
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Give-Away! Custom Box for Mounting Embroidery


Amazon Books

Howdy-ho, friends! I hope your week is progressing wonderfully!

Remember last week, when I reviewed the custom wooden boxes for mounting embroidery, hand crafted by Mark Harris at Mythic Crafts?

Welllllll…. it’s time to spread the love a bit, with a give-away!

For the details, read on, read on!

Custom Box for Mounting Embroidery Projects

Mark has generously offered one of his custom boxes for mounting embroidery for a give-away here on Needle ‘n Thread.

And you know me – I couldn’t resist the offer, since it’s a chance to pass along to one of you something that is not only beautiful, but useful, too.

The randomly drawn winner of today’s give-away can choose among the boxes on the Mythic Crafts website, with whichever customizations options (wood choice, corner choice, etc.) you wish, or, if you have a different size opening you need on your box (to accommodate a piece of needlework you’ve already completed), you can just let Mark know and he will work with you.

Mark said he’d also throw in a few surprise goodies – and who doesn’t like surprise goodies?

If you’d like to join in on today’s give-away, please adhere to the guidelines below.

Give-Away Guidelines

The location for leaving comments for this give-away has changed. You can read why here.

1. Leave a comment on this new article on Needle ‘n Thread. There’s a link directly to the comment form in the guidelines posted in the new article.

2. Make sure you leave a name and a working email address in the correct lines on the comment form. You do not need to leave a website address on the comment form, if you do not own and operate your own website. Do not leave your email address, mailing address, or phone number in the comment box itself, because this is viewable online, and you don’t want to end up with a bunch of junk mail, right?

3. In your comment, please answer the following question:

What style of embroidery are you working on at the moment, and do you have any “finishing” plans for it? (i.e. will it hang on a wall, will it decorate something else, is it part of a quilt, is it something you can make up into some specific item, will you put it on a box, is it part of a piece of clothing, and so on)

4. Leave your comment by 5:00 am central time (Kansas, USA), Saturday, September 16th. The winner will be randomly drawn from the eligible entries and announced that day. I’ll also contact the winner via email.

And that’s it! Go forth and leave your comment on this article, and you could soon be the proud owner of a gorgeous hand-crafted wooden box from Mythic Crafts to display your favorite embroidered masterpiece in all its glory!


(1,059) Comments

  1. Who doesn’t have something to put in such a beautiful box!! Currently I’m working on a stumpwork/goldwork piece with a central rose. The design is from a 17th century glove. This is going into a candle frame, so that when the candle is lit you will see all the gold glitter.

  2. I just finished a needle painted lion following Trish Burr’s design and turned it into a book cover for my husband. I’m getting ready to begin another needle painting project and mounting it into one of those beautiful boxes would be the perfect finish for the project. Thank you for the chance to win.

  3. I’m traveling the country in a camper with my 3 children for a year, so no embroidery in progress. But I was gifted a gold work kit that I’m studying up on for when we return home. It’s a small rose and I think I will mount it to hang in my bedroom!
    Thanks for the giveaway! I’m still reading your posts to keep my textile juices running!
    Carrie PlaneNut

    1. Traveling around the country sounds like fun. Have you been able to stop at any quilt/embroidery shop in your travels? Wish I could pick up and take my home in Florida out of the way of Irma. Stay safe. What state are you in now. Thanks E

  4. I am currently adapting a cross-stitch into a freestyle embroidery which I will probably frame and designing a new Goldwork Celtic Cross which would look gorgeous in this box lid!

    Thanks for the chance to win

  5. I have several project going (of course). One of those is a counted cross stitch unicorn from one of the UK magazines. I have plans to matte and frame it (in conjunction with my mom and her dad for a three way split of the custom framing costs). But as any in my family will attest, monograms are my specialty, and those boxes are absolutely lovely. If I got my hands on one, I would start another project.

  6. My current project is a needlepoint of Santa flying across the sky to deliver presents – lots to do before I take it to my local framer so I can display it this Christmas.

    Thanks to Mary and Mark for this opportunity.

  7. Currenty between projects. My next one will be a needlepoint pillow for my daughter with the words ‘be awesome’ on it.

  8. I love these boxes! Right now I’m working on a “blackwork” challah cover (so the work is actually in blues). I’m planning on backing it with some nice smooth fabric and giving it to my cousin as a wedding present.

    1. I’m very interested to hear about your challah cover – I have searched for good Jewish embroidery designs without a lot of success … any thoughts?

  9. I am currently working on three samplers and a beaded Christmas ornament. As for mounting, all three samplers have a date with a framer so they can join their friends on my sampler wall. One thing that I love about beading is there is no finishing involved so that will be ready to hang on the tree at Christmas.

    Thank you.

  10. I am working on two pieces right now. A fairly large crazy quilt piece, about 36″x18″ which will. Be finished into a wall hanging for my son and an embroidery piece of the princess and the pea which I think will be framed for my granddaughter. If I win the box I think I will use ‘aru’s stitch sampler book and make an insert that has my initials.

  11. I’m finishing up a cross-stitch project I began 10 years ago. It’s a Noah’s Ark sampler designed by Teresa Wentzler that I began years before I married and which languished in storage through three moves…and now I’m finishing it (hopefully!) in time for the arrival of my third baby!

  12. I am stitching a series of bee themed accessories. There is a box lid, needle case, thread holder, pin cushion, pin keep, scissor holder and scissor fob. All the smaller pieces are stitched – now on to the bigger items! Wish me luck!

  13. Hi – what a gorgeous and generous giveaway. I am working on a small sampler that I intended to use as the cover of a needle book but if I won this gorgeous box, it will fit nicely in the lid. The sampler is a design I put together borrowing from the Sampler & Antique Needlework magazines I own.

    Thanks so much

  14. I have several pieces I’m working on (who doesn’t?). My current favorites are cross stitched name samplers for my kids with letter motifs from Cross Stitch Crazy magazine. I plan to frame them separately so they can hang them on their walls.

  15. I’m currently working on a belt embroidered with goldwork to go with a Renaissance costume I’m making. When I need to take a break from that, I have a cross stitch kit of Van Gogh’s Starry Night which will eventually be mounted into a frame and hang on my bedroom wall.

  16. Hi, Mary,

    I am working on a surface embroidery project for my niece to commemorate her wedding. I had originally planned to frame it, but now that I have learned about these keepsake boxes, I think a box would be nicer, and then she can keep mementoes of the wedding in it.

  17. OMG What a fabulous giveaway! I swooned over the boxes the other day when you posted about them. So generous of Mark and you to conspire to share such goodies with us!

    I’m currently working on my first goldwork piece; it’s almost done and I’m still mulling over how to finish it. I’ve put so much time into it, I’d love to finish it beautifully and think it would be ideally suited to one of the boxes. Otherwise I’ll probably frame it.

  18. I am getting ‘back into’ embroidery after an absence of 35 years or so. Currently working on pieces I design myself (a shell, old architecture, fish) that are small and just on muslin. My main object being to gain a precise and even stitch! I doubt if these go anywhere—except perhaps in a box. Speaking of boxes- it is a future plan to make a covered/embroidered treasure box for all the grandkids. Hopefully I will gain the expertise to do so. Everyone needs a treasure box.

  19. I’m currently working on a Mirabilia cross stitch pattern. I will probably frame it since it’s too large to do anything else with. 😀 Thanks for holding the give-a-way!

  20. At the moment i am working on many things! Specifically small 4 inch flower hoops, some black work animals, embroidered landscapes and embroidered pendants. I love all kinds of embroidery but seem to especially get drawn back to flowers using various embroidered stitches.

  21. I am currently working on a gold and silver works pattern sent to me here in Canada, from my family in Hungary. I have been using various types of gold and silver thread to give uniqueness and texture, and I hope to send it back to them finished soon in the hopes they enjoy it.

    I have a current plan to embroider a picture of my cat who recently passed away at 21 years old, and I have been waiting to find the perfect container for her ashes, a monogrammed box such as the one you are giving away with an M for Murphey would be a life blessing and seems to be the most meaningful thing I could picture placing her ashes in to rest in peace. I have a photo of her in the sun beside me while I embroider on my back deck, her favorite thing to do.

    I would be a grateful recipient of this beautiful box


  22. Luvvvv these boxes! Ty for a chance and for your wonderful website. You answer my questions all the time and you don’t even know it!!
    I’m currently working on a very large sampler. Like huge! It must be framed so saving up for that! But. I have so many gorgy things planned that would fit on one of those boxes! I am not a sewer so the boxes are a great idea for my smalls just not that affordable so would be over the top thrilled to win. Ty for a chance and good luck to all!!!❤️

  23. His work is beautiful. I would dearly love to have it and make something special to put in it. Right now I am working on a skyline of Chicago to give as a gift to friends with a condo on Michigan Avenue. So it will be too big. But I have a painted pansy kit that would be a something special to mount in this beautiful box.

  24. Counted cross stitch, as always. I’ll frame the piece and hang it on my wall – and if I get really motivated this weekend, I’ll get back to the sampler I started last year for my nephew…who is now eight months old.

  25. Hello! I am about to start a new project idea for me. My friend is a painter and keeps a watercolor journal. I have asked her for a copy of a page so I can try to replicate her artist journal page. I have a new beautiful embroidery stretch frame also that I will try for the first time. Then I hope to frame it, provided it turns out alright. I learned to embroider from my mother, who just turned 102 and until last year was still turning out blanket stitched dishtowels with a Mary Corbett pattern initial on each one. It seems to be a part of my DNA!
    Thank you, Corrine McCarty
    Robbinsdale, Minnesota

  26. I’m working on a long bellpull style band sampler that I think I might just finish the top and bottom and use as a long table runner. I might not even finish the back of if, as I quite pleased with how neat it looks. I also have some needlepoint Christmas ornaments I’m doing.

    I do, however, have a piece that would fit NICELY into the box! Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. WOW! Thank you Mark! Someone is going to receive a beautiful box!!!!!

    Currently I am working on a hardanger ring pillow for my son’s upcoming wedding and after the wedding I want to reclaim the pillow and frame the hardanger work for them. I am including their names and the date of the wedding.

  28. I just finished a wedding sampler banner for friends. The wide ribband hangs from a dowel and ends with a point that is hig lighted with a tassel. However the piece before this one was a 5 inch square mixed media piece that was put into a box

  29. I am presently working on a sampler with my nine year old granddaughter who wants me to teach her how to do embroidery. It would be wonderful to display her piece on a box for a forever heirloom. Thanx for the opportunity to win.

  30. What a wonderful giveaway.
    The hand-crafted box itself would be the inspiration for the embroidery insert I created, were I to win. They are so beautiful that I would want each piece to enhance the other.

    As for current embroideries – it’s an eclectic collection: abstract, figurative and in between. A couple are totally original. Several are inspired by works I admire. The goal for all is to learn new stitches and combinations of colors.

  31. My current project is actually part of a large group project for my historical re-enactment group. We are re-creating our members’ heraldic coat of arms in small shield shapes to stitch on a larger tapestry piece.

  32. I have several projects going…dragon monograms that wil be finished into wall hangings for my kiddos and beaded Christmas ornaments are the current priorities.

  33. I am working on a large counted cross stitch piece that has embroidery incorporated into it. It a gift for my daughter and will be framed. I am pretty sure it won’t be completed in time for Christmas but should be done by her birthday.

  34. I am working on a Christmas wool embroidery quilt.. I read your emails every day and save them so I can look up your stitches. your you tube videos are invaluable.. thank you

  35. I’m very new to hand embroidery and have spent the last few weeks working on negative space monogram inspired by you :). I’ve loved learning new stitches and being brave with colour.

  36. I am currently working on a piece of Brazilian embroidery and it would look spectacularly wonderful mounted on the top of one of these special boxes.

  37. What a great giveaway! I am currently working on a wool applique/embroidery that is supposed to become the front of a tote bag.

  38. I’m currently working on a cross-stitch scene of a cottage in winter — over single threads on 32 count linen! I actually bought a magnifier for this project! 😀 Thanks for the opportunity to win!!

  39. Oh yes!!!! I have birds that need this box! Cardinals will be especially beautiful mounted in this way.

  40. I love the box! thank you for this opportunity. I am currently working on a few cross stitch pieces and they are all pretty big. the bigger is HAED World travel bookshelf and I doubt i will frame jut because it is too huge. I have been playing with the idea of making it into a quilt or a wall hanging when it will be done in a few decades 🙂

  41. I have nearly finished an interpretation of a Baillie-Scott design, originally the central panel of a screen in the Victoria and Albert Museum, in London. I am working it in silk on linen, using a variety of surface embroidery stitches. I’m intending it as a cushion.
    I would love the opportunity of working a smaller Baillie Scott motif (maybe derived from his inlaid furniture) as an insert for a box lid, so this giveaway would be much, much appreciated!

  42. I am working on a Christmas wool embroidery right now. It will be framed and is to match another one that will be for my grandson.

  43. I am working on your Long and Short stitch Tutorial, some doodles of my own, and organizing my threads. I am having trouble coming up with finishing ideas for the small doodles, so this box would work out great for me. The work on the boxes is so beautiful.

  44. I have just begun the goldwork pheasant from Inspirations magazine’s kit. He would fit amazingly into one of Mark’s beautiful boxes.

  45. Currently I am working on a Gay Ann Rogers portrait of Eleanor of Aquitaine. It will be framed and hung up when it is done. I am also working on designing a piece (first time I have done this) that I can work on at Renaissance Faires. It will be a head covering called a Coif that will be covered in Elizabethan style flowers. I have not decided yet if I want to do it in blackwork or in vibrant colors.

  46. Such beautiful boxes ~ a lovely giveaway. I have taken up embroidery recently so I’m practicing stitches by embroidering small designs on dress pockets that I’m sewing for my grand daughter.

  47. I am currently doing free-form embroidery to embellish a wall quit – everything from distant fields, to flowers around houses, children playing, sheep, corn on the stalk, and more! I even did a small chicken on a barnyard 🙂 Love it, especially using so many different types and colors of thread!

  48. Currently I am working a counted cross stitch piece for my daughter . She moved to NH, so this piece has the covered bridge in her town and is a fall scenes. I have done a companion piece same bridge and homes for the winter holidays. Next up will be a larger reproduction sampler for me.

  49. Hi Mary and Mark,
    Thanks for this opportunity to throw my hat into the ring.
    I’m currently working on Amethyst Garden, a counted thread design by Kathy Rees that is designed to fit the top of a box. I’m hoping to complete it for a Christmas gift for my lovely daughter-in-law. One of Mark’s beautiful boxes would make this gift super special.
    I love reading your blog, Mary. How is the fire screen coming along? I ordered it after I read about it in your blog.
    harriet alonso

  50. I am presently working on a Japanese Bunka embroidery of a geisha, much too large for the box. But, I have a beautiful goldwork flower kit that I have been anxious to stitch…my first attempt at goldwork! I just watched the video on Craftsy and am raring to go! Mark’s boxes are absolutely beautiful….how exciting it would be to win!

  51. At the moment I am distracted by Hurricane Irma, readying our place tucked away in the NC mountains to receive storm refugees. But, I will have stitching for those moments when I can put my feet up. Most likely a Berlin work piece from an antique chart a friend gave me. I have a perfect piece for one of the beautiful boxes, given to me by a daughter in law. The boxes are exquisite!

  52. Enjoy almost all types of embroidery – at the moment I am working on a counted sampler project which will likely be framed – when I get around to it!

  53. Working on “Berry Picking Party” by Crabapple Hill Studio which offers lots of embroidery embedded in quilts.

  54. What a lovely give away! I have two projects right now. A detailed cross stitch of an English Cocker Spaniel, a present from my daughter. She found one that looks like my dog, Brayden. This would look wonderful mounted on a w wood box.

    My second project is a beginning needlepainting floral project. I thought of putting it in a pendant fitting to wear when finished

  55. I am currently working on a heartsease design from a Jane Nicholas class. It is stumpwork, stitched on duchess silk. I am hoping to frame this, or it could be lovely in a box top!

  56. I am a smocker. I am working on a beautiful smocked design that is made to go onto a box. I would so love to win this wooden box so I can show it off to my guild friends.

  57. Hi Mary!

    I love this opportunity! A big thanks to you both:)

    I am just finishing up a textured embroidery class on Craftsy by Sue Spargo. It is currently being damp stretched using the method you taught me! I will then cut it back to a nice rectangle (things got a bit wonky without my use of a hoop), add some textured trim made from faux suede placemats, and finish it into a pillow case for our window seat. I hope to have photos added to my site soon enough.

    Thanks again for all you’ve taught me!

  58. My current embroidery project is adding some embellishments to some of my bathroom towels. I like using them to try out new color combinations while adding some decorations to my bathroom at the same time.

  59. I have a lot of projects currently in the works, but I am about to embark on a number of tiny projects that will be finished as pin-on buttons. I was gifted a blank one and now I want tons to give to friends, etc. I can’t wait!

  60. I am working on Happily Ever After Cross Stitch by Frosted Pumpkin to hang on the wall but if I won this box I would be likely to try to mount some wool applique handwork on it, thanks for the chance!

  61. I’m currently working on a small piece of crewel embroidery. Although I can planned to frame it, I think it would look so much better in some of the custom boxes.

  62. Thank you for the chance to win! I am currently working on an embroidery piece that is fall themed with a scarecrow in a wheelbarrow with sunflower, pumpkins, cornstalks and crows by Bird Brain Designs. I plan to use it for a quilt label for a project I am working on in a quilt along that will finish up in December.

  63. I am working on a Linda Driskell piece that combines Hardanger, surface embroidery, and pulled thread. When finished it will become a needlebook.

  64. I love these boxes. I am currently working on a Jacobean embroidery in shades of blue and the plan is to have it mounted into a tray (glass top) and this will be a Christmas present for one of our daughters. It would be wonderful to have a box as my next project

  65. Oh I am working on a Christmas stocking with a variety of surface embroidery stitches-stem, satin, lazy-daisy, French knots, applique, etc.!

  66. Right now I’m working on what will become the front of a pillow. It’s a phrase (say yes to saying no) and I’m using split stitch to fill in the letters. This is a project I’m doing for a family friend who wants to give it to her sister, and honestly, it’s not calling to me. If it were a personal project I’d have let it go, but it’s a commitment I made and it will bring joy to others, so I’ll finish. I should just try to do 15 minutes a day and it’ll get done eventually. 🙂 Thank you Mary for inspiring and teaching me so much. And thank you & Mark for this awesome give-away.

  67. I would love to be the proud owner of one of his boxes. After your initial post I checked his website. I am so impressed. They are truly gorgeous. I would love to put my late husband’s mementos in one with either our initials or my grandson’s initials on it and save it for our oldest grandson ( who just started college last week). My husband passed very suddenly, and much to early, while away from home on business in Washington DC last November. He and our grandson, Noah, were best buddies, and Noah was devastated. I would probably use one of Needle ‘N Threads embroidery designs for the initials.

  68. I always have multiple embroidery projects in the works… Currently, trying to finish up the embroidery on an appliqued quilt I made for my newest granddaughter. Also, working on hexie crazy quilt blocks, finishing up a sampler and working with older granddaughter on a denim shirt she is embroidering.

  69. I find your website so thought provoking and to me, entertaining. I love reading it and learning how to improve my work. I’m working on a lot of projects right now, one of which is a nearly completed nativity quilt which is all embroidered with back stitches and outline stitches. I also have inherited some vintage pieces in linen that are dresser scarves.

  70. I had a box made for my first piece of crewel work and it looks brilliant. I am now working on a stumpwork embroidery of flowers and insects that will also be in need of a home

  71. I am working on some cross stitch – actually two different pieces. One will end up being a Christmas Stocking. The other is a year of teacups and flowers – I will make small quilt pieces and assembly them on a stand so that I can flip them (like a calendar) to see each month. I an getting ready to work on some canvas pieces that would work well on one of these boxes. Have always wanted one – but couldn’t afford it. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  72. Love the wooden boxes. Would dearly love to own one but not in my budget right now. I am working on a Jacobean design using surface embroidery with a variegated thread. Evacuating today from South Florida USA where huge hurricane expected to hit soon. Already packed my stitching. Enjoy your emails so much Mary. Thank you kindly.

  73. Thank you so much for this amazing giveaway. The boxes are gorgeous. I’m working on a reproduction of the Bayeux tapestry, namely a panel of Harold receiving a messenger I’ve been an embroiderer only for two and a half years but I’ve discovered it’s my calling and that’s mainly because of your site! I think to date I have over 100 completed pieces. I mount most of them in hoops because I can’t afford to have them framed professionally. I’m going to mount my ‘tapestry’ on a large board as per the instructions. I’ll hang it in my living room on a piece of blank wall that’s been bugging me.
    I love the idea of mounting embroidery in a lovely box. Such a beautiful gift for someone.

  74. Currently I am working on the completion of a Paris Market by Dimensions. I started it in August of 2016 and expect the completion to be about the end of this year!!!! I will be hanging it in my kitchen to brighten the wall! Would love to have a beautiful box from Mythical Crafts! I still do take time to do a smaller project in between the big one!

  75. I am currently working on a gold work bumble bee and until I saw this box, I had no idea what to do with it! I had thought about making it into a needle book. It would be perfect on top of a box.

  76. Currently, I’m working on small ornaments for the Make A Wish organization which are to be put around the necks of teddy bears for the kids who are getting their wishes. Such a fun project!

  77. I am finishing a cross stitch / embroidery on perforated paper. I plan to finish it with paper and fabric on the back bound with buttons or flat beads so it can be mounted on the wall. I’m having lots of fun learning the limitations and freedom of perforated paper.

  78. I have been sidelined with a broken ankle for the last 7 weeks and have gotten a lot of stitching done. Currently I am working on a sampler for our 50th anniversary next August.

