
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Stitcher’s Christmas #7: Needlework Books Galore!


Amazon Books

Happy Monday!

I hope you enjoyed a glorious weekend and that you were able to spend some quiet time with your needle and thread. I did – I took out an old project that I haven’t worked on for a while and gave it some attention. It was satisfying!

On Saturday, I posted A Stitcher’s Christmas #6, in case you missed it. Lots of inspiring stuff for you, so if you missed, check it out and get your name down!

Today, we move on to A Stitcher’s Christmas #7, a fantastic collection of needlework books for two winners, courtesy of Search Press North America.

I’ll also announce the winners of #5 – the Tree of Life kits from Crewel Work Company. We’ll be overlapping a few of these as we stretch out this last week before Christmas. After today, there are two more episodes, and they’re definitely worth waiting for!

Stitcher's Christmas Needlework Books

So, Business First, as usual.

Tree of Life Crewel Kit Winners

The Crewel Work Company recently released this new Tree of Life crewel kit, and they offered two of them as part of A Stitcher’s Christmas.

This morning, I drew the random winners and they are Debra Braz and Wendi G. I’ll drop you both an email today to work out the details!

Thanks heaps to The Crewel Work Company for the gorgeous contribution!

#7: Needlework Books!

Now it’s time to add some new needlework books to your bookshelf!

Search Press is a publisher based in the UK, and well-known for publishing high quality craft books.

They have a North American subsidiary, Search Press North America, and they’ve offered two give-away prizes for today’s episode of A Stitcher’s Christmas.

The prizes for this give-away will be drawn in order.

The first name drawn will win a copy of Stitch, Fabric & Thread by Elizabeth Healey, which you can read about in-depth here, along with a choice of three RSN Essential Stitch Guides. You can find the RSN Essential Stitch Guides listed on this page at Search Press. You can also find all of them listed on my books page, with links to my in-depth reviews.

The second name drawn will receive a copy of Stitch, Fabric & Thread, along with a copy of A-Z of Embroidery Stitches and a copy of A-Z of Embroidery Stitches 2, both of which are excellent stitch dictionaries and a great addition to any needleworker’s bookshelf!

Give-Away Guidelines

This give-away has ended. Thanks to all who participated!

If you’d like to join in on today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines:

1. Leave a comment on this article on Needle ‘n Thread. You can follow this link directly to the comment form, if you’re unsure of where to go.

Please do not leave your comment as a reply to someone else’s comment. Comments submitted via email or left on any other page or social media page are not eligible. The comment must be left on Needle ‘n Thread, at the end of this article.

2. Please fill out the comment form correctly. Here’s what you need to know about filling out the comment form:

Use a recognizable name in the “name” line (this can be first and last name, first name with last initial, a nickname, your first name and where you’re from, etc.); use a valid email address; leave the website line blank if you do not own and operate your own website; do not put any personal contact information in the comment area itself.

3. Answer the following in your comment:

What’s your favorite needlework-related book and why? (If you’re a newbie and you don’t have any needlework books just yet, have you seen one that you’d really like to own?)

4. Leave your comment before 5:00 am Central Time (that’s Kansas, USA time), Friday, December 22nd. The winners will be randomly drawn that morning and announced here on Needle ‘n Thread.

5. Only one comment per person, please. The give-away is open to everyone.

That’s it – so go forth and comment! I’m really looking forward to your answers, as I love to know which needlework books are valued by other stitchers.

Have a wonderful start to the week. Take it easy, and I’ll see you on Wednesday!

If your comment does not appear on the website immediately (it will read “awaiting moderation” or something to that effect), don’t panic and please don’t resubmit it. The comments are queued until I approve them. This prevents spam on my website. It will show up eventually. Thanks!


(784) Comments

  1. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome prizes! I’m new to most embroidery, so I don’t have a favorite book just yet. (I learned to cross stitch many years ago.) I’m looking forward to purchasing your Alphabet book and making a banner! Also, I just purchased the RSN book on Whitework, which is a beginning into that genre of embroidery. 2018 looks like a promising year to learn already!

  2. As I am just now getting back to embroidery I don’t have many books except for the counted cross stitch books and the handy dandy Readers Digest Book of Stitches that contains the basics for of everything from embroidery to knitting, I kid you not. So the A-Z books are definitely on my wish list.

  3. My favorite needlework book is Crewelwork of the RSN’s Essential Stitches Guides. It inspired me to try crewelwork, showed me how to set up a slate frame, and introduced me to the RSN. It’s a good, complete book at a low price and is packed with information.

  4. Can’t resist throwing my name into the already over-flowing hat for this one! You know how much I love books! My absolute favourite book is by Jan Messent “Celtic, Viking & Anglo-Saxon Embroidery’ ( I drool through that one on a regular basis). I also love ‘The Art of Annemieke Mein’. There is so much inspiration in both of them!

  5. Another fabulous giveaway! My two favorite needlework books are your monogram book (with excellent stitch diagrams!!) for practical stuff, and Judith Baker Montano’s book Free Form Embroidery for reminding me not to limit myself. Thanks so much for all you share with us!

  6. I have two favorites, actually. The first is Sue Spargo’s ‘Creative Stitching.’ It’s fun, colorful, and serves as a quick reference for stitches and design ideas (and the spiral binding is great too!). The second is ‘Drawn to Stitch’ by Gwen Hedley. A totally different vibe…not so much about embroidery, but instead, how to incorporate stitches as marks in textile works. Lots of inspiration…

  7. I have a few books with basic stitches “The Pattern Library” Embroidery.
    Teach yourself to embroidery by leisure arts.
    Bead Embroidery by Jane Davis
    a lovely (1963) Coats & Clark booklet “Learn how to embroider”.
    Plus many books on redwork & twice as many patterns for it.
    I’ve only newly begun stitching more than redwork.
    You tube & the web have been a veritable gold mine for me filled with helpful videos showing how the different stitches are worked.
    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  8. My favorite book is Darlene O’Steen’s “A Proper Stitch”. I use it as my go-to book for unfamiliar stitches. I also love “Goldwork” by Hazel Everett. I love to droll over all the beautiful projects and dream that someday I will have the time and resources to do at least one of them!

  9. The only thing I love more than stitching is books about stitching. My current favorite is “THE VISUAL GUIDE TO CRAZY QUILTING DESIGN: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results” by Sharon Boggon. Amazingly great advice. A book I’d recommend to any crazy quilter looking to take their work to the next level.

  10. Oooh, that’s a tough question. I think my favorite book would have to be either Jane Nicholas’s Stumpwork Dragonflies or her beetle book. Because, bugs. What can I say? They’re lovely. (Both the actual insects and the embroidered versions.

  11. my favorite needle-work related book is New Canvaswork: Creative Techniques in Needlepoint by Jill Carter. I like it because it has really helped me to think outside the box. It looks like Stitch, Fabric, and Thread might be outside the box also.

  12. My first book in my stitching library was The Needlepoint Book by Jo Ippolito Christensen. It offers so many useful stitches with excellent diagrams of how to do the stitch.

  13. I have only recently begun collecting books but so far my most favorite is Sharon Boggon’s “A Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design”. I love it because she illustrates complex designs that look impossible to me to come up with on my own, but breaks them down into parts that are so easy to understand – so easy that it makes me want to start stitching yesterday! It offers just enough theory on color and pattern to inspire without feeling Theoretical (my least favorite part of school).

    I also have an RSN book on Stumpwork which is super neat and expanding my collection in any way would be awesome! Thanks, Mary!

  14. As it happens, I’m a newbie and don’t have any books yet. But I know indeed what I would really want to have: 1. all the books by Trish Burr published so far! 2. all the A-Z needlework books!

    Angela from the Ore Mountains

  15. THE LEFT-HANDED EMBROIDERER’S COMPANION by Yvette Stanton is my favorite book. It has everything a stitch dictionary needs (clear instructions, lots of diagrams, photos of actual stitched bits) targeted to us lefties. As a bonus, there are diagrams of how the stitch would be executed by a right-handed stitcher. That feature would help provide context if I tried to teach someone else to embroider.

  16. My favorite book is the Complete Book of Embroidery by Melinda Coss. I started learning embroidery from my best friends mom who speaks very little English. She had this book, and used it to teach me. We spent a lot of time together going over stitches, techniques and patterns. Once I moved away it took me awhile to find my own copy but eventually I did. After 10 years I still use it for inspiration when I don’t know the type of stitch I want to use

  17. Such a wonderful giveaway! I think my favorite needlework related book at the moment is a dead heat between Boho Embroidery: Modern Projects from Traditional Stitches by Nichole Vogelsinger and Rebecca Ringquist’s Embroidery Workshops: A Bend-the-Rules Primer. I find both full of eye candy and I always get inspired to stitch when I look through one or the other. I think I fall more into the “craft” side of embroidery. 🙂

  18. Ooh goodie, books!
    My main book of reference is Donna Kooler’s Encyclopedia of Needlework. Nice selection of the basic stitches, good for a beginner.

  19. Oh, I have several favorites, but I really have to go with an old classic…Betty Ring’s American Needlework Treasures: Samplers and Silk Embroideries from the Collection of Betty Ring. Numerous times have I referred to the motifs and letterings of these beautiful treasures for inspiration. I believe the book is no longer in print, but it was a Christmas gift from my mother in 1989…an even greater treasure all the more.

  20. I have one called “The Practical Encyclopedia of Sewing”. It is the only one I have and I really like it, because it has an embroidery section with lots of different stitches.

  21. Since I am just beginning my embroidery journey, I haven’t looked at enough books to adequately choose a favorite yet, but I am hoping to discover a great encyclopedia for reference. Happy holidays!

  22. Oooh! Now this one has my attention!

    My fave needlework related book? That’s a tough one. No one title came to mind – even after a look at my stitching book shelf. I love Jane Nicholas, Helen M Stevens, Trish Burr and Jan Messent, but I think the answer has to be: Whichever book meets my most pressing need at the time! Is that a bit hazy?? 🙂

  23. Jo Ippolito’s needlepoint book is my favorite, as I learned many stitches and how to finish several of my pieces from this awesome instructional book. I also love Judith B Montano’s stitch book, and Rafael Serafina’s Berlin Woolwork patterns.

  24. Since I do multiple fiber arts, I love those old work basket pamphlets. The a to z stitches looks right up my alley.

  25. My favorite needlework book is really hard to pin down. There is so much to learn. I think it must be the Inspirations magazine. Nothing beats it for beautiful and inspiring stitching projects!

  26. Either books on needlepainting (T Burr) or the one with details about stumpwork. I am looking for a new challenge

  27. I always enjoy looking through books that explain and show different techniques.
    Those two A-Z Embroidery stitches would be wonderful to own! Merci.

  28. My favorite needlework-related book (which I don’t own yet) is either of Joyce Mori’s books “Native American Designs 1 or 2”

  29. The book I most often refer to is Wessex Emboidery which I use to learn new stitches, for inspiration and for color combinations as I have a very hard time selecting colors in my projects.

  30. Janice Love’s Basics & Beyond … even if you have never done Hardanger, by the time you are done working your way through the book you will be proficient in this technique.

  31. My favorite needlework book is still De Dillmont’s Encyclopedia of Needlework! Although any book or technique I’m working through at the time is my favorite then, I can’t beat the general reference from the Encyclopedia. I still pick it up for inspiration for “what to do next”. I bought it in college and have made many things from it or inspired by it.

  32. I’m a newby, so I am exploring. Presently, I am interested in thread painting. Thank you for your online lessons.

  33. I have only one book that I bought 30 years ago, with basic needle point stitches but nobw that I’m retired I’m learning to embroider the “right”way and reading whatever I can find on line and at the library.

  34. My go to needlework book is actually a hand out by Mary Jenkins called “8 Period Stitches” I use it to teach basic embroidery.

  35. It rotates, but one constant favorite is the New Anchor Book of Crewel Stitches and Patterns. (The 1989 version I think.) I first learned with this book, and it’s just very dear to my heart!

  36. My favourite Needlework book? There are too many to choose from, but if pressed, “The Techniques of Japanese Embroidery” is right up there with RSN’s Crewel Embroidery! Thank you for the chance to win RSN books! Happy Christmas!

  37. Oh my, to pick a favorite is very difficult. I love all embroidery books. I just received the Goldwork book which is full of ‘how-tos’. I think the A-Z books are wonderful.

  38. I don’t yet have any embroidery specific books. Have long admired the A to Z of Embroidery Stitches and the Royal School of Needlework books.

  39. Its really hard to decide on just one but at the moment it is The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design by Sharon Boggon. I refer to it often when I am working on a crazy quilt block

  40. I’m a newbie, so I don’t actually have and needlework books, but I am hoping to get Needle Painting Embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginners by Trish Burr for Christmas.

  41. Thank you so much for these wonderful give-aways!

    How can you ask, for one favourite book… That is just way too hard! A picture in my living room says “So many books, too little time!” So if I have to narrow it down it would be any of the RSN Stitch Guides!

    🙂 Techiya in Ontario

  42. Thank you for the giveaway! I have several needlework books I love (anything Trish Burr publishes is wonderful), but the RSN books are something I don’t have and have longed to get. I’ve also been eyeing the “A to Z” books for some time, so I’d be delighted to win any of them! Merry Christmas, Mary!

  43. Wouldn’t it be a dream come true to be able to take RSN needlework classes at Hampton Court? Or attend Insprations Beating Around the Bush – thank you for you wonderful giveaways, these books and magazines take us there!

  44. I don’t have any books as I check them out at the library or look up videos (like here on Needle n Thread). I have seen many books that would be great to have on hand, like the stitchers bible or any from the RSN.

  45. Your Stitcher’s Christmas is a fabulous idea; thank you! I have just started purchasing embroidery books and my favorite so far is Treasusry of Crazy Quilt Stitches by Carole Samples.

  46. Eighteenth-Century Clothing at Williamsburg is a favorite needlework related book. My husband and I did 18th century living history as re-enactors for more than 30 years and I made most of our clothing for this. We also bought items from friends who were tailors/seamstresses and from sutlers at events. I always wanted to make my husband an elaborately embroidered waistcoat but I’ve never done it. Since we were usually camping out and doing military events, somehow that just never got to the top of the to-do list. But a girl can dream (and maybe drool a little) over the beautiful photographs of the work done by others.

  47. I don’t have a ton of needlework books, but I love my copy of the RSN guide to stumpwork. It is so great!
    Thanks for another great giveaway!
    -Heather in Chicago

  48. My favourite needlework book is Donna Kooler’s Encyclopedia of Needlework. I chose this book because it has a nice overview of supplies and tools, good diagrams and photos of stitches in a number of techniques, beautiful, doable projects and is laid out beautifully. When I decide to go deeper with a technique, I purchase specialized books and have one so on several occasions.

  49. I am pretty much a newbie and find the Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework helpful, and the videos on your website, of course.

  50. I am just starting to get some books. Found an old but gorgeous one on gold work at a used book shop. Not much technique but lots of inspiration.

  51. I am new to embroidery and any needlework. I pre-ordered The RSN Book of Embroidery. (It won’t be released until July so I need to read you reviews and start somewhere!)

  52. I don’t own any needlework books but I have a DMC thread book that helps me choose colors for projects. I have expanded my stitching skills by watching your video how-tos on your website! Thanks!

  53. I don’t have any needlework books yet, but I’d love to start my collection with the A to Z books! I am making a stitch sample book of all the stitches I know, and I’m sure there are stitches in those books I haven’t heard of yet. I mean, there’s gotta be more than 234 embroidery stitches, right?!
    Thank you for this wonderful series of giveaways, Mary! Merry Christmas!!

  54. Mine is not a specific book but more a type of book. I enjoy books that show ideas, combinations, applications, or projects that can be expanded on. See, I have some level of skills but not much originality. But give me a path to go down, or an idea to explore, and I’m good to go. Thanks so much for offering all of these in your newsletters and website.

  55. My favorite needlework related book is a very small paperback entitled “29 Embroidery Stitches” issued by Clark & Co. Ltd. in Paisley, Scotland. I found it in a charity shop and it looks like it was printed in the 1940s. It goes with me into every embroidery project I take on because all be basics are there for quick reference.

  56. Like everyone always says – thank you for the wonderful prizes. Keeping my fingers crossed (except while stitching, of course).

    My very favorite needlework book is The Complete Book of Stumpwork Embroidery by Jane Nichols. I just love going through the book and looking at the pictures, but beyond that there are lovely projects with wonderful directions.

  57. My favorite needlework book is Japanese Temari by Barbara Suess. I had never heard of temari, but the cover photo of this book caught my eye when I was browsing on Amazon and I purchased the book. The book is laid out with designs in increasing order of skill level, and the instructions are clear as a bell, making it possible to teach yourself. This book is a perfect introduction to an old and beautiful art form, and has led to many hours of needlework pleasure for me.

  58. My favorite is the first one I ever owned, more for sentimental reasons – Erica Wilson’s Crewel Embroidery.

  59. I love stitching books. Don’t have a favorite yet. I like Christen Brown’s style and colors; Judith Montano’s free form style and Di Van Niekirk’s ribbon embroidery.

  60. It is hard to choose my best embroidery related book, as all of them are my best ones. I am mostly doing Trish Burr designs and am working my way through needlepainting, whitework with colour and long and short stitch. I also love Hazel Blomcamp’s designs and am eager to start some of the projects featured in her books, of which I have a few. Ribbon work books are also a favorite and I am just starting some bead embroidery and goldwork. Lots going on here, but I am retired and can finally satisfy my passionate obsession with embroidery. Thank you again for these wonderful opportunities and all the resources you provide through your blog.

  61. Thank you again Mary and thank you to Search Press for their generosity. I can’t pick only one book! For stitch dictionaries I would have to say the A-Z books. I love the RSN books for an introduction to specific techniques. I have a book on Ukrainian Whitework that I absolutely love because of the projects that build in difficulty. For inspiration I have a used book from the 1980’s on ecclesiastical embroidery that is gorgeous.

  62. I have my mother’s old copy of Erica Wilson’s complete book of embroidery (sorry not at home and the title may not be quite right). I used to love browsing this book as a kid and trying out new stitches. It’s still a great resource. Her stitch instructions and illustrations are intuitive to me and many of her designs stand the test of time.

    I only wish I’d read the preface as a teenager to see that she went to the RSN. It might have occurred to me that stitching could be a career, and I’d have known where to go to start down that path. My life could have been completely different…

  63. I am pretty new to this embroidery world I have entered. Thanks to your Needles N Threads site, I am learning so much. So at this time I do not have a favorite book, just everything Mary Corbet!!!

  64. My favorite go-to embroidery book is The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. It’s a quick reference when in a hurry and also a take-along book to accompany any projects I might be doing. I also like to practise stitches on a doodle cloth, so this book fits in. As a fibre artist, I also like Free-Form Embroidery by Judith Baker Montano. Thanks for the giveaway.

  65. My favorite book is Betty Barnden’s Embroidery Stitch Bible. It has both drawings and photographs to illustrate the stitches, and — importantly!– it is ring-bound to lie flat while you follow along!

  66. The Left Handers Embroidery Companion, by Yevette Stanford is my all time favorite, go-to embroidery book. Couldn’t stand to be without it.

  67. I love books! My favorites rotate, but since I am mostly a canvas worker, my current favorites are the four volume set of Ruth Schmuff’s Stitches. The diagrams are BIG and so easy to read. She also has the four volumes as apps for the phone, so I am never without a reference wherever I stitch. So, please pick me! Like I said, I love books!

  68. Yvette Stanton’s books are favorites because of her respect for needlework history and the precision of her instructions; Helen Stevens’ for beauty; and many more. We are so lucky in the books available.

  69. I have a bead embroidery book I like as well as beginner stitches. I am still working on learning all the stitches. You mentioned the bead embroidery book a year or so ago.

  70. My only (and consequently,my favorite) stitching book is the RSN Crewel Work book. I like the spiral binding because it lays flat and I like the stitch guides and examples. Between that and your website/tutorials, I am trying to practice a variety of stitches for little projects.

