Finally, A Stitcher’s Christmas #6!
If you’ve been following along with my series of pre-Christmas give-aways aimed at the Enthusiastic Embroiderer, you’ve seen some pretty jolly gifts so far! And from what I hear, are already enjoying their prizes! Just think – the next one could be you!
So let’s move on to give-away #6 in the series, shall we?
A Stitcher’s Christmas #6 is courtesy of the folks at Inspirations Studios, the publishers of Inspirations Magazine (the world’s most beautiful embroidery magazine) and other beautiful needlework publications.

A Stitcher’s Christmas #6 features a lovely little bundle of prizes – in fact, it features five bundles, one for each of five winners!
The first item in the package is a copy of Inspirations issue 96.
Now, if you’re not familiar with Inspirations magazine, I should probably tell you that receiving an issue of the magazine is like receiving a vacation in the mail. Every issue is a full-blown project book, replete with gorgeous embroidery projects, materials lists, patterns, and step-by-step instructions for each project in the book.

Each issue is also a masterpiece of photography & clear graphics, interesting stitching stories from around the globe, and readable columns to keep you up to date on needlework happenings. Accompanied by a cup of coffee and a comfy chair, the magazine provides a pleasant escape into the world of embroidery. You’ll find yourself perusing it from cover to cover, over and over!
In issue 96, some rather amazing embroidery projects cover a wide range of needlework techniques.

Whether you’re a beginner, an intermediate stitcher, or a pro who’s been plying the needle for years, there’s something for everyone in every issue!

In addition to the magazine, you’ll also receive a copy of the Inspirations calendar for 2018.
If you’re like me, you like to have a calendar (or two or three) hanging in your house to keep track of important dates and upcoming events.
Admittedly, I have three scattered about the manse – one in my kitchen marked with appointments and family happenings, one in my office space (read: bedroom, where my computer is) marked with work-related stuff, and one in my workroom where I do all my stitching stuff. The one in my workroom is always the Inspirations calendar. It features gorgeous needlework – and I love looking at gorgeous needlework! It keeps my creativity on its toes!

And what’s a needlework gift without something to get you stitching right away?
The third item in this package is a complete kit for Simple Stitches, two small hoop projects featuring a bright burst of cheery flowers and a vibrant lorikeet, designed by Chloe Redfern of the UK.
Chloe’s hoop art style is fun and imaginative, bursting with color, and utilizing simple stitches that are accessible to any level of stitcher. Because the projects are small, you get the satisfaction of a relatively quick finish! And because they’re relatively easy, the whole experience is one of relaxed enjoyment.
The kit includes ground fabric, felt, thread, and needles, and the instructions can be found in your brand new copy of Inspirations issue 96!
Give-Away Guidelines
If you’d like to join in on today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines:
This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!
1. Leave a comment on this article on Needle ‘n Thread. You can follow this link directly to the comment form, if you’re unsure of where to go.
Please do not leave your comment as a reply to someone else’s comment. Comments submitted via email or left on any other page or social media page are not eligible. The comment must be left on Needle ‘n Thread, at the end of this article.
2. Please fill out the comment form correctly. Here’s what you need to know about filling out the comment form:
Use a recognizable name in the “name” line (this can be first and last name, first name with last initial, a nickname, your first name and where you’re from, etc.); use a valid email address; leave the website line blank if you do not own and operate your own website; do not put any personal contact information in the comment area itself.
3. Answer the following in your comment:
What’s your favorite subject matter for embroidery? Are you a floral person, do you like stitching wildlife, do you like geometrics, stylized designs, sampler motifs, figures of people, exuberant Jacobean designs, wording, monograms, primitive figures or scenes, religious motifs, symbols, illustrations of stories or buildings or landscapes? In other words, what’s your Thing when it comes to embroidery designs?
4. Leave your comment before 5:00 am Central Time (that’s Kansas, USA time), Wednesday, December 20th. The winners will be randomly drawn that morning and announced here on Needle ‘n Thread.
5. Only one comment per person, please. The give-away is open to everyone.
And that’s all there is to it! The question might take a little thought, but other than that, the whole process is pretty simple. So go forth and comment, and hopefully, by the time the New Year gets a little underway, a beautiful package of these needlework goodies will land on your doorstep, eager to entertain you!
If your comment does not appear on the website immediately (it will read “awaiting moderation” or something to that effect), don’t panic and please don’t resubmit it. The comments are queued until I approve them. This prevents spam on my website. It will show up eventually. Thanks!
I love Inspirations magazine. My cross stitch group Friends of Counted Embroidery occasionally does projects from the magazine. They have excellent kits too.
My favorite subject to stitch is sampler reproductions. I did crewel as a teenager, but the got hooked on cross stitch. I would love to get back to crewel and winning this package might inspire me.
I like embroidery , all embroidery I prefer flowers but all embroidery catch my attention and admiration
Thank you for your blog and all embroideres (old , presents and futures )who make to dream
Happy hollidays
I stitch a lot of animals,
flowers & sayings & some primitive style.
Right now i am up to my eyeballs in Jacobean crewel work. I am returning to embroidery after a long hiatus. I was largely self taught; now I am taking the online class from EGA and I am learning a lot. I love the stylized and fantastical nature of Jacobean motifs.
Oooooooo! What amazing giveaways. The perfect gift to keep busy all through 2018! I’d love to win
I like to stitch birds, some are more lifelike than others!
My favorite embroidery theme is flowers.
I have a predilection to stitching anything from nature especially birds and native flowers.
I really like doing swirly doodles in embroidery, often just sketching them out as I go. But my favorite piece so far has been animals – a rabbit greeting an elephant. That one I sketched the outline out ahead if time and transferred it like normal, but all of the details I made up as I went along. I’m not much of a planner 🙂
I love animals & wildlife portraits even though I’m not very good at silk shading.
At this point in time, I would say sampler motifs. (This is a hard question)!
I love stitching wording – a favorite quote or something unique to myself or a friend – and then adding floral or bird embellishments to make it special.
My favourite subject for embroidery is landscapes. However, as a canvaswork designer, I lean heavily to geometrics, and my goal is to get landscapes to work in this medium too.
I am a landscape person, with floral embroidery being very close.
I like geometries but monograms are also some thing I like.
Love, love, love monograms!
What a wonderful give-a-way! At this point in time, my main use of embroidery is to accentuate applique. It’s nothing drastic but some embroidered fern fronds sure add a lot of interest to a basket of appliqued flowers.
Where to begin? Traditional samplers, blackwork, Jacobean, the list goes on. But probably my favorite type of embroidery involves botanicals of flowers and herbs. They give you a chance to shade to your heart’s content.
My favorite things to stitch are animals, especially deer, and birds, especially parrots. There are so many ways to stitch animals and birds and so many fibers that allow you to explore different combinations of stitches and colors.
What a great prize. My favorites to embroider are people and animals.
I love to stitch birds and flowers. I love using lots of beautiful colors and a variety of surface and three dimensional stitches.
My mother got me started with embroidering tea towels, then pillow cases. I graduated to painted needlepoint canvases . I eventually took a night class in embroidery design where I was introduced to the many forms of embroidery. My current focus is counted work, mostly samplers and blackwork.
It is difficult to pick only one area of embroidery, but if I must, I choose the stitching I use to adorn my Victorian crazy patch Christmas stockings.
Thank you for the always informative newsletter.
My stitching has improved since reading it regularly.
Merry Christmas.
My very favorite would be florals. However, I also love borders with interesting stitches.
Merry Christmas to you Mary. Thank you for the wonderful inspiration that you are.
I love stitching geometrics but really like whatever I am working on or what catches my eye. I really enjoy your postings and read them right away. I wish I could do all the projects you discuss. Time is a factor! Thank you and Merry
I love to stitch animals. I just finished a needlework of my sister’s Samoyed dog for this year’s Christmas gift. 44,100 stitches by my count. I’m now learning silk shading. I love this art form
Florals and geometrics are my favorite themes for needlework, although when I’m traveling I tend to take ideas from the surroundings (geologic features or cityscapes) and weave those (no pun intended) into my work. The Inspirations kit would be a very special gift to myself through which I would give to others through the years!!
I can say unequivocally that Inspirations is my all time favorite magazine, but asking for a “favorite” motif is downright impossible. But, I’ll say geometrics at least until my next floral, or animal, or landscape . . . Oh, dear!
I love to embroider birds, flowers, and things from nature.
My favorite subjects are flowers and plants- closeups. I also love monograms but still
learning! Love the Inspiration magazines!
My favorite subject matter for embroidery…. oh my gosh that is a hard one. Flowers?
My favourite subject is undoubtably animals but I also like bands and patterns with a variety of different stitches and techniques. Love inspirations magazine, cannot afford to buy it but lucky enough to see a friend’s copy fairly regularly!
It would be much easier to say what I don’t want to embroider! But I am especially drawn to animals, flowers and geometrics. Whitework is a great enjoyment to me, as are your kaleidoscopes. I am all over the place, it appears, wanting to try almost everything.
That’s a hard question because I like the stitch choices more than the design but if I have to pick it would be flowers because I can use many different stitches and also make them 3 D. Thanks for all the giveaways.
I absolutely love bargello and the queen stitch. One of my favorite forms of stitching is to do 17th/18th century men’s pocketbooks. I am fascinated by the talent of those before me who had the creative thoughts to come up with patterns/designs for the men in their lives……
Merry Christmas
While I enjoy stitching many different subjects, my favorite for embroidery has to be Jacobean patterns. I just think they are so interesting and the colors are exquisite.
Would love to win this offer! I’m sure I would find many projects to work on.
Mary, thanks again for all you do. I haven’t won anything, but I sure have enjoyed the questions and responses. For me this is a hard question. Since I am primarily a crazy quilter, my thing is mostly seamwork. Designing seams and keeping a piece balanced is always a. Hallenge for me. However, the motifs that inspire me most are trees and creatures. I love to look at embroidery of all types of trees, bugs, birds and other types of fauna.
Favorite subject matter for ALL my fiber endeavors, from embroidery to knitting to weaving: SHEEP! I love all things wooly 🙂
I love stitching animals. Flowers are good too but animals are my favorite. People and geometries are only okay, they look good framing the animals!
My favorite subject matter I would have to say is birds. I am just entering the amazing world of embroidery as art and am astounded by the variety! I love birds and they provide an opportunity to practice many forms of stitchery without getting overwhelmed with a big project. since so many other people enjoy birds also, these little projects make great presents.
My favourite subjects are animals in nature. Whether it is a landscape dotted with farm animals or an alpaca with a rainbow afro love putting my own perspective into my embroidery.
Florals are my fav subject matter for embroidery, and I love the Inspirations magazine
Love embroidering birds and geometrics
My favourite subject is figures in historical costume. Especially in blackwork.
I enjoy stitching Christmas themed
projects or anything floral. Thank you for needlenthread I look forward to all of your posts ❤️
There is no special subject that I like to embroider. I love to do flowers and landscapes, but I also love doing figures of animals and people. Just relaxing with my needle and thread makes me happy.
Usually I like animals or scenery but lately been doing a lot of flowers.
I usually stitch flowers. Your trees look amazing so I may stretch my stitching and try a few of them.
My favorite subject matter is Samplers. My Dutch mother in law gave me my first kit although I had done a welcome sampler from a kit that my husband had brought me from the Smithsonian in Washington. I prefer historic samplers.
My favorite subject to stitch is samplers. Reproduction, blackwork, Elizabethan, contemporary.
My very favorite work is Jacobean because it has so many different stitches; some are just a wonder to behold. But, of course, there are also amazing bird designs. But then, there are also beautiful florals. . .
Flowers! I love flowers, from highly stylized to a glorious mess! One cannot have enough beauty in one’s life.
Hello! My favourite subject for embroidery is fantasy flowers, especially in crewel! Thank you for the chance to win!
My favorite kind of stitching is little creatures in nature. I like to see the layers of stickly fur and the different colors to make the fur look real. And I like the end points in ears or tiny toes.
I like stitching animals.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is florals. Florals encompass such a wide variety of styles and techniques — detailed and accurate depictions of actual flowers in silk shading; fantastical imaginary flowers in crewelwork; and stylized simple flowers in cross stitch.
Inspirations is such a treat. I love each issue. I tend to stitch floral pieces but they differ in style, everything from oriental themes to monograms embellished with flowers. I would love to have their calendar, to brighten my sewing room.
I love stitching in general, but my favorites are geometrics and samplers of all era’s I have been stitching since I was about 7 years old and I am now in my eighty’s. Stitching still excites me and I always look forward to my stitching time every day
My favorite embroidery subject depends on what the piece is for. If it is a gift, then it will be something that the recipient likes (i.e. lady bugs in the design if it is for my sister, giraffes if it is for a particular friend). If it is for me it will likely include flowers, dragonflies or other designs I find pleasing.
Inspirations is a really fantastic magazine. Read it cover to cover whenever I can. Too many projects, Too little time.
While I enjoy all forms of embroidery, the one I always go back to is samplers with inspiring quotes, my first love.
I have started very late in life to begin embroidery . So I have to stop myself from trying everything. The Inspirations Magazine has been a fantastic ideas platform for helping me with my goal, which is everything from crewel to stump work. If only I had my life over again I could have achieved so much more. So never, never leave it until tomorrow the earlier you start the more you will learn.
I never really thought about my favorite theme for embroidery before. Usually it’s the technique. Looking back at all the items it would be “Floral”
My new “thing” in embroidery is historic buildings!
Flora and fauna drive my stitching- seasonally these items carry me through every year! Never ending subject matter
I like to stitch flowers, animals, and landscapes. I would like very much to learn more about stitching and embroidery. Thank you for this great giveaway. Merry Christmas!
My favorite subject is birds with a close second the Tree of Life.
I like to stitch quotations, funny or serious.
My current one, for a wedding:
Joy is the infallible sign of the presence of God.
Valentines is one of my favorite times to give a stitched gift. I make the Valentines using vintage fabrics, trims, beads and stitches. I like the stitches to enhance not take over and use them to embellish the overall piece.
The Tree of Life motif is my very favorite! I started out with wonderful crewel work kits back in the 1970’s and now I am designing my own. Jacobean is my all time fave, but I currently do variations of the Scandinavian look and fun whimsical trees.
I love to stitch flowers.
Depending on the technique, I like different themes. For example, I like a lot of geometrics for canvaswork. But my all-around favorite theme is Christmas – I could stitch that all year round. It could be ornaments, stockings, pretty much anything – bring it on!
My favourite subject to stitch right now is a floral design, although that could change at any moment! I’ve done geometrics, landscapes, and stylized designs previously, and would like to do more in future. I love Inspirations, and this is a fabulous giveaway I’d love to win. Thanks for the chance Mary.
I tend to lean toward florals. I do not have a green thumb and therefore no garden so I enjoy my garden on my walls and shelves.
Again, another special giveaway! I receive Inspirations emails and love them. My favorite subject matter really depends on the type of stitching I am doing. Love geometrics for needlepoint, really like wildlife and Jacobean for surface. In the end, I guess I love it all! Thanks you!
Mary Kay
My favorite subject is birds. I like to embroider and subject matter is secondary, but I do love birds.
I love stitching flowers!
I love scenes! As a child I watched Bob Ross and wanted so badly to be able to capture those lovely scenes. By the second grade I realized that I was never going to be an artist. For some reason, I can stitch a little better than paint, and as I stitch you may here me whisper; “lets add a little more color to this little tree. “
I love embroidering flowers but more recently I have done a couple of mixed media embroideries, a beach scene and a busker playing a saxophone. These were done on a painted background with machine stitched background and hand embroidered foreground. I loved stitching people and being able to use the line of the stitches as part of the shading.
My favorite stitching is surface embroidery.