  79. I haven’t actually started it yet – I just got the instruction book – but my next project would be perfect for a box top! It’s a Group Correspondence Course from EGA called More Than a Rose. It’s surface embroidery with some goldwork in an historical style. And it’s only about 3×5″, so I think one of Mark’s boxes would display it beautifully!

  80. Working on an embroidery from Faeries in my Garden. An embroidery folder for my own use. I just finished an embroidery about the 50th anniversary of the summer of love, a challenge through the San Francisco school of needle arts and design. Hopefully it will be on display there this month. I love your site and emails. Thank you!

  81. I have several projects going! Two goldwork projects that will be framed unless they fit in that box! One large cross stitch project that will be framed, Several small cross stitch and surface embroidery projects and one large surface embroidery (don’t know yet how I will display these, however, they would look lovely on those boxes!) Oh, and the Christmas picture (crewel work) and that is ever ongoing. Will use this as a tree skirt or framed.
    Thank you for all the inspiration!
    Barabal D.

  82. What a lovely giveaway! Thanks! I am currently starting an Embroidery Assoc of Canada correspondence course in canvaswork to make a 3-d candy dish! It looks yummy. A friend and I are starting it next week. (wish us luck!) More and more, as wall space becomes harder to find, I look for pieces that can be finished in un-framed ways: a box top is perfect!! … you could place candy in it, as well. 🙂

  83. I love embroidered boxes and Mark’s creations are beautiful. At present I’m working on a tapestry shading panel which will be mounted on the replacement “bag” which hangs below a regency work table I’m restoring. Mark’s box would sit perfectly on the table top – I’m already imagining the companion embroidery design for it to match the work table panel!!

  84. y’all create beautiful works of art
    I would love to own one of them some day
    Thank you for sharing
    Take Care…You Matter

  85. Lovely boxes.
    I am currently working on a counted thread piece using multiple techniques to be finished as a stand alone 3-dimensional article. I have never finished in a box. This opportunity would be great.

  86. My “embroidery” project right now is actually a beading project! I’m working on Rachael Kinnison’s Bath Arbor Basket. I just got back from the class in Bath, England at the Summer Textile School! It is designed to hang on the wall and I will have to find a very safe place to hang it so that my boys don’t shoot it accidentally with their Nerf guns!!

  87. I love the look of the box with the embroidery. I am reminded of times gone by and of present day treasure storage. I usually have an embroidery or applique project on hand to work on in the evening. Now, I am working on a small wall hanging with applique hearts, an embroidery butterfly, dragonfly, and 2 other ‘ flies’. I make the decision of who it will be for after completion in case I am not happy with the outcome. In that case, it will be on my wall.
    I would love an embroidery holder wooden box to sit beside me while I stitch.

  88. I have several projects going at one time. One is red work using all different embroidery stitches and another one is a 25 linen count cross stitch.

  89. Those boxes are absolutely gorgeous and I would love to be in with a chance to get my hands on one!

    As it is only one of the things I’m currently working on would be suitable for such a box, and that is some goldwork I started at a dayclass with the Royal School of Needlework. I’m also working on a small combined appliqué/embroidery project which is likely to end up as a card (it’s meant to become a workshop when I’ve worked it all out in detail); it would be the right size for the box but much to ephemeral to be mounted in something so beautiful 🙂

    The last of my current projects is a freestyle Tree of Life design which I’m in the process of getting just the way I want it, and for which I am doing trial bits in crewel wool at the moment (Pearsall’s lovely Heathway Merino crewel wool). It will eventually be worked in silk and will most likely end up framed, unless I can find a tray to mount it in, which I would much prefer. Sudberry have some lovely ones, but unfortunately with postage and import duties they are not even remotely within budget *sigh*

  90. I’m working on four things at the moment–a traditional crewel piece that will become a cushion, a reproduction sampler to be framed, a goldwork piece to be mounted in the top of a box, and one of Amy Mitten’s Casket Toys for my (eventual) casket.

  91. I have enjoyed counted cross stitch since I first learned as a new Army wife in the former West Germany in 1979. After all these years, I am ready for a change! I am following the wonderfully detailed instructions in your Stitch Sampler Alphabet to create the initial of my first grandchild. As you have shown, the embroidery would fit perfectly in Mark’s hand-crafted box and would become an heirloom for little Ella.

  92. I’m currently working on three surface embroidery pieces, but the one I literally put down to read this article is a monogram from your Favorite Monograms ebook, to practice satin stitch and trial DMC’s Coton a Broder thread. I need more satin stitch practice, for sure 🙂 but the Coton a Broder is delightful to work with. If I’m so lucky as to win the box, I will probably embroider my daughter’s monogram, adding her favorite flowers of needle-painted apple blossoms and wild roses, to mount in the box lid as a gift to her. Needle painting, thanks to many lessons from your site, is MUCH easier than satin stitching!

  93. Thanks to both you and Mark for the wonderful give-a-way! His boxes are beautiful. I’m currently working on an embroidered wool covered box designed by Deborah Tirico.

  94. I am just about to complete a purse kit that I got on sale several years ago-18ct Aida in a small oval frame on a wooden weaved basket lid – I am going to add pockets to the lining & a padded lid inside for pins, etc & use it as a small sewing basket for my go- to supplies. I am learning some new stitches along the way! Thank you Mark for a wonderful giveaway, Susan

  95. How wonderful. I have a beautiful silk and metal piece that needs a gorgeous frame. grapes and swirling good.

  96. I am currently working on as many form of surface embroidary as possible. Trying to find what I love most and what works for my limitations.
    My friend, Sherrie, does beautiful needlework. Her current passion is counted cross stitch. She would love one of these boxes. If my name is chosen, I would gift it to her. She is always kind enough to fill in the gaps of my project supplies.
    Thank yous to Mary and Sherrie for their generosity.

  97. I am currently working on the gold work Pheasant from “Inspirations” issue #93. I immediately thought this would be the perfect finish for the Pheasant when you first showed us Mark’s beautiful boxes. I have one of his slate frames; and it is such a pleasure to work with. I can only imagine how wonderful his boxes are. Thanks to both of you for this opportunity!

  98. I’m working on cross-stitch bookmarks that I give to literacy programs. I recently finished a canvas piece designed by Lois Kirshner especially for our region in the Embroidery Guild of America . I plan to frame it, but now I think it would be great in one of the special boxes you reviewed.

  99. I’m working on a Claire Murray cross stitch kit, based on one of her needlework patterns, of a Nantucket Lightship basket filled with flowers. It’s going to be matted and framed when finished, to hang in my bedroom. My previous project was a small Tudor Rose cross stitch kit which I bought at the Southwark Cathedral gift shop in London—it would be perfect for one of these beautiful Mythic Craft boxes!

  100. Hello, Thank you for the chance to win a beautiful mounting box . That is a great prize. At this time, I am working on a Christmas wall hanging, I have the embroidery done on 2 already, I would like to have 3 of them done by Thanksgiving, as I am giving them to my grandchildren for the Christmas season. It is a DAYS TILL SANTA COMES, wall hanging. The child will write with chalk daily how many days till Santa comes on a cloud made from chalkboard fabric on this beautiful redwork wallhanging. I have a perfect project for that mounting box, so, I am very excited about this contest.

    Again, thank you very much for the chance to win this great prize. Rosemary

  101. Mark’s boxes are really a work of art. Right now, I am working on some fun hoop art pieces. I also have a crazy quilt piece and I just received the book that you recommended Mary, so I’ll be working on that too.
    Carol b

  102. I currently have several pieces in progress (which of us doesn’t ?), but he one I am truly concentrating upon is a cross-stitch of the word “Autumn” with the background & each letter of the word enhanced with items representative of the Season.

    I am just recovering from hip replacement surgery and I thought if I was going to be “challenged” and/or laid up for the season, I would have a needlework remembrance of the event, LOL.

    Ultimately, this piece will likely be framed & rotate through the several Seasonal pieces I display throughout the year.

  103. For once, I’m working on something for myself. I’m making a needlebook designed by Jeanette Douglas.

  104. I am just starting a needle painting project…a small but lovely Provence landscape in jewel tones. It could look quite nice mounted in a box! Thank you for such inspiring ideas for giveaways. I might never have known about Mythic Crafts without your recommendation and I enjoyed perusing the website. The quality of their handmade items looks great…you can tell they know what embroiderers are looking for.

  105. Six weeks ago our beautiful granddaughter Rose O’Brien Rust was born. I am embroidering an “R” monogram. I had planned on framing it in an oval frame, but now am thinking of putting it on one of the boxes! Hopefully to be a treasure for a lifetime!

  106. Wooden boxes to display needlework are the perfect display for your work. I would try a different stitch I haven’t attempted before to expand my range of stitches. My Xmas list will have a box on my wish list.

  107. In my bag right now, so my “current” projects, are a biscornu that is a mix of cross stitch and other counted thread embroidery that is part of the EGA Stitch-a-long. It’s the August project and I’m still plugging along. So, it will be finished as a biscornu. The other current item is the alien schoolgirl samples from Ink Circles. It is all cross stitch and when done I’ll get it framed.
    Oh – and I always have some needle tatting going. I’m currenly just making bookmarks for the sake of keeping my hands busy.

  108. Currently I am working on a cross stitch design called “Moroccan Mares” by Mill Hill. They are designed by Laurel Butch. I have always admired he horse depictions and now I am finally working on one! I plan to make a wall hanging when it’s done.

  109. Right now, I’m working on a canvas piece, and a crewel piece. The canvas piece will be framed, the crewel piece will , most likely be a pillow. I have a piece I just finished that would look real nice in a box lid.

  110. Good morning! I have learned SO MUCH from your blog posts since I first came across it two years ago! Thank you, Mary! The project I am currently completing is Lucy Barter’s Craftsy class – Goldwork Sampler. I found out about it from your blog! I would like to frame it in a box with a piece of museum glass covering it because I want the detail to be perfectly viewable. It is difficult to find boxes that are deep enough to accommodate the ‘thickness’ of a completed goldwork piece. Thank you for sharing the info about Mark’s boxes and for offering a giveaway. 🙂

  111. I am working on a Bargello Canvaswork project which I will make into a pillow. If I was to win the box I would find a Hardanger piece for the box top.

  112. Thanks for the chance to win one of these lovely boxes. I’m currently cross stitching several (on number 3 now) 2 inch bouquet baskets to be made into gifts of pin keeps.

  113. At the moment, I have just begum some canvas work from Northern Pines, a depiction of irises in front of a stained glass window. I has assumed that I would frame it for hanging on a wall, but now, even if I don’t win the drawing, I will have to consider if it could go on a box. Probably not; it would lose its arch shape and outline. But having such a beautiful box would just give me an excuse to pick a suitable piece next. I love boxes.

  114. I am currently working on a crazy quilt – that will be a wall hanging – made from all of my husband’s ties that he stopped wearing when he retired 12 years ago. The squares are made and now the fun part – embroidering all those seams with the stitches that I am learning from Needle ‘n Thread! Thank you for this great site!

  115. I have a huge appreciation for anything handcrafted and detailed- these boxes are exquisite as is Mary’s needlecraft beauties. Thank you for this opportunity!

  116. I am always working on a hand embroidery project. Right now, I am working on Sharon Schamber’s BOM quilt which is applique and hand embroidery stitches. I am also working on a redwork pattern but doing it in blue. I love hand embroidery!

  117. What a beautiful box!!!
    Currently I’m doing surface embroidery. I’m traveling so I try and take easier car/hotel projects. I’ve done two Kathy Schmitz redwork projects that will eventually be made into a quilt. Also muslin pages with each page with a different embroidery stitch…part of a Humble Embroidery book SAL with Notforgotten Farms. And a Christmas stocking I’m embroidering for my daughter-it has a tree with ornaments I have on our tree at home. At home my projects are a GCC hardanger piece, a Alison Cole gold work piece, and a embroidery dish cloth as a charity piece for a church sale.
    I know something I have would be perfect for that box…maybe the goldwork piece? That would be splendid!
    Thank you to Mark at Mystic Crafts and you!

  118. I am actually in the planning stage of my next embroidery project. I am planning to make an embroidery covered box in a medieval style worked in brick stitch. However, I have some UFOs with the embroidery finished and no plans made for display, one of which will be perfect in this box, I am sure.

  119. Currently I am working on a Halloween project, that I plan on finishing as a bell pull. I have a perfect piece in mind, should I win the Treasure Box. Thanks for a chance to win a box.

  120. I’m finishing a beautiful needle painting of a great tit. It would be enhanced by a gorgeous wooden box to keep embroidery threads in.

  121. I’m currently stitching a five-part Christmas bell pull by The Cricket Collection. It will probably take me longer to put together than it is taking to stitch it. I can do most types of needlework but my sewing skills are almost non-existent.

  122. Thank you Mark for the generous giveaway!!! I drooled over the boxes last week when Mary reviewed them. They are gorgeous!!! I am currently working on a dropcloth sampler. I only have a few more stems and a spiderweb to finish. I am doing a few samplers and have not decided what to do with them. I like the idea of a book but not sure if that’s the way I will go. I do know one would look fabulous on a box!! I downloaded Mary’s alphabet sampler the other day and plan to do my daughters initial. I’m going to have lots of time to embroider since I live in Florida. Thank you for the chance to win the beautiful box!

  123. I am currently working on some cross stitch projects. I’m stitching an initial on 32 count linen, and I will be making some sachets for Christmas presents. They will each be a bit different . . . some will be little sacks and others will be small squares or rectangles. I already have several different fillings for them, so I can make them according to what I think the recipient will enjoy.
    I love reading your blog, and I have used your tutorials many times.

  124. I’m currently working on 3 projects: a cross stitch gift for a friend, which will be framed or put on a box, a fabric book of the variety of stitches as seen on Needle ‘n Thread. Those stitches are also being used on a crazy quilt /wall hanging with a tea theme.

  125. I am currently working on a “yellow submarine” pattern to commemorate my husband’s retirement. In the wings waiting is a wedding gift for my son and his lovely fiancee. Instead of framing, it would be lovely on a Mythic box….Thank you for introducing me and others to this website!

  126. Hi Mary – I’d like to participate in teh giveaway for the box.
    Currently I am working on embellishing a printed-on-fabric image of a Russian icon. I am taking this course with this lady and she is teaching us how to embellish the different elements of the image and their symbolism. It includes beads, pearls, metal threads and even some cotton threads. It’s fascinating and I plan to hang it on the wall when I am done, of course!

  127. I am currently working on a Christmas quilt which is regular embroidery with lots of satin stitches. I also have 4 stockings and a wall hanging that are needlepoint, which uses lots of embroidery type stitches. Too much to do, with so little time.

  128. Hi, Mary,
    Right now I’m focusing on a couple of cross stitch projects that will end up being framed. Because professional framing is expensive, however, I’m always looking for alternatives. The big thing in my circle of stitchers these days is making pillows and banners, which are both greats way to showcase a piece, if a little less formal. I love the idea of combining the “soft” needleart with the “hard” woodwork. And what a wonderful heirloom gift it would make for that special someone. As always, Mary, thanks for sharing your knowledge and the opportunity to snag one of those beautiful boxes.

  129. Currently, I’m working on a mock-medieval “tapestry” (the saying begins “Behold the field”…, but the rest of it is not for polite company!!) for my brother’s birthday. It’s his favorite saying. It will probably be matted and framed. I’m really enjoying it!

  130. Have to confess I am working on a counted cross stitch project right now for a friend, but will be starting the project for the Craftsy goldwork class very soon. Can’t wait to begin!

  131. Starting a kit project called ‘Lavender and Lace’ . Ive been wanting to do this particular project for a long time as it reminds me of my childhood lilac bush which i loved so much. I live in Houston Texas and have extended visiting my daughter in NJ till things ‘dry out’ there. So having some extra time, I will treat myself to beautiful lilacs !

  132. Thank you Mary and Mark for the giveaway. The boxes are so very beautiful.
    I am on a monogrammed handkerchief spree — thanks to the Susan O’Connor book Monograms that you have recommended, I have learned satin outline stitch and love using it on fine batiste. If the handkerchief-making passion continues, my next big purchase will be the cambric linen you have discussed. Mary, you have brought me to every single component I am using. Many, many thanks!

  133. I am currently working on a piece of Brazilian embroidery. I will mount it on foamcore as I hope to teach it at our annual seminar and anything else will be to awkward to pack. It will probably be framed or a stand up.
    Not sure yet as there are so many possibilities – just though a book cover might be nice too.

  134. I am currently working on a gold and stump work combined bee . I am still working on a doodle piece to try to figure out thread choices and wing options…..so still a work in progress. It will be part of a larger piece perhaps for hanging.???

  135. I am working on two band samplers that will be finished as bell pulls. They are presents for my kids.

  136. I love those boxes! One of too many projects is Woodlands Whimsey. Jan Vaine of Graham Cracker Collections is teaching at our local quilt store. It consists of all these adorable critters surrounded by all this wonderful embroidery using every stitch I know. Am learning lots. It will be a wall hanging that someone in the family will inherit. thank you for giving us this opportunity to win such neat prizes teaching tools you have produced. thanks again. E

  137. What a lovely box. I have been working on small samplers, learning new stitches. Finishing is up in the air, to be decided. Several 5×5 to 8×8 pieces pressed waiting for inspiration to finish for holiday gifts. framing, attaching to clothing or pillows? this is an amazing gift! I’m not sure if I would give it away or stitch a new design and keep it!

  138. Right now I’m working on some felt embroidery, a bunch of asparagus actually, that will be part of a table runner comprised of five different vegetables on a black background.

  139. I am currently working on four main projects from silk embroidery to goldwork to Whitework Embroidery … two pieces will be pictures; two others are experiments for a larger project I have in mind.

  140. What a wonderful giveaway!!! Such beautiful boxes.

    I am currently working on an applique quilt and putting on the final touches before assembly – which means I am embroidering details on flowers and leaves to make them ‘pop’. An easy process really, but an enjoyable evening’s stitching.

  141. Hi Mary,

    I am working on a silk and goldwork stumpwork project currently that will be mounted in a walnut box with a 4 inch opening. I am embroidering the wedding date of the recipient in the center surrounded by a wreath of stumpwork grapes, currants, acorns and white roses (they are having an October wedding at a woodland nature preserve–she is carrying white roses as a bouquet). I would love the box–nice ones are so hard to find!

    Thank you for this opportunity Mary and for all you do. Margaret

  142. I continue to work on my crazy quilt that is made from fabrics, laces, threads, beads and embellishments that I’ve been collecting since my preteens. If I win this box I would design a crazy quilt block for it. Here’s hoping! Theresa Boock

  143. Thread painting my second “Cat” from Trish Burrs design that is white work with color ..Katrina and Chloe will be framed and given to my daughter-in-law who loves cats.

  144. What beautiful woodwork and then add a beautiful piece of embroidery! Currently I am working on a floral wall hanging. But one of the flowers would fit beautifully into that box.

  145. I work in both hand and machine embroidery. In the machine realm I am working on wall hung framed and unframed elements.

    In hand embroidery, I have just started a mixed technique piece, using punch needle, standard embroidery and beads on a digitally printed piece of muslin. It will be a wall piece.

  146. I appreciate handmade wood project. My husband was a turner until his health won’t allow it. I do t have an embroidery project going currently but I am sure I would have a UFO I could finish.

  147. I’m working on a picture of English birds in counted cross stitch. It’s go very slowly. I also have been working on embroidery dish towels. Thanks for the give away it’s lovely

  148. I am working on some Madeira embroidery, and will be finishing it as a bodice into a little girl’s dress. The box is beautiful – would probably use it to store my DOVO scissors!

  149. I am busy with a big needle painting project for the past few months. It is of a ring neck pheasant with a gun dog hovering in the background. This pheasant is not only a challenge in size (11.69 x 16.53 inches) but the colours are exquisite and I absolutely enjoyed embroidering it so far. The pheasant is really a perfect subject to embroider.The original painting is by my dear friend Roby Baer who lives in Redding CA. I will be visiting her next month and I am so excited. Once the project is finished it will be framed and it will get a special place in my home.
    Lots of love Elza Bester Cape Town xxx

  150. I am currently working on a white work piece designed by the amazing Jenny andin christe. It is so challenging but has opened a whole new type of embroidery for me. It’s designed to go in a box similar to the one advertised. Being Australian, I would be so proud to put a favourite piece into his stunning work.

  151. I’m currently working on thread painting, with projects from Trish Burr books. I’m still learning, so I’m working through a few of her level 1-2 flower projects. I actually have no idea what to do with my finished pieces! I tend to focus more on the working part of the process, and by the time I’m done I’m ready to start the next project. So I have a box of several stitched pieces that I figured I’d get around to framing some day. If I won this lovely box giveaway, I’d have to really amp up my work and make something deserving of such a nice finish!

  152. I am currently working on an 8″ by 10″ counted cross-stitch piece “Cat Lessons for People.” It is filled with cat sayings in printed letters and occasional cat ephemera! This is for my older son and dtr-in-law who have cats as their children, therefore they become my feline grandchildren–hah! I have several other presents in line to be worked on when this is finished. Thanks for this opportunity!

  153. I am working on a quilt with crewel embroidery. I have embroidered 30 squares from Flowers for Elizabeth patterns. Also using fabric from the William and May collection. It has been quite an undertaking but has been worth it. It is for my very best and closest friend. . It is my first attempt at a quilt and its huge, california king. Although I have enjoyed making it (most of the time), will be glad when its done so I can start a project that I am very excited about, Inspirations Strawberry Fayre.

    1. That sounds incredible! I am sure we would all love to see pictures of what you have done. You have a very lucky friend, I’m sure the quilt will be treasured for many many years.

