am primarily a knitter, but I truly admire your level of expertise and dedication to your craft, which is what keeps me visiting every day. I admire your desire to continue to develop your skills in new directions. My thoughts will be with you over the next few months.


  11. There will be a LOT us sending the best vibes possible for your recovery. Take the best care of yourself possible. We NEED you!!

  12. Sending best wishes for your full recovery, Mary. Thank you so much for your blog, and thanks for the letter today so those of us who are friends-you-haven’t-met can keep you in our hearts as you take these next steps “one stitch at a time” (as one of the other commenters so aptly put it). Take care of yourself first, middle, and last during the day, then blog only if you feel up to it. The world can wait for you.

  13. Mary, thanks for sharing your very personal story. I am a cancer survivor and I wholeheartedly support your attitude to this disease. This doesn’t have to beat you – it’s your positivity that will get you through. Chemo is brutal, but there are far worse things in life, and it will end! I love your website and your daily insights into the world of stitching. I find it an invaluable resource and am constantly inspired. Welcome back and I look forward to more inspiration! Take care. Jean

  14. You have so many admirers around the world who truly appreciate the extraordainary gifts you share on this website and this thank you and heartfelt best wishes is coming from New Zealand.

  15. My thoughts and good wishes for your speedy recovery. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I always look forward to reading your blog and learning more about stitching. Thank you.

  16. Dear Mary,
    I read your Thanksgiving Day letter. I wish you the very best. You certainly deserve it. You are a remarkable person, an inspiration, for the way you manage Needle ‘n Thread, and the way that you’ve communicated with your readers while going through this difficult time. I wish there were more people like you around.
    I’ve learned so much from your web site—about techniques, tools, resources, and more. Your video tutorials are the best I’ve seen—clear, thorough, well-organized, and very well filmed. Thank you so much. I look forward to more of your wonderful posts.

  17. Just read your letter and I am sending you very best wishes. I hope things work out well for you. Your site and blog are fantastic resources for so many stitchers. Someone who is so generous with their time and expertise deserves some major good fortune! Take care, eat well when you can and know that there will be lots of us all around the world with our fingers crossed for you.

    Godalming, UK

  18. Muchísimas gracias por esos buenos deseos !!
    Para ti y todas las que pertenecemos a este maravilloso blog les deseo desde México lo mejor…salud y armonía en sus vidas !
    Que muy pronto te recuperes y sigas enseñando y compartiendo cosas tan hermosas.
    Recibe un gran abrazo.
    La gratitud es la música del corazón!

    1. Ese no es mi texto original !!
      Va de nuevo …..
      Muchísimas gracias por esos buenos deseos !! Para ti y todas las que pertenecemos a este maravilloso blog les deseo desde México lo mejor…salud y armonía en sus vidas ! Que muy pronto te recuperes y sigas enseñando y compartiendo cosas tan hermosas. Recibe un gran abrazo. La gratitud es la música del corazón!

  19. Mary, you are a very special teacher. Beyond sharing your knowledge of Needles and Threads, you have now demonstrated a life lesson. As ever, you are a beacon of positivity, but your grace and forthrightness in sharing your situation truly inspires. Blessings and Godspeed on this journey!

  20. Dear Mary – HappynThsnksgiving to you and yours.

    As you can tell, we all love you so much and you will be in our thoughts and prayers always and we will send you our strength and love to “hold your hand” throughout.

    Blessings to you.

  21. CDear Mary

    You are one amazing lady – and an example to us all! Your diagnosis cannot have been easy but with courage and such a spirit you cannot fail to have a successful outcome. I will pay a prayer for you every day. Thank you for all your example and the skills that you share with us. x Margaret

  22. Mary, sending prayers for your recovery and an “easy” treatment (although I know it will be hard). Your good spirits will help you, and remember you are loved by all of us. It is due to finding your website ,and your humorous, and and effective teaching that I have returned to stitching after many years away. Best wishes.

  23. Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for sharing your story. I am so sorry to hear about your health situation. As someone else already commented tackle it as you do your embroidery and all will flow well…I will keep you in my thoughts.

  24. Dearest Mary,
    First of all I want to wish you and your family a very happy and special Thanksgiving. I will be thinking of you and the difficult road ahead. I understand it so well. In 2003 and 2005 my husband walked the same road. With the love and support of our family and the most important of all a positive attitude on his side, he was able to beat his illness twice
    As I read between the lines you have a really good positive attitude and that is half the battle won. Also remember if you feel down sometimes, it is OK too. I only wish you the best, a speedy and total recovery, and I will keep you in my prayers.
    Lots of love , Elza Bester Cape Town xxx

  25. Mary,
    I have been thinking of you the last several days and wondering, hoping that your surgery went well. So it seems that it did but that it set up another challenge for you. Your response to it is inspiring – as are so many of the things that you do.
    I am grateful for your upbeat attitude and for the thoughtful way you shared the news. You must know that so many of us think of you as a friend and mentor and we are all hoping and praying that you will be well again soon.
    So it is with great affection for someone I have never met, but who has had such a wonderful affect on my life that I send my very best wishes to you for a full and complete recovery. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

  26. You’ve probably been inundated with good wishes and kind thoughts by now, Mary, but here I am with more. Do make sure you don’t do too much, even if that means that you won’t be posting on N&T very often. You are going to be busy doing a lot of repairs inside and that takes very much more energy than you’d think. Look after yourself, call in favours and learn to say no when you need to. You are loved.

