
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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A Stitch Snippet Sneak Peek


Amazon Books

As we rapidly approach the end of February, I thought I’d offer a sneak peek of the first Stitch Snippet stitch-along project for 2023 here on Needle ‘n Thread.

Earlier, I hinted at the colors and threads I’m using on the project. And just so you know that I’m not too much of a lazy bum – I really have been working on it – today, I’ll highlight some of the stitching that we’ll be doing together on this little thing that we’re going to make.

We’ll also talk about a feasible time line for the project, so that you can know what to expect when it’s ready to launch.

Stitch Snippet 1 for 2023

So, yes, here we are! We’ve been plugging away on the first Stitch Snippet of 2023. In the scheme of things, the project is practically ready.

The prototypes have been made… and made again. And made again. And yet again!

Stitch Snippet 1 for 2023

The embroidery on the project is more-or-less finished.

Photos have been taken.

The whole project is outlined in a stitch-along format, so that I know what to present and when.

But there’s One Small Hitch.

We haven’t assembled the final-final finished sample for the project.

Do you know what our biggest hang-up has been?

The biggest hang-up has been hardware.

Yes, hardware!

Stitch Snippet 1 for 2023

We tried this, that, and the other thing, imagining all circumstances in which this piece of hardware would work best, or that type would be easier to work with. We failed and failed again. We went more complex. We went very simple. We tried eliminating hardware altogether.

And finally, I made the executive decision to go with a piece of hardware that I believe is the easiest to work with, that does the job it needs to do, that is as close to the desired size as it could be, and that is available in a nice, presentable finish.

I placed the order.

Time passed.

And then I found out that it couldn’t be had (reasonably) in the quantity needed.

And so the search began again.

Finally, I found the piece of hardware we were looking for. Finally, I’ve got an adequate quantity of it bearing down on me via the shipping lanes.

Do you know what kind of hardware I’m talking about?

A snap.

Just a snap.

A simple snap.

Stitch Snippet 1 for 2023

It’s funny how the Perfect Snap can be such an elusive thing.

So, timing-wise, we are now looking at some point in March for the launch of the first Stitch Snippet. I can’t promise the launch date just yet, but I’m 99.9% certain it will be March. We can’t launch it until the kits are available and the final-final sample is complete.

It’s not a Huge Project, and I think we will move along fairly quickly once we get going.

The embroidery on the project is fun and varied, the threads are beautiful, the natural colored linen is a pleasure to work with, the lining fabric is … oh man! The lining fabric is so cute!

There’s a lot to be said for this little project, and I can’t wait to show it to you in its finished glory!

What Else?

We have a couple new design sets in the works for the Ready-to-Stitch towel sets. I’ve been working on those at night at home, trying to finish up some stitches samples. They’re summer-oriented and a lot of fun!

Now that I have working eyes again, it’s great to be able to stitch at home at night on casual projects while listening to audiobooks. I just finished The Indifferent Stars Above. For fans of non-fiction, you might enjoy it. It’s a detailed account of the ill-fated Donner expedition through the Sierra Nevadas. Their story is harrowing. The book focuses primarily on one survivor and her history, insofar as it can be told.

In the studio, besides tying up this Stitch Snippet and eagerly anticipating the Arrival of Snaps, I’ve been doing a lot of goldwork. We’re also preparing threads for re-stocking the thread packs in the shop (look for those early next week, if you’re waiting on them), and we’re getting ready to start cutting large swaths of fabric. I’m so thankful for these tables! I’ll share the adventure with you as it unfolds!

I have a couple books to review for you shortly, too, so that you know that they’re out there and available. They’re not the typical books you’d expect me to review, but I have found them inspirational.

I hope you have a Wondrous Weekend!


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(12) Comments

  1. On the one hand, it seems funny that a snap would be so vexing. On the other hand, I have read many accounts of stitchers trying to find the right snap for a particular project, let alone many snaps, and having trouble doing so, so it’s not really surprising!

  2. I can hardly wait for this project to come out! I LOVE the colors, love the fabric it’s stitched on…and, as always, I absolutely love the stunning photos and great instructions that go along with all of your projects! Thank you so much!!!!

    1. We’re waiting on two kit items to get here, and then they have to be cut and prepped before we can calculate costs accurately. I try to keep the Snippet kits under $30.

  3. Mary,
    Thanks for the book recommendation. I was born just north of Tahoe and have always been intrigued by the Donner Party since reading Patty Reed’s Doll to my daughters. The doll is in a museum in Tahoe now.

    1. Oooh, you live in a beautiful area, Carrie! It’s hard to imagine their complete isolation back then. Whoa. It’s a tough story to read! The doll comes up in the book, by the way!

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