Today, a quick little embroidery design!
This is a design I’ve re-worked from Hinda Hands’s book, Church Needlework: A Manual of Practical Instruction.
Even though the book is on church needlework, the design can be worked for secular embroidery, too. In her book, the author presents several designs that are perfect for practicing types of embroidery typical in church needlework, but also perfectly suitable for other decorative embroidery as well.

I first came across this particular book through a used and rare book source, long before I started blogging, and I paid an exorbitant price for it! It is such a terrific book, and not just for the church needlework enthusiast. If you are interested in goldwork, silkwork, and historical needlework, it’s a nice reference, as it really does deal with practical instruction.
I remember how pleased and excited I was when I finally got my little paws on my very own copy!
But, luckily for you, the book is now available online for free. You can find it online here through Internet Archive.
This is the design on the cover of the book. It’s what I’d call a “small” – a practice piece that’s more of an isolated element that would normally be part of a larger design.
I’ve cleaned it up, straightened it, enlarged it, and simplified it to just the design. At the size it prints (5.5″ hight), it would be suitable for any type of embroidery, but it would work up most quickly in crewel wools, since it’s rather large.
If I were going to work it in silk and gold, which is how it was originally intended, I’d reduce the size of the design to 3.5 – 4″ high, and I wouldn’t pay so much attention to the double lines around some parts of the design during the transfer process. Those can be handled by using a metal thread like a gold twist or pearl purl for outlining.
Hinda Hands Small I – Printable
Here’s the PDF printable for the pattern. If you want to print it smaller, you can reduce it by choosing a percentage in your printer settings. 75% is a good place to start. If you want the full, 5.5″ design, choose 100% or actual size in your printer settings.
Hinda Hands, Small I Embroidery Design (PDF)
Looking for More?
If you’re on the lookout for more free hand embroidery designs, you can find a whole bunch of them available right here on Needle ‘n Thread! Feel free to browse and download!
If you’re looking for collections of embroidery designs, you’ll find several embroidery design e-books available in my shop, including a collection of Favorite Monogram alphabets, a collection of Favorite Kaleidoscope designs, Church Patterns for Embroidery, and all of my instructional books include designs as well.
Hope your week’s off to a great start!
Dear Mary
I was so busy last week didn’t reply to any of your blogs but Happy Monday a Bank holiday here in the UK and glorious whether. A very pretty embroidery design and thanks for cleaning it up and sharing it with us and for the links to Hinda Hands embroidery patterns. I hope you have a great Monday stitching.
Regards Anita Simmance
Morning Mary,
Thank you for the heads up on this little book. It does a lot to explain the accoutrements used in the church as well as how they are made and decorated. For a person such as me who only remembers wearing the surplus in the choir it was very informative. And now back to read some more. 🙂
Have a great day, best regards, Brenda C
Thank-you for the link. What a wonderful book.
Hi Mary, love your blog and teaching videos!! Thank you for this nice little design and the link to the book, I find it fascinating and read all the way through the second sampler as soon as I downloaded it. Would you consider doing a stitch along of the second sampler? It’s so pretty and I think achievable for everyone as it is intended to be done in silks vs gold or silver work. I know I would eagerly work along if you decided to do it, shoot I probably will try it in any case but thought with your vast knowledge you could guide those of us who are beginners in working it to a better outcome than if we go it alone. Thank you again for sharing so much with us, even when we don’t comment many of us are soaking up every bit of what you share.
Regards, Dawn M
I have recently become interested in gold work. I am waiting an A-Z for it.
I went ahead and downloaded this one. Thanks for the great free reference.