  27. Happy Thanksgiving . Take it one day at a time …rest in the cradle of our prayers, play nice music and keep stitching .love Daisy x

  28. Hello Mary,
    Thanksgiving for the discoveries. The next journey will be different – like learning a whole new style of stitching with another kind of cloth.
    Five years out from recovery from same myself and enjoying life as always, although some days during treatment I may not have felt that way. Looking back it’s wasn’t the boogie man under the bed that I had imagined in the beginning, so that’s some perspective to keep in mind along the way.

    Reach out to your family and friends. It’s your turn now.

    In my thoughts,

    Barb, one of your stitching ‘friends’.

  29. Dear Mary,

    I also read your letter and share the same thoughts and prayers of those who have posted ahead of me. Sending you many, many healing thoughts and prayers as you face the challenges ahead. We all love you and your spirit and will be with you all the way.

    Blessings to you and your family this Thanksgiving and always!

  30. Dear Mary,
    I wish you a speedy recovery from surgery and the least possible side effects from whatever treatment awaits you.

    Best regards,


  31. Just another thought for your entertainment? Since I knew that the type of chemo I would be having would cause the loss of my hair I decided to make the process fun! I had my hairdresser dye my hair a brilliant pink.

    After the first two treatments I held a tea and head-shaving party. We all dressed up in our afternoon tea outfits and met at a friend’s house. Her hairdresser performed the ritual which really helped with all the issues around having it fall out here and there.

    We also had a draw from a hat for a variety of ideas of how my friends might help during the journey or they could donate to that specific type of genetic cancer. In one afternoon we raised $1000 and everyone signed up for one of the things they could do to help.

    We also offered my friends the chance to join me during my chemo treatments so I had someone with me for each one. The first one was with a friend who had been through it before which was most helpful in dispelling the demons under the bed. We even celebrated my birthday in the chemo unit where I thought the nurses were going to ask us all to leave!

    Lots of great memories from another chapter in life that I thought you might be interested in as ideas to make the journey more a little more enjoyable.

    All my relations,

  32. You are a blessing Mary.
    Prayers and positive thoughts are surrounding you.

    Thank you for sharing this news. May your recovery be quick.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  33. Thank you so much for the update and letter. You are so positive; that must be a huge boost to your recovery. Lots of love & hugs and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone across the Pond.

  34. I hope it isn’t selfish of me to tell you that a month ago I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. Next week I will learn what, if anything, can be done about it. Unexpectedly, what has kept me calm and centred is my love of fabric and thread — the shifting colours as my needle slides through the fabric and the rhythmic, calming, almost meditative movement of stitching.
    I want to thank you, because your newsletter and website have been an inspiration to me, and I hope that you will continue to find a peaceful refuge in your own needle and thread.
    My very best wishes and thanks

    1. Pat, every good wish to you also, for a good recovery; your calmness will help you through; keep on stitching!

  35. Dear Mary,

    My husband went through chemo for lymphoma six years ago. As you he was being treated for something else (benign brain tumor) when it was discovered.

    The chemo was not fun – he was tired – but not brutal either. Everyone has there own experience so don’t listen to horror stories.

    My husband is now a vigorous 85 years old and enjoying life.

    Elaine in New Mexico

  36. Hi Mary. Happy Thanksgiving. I wish you lots of good luck with your therapy and hope you can come through this well and smiling. Thnk you for all your hard work with Needle’n’thread. It’s always a joy to read your blogs. Remember to get well before you start working. Best wishes and God bless Gill x

  37. Of course our thoughts and prayers are with you. We feel that you belong to all our families, too, and want the best possible for you. Please take care of yourself first. Gather strength and courage from each and every one of us. Your graciousness is an inspiration to all and your glass is definitely half full! Thank you for all you have done for me without even knowing it. Love and encouragement to you, my dear. Judy

  38. Dear Mary
    Lots of love and prayers from New Zealand as you go through this huge challenge. You will come through this, one day at a time, as your positive attitude will compliment the treatments perfectly. Look after yourself, and be kind to yourself and don’t try to do too much! We all (right around the world) love reading your blog, but “you” are the the priority right now. Best wishes

  39. Wishing you good luck on your medical journey. I love reading your blog even if you do keep telling me about things I didn’t know I needed :-).

  40. I have to admit that as I was reading your letter I got a lump in my throat, a pit in my stomach and tears welled in my eyes. I was thinking (hoping) that maybe you were having carpal tunnel or foot surgery-not cancer. That’s because you are dear to me. I may never get to meet you personally but I consider you my mentor and friend. It is reassuring knowing that you have a strong family at home to care for you, the care of your extended internet family and your faith.


