
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Bye-bye 2018, Hello 2019!


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Happy New Year, my friends! I hope 2019 is your Best Year Yet, in every way that you wish!

As we ring in the New Year, I need to thank you so much for making 2018 another great year for Needle ‘n Thread and our little online community!

Happy New Year from Needle 'n Thread!

Overall, I think 2018 was a good year. I might not have met all my goals (ha ha – that’s no surprise!); instead, it was one of those “I did the best I could” years – and that’s not a bad thing, is it?

2018 in Retrospect

In 2018, I managed to stitch a few things and share them with you (which is good, since this is an embroidery website); to get some items launched on the website to help with the business side of things; to test some theories about needlework business in general; and to take a risk or two, upon which the jury is still deliberating.

Plans for 2019

I’m excited about 2019! I have some fun plans in the works, and I hope you’ll join me in pursuing them. One is a stitching challenge, which should have launched (in concept) today. Due to circumstances beyond my control, though, it will be delayed.

You see, last Friday, we had a family emergency, which will be occupying much of my time for now. In a nutshell, my mom is very sick, and her heart stopped. Though she is out of ICU now, she’s still in critical care, and we think she’ll be hospitalized a while longer yet. I know you’ll understand when I say my family is my priority at the moment. So I’ll be putting my start-of-year project plans off for a little bit.

As far as large projects go, I plan to finish this goldwork frame and salvage job by mid year.

I’ll be sharing these floral corner projects from my summer classes last year with you in the first part of this year, so that you can stitch spring things and chase away the winter blues!

I have two projects on the drawing board that I want to bring to life with needle and thread in the first half of the year as well. And I have a couple projects to prepare for summer children’s classes, which I plan to host again with different projects and different levels.

On top of those plans, I have my ever-growing list of “experiments” to try: stitches, finishing ideas, unusual project trials. How many will I get to? I suppose we will find that out together!

I haven’t quite planned past August yet.

This Friday, I’ll pop in with a couple needlework tips I’ve been making use of lately – they’re handy!

And next week, I’ve got some Thread Talk planned and a few other bits and bobs to feed your needlework-lover’s appetite.

May you be showered with innumerable blessings in 2019!

Happy New Year, one and all!


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(67) Comments

  1. Dear Mary,
    I pray for peace and strength for you, your mom and the rest of your family. We too are ending 2018 and beginning 2019 with grave health issues, my husband’s. I’ll be thinking of you every time I see something embroidery related and, big thanks to you, that’s a lot.

  2. Mary,
    I want to reach out to say prayers are being said for your mom and your family. In this difficult time of illness, may you grow even closer with family and friends as you lean on their love and support. As you give yourself to your mom, allow others to refill your cup or find that alone time to recharge your batteries.

  3. Happy New Year, Mary.

    My thoughts and prayers are with your Mom. I’m hoping she’s better soon.

    Thank you for all you did for us in 2018!!

  4. Exactly, family first. And I’m sure they’re grateful to have you there to help watch over your mom! We’ll wait to hear from you, so take whatever time you need.

  5. Dear Mary – please take care of yourself and your family. We can wait! Maybe we can do some of the work – fill your column for a few days with what your fans are working on, tips from us on doing your projects, our favorite tool necessities, and maybe photos of our stitching efforts.

    I will start – your original Tudor Rose made me want to do goldwork. So I started to take a few classes. Right now I am finishing an Alison Cole class project. I am starting
    The RSN online GOLDWORK class and in March I Will be doing module 2 of my RSN Certificate program – GOLDWORK. I will be doing the face of my beloved poodle,
    Jean Pierre. Your challenges and smart instructions have really encouraged me.
    For Christmas next year everyone gets a kitchen towel with an embroidered corner.
    Now my New Year’s challenge is to not add to my stash – but I have no will power against your recommendations. I even found those trays at Target – perfect and giving as gifts to my stitching friends including a pincushion.

    Many thank you’s for all you do.

    Darcy Walker

  6. Mary,

    I am wishing you a stitchingly wonderful New Year! And prayers for your Mom, you, and your whole family.


  7. Happy New Year, Mary! I hope your mom continues to improve – how scary for all of you!!! Here’s wishing everyone a healthy and happy 2019!
    The last piece of embroidery that I made for a challenge is at the sewing machine, waiting to be turned into a little bag… or maybe a not so little bag. I’m looking forward to your challenge!

  8. All the best to you, Mary, and embroidery lovers everywhere for 2019. May it be a year of health, happiness and many stitches.
    Mary, any chance we will see progress on the firescreen with those tiny stitches?

  9. Dear Mary

    I do hope you have a very Happy New Year and I’m so sorry to hear of your mother being ill and I do hope she recovers soon and is out of ICU soon, it must be very worrying for you and your family. So of course family comes first thanks for poping in to say Happy New Year to us and for the update on Needle ‘n Thread. Take care and look forward to your up and coming projects for 2019.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  10. Thank you Mary for a very good year, for all you’ve shown us, taught us and challenges you’ve tossed out to tempt us. 🙂 Of course, family should come first. Your mom’s heart need TLC and perhaps they’ll give her an ICD to keep it ticking along the way it should. Amazing technology. Sending prayers your way.

