
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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On Pincushions & Ports


Amazon Books

I really wasn’t going to write about this until I had Needful Things in hand, but many of you have asked, so I thought I would put a little placeholder in your head for this!

This year, Inspirations Studios initiated a new series of needlework books, beginning with volume 1 in The Design Collective, which is dedicated to the making of pincushions.

Because it’s coming from Inspirations Studios, we can reasonably surmise a few points: it’s going to be a fabulous series, it’s going to be packed with gorgeous projects, and the instruction will be excellent!

Plus, the pilot book in the series – on pincushions – is a great way to kick the series off! Why? Because pincushions are small, they are charming, they are multi-use, you can never have too many of them, and they are eminently doable as far as a project goes.

The Design Collective: Pincushions

Many of you have asked if I am going to be carrying the book. The answer is – YES! And if you want advanced notice so that you can order it as soon as it comes in, drop me a line to be on the list, and you’ll have first dibs.

I hope for the book to arrive soon – it was expected a little sooner. It’s en route, crawling slowly through the shipping and entry lines. The slow ports are definitely making a difference in all kinds of needlework supplies, so patience is the name of the game at the moment.

So, what’s the book all about?

The Design Collective: Pincushions

It’s about exactly what the title promises – pincushions – a whole dozen of them! Each is uniquely conceived by one of twelve different well-known designers, in a wide variety of embroidery techniques. They are finished in a range of finishing techniques.

The Design Collective: Pincushions

Each project is accompanied by materials lists, design, step-by-step instructions, and finishing instructions.

Pincushions are dimensional, so you’ll learn the tricks of “building” embroidered items. You will unlock the mysteries of good finishing techniques for your own needlework.

I see this kind of book as a challenge! You can go from simple designs and finishing to much more complex designs and finishing, and, by working your way through the book, you’d end up with good, practical knowledge that you can apply further in your own embroidery journey.

The fact that it is the first in a series of books really excites me! I can’t wait to see the rest of the series! And if it is what it promises to be, it will be a fabulous library of inspiration and instruction.

The Design Collective: Pincushions

Fig, anyone?

Granted, when I look at some of the pincushions, I wonder if I would actually stick pins in them. The fig above is pretty phenomenal.

(A Phenomenal Fig… that should be the title of a book. Or it could be a new favorite saying: I don’t give a phenomenal fig.)

Anyway, I’m really looking forward to having this book in stock for you! Let me know if you want to be on the advanced notice list!

I always see an emerging needlework series as a sign of hope. Not that I would question whether or not needlework has a future – we know it does – but a series is always a good sign that we see it as a future worth investing in. I can’t wait to see more of this one!



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(4) Comments

  1. I would like to be added to the preorder list for “The Design Collective – Pincushions”.
    Thank you.
    Susan Ankeney

    1. Hi, Susan – If you could drop me a line via email (or use the links provided in the article to the contact form), I’ll add you to that list. It’s an email list, so I can’t save blog comments to it. Thanks a bunch!

  2. I agree, it is exciting to that this is the first instalment in a series of future books. I really am looking forward to seeing this hit the shelves in the U.K. Those Ana Mallah daisies and forget-me-nots …

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