  41. Hullo Mary, greetings from NZ where we are heading into a glorious summer. Thanks so much for your letter outlining your current situation, you sound very brave. I appreciated hearing about your situation and will remember you. Your daily emails have meant you have become a friend, albeit a friend from afar and we have not met. A friend just the same. I am glad to have you in my life. Do take care, I hope everything works out for the very best for you. Kia Kaha (stay strong), Isabelle

  42. Just think of all of us cyber friends encircling you with a big hug, one at a time. I do believe you would be getting hugs for a very long time! Your website is always the first I turn to if I have embroidery questions, thank you, thank you.
    Hugs and prayers your direction.

  43. I like Thanksgiving too, or at least the part of giving thanks to the people in our lives. At the moment in New Zealand there is a group I am part of which is celebrating Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) which is lovely.
    Thank you for keeping your courage and spirits as high as you can. Thank you for all the advice, hints, tips, videos and instructions you have already put on your fabulous website & a massive Thankyou to your family and support team who help you make you who you are.

  44. Dear Mary,
    Your letter and your spirit of gratitude, even for life’s challenges are inspirational. Take good care of yourself and don’t worry about not meeting expectations…we completely understand. Please know that I’ll be stitching good wishes to you into every piece of work until you are well again. I’ve been there too, and it’s sometimes dark and scary, but you’ll conquer it too, and be better for it afterwards. Wishing you every blessing.

  45. You are in our prayers! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Keep a positive attitude through it all, knowing that you have people around you who love and care for you. I wish you all the best.

  46. On Thanksgiving, Mary, I count my blessings and give thanks for the good things in life. You are one of these blessings and I thank you for the happiness your efforts bring to me and so many others. Now it is time for you to take from the well of good wishes, positive thoughts and prayers your community of stitchers are sending your way. Drink deeply and be refreshed!

  47. Mary, thank you for your letter. I don’t know you personally, but I love reading your blog on a regular basis (part of my ‘research’ for a historical novel in progress – in truth, I love all things embroidery and your posts are a welcome delight).
    Your overwhelmingly positive letter and incredible attitude has brought a tear to my eye. What an inspiration for all of us. Just know that a stranger, a woman in little New Zealand far way, is rooting for your return to good health soon. Warmest Regards, Jess

  48. Dear Mary,
    I wish you all the best in the upcoming months. Although I don’t usually comment much, I always look forward to your newsletter. It’s thanks to your inspiration that I got back to stitching after many years. Don’t worry about the blog now though! Health is more important. I wish you a speedy recovery, and I admire your brave attitude. You’ll be in my thoughts.

  49. Querida María, No puedo decir nada que no le hayan dicho ya otras seguidoras, solo desearle, mucha fuerza para superar esta situación y en los malos momentos piense que hay muchas personas deseando su pronta recuperación.
    Mucho ánimo y un gran abrazo

  50. Welcome back, Mary! and thank you for trusting us with your letter. Very best wishes from the opposite ends of the Earth.

  51. I wish you the very best! The numbers of good wishes that you have received shows how much you are loved and appreciated. I only want to add mine to that lovely pile!

  52. Dear Mary,
    Thank you for all you do for the embroidery world. You are such an inspiration.
    Thank you for your openness regarding your health problems and for your positive attitude, I believe that will really help you in your recovery. I will certainly keep you in my prayers.
    Hope you can take time to relax and enjoy your own personal embroidery (a great form of therapy).
    God bless you xx

  53. Dearest Mary, my thoughts have been with you over the past weeks and I am so sorry to hear your news. Thank you for your letter, I was very grateful to you for sharing and writing to your extended needlework family.
    While I have been thinking of you this last month I have put in extra time to finish the Secret Garden Hummingbirds. It is now at the framers and when I have it back I will send you a photo. I was very happy with the end result.
    Thank you for your inspiration and making a difference to my needlework life. Love and best wishes, Jude

  54. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! I am thankful for many things this season as well. Your website and all the goodness it holds has inspired me, and I do look forward to each new post.
    Thank you for sharing your letter, too. I’ll be praying for you. XO

  55. Dear, dear Mary – I have been praying for you, and will continue through the months to come. Please thank your family and community for taking good care of you – we care about you so much as a dear person, Mary – not a blogger, but a very lovely and very real person. Sending lots of love and prayers. God bless you and keep you.

  56. Mary

    You are such an inspiration, in so many ways! At least once weekly I give out your website details to a keen stitcher who pops into the shop I work in. They seem to be impressed with my knowledge of many things embroidery, and I tell them that it is largely down to you! The stitching oracle 😀

    Best wishes to you in your journey,
    with love from Melissa (and customers!) in Wellington, New Zealand

  57. I have just read your letter. Thank you for sharing. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Please take good care of yourself. We will be here for as long as it takes for you to fully recover. No emails/posts = does not matter. We can wait for you to get back to 100% health and then join you again for fun, interesting,educational and exciting times in embroidery. May God bless you Mary.

  58. Mary, My Grandma use to say that everyday is an “adventure”…sometimes we can plan for it…and sometimes it just surprises us with a change in pathways! Thank you for sharing your health adventures with all of us who read your blog. Please add me to the list of folks who are sending prayers your way while you travel on your new pathway!