  71. My favorite needlework related book is an ancient (1890-somethin’) copy of Therese deDillmont’s Encyclopedia of Needlework. Aside from the fact I just like historical things, this book inspired me to actually work through all these nifty stitches that I’ve always known about, but never worked. It’s just a great book, and still a go-to text for me. It’s also inspired me to pay attention to the quality of other books, and to appreciate the good books that are out there.

  72. I have one RSN book (Crewel). I’m impressed with the details, instruction, and the pictures and would like more by RSN.

  73. Hi Mary! Merry Christmas to you, and thanks for all these gifts! My favorite needlework book is…well I don’t know! I have many needlepoint books, and usually gravitate to stitch idea books, but I love perusing any Kaffe Fassett book for the beautiful designs. And my first formal teacher, Anna Pearson, has wonderful books. I’m getting into more crewel and embroidery, so I love those books too!

  74. I’m a cross-stitcher, so there aren’t any needlework books that have caught my eye (lots of cross stitch designers and patterns, but no books). The A-Z Embroidery Stitches books definitely look interesting!

  75. My favourite will be two book on Hardanger by Janice Love “Basics and Beyond” &”Fundamentals made Fancy” These books are must have for every hardanger lover!

  76. I like Judith Baker Montano’s Embroidery and Crazy Quilt Stitch tool book because if it’s size, because if stands up and because it has both right and left handed versions of the stitches. My daughter is left handed and I had a hard timing showing her, but this makes it easy. Thanks for the delightful giveaways.

  77. My favorite needlework books are the A to Z books. These are great starter books and show you how to o the techniques. Thanks for having these give always.

  78. I have the Foolproof Crazy Quilting book by Jennifer Clouston, it has so many stitches with very good directions. Am ready to try to move on to the Trish Burr style of embroidery and of course Mary Corbet’s. Embroidery is so relaxing, you can just let you mind go and your hand follows. Thanks for the chance to win such a fantastic prize.

  79. My favorite needlework books are A-Z of embroidery Stitches, Judith Montano’s ribbon embroidery books and anything from RSN.

  80. I’d love to have a copy of Trish Burr’s Color Confidence in Embroidery book, or a similar book on color theory for embroiderers. Choosing the colors is the most difficult part of getting a project started for me and a reference book like this would give me a starting point. Thanks!

  81. I have a strong collection of books. My favorites are Trish Burr’s and Helen M. Stevens. I have at least eight of theirs in total. Needle painting is my thing. I have many others that I love spending moments looking over. Often I find I do more reading about embroidery then I do sewing. Need to work on that…

  82. The prizes of needlework books sound wonderful! One of my favourite needlework books is Janice Love’s Hardanger basics and beyond. It is an excellent Hardanger resource – very clear and detailed.

  83. I’m a relatively new embroiderer and I don’t own a book yet, I’ve been learning mostly from online tutorials and just trying stuff out. But I plan to get a book, and I have The Embroiderer’s Handbook (Margie Bauer) on my Christmas wish list.

  84. My favorite needlework book is Therese Dillmont’s Encyclopedie des Ouvrages de Dames – thanks to Project Gutenburg, I used it to teach myself embroidery in my early teens. Can’t go wrong with such a classic, and I now have an old battered copy in French so I can easily refer to the illustrations.

  85. Please enter me into the drawing for the books. My favorite book so far has been Jo Ippolito’s Needlepoint Book. I learned a great deal from her as I began needlepoint. I am very much a newbie when it comes to embroidery – but the RSN Applique and Raised Embroidery books are on my wishlist for Christmas this year.

  86. My new favorite stitch book is “Needle Painting Embroidery; Fresh Ideas For Beginners”. I feel she does a good job with instruction and illustrating her projects. I’ve done crewel with wool before but never with floss. Excited to start but nervous because I’m sure floss will not be as forgiving as wool.

  87. I’m quite a collector of needlework books, and I have a decent collection of them. But when I need directions for a particular stitch, the first one I grab is The Proper Stitch by Darleen O’Steen. The stitch diagrams and explanations are excellent, and a wide variety of stitches are covered.

  88. I love so many needlework books and aspire to do so many of the glorious projects-but never have the time. However my favourite book is a Victorian book I was lucky enough to be given, which very beautifully describes and illustrates many hundreds of stitches and techniques

  89. My favourite needlework book is Alison Cole’s book, The Embroiderer’s Little Book of Hints & Tips. No matter how well instructions in kits are written, there are so many little tips and tricks that can make your embroidery better and I have so much to learn. And even when you have taken a class with a certain instructor, you can never remember all of these little extra bits. So it is very nice to have a book with so much information.

  90. My favorite needlework book? I love them all.search Press has some great ones and I would love to add one or two more to my library. Thanks so much for doing these great giveaways!

  91. One of my favorite embroidery related books is “Delicious Embroidery” by Lesley Turpin-Delport. This mainly a book of inspiration plus the illustrations are absolutely wonderful.

  92. I like them all. Book + needlepoint is just a win win. My first needlepoint book was The Needlepoint Book. I had it spiral bound because I used it so often and I still flip through that one all the time.

  93. My favorite book I turn to again and again is the Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques. It shows the same design done in various techniques like shaded silks or goldwork. I find it inspiring and something to strive for in my own work, since I have a long way to go!

  94. At the moment, the new book by Inspirations -Passions. I had to stitch up one of the designs as soon as the book was in my hands. The photos are wonderful and the instructions are clearly written and easy to follow. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!
    Now one of my all time favorites is Mary Thomas, Dictionary of embroidery stitches. I have had this as a reference forever. However Mary, I find that I’m using your stitch videos more often .They are informative and fun to watch. Thank you for your documenting efforts!

  95. RSN Essential Stitch Guides: Crewelwork by Jacqui McDonald. I love the Tree of Life designs, the symbolism of the flowers and creatures, the delightful stitches of all types and the beautiful colours. It is my long held ambition to do Crewelwork when I retire – I’m 70 now and haven’t yet found the time to fulfill this dream – I really must.

  96. Any of Lesley Winkins’ blackwork books have a prominent place on my needlework bookshelf. She makes it look SO easy!

  97. I’ve always wanted to learn black work and gold work, and I’d love to eventually get the books from RSN with those names.

  98. I would love to win!! I have never been able to afford anything from needlework and would love the challenge!! Thank you!!

  99. My favorite Needlework book is Stitches for Effect by Suzanne Howren and Beth Robertson. The books illustrates each stitch with pictures, gives thread to canvas or fabric conversions and describes the various threads used in needlework.

  100. My go-to books are both by Janice Love: Hardanger Basics and Beyond, and Fundamentals Made Fancy. I have a lot of others on my shelf, but these are the ones I grab when I need to remind myself about a particular stitch or technique.
    Mary in MN

  101. the A to Z of smocking, is so far , the one I have depended on. But the A S&E magazines are great to fall back on , with the many different projects!

  102. I recently found the book “The Art of Needle-Work, From the Earliest Ages” by Sutherland Menzies and originally published in 1844. I’m loving reading about the history of needlework, especially from the viewpoint of the 19th century.

  103. Oh, i have a lot! but all time favorite is ‘Girlhood Embroidery’ by Betty Ring. I love samplers history

  104. I read and study all of my books. Would be wonderful to have any of these books as a ready reference. Thank you for all that you do for the stitching world. Merry Christmas

  105. Hi! My favorite “inspirational” needlework book would be Needlework of Mary Queen of Scots by Margaret Swain.

  106. Wow, what wonderful gifts! My favorite book is “The Right Handed Embroiderer’s Companion” by Yvette Stanton. I can’t tell you how many times I have referenced this great book. I even gave one as a gift and have suggested it to many. Would love to win this great prize, thank you for the opportunity.

  107. My favorite needlework book is The Embroiderer’s Countryside by Helen M. Stevens. I love it because it is the first book I purchased dedicated to needlework. I have never seen anything like it and I was completely spellbound. I thought for certain that she must have been some sort of a super being to be able to do such work. While I now have a total of 6 of her books along with others on various types of needlework, that book will always have a special place in my heart.

  108. I love the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches books. The pictures of the stitches and the number of stitches is wonderful. I’ve borrowed the books from the library but would love to have a copy of my own.

  109. My favorite embroidery book is The Open Canvas by Carolyn Ambuter. I enjoy pulled canvas, hardanger, and needleweaving.

  110. My very favourite needlework book is ELEGANT STITCHES by Judith Baker Montano. It is a hard cover 177 page hardcover book spiral bound inside so each page lays flat. Each page has a colour photo for that particular stitch only with illustrations and directions as to how to do the stitch. The other part of the book has illustrations of variations of stitches to combine. I have used this book over and over for years doing ribbon embroidery on items for sale including blouses, baby jumpers, dolls and more. The book measures 9 x 6 so it does not take up much room on your working surface.

  111. I have several different types of needlework books and it is so hard to choose a favourite. Today, my favourite book is “Long and Short Stitch Embroidery: A Collection of Flowers” by Trish Burr. I am trying to increase my proficiency in Needle Painting. It has super instructions, diagrams and tips to inspire you. Even a beginner could learn how to do this type of beautiful needlework using this book.

  112. Hello again Mary! My favorite needle-work book is The Art of Dimensional Embroidery by Maria Freitas; it has lovely color instructions which make it so much easier to follow! It is one of my handy reference books when I need to remember how a stitch goes!

  113. Oh my, how can I choose my favorite book about needlework. There are so many. So I would say my favorite is the one I happen to be looking at any given time. I especially like ones that show directions and finished pieces in beautiful color rather than black and white. Helps me to envision what my stitching should look like.

  114. It would be hard to pick one, but I use a couple of different reference books for embroidery stitches because I love crazy quilting. Thank you, Linda S Pewaukee WI

  115. My best book for stitching help has been THE COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA of STITCHERY. The reason it is my favorite is that it was my only one for many years. It also has many other stitchery helps other than embroidery so it covers a lot. Author: Mildred Graves Ryan. Merry Christmas…..you are sure keeping things exciting this December!

  116. My favorite book still is the first book I bought about embroidery The Embroiderer’s Handbook. By the way just when you’ve recommended it for beginners. The first of a long list, all because of you. So glad I met you Mary

  117. Hi Mary,
    I don’t have any embroidery books yet, although that may change soon as I have one (The A-Z of Goldwork by Searchpress) listed on my Christmas wishlist. In the meantime I am enjoying my subscription to Inspirations (partially inspired by you Mary), and am currently working on the Strawberry Fayre covered in a recent issue.
    Cheers & Merry Christmas, Renate

  118. The A-Z book of Crewel Embroidery – it has a spiffing rabbit pattern! Oh yes, and some useful info too 🙂

  119. My favorite needlework is The Proper Stitch, it has so many good stitches in it and they are written so that they can be understood!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  120. So far the books I own are quite specific i.e. Hardanger, Brazilian, Portugese whitework, Mountmellick, etc. Adding the A to Z collection would be great. Best wishes for the Holidays and the coming year.

  121. Newbie here without any books so maybe one of these might be my new favorite! Merry Christmas and many thanks Mary!

  122. One of my favorites is “Foolproof Crazy Quilting,” by Jennifer Clouston, because it combines beautiful photography with excellent and detailed instructions for hundred of stitch combinations and embellishments.

  123. The Stumpwork Masterclass by Alison Cole. i have enjoyed reading and working through it. its very much like taking an online class at my own speed and she is available should i have any questions.
    Happy Christmas!

  124. Congrats Debra and Wendi, I’m envious of your Tree of Life kits. 🙂

    My favourite needlework book is an old edition of Readers Digest Complete Guide to Needlework. Not so much for its content, but because my grandmother gave it to me as a teenager. I also have a well worn copy of Judith Baker Montano’s Crazy Quilt Handbook which I turn to anytime I’m doing surface embellishments.

    Many Thanks for a terrific year Mary. I’ve learned so much from following your blog.

  125. I can’t remember the name of my favorite stitch dictionnary right now, and I don’t have it with me, so instead I’ll give you the name of my favourite “eye candy”, inspiration book : Point de croix et autres secrets de broderie, from Ecole Lesage. Maison Lesage is the embroidery house working with all the haute couture houses in Paris and their work is always absolutely gorgeous. Although the book contains step by step instructions for a ton of projects I was never brave enough to tackle any of them. But the close-ups are worth it, they are breath-taking beautiful.

  126. One of my favorite books is Needle Painting Embroidery Fresh Ideas For Beginners by Trish Burr. It has beautiful photos and very good instructions.

  127. My favourite book is really a history and reference book that I continually go back to is Erica Wilson’s Embroidery Book by Faber. It’s a brilliant reference if you can’t remember how to do a stitch or want to know what type of fabric to use for what. I love the A-Z Books and would love to win these. Regards Mandy

  128. I have very few books as I am new to needlework. That being said I would love a copy of A-Z of Embroidery Stitches. I am adding it to my wish list. Thank you for the inspiration and advice that you give. Blessings on this holiday season and I hope you have a safe and prosperous new year.

  129. My favorite book is an old Reader’s Digest embroidery book from the 70s. It has great clear illustration of how to do each stitch and while the patterns are dated, the techniques are very clearly explained.

  130. Oh I would absolutely love the Tree of Life Crewel book! I haven’t tried crewel yet and I love that theme.

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter.

  131. I am new to embroidery and interest in Crewel embroidery. I found a book a Beginners Guide to Crewel Embroidery by Jane Rainbow that looks interesting.

  132. The A to Z book is the one I most open again and again to check my memory for performing the various stitches.

    Thank You again for the opportunity.

  133. Embroidery Stitches A-Z is one that I used in a needlework intro class and I’d love to own it. These look like invaluable resources!

  134. There are so many favorites, I can’t have just one. One of my favorite needlework books is The World’s Most Beautiful Embroidered Blankets. It is by the Inspirations magazine people. There are designs that make me laugh and designs that are beautiful.

  135. My go to book was written by Erica Wilson. It’s called Crewel Embroidery. The stitch directions are very easy to follow.

  136. I am a newbie and after looking over your book reviews, I think a good place for a newbie to start would be one of the A to Z books. Thank you for your wonderful news letters, I learn so much from them.

  137. My book that inspires me is the one you ‘re you doingcommended “Goldwork by Ruth Chamberlin”. It is above my advancement in the craft, but i have brought silk threads and plan to try it soon.

  138. One of my favorite needlework books is Embroidery Motifs from Old Dutch Samplers by Albarta Meulenbelt-Nieuwburg. It was one of the first needlework books I purchased that wasn’t a general reference book to all kinds of needlework. I love the bits of history it gives about the motifs and all the charts of motifs found on early Dutch samplers. It is a great book.

  139. My favorite needlework book is Colour confident stitching from Karen Barbé, I really love here approach on colour. Not only by the colour wheel but also more by instinct.

  140. My favorite is a very small stitch guide published by Needlepoint, Inc. in San Francisco. Fits easily into project kit, even back pocket! My little go to guide when I need a refresher on needlepoint stitches.

  141. I only get to pick one book? There are so many.

    My favorite needlework book is “Elegant Stitches” by Judith Baker Montano.

    My favorite needlework book of fiction is anything in the Needlecraft Mystery Series by Monica Ferris.

  142. Redwork in Blue is my current favorite. Because it is the book I am currently using. That is how it is with me. My fovorite is always the book I am using. Ha, Ha.

  143. My favorite needlework book — du Jour — Is the embroidery artistry of Kazuko Aoki. Simple, whimsical, balanced, light, and intriguing.. are a few ways to describe her work. I am an equal opportunity Embroider. I admire artists from South Africa, UK, Japan, USA. It’s a worldwide community.

  144. Oh, I love the Jane Nicholaus and Jane Hall books, and the very first book that put me on that particular “journey” which is Annemeike Mein. Their work is all so stunning and so unique. They just blow me away. 🙂 But I just love books, any and all. My friends, which I surround myself with and enjoy stitching in their quiet company.

  145. My favorite books is: “The Embroiderer’s Handbook” by Margie Bauer. Great pictures of the stitches! However, your website is now my #1 place to go for stitch details! Thank you and all the suppliers for these wonderful chances to win this holiday!!
    Merry Christmas
    Barbara D.

  146. I don’t have any of the A-Z books yet and have been admiring them from afar. Very interesting indeed…..

  147. I don’t own any stitching books. I think I’d like to start with the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches books, but there are many of the ones you have reviewed over the years that I have on my wish list. The kids are almost done with school (graduation for the oldest in May!) and soon there will be time for mom to indulge in some fun-for-me projects.

  148. It’s always nice to learn about new needlework books! The one’s I use most often are The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden, the Reader’s Digest Complete Book of Embroidery by Melinda Coss, and The Complete DMC Encylopedia of Needlework by Therese deDillmont (Centennial Edition). I also use various magazines as resources.

  149. Newbie with no books-yet. I saw a couple on Amazon that look kind of good.
    Embroidery Stitch Guide
    by Rita Weiss (Author)
    Embroidery Pocket Guide
    by Leisure Arts
    Teeny Tiny Menagerie: 380 Whimsical & Wonderful Animal Embroidery Motifs

    by Noriko Komurata

  150. I really shouldn’t enter this draw…I have lots of needlework books and have been winnowing them down. My all time favourite though is Erica Wilson’s Embroidery Book. As dated as it might be, it has the basics and lots of inspiration!

  151. I love Elegant Stitches by Judith Baker Montano. I love the variety of stitches in this book. I use it for crazy quilts.

  152. My favorite stitcher book is “Bayeux Tapestry Embroiderers’ Story” by Jan Messent. It combines my love of history – and stitching history – and also shows how some of the stitches were done. Love it!

  153. I have a book called The World’s Most Beautiful Embroidered Blankets. It’s from the publisher of Inspirations magazine. I haven’t attempted one yet but I get it out regularly and look through it. The projects are stunning!!

  154. My favorite needlework book is Marion Scoular’s “Advise Is For Listening to” because it’s helpful plus it’s just fun.

  155. This is a hard question! I have a bookcase of knitting, crochet, spinning, sewing and quilting books but just started learning embroidery and have only a few books so far. My favorite might be Judith Baker Montano’s FLORAL STITCHES: AN ILLUSTRATED GUIDE. I like the way she relates actual flowers to photos of the stitching, and the illustrations are exquisite.

  156. I’m not a newbie but the only book I have is from Leisure Art. Very basic how to book. I’ve been following you for years now, so I used your videos to learn more. From your reviews the A-Z series sounds informative.
    Thanks for doing these giveaways and Merry Christmas

  157. Trish Burr’s painting with thread book. I cannot tell you the title just now. It really challenges me and helps me better my skills.

  158. I use several resources, especially online and your website is my top pick of online resources. My favorite hardcopy book is The Embroiderer’s Handbook by Margie Bauer.

  159. Hi, Mary, thanks for another fabulous giveaway!! I’ve been doing a lot of embroidery embellishments on 2 wool quilts I’ve been working on and have been using Sue Spargo’s Creative Stitching book til it is worn and dog-eared. It is a very useful reference book! Thanks again, and Happy Christmas!!

  160. My favorite needlework book is Beeton’s. It has a little bit of everything, and it just makes me wanna to try everything!

  161. My favorites are anything you (i.e., Mary) writes. Your photos are incredibly sharp and your explanations make it so easy to do the stitches. Thank you for all your effort.

  162. My favorite embroidery-related book … is any embroidery book that opens flat with a spiral binding! But that said, and just in case an open-ended response would disqualify me in your drawing, I will say my favorite book is the RSN book on goldwork.

  163. My favorite book is one not many people have, The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery by Mildred Graves Ryan. It covers crochet, embroidery, knitting, macrame, needlepoint, rug making, sewing and tatting. It is a black and white illustrated book and contains no photos or projects. But time after time, I find a stitch in it that I don’t have in other fancier volumes. It is so much my go-to book I did not even have to get up from my computer to grab it! One thing I particularly love about it is it includes a lot of alternate names for a stitch. I bought this book in 1979, my senior year of high school and never regretted it.

