Today, I’d like to give you an opportunity to win a copy of Trish Burr’s new book, Needle Painting Embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginners. (That link will take you to my review, if you’d like to read it.)

If you’ve wanted to venture into needle painting and try it for the first time, or if you’ve already tried it and love it, or even if you’re an expert at needle painting, you’ll want to add this book to your library. It’s a combination instructional and project book, so it’s perfect for beginners and beyond.
If you’d like to win your own copy, just follow these easy steps:
1. Leave a comment below (on this post, not via e-mail and not on any other post). If you use that link, it will take you directly to the comment area, so for e-mail subscribers, this is an easy way to get to the right place to leave your comment.
2. In your comment, tell me why you want to own this book! (Easy question!)
3. Please make sure your comment is accompanied by a recognizable name, so that when I announce the winner, there isn’t any confusion. For example, if your name is Julie, there could be another Julie who wants to win the book – so maybe you could add your last initial, or the place you live, or something of that sort.
4. Leave your comment by Tuesday morning, August 30th, at 5:00 am (Central Daylight Time). I’ll announce the winner some time on Tuesday morning. The winner will need to contact me with a shipping address.
And that’s it! The contest is open to anyone, anywhere. So let the commenting begin! And good luck!
Mary thank you for giving one more opportunity to win book by Trish Burr..who do not want this book! it is like dream..Such a lovely embroidery I bet I can spend time just like that seeing them. Honestly I want to do one such embroidery!!
Loved reading the review of the book earlier. This sounds like an interesting technique to try and it would be great to have such a resource. I think having the book would be the stimulus needed to take on the new technique.
Mary, you are so generous with your give-aways!
I want this book so much that I have already ordered a copy 🙂
It would be plain greedy to have 2 copies so don’t put me into the draw for this one 🙂
I would LOVE to win the needlepainting book. I love everything about embroidery, but count myself as a beginner at everything apart from cross stitching. I love books, especially crafty ones…they give so very much inspiration:)I also love your blog and as I am not working at the moment I am taking the time to go through it to learn more about embroidery:) I want to needlepaint my babies (two cats and a dog) one day, which of course means I need to learn how to do it first.
Keep up the good work inspiring people:)
Hugs, Ylva (currently in Orkney, Scotland, UK)
I would like to explore and expand my knowledge into needle painting, I have always been a little afraid of long and short stiches but looking at the book review it look like it is step for step and something that I can achieve using the book.
I would love to be able to do needle painting as it will open up my whole new needlework world for me.
Leonie Fourie,SA
This book looks beautiful and was put straight on my wish list after reading your original post. To win a copy would be just fantastic.
Thanks for a great site. I am learning so much.
Kim J (uk)
I suffer from self diagnosed delusions of grandure & want to learn embroidery. I shoot high when attempting something new. This looks PERFECT.
I love the life like quality of this stitching and would love to learn how to accomplish it in my own embroidery!
Dear Mary,
I would love to own this book by Trish Burr! I am an embroidery enthusiast who has been crazy for needle crafts since my girl scout years – which is a really really long time. Over the last many years embroidery has been my number one thing – and the long and short stitch has been one technique that eludes me. More attempts than I care to share… and it has always left me pulling a few hairs from my head. Most if not all of my projects include some form of long and short shading … and I should have caught on by now. Maybe Trish Burr’s book will be the magic bullet – it sure looks like it could do the trick! I would be thrilled to own a copy…
Thank you for considering me…
Signed.. “comes up short on the long and short stitch” … Joan B.
Hi Mary! No vacation this year?
Why do I want this book? Because it is written by my absolute, most favorite embroiderer extraordinaire! I hope I spelled that correctly, but at 3:31am I don’t care. Oh, and it has those wonderful little embroidered birds in it, which I would like to make.
Thanks Mary!
Your review really whetted my appetite about this technique. If I won the book I would have no excuses about trying it out
I’ve always felt like needlepointing was beyond me but your Tudor rose tutorial and book review made it look within reach. I’d love to try it
Mary, this book is beautiful! Thanks for the opportunity to win a copy. I love your blog!
Hello Mary,
I have your newsletters since january 2010 as a reference and I just fund a fantastic embroidery teacher. I am starting classes in september and Trish Burr’s new book “Needle Painting Embroidery” would be a great inspiration book to have.
Thank you very much.
This type of embroidery looks magical. I have always wanted to try needle painting but was always scared to because it looks expert level. I’m not expert level by far. God Bless Trisha because she made a book designed for beginners. Yay! I am so excited! I bought a lot of recycled shopping bags to be embroidered on. So I have ideas to put one of those cute designs on the bag and put Christmas present in it instead of wrapping it. Thank you Trisha for making a book that it makes it feasible for beginners like me to learn that beautiful art. Nancy bless your heart with your website, I have learned very much from you.
I absolutely adore Trish’s work and those little birds-oh my! To think I might be able to finally be able to master the technique to stitch them-and this book really looks like it explains it in a simple and thorough way! I’ve been looking forward to it for w very long time.
Dear Mary,
I did learn basic embroidery. And I wanted to learn needle painting too. My teacher did this beautifully but she wouldn’t teach me. don’t know why. Now I have left that place and shifted to another city. But still yearning to learn this embroidery. The book might help do it.
waiting to see the winner’s name. Thank you for this give away.
I have seen Trish’s articles in Inspiration. Her needle painting has just fascinated me. Would love to own a copy of her book.
Thank you for the opportunity!
I love Trish’s work! I’d love to learn from her by using her book as my guide. Thanks for offering the give-away!
It’s free and I need it! I also want it but I have a great need as I am a beginner. I love birds and think they look fabulous in needle painting if only I could needle paint! And the author’s name is “Burr” which sounds perfect to curl up with in the winter just the season to sew. Surely if heaven was a place on earth then surely it must be a place where you can sit and sew and sip a cup of tea!
I want to learn how to do neddle painting embroidery. This is a great opportunity. I hope I win the book. She’s a great artist.
Hi Mary,
I used a book to teach myself how to cross-stitch. I did the same when I learned to crochet, quilt. I would love to do the same with thread-painting, so I promise I would put Trish Burr’s book to good use!
Thanks for sharing your informative daily posts!
I love long & short stitches owning one of her books will inspire me even more especially needle painting. Thank you for allowing me such an opportunity .
What a wonderful book! And how generous you are to offer one to us!
I would like to have this book because needlepainting is about the only form of needlework I haven’t tried. It would leave me with no excuse for not trying.
Thank you.
I have always wanted to learn needle painting and would love to win a copy of this book! Thank you Mary for this opportunity to maybe win this.
G’day there Mary, because it’ll look smartly impressive on the shelf with my other 2 Trish Burr books, and, I haven’t ordered mine yet either!
Actually, the sub-title really explains my reason for most definitely wanting this book, “NEEDLE PAINTING FOR DUMMIES”. What! No sub-title? Oh well, I need it anyway so good luck to me eh.
Kath from Oz
I’ve taken one class in needlepainting and loved it. It would be wonderful to have a reference book to aid in my future attempts at this exquisite technique.
I love T. Burr and her work and I would like to try to embroider one of her so lovely birds.
Wow! I’ve been watching for this book to come up on Amazon so that I can order it. Would be wonderful to win instead. I’m working on impoving my embroidery skills and I think this book might be a big step in that direction.
I would love to learn the technique of needle painting. Needle painting looks like a challenge in addition to exercising the brain. I believe in learning something new every day.
The pieces would make wonderful gifts to family, some who live on the other side of the world, and friends. I see possibilities on bed linen, towels, clothing, wall hangings, and additions to other needle work pieces. The possibilities are limitless. You present a world of challenges to me in your newsletter. I get excited when I read the ideas you are presenting daily. I try to imagine where each technique would be best used. Your videos are beyond value as I dabble in needlework. Thank you.
Dear Mary
Another book to gladden the heart of threadpainters. I just want to make those birds sing and the flowers grow. Trish really reflects our beautiful world and I would really love this addition to my needle painting skills
Best wishes
I have made smocked dresses and outfits for my children and grandchildren and now I would like to leave a legacy from me to my family and I can think of no better way to do that than needle painting items. I have always wanted to start needle painting but got too busy, but now life has slowed down a little and I have the time.
Vicki T. G.
I would love to get this book as I’m definitely the beginner it is meant for. I think this would be a wonderful skill to adorn all sorts of items.
What a beautiful book and wonderful resource to help a novice learn the art of needle painting. I would love to develop the skill of my great grandmother who did expert embroidery over 100 years ago. This book would be the perfect source of instruction and inspiration.
To tell you the truth,whenever I read about “Needle Painting”, I think,”No…too tough for me to even try.” However, I read your review of Trisha Burr’s wonderful book and you are right, it’d be a great gift for beginners! Thank you – for letting us know of Trisha’s beautiful book and also for giving us all a chance to win it!
What a beautiful book! I have wanted to start needle painting and this looks like a great way to start.
Sarah H
Since getting your newsletters I have tried all sorts of stitches I would not have even thought of and, as a fairly new embroiderer, it really makes it all so much more interesting to try new things. A friend from S A recently gave me a little sample with lessons to accompany it. The long and short stitch painting element is much harder to grasp than it looks. So I spoilt myself with getting two earlier books by Trish Burr and your wonderful review makes this new books all the more tantalising. Thank you so much for the very best website (what a resource that it with the stitch tutorials) and newsletters which are always so filled with information and are just a delight to receive each day. Thank you.
I recently completed the Owl from Tanja Berlins beginner lessons.I am hooked and just love thread painting. I would like to learn much much more. Trish’s work is absolutely breathtaking.I have been drooling over this book and would be thrilled to own a copy.Debbie Bauer
My mother taught me to embroider when I was a young girl. I’ve delved into other various needle arts and have acquired a modest collection of books. Finding and collecting needlework books has become a hobby of mine that I hope to leave to my three daughters.
I would really love this book so that I can perfect my embroidery skills, choice of color, and realistic stitching. My second reason to want this book is to compliment my book collection and entice my daughters to keep stitching and learning.
Mary, you are so generous. I would love to own this book in order to take a sincere lesson in needle painting. I read your review and loved it.
I’d love to learn about needlepainting from this book!
I am actually a pre-beginner with this technique. I’m trying to finish up several projects before I tackle something new, but this is on my list. I haven’t tried it because it looks so intimidating, even with your videos. But, I so want to progress to the birds. That’s where I want to jump in, my usual way of learning something – skip the beginners stuff and jump in the middle. But with this technique especially, I think it would behoove me to start at the beginning – and the beginning projects look lovely enough to actually use.
Hi mary,
Another lovely giveaway prize!
Well, as a beginner any little help is very much accepted and loved
Hope to win, however i will not be jealous [big white lie] if it goezs to somebody else
Are you coming to australia next year?
Dear Mary,
I just LOVE this book – the instructions and photos are so clear and the projects so charming – the little birds are especially gorgeous! I would like to win it so I can give it to my sister, Jan. She is a woodturner and basketmaker as well as an embroiderer, and the projects in Trish Burr’s books are ideal for decorating the lids of wooden bowls and lidded baskets. Jan is an experienced embroiderer, but she is a novice threadpainter – this book is JUST WHAT SHE NEEDS!!
Thank you again for your wonderful website and blog – it’s lovely to know that there will always be an interesting snippet to read either just before I go to bed, or with breakfast.
