
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needlework News Snips – November, 2015


Amazon Books

A happy Saturday to you all!

This is a pre-published article on Needle ‘n Thread, and just a reminder that I’m not available for email or for comment moderation on the website until next week some time. (Details here, if you want them.)

Here in the Northern Hemisphere, winter is steadily approaching. And what could be better on a nippy-cold morning, than to fix your favorite hot beverage – ahhhhh, like a nice steamy cup of cocoa! – and go for a bit of a browse?

To help you indulge in a leisurely morning, here’s a list of embroidery-related articles I’ve come across lately, that are either inspiring, informative, fun, or … enticing!

Needlework News Snips for November, 2015

Tokens & Trifles

First up, some sad news: Tokens & Trifles is closing. Tokens & Trifles was a business started by Tricia Nguyen (of Thistle Threads) and some friends, focusing on the creation of perforated paper cards for embroidery.

Tricia’s article explains how the company came about, the troubles they faced in getting started, and the decision to close things down. It’s an interesting exposure on what it takes to go from concept to reality in bringing a needlework product to the market. Not an easy task!

They’re currently liquidating stock of their lovely perforated stitching cards at very deep discounts. You’ll find many lovely shapes and styles, including Christmas ornaments, so if you want to stock up, now’s the time to do it!

Lovely Pocket for the History Buffs!

Over on Two Nerdy History Girls, you’ll find a really fun example of an 18th century embroidered pocket, worked as a sampler. The pocket itself is intriguing and the article unfolds some neat things about it.

More Snowflakes – Sardinian Snowflakes, no less

Is it just me, or is it sort of hard to imagine snow in Sardinia?

But, if you like Sardinian knot stitch, you’ll appreciate this lovely snowflake design (with some extra snowflake patterns in the article) over on Italian Needlework.

Once Upon a Time…

I’m a sucker for kid’s literature, and I love traditional fairy tales.

So these little ornament tutorials over on Telling Stories through the Needle’s Eye caught my eye! You’ll find a Little Red Riding Hood ornament and a Cinderella’s Slipper ornament in the series so far. What fun additions to the tree!

Want to be a Teacher?

Hazel Blomkamp poses the question, So you want to be an embroidery teacher?, and then highlights – in only the way Hazel can! – some important things to think about, if you want to pursue the teaching of embroidery. Her article, while written in Hazel’s unique, fun style, is thought-provoking. She makes many good points, based on years and years of experience.

Personal Stitcher?

Janet Brandt, over on her blog of the same name, writes about acquiring a Personal Stitcher.

I’ve decided to put Personal Stitcher on my Christmas Wish List. I’m not exactly sure what they look like, how much they cost, or even where to buy them, but I’m pretty sure I want one.

Pretty, Pretty Flower!

You can call me Flower is ya want to! (Surely you can name that movie!)

You’ll find a lovely embroidered flower and a completely tutorial for it in this article about a Kamal Kadai Work Flower, on Feeling Stitchy. It’s a nice tutorial, and a fun technique!

Lavender’s Blue…Lavender’s White…

Luzine Happel wrote two very nice blog posts recently about making a lavender sachet out of a small Schwalm whitework doily. You’ll find instructions for finishing a pretty little Schwalm doily here, and instructions for finishing it into a lavender sachet here.

Inspiration Abounds…

If you’re not familiar with Inspirations Magazine, but you love surface embroidery, you really should explore the possibilities of subscribing to this magazine. Put it on your Christmas list!

The latest issue, Inspirations #88, is available now, and it has some lovely holiday projects in it, along with some stumpwork, beautiful Hedebo whitework, and even a bug! You can buy the magazines individually now, and you can even buy a digital copy, if you’d rather go that route, for a lot less (and get it immediately). You can check out the projects in Issue 88 here. There are some real keepers in the bunch!

Whitework Exhibition

The Royal School of Needlework has a whitework exhibit going on through December this year, so if you’re in the London area in the next month and a half, pop in!

Incidentally, if you’re a Christmas Card Sender, they have a gorgeous embroidered angel Christmas card this year. Purchasing cards through the RSN is a great way to support the institute, and it’s a really good way to let your correspondents know that you Might Just Be Obsessed with needlework.

Have a terrific weekend – hope you can get some quality time in with your needle and thread!


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(15) Comments

  1. Great collection of snippets. I enjoyed them, and plan to follow a couple regularly. Thanks for sharing your passion and knowledge.

    1. You’re welcome! Did you know that when I was really little and was watching Bambi for the first time I thought Flower was a girl… (until they all grew up, of course)

  2. We are thrilled that you discovered our blog, Mary! We obviously also love fairy tales. Our current pattern is Sleeping Beauty’s spinning wheel, with two more coming in our series. Thanks so much for stopping by and visiting our blog, as well as for the mention! We are honored; you have been quite an inspiration for us on our stitching journey. Get well quickly! We will be praying for your recovery.

  3. “Su Nie”: Sardinian snow, how’s that for memories coming back on the Isle of Wight? I Wish you a serene recovery, Mary.

  4. difficile immaginare la neve in Sardegna, tu dici: eppure oggi la neve è arrivata anche qui, sul nostro monte più alto – il Gennargentu, che significa ‘Porta d’argento’ – con i suoi fiocchi candidi e non solo quelli a punt’e nù :D!

  5. Thank you for the snippets to tide us over while you were off recovering.

    Another sad bit of news – Samplers & Antique Needlework magazine is also out of business, Fall 2015 is the last. Subscribers got notice with the last issue, but I thought I’d pass the word for those who buy it off magazine racks.

  6. Sharing the developments of your health is so generous, and giving. Thank you so much for sharing such personal information. I hoope we(your readers and other friends) are able to support you in ways that will be of comfort and help.Y You have been so generous over the years through your website, sharing your talent and enthusiasm. So much time involved in what you do, one can truly say you have invested your life in us!

  7. Mary, thank you for being able to share your life with us. As a fellow Cancer traveller (UK spelling!) I do not believe that ‘being +ve’ will cure us, but it sure as heck (US!) helps us get thru’ day to day, and helps those who are around us to deal with the situation. I applaud you and your attitude and your fabulous embroidery – I never have the time to do much hands on, but your site gives me the fix I need. I can’t thank you enough for your calmness, wish you well – you are an inspiration in all things! Janice x

  8. Dear Mary,
    This reply is a little slow because I have spent ages enjoying the links you’ve given and been taken on some long and fascinating journeys.

    Thank you so much for pointing out so many things, a number of which we might have otherwise missed.

    Warm regards,

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