  164. I enjoy all manner of Embroidery, but especially Samplers and Silk Ribbonwork. Because of these two differing loves, I have 2 favorite books. The Embroiderer’s Guild Practical Library , Making Samplers.; and Ribbonwork, The Complete Guide by Helen Gibb.

    I would love to receive any of these books, to add to my Library of over 200 books.

  165. My sentimental favorite stitch book is Stitches and Samplers published by Ondori in 1974. I chose this book because it launched me into projects as a young adult and I’ve been stitching ever since. My practical favorite stitch book is a toss up of Helen Steven’s Embroidered Flowers and RSM Applique. I love, love, love them both!

  166. Favorite needlework book – assuming by “needlework” you’re referring to forms of hand embroidery, I haven’t got one – yet! 🙂 I would love to own the RSN Essential Stitch Guide for Crewelwork, and Lizine Hoppel’s Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework, among many others. They’re on my wishlist!

  167. My favourite needle work related book is a ribbon embroidery book that I have . Its my favourite because clumsy though I am I can produce beautiful embroidery which wins admiration from everyone even the most critical . Its the beauty of ribbon that accounts for this.

  168. The Embroiderer’s Little Book of Hints & Tips by Alison Cole is my most recent purchase. I haven’t had a chance to read through all of it yet but I have had the opportunity to take a couple of Alison’s classes and found her to be a wealth of knowledge. So it is handy to have her knowledge in book form for reference.

  169. My favorite book is a small reference book called ‘The Embroidery Stitch Bible’ by Betty Barnden. A handy ‘lie-flat’ book, easy to understand and well illustrated.

  170. My favourite needlework book is the Redouté flowers book from Trish Burr. The flowers are sooo realistic!! Thank you again for this wonderful giveaway!!! Very diversified!

  171. I have many favorite needlework books, but one that I go to most often is the Proper Stitch by Darlene O’Steen. The stitch diagrams are wonderful!

  172. I’m not sure I have one particular favorite because there are many good ones, but one I always go to right away is one that I don’t see mentioned very often: the Kooler Encyclopedia of Needlework. Part of that may be that it is the first stitch dictionary I ever bought, but I still use it because of the any features I like. There is an introduction for each type of needlework with stitches used. If they are used in more than one type, they show up in each one. Alternate names for the stitches are also listed, which I have found very valuable. And each stitch has both a diagram and a photo which is even more helpful, I think, because stitches on fabric do not always resemble what they look like on paper!

    I would love the first group of books you mentioned, but if I am lucky enough to be chosen, and my name is the second one you draw, please choose someone else. I already have both of those very excellent books.

  173. My favorite needlework book is in 2 volumes: The Feller Needlework Collection, Vols. I and II. These are pure eye candy and historical information, not technique books. The photography is amazing and these are my inspiration source.

  174. I honestly DO NOT have a favorite book on needlework – I tried and tried to pick and the closest I can come is several Crazy Quilt books !!

  175. I bought the book ‘Blackwork Embroidery’ by Dover a couple years ago and though I haven’t worked out of it YET(!), it is currently my favorite to drool over! I want to start a blackwork project so much, but am the type that if I know I won’t have time, I don’t let myself start- and that’s a dilemma!!

  176. One of the books I like is The Magic of Crazy Quilting by Marsha Michler. I haven’t yet made a crazy quilt but several of my friends have and they have embellished with the most beautiful stitches. The book gives great ideas and instructions.

  177. My favourite needlework book is The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden because I use it to reference new stitches or unfamiliar stitches and it is has such precise instructions. I also love all the RSN books as they are so well written and informative with beautiful photographs.

    Thank you once again of giving your readers such a wonderful opportunity to obtain these fabulous books.

  178. I have shelves full of books, and the one I refer to most is Stitch Sampler, by Lucinda Ganderton. I think it is good for beginners. Also EGA members just received A Little Book of Embroidery Basics, which is very good. I also enjoy the paperback novels by Monica Ferris, about the owner of a needlework shop in a small town and her adventures.

  179. I don’t own any books (though it’s really only a matter of time) but the book you’ve reviewed that most caught my eye is Embroidered Cats: Hiroko’s Style – I doubt I have the patience for that kind of work, but I’m fascinated by how something like that would come together. I’d love a copy someday

  180. Would love to win. My favorite book would have to be a tiny Dutch book by Cecile Dreesman called “avonturen van een naald”. “Adventures of a needle. It’s a small book from 1973, before I was even born. It’s my favorite because it’s the one book that made me ‘transition’ from the cross stitch kits in hobby stores to more diverse embroidery. No one in my family did embroidery, no one taught me. I am a self taught amateur with many flaws, but that little booklet, found in a second hand bookstore on my way home from school as a teenager led to a lifelong hobby.

  181. Whitework with Colour by Trish Burr because I am learning to be neat and meticulous and her patterns are super.

  182. Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas!
    My favorite book is Judith Baker Montano’s Crazy Quilt Stitch Guide. It is small and spiral bound with a stand.
    Good luck to all! Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah to all who celebrate!

  183. You give us the opportunity to win the most wonderful prizes. Thank you so much. My favorite stitch book is Stitch-opedia by Helen Winthrope Kendrick. It is a wonderful reference book.

  184. I have several general needlecraft books, an abundance of cross-stitch books and magazines, and I’ve enjoyed Judith Baker Montano’s book on the Art of Silk Ribbon Embroidery. Thank you for all that you share and also for the opportunity to win more additions to my library.

  185. I’m fairly new to embroidery too, and I bought Mary Thomas’ book last year based on your book review. It’s a wonderful all-purpose introduction and I am so glad that I chose it as my stitch dictionary! The clear pictures are a great help, as is the grouping of stitches by use (e.g. all outline stitches together). I also read your reviews for the RSN Stitch Guides and they look amazing. Thanks so much for the chance to win!

  186. It’s hard to pick just one favorite needlework book but the one that comes to mind is Erica Wilson’s big Embroidery Book. It covers so many types of needlework and might be the one I’d keep if I could have only one.

  187. My current favorite needlework book is The Encyclopedia of Stitches edited by Karen Hemingway, New Holland Pub. Ltd. The book contains a general overview, but has clear instructions and illustrations for completing 245 stitches. That being said, your writings and insights beat all, Mary.

  188. Oh there are so many wonderful books available! For me the book I enjoy at any given time depends upon the type of project I am working on. For instance if I am doing a woollen blanket, then Inspiration’s Worlds most beautiful blankets is stunning. Or a bit of Goldwork – love Alison Cole’s books, a bit of silk shading – can’t go past Trish Burr. Always love what I call the encyclopaedia- A-Z’s.

  189. The complete international book of embroidery by Mary gostelow for inspiration. Not a technique book really but wonderful to learn about surface design in different cultures.
    Just got crewwork rsn by Jacquie McDonald. This will be fun
    I would be remiss if I didn’t mention my coats and clark how to embroider booklet. You know, the one that alway around any craft store in the US. I still carry that in my project bag!

  190. The new book A Flower Alphabet by Elisabetta Sforza because the colour schemes and designs are breathtakingly beautiful.

  191. I have a few books, but none I love above others or that stands out that much. I say this with all sincerity, your website far exceeds any stitching book I’ve ever seen. The video tutorials are easy enough that even I can understand them. Your knowledge and willingness to share it is amazing. You are generous and honest with the evaluation and sharing of other’s work, always giving credit and kudos to those who deserve it. I also like your style of writing and the way you organize your thoughts and newsletters. I am only an occasional stitcher, but yours is only newsletter (and I receive many on many topics) that I never delete without opening and reading at least some of it. The only time I don’t finish it is if I am not particularly interested in that style of needlework. I must add that I almost always save your newsletter as well because I usually want to go back and read or reference it again later. Thank you so very much for sharing so much with so many.

  192. Thanks for the opportunity to add a book to my stitch library. My current favorite embroidery book is an oldie but goody, Jacqueline Enthoven’s Stitches of Creative Embroidery. I recently purchased a used copy online and quickly saw it was a terrific source of history, technique, and inspiration. It will become my go-to source for ideas for new stitches to try.

  193. There are so many. Some are eye candy. Some with good stitch diagrams. I’m always looking to learn new techniques and stitchers. I’m doing a little hardanger now and Janice Love is great.

  194. Funny enough, I don’t tend to go to books for needlework. I do for knitting. I have the Right Handed Stitch Dictionary that has been useful to me.

  195. I don’t have very many stitching books yet, but the first one I got is most definitely my favorite, and as I collect more, it may well remain my favorite. It is “Helen M. Stevens’ Embroidered Gardens” from The Masterclass Embroidery Series. I came across it at a Goodwill store, with a $1.00 price tag! Needless to say, I jumped on it. I find her work captivatingly sweet and beautiful.

  196. What’s your favorite needlework-related book and why? Jo Christianson;s Needlepoint Book because it gives a wide variety of stitches you can use with great pictures

  197. Erica Wilson’s Embroidery Book is my favorite. I found it at a yard sale for $5.00 – true bargain. It is filled with instruction, designs and the history of stitchery.

  198. I do like Sue Spargo’s book, creative stitching. These books are Always wonderful, both beautiful and I can learn something new!

  199. My ver favourite needlepoint book is Twixt Art and Nature, English Embroidery from the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Because? The images are beautiful and the text incredibly informative!

  200. The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design By Sharon Boggon is my current favorite. My first book was some kind of treasury of needlework that was lost in one of the moves.

  201. My favorite at this point is The Needlepoint Book by Jo Ippolito Christensen. But I only own three books…

  202. Hi! My favorite stitch book so far is the Left handers stitch guide. Being a lefty it can be difficult to learn/understand some stitches in regular books. This book is a great teacher for us Southpaws.

  203. My favorite embroidery book is “The Art of Elegant Hand Embroidery” by Janice Vaine. This book is well written with clear instructions well illustrated. Also, she is an excellent instructor and a sweet person. Her embroidery and and applique is amazing. A must for any library. I feel very privileged in having her in Jacksonville, Fl. and teaching at Cinnamons Quilt shop.

  204. I think my favorite needlework books would have to be the numerous stumpwork books by Jane Nichole’s. Stumpwork fascinates me and I have been slowly working to learn it.

  205. Thanks again for a chance to win a lovely prize. My favorite stitch work books are Inspiration Magazine. I like to go back and find ideas for things to make and embellish.

  206. My favorite needlework-related book is Constance Howard’s Inspiration for Embroidery. It was the first embroidery book I bought (when it was newly published!) and one I have gone back to often over the years for ideas about stitches and designs.

    There are no wonderful colour images such as today’s embroidery books have but it does contain a wealth of information. And the binding is proving the publisher’s claim of a “long life soft binding” 🙂

  207. Ooo. Favorite needlework book. That’s tough. It may sound very pedestrian, but the Reader’s Digest Guide to Needlework is a very good introduction to a lot of techniques. So maybe that!

  208. My favorite embroidery book would have to be Stumpwork embroidery “a collection of fruits, flowers & insects for contemporary raised embroidery. It’s a great book to just look at, but also I refer to it often.
    Thank you for the opportunity.

  209. I find the A-Z book on stumpwork embroidery very helpful. It is clear and great for beginners and experienced stitchers alike .

  210. Elegant Stitches: An Illustrated Stitch Guide & Source Book of Inspiration Spiral-bound has been in my library for years. I’m not sure why it’s such a favorite but it’s one I turn to time and time again.

    My husband just bought me the A to Z embroidery books 1&2 for my birthday but I have none of the other books.

    It’s been fun following along with the giveaways!

  211. My favorite needlework book at present is “New Classic Patchwork” by Yoko Saito, a fantastic, Japanese fiber artist and quilt maker. I have only made one project from her books, but I enjoy looking at the pictures (at intervals) when I am inspired to start a new project! Most of the projects in her book, are small, quilted handbags and accessories.

  212. Love your giveaways! My favorite needlework book is Carole Sample’s Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches. I love browsing through all the different ways to combine stitches for different effects. I also like that most of the illustrations of variations are in black and white – it doesn’t do all the design work for you. I feel like it encourages me to experiment more with my own stitch combinations and stretch creatively. Of course, it’s even better combined with the A-Z books for basic stitch instructions!

  213. what a fun way to start a new year of stitching! A beautiful collection of yummy needlework books!

    1. So sorry-forgot to mention, my favorite book is a toss up between hardanger and blackwork-both are lovely, which I choose to work on depends on the mood of the moment 🙂

  214. My favourite needlework book is one of the first I ever got as a teenager, it is Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches. I still use it today to refresh my memory for some stitches.

  215. Hi Mary,
    Sorry to be so simple in my answer and hope you don’t think I am brown-nosing but I love the A-Z guide that you published with the monogram alphabet – it is so easy to follow and makes learning embroidery so relaxing. I have learned so much just by reading your blog. Can’t wait to learn more!

  216. I love all of Trish Burr’s books but I have to admit I hold onto my Reader’s Digest Guide to Needlework – as a newbie, I’ve used it to start almost every needlecraft I’ve tried. A good resource, simple to read, a good place to start!

  217. My favourite needlework related book is The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. It is my go-to for inspiration when I’m looking for that “perfect” stitch type for my own designs.

  218. Total newbie here. My daughter and I have been slowly working on kits from Etsy. I haven’t found a good embroidery store in our area. The big craft stores just have the supplies but not books. So, no ideas there. We are looking for some practical applications of our developing skills, so if you have any books to suggest that tackle embroidery on clothing (scarves) and household items (I want to make a runner for dining room table) that would be helpful. LOVE your french knot video. 🙂

  219. I just bought my first needlework publication, “The Twelve Trees of Christmas”. I didn’t realize how much info I would get! I’m hooked!

  220. My favourite needlework books are the A-Z Series from Country Bumpkin (Search Press) These are books you can buy without reading them first as you know they are going to be excellent. The pictures, instructions and information are so easy to understand and the books themselves look professional and the index makes it so easy to find the stitches you are needing.

  221. Delicious Embroidery by Lesley Turpin-Delport and Nikki Delport-Wepener, it is just a beautiful book!

  222. I don’t as yet have a favorite book. I started off embroidering your alphabet monogram of my last name onto dish towels and had such fun. I’m open to anything and would love to have your offer. Thanks.

  223. This is hard since each technique has its own set of books. For Needlepoint I would chose the classic monolith of A Pagent of Pattern for Needlepoint – 350 pages of stitches, design and history.

    For embroidery I love Constance Howard’s series The History of English Embroidery.

    All the A-Z books and the RSN series are awesome.

    Then there are the books that are just beautiful to look at. The sad thing is I have been collecting vintage needlework books for 30 years as well as more modern as I expanded my technique range – now no one wants these vintage books which contain so much history about the evolution of needlework in the US and the UK.

    Darcy Walker

  224. I would love any of the books but especially the RSN selections. Had signed up for one if their classes in Williamsburg but never made it. On the way my husband got sick and we spent the time at the hospital. Merry Christmas!

  225. Wheee! Who doesn’t love more needlework books! Thanks Mary!

    I think the A-Z book that I have are my favorites, because of the step-by-step photos. I’m a
    visual learner and those really help me figure out how to do stitches I’m not familiar with. But
    I only have the one and I’d love to have more.

  226. I don’ have a favorite because I own a bunch and often refer to any and all to learn a new stitch or refresh my memory and also look for variations on a stitch.

  227. I would have to say my favorite stitching book is my Stitch Dictionary by Lucinda Ganderton. I take this everywhere the book has nice diagrams and good instructions for any stitch I may have a question about and it is not to big I can just put it in my bag where ever I go.

  228. Inspirations Embroidery is such a beautiful and inspirational book. I can only hope to produce results even close to the ones in the book

  229. I don’t own any embroidery books because I am just now rekindling an interest in embroidery from several years ago. One book review that has caught my attention is “Early 20th Century Embroidery Techniques” by Gail Marsh. It sounds like it would be a very interesting, educational book that any embroiderer might enjoy.

  230. My first needlework books were Erica Wilson’s Crewel and Jacqueline Enthoven The Stitches of Creative Embroidery. I still have them and refer to them.

  231. Oh, I have so many books — and many favorites. The first one that popped into my mind was “Lady Evelyn’s Needlework Collection” — it isn’t really a “how-to” book, but there are projects and the inspiration (for me) is beyond explanation!! I love technique books. And I love good “picture books”! Close-ups of needlework are exciting – so you can almost see “how-to” if you knew just a little more information! The RSN puts out very good books, as does Inspirations. And Search Press! Oh my!!

  232. I ran onto Stitch, Fabric, and Thread recently and immediately put it on my wish list to add to my fiber arts library. I’ve been embroidering and sewing for (gasp!) 60 years and I will never learn it all but I’m trying. Thank you for the inspiration and tutelage.

  233. This is one of those books that I feel would be a great help to me in learning how to do more and better embroidery stitches. I am 72 years old and wanted to learn how to do all of various and lovely needle work. A lot of these ladies that show their work are sooo talented. I would like some of that talent to rub off on me!!

  234. My favourite embroidery books are by Mary Thomas – the original ones are so full of quirky humour as well as a huge amount of stitch instruction.

  235. My favorite embroidery subject is real, life-like people. I am always fascinated watching as the stitches and colors bring them to life.

  236. I have many favorites but one is The Proper Stitch by Darlene O’Steen. The illustrations are so helpful.

  237. My favorite needlework book are all the Marie Suarez Books. Her french style embroidery meet my taste.

  238. I do not own any Embroidery books but one book I would love to own is the Beginner’s Guide to Crewel Embroidery by Jane Rainbow. Although having the chance at winning one of these give away delights would be so fabulous to have and learn from. Thank you for the opportunities.

  239. Although I own several embroidery books, I don’t have a favorite. When I am working on a project, I like to look through several and get a stitch from one, and another from a different book. Getting inspiration from all. Which is your favorite?

  240. The Stitches of Creative Embroidery by Jacqueline Enthovan
    my go to book for all stitches….old but brilliant

  241. I’d love to have the A-Z books of stitches. I have ONE book about various stitches, and it’s a beautiful book, but not a very good general reference.

  242. My favorite embroidery book is an old copy of “The New Anchor Book of Crewel Stitches and Patterns”. The small size makes it easy to slip into a bag with your embroidery. The main reason I love it is the diagrams. Their stitch diagrams are (for me) the clearest I’ve ever come across.

  243. Ooooh, wonderful giveaway! Thank you, Mary! My favorite needlework related book is probably Home Sweet Home by Carolyn Pearce. I’m determined to start the project in 2018.

  244. Hi Mary!
    My favorite needlework books are the A-Z books by Country Bumpkin. I love all the detailed step by step pictures!


  245. I answered for wrong week! I don’t own any books for embroidery. I started learning at age 4 in 1964 from my great-grandmother then from grandmother and mom where, in my day, Home Economics was required for all girls in high school. I didn’t learn anything new there but won the 4A school wide First Place award for best embroidery project. Entering the contest was part of our grade. I wouldn’t have entered otherwise. New stitches I have picked up along the way. I have been away from embroidery for many years and I
    am just getting back and see there are many new techniques to catch up on. Sorry about the mix up!

  246. “The visual guide to crazy quilting” by Sharon Boggan. As it says “simple stitches, stunning results”. A great book!!!!!

  247. Books, books, books. One can never have too many!! I love Jane Nickolas’s books — all her books!! Some of the old books are also great for ideas if you can get past the the dated color schemes!!

  248. Too many books to choose from. Inspirations is near the top. Always many really nice projects and loads of information and tips. The A-Z series is also wonderful. Well done and clearly written.

  249. In the 70’s I purchased ‘The Complete Book of Embroidery’. Remember “Whatever is old is new again”? There are some remarkable stitches and patterns in this book!

  250. Hi- I love The Emboriderer’s Handbook by Margie Bauer. I purchased this after reading about it on your blog. It is WONDERFUL for everyone – beginners to experts. The step by step and photos are great. I am going thru the book and doing all the different stitches – refreshing my memory on some and learning some I have never tried before. This is definitely a book everyone should own.