Hopefully, Judith (KiallaJudes)
Have a fascination with birds and am always looking for charts that include them in various forms. Would just love to be able to needle paint them-perhaps reproduce an Audubon print! Thanks for the opportunity!!!
Lee, Leesburg
Hi Mary. Thanks for the oportunity to go in the draw for such a beautiful book,.
Any of the designs would be lovely worked onto one of my crazy quilt blocks.
Phillipa In NZ
Love, love her work….I can only aspire to be able to embroider as she does. I would like to try.. Thanks
I would really like to own this beautiful book. I have been sewing a Stumpwork project of two blue wrens sitting on a log for over two years. I have finished the background long ago but have had sooo much trouble getting the direction of the birds feathers so that they look real & have had to undo it numerous times. With this book I am sure I could rectify my problems.
Your reviews are always so very inspirational, Mary. This book looks like something I could really tackle, dig in to, immerse myself in, and (hopefully) come out the other end with my first attempts of needlepainting in decent shape. I am nearing the end of a major counted canvaswork project and am beginning the search for the “next big thing.” Many thanks for your generosity in these giveaways.
arlene c in NJ
Another wonderful give-away. Thank you Mary. This is a beautiful book I would love to add to my collection. Thank you.
it would be nice to learn the basic techniques ,it would be super interesting ,that is why i am in Needle ‘n thread. thank you for everything. margarita
What a wonderful giveaway! I would love to own this book. To learn this beautiful technique of subtle shading. Her needlework has such a realistic look to it. You can almost feel the feathers. Thank you for an opportunity to win.
I love to do hand work but don’t always know exactly the right way to do something. I dabbled in my early years and was pleased with what I did, but when I look back, I really didn’t know what I was doing. I have taken a few classes in recent years and have improved but there is always room for more. I love this web site and have learned from it. What a great resource. Thanks.
I do a lot of sketching and drawing and have always wanted to learn the techniques to make drawings on fabric ( as I am also an avid embroiderer). this book looks like it will teach me all those things:such as subtle shading techniques which i find harder to deal with in thread than in colored pencil or pastel.
I am a great fan of Trish Burr. this looks like the perfect book for a beginner.
I like to do needle painting and could stand to improve my skills. I just bought some silk threads in runs of several colors to use for this, so a book to help me make good use of these would be great. Thanks for all the wonderful things you do for us embroiderers.
I am an accomplished cross stitcher. I dabble in needlepoint. I have done some hardanger. I have even embroidered a few dresser scarfs. I however I have NEVER attempted something so incredibly gorgeous as these birds. For some reason I just keep saying “This is something I will never be able to accomplish.” I am normally very adventurous, when it comes to needlework. This book is just wonderful and I feel it may provide me the instruction and confidence to give needlepainting a try. I admire the gorgeous images I see establishments that display this as art on their walls. I can only hope that my family treats my finishes with the same type of respect when they hang them. I would love an opportunity to use this book as a springboard into yet another level of needlework.
Always I have wanted to do the needle painting but never really took time to start it. This book would be a great inspiration to start the needle painting.
Would love to get this book.
I would love to win this book! I have a couple of Trish’s kits, but haven’t started them yet. I think that working through some of the projects in this book would give me the experience to tackle her beautiful kit projects 🙂
Thanks for this opportunity, Mary – you are such an inspiration to so many needleworkers.
I love the Trisha Burr embroidery books. I take them out of the library often to wish! Not enough time to do a project from library books so I’d love to win one.
I have just returned from the local bookshop, where I went to buy Trisha’s book after reading your comments. Not available here yet unfortunately as it looks and sounds so good, bright and happy.
Thank you so much for your newsletters and website, cannot tell you how much joy it adds to my life.
Colleen W
The book looks very interesting. I would love to start needle painting but I can’t quite get it right. Thanks for letting us know about this book. Leslie K
as a serial hobbyist, i’m always looking for the next lovely thing to learn. i’m a potter, quilter, knitter, and cross-stitcher, because my hands refuse to be idle, and the ancient arts practiced by our great-great-great grannies call to my fingers. Needle painting reminds me of illuminated manuscripts and prairie samplers; in both, every stroke or stitch tells part of the story. i would love to know more about this art!
Another great opportunity to win Trish Burr’s book.Mary,since i learnt long and short lessons from you, waiting for someone to take me forward.I wish Trish’s Book will take me from beginner to experienced level.keeping my fingers crossed!Thank You
ansu chennai
I am just coming back to embroidery, (did crewel embroidery when in my 20’s and cross stitch in my 30’s). I stay home with my 2 year old grand daughter now and need something to work on while watching her play. (I’m a quilter but can’t go to my sewing machine while she is here.) I love to incorporate embroidery with my quilts but love hand embroidery rather then machine.
I really want to learn how to do this kind of embroidery and hopefully scale it down successfully to doll house sized items.
I enjoyed reading your review the other day.
I would love to win this book. I’m a huge fan of Trish Burr’s work. I have all her other books and have been practicing her techniques. I even got her instructions for the Robin in Inspirations and have everything ready to go. This is my very favorite type of embroidery and I hope to do her designs justice some day.
How generous you are to offer a copy of this book. It looks beautiful and it’s something that I’ve always wanted to try.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Simply put, I need it so I can clean out my “alarmingly large” stash of yummy embroidery threads. Thanks, Mary for offering it and thanks, Trish, for writing another great book.
Another fantastic giveaway and an easy question to answer. Trish is a master of her art and manages to give such clear instructions and guidance that it becomes easy to share in the joy of stitching. It would be so lovely to have this resource to hand to perfect the technique
I would love to win the book to go to the next level with my embroidery. I just finished a kit called “Aunt Bea’s Parlor” which was 20 squares of baskets of flowers, and loved doing it. It prompted me to search for embroidery blogs and yours is one of the very very few. I really enjoy your site, and hope to grow in my skill level. Thanks for the opportunity!
Dear Mary,
What a wonderful book! Finally there is a book for the true beginner in this embroidery technique. I have admired needlepainting for years but have always felt it was too hard. Now there is hope for beginners. Thank you for alerting us to its publication!
The information that you continue to share is just grand and so informative. Many thanks.
Peg in NJ
Hi Mary,
What a wonderful give-away! I learned cross stitch from a chart (a Marbek angel full of metallic thread). I learned Hardanger from a book. I love a challenge, and I can learn from a well-written book fairly easily. I have fallen in love with needlepainting, and would dearly love to learn to do it! And I have a mother-in-law who would swoon for one of those wee little birdies.
I have always admired people that can show us such beauty with a paint brush. Alas, it is not my talent this life. However, this book gave me hope for doing the same with thread. I am very new to embroidery, but with my first sampler it felt like coming home to something very comfortable. Thanks to your wonderful site and sensible teaching method, I am having a great time with a new hobby/passion.
Ready to paint with thread,
Regina Dale
It’s very nice of you to offer the giveaway. I would love to win the book. I want to learn Needle Painting, I love all forms of needlework.
Thank you
Hi Mary!
I’d love to win this book – I’m starting my crewel master craftsman program and I’m sure it would be very helpful!
Julie T in Blue Bell, PA
Hi Mary. I read your review on this book and I have never tried it. But I would love to try needle painting. My problem is I am a hands on person and need to have it right in front of me so this is a great opportunity to be able to do that. I am a beginner at needlework and would love to give this a try. Thanks for the opportunity and have a great week.
Hi Mary,
Why do I want this book?..Because I love embroidery. Because I do not own any books on needle painting. Because I do not know needle painting. Because I love books.
Thank you for being so generous!!
Hi Mary,
I would love to own a book like that just for the fun of reading and looking at it. I really want to learn needle painting.
– Viji Sunil
It’s a very generous idea! The colorful birds are cute and these viola cornuta and the wild rose are totally gorgeous. I love to stitch but never give a try with the needle painting, it would be the opportunity.
Thanks for sharing with all.
I’m a new member of Embroidery’s Guild of America (EGA), and am working to expand my embroidery skills into stumpwork and into more creative stitching projects than what I’ve done over the past 30+ years. Our local EGA chapter has a specialty group called ‘Stitching with a Twist’ which focuses on stitching outside the normal kits or charts and using our creative skill in exploring new and exciting projects. Needlepainting is one of those skills I’d love to learn more about and try it myself. This book looks right up my alley!
Recently I have renewed my interest in embroidery – as a girlscout I earned a badge and fell in love!
Most of the embroidery books teach skills – but this little book is a delightful find! Especially the use of embroidery as an expression of art – my Grandmother Baker taught me about all of the birds in the yard and garden – I’ve only done flat outlines of birds – and the ones depicted here capture the imagination – and make me want to learn how to recreate such delightful – perky and charming little guys!
Put my name in your hat…Charlotte
This book would allow me, a new embroidery artist – though accomplished cross stitcher – to enhance the embroidered wedding gift I am making for my daughter who is newly engaged. The design of that wedding gift was done by Jenny of Elefantz, and I would love to do the design justice with these type of enhancements.
Thanks for your consideration!
Trudy (USA)
I love needle painting and love to try it.
Thanks for the chance to win and all the information you share on your blog!
I have a passion for sitting on the porch listening to the birds and enjoying the garden. I would love to learn how to needle paint a bird on the outside of me needlecase.
I can hardly tear my eyes away from the beautiful flowers and birds that grace the cover of this book. Have never tried needlepainting, but am itching to do so now. Would love to win this treasure.
I have been wishing for a needle painting book that has instructions for designs other than flowers. I love Tish Burr’s Crewel and Surface Embroidery book, but it is all floral. This one has birds, and very adorable ones at that. Thanks Mary, for offering this give-away.
I would like to share this book with my mom, because she taught me to embroider and sew when I was little and it’s a hobby we still enjoy together.
You are so generous and give such wonderful advice on embroidery. I have dabbled with thread painting and would absolutely love winning the book. Keeping my fingers crossed till Tuesday. 🙂
I love your website and refer to it often! This book would give me an opportunity to expand on my needle painting experience.
You’re never too old to learn something new – that’s what I tell myself. I have just gotten into crazy quilting and would love to do something creative on my blocks. The book sounds like a good chance to “learn something new” and put it to good use! Thanks for having such great giveaways…
I first learned about Trish Burr and needlepainting from reading your blog. Her work is stunning. I’ve applied her technique to my work and what a difference using one thread makes! I would treasure this book and really really use it. It is on my wish list!!
Thank you for the opportunity to win. I would love to try needle painting. I do a lot of satin stitching while filling in patterns, and
this would be takng it a step further. Thanks
Hi Mary,
Who wouldn’t want this book after your recent review of it? The illustrations and instructions look so clear it makes it seem possible for the unskilled needleworker to achieve success!
I’ve been drooling over Trish’s books on Amazon and I’d love to win this one so that I can develop some needlepainting skills for my crazy quilting
What a wonderful offer! When I looked at the pictures in your review, I was enchanted by the johnny-jump ups and the beautiful bluebird (well, by all of the pictures, really) and would love a chance to hold the book in my hands, dream, and make a few of those beauties myself!
I really love to combine embroidery and quilting into my quilts. Would love to have a chance to receive this book.
I am fascinated with needle painting and would love to try some designing on my own. The more I can read and learn, the more successful I can be. My shading still needs a lot of help.