  59. Happy Thanksgiving and many thanks to you for teaching and inspiring us. You will be in our hearts and prayers,

    Shelia in Oklahoma

    P.S. Is there anything we, as your online students and friends, can do for you? If so, just let us know and it will be done.

  60. Hi Mary, sending get well wishes and healing vibes all the way from Australia.
    The wonderful positive attitude you have will help get you over your health hiccups! Xox

  61. Dear Mary, along with so many others, I will be praying for you. May God bless you and strengthen you with courage and tenacity. I ask that he will heal you and restore you to full health. Take things easy and know that while we love to hear from you, you need to be well enough to make the effort to feed the hungry beast that a blog can be. We will love to hear from you when you’re able, and we’ll be cheering you on whether we hear from you or not. Much love and very best wishes, Yvette Stanton.

  62. Dear Mary,

    Thank you for updating us on your little surgery. I will pray for you each time that I see your posts or refer to your website.

    I follow daily and have enjoyed improving my skills. I love the witty writing. Your posts are worth reading.

    May God bless and keep you.


  63. Dear Mary,

    I’ve followed your blog for years and I wish to thank you for sharing your talent so graciously. You are in my thoughts, and I wish you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourself, let your loved ones take care of you.

    all the best,
    C. Self

  64. I am certain your positive attitude will get you through this challenge in your life. I am praying for you and hoping for a quick and healthy outcome. One day at a time, just as one stitch at a time, will see you through it. One lady put it quite right, all these cyber hugs would take forever if they were real hugs! God bless you and the ones you love!

  65. Dear Mary,

    I am so sorry to hear that you are ill. I shall hope and pray for your complete, speedy recovery.

    You will be in my thought.

    Susan in Texas

  66. Dear Mary,

    I was diagnosed with breast cancer 20 years ago, through the “blessing” of my mother being diagnosed. I was 37, and only had the mammogram as a baseline – and the cancer was there. Caught early, I was cured, and my mother is also. You sound very hopeful, and you have a good support system, which helps so much. Please keep us all informed, maybe with occasional letters linked from your newsletters. You are always the bright spot in my day; I’ll be praying for you.

  67. Dear Mary, I have been thinking of you every day since you mentioned your surgery. We don’t “know” each other, but I feel so close to you because of all I have learned from your teachings. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers in the months ahead and will be sending you strength as you travel this new journey. I hope that the power of all the loving thoughts coming your way from all of “us” will help to comfort you.
    Stay strong!

  68. Hugs across cyberspace to you. I’ve never met you but I’ve always loved your blog and your warm smile. You look like someone I’d like to know, if I could, so I’m certainly going to be praying for you. However much time you need to take off, I’m sure we’ll all be waiting patiently for you to get back to stitching and blogging.

  69. Mary,

    I’ve been an avid reader for many years, and appreciate your candor in sharing your health news. I will join the other posters in sending good wishes your way.


  70. Dear Mary. You have to be successful in this fight. There are so many of us who need you in our lives and so many of us praying for you. Thank you so much for telling us what is going on with you.
    Be well,

  71. Dear Mary, I live in Australia and as you rightly point out we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. However, I just wanted to tell you how grateful I am for your words of wisdom. Although I am in my 60’s and have embroidered for a good part of that time, I learn so much from you. You impart your knowledge with sweetness and humour. So, Thank You! I pray for your return to health and hope the road to come is not too hard. Much love, Julie.


  73. Mary, Thanks so much for sharing what is happening for you. I will be keeping you in my thoughts, hoping it all goes well. You have already given us so much thru the blog, just focus on your health, and do only as much as gives you joy.

  74. Dear Mary,
    Like so much of the rest of the stitching world, I feel like your posts are letters from a friend–a very interesting and witty friend. It didn’t surprise me that you wrote about this hard situation with your usual grace and generosity. I appreciate your sharing it. As you said, everyone has their trials, but please know that doesn’t diminish the importance of yours to this big circle you’ve developed. I’m praying for your recovery and for many cheery spots along the road.

  75. Mary – thank you very much for sharing your personal health info with us ~ that must have been hard to do but I hope it will bring many words of support and kindness your way. I am really just a novice needleworker but I LOVE getting your emails – so witty, fun and inspiring. I bet just like your are in real life ! As a nurse I appreciate you have a tough road ahead but one that so many women have traveled and I bet your crack team of oncology docs and nurses will be there every step of the way to bring you to recovery. Happy Thanksgiving Mary – my best wishes and prayers of support for you.

    Chris in San Francisco

  76. Mary, I very much enjoy your blog and am ever amazed at your needlework skills and knowledge. Best wishes for the quickest recovery possible! I’ll be thinking of you.

  77. I would just like to add my Happy Thanksgiving wishes. So many people have already said how I feel about you so I will just add my voice. I especially like the comment that Lyrique made; it is so special 🙂

  78. Dear Mary

    I wish you a complete recovery, and hope and pray that the treatment will not be too draining. You have a wonderful attitude and I’m sure that will help you. Please take care of yourself, and don’t worry about your blog – all your online friends will understand. Health comes first.