My favorite themes include samplers, jacobean crewel motifs, florals & trees, animals, and stylized floral themes for hand embroidery.
If I had to pick one subject, I think it would be wildlife.
My favorite embroidery form is florals. I love flowers and greenery.
Thanks Mary
What a marvelous give away! My favorite stitching theme is Quaker motifs.
Currently I love stitching to show off color! When I first started, I did projects from certain designers (Shepherd’s Bush) and holidays….but now I have found The Thread Gatherer’s Silk Pearl 5 and am enjoying showing the rich colors off!
Another tremendous giveaway! And so “Inspiring”. My favourite needlework subjects are usually from the natural world (flowers, trees, critters) but my all time favourite piece that I have actually completed is a canvaswork wreath made up of squares of different stitches – so it’s naturally geometric I guess. Go figure.
Rabbits! (or hares at a push)
My favorite embroidery projects are Christmas and other holiday ornaments. Usually small, fairly quick to finish and then I can give them away for gifts. A win all the way around!
Merry Christmas and thank you for all the inspiration you give!
Favorite subject to embroider is Jacobean designs. Favorite magazine is Inspirations. This is great fun, Mary. Fingers crossed in South Florida
I’m new to the wonderful world of embroidery and could spend hours going through your website and seeing the beautiful works. I’m completely taken with Jacobean motifs – they invoke a trip to the past when beauty was both functional and inspirational. As I work through the ‘how to’s’ of this new form of expression, I look forward to journeying with you each weekday through your fun and informative emails. Keep up the great work and thank you.
I have heard about Inspirations magazine for years but I recently bought an old issue at a fabric store just to see what it was about. It’s a beautiful magazine! My favorite type of embroidery is flowers, I love to do them.
Variety! I like a variety of stitches in my project to make it more interesting and to practice. And I enjoy a variety of types of work. I love crewel work, wording, and useful projects like my little gold bee scissor keeper. Jacobean embroidery always calls my name. But the most important thing is variety.
I love to embroider florals
My ‘thing’ when it comes to embroidery designs is making whatever the design might be, a one of a kind project….a work of art…like no other. That can be something very simple or very elaborate. Thank you Mary for all the work you have done for the holiday giveaways! Happy Holidays!
Lately I have been inspired by geometrics. I get satisfaction when one area is completed and encouraged to move on.
My inspiration comes right out my living room window capturing the changing seasons. I do find before I have completed it, the season has changed. My last project was the changing colors of the leaves which had all dropped by the end of my picture.
Wow, love this mag. Just got one on digital. Would luv to hold one in my grips. I have been a floral stitcher for years but recently I’ve gotten the monagram itch. Also the jacobean flowers are calling out. So many beautiful projects. At times I feel overwhelmed on which to choose and become a collector of projects.
I am definitely a floral embroiderer. I love their infinite variety and beauty.
I love sampler motifs.
My thing is nature…animals, leaves, Christmas trees!, and most recently, dinosaurs. I have stitched some 16 X 20 Dino’s and mounted them on prestretched canvas for my grandson’s bedroom. Had a blast doing them, and really love seeing my work on the wall!
I spend a lot of time on your website, learning, and appreciate everything you do for us. Thank you!
I love to look at all embroidery but I am a novice, and haven’t embroidered much. My favorite subjects are flowers and birds, but I love the 12 Christmas Trees which I have downloaded and am looking forward to stitching. I have subscribed to the
Inspirations newsletter and love their magazine, but so far haven’t ordered it yet.
I will though. I am itching to get started.
I love plants of all kinds. Everything about them is magical and worthy of interpreting in thread. In Canada, where the four seasons offer many choices of plant life, it is never difficult to find inspiration. Right now, I am looking at my ‘winter garden’ – remnants of stalks and flower heads from last year’s hydrangeas poking through the snow. And promises of new growth still dormant in the soil. Here’s wishing peace, health and happiness to everyone in the new year.
My favorite embroidery subject? Flowers. Simple sticks to elaborate Jacobians; easy loop stitches to fancy shading;monochrome to glorious colors. Flowers.
Animals, mostly squirrels and rabbits! But since their coats are mostly neutral colours, they need to be surrounded by flowers and greenery.
My favorite embroidery object is something from nature, especially flowers. Such pictures give so much joy to others, particularly sick people. Something bringing inside the outdoor world even in bad weather.
I ike finding and stitiching simple designs to add to the quilt blocks for my quilts.
This allows me to have hand stitching when I am not at my sewing machine.
I’m drawn to all types of needlework. Band Samplers with a variety of specialty stitches including white work, double running, montenegrin, etc. are irresistible. I would say that’s my favorite, except…Jacobean crewel designs always catch my eye, and those are irresistible too! Perhaps that is why I enjoy Inspirations Magazine so very much, it offers a wonderful variety.
My favorite is stitching animals but I enjoy all types of stitching.
My favorite theme for stitching is Japanese motifs. I love the floral, bird and geometric designs associated with that culture.
I like to stitch geometric designs. For some reason I end up stitching a lot of flowers, though! And Christmas things! Probably because I mostly stitch to give away as gifts.
I love monograms and hope to work my way through your alphabets, Mary.
My favorite subject matter when I embroider is a piece of nature. Since I live in part of the country where we have many changes every season, I love to see how nature gives us a rainbow of colors. Winter reminds me that white is beautiful and clean. Spring very gradually emerges from under the frozen tundra. Summer explodes in vivid colors. And fall gives us richness beyond our imagination. The beauty of it all when it is captured with needle and thread gives us a glimpse of heaven.
My very favorite thing to embroider is either floral or fluffy, furry animals. It’s so fun to make them look fluffy! Birds are also a favorite. Love your blog, it’s been very helpful with tips and tricks
Not seen Inspiration before but love all types of stitchery
Words and foliage are my favorites. Usually small embellishments. Love all the ideas and instructions in this e-newsletter.
My favorite subject matter would have to be vibrantly colored flowers. There are so many beautiful options for design, color, and stitch combinations!
Thank you, Mary, for the great site and this awesome giveaway! Fingers are crossed for this one!! Merry Christmas!
I enjoy geometric designs. I also enjoy floral designs and birds.
Hi Mary,
I always look for your emails first when I open my laptop, thank you so much for all the interesting and useful information. Please know that you are deeply appreciated. I enjoy doing primitive landscapes which usually people and or animals, or I’ll include an Angel. I love watching how the image itself is transformed by each newly added stitched part. It’s always a lovely surprise as they seem to have a life of their own, it’s as though God makes the final decision, which I love. So hand embroidery for me is an opportunity to slow down and be still and allow something else to come through, which of course doesn’t happen all the time or even very often. Thank you so much for being you.
Claudia, what a lovely answer. I sometimes have the wish that I could meet the writer of one of these answers to Mary, and this is one of those times. Hugs to you, God bless and Merry Christmas.
My favourite stitching subject are flowers and leaves. The technique can be anything, cross stitch, surface embroidery, kasuti, etc. I never get bored or tired of those designs and I don’t think I ever will.
I like to stitch animals, mostly dogs and cats.
I love stitching things for people I love. The subject doesn’t matter, I get so muvpch pleasure thinking about the surprise they are going to have!
My favourite subjects for embroidery are flowers, Jacobean designs, and sampler motifs. But many times it will be the colour and techniques that inspire me first, I love learning about all types of embroidery.
Most of my stitching is for gifts so I like to choose the type of design and technique with a particular person in mind. I have done flowers, samplers, animals, buildings, geometrics, etc. It is all good.
Thank you Mary and Inspirations for the chance to win this wonderful gift! I have typically done counted work so Sampler motifs are my usual subject matter, but I have been spreading my wings with surface embroidery and I’m loving the Jacobean designs.
Mary in Billerica
How funny that I have never considered this question, but when I look back on my projects, the answer is most assuredly animals.
I love simple – vintage – child-like designs – which would include animals, flowers, people and the like. I like to use bright – non-realistic colors – as in those cute preprinted bluebird patterns from Martha and Workbasket. That’s me!!
Geometric, but I love colour so flora and fauna come a close second!!
I enjoy Jacobean style or anything Eighteenth century have a great holiday
Since I am as enamored of machine work as well as handwork, my favorite stitching subjects usually have something to do with sewing machines, stitchery saying samplers, and things of that ilk.
Flowers, flowers, flowers, with the occasional charming animal.
My favorite subjects to stitch are birds. They could be northern birds or the beautifully colored birds of the Amazon. I love them all!
I don’t really have just one favourite subject of embroidery, I’ve tried flowers, birds and some of the Jacobean designs are beautiful. At present I’m finishing off a dragon but after that it will be back to flowers. I’d like to have a go at stumpwork when I can fit it in.
I love to stitch samplers! However, I stitch many other things. I have stitched many smalls.
I love stitching birds and animals at the moment, but if I can find a pattern that also includes wild flowers and woodland scenes then I’m captivated! Thank you for all you do!
I usually find “inspiration” in nature for my stitching matter – most often flowers and garden creatures (butterflies, dragonflies, beetles, bees, birds) but sometimes like to do a scene, especially beach related.
What I love with embroidery is to meet with my embroidery friends and to be inspired by their ideas and make new friends that way. Myself I’m inspired by flower and trees designs and everything scandinavian.
Merci Mary et Joyeux Noël !
I would love to receive this gift. I am just getting back into embroidery and am so inspired by this gift. My favorite type of embroidery is primitive/reproduction of 1800 century works. I also love monogram lettering.
My favorite subject for my embroidery is peacocks – I have at least 10 peacock-themed projects stitched so far! They are part of many antique and modern samplers, and I love their bold, jewel-like colors.
Wording and monograms 🙂
My passion in life is gardening. As soon as I can in the spring, I’m out the door working in my yard and flower beds. So, it’s floral designs and flowers for me when it comes to embroidering! Thanks for the fun, Mary!
Merry Christmas!
I Love all things floral! Thanks for the giveaway
I love embroidering birds and flowers, especially with needle painting and trying to get the shading correct.
My favorite embroidery is landscapes and Jacobean initials. I like the freedom in landscapes and the beauty of using many different stitches in Jacobean initials.
I love to embroider vines, leaves, natural woodsy things…. twisting and twining, maybe a few flowers if I feel like it.
What a great giveaway for five happy stitchers. My favorite designs are birds and primitives, odd choices yes. They can be in the same project or not. Happy Holidays!
I have wanted an Inspirations Magazine for soooo long, but the expense is just too high for me. How I would like to be one of the lucky winners!
I would have to say at this point my favorite design would be either a landscape or wildlife, as that is what I design myself to do as art pieces. The landscapes work so well with the stitching technics. I was honored to learn a few weeks ago that one of my miniature stitching/painted pieces won a first place award at an international show in Florida!!! It is a miniature art show, I wasn’t even sure my unusual miniatures would be juried in! What a shock, surprise, and “walk on Cloud 9” that was! Thanks Mary, once again for this chance.
My subject matter can change but lately it’s been animals, cactus, plants, and mandalas. It totally depends on what I feel like working on hence the WIP pile! I have other special projects. One is a set of weird looking sea creatures from illustrations from the 1600s.
My favorite embroidery subject is anything depicting leaves or flowers. Since my stitching is not always “perfect” I like the fat that leaves or flowers do not have to be so precise.
Inspirations Magazine is total eye candy!
I like to do floral and outline embroidery on crazy quilts/vests.
I love ” Pretties” so flowers, birds, small’s are my first choice , but I also love Jacobean designs and samplers . Inspirations magazine is just plain beautiful from cover to cover !
Keeping my fingers crossed .
Is there a favorite embroidery stitch? In my opinion they are all lovely, but I do so love bullion roses as a lovely accent.
What’s your favorite subject matter for embroidery? – I like sampler motifs
I love to embroider Arpilleras!
I love love floral embroidery! Anything with flowers!
I love to take pictures with my camera and then create a design using the photo as inspiration. I use a different number or type of stitches as I go along. I can even change the colours. I let my imagination guide me. This allows me to step outside of the box and have fun:))
Hello Mary,
I like very much to stitch birds. I’ve made many ones, from T. Burr, T. Berlin, and some personal ones. And to vary, I stitch geometrical forms.
I hope you are well and I wish you a very nice Christmas period.
Diane from Montréal in Québec
My favorite subject for embroidery is animals, especially cats and rabbits. I don’t always create them myself, but as I browse Pinterest I am always drawn to these subjects.
My favorite subjects are flowers and monograms and if the two are combined even better!
I am not familiar with Inspiration magazine but am very interested and intrigued by your article. I am going to persue getting a copy of this magazine for sure.
I like a variety of needlework. Samplers I love because they are timeless. I also like geometric shapes and styles.
I am excited about this drawing. I usually stitch flowers on crazy quilt items.
My typical subject is birds. I have most of the Trish Burr birds as well as many other birds. I do other subjects from time to time, but keep coming back to birds, so they must be my favorite, right?
Hi Mary 🙂
Your question is an easy one. Birds! I love birds. And I love stitching birds. Heck, I even love watching birds. My darling hubby even set up bird feeders so I can stitch while watching birds. They make me happy :). I stitch birds while watching nature shows about birds, lol. I am a little bit obsessed with them. Oh, I do stitch other things, but it always comes back to the birds, lol.
Thank you for the chance to win. Have a lovely weekend.
I like using ethnic designs to create embroidery. I’m especially partial to those designs used by women to decorate clothing or homes. This was a hard choice, as I also love to use mathematics in my designing….
My favorite thing to stitch is sayings and verses accompanied by pretty flowers or sweet figures of people or animals.
Flowers and animals.
My favorite subject matter is anything that was inspired by nature. My particular interest is in birds, but I always feel they need flora and fauna to give them natural looking surroundings, and they usually look lonesome without a friend or two.
I keep trying to expand my repertoire, but apparently my inner goth is the stitcher because I keep coming back to flowers and skulls. At least it’s not all black.
Anything nature related.
One of my goals is to delve into the fascinating world of embroidery. This newsletter is very inspiring and has lots of information for an experienced beginner like me! Thank you!
What a wonderful site, I am so pleased to have found you.
I have a passion for learning new techniques.
My current projects include wildlife and pets
Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
My favorite things to embroidery are flowers and wildlife, especially birds.
I love Inspirations magazine!
I love Inspirations and your description is perfect. The other items are such a bonus. I would be hoppy with any one of them. I am also glad that your cancer journey is not so intense. As a recent survivor I know a little of what the road was like.
My favorite subject matter is the Jacobean style because it is so colorful and can have almost anything in the design, flowers, animals, figures. My favorite thread is wool but have also used cotton floss.
Marysue C
I love embroidery – all playing with threads. My favorite is nature – flowers, critters – be it “natural” or “stylized.” Inspirations is a phenomenal magazine with amazing pictures and projects.
What a gorgeous prize package!
My favorite subjects for needlework are flowers and other plantsman , though I do seem to have a fair number of birds that have crept in… I also seem to have a weakness for monochromatic samplers. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the new give away for very special time the year!!
In my case, I love stitching floral designs, everything related to nature; scenes from countries that include landscapes. My passion is stitching Chatelaines, which includes different types of fibers, beads and treasurers. Another of my passion is construction using stitches pieces and making boxes, bags, etc.
Thanks you so much for giving me the opportunity to be part of your blog and for this give away!
Merry Xmas!!!
My favorite theme for embroidery is geometrics, such as tessalations in blackwork.
I’ve mainly done simple redwork but the ones I’ve been fondest of after completion are the floral designs.
I love stitching wildlife , especially birds. Thank you !
I could use the inspiration from this Inspiration package. I would love to have the magazine and calendar! I like to embroider flowers and wildlife.
My favourite subject for embroidery is flowers but a very close second is butterflys both you can sew very pretty (prettily) with nuance of colours.