  154. I am working on a needlepoint stocking and using silk ribbon embroidery for the poinsettias and roses on the canvas.

  155. Currently close to completing a free stitch postcard for my brother who is mad on running …..so lots of different interlinked circles to represent the various routes that he does with the outer areas in kantha stitch ( aka running stitch ). It has been really enjoyable to do, a small piece done with just my brother in mind, and he will appreciate it too.

  156. Omg love the beautiful boxes! I’m working on a small needle painting kit that would be perfect for mounting on a box and would make a beautiful gift for my niece! I hadn’t really thought much yet about how I was going to finish but a box is the best idea ever!

  157. What gorgeous boxes! Thanks so much for making one available for this give-away.

    I’m currently working on a mystery block of the month stitch along, wool on wool applique. I’m guessing it will be a wall hanging – but it’s still a mystery!

  158. What a generous offer. Mark must be someone special.
    I am working on some chicken scratch which will be an apron. My grandmother had one she had made that I got when she died and I decided to copy it and give the apron to my daughter.
    Thanks, Mary, for all the great advice and fun stuff you send in your emails.

  159. I am currently working on a piece of traditional surface embroidery on a piece of white linen. It is a Christmas motif in reds and greens with some eyelets added for instance, which I have never done before. Mercifully, the design calls for it to be mounted in a hoop tied with a red bow on top, I guess for a bit of a homespun effect. I say mercifully because it isn’t a pill, (too many of those already) or an expensive frame. However, I have an amazing stumpwork rose that I finished several years ago that is perfect for that box. Pick Me! Pick Me!

  160. I am working on a Hardanger piece–my first. Well, my second or third really because I’ve had to start over a few times. I hope to make a pillow out of it.
    The boxes are beautiful–thanks for offering this giveaway.

  161. I am working on a winnie the pooh piece for my soon to be born grandchild. I plan to finish it as a standup or place it in a box to hold keepsakes

  162. WOW, how fun. I have a piece I am working on from SNAD. San Francisco Needlework and Design. That would be so fun.

  163. I’m currently working on a stack of small things. Some cross stitch and some embroidery. Right now, my plans are for most of them to become ornaments or pin pillows. There’s a few that may become bookmarks. I’ll have to see how I feel when I finish them.

  164. Wow, these boxes are gorgeous!

    I’m working on a monochrome cross-stitch design in white, black, and shades of gray. I usually go for lots of color; this is different for me but I’m enjoying it. The finished design is not small, so it will be stretched and framed.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  165. Perfect timing! I just happen to be working on a stumpwork piece intended to become a box top. However, finding the right box to match the golden sun, silk wrapped purl, and beaded embellishments is not easy. Thank you for offering this giveaway and telling folks about Mythic Crafts. Please send some wooden boxy love this way.

  166. I am working on a quilted wall hanging with embroidery in the center. The design is by Kathy Schmitz. The pattern is “Bees in the Bowers”. It is absolutely adorable and will hang in my breakfast room. I went to the Mystic Crafts website on September 7 and was blown away by products created by Mark. I love the handmade wood boxes!

  167. I am planning on making an illuminated initial or monogram for my kids! No finishing plans yet….a beautiful wooden box would be nice 😉 . Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  168. Currently I’m working on a counted cross stitch scene of seashells. It’s my first time with “confetti” stitching with counted cross stitch. My plans are to make it into a wall hanging. But I could also make it into a pillow for my boat.

  169. I am using traditional embroidery to make 2 click it bags for 2 friends.
    One side is their name and the other side embroidered pictures of their hobbies.
    They are turning out so cute. Names are finished and now I am working on
    the pictures, one is a dog lover and the other will be a flower garden.

  170. How exciting! I am experimenting with several different of your monogram styles, and while I was planning to do a simple frame, this would be even better!

  171. Currently, I’ve been cross stitching some adorable pieces from Plum Street Samplers, that fit inside a 4″ Tart Tin. One of the patterns that I haven’t worked yet would fit nicely in the top of one of the beautiful wood boxes that are in the ‘give away’. It’s a pleasure to see the craftsmanship in the boxes and I hope to have one to put sewing supplies in. Thank you for the opportunity.

  172. Isn’t it wonderful that there are such nice people in the world like you Mary and Mark. I am working on a square that will be linked into other squares created by members of my Embroidery Guild branch. This is to celebrate our 40th anniversary. As this is a ruby wedding 70% of the piece must be tones of red. I am doing a basket of roses in the style of Brazilian embroidery. Thank you both for this opportunity.

  173. What a beautiful gift. If I am lucky enough to win, I would embroider my granddaughter’s initial as a keepsake for her!! Thank you for the opportunity!!

  174. Presently I am working on a Punto Antico. It is a project course offered by the Embroidery Association of Canada. I find these project are a good way to keep me going & learn new stitches. There is a small piece which is for practicing our stitches. I was planning to use this on the cover of a box as a finishing project. The other piece is larger. I was therefore planning to use it as a nice table mat or put it on another large box which would contains my “special” embroidery threads.
    Well take care. I like you post & find them very interesting. Keep up the good work.

  175. I am actually currently working on your Coloris Kaleidoscope pattern, which I plan to turn into the center of a Dresden circle quilt pillow!

  176. I’m laughing at your question. I have 4 small projects that I’ve completed stitching, but can’t seem to FINISH them out. I stitched a cute glow in the dark firefly jar for my son’s tree house (hooped, sort of). I have three sweet “kindred spirits” that I plan to hoop for my sisters and mom…but maybe framed in a box would be a sweet Christmas gift!? Lastly, I’m currently working on an advent calendar. I cross-stitched 25 squares to be made into pockets for treats and notes. Those have been completed and I’m working on hand embroidered design for the background fabric that will hang on the wall. But first, I suppose I need to find the background fabric and stitch the pockets to it. 🙂 Less than three months!

  177. I am currently working on Roseworks Jade Dragon, but I am doing it in my own style and color choices, for framing and hanging on the wall.

    I am also working on a globe like the Westcott schoolgirl globes, that will be a present for someone when finished I will mount it on a globe stand…maybe for an ostritch egg…

    And, since idle hands…I am also working on Amy Mitten’s Russia and Fez pieces which I will probably make into pillows, which I have done with several of her pieces…although the fez piece, or part of it would look amazing in a box lid, it is done with very dark blue silk perl on a cream background.

  178. That is quite a lovely box. Any of my embroidery projects would look wonderful with that box. Thank you for the opportunity to be in the drawing.

  179. I am currently working on a cross stitch piece for fall. I would love to work on a monogram for the box top! The boxes are beautiful. Thanks for a chance to win.

  180. I am currently making embroidered wool pin cushions. They are great pieces on which to practice stumpwork. I have picked up small finished boxes at the thrift store and attached the pincushions to the lid. Good little gifts for sewing friends. Now a really nice box would be awesome – and it would be a gift to me.

  181. What style of embroidery are you working on at the moment, and do you have any “finishing” plans for it?
    I’m working on Laura Perin’s Blue Prairie Flowers Canvaswork. Due to the long length I think it will make a lovely bell pull. I bought a sewing machine three years ago to finish a stitching project, and have only used it once! This will give me a reason to take it out of the attic again.

  182. The wooden boxes are just beautiful and would definitely be a piece of art to highlight embroidery. Currently I am working on monogramming dinner napkins to be passed down to my sons.

  183. Hi! What a gorgeous box! I learned to cross stitch when I was young, but I’m still a beginner at the array of lovely stitches for hand embroidery. My current project is a simple one, from the book ‘Bags in Bloom’, flowers on a crimson wool. Obviously, it will become a handbag, hopefully of the quality to be used for upcoming holiday parties!
    Thank you for the opportunity to win a box that becomes an heirloom piece!

  184. I am working on a wallhanging of my family from almost 40 years ago. We are moving into town and my husband just gave me a wallhanging that I did of our handprints in 1978. Our sons were 3 and 5 then…and now have families of their own. I am carefully washing it and adding embroidery to make it even more special. If it holds together, I hope to reframe it and put it on the wall to share all those wonderful memories.

  185. Hi Mary,
    I was very much interested in your article about these boxes and they are so beautiful!! Fingers crossed!!
    Currently, I am working on a counted cross stitch project (a colorful piece with Indian Peacock). It is almost there. Since I only sit down with it on weekends, I am hoping to finish it by this month end. And then it is definitely going on the wall in a frame. I am so excited it’s going to be ready soon!!


  186. Thank you, Mark and Mary, for this very generous and gorgeous give-away.

    I am currently, as usual, working on a piece of Japanese embroidery. In fact I am currently working on three pieces all of which will go on the wall when finished; they are far to large to fit into a box. I am also working on a smaller piece of embroidery but I’m not sure what to call the technique I am using other than surface embroidery. It is a combination of techniques I have learnt, including Japanese embroidery and opus anglicanum (the silk shading part rather than the gold work part although there may eventually be some of that also. This is part of a group project and will be combined with other pieces to make a wall hanging.

    I have a couple of raised work/gold work projects in my stash that I would mount in a box were I lucky enough to win one.


  187. Hi Mary,

    At the moment, I’m working on Gay Ann Rogers’ “Lady Edith” geometric design which I would love to use as an insert in the beautiful box you’re giving away!! Thank you once again for this fun give-away opportunity.

    Best regards,
    Sandra F.

  188. I am currently working on finishing a project from a stitching retreat I attended. It’s called “Making Waves at Sturbridge.” It is a beautiful piece with waves covering most of the fabric. It really looks like the ocean waves coming into shore with variegated colors of blue going into white. I plan to frame it to hang on a wall. Don’t think it will fit into a box opening…. 🙁

  189. At the moment I am working on a cross stitch witches hollow sampler. Also working on an UFO needlepoint piece. Eventually might finish one or the other….maybe.
    Francys Duniven

  190. I just completed a Mickey Mouse embroidery for my 3 year old grandson who wants it appliqued on his favorite blanket. He has waited for awhile as I first had to do a T-Rex embroidery for his 6 year old cousin, also for his favorite blanket. They are very interested in what my projects are and would certainly enjoy a treasure box.

  191. I have been working on a piece of stumpwork (thanks to the classes from Craftsy that you have written about) that I am going to frame in a beautiful old frame my mother gave me (that her mother gave her). I am also becoming interested in canvas work that I want to do for a box I already have.

    On another note, I have been following Mark Harris at Mythic Crafts on Facebook. I’m enjoying his posts on the progress of “the box for Mary Corbet”. It’s been fun.

  192. I’m currently working on an embroidery piece to be added to a quilt . i do plan on starting my first goldwork piece in January!

  193. Several projects on the go (!!??). One will be put on a knitting bag (yet to be made) and used as a silent auction item at my Knitters Retreat. One will be made into a pillow for DD. Third needs to be mounted in a box–it’s beautiful design by Anna Marie Winter all done in gorgeous silks.
    Also planning to mount some of my “sample” or class items in fabric and make up padded hanger covers-that way they will be useable objects and not likely to be tossed when i leave this earth!

  194. My current project is a Hardanger square done it soft blues. I had not decided whether to frame it or to make it a pillow centerpiece, but your lovely box suggestion would be wonderful. My next project is an embroidered table runner. This will be my first table runner ever and I am eagerly looking forward to working on it!

  195. Right now I am working on a pillow called Jacobean Tangle from Hazel Blomkamps book Crewel Twists. I love these embroideries and I cannot wait finishing it. It is in light colours of pink and blue with green leafs and Brown stems.

    I would really love to win the mounting box.

  196. Hi! I am so excited about this giveaway! Though my current project will not fit in it, no way no how! I am currently working on a Crazy Quilt project, participating in the 2020 Challenge. And my project is a king sized bed quilt made of 7 inch Crazy patchwork hexie blocks and 3.5 inch triangles where all the seams will be unique hand stitched embroidery. No repeats and no other embellishments! So the finishing plans are that it is to be completed by the end of the year 2020, that’s part of the challenge, and it’s to go on mine and my husbands own personal bed. It’s a His n Hers quilt made of men’s suiting (that’s the His part) and bold thread pretty stitching (that’s the Her part!) that I have been imagining for a couple years and working out in my mind and this challenge gave me the push to get going!

  197. I’m part of a group embroidering the story of the Battle of Stamford Bridge, in the style of the Bayeux Tapestry. We’re currently discussing just this topic – we will end up with 15 panels, each 1.2 metres long, which have to be in an atmosphere with controlled temperature, light and humidity. This also means we need a building to put them in….we’re working on that problem!

  198. Hi Mary,
    Today I am embroidering in stem stitch, 2 little illustrations that my 7 year old grand daughter asked for. They are on white high thread count cotton pillow case material for little pillows for her favorite dolls. She made sketches for me and even specified colors! One is a yellow butterfly with dark pink “flourishes” and the other is a brown acorn with red “flourishes.”
    I was amazed at her sketches with the little curli-que “flourishes.”
    Now her 3 year old sister wants a cat and a fish on her doll pillows in Rainbow Colors. It’s a very fun project. If I win the gorgeous wooden box, I want to needle paint embroider the beautiful pink peony that Laurence in Switzerland is having as a sew-along. Mary, I learned to love stem stitch while embroidering the hummingbirds in the secret garden project. Thank you for teaching me! Robin in New Mexico

  199. Beautful craftmanship. Working on a cross stitch apron for a friend for Christmas. About half done.

  200. Hi. I would love to receive the gorgeous hand-crafted wooden box from Mythic Crafts. I am currently busy with needle painting flowers for a king size quilt. It will probably take 2 to 3 years to complete. Long term. Lol. It keeps me busy.

  201. I have three projects going, that I will admit. I am making a tree skirt, it has penny fingers with Christmas drawings. The next is a wall hanging of a lovely Victorian house, a picket fence and a kitty out front. And the third is from aunt Martha’s, it’s each state in the us, with the state flower, bird and capital that will become an enormous quilt.

  202. I am working on three Crazy Quilt blocks. I really wanted to make them into a quilt, but I am going to make them into a table runner. The reason why is I can get it done.

  203. When I was in my 20’s I taught myself embroidery from mail order kits. Somewhere along the way I gravitated towards cross stitch which I stayed with for 40 years. My niece is partial to the look of crewel embroidery (she does not do needlework) and asked that I make something for the nursery wall. (She is expecting a baby girl in about a week.) I had trepidations about tackling a large piece but forged ahead. I just finished it yesterday and am happy to say the result is beautiful!

  204. How wonderful of Mark Harris to donate one of his wonderful boxes! What a super gift!

    My current embroidery project is a set of cross-stitched pillow cases featuring a watering can and vines with flowers. However, this weekend I plan to set that aside to stitch four sets of initialed dinner napkins for my sisters’ Christmas gifts. Each will be a set of four, and will be linen thread on linen napkins. I will use a different style initial for each sister, but this is the part that isn’t completely planned out. One idea was to use the same colour thread but a different style initial for each napkin. I’ll probably stay formal and use the same initial for each set. It may be decided on the day.

    Thank you for another fun giveaway!


  205. I am currently working on perforated paper gingerbread people. These will be finished into ornaments with a felt backing. They are my travel project this year as you can never have too many Christmas tree ornaments and they are quick and easy to stitch in the airport or in a car.

  206. The boxes you showed and reviewed are beautiful. They look magical, perfect for hiding the smallest of treasures. The insert makes it even better. What fun you can have creating the perfect piece to show off.

  207. I love this site, thank you for all your great information. I am working on a version of a prayer book cover you made and featured with a cross and a crown above it. I’m giving it to a friend in the form of a book cover for her new prayer book. 🙂

  208. I’m working on a large Scottish inspired sampler of my own design, that incorporates several alphabets and verses from my favorite gospel, the gospel of St. John. Once done, I plan on framing it to hang on the wall. I’ll be taking from the design smaller sections and individual verses to make and place on a keepsake box, like the one in the giveaway, and make one for each of my children, truly keepsakes since they all will come from one “masterwork”. Each child will have their own individual piece of the sampler!

  209. I am currently working on some Crazy Quilt blocks, a challenge in White-on-White. These are part of a round robin, so they will go back to their original patcher. Most of my embroidered work ends up in table runners, though a few pieces have gotten framed and a few been made into hussif’s. My dream, with slow slow progress, is to create an entire Crazy Quilt with the majority of the embellishment in stitches (as opposed to lace or buttons and such) with hand stitched motifs in the blocks

  210. Working on a Crabapple Hill pattern of quilt blocks. The theme of it is a tea party. Just four more blocks to go. Already have the matching fabric ready to finish the quilt.

  211. Hi, Mary! Giveaways are such fun! Thank you for having them!
    I’m about to finish Rosalie Wakekfield’s Millefiori “WELCOME” in Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery. I have one fuchsia flower to replace that had to be removed as it got squished and couldn’t be salvaged, and the beading on the M and E to do, then I’ll frame it with some pretty matting and mount it in a long frame and hang it by my front door. It’s the cutest pattern – it has tiny bumble bees, birds, a snail, a kitty, a hummer, a couple little spiders, butterflies, and a plethora of flowers! It’s worked in shiny Z-twist rayon embroidery floss, and I like sparkly beads, so each flower has at least one bead. This is the third one I’ve made – the other two were gifts – this one’s MINE!

  212. Hi Mary! I am working on the Home Sweet Home by Carolyn Pearce project. I have made the roof and the bottom so far. Now I am working on the smaller side panel with the strawberries and apple blossom. When the house is done, I will line it with a sweet Liberty floral print. At that point, I’ll decide if I want to make the pieces that go inside the house. I think it depends on how long the house takes. Thanks for having the contest. It would be so nice to win!

  213. I have 3 things going at the moment- all of which were stalled for a little bit over the summer as they are at points that need concentration. Now that school started back up, things should go better! Here are my projects:

    I am working on a rose wreath silk ribbon kit by Di Van Niekirk. I am thinking that I will turn it into a wedding record and frame it- hopefully I will get it done in time for our 15th anniversary next August.

    I am also embroidering a piece of art felt I made as a sample piece- if it turns out well I plan on trying to mount it on some reclaimed wood or possibly some slate or something weird like that.

    I have a caneveas folies kit that I embroided awhile back that I am in the process of finishing into a traveling pin cushion using a purse clasp- I transfered some of the elements to additional fabric and am adding a monogramed pocket. I was having a hard time figuring out the best order of assembly- I kept getting interrupted, so it was on the back burner.

  214. I am currently working on a monogram using some needle weaving and trying my hand at long and short stitch for the first time. It is on linen and my plan is to frame it. The original intent was to hang it behind the head table for my wedding but as that is only a month away and the project is far from finished I think it will end up being an addition to our living room at some point in the future. 🙂

  215. What a beautiful box!! It would be a treasure to have:)
    Currently working on a multicolor lobster which will be a pillow, probably for my daughter.
    Since we are about to evacuate from our home in SC, I will be checking my email regularly for good news!!

  216. I can see my initial on that box and my keepsakes inside it. I want it!! Thanks for doing a give away.

  217. We recently did covered boxes as a class project in our EGA chapter. I love boxes of all types and want to do another one, without some of the mistakes, of course. This one will have a small floral embroidery on the top.

  218. I am currently working on some counted canvas pieces. I would like to fit them in a frame and put them on a wall where I can see them in the sunlight when I get up early in the morning.


  219. Working on small wall hanging projects for Christmas gifts. The main feature is an embroidered Christmas feather tree.

  220. I am just trying decide which nature embroidery to do from Kathy Schmitz’s “Stitches from the Garden.” Wouldn’t a nature embroidery look marvelous in a hand crafted wooden box!! If I am not the lucky winner, I will have to decide which box to buy for myself!

  221. I am working on a piece designed by one of my friends, Melinda Sherbring. It uses gold and metal threads and is appropriately named “Full Metal Flowers”. Learning to handle metal threads is something I am adding to my repertoire.
    I will frame the finished piece or put it on a box top.

  222. These boxes are super I enjoy Mary’s website because so much applies to stumpwork and needlepoint..yes, needlepoint. Hope this does not disqualify me because after you have made a quilt and ornaments there are not many “heirlooms” to make for grandson. I could do his monogram, needlepoint his dog, a Nutcracker soldier for his community acting. I have embroiderd little animals on a doll quilt. I am working on my last grandchild needlepoint stocking and will finish it myself. Thanks to all of you for your inspirations for all of us “out there”

  223. I think these boxes are beautiful and would love to win one. What a very nice thing for Mark to offer.. I am stitching a small fall hanging design

  224. Ohhh…I drooled over Mark’s boxes when you posted about them earlier! I (and hundreds of other people) am now holding my breath in hopes the random name generator gods will look favorably upon me!

    I am almost done with a cross stitch piece that I will be giving to a friend as a surprise. I am going to give it to her and then ask her how she wants it finished. So I have no idea yet how it will get finished.

  225. I am practicing embroidering state flowers and animal outlines as individual items. My son and I are working on a large “Map of the West” project to complement the kit “Map of the East” my grandmother completed in 1937 which I now own. The practice bits could be mounted on a box and indeed may be the only part of the project that actually gets completed 🙂

  226. Currently I’m working on two projects, one is a stumpwork piece that I’m not sure at this point how I will be mounting it, a project from an RSN course. The other is a new project, crewel embroidery for a pencil box.

  227. Thank you for a wonderful give away. I love getting your post. If I don’t have time to read them I archive them for later.
    What project am I not working on would be the right question for me. I tend to always have 6-8 going at one time. My favorite right now is a quilt, actually two. When I get tired of one I switch to the other. I think I will have them finished in about 4 years….

  228. Wow!who wouldn’t love one of these boxes. I have a small hardanger piece in mind for a box. And some other things, too.

  229. I have 2 embroidery projects I’m working on and a cross stitch project for my new grandson that I have to get framed. Both embroidery projects are for quilts!