    Everything I wanted to say has already been voiced by others, so I just want to add that you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  79. Thank you for your letter, Mary. I’m so sorry to hear about your health problems, but, as others have said, with such a positive attitude helps enormously with recovery. All your cyber friends are rooting for you and wishing you a speedy recovery to full health. With love – and thanks for your inspirational website – from the UK.

  80. Hi!
    I hope you do recover soon. My mother also underwent treatment for ovarian cancer this year, and I’m glad to tell you that she is also well on the road to recovery.
    I don’t usually comment on websites, however I must tell you that you have been an inspiration for me to take up embroidery, though I had scoffed at the very thought of it when my mom had tried to teach me when I was young.
    And if god has brought you to it, he will bring you out of it.
    Thanks, you have been a blessing to many people like me, who like to visit your page and never Comment! I hope you remember this when you move into therapy.
    God bless
    Lots of love

  81. Mary, you are in my thoughts and in my heart. Your blog has already given me so much and I am thankful for that although I don’t comment often. Stay positive and put your health and your enjoyment of life first. Also, thank you so much for letting us know what’s going on, this makes me me (and probably many people)worry less than vague hints. But then again, it is your choice how much you want to share, this is a time for you to put yourself first without second thoughts.

  82. Mary, I will be praying for you, dear. We’ve never met, of course, except here at your blog, but you seem a friend. May every day be a blessing and may you fully recover. Go with God!


  83. Mary, I hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful. You will be in my prayers. Look to the Lord for strength and comfort. He will never fail you.

  84. Dear Mary,
    I’m so sorry to read about your surgery and diagnosis. We are also dealing with a recent cancer diagnosis with my husband. I admire your attitude and spirit. My prayers are for strength and grace to sustain you thru this. Go easy on yourself, and take time when you need to. You give so much, and now it’s time to let others help you. I hope you’ll be supported and encouraged by all the love of your community here.
    All the best,

  85. Mary, Wow, I’m sorry you are having health issues. I will keep you in my prayers. I am thankful for you and your wen site. How else would I learn all those new stitches? Thank you.

  86. Dear Mary, As I write this I am getting ready for another trip from Mn to Ark as we move our “stuff” and clean our new home in preparation for the big move. I’ve been running for the past month or so and not able to make any comments here, and in future also will be very limited and at some point unable until we can figure out how and if we can get/afford whatever it will take to get internet in the back of beyond. But please know you have been in my thoughts and prayers all along and will continue to be. I’ve had the feeling it was something like that you were going thru, altho I had no idea what type, etc. Praise the Lord you found the second issue in time, and may you recover from this all in good time to continue to delight and instruct and just plain bring us joy in the mornings with your lovely blog. But I know I speak for us all when I say, Get well first, then blog away. We can wait, we will miss you, but you will be in our thoughts and prayers continually. Many hugs, and much love, and much thankfulness I was lucky enough to find your blog. Also, thank you for letting us know what is going on with you. That’s what friends are for… to hold your hand across the miles and say, We love you and pray for you. Carol

  87. Dear Mary,

    All the best wishes for your prompt recovery. I had a kidney laparascopy last December due to a “c” problem too, so i know exactly where you are.
    But through your writing i also know how strong, positive and good sense of humor you have so take care and come back soon to continue delighting us for many years to come!


  88. I’m thinking of you, too. Your attitude is great and we all know that goes a long way.

    And I’ve never said it, but thank you for this website. I’m probably always going to be a novice, but I can dream! 🙂


  89. Dear Mary, Happy Thanksgiving to you, too. We all have many big and small things to be thankful for, some things we don’t give much thought to. I am very thankful for your wonderful website. It’s been such a great resource in my embroidery art. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you also for your wonderful letter. Your positive outlook is an inspiration.

  90. Well Wishes and Energy! I’ve been through some of that and wish anyone I like an uneventful experience!


    (and I’m totally willing to do the guest column we previously discussed – – perhaps a couple)

  91. Oh sweet Mary. I read your letter and I can’t help but be sad. The tears are running down my face even now. I have a feel for the challenges you have ahead of you. I had a close call myself and became involved with a community of fantastic people who were fighting the same battle. Like you, every one of them had an amazing, upbeat attitude through it all.

    Next fall when I do the SHOC walk, I will do it for you. 🙂

  92. Mary, Thanksgiving greetings from one of your Texas fans. I’m wishing you a speedy recovery and continued grace as you face the various treatments ahead. I too have friends who have been through this situation and eventually returned to “normalcy.” Will be in prayer for you.

  93. I am so sorry to hear about your health issues. Thank you for sharing with your stitching friends and know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers and I am sure many others. You are such a wonderful needlework inspiration and your positiveness through the next months will bring much inspiration to us all.

  94. Best wishes for a full recovery, Mary.
    Thank you for all you do for the embroidery community. And while you naturally don’t want to turn the blog into one about your health, well, if you want to vent a bit now and then, I suspect we’ll all understand.