  251. Okay, so this isn’t really going to help your stitching, but it is About stitching: Sewing Can Be Dangerous and Other Small Threads, edited by S. R. Mallery. It’s a collection of short stories which all involve stitching, from freedom quilts to the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire to passports sewn into comforters in Nazi Germany. I laughed, sighed and cried through the whole book.

  252. The A – Z series by Country Bumpkin are worth their weight in gold! I always have them close at hand when designing a new project.

  253. I love the A-Z books. One day I hope to have the complete collection! They have clear photos and steps by step directions and are easy to follow. I use the ones I own as reference books when looking for inspiration.

  254. Trish Burr’s books are a favorite, as is Janet Haigh’s The Embroiderer’s Floral. So many different techniques packed into this lovely volume.

  255. My most used embroidery book is Jo Ippolito Christensen’s original The Needlepoint Book. In the early 1980s I would go to the library whenever I needed to know how to do a stitch. I finally bought my own copy in a second hand store. Because I am so familiar with the book, it is always my first go-to-book.

  256. I love the A-Z books esp. the first one and
    Christen Brown’
    Embroidered & Embellished: 85 Stitches Using Thread, Floss, Ribbon, Beads & More • Step-by-Step Visual Guide.
    I can spend hours perusing embroidery books…love them!!!

  257. I am currently into shuttle tatting. I love my book, “Tatting With Visual Patterns” by Mary Konoir. I know it isn’t embroidery, but it is a form of needlework.

    Merry Christmas to everyone.

  258. I own many of the A-Z Books and they are my go-to resource for anything stitch related. They have step by step instructions along with actual photos of how to do the stitch.

  259. Definitely Trish Burr’s Colour Confidence in Embroidery. I have dreamed over that book endless times.

  260. Boho Embroidery is my favorite book. But that’s partially because it was my *first* book. It got me down this crazy rabbit hole and is amazing. Thanks for the chance to win!

  261. My favorite needlework book is Judith Baker Montano’s “Elegant Stitches.” This book has become very handy for me in working on ribbon embroidery in stitching the flowers and the greenery that goes with it. I am not very creative so I must have something to follow for guidelines and this book really hits the spot.

    A second favorite book of mine for doing canvas work is Jo Ippolito Christensen’d “The Needlepoint Book.” It gives clear charts on how and where to place your stitches.

  262. My favorite needlework book is Judith Baker Montano’s “Elegant Stitches.” This book has become very handy for me in working on ribbon embroidery in stitching the flowers and the greenery that goes with it. I am not very creative so I must have something to follow for guidelines and this book really hits the spot.

  263. Love this site and all the information provided!

    Thank you for the giveaway entry opportunity…
    RSN books are invaluable references.

  264. To be honest, my favorite is the one I’m using at the time. Hard to pick a fav. I collect books on different kinds of embroidery and they are all my favorites!!! There is always room for one mor fav!!!

  265. Not many books in my collection as yet, only Inspirations which have much knowledge and inspiring projects. Would really love you win your giveaway.

  266. This is a difficult question but after some thought if I had to single out one book. it would be Thérèse Dillmont’s Encyclopedia of Needlework. It still provides lots of very good, accurate information even if in an ‘old-fashioned’ way.

  267. I love the step by step illustrations in Carole Lake’s books. They make complicated twisty stitches easy!

  268. As we are now building floor to ceiling bookshelves all round our study – with a ladder for accessing the dizzy heights – I will have much more room for crafting books!

  269. The Embroidered Patchwork Bear by Carolyn Pearce! This is a book I am definitely going to buy! The examples I have seen of the bear, not only on the front of the book, but also pics of the embroiderers & sewers who have made the bear are amazing – oh so pretty! Thank you, Susan

  270. My favorite needlework book is Knots, Fur and Turkey Work by Meredith Willett. This book has many tips and techniques!

  271. It’s hard to choose just one book as I have around 100 in my library. IMO, a good book teaches you something new or shows you something new every time you browse through it. I think I would have to choose, All the Glitters by Alison Cole because it was one of the books that started me on the goldworking/metalworking journey.

  272. My favorite book is Colour Confidence by Trish Burr. It has inspired me to be independent in using color in my embroidery projects

  273. I don’t own hardly any needlework books. My go to book that I have had for years is a Reader’s Digest book needle work. I am into working with felt so my latest purchase on embroidery is from Sue Spargo.

  274. I really love the blackwork book. All those pretty patterns you can create in just a few stitches, ahh…. Love it!

  275. I have only recently moved into embroidery as opposed to counted cross stitching and lacemaking, (still do both though) so don’t have that many ’embroidery’ books as yet. Mary, you introduced me to the Book Depository, I’m not sure my credit card thanks you for that, but most of the embroidery books I do have have been sourced from there. I have some of the RSN books, but I certainly wouldn’t object to more of them. I don’t think I have an ‘all time ‘ favourite as yet but one of the earlier comments mentioned Jan Messents Celtic, Viking & Anglo Saxon Embroidery and on looking it up it is certainly one I would add to my wish list.

  276. LOve your prized, My fav0rite Embroidery book is by Jo Bucher, The complete guide to Embroidery Stitches and Crewel.Good illustrations and directions.

  277. my favorite stitching book is “the good housekeeping needlecraft encyclopedia” copyright 1947, given to my mom from her sister on Christmas 1948. Both my mom and my aunt are gone now so it is a treasure, in more ways than one, to me and always will be…………..thanks.

  278. “The right handed embroiderer’s companion” by Yvette Stanton because it has so many wonderful stitches and fabulous descriptions and illustrations on how to do each stitch.

  279. Hi Mary, This is “cheating” but for reminders about stitches/techniques, I go to your website. But I do love books and use them for inspiration and drooling more so than technique these days. I love Women’s Work: Embroidery in Colonial Boston. I believe that was on your recommendation. Oh, and All that Glitters by Alison Cole. And the A-Z books are wonderful too. I have a large library of books that by turns inspires and then overwhelms! Thanks for the giveaways!

  280. My favorite needlework book is “Stunning Stiches” by Primrose Sully. This is an old book, published in 1990 around the time my son was in the hospital for 2 weeks with a very dread prognosis. The projects in this book gave me something to focus on and talk about other than the hospital horrors. It kept me sane and calm and fortunately, my son pulled through. I have kept the pieces I made from this book as good memories of a time when all around me was very dark.

  281. Two books that I enjoy are Janice Love’s “Hardanger: Basics and Beyond” and “Handanger: Fundamentals Made Fancy”. The instructions are very clear with great diagrams and helpful hints and tips.

  282. I am a long term newbie at needlework so I don’t have any books. I would love one on ribbon embroidery.

  283. My favorite needle-work related book would have to be…..Tapestries of hope, threads of love by Marjorie Agosin. It is not a “how-to” book on needle-work but a historical read about the women of Chile who created arpilleras-stories on cloth with embroidery that told of their struggles for themselves and their families. I feel it’s important to not just embroider a pretty picture sometimes but to share one’s life through the use of fabric and thread. We really all have the same wants and desires even though we are different colors and live in various parts of the world. Peace to all the needle-workers of the universe.

  284. Favorite needlework book is “Fundamentals Made Fancy” by Janice Love. My companion when I am working on a hardanger piece.

  285. My favourite all time embroidery book is by Jacqueline Enthoven ” The Creative Stitches of Embroidery” and her wee, coil bound pocket size “Stitches with Variations”. Each stitch is well diagrammed with letters giving the sequence of stitching. There are many suggested variations for each stitch. It is a great reference book to inspire and challenge one.

  286. My favorite needlework book is Stumpwork Dragonflies by Jane Nicholas. I want to embellish a woolen coat with shimmering dragonflies. Someday!

  287. In 2017, my favorite new embroidery book is « The art of bead embroidery » by Margaret Lee…I love every project in it and I dream of finding time to learn how to make such beautiful and fancy objects.
    Happy new year and happy embroidery!

  288. My favorite book in The Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches including Crewel by Marion Nichols. It is an older book but one I often return to.

  289. As a newbie the book I’m hoping to get for Christmas is May Morris:Art and Crafts designer. I think her beautiful designs are awe inspiring! I also feel empowered and fascinated by the inspiring life she led. Her needlework designs just make me want to stitch, and stitch and become a Master like her!

  290. I would love to own a book on padded letters/monograms and Trish Burrs book on Whitework with Colour. Maybe one day.

  291. The most precious book around for me is Left-handed embroidery stitches written by Yvette Stanton. I lost all confidence earlier this year stitching. Only for this book I would not of gained confidence again. A blessing in disguise .

  292. My first niche needlework book was Trish Burr’s Needle Painting Embroidery, and I was attracted to it for all the lovely birds, flowers and foliage!

  293. There are so many books I love, but the first that came to mind was Carol Andrews’ “Embroideries from an English Garden”. I love most of the designs in it and they range from large to small. It’s beautiful surface stitching with a touch of beads where appropriate. I haven’t stitched any of the projects yet, but am learning long and short stitch in preparation.

  294. What’s your favorite needlework-related book and why?

    I have a very old DMC needlework tome that I think must have come from my great-aunt – although I haven’t used it much, I love its sense of age. If I were to choose one to own, then it would probably be the RSN Guide to Whitework. 🙂

  295. I am big fan of Trish Burr and I really love her book “Colour Confidence in Embroidery”. She has so many examples of color shading and a lot of projects in the book to practice the colors on. Dale

  296. I own many needlework books and use each of them for a specific reason. I have been teaching Hardanger for many years and have found Janice Love’s, Basic and Beyond and Fundamental Made Fancy, wonderful reference books. Both are easily understood and a great backup for my students.

    I own many of the books published by Search Press. They are all wonderful.

  297. I have several needlework books. I admit that I seem to use them mostly for inspiration. I like Alison Cole’s “Midas Touch” and “All That Glitters”.
    My favorite new book is a ribbon embroidery book in Russian.
    You can never have too many books. They are the only things on my wish list

  298. I don’t think I have a favorite needlework-related book. I take some from each and add my own stitches to them. I got away from embroidery for years and when I found Mary Corbet’s website, I caught up on new stitches and had a crash course on old stitches. I have enjoyed Judith Baker Montano books and also Sue Spargo. Sometimes I just look at what I want to reproduce and make it up as I go along. That is another way to learn…make a few mistakes…or a lot of them.

  299. My favorite embroidery books are the A to Z Embroidery books. The pictures are wonderful and descriptions of how to do the stitches are very complete and helpful… I think I heard about these books through you, Mary, as I was working on the Splendid Sampler last year. Thank you!

  300. I like embroidery stitch books because they present new ideas and crewel embroidery because they have such great dimension!

  301. It is so wonderful to read historical info about crafts and how they were done. Without people like you it would be lost arts. Please keep up your informational emails!

  302. I would choose a shelf of needlework books over a diamond ring any day, especially if they are by Search Press.

  303. My favourite books are by Trish Burr and Hazel Blomkamp. They are beautiful looking books with eye-catching projects but, then again, I do love all books!!

  304. I’ve been embroidering for years and managed to get quite a number of books. it’s difficult to decide on one favourite. I love the Jane Nicholas on stumpwork and goldwork, maybe one day I’ll dare trying one of her projects. I discovered needlepainting with Helen M. Stevens, lots of techniques and artists with Inspirations magazine. Carol Samples collection of crazy quilting stitches and Sharon Boggon Pintangle (although not a book) are definitely on my list. I could go on forever…

  305. My favorite are the RSN books. Their instructions are clear and the pictures are clear but I use A~Z of embroidery most often.

  306. You seriously want me to pick one book only? I’m a book person. I’ve never had a favorite book of any category. The needlework books are in my bedroom, because they’re so personal. Maybe my favorite at the moment is that really fat knitting book I haven’t read yet, or maybe it’s that quilting book from the 1930s or 40s, and then there are the needlepoint books that are so beautiful. I really can’t choose.

  307. I have so many books-I’ll be so happy when I have more time and can try all the highs I want to do: Molas, Knitting, ribbon embroidery, needlepoint, penny rugs.

  308. My favourite needlework book is Erica Wilson’s Embroidery Book – I find it inspiring. I have lots of ‘almost favourite’s’ though.

  309. I don’t own any needlework books, but I do have Embroidery by Lucinda Ganderton on my Amazon wish list, as well as the RSN stitch guide for raised embroidery.

  310. Any book or pattern by Sue Spargo gets my attention. I appreciate all the wonderful Books, magazines, and talented pattern makers who keep inspiring me.

  311. Thank you for offering these giveaways! Most of my needlework books have been picked up at used book stores. One charming one is “A Handbook of Lettering For Stitchers” by Elsie Svennas. It has a variety of stitched and sketched examples of fancy letters for inspiration.

  312. I’m not a newbie but don’t actually have any books specifically on needlework (I’ve learnt from patterns and the internet), but I have my eye on the new RSN Book of Embroidery, which I think you may have mentioned earlier this month. This comments thread is also giving me ideas!

  313. Thank you for your wonderful articles. I look forward to reading them each day. My favourite stitch dictionary is the Embroiderer’s Handbook by Inspirations. This is really a compilation of A-Z of Stitching 1 & 2 and I recommend it to all my customers and students. Stitch Fabric & Thread would make a wonderful addition to my library.
    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year full of stitching for 2018 to all.

  314. I have two bookcases full of books! Every possible subject you can imagine. But the one book that is always in my bag as I go forth to meetings, workshops, traveling, or visiting is “Stitches to Go” by Suzanne Howren and Beth Robertson. It is not big and heavy and really is packed with info. It has saved my bacon a couple of times.
    Thanks for the great give-away, Mary. If I win, these books will be treasured and used.

  315. Color Confidence by Trish Burr. Its a great book to help people choose colors schemes. It helps me because the decision for colors can become overwhelming.

  316. I would recommend the A-Z series of books. I own most of them and I love how they show each step of the stitch and give you information on how the stitches are used (filling, outlining, etc).

    I also like how they are bound to lay flat when you are using them. I have other books that I’ve made copies of pages because it was to difficult to try and keep the book open to the right page while trying to follow the instructions.

  317. I can’t say that I have an absolute favorite needlework book. I really enjoy white work and black work but I get excited about reading about things I have not tried and would like to try tolerances work or Brazilian embroidery. Needle work is a big field filled with all kinds of colors and textures.

  318. I am kinda new. I used to do lots of crewel & cross stitch years ago. I am just getting back into embroidery and would love a good book on stitches.
    These prizes are terrific!

  319. As a for ever south paw, I seriously need “Left-handed Embroiderer’s Companion” by Yvette Stanton. Thank you for considering my entry.

  320. My current favorite needlework book is Sharon Boggon’s “The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results.”

  321. I am a newbie, do not have yet books because I learned from the internet.But I always wanted The Royal School of Neeedlework books, especially about crewel work and goldwork.

  322. My favorite embroidery book is ‘Elizabethan Stitches: a Guide to Historic English Needlework’ by Jacqui Carey.

  323. Hi Mary
    Thanks again for all these lovely gifts. My favourite and one of my first needlework books was The Stitches of Creative Embroidery by Jacqueline Enthoven published by Schiffer Craft Book. Absolutely filled with ideas for embroidery stitches and wonderful samplers to make. It started me on samplers of all kinds of needlework techniques that I have continued to do with the Embroiderers’ Guild of SA. Thanks ❤️

  324. I am a beginner, but so far the RSN Crewel book is my favorite! I love the spiral binding for keeping the book open while I study the stitches. Love that the instructions are photos, not drawings, which are a lot harder for me to understand. Would love to win more needlework books! Thanks for the giveaway!

  325. Hi Mary,
    That is a hard question to answer! You know what? Each time I see embroidery books I turn crazy. I would like to buy everything. They all appeal to me. I buy some during the year and I give them to my husband and I ask him to hide them and to give them back to me as Christmas gifts or birthday gifts (on December 31st). That way I do not feel too bad about buying some more books. Sometimes they are second hand ones that I buy at the Guild I belong to, but sometimes they are new too.
    I like books with ideas of projects, I like books from Country Bumpkin which put different projects on a theme that have been published in different issues of Inspirations magazine, like one I bought 2 years ago to make small embroidered blankets.
    I can spend time just looking at those projects dreaming about what I will do in the future if I live to be 100 years old in good health.

  326. I have the” Proper Stitch: A Guide for Counted Thread” by Darlene O’Steen. I refer to it when I venture into other stitching besides counted cross stitch. A life saver or should I save a stitch saver! I like to take a break from just X’s and this book has really helped me to understand some of the stitches I have used on other projects!

  327. I would love to have both 1 and 2 of A-Z of Embroidery Stitches…..to have a complete list to browse through would be wonderful!

  328. My current favourite embroidery book is Simply Stitched by Yumiko Higuchi. I love her deceptively simple designs and the way she combines cotton and wool in her patterns. I’ve completed a few of her projects for gifts.

    Another favourite is Stitch-opedia by Helen Winthorpe Kendrick. It’s full of a lot of helpful information.

  329. Great opportunity to win this great prize. I do not have any books, but I would love to own the book Goldwork. I have done goldwork (baldýring) on Icelandic traditional costumes.

  330. I’m a beginner and only have one book, the Encyclopedia of Embroidery Stitches, which I bought on my Kindle. Really bad idea. I need to hold a book and be able to mark a page, or several pages, put it down open, etc. Oh well, lesson learned!

  331. G’day Mary,
    And thank you Search Press North America,
    We’re moving, my book is packed and I can’t remember the title. It combines printing, manipulating and stitching on fabric to result in, well…a landscape usually, or just simply nice things happening on fabric.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz

    1. Mary, maybe I didn’t answer the ‘why’, but it’s really in the last few words… ‘nice things happening on fabric’. It really should have been ‘different things happening’. I’m an outside the square girl. You can’t tell a book by it’s cover sums me up. At an art expo a stall holder told me she could always, always, tell what a person’s subject matter was by looking at them. Birds, flowers, pretty things she labelled me. Hahaha! I just smiled mysteriously (I hope) and wandered on. Kath

  332. I use a little book by Judith b Montano. It has a left hand way with every right hand embroidery stitch . Since I’m left handed it helps alot!

  333. I don’t really have a favorite needlework book, as which ever one I’m reading is the current favorite. I think I got my start years ago by reading all the Mary Gostelow books I could find in our library!

  334. Mary, these are wonderful books! Because I enjoy so many kinds of stitchwork, I love all the books in my library, but I am enamored by “Casalguidi Style Linen Embroidery” by Effie Mitrofanis, and would like to add this book to my library. I have done some of the Casalguidi Stitch, after taking this book out of the library, and I love the way the embroidery is presented in the book.
    Wishing you and yours a Wonderful Christmas!

  335. I’m a relative newbie, most of what I’ve learned is from pinterest and you tube, and my mother in law has passed on some very old embroidery magazines with iron on patterns. For Christmas I have asked my friend for an embroidery book looking at long and short (needle painting). I told her to see what you recommend!

  336. I absolutely LOVE needlework books of all kinds – so this giveaway is perfect for me!My favourite needlework related book (currently) is Sharon Boggon’s new one about Crazy Quilting…just prior to that was Jennifer Clouston’s book about Crazy Quilting. But then there is Carolyn Pearce’s book (that I just got) to make a needlework workbox with a pull out tray and gadget covers. Swoon worthy. I love em all.

  337. I love books especially Needlework books! I think though I’ve had the most use from my stitch dictionaries, I have a few an original Mary Thomas helped my journey with Pulled Thread Embroidery, all the catalogues from Whitney Antiques are a wonderful source of information about Samplers and I love my Whitework books.

  338. Creative Stitching by SueSpargo is my favorite book. It contains clear instructions for 50 stitches with texture. Thanks for hosting the giveaways and all your articles. Love them all.