  230. Currently, I am kitting all the supplies I will need for Alison Cole’s upcoming Rose Butterfly Cyber Class using Goldwork technique with silk and metal threads. What a wonderful opportunity to put my name in the drawing for one of Mythic Crafts beautifully crafted boxes. I just opened my own on-line store with Blog and was drooling over his boxes in which to showcase some of my creations. Thank you for offering this chance and to Mark Harris for his generosity.

  231. I recently completed a series of Sashiko patterns and I’m making a table runner out of them. Trying to figure out what to do with the other ones I completed. Currently I am working to finish two needlepoint Christmas stockings for a couple of grandsons. Hope to have them done by Christmas. My next “adventure” is stump work. I’m having back surgery in a month and so I’ve signed up for a class on-line on stump work to help me pass the time I’m confined to the house. The boxes are beautiful I already checked them out after your article. Thank you for all the articles – I read them all and feel I am learning so much.

  232. I am working on some stumpwork at present. While I have plans to frame it and hang it on the wall, a box would also be a lovely option.

  233. I’m currently working on a stitch sampler. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve done any embroidery so I need some practice! I’ve been working different stitches and using your videos for help. They’re fabulous!! Thank you for offering such a great giveaway. If I’m lucky enough to win, I’ll definitely stitch something special for the box!

  234. These boxes are stunning! When I saw them, I thought about my Tudor rose in silk and metal threads. It would look amazing.
    At the moment I am stitching medieval creatures in Bayeux stitch. Two of them will be sewn into a bag and the others I’ll use as an example in my lecture about medieval embroidery.

  235. Oh my Goodness, what an opportunity to win one of these gorgeous boxes! Thank you.

    I am currently working on a counted cross stitch wedding sampler for my daughter’s wedding next July. When it’s finished, I’ll have it framed so that she can hang it in her new house. I previously made a similar one for my younger daughter when she got married 5 yrs. ago and she has hers hanging in her bedroom.

  236. My current WIP is a set of little cowboys on quilt squares for my new grand-nephew. They’ll be finished into a quilt with a delightful, kitschy cowboy fabric.

    If I were to win a box, I would enjoy working up a piece of embroidery to go in it!

  237. I love these little boxes. Just right to embroider a beautiful initial ! Would look just great on my dresser!

    1. Oops! Forgot to say what I was working on… I am currently working on a Christmas mouse ornament! He is so tiny. I can hardly see the holes in my material . It is crossed stitched and beaded with seed beads. I have two of them to do for Christmas and working hard to get them finished!

  238. I have seldom inserted embroidered pieces in wooden boxes, because most of them are very expensive for the well made ones, or too cheap looking to bother inserting them. I have done some in the past, and given as gifts, which are still displayed and commented on. I have recently made quite a few pieces that I have not completed as I was thinking of pillow tops, but a lovely wooden box would be a much better idea. I probably would keep it for myself then.
    I do mainly hand surface embroidery. LOVE your Email column !!

  239. Those are beautiful boxes. Right now I’m working on the lid of a cabinet of curiosities (casket). The embroidery is 17th century – a combination of surface embroidery, stumpwork, petitpoint, slips – name it and it’s there.

  240. Hi!

    I am finishing up a piece of Hardanger for my mother’s 89th birthday. It is simple with beads instead of filling stitches (at her request). Then I need to start a Hardanger Wedding Sampler for my nephew & wife. Both of these pieces with be framed and hung.

    I would really like to make a Hardanger piece for myself this year. I’ve given away everything but a pincushion so far! A small piece inset in a box would be so lovely.

  241. Right now I’m working on the microstitchery “Sense of Hearing,” and I plan to do the matching piece and have a diptych on the wall. It is so fun!

    I JUST found a lovely whitework pattern that is supposed to go in a box just like this. I’ve always wanted to try whitework, so…. 😉

  242. I am working on some embroidered Christmas designs to make into ornaments for the tree. Going to add cording around the edges and a ribbon to hang them.

  243. Oh, what a wonderful, generous give-away! Thanks! I hate to admit it, but right now I’m between embroidery projects. Unless you count hand-quilting. But as soon as I finish that (sadly unembroidered) quilt, my next project is to use sashiko to work a bright orange koi on some black fabric. I’ll use it as part of a quilted wall-hanging.

  244. I’m currently working on a cross stitch Christmas stocking which I hope to have done in time for this year. I would definitely find a piece to work on to fit in one of these beautiful boxes. Thanks for the offer.

  245. Hi Mary, I so look forward to your mails! Right now I have just finished working on a canvas piece, something that I don’t normally do, but this one caught my eye. It’s a turtle, named Thurston, done with a variety of stitches in mostly Gumnut fibers (love these!) Now the challenge is to turn this into a 3-dimensional frame weight. The designer did not provide any finishing directions, so I am somewhat floundering. Hopefully some of the helpful ladies in my local Embroidery Guild chapter will be able to help me!

  246. Love the boxes!!!!! I am working on an illuminated cross stitch letter, a celtic bell pull and a black work piece. Not all at the same time because I am waiting for some threads to arrive via post. I will be hanging the first two pieces on the wall and the last piece I am going to display on my fireplace mantel.

  247. I’m working on a needle painting project from Trish Burr’s Color Embroiderybook – crocus flowers. It will be framed to hang on the wall.

  248. I’m currently working on a pattern from Stitchventure. I’ve only ever finished one other thing and that one I ended of “framing” in a hoop. We’ll see how this one turns out 🙂

  249. I have a great fondness for any wooden items and these boxes are the best craft items I have seen for a long while.
    My embroidery piece at the moment is a group of six wildflowers started at Great Missenden Summer school at a Kay Dennis day class. I intend to ask my partner to frame it for me to display alongside the small strawberry piece and the Jacobean embroidery piece from Kay’s classes last year.
    My main stitching project is The Old Scott, a reproduction of a Scottish sampler from Hands Across The Sea Company.
    Thank you for this chance to take part in the draw.

  250. I’m currently completing my first piece of canvas work which is of a wool rack. It is quite contemporary with lots of colour and I’ve learnt seven new stitches! I’m planning on making it into an emery filled pincushion.

  251. Wow…what an awesome opportunity. The workmanship of the custom boxes are magnificent. I just finished designing my interpretation of an underwater scene and hope to get started on the embroidery as soon as cooler weather prevails and we are back in the safety zone from the Eagle Creek, Oregon fires.

  252. Good morning,
    I have just completed a petit point design called ‘Winter Walk’ by Gitta that reminds me of winter days walking home from school with my sisters. I plan on having it framed to hang and will be giving it to my daughter for Christmas.

  253. My current project has been a year long one. Last Christmas I challenge my crazy quilting friends to make a block a month, in one color. I made the kits with fabric and foundation which I gave them. The only stipulation was they could only use colors that were in the fabrics given. Several of them were newbies, so I challenged them also to teach a class each month on their favorite technique. I have been amazed at the growth in their skills with each subsequent month. This Christmas I will take the blocks put each color in a bag and each of us will have a one color crazy quilt block made by each of our friends. I look forward to seeing the finished quilt.

  254. I am currently working on a LHN piece called London Afternoon. This will be finished as a pillow for my oldest granddaughter who is infatuated with the city and hopes to someday accompany me on a visit. We’ll have to wait at least 4 years until Ben gets his voice back cuz hearing Ben chime is one of the highlights for me!

  255. I’m working on Christmas ornaments at the moment. I’m so impressed I haven’t waited until the week after Thanksgiving…

  256. Oh my stars, Mary! What a lovely giveaway. Is it unseemly for me to say I covet these boxes?! They’re gorgeous! I’m addicted to monograms, so I seem to always have some kind of monogram project in the works, and I have two people in mind who could be the recipient of a monogrammed box. Thank you so much for your wonderful giveaways!!

  257. The wood boxes made by Mark Harris for Mythic Crafts are GORGEOUS!! I’m working on a stump work piece designed by Jane Nicholas. The stump work Pansy would look awesome in one of his boxes! Thank you for your generous give away!

  258. Currently I am working on a small crazy quilted block that will be inserted into a greeting card. My last finished stitching was a counted cross stitch crow done all in black with other small critters inside the crow’s body. It’s sort of Halloween-ish, with a black cat and some pumpkins, and also a squirrel and smaller crows. I think my next project will be attempting to make my own black work pattern, inspired by the cross stitch crow.

  259. Well I’m always working on multiple pieces at the same time, but I am just finishing up a Sashiko piece. It’s one of 6 and I think I will make a quilty blanket from them. I have many other pieces that I’ve finished that have no mounting or hoop yet. So there is always something for those fabulous boxes!

  260. It being Thursday, I am working on a cross-stitch piece, requested by my husband, adapted from a theater program. It will be framed and hang on the wall.

  261. I am working on a hardanger table mat at present. The style is modern with some colour but I am going to change some of the filling stitches to more adventurous ones as the dove’s eye is too ubiquitous for me.
    Last Summer I made a beautiful ring cushion for my son’s wedding. The design was my own with mainly a large heart involving lots of bullion roses, stars and Japanese ribbon work along with a scattering of pearls. I would love to transfer it to a lovely keepsake box now . These boxes are so difficult to come by but make such a special treasure.

  262. I am currently working on a piece of needlepoint/bargello depicting the waves of the ocean rolling into the sand of the beach. lots of graduated coloring from the light to the dark of the ocean. I would love to win the handcrafted wooden box. I finished a piece of Brazilian embroidery a couple of months ago and, in my mind, can see it mounted on the top of a wooden box. if I do not win, I plan to contact Mark anyway. keeping my fingers crossed!

  263. At the moment, I am working on a set of 4 dish towels. I am using needlepainting techniques (so much long and short stitch!) to stitch different flowers on each. So far I have an anemone and a sunflower done with a rosebud underway!

  264. I am working on Alison Cole’s Trilium, Jane Nicholas’ Copper Butterfly and a Gary Clarke piece. All are from classes that I took at the EGA National Seminar in Asheville last month. The Copper Butterfly would be beautiful on the top of one of Mark’s wonderful boxes.

  265. I am working on a sampler.. a reproduction of an 1864 one to be framed and given to my grand daughter for her 5th birthday.
    For a beautiful box I would stitch stitch a goldwork piece.
    Thanks and happy stitching.

  266. I’m currently working on a darling counted canvas Christmas ornament using a stitch guide by Amy Bunger. This box would be perfect as I am in the process of completing tops for boxes for each of my nieces and nephews. Everything from embroidery to counted canvas to cross stitch; customized color wise to each of their tastes. Hopefully they understand the love present in each stitch. If not, at the least they’ll remember that their Aunt thought of them fondly.

  267. I am pretty hopeless at tracing designs on to fabric so I ordered a set of Trish Burr’s iron-on transfers. I plan to stitch ‘Katarina’ that I plan to put onto a book cover for my sister, a cat lover; then ‘Prancer’ for me! If I won the box, it would make a wonderful Christmas family heirloom!

    Mary, thank you for so much inspiration and your really useful ‘How to’ videos, I really struggled trying to do cable plait stitch until I found it on your site. Thank you!
    Carol Ann Howson, York. England.

  268. Wow! What a beautiful container. I have this thing for containers…..boxes, tins, baskets, vases….I have a thing for them all. I’m currently working on a painted thread project that would be beautiful in one of these boxes. Or maybe the small bargello piece I’m designing, or maybe the Iowa sampler I have in the works. Too many options and not enough time. Typical stitched problem. Anyway, these are beautiful boxes!

  269. At the moment I am working on one of Marty Bell’s country garden cross stitch pieces to be framed. But were I to have such a beautiful box to display, I would would insert a thread painting or goldwork design. I have many all lined up already and waiting.

  270. Presently working on a Whitework with Colour design “Katarina” and enjoying every minute of this wonderful design. It is my third project in this type of embroidery and am pleased to say I am so very glad I gave it a try. It will be framed and be a wall hanging in my stitching room; right beside the other two.

    Happy stitching!

  271. What an opportunity! Those boxes are so beautiful, if I had the means I would get one for each of the embroidery gifts I make. Right now I’m working on another wedding gift. I love to embroider the first initials or last initial of couples with your Stitch Sampler Alphabet, but I customize the flowers and colors to match their wedding flowers and colors – or at least their favorite colors/flowers. This one has silk ribbon embroidered roses and sunflowers, and I’m just figuring out how to do all the stitch combinations with only two wedding colors 😀 Sadly I’m unable to mount them in anything really beautiful (just some basic shadow frames), but it would be remarkable to see one in one of the Mythic Craft boxes someday!

  272. I have several embroidery projects going at the moment — a wool blanket that I started eons ago; a counted cross stitch etui project from Inspirations — that’s on hold because I have to reverse stitch a whole row of lettering because I mis-counted; and a very simple surface embroidered project for my church.

    The wool blanket will eventually be bound — I haven’t decided whether to keep it or give it away. The etui is a little cube-shaped pin cushion. The church project is something we give infants (a little shirt shaped cloth with a dove and cross on it) for Christening. Its what I go to when I don’t want to think and the light isn’t that great.)

    If I am blessed enough to win the box, I have a threadpainted bird (Trish Burr/Inspirations) that I will mount. (Along with many projects that still need to be stitched, I have lots of stitched projects that need to be “finished” somehow…. UFOs do tend to breed.)

  273. I love these boxes! I am currently working on a huswif, trying to use all the surface embroidery styles I know. I am also working on monogramed jewelry rolls for my daughters and granddaughter as Christmas presents. I would love to make a jewelry box for myself with one of Mark’s lovely boxes!

  274. I’m currently working on a counted needlepoint piece that will be an insert for a tote bag. I have several completed small pieces in a drawer however, that would fit beautifully into a lovely box.

  275. I’m currently working on a 2 piece cross stitched pincushion from Hands on Designs, called Stitching by the Sea. It consists of a pincushion square and a little basket that it sits in. It’s been great fun because I’m using a completely different colour of fabric and so I’ve had to change lot of the floss colours.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win this beautiful box!

  276. I’m making an embroidered K for my granddaughter’s room to hang up. She just had her room updated since I used it and the her Mom.

  277. I love working with silk thread for my hand embroidery. The long and short stitch is so beautiful for birds or flowers. I usually frame these. I had completed a set of four birds which were framed, but lost all my embroidery and cross stitched wall hangings due to the loss of my home in the Great Smoky Mountain fire in Gatlinburg, TN. in November 2016.

  278. I am in the process of designing a wallhanging which will feature ribbon work, surface embroidery and beading. I will be stitching small floral arrangements in little vases and each arrangement will be on a hexagon-shaped background. The hexies will be stitched together in a rectangular arrangement, sandwiched and quilted and hung on the wall with a dowel through the sleeve on the back of the hanging.

  279. I’m currently working on a Medieval inspired cross-stitch sampler by Teresa Wentzler. It’s big and it’s detailed, but when I finally get it done I’d like to frame it to hang on the wall. There are lots of elements that would look lovely in one of these wooden boxes though; they certainly appear to be well made!!

  280. Wow – great giveaway! Would love to say I’m working on something that would be perfect for one of these beautiful boxes but, presently I’m working on a couture dress made of batik with beautiful beaded embroidery accents of the print. Thank you for the opportunity, Mary, and the generosity of Mythic Crafts!

  281. Right now, I’m working on the final steps for a Christmas stocking for my great-niece. It’s one of the Shepherd’s Bush patterns and all that’s left to do is to put the fancy do-dads on it (beads, buttons, etc.). Then I’ll start the one for her brother (may not have it ready for his 1st Christmas!).

    I’ve got several pieces completed but not finished that would be beautiful in one of Mark’s boxes!

  282. Thank you for a chance to win one of these beautiful boxes. I spent quite a long time drooling over Mark’s website. And the box you featured even has one of my initials. Right now I’m working on embroidering sachet bags for Christmas gifts, and then finishing up a few embroidered ornaments. Little projects to keep me occupied until I decide on my next big project. And this box looks perfect to hold all my needles (oh, so many) and thimbles.

  283. I am currently working on a stumpwork project taught by Jan Kerton which would be perfect in one of the small boxes.

  284. Working on Little House Needleworks House Rule and Needleworker. Going to finish them into a custom sign for my studio.

  285. I am working on a cross stitch Christmas stocking for my son-in-law. This is the 6th one and they are almost all-over pattern on 10 to the inch linen. This one is particularly annoying because of a strange set of events. I use a magnifying glass on my embroidery frame to make the work easier. Twice this damn stocking has caught fire because the sun moved over the glass. Time one I caught the fire before it got too far, but the stocking was ruined. I was about one-third done and so I scrapped that version. Time two I was about 85% done and recognized the smell before it got too far, but there was a small hole. so I devised a way to undo part of the work cut off the fabric and then create a band to sew on in the rest of the pattern that I think I can flatten enough to carry off the design. I intend to put the burned part in-side the stocking inside the lining to stand as a testiment to my own stupidity. It should look great hanging on the mantle even if it has some hidden extra history.

  286. I’m currently working on a cross stitch (Hands on Designs’ Block Party Buzz) which is a bee and hive themed design that finishes into a pin cushion. It is my first time stitching on a dark fabric, so it is taking awhile, but I love the way it looks.

    The wood boxes are gorgeous. I have some Chatelaine smalls that I would rotate displaying on the box.

  287. Oulala, the things I could do with this amazing cute little box <3 !! Right now, I'm currently working on a cross stitch master peace that I found on Crafty. The name of the pattern is "Zelda stained glass". I'm doing it on a 14 count Aida. This will be a big peace . I'll frame it and put it on the wall. I've already work on it for more then 100 hour and I've done not even 10% yet !! Have a beautiful day 🙂

  288. currently working on colour sampling with different thread combinations, on framed denim to be hung . the box is an amazing way to display my work.

  289. Just finished a small bird and haven’t decided if I will frame it or make it into a wall hanging. Ready to start doing some funky embroidery on the collar of a white shirt I have…feeling inspired!

  290. I am currently working on a crewel piece from The Crewel Work Company which I plan to frame and hang in my family room. I also do some goldwork and stumpwork. Last year I took a wonderful class from Jenny Aidin-Christie and purchased an additional kit from her, a beautiful Pheasant in metal threads. It would look wonderful mounted in one of Mark’s boxes. I already have one of his slate frames–it’s beautifully made.

  291. Hi, Mary! I always have several embroidery projects going at once. Today, I’m working on a baby cheetah cross stitch that is part of a guild outreach project. Other guild members are stitching animals, & they will all go into one quilt & be given to a hospitalized child. I’m also beading a Christmas angel on perfoirated paper that will become an ornament for a friend. After that, I’ll dig through my UFO pile to choose something else to finish. I have several stitched projects that do not yet have a finish; one of those would be perfect for Mark’s box. Thanks, Mark!

  292. I’m working on some beautiful Di Van Niekerk stump work pieces but haven’t yet decided how to display it once finished. One of these gorgeous (and practical) boxes would be a beautiful idea. Thank you.

  293. This has to be a really cool give away! I am presently working on a Trish Burr white work piece which would go beautifully on the lid of a special box! I had intended to make it up into a little hanging piece for a cupboard door but this idea can easily be changed and would make a beautiful box lid. Thanks for giving this opportunity to your avid followers.
    Have a great weekend.
    El x

  294. I just finished a combined cross-stitch and embroidery piece for my granddaughter (3 years old). It was a sampler format. It took me 3 years to complete. Got it professionally framed and gave it to her in June. I love creating pieces to give away. I feel like I am giving a part of me to each recipient. I hope that I am the lucky winner of this free gift.

  295. I am working on a goldwork piece based on my own designs, inspired by the Celtic artwork pre. 200AD. Ie no interlace but lots of spirals and trumpets. This will be an assessment piece for my diploma and I hadn’t thought how I might present it yet so the box is a brilliant idea. Fingers crossed,

  296. Thanks so much for this chance! I have just finished a needlework piece because I have some beautiful Silken Pearl SP5 purplesfrom The Thread Gatherer I just had to use! So I have a 3 1/2 inch square finished waiting for either a frame or a wonderful box!!

  297. Currently I’m working on some gifts for a Christmas group that I belong to. I’m doing monograms for my gift but have not decided how to finish them. I need to explore what to do. Shadow box, frame, or box? So many choices and as soon as they’re done, I’ll move on to finishing.

  298. Urgently working on a needlepoint eyeglass case. It is prefinished so a quick project. I just need to add a lining to cover the back of my stitches.

  299. I’m working on a wool table mat with multiple stitching to practice my stitching techniques!
    Would love to win the beautiful box!!

  300. I am working on “The Fold” from Shepherds Bush. It is cross-stitch – a round piece to place in a shaker box, and a set of smalls to go inside – needle roll, pin cushion, needle book, ruler keep and scissor fob. A mix of silk and cotton on 32 ct linen. I love finishing the small pieces with ribbon, nun stitched edging, etc. Keeps my hands busy on planes and keeps me sane too. My zen.

  301. I’m exploring DMC’s Coloris floss with a cross stitched pumpkin design, a little project from our EGA meeting in August. I’m enjoying it, and the colors are pretty. Its a joy sometimes to put down the extra-fiddly work and do some simple, peaceful cross stitch with good old reliable DMC. When it’s completed I’m going to finish it as an easel-backed stand-up and give it to a friend who loves pumpkins.

  302. I love the handmade boxes! I am working on a piece by Jeannette Douglas “Vimy Ridge” and also a canvas piece “Ahwahnee” by Lorene Salt. This is an EAC correspondence course with some of the members of the guild I belong to. No finishing plans yet.

  303. I am working on miniature embroidered nativity pieces that are stuffed and weighted so they sit upright. It will be Christmas gift for a coworker and sister in Christ.