Thank you for another generous giveaway! The book looks beautiful. I’ve spent so much time poring over Trish Burr’s website, admiring all the beautiful designs. I would love to get a chance to try some. 🙂
Thank you for offering this lovely book. I have been hoping you would. I learned “needle painting” by myself more than 40 years ago, only I knew it as “long and short stitch” in crewel work. I made pillow tops for all my sisters, my Mother and my Mother-in-law the first Christmas I was married. From crewel, I went on to needlepoint, counted cross-stitch, Heirloom sewing, smocking, Hardangar, embroidery, machine work and my own sewing business. Beginning with one stitch, so much was wrought.
After previously reading your review on this book it went to the top if my Wish List. I live cross stitching and want to learn embroidery so bad. I also save all your emails for reference. Thanks for this opportunity to win this wonderful book.
I’d love to win this! I have another of Trish’s books, and it is lovely. Not only for the instructions on stitching, but for the patterns in it.
I’d love to get this book because love Trish Burr’s designs (I discovered her thanks to you). I have bought one of her books and I love the way she explains things. So much easier than some of the other embroidery books i’ve bought.
I wanted to use needlepainting in a project, but was so dissatisfied with my attempt that I had to frog the area and use another technique. I still would like to learn this technique. Trish Burr’s book looks like it would perfect for helping try this again.
I have this book on my wish list and to win it would be icing on the cake. I have several books about this technique in all stages of expertise, but few for beginners (of which I am one). Thanks for the chance to win!
I would love to have Trish Burr’s book because there are too few artists that can paint with a needle. The delicacy and tenderness is a technique I want to add to my embroidery venue. Think of the magic one could create with those tiny stitches and magician needles. i can imagine little chipmunks dancing on my linen and baby bunnies hopping nearby. Wonderful!
I have been wanting and waiting,
to try needle painting,
Acrylics and oils are challenging too
but creating with thread instead,
would be like eating homemade bread!
thank you.
What a beautiful book and I would definitely be a beginner with this. I do various things but the little birds on the cover really catch my eye.
I would be honored to own this book. I think she is one of the most talented people I have come across in embroidery. I am a beginner and am certainly ready for something more challenging. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book, Paula.
i love needle painting but havent tried yet.i feel like needle painting needs lot of experiance…if i win this book , i will surely try it…thank you for this wonderfull giveaway…
Thanks so much for offering this book as a giveaway. It’s a fascinating book, & I’d love to own it. I haven’t embroidered in decades, just taking it up again. I was so rusty I had to get out a basic book to do a simple stem stitch. I think I need this book as much as I want it! LOL! I love birds, so the front cover caught my attention right away. I’d love to have it, because I’m sure I’d learn more about shading & long & short stitch.
Hi Mary,
First of all, thank for your site. I look forward for your comments and advise every day. I might look a little odd among the people interested in Trish Burr’s book since I am a man. I grew up in a family of embroiderers surrounded by needles, threads, designs, and fabrics. Few years ago I had a knee surgery and had to spend 3 months in bed. Needless to say I had to find something to do besides TV, PC, books, solitaire, and cell phone. A friend helped me with the tools and a kit of a stamped tablecloth. I was surprise how well I did. It was a Christmas motive and in some of the leaves I tried to make something different from the simple instructions I got with the kit: latter I learned that it was painting embroidery. Now I am retired in the sunny and beautiful Costa Rica and spend my time in bookbinding and leather embossing, furniture restoration, and embroidery. (When women opened their door to get into man’s world in the 60’s, they forgot to closed it… and we got there!) I believe that Trish’s book will help me not only to identify what I am doing wrong, but also to improve my technique. I know I can take classes here, but unfortunately they can’t understand that a man can see it as “art”, so, I only depend on books like this one. (I also want to thanks whoever designed your site: it is so easy to navigate that I never get lost, like in many other sites regardless their orientation.)
Have a nice day
This technique intrigues me. I like the way it is organized into three levels with projects. The photographs of the techniques in progress are fantastic. What a beautiful volumne to have for reference.
Since I spend most of my days doing needlework of one sort or another I am always seeking a new adventure. How wonderful it would be to be able to create flowers and birds that looks so real. I could have a touch of nature brought to life by my own two hands. I can think of no better way to fill the long, rainy days of a northwest winter than learning such a beautiful technique.
I would like very much this book. But I know I have no chance. Because I not live in America. 🙂
What a lovely book! It looks very inspiring and I know would motivate me to elevate my skills!
I have tried needle painting several times and so far I am not pleased with my results. Perhaps this book would help me or I can spend hours reading thru and looking at the pictures. I love needlework material.
Learning how to do this kind of thread painting would be a dream come true, I would share the book with other members of my guild.
I would love to own this book. Needlepainting creates beautiful designs that I would love to incorporate into needlepoint. Maybe this will be the charm to mastering the technique.
Thank you for offering such a wonderful learning opportunity.
I would like to win the book. Because I learn from books and just starting to learn long and short stitching. Most flower I can do but birds not so good. I like looking at good pictures. Learn many stitch from your web pages. Thanks
I would love to own this book not for myself, but rather for my younger sister who is an embroidery enthusiast (at only 17!). She’s unsure about needle painting and I thought this book would be a great way for her to give it a try. Someday I would love to see her use the technique to make embroidered icons for our church.
Thanks for all the amazing things on your site!
– Sarah Begley
Hi Mary,
Frankly, needle painting scares me to death. However, this book looks like it breaks it down step-by-step and the process does not seem as intimidating. I loved your book review. I have a needlepainting kit I purchased at the EGA seminar in San Francisco so maybe the instructions in it, combined with this book, will take away my fear factor. Hardanger used to scare me also but I’m slowly getting the hang of it. Thank you for your many generous give-aways. I hope to win someday.
I am learning “Totsuka embroidery” in Japan. The stitches are very similar to them in the book. So I am interested in it! I eager to win!
I would truly love to own this book. I am just starting a project for a baby blanket for my granddaughter, I think I can use these ideas for that. I have not really did that much embroidery and have been teaching myself, along with books from the library, this would really help.
Debbie M from Batavia
I love needlework and am ready to retire. Would love to learn more about this technique and will have the time to give to it! Thanks for all the information that you so freely give us every day!
Iwould like to try needle painting, I think this is a goood book to learn .
I would so love a copy of this book. I want to learn to needle paint so I can work on a pair of needlepoint monkey’s by Leigh. I think needle painting would make their fur look great.
Thanks for having this give away. I’d love to have this book because it’s one of those items that I’d love to be able to learn from but could never afford to get for myself.
Ooooh – I was hoping this was the giveaway you referred to! I’ve always wanted to try needlepainting but have never had anyone around that is familiar with it. I would love to learn through this book!!!
After doing your Long & Short stitch lessons I have been wanting to try more needle painting. When I read your review of this book, I thought perfect. Waiting for it to be available in the United States. Would love to win it.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I surely would like to add this book to my
library shelf. I have become more and more
drawn to this technique and Trish Burr stands
out as “the” person to learn from.
Pat S.
I wanted to join a workshop,but my budget just won’t allow it; so this seems my only way to learn from such a master.
I have been doing needle painting before anyone ever talked about needle painting. When I was in High School I embroidered a 7″ red dragon onto a bell bottom pant leg (red dragon was the school mascot!)I just seem to be drawn to embroidering little critters in leafy and flowery settings. I would love, love, love this book!!
Mary ann
This looks amazing. I am a beginner embroider and would love this book for the amazing techniques. Thank you for the chance to win!
Needlepainting is something I have been wanting to learn for quite a while. I would love to win the book so that I can get started!
Dear Mary,
I would love to win this book as a gift for my mother’s 80th birthday. She has been stitching up a storm this past year and I think she is ready for new inspirations and challenges!
i’m always looking to learn new techniques that have to do with embroidery. i think this book would be a great addition.
I would love to learn needle painting!
Dear Mary,
Thank you for the opportunity to win this lovely book about needle painting. I want to add this book to my library because I am charmed by the kingfisher on the cover and want to learn how to stitch it. Trish Burr looks like a good instructor as well.
I’ve been getting more and more into surface embroidery lately, and would love to improve my untutored skills in this field.
I’m trying to learn as much as possible about embroidery. I’d love to try needle painting.
Wow, what an awesome book. I would love to try this method, and could do so easily with such a great book.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge with so many of us.
I have always wanted to learn needle painting but it looked so daunting. This book looks like the way forward for me to try this form of embroidery
I LOVE Trish Burr and needlepainting – I haven’t done as much as I’d like, but it’s time to pick my Christmas project back up and it’s nothing but needlepainting.
Wow, would LOVE this!
I would love to own this book. I have painted watercolors when I was younger, and now, as an American woman living and teaching in Turkey, have little or no access to this type of realistic painterly crewel work. Mostly Turkish needlework is geometric. I am so starved for some imagery! I also do needlepoint but really like the free form quality of Trish Burr’s work. I have looked at all the materials on her website–the video clips, the pdf downloads, but would love to be able to touch the paper of a book.
Thank you also for sharing so many designs. I download those as well. I am using your rose panel (the one that was for a religious article of clothing but not religious looking) for a belt/sash.
Best wishes,
What an oppurtunity to won a great book which I would love to have to add to my crazy-quilting adventures. Thanks so much, Debbie (Maine)
again such a lovely give-away! I would be very glad to own this book, because I like needle painting, and it’s one of the preferred technics on rokoko-gowns and men-wear of this time,(which is one of my projects to come)
Thank you very much for your daily newsletter with so much info- and always so lovely written!!
I would love the book. I have played a bit with needle painting and really enjoyed it.
Needle painting is so beautiful. I would really like to try it and Trish’s book would sure help along the way.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the oppotunity to win this book.
I love to do all sorts of needlework and this book would be a great addition to my library. I love the “practice motifs” in the book and I think they would be very helpful in learning needlepainting.
Jan B. in Florida
I would love that book to improve my basic needle work! It looks beautiful!
Oh wow! I would really love love to win this book, I was looking into the prebuy over on amazon. I want to learn how to do this, and I also I am loving the techique of needle felting and thought I could adapt techniques from this book over to that form for colors placement and shading thanks so much
Hi Mary,
I would love to win this book. I’m just starting to get involved with embroidery in all its aspects and am fascinated with needle painting.
Karen G
I would love to have this book! Needle painting is next on my to-learn list.
I’d love this book. I recently completed a small needlebook in a on-line class with Marsha Gomola. It had a cute needlepainted bluebird on the cover and I enjoyed stitching it.
I’d love to get this one !!
So pretty birds, I have to try one definitely.
I think I would try first projects from level 2, and then try this little blue one you see on the cover page. So sweet !
Since you taught me long and short stitch, I am a fan !
I always thought this kind of beautiful work was only for experts and people who have loads of time, but looking at the examples from this book makes it look like something I would love to try to master! I don’t have any books on this subject, as it always looked over my head, but if I don’t win one, I’m sure going to place it on my wishlist and look out for a copy of it..BEAUTIFUL!
Love your site and e-mails Mary! You seem to be blessed with patience!
Tracie – The Netherlands
Hi Mary: I would love a copy of Trish Burr’s book. I have taken a couple of workshops on thread painting and a book would be so helpful. It’s a fascinating way to “draw”.