I must admit that my favorite embroidery subjects for years were classic Jacobean motifs. I love the beautiful colors of crewel wool and enjoy the touch of history. But now I’m trying to incorporate a little adventure into the mix. I like the idea of contemporary geometries as a design element. It’s so outside the box for me that it’s all brand new… again.
I´m a flower type person, so many, so much colour & they can be stylized or representative wherever your imagination takes you.
My favorite subjects for embroidery are flowers, herbs, other plants and animals – scenes from nature.
My favorite is samplers with lots of different stitches.
This question prompted much furrowing of brow(s). I have design binders and folders all over the house labeled according to subject matter. A new project starts when I have a recipient or event in mind. Most frequently, I am stitching something “symbolic” for a gift (could be a birthday flower, Christmas angel, pets, words of wisdom, color schemes, etc.).
My favorite subject to embroider would have to be anything to do with the sea.
I’m so inspired by the great wonders in the ocean whether it be realistic such as seashells, fish, octopus, coral, seahorses or whimsical such as mermaids. I love bright colors and the sea offers much in the way of fantastic inspiration in shades of them. I don’t get to go to the sea very often on vacation but I can go there on a creative trip just sitting at home embroidering.
Merry Christmas to all!
I’m mostly using embroidery as an embellishment for quilt blocks, but would love to do more. I can’t deny I’m a flower person through and through.
My favorite subject for embroidery design are religious themed designs.
Merry Christmas!
Stitching Ambrosia Honey at the moment and find I’m loving stitching geometric with a theme. It’s a wonderful combination.
Birds and flowers!
I love to stitch those things that mean something to me. Like a cardinal on a sunny morning or a hibiscus in bloom in my yard. Things that I can relate to in my life.
It would be a toss up between floral a nd monograms. Luckily they go together nicely.
My instinctive answer is buildings, but I don’t think I have any finished embroideries of buildings.
Hey Mary,
My inspiration for embroidery and quilting is Jacobean. I look for designs all the time.
I cannot explain why but these patterns makes me happy. Inspirations is the most beautiful magazine that is published. To expensive to get it in Canada, and impossible to find anywhere here. So I just decided last week to by the digital version. It’s not the same as having the paper version.
So thank you so much for making such a great give away for all of us.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I love doing flowers and leaves!
I am looking around my apartment and seeing that seventy five percent of my completed projects are flowers, with the other twenty five percent mixed up in fruits, sunsets, seashells, and my initials. Funny, but I never took inventory before! Of course, so much of what I’ve made has been gifted, and those are more diverse depending on the receiver. I love reading about new ideas and projects, and would love that calendar hanging in my kitchen!
The thing that catches my eye the most are birds. Like the lorikeet above. Next would be bright & colorful designs that are simple.
Thank you.
Jean B.
Kent WA
My fav embroidery subject depends on my mood so it varies from day to day, but mainly something that is timeless in its beauty.
I like many embroidery subjects for sure, but my favorites are religious symbols and wording! Thanks and blessings!
I used to have a subscription to Inspirations. I still have every issue I received. When mailing became higher than the price of the magazine I had to give it up but I would love to have any issue.
Thanks for the give away. My favorite embroidery topic is things in nature – flowers, birds, animals, etc.
I do love floral motifs because I love colors. I love to carry out the motifs in needlepainting or surface embroidery.
Most of my embroidery is seams or small motifs on crazy quilts. I also enjoy kits from the Crewelwork Company in England. My favorite has a squirrel.
Thank you for the chance to win. I absolutely adore Inspirations but can no longer afford it since being widowed,
I love it all but when I look around my house at what pieces I keep for myself I find they all contain some form of flora and fauna. I find myself adding the wonderful stumpwork insects even if the pattern does not show any.
My thing is random impression stylistic embroidery, I think as I’ve never been asked to describe it before. Inspiration magazine is my love.
I embellish my simple designs with beads, vintage laces and ribbons similar to crazy quilting.
Jacobean is my all time favorite.
Without question my favourite subject for embroidery is the natural world. I love all animals but i think when it comes to embroidery my favourites would be birds and insects. There are such a variety of shapes and colours to work with which allows you such a wide range of materials to pick from. My current project i started yesterday is a needlepainting of a fox that was rehabilitated at the Wildlife Sanctuary…not a bird or an insect…so there you go!
Animals & Flowers are my favorite stitching items.
I usually embroider quick, simple small patterns like the Christmas trees. Your recent mandala posts have caught my eye though, I may try that next! Especially loved the color palette. Thank you for all the inspiration!
My favorite topic to stitch is color. I like bright colors in most any project, it attracts me and I love to see it develop when I am stitching. I am fascinated with fractal patterns, but haven’t attempted one as yet. I love to go out looking for new patterns. Red is my favorite color for Christmas.
Good morning
My favorite subject are flowers. I don’t try to replicate nature. Rather, flowers from my own imaginations using what I have learned recently. Love it. Love Inspiration magazine also. Thank you.
When browsing Inspirations magazine, Pinterest, etc., I’m always attracted to the landscapes. A favourite piece I did years ago was a winter nighttime snowscape on navy aida cloth. I would love to hone my skills sufficiently to do a northern lights or misty forestscape sometime. Thanks Mary. Answering your contest questions has helped me think more deeply about my craft.
Favorite embroidery theme is floral with roses at #1.
Illustrations of stories, places, and holidays.
I recently discovered how much I enjoyed doing hand embroidery. Seems as though I was always too busy to do it. I just love it and it is so relaxing. I like regular hand embroidery and Brazilian Embroidery. I love to do floral embroidery. Haven’t tried birds yet but animals look so interesting I will be trying some of that soon. Thanks for this site. So inspiring.
My favorite subjects to embroider are floral and seasonal designs. I love to decorate my house with them.
My favorite is anything nature-related – usually some little scene with freeform/abstract trees, flowers, mountains, etc on a pieced fabric background.
My favorite subject for embroidery is flowers. They turn out so beautifully in SRE
My favorite subject matter is wild animals; everything from squirrels to badgers to tigers.
I am also a quilter so I combine embroidery and quilting when I can. I enjoy embroidering reproduction patterns that remind me of my Mom stitching and teaching me. I then add some fabric for a quilted border for wall hangings or quilts. The mouse hanging spool ornaments on the tree in the Inspirations magazine would definitely be my first project to do if I win this magazine.
I have always favored embroidering flowers due to their variety of colors and types. I am also very fond of birds, probably for the same reason. Thanks for the giveaway, the magazine sounds heavenly!
What a beautiful prize package! As a new stitcher, I have not had the pleasure of seeing an Inspirations magazine yet. It might be time to subscribe and learn some new techniques.
I like to stitch animal and nature themes so far. I have also enjoyed stitching Mill Hill Christmas ornaments to give away this year. I had never stitched with beads, or used perforated paper before. Thanks for the opportunity to learn something new.
Love, love, love Inspirations magazine. Most of my embroidery is more of the crazy quilting kind, however, I am trying to stretch my boundaries by trying new techniques.
My favorite subject for embroidery is flowers. To be honest, I haven’t embroidered for a year or so because of the cataracts in my eyes. I’m having the second one done on Monday, then I will be able to see well enough to do some fine needlework again. I would love to try whitework with color. The ones I have seen intrigue me enough to want to try it.
Wow, what an amazing giveaway!
I am a total floral and animal person. From the whimsical to the more realistic depictions. I love the soft, pretty flower garden designs. Totally girly and I love them! If I feel like more abstract, I like modern interpretations of Jacobean designs with lots of color.
Merry Christmas!
I love to stitch anything related to nature such as flowers and animals. My last project was a Jacobean tree of life bell pull a crewel pattern. My next needlework project is a beautiful floral garden cross stitch pattern with hummingbirds and butterflies. These are the types of patterns and designs that inspire me in my needlework, applique and quilting. I’ve only seen your comments through the years about the lovely Inspirations magazine and would love to have a copy of an issue to look through and enjoy along with the calendar and kit.
My favorite for embroidery is crazy quilting. This can include many of the possibilities listed on your blog — my current favorite is geometric designs done on waste canvas.
My favorite embroidery work is on crazy quilt squares to either turn into a quilt or needle book for use in my many project in boxes. The hold every tool I will need when working. It goes without saying that I have tools by the dozen to keep in my books. I also enjoy making needle books to give as gifts.
My favorite is Jacobean stitching but I also like doing mottoes with decorative borders. I get the Inspiration newsletter but would really like a copy of the magazine.
Oh my! Another great gift. Thanks to you and All if the generous contributors. I love to stitch flowers, birds, Jacobean designs. I love to embellish my applique with Stitches. My ambition this year is to improve my Thread painting and crewel work.
I really like a lot of variety in what I stitch, both in techniques and in subject matter. But Christmas designs will always catch my eye. Besides those, I am attracted to roses. Probably my favorite project I have done is DebBee’s American Beauty. And I hope to do an original rose design this year in goldwork. I’m collecting supplies and design ideas already.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is Flowers: so many colours, shapes, choice of stitches.
Thank you for all.
My favourite subject for stitching is houses and alphabets
Do you even believe those strawberries? Oh my goodness! I do love Inspirations. As for me, I’m dreadfully romantic and old-fashioned, so roses are my very favorite subject matter. Any other flowers appeal to me too, but roses just don’t go out of style. So I must say, I like natural subjects much more than geometrics or trendy designs that will later on scream their date. Remember the 70s? I still have orange Tupperware . . .
These giveaways are wonderful. Thanks so much.
This is actually a difficult question to answer. I love embroidering antique-style samplers, but I also love Jacobean designs and flowers. I think it depends on the day and whatever my new inspiration is, something often taken from the Inspirations magazine.
My favorite thing to stitch is geometrics. I just love seeing all those crisp lines on canvas. I can embellish the patterns with beads, ribbons, feathers or found objects to make the picture so much more interesting. I have an “Inspirations” subscription on my Christmas wish list because I love the variety of needlework and the beautiful photographs that lead to well, inspirations. I do get the e newsletter and it’s always so much fun to read but to actually hold a copy in my hands would be fantastic.
Thanks for all the great giveaways.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is anything with lots of colors. Especially teals and turquoise. Just looking at all the colors of thread for a project, all organized and ready to sew, makes me happy.
Monograms or letters are my very favorite. Long live the alphabet!
Everything Inspirations Studio does is full of beauty and wonder – just like the holiday season.
I am definitely a fan of geometrics but in later years I have also come to love sampler motifs. I’m currently working on “Panoply of Peacocks” by Tempting Tangles.
I don’t really have a favourite subject I just enjoy doing different shapes, styles and techniques. I love Inspiration magazine, without a doubt the best needlework magazine on the market
Vegetation is common as it is so easy. The lazy daisy, feather, fern, and fishbone were all picked uo in my youth. When a new stitch is being learned it goes in too. Trellis and lattice work do not seem like foliage, yet they work well as background stitching.
I love to embroider retro kitchen towel designs for relaxation, also florals and wildlife.
Tough to narrow down. I love primitive designs but I’m also attracted to modern designs that have clean aesthetics. A great design can attract me anytime.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is flowers. If I can replicate a lovely rose, iris, or daisy, that’s wonderful, but I’m not above making up “fantasy flowers” when needed!
My favourite needlework style …….. I just cannot decide. It is between the rich vibrancy that you can create with geometrics and the muted splendour of Jacobean. If I really could take only one style to a Desert Island I think it would have to be geometrics with an unlimited supply of coloured threads in various thicknesses and finishes.
Subject matter isn’t of much importance. It’s the colors. So Christmas and Halloween tend to be favorites. One that stands out as a favorite was a free pattern from DMC years ago, Bluebird Oranges. Couldn’t wait to get back to stitching that one.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is nature scenes such as animals, trees, flowers etc. Inspirations is one of my favorite embroidery magazines. Thanks to the publishers for offering the five bundles.
I am a botany lover- flowers definitely top that list. Not just any flowers but colorful are my favorite. Beautiful give away. Someone will be most fortunate.
In the past, most of my needlework projects have been floral and wildlife, such as ducks and birds. But I love JacobEan designs and would love to start some new projects featuring JacobEan and monograms in the new year.p
Love samplers!
My favorite thing to embroider is Jacobean Crewel. The bunny hanging spools of thread is adorable, my second favorite is embroidering cute animals or gnomes.
Now that I have a new granddaughter, I have been interested in stitching for her. I have embroidered different styles of monograms based on your tutorials.
If I have to pick just one favorite subject it would have to be color. I love florals and birds and mandala and many other designs, but they are all excuses to use lots of color!
My favorite kind of embroidery is “scene-level” plants. By this, I mean that I love stylized trees, flowers, etc, especially when they’re put together into a picture of a pretty place. (Detailed needle painting is beautiful, but not my style.)
I am an AVID sampler stitcher. I prefer reproduction and antique style samplers. I am particularly drawn to samplers with cats, or by Sara(h) or other family names.
I’m on a Caribbean cruise so this is quick, I love sampler of all types
How fun! I’m very much a novice to embroidery, and find the creations stunning. I love the samplers. I am a rug hooker, and I also enjoy wool applique and punch needle, all in the primitive style — looking forward to a new to me form of needlework!
I like to do seasonal pieces.
Flowers have to be my favorite thing to stitch – they show off the Brazilian embroidery’s 3D effects so nicely. But I like to scatter little critters (bunnies, squirrels, snails, bees, spiders, ‘possums, etc.) throughout the flowers, and my favorite subject is always birds, particularly hummers, peacocks and junkos.
I love drawn thread embroidery!!
My favorite thing to stitch is samplers…all day every day!!
Picking one favorite is really difficult. I would have to embroider a piece with a Jacobean/geometric design including flowers, birds and a monogram!
Love the magazine and the articles about other stitchers. Small projects are great to work on in between bigger ones
Anything beachy.
My favorite stitching subjects are botanicals. I grow flowers in my garden and as a watercolorist I also paint botanicals so it is not surprising that I enjoy stitching flowers as well.
Happy Holidays to all!!
Most of my stitching is crazy quilting and I love to make complex, multilayered seams using simple stitches
Hi Mary,
Again, many thanks! For this giveaway and for everything all year,\.
I like stitching geometrical patterns, angles, lines, even circles. Sometimes those elements are found in white work and Jacobean, which is why I like those, too. One of my favourite pieces was a Frank Lloyd Wright pattern that had lots of architectural elements.
Merry Christmas!
Although I like to do almost any type of stitching I tend to enjoy geometric s the most.
Hi Mary,
Love your blog! It keeps me insprired! The favourite images I love to stitch are angels. They inspire hope, and reflect the good I search for in this world.
Thanks for everything that you do.
Techiya in Ontario
I like to stitch plants and snowflakes!
I just love Inspirations magazine!!! I tend to try stitching just about anything, but I guess I would have to say geometrics are among my favorites to stitch.
I love geometric or quilt designs.
Inspirations magazines are just so wonderful! My favorite subject in stitching are birds, followed closely buy flora & fauna! Sewing items either to display or use are also on my fave list! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway, Susan
What a lovely giveaway, thank you Mary & Inspirations!
This is a hard one, I have a lot of “things” – angels, gingerbread houses, flowers, santas, Valentines and I just recently got obsessed with samplers…
I wouldn’t have said that I favored a particular motif, but taking a look around and I see fruits and flowers every where. That is definitely the designs that I pick first to stitch using all different techniques. Thanks for these wonderful give a ways!
My “thing” is botanicals!
I have two favorite subject matters: botanicals and geometrics.
I like stitching almost anything, and I usually choose a design for the person who will be receiving it (i.e. a baby sampler), but I do have favorite finished pieces, and they are all animals. I’m especially fond of the portrait of my golden retriever.
Hi Mary!