  339. I have shelves of needlework books. I love them all and wouldn’t want to part with any of them. I love to look through them and get ideas. My favorite at any one time is probably the newest one. At the moment, my newest one, which I have found fascinating, is a just released publication by Valerie Bothell, called Joyful Daily Stitching Seam by Seam. She has 500 embroidery stitch combinations, all glorious color, that can be used to stitch along seams in crazy quilting. They would also be wonderful for an embroidery sampler. I do love the RSN guides and keep them by my sewing chair. Thanks for a great opportunity.

  340. So many books, so little time. I love them all but right now I am intrigued by Claire Wellesley-Smith’s Slow Stitch, and not just because it describes my stitching.

  341. That is such a generous giveaway. Many thanks to Search Press (and you, Mary) for giving us the chance to win it. I’m a visual learner, so for help on technique, I try to use embroidery books with photos (or good illustrations); I confess that I have yet to find that perfect book of embroidery stitches (but I keep buying ones to try out). I recently discovered “Slow Stitch,” and it has been wonderful inspiration (“Stitch, Fabric and Thread” in my wishlist now, too, as I just discovered it a few weeks ago). When I’m really stumped on how to do a certain stitch that I haven’t used much, I watch (and often re-watch) videos (guess whose??).

  342. My favorite “go to” book(let) is 100 Embroidery Stitches by Coats.
    It is so old it cost 35¢ new copyright 1964. Now that is old! Thanks for the chance!

  343. My favorite needlework book is Jane Nicholas’s Stumpwork Beetle Collection. It really sparked my love of needlework in a whole new way!

  344. Thanks for the chance to win another wonderful prize! My favorite book is The Proper Stitch by Darlene O’Steen. This book has never let me down when I’m trying a new stitch for the first time. The fact that it’s also filled with beautiful designs is just an added bonus! Thank you!

    Mary in Billerica

  345. Like many other readers, I do not have a single favorite but quite a number of well-loved books. So, after skimming comments and taking notes of various titles, I’m naming one I haven’t seen mentioned yet, Creative Embroidery by Jan Beaney and Jean Littlejohn. When I came across it years ago, it reignited an interest in embroidery and changed the way I thought about its possibilities.

  346. I liked the “Ring of Stitches”, which is no longer in print. Thank for this awesome opportunity.

  347. Pageant of Patterns is still my favorite stitch related book and was the 1st one that I owned. It was gifted to me by a dear friend who was also my stitching mentor.

  348. My favorite needlework book is a stumpwork book by Sachiko Morimoto “Stumpwork Flowers”. It has beautiful photographs and very clear instructions; I am always referring to it. Of course, my library is currently quite small so I would love to add to it!

  349. My favorite needlework book is Crazy Patchwork by Alice Wilhoit. Her use of stitches to embellish is creative and her instructions beautifully illustrated.

  350. I need visual books, so I love colour photos as well as step by step directions. Tha A to z books are great for these, as are the Trish Burr books on needle painting. As one is a little dyslexic, need all the help one can get !!

  351. I have recently seen some blackwork pieces which have always fascinated me. It is on my list of the next thing to learn as I have never done it. The RSN Blackwork book looks amazing and would love to add it to my library.

    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  352. My favourite book at present is Valerie Bothell’s Joyful Daily stitching seam by seam, which I hope will form part of my new year’s practice! But I love all embroidery and textile books!

  353. I just love Yvette Stanton’s Right handed guide to embroidery. The photography is beautiful and the instructions are so clear. I’m lucky enough to have an embroidery friend with a great library she happy to share so I have been introduced to a few stitchers. Yvette is my favourite.

  354. My favourite needlework book is the A-Z series, as they clearly and concisely show how to do stitches.

  355. My favorite at the moment is The Anchor Book of Hardanger Embroidery. It’s an older book that I received from a chapter member. I am trying to learn Hardanger and didn’t have any books to reference at that point.

  356. My favorite embroidery book is the Stitch Sampler by Lucinda Ganderton. Near the beginning are pages showing each of the stitches contained. This series of images makes it easy to select which (unfamiliar) stitch will best fit a current project. The instructions are relatively clear, not Mary Corbet clear but basically follow-able. I have given this book to two, knowing it will help them feel better about their beginning embroidery.
    I would be very excited to win the A-Z of Embroidery Stitch books. They look inviting!

  357. My favourite needlework book is one a bought through our local embroiderer’s guild. It’s ‘The Embroiderer’s Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Thread Embroidery’ edited by Anna Scott for Inspiration Books (2006). I like it because it gives step-by-step photos and uses different mediums including cotton floss, wool yarn and silk ribbon to demonstrate the stitches.

  358. I really like “the embroiderer handbook”by Margie Bauer. It is a wide overview of techniques that helps refresh my memory when it has been awhile since I have done a particular stitch and it is simple enough to share with friend who are just getting started

  359. At the moment my favourite needlework book is Jane Nicholas’ Stumpwork Butterflies & Moths book. The butterflies are so lifelike, I just love browsing the book and marvelling that they are stitched and not real – such incredible detail.

  360. Wow! What a fantastic collection of books! I have some vintage Anchor stitching books, and a beginners Hardanger book.

    Thank you for the opportunity,

  361. My favorite needlework related book is The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. It’s informative and easy to follow and I use it all the time. It’s small enough to throw in a bag with your stitching and comprehensive enough to get you through a hard part if stuck on how to do a stitch or what stitch you might want to use for a project. Great little book that I’ve had for years.

  362. Hi Mary, I have started on a major series of textile based, mixed media artworks that I think may be more illustrative of how my ambitions could well outweigh my abilities 🙂 I must teach myself from scratch multiple techniques as I go. Consequently, aside from haunting your site, reference books are extremely important to me. I think that aside from anything written by Hazel Blomkamp, my most favoured needle work book presently, would have to be Alison Cole’s ‘Embroiderers Little Book, Hints and Tips’. I love it for its simple matter of fact explanations and diverse content. I have learnt so much about the craft by reading this book and its such an easy read.

  363. My current favourite embroidery book is Judith Baker Montano’s Essential Stitch Guide
    but when I am learning a new stitch (and often relearning an “old” one, I go to your wonderful tutorials. Thank you so much for all your work in making these great videos!

  364. I don’t have many needlework books yet, but I have been wanting to learn how to do goldwork, so I’ve been looking at the RSN Goldwork book for a while now.

  365. I have several but I guess my favorite needlework book would be American Redwork Quilts and Patterns. There are a ton of lovely vintage needlework patterns from the past that can be worked in red and white or any colors you choose. I love to incorporate them into a quilt for a keepsake treasure. Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas!

  366. My favorite go to books are the A to Z of embroidery. They are invaluable when struggling to find the “perfect” stitch…then how to do it! I have both and if I didn’t, I would buy them.

  367. I am new to your website and found it chock full of useful information, including both the A-Z stitch books. I browsed Amazon to find our what the cost of both books were and decided I would have to wait til after Christmas! So to win them would be awesome!! Thanks for the chance!

  368. My favourite books change as my needle work changes. I was most interested in your recent post about May Morris and would love to have Jenny Lister’s May Morris: Arts & Crafts Designer. I love reading about women’s work and love needlework eye candy books. Thank you for your amazing site!

  369. I don’t own any embroidery books. I have a few old magazines like, “Workbasket”, that my mother had. I would like to own a copy of , “A-Z of Embroidery Stitches”.

  370. Those books look scrumptious! Thanks for the opportunity to win one of them. It is so hard to pick a fav but I like all the crazy quilt books. I particularly like Marsha Michler’s books with the beautiful embroidery motifs.

  371. My favorite needle related book is DK’s Embroidery Step by Step Guide…I have referenced this book many times for numerous projects.

  372. Favorite book:
    The Needlework of Mary, Queen of Scots
    Swain (I think)
    The era fascinates me, but also it was fascinating learning where the designs came from and how they were used. Not only that—but look who did the stitching.

  373. My favorite needlework book us my copy of Mrs. Christie. It is a wealth of information but also because my friend, Linn Skinner, was appalled that I didn’t have one and immediately took me to Felicity”s booth at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace. It was the first of many buys from Felicity.

  374. > What’s your favorite needlework-related book and why?

    It will be easier to answer which is my most recent! And that’s Japanese Quilting: Sashiko by Hiromitsu Takano, which is a lovely overview of Sashiko stitching and includes good patterns and some full project instructions.

  375. The RSN and A-Z books are all very helpful, you can never have too many reference books.
    Cathie P

  376. I don’t have embroidery books, but I do know what I need. I need an embroidery stitch guide that I can use as a reference guide and it needs to be portable. I use a variety of magazines with stitch guides presently.

  377. A Passion for Needlework because it will keep me inspired to keep trying new things and improve my skills!

  378. I think my favorite is Proper Stitch. It is a wonderful stitch guide and I have the copy my Aunt owned with her notations in it.

  379. It would be difficult to choose one; the ones I pick up most often are “Stumpwork, Goldwork, and Surface Embroidery Beetle Collection” by Jane Nicholas; “Mark Making” by Helen Parrott, and “Drawn to Stitch” by Gwen Hedley. I haven’t seen the Hedley book you are offering, so it would be exciting to find it at my doorstep! Thanks for a great give away. Happy Holidays to all.

  380. My favorite needlework book is Donna Kooler’s Encyclopedia of Needlework. It covers a variety of needlework techniques and while not definitive on any one subject is an excellent starting point. And all in one place!

  381. Hello Maria, I would like to have the book Beginner’s Guide to Silk Shading by Clare Hanham, because according to your opinion, it is excellent. I want to learn more about this technique. Greetings and much blessing

  382. I have quite a few needlework related books, but honestly my favorite has to be Inspirations magazine. They are so chock full of beauty and goodness. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

  383. I have a few needlework related books but it is too hard to pick a favourite as I love looking through them all! If I was to add to my small collection, I’d really love more of the A-Z series and the RSN Essential Stitch Guides 🙂

  384. One of my favourite books to which I often refer is Crazy Quilting by J. Marsha Michler. I like the stitch illustrations and written how to instructions and there are many, many stitches with beautiful color photos showing how the stitches can be used .

  385. I love learning the history around needlecrafts and how it has been used and how it has changed across the centuries. The current book I really like is The Bayeux Tapestry Embroiderers’ Story by Jan Messent

  386. I have at 100 needlework books, some are for inspiration some are for techniques. Since I do multiple types of needlework I go to the bookshelf for the book(s) that covers my current project.

  387. Mary…that is an unfair question! My library is new and small, and consists mostly of old books…but my favourite by far is a recent copy of Ruth Chamberlin Beginners guide to Goldwork Embroidery. It’s given me such inspiration for new techniques and project ideas!

  388. My favourite needlework book is a very old encyclopaedia of needle work that my aunt gave me 50 years ago in January when I started Teachers college . It has often been a go to book over the years to check out a method of doing a stitch!

  389. One book I’ve found helpful with counted thread work is Darlene O’Steen’s “The Proper Stitch.” It has clear instructions and diagrams.

  390. I’ve been making a variety of needlework projects for over 40 years but because of finances, I’ve always depended on friends and now YouTube to learn. Having a book of my own would be a treat. I always had to.make a choice between materials to work with and books

  391. My most go to book has to be ” The Proper Stitch” by Darlene O’Steen
    Thx for these opportunities

  392. I love all of them. Every time I learn a new type I buy books to follow. So, all of them!

  393. Merry Christmas, Mary. Thank you for making these prizes available.

    I would love to win the two A-Z of Embroidery Stitches; the Inspirations crew’s photography and instructions are indeed truly inspirational. I became a lifelong needleworker after earning my Brownie “sewing” badge at the age of 7, but I believe that even at my ripe old age, there are still lots of new stitches I could learn!

  394. My go to book is “Embroidery. A Step-by-Step Guide to More Than 200 Stitches by Lucinda Ganderton. The pictures and directions are easy to follow.

  395. Oh, dear. I think I left my comment for give-away #7 on the wrong page! Now that I have my glasses on, shall I start again?

    Or simply mention (again) that I have always wanted to own the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches series. I have been stitching since I earned my Brownie badge at the age of 7, and already own many stitch guides, but there is always something new to learn.

    Merry Christmas, again, Mary, and thank you for running these contests.

  396. My latest favorite book is Alison Cole’s The Embroiderer’s Little Book of Hints and Tips. I attended a class taught by Alison this past summer and picked up the book then. It is filled with little tips like you would get from a fellow stitcher in a guild or group. Not stitch techniques as such, but just little tricks that make your life easier as a stitcher, and your work better.

  397. Just renewing my interest in embroidery. Have only done cross stitch of late. Embroidered all over all of my jeans back in the seventies. Don’t have a favorite book yet but I’m exploring. I am really enjoying your blog. Thank you.

  398. My favorite book is an older paperback. It gives basics for all the beginners. Have bought this book many times at yard sales and gave them away.

  399. My two favorite needle work books are the ones by Janice Love, “Hardanger Basics and Beyond” and “Hardanger: Fundamentals Made Fancy.” Ms. Love’s stitch diagrams and instructions are clear and easy to follow. She includes a generous amount of photos and stitch diagrams. There are plenty of trouble-shooting tips. Both are paperbacks, similar to large magazines, and I’ve covered mine in Clear Contact to protect them from damage.

  400. I only have a subscription to Inspirations Magazine from Australia and Needle n’ Thread magazine from India. I have ordered and enjoyed working on their kits many times, but don’t have books. I am planning to buy the A-Z of Ribbon Embroidery from Inspirations soon as I want to try Ribbon embroidery; something I have never done before.

  401. I love Hardanger and counted cross stitch. Because I am left-handed, my favorite book is “early-style Hardanger” by Yvette Stanton. It’s my go to reference book.

  402. Choosing a favourite needlework book is like choosing a favourite child 🙁 If I could only keep one, it might be my Weldons Encyclopedia of Needlework. The content is extensive and interesting, if I’m ever bored I can just open it anywhere and start reading.

  403. Merry Christmas! As I have stated before I am principally a quilting stitcher, applique mostly. I do love to do redwork but haven’t delved deeply into other embroidery. Oh I know how to do the daisy stitch and a few simple thing like that. A gift of an embroidery stitchwork would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the chance to enter your drawing.

  404. I don’t have many needlework books yet, but I really like The Embroidered Garden: Stitching through the Seasons of a Flower Garden by Kazuko Aiko.

  405. 18th century embroidery techniques by Gail Marsh. I used this book a lot in my beginning embroidery classes. It had the textual info to help me explain the period, samples that I could show, and help with the techniques.

    It was a fun read.

    Now the one I use most? Complete illustrated stitch encyclopedia by crafters choice, My go to for how to….right after checking to see if you have it on your site. More videos please, in your spare time

  406. This is such a nice giveaway. The book I have been looking at the book store is the “A-Z of Embroidery Stitches” since you discussed it quite a while ago. Which would make it the perfect book to win….and the second one for good measure.

    Have to get back to my hoop to finish my work before Christmas!

  407. My favorite needlework book is “The Right-handed Embroider’s Companion,” by Yvette Stnton, a great reference book for how to make different stitches. I am just now getting into the RSN Essential Stitch Guides which I also really like. Thanks again Mary for these fun giveaways!

  408. A great selection of books as a prize. many thanks to you Mary and Search press.
    My favourite embroidery book would have to be The Stitches of Creative Embroidery by Jacqueline Enthoven. While I love the A-Z of Embroidery – Inspirations for the pictorial step by steps, Creative Embroidery is brilliant in showing how each basic stitch can be changed and/or used in many ways.
    Its an oldie but a goodie!

  409. I don’t even know the name of the books, but I used to sit and look through my grandmother’s sewing, needlepoint and upholstery books when we stayed with her in the summer. She was so talented and taught me so much… but I wish I had been more interested in learning while I had her. I try to honor her now by completing her unfinished needlework projects handed down to me, reupholstering her mother’s furniture that is now in my house and teaching my son the basics of sewing (as much as I can get him to sit still). The holidays have me feeling nostalgic for my grandmother. 🙂

  410. I got my first few needlework books only recently, so I haven’t stitched any projects from any yet. But just to read and look at, I love Traditional Hardanger, which came out last year, with its inspiring high-count linen fabrics, and the fascination of working with linen thread.

    As someone who as a Uni student used to do re-enacting (sort-of) I’ve always wondered what all that lace, embroidery etc would be like in historic times since it obviously wasn’t using mercerised cotton! I love the idea of using actual linen thread for drawn thread work.

  411. My favorite needlework book is Whitework with Color, because it is so inspirational. It reminds me to look to the future of stitching, as well as the past for inspiration. It can be easy to get so caught up in learning a traditional technique or style that we forget to innovate, to give ourselves permission to break the rules.

  412. The Stitches of Creative Embroidery
    By Jacqueline Enthoven

    She explains the stitches and encourages creativity. I also like to keep her handbook, Stitches with Variations (A Handbook of Basic Stitches), with my needles, scissors and tools. It’s a great pocket-sized reference.

  413. My favorite book (although I still have yet to master the technique) is “A~Z of Goldwork with Silk Embroidery”.

  414. I have just really started to look closer at stitching books. About 2.5 years ago I started on this path of wool applique and now am wanting to branch out from things as simple as blanket stitching and stem stitching, with the occasional colonial knot to something that will add some real pizazz to a piece. Key for me as I start this journey is trying to find the right book or two with great step-by-step pictures on how to do each of the stitches. I am very much a visual kind of girl. I am loving all of the blog entries and discovery of links to great videos for the stitches as well….. The journey to stitching enlightenment has begun!!!!

  415. Thank you, Mary, for your wonderful blog and for these give-aways. Your question, about favorite needlework books, had me looking at my bookshelf. The most challenging thing, bead embroidery on my daughter’s wedding dress bodice, was aided by a collection of books about beading on fabric. (You don’t have a lot of interest in this area, but your blog was a great comfort and inspiration to me during the weeks of sitting at a table with the frame propped up on a chair on top of the table.) More recently, I was inspired by your writings on letters to make an embroidered label for the linens bag at church. (Chain stitch, letters traced from computer font, “Altar Linens” so the bag wouldn’t wander off and disappear like its predecessor bag.) Perhaps I should list one that’s been on my shelf for years, Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches.
    May you have a merry and blessed Christmas!

  416. My favourite needlework book at the moment is Hazel Blomkamp ‘s Crewel Twists. She has some many interesting ideas I want to try.

  417. Favorite books? I have two Jane Nicholas stumpwork books that I got just because they are so pretty.

  418. I have two! One is; Embroidery: Traditional designs, techniques and patterns from all over the world by Mary Gostelow. I love this book because it is fascinating to read about the history and different styles from all over the world. The sameness, yet diversity is amazing. The second, is one that I go to for different techniques. I like the description of the stitches and the drawings that accompany them. It is called; Embroidery by Jennifer Rollins and it is part of the Country Crafts Series.

  419. My first book was lessons in homemaking that I stole from my mom. It had a section on personal grooming, mending, cooking and my favourite on sewing and embroidery. I remember how I devoured these sections practicing on snippets of fabric with whatever faded embroidery thread was lying around. And then to lesser frugal embroidery supplies. Its been an event embroidery journey…I’ve still a long way to go and I only hope my passion and love for this craft sees me through.

  420. I have 2 Trish Burr books. Miniature Needle Painting Embroidery and Colour Confidence in Embroidery. They are just so gorgeous to read and dream of doing such beautiful work!

  421. Anything Trish Burr has published and Jane Nicholas and Margaret Lee and Hazel Blomkamp and Hazel Everett and…the list keeps growing! I just can’t pick any one book, I like them all-oh and the ones about the history of needlework, stitch dictionaries, magazines…

  422. I am intrigued by ’18th Century Embroidery Techniques’. I saw beautifully embroidered 18th century clothes on display at the Victoria & Albert museum this past summer and would love to know how it was done.

  423. There are so many good books out there that it is hard to pick just one. I am currently enjoying a book called Zentangle and hoping to apply the techniques to a stitching project this spring, possible a butterfly or a butterfly silouette. I’m still exploring my options.

