
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Beating Around the Bush, 2012?


Amazon Books

Rarely do I plan my embroidery projects super far ahead, and frankly, I rarely plan my life this far ahead… but Beating Around the Bush, 2012, is right around the corner, really, when you consider all the planning that has to go into putting on a needlework convention, or even going to one!

Beating Around the Bush is a needlework convention in Australia sponsored by Country Bumpkin, in April of 2012. It consists of five days of fantastic classes taught by some of my greatest needlework heros. There’s not a lot out about it yet, except that it is going to happen and … it’s going to be a great event.

But you might wonder why I’m bringing it up…

Well, the fact is, I can’t contain my excitement!

I’m going! I am committed! (Or maybe I should be committed??! – in the other sense of the term?) But no, really! I’m going. I’d jump up and down and holler for your right now, but it wouldn’t make any difference. So I’ll just sit here calmly and tell you that I’m going!

I’m flabbergasted, excited, a little nervous, and downright honored that I was invited by Margie Bauer to Beating Around the Bush to be a tutor. And yesterday, I accepted the invitation and committed myself to be there! This is a “first” for me, so please wish me luck!

If you can make it to the event – though I know it’s a far distance for many – I would LOVE to meet you there!

Pinch me, will you?

(Update, 2016: I never did end up going! I had other work commitments and couldn’t get out of them. That’s what happens when you have a teaching contract! Some day, I might make it to Beating Around the Bush – I hear it’s a fun time all around. It’s now hosted by Inspirations Magazine, as “Country Bumpkin” is no longer in existence.)


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(41) Comments

  1. OMG , Mary
    i am so, so, so, so excited
    I am already looking at the Country Bumpkin website
    so, i can put my name down and go to your seminars
    counting the days!!!!
    Lots of love from Down Under

  2. Thanks, Marianela! LOL! I’m glad you’re excited! I’m excited, too! I haven’t drummed out any real project ideas yet, so I don’t even know what I’m doing. 🙂 If you have any ideas or preferences, feel free to let me know! RIght now, the slate is mostly blank…….

  3. Dearest Mary!
    I was so extremely JEALOUS (in a good way) of your students
    Now, i will be able to meet you and give you a big HUG and THANK You for getting me all excited about the lovely craft and art of embroidery
    Something that I am terrible at, but i am so encourage through your tutorials and giving and caring nature!
    you are a wonderful teacher and person and we will be privileged to have you here at Oz
    I am absolutely certain that i am not the only person whom is so excited about you coming and sharing your gift with us
    Once again thank you for coming, we all know it is a long way. However, you will be so please to come and see us
    Lots of love

  4. Mary, congratulations!

    I went to BATB 2009 in Adelaide and had a wonderful time. I even have one of my projects finished! The teachers are wonderful and extremely talented, so you will fit right in. The venue looks great, isn’t it a girl’s school? I have a pdf of the course catalog from 2009 and will be glad to send it to you if you did not download it for reference. It’s no longer available on their website. I can’t wait to see what you’ll be teaching.

  5. Mary, that is so exciting, and what an honor. Congratulations. I am hoping to be at Beating Around the Bush, but as of now don’t know if it will work out. Hope to see you there! Sandi

  6. Mary,
    This is Wonderful!! I am so pleased for you. The first thing that came to my mind was Noel Coward’s song “You’re the Top.”

    Oh boy, are we gonna have fun now…..


  7. How exciting Mary and a huge congratulations to you. What a fantastic opportunity and adventure of a life time!
    Annie in Michigan

  8. Mary How exciting. I am hopong to go as well. I was there last BATB and loved it. Mad so very many new friends until this on will feel like a reunion. Hope I can get into one of your classes. I will be coming from Alabama. So excited.

  9. If you’re not going to jump up and down and squeel with delight, i am going to do it for you. An honour indeed, but a thoroughly deserved on. Don’t think that I will be able to join you, but am delighted for you and those who will be able to make it to your classes. Congratulations.

  10. Hey Mary, Wow I am so happy for you!! You honestly deserve it! I am so proud of you!! Couldn’t happen to a better person. Thanks for sharing your joy with us . The fact that you are teaching at school now, will just give you the confidence to teach those lucky Aussies !! Damn I am soooo jealous of them! Enjoy it . You have ample time to ready yourself for the big occasion. God bless .
    Love Elza Bester Cape Town xxx

  11. Mary–Congrats! That’s a big deal.

    My husband and I will be making our third trip to Australia for our 20th anniversary in 2012, and I’m hoping to convince him that it would be a good idea to go during BATB.

    Can’t wait to see what you’ll be teaching!

    Carol S.

  12. Congratulations, Mary! I think I can imagine your excitment! I’m so happy for you, you deserve so much such thing!
    And I am so, but SOOOO jealous of all people who will go to have you as teacher!!!!