My favorite embroidery subjects are florals, landscapes, holiday themes and double running sampler bands. I love Inspirations for their smalls and boxes and raised work designs. Thanks so much for offering these give-aways!
Happy Holidays!
I am a counted thread embroiderer; that is I like techniques that require exact counting, such as drawn thread, cross stitch. Joyce
I seem to gravitate towards geometrics but lately having been getting more into samplers with more subtle colors. I just completed a Christmas sampler just in time to hang for Christmas.
Wow, that’s a tough question! I am drawn to many types of embroidery but I guess birds are my favorite – sometimes appliqueing the bird then bringing it to life with embroidery stitches.
You’ve had me drooling over Inspirations magazine for years now. It would be terrific to actually peruse one at leisure. My favorite stitch subjects are florals and Jacobean. Your Christmas give-aways have been amazing. Thank you for the opportunities.
When it comes to my stitching I don’t really have a favorite style or anything I just do whatever comes to mind! Most of the time I am making something for someone so I tend to think about what they love and set up pictures or scenes myself to stitch for them. I am always open to learning new stitches to use in the pieces I make too!
I love florals! They are the thing i like to work with the most!
I love working on all kinds of needle work. But particularly embroidery with different kinds of flowers, and animals are a favorite also!
I like to stitch geometric designs.
I think I gravitate to more stylized designs, floral stuff, monograms and wildlife – specifically birds – more than anything else. I like whimsical designs, unusual monograms, but I also like realistic birds – especially very colorful ones. The challenge with birds is the shading and getting the feathers to look right, because when you get that right it just grabs you!
Oh Mary,
I love to work on birds, flowers, angels, monograms and ribbons; and if they are combined, even better. Ribbons done in thread painting are particularly beautiful to me and I am working on mastering them.
Thanks once again for Needle ‘n Thread and for these give-always. Have a blessed Christmas and a very healthy New Year.
I am still a beginner stitcher . . .so I am practicing my enhancing my wool applique projects.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is anything resembling Celtic culture…knots, symbols or animals. Love the very old stuff.
My favorite type of embroidery is geometric patterns. If you were to look on my walls of my house you would see that over 50% of them are geometric designs.
I love following your blogs and web site! It gives me so many ideas. I often go to the stitch tutorials to learn new stitches! I am inspired by nature and your 12 Trees pattern was right up my alley! I’ve downloaded it and have purchased the supplies and when things settle down here, i’ll Have time to stitch them up! Inspiration looks like a lovely magazine! I see the parrot stitchery and love birds. Birds, trees, flowers, and plants- I love to stitching these things the most!
My favorite subject for embroidery is landscape.
Hi, Mary, I grew up doing florals. That is what my mom taught us. I really love a delicate floral.. I also love birds in flight. They fascinate me… have a very Merry Christmas and New Year! May all your stitches be neat and straight.. hugs!
I like and admire many forms of needlework and embroidery. But religious-related embroidery is such a pleasure to look at. When going to church, like this morning, I will sit, look around and wonder what I could ever make them for an altar or ?? someday if I ever get good enough.
As I was perusing the Inspirations issue on your website, I was nearly sent to tears by the amazingly beautiful projects done by my sisters in the needlework world. They were so imaginatively conceived and excellently executed! I’ve done cross stitch for many years with some drawn thread work; but I feel the need to move back to free embroidery and see whether I can come anywhere near what these artistic people have accomplished. What a challenge!
I probably stitch abstract designs the most. Most of what I do ends up a gift or in a quilt for someone and its always personalized for them. So it can range from flowers to cats to geometric shapes.
I really like floral designs. I love all the colors you can use and different stitches.
Trying to pick a favorite thing to embroider is hard, but I guess it would have to be sampler motifs and wording or primitive Santa’s. Thanks for offering all the Stitcher’s Christmas goodies! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
My favorite subject to stitch are Jacobian designs, but i also love doing floral embroidery using elaborate 3-dimensional stitches.
I’m relatively new to embroidery and came to it recently as a knitter who would like to embroider on hand knits. I’ve been watching your tutorials and practicing using fingering weight wool on an old lamb’s wool sweater. Many of the stitches don’t lend themselves to the coarse fabric, but I’m enjoying the basics and am getting hooked. I may graduate to finer fabrics at some point.
This was a tough question for me to answer. Since I like Hardanger and Bargello, I suppose geometrics are my favorite type of design. However, I really am not limited-right now I have an outdoor scene as #1 on my list to be done next.
Merry Christmas! Who in their right mind mind does not absolutely love “Inspirations”? What a lovely giveaway. I like all embroidery but I think landscapes always call to me and mostly trees and mountains. With all the techniques being done now, there is no end to the possibilities!
I enjoy stitching flowers and geometric designs the most. Actually I enjoy the colors and like to stitch anything.
I am into embroidery and beads on wool following Sue Spargo’s embroidery stitch book. I follow your blog and want to get into that type of embroidery… far just reading about it, pinning embroidery pins, and “getting ready to do it”. This is the perfect prize for jumping in and doing it. I WANT this prize! If I don’t win, I will have to purchase the calendar anyway.
Flowers, flowers, every time.
My favorite subject to stitch are bees- alone, in a sampler- it doesn’t matter!
I love Inspirations magazine, thank you!
I love Inspirations magazine. I love anything embroidery. I tend to gravitate toward the Jacobean style. It is loud and bright and cheerful. However, the Bobbin Tree in the last issue has my interest peaked really high.
I also love calendars. I too have three or four hanging around.
My favorite designs to embroider are florals such a sprays of lavender, Queen Ann’s Lace then there are butterflies and dragonflies and then are tea cups and then there are ravens dramatic in hues of black and purple-always something to embroider on my clothing.
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for everything you do! I’m constantly inspired by your work and your enthusiasm. I also love reading all of the responses to your giveaway questions!
I don’t really gravitate to one particular subject matter over another, when it comes to embroidery. I enjoy thinking conceptually about how the art of embroidery fits into the Arts generally, and I like to play around with various subjects while designing projects that help me work through those concepts. Right now I’m reading and learning about Ottoman embroidery, and I’m playing around with geometric designs in a few new (to me) stitches from that culture (for example musabak).
Sending you so much love and gratitude, and heartfelt wishes for a peaceful holiday season.
I do love Inspirations magazine, so this is a delightful opportunity. My favorite subject matter for embroidery is birds. I like to make them with applique, stitch, and beading so that they look like an illustration in a funky little hand-made book!
Canvaswork with a variety of fancy stitches and fibres are are probably my favourite ; but also enjoy doing samplers both historic and more modern .
Thanks and happy stitching.
I love stitching scenery. It is so much fun to take a photo and bring it to life.
I think all kinds of nature subjects are my favorites. Having said that, I enjoy all kinds of designs. Thank you for the wonderful Christmas giveaways.
My favorite subject matter is geometics in bright colors. That is my current passion. Tomorrow……it could change.
I love to stitch up birds.
Such beautiful gifts. Thank you so much for all the give a ways. It’s hard for me to pick a subject matter. I like to do modern designs I guess. I did a pair of geometric owls last Christmas for a gift. I recently finished a pair of horses. I do love flowers though. I have lots of needlework of flowers in my livingroom.
Oh my gosh! You are amazing and have outdone yourself this time! Thanks for the opportunity.
My favourite subject to stitch would be horses in any way, shape or form. Either cross stitch, embroidery, silk ribbon or stump work I cannot seem to do enough of these majestic animals.
I got so excited. I forgot to mention my favorite. I am a sampler lover but I also love small embroidery motifs on table linens
I love antique sampler. So anything to do with them becomes my favorite thing to stitch!
For embroidery, I am especially drawn to floral patterns, realistic or abstract, although I am a fan of all of it!
My favourite subject to stich at the moment would be woodland creatures.
I am fascinated with geometric patterns and love doing them for needlepoint.
I had never thought about the subject matter of my stitching, but I suppose most of it is floral. I would love to try some needle painting projects though, especially Trish Burr’s many birds.
Thank you Mary, for all the wonderful ways you inspire and teach us!
I enjoy stitching things I can give to others who appreciate them. My husband collects dragons (not the live variety). That means I enjoy stitching dragons. We have a lovely collection of stitched dragons in a variety of needlework styles including cross stitch (for his dress shirts) and canvas work. Most of these are in the “music room” where we have a piano (1850’s vintage, restored) and a reed organ (1890’s vintage, restored). That combines his collection with my keyboard interest.
For years, I was hooked on counted cross stitch and did lots of tea themed projects and also thatched roof cottages and English street scenes, but now I enjoy projects, like crazy quilts, that have me learning a variety of embroidery stitches, which is why I love your tutorials!
Florals of all kinds–different materials and techniques, but florals.
Flowers and more flowers are my all time favorite embroidery subject. Vases full of flowers, flowers in a row, in a bunch, scattered randomly around are my go to subjects.
I love embroidering unusual things and at the moment that means strange creatures that appear in illuminated manuscripts. They are fun to draw and then embroider, and usually make people smile.
Have a happy Christmas Mary
I love floral embroidery, but also anything a bit unusual – when I was 15 I embroidered flames all around the hem of a black skirt because I needed a break from flowers!
I have been following your emails for a while now. I am most definitely a floral and geometric person. I am a quilter and embroidery embellishment is now huge and so effective! I am learning so much about threads! I hand embroider my quilt labels and now I have a grandbaby, been making fabric books and embellishing the pages with embroidery! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!
Above all, I think I love texture and pattern. So the actual subject matter isn’t as important to me as the textures and patterns of the stitching. I love abstract designs with lots of different textures (I loved the little Christmas tree design in the last Needle Arts magazine. I also love designing inspiring words surrounded by interesting borders and patterns. Thanks, Mary!
I’m returning to embroidery after many years. I’m very drawn to Jacobean designs and love seeing historical embroidery too. Love reading your blog and looking through Inspirations magazine. Thank you for all you contribute to the world of needle art.
Thank you so much for the opportunity, I love the gift pack.
I really enjoy doing hardanger, canvaswork, geometrics, sampler motifs and Jacobean designs. Maybe I should of mentioned them all!
I like many different designs. But I would say flowers and animals are at the top of my list.
Put me in a field of embroidered sunflowers and I’m in heaven.
Another awesome one! Thank you so much Mary
I so look forward to your Needle ‘n Thread emails. They are always worth reading and now the fun of the Christmas giveaways!
I have no favorite needlework designs. I enjoy working on any project that catches my attention. I have probably done something in every category that you mentioned. I do love the variety.
I have two favorite stitching subjects. The first is Native American Motifes, both figures, backgrounds, art, and just about anything Indian.
The second is flowers. They are so complex and yet so simple and beautiful. I particularly like the leaves, they can be shaded so they look very different from each other and yet they are the same leaf. Thanks for the chance to recieve the beautiful magazine. I have a couple of copies, that I leave out for everyone to look at. They enjoy them too.
I enjoy doing my take on the DeGracia pictures, He combines flowers andIindian figures, my favorites.
My favorite type of embroidery stitching is baskets of flowers. My grandmother embroidered baskets of flowers and made them into a quilt. I’m working on one now. The short projects right now look so good. Also I love Inspirations magazine.
My very favourite stitching is whimsical, very often primitive style. Quite often that involves birds, animals and flowers….
Being a new convert from needlepoint to surface embroidery, I have not done much but geometric motifs seem to draw my attention the most.
Flowers are my favorite thing to stitch because of their wonderful coloring and the vast array of stitches used. Mother Nature is so fascinating and flowers fit my idea of beauty to perfection.
oh, I love to do an embroidery motif matching Victoriana, in my crazy quilt blocks… Trees, flowers, little bugs, especially spiders as is the lore of CRAZIES. I embroider with silk ribbon, silk threads, Presencia & Edmar. And, I love doing designs of dimensional embroidery, flowers & bugs.
I guess we all like to work with 3-4 calendars in our homes each year, but I try to get at least 1 that gives me beauty & instructions, patterns for a new beauty.
Thank you for this opportunity, Carol Griffin
I enjoy the geometric look of blackwork as well as stylized floral embroidery. This give away is fantastic. Thank you.
What’s my favorite subject matter to embroidery? That’s a hard question because I really like to do a variety and it depends on what or whom I am doing it for! I probably end to like floral, delicate, old fashioned projects, or religious projects. Sometimes I like to be challenged!
Hi Mary,
thanks for this wonderful give away.
I like to stitch flowers most, but some graphic designs and monograms are on my list, too. And sometimes I love to work beaded embroidery. It depends on the style, my mood and how all the single elements of the project merge together to one piece of hand work.
Have a nice week an a beautiful christmas.
Needlework of all kinds catch my eye but I am drawn to needle-painting. Birds are especially a favorite of mine. Every year I select something new to learn (keep that brain going!) and this year I plan to learn how to stitch beautiful needle-painting designs.
I like stitching floral or animal motifs mainly in thread painting or stump work. I use my own photos for the motif and color selections.
I love Jacobean designs. I also make a lot of Christmas decorations for family and friends.
Thank you for your helpful, informative website. My favorite type of embroidery is floral with an Japanese flair. I am a beginner and therefore, find all your articles of interest.
Thank you Mary for this wonderful series of Christmas gifts and to Inspirations for this generous donation. I don’t have one particular motif or type of image I like to stitch more than others. For me it’s more about the style of the design. I like designs that look either realistic or complex to stitch or sophisticated as a whole. I have stitched garden scenes, stylized pieces, figurative pieces, florals, cats, designs in the style of a particular artist, religious motifs, quotes with original design borders, geometrics, ethnic embroidery style pieces, and religious icons. It is easier to say what I don’t like to stitch – primitives, country style designs, copyrighted cartoon type images, and designs that are so simple they look pixelated or cartoony. If I am going to spend my time making something, I want it to be something timeless and enduring.
I’m a kind of promiscuous stitcher, but generally I love doing realistic plants (including flowers) and throwing in a bug or two.
My eye was definitely caught by the embroidered strawberries…
My favourite style of embroidery at the moment is floral. I am doing a geometrical stylised day lilly flower design that resulted from a design class I attended. I am enjoying having to think of what colours and stitches to use.
I like to stitch curlicues and swirls, for lack of a better term. Often, I make up the design as I stitch instead of having a definite plan or pattern.
Trees and flowers are my favorite embroidery subject especially using variegated thread. Inspiration is an amazing magazine and company. Love what they produce…so inspiring.
Merry Christmas and thank you for all your inspiration.
I’ve been embroidering for about 60 years. My mother taught me the basics long ago. I don’t think I have a favorite subject. Each new project is fun and inspiring. I’m thrilled that embroidery has made a resurgence in popularity and interest. It’s my stress reliever.
I enjoy seasonals, scenes, monograms, nature.
Inspirations is truly a stellar magazine.
Right now My favorite would be simple redwork embroidery but I am looking to expand my stitches. I am really interested in doing some nature/animal work to move on to a next level of embroidery.
Be it crewel or embroidery, I really enjoy scenery that includes wildlife.
Thank you for your great work
I actually like the florals combined with wildlife. What I really like now, as I gaze out into Michigan whiteness, is something that will make me think of Spring!
Nature is my favourite subject Especially beautiful landscapes. But I get inspiration everywhere. It’s finding time that’s the problem.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is flowers and greenery. Thank you so much or the chance to win!
Since I subscribed to the weekly Inspirations newsletter, it became the first person talking to me every morning at breakfast. There cannot be a more enjoyable start of the day. 🙂
I got into embroidery with the idea of illustrating fairy tales, fantasy novels etc. That’s why I was looking for “needlepainting” – and lo! there was such thing indeed! Now, six months and a couple of samplers and ventures later, filling myself up with Loreena McKennitt, Gregorian chants and plenty of other mystic and Celtic stuff while stitching, I’m still bent on painting with my needles in the not too distant future, but they will be my own images, that is I mean to depict the landscapes and scenes of my inner world.