  95. Mary, I just read your short letter and I just want you to know that my prayers go with you on this new journey that you are about to undertake. God bless you. Sincerely, Louisa

  96. Dear Mary:
    I came across your letter in search of a local, talented seamstress that could embroider an Irish Linen for our praesidium altar cloth.

    First, let me tell you how sorry I am to hear of your cancer diagnosis. Second, let me say how inspiring it is to hear your gratitude in the midst of a health crisis. God bless you! You are a witness to all of us and we will keep you in our prayers at the Legion of Mary St. Raphael.

    Third, my search for embroidery continues. If you know anyone in the Cleveland, Ohio area who could embroider “Legio Mariea” on a cloth, please let me know.

    Again, God bless you during this difficult time. With God all things are possible.

    Marilyn Crisasfi
    Bay Village, OH

  97. Hi Mary

    I want to thank you for your helpful, inspirational embroidery website which I have enjoyed for many years. Having read your letter I also wish you a full and speedy recovery. Best wishes

  98. Hello Mart,
    Thank you so much for sharing your news. You are right, we always have much to be thankful for! I so love NeedlenThread and look forward to more of your adventures in needlework…you will be in my prayers

  99. Dear Mary
    Happy Thanksgiving to you.
    When you told us a week ago, that you will have surgery, it makes me think of my own surgery two years ago. I have just read your letter, and I see it was the just same problems of the two same cancers ! Now, everything is all right.
    Yes, be hopeful Mary ! Recovery will come. Be positive every day. Take care, we love you and we send you our best wishes and thoughts.

  100. Happy (late) Thanksgiving, to you Mary! I read your letter. I’m happy you wrote it as I was concerned what is going on. Well, of course, I still am, on a way, but you are so brave and inspiring, I admire your viewpoint to life.

    Your site has been and is so important to be. I’m rather new to embroidery world but you have open a portal for me and I always come here to check what you have said about the issue I’m wondering about. 🙂 So I’m happy to hear you can continue.

    I don’t often comment and I have used some other nicknames too. Bit shy in that sense, I guess. But I’m always lurking around.

    Sending you lots of healing vibes and wish you great coming holidays!

  101. Will be lighting candles and saying prayers for a speedy recovery. Just keep a positive attitude, pamper yourself, and you have permission to scream at the universe when the need arises.

  102. Dear Mary,
    I read your letter yesterday as did hundreds of others, I’m sure. Like many others, I will keep you in my prayers as you fight this battle. Your good spirits and God, in whom you place your faith, will carry you through. As you have the time and energy, your Needle’n’Thread posts will give us hints as to your progress. I have looked forward to your daily posts for several years and will miss them and look forward to your return when you are in better health.

  103. oh ,ma pauvre Mary, j’espère que votre santé va s’améliorer et que vous ne serez pas trop fatigué pour reprendre où continuer avec nous le chemin de la vie
    une amie US qui me disais: QUE DIEU MARCHAIT A COTE DE NOUS,MAIS LORSQUE (TOUS LES ENNUIS )NOUS NE LE SENTONSPLUS PRES DE NOUS ,C’EST QU ‘IL NOUS PORTE SUR SES EPAULES.Je sais que vous vous battrez ,car Dieu est avec vous je vous souhaite que cette force sera là et jamais ne faillira pas

    je prie pour vous Mary de tous coeur avec vous

  104. Mary, Thank you for updating us on your condition. We will all be pulling for you. I just found your site this year and your humor and willingness to share is wonderful for a returning embroiderer.

  105. Mary, I hope your Thanksgiving was a happy day spent with family and friends. I’m sure your name would be on many ‘thankful’ lists for your inspiring blog and the many wonderful projects you share .
    I’m sorry to read of your health issues and join in wishing you well on your ‘journey’ to good health. I hope having people from around the world ‘in your corner’ will help you through the weeks to come. X

  106. Dear Mary,

    Pour une fois je vais vous écrire en français : je viens de lire votre lettre et je ne peux que projeter vers vous toute l’amitié, la compassion et la profonde reconnaissance que j’éprouve pour vous. Je vous souhaite la meilleure des chances et tout le courage nécessaire pour traverser ça.


  107. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I’ve been thinking about you, but never thought the surgery was for such a serious problem. I remember that you have a large and loving family, and I’m comforted to know that you’ll have lots of help as you go through this, and lots of prayers and good wishes coming to you from this extended internet community you’ve created.

  108. Hi Mary — Thank you for letting us know what is happening with you, even though I HATED to hear it. Thanks, also, for bringing so much joy to my life. I will hold you close to my heart in the weeks and months to come. Jane Dickey

  109. Dear Mary,
    I just want to wish you good health and the most positive outcome to your present situation.
    I have been dealing with a serious illness for about six years now, so believe me when I say there is much good living and enjoyment of family and friends all through the difficult times.
    Thinking of you and Happy Thanksgiving. (We had ours last month, Canadian and all.)
    Best Wishes for you,
    Cynthia Martin

  110. Mary,

    I have rarely posted on here, but I have enjoyed your blog so much. I just wanted to let you know that I will be praying for you.