  11. It’s not fun dealing with health emergencies – but if your Mom has a good doctor, she will pull through. I’ve dealt with cardiac issues, including a heart attack (not a stopped heart, though!), and medical science is dealing with these very well.

    Wishing you and your whole family the best possible health in 2019!



  12. Happy New Year Mary. Hope your mother feels better soon and make sure you prioritise her and yourself! With best wishes Laura

  13. May you and your family find strength together while your Mom heals back to her full energy.

    Thank You for all you do.

  14. Happy New Year, Mary! I’m so sorry to hear about your Mom, I hope she feels better soon. I’m dealing with serious illness in my family too, and family does always come first. Life happens. Please take care of yourself and know many people, including myself, are thinking about you and your family and wishing you well! I can’t wait to see what amazing things are in store here on Needle N’ Thread in 2019 🙂

  15. Prayers for your Mom. Prov 4:20-24 Ps 91 Ps10:2-3

    God is good and hears our prayers. I have been wondering how you are doing Mary. Thank you for your wonderful embroidery site.

  16. Mary, I pray for a quick recovery for your mother. May your new year be a year filled with all the things and people that you love.

  17. Happy New Year Mary. Every good wish a prayer for your dear mother, and a good recovery.

    Peace, prosperity, health & happiness to you for 2019.

  18. It’s so hard when a parent is critically ill – we lost my mother last year at 88, and this past year my father, 91, has been rapidly going downhill. Please remember to take care of yourself, as well – we’re no good to others if we’re a mess also. I plan to get back to a simple stitching project, to occupy my mind as well as my hands. I hope your mom will continue to improve!

  19. Wishing you a happy and healthier New Year! I definitely understand that family is your first priority. Praying your Mother gets better. My Mom will be 86 next month and started having health concerns the end of 2017. I do what I can to help out. I never had the flu before but last March had an awful week of it and lost 15 lbs. I couldn’t drive myself to the doctor until 5 days later when I felt a up to driving. I was weak for weeks after. The flu shot as we now know was pretty much worthless but I think I ran myself down also so PLEASE take time to take care of yourself. I am so glad to say goodbye to 2018, the AC broke down when the heat index was in the hundreds, the freezer broke, my great health insurance I worked 32 years to hopefully have during retirement was yanked from me-still have insurance but affordable it is not but the worst part was losing my precious little dog. She was my happy spot, someone who loved me unconditionally and with all the bad stuff personally and things externally beyond my control, I could cuddle up to her and think everything would be alright. So I am hoping and praying 2019 will be better. Take care

  20. Thoughts and prayers going out to your Mom and family. No apologies for putting family first — that’s a given

  21. Mary best wishes for the New Year and kind thoughts for you, your Mum and your family. Thank you for your inspiration during 2018. Another Mary

  22. Happy New Year Mary!

    I wish your Mother a speedy recovery and that you and your family’s year gets nothing but better from here.

    This year I’m planning to finish a long time project which makes use of one of your tutorials. I promised to send you a photo in what may have been several years ago. The reason I haven’t is that: (1) I decided I needed to rework the whole thing as I didn’t like the fabric colour I chose, (2) the embroidered frame I designed wasn’t achieving what I wanted so it needed a redesign and a larger piece of fabric, and (3) life in general. I’ve restitched the piece, have redesigned the frame and am stitching it now. “Soon” I shall send you the picture I promised so long ago.

    I look forward to reading your blog in the coming year with all it’s tips and delicious eye candy. Long may you fare well.

  23. How scary for you and your family. Please take care of your mom and yourself. Hoping your mother feels better soon.

  24. Dear Mary,
    Family first, always. You, your mother and all your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Thank you for all you do for all of us in the embroidery world.
    Best Wishes for the New Year.\

  25. Thank you for everything you do! You are an inspiration and your blog is one of my favorite destinations. Sending prayers that your mom will recover and you (and your family) will have the strength and inspiration to care for her and each other.

    Happy New Year!

  26. Thank you Mary for your kind post. I wish the new year will bring you a good health and happy stitching and a soon recovery to your mother. Affectionate regards
    Florence from Brittany

  27. G’day Mary,
    Special thoughts are with you and your family with your Mum’s heart trouble. I’ve been the carer for both my Mum and Dad through serious heart troubles and know it is a day by day need for family first.
    Keep well yourself Mary.
    Cheers, Kath.

  28. Dear Mary – family first always! And your own health next. We all wish you a happy and healthy 2019 but we can wait while things sort themselves out.

  29. Wishing you a very happy new year, Mary! I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I pray she may recover quickly. May God bless you and your family.

  30. Keep the family first. That is a good new years resolution. The stitching will come as it does. You have our support. And your mom our good wishes.

  31. I hope your mother continues to improve. Your family is way more important than anything here. We’ll still be here when you get back to us.

    All the best in the new year.

  32. Really sorry to hear about your Mum and hope her recovery continues apace.
    I’ve only been following you blog for a short while but it is encouraging me to pick up embroidery needles for the first time in years so thank you for showing us your beautiful work.
    Sending you best wishes for 2019

  33. Keep your focus where it needs to be. We’ll be here when things resolve. Prayers for your mom and for you as you work through the crisis.