Angela from the Ore Mountains
I am a geometric kind of stitcher – counted work and such. I am trying to step out of my box and do some surface work – but I feel like I don’t have the “Improvisation gene” to make it my own.
Christmas Day is over I look forward to Boxing Day, no cooking – cold meat and salad , my workbox handy I can relax and sew to my hearts content knowing I have done my best for everyone, today is my day – what delights await me.
Thankyou Irene
Since I started stitching again when I retired, I stay with simple projects. I do enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for the chance at the giveaway.
Oh i love looking at this publication it is just what it says on the tin. — inspirational
Ooohhhh, Love Inspirations! What a great gift! I love to do free form embroidery with lots of flowers, leaves, vines, and little critters. I’ve done some big embroidery projects and want to focus on more but smaller projects – samplers with florals and designs.
My favorite subject matter to embroidery is actually two things. I have collected angels since I first saw the collection of Marbek Angels by Serendipity Designs probably around 1983. Since then I have included Lavender and Lace angels. The second favorite is Nativity scenes. The colors are always so beautiful and it is like painting with thread and needle.
I have discovered that my favorite stitching comes when I am stitching geometric designs. I find they are more relaxing and soothing than other stitches. That said, I also love Christmas/winter stitching. The redder the better.
I used to love doing people and their clothing. I could dress them up or down, experiment with color and embellish.
The past couple of years I have learned stumpework and needle painting using flowers and birds as subjects. It is amazing to me how beautiful the results are. I love your website and Inspiration magazine, without I’d still be doing embroidery with the very basic stitches and with no demention. I look forward to new techniques.
I don’t get their magazines but I do receive their facebook posts, the stitching is incredible. Don’t think I really have a favorite style, just finished a redwork Patriot quilt for my brother. Am learning different stitches from a Brazilian Dimensional Embroidery group and am incorporating them into a Crazy Quilt group that I am in. Love your posts, they are so inspirational and encouraging. The little kids are just adorable. Thank you for a chance to win such a wonderful prize.
Once again, it is really hard to pick one motif. I like to do themed pieces, samplers, flowers. I actually did a whole quilt of embroidered flowers and greens. I have not seen Inspirations magazine but would love to get one for inspiration for me!
I love to stitch Christmas because it always makes me smile — when the project is finished and when I’m working on it. I like everything from nativity to Santa and his reindeer. They are always fun to work on.
Thank you Mary for these fabulous give-aways!!
My favorite designs are geometric and stylized. If I don’t win, I’m going to have order myself an Issue 96 anyway.
I love stitching ocean-themed projects and also samplers. I know that seems an odd mix but that’s what I love to do!
I like geometric, nature and fantasy designs the most. Inspirations is a beautiful magazine! I haven’t got any in a long time though.
Like most people; I’m sure, I don’t like to define my likes too narrowly, but I do tend to respond to linear patterns–geometrics, swirly patterns, paisleys. and if they make up a picture of some sort, so much the better. I’m very fond of blackwork, but also like patterns with lots of color.
I love flowers – a source a great beauty.
I would love to win this prize and I like to do any kind of stitching .
I love everything Christmas! I work on it all year.
My favorite subject for embroidery is nature. I love to enhance my applique leaves, flowers, trees, and butterflies, ladybugs and with a variety of embroidery stitches to bring these pieces to life.
Hi, Mary!
I’ve recently subscribed to “Inspirations” digitally because, as a military family, I need to keep weight down for our frequent moves. However, I think I’ll have to break down & order the paper subscription because I would enjoy it so much more! Thanks for an inspiring blog & all the wonderful projects & ideas you share with us!
I’ve always done a figure either animal or person. Would love to try some scenes in crewelwork.
My favorite embroidery – I have two! I love flowers and little insects, especially together in a piece. It could be one flower with a bee – the simplest pieces seem to be the nicest to stitch. ❤
Hello, i like to stitch samplers repro , what catches me most is the scene and overall composition. And it has to have some tricky-technique parts, for example needlelace
I have done embroidery of many different subjects. My most favorite would be either florals or people.
I’ve never really thought about a special type of embroidery. I haven’t tried that many but I really love anything that’s raised. Whether it’s knots or padded, ribbed. Anything that varies the surface.
My favorite stitching subject matter is birds. I am owned by an African Grey parrot so that is a factor but I am also a bird watcher so I love to stitch the wild birds too.
As long as the find it cute I will stitch anything. I have a bunny stitching embroidery project that will become a quilt someday!
Jacobean designs are my favourite, worked in brightly coloured silks and gold work. I takes me forever but the end product is so satisfying.
I like all sorts of subject matters in stitchery. I’m partial to historical designs, some primitive, and a new obsession is sashiko (oh, and temari) . . . so geometric designs, too.
I love your blog and have learned so much from reading it. You have enlightened me to other areas. Thank you for your advice. Love it! Merry Christmas!!!
I tend to stitch hardanger, blackwork or Goldwork so I guess I’ll have to say I love to stitch shapes. If I’m pushed I’d say hearts because I’ve done a few hardanger, blackwork and cross Stitch hearts. I also like to make three dimensional objects – so have made hardanger doves and angels.
What’s not to enjoy in this bundle?! Thank you Mary and Inspirations magazine. My favourite subject to create are personalized dog portraits for family, friends, and clients.
Everything Cristmas. Names on stockings, small hands on a tree skirt. I have a large Christmas project I pull out every year and resolve to finish every New Years. Now Christmas trees small and manageable. Thank you Mary
My favourite work is crewel. I love the designs, colours and working with wool or linen threads to create them.
I love thread painted birds!
I love trying to capture nature—leaves, branches, birds, flowers—as vividly and colorfully as possible.
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful package. I am wiggling like a puppy on Christmas morning. As to my favorite subject matter for embroidery? It is hard to pick just one for a favorite. I have drawn up my own design with the initial of my sister’s last name entwined with morning glories. I have been working on several other projects and can not wait to get started on it. I guess it would be everything that stretches my imagination and my abilities.
Love Inspiration magazine. Wait for it impatiently! Favorite thing to embroider: Children’s themed, cartoonish. Like that rabbit at her bobbin tree!
Good morning Mary
My favourite subject for needle work is leaves. I seem to be totally infatuated with them. particularly the maple leaf (as on the Canadian flag).
I have done several in crewel and am now working on some with silk thread on Dupioni silk. This is becoming a bit of a struggle. Eyes are not what they use to be!
I do volunteer work at a local hospice. A maple tree is beside the front door. I took a
leaf and a seed pod from the tree and am working on a spring coloured, summer coloured, and fall coloured leaf. They will be finished in a vertical manner with a seed pod as the fourth frame. The cycle of life is the intent. When finished, they will be given to the hospice.
I am allowed to work on these when I am on duty at the front reception desk. Isn’t that nice! Visitors give me great comments and input.
It’s so hard to say exactly what style I prefer for embroidery because I think I go through phases as my experience grows and broadens. Currently I am very into line art in which I work very fine small detailed designed using many lines. But who knows what I’ll be into a week, month, year from now. Possibilities are endless and I absolutely love it!!!!
What a beautiful giveaway! I’ve done so many different types of embroidery but I guess that samplers…..with some type of uplifting or soothing message are probably my favorite.
I’m a birds, butterflies, and flowers oh my kind of girl-no particular style. What’s not beautiful in thread?
What a beautiful and inspiring giveaway packages. I love all kinds of embroidery, but I must admit the floral designs are my favourite. I love that there are so many ways to make flowers and that they come to life as you stitch.
Thank you for this opportunity and for all your amazing work. You are a true inspiration. Happy Holidays.
Hello Mary! Once again, thank you for hosting this give-away! Hmm, I think my favorite thing to embroider are landscape type scenes, like the ones created by my favorite designer, Rosalie Wakefield! That being said, I also love the floral patterns created by the same designer, as well as designers like Sharon Shetley, of Threads-n-Blooms! So hard to choose the next project sometimes!
Love your questions – I’ve pondered this one for a while and honestly, I don’t think I have a favorite. I enjoy them all!
My two favourite things to stitch are flowers and birds. Love hummingbirds so they are what I am drawn too.
Thank you for having these give always we really enjoy trying to receive them.
I find that I really enjoy stitching words – inspirational, funny, meaningful – and seem to add a lot of florals and nature based images as well. But I want to keep growing and expanding my skills and subjects so perhaps I’ll branch out a little in 2018!
My favorite subjects to stitching is birds, flowers, trees and wildlife!
Florals and 30’s & 40’s kitsch is probably my favorite. I absolutely adore the wildlife, but have been too nervous to try. I don’t want all that work on a cute squirrel to turn out looking more like a deformed badger. I’ll get there, just need to build my confidence up a bit more first on other subjects.
I enjoy embroidering bugs and flowers.
I am working on Mary’s Octoberfest design now. I do like the repeated stitching in these kaleidoscope designs.
I have Inspirations Magazine all the way back to Issue #1! It is fabulous and has maintained its quality through all these years!!
My favorite subject matter?? Hmm, I think that flowers are probably the most fun to stitch, for the challenge of it. But sometimes big, solid cross-stitch pieces are fun to do as you can watch the whole thing develop, stitch-by-stitch.
Reticello’s linear designs are really fun to get “into” as well.
Face it: It’s embroidery. It’s FUN!
I like them all, but samplers are my favorite
Please, I’m 70 years old and would like to learn how to do ribbon embroidery. It is something I have wanted to learn for the last 40 years.Way back when you had to know someone to teach you. Thank you for doing this.God Bless everyone involved in this blog. Have Peace and happiness this Christmas.
I am a quilter so I like to use embroidery to enhance my appliqué and give texture. For example I might use Colonial knots in the center of a flower or some stitch to make a fine vine.
Favorite subject? Disney characters! Make great framed art in the nursery and keepsakes for years to come.
I don’t think I have a favorite embroidery subject! I like almost anything, really.
OMG! another great giveaway,can’t find the right word to qualify it. Thanks Mary and Inspirations.
Generally I like all kind of embroidery but cross-stitch, I don’t like embroider little letters, bugs, love geometric, stylized designs, sampler motifs, whitework or ton-sur-ton work —well so many things more.
I couldn’t pick just one favorite subject matter — my top two would be natural things (animals, flowers, small landscapes — see how I “cheat” by sticking three things in the first one on the list!) and interesting patterns (celtic knotwork, medallions, etc.).
My thing is anything Floral. Little flowers, big flowers anything floral, flowers with trees, flowers with birds, flowers period! Currently I am working on some roses I copied from a color book I have. It is such a pretty simple picture that I copied it to some linen and am stitching away. I love to stitch flowers in the winter when there are not many flowers. However anytime of the year works for me to stitch. I learned to stitch when I was 8 from my great grandmother. That was over 50 years ago.
Until you asked this question I didn’t realize that I have a favorite embroidery subject. I thought about all the project I’ve started (including the ones I’ve stalled out on) and I find that I love flowers, animals (birds in particular) and insects (bees and dragonflies). I love Inspirations – it is the only publication I subscribe to.
Oh I like florals and birds. Aren’t they all so interesting to see?
I love to stitch nature themes…birds, animals, trees, flowers…anything with life in them. I like to combine free hand stitching within basic shapes and add a little 3D to bring them to life…
The natural world calls to me perennially – that is, until I see a master needle-worker stitch a building or geometric with pizzazz. One thing: I love to see embroidery stitched onto, around unusual spaces and for unusual reasons…like those strawberries! What an idea!
I enjoy embroidering lots of things but I seem to lean towards geometric shapes in bright colors
I stitch a variety of subjects, but I seem to always fall back on flowers. I enjoy thread painting and flowers allow for many colors and shapes making my stitching quite interesting.
What a wonderful bundle. Thanks Mary and Inspirations! My favorite subject to stitch must be OWLS. I have stitched 3 already and am working on Hazel Blomkamp’s Owlfred. A huge undertaking.
My favorite stitching subjects are flowers, animals and birds, and folk art. Flowers are especially cheering to stitch in winter and I love the simplicity of folk art—it just seems to instinctively fit with needle and thread! Thank you for this wonderful giveaway!
It is really hard to pick a favorite stitching project. I guess it depends on what catches my eye. I do love Jacobean and made my Mom a needlepoint pillow. I’m also drawn to Trish Burr’s projects. Sigh… there is not enough time in the day. Thank you, Mary for your newsletter. I look forward to them.
I used to do cross stitch and have stitched a multitude of types of pictures, scenery, cute, flower fairies, the queen and the Beatles in monochrome. I have since tried zenbroidery and following that I have stitched the Coloris Kaleidiscope pattern by yourself. Really enjoyed that one. I am now getting into crewel embroidery and have done a few simple modern designs, but now wish to progress to the Jacobean style.
I’m a crazy quilter, so I enjoy combining stitches for embellishment of seam lines, but I also love creating floral “bouquets” for the individual patches.
Hola. No sabría decir qué me gusta más bordar, talvez flores o monogramas. En realidad, muchas veces bordo por el placer de hacerlo nada más. Después viene el problema que siempre tengo y que echo en falta casi siempre en los blogs que visito, y es que no sé qué hacer con los bordados. Aprovecho para pedir desde aquí, que nos mostréis no sólo el bordado, sino también qué hacéis con el. Manteles, cuadros, ropa, bolsas, lo que sea, siempre es de gran ayuda tener muchas más ideas. Porque casi siempre vemos el trocito de tela con el bordado, pero no el conjunto.
De todas formas, me encanta ver tus labores tan perfectas.
Un saludo desde España.
Un saludo Helena desde el Québec (Canada). Descubri sus pays en 1980 y me encanta. Volve alguna veces. Me gusta Espana. J’adore l’Espagne.
I like stitching things that are clean lined and a bit contemporary. I’m not sure I have a clean idea of my “type”. I may have to ask my group of stitcher friends!
I like everything, but I like flora and fauna – birds, butterflies, and flowers the best.
Landscapes and animals.
Love to stitch flowers and birds, or some simple natural objects like seashells and feathers.
My fav is crewel work with wool yarn. And the gorgeous Jacobean designs. However I am also into miniatures & now like to do the designs in mini with embroidery thread. At my age my eyes are not so good so thank goodness for those microfying helps. thanks for your newsletter & a chance to win neat items. jc
I love this magazine….it is a wonderful collection of artwork❤️♥️
I love to embroider flowers. Either with ribbon, bead, floss.
Thank you for your blog,
I like your comparison to vacationing when opening an Inspirations magazine. Years ago, when in university, I would look forward to a favorite magazine just so I could have a mini vacation from all the studies. When my budget allows, Inspirations will be one subscription I will buy.
Merry Christmas. Thank you for your blog, it is inspirational.
Hi Mary,
Another wonderful giveaway; thank you so much for your generosity! My favorite subject matter for surface embroidery is definitely floral designs; even your kaleidescope patterns I like to think of as giant flowers. I’m okay with including Christmas trees and sheep and hedgehogs frolicking among little flowers in the category too LOL!
Thank you again, Cathy in PA
I love animals embroidered. Especially the expert ones with realistic blended colors. I have a few patterns to try, and some books, but I’m not quite brave enough just yet. Human animals, too.
Flowers, plants and trees for me! Love to do landscape embroideries as is a fun way to play with thread.
I love embroidering flowers and wildlife, especially birds. Thank you for the generous give-away. It’s always a treat to read your posts, too, so thank you for your hard work posting throughout the year.
In my other post, I forgot to say anything about my favorite embroidery. I dearly love to do redwork. There are so many shades of red available now that I often use the shades to accent the redwork designs. Also, I have changed the style of traditional redwork from outlines to varied stitches and fill stitches.