    May God bless you greatly during the next number of months.


    Valerie L

  111. Hi, Mary, I “lurk” here often but don’t comment. Your blog gives me much inspiration. Thank you for sharing your situation. As a very private person, I’m not sure that I would have been able to. You’re on the right track, getting that cancer pulled out and killed off immediately. Best wishes to you in this battle.

  112. Golly, what a shock! I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery! Keep plugging along, we are all here for you! I completely understand that you don’t want to be posting about your progress in fighting this disease, but please give us updates on occasion, I’m sure many of your readers will want to know how you are doing. I certainly do. I agree that you have much to be thankful for, please take care and don’t lose heart in this great battle you are facing.

  113. Happy Thanksgiving Mary.
    I am so thankful to have found your site many moons ago, it offers constant inspiration and smiles.
    Thank you for sharing such a personal event, my prayers and best wishes are with you.


  114. Mary, blessings to you. Thank you for the update on your health. Best wishes for strength as you go through further treatments.

  115. Thank you Mary for letting us in. I will be thinking of you and hoping that things go smoothly. Take whatever time you need for your health; I am sure we can all manage. (It will simply make us more appreciative of your cheery, helpful and inspirational writing when you are up to doing it.)

  116. Hi Mary – having got very behind with blog reading I’ve only just found out that you’ve been having health issues. You’ve always been an inspiration to the whole embroidery community all over the world and your courage and good cheer continues to be so. Much love and best wishes from here in the UK.

  117. Hi Mary,

    So sorry to hear of your health issues. I am sending healing thoughts to you everyday. Will look forward to your return to us.

    On the days you are not feeling up to communicating with us know we will all be sending extra love and prayers to you.

    Barbara La Belle

  118. Just a little note to let you know you will be in my thoughts and prayers!
    I appreciate your blog and love learning new stitches and seeing your projects.
    You have an awesome gift of teaching what you love! Thank you!

  119. Dear mary,
    You promise that your current situation will not be a consuming topic on your site, please promise me that it will be… I am so concerned about someone i really consider as one of my best friends… I feel so concerned about you as i would feel for a sister, mother or daughter. Please let me know if i can help and most of all how the situation is evolving, it will be positive, i feel it. Please feel as if i was seating next to you and give you a really big hug.

  120. Sending you prayers of hope, encouragement and health. I think I can say that all of your ‘reader-family’ want the best for you. We will weather this storm of life with you and be patient when ‘life’ gets in the way and ‘posting’ isn’t in the days achievements.
    Keeping you in my prayers, may God bless you.

  121. I’m very thankful this holiday season for your talent and generosity to share your talent and knowledge. I will pray for your healing, and for your family who supports you during this time. May God bless you as you have blessed so many of us.

  122. Hi, Mary–I’m more of a beader, but I very much admire skillful stitching and came here after buying two stumpwork books to drool over when the seller recommended your site. I’ve followed you ever since, but just as much for your cheery and bright personality as for your skill with a needle and thread. All the best to you, and may you recover your good health with all possible speed so you can continue to write fun things to read and stitch beautiful things to look at.

  123. Hi Mary.
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    sorry to hear about your health issues. I pray that it will be solved. you have a beautiful website. Thank you for giving us all a platform to interact with you.

  124. Thank YOU, Mary for all the joy you bring to the world.I pray that you be well and happy in the days to come and that everything turns out for the best.

  125. Thank you for sharing your news with us. It gives me a chance to join in prayer with other Christians who love and admire you.

  126. Love & prayers surround you with news of this more serious surgery. We can all scroll through your past posts to get a daily delight while you find strength and courage in the time ahead to heal.

  127. I am so thankful for YOU! You are very much in my thoughts as you are facing these challenges. You will be in my prayers…

  128. I have enjoyed your wonderful website for many years and look forward to your daily posts. They are always filled with helpful hints and beautiful projects. You are a inspiration to all of us who enjoy looking at as well as doing embroidery. You have a wonderful attitude concerning your health issues. I along with everyone else will be praying for you.

  129. I have read your personal letter, and am sending prayers and support, for now and in the future. This is a challenge, no question, but you will make of it what you will. After reading your blog for many years, I am confident that you will turn this to the best possible outcome.
    Happy Thanksgiving

  130. Dear Mary,

    Take care of your health. My prayers are for your speedy recovery. You will definitely fight and win against Cancer. God is on your side.

  131. dear Mary,
    you are in my prayers. i wish you a full recovery no matter how long it takes. your work and blog have helped me so much when i have been going thru dark days. i hope these words comfort you in some way.

  132. Mary darling,
    Your faith in the Lord is remarkable. I can quote scripture but it appears you’ve already read it and enshrined it in your heart. So let me wish you strength to fight the cancer, courage to keep up the good fight and gratitude to remind you of all the love you are showered with.
    What a trooper you are.
    All my love,
    Natasha and my husband, Chirag, and my kids, Kaitlyn, Ivor and Zachariah, who you don’t know but whom you have indirectly touched through lightening my heart with embroidery.
    (I’m choked and misty eyed, right now.)