Karen In Canada
Why would I love to have this book? Easy! I’m a beginner who has never tried needle painting and Trish Burr’s designs are beautiful!
Mary, your review was wonderful and if I don’t win your give-a-way I know the book will end up just having to be ordered. LOL
Cheers, Linda A
Ontario, Canada
I would like to win this book and try to improve my skills in needle painting. I have just started to learn long and short stitching and my progress is not so good. I hope this book will help me in my studies. Trish Burr is a great master and her books are always very helpful.
The book would be a wonder reference for creating a garden full of birds.
I have been coveting this book since I first heard about it. I am ‘re-discovering’ my love of embroidery and am especially taken with needlepainting though I’ve only tried very simple projects so far.
Thanks for offering this giveaway.
I have been doing needlework for about a year. I feel that I want to go to the next level and try needlepainting. It seems like it will be a challenge and something I would like to try. My husband watchs my progress as I work on each project and is always commenting on how pretty my projects work out and now I would like to truly amaze him.
I don’t always put my name in the hat for your generous giveaways, but I’d be crazy not to this time! I’ve been dabbling in needle painting but don’t yet have a definitive book on it. Been meaning to acquire one of Trish Burr’s books, as I’ve admired her work for years, and this would be the perfect one.
Hi Mary,
I am an avid collector of embroidery books and who doesn’t want such a beautiful copy of Trish Burr’s ?! I mean just LOOK at those little birds !
I may not be an accomplished embroiderer but nothing’s going to stop me trying.
Kind regards
I would love Trish Burr’s book simply because she wrote it! She does amazing work and I love it all!
Hi Mary, and thank you for offering such a wonderful book to one of your readers. I’d love to be that one lucky reader. I’m a CQ enthusiast, and enjoy doing hand embroidery, as well as tatting, to embellish my CQ’s. Learning to paint with threads would add another element to my needle skills, and Trish Burr’s book looks to be perfect for that. Thanks for the opportunity.
Since my attempts at needle painting so far have self-taught, this book would be a blessing. My work looks like a beginner! I am sure this book will give me lots of ideas on just how to do that! Thanks for the opportunity. Cathy from Michigan
Hello Mary!
Wow! This book looks superb! Then again Ms. Burr’s books are excellent. I own one other of her titles and it is an amzing book. So helpful…So this newest book would make a lovely addition to my embroidery home library! (of which is very, very small) 🙂 Thank you for this offer! 🙂 I would also like to try my hand at the little bird on the cover…he is just singing my name! 🙂
Jen in Oregon
I would love to have this on hand as a reference as I begin to teach myself needlepainting!
I need to work on long and short stitch. I have done it for years, but far from perfectly. I keep trying; perhaps Trish’s book will help.
I would love to have Trish’s book, because she produces the most beautiful books with the most helpful and clear instructions. They make you want to reproduce every project she includes (and even it you don’t stitch any, you have the great pleasure of looking at her inspiring work).
I recently inherited some needlework that my grandmother made at age 16-18 when she was in”finishing school.”
She did beautiful needle painting with silk thread on fine linen. The shading is gorgeous. She was definitely a gifted needle artist. All of her work is well over 100 years years old and still in perfect condition — thanks to my late mother’s loving care over the years..
I would love to learn needle painting so that I can carry on my family heritage, so to speak. Plus, it’s just so beautiful, I can’t resist it!
A couple of years ago, when my mother-in-law passed away, my husband and I discovered lots of cross-stitching kits and craft supplies in her belongings. She loved doing crafts. She was such a sweet lady that in her memory, I decided to complete all the kits we found. Doing so re-ignited my love for working with threads.
I’ve almost completed all the kits now and would love to do embroidery again. I already know some basic stitches, but needle painting was something I could only dream of when I was a kid. All my attempts never really looked good. After reading your review, I’m convinced that this book is what I need to properly learn the technique and expand my skill set.
I put this on my wishlist after your review the other day. I’d love to learn needlepainting and this looks like an ideal way to learn–and so pretty too!
Mary, I would love to have this book. I have been wanting to become more adept at needle painting for a very long time. I know this book would help me acheive this through these beautiful projects. This technique has so many applications from wall art to home dec to heirloom embellishment. Thanks for the review of this book.
Hi Mary, thank you for ofering this book. I do many types of needlework and have only tried needle painting once. I’m intrigued with it and would love to try more, though it intimidates me a bit. I love your site and all the interesting articles you offer. Please keep up the good work.
Bonnie, Moncton,N.B. Canada
Mary- I would love to have this book to continute my practice of needlepainting. I’ve done two small projects so far and its a lot of work but has beautiful results. Thank you so much for this opportunity!
I am a book junkie (but I read and use them all) and this is already on my wish list. If I can get it as a “gift,” I’ll be able to spend the money saved on ANOTHER book!! There are always more books……….. (thank you, Mary)
I’d love a chance to enter because I want to learn needle painting!
Thanks so much for the wonderful giveaway 🙂
I was planning on buying this on my next payday — what a nice surprise it would be to win it instead. Fingers crossed.
Read your reviews, would LOVE to try my hand at needle painting – and this is the perfect book to get me started
This is just a beautiful book and even though I am not a beginning embroiderer, I know I would learn so much from this book!! I would love to win so I can learn how to needle paint!! 🙂
Hi Mary,
I would like to win. This book would be of use for my embroidery. I have tried needle painting several times without good results. Trish Burr is a PRO in this technique. Although I am French, I can understand English better than I write it. Thank you Mary for your letters always instructive. Louise Québec
I have purchased wo other needle painting books and ended up donating them to a silent auction of EGA because their directions were not clear. I love Trish’s work and her book looks to be very clearly illustrated on stitch procedures. I would love to make those two little birds for my mother’s bathroom. She will be 86 tomorrow. Thx Mary, Missy Palmer Colorado
I’d love this book because I’m in a needlework slump and learning a new technique is just what I need.
I would love this book as I find this technique intimidating but would like to give it a more serious try then I have in the past. Trish Burr’s explanations and diagrams are clear and easy to follow.
Thank you.
This is a beautiful book! I’d love to get back into needle painting and it looks like a perfect inspiration. I also hope it will get my daughter stitching again, needle painting is the only style that moves her.
There are 3-5 of us who are forming a little group this fall (sub-group of our guild) to work on designing our own stitching, this book would help us get started. Once we have all gleaned what we can from the book, we would donate it to the Guild library. So many would benefit from this book.
I want this book, because books and online presentations give me the incentive to keep trying and I need all the incentive I can get.
I think I have the ability to keep trying, but a little extra direction wouldn’t hurt.
Thank you and good luck to everyone else.
Suzanne James
I have really admired the artistry of Trish Burr and would love to give it a try. From your review it looks like this would be the ultimate book to teach myself.
I love Trish’s books! I have a couple of her small projects to start and would love to have the book for extra instructions1
My husband is an avid bird watcher and I love to stitch. I’m just not very experienced. I dream of being able to stitch beautiful birds to frame for him. I suppose if I don’t win I will just have to buy it!
Thank you Mary for all of your stitching wisdom.
Because hope springs eternal I would like to win this book. And because after reading your review about it, I thought, “I can do this!”. I would certainly like the opportunity to try. Your review made the book look so inviting and the technique possible.
Hi Mary,
I fell in love with your description of the book and have put it on my wish list!! I would love to delve a little deeper into some intricate embroidery – and this book would be the perfect guide!!
I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed 🙂
Brittany W from Logan
What a great opportunity to try thread painting. I have wanted one of her books. This would be great. Thank you
A love for books – a love of embrodiery – and an evening to learn a new technique – who could ask for a better way to send quiet time after working with those who have no passion!
I am brand spanking new in the embroidery world and have absolutely fallen head over heels in love!!! I’m diving into it all head first and have started a business featuring embroidered baby gifts. I have a massive project of making a hand embroidered crib bumper ahead of me. Don’t you think this would be the perfect book to add to my library!? wink wink. 🙂
I love the beautiful work you do and find your instructions so clear. Your book would be a really big help as want to start doing more embroidery as have to leave quilting due to downsizing. Thanks for giving us an opportunity to win your book. BC Marilyn
When I first started making paraments for our church, I used applique and satin stitch by machine. The results were ok. This worked because I was able to use items from my stash. Then as I searched almost in vain for symbols, your site came up! From there, a whole new world of eccleasiastical embroidery has opened for me! I have read the Lucy Vaugh Hayden Mackrille book, poured over the Anastasia Dolby book, and enjoyed many other historical books referenced on your site. Thank you for listing those. Learning more each day, my goal is to create pieces for church using techniques, designs, and materials such as those used on pieces in the past. With no budget to work from in pursuing this art at the moment, the internet has been my only resource, with your website at the top of my list. Each time a bump in the road comes up, I rush to Needle ‘N Thread.
A first difficulty has been relearning stitches. I have been working through your long and short tutorial, using a bunch of grapes as the design, repeating it until I am satisfied with the stitch quality. The area that I am struggling with is how to select colors and to develop the skills to place almost each individual stitch to achieve the proper shading results.
Your posting on June 20, 2011 on Embroidery Design Process: Haphazard at Best, gave me the confidence that pulling out all those old skills from my fashion design training in college, I could do this part, too. I was generously given charge of a green silk dupioni and a beautiful fabric called Evesham. The fabrics will become an altar frontal, super frontal, pulpit fall, and possibly a few other pieces. The IHS Wheat and Grapes design from you site will be the design on the frontal. Taking bits and pieces from the Thomas Brown Church Embroideries book, and the wheat from the IHS design, I came up with a beautiful design to coordinate for the pulpit fall. I will also be using your Tudor Rose on the piece. (I stitched along using DMC floss and Kreinik metallic thread. The first attempt was a failure, the second much better!)
The next difficulty is stitch and thread selection. Could the project be done without the expense of silk thread? Reading through the new Ask and Share section provided help again. Several readers have generously shared photos of their work, and the name Trish Burr popped up multiple times. Looking at the designs and the use of color in her work, here was the next piece to the puzzle. Your posting this week on Trish’s new book was perfect. The leaf page from her book gives me a taste of how to pull colors from different green families to achieve better results. The pansy photo might help resolve the issue with shading the grapes!
One other important consideration is that if I can learn and master the techniques from Trish’s book, I can move forward with my project using DMC floss. While silk threads would be the ultimate dream, it’s out of the budget. Another of your posts from earlier this week encouraged me, it would be better to use good fabric with a beautiful design, well executed. Trish’s book would provide the instruction on both stitch quality and guidance for color selection to ensure a well-executed project. (Of course, I’ll still be looking for and posting on Ask and Share all along the way…if only I could get the color shades correct in the grapes… I’m on try 4, and each time is better!)
As a relatively new embroider (embroidress?), I’d love to venture into needle painting. I’m enamored with stumpwork and other means of portraying the natural world in thread.
I would absolutely love this book. I have been working on a dresser scarf (should say plural as I am making 5 of them) for my granddaughters and had an occasion to do some “needle painting” on a few flowers. I love it but would like to read and improve. Thank you for the your thoughtfulness and this give-a-way.
I’d love to stretch my knowledge with a needle, and just look at those beautiful hummers on the book cover….
Thanks for sharing and giving me a chance to win this beginner book. Just what I need.
Happy Stitchin!!!!
