
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Today’s The Day! Stitch Snippet, Kits, and More!


Amazon Books

I’ve been anticipating and planning for today for a long time!

Today, you see, is a Banner Day! And it’s a Banner Day for many reasons.

Today, we start our final Stitch Snippet journey for 2022, with a beautiful Christmas Tree kit that we’re going to embellish further and finish as an ornament.

The kit set (which includes the embroidery kit for Christmas Tree by Tamar Nahir-Yanai and the finishing kit from Needle ‘n Thread) is now available! You can read how the stitch-along will go in the sneak peek I posted on Wednesday.

Christmas Tree Stitch Snippet 2022


Today, I’ve taken the next step in the expansion of my curated embroidery offerings, by adding a new line of kits to my shop.

Embroidery Kits available on Needle 'n Thread

There are more lines of kits from other designers coming in the future. But for starters, in my shop, you’ll now find a select range of lovely hand embroidery kits designed and produced by Tamar Nahir-Yanai.

There’s a variety of 4″ and of 6″ embroidery kits. Many are holiday designs, but you’ll find some non-holiday designs available, too. If you want to make a whole slew of Christmas ornaments, any of the 4″ designs will finish easily into hanging ornaments like the one we’ll be working on in the upcoming stitch-along.

The kits are complete with pre-printed fabric, DMC embroidery floss, needle, and stitch layout and instruction guide. They are beautifully put together, affordable, and fun! They’re perfect for relaxing with small projects, for gift giving, and for introducing others to hand embroidery.

All you need to add is a hoop and a pair of scissors! And to that end, under Embroidery Equipment, I now have a range of hoops available here: 3-inch, 4-inch, 5-inch, and 6-inch, packaged with a length of cotton twill tape for binding the inner ring of the hoop.

And I also offer “Perfect Scissors,” which are affordable, good quality scissors for beginners and beyond.

My hope is that, by providing a wide range of kits in various hand embroidery techniques for all levels of stitchers, the interest in – and love of – hand embroidery can continue to grow and to spill over into the hands of future generations. I’ve been working on this goal for 16 years. So you can imagine how excited I am to see this finally begin!

And Today…

And Today, at long last, my new studio space is officially finished. The cleaning crew will be in the building at 11:00 am, and once they exit, we can begin a slow and thoughtful moving process. My plan is to efficiently organize the work space from the ground up, so that Anna and I can work better and smarter.

I’ve been pursuing a more reasonable business space for about 6 years now. I had to rent a residential duplex in order to have room to grow. And while I am grateful I had the space, it’s inefficient and crowded.

It’s taken this long to get into a more commercial building that admittedly still needs a lot of work (especially on the outside). But golly, it finally happened! And we’re excited to start the next phase of growth and development for Needle ‘n Thread!

So, lots going on and lots to celebrate on my end of the screen!

Because of You!

The fact is, Needle ‘n Thread wouldn’t be here without you.

Every time we reach a new milestone, no matter how minor it may seem to outsiders, it’s a Huge deal to me, and my first thought is always Thank You!

I am so grateful for your enthusiasm for hand embroidery and for your support of what is really a community venture. We’ve grown together into a solid, enthusiastic online community here around Needle ‘n Thread. It’s been growing for 16.5 years now! None of it would have happened without you. Thank you!

Coming Up

I hope you join me for this last Stitch Snippet adventure for 2022! We’ll be launching the stitch-along week after next, once everyone has a chance to receive their kits.

In the meantime, we’ll be pursuing regular content here on the website. I’ll keep you posted on our moving and organizational adventures, when possible.

Have a glorious weekend!

(Oh, hey – it’s raining in Kansas! Another reason it’s a banner day!)



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(9) Comments

    1. Thanks, Carol-Anne! I think we will definitely (ok, hopefully) be more productive! And I’m pretty sure we will be happy there once we get settled. It’s a bit stressful at the moment. It’s a much bigger job than I realized. I probably should have just stayed put, but I’m sure it’s for the best. We will soldier through and get it all together again eventually!

  1. Well, right back at you. I’m so very thankful that I found your website – I have learned so much from you. New stitches, threads, books, and just all manner of resources that I would have never known about, if not for you. That also means my WIPs list has grown longer than I can probably complete in my lifetime, but that just means I have so much to look forward to.

  2. Excited for you, Mary! To all who love Mary, the Needle ‘n Thread site, and all she has done for raising the quality of our craft, I fervently urge you to become a Patreon of Mary – there are quite a few of us, and if all who could afford it signed up for $1 a month, this would be nothing but an act of gratitude. The quality of my work has grown exponentially… I do this – how about you??!

  3. I would like the Christmas tree kit but I couldn’t find a price for Australian money I live in western Australia

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