Interesting question. I started looking around at what was on my walls and I sure have a wide collection. Ladies, animals, geometric, flowers, outdoor scenes. I think some of my favorites are scenes such as a cottage with a pond and a bridge. That’s in my bedroom and very relaxing. I have another with several victorian buildings and greenery around them and it’s a beautiful scene. I also have a lovely southern lady sitting on a porch surrounded by flowers. So hard to choose…..Oh, and then there are the holidays. Love the bunnies. I want to do the bunny by the tree with the spools..
I find myself stitching mostly traditional designs, and nothing gets me more inspired than historical embroidery pieces – so lots of scrolling florals. My absolute favourite designs I think are found in traditional costume of Europe and the Middle East. That passion was started thanks to your series on Hungarian embroidery!
I like realistic wildlife with a hint of whimsy.
I’m especially fond of embroidering flowers … and monograms … or the two together. And I love traditional crewel work. Gosh, I just love it all! Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Merry Christmas.
My favorite subject matter to stitch is a landscape. But maybe I should say anything that is nature related is my favorite subject matter because I love doing such things as trees, shrubs, leaves, grasses and of course they are all part of landscapes.
Nice giveaway package! I like doing flowers, landscapes, and houses, but I think my very favorite subject matter is girls and women in gowns, dresses, and hats.
I don’t have a favorite subject for embroidery. Many, many things appeal to me. I just like to embroider and the more intricate, the better. What I like is bright colours and detail.
I love florals and sampler alphabets, but my favorite stitching would be Nordic style embroidery motifs.
I like geometric designs the most but anything where I can enjoy the colours as they unfold I good.
Thank you so much, Mary, for sharing your passion and expertise with all of us. I don’t have to think to long to know what my favorite subject for stitching is. I actually have two and they are sampler motifs or Christmas designs. These just scream “stitch me”! Merry Christmas!
I am enjoying getting reacquainted with embroidery. Your work is beautiful, and your videos make the stitches so doable. Thanks for all you do.
Merry Christmas.
My favorite subject is a house. I’m a sucker for a house!
I have a delightful time embroidering florals & especially leaves. Your tutorial is fabulous & I’m creating some sweet looking leaves on a neck scarf for church right now.
I’m not sure I have a favorite, I love all kinds of textile work. But I’m very, very ready for some Inspiration!
Halloween is my favourite theme in my stichery.
Nature is my favorite stitching subject, which covers a lot.
Happy Holidays!
I love botanicals. roosters and landscapes…
My favorite thing to embroider is flowers. My very first embroidery projects were two sets of pillow cases (His and Hers) that I tucked away into my hope chest. Something most women my age never had. The chest itself was homemade, but I loved making things to save for that point in time when I go married. I still remember that both sets were embroidered in pink and purple which are colors I still like in my bedroom. My first blue ribbon embroidery project was a motto surrounded by flowers. My last blue ribbon project was a set of botanical prints of a tulip, rose, and a lily in counted cross stitch. The only thing I ever forked over money to get them framed. I never understood how to make the flowers more life like. Other than a few skeins of floss, a needle, a hoop and one set of Aunt Martha’s transfers, I knew NOTHING about how to embroider. Just followed what my mom had told me, but she didn’t know how to make the flowers more life like either. I’m only understanding and learning more in the last few years.
I don’t that I have a favorite subject. I like to stitch samplers. I also like hardanger and this time of year I like to do Christmas projects.
Oh my goodness! Each one of these prizes is fabulous. I’m a re-newed embroideress, and have started following you. I am in awe of all you do!
That is hard. I think I chose by the overall design and purpose of the piece. I am not sure I have a favorite.
I love everything medieval! Unicorns, etc- I can incorporate into church embroidery
In New Zealand we have a variety of common and native birds. I love stitching birds. Inspired by Trish Burr technique needlepainting and quirky birds using a variety of stitches. Great fun. Put the eye in and they come to life!
I like geometric patterns and mandalas.
I love stitching whimsical wildlife and scenes of past years.
The current embroidery project I`m working on needs to be my favorite. I believe if my heart says this then I will pour my heart and soul into finishing the project and it will be loved. Even if it is an old WIP, I need to respect my decision at one time to devote my time and energy.( I am partial to crewel flowers & animals)
Hands down, I love to stitch flowers!
My favorite subject is flowers and birds, presently. But I confess that I am a mood person. I had a ‘blue and white mood’, then a ‘crinoline lady mood’, etc.
I’m seasonal. Santas now, pumpkins for Halloween, etc
Oh what a wonderful giveaway, I was subscribed to Inspirations magazine during a year so I know what beautiful needlework it contains. I haven´t really any particular embroidery subject preference although flowers always draw my attention.
My favorite subject to stitch or embroider are trees, followed closely by florals. I haven’t embroidered wildlife yet, but I know I would love that also! I love coming to your website several times a week Mary. I always learn so much from you!
My favorite embroidery subject matter? Whatever I see that I think is beautiful, creative and worth the time to finish it. I embroider on blouses, pillows , Christmas ornaments – you name it. I like hardinger too. I like the stitches and am glad to learn new ones.
Thank you for this offering – it is so generous!
What a wonderful Give-away!! I love to stitch flowers and trees and birds!
What a fabulous giveaway! I’d LOVE to win these goodies.
I like to stitch abstract designs, but I’m willing to try anything!
I was initially drawn to embroidery after seeing the lovely textures and natural themes of crewel embroidery. I have dabbled in other themes since, but still prefer nature overall.
Hi Mary!
What an awesome prize! I like to embroider words. I have done many sayings, poems, names, etc. Some times I use my own handwriting and other times I print the pattern out.
Merry Christmas!
When I do embroidery, I like to do natural subjects like birds, ferns, mushrooms, cactus and flowers. It is fun to use the different stitches to make them look as realistic as possible, though I am not as good as the ones shown in Inspirations magazine!
I just love embroidery, everything about it. I love stitching, with colors and more colors. The samplers that tell a story within a story. I’m fasanated by creators who stitch with fabulous design and add spectacular colorful floss. I just love to get a chart and go with my imagination and purchase the colors that speak to me, for each piece. Which then makes each one special and unique!
That’s me! That’s what I love to do!
Michelle B
I love symbolism in art, so illustrations – to songs and poems. I have a few ambitious project ideas in this area, but since I’m quite new to surface embroidery, it will take some skill honing and help of an artist friend to actually get to one.
Î love stitching flowers, as a relative newcomer to stitching, but a very keen gardener, embroidering flowers has become my new passion, especially in winter when I can’t play outside. I plan to make a quilt next year with 12 panels with a British wild flower (read weed) in each panel.
Thank you so much for offering these giveaways! Having been an English major in college, I particularly enjoy embroidering text. I also like to use embroidery to create texture in quilt projects. Right now I am working on a small 3-D cottage with embroidered bricks.
I especially like to titch modern band samplers with lots of different specialty stitches.
But then I just like to stitch specialty stitches, the more complex the better.
My preference is geometric and spot samplers. I am a counted thread person through and through!
Inspirations magazine is just what it says … inspiring. I view each of their emails with longing, and have actually ordered a couple of back issues. I’ve wondered why we don’t have such a strong stitiching community in the US as they seem to in Australia?
Thank you for all the inspirations!! My favorite thing to embroider is flowers……….followed close with animals. I usually embroider to give away……..thanks, lola
I absolutely love samplers, I find them so wonderful, especially the ones from days gone by. I love to imagine who it was that created the stitching and what she was thinking while stitching. I hope to live long enough to create one and that my eyes will allow me to complete one.
Hi Mary,
I absolutely love getting email from you, Trish Burr’s WordPress, and Embroidery news/Inspirations. Oh my goodness the pictures and the stories are just wonderful!
I’m pretty new to embroidery and thanks to your web site I am able to learn so many stitches and get wonderful ideas. I recently completed your Octoberfest complete with beads, so much fun. I’m looking forward to doing Birthday Bash with such vibrant colors!
I just completed Let’s Bark, a wording piece. I loved that. I really want to do the gingham embroidery with watermelons too. I’ve also been trying my hand at needle painting from Whitework with Color. That’s a bit of a challenge.
I now go to a stitching group here in Daytona.
I guess I like more simple, relaxing projects with a little forgiveness.
Thank you so much for getting me started.
What a gorgeous giveaway. I’ve long lusted after the Inspirations magazines. I didn’t even know they had a calendar! My tendency has been to historic needlework such as samplers, though as my eyes dim, I find myself thinking of switching to more surface embroidery, as I won’t have to find those little tiny holes… We’ll see how my theory pans out, of course. I’m probably forgetting about something…
Thank you for such a fun and informative blog.
I love crewel floral projects.
Iam a floral person! But I enjoy embroidering just about anything that catches my eye or interesting designs for a gift project. Any embroidery is fun!
Flowers are definitely my favorite to stitch! There is so much variety, so many colors.
Thanks for the chance to win something from Inspirations!
I really love Jacobean embroidery in warm, harmonious colours, in any embroidery style I love butterflies, in cross stitch I like the landscapes and portraits and although in life I do not use/like the blue colour in needlework I tend to use or choose patterns with a lot a blue colour.
What a great giveaway! Since I’ve only been stitching for under two years, I’m still exploring my favorite subject matter. For the moment I would have to say it’s abstracts done with surface Embroidery. I love working with lots of different colors and shapes. Thanks for the opportunity Mary!
Cindi Rogers, Las Vegas
My favorite things to embroider are combinations of flowers, birds, and baskets. Love this blog!
I’m just a beginner, bought my first hoop a couple of months ago as a creative form of stress relief. So far I love embroidering illustrated quotes as gifts for family and friends.
What I LIKE and what I DO may differ alittle. I love, in order, monograms, wildlife and then floral. What I DO most often is some (very simple) floral. I wish my skills were better
I love florals and landscape, geometric and stylized, and Jacobean as well. I love both traditional and modern interpretations.
I’ve tried all types of subjects for embroidery projects but I always return to floral designs, especially those with a Christmas theme! The French Needle has some wonderful wreaths that I’m enjoying working with now. I keep in the Christmas spirit year ’round by working on these wreaths & other Christmas scenes.
My favorite stitching subject matter is definitely freeform and abstract line and design, emphasizing color and texture with the various threads used. I love color and therefore use many color ways with various hues and shades to create my freeform images.
My favorite is flowers, needle painting, and doing different kinds of stitches to make a pretty design. I just love it all.
I love to embroider simple, whimsical designs. Vintage red-and-white designs, simple flowers and figures, I love designs that are nostalgic and harken back to the past. And there are so many great design and not enough time to do them!
I am a rather free form stitcher, unconstraind by technique or precision. Recently I have worked on images inspired by astronomy, weather events, or a view from a window. Secretly I long to do botanicals but now lack the dexterity and vision for such. Still, I love stitching.
It’s all floral, all the time for me. Well, maybe a monogram or word here and there!
First off, my favorite subject matter would be flowers – particularly roses, but also lilies, fuschias, hydrangeas, tulips.
The second would be garden gates, windows, doorways – where you are looking through to something beyond and only partly seen.
I like it all. I have done flowers, Celtic designs, buildings, Santas and have patterns for more. If only someone can organize time!
Landscape embroidery painting. Am in absolute awe over what can be achieved!! Am relatively new to embroidery and that is the aspect to which I would aspire. A VERY tall order ☺
I like to stitch trees! Mostly they’re associated with houses or sometimes woodsy scenes with animals. Sampler trees, realistic trees, Christmas trees all work for me!
Current favorite is geometrics. Subject to change without notice, of course.
I don’t have a favourite thing to embroider yet as I am finishing up needle felting commissions before leaping into embroidery with both feet. I find Inspirations very inspiring, and probably just need a sweet kit to tilt me over into embroidery madness!
Would love to try the simple stitches kits
I’m a bit of a magpie as my favourite stitching includes borders, alphabets, and crewel work. Thanks!
My favorite things to embroider are religious motifs (love your e-book, Mary!) and then surrounding them with flowers or curlicues or what have you. Thanks for the opportunity to participate!
My experience has been with simple flowers and the stylized patterns of Hardanger. I would like to take a crack at birds!
My favorite thing to do with embroidery is…whatever I happen to be working on at the moment. I love monograms, lettering, poetry in thread. But I also love florals, samplers, critters, blackwork, redwork, specialty stitches. You get my drift.
I enjoy stitching items of nature the most. Yet, at any given time, it really depends on the mood I am in. That is why I have about 8 projects going on right now.
It’s really hard to choose, but I love the whimsy of Jacobean embroidery and its fanciful representations of nature!
I love to embroider anything botanical – flowers, trees, fruit and vegetables. So many interesting shapes and beautiful colors.
I love flower motifs
I love to do religous motifs. And in that line I would really love to do persons like Jesus, the blessed Virgin etc. I have done a few but Not much because I am not so good at it. But if I get step by step instructions I try.
My favourite embroidery subjects are flowers followed by animals, birds insects. Wishing all a very Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays where you can find some time amongst the busyness to do some stitching or read that Inspiration mag you have won
My favorite thing to stitch is animals. Not just cats and dogs, but everything in between – horses, birds, hedgehogs, farm animals, wild animals. Any animal to stitch up just calls my name. Thanks.
I’m a sucker for anything depicting our local wild fauna and flora, or the landscape around here. I can’t work outside on the land any more, so I like to stitch it instead!
Lately I’ve been drawn to geometrics, but I truly like to do and have done everything except… hardanger and stump work. Thanks for the give-away.
I do a lot of tea towels that I sell. But if I stitch for pleasure I love floral basket or samplers.
Well, the field is wide open on that question. For myself I am partial to flowers but I also like landscape designs, animals, or anything that just speaks to my soul.
Whatever technique I seem to stitch in, generally it tends to be floral with perhaps a pretty insect or two added in.
i have a great number of issues of Inspiration and often go back through them for just the right project for a gift.
I stitch monograms and religious motifs. I enjoy the religious motifs, but monograms are my favorite. They’re quick and easy, and look so nice on an item.
My current thing is flowers and bees or dragonflies . I think I am drawn to these more so in the winter when the garden is under its blanket of snow.
I am partial to floral and botanical motifs and love Jacobean style. Also love monograms.
I like to stitch wildlife but I also enjoy stitching flowers. I have recently finished a wild rose design by Trish Burr as an insert for a music box. I absolutely love Inspirations!
My favorites to embroider are two. Flowers and butterflies. Love them both.
I simply adore Inspirations Magazine and currently have 2 projects from the magazine in process but slowly working them into my other projects calendar weekly.
I love making silk ribbon flowers to decorate boxes and pillows with and decorative three dimensional and whimsical plants and vegetables/fruits with thread embroidery the most. Right now I have the Cauliflower Pin Cushion about halfway completed and am gathering supplies for the beautiful Thimble Holder which involves lots of different skills. Have not started it as yet but the instant download PDF pattern I paid for on line is detailed and well done. A pleasure to make projects from this magazine and best of all browsing their beautiful newly designed website. I don’t belong to a group of embroiderers so do everything on my own.
I’m a self proclaimed nut about samplers and of course CCS. I originally did crewel and moved on in late 70’s to CCS. I still have crewel in my stash. Major crewel project is for a valance for the living room. I have the first foot almost finished LOL. It will end up being my oldest UFO, but it is definitely on my 2018 list. I LOVE INspirations magazine, wish I was a little richer and could subscribe 🙁 Sincerely, Pat in SNJ
Hi Mary,
What a good gift it would be for my 60th birthday on December 31st. Since it has never been a good time of the year to celebrate… always forgotten in the midst of all the other celebrations.
Inspiration magazine is the best!
If I do general embroidery I would prefer flowers and everything relating to nature. I am a volunteer guide at Jardin botanique de Montréal (Montréal’ s botanical garden, in the province of Québec, Canada) which in renowned for its collections. Of course I like to reproduce the beauties of gardens.