Hi Mary-
Thanks for another generous give-away! I would love to have this book because Trish is a master in the art of needle paint and I love learning from such experts. I Have been trying to learn as many techniques as I can over the last 3 years or so and would love to learn needle painting from Trish. -Cindy
Right now I have lost the soul’s rainbows and embroidery is the thread that’s still keeping me together.
I would like to own this book because Mrs. Burr’s work is extraordinarily lovely and I am a beginner!
Thank you for making this offer to us.
Dear Mary,
I’ve never done needle painting, and this looks like the perfect book to learn, and those ADORABLE little birds; just love those!
Thanks so much for all your wonderful posts; it so brightens our days.
Cathy in PA
Read your review of this book, and it looks wonderful! I love learning new stitches and this lwould really help me! Besides, needle painting looks like so much fun! (Way better than actual painting, which I stink at! LOL!) Besides, those birds are the cutest, and the flowers look so life-like! I love your blog and get it sent to my inbox everyday! And your how-to-videos are the greatest! Your bullion knots one really helped me out! Thanks for all your help and inspiration!
Hi Mary,
Another really nice giveaway.
Although I have had a go at most forms of embroidery,I have never tried needle-painting. I think it is about time that I did! and besides, my mother-in-law would love to own one of those cute little birds if I made it for her.
I would love to win the book to learn new techniques. Also, I like the idea that I could order already designs printed on fabric to go with the book so I would really use the book and the techniques. PS I love your blog. I read it every day.
Hi, My name is Cheryl H. from pittsfield Massachusetts. I have never done this technique, and would love to learn. This would be a perfect book for my library……
Thank you
After over 40 years of doing crewel work, I have still not perfected my long and short stitch. I have always wanted to do needle painting, but have never found the right instruction to help me. This book looks like the right one to help me to learn what would be, for me, almost a ‘new’stitch. I have just joined the local chapter of the EGA, but no one there does needle painting! Trish Burr seems like the perfect teacher for me!
The review you wrote made me feeling like I want to have this book. I do needlepaint myself and I like to see how the big names make their way into this difficult technique.
I’ve been doing some very basic long & short stitch, working on my latest Elizabethan style project, which has very stylized flowers. This has made me realize that I really want to try my hand at making natural looking flowers, and cute birds, and would love to have this book to learn how to do just that.
I would love this book! I have been embroidering since I was a child at my grandmother’s knee. But, I have never been able to get shading, etc. correct – my flowers and a animals just never look right. I’d like to figure this out before I pass on and I’m thinking it’s now or never. Trish Burr’s book looks like it is not intimidating and maybe I could finally learn.
I have always admired needle painting and would love this book as a reference. Thank you for such an informative blog!
I believe Trish Burr has some of the most beautiful and realistic designs I have encountered in my search for embroidery projects.I do a lot of small projects and these are so appropriate.I love stumpwork and so many stumpwork projects require expertise in needlepainting.This book would be a great asset in that regard as I have not mastered this technique yet
I love Trish Burr’s work and am a frequent visitor to her website. I would love to learn her techniques and attempt a project (my first ever!), and can’t think of a better instructor. I hope I win!
Also, I love your site and use it frequently. Your tutorials are great.
I want to try needle painting but could use a guide to help me through shading. Your review makes this book sound like it does that.
Oh this would be nice to win. I would love to try this technique of stitching. Just never had the reference mateial to do so. Now this would be my chance for learning.
I have recently rediscovered hand embroidery and would love to expand into needle painting. What an inspirational book! I’d love to add it to my library.
Hi Mary,
I had a feeling your giveaway was going to be Trish’s book. I am currently taking her online course and thoroughly enjoying the challenge. Having her new book would be a wonderful extension of what I am learning.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Joan T
Thanks for the opportunity to win this book, Mary. I’ve been following her blog, waiting for it to come out to get it. I want it because I am a beginner needlepainter and who else could teach this better than Trish Burr, really? So either I will win it here, or I will order it through Amazon.
It is one of my goals to try needle painting. I’ve seen Trish Burr’s other books but most of the designs in them look way to complicated for a beginner. Would love to have this book because I understand it teaches basic shading for people like me who are clueless.
I have embroidered for years but I have not tried thread painting. I am amazed at those of you who do. I am ready to learn a new technique. Thanks for the chance to win and btw, I enjoyed the review on the book.
I would love to own this book! I’ve done some needle painting of my own designs but have always wanted one of Trish Burr’s books to help me refine the results! She combines many colors effortlessly and with such skill, just the photos alone would be a great help!
Hello Mary,
Thank you for your generous offer.
Quite frankly … it was you who encouraged
me personally to pursue needle painting.
It was your letters (still have them), your wonderful website, your tutorials and your own example which made this middle-aged guy a true fine embroidery and needle painting lover.
For this I thank you very much … (with or without Trish Burr’s new book).
Jan S – British Columbia – Canada
Polo, some of the best embroidery I’ve ever seen has been done by a man. Not a thing wrong with that at all! 🙂
I’ve tried to needlepaint off the top of my head and it just isn’t working as well as I’d like…so man, would I EVER love to win this!
Looking at my clunky pieces of practice embroidery, it’s obvious I need some help! 🙂
Hello Mary, thanks for your daily advice on stitching cannot wait each morning when I turn on the computer to see what you are talking about today. I would love to get this book, I am starting to do needle painting and I need all the help I can get. Loved the preview of the book you did and it sounds fabulous. Would love to have it.
I would love to win this book. I drool over all the books you review and this one looks like it a lot of fun. As always I’ll tell you right now your site is one of my favs. I love coming to your blog every morning to see whats new in your world. Thanks again for putting together this amazing blog!
I have always enjoyed looking through Trish Burr’s books and have only done one needle painting project. I really enjoyed working on it and feel that this book would be just what is needed for me to improve my technique. Mary, thanks for a wonderful give away.
Joan from Richmond BC
Dear Marymentor:
This is a “must have” book for me. I am so “shading/long-short stitch” “challenged”…it’s really pitiful ! I have tried a leaf that you offered awhile back and it was a disgrace ! I still don’t know what I’m doing wrong ! It’s got to be something very obvious and simple ! Back to Basics for me and I’ll read every page starting at page one of Trish’s book. Thanks for your continuing tutelage. Judy in Pittsburgh
Hi Mary,
of course I would love this book. I am a self taught embroiderer, who learns everything I can from books in small snippets of time here and there. I am currently tackling my first blackwork project, but I have always wanted to learn needle painting. One of the things I make most often are small embroidered bridal handkerchiefs, a Belgian tradition that few people still know of. I think small needlepainted flowers would be perfect, and the projects in this book seem wonderfully suited!
I have done what was supposed to be silk shading but it has ended up more like needlepainting. Since my inclination is to needlepainting I’d like to learn to do it better. Thank you Mary for introducing us to some of the best needlework books.
Good morning Mary ~
Thank you for an opportunity to win a Trish Burr book !! I do Stump work with my Brazilian Embroidery. Needle Painting is an important part of Stump work – getting the colors to flow… This book would be a wonderful tool to get perfect results
The lady who made a comment earlier, stated she didn’t think she had a chance, since she doesn’t live in America – she has as good a chance as I do.. although I would love to have the book, it would be so nice if she was the winner.
Thanks ~
I would love this book Mary, as I have just started needle painting and figure any information will help me master the craft. Thanks so much, Mary.
I would consider myself a beginner with embroidery but I would like to advance my skills. Your book looks very helpful for beginners as well as advance. I belong to a ministry with my Church and we teach the young ladies sewing, embroidery, crochet, and knitting and other crafts. We feel that our youth are missing out on these gifts and your book could be used to help teach us and the young ladies as well. It may even encourage some of them to order their very own to take home and practice in their own time.
I would love to have this book because this is just the way I would like to learn this craft, and I think Trish is one of the most talented artists to learn this from.
Thank you for offering it as a give away.
I love your blog. I get so much information about embroidery. I would love to win this book because thread painting kind of scares me. I am not good at precise stitching but I would love to be able to do some.
Thanks a bunch for all you post.
Valerie L
As a novice in embroidery I would love to win this book because it takes you from where I am and it allows you to grow. As I read your review on this book I was wow’d that it takes you through every step, from the you materials you need to begin right to the different levels of expertise! This is a must have!
Needle painting fascinates me. Even cotton floss can take on a silk like sheen with the shading, and birds and animals come alive. I love to try new techniques, and this book would be a great inspiration.
Nancy in Newport
I have just finished my first needle painting (Tanja Berlin’s Red Poll). I loved the technique, but it’s clear I could use some help! The book seems like a perfect resource.
Carol in WNC
I am 66 yrs old retired. I have never done needlework. My grandmother gave some pillowcases,and table-scarfs, I love and use and she always amazed me on the embroidery she did and the outcome and the feel of accomplishment. I am tired with just watching TV, and reading. I need something that will inspire me, and take me out of being depressed. I would love to have this book to start something exciting.
Thank you for your time.
Elizabeth T Raleigh NC
I would love to try needlepainting. It’s so beautiful and I really love the little birds. I think it would be cute to have a “flock” of small, framed birdies on my wall! Thanks for the chance to win this book.
I would love to win this book! I have been wanting to try needle painting forever! I love your site and am learning so much. I really want to learn how to do do this particular technique. Thanks again for having such a great site!
-Heather from Chicago
I am an avid Needle Painter and always open to
learning something new! I’d love a copy of her book.
I would love to win this book. I have borrowed her other books from my library, but they are always waitlisted and two weeks with them is just not enough time!
I would love the chance to own my own book, and this one sounds like another winner. With winter coming up, I am going to give needlepainting a try and it’s be great to have that book as a resource, in addition to your blog!
If you’d only seen what I’ve attempted so far, you’d agree I need this book!
It’s for beginners and that is me 🙂 I’ve looked at this book several times and it is beautiful. I’d love to try my hand at this.
Oh, My Goodness!! Who can resist…birds and flowers and the excitement and adventure of another Trish Burr needle painting book. I love her work and the colors she uses. Absolutley beautiful! I am basically a beginner and I have been anxiously awaiting this new Trish Burr book so that I can develop my needle painting skills.
I would like to have this kit. It is gorgeous! Nature is one of my most favorite designs. Thank you for all you do to keep us informed.
God Bless
I would love to win a copy of this book. I am an artist, who is new to embroidery and I am trying to use traditional methods but not traditional themes. Most of my work so far has had a science or maths theme. I have learned lots from your site already. Thanks
I have just started to learn embroidery from my mother and grandmother this summer, I’m 16 and I find embroidery fascinating and fun! I’ve jumped into the craft wholeheartedly(I’ve overdone every single project I’ve taken on, already!) and this site has helped me a lot! I would love to learn needle painting and just some shading techniques in general since I haven’t had any experience with it yet. The way you described this book makes it sound like it would be a lovely resource for my beginning work!
Hi – I love Trish Burr’s books – good background, instruction, beautiful items to stitch, etc.
The primary reason I would like this book is for color and color blending techniques. I expect Trish’s book would provide good understanding of how to make your stitches so that the result is as realistic as possible.
Those birds are exquisite.
Thanks for doing this.
Judy, Middleton
I love Trish Burr and the talent she has. Her needlework looks real, has such dimension. I want to get into doing more of this work and combine it with other needlework I do. This would be a great book to have!