  304. I needle felted a “painting” of sunflowers and want to add some embroidery details to petals and leaves. When I get brave enough to attempt it, we’ll see if it works. I could use a nice box to mount it in

  305. Mary, Thank you for coordinating such a wonderful give-away! Mark, Thank you for the beautiful boxes.

    I am currently working on the Tall Year Square counted embroidery piece featured in Inspirations, so won’t need a box to display that. However, I was in the Nordic Needle snowflake canvas work club several years ago, and have several pieces that would be just lovely mounted in one of these boxes. I have one that I already framed in a box opening and gave away as a gift. I have several more that I would love to keep for myself. Even better, with the ease of mounting, I could possibly even change the design seasonally.

  306. Currently I am working on a linen towel with printed pumpkins in the center and a border of a vine with leaves and pumpkin blossoms. I am embellishing the border with a variety of stitches. The towel is a gift for my 90 year old mother in law. I downloaded and printed your book Stitch Sample Alphabet and really want to make the letter F!!! I enjoy just looking at the pages over and over… I have been wondering what to do with it when finished. Love the boxes and believe them to be a good value, but cannot afford one at this time. My late sister did woodwork and I know how much skill it takes. Fingers and toes are crossed my name is randomly chosen. The single letters looked perfect in them!

  307. I’m new to Embroidery.
    Have done a Red Work Santa Quilt, that was fun.
    Right now I’m learning Brazilian embroidery.
    It’s a small Flower pattern and I was just going to frame it.
    The wonderful boxes would be a great idea.

  308. I am working on some floral pieces that have Bible verses on them. They would look great on a box! I appreciate your “Needle ‘n Thread” blog. It is very informative and has given me inspiration. I think the boxes are beautiful.

  309. I have under some stress this past week so I am working on some hardanger. This is my “mindless” work. I do have some stump work waiting for me to get to it. I am not sure what I want to do with the hardanger piece, maybe a beautiful box for one of my granddaughters.

  310. I would love to win this beautiful box!!! I am currently working on a beautiful sampler, a Mexican sampler inspired pin keep, and several other items. I would love to put a fantastic piece of embroidery in the box. Thank you so much!!!

  311. I am currently working on a small floral surface embroidery piece, with some needle painting. It is my first project with silk threads, and I plan to incorporate some small Goldwork bees. My finishing plans are nebulous at present, possibly a book cover. Although, now you mention it, a box top would be perfect!

  312. What lovely boxes! Thank you, Mary for passing along the information.
    At the moment I am just finishing up a small sampler filled with a variety of stitches. Long-armed cross, Rice, Holbein, Montenegrin to name a few. I enjoy changing colors from the original pattern. In this case I am trying a new silk thread, Planet Earth, In a lovely deep purple. To break this up some I am using a variegated silk with beiges with a hint of purple now and again. Beads are to be added. Originally my goal was monochromatic. Still is, with a slight twist.
    The plan was to frame it but with this new information it would look lovely on a box.

  313. At this moment I am working on an applique and beaded Christmas stocking. It will hang on the mantle at Christmas , then be stored away until the falling Christmas.

  314. I am just about finished with a large canvas work that will be framed and hang with 2 others by the same designer. Started a quilt blanket embroidery about the 4 seasons with a variety of stitches and floss. Would like to make embroidery for a box since I swore to myself only to embroider things that have a practical purpose.

  315. I am smocking a baby daygown for my friends daughter who is pregnant. This stitching gift for the new baby will be delivered by January. I am using Floche thread for the smocking. Floche is a dream to smock with! Thank you for offering this give a way.

  316. I am working on The Elegant Sewing roll by Catherine Theron. Also some Christmas strawberries. I Love the Boxes and am sure that I could put it to use. Thank you.

  317. Right now I am working on a printed motif in which I am just making up the stitches as I go. It is going to be an in the hoop wall hanging for one of my Step Daughters. I dabble in all sorts of hand embroidery it is so much fun and produces such fun and or beautiful works of art. Thank you.

  318. I have been working on a wonderful piece designed by Jenny Adin Christy. It is her Goldwork Pheasent and it would look absolutely wonderful on the lid of a beautiful wooden box. Its like a small mosaic with gold thread, pearls and gymp. Stunning !
    Thank you for giving us all a shot at winning!

  319. My current projects are a Dimension’s Exotic Butterflies counted cross stitch which will be framed for my living room. My second project is my 15 min project, a Zenbroidery on which I’m teaching myself embroidery. The Zenbroidery will most likely be turned into a pillow for my “creative zone”.

    Thanks for this wonderful give-a-way. It really is too good to be true.

  320. I so enjoy the respite and peace that hand embroidery provides- it is my own personal escape from the hustle and bustle. Absolutely over the top and ambitious I am currently working the Casket Stitch Along led by Tricia at Thistle Threads and making it my own with alternate threads, added textures and modifications of stumpwork. So far so good and keeping pace, but so hard when there are so many other projects calling. Of course I would look to create the most beautiful fanciful embroidery should I will this box give-away- can already imagine a Fantastical Bug or Beetle on the surface- will cross my fingers 🙂

  321. I’m working on a sampler from one of Hazel Blomkamp’s books. I’m going to mount it in a shadowbox frame to protect the highly dimensional elements.

  322. First of all, I really enjoy, reading all of the tips and articles on the Needle n Thread website.
    I am 68 years old and currently learning to do Hardanger embroidery. It is my first large project (larger than a coaster). It is a 24″ square with many rows of kloster blocks and then the patterns begin within the kloster blocks. It is quite intricate and time consuming, but I love a challenge and I believe I can do it. When I am finished with it I will display it proudly on my dining room table for everyone to admire.

  323. I’ve loved following your posts on Mythic Crafts, and I follow them on facebook now! They do such beautiful work.

    Right now I’m working on silk shading. It’s a technique I really want to improve in. I’m practicing on petals first, and then I’m going to silk shade a flower to frame or put in a box lid!

  324. Currently cross stitching a birth sampler for my second great-grandchild. It will be professionally framed.

  325. I love your website. You’ve taught me all the basics and have inspired me to learn all kinds of new stitches. Thank you for all your efforts. You’re pages are all over my Pinterest board!
    Last night I finished a freehand art piece that I’ve been working on for two months. It is one square in a life quilt that I’m creating about my own life. It’ll be a piece I hand down to my children.
    I love the idea of mounting hand embroidery on a box. Even if I don’t win this giveaway, I’ve put that on my list to create. I love the concept.
    Thanks for all you do!

  326. Man, would I LOVE to have one of these wonderful boxes. So much better than the commercially produced ones. I am currently doing a New Orleans horse and buggy cross stitch for my sister – was for her birthday last week, but didn’t finish it. Still hope for what, Halloween, Thanksgiving? Something anyway. I started it on one of those semi finished table throws that have all the raggedy edge trim. Didn’t think to bind the edges somehow and some of the trim has started to pull out. Finishing it in this box would solve all those problems. Please draw my name!!

  327. I love your needle and thread website… I look forward to reading you newsletter… and get a lot of ideas from it…. I just finished an embroirdered quilt top using only straight stitches. But have discovered your article on embroirdered egg…. and have just finished my rendition of the purple flower you featured…. I did a thistle instead of a regular petals flower and was also able to incorporate some beadwork to my embroidery…. also another of your many wonderful articles…. thank you for such in depth articles…. they truly are a blessing

  328. I’m caught again beginning another bag–“Northmore Hard Alfalfa Seed”–and adding some touches to some already, almost, finished. Still trying to decide how to embroider a trotting horse on a Purina feed sack. Smart Mark Harris to dangle those lovely boxes before your expert devotees. (My more fragile bags go on the wall and the sturdier cover pillows.)

  329. I’m working on two things right now, both are counted cross stitch and will hang on the wall. Thanks so much for the chance on a lovely box. It would be so nice to win!

  330. I am currently narrowing monogram designs for a box to hold miscellany that gathers together on top of the bedside table in my bedroom. One of these beautiful boxes would be just the thing. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  331. I am currently working on a needlepoint piece designed by Joan Thomasson, “Golden Irises”. I plan to frame it.

  332. I am trying to learn Trish Burr needle painting after taking your great tutorial! I am not sure what to do with the finished project but this box would be fantastic! 😉

  333. Wow, what a wonderful and generous gift. Someone will be very lucky. I am currently working on a wool embroidered hot water bottle cover for my daughter so she can have a little extra love from her mom when feeling low.

  334. I currently have 3 pieces in progress. I am doing the Linen and Threads mystery sampler – which will be finished as a wall hanging. I am working on a small Ukrainian white work piece that was put together by my guild as a learning piece which I will probably make into a scissor fob. The third piece I am working on is a monogram for the initial V which will go into a box. However – should I be the lucky winner I would use the box to show off the silk and gold tudor rose piece that I am taking a class for at the San Francisco School of Needlework and Design in December.

  335. I am currently working on a name tag in a free hand (anything but the kitchen sink) stule. I love it. I am new to needle work so this is a great way for me to try everything. Thank you. I would love to do celtic knot work for the box in jewel tones. Sigh…

  336. Thank you Mark and Mary for this wonderful giveaway! I am currently working on a needlepoint Christmas ornament for my daughter. It is very festive and I am planning to try and finish it myself. It will be an oval shape (oh, how am I going to achieve that!) and have a glittery cord around the edges and ribbons curling from the bottom. I love the design so much that I could easily stitch it in different colors and pop it into Mark’s great box.

  337. My current project is a beautiful little Scottish sampler, that will hang on the wall. I have several completed projects waiting to be box tops, including a lovely ribbon of canvaswork. What a fabulous opportunity, and the Mythic Crafts website is lovely. Thanks for the generous contests and giveaways, Mary! Good luck everyone.

  338. I am currently working on beaded snowmen for Christmas ornaments. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful wood box.

  339. A lovely “off the wall” finishing option! Right now I am finishing up a stumpwork project from inspirations #82 to fit in a round wooden frame I had been given. AND on September 16 my daughter is getting married on the other side of the country so I have kitted up a blackwork project with only three colours to travel with.

  340. Ooh, ooh – choose me, choose me! At our annual Willow Tree Sampler Guild retreat in August one of our more creative members showed how she uses needlework to cover wooden cigar box. The results were just lovely! This would be even better; I’ve gone to the website and drooled on the keyboard just dreaming about the possibilities! Thank you for the opportunity! Hugs!! Willa

    1. One should definitely read ALL the instructions before submitting a comment. oops…sorry. I hope this will count. I am currently working on a Tammy Black from Scattered Seed Samplers, pin keep. When finished, I will add it to my big wooden bowl of pin keeps and needle rolls. Willa

  341. I just finished a woodland scene project that will now become a pin cushion for my embroidery needles. It will be filled with silica sand that is suppose to sharpen the needles. Have another project in the works that is a tabletop centerpiece featuring pink and purple flox no a black wool background. I am just getting back into the embroidery that I loved as a child. Your tutorials have been invaluable to me as I am now 67 years young and no longer have mom or Grammy to show me. Love your blogs.

  342. I’m working on a cross stitched picture which I hope to frame and hang in my sewing room, when (and if!) I ever finish.

  343. I’m gearing up to work on the stunning nasturtium flowers from Inspirations Magazine . I haven’t decided yet about how to finish it, but the gorgeous box would certainly show it off.

  344. Please enter my name for the Mythic Crafts custom box draw.
    Thank you for the opportunity to enter this give-away contest.

    I am currently working on a small cross-stitch project, Spring Mouse House by Just Nan, an adorable little stuffed mouse who lives in a small, polyhedron (3D pyramid) house embroidered on all sides in lovely violet shades.

    After I inherited my great-grandmother’s 19th century wooden tea chest (with an inset glass top), I have been fascinated with wooden boxes. I would love to own one of Mark Harris’ custom wood boxes. I have long planned to work a floral monogram adapted from Elisabetta Ricami’s gorgeous surface embroidery, and think it would be perfect for mounting in the box top.

  345. What a beautiful box! Mary, you have the best giveaways. Currently, I’m working on a sewing kit for my grandniece. I’m decorating it with all surface embroidery. One of the designs on it is the hedgehog from your “Lavender Honey & Other Little Things” book. Thanks again for the great giveaway,

  346. Now I’m working on a rather bog goldwork and silk project. This is the second project of the series I began a year ago. I have an fb friend, who collects such things, and I think, I’m embroidering a present and a surprise for him.

  347. I started an embroidered tablecovering about two years ago and it feels as though I will never finish! Of course, with a project of this scale, I have managed to slip in a few smaller projects just so that I didn’t get too bored with this massive project. I am still working out how I will finish the edges- choices include homemade fringe, decorative tassles on each corner, store-bought trim or simply a neatly hemmed edge.

    These boxes are beautiful. I have always wanted to personalize a box like this, so I am grateful for the opportunity to enter the contest. Thanks!

  348. I am currently working on two things. The first is I took a picture my mom loved of a dragon with butterfly wings, with some flowers and am embroidering it for her to put in a frame to hang up. The second thing I am working on is embroidering a business’s name onto a few t-shirts for my mom as well. My next project will be finally trying out this neat embroidery kit my in-laws gave me last November that has some stumpwork and such in it.

  349. What a lovely gift. Something handmade is always better, than something made by machine. Thank You, Mark, for sparking our thoughts.

  350. I am excited by starting a piece of embroidery found in Sheila Marshall’s, Elizabethan Needlework Accessories. It also includes good work and some beading. The piece will be the top of a box used to hold sewing items. (I read a blog where the author said of all her embroidery projects, this was the most useful. She had made it 10 years ago and it was still her favorite. I would use this box if selected!

  351. My current embroidery WIP is in the painting style. I’m working on a painting canvas which will then become a wall hanging. I plan to give it as a gift after I frame it.
    It would be an honor to mount one of my projects in one of these beautiful boxes! Thank you for the opportunity to win one. – BC

  352. I’m a few days into my first crewel work piece. I started to follow a pattern and true to form, I’ve started adding my own tweaks to the design. It’s my first real crewel work. I initially planned to make a pillow cover when it was finished. I’m using my favorite colors and materials and loving working on it so much that I think I may have it stretched and framed instead.

  353. Eek! This competition makes me a little excited! I have a thing for beautiful wooden boxes!

    I’m currently working on a page for a fabric embroidery stitch book. I’m taking a break from the needle painting (long and short stitch) page and doing a buttonhole (aka tailor’s buttonhole) page. After finding out the difference between that and the blanket stitch, and which I prefer, i’m using it on different flowers, leaves and shapes to make an example for future reference. Then I can see what it works well on and what would be better with a different stitch, plus it’s good practice! I intend to bind the pages together with blanket stitch, then attach them to a multicoloured front cover.

    If I won I would make a piece using needle painting and satin stitch (probably a monogram and flower).

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  354. I love boxes and these boxes are so beautifully made. I have been working on projects from Trish Burr’s needlepainting books and any one of the boxes would certainly enhance an embroidery. Thank you for the givaway.

  355. Along with some stumpwork, which I’m just learning, I’ve been working on Carolyn Pearce’s Work Box. So far I’ve got the orange tree wall and the spring pea wall. When it’s all put together and filled with all the accessories, I’m giving it to one of my daughters – just not sure which one yet.

  356. With my first grand-daughter planning to marry soon, I have been searching for a special gift that would go on forever and one of these boxes would be a treasure combined with one of the smaller pieces of traditional Japanese embroidery that are part of my stash. I have studied this wonderful heritage from Japan for 25 years and now at the age of 86 my hands are too stiff to continue this unique embroidery. I have a lovely piece called aubergine (eggplants) that would set off such a box. Thanks for the opportunity. Shirley

  357. Right now my style of embroidery is playing with the little grandkids, lol, but when I have a few moments I am working on some fall redwork style simple pieces and some cross stitch. I am also working on some tiny hexagon projects. Some of the above will eventually go on walls, smaller pieces will become pincushions and needle books. If I win a box, it would be great for all the bits if I keep it for myself, and maybe have the tiny hexagon piece. If we decide it should be a keepsake box for a grandchild, it would have their initial. I’m already jealous of whoever wins! thank you for the chance, and a big thank you to Mythic Crafts!

  358. I am working on a cross stitch pattern of dogs on a chambray shirt for my mom for Christmas. She loves dogs and will love this shirt! As for the box, I would put one of several beautiful embroidered pieces a friend who is no longer with us made for me a couple of years ago on it.

  359. Love Mark’s site and his custom boxes! I am currently working on a large embroidered piece that is the second of two complimentary pieces. I have finished several small bird embroidery pieces though that would look beautiful in one of the boxes.

    Thanks for the giveaway and your column!

  360. I have several pieces that would fit in a box and look wonderful! I just finished Lorene Salt’s Autumn Kaleidoscope and it will eventually be framed. Now that’s done I’m going to turn my attention to a cross stitch Santa that will be framed (eventually) and a band sampler that will also be framed (eventually). The band sampler is the third in a trio so I’ll frame them at the same time so they match. Usually what happens though is I stretch the finished pieces and they end up in the closet for a long while until I can get them framed. But they have lots of company!

  361. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway Mary and Mythic Crafts! Right now I’m working on a Whitework in Color design by Trish Burr with my EGA. I don’t know how I will finish it, I generally do counted work and am getting back to surface embroidery. How I finish it will be determined by how well it turns out! Mary in Billerica

  362. I am only about one step above beginner so my current embroidery styles are working basic stitches and concentrating on evenly spaced, smooth stitches, whether it’s my backstitches or stem stitches. My French knots are getting better and more uniform. Most of my embroidery is currently on quilt sampler blocks, but I’m about to try quilting a finished top so I’ve been gearing up to do running stitches. Also, I will be transferring one of my daughter’s line drawings to a t-shirt and embroidering her artwork on it. I really appreciate your videos and have been using them for the last year and a half to learn how to embroider.

  363. Who doesn’t love a beautifully made box to hold a precious treasure or two? I really like the way these boxes are designed to showcase our lovely hand work. I love working on crazy quilt blocks and this would be a great spot to show off the block.

  364. Monogram! The letter “W” for grand daughter Willow. Outlining in stem stitch and will soon have to decide how it will be filled or embellished. Making it up as I go…….

  365. I am currently doing some cross stitch projects, large and small. I like the smalls as they work up quickly and provide some completion gratification. The current small is an autumn leaf and a box top would be perfect for it when finished.

  366. I have two embroidery projects in the last stages. The first one is red work fruit in Pink with a yellow background. I am using them as centers for a churn dash table runner. The other is Alex Anderson’s shadow work seasons. I am putting them together with a simple border for a table runner as well. I am currently taking an EMT Class that is not allowing much time for a new project. Although I am on the internet exploring new ideas.

  367. Currently I am working on a gift for my cousin who is having twins!!!
    An amazing design I combined with 2 patterns I traced off a beautiful photo in a book of patterns. That book was our great great grand mothers, she put it together with all her favorite patterns!! They are stained and worn. The 2 I combined are my cousins favorite. Since she is having twins I thought it would be perfect!
    I plan on using our grand mothers frame also to frame the piece (Unless I win the prize).
    Michelle B

  368. Just recently found Needle ‘n Thread and signed up for your newsletter. Absolutely love your site and your newsletter. I also was taught embroidery when I was a child, many moons ago. As you can tell by my email name, embroidery is still my passion. Visited Mythic Crafts web site when you wrote about it. Mr. Harris’ wood boxes appear as though woodworking is his passion. The photographs of the boxes are all beautiful. I’d love to work my sister’s initials on linen and if I were to win a beautiful wooden box, give the piece of embroidery mounted within the box as another retirement gift. She retired from teaching after 43 years.

  369. Right now I am working on two small canvas pilot pieces which incorporate vegetables growing in the ground. The “dirt” is composed of bands with delightful patterned stitches and colors. When they are complete I will likely frame them to hang in the kitchen or dining room

  370. I am working on a cross stitch and will frame it when I finish as it is a large piece. I am also working one an Angel for someone else.

  371. I am working on a counted canvas piece designed by Kathy Rees. It is perfect for setting in a box top!

  372. Hi, I’m embroidering my first real project. It’s a pair of lovebirds and I’m really pleased with it and myself so far. It’s surface embroidery and i’m also beading certain parts of it as I love beading on fabric. My original idea for when it’s finished is to use it as applique on a cushion or something similar, or it would look lovely on a box! It’s evolving as I go along. The boxes are gorgeous and I’d be honoured to have my work mounted on one

  373. Hi Mary!

    I have been in the planning stages of a small piece of embroidery for several years … in my head 🙂 It is to be one of your monogram patterns, done in silk ribbons and silk threads, all in tones of whites, ivory and champagne. The piece will be accented with lots of tiny, precious cultured pearls, and it is to be a gift for my friend, who is both a pearl dealer and a jewelry designer working in pearls and gems. I’ve had a great deal of trouble stitching real pearls, as the drill holes are very small, but have finally found a needle solution that works!!! and I’m ready to start. I was undecided on a finishing technique, until I saw Mark’s boxes and fireworks of delight went off in my head! Thank you both for such generosity 🙂

  374. Right now I am working on a counted thread work piece that is loaded with eyelets. I am almost 3/4 of the way done with the eyelets and loving it!

  375. I love, love, love wooden boxes and this one is beautiful. I’m hoping I’m lucky enough to win it. Thank you for having this drawing.

  376. Currently I am working on a crewel kit from The Crewel Work Company. It is the level 1 Jacobean Sampler. I may mount it and frame or use for a pillow.

  377. Im working two goldwork roses based on your Tudor Rose – one in white and one in red (York & Lancaster). It will be the front and back of a small journal book. I hope!

  378. Hello Mary, I would like to order a needle minder from Mythic Crafts and I would like the ten percent discount given if you sign up for their email. However they seem to operate inside of Facebook only so I am unable to contact them I am not a member. Could you pass this along to them and perhaps they will contact me by email. Thank you and love your blog and your work is exquisite. Your embroidery boxes along with the boxes are works of art, beautiful.