  34. Wishing you happiness and continued success for 2019.
    I’m sorry to hear about your mom. As an only child with an elderly mom I can have some understanding of the affects situations like this give us. I sincerely hope that there is no one that would have issues with you putting family first and that your mom makes a full recovery. Take care. Sent with warm regards, Julia

  35. I’m so very sorry to hear about your mother’s illness. What a worry for you all. I hope things turn out well for all of you on all accounts. Your work is such an inspiration for so many of us, and I’m sure we’re all sending positive thoughts your way.

  36. Blessings of healing to your mom, and to all of her caregivers (including you, Mary). It is so very difficult when parents have health issues. Take care of family first and always.

  37. A blessed new year to you too!!

    -C. L. Fingristion

    Nai nalyë quanta almínen coranarissë vinya.
    (May you be filled with blessings in the new year).

  38. Dear Mary,
    Sending love and good thoughts for you, your Mum and all the family. What a very scary event! Definitely focus on you and yours Mary, I am sure we will all be very happy to hear from you when you can!
    Ann x

  39. Hey Mary — I’ve been a follower of your blog for many years now, and I think you have quite inspired me in all things embroidery. I just recently purchased a jean jacket, and now I’m thinking about how to make it special with embroidery. Any suggestions on subject matter or where I might find simple embroidery ideas that will work well on all parts of a jean jacket? Thank you! Mona

  40. Hi Mary,

    I love your work….and I love that you have videos to watch of stitches. Have you or anyone else ever made a downloadable video on stitches…..Or a DVD that could be purchased? I have been to Portland for classes….but I always need a refresher when it comes to certain stitches. It would be great to have something I could just watch in the privacy of my own home….not using the internet.

    Thanks Mary!!!!

  41. Darcy Walker,
    Great idea you had with the readers filling in for our Dear Mary.
    My stitching plans for 2019 are to finish what I started in 2018. Had a few small ornaments in process, then we had a flood, then we decided we might as do a few renovations. Ended up doing a complete renovation – it does look lovely.
    I plan to use up some of my thread stash but I am sure I will buy more thread. No matter what the project and how much thread you have, you will always be missing something.
    What is everyone else planning to stitch in 2019.

  42. Happy new year to you, Mary. I am truly looking forward to 2019 on Needle ‘n Thread! And I have been praying for your mom and family.
    Peace and blessings,

  43. Sending prayers to you and your family for your Mom’s recovery. I believe in the power of prayer! God Bless.

  44. Happy New Year to you and your loved ones, Mary.
    What a scare for you and your mum. I don’t think there is anything more stressful than when your loved ones are so unwell and it is all out of your control. I hope she recovers well.
    As for what you achieved in 2018 – nobody can do better than the best they can, so well done you! Keeping up this fabulous needle space is a massive achievement, appreciated by so many of us. We are way too quick to put ourselves to bed for not being superwomen.
    Hugs, Anna

  45. Thank you Mary, and a happy , healthy and peaceful 2019 to you and your family, especially Mum, and all on this blog!

  46. Hello Mary, Happy 2019, and wishes for many blessings. I don’t often comment but hearing about your Mum just made me think. I pray that she will be well soon and that her recovery is good. Of course you must be beside her right now, that’s only natural. God bless Regards Mandy xx

  47. Dear Mary,

    First of all a very big thank you for all you do for us embroiderers. We really would be lost without you.
    I am very sorry to hear about your mum, I hope her recovery will be as swift as possible. My prayers and thoughts go out to you, your mum and family. May all your wishes and dreams come true this year.
    Best wishes
    SE QLD

  48. Happy New Year to you! Thank you for all that you give to us all year long and I look forward to our new year’s adventures together!

    I will be thinking of you and your mother during this challenging time. Yes, family first and all else can wait until you are ready. I am praying for you.

  49. Hi Mary! This is a little out of context but I just stumbled across one of your old posts from Christmas, 2016 where you were giving suggestions for gifts for stitchers. I loved the idea of a subscription for monthly gift boxes but when I followed the link the one you recommended must not offer them any longer. Was wondering if you are aware of any vendors who might still offer these? An updated article on this topic would be great I think. Thank you in advance.

  50. Happy New Year.
    Thanks so much for taking the time and trouble to make this fantasticly encouraging and helpful site. I have just, in the last few weeks, discovered that I can do embroidery and have been hungry for tips and “how to’s”. Your site fills in all the blanks. I haven’t tried such stitching since school, 40 years ago – and have always thought I just couldn’t do it – tangled threads, pricked fingers, knots and knots.
    So thank you for setting me on my way with this delightful craft. And best wishes for you and your family for 2019. Praying for strength for your mom and your family.

    1. Hi, John – the threads aren’t quite in yet. I’ve gotten notice that they have been shipped from France. Once they go through customs and everything, they’ll be on their way to me, and then I’ll set up the kits and let everyone know. If you’d like to be on the advanced notice list for the kits, please drop me a line using the contact form here: https://needlenthread.wpengine.com/contact

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