  13. Mary,

    Congratulations on your 2012! I’m not sure how to plan my life that far ahead or that far away, but I’m sure you’ll have a great time and do a great job! Any chance you’ll be teaching somewhere in the U.S. before then? Thanks for all your work,


  14. Mary, what a once in a lifetime opportunity for you! You’re expertise will be greatly appreciated. And I’m with Marianela in being jealous of your students getting to have you as an in person instructor. I hope they realize what a gift your are.

  15. Dear Mary,

    This is truly exciting and wonderful. You will be terrific. I wish I could attend. Maybe, I should start saving the pennies and accruing the frequent flyer miles. LOL.


  16. What fantastic news, Mary! BATB sponsors and attendees will benefit so much from your participation–what a testament to your skill and all you do for followers of your site. I think you could provide some unique discussions on how to maintain a thriving blog, how to teach needlework to children, etc. beyond any specific stitching class you might do. Also, I think Margie and the organizers absolutely need to set aside a “meet and greet” time for you so all your fans in attendance can finally have the opportunity to meet you face to face! You know they will be looking for you! Congratulations!

  17. Mary, that is so wonderful. Good for you! Not only will you be excited to meet some of your needlework heros but I would bet that there will be plenty of ladies happy to meet you.

    LOL I want to jump up & down for you!!

  18. Oh, why couldn’t it be in Melbourne? *sulk*

    What an honour to be invited as a tutor by CB!!!!


  19. Hi Mary,
    I’m so pleased for you. You will be tops. I wish something will happen that will allow me to make the trip and follow one of your tutorials in the flesh. This BATB thing is one of my dreams, what a fantastic time you will all have, tutors and students – well, maybe see you there. Lots of love.

  20. G’day Mary,

    Very special indeed. CB know what they’re about inviting you. Congratulations.

    My general not-so-good health prevents me from attending such things but I do follow it all with great interest. I usually buy a course book to be really up with what’s going on and to dream over.

    Unfortuately the chest infection is not following the rules so am only slowly impoving. It’s so yuck! My sister-in-law has acute leukaemia (earlier this year she got the all clear after battling lymph glad cancer for 3 years) so I have nothing to whinge about. Except we can’t visit her while I have this bug.
    Thank you for your kind reply recently.

    Cheers, Kath

  21. What an honor and fabulous opportunity, Mary! Will just add my good wishes, and say I’m very excited for you! By the way, I’m sure Elena (coeur de freesia) would agree with me on this – why don’t you do a layover in Paris on your way over or back? I’m sure we would have a number of people in France interested to learn from you, too!
    Sharon in France

  22. WOW!!! Congratulations. I am so thrilled for you and envy all those who will be able to learn from you there. Lucky them. What will you be teaching there? Good Luck

  23. Mary

    Congratulations….Have a great time and when you come home, share, share share…Maybe you could share while there :). Once again Congratulations!!!!! You go girl!!!!


  24. Sincere Felicitations Mary,
    I am anxious to hear all about it when you come back. Super reading for me early morning.
    Have a FUN trip.

  25. Hello Mary, what a fabulous opportunity, and so well deserved I have to say. I am sure your expertise in all facets of embroidery will add to the convention. I wish you well, and am sorry I am unable to attend, because I’d be the first one to put my name on your class list. Can’t wait to hear more about it.

  26. Well it makes sense to me that you would be invited! Now I just wonder if I can wrangle it so I can go as you can add me to the list of Mary Corbet fangirls. I live in Adelaide, but the last one was just so expensive and the market day was right in the middle of the week and I couldn’t get time off work 🙁 If only the mortgage was paid off eh? 😉

  27. Wow, that sounds nice. Congratulations! It seems like a lot of the most prolific and enthusiastic needlework people are in Australia. They teach a few techniques there that no one in the US seems to know. They must feel the same way, since they invited you! Have fun with your planning!

  28. Oh, Mary!

    I just saw this. I am SO happy for you! I wondered if you ever taught at seminars, and I think you’re an awesome teacher via the internet. I’m sure you’ll be great at whatever you choose to teach. I wish you the very, very best of luck.

    I was reading a great tip for starting projects you’re nervous about: Imagine 5 people, 5 heroes if you will, who will be all that is encouraging and inspiring to you. They will be your winner’s circle of support. And any time you get nervous, just think of them telling you that you can do it, and you’ll be great. It is a nice thought, if you ever feel swamped.

    Anyway, I think you’ll be phenomenal. Good Luck! and Congrats on the invite. It’s a well deserved pat on the back for you. You’ve totally earned it! 🙂

  29. Hi Mary,
    Do you know anything about County Bumpkin’s liquidation? I’ve tried several emails and even a telephone call with no luck. Will this have any effect on Beating Around the Bush? Hope not.

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