Deb Puma
Needlepainting is my favourite form of embroidery. I so wish I were better at it. I think Trish Burr’s new book might be just the course I need.
I would love to own this book because I just learned to embroider last month and these techniques are exactly what I need to excel at this like a master. I was terrified of learning embroidery for years and years because i am what I consider to be a “bad hand sewer”. Then i got up the courage to try it and I absolutely adore it and would love to learn and grow this skill.
Thanks for your awesome blog BTW, it makes me happy.
I would love to own the book. I have been wanting to learn how to do Trish Burr’s technique.
Mary in Prineville
What a wonderful book full of new things to learn. Have never needlepainted before but worked with other types of embroidery before and want to learn more and this is just the book to teach me. What fun it would be. Margaret in Hollis, Ak
I’d like to win the book because of the those little birds. Like you, I find those little birds adorable and I’d love to give on a try.
I would love the book. I have embroiderd a baby blanket doing some needlepainting–it was just doing it looking at the picture. I would love to have a book that tell one the best way to do it correctly.
I look forward to your writing each day–so much wonderful, useful information.
Thanks so much.
I’ve loved needle painting since I discovered so many beautiful examples in Chinese restaurants years ago. If I won this book, I could try to replicate some of those beautiful pieces or make new ones with my own touch!
WOW!! I don’t even know where to start! But I have to tell you, I have already put money aside to buy this book! After reading your review, this seems like the perfect work-study instructional manuel! I make thing for my loved ones and they truly appreciate the love and time that I pour into their gifts! Thank you so very much for this website! It has made embroidering much more fun and I have MUCH better results than ever before! Thank Mary!!
~ Sandi Ratliff (Happy Stitcher in Florida)
I have long been an admirer of Trish Burr’s work and yours too for that matter. I would love to have this book and begin thread painting. Thanks.
I’d love to own the Needle Painting Embroidery book by Trish Burr… I read with great interest your review of the book. I have been intrigued with all types of embroidery since I started stitching as a teenager some 45+ years ago. I have never tried this method although have admired the shading of Japanese silk shading in their embroidery for what seems like forever. When I get a copy of this book, I’m going to try it since it looks doable… the patterns would make great gifts too!
I would love the opportunity to learn from Trish Burr’s book how to embroider images of the many birds I see in my Texas Hill Country backyard.
Glenna D.
Hi Mary:
Thank you for giving us a chance to own this woderful book!
I purchased one of Trish’s books a year or so ago, and I’ve really enjoyed it. I would love to learn the techniques she uses to create her gorgeous pieces, especially her pansies and those adorable, fluffy little birds.
Carolyn in southern California
It’s been several months since I found your blog, and while inspiring (and enjoyable), I still haven’t attempted to stitch a more traditional embroidery piece. If I were to win this book, it would encourage me to dig into my stash of supplies and try a new technique!
I am just getting back into embroidery and this book would be a fantastic introduction to something different
If I don’t win this book, I’m going to buy it simply because the bee eater on the cover is the cutest little bird ever, and I want to stitch it. Trish’s diagrams and instructions are so well done that I’m pretty sure I could produce a frame-worthy piece.
(And if that isn’t enough, I can go back and work through your lessons)
Thank you for this opportunity, Mary!
-Kathy P in Pittsburgh
I would like to have this book to give to a friend who is just starting embroidery but who has a passion for thread painting. It would make such an awesome gift!
I have been trying new hand stitches for the center of some crazy quilt squares. I am having great fun learing to express myself. I would love to learn to do these little birds. Seeing them peaking out from my quilt would be so fantastic.
I would love to give it a try and this book will be very useful! A really beautiful book…
What a lovely book. This would be useful to me to improve my skills. Since retirement, I have started needle crafts and this would be an excellent book for my library.
I would love to have this book! I have long been interested in needle painting and perfecting my long & short stitch, but, like many, could use some help. Trish is a respected and generous teacher whose books are wonderful. This would be a great addition to any stitcher’s library.
I’d love to learn how to threadpaint!
I would like to own this book to advance my skills in embroidery for the greater honor and glory of God. I hope to own my own business some day and ebroidering will be a part of it.
I think this is beautiful. Would love this book to get inspired to try new thing to me.
Thanks so much!!
I soooo have been wanting to try this out! I love her little birds & the flowers, they’re so natural looking….just need the time & patience to sit down & go through her book! Just need more free time (as always!!)
Because this book is lovely. I haven’t seen many needlework books on-line that I’ve thought about owning.
I use to do a lot of embroidery. Started when I was a teenager. Even taught children basic steps in doing simple projects. But over the last ten years I lost interest. This book makes me think about starting up again. I’ve never tried needle painting but the birds and flowers are so pretty this really tempts me to try it.
I would love to work through this book and be able to stitch those pretty birds.
Working the long and short stitch sampler showed me that yes, I can needlepaint! Now I’m hooked and I want to learn more 🙂
-Heather W.
I subscribe to your blog via Google Reader, and I never miss a posting. I thought I had left “old fashioned” needlepoint behind, as I have spent the last thirty years doing counted cross and the last fifteen years becoming consumed with charted canvas.
Then I discovered your blog, and you inspired me to go back to my roots. Partly, it was because transfering patterns is so much easier these days. Partly, it is because there are so many lovely line drawings available on line (no more of those hideous old 1950s era motifs). I’ve stitched a couple of dishtowels, and you have even gotten me interested in revisiting crewel.
I am fascinated by thread-painting. I have never used that technique and had been debating whether to purchase one of Trish’s kits to give it a try. I would treasure having this book as a teaching tool and to have in my library.
Rinda in Boise
Mary, yet another great give-away. I would love to own this book as Trish Burr’s work is glorious and it would be wonderful to try one of her birds, they look so cute!
Best wishes
I would like Trish’s book as I would like a simple and well written book on creating Needle Painting.I have wanted to attempt this type of needlework for several years but did not feel that the books I had were that helpful in this attempt.
Hi Mary, So nice of you to give away a book. Trish Burr’s techniques are amazing. But, a little too adviced for me.
By the way, I bought the book you reviewed “Early 20th Century Embroidery Techniques” by Gail Marsh and it is all you said it would be. It really is a book to read cover to cover, which I will probably be doing with a flashlight as Hurricane Irene comes roaring thru Phila.
Best wishes,
Jeannette in PA
I’ve never been brave enough to try needlepainting…but it’s so awesome and impressive looking! I’d love to give it a go with the help of the book =]
I have recently started embroidering again after many years; I will be retiring soon and have already started some new projects. I have always enjoyed reading about embroidery almost as much as actually doing it. The photos from the book are so beautiful, I would love to read all of the instructions and maybe find a new project! I hope to have lots of time soon! Winning the book would make my day!
I Love Needle Painting and this book would give a more in depth look and some great tips for me to go farther into needle painting…This looks like a wonderful book one worth owning..Thanks for the opportunity to win it…Wow
After being a subscriber to your blog for a while now, I’m really interested in getting back into surface embroidery. I currently do counted thread embroidery, hardanger, blackwork, etc. Your blog has inspired me to want to go back to surface work and I just love the look of needle painting. As soon as I saw your review of Trish’s book, I new I had to add it to my wish list. I was also hoping that you would give a copy away! Good luck to everyone!
OMD it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hard to find new publications for those of us who still like to hand embroider (for the creativity & relaxation etc etc). When I read your review I immediately decided I WOULD LOVE THIS BOOK. I started to embroider 35 years ago from a kit given to me by my mother’s friend. I love the artistry you have revealed through your review. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. By the way I look forward to your emails/posts they are so well put together and insightful.
I would like Trish Burr’s book because just looking at the picture of the cover fills me with same longing I used to feel when I was a kid at the dimestore, looking at the stamped dresser scarves and all the wonderful colors of floss. Difference is, back then, I would take home scarf and floss and make a mess of them, but now, after reading your review, I’m pretty sure that with the book’s help, I could turn out something nice.
I would love this book because I need to shake up my embroidery habits. It would be fun to learn new techniques & to create new & beautiful works. Love your e-mails and your wonderful creations.
Diana in Sioux Falls
I am trying to teach myself to embroider beautifully… how could I not want this book?
Love your site, you have been a wonderful help to me as I have started doing more kinds of stitching and I have used some of your patterns as well., I would love to start doing some needlepainting and what better way than with a new book by Trish Burr…the book would help me very much and I would use it very well….thank you for a wonderful giveaway again…Rebecca Keith in VA
I’ve only just recently began embroidery (of a much plainer type) but haven’t really been able to get ‘into’ it. My main problem being I don’t absolutely love most of the designs that I can find.
Needle painting though, that I like especially when it’s really realistic pictures of plants and animals, but I don’t have any money to buy books or that one kit that I want.
I would really like to win this book. I really like Trish’s books and patterns. I haven’t done embroidery in 30 years and this book would be perfect for me to start back on my embroidery. Her patterns just make me want to cuddle up with my cats and sew away! Please Mary choose me.
Jjoycelyn S.
I’m currently running to the computer to look up your excellent long and short stitch tutorial whenever I’ve forgotten in which direction to work my stitches or how to get the shading right.
This book would be a great companion next to my embroidery stand, without the need to get back to the screen every time my needlepainting mojo leaves me!
Hi Mary,
Thank you for this website. I can’t say how useful it is for me.
I’d love this book because a) I’m a beginner with all budget allocated to my BSc b) Those projects look amazing, and Trish Burr’s reputation is impressive; and c) I think it would not only teach me about the stitching but also colour. Embroidery is my first real attempt at visual arts and there is so much to learn. I’m looking forward to many happy years learning 🙂
Thank you for the giveaways!
Tessa from Stellenbosch
This sounds just the book I need to start me off doing needle painting as I need all the help I can get.
Beb in UK
I think the details of the instructions and digrams are very clear and easy to understand. I was lucky in that I found it easy to do needle painting. But this book would help me to do my embroidery to look like a real painting.And would be of great help to me in using my colours better. I would love to have at least one of Trish Burr’s books.Thank you.
Hi Mary,
Thankyou again for your generous give away. I have just completed the Magnolia by Trish Burr , I did it with a friend,once a week for a few hours we would get together and stitch. This book would be so helpful as we are both very new to this technique.
Kerrie in Adelaide 🙂
Thanks for another wonderful giveaway Mary. I’d love the opportunity to study this beautiful book. I’ts definitely on my wishlist.
Lisa in Ontario
I’ve enjoyed one of your other books and your DVD very much. Your instructions are some of the clearest I’ve read. I’d love to win a copy of your newest book.
Thanks for your books and for your newsletter.
Mary, Mary, Mary, you always come up with the best things for your give-a-ways! I haven’t delved into the thread painting, but thanks to you I’ve been able to view some of the best pieces there are. This would be a lovely addition to my library. Thanks for the chance to win! Sandy
Thank you Mary for the opportunity to win this book. It looks gorgous!!! I just love needle painted birds, and could learn more to improve my technique.
Hey Mary,
I love your daily newsletter….it is my first read of the day. I have an embroidery machine
and watch the designs play out. Somehow it would be fun to actually do it myself and this book would be a great start. Keep up your good work for those of us that are embroidery challanged, we appreciate it muchly!
Hi Mary,
Realistic technique is something I truly enjoy and would love to win this book to see if there are some pointers in it to tweek my technique. I do hope I win this one!