  424. We just moved, and I haven’t found the box that has my needlework books in it. (Okay, boxes, I admit it.) Everything is still such a blur, titles aren’t coming to me, but one book that I had just gotten and was really enjoying right before we packed is Sharon Boggon’s book on crazy quilting. I think I read about it in one of your posts, Mary? Sharon’s instructions are very clear, and I love her tips and design ideas. I’m not a crazy quilter, at least not yet, but I wanted to learn something about it, and her book is very good.

  425. It’s hard to pick a favorite since it depends on what I’m in the mood for. The Needlepoint Book is one I wouldn’t want to be without though. I think all stitchers should have a copy on their bookshelf because it’s a great source for stitches.

  426. The Encyclopedia of Embroidery Techniques : A Unique Visual Directory of All the Major Embroidery Techniques, Plus Inspirational Examples of Traditional and Innovative Finished Work is my favourite book. It good for a beginner like me! The book includes many stitches which I would refer to and get some inspiration from time to time.

  427. My favourite embroidery book is “Embroidery – a step by step to more than 200 stitches” by Lucinda Ganderton. I purchased it about a year and find myself referring to this book more and more and it has helped me considerably in expanding my repertoire of stitches

  428. Really appreciate all of your information and inspiration. Since I retired I finally have time to work on my needlepoint projects.

  429. I don’t have a needlework book yet, but I think the A-Z of embroidery stitches 1 and two are pretty amazing!

  430. Hi Mary,

    The favorite embroidery book i own is Trish Burr’s “Crewel & Surface Embroidery: Inspirational Floral Designs”. Beautiful designs and good step by step instructions to complete it. I love this book.

    -Viji Sunil, Chennai

  431. What great give always! I think books are so important. And having several on one subject is even better. You get a better perspective on things from one book to another. Also who can pass up learning something new or refreshing your memory! I’m still learning so I don’t really have many books. I do have yours Mary, and I love everyone of them that you’ve put up on your site. And they’ve given me inspiration as well as good direction. Some books don’t make it clear how to do a. Detain stitch, but yours do, as with other books too.
    Thank you Mary for all these great opportunities!

  432. Any book with simple instructions on how to work stitches with pictures that show examples of how each stitch can be varied to produce different effects.

  433. I’ve just started back into embroidery and of the few books I’ve bought RSN Guide to Blackwork is the one I’ve referred to most (so far – I was doing a class in blackwork) but I’ve been thinking about getting the A-Z books or something similar as I’d like to try some of the non-counted embroideries. Definitely taking notes on other people’s favorites.

    I began my journey towards needlework with books. I was a clerk in the main city library and we each had a section that we were responsible to keep in order and looking good. I was fortunate enough to be assigned the 600 & 700’s! I have fond memories of sunny slow days in the summer when there was nothing much to do except tidy and browse those art and craft books.

  434. I love the a-z stitch book I have from some time back and use it in my projects to give a different look than the picture of the project. I don’t want to see what I did everywhere so change some stuff.

  435. I’m a newbie to embroidery, so I don’t own much in the way of needlework books yet – but I am really hoping to get a copy of Trish Burr’s “Needle Painting Embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginners”.

    Thank you again for hosting these amazing give aways. Merry Christmas!

  436. Good to know books published in UK. My favourite needlework book is the whitework book you show. The diagrams are excellent and easy to follow.

  437. Good to know about books published in the UK. My favourite book is the whitework book you mentioned. The diagrams are excellent and easy to follow.

  438. What a fantastic chance to add a book, thank you. I am a newbie and I have Embroidery by DK which is a wonderful book to reference and learn all sorts of stitches. Pity there are not enough hours in a day …….

  439. I learned to embroider, needlepoint, knit, crochet and sew when I was growing up. My mom can do anything! As I got older, I mostly turned to crochet but recently did some stitchwork for a craft fair. I have since become obsessed! The book that I’ve been enjoying of late is “Knot Thread Stitch” by Lisa Soloman. Thanks!

  440. I have a stitch encyclopedia that is wonderful. There are no patterns of projects but it does a wonderful job of showing the steps of different stitches.

  441. I’m afraid my library on stitching is not up to snuff compared to my other interests, but as a beginner Barnden’s Stitch Bible is definitely my favorite. Also RSN books are coming as a second.

  442. I have several one of my favorite is The Art of Hand Embroidery, also Victorian Embroidery.


  443. A very old book on montmellimeck and some antique french magazines with fantastic monograms are amongst my fav books of the moment. Must be time for an update. I only seem to purchase magazines.

  444. This is a difficult question because I love so many types of embroidery books and enjoy working from them all from time to time but I think perhaps my favourite one is a stumpwork embroidery book by Jane Nicholas. Full of lovely flowers and insects which makes my mouth water, they are so beautiful.

  445. I have a book about richelieu lace that my grandmother passed down onto me. (It is not in English but in Czech and due to history of my country it was probably never translated.)

  446. My favourite embroidery book is the A – Z of embroidery stitches. They are very easy to follow and help to increase my reportor of stitches. I am coming back to embroidery after quite a long break and just enjoy it so much. I find your tutorials and articles so inspiring. Thank you so much.

  447. I have lot’s of embroidery books…. my favs would be my RSN guides, but probably the most used are the just cross stitch christmas ornament magazines that are issued annually.

  448. Anything by Alison Cole. Her books are so helpful, lots of easy to follow instructions, and plenty of illustrations. And they’re gorgeous!

  449. I can’t say I have one favorite needlework book. I like so many but I do love and appreciate a nicely photographed stitch reference book.

  450. I just bought “A-Z of Thread Painting” and am finding it very helpful as I learn this technique.

    Thanks for the chance to build my embroidery library.

  451. I am quite new to hand embroidery. I started with machine embroidering but following your website and postings have really triggered my interest inhand embroidery. I have only a few embroidery books and would love some more to inspire and guide my way. Love your Needle n Thread blog. The only problem with it is, that it makes me want to do so much more than what I have time for.

  452. I have no embroidery books , so it would be nice to win one. The pictures in the books will surely make you want to try a project.

  453. Because I don’t always ‘get it’ from a book, I lean heavily on your videos. I use various books for inspiration, then when I need help, I turn to your site. I am a bibliophile, so any book is cherished in my craft room. Some have illustrations I can learn from. Like the A-Z series. I borrowed that from the library a few times. Would love to own it! Thanks so much Mary!

  454. One of my favorite books is by Trish Burr. She gives detailed instructions on long and short stitch as well as projects to test your newly acquired skills. I found all her books well written with beautiful coloued plates so you can easily see the colour placement. Trish Burr also gives you the colour thread numbers that she used in every project so you end up with a very lovely piece for your efforts. I can’t tell you the exact name of the book as I had surgery yesterday and my hubby won’t let me into my craft room yet.

  455. I have the Readers Digest Needlework book. It was my first book, almost 45 years ago, & I used it a lot. My husband got me a newer stitch dictionary, can’t recall the name, however all are packed away as we are in the process of moving. Both books have big pictures/drawings & simple directions. Both are a bit on the big & heavy side, too. A chance to have new resource books would be just sooooooo wonderful. I think I would choose the RSN Essential Stitch guides for Blackwork, Silk Shading, & Whitework.
    Merry Christmas everyone.

  456. Oh, this is a tough one. My favorite needlework book… for history Plain & Fancy by Susan Swan. For technique – I look through many books the A to Z is always a place to start.

  457. It’s very hard to pick out a favourite, but I would have to say that Janice Love’s books ” Hardanger – Basics and Beyond” and “Fundamentals made Fancy” are my go-to books when I am doing a hardanger piece. The instructions are clear and the projects are very inspiring.

  458. Search Press publishers are fantastic books. I would travel to a library 30 miles from home, as this library had a large selection of Search Press books. A lady in their town would edit books by them and after her work was done, she would donate to her local library. I have done cross-stitch, temari, needlepoint and am now venturing out to embroidery. Would love to win.

  459. My favorite needlework book is “The Royal School ofNeedlework embroidery Techniques”. Great reference, beautiful projects— it’s an inspiration

  460. I love the A-Z series, speccially the Ribbon Embroidery one because I mostly do flowers and this book is very instructional and detailed!

  461. I’m always excited to get a new book to peruse so this give-a-way is exciting to me. My favorite stitching book is one of basic beginner stitches with lots of photographs to show the way with detailed instructions. I wish I could give the name and accurate title of the book, but it is currently in storage as I am working on reorganizing my craft room this winter! thanks for the chance to win! ~Gin K.~

  462. Thank you for holding this giveaway. I’m still very new to embroidery and don’t have any books about it yet. I’ve enjoyed looking at the artwork in Needle Painting Embroidery and hope to own that book some day.

  463. Hi Mary
    I rely on my stitch dictionaries to determine my approach to a particular project but for inspiration I love embroidery magazines with lots of colourful photos!
    Again, a beautiful giveaway. Keep well.

  464. I have just bought my first ‘real’ embroidery book: The Embroidery Stitch Bible. I enjoy finding renewed inspiration and courage within its pages, and have begun to venture further than just the basic cross- or longstitches.

  465. My favorite needlework book is Monograms: The Art of Embroidered Letters by Susan O’Connor, she gives such wonderful details for monogramming.

  466. My favorite needlework book is an old British title from 1955: Discovering Embroidery, by Winsome Douglass, who died last year at nearly this date. My grandmother taught me the barest basics; I found this lovely book in my school library in junior high school; and it took me much farther and gave me ideas to finish my embroidery into bags and pillows and such—just right for my age and skill level. I checked out and renewed that book every two weeks as long as I could. I just tracked down a copy on abebooks.com and I actually hugged it when it arrived. It was wonderful to see my old friend again.

  467. My favorite needlework book is Donna Kooler’s Encyclopedia of Needlework published by Leisure Arts.

    It is divided into types of needlework. Extensive detailed diagrams of stitches for each one. History of each type of needlework. Timeless projects for each technique.

    A close second is The Proper Stitch by Darleen O’Steen.

    Thank you for the chance at this generous giveaway.

  468. Right now I’m just adoring La magie de Noel a broder au point de croix [ The Magic of Christmas Cross-stitch Embroidery ] by Véronique Enginger. I had seen a peice stitched out by Sedef Imer on her blog and went on a massive hunt for this book. I located it, but the price being so high, it’s sitting on my wishlist for the moment. Maybe Santa will spot it on my list. 😉

  469. One of my favorite embroidery books is The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. It’s a treasure chest of information on embroidery stitches and techniques, and a must have in any stitcher’s library!

    Thanks, Mary for the fun giveaways!

    Merry Christmas!

  470. Hi Mary, thank you again for some excellent give-always! Because I focus on Japanese Embroidery my favorite go-to book is my reference book on Japanese Embroidery. Hope your holidays are merry and bright!

  471. It is hard to decide, because I like good craft books. If I never use them as guides, I enjoy learning about the different needlework crafts. I actually have two favorite books that I consider as one, Hardanger Basics and Beyond and Hardanger Fundamentals Made Fancy, both by Janice Love. With these two books, I have had concise, easy to follow instructions for just about everything I have tried in hardanger.

  472. I have a few favorite books, first is the Coats and Clark booklet from 45 years ago , I taught myself from that booklet. I also use Mary Thomas stitch dictionary and Anchor stitch Guide. Have a blessed holiday!

  473. another lovely giveaway!!!
    Congratulations to all the winners so far.

    My favourite embroidery book is The 100 embroidery Stitches by Anchor. I get a lot of beautiful ideas each time I go through it. it helps me to remember many stitches I would have relegated to some dark corner in my mind. Along with this the Ondori embroidery book keep me enthralled. These three are my companions regardless of the weather and add zest when I feel low.

  474. I have just rekindled my love of all things embroidered after many years. I am basically learning all over again. I only have a couple of stitch leaflets so the addition of both the A-Z book of stitches would be wonderful to start my new library with.

  475. there’s so many lovely books out there that it is really difficult to pick one as a favourite. I’m going to go for Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp, because i just feel inspired every time i pick it up and look though it.

  476. My favorite needlework book is, Embroidery by Pauline Brown, because it is a very practical resource and, The Embroidered Garden by Kazuko Aoki, for inspiration!

  477. Favourite needlework-related book: Hidden under my bed are neatly stacked piles of needlework books which I like to delve into when my husband works night shifts; quietly the number of piles is ever increasing. I like them all for differing reasons. Reading Mary’s reviews has helped me make some wise purchases – thank you Mary! Second on the list is Yvette Stanton’s left handed embroidery stitches book which is extremely thorough and has a wealth of stitches. Top of the list is the RSN Crewelwork guide by Jacqui McDonald which I return to again and again . Its a handy size so portable, the ring binding means it lies flat so useful when you’re checking stitch instructions which are clear and concise, and the examples are gorgeous and spark lots of ideas.

  478. My favorite book of embroidery is A to Z of crewel embroidery because of all the colorful projects in the book. It is eye candy and my favorite type of project to work.

  479. My fave needlework related book is Hardanger Basics and Beyond by Janice Love because it’s my most used. I do Hardanger often enough that I have a basic memory of the stitches but like to double check.

  480. My favourite needlework book is the Royal School of Needlework’s Raised Embroidery, by Kelley Aldridge. This is the book I use most these days. It is clearly written and photographed, and is absolutely inspiring.

  481. A – Z of Sewing for Smocking is my favourite needlework related book, together with all of the other A – Z books. My Aunt had made such beautiful smocked dresses for my cousin and sister that I began smocking and making dresses from patterns in Australian Smocking & Embroidery. Smocking strengthened the special bond I had with her.
    A – Z of Sewing for Smocking led me step by step with its detailed illustrations and instructions and my dresses became cherished gifts to family and friends.

  482. My go to book for checking on or learning stitches is Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches.

  483. I have used many books for direction. The classes I’ve taken through the Embroiderers Guild have been the most help. I am left handed and sometimes have trouble translating an illustration from right to left. Jacqueline Entoven’ s The Stitches of Creative Embroidery (out of print) has been helpful. Colorful Stitchery by Kristen Nicholas and Sue Spargo’s Creative Stitches are inspiring. I love the illustrated stitches on Needle and Thread they are a wonderful resource.

  484. Although I used to do a bit of embroidery as a child and teen (I am now in my 60’s), I always found it quite difficult as I am left handed. I have gotten back into it however since I found a couple books geared for left handers. The books are: Judith Baker Montano’s books: “Embroidery & Crazy Quilt Stitch Tool” and “Elegant Stitches” as well as an old book I found by Carole Robbins Myers printed in 1974 called “A Primer Of Left-handed Embroidery”. Needle & Thread is also my go-to on line for ideas and instructions. I would love the chance to add to my books and my stitch knowledge! So far I have designed and finished 2 samplers and am working on making Christmas Ornaments for our tree (12 so far). Thanks!

  485. Mary, thanks for such a wonderful giveaway! My favorite book is Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches. I reach for that one over and over when reading directions for a kit or heading off into the woods with original embroidery. Hope you and yours have a very merry Christmas.

  486. When I am not stitchin, I love to read needle work books looking for tips to improve my work or to just enjoy being in the needlework world with the author. These books would be a real joy to me.

  487. I received a copy “The Needlepoint Book” 3rd edition when my aunt passed away along with a few unfinished projects which looked like they were from the 70’s. The thread was so old it kept breaking off so I learned a valuable lesson about dye lots & matching colors when replacing it. Your website has been invaluable to me as a newbie stitcher.
    Thank you & Merry Christmas,

  488. My favorite needlework book is Elsie Svennas “A Handbook of Lettering for Stitching.” It is just full of wonderful lettering for samplers and monograms. It is out of print but I am fortunate to have a copy. Merry Christmas, Mary! I so enjoy receiving your postings!

  489. New to embroidery and would love a book showing the different stitches such as A to Z. Thanks for the chance to win.

  490. Oh wow! Hard to choose. I don’t know if they are favorites but the stitch dictionary books I have certainly get a lot of use. But I think … yeah, Hazel Blomkamp’s Handstitched Crazy Patchwork is at the top of the list. I love the pictures (extreme eye candy) and the pages of instruction. I haven’t tackled any of the projects in totality, but I have used (ha ha) patches in other works.

  491. Mary…my most favorite book is Judith Baker Montano’s “Floral Stitches, An illustrated guide to floral stitchery” and I use it all of the time!

  492. I have been doing needlepoint for a while and would like to dive back into crewelwork. I have done both off and on since I was a teenager (many years ago now!). I love books of all kinds and my favorite needlepoint book is Glorious Needlepoint by Kaffe Fassett. I love his use of color.

  493. My favorite needlework book is Jo Christensen’s “bible” of needlework stitches. It was the first one I really learned stitch sequences from, and it still is a go-to for designing!

  494. Hi! The only embroidery book I own “Embroidery Workshop”, by Rebecca Ringquist, so I would love another beginner’s book. Thank you!

  495. I have two favourite books, “All That Glitters” and the “Midas Touch”. Both by Alison Cole. Her work is so beautiful and I find it very inspirational. Definitely makes me want to up my game.

  496. I haven’t a favorite at this time- usually do machine embroidery and am looking to start hand embroidery in 2018

  497. A-Z of Embroidery Stitches once sat in my bookshelf, but it was loaned out and somehow never returned. I would love to regain possession of a stitch dictionary so that I may complete a sampler I started some time ago. Thank you.

  498. I think my favorite would be one of Marsha Michle r’s Crazy Quilt a Complete Guide, but really I don’t have a favorite. I’d love the RSN books Mary, but if I’m lucky enough to win the A-Z guides I’d like to pay it forward and ask you to pick another winner. I already own those two. Thanks & Merry Christmas.

  499. My favorite needlework book is Trish Burr’s Colour Confidence in Embroidery. I am wanting to stitch what I hope will be an heirloom piece. Trish’s book has so much good information about choosing colours and shading. It is the most exciting book I have found about embroidery. I am coming back to embroidery and hope to do it as I am aging.

  500. My biggest book wish is for a comprehensive set of instructions for embroidery stitches. I use your videos a lot but often find myself stitching in places with no internet connection
    I’d like an embroidery stitch encyclopedia!!!

  501. I love to look at Needlework books and magazines! They are so inspiring to a beginner. I think the Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques book is my favorite right now because it explains the topics with words and pictures and then has an exercise to practice followed by beautiful projects. Wow!

  502. My favorite is Stitch-opedia by Helen Winthorpe Kendrick because it says it all by the title. I can refer to this book for help in deciding a questionable quarry.

  503. My name is Kathy and I’m an embroidery book-aholic.

    There, I’ve admitted it! So, when you ask which book I favor I have to say ALL of them! I love the A-Z series, the RSN books, Reader’s Digest Complete Book of Embroidery, and many others.

    I find inspiration from each – if I’m doing a patch of whitework, I’ll reach for the A-Z book (excellent photo illustrations). If I need stitch ideas for a crazy quilt patch, it’s either Judith Baker Montano’s Elegant Stitches or Sharon Boggon’s new book, Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design. If a friend asks me to show her the best way to do thread painting, I’ll grab a Trish Burr book. Of course, I refer to Mary Corbett’s Needle n’ Thread archives for EVERYTHING!

    When I’m under the weather, I fix a cuppa and curl up the Judith B. Montano’s Fibreart Montage or the R. Chandler, L. Kettle, H. Thomas, L. Vleck collaboration Fabric Embellishing: Basics and Beyond.

    These books have become some of my dearest companions. How could I possibly put one over the other?

  504. Everyone loves needlework books – what a great gift idea! I like Erica Wilson’s big book of needlework stitches because she introduced me to the BIG world of needlework possibilities – She included a variety of needlework stitches!

  505. It’s difficult to say which is my favourite needlework -related book but I’d probably have to say “Roses in silk and organza ribbon” by Di van Niekerk. The coloured photos are remarkable and the book includes diagrams and very detailed instructions. Every thing is explained step-by-step even down to the needle sizes. It really is a splendid and beautiful book I recommend it to everyone.

  506. I just love books!! Any kind would be nice, especially if it teaches needlework techniques I’ve not done yet, or haven’t progressed very far into – yet. I love my tatting books – especially the one where you make your own “pincushion” then decorate it with a tatted doily. (I can’t find it right now.) I also would like to get into goldwork, whitework, and blackwork.

