
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidered Baby Quilt Square: Sunbonnet Garden


Amazon Books

Finally! I’ve finished my second square for our guild baby quilt: an embroidered “Sunbonnet Sue” type pattern (an old-fashioned Sunbonnet girl), in a garden. I had great fun with this square, but got a little carried away!

The pattern for this Sunbonnet girl was online somewhere, at some point, but I can’t locate it again. In the original pattern, she’s holding chicken eggs in her apron, but I thought the flowers would be a nice “girly” touch for this girl’s quilt. Of course, if she’s holding flowers, she has to be in a flower garden! And every flower garden has a bee, right?

Embroidered quilt: sunbonnet girl in flower garden with bee

This is the square still in the hoop right after I finished it up. I’ll put up some close-ups later, and some images of the completed quilt when it’s assembled!

The fun thing about this square is that it’s all really simple stitches! More on this later… too many thunderstorms rolling through lately to get much done here!


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(11) Comments

  1. Mary, your sweet Sue and her flower garden is just so beautiful..how I wish my embroidery looked like yours. It’s kust lovely, lovely, lovely. I’m so happy you visited and specially happy I came to see your Sue. xx

  2. Hi, CC! Thank you! I enjoy your website, too, and I just love the patterns. They are my favorite style of Sue! I plan to post a notice about them this week, with a link!

    Thanks so much for your kind comments!


  3. Dear Mary,
    I also am starting a sunbonnet sue quilt myself
    hope to get it done in 3 or 4 months.Love this work you have done a fatastic job.You can find this pattern on http://www.patternbee.com…My sunbonnet sue quilt will be named sunbonnet sue down on the farm.GOD BLESS
    Shelia T.8-18-2010

  4. My grandmother loves this pattern and loves to hand embroidery. How can we get this pattern and do u know any websites we can get more patterns?

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