Dear Mary, I have not done any real embroidery for many years except for the occasional outline stitch quilt block. Your daily articles have refired my interest and I try out your tips and techniques without fail. Thank you so much. I am keeping all my little samples to incorporate into a crazy quilt.
This book is on my ‘must have’ list.
God bless
Winnifred in Ontario
Mary: I’ve drooled over this book after seeing it at a recent Regional EGA Seminar; it’s definitely on my wish list, since I really enjoy needle-painting on canvas as well as on fabric. Thank you so much for presenting such a marvelous give-away opportunity. Janet.
This is the book of my dreams. I have Trish’s earlier book and I refer to it over and over again or simply get lost in it’s pages. Her kits, her books are wonderful and soooo encouraging particularly to a beginner like myself. I hope I win such a enticing competition.
Hello and thanks for another give-away. Maybe this time I will get lucky. I really hope so, as your review of this book already got me really interested in it – I haven’t tried my hand at needlepainting yet, but would love to start trying. I have to confess, I am a bit intimidated, not so much because of the stitching, but because of the colours involved. I am not sure, that I can produce a satisfying result and this book would surely help me lot to achieve this.
Thanks also for your great website
Have a nice weekend
Dear Mary! Thank you for your excellent book reviews; I’ve actually purchased several books recently based on them (the RSN books rock, don’t they?? I hope to add titles throughout the year, but am cherishing the crewelwork one at the moment). The very thought of “painting” with a needle, and examining Burr’s excellent skills, sets one to dreaming. Good look to all!!
Hi Mary, I would love to win this giveaway 🙂 I am new to embroidery, like I am currently practicing your ‘the quick brown fox jumped over lazy dogs’ lettering. My grandfather recently passed away and because the military moved us from OK to MD we are unable to go be with my grandmother during this time because of travel expenses, so I thought I would learn how to embroider hummingbirds because they are what bring her great joy. Since I’m a beginner the book might be out of my league right now (I don’t really know as my only embroidery references are your website currently) but I do enjoy teaching myself new skills and am hoping to excell in the skill and have my house littered with my new talent 🙂 Thanks for considering me – Elizabeth J- Fort George G. Meade 🙂
I would love to win this book. I`ve tried to teach my self to do needle paint embroider, but I think I need some help. This would be perfect to get me started. The projects look so beautiful!!
Rachel Lawrence
I plan on doing some silk shading on a quilt that I am currently working on and this book would help a lot since I have done very little of this type of embroidery.
Oooh, I would love this book! Those little birds are adorable! I would have to start with the beginner flowers, because I am a needle painting novice, but the birds would be motivation. I really enjoy your website, and especially your how-to videos and book reviews. Thank you for making beautiful needle art accessible for all of us!
I would love to learn to fabric paint and I love the looks of Trish’s book and designs. Thanks for the chance to win this great book!
Hi Mary,
I would love to win this book i have just started to experiment with needle painting and I’m am stuck on a project right mow I am having a hard time deciding in what detraction to go with the stitches I love the art of needle painting and this book would really help me to become a better sticher
Hi Mary,
I would love to win this book i have just started to experiment with needle painting and I’m am stuck on a project right now I am having a hard time deciding in what direction to go with the stitches I love the art of needle painting and this book would really help me to become a better sticher
The minute I saw this book reviewed on your website, I KNEW that I had to have it. Before I went in for a major heart procedure last week, I traced one of Trish Burr’s irises onto fabric and collected all the necessary threads, so that I would have something pleasant to which I could look forward after all the “ugliness”.
Thank you for your energy and commitment to sharing your needlework passion with others,
I have already submitted a comment. I do not know if this second request means that I have to submit another.
I feel that learning something new is a good thing,so what better way to do it, then with instruction that are clear & precise from this new book.
This is a great give away! I came across your website when I was first teaching myself about embroidery and have learned lots because of it. One thing I have yet to try is needlepainting because frankly it is a little daunting. I’ve looked into trying one of Trish Burr’s beginner kits, but this book would be even better. The instruction looks great and the step by step project is what I am looking for in a first time project. It was added to my must buy list when I read about it. To win it would be great because I’m not sure if I could get it in the US yet. Regardless thanks for the review.
Melissa H. in Payson, UT
Hi Mary,
Add my name to the list of those interested in needle painting! Have dabbled and my results are not great. Would love to be able to get some professional instruction to make it look like needle painting instead of random long stitches. There is truly a technique to this embroidery form. Here’s to all who also wish to own a copy of this book! Best wishes to us all….
I have drooled over Trish’s work and bookmarked her site on my computer. I would like to have her book because her instructions seem to be even better than the A-Z of Thread Painting that I recently bought and her bird designs are absolutely to die for.
Hi Mary! I adore embroidery and have wanted to be able thread paint….and just haven’t had the opportunity. This book would help take me to the next level I think! Thank you for offering this book up in a giveway! Keeping fingers crossed! 🙂
I recently took a class from Marsha Papay Gomola. The project was a needlebook & scissor case with a thread painted bird on each. My attempt with the first bird was very crude. I definitely improved by the time I began the second bird. But I realize my skill is not anywhere near where it needs to be to satisfy me. Therefore I decided to do some practicing before I started the project “for real”. I set everything aside trying to decide what the best way to practice was. Well, I found my answer. It is Trish Burr’s book. If I am lucky enough to be the winner that would be great. But if not, I plan to purchase the book asap so I can get started.
I’d love to have this book so I could try to figure out ways to incorporate needle painting into Brazilian embroidery designs! It would just be more fun than a bunch of puppies!
Mary C.
What a fabulous book. I am just getting into thread painting and just loving it, I can’t stop doing it. Please let me win the book so I have some lovely new designs to do. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! (especially the birds I love birds) Jill R
I would love to get this book, so I can learn how to do needlepainting (beyond your tutorial, which I have to go find).
I would love to win this book, I am new to this kind of embroidery and your review makes me believe this is just the book I need!
fingers crossed!
Jane G
I have wanted to learn thread painting. I hope this book could help me to begin my passion for thread painting. I love the bird design and the colors combination. Love to have this book. Thank you. Chui Lin
I am an avid fan of needle painting,and have learned several techniques. However, I’ve never mastered long and short stitch which is used by so many. Your review of her book really piqued my
interest mostly because of her approach to learning different motifs and how the technique related to that particular shape. It looks like a great book and I would love to own and start learning and practicing her approach. Thanks
Bette Kelley
Este livro com certeza é maravilhoso,faço bordados mas não iguais aos do livro.Ficarei muito feliz com um exemplar deste livro.Espero ser a ganhadora deste brinde. Obrigado. Abraços.Continue fazendo estes trabalhos lindos.
I want to learn it! I want to do it! I want this book!!!
I’ve been embroidering since I was 5, but have never learned the ‘fancy’ stitches. To my Mom, a French Knot was fancy! I would dearly love to learn how to needle paint.
The little birds in the book are just so cute I want to sew some of my own, the book would of course be the best resource to do that.
I’ve been lusting for this book. I love her work but have been too intimidated to try it. To have a book for beginners would be great.
Thanks for another wonderful giveaway.
Cynthia Green
I recently joined our local embroidery guild. Most are long-time members and I am the only novice. I have seen some beautiful pieces done by our members in the past using Trish Burr patterns and techniques. I would love to learn to do work that beautiful.
Hi Mary,
I just started one of Trish Burr’s projects from her website and I LOVE it. Having one of her books would be even better!
Thank you,
R. Mondragon from Taos NM
i taught myself to embroider when i was 9 years old. many years later i have been able to teach myself techniques for needlepointing but have not been able to grasp the skill for needle painting. i would really appreciate a good teaching book so i can make my work stand out.
I would love to learn thread painting. Now that my children are grown, there are so many things I want to try and this is high on my list. Thank you.
I think its just beautiful how wonderful to learn how to make them come to life
Very Dear Mary,
I am interested on Burr´s book, because… first, I do needle painting myself, but Trish Burr´s has gone much far ahead… and I am interested in learning the technique that she used to have those feathers look so real and many other things I wonder about. From Nicaragua, Celestina
When I was younger, I only attempted outline stitches on pre-stamped fabrics. Now that I’m retired, I’d love to move on to something more challenging with needle and hoop.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this beautiful book.
I would love to have this book!!!! I am just now learning the love of embroidery. No one taught me how to do any stitches as a child, so I have had dear army wives teach me as the years have gone by.
I love your daily emails and enjoy learning new stitches. Thanks for your web site 🙂
I would love this – I’ve done a bit of the Redoute Flowers but need a lot more work!
I would love the new Trish Burr book to add to my collection of her other books. One can never have enough!!
Thanks Mary for another great giveaway!
Penny JB
Me gustaria tener este libro porque me ayudaria mucho a mejorar la tecnica.Gracias por ofrecerlo.
Mar gracia
I come far too late to this simply beautiful craft of neede painting, but, oh to have this book and give it a try.
Jeanne beck
I think needle painting is a fascinating art and a book that goes from beginner onwards would be an awesome learning tool!
I read the review of this book. I am seeing the pictures again and again. The pictures are lovely, and I am tempted to use some of those ideas.
I would really like to own Trish Burr’s ” Needle Painting Embroidery:Fresh Ideas for Beginners”. I am a beginner and would love to have Trish’s book to teach me the whole process of shaded stitchery.
Hi Mary,
Thank you for this giveaway!
Please include me into the long line
of those who appeciate Trish Burr’s wonderful
work. I would love to add this book to
my embroidery library. Thank you Mary for your great review of this lovely book!
Best luck to all …
Jan S, BC, Canada
This book sounds like just the ticket for me because I have two of Jo-Ann Jenkin’s lovely mice kits from that I bought two years ago but am afraid to try stitching. I would love to finally learn to thread paint and love this book to learn by.
Dear Mary,
I would love to have this book in order to learn another embroidery technique. I have done some long and short stitching, but I am without a doubt a beginner and need all the help I can find. Your earlier review of the book is great.
Thanks for your great newsletter and your tutorials.
Fran Johnson
Red Oak, TX
Oh wow, Mary! Thanks for this awesome giveaway. I would love to attempt a cute realistic bird like those in Trish’s book. It would be great to win this one.
Oh. My. Goodness! I would absolutely LOVE this book! I have just added it to my “to-buy” list.
I’ve just started venturing into embroidery from cross stitching and have bought Trish Burr’s DVD. I love art and embroidery so to needlepaint is my perfect combination! This book would be perfect to start from and work my way into the needlepainting world 🙂
Thanks for the review and opportunity Mary!
Hi Mary!
Thank you so much for all your reviews and this give-away.I’d like to have this book because of the birds.I’d done flowers in needle painting technique,but for these birds I need help from a professional and since this book is for beginner’s I think it’ll help me.I love those birds!
I want to win the book because I have never needle painted before and would be a beginner. It just looks like such a great book to own and display with my other embroidery books. Thanks so much for such a great blog! I look forward to it everyday and have learned so much.
Hi Mary,
I would love to win this book. I did a bird kit by Trish Burr and she makes the thread painting so easy to understand. I was really happy with the results.I think she has a lot of fun projects in this book and I would love to try my hand at a few of them.
Thanks for your generous offer. You make embroidery fun!