But I also like to do canvas work and in this case, it is not necessarily plant or flower related.
Thanks again Mary for your great blog and website.
Long healthy life to you and to all the members of your family.
Louise from Montréal
I really like to stitch samplers. I bought the 2017 Inspirations Calendar. Such beautiful photos.
I would love the bundle giveaway. Inspirations is a awesome magazine. I used to buy one when I had the money. They are pricey but worth every penny. I don’t even know a place to buy one here. I live in assisted living now and would gladly share the magazines with others here after I’ve filled my head and heart with their wonderful art!
I am stitching tiny Biscornus for the ladies who help me here. A little gift for their wonderful kindness.
Thank you, Mary, for another great give away!
My favorite stitching is silk shading of flowers, especially in shades and hues of periwinkle, lavender , and violet.
Although I stitch whatever speaks to me, I really like doing Christmas themed designs that I can add to my quilted postcards. I try to send out several cards each holiday season to friends and family.
That is really a nice giveaway from INSPIRATIONS.. Iam an Architect and was working till i got married….Now im more into taking care of my family and spending my free time in embroidery…iam selftaught right now and eager to do stitchwork on buildings with 3d, raised embroidery and some stumpwork….Happy holidays
I guess I am a floral person, but I will try anything – love the strawberries in Inspirations 96. I really like ecclesiastical embroidery, too.
I love floral embroidery. Embroidery is just so so pretty
Hello- My favorite thing to embroidery is animals. They can bring a smile to anyone’s face. Since reading your news letters, I have been inspired to try thread painting of animals. Still working on it 🙂 Kim
As a gardener my favorite subject would be flowers and maybe bees butterflies and ladybugs
My favorite subject to stitch is flowers…in all their glorious forms. I am especially fond of Jacobean designs. I love leaves and flowers all intertwining! But I stitch florals of all kinds!
In the Inspirations magazine I love Trish Burrs Partridge in a Pear tree and the darling bunny and thread tree. The calendar would be a good reminder, every month, to slow down and stitch. And the hoop kit looks like fun…I am teaching my granddaughter some basic stitches. I think she would like those sunflowers!
Thanks for offering this Give Away! Happy Holidays Mary!!
I love anything that is stitched with a needle!
I like simple templates that I embellish myself.
Love this mag. Have one on digital. Been stitching florals for years but monograms have been calling to me recently.
I love stitching leaves -the shapes and colours have such variety.
Hi Mary
Thanks for running Give-Away Competition #6. I’d love to have the Inspirations Studios calendar in my workroom (read rowing and yoga room too) and to be motivated to stitch the Simple Stitches sunflower kit over the Australian summer. Here’s hoping I’m lucky.
Merry Christmas to you Mary, and thanks for the blog,
Seems I gravitate to florals, ferns nd leaves primarily. Thanks for the fantastic give-aways!
Leaves for their beautiful variety of shapes and colours
My favorite subject for hand embroidery is animals especially Birds.
Very difficult to pick a favorite. Guess I would have to say samplers because you can stitch floral designs, letters, geometric as and sometimes buildings all in one piece. I think I might have to say florals if I had to choose just one thing.
I love to embroider fingers of people
My favorite motif for embroidery is floral. I love flowers – growing them, painting them, arranging them, stitching them. Love, love, love. Wish me luck and stitching expertise.
Favorite subject matter? Symbols, slogans, bugs… Anything, really! That’s why I like crazy quilting — I can just put anything that strikes my fancy on a slice of fabric!
I love stitching flowers and gardens and more flowers!!!
I love all subjects, at the moment my stumpwork is a mixture of animals, flowers and people. I also have a needlepoint almost finished of 5 of ours days. I suppose in the end it’s whatever catches my eye.
Merry Christmas! I like to dabble in all things stitchery, but I am always drawn to Jacobean themes, even if I spend more time putting names on handbags. Thanks also to Inspirations, they always have such lovely items to daydream and drool over.
My embroidery guild chapter wants to make the strawberries on the cover of the magazine. I would love to try it first as it may be above my skill level but looks very intriguing! Maybe this will be my lucky time to finally win and venture out to a new technique.
Trying to say what my favorite subject is for stitching is like trying to say what my favorite food type is for cooking! Sometimes I get focused on cooking pasta dishes and stitching birds. Then I’ll get focused on perfecting Asian dishes and stitching mandalas. Later I might decide to master a variety of shrimp dishes and long and short “painting” with stitches. Recently, I’m having fun with little trees (~__*)
Hi, Mary. My favorite subject to stitch, if I must choose only one;) is sampler motifs. That can include such a wide range of things. Thank you for the opportunities to win great products. Thank you for such a wonderful site with so much great information. Merry Christmas!
Sharon L. Greeley, CO
I tend towards geometric, stylized or abstract designs, although I’ll do whatever strikes my fancy and suits the person I have in mind.
My favourite topic for ribbon embroidery is flowers as the looseness of the ribbon gives a lovely soft flowing feel and sense of nature.
I love embroidering flowers, birds, and monograms. I am a smocker, so I also love geometric designs. I’m itching to start that gorgeous stocking from Issue 96! Thanks for the give-away!!
My favorite subject for needlework is something in nature. I particularly love an iris or a butterfly
I like clean lines and geometrics. Hardanger and pulled and drawn threads are some of my favorite but I do like a variety of stitching.
I do all kinds of embroidery in different subject matters. What attracts me to a particular piece is what I need it for at that time and place. What really interests me in embroidery is the number of stitch variations. You think you have seen it all and then another new variations shows up.
Lately I’ve been obsessed with shall-we-say whimsical designs – goofy looking houses, Dr. Seuss-like flowers, purple and orange animals – anything off the wall. But one theme that never leaves my heart is flowers. Any kind of flowers. Rustic, primitive, cottage, stylized, botanical, you name it. Other obsessions come and go, but flowers are always here to stay.
Absolutely love Inspiration Magazine. This magazine started me on my path to learn thread painting (just a beginner). With lots of searching on the web for articles on embroidery, I then found needle I receive the daily newsletter in my inbox which gives me a lot of pleasure reading. Thankyou.
I enjoy embroidering faces from photographs.
I love insects and try to put them in many of my embroidered pieces
Hi there….I lean towards flowers, animals and samplers … traditional. I’m not much on geometric or very modern.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win.
Merry Christmas.
Another super prize and as someone new to many styles of embroidery, this bundle would be a real treat. Good luck to everyone.
Ooh, I’m definitely a fan of embroidering flowers and garden scenes. I have a chronic illness which has meant I’ve been unable to keep a real garden for a number of years, so I love to look at, draw, paint and embroider flowers and gardens instead! Thanks for all you do Mary. xo
I do an awful lot of geometric patterns, because I do a lot of Hardanger and similar techniques. But every once in a while, I enjoy doing a flower or a butterfly, just to do something more colorful!
I love Inspirations Magazine, and spend a lot of time drooling over every issue as it comes in! I just wish I could do more of the projects they feature.
Mary in MN
My favorite type of embroidery would be silk and metal of florals and animals.
Photorealistic portraiture.
I didn’t really think I have a thing, but I guess it’s botanicals. I do enjoy stitching flowers, plants and trees. I have trouble stitching animals convincingly.
Most of my cross stitch designs are based on Asian themes and tigers.
My favorite subject to stitch is birds. I love birds.
I like the structured nature of Hardanger with its mostly geometric designs. Also the repetitive stitches, again rather geometric, in pulled thread projects. However, I’m happy stitching most any subject and technique.
At the moment I seem to be doing a lot of flowers for my sample stitch book, but what I really like is stuff that’s a bit more unusual, for example my next project includes the embroidery of anatomically correct(ish) heart.
My goal this year is to be a better needle painter. I love the subtleties. I love the possibilities. Flowers and plants are the first attractions, but I will persuade myself (easily) to move onto birds.
I love to embroider scenery and animals and birds!!
Subject matter? It is always difficult to be specific. I like stitching wildlife, especially birds, geometrics also, samplers and motifs that are included within, and wording, just to name a few.
I love stitching Jacobean Crewel. I enjoy the various types of stitches required to accomplish a Jacobean design. I also like to stitch samplers and do stumpwork. This is an amazing giveaway!
I like stitching animals, particularly mythical ones like dragons.
I love stitching geometric patterns in blackwork. In other styles of embroidery I enjoy stitching abstract designs and florals.
Birds are my favorite — infinite number of colors, sizes, poses.
I enjoy stitching mostly holiday items. Since I decorate for almost every holiday throughout the year, I like to have a stitched piece (or few) for each season. My styles have changed over the years—I have gone from cutesy to more more sampler style .
It’s difficult to select just one subject for embroidery. I enjoy numerous subjects depending on the technique I’m using. Nature scenes and animals are favorites when doing thread painting. Samplers or patterns with a large variety of specialized threads and stitches are my preference when doing canvas work or counted work. Celtic patterns tend to be what I go to for blackwork. When I do counted cross stitch it’s holiday themes that I lean towards, especially Halloween and Christmas.
I love Inspirations. My favorite stitching subject is Americana.
Thank you, Mary, for your wonderful site.
May you have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
I love samplers, religious motifs, and scripture. Happy stitching!
I especially love houses/buildings in my projects. I also look for flowers.
A fabulous book and a great Christmas present. I love Inspirations.
My favorite subject matter is flowers and oiseaux (birds). Tank you
I love embroidery! My favourite work to do is dependant on my mood. Ir might be traditional embroidery one day, thread painting on another day, stumpwork on another day, but my trusty crazy quilt is always with me. I also love you, Mary as you are so down to earth and have so much to share all the time. Merry Christmas!
I love Samplers! Covers the spectrum!
My favorite subject for embroidery is wildlife. I especially like the birds featured in Inspirations.
I enjoy stitching letters with floral accents.
I am really drawn to geometric – the ancient designs found in so much ethnic embroidery and other types of cultural art work! They make my eyes happy!
What a generous giveaway! I’m in awe of this series of free goodies, wow! I would love to win any of these items.
I’m so new that I don’t really have a favorite anything yet. I really like learning new stitches. I’ve watched all of your videos, and others’ to learn all the stitches I could find, and then made some samplers of very clean lines of all the stitches I know.
I’m currently working on a pillow with a few big artistic words. So far, it’s my favorite piece that will be a complete project at completion.
I really love Jacobean style embroidery. The exaggerated flowers, leaves, the tree of life, with a little animals just touches something in me. I love the some of the new designers of this style, with the colors and different stitches they use, like Tatiana Popova, her use of color and design is so beautiful.
My favorite subject matter kind of depends on the technique I am using, ie. needlepoint=geometyric; silk ribbon=floral; needlepainting=animals.
My favorite embroidery subjects are flowers and leaves. Even though I really enjoy them I would like to discover another favorite or favorites with more experience.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is floral
I am a floral person. I am seeing some of the most beautiful works ever on your blog.
Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your wonderful prizes. It is hard to pick a favorite subject for needlework; probably would be birds and flowers, but I am always open to many things, especially if they are done with lots of beautiful colors. The opportunity to thread up a needle with beautiful thread and then work it into fabric brings such joy and contentment, not to mention a feeling of accomplishment. I love seeing all of your beautiful embroidery projects. Thank you so much for sharing your talent and knowledge with all of us.
My favorite would be flowers and berries photograph both and want to do a sampler with some. Now I’m starting again on a rose crewel piece.
Wow, what a great give away. Inspirations really is the most beautiful embroidery magazine .
I’ve been looking around at my embroideries and although there are a variety, 2 styles keep popping up – Monograms and Florals. Monograms are great for personalising a gift, whilst flowers just add beauty to almost anything.
I did several embroidery projects many years ago. A friend’s lovely embroidery is inspiring me to, put down my knitting needles and, begin to do embroidery again.
I love all forms of white work , even though it may take me many months to complete a piece, samplers with drawn thread work timeless
Really enthusiastic about trying a Jacobean motif in the new year.
I love samplers for their muted and utilitarian purposes and I love the florals of Berlin woolwork for their color and depth. Definitely a Gemini. Thank you for the give away.
My “thing” is to find a lovely thread and that perfect piece of linen, tack it into stretcher frames, and see what comes of making a few random stitches. Maybe to “take a line for a walk,” or to make a map of an imaginary place, to use the simplest of stitches and try to re-create an object (vase, flower, bowl, tree) in only one or two types of stitches. The stitch and thread inspire me to keep on with it. Usually this kind of thinking with my fingers is the rough beginning of a larger, more thoughtful design.
My home is decorated in the Craftsman style, so I have gravitated toward designs that are reflective of those motifs.
Really, there is no one favorite subject, although i am drawn over and over to samplers, especially if they have house,trees and flowers….birds and maybe a dog or two…see what i mean….lol….
I love to stitch geometrics and am mostly a counted thread stitcher. I have been trying to do more surface stitching and experiment with different techniques, especially postcard sized. For postcards and experimenting, I particularly like doing landscapes.
Wow what a giveaway. I have to say that Jacobean embroidery and themes are my favorite. I am particularly interested in birds. Birds and flora are common themes in my work. Thanks again, Mary!
Anything floral and delicate wildlife such as dragonflies and butterflies.
Due to the fact that we have winter longer then summer…I have to go with flowers…they always brighten the day and they don’t die. Second would be holiday themes….I like to change it up every few months.
My favorite subject is animals and snowmen. I love all those critters and
snowmen remind me of the coziness winter brings and the happiness of
being wrapped up and warm in a comfortable chair with needlework to do.
Happy Stitching to all!!!
I start with a simple drawn shape and then it sometimes just seems to take over and is so different than i first thought. Sometimes good and sometimes not so pleasing but always original. That said i do enjoy all needlework. As long as it is stitching. Merry Christmas to you
My favourite subject matter in embroidery: I,m so new to all of it, and have had little chance, to dabble in any one particular style! But the few things I have done, are mostly baby animals on baby quilts, a bit of flowers on tote bags,and doing pillow case flowers. I need another life time to get everything on my list of too do,s accomplished. But thank you Mary,without your stitch tutorials, I wouldn’t know how to do any of it.
My favourite subject to stitch would be nature, be it birds, animals or florals. And anything Inspirations puts out would be irresistible.
My favorite mag. Since moving from Aust to Europe it’s probably one of the things I miss the most along with Vegemite.
I love doing florals and animals for embroidery subjects.
I like embroidering birds. Sometimes mythical ones ,then I give them names which I also embroider.
I make the finished article into lined bags, small potpourri cushions, or hanging Christmas ornaments.
I give them away as gifts.
Love ‘Inspirations’ it is such a lovely magazine and I am constantly in awe of the genius and high quality work of the contributors.
My favorite things t stitch are: floral, beautiful ladies in long flowing dress, & samplers in that order. I guess I chose floral as my first because I love color & nice bright color.
I love embroidering flowers mainly. I find I can use many different colours and many different stitches. I always feel happy when I am embroidering flowers. Usually I find most designs are able to be embroidered fairly quickly, thus I seem to always finish a project. Because I love flowers, sitting in my garden, watching nature and good lighting I find there is great incentive to keep embroidering and finishing the project.
So what is “My thing” ….I think thise who know me would advise that I am an embroidery hoarder- I quite simply want to experience it all and create beautiful things to make people smile. All who might visit would see a workshop/studio and home reflecting a love of stitch. At the moment I am basking in the glow of working with metallics and goldwork but the lure of crazy patch embroidery is never far from my thoughts…. simply a divinely cluttered mind of a passionate hand stitcher is all! 🙂
Inspirations has been one of my favourite magazines for years. My favourite themes are birds, wildlife and cats. I like them with a modern twist. I tend to stitch small sizes, love silk gauze.
