
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Goldwork Altar Covers – Project Index


Amazon Books

Time to do a little house cleaning here on the website!

Whenever I work a long term project that I blog about, or whenever we have a stitch-along of sorts, I like to create a project index. With a project index, you can easily navigate the various articles written about the project.

You’ll find this index – and many more – listed under Tips & Techniques in the main menu on Needle ‘n Thread. Project indexes are listed in the first section under “Hand Embroidery Lessons & Step-by-Step Projects.”

If you’re ever looking for some follow-along embroidery projects with loads of tips that you can apply to your own embroidery – or maybe you just want to browse for the fun of it – feel free to check out that list of the many projects and tutorials that have developed here on Needle ‘n Thread over the years. There’s lots of ’em!

Goldwork Altar Cover Project Index

Below, you’ll find all the articles relating to the goldwork altar covers project, begun in 2022, listed in chronological order from earliest to latest.

As the project progresses, I’ll add any new articles about it to the list, so that, by the time the project is complete, you’ll be able to follow it from beginning to end.

The list includes any articles that came about because we were working on this project, so it might include tool reviews or articles on particular goldwork tips and so forth. These will be in order of publication, too, so they follow chronologically within the scope of the project.

Goldwork Altar Cover Progress Articles

Goldwork Testing – couching passing threads for large swaths of filling – (June, 2022)

Testing some Texture in Goldwork – initial ideas about working the letters

Goldwork Thread and Idea Walls – planning and making decisions about the project

Letters on a Large Embroidery Frame – setting up the project, appliquéing wool felt letters to the linen on the embroidery frame

It’s all Fun and Games Until Plunging – chatting about the hard part, plunging and securing the goldwork threads

Goldwork and Blue and Encouraging You – for those who think that goldwork is beyond their reach! The techniques are not complicated or difficult!

The Goldwork Word Game – Guess the text for the altar cover

Goldwork Progress: Some, but Not a Lot (Aug, 2022) – view of the whole frame with all the letters; couching goldwork passing thread

R is the Biggest Letter in the World – couching goldwork passing thread on the letter R, with tips.

Friday, Fabric, Goldwork, and Cutting Things Up – cutting out a goldwork letter to test on the ground fabric for the altar cover

Goldwork Progress: Adding the Sparkly Bits (Sept, 2022)

My Mellor – description of and information about the mellor, a tool used for goldwork

Goldwork Progress: Moving Forward! (Jan 2023)

Goldwork Up Close – Where Was that Spot? (Feb, 2023)

Chipping Away at Goldwork (March, 2023)

Central Medallion (April, 2023)

Goldwork & Holding – trying to make the deadline (April, 2023)

Goldwork Altar Covers – Finished & Delivered (May, 2023)

Further Tips Associated with this Project

Pasting the Back of Goldwork Embroidery

Adding a Gemstone to Goldwork Embroidery


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(14) Comments

    1. Thanks, Linda! hopefully this will be the final solution to the problem and I’ll find some clarity. I have to admit, I’m a bit anxious. I only have one good eye! LOL!

  1. Praying for good outcome! He has called you to this work. He will help you accomplish it. The work so far is beautiful.

  2. Please do take pictures of the appliqué process. That’s the stage of the goldwork process that gives me the most fits. No matter what I do, I have fraying bits of ground fabric trying to peek out from under the piece (which I only manage to shove under it with much exasperation) and it always looks a bit lumpy under small curves. I’ve bought machine-embroidered ready-to-appliqué crosses and things before, and they’re practically no trouble to sew onto vestments and things compared to the troubles I keep having with my own embroidered items.

    Do you stiffen the back at all? I think that would have been traditional, if I remember past posts deconstructing old vestments. Back then they would have used flour paste, but that attracts insects and other undesirable pests. How much seam allowance to use? Too little and it’s a huge pain, but more than say 1/4- 3/8″ makes a 6″ cross lumpy. Any advice you might have would be very welcome! (And thank you for teaching me how to embroider and for introducing me to some excellent embroidery resources!)

    1. Hi, Joshua – I’m going to try a turned appliqué first to see if it will work for this. I don’t like the cut appliqué approach, either. We’re going to practice both approaches first. Yes, we will probably use a pH neutral paste of sorts – probably something used in bookbinding. Very very thin application, though, and probably not everywhere. Again, we’ll experiment first! And yep, I’ll definitely take pictures and blog about it.

  3. Dear Mary

    The goldwork project looks lovely and so much work has gone into it, it’s beautiful. The index is great and I have used some of the articles above when I have made a goldwork project, so thank you these are very, very useful and easy to follow instructions. Thank you for sharing with us the photo on your latest goldwork project and for index on goldwork.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  4. Mary, thank you for sharing your project progress with us! I love reading about & seeing all your projects as they unfold. Besides being informative, they are very interesting and your embroidery is so beautiful!


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