  379. I am currently working on a baby blanket for my 3rd grandson. My hope is to make a usable keepsake blanket for each of my grandchildren. I use the baby quilt tops from JD.

    Love your newsletter

  380. I’m working on my 3rd and final counted cross stitch European St Nicholas christmas stocking for my daughter. They will be completed as stocking with velvet backs and silk linings. Each one has over 200 dmc color changes.

  381. I am currently working on a piece for my new and first grandchild. It will have her name, date of birth and a flowered border. I plan to frame it and it will be hung in her room (I hope) my momma and daddy.
    I am not an expert embroiderer put I do love making flowers. How wonderful it would be to make her a matching piece for such a beautiful “box” to hold her special treasures.

  382. After reading your newsletters, I have decided to learn how to do crewel. I’ve gotten books from the library, on-line and neighbors. I’ve picked a pattern and will locate the necessary threads, etc. This has been a fun experience and one that I hope that I can pass on to my grandchildren. A beautifully made box would really make the finished project a keepsake!

  383. I love this site. You do a fantastic job of illustrating and sharing.
    These boxes are absolutely lovely. I so hope I win!

    I am currently working on a stump work scene. Love them and boxes are ideal for mounting them in the lids as pillows can lead to damage.

    Thanks for the offer.

  384. A beautiful box as I’m just a beginner I’m learning to do various stitches so doing some Red work at the moment.

    I live in the UK so I didn’t see if it’s for US or international ,but either way I do enjoy reading the emails I get

  385. I would love such a box. It would be done for my granddaughter for Christmas. She has been designing an initial with flowers that gramma could do for her.

  386. My current embroidery project is an elephant cross-stitch pattern, downloaded from a Craftsy 3rd-party vendor. The elephant is divided into sections, with each section having different colors/stitches. Because elephants are a special interest of mine, the project will end up as a home decor item of some kind — haven’t decided yet exactly what!

  387. Right now I’m working on a Halloween cross stitch and a sue spargo wool quilt with lots of embellishments. I would love to win a box that I could do something special for myself

  388. I am currently working on a needlepoint Christmas ornament that depicts a golden retriever. I’ve just finished a piece that will be an insert for a mother-of-pearl box.

  389. I’m currently stitching an orphan school Sampler all in red SoieDe Paris silks. A challenge in itself. I’ll frame it for sure. These boxes are breathtaking and to own one will surely be a blessing. Thx!!

  390. Wow what a gift! I’m currently working on an embroidered kite . It will also have artwork, quilling , some quilting some embroidery some rag tying and cross stitich. It won’t fly out
    Side but I’ll look great hanging in the corner of his room.

  391. I am working on a 5″ x 5″ counted canvas piece. It is the center portion of a much larger pattern from DeeBee’s designs. I find myself preferring to do smaller pieces as the larger stretcher bars are becoming too awkward to handle. I just read that today is “Needlepoint Day” – did you know that?
    I have no plans for finishing this project yet. A little too large for an ornament, perhaps in a beautiful box lid…..

  392. Hi Mary,
    I’m actually finishing the Trish Burr’s « Flowers in a teacup », which is a whitework in colour. I’ll frame it and give it to one of my sisters for her birthday (September 16th). So no, I won’t be able to put it on a box, even if I win it, but… I have plenty of other projects… sure I can find one that will fit.
    Diane from Montréal in Québec

  393. What a gorgeous wooden box. Thanks to everyone involved in this wonderful giveaway. Finding the perfect pattern to work on for this beautiful box.

  394. I mainly work in cross stitch and I’m doing a lovely Celtic Heart Knot piece from Northern Expressions on 32 count pale pink linen. I’m using silk floss from Dinky dyes. It also has a lot of beading. At first I thought it whould just be a Valentines Day hanging, but it is too much work to put out of sight for 11 months a year. So I will probably frame it. I come from a long line of carpenters and the lovely wooden boxes call to me, so I would love it if the fates wanted me to win this. What a generous gift on Mark’s part; the craftsmanship is exquisite on the pieces. I will rejoice for the winner, even if it is not me. Just a little more if it is! I have wonderful monogram I have been wanting to try that I would feature in the box.

  395. Mary,
    Thanks to Mark for donating this beautiful box! I am currently working on a floral embroidery piece that will be mounted in a card with a fabric frame for a new baby.
    Sheila Keeling

  396. I’m currently working on a wreath pattern from the Flossbox in DMC floss. Also drawing up a design for a tote bag panel inspired by some pretty quilting fabric. But if I won this box I think it would be time to finally try some stumpwork.

    Thank you, and Mythic, for the giveaway. The box looks beautiful.

  397. Today I am doing Red Work-Dance by the Light of the Moon by Crabapple Hill. I just finished Panel 1 & starting Panel 2. I plan on this quilt to be finished & Quilted by the first of Nov 2017 for our Quilt Show in Mid Nov.

  398. I’ve got three main projects at the moment, a long haul cross stitch that will end up framed in my great-nana’s hoop to give to my nana. Another that will end up hooped as a wedding present. And the last is a Cubs shirt I got that I’m embellishing with surface embroidery.

  399. I’m working on Christmas stockings for two new grandchildren-both boys! It’s a tradition I started when my children were young. It’s a wonderful way to welcome little ones into the family!

  400. I am working on a simple hooped wall hanging. I am going to start it as soon as the weather starts getting cooler. I have never made a design to put on a box before, but these boxes are beautiful!

  401. Like many others I have multiple projects on the go. I am working on the Thistle Threads trinket box which has its own unique finishing method, Kathy Shaw’s Crazy Quilt hexagons in preparation for the 2020 Crazy Quilt challenge on Pintangle and an Alison Cole gold work butterfly that would look perfect in a box. Thanks for the opportunity.

  402. I am currently designing a turquoise and copper canvaswork piece. I have been collecting turquoise and copper threads and metallic and will also use copper beads. I wanted this piece to reflect my Southwestern roots even though I live in Canada now. I grew up in Arizona where copper was extensively mined and turquoise is used in Navajo jewelry. At this point, I am planning to frame it and put it in my living room to join the Northwest Coast native art that’s already there.

  403. I collect vintage cut steel beaded purses and have some that are absolutely beautiful. They are too heavy to mount and hang on a wall without damaging the threads, so displaying one in a custom box would be just the ticket!

  404. What beautiful boxes and what perfect timing. I have been wanting to make keepsake/jewellery boxes for my children and this would be the perfect oncentive to get started. Most of the needlework that I do is cross stitch and counted canvas – pretty much all for framing. I love it but I am running out of wall space.
    Thanks for another great contest.

  405. Thank you for all your generous giveaways! This is one of the best if not no. 1.
    I am currently working on a UFO which needs to be finished by November. It is cross stitch, my favorite. It is a sampler in two parts, the first half of the alphabet is around two sides of one and the other half of the alphabet on the other. So they have to go together. Each is 8″ square. I usually frame or finish my own work and this will probably be a stand alone object.

  406. I am working on what was a pillow case in abundant amounts of pistol stitch. In fact it has gotten so full that I think I will be framing it rather than just making it a pillow case.

  407. What am I working on a present , well quite a few projects but the main one is a stumpwork embroidery picture of my daughter and her horse when she worked at a dude ranch in Arizona I am hoping to get it finished for Christmas I will have it stretched and framed. Then I will move on to a needlepoint picture of our previous dogs…five of them…

  408. I’m currently working on a lovely wool sewing accessory case. The embroidery is free-style and I need to come up with interesting designs and motifs. I’m loving the results but thinking about what I’m going to do seems more challenging than actually doing the stitching.

    Thanks, Sarah

  409. The boxes are beautiful! I am currently working on the Inspirations Goldwork honeybee and a monogram from “Will Ewe Be Mine”. I plan to frame the honeybee and hope to design a bee skep with 3 small bees over it (after my family crest) to go along with it. I plan to give the current monogram framed as a gift. I would love to do another monogram for a box!

  410. I am working on two cross-stitch pieces right now. One is a cricket reading on a hearth by The Cross-Eyed Cricket. I’m doing a couple of them for housewarming gifts. I’ve given away several of the over the years. They are framed to about 6″ by 8″ and can be tucked in a place near the hearth. One of them would look really lovely set into the lid of a wooden box, too! The other is a scene of the Mayflower landing at “Plimouth” Rock. It is in really wild colors–so I will probably gift it to someone, too. Mary, I’ve done cross-stitch for many years, but your blog is enticing me to go back to free embroidery!

  411. What a beautiful way to display your needlework. I have really enjoyed the alphabet series and e-book. Thanks Mary for all of the teaching you share…you have no idea how much I learn from you even though I have been embroidering since I was 4. You have totally refined the well known stitches I make but the plus is all of the many other wonderful stitches I have learned through your posts. Bless you!

  412. I am currently working on a piece from the Crewel Work Company. It is the replica of the Queen Mother’s bedspread pattern (a small piece). I am planning to use it as a wall hanging in my bedroom as the colors match the bedroom linens perfectly.

  413. I am currently working on a few different embroidery projects. One is an embroidered duvet cover, an ambitious project that I work on a little here and there. Another is a set of quotations that I am embroidering, which I plan to put in frames and hang. I am also putting some new life into old curtains by embroidering them, although I haven’t quite decided on everything I want to put on them. I’m thinking floral with a vine trim, but I may decide to do something a bit more simple. And I’m currently embroidering several of my older, white and single color pillowcases and sheets, using some of my grandmother’s old designs. I’m also getting ready to embroider a denim purse and perhaps an old denim jacket, to give them new life. I just love to embroider! For this wooden box, I would embroider an S and perhaps somehow work a red rose into the design, or go with one or the other. And in the box would go all my special treasures!

  414. I am about to start working on the Home Sweet Home workbox project which is a mixture of surface embroidery stitches and box construction techniques. I’ve gathered the materials together and am about to embark on the fabric and thread preparation. Box making in general really intrigues me so I am excited about the project … and also very interested in these beautiful wooden boxes. I’m seeing one with a panel of gold work embroidery in the lid … 🙂

  415. Wow! Beautiful, quality craftsmanship. In the 21st century!

    The embroidery pattern, from an out of date publication, in muted primary colors, is a clock face surrounded by a floral border. The finished size is about 5×7 inches. At the lower corners there are two stylized peacocks, facing each other. The valediction is “Let us do good, while there is time”. I plan to add some beading for highlights.

    I have the clockworks, and have saved the pattern for years, through several downsize moves. I visualize the finished box upended, to display the clock-face, with the lid serving as a door. My grandmother gave me a chiming clock (downsized away) with the large wood case set up in this style. It made a nice “safe” for a bookshelf or mantel.

    Thank you, Mary and Mark, for the inspiration you share with us!

  416. Presently, I’m working on a spot sampler designed by Catherine Strickler. I will frame it and hang it with a collection of my stitched pieces.
    I just completed a small piece designed by Hazel Bloomkamp that would fit nicely in a box top, would love to be the lucky winner.
    Thank you for you weekly informative emails. I have learned a lot from them.
    Eileen Hill

  417. Like you, Mary, I have many WIPs, but at the moment I’m concentrating on gifts. The holiday season is upon us handcrafters! So right now, I’m working on a counted cross-stitch stocking for dear granddaughter and another counted cross-stitch piece to be framed for dear daughter. Actually, the piece for dear daughter might be perfect for one of those beautiful boxes… 🙂

  418. Hi Mary
    At the moment I am working on the Roseworks Jade Dragon but because I am Welsh, I am doing it in shades of red and bright colours, although staying true to the stitch recommendations. When it is finished, if I think it is good enough, I’ll get it framed and maybe donate it to my son to take to university to remind him of home.
    I would love to win a box – a dear friend who loves crafts has a significant birthday next year and I would do some embroidery for her for this box as I know she would treasure it.
    Thanks for the opportunity.

  419. I’m working on 2 projects, one is in the shape of a pear that is divide in sections w different stitches in each section.
    The other one is a smocked insert for a dress for my granddaughter.
    I would love the box, I could display my pear in it.
    I look forward each day to your blog.
    Thanks, Joan

  420. I just came back from taking a class with Jane Nicholas. I am finishing one of her wreaths and would love to put it in a box top to give to my sister for Christmas. She is a serious needlepointer but does no embroidery. She would love this from me.

  421. I am planning on stitching a silk monogram and a box would be the ideal way of displaying it.

  422. I am currently style of embroidery on which I am working is crewel. It is an Elsa Williams crewel kit called Pomegranate. The colors are lovely as is the design and I have always been drawn to crewel work. When completed, I will mount it and frame it which I do myself. It is a gift for my sister so don’t tell! Thank you Mary for the opportunity to win one of these gorgeous boxes!

  423. I just finished my first goldwork piece which would fit very nicely into one of those boxes. I have many pieces on the go, most of which will be framed so they can go under glass. One project is a cross stitch needle book pattern, so I’ll need to work out how to finish that once the stitching is done.

  424. I am working on an embroidered version of the map from “The Hobbit”. I will probably have to frame it since it’s too small to be a wall hanging and too big to fit in the lid of the box!

  425. Oh my, what a tempting prize!

    I’m currently embellishing various printed fabrics with embroidery and making them into textile necklaces and brooches. Finally – a use for all those yummy fabrics!

  426. Thank you and Mark for this wonderful give-away! I looked on Mark’s Etsy shop when you wrote about the slate frames and about the boxes. Gorgeous workmanship. I am currently working on Samplar Hare by La-D-Da. I changed up the threads from cotton to silk and sorta kinda matched the colors. I’ve re-charted the chart and will stitch the Hare twice more, using three of the same colors for consistency, and changing the others, so I can include the entire alphabet plus 1-2-3 on the three hares. I plan to finish them as stuffies and sit them in a woven bowl.

  427. I am currently working on a needle painted bird, designed from a photograph taken by my husband while we were in Cuba for a family vacation. He has a blue breast, that would show up beautifully against that lovely dark wood! Alternatively, he will be framed and hung in a place of honour.

  428. I am working on a stuffed animal. It is a panel print of a chicken that is meant to be stuffed. The printing is basic, so I am going over it with embroidery to jazz it up. I’m using beads and sequins for extra zing. It’s about a foot high and the same length and it will be decoration in my studio. Next up is a jacket embellished with both machine and hand embroidery.

  429. When I saw these gorgeous boxes the other day in your email, I thought of all the people I could make initial boxes for! I just love them! What a thoughtful gift that will last their lifetime and someone elses’. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of these beauties. Gloria

  430. I am currently on a Hardanger spree. I just completed Victoria Sampler’s “Butterfly Garden” which will be finished as a bellpull gift. Last week I mailed a birthday card to a six-year old girl which featured a Hardanger initial in a vinyl luggage tag on the cover. Next up in rotation could be a Hardanger insert for a box top!

  431. My granddaughter just finished her college career and has her first nursing job at a big hospital. I am so proud of her. I’m embroidering a piece with her profile in black and the words “Ali Loves Nursing”. I can see the piece framed in that lovely box that she can keep forever. And she can remember her grandmother as well. It would be perfect!! Thanks for the opportunity.

  432. I am working on some embroidered blocks presently that I plan to make into a quilt for the wall. I love the boxes, it makes me want to do one! Beautiful!

  433. My late husband was a woodworker, concentrating on Windsor chairs. We both were intrigued by intricate box making and often spoke of, maybe some day, learning to make. Time ran out.

    I do rather freestyle embroidery but I love flowers and often draw them and incorporate them in my needlework. I would love to make a small piece of work as an insert in a hand-crafted box to remember my husband and his love of wood and gardens.

  434. I’m still (years later!) working on a king-sized quilt embellished with embroidery and beads. Much of the (hand-) quilting is done, but the beading and embroidery go on. And on. My friends (whose quilt it will be) come by to visit it every so often…..

  435. What a wonderful giveaway. I am currently working on a quilt that has 12 embroidery blocks featuring bees and cats. I just finished a Round Robin embroidery piece using your free pattern Scrolly Medallion with a variegated 12 wt. thread in reds, oranges, yellow and white to represent a sun. It is so pretty.

  436. Hi Mary, I am currently working on a cross stitch project to finish as a wall hanging. I am always looking for ways to finish and present small gift items. The wooden box would be a wonderful gift. Thanks.

  437. I am working on a needle painting. I was planning to frame it when complete but now that I see these gorgeous boxes I may change me mind.

  438. What a wonderful giveaway or gift. I am currently working on a piece of redwork which is my usual embroidery project. I haven’t progressed beyond redwork yet but I do enjoy the finished project. It’s a piece that will hang similar to a small quilt which I also do. The redwork piece has chickens, nesting boxes, and alphabet sampler on it. Different but it reminds me of my farm upbringing in Mississippi.

  439. I am currently working on a goldwork butterfly with raised parts. I would love to put it on a box like this! Thank you for letting us know a source for quality woodworking.

  440. Working on a piece depicting a sprig of green holly with red berries on a silver background. Started piece last month at the EGA Seminar in Asheville in class fought by Kay Stanis. The original piece was mounted on a box. I do not have a box but would do that if I had one. Technique is or nue’.
    Think Mark’s boxes are beautiful. I love hand made things.

  441. Currently working on a tea towel and a tablecloth in real life, but in my head I have oh, sixty two projects.

  442. I love doing mixed stumpwork. I have just finished some brambles with the flowers and leaves in bobbin lace and I’m working on a dragonfly in raised and padded embroidery. It would be lovely to mount it in a box or a deep picture frame.

  443. At present, working on a beautiful canvas piece of needlepoint from Carolyn Mitchell called “First Snow”. It uses an unusual Kreinik 3/8″ metallic trim with wire, not the easiest fiber to use, but interesting effect. Size is about 51/4th by 7, so would probably need a custom fit box but, Oh, wouldn’t it be lovely!

  444. I’m currently working on a birth sampler for my grandniece. The piece includes counted thread, drawn thread, pulled thread, hemstitching, and Hardanger. The counted thread stitches include satin, backstitch, Rhodes, and herringbone. I plan to have the completed piece framed so that it can hand in her bedroom.

    I do not have a stitched piece that could be used on the box. Should the box be given to me I would like to design a piece that would incorporate several bands from the birth sampler with the Rhodes butterfly as the focus of the piece.

  445. I am working on a very large Golden Kite chart – Pierrot’s Embrace. It will be approx 36″ x 48″ when finished. I started in June 2010. 7 years and 3300 hours later, I am just over 80% done. When finished, it will be framed and hung on the wall in my entry way 🙂

    Thanks for the chance to win a handcrafted wooden box!!

  446. “What style of embroidery are you working on at the moment, and do you have any “finishing” plans for it?”
    I’m currently working an embroidered strip of celtic knotwork in a very simple stem stitch. It’s supposed to be for a friend of mine to use as trim on an outfit, but I’m woefully behind the tentative asked-for date, so we’ll see if she still wants it or if she made other plans. I’m sure it’ll get used for *something* eventually 🙂

  447. A box for mounting embroidery….Mounting embroidery…….what is mounting embroidery? What have mountains to do with embroidery? We have no mountains in The Netherlands! I had to look in the dictionary to find out what you were talking about, Mary! I am in between projects. I just finished a bigger piece called Amsterdam in changing”. And at the moment I am doing some abstract work, a try out. I transferred a picture on fabric with gel medium and now I am embroidering on it. I do not know how it wil work out!

  448. I am currently embroidering squares for a quilt. I am used mainly the stem stitch with accents of satin stitch, french knot, daisy stitch and any other that strikes me at the time.

  449. I am working on a pall with one of the designs from your religious motifs package. I hope to give it to our church as a “housewarming” present when we move to our new location. It has various stitches in it, from satin letters with a raised stem stitch frame to raised fishbone for leaves.

  450. Hi Mary!

    I’m currently working on a monogram and I hadn’t yet decided on my finishing of it. I do so love the embroidered box with the monogram on this post. It’s stunning!

    Regardless of whether I win or not, I love the artistry at hand. Thank you so much for the generosity!

    Kind Regards,
    Catrina Byrge

  451. Hi Mary, I’m currently embroidering a voided monogram for a friend which will be mounted in it’s wooden hoop frame which I’ve painted. I also have a piece of silk shading on the go from a class I took which would look stunning in the lid of a box. My husband and I both love wood and often admire handmade pieces at craft shows.

  452. I am currently doing some crewel work on a denim jacket and am very excited about it!
    Thanks for this great give a way

  453. Hi Mary. Thanks for the chance of winning a gorgeous box from Mark’s collection – such a beautifully crafted object. I’m currently working on the CrazyQuilt2020 challenge (over on Sharon Boggon’s Pintangle blog). So learning all sorts of new embroidery stitches as I embellish my blocks. Using Needle’n’Thread as a fantastic tutorial resource too! Take care. Jean

  454. Good morning; I am currently working on some roses in a needlepainting pattern from Trish Burr. I enjoy this as well as most forms of needlework and needlelace. I would be delighted to win a box from Mark. I will probably frame this otherwise, although I currently have 21!! pictures framed in our condo (I have given away at least this many to family and friends.)
    Embroidery and needlelace are wonderful, absorbing hobbies . Thanks to you and your considerable efforts I feel connected to many others with a similar passion.
    Keep well and thank you to you and Mark for this contest. Evelynne

  455. I would like to mount my daughter’s initials on it and give it to her as a wedding gift. It would be perfect for her to keep her precious items safe.

  456. I am currently embroidering a silk duvet cover in various different stitches with silk thread itself of butterflies, it is a long term project that I pick up and put down as and when the mood takes me.

  457. Being rescued by boat during Harvey, I grabbed a very small needpoint canvas, barely fit in my backpack. Making it for a good friend who helped me out.