  507. I’m very much a beginner still, and don’t have very many books but my favorite so far is probably needle painting embroidery fresh ideas for beginners by Trish Burr. I would love some books, thank you so much for your generosity setting up these giveaways!

  508. Good morning Mary

    One of my favourite books – and I have two shelves of them – is “Advice is….for listening to – not necessarily taking!!” by Marion Scoular.

    In this book she gives fantastic details on lacing for framing. I follow it diligently and I even now enjoy doing it! It is full of great information she has accumulated over the years. I think it may be self published.

    It is well worn as I pick it up frequently.


  509. My favorite needlework book is always the one I am currently reading. Right now that is Sophie Long’s book Mastering the Art of Embroidery. Thank you for the give-aways!

  510. Going to sound very old, but I have an Erica Wilson Crewel Embroidery book and The McCall Needlework Treasury. Would love the stitch guides.

  511. I reference my A-Z or embroidery stitches quite a bit. I guess that would make it my Favorite 🙂 I hit the craft section of the bookstore all the time but there are so many to choose from and I am horrible at making decisions. Winning a mini library would be just the ticket 🙂

  512. I would be so happy to win either prize. I will keep all my fingers and toes crossed.
    Love your blog, I have learned so much.

  513. Since I am a beginner, I am still unsure about combining the right thread and material, also about what kind of stitches to use. Therefore I often refer to your website and consult the how-to videos, but whenever WiFi is slow or down in our neck of the woods, a book with good explanations would come in handy. This is why I would like to have good books with easy to follow instructions and ideally pictures about both materials and threads as well as stitching tips.
    Happy holidays to you and thank you for your website,

  514. Today, my favorite book is by Sharon Boggon, The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design. I find it has marvelous illustrations, good tips on how to begin a Crazy Quilt, and easy to follow instruction for stitching.

  515. I don’t have many embroidery books in my library right now, but from the ones I have my favorite ones are written by Hazel Blomkamp. They are incredibly inspiring! And even though I am yet to try crewel embroidery, and the projects listed in her books seem too complicated and exhausting for me, I like to open the books and just admire her work and get all sorts of ideas about combining various stitches, colors and about the beautiful patterns I could try drawing myself. I may never complete any of her projects, but each of them is a real eye-candy and serves as a great inspiration for me. I have a huge respect for her hard work!

  516. I really like “Encyclopedia of Embroidered Flowers” by Barbara Baatz – I refer to that book all the time for help with stitching flowers!

  517. What’s your favorite needlework-related book and why? – I don’t actually own a needlework-related book, but I do have a favorite needlework magazine – Inspirations! A Facebook friend of mine is a seamstress and she reposted some of the Inspirations needlework photos. I was intrigued and looked into first the newsletter, then the magazine. I told my kids that is what I wanted for Christmas – a subscription to the magazine. I saw a notification for an on-line class offered by EGA, so I joined and took the class but unfortunately, although listed as a beginner class, there were stitches I didn’t know how to do (others were having the same struggles!) but the teacher was not skilled at explaining the stitches, so I never completed the project. From there, I started following the Facebook EGA Stitch-A-Long page, which in turn led me to YOU! I now subscribe to your blog/newsletter and have purchased several of your pdf guides. I am working on two EGA SAL projects right now, and have ordered materials to stitch your Christmas Trees! I am so excited to be a part of my new stitching community! And, excited to learn as much as I can!

  518. I have a book in Japanese on Drawn thread embroidery that I absolutely love. I’ve done many whitework projects and it’s an excellent source with lots of step by step pictures. It’s especially good for finishing the hem on whitework projects.

  519. My favorite needlework books are anything published by Jan Beany and Jean Littlejohn. I love what they do with simple embroidery stitches.

    Mandate Thomas

  520. I have lots of really old cross stitch pattern books, they are my favourite, I often combine the motifs I find in them into new patterns.

  521. Oh what a wonderful giveaway. I haven´t a favourite needlework book although I love my crochet books by Edie Eckman, and the A-Z Embroidery Stitches has always been on my Xmas list, always wanted it and borrow it from the library with frequency. thank you for the chance.

  522. What a great selection of books! My 2 favorites (can’t narrow it down to just one) are Embroidery: Techniques and Patterns by Marie-Noelle Bayard and The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery by Mildred Graves Ryan, an oldie but a goodie with so many stitches!

  523. I enjoy stump work so I like the books I have gotten from Alison Cole, Stumpwork Masterclass and Jane Nicholas, Stumpwork embroidery books. I also like Trish Burr’s book, Colour Confidence in Embroidery.

  524. after rebuilding from wildfire I’m looking forward to replacing the embroidery books i lost
    starting with the RSN series…they’re always the books i go to first for help when i’m lost.

  525. My favourite needle work book … is actually 4 books. The Anchor Book of Crewel / Free-style / Canvaswork / Counted Thread Stitches. I like having a stitch dictionary to hand, but especially like these ones as they show the stitches ‘in action’ rather than just a line or block.

  526. For technique I seem to understand the simple diagrams in J. Martha Michler’s “Crazy Quilting, the Complete Guide.” I like the index in Judith Baker Montano’s “Embroidery and Crazy Quilt Stitch Tool” which has a small picture of the single stitch next to the name and page. “A to Z of Embroidery Stitches #1” by Search Press would be my absolute favorite for both clarity and ease of use, if only it came with spiral binding like the other two.

  527. My favourite needlework book is Janice Love’s Hardanger made Easy. I learnt to do hardanger from that book and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn (although it’s only available second hand now. Would love all the technic books by the RSN; they are all fabulous.

  528. Mary, I am so grateful for the wealth of information you share with us. I am not sure I’ll live long enough to make use of it all, but I plan to try!! Happy holidays to you and your family, and thank you for your generosity and willingness to share your knowledge and resources. We are richer and hopefully better stitchers because you are you.

  529. I found a book this past year called Memories of Survival by Esther Nisenthal Krinitz, c. 2005. All the 36 full page pictures are delicately embroidered with details of her early life and how she survived the Holocaust after her parents and siblings were taken to the death camps until she came to America in 1949. It is very beautiful and the story is so important to remember.

  530. May I pick two favorites? Actually I could list more than that. I love Tish Burr’s “”Colour Confidence in Needlework.” It’s a wonderful book that would be an inspiration to any artist. Another favorite is Sharon Boggon’s “The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design.” It’s become my new “go-to” book.

  531. I have many books relating to miniature needlework but my favorite is “Traditional Needlework in Miniature, Classic Designs with 54 Patterns” by Annelle Ferguson. This book in invaluable for someone doing miniature pieces. It is inspirational as well as instructive. It also has so many lovely patterns true to their period in history.

  532. Thank you for a chance to win some great needlework books! My favorite needlework book is “Embroidery Now” by Hetsy Van Wyk. I was fortunate to find this out of print book at an estate sale.

  533. I really enjoy using STITCH SAMPLER by Lucinda Ganderton when faced with a new stitch. It’s just lovely and the photos provide clear help. My other favorite book is HARDANGER BASICS AND BEYOND by Janice Love.

    Judy – Wisconsin

  534. My favorite needlecraft boot is Crewel Embroidery Old and New by Weldon’s needlecraft editors = 1963. My grandmother had this book and used it to start me on crewel embroidery. It was passed along to me when she died. I still use it a lot!

  535. My favorite book is whatever I am currently looking to work on or interests me at the moment. I have a Beginner’s Guide to Goldwork currently because I have never done gold work and it intrigues me. Sometimes I just get a book to get inspired or for the information that I can get out of it. I have gold work, crazy quilting, basic stitches. It’s never ending because there’s always something new to learn; an idea or technique.

  536. My favorite needlework-related book would have to be A-Z Embroidery Stitches. It is an excellent resource for step-by-step instruction.

  537. Metropolitan Museum of Art needlework patterns book from 1976….My sister found this and gave it to me in my Christmas box….I have stitched more patterns out of this book than any other book I own….the patterns are wonderful..

  538. Merry Christmas to all,

    Mary, you know we can never have enough books having to do with needlework. The next new one out is the one I want as any good needlework person knows. Right now I am really into bead embroidery. So far I haven’t found a book the meets my needs but then I only have one or two. I have been waiting patiently to be able to afford the RSN Essential Stitches in Bead Embroidery. That may not be the exact title but you know the one I mean. It would be wonderful to have your library at my fingertips.

  539. I learned embroidery when I was about 5 from my mother’s best friend. Since then I have taken up needlepoint, hardanger, cross stitch and smocking. The book that I find the most useful is The Emboidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. I find the illustrations and stitch descriptions very clear and love how the spiral binding allows the book to lay flat. For sheer reading and eye-candy I love Hazel Blomkamp’s Crewel twists and Crewel intentions!

  540. It is very difficult to name a single book, but there are a couple of authors whose work I particularly appreciate: Helen M. Stevens and Jane Nicholas. Both have created an admirable body of work.

    Thanks for the opportunity to add to my library.

  541. I have been collecting needlework books for the past 40 years. In the pat years I found a few very interesting but the number one book in my opinion is The Proper Stitch by Darleen O Steen. The book is my go to or refreshing myself on stitches iI do not use everyday.

  542. A few years ago I received Sonia Lucado’s book Blackwork, as a gift. In addition to being blackwork, which I can look at all day, it has a minimalist aesthetic that pleases me very much. Odd, since my house is a whirlwind of stuff.

  543. I love my little ‘New Anchor Book of…’ series. I have Crewel Stitches and Patterns, Free Style Embroidery and Canvaswork Stitches. They are portable and have tracing designs. I can carry a little bag with the book in it and all the materials I need to take with me.
    I have other books and am starting to increase my library. A good sign of many hours of enjoyable stitching.
    I still consider myself a novice, but I am so happy to have found this activity. I love this website and am grateful for all the information.
    Kind regards,

  544. I like books with tutorials with lots of pictures. One of the books I’ve used the most over the years is Judith Baker Montano’s Elegant Stitches, a classic.

  545. We are so fortunate to have such a worldwide resource of books to cover all needlework ! Problem is, I want to do it all!

  546. Because of my passion for antique reproduction samplers, I will have to say that one of my favorite books is Let Virtue be Guide to Thee by Betty Ring. I also love the two-volume Set, girlhood Embroidery by Betty.

  547. My favorite needlework book is Janice Love’s Fundamentals Made Fancy. It helps me “gussy up” my hardanger to make it really lacy. I also love how the stitches are diagrammed step by step. Since I may not use these stitches often, I sometimes need a quick refresher before starting.

  548. My favourite needlework book is Contempory Whitework by Nicola Jarvis and Tracey A Franklin which I borrow from the library as I love to browse the techniques. It has great pictures and interesting reading. My go-to books for embroidery are the A-Z embroidery books by Inspirations

  549. I would like to win the Goldwork. I bought all the threads to Tudor Rose but am unsure how to procedure. This book would really help me out.

  550. My favorite book is The Stitches of Creative Embroidery by Jacqueline Enthoven. It has really good instructions and good pictures to go along with them.

  551. It’s a tough choice! I will write that “The Embroidery of Mary Queen of Scots” by Margaret Swain is my favorite needlework book- it was the first one I ever owned. It still thrills me!
    Thanks very much for hosting such a fab Christmastime give-away, Mary. Merry Christmas to you.

  552. My favorite go-to book right now is “Stitches to Go” because I am experimenting with choosing my own stitches for canvas work. What a wealth of stitches with very clear diagrams to choose from!

  553. I have several shelves of needlework books, but I simply CANNOT chose a favorite. The problem is they are all informative, lovely to look at, a pleasure to hold, and a mine of imagination-stirring projects &/or stitches. I also love books about the history of stitchery of every sort, and from all over the world. Truly, needlework is a never-ending cloud of possibilities, and I can’t get enough! Thank you Mary for you very significant contribution!

  554. Oh, it’s hard to pick just one favourite — perhaps I can say that a must-have classic for me is Jacqueline Enthoven’s “The Stitches of Creative Embroidery” as I use it as my reference for new stitches or reminders very often; my current favourite is usually the last one I’ve bought — in this case Jo Dixey’s “Stitch People”! I’m learning new way to stitch representational images with this book. And of course any of your own ebooks are MUST haves for stitchers 🙂

  555. Mon prochain achat sera le livre “portuguese whitework by Yvette Stanton.
    J’aime les projets de ce livre, fabuleux. J’ai plusieurs livres mais ce sera le prochain for sure.
    Joyeux noël

  556. Right now my favorite needlework book is ‘ The Embroidery Book’ by Christen Brown. But I’m fickle so as soon as I get a new book, it will be my favorite.

  557. My favorite needlework books are those by Santina Levey on the Hardwick Hall textiles. Not technique books but love the history, the original source material and the inspiration.

  558. My current favorite stitching book is “Joyful Daily Stitching by Valeria Bothrell. I love combining old stitches to create new ones. I say “current favorite” because that changes often as new books and new projects come along.

  559. Three-Dimensional Embroidery Stitches by Pat Trott is hands down my favorite needlework-related book! Easy to follow instructions and gorgeous photos of her finished pieces keep me coming back to it. Got inspired by her pages on adding color washes to the fabric, and it’s now something I’ve come to enjoy as much as the stitching.

  560. My favourite book is Beginning Crewel by Jane Rainbow. Lovely illustrations and really clear step by step instructions. Everything you need to know and a great surface embroidery starter.

  561. Although I have stitched for years, I do not own many books. The A To Z of Embroidery stitches certainly looks like it would be a great book to own. The others certainly would be very useful too. I would never be unhappy to own any of them.

  562. I don’t have a particular favorite needlework book — but if I were to choose
    one I am especially enjoying at the moment it would be Trish Burr’s
    Whitework with Colour.

  563. You ask hard questions! I do like the RSN books–and not just because they remind me of my visit to Hampton Court!

  564. I think that among my books, all favorites of course, I would have to say Di Van Niekirk’s “Embroidered Alphabe” is one I really like. It has ideas for letters and monograms, even words, all embellished with beautiful floral embroidery, another of my favorite needlework categories. Who can resist?

  565. A-Z Embroidered Flowers
    It’s my favorite because it’s the only good book that I bought for myself. I have bought others for friends as gifts. Although I can borrow them, it is not like having my own.

  566. My favorite needlework book would have to be any in the A-Z series. I like how they show such clear instructions on each step and have so many titles to choose from. The prices for the books aren’t bad either:-)

  567. My favorite stitching book is The Right-Handed Embroiderer’s Companion, by Yvette Stanton. It is a stitch dictionary which contains very good instructions and clear diagrams for almost any embroidery stitch imaginable. I use it all the time to learn new stitches or review directions for old stitches. A great resource!

  568. I like A-Z Embroidery stitches because it has great visual and various stitches. I am new to stitching and it is a great reference book.

  569. My favorite needlework books are Bullion Knots A to Z and Ribbon Embroidery A to Z…I am also a fan of my small collection of stitch encyclopedias. Still a novice stitcher but really enjoying the learning curve!

  570. My favorite needlework books are specific to techniques, so I have many loves. I used to think Vicki Simpson’s Shisha Mirror Embroidery was so comprehensive it was all that I needed. Until you, Mary, made the excellent feature variations on this site that propel me further. I really have liked Search Press publications so I would be lucky indeed to have any addition.

  571. Fav book is The Proper Stitch by Darleen O`Steen…best reference for sampler stitching that I have found!

  572. I love all kinds of books, especially needlework ones.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win.

    Merry Christmas, Lisa

  573. It’s so hard to choose! I do have a special love of needlework books that place instruction within the technique’s cultural/historical/geographic context, like Yvette Stanton’s books about regional whitework traditions. But of all books that include technique alongside context, my absolute favorite is The Ultimate Sashiko Sourcebook by Susan Briscoe. It’s super fascinating and well-researched, but still concise and useful.

  574. I don’t think I have a favorite one. There are too many wonderful books on different topics. I like to learn about all forms of embroidery.

  575. Thank you for this opportunity, I am a newbie so back stitch and running stitch are my only achievements so far. I have a lovely book called “just be claus” by Robin Kingsley. I hope to use these and the Xmas trees you designed for a table runner.

  576. My favorite needlework related book is The Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. It has beautiful photographs of each stitch so one can see what it should look like, drawings of every stitch demonstrating how to stitch it and also clear written directions.

  577. I unfortunately don’t have any needlework books. Not that I wouldn’t enjoy them, but I just haven’t bought any yet. I usually just google what I need help with. But these books look awesome, and I would love to win one 🙂 thanks for the chance, and merry Christmas!

  578. My favourite go to “How to do this stitch” is my old faithful Mary Thomas, the original edition. It is so good.

  579. I have an old book….The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery by Mildred Graves Ryan….It has every stitch imaginable and my “go to” book when I need to know how to do a stitch I’ve never done before.

  580. I like Judith Baker Montano’s embroidery books. The instructions are clear and she
    includes inspirational examples.

  581. It is not easy to choose one book. Love my Embroidery stitch Bible for inspiration of stitches, but Trish Burrs Long and Short embroidery, Jane Nicholas’ Stumpwork Embroidery and Alison Coles Midas Touch Goldwork books make me feel warm and fuzzy just to page through them.

  582. The favorite depends on the day…Celtic, Viking and Anglo-Saxon Embroidery by Jan Messent, Stumpwork and Goldwork Inspired by Turkish, Syrian and Persian Tiles by Jane Nicholas or Elegant Stitches by Judith Baker Montano.

    Scrolling through the comments is dangerous; I fear that several more books are going to come to live with me!

  583. I have several different needlework books but the one I’ve been using lately is The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting by Sharon Boggon. I have old books that I find at estate sales and such and new ones I purchase because they catch my eye and offer a unique tweak or twist to the topic, or just simply beautiful projects that I can’t resist.

  584. Thank you so much for great give away .my love is for “Needle painting embroidery ” By Trish Burr. This book is one great inspiration for self taught embroiderers as the author is one like that. Very promising for beginners. LOVE THIS BOOK MUCH

  585. It’s a toss up between Darlene O’Steen’s “The Proper Stitch” and Trish Burr’s “Whitework with Colour”. I’ve been a cross stitcher for a very long time and am joyfully learning how to properly stitch my work. On the other hand, I’m entranced by the beautiful illustrations and photos in ‘Whitework’, and can’t wait to begin practicing from that, with the goal of one day stitching ‘Prancer’, which I just downloaded from ‘Inspirations.com’!

  586. Hi Mary,
    For Blackwork I love Marion’s Scoular’s ‘Why call it Blackwork?’ but I have to admit my RSN Essential Stitches Guides are not far behind particuarly the Crewel edition.
    Happy Xmas

  587. Love how you keep us inspired, motivated and enthusiastic about stitching!! So much out there to learn and always count on you for great guidance! Thanks!

  588. Currently, my favourite needlework-related book is the Embroidery Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. I like the combination of photographs of the finished stitch with clear diagrams of how to create it. Her written descriptions are also helpful.
    Thanks for yet another great giveaway, Mary!

  589. Hi Mary,

    My favorite needlework book is the Reader’s Digest Complete Guide to Needlework. Bought it years ago and still use it for reference and inspiration. Thanks for the give away.

  590. My favorite stitching book would be “Slow Stitch”. It really spoke to me and why I love to stitch. It is a soul satisfying stitch book.

  591. Oh I adore reference books! Jane Nicholas’ complete stumpwork book is gorgeous and has fantastic instructions in it.

  592. I would love to have any of these books. I’m starting to play around more with surface embroidery and I don’t have a good stitch dictionary. Online resources are wonderful, but if you just need a quick look at a step or too, you can’t beat a book.

    My favourite book so far is a Royal School of Needlework embroidery book with a stunning iris design on the cover. It covers five or six techniques and includes detailed instructions for a beginner project in each of them, using the same motifs for multiple techniques. The iris is used for at least two, and a quatrefoil for several. The projects are so impressive that any stitcher would be proud to display them, but they can absolutely be done by a beginner. And the photography is gorgeous. The book is out of print, but you recently mentioned a new RSN reference book combining a few Essential Guides, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s a reissue of that embroidery book.