  133. Dearest Mary…like everyone else my loving thoughts are with you at this difficult time in your life. You are and always will be such an incredibly generous and giving soul who has given so much to the stitching community. Like others around the world you are in my heart and thoughts, Michele xx

  134. Dear Mary,

    Thank you for your letter and letting us know what you are facing! You are a dear person and I want you to know that I am praying for you and your full recovery! God Bless

  135. I am thankful to have found you and your website which has inspired my dormant stitching back to life and I’m creating projects I never thought I would because of you. You are a blessing to us and we will send blessings to you. Much love and prayers to you Mary for a full and speedy recovery.

  136. Keep that fabulous positive attitude with you it will stand you in good stead. I love your news letters with all of the needlework and book reviews very encouraging. Your web site is such a wealth of information, thank you.
    One stitch and one day at a time. I wish you all the best.

  137. you will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    You offer strength to many ..your circle of strength and faith is ever widening like a drop of water.
    may you feel surrounded by love from us who have never met you.
    Evelyn Cheso

  138. I’m adding my prayers to the mountains of them already sent His way on your behalf these past few days. Prayers for strength, courage, and grace–though it sounds as though you already have a good supply of those all on your own. I look forward to your blog for a good long time to come.

  139. Dear Mary, thank you for telling us your news. I am so sorry to hear that you are ill. I will be praying for you. Thank you for all that you have done with this website, you have changed my life. Because of you I am starting the RSN Certificate course next year!

  140. Hi Mary!

    I’m sorry you are facing the issues you have, but as with others, very glad that the prognosis is as positive as possible.

    Putting on my ‘must fix it’ hat for a moment, I’ve heard that pillows that you can hold to your stomach will help a lot during recovery. So my Christmas wish for you is to get a lot of pillows!

    Best wishes for your recovery and a great Christmas.

    -Monika in Mobile

  141. Like everyone else who reads this blog, I’m very thankful for you, Mary. Not just your incredible talent with a needle and thread, but for your wisdom, your spirit and your levity. You will be in my prayers during this time. My mother-in-law has been battling this cancer for the past year or so, so I’m familiar with it. God be with you, strengthen your body and spirit and lend clarity and wisdom to your oncology team.

  142. Dear Mary,
    My thoughts and prayers are with you. You have given so much of yourself in your posts over the years, and I will be forever grateful for what I have learned from your site and for the times you have emailed me personally to answer questions. Because of the inspiration I have gained from your website which has been like my own personal tutor, I am venturing into uncharted waters with my own website.

    Having fought the battle of cancer and now survived 8 years, I know a bit of what you are going through. Think happy thoughts, and do things that make you laugh whenever possible (after healing from the surgery). Let others do things for you and help you where ever possible. Talk walks, long or short, even when you don’t feel like it. Exercise helps tremendously. Cancer hates an active body.

    Wishing you every possible happy thought for a speedy recovery.


  143. Dear Mary, I was diagnosed with advance breast cancer and told to “get my affairs in order” I said I don’t have time for this as I want to see my grand children born and I had lots too do. My daughter, who has a wicked sense of humour decided we should write a book on laugh your way through cancer (not written yet) but laughter is also the way of the body to heal you. So get some good funny friends around you and some funny movies. Prayer is also to be proven to help healing so some are good nuns (I had a whole convent praying for me, including lay friends) and essential is a loving family and sorry to say dumb the doubters and negative ‘friends’. I am now 23 years on and yes that first year was a worry but hey it gave me a wonderful new way of looking and loving the world I live in. Sending you, prayers, love and happiness and if I can find some embroidery jokes I’ll send them , much love Joy and family x

  144. Best wishes on your healing after your surgery. Please take your time getting well and take the necessary time off to get ‘back on track’. I love your emails and your website and I can’t even imagine the thought and work that has gone into what you have shared with us ‘wantabes’. Best wishes and better health. Judie

  145. Dear Mary,
    I really hope all goes well for your chemo. Your stitching is fantastic, your sharing of so much is amazing and you are much loved for far more than that too!
    Best wishes and warmest regards,


  146. Good evening Mary.
    Where was I when this news came in on your latest “adventure”.
    My tummy did a flip, but your attitude is just what this monster doesn’t like. Fight and look forward.
    I know that all of us, from all over the world are sending positive vibes to you, so please grab them with both hands and hold them close.
    Take loads of care and rest.
    Karen in Bonnie Scotland x

  147. Dear Mary
    I’m only new to your newsletter and have just read about your upcoming health challenges. I want to wish you all the best for your treatments and just hope for a successful outcome. I had a bad 2014 health wise but with monitoring and rather heavy medication I’m now in remission and this year has been great. I don’t see the specialist for another 12 months. Once again, all the best.
    Regards, Jenni

  148. Happy December. I hope you are healing in all aspects of your illness. I know what it is like to be physically ill for long periods of time and I recommend carefully following the Dr’s orders. Rest for the body and research for the mind.

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