    1. I bet I know who that piece is for. She is the best. So glad you are making progress on clean up. You have been in my thoughts. I plan to be back in Houston by the end of the month.

  458. At the moment I am working on 3pieces. A canvas work piece that, I think will be a cushion front, a couple of stitched postcards for a challenge and also embellishing a denim jacket for my grand daughter.

  459. I am currently working with hand dyed Ribbon on a Victorian Rose Sampler. It is about
    half done and I am very happy with it. I love ribbon embroidery and have many projects
    that would love to live in a beautiful box.

  460. I am presently working on a monogram from your e-book. I searched for years for a flowered M. Then once I got it, I have spent all this time looking at it. putting it on top of a box would be perfect. Thank you for a chance to win and thank you for the flowered M.

  461. I have just finished a needle painting piece from Catherine Laurencon. It was a week workshop and i am sooo proud the way it turned out. Since I am running out of walls to display, i am going to make a hinged box out of cartonnage and the embroidery will be mounted as the lid of the box.

  462. I am currently working on a cross stitch primitive on a rabbit with a cart. It will be finished into a pillow for spring. The box is absolutely a work of art and it would need a special piece of needlework to put into it.

  463. I am about to start a very small piece of crewel style embroidery, but using one strand of silk, of tulips which are my favourite flower. It will be the first time I have designed my own piece, which will be about 6″ x 4″. I had already been thinking of mounting it in a box, so this would be perfect for me!

  464. I am stitching a repoduction sampler from the mid 1800’s hiscock antiques charted this small childs sampler with a zebra on the bottm 1/3 of the sampler. I would like to see this put onto a box so it is seen by everone. the pieces on the wall are not always seen as i have so many hangging.

  465. I am currently working on a crazy quilt and embroidering some of the squares with different types of stitches. Plan to finish the quilt an embroider a leaf in each corner.

  466. I am currently working on a counted cross stitch picture titled Pointers by Larry Martin. It will be hung in a frame.

  467. I am currently working on a scene in counted cross stitch to honor my son who is currently deployed. I am hoping that I will complete it at the same time that he is once again safely home with us,

  468. I am doing a counted cross stitch picture, called winter Friends. I will frame this one. My other project is a tablecloth with butterflies and leaves on it.

  469. I’m currently finishing up a small cross stitch piece that will be made into a Christmas ornament. Once that is complete, I am going to get back to a gold work piece I started in a class. I’m not yet sure what I will do with the finished piece.

    Many thanks to you and Mark for this giveaway. My fingers are crossed!!

  470. Hi Mary, I’m working on a miniature French and Colonial knotted piece that replicates a life size hooked rug. It would look so awesome in its own display box!

  471. Currently I am working on a special design by my Japanese Embroidery sensai of 16 years. It is being stitched on black nishijin and the design is of a stylized white “mother” lily circle giving life to a baby lily circle connected by a gold stream of life-giving water. This piece will be framed for wall hanging. It gives me great pleasure to stitch something that was designed by my sensai.
    But I do have a few smaller pieces on which the stitching has been completed but I have not yet decided how I want to finish them. And two are perfect for mounting in a beautiful box (couched silver snowflakes is my favorite). So of course, I would love to be the lucky winner of your random drawing. Thank you for everything you do for the world of those who love embroidery!

  472. I’m currently working on three projects – a double running stitch band sampler from The Scarlet Letter which will be framed to hang on my wall, a charm quilt that will eventually have 10,000 different fabrics, and a tatted summer scarf using a variegated quilting thread.
    Doris Marie

  473. I am currently working on a wool embroidery quilt. i just completed Wooly Wisdom which is a quilt with various embroidered sheep. I have some Ribbon Embroidery that is complete not sure if it will be framed or placed on Memory box. The workmanship in Mythic Crafts is impeccable. beautiful craftmanship.

  474. I am working on a door stop goose. The embroidery is on the main fabric and the body of the goose will be made and stuffed.

  475. I am currently working on a large cross stitch embroidery design I created. It’s a scaled-up, more elaborate version of a small cross stitch I found at an estate sale many years ago. The original stated simply, “this is my home, and I can do as I please”. It has always resonated with me, and so I made my design a little more elaborate, with Victorian-styled letters and an antique morning-glory border. When I’m done, it will be framed and hung in my house. Cheers!

  476. I’m currently trying to finish a Christmas wall quilt and planning my line up for gifting during the holiday. A beautiful display box would certainly fit into that plan. It’s always a good day when your email arrives.

  477. I am currently working on a small embroidery, which would look just perfect in one of Mark’s absolutely gorgeous boxes! It is for my thesis Supervisors (there are two I’m working on at the same time), so I wanted it to be something special.

  478. Wow! That’s a great giveaway! I was ogling Mark’s beautiful woodworking, so to get a chance to win one of his boxes would be fabulous. As usual, I’m working on several embroidery pieces: a CQ block for a wall hanging, a silk panel with dimensional embroidery which will hang, a Jacobean design of my own that might be just right for a pillow, and a small stumpwork piece that would be perfect for one of Mark’s boxes. Then there’s the blackwork piece, the wedding piece I’m doing for my daughter, and………… ;-)………

  479. Love the boxes! I am working on a redwork Christmas embroidery that I will probably make into a small wall hanging.

  480. I have followed Mary’s page for several years and learned much. The box is beautiful I would love to win it.

  481. What beautiful boxes, the workmanship looks so fantastic what better way to set off a piece of needlework. I’m in the middle of Roseworks dragon which has been a challenge for me as I’ve not done anything like this before and once finished I shall have it framed. I’m also embroidering some birds taken from Trish Burrs miniatures book and mounted in a box like this would really make it special. I’ve recently completed 8 napkins and a very long table runner all embroidered with birds by Trish for my daughter and a box to go with it would be the icing on the cake

  482. I am currently working on a goldwork piece for a friends wedding. I am doing two doves holding a ribbon with two wedding rings suspended from the ribbon. I normally source brass trinket boxes but the supplier has gone out of business so have been wondering how to mount it. These boxes would be ideal.

  483. I am currently working on a lovely Blackwork butterfly. I don’t have specific finishing plans, but a box would be beautiful. Thank you for the chance to win one.

  484. I’m currently finishing a “Quaker Sewing Box”. The stitching is completed and the construction of the box is nearing completion. I’m also working on “Empire of the Sun” by Toni Gerdes. I plan to frame this piece. I do not have a finished piece that would be appropriate for the box but I do have something in mind.

  485. I have been working on a surface Embroidery project from a pattern in “Inspirations” magazine. It has been rather slow going because summer has gotten in the way. It would look beautiful in one of the boxes.

  486. I’m currently working on the second of three goldwork pieces that will be framed and hung together as a triptych. I already have a goldwork butterfly by Alison Cole that is finished, the second is Lucy Barter’s goldwork flower from the Craftsy class and the final piece will be a Japanese Landscape from Mary Brown’s book on goldwork. I would actually love to get one of Mark’s slate frames for the last piece as it’s bigger than the other two.

  487. I am a fairly new embroiderer, and am experimenting by trying to mix and match some cottage garden flowers, my latest is a small basket of lavender flowers. When I have completed them I will either frame them in a series of small frames or joint them together for a small hanging.

  488. I love special boxes to store special handwork tools and fibers. I love opening the boxes at bee meetings and listening to the and ohh’s and ahh’s and where did’s and how did’s. I love the way little girls look at the special boxes with wide eyed admiration, knowing that the projects taken on with those tools in those special boxes are not for every day and hoping one of the projects are for them. I love giving a special box to a young girl to encourage their interest in needle arts. The gift seems to motivate the girl to practice more and enhance the value of their creations. Though a plastic zip-lock is practical and serviceable, who would choose a zip-lock over a special box adorned with beautiful needlework?

  489. The current project is an Italian drawn thread hand towel and a small sampler to match. The towel will be hemmed and hung on a fancy towel bar/stand. The sampler would look lovely in a box top.
    Thank you Mystic Crafts for your generous offer.
    Thank you Mary for your valuable and interesting stitching related information.

  490. I’m actually working on three different cross stitch projects at the moment not any embroidery per se. The only one that has finishing options right now are the ones that will be ornaments the other two who knows LOL.

  491. I am working on a small wall hanging with the theme of France. I am creating lavender stems using “of course” french knots for the floral part. I’m also envisioning a bicycle outside a cafe with many other flowers stitched around in the landscape and hanging pots too. It’s a project on the move as I am taking it wherever I have the opportunity to work on it.
    I love these boxes. It’s just like cooking………..finishing up your needlework too is all in the presentation!
    Thank you for all your wonderful information you give us….to educate us…to share in so many ways.

  492. My friend of 59 years turns 60 soon so I’m working on a monogrammed 60 for her. This would be a great way of mounting this embroidery and making a special gift for her.

  493. The embroidery I’m working on at the moment is a cross stitch one that will be turned into a small cosmetic bag-type bag eventually.

  494. I have been working on surface embroidery of pansies in the corner of a linen/cotton handkerchief. Have a set of a dozen with eleven more waiting for an assortment of flowers.

  495. I just completed a cross stitch portrait of my two great-grandchildren for my daughter. I am not usually a fan of cross stitch, but watching the portrait appear was fascinating. She loved the gift also. That has inspired me to do one of my late mother-in-law in shades of blacks and grays for my husband. It would fit beautifully on a box like that for him.

  496. I have several counted cross-stitch projects going now, all for our church. My oldest sister taught me how to do ccs when I was 3 years old. I’m from Alaska. The finishing plans for the living room project is to put in coasters, and the bedroom and work projects are to put in frames

  497. What a beautiful box! and the best part is the winner can have it custom-made to suit whatever project they are working on. I am currently working on Christmas ornaments – trying to get an early start – but I have other projects in mind that would look beautiful inside that box, should I win.

  498. I’m currently working on a freestyle hanging basket full of geraniums, on a pillowcase. Using a variety of stitches – rope, chain, lazy daisy, buttonhole, fishbone, stem. It is part of a set for a (very late!) wedding present

  499. I’m currently working on embroidering cushions for my sofa. It is surface embroidery (stalks of lavender) on linen using a recent pattern from Inspirations magazine. A few issues ago there was a beautiful surface embroidery of a pheasant mounted in a box which I just loved …but where to get a box? One of Marks boxes would be just perfect.

  500. Hi Mary!

    I am actually working on a Mountmellick piece right now. I followed your article links to some wonderful resources and I got hooked! I am doing a large wild floral design using very authentic Moutnmellick subjects like berries, wheat, thistles, etc. I am planning on matting and framing the finished piece. I know it would be a gorgeous pillow, but with six children I don’t think a white pillow would look great for too long. 🙂


  501. Currently I am embroidering (with silk threads) Grey Bird by M. Suarez. When done I am considering having it made into a back panel for a jacket.

    Within the next week I will be starting Melinda Sherbring’s “More Than A Rose”. I have not done this type of project before so I am really excited. It would look perfect to display in one of Mark’s boxes don’t you think?

    Thank you Mark for your generous prize.

  502. This would be perfect! Right now I’m “working on” several things:
    – nearly finished with a Tapis-Tree needlepoint sampler “Koquette Kitty” which will become a pillow and be donated to our church’s Spring Fling fundraiser for local charities,
    – the Hungarian Harmony page of Jeannette Douglas’s “My Stitching Album” (I know, I know, this entire project sat untouched for probably six years before I finally got at it), which will be finished as a page in the ‘book’ when I’ve stitched all of them,
    – a cross-stitch of an Ansel Adams photo (leaves on the forest floor) that I started but set aside after I realized I’d used the wrong thread for one of the symbols (If this is ever completed it will hang on the wall with other black & white images.),
    – Carolyn Pearce’s “Home Sweet Home” needlework box, for which I’m still in the gathering supplies stage,
    – Laura J Perin’s “Country Roads” petitpoint (I guess) “Country Roads, to be a gift for my cousin, whom I’ll ask to decide finishing once it’s done (Again in the gathering phase).
    BUT……I’ve been drooling over the goldwork “Pheasant” from Inspirations issue 93! It’s pretty ambitious for one who’s yet to try goldwork, but I LOVE it and would HAVE TO finish it for a box lid as pictured in the magazine. I wrote Inspirations to ask about the box, and they referred me to the designer, who didn’t respond to my inquiry. A beautiful Mythic box would be JUST RIGHT. Oh, I hope I win this one!! Many thanks to you, Mary, and to Mark for this fantastic opportunity.

  503. Wow! They are wonderful boxes. I’m working on two pieces at the moment. The first is a canvas stitch picture of 2 puffins and will be framed to hang on the wall. The second is my first piece of gold work which would look great on a box, but was designed to be a small cushion, it’s only 5″ square and as it was my first gold work piece I was thinking about framing it. Thank you for the chance to do something a bit special with it. D x

  504. Number one these handmade boxes are really hard to find and I have had to order them in when I want them or find them.These boxes are beautiful. I’m working om a big needlework piece at the moment and it will have to be framed. But I have smaller pieces that would fit into one of those boxes nicely.
    Thanks for the opportunity to win one Mary.I can only work on one piece of needle work at a time and completely finish it before I go to the next.Otherwise I would have UFO’s all over the place. Thanks again Mary

  505. Hi Mary. What a wonderful give-away which would make a fantastic heirloom with an embroidered piece inserted. I’m currently working on a hardanger project, which is completely a new venture for me, having taught myself surface embroidery, cross stitch and ribbon work. I want to turn the hardanger into a ring pillow for a relative so will be very proud when I complete it and made the cuts in the exact places!!
    Best wishes

  506. I would appreciate having this lovely box for the Japanese Beadwork project that I am just about finished with. It would be a perfect complement.

  507. What a beautiful box!! I am currently working on a bag from Sublime Stitching with a boy and girl talking on the telephone! Thanks for the opportunity to win such a lovely gift!

  508. Please note my email address is all small case
    I love beautiful boxes and one of these would be a great addition to my collection. I am sure I could work an embroidery for what ever size I won (wishful thinking)

  509. What a brilliant give away this would be ideal to keep my stitching projects neat and tidy in my brand new conservatory. Love they lovely things you show on Needle n Thread always something interesting to learn in each post.

  510. I am currently working on a some embroidery pieces on cotton tulle. They will be turned into the lace for the top of my wedding dress. My theme is sea creatures and I’m mixing real ones with some of the bizarre interpretations that were put on old maps. I’m just finishing up the drafting and design but I’ll have to get moving on the stitching very soon.
    This site is a huge reason I’m even attempting it. Thank you for sharing all your knowledge and tips!

  511. What a beautiful box. Right now I’m working on a cross stitch of Darth Vader for my 35 year old son. I will be framing it and giving it to him for a Birthday present in December.

  512. I am working on a monogram for my childhood friend of 63 years. I hope to put it on a box that will be filled with some childhood memories. I am sure that would make her cry with happiness.

  513. The boxes are just simply beautiful, who wouldn’t want one. Right now, I am working on an Elsa Williams Embroidery Kit…”Tea Room Floral”. It is rather large, plan to hang it on a wall. I also enjoy smaller projects, like something to put into one of those boxes.
    Thanks for a chance to win.

  514. I am currently working on a Trish Burr Little Bee eater. I had planned to put it in a frame, but one of the beautiful boxes would be wonderful!

    Thank you!

  515. I’m working on the Bluebird Tweet by Just Nan. It meets two of my embroidery preferences, it’s a bird and small. Blue and cute are also big pluses. However, I just purchased the book of monograms, and that’s next up. I hadn’t planned a finish, so the box would make that decision easy!

  516. I am working on a piece from your book, Needle Painting Embroidery, Wild Pansy, number 10 in your book Fresh Ideas for Beginners. It will be matted and framed, it is a Christmas gift for my good friend who just loves flowers.

  517. I am planning om embroidering initials for both of my daughters-in-law for Christmas and would like to use one of the handcrafted boxes I saw on display on your Needle ‘N Thread email last week. The last several years I have given them hand made presents and they loved them. I would like to continue that tradition and those boxes are perfect for preserving those memories!

  518. Hi Mary! Many many thanks for the wonderful inspiration you provide.
    Re: the piece I am working on- I am doing a Trish Burr needle painting of a bird. I used to have a delightful friend, Dora the parrotlet, and had to give her up because my MS made it hard for me to look after her. I’d like to use Trish’s gorgeous pattern to practice for making a wee Dora, and she’d be perfect on one of the gorgeous boxes!

  519. currently working on a cross stitch that will either be finished as a pillow or framed to wall mount, next up is goldwork… that would look wonderful in the box lid!

  520. I’ve been working on a quilt to hang on the wall. It is a mix of fabric and wool. I thought it would be very simple wool appliqué and would have it done in no time. However, it turned out to be very time consuming. I can’t wait till it’s done, only 4 blocks to g0.

    I have a finished needle punch finished that would look really nice on one of those beautiful boxes.

  521. Hi — I’m currently working on O Christmas Tree by Wendy Williams — it’s a wool applique Christmas tree pattern that I have been embellishing with embroidery and beads. I actually meant to have this completed last Christmas, but I’m giving it the college try again for this year. It’ll be gorgeous when completed. It will be finished into a quilt and hung on the wall — at least that’s the plan — because there’s a tremendous amount of time and energy that has gone into it.

    Actually, last night I was showing my 16-yr-old daughter one of her “keepsakes” — it’s a tiny little denim jacket that I had embellished for her when she was 4 or 5 years old. She wore it quite a bit — lost it at least twice — and I couldn’t bear to give it away like I did with most of her clothes. I hope someday her own daughter will wear it — there’s a lot of love in every little stitch.

  522. I love boxes! So beautiful and so easily displayed anywhere.
    I’m currently working on a miniature knot rug designed by Teresa Layman. I just love her designs!
    I am planning on displaying it in a box. I have so many large pieces for framing and this is a small piece. Approximately 3×4.
    I just love doing the miniature knot rugs. They are done all in French knots and colonial knots with one strand of floss and one wrap. They are my mandalas for finding that zen place. And they are very portable! So important to have portable stitching. You just never know when you will end up with a few minutes to put a stitch or few in.

  523. I am currently working on the EGA Correspondence course that is an Iris in surface embroidery and pulled work. Very interesting project, but way to big for these boxes. I plan to have it framed and hung on the wall.

  524. I have some ideas in the works for designs that look very nice on top of boxes. The one I just finished had some detached leaves and was mounted on an antique box; looked wonderful! I enjoy all sorts of finishing techniques and try to match the type of embroidery to its final resting place.

  525. Currently I am working on a cross-stitched afghan for my nephew and his wife. Second baby and a boy this time. Made a bunny afghan for their daughter and am making a teddy bear one for their son, due in November.
    Before this, I was expanding into some of Trish Burr’s Whitework with color designs. I finished 2 of them, a hummingbird and a chickadee. Loved working on both of them and I think I have found a new love in my needlework. Trying these new things are the greatest!!!

  526. I am ALWAYS looking for what I can “do” with my finished embroidery pieces!!!! I love this box idea!! Tight now I’m working on a few “series”, both cross stitch and surface embroidery, that I’m going to hang in frames. I’m also working on surface embroidery with a Sea theme which I will make into 3 pillows.

  527. I am working on a series of australian birds, having recently been to Australia, in threadpainting. I am totally inspired by threadpainting and a beautiful bird would look amazing on a box lid or simply mounted and framed. I am amwzed at how lifelike this technique can be.

  528. Currently working on a little kit which was going to be framed for me sewing room – but who knows if there is a lovely box to mount it on…

  529. Well, I am working on several projects. One is a crazy quilt that I thought I would send off as postcards, but my daughter wants me to make into a wall hanging. I have a Mill Hill kit that I will finish as an ornament. And I am still working on Drawn Thread Sampler by Gay Ann Rogers. My mother wants it. She would like to stick it under glass in her kitchen. She has photos of kids and grand kids there and thinks it will make a nice background.

  530. What a great giveaway. I’m currently working on a small stumpwork piece with a circle of flowers and embroidered initial in the center. I’m planning to mount it in a box like the ones created by Mike Harris.

  531. The boxes do look like they are very good quality. I am currently working on several crewel pieces from The Needlework Company out of England, and I am seriously considering purchasing the firescreen as I have the crewel kit from the same company that would fit. Both my mother and I have crewel pieces and possibly some cross stitch pieces that could fit the smaller boxes. I hope he will possibly produce some larger boxes in the future.

  532. I do lots of different embroidered styles but lateły raised – one of these boxes would be perfect to mount it!

  533. I am currently working on a cross stitch of a mother and child in sepia tones. It will be framed and given to my second great grand daughter.

  534. I’m just about to start on a Jacobean embroidery – very excited as its my first one! What it will end up being is anyone’s guess

  535. As always, I am on rotation. Very soon to start on some stumpwork pieces, the direction of which I am not yet sure about (could end up as jewellery and Christmas tree decorations). Also, a blackwork (with a touch of goldwork incorporated) piece that was intended for a special photo album I created for my mum. However, that one could look good on top of a box. Some of the other projects on rotation are massive samplers. I have never done a sampler before, as they have never appealed to me. But have recently discovered Long Dog samplers.

  536. I am taking a break from my adventures in Hardanger and working on a cross stitch that will be finished into an autumn stocking.

    I’d love to win! (Fingers crossed)

  537. I have three projects in process – all of them Crewel embroidery. I am most focused on a design from The Crewel Work Company entitled “September Evening.” It is a Jacobean style, and although the size of the design is only 8.5 x 8.5 inches, it includes a squirrel, a stag, and a butterfly. I’m enjoying it immensely, and will frame it to hang over the fireplace when it’s complete. The next project in line – all set up and ready to go – is another Crewel Work Company design called “Secret Squirrel.” I love that title, and the design is precious! Only 4 x 4 inches, it would be the perfect project to mount in a beautiful box crafted by Mark.