What is ” My thing?”….I’m betting some would describe me as an embroidery hoarder, but I simply look to experience the beauty of stitch, traditional or contemporary to create embroideries that make people smile. Currently I am basking in the glow of working with metallics and goldwork, but crazy patch embroidery embellishment is never very far away.
These look amazing! So far, I’ve only been stitching for a year, and have done mostly botanical motifs, since those seemed to me like the easiest things to learn on. What I really love is narrative embroidery, but I’m still working up the skills for doing the pieces that I really want to do.
I love geometrics. I want to learn how to stitch realistic animals and flowers.
I love to stitch plants and their friends like butterfly’s and bees. Trees, flowers, vegetables, fruit, leaves, tendrils, buds, berries, etc.
Mary, thanks to you and the folks at Inspirations — another amazing opportunity.
To your question: what’s my favorite subject for stitching: I suppose I’d have to say geometrics, but that’s not all I stitch. What I look for is a project that will be give enjoyment both to stitch and to look at / use when completed. I look for “visual texture”, whether it’s from combinations of stitches, overdyed threads, multiple types of threads, and usually a bit of “bling” from metallics and/or shiny threads such as Neon Rays. This year I’ve been working on a number of Mill Hill Button & Beaded projects from my stash — easy, fun, and relatively quick.
I am learning how to do embroidery. I love flowers and decorative stitching.
I love making flowers. I really love making necklace pendants with a spray of flowers. I like making flowers with woven picot petals.
Cats are my favorite subject for any handwork: embroidery, wood appliqué, quilts.
I enjoy working on crazy quilt projects.
My favourite embroidery at the moment would be birds & flowers. Thanks for all the prizes you’ve gathered for us to enter. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
Any subject is welcome when I stitch! But I do like the lacy geometric patterns of pulled work, and I love stumpwork of any type! Thanks Mary for all you do!
My favorite type of embroidery is sewing samplers. Wish I could afford an antique one; until I can, a handmade reproduction is great.
I like just about anything. I have a Jacobean applique quilt in progress. I have been working on two memorial pieces for my Mon & Dad – “your wings were ready” & “Footprints”. I am working on my first Chatelaine. I just love having a needle in my hands.
That’s a hard one .If it’s for someone I think about their likes and colors. If for me I enjoy almost any design. It’s ! more about the color or the complexity of a piece at that time. Sometimes I need something quick and easy ,and at others I need a piece that takes my undivided attention. That is what I like about Any embroidery it can be as easy or complicated as you want. The color can be bright and colorful or dark and gray. It all depends on what I what to do at that time. Thank you for your site and your work.
This sounds like a fantastic give away, and I would greatly appreciate winning it.
Dear Mary,
Yes, Inspirations is truly beautiful and like a holiday in a magazine. My favourite subject is everything old world. Old samplers, images, designs, patterns, and scripts that transport me back to an era when there was a quieter, slower pace to life.
Thank you!
I am probably more into floral designs.
Thank you for all the information and give away opportunities you provide.
My favourite things to stitch are stylised florals. I love the twisted stems ,flowers and leaves of Jacobean embroidery . They give so much scope for imagination in colour and stitches.
Most of my Embroidery work consists of flowers in some shape or form. At times I do stray to another topic or subject.
My favorite embroidery subject is definitely florals!
My favorite subject right now is religious themes, mainly crosses. I do most of my sewing for the priests in our area. I a new to embroidery and still learning best technique and materials. I’m embarrassed to say that I’m not sure I was aware that hand embroidery still existed until about a year ago! I thought that there was machine embroidery (and contemplated on several occasions an embroidery machine that would have bankrupted us) or cross stitch. I am amazed and impressed and so excited to keep learning.
Hi Mary
I like to try many different types of needlework as well as spinning weaving and knitting, but my go to work that is always sitting in my needlework basket is Reticella. It’s small, intricate, white and just lovely. ❤️
I love to stitch flowers or wildlife. Thank you for offering this giveaway Mary. Inspirations is truly inspiring.
As I am a novice embroiderer, I like stitching floral samplers with a variety of stitches which help me to attempt to master this amazing art.
My favourite subject matter for my embroidery designs is birds. In particular, I have a special affinity for peacocks & swans. I love a Peacock in full plumage with their full spectrum of colours and all those eyes in their tail. Even with an all-white peafowl in full plume, it is still breathtaking. I love the little repetitive flutters they do after spreading their coverts fanned out. It is as if they are fully aware of their opulence & grandeur, gracing us with a gift although seemingly loving the attention, aware of their beauty. It is not just all of the colours of these magnificent, majestic & regal creatures that are so breathtaking. It is also their body language with their slow strut, long necks carrying their head held high along with the spray of the crown-like feathers atop their heads which they hold high in an air of confidence. All those colours are some of my most favourite. I love all the hues of iridescent greens, reds, turquoises, teals, blues and purples. Even without all those bursting colours, the white peafowl is just as magnificent in every way. In designing & stitching a peacock or even just a peacock feather, you can design it as simple or as intricate as you want with embellishments, using metallics, golds, silvers, beading colours and still stay within the realm of realism in trying to capture their essence and stunning beauty.
The same in many ways is true with Swans also, the regalness and beauty, the nobility. Seeing a Swan just makes a sense of peace fall over me & the world seems to stop for a moment. Years ago I visited Germany & Austria. We went to King Ludwig II Castle also known as the Swan King. Everything in his castle was Swans from the huge porcelaine figurines to a secret underground passage with a canal with a Swan boat which lead to a stage and play area for him to entertain his private guests. It makes sense why in past history both birds were reserved only for nobility. Luckily, today that is no longer the case.
I think my affection and attraction dates back to when I receiveed a custom made string puppet of a Peacock for my eighth birthday from my father. That is one of my fondest childhood memories & favorite childood birthday gifts. Also, every Sunday he always took me to the zoo & my favourite part was looking at the free roaming Peacocks & Swans in the beautiful lake. I loved it all. They were so unique, exotic and huge, that is to an eight-year-old at least. Even when I design motifs I am drawn to using feathers or like shapes and that color scheme sometimes. I love stitching birds into my designs if fitting such as a Bermuda Longtail, , Hummingbirds to a simple Chickadee or Straling.
My favourite subject to embroider is stylised animals, followed by geometric designs.
I love to stitch floral designs, but I also have a weakness for a house. I’m a sucker for a cottage! I’ve made lots of cross-stitch houses as well as ribbon embroidered Di Van Niekirk cottage panels. I like to imagine who’s living in the cottages and maybe peeping out at me from behind the curtains!
I love hearts! I love to stitch hearts! I love to applique hearts. But, other than that, I love to stitch brightly colored items-The brighter, the better, especially in this gray wintertime.
My first project was an embroidered dishtowel around age 7. I’ve probably had something going ever since, although never very prolific aside from the cross stitch craze of the 80’s and 90’s. The rest of the time I’ve been a dabbler, decorations for “hippie” clothes, hand quilted sofa pillows and baby quilts, needle point, candlewicking, crazy quilt, felt motifs, and most recently full circle back to regular hand embroidery learned on the dishtowel. Through the years I’ve become more interested in my own designs.
This was a fun little trip through my memory. I have very few examples because I gave most everything as gifts or cutting down in my many moves. Albums would’ve been wonderful, but there was no camera phone in your pocket when I began in 1963, and at the beginning I would have had no idea what an important part of my life stitching would become!
My favorite things to embroidery is flowers and wildlife. I’m a beginner and I would love how to embroidery a horse. Thanks for the chance to win
I absolutely love monograms and any sort of white work embroidery. I have followed your emails for some years and just love all the tips and various types of embroidery you share. Best wishes for the holiday season.
I like to embroidery pretty much any theme…..scenes, flowers, and since I am stitching a lot of Bunka embroidery, Asian themes are among my favourites, especially geishas with a background of flowering trees, waterfalls, and pagodas.
My favorite subject matters for embroidery stitching are stylized design and monograms.
And I gather inspiration from all sorts of designs and others work.
Thanks, would love to win
I love botany, and geetry 🙂
Thank you!
I like stitching geometrics and designs with lots of different types of stitches. I also have a weakness for blackwork and cutwork. I had never heard of Inspirations magazine before! Nice to hear about it and I’m going to check it out.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery is nature. When I have more time, I want to do an embroidered series of botanicals – the whole plant with smaller sections beside like some painters do in botanical studies!
G’day Mary,
And thank you Inspirations.
I love to stitch freestyle. Just a rough idea in mind from how the lightly manipulated fabric ends up and then using whatever stitch is needed to transform a particular area to fit in with what’s developing. I love to have clusters peeping out from under folds and gathers as in a beach one that’s happening at the moment. Not realistic and open to interpretation. Usually end up small landscape-y types.
Cheers, Kath
My favorite subject is flowers and letters together. Some of my best ideas have come from you! Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thanks for all the wonderful opportunities this holiday season to try for these gifts and to just be connected!
Love almost all of the stitchery designs! My favorite probably is words and florals that give me inspiration to stitch. Love to win one of the magazines.
Oh my, Mary what a wonderful giveaway! I would LOVE to receive this (who wouldn’t)!
It’s hard to choose just one favorite subject for stitching, as I love variety and never do anything twice. I guess I would have to choose nature, flowers, fruits and trees, and I do love stumpwork and crewel, something will dimension to it.
I love to embroider flowers and animals, and somehow seem to alternate between the two. My last big project was a tryptych of poppies and the one before that a scene from a coral reef full of tropical fish. The one coming up is a tree frog.
This is a hard question, I am normally drawn to designs inspired by nature,
As I like flowing lines, flowers and insects and animals, oh MY! BUT, I can then
Be sorely tempted by a geometric design with not a natural element in sight,
So guess I am fickle when it comes to what I like best. What a treat an inspirations
Prize would be. Sue In Bermuda
Flowers for sure. Then a friend remarked that I seem to have birds in almost everything I make, so definitely birds too. In vibrant colors!
I enjoy floral, wording, holiday, and monogram.
Merry Christmas to all.
I live stitching flowers! In the Spring, my eyes see the world in threads and ribbon–a most inspiring month!
I like stitching florals and also animals. hard to choose one favorite. I have taken Inspirations since it began, love looking at all the projects.
This is an awesome magazine. I would love to have a copy of this one. Thank you.
I like to embroider fruits, holiday items (I bought your Christmas trees patterns), and animals.
Thanks for the chance to win!
My favorite thing to embroider is my interpretation of museum paintings. I have several art books from around the world and I like to choose a painting from the galleries represented in the books.
What a wonderful give-away! Inspirations is a gorgeous embroidery magazine. There are going to be 5 very happy people!
My subject matter for embroidery has changed over the years. Right now I tend to prefer geometrics.
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2018! I thoroughly enjoy your website.
My favorite subject matter for embroidery would be Jacobean in style. I love the way landscapes are incorporated into fantasy trees, flowers, and creatures. It is fun to create a short story of what you think may have been in the mind of the person who did the embroidery and figure out why did they use those colors and stitches.
My favorite subject to stitch is floral motifs. They just lend themselves so nicely to the fibers!
I just love INSPIRATIONS Magazine!
My favourite subject matter for embroidery is mainly Blackwork. I have several pieces around the house. I also like samplers.
If I had to choose what I like to embroidery the most I think it would have to be flowers of different sorts
I love to embroider bugs! Especially spiders and spider webs!
I also enjoy embroidering flowers. Just getting into doing the long and short stitch.
I love your website and totally enjoy every days comments! Thanks so very much for all of your information that you so readily put out there for us to learn from and enjoy!!
My favorite subject matter of embroidery is cats and birds. I like the Inspiration magazine and halas it is now difficult to find it in Montreal. I would be very happy to win a subscripton. Thank you.
My favorite subjects for embroidery are animals and I’m hoping to learn needle painting.
I like to stitch birds(whimsical!)
I love flowers, flowers of all kinds. Flowers make life more beautiful!!
My favorite subject to embroider is … peacocks! I just love the vibrant colors and the possibilities of stitch varieties!
I like to embroider flowers. They are always so happy!
I love it all! I just don’t have time for everything so I narrowed it down to floral and nature.
What a fab prize! I prefer botanical for stitching. That gives a scope that never ends. I subscribed to Inspirations for the first 50 issues then collected a few until it was unavailable to purchase in a shop. Your work definitely is on the same beautiful level as any I see there.
I love to stitch reproduction samplers, especially the intricate motifs from the 17th and 18th centuries. Also I am especially fond of stitching the “illuminated” letters in Scottish samplers.
My favorite type of embroidery id of older sgructures. I like to see tbe structures come to life. Simple is a relief from everyday stress. But at times i really like a new challenge.
I love paisley designs ever since the 60’s. I love to colour them, embroider them, draw them! I like to make a colour theme with silk or rayon threads. Sometimes I use variegated threads. I am so happy they have been reintroduced lately.
I am very much a traditionalist in my embroidery projects. I love Jacobean embroidery – the swirls, flowers and birds.
I’ve recently enrolled in a modern embroidery class. Now that is going to be a challenge. I can’t wait.
I am most frequently drawn to flowers although i do a wide variety of topics. I plan to do some monograms soon. Maybe with flowers…
Happy holidays!
My favorite subject matter for embroidery are trees and shrubs. The idea of creating a little landscape with interesting shaped trees is always exciting. Sometimes I work with strange bark textures and other times try to capture lots of different shades of green.
Thank you Mary and Inspirations for the opportunity to win such a lovely package.
I love all forms of historical embroidery especially crewel work. The Inspirations magazine is always full of lovely ideas.
My preferd ‘briodery’ subjects are florals and jacobean designs.
Such a hard question, but I think it is the flowers and weeds found in nature. These illustrations started me off in embroidery nearly 50 years ago as a relief from a stressful job and I have never stopped. I think embroidery has kept me sane and laughing!
My favorite embroidery subject matter is floral scenes. Thank you for this opportunity.
Animals. I am currently working on a Noah’s Ark (embroidery), a needlepoint canvas of racoons and one of a woman running with her dog!
Flowers. And fruit. And samplers for me.
I love geometric designs esp. black on white and at times combined with various other stitches…thx for all the chances you have given appreciated
I suppose I lean toward geometric designs. I do enjoy sampler type projects using different stitches and threads
Oh, my, it’s hard to say what my favorite subject matter to embroider is! I do love monograms and lettering, but also really enjoy Montmellick embroidery. Thank you and Inspirations Magazine for this to win some great things!
My favorite emb is silk ribbon emb because it is quick & very forgiving on mistakes. What could be better than that? Thanks for the chance
I really enjoy stitching natures subjects in modern ways, say the outline of a Fox filled with sunsets, flowers etc.
Flowers flowers give me flowers every time……they beautify the world
I love embroidering birds, surface embroidery.
I love the geometric, symmetrical designs created by hardanger and blackwork. Stitching them is quite soothing and relaxing.
Though I now live in Texas, which is beautiful, I can never forget the gorgeous maple leaves of all colors and fan-shaped gingko leaves we would see in the fall at home in Washington,
D. C. – all the beautiful colors, reds and golds, and every autumny shade you can imagine. I really miss those. And don’t get me started on the cherry blossoms, dogwoods, lilacs, and other flowers we’d see in the spring. Some of the needlework I see nowadays (e.g., Trish Burr and others) captures those blossoms so well. I’m definitely a lover of “nature” in embroidery.
Thanks for turning me on to Inspirations! I’m a free form, make it up as I go along type of stitcher and I fell in love with Carolyn Pearce’s Home Sweet Home pattern and had to order it because of one of your posts about Inspirations. It will be fun to do some “formal” stitching again!
Flowers and Jacobean designs are so versatile the can be anice addition to a lot of different projects. however, birds and cute creatures are some of my favorites subjects to embroider.