  593. For quirky inspiration I go to Banners and Flags: How to Sew a Celebration by Margot Blair and Cathleen Ryan. While not a stitching book per se, it is filled with color planning, design ideas, and practical advice on creating your own needlework project.

    Though the copyright is 1977 the book is still relevant.


  594. Mary, Thank you so much for all the wonderful giveaways! I love books so much. I have a dream needlework book wish list that I keep. Of course almost all the RSN books are on it among others. I actually have three favorite needlework-related books. It is too hard to pick just one since they all serve different needs and purposes. The Embroiderer’s Handbook by Margie Bauer is my go to embroidery stitch reference book. Bead Embroidery: RSN Essential Stitch Guide since I love working beading into my embroidery and this is such a wonderful and thorough book and lastly Colour Confidence in Embroidery by Trish Burr. Colour Confidence in Embroidery is such a lovely and inspiring book and I love Tish Burr;s teaching style, she explains things so clearly and the practice projects make you want to start one right away. Of course I also own k Needle Painting Embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginners. These two are at the top of my list of favorites right now since I have just gotten into needle painting this past year. Honestly, I love all of my books. I’m from the generation before the internet so we had to rely on books and classes to teach us needlework. So, I still heavily rely on my books. I know just where to reach when I need to know something. Anyway, I would love to win this prize especially. I wish everyone a wonderful holiday & Happy New Year!!!

  595. My favorite book is hard to choose — I have several encyclopedia style plus singular embroidery style books but if I had to choose it would be Carolyn Ambuter’s ‘The Open Canvas’ as it was my first pulled thread book and opened my eyes to that style of work. Then Judith Baker Montano’s ‘Elegant Stitches’ well most of her books actually :o)

  596. OMG Mary! I don’t just have one favorite! I love all of my needlework books! I guess a favorite is what I am currently reading. I have a nice collection of current books by modern embroiderers like Carina Envoldsen-Harris, Rebecca Ringquist, Yumiko Higuchi, and Jenny Hart. And I collect vintage needlework books. Right now I’m obsessed with The Complete International Book of Embroidery by Mary Gostelow, published in 1977. I love studying the techniques and designs from different cultures. It’s so interesting how so many can be similar in areas so far away from each other. And I love my e-books too like my Lattice Sampler Guide!

  597. My favorite go to books are the A to Z books. The instructions and diagrams are so clear and in color. And another book I refer to often is Trish Burr’s book on Color. It is so helpful when selecting colors for a project.

  598. I am brand new to embroidery but absolutely obsessed with tambour embroidery. I just bought my Lunéville hook last night! I would love to get my hands on La Broderie de Lunéville. The graphics look so clear, and I love adding French books to my collection. 😉

  599. One of the books that helped recently rekindle my love of stitching was Trish Burr’s ‘Whitework with Colour’. I had only done cross-stitch and needlepoint prior to ordering her book, but it prompted me to try surface embroidery for the first time. I have yet to try one of her gorgeous designs, but I’ve been practicing on a few other small projects. It’ll definitely be a goal for 2018!

  600. My favorite needlework book is “Elegant Stitches” by Judith Baker Montano. It is a stitch guide filled with very clear illustrations and beautiful photographs of the stitches used in crazy quilting. An additional plus is that the book is spiral-bound and in a smaller format (9 X 6), making it convenient to have close by while stitching!

  601. I love all kinds of needlework and it is hard to pick out just one book. I really like The Proper Stitch by Darleen O’Steen, A Guide for Counted Thread. I found this to be a great help for X-stitch samplers especially. .

  602. Difficult to pick just one, as I have a lot :). I’ll narrow it down to anything by Jane Nicholas, because her work is amazing and her books are delightful!

  603. The book I refer to the most is Darlene O’Steen’s “A Proper Stitch”. The diagram are easy to follow and understand.

  604. The Geometry of Hand-Sewing by Natalie Chanin is my newest favorite book. It is spiral bound and full of pictures of stitches with detailed instructions most with right to left and left to right instructions. There are also two dotted stitching cards with several grids. Thanks for this great opportunity.

  605. My favourite needlework book at the moment is Trish Burr’s Minature Needlepainting Embroidery, the beautiful little birds and children are so lovely and ideal for making into little gifts. As I’d like to increase my knowledge of new stitches the books would be an ideal gift to win.

  606. Thank you for offering this great giveaway! I’m relatively new to needlework, but I think that the book “Beginner’s Guide to Goldwork” by Ruth Chamberlain is the embroidery book on the top of my wishlist at the moment. Thanks again!

  607. My favorite needle book depends on what I am doing at the time. I like books that have instructions with lots of pictures and projects.

  608. I think I would choose the RSN book on beading or goldwork. I have not tried either technique and would love to learn more about them. I have several of the A-Z Books on other subjects and I would like to try the RSN series books.

  609. Who doesn’t love books. It was a class I took from Sue Spargo who stitches on wool using various embroidery threads that lead me initially to you, for more help on how to stitch. Her stitching is very creative and the style is more folk artie (is that a word?). The book I love is called Creative Texturing by Sue Spargo.

    Happy Holidays All

  610. I have a couple of the Search books that are listed in my reference library and I use them quit often. Right now I’m working on a wool applique beading project. So the go to books are “Beading on Fabric” by Larkin Van Horn and “A-Z of Wool Embroidery” a Country Bumpkins Publication. I would be lost without my books. Thank you for arranging such wonderful give a-ways.

  611. My favorite book was A-Z of Embroidery Stitches but was lost in a move. I just loved the way it explained the stitches and what to use when. I have been quilting for several years and had put away my stitchery but now that everyone in the family has a quilt I want to get back to the peacefulness and “no drama” that is hand embroidery.

  612. My favorite book is “Home Sweet Home”. I love this projectbook, both as inspiration and as a reference.

  613. My favorite needlework related book?!! It’s like asking a mother about her favorite child! If I can ONLY pick ONE, it’s Darlene O’Steen’s “TheProper Stitch”. I have the original and the revised and expanded editions. I’m so OCD that I’ve identified the sampler fragments from the Fitzwilliam Museum that serve as photo examples in the original edition! All the sampler fragment photos in the revised and expanded edition are from Darlene’s samplers.

    If I get to choose eye-candy AND information too, it’s a draw between the Brown and Weardon SAMPLERS FROM THE VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM and Carol Humphrey’s SAMPLERS (Fitzwilliam Museum Handbooks). It took some time to winnow my library down to these THREE books!

    Thanks to you, Mary, and Search Press North America for this opportunity! One selection has books that are all new to me, while the other has one book that is new to me. The others I would gladly donate to new owners from my Sampler Satellite (Austin ASG chapter).

    I’m enjoying this Christmas celebration of yours.

  614. I don’t have a favorite needlework book – just the one that is helpful at the moment. That said, I do find myself returning to Melinda Coss’ Complete Book of Embroidery and Judith Montano’s Elegant Stitches for stitch ideas and directions. It is good to have a variety of books in one’s library; sometimes I need all the help I can get!

  615. I am slowly working through Embroider Now, by Hetsie van Wyk, who was South African like me. It covers pulled thread, drawn thread, black work, Hardanger, and white work pretty comprehensvely. And I just noticed, due to this competition, that it’s as old as I am! If you’re ever in Stellenbosch, some of her works are on permanent display at the Textile Museum which is worth a morning or three 🙂
    Thank you, Mary & sponsors!

  616. I love books, I have quite a collection of Needlework books. But, my favourite needlework books are the A-Z Series by Inspirations. They have easy to follow, step by step instructions.

  617. hmm, this is tricky as it can depend on what style of embroidery I’m currently working on – Crazy Quilt, Tapestry or something else. But for pure enjoyment and aspirational, Trish Burr’s White Work with colour makes me smile. One day in the next year or so I’ll stop just looking and start working my way through some of the projects.

  618. My favorite needlework books are the needlepoint books by Beth Russell. Her artwork transports me to world of forest creatures and Fairy-tales. I don’t do needlepoint, but use her charts for counted cross-stitch.

  619. I ran across an older book-the art of Crewel Embroidery by Mildred Davis- and have been working through the patterns. I am really enjoying the designs and teachings within it. It is becoming a go to for me when I have a design or stitching issue.

  620. Good afternoon from Canada. I love needlework books especially the RSN and the A-Z books as they offer a good description of stitches and techniques. I am always looking for new challenges to keep my brain working efficiently and the best way I know is to keep on learning, and what better to learn than new stitches and techniques.

  621. My favorite needlework book is “Needlework School,” a 1984 book that I remember my grandmother using to help me create my own designs. It is subtitled “A comprehensive guide to decorative embroidery by the Embroidery Guild Practical Study Group” and it is a wonderful resource for embroiderers of any skill level!

  622. I love vintage embroidery books, like Therese de Dilmont’s guide to embroidery. I particularly love the elegance of the design and the time of the captions.

  623. Hi Mary,
    Although I have lots of favorite embroidery books, the one I enjoy most at the moment is Three-Dimensional Embroidery Stitches by Pat Trott. I especially like texture in an embroidery, and this book is inspiring with ways to enhance surface embroidery with some 3D qualities that I think add interest.

  624. Right now my favorite needlework book is the Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches as I am starting a new project and find that I am having a hard time tracking down all the stitches used. I did have the A-Z books on my wish list but alast with unexpected expenses (read new roof and water heater) this month I have to wait on those now.

  625. I love to pore over any issues of Inspirations magazine just for enjoyment and…inspiration. But for being practical, I love The Proper Stitch by Darlene O’Steen, for counted thread work.

  626. I have two favorite needlework-related books. The first one is “Mon cahier de broderie, Marie Suarez, Saxe” because this book is in french with pictures and schemas. My second one is “A-Z of Whitwork, Search Press”. There is a lot of pictures in this one, and everythings is clear.

  627. My all time favorite embroidery book is Jane Nicholas’ first guide to stumpwork embroidery. I love all her books but the first one is the one.

  628. Any book by A – Z is a great resource. I have the ones on Thread Painting and Bead Embroidery and have borrow some others from friends. I even go back to my old Reader’s Digest Guide to Needlework at times, especially for finishing techniques. My book case is full of resources for a wide range of techniques and each one has a special use.

  629. Trish Burr’s book: “Crewel and Surface Embroidery-Inspirational Floral designs” is my favorite needlework book. It was the book that inspired me to become serious about embroidery and push myself to try something I never dreamed I could do. When I saw the book in my local craft store I fell in love with her beautiful work and purchased the book. Since then I have stitched many of the projects in the book improving my technique with each one I complete. Now I cannot imagine my life without needle painting and a deep passion for embroidery in general! Mary, I look forward to your emails and love your site- thanks for all the Christmas giveaways.

  630. I don’t have very many needlework books, but I do have a few do have a few stitch diagram books that I enjoy. I think my favorite is The Proper Stitch by Darlene O’Steen.

  631. My go to book is “The Complete Encyclopedia of Stitchery” bought a few decades ago, but still not far from stitching area. Two books I really want, due to my newest obsession is “750 Knitting Stitches: The Ultimate Knit Stitch Bible: in hardcover and “Japanese Knitting Stitch Bible”. I find book that includes lots of information about any given craft is the base for a good library.

  632. Favorite needlework-related book? Impossible to pick one! For reference: The Complete Stitch Encyclopedia by Jan Eaton; A-Z of Crewel Embroidery;The Proper Stitch by Darlene O’Steen. For looking at beautiful needlework: Girlhood Embroidery by Betty Ring and The Feller Needlework Collection. So many books, so little time.

  633. My favourite little go-to book is 101 Christmas minis, a publication by Leisure Arts. One of these cross stitch minis can be completed in an afternoon which is a nice diversion from projects that take me months to complete.

  634. I have a couple of 1960’s encyclopedia type books on all types of embroidery that my sister in law gave me years ago and I do refer to them off and on. I would love to have some modern up to date books of any kind of embroidery. I’m willing to try anything!!

  635. Hmmm, so many! I LOVE Th. M. Dillmont, her books may be from 2 centuries back, but they’re invaluable! I also REALLY want the RSN book on goldwork, but haven’t been able to justify the cost…yet! For a non-instructional book, but wonderfully fun, a book put out by the V&A Museum, Opus Anglicanum. A lovely book!

  636. As a leftie, my favourite needlework book is Yvette Stanton’s “The Lefthander’s Needlework Companion”. I find it indispensible when sewing anything with unfamiliar stitches

  637. At present my favourite book is A-Z of Goldwork as I am just starting to do gold work. I am finding this a very stimulating form of embroidery.

  638. I like old books. Most of my books are from thrift shops and estate sales. I love to ponder pictures: The Bayeaux Tapestry by Gibbs-Smith, Church Embroidery by Dean, and Inspiration for Embroidery by Howard. And I have a very used deDillmont’s Encyclopedia of Needlework for drawn thread work.
    But my favorite is–ta da–Mary Thomas’s Embroidery Book because it was my first book and had clear pictures of stitches. It just makes me happy to see it on the shelf.

  639. Since hardanger is my favorite kind of stitching, my favorite embroidery book is the yearly collection of winners from the Nordic Needle contest. Even if I never stitch any of the designs, they are always awe-inspiring and inspirational. Alas, Nordic Needle is now closed, so I am assuming the 2017 book will be the last. So sad!

  640. I love the A-Z series with their clear step by step illustrations. They the first place I look when I need help with something.

  641. I received the guide to goldwork as a birthday present and have been enjoying it!
    Carrie Plane Nut

  642. My favorite embroidery book is by Jane Nicholas called ‘The Complete Book of Stumpwork Embroidery’. I love her books as I learn so much from them and often use them as a reference whenever I work on my stumpwork projects.

  643. I love embroidery books… most embroidery books. The fun for me is that they take my brain to a creative place. I reach a level of mindfulness as I examine the diagrams of stitches and photographs of projects.
    My favorite? It was my first: Erica Wilson’s Fun with Embroidery. Santa gave it to me when I was seven. I loved the little embroidered birds on the cover, and I put them on everything!

  644. I will love to have one of the books, l stitch thinking about my life and memories, it’s really comforting, sometimes one of cats is over my lap,.

  645. I love looking and reading embroidery books so it is hard to pick one. I like doing crazy quilting so many of my books are on that subject. I don’t think I can just pick one. They all have something to give.

  646. While I own many stitch instruction books, my favorite hands down for crewel work is A-Z of Wool Embeoidery by Sue Gardner. Wonderful step-by-step photographs of each stitch. All of the A-Z books are marvelous!

  647. I love, love, love needlework books! My favorite at this time (it changes with my current project) is the RSN Guide to Goldwork. I am currently planning a winter themed goldwork project.

  648. My favorite needlework book is “Embroidered Knot Gardens” by Owen Davies. This kind of work is completely beyond my skill set right now, but I love looking at it…and I’m learning the different types of needlework in stages. My ultimate goal is to stitch one of these for myself someday!

  649. Hi Mary 🙂

    My favourite stitching book is “The Right-handed Embroiderer’s Companion” by Yvette Stanton. I use it quite a lot. I also have both of the A-Z of Embroidery Stitches books, and love them as well.

    Thank you for the chance to win such a great prize 🙂

  650. Mary,
    My most referenced needlework book is “The Needlepoint Book” by Jo Ippolito Christensen. But I love just browsing through all of Trish Burr’s gorgeous books and have several of the A-Z books in my collection which are also fantastic.
    Tough question that you asked.
    Heather M.

  651. A book my mother has just bought me for Christmas (awaiting opening) is ‘English Medieval Embroidery: Opus Anglicanum’ which I am very much looking forward to reading. Having done my first ever piece of figure work using these techniques I very much want to further understand this work and hopefully develop in it..

  652. My favorite needlework-related book would have to be “A scuola di puncetto valsesiano”, with the help of which I actually managed to learn how to make Puncetto lace. Great book!
    I also love “Crewel Intentions” by Hazel Blomkamp, a gorgeous and very instructive book

  653. My favorite book is Simply Stitched: Beautiful Embroidery Motifs and Projects with Wool and Cotton by Yumiko Higuchi, i really like the patterns and the materials used

  654. Do I really have to pick a favorite? It depends on what I’m working on at the time. However, I think I can pick one and it may surprise you. It’s one my mom has and I hope I’ll get my own copy at one point. The class Coats and Clark 100 embroidery stitches (the orange one).

  655. My favorite needlework related book is Embroidery & Patchwork Revisited by Janice Vaine. It combines scrappy patchwork, which I love, with some crazy quilts, and lots of stitch combination suggestions as well as instructions how to do the stitches. I’ve had a lot of fun doing the “Fan Favorite.” Very good for a beginning crazy quilter or a crazy beginner quilter???

  656. I’d have to say my most used book is Mary Thomas’s Stitch Dictionary. Although I’ve embroidered since I was 12y, I still like to confirm that I’m doing techniques correctly so I can achieve an attractive ‘piece’. Second to that would be difficult, but I’d say Inspiration’s magazines as there is always so much “eye candy” in each edition.

  657. I’m a newbe and just purchased my favorite…your Stitch Sampler Alphabet. As I learn each new stitch I was itching to see how they could be applied and combined.

  658. My 2 favorite book is Blackwork & Crewel Work by RSN 🙂 I can’t embroider without them next to me !!!

  659. My favourite needlework book? I love so many! Right now i enjoying Judith baker montano’s free form embroidery, always inspiring!

  660. My favourite embroidery book is Mary Thomas’s Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches (1934). I frequently have it on my bedside table. I start out looking up a stitch and then wander through it, smiling at the drawings – which often help me remember the stitch.

  661. Hi Mary! I love any book by Jane Nicholas especially her stumpwork books. Her work and the photography in each book is so inspiring. To do my work to her expertise level is my one term goal!

  662. I would love to own every book that Trish Burr has ever or will ever publish. Her work is exceptionally beautiful and I wish I could be as creative a needleworker as she is.

  663. My favourite Needlework book is Yvette Stanton’s “The Right Handed Embroiderer’s Companion” and Mary Thomas’s “Dictionary of Embroidery Stitches”.

  664. I don’t have any good technique books, but I do have Crewel Intentions by Hazel Blomkamp. I love the eye candy and she’s on my embroidery bucket list.

  665. Oh, what a wonderful gift you’re offering! I think the most useful book I have is a little pocket-size, plastic-comb bound one called Workbasket Stitches, published in 1940-something – line drawings of all the basics and some drawn thread, etc. At least, that’s my most-opened reference.
    Inspiration-wise, Europaische Stickereien vom Mittelalter bis zum Jugendstil is my (current) favorite – it’s basically the annotated catalog of the textile collection in the Berliner Kunstgewerbemuseums – the Berlin Museum of Applied Arts. Someday I’ll get there and see it all in color!

  666. My favourite embroidery books are stitch and/or technique books. There are always stitches in stitch books that are not found in other stitch books. Technique books come a close second. I am doing a hardanger project at the moment and as I haven’t done any for a while I have turned to my trusty how to Hardanger book for a refresher course.

  667. Simplicity Sewing Book (1972) was my first sewing book. I love looking at it. It has notes and measurements in it from way in the distant past.

  668. I don’t have but a couple of embroidery books and they are just about basic stitches. I’ve long wanted “Monograms : tTe Art of Embroidered Letters” by Susan O’Connor it has a time tested appeal. I love books that teach!

  669. The book entitled “The Hawaiian Quilt” is my favorite because it inspired me to make my own Hawaiian quilt.

  670. Happy Holidays to everyone! I wish all peace and joy in this season and for the year to come. I am hard pressed to pin down to one book! Anything by Trish Burr, Helen M Stevens, but my go to book right now is Judith Baker Montano’s Free-Form Embroidery!

  671. My favourite embroidery book has to be Crewel Twists by Hazel BlomKamp, I borrowed the book from the library and loved it so much I had to go and buy my own copy, it’s just beautiful.


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