  538. At the moment i am working on the second of three feathers metalwork embroidery from the bluebirdembroidery.co.uk. The jay feather is ready. The owl is nearing the end. I will either put the 3 feathers in one mount with 3 holes in the passepartout or, now I have seen these boxes, in three different coloured wood boxes !

  539. I am working on several things. One is going to be a quilted wall hanging. Another few will be hung on walls. One, a bunch of butterflies, is perfect for a box. I also have another that I’d love to put in a box. It’s for a friend who’s been going through a hard time.

  540. I do mostly counted thread embroidery, but I have macular degeneration, so my eyes are only going to cooperate for a couple of more years. This makes me want to choose my projects carefully. Right now, I’m working on an Advent Calendar, using the Santas from Prairie Schooler. I had hoped to finish it in a year, but it looks like it will take two – I started on Christmas Eve 2016, with my choice for December 24th. Then I started with December 1, and am now on Dec. 7, so obviously, have a long way to go! When I’m finished, I plan to finish them all as ornaments with a Christmassy backing material. I’ll hang them all with the backs facing out on a felt Christmas “tree”, and turn them over one by one throughout December. I think they will look so great together, as I’m using the same color palette for all – especially the same green, red and gold.

  541. What a treat it would be to have such a lovely box to showcase some hand embroidery! Thanks for the chance to win. I’m currently working on a set of 4 small winter scenes, doing counted cross stitch on 32 ct. linen.

  542. I am currently working on the Sue Spargo wool appliqué with embroidery 2017 Block of the Month for July. When all the months are completed and sewn together, the result will be a wall hanging. I love Spargo’s contemporary folk art style and use of bright colors; plus, I have learned many new stitches and ways to combine them. Being a visual learner, I frequently use the Needle ‘N Thread videos as a supplement to Sue’s book Creative Stitching. While the Spargo is my current project, I have Lucy Barter’s Craftsy gold work project in my UFO box. I think it would be stunning in one of the Mythic Crafts’ boxes.

  543. What a lovely thing for both of you to do – I hope whomever wins will truly appreciate this heirloom! I am currently working on an Autumn piece that will be mounted where it will be freestanding.

  544. What a lovely box, and such a beautiful give-away! I’m currently working on a vintage embroidery project using designs reminiscent of the 30’s which I plan to work into a baby quilt with reproduction vintage fabric. It’s a fun and easy project! No pressure!!!

  545. Currently working on a banding sampler with my stitching group! learning lots of stitches and designs Think my favorite has been a whitework section! Would love to make a whitework box topper with an initial!

  546. I am currently working on a cross stitch piece by Little House Needleworks. This piece is for me and will hang either in my room or near my stitching area.

  547. I’ve taken a class with Alison Cole, so am working on a stumpwork and goldwork piece. Because it’s so delicate, I expect that I will be framing it when I finish.

  548. I just finished a flamingo to hang on the wall and I am about to do some embroidery on some tote bags to give as Christmas presents!

  549. The boxes and your work are stunning. Thank you. I have finished embroidering four little doll faces for my nieces and granddaughters and I’ve been enthralled with learning about gold work embroidery… absolutely breathtaking.

  550. I’m working on a surface embroidery project right now. I don’t know if that’s the right classification because it has some flat embroidery and some 3-d thingies…I wouldn’t really call it stumpwork. Anyway, it is to keep in my house. I give everything away, but this one is staying. Since I don’t really have many walls, a box would be the perfect way to finish it!

  551. Right now I am working on needlepoint after attending the Needle Arts Mystery Retreat near Chicago this summer. When I actually finish the stitching, I plan to have it made into a pillow to use for patriotic holidays. I chose the red, white, and blue color way so it should work fine for those holidays.

  552. Aloha, I love your blog entries. I’m currently working on some crazy quilt pillows, with monograms. including photo transfers of my mother’s old letters she wrote to her mother-in-law when she first got married! These pieces would also be great on a box top. Mahalo

  553. Right now i’m embroidering christmas ornaments using the sardinian knot stitch technique.
    I would love to use a sardinian knot stitch design for one of these
    beautiful boxes!

  554. I am embroidering a Crabapple Hill Pattern that is called the Salem Witches. It is 3 different panels that are embroidered. Within the embroidery I will use colored pencils to fill in. Quilted piecing finishes the borders. It is for a fairly good sized wallhanging.

  555. What a lovely giveaway! I am currently working on a cross stitch scissor pocket having just made tiny thimble pocketbook with added beading for a neice to hold an “acorn or a stone” as her needs require being 3 yrs old. Redwork waiting to be srarted on towels. Pretty basic stuff lately. Always love to see glorious work you present. An heirloom box would be truly special gift to hand down.

  556. I would love the box you are showing. I love pink, my last name starts with an R and the whole thing looks great! I realize that isn’t what is being given away. Currently I’m working on a quilt for our guest room and am otherwise overwhelmed. I did find a sweater at the thrift store the other day in goregous colors of orangy pink – kind of sherbet looking. Once I get brave enough to see if it fits, if it does, I will finish the corduory skirt I am working on and embroidery some flowers on the pocket using the gorgeous Watercolours varigated floss that I found at my local thrift store. What a score that was, 140+ skeins of never used floss/thread!

  557. I am currently working on a Simplicity 1950 Vintage dress for my first grandchild. It has an embroidered bodice and hemline. When I’m finished with that, I will return to the cross stitch bread cloth with a wheat sheaf design from a 1980 craft magazine.

  558. Hi Mary,
    I’d love to receive one of these lovely boxes! I enjoy filling them with my needlework and making them into gifts. I’m currently working a a couple of needlepoint canvases – Fire and Ice designed by Toni Gerdes and Golden Iris by Joan Thomason. I was in Anaheim CA last week for the ANG National Seminar and took the iris class there. By the way, I am a graduate of Kansas State – I enjoy hearing about your life back in KS!

  559. I’m embroidering a piece of fabric, echoing the design on it and I’m going to use it to make a coin purse.

  560. I am currently working on a Halloween Punch Needle project that would look wonderful mounted on one of Mark’s gorgeous boxes! My alternative mounting plan is to work it into a small, hand quilted wall-hanging or candle mat. I’ve also got a completed Primitive Santa Punch Needle project, which I did poolside on vacation earlier this summer! It will also likely become a wall hanging!! I did have another idea, but it would be a more involved project: I absolutely love the handbags done by Japanese quilter, Yoko Saito, and I was thinking that a Halloween or Xmas purse, made of hand quilted cotton and homespun, perhaps with a bit of wool, would be a fun accessory!! I think punch needle embroider could stand up well to the wear of a handbag. Happy stitching everybody!!

  561. I have several things going (as usual!): a counted cross-stitch Christmas project, a surface set of napkins, multiple wool applique/crazy stitch projects that will end up as quilts.

  562. I am currently embroidering bookmarks, but these are very detailed & ornate! I am a huge fan of silk ribbon & beads. I have made 8 so far. Getting ready to do the finishing for each one. Will probably give as Christmas gifts.

  563. I have a piece of Hardanger that I’ve been working on a couple years. When it’s done I plan to put it in a box like these.

  564. I would love to have such a fine box, they’re so beautiful! My current embroidery project is actually on crazy quilt hexies. Were I to win this box I would make a heavily encrusted top for it, probably in blues my favorite color.

  565. I am currently working on two cross stitches. Birth announcements for my two nephews! I hope I get them done by xmas time

  566. At the moment I am working on Embroidery of small candles and shells on baptismal bibs for the babies baptized at my church.

  567. Of the nine things I am actively stitching on (!!), three of them would find a happy home with that exquisite box. In fact, there is canvas piece that looks as if I had that box in mind when I decided to make it! Fingers crossed.

  568. At the moment, I am working on several things! I have to complete the mounting of my piece of silk shading for the RSN certificate (I don’t want to look a hellebore in the face for a while after two weeks of re-creating one in stitch!); I’m at the start of ‘A Stitch In Time’ which is an altar frontal for the school chapel that I am encouraging all the students to add at least one stitch to; I’m in the middle of a blackwork portrait of my mother when she was young (a gift for my father) and right now, I am setting up something simple as a ‘pick up’ project for when I am just too tired to do anything after a day teaching English. .. I decided on a series of ’bouteh’ shapes worked in various styles and types of embroidery, which will be a sort of sampler: I love the shape and will be very interested to see how it looks in the various different styles of work..

  569. At the moment I am working on a beach sampler. Love your boxes. Would love to have one to add a seashell to the front of it.

  570. Hi Mary – Thanks for the giveaway.

    I’m currently working on a stumpwork and needlelace water lily. The lily has 24 needlelace petals (on wire) and sits atop 2 lily pad leaves (made with fused green fabric and decorated with metallic thread. There is even a beaded stumpwork dragonfly. These pieces will sit atop a hexagonal table top mirror. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!

    Judy BC

  571. The Mythic Crafts boxes are absolutely stunning. I’d love to be challenged to develop a project for the insert. One on my current projects is to stitch the top and front panels for a box which I already own. The designs for the sides are still in my brain. The work is thread painting in silk floss on silk fabric.

  572. My current project is the sampler ‘And they Sinned’ by Examplar Dames. I am not sure how I am going to finish it; it certainly would take a big box if that’s the route I choose, lol! I may end up framing, but will have to save my pennies. Thanks for the give-a-way opportunity.

  573. Presently, I’m working on a crewel piece that will be finished as a decorative pillow for my bed. Should I be fortunate and “win” a display box, I plan to display a goldwork piece in it.

  574. I am working on the small stump work Poppy project from the Craftsy Stump Work class. New techniques that I will put to use in Baltimore quilt blocks.

  575. I’m currently working on a Danish counted cross stitch wreath of flowers which will be turned into a table topper when completed. The boxes shown are truly works of art.

  576. What style of embroidery are you working on at the moment, and do you have any “finishing” plans for it? I am working on a autumn bell that I plan to hang

  577. What a delightful treat! Rather amazing to have someone so talented now creating high QUALITY boxes for we embroidery enthusiasts. So what am I working on? Oh boy, so many! At the moment a large needlepoint portrait, an easy & fun cross stitch skeleton for my son for Halloween, and some petite point lions and tigers – oh my! And do I have a piece in mind for a box! A keepsake box done with initials for a friend, but I haven’t been able to find the right box, crafted with quality, until now!

  578. These boxes look amazing, the craftsmanship and superb timbers used make them first class. I would love to stitch something to go in one of these boxes.

  579. Right now I am working on multiple cross stitch projects, but mostly Village of Hawk Run Hollow. I plan on framing it, but who knows when. On 40 ct it is going to be huge! Hopefully my husband can make a frame or I can find one at a thrift store, otherwise it may just get draped over a small table for viewing…
    Thank you for the great giveaway!!

  580. My current project is a crewel valance that will cover a double window in my guest room. It has oriental motifs inspired from an oriental headboard and coral rug. An teal medallion centers the the valance with a large coral peony. Pale pink peach peony blossoms spray out from the center. On the outer edges are two Asian pine needle trees and pagodas. The valance will be finished with a lining and hung over the windows. Carolyn,Freehold

  581. One of the pieces I’m working on at the moment is a monogrammed letter P on black satin using single strand silk. It is based on an idea from a friend of mine who became enamoured with the style after news of the Opus Anglicanum exhibition at the V&A came out. The actual P is being stitched in satin stitch and everything else is being stitched with split stitch. I had not thought what to do with it when finished. She turned hers into a scissor case. Mine will either be framed or put into a box, I think. Still not sure – I think I need to finish it first and then it will tell me what to do with it!

  582. Hello – currently I am working on an Illuminated Name Plate piece designed by Alison Cole – it is a gift for my daughter. I do have several other pieces “on the go” one of which, a small stumpwork piece, will be mounted on a box. I love handmade boxes both the look and the feel. Thanks for the generous opportunity to win one!

  583. I am taking a break from embellishing wool applique, which I have been working on steadily all summer, and am designing and stitching a ribbon embroidered Christmas Bouquet. This will be a sample that I’ll share with a group of lovely women in a beginner’s class at a local quilt shop. Most have never done ribbon work at all, but they have experience with embroidery on wool and know many of the basic stitches. I am not sure how I will frame it or otherwise finish it — I will suggest a number of options for the ladies in class. It would be positively wonderful in a beautiful box — and what a nice way to display it for my class!

  584. I am working on a ‘bear” needlepoint (cross stitch) for my daughter that will be a zipper pouch for middle school!

  585. I’m working on my first crazy quilt & as I’ve just started on the embroidery on the first section, I’m thinking it will be a throw for the back of the couch. The box will be used for all my odds & ends of finished embroidery blocks.

    Thanks for this nice give away.

  586. Oops, forgot to answer the question of what I would put in the box. I have a stumpwork project I never finished. I would get it done for the box.

  587. I usually do colourful cross stitch patterns and I am branching out by starting two new techniques – one is freeform shaded black work and the other is a piece of zen embroidery I am learning different techniques for. Daunting but enjoyable.

  588. I have been busy starting with a flurry of classes lately. I have a blackwork
    piece, a stumpwork piece and a canvas piece all started and making time for each.
    In between , I finished a canvas ornament for the EGA tree in our local library
    at Christmas.
    The blackwork and canvas pieces I will frame and the stumpwork piece would look
    great in a boxtop.

  589. That is one gorgeous box. I have been collecting boxes for years! It would be awesome to add this to my gang and put my Christmas cross stitch piece I’m working now, on it. Oh, then I could store hand made ornaments in it!

  590. I’m currently working on embroidery over felted designs- I plan on either mounting them onto canvas or framing them in a deep shadowbox type frame, whichever would look best.

  591. I just finished a pulled thread project on 32 count linen: Heart’s Delight from Inspirations Magazine Issue 94. The finished measurement is 5 5/8″ square. My husband and I have been discussing how to display it. He would like to mount and frame it, then hang it on the wall. I want to use it. Putting it in one of the beautiful wooden boxes from Mythic Crafts would be a fantastic way of displaying and preserving my handwork! Plus I could store other treasures in the box as well! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a beautiful handcrafted box to display our handwork!

  592. Hi! I’m working on what may be my most challenging project yet –
    what you would call a magnum opus! – a needle painting of a gulf fritillary butterfly (similar to a monarch) – I was thinking of framing it but oh a box would be perfect! Thank you for off

  593. Oh Mary what a generous offer from Mark, he is such a talented artist I could only dream of having one of his boxes for my embroidery showcase, I would use it to store some of my special threads.
    Right now I am working on a design from Trish Burr called Prancer, a beautiful reindeer in the whitework with color style. Wouldn’t he look sassy on the box display! Right now I am thinking of framing it once done!
    I am also embroidering a christmas cushion for my sister. It reminds me of the post you had on embroidering fabric that has a flair of doodling or black and white drawing. I am keeping my fingers crossed

  594. Right now, I am working on a cross stitch sampler using Quaker motifs – it is called Rose Quaker Sampler, and is done in shades of soft pink and tan and rose. It is a lovely piece, and I plan to frame it to hang on my wall. I can see using some beautiful stumpwork embroidery to decorate the top of one of those lovely wooden boxes!

  595. I know Mark’s work, having purchased some frames for the boutique where I work, it is fabulous. Now, I am working on a blackwork piece and I would love to own one of his boxes… and well, that is just in time for my birthday. Thanks for doing this .

  596. I am doing a goldwork letter P for a granddaughters 18th. Birthday and would love a box to mount it in. Gail.

  597. Hi! I’m working on what may be my most challenging project yet –
    what you might call my magnum opus! – a needle painting of a gulf fritillary butterfly (similar to a monarch) – I was thinking of framing it but oh a box would be perfect! Thank you for the chance to win such a lovely thing.

  598. Magnificent. I rarely do small pieces, but I have a brand new Great-granddaughter, who needs a Treasure Box. I truly would love to win this.


    1. Silly me, I forgot to mention that I’m working on a 1 color cattle skull on perforated paper. It’s going to be a gift for my oldest son.

  599. I am presently making my Xmas cards… Blackwork designs this year for most of them but also some fillography…(like string art but with fine threads sewn on cardstock)
    Some years ago for my mother’s birthday I had embroidered a peony design around her name on a small piece of linen that I had in my stash but had been wondering how to mount it so that it would not just hang about in a nondescript frame….by pure chance I found a beautiful (unused) rosewood embroidery display box in a charity shop. … the glass opening was just right for the piece & my mum was thrilled…. she used it to keep “important” odds & ends on her dressing table until her death which sadly came all too soon….. I now have the box which still contains some of her “important” things….It will be passed on in the family….

  600. Well, I am working on my first casket. Thanks to you Mary, I enrolled in Tricia Nguyen’s Cabinet of curiosities courses in 2105. In June I started the Harmony with Nature stumpwork course, using Tricia’s instructions to reproduce a casket based on 17th century techniques using the beautiful threads that she has sourced and made available.
    I faced my nemesis – needlelace – head-0n and at the weekend I will be starting my stumpwork stag in needlelace – I’m excited and nervous at the same time!

  601. Hi Mary!
    I was just showing your blog and Mark Harris site to visiting friends from Seattle on the weekend. And now a giveaway! I am working on three Sue Spargo needle cases for our EGA auction and a sweet crewel work piece for my best friend for Christmas with the thought of putting it on a box top! It’s fate! Love your blog immensely!

  602. I am finishing off a piece of schwalm which would look lovely in a wooden box.

    I have also just completed a couple of cross stitch projects, 1. The Gingerbread Village from Country Cottage Needleworks and 2. The Garden Club Series from Blackbird Designs. I still have to decide how to finish them both off.

    Next I want to try a piece of stumpwork – So many things to do and never enough time.

  603. I am busy working on a Danish flower cross stitch. It is spring here and the design is bright and light like the season. I have had the kit tucked away for some years and I still love it. The Danish flower thread is lovely to use and each stitch is quite defined. The colours are clear yet muted. I am going to make it into a cushion and still deciding whether to back with flowery cotton or plain linen? Suggestions welcome!
    Jenny Mayne

  604. What a treat to see beautiful wood work being carried on! My father was a wonderful woodworker and I just wish he was alive today to create treasures to showcase my embroidery. It’s such a shame to see lovely handwork displayed badly so these beautiful boxes are a lovely option.
    Hope this day brings you joy Mary and thanks for all you do for us.

  605. For a while now I’ve been working on Elizabeth Almond’s Sublime Stitches blackwork sampler, and I still have quite a ways to go. As for finishing it, I’m still deciding between framing it, or making a wall hanging as its rather large. I tend to take on projects more for the stitching than the final piece, so finishing is always a bit on the back burner.

  606. At the moment I am completing some blackwork. It is part of a project of “learning” that I am doing with the local U3A (university of the third age – for over 50s). We have been encouraged to experiment with design. So this is totally my work and is a very new experience for me. I’m not yet sure what I will do with the completed article …… I’m thinking maybe the centre of a tablecloth??? I am loving this way of working/learning.

  607. I am currently working on a needlepoint piece, but I have not yet decided how I will finish it.

  608. I’m currently working on a table cloth. It’s going slow because it’s a big cloth and my seven month old doesn’t help very well. My finishing plans are to use it in a decorative table.

  609. I’m working on a stumpwork cockatrice, by Alison Cole. It’s part of a series of four mythical animal. I’ve already stitched two of the animals (unicorn and dragon), and once I’ve finished the cockatrice and the fourth animal (gryphon) I’m going to get all four framed in a single frame.

  610. I am working on a 1950’s tablecloth which I bought “accidentally” in an auction lot — accidentally because I hadn’t realised the preprinted tablecloth was there when I bid on the box. I am using stranded cotton and experimenting with shading the large flowers in different blues, using long and short stitch. The leaves have been outlined in chain stitch with satin stitch where they curl over. The tiny scrap of paper stapled to the cloth showed the design worked in oranges, but I am just not an orange gal! The picture is also too small to determine what stitches were originally intended, so there is a whole ‘nuther’ layer of decision making which I have enjoyed. I am pleased with the results so far…

  611. I am currently sewing on seasonal redwork projects that will be finished with a quilted border and displayed on an iron stand next to my fireplace side. In addition, a small saying surrounded by berries and twigs which I will finish with autumn fabric and make into a book cover as a gift for my sister (she journals daily). I am new to your site and am looking forward to many many inspirational projects..just popping around the links has been a joy.

  612. At the moment, I’m stitching a Charles Rennie Mackintosh rose on a Sweete bag. The design is by my wonderful teacher, Jenny Adin-Christie, and involves silk threads, silver threads, silver pearl purl and pearls. It will be made up as a bag as a present for my oldest friend’s 70th birthday.
    Mark’s boxes look beautiful and I would love to have one. Thank you both, Mary and Mark, for the chance.

  613. I am working on a piece of crewel embroidery. The subject is a shaded rose with leaves and a stem. It would fit beautifully into the top of those magnificent boxes. My other choice is to have it framed.

  614. I’m working on Jane Nicholas’ Corncockle and Dragonfly stumpwork, from a class I took a couple of years ago and never finished. I was hoping to mount it in a box, so you sharing Mark’s boxes is very timely!

  615. Thank you so much for your wonderful offer! Hope I’m the lucky person who wins this prize. I’m working on Home Sweet Home (very long term project) and a small sampler to hang on a very boring wall in my bathroom. I have a lovely needlepoint piece that I finished in my grand daughter’s favorite colors. I’ve been looking for a box to set it and this would be perfect! It will be the first piece I’ve done for her and she’s turning 14 in a month.

  616. I’m always looking for different ways to finish off pieces, and I love the way a box finishes pieces!
    I’m currently working on my RSN silk shading piece. It will be mounted in the traditional way, and I’m hoping to have a collection of all my RSN pieces framed so I can see my development and improvement over time.
    Thanks for a great opportunity!