Mary Ann
I read your review of this book when you posted it and knew that I had to add this to my library. Would love to win it though! I love getting your newsletters and frequent your website for your tutorials several times a week. Thanks so much for all you do to educate us newbies!
me gustaria ganarme el libro de pintura con aguja, por que los efectos que se consiguen con este bordado son iguales a una pintura, incluso queda identico a la naturaleza. soy de colombia. dios te bendiga y ojala me permitas ser la ganadora de esa verdaddera joya que es tu libro, lo deseo profundamente y te juro que no te defraudara. mil gracias
Mary, you gave this book such an excellent review – a review I know can be trusted. I have put off learning needlepainting as I lack confidence to tackle it. With this book, I feel I would feel able to learn the basics…then who knows where that will lead!
Thanks for the opportunity.
I would like this book because as a beginner in needlepoint, I have found that there are so many things I need to learn. I am a member of the EGA and our night group has a lady who is so talented and she took a class on this at the regional seminar and the piece she did was gorgeous. I would love to aspire to do such beautiful work.
I would love to have this book because my sister has been talking to me nonstop about these, and they look lovely. If I won this book, I think I’d have to give it to her (well, maybe just share it with her).
Hi Mary, thank you again for the opportunity to own such a lovely book.
Why would I want to own a copy? To have a book dedicated to just Needle Painting would be wonderful and to have a book that has been written with beginners in mind would be excellent.
Although the opportunity to use it may not arise till next year as I have just taken on a commission to finish a Hardanger Supper Cloth for an elderly stitcher who can not finish it herself. I am going to begin a blog, so I will post a link when I have that up and running.
Regards, Marian (NZ)
I would love to try the amazing little birds, and flowers. I have been working with your tutorials and have learned so much, I would like to continue to grow in my skills. Thanks
The designs in Trish’s book are so beautiful and realistic. I would love to own this book so I can sew them all!!
Kaysee in AB
WOW! What a book! I’ve had one opportunity to “learn” needle painting during a 1 day class. As you can imagine, 1 day is just not enough to really learn this technique only enough to know I’d like to explore it more thoroughly. With this new book, I could do just that. We are certainly lucky to have such a resource available to us. Thank you Trish Burr for writing the book and thank you Mary for this generous offer.
Novice to embroidery! Need painting….oh god…whats it like?? This is my present state.
I will be happy to read thru and learn this craft. Will be more contented if I can post back my works when needle and thread stir up magic.
Luck never strikes though!
This sounds like a wonderful book. Just perfect to get me started on paint embroidery. I’ve done mostly simple pieces over the past few years, but the information on your site and your wonderful newsletter has encouraged me to do more and even to try more than my usual stitches! Thank you.
I would love to win the copy of this book!
I would love to own this book because I would like to learn needlepainting technique and because Trish Burr’s work is beautiful.
Loved your review of the book. I have always been fascinated by this art and this book seems to make it so easy. I would definitely like to own this book.
Thanks for letting us know about the book.
Hi Mary,
You website has been such and inspiration & motivator for me!! I have been reading your website everyday for months even before I signed and have started stitching after many years. I have done a few of designs from the site …a little blackwork…done in gold metal thread! Got so carried away with Brazilian embroidery, that I’ve done a design of Brazilian embroidery as well although I couldn’t get the required thread. I’ve never done needle painting before but have been fascinated with the samples on your site of your own, readers and Trish Burr’s site. have also checked out the Chinese embroidery site with Su embroidery from one of your links. I’d really love to win this book…so that I could try this type of embroidery as well. Crossing my fingers…hope Lady Luck smiles on me!!
God bless you for your dedication to promoting embroidery.
Warm regards,
Hi Mary,
Trish Burr’s works on Needle Painting are really beautiful, so as her books.. Upon reading your review, have added this in my to-buy list.. and my next to-do project! I would absolutely love to win this book as it would give me a headstart on the project..
I would love the chance to win this excellent book. I have done one of her designs from Inspirations magazine and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you to you for a wonderfully inspiring blog and also for sharing such books etc with others.
I’d love to learn how to needle paint, your generous giveaway is just my chance! Thank you for the chance.
Wow Mary! What a wonderful give away! I’d love to do those birds, but being a beginner will definitely need help.
Thanks for this lovely opportunity.
Hi Mary!
I’d really like to get to grips with thread painting. I’ve done some already, but feel far from confident with it. I’d like this book, not only for that, but also because of the lovely pictures and as Trish is such a sweetie!=)
All the best and thanks for running this,
I love to paint regardless of the medium. Plus I make my own hand dyed threads which really helps in not buying any new threads – just use what I have.
I prefer needlepainting to other embroidery techniques, I’ve worked through your long and short stitch tutorials and have a couple of other books by Trish Burr but feel I still need a bit more handholding, your review of the new book made me feel that this would be the ideal tool and constant reference for the more beginners end of the process.
Thanks Kim.
I have been entranced with excellent needle painting since seeing the beautiful work of a Japanese Kimono embroiderer named “Shizuka Kusano”. Her work was exhibited at the Perth Western Australia Quilt Fair sme years ago. I went out and bought her book, but there were no techniques just pictures of her beautiful work.
I look closely at the pictures and practice, practice, practice. A book of techniques is just what I need and would love to win but if I dont joy to the lady who does.
Hi Mary,
You are being very generous, as usual. I’d love to lay my hands on Trish Burr’s new book. Why? Just because I love books, I already have one of hers and would love another one. This does not seem a very worthy reason, but it is the first that came to my mind amongst lots of others, like dreaming about one day embroidering at least one of her birds as well as she does, etc., etc.
I have just spent two months with my grand-daughters, started getting them to do a little crossstitching – they loved it, but other cousins came along and then there was too much to do in one day to sit around grandma and stitch! Maybe another time.
Greeting from Mauritius.
Dear Mary, I already ordered Trish Burr`s book, should be here in October, I already have her CD but I love books. If I win this one, I will give it to our group of ladies called Les Fermieres , they are mostly french but the pictures are so clear in the book that translation is easy. Once again, Thank you for thinking of us.
France from Canada.
mary an excellent review of the book,and i will like to have it as i wish to embroider and learn needle painting and embroider those sweet beautiful birds in thre.thanks.nilima.D,india.
Hello Mary. I would love to win this book because Trish’s work is the type of embroidery that calls to me. It’s what I look at and say to myself “If I keep at it maybe one day I’ll be able to do that”. The realistic animals and plants are the designs I am the most inspired by.
Thank you for your wonderful website. I love to embroider and particularly love the fineness of needle painting! It’s tedious but the rewards are so great! That’s why I’d love to be the winner.
I would love to win as I have never emroidered in my life and really want to learn this new craft.
Leah W x
United Kingdom
I’ve wanted to try needlepainting for a long time (I do counted cross stitch and needlepoint from graphs) but I haven’t had the courage to try it on my own. Your review makes this sound like the ideal book to learn from. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win this book
Kathy Pennington
Mary; In the 1970’s I took classes with Elsa Williams in New England and loved it. I still have several of her large pieces unfinished. Now retired I have again taken up my needle, and am again loving it. I know Trish Burr’s work and this book with the birds and flowers is incredibly inspirational yet so helpful with the “how to” drawings. Thank you for the opportunity to perhaps “win” the book from you. I enjoy your e-mail each day!
I have Trish’ ‘Collection of Flowers’ and have been working with that for awhile now. I would love to add this to my collection. The colors and designs are fantastic! Thanks so much for the opportunity to win this new book. I’ve learned so much from your site and your newsletters. Thanks again!
Hi Mary!! First I want to thank you for always giving this great oportunities and for being a source of knowledge on embroidery in general.
I ‘d love to own this book because I love Trish’s work and I think that needlepainting is a technique I’d love to try.
Huggs from Argentina.
Mary, What a wonderful opportunity. I have wanted to try needlepainting for some time but am somewhat intimidated. I would like the book because, from your review, there are some small projects to start with. Thanks for your wonderful newsletter; I love checking up with you every morning! Way more interesting than work some/most times! 🙂
Trish Burr oooh. Her work is to be greatly admired as is yours. I keep opening your blog to find ways to do new stitches as it is so helpful and clear. To win the book would be amazing. I have recently subcribed to the Inspirations magazine thanks to yourself as I had never heard of it before. So many projects, so little time. Roll on the Winter when the gardening season is over and I am tucked up, needle in hand being inspired.
Thank you Mary
Karen Lowrie, Kettering UK
I have just started to learn embroidery and I would love to add this book to my tiny embroidery library. The things on the cover are BEAUTIFUL and I would LOVE to learn how to make them!
Thanks so much for such a great blog!
Hi Mary,
Thanks for this give away.
I have always felt that embroidery is my stress buster. I feel peaceful whenever I embroider. It just makes me forget everything else.
I have recently started with your tutorails on long and short.
This book would be a great source of inspiration to master the art of needle painting.
Thanks a lot for your how to video .I have using your tutorials for the last 3 years.
Hi, Mary. Thanks for the giveaway!! I would like this book, as it appears to be the best book out there on long and short stitch. Trish Burr’s work is the best in this, in my opinion. I love the birds that she creates. Sandi,soon to be in Oregon.
Hello Mary,
When I think of “why” this book in particular to learn/progress/advance in needlepainting, I came up with this reason: from your review of Trish’s new book, I get the feeling that there is an “architecture” to needlepainting each type of shape. I believe this book, with its step-by-step photos and instructions would allow me to really clearly understand how to construct a shape using this beautiful technique. I would love to have it as a reference book.
-Sharon in France
I hereby submit my name for the drawing. I have only tried needle painting once and I did a “just fair” job of it. Perhaps this book will be the learning tool I need…and of course, thankyou so very much for your wonderful site.
S.T., New Mexico
I am new to the needle craft and any book for beginners would be wonderful resource/tool for me. I always seem to have a hard time picking out a good book because I get distracted by the wonderful images in them.
Dear Mary,
I love silk shading and am always looking for new projects.
Thank you,
Camille Van Fleet
I stumbled across your site while looking for some ribbon embroidery supplies. I started cross stitching when I was 8. I have done lots of different needlework, but this is new to me. I am making Christmas presents for friends and family and the hummingbird on the cover really caught my eye as my mother collects them. I think it would be a great addition to the project I am working on for her. I would love to learn Needle painting embroidery. Thanks for the chance, Mary.
Good morning Mary,
Thank you for the give away. We have two other books from Trish and would love to work a little bird.
Have a wonderful day,
Maria VF
I would definitely love to win this book. You have reignited my love of embroidery and I have been following your daily comments and learning new things and practicing old things. Thanks.
Robin Waggoner
I would really love to have this book. I am a beginner and I need all the help I can get. I am disabled and working on the needle painting projects helps takes my mind off of my problems. Thank you for your website and newsletter.
Hi Mary!
One can never have too many embroidery books!
This book is already on my amazon wishlist. I’d love to learn to needlepaint birds. I’ve always thought birds of prey would look good needlepainted as well.
I feel needle-painting/ embroidery can help to create very real looking birds, flowers and butterflies. And I am interested in starting an enterprise wherein I can make various products with patterns of birds and buuterflies that actually exist on them. So for example of a series of napkins on butterflies and their food plants, or a series of table-mats on the migratory birds of India. Besides I love embroidery and want to revive it to its fullest potential!
Thank you for another great give-away. I saw that this book had been released. I haev only dabbled in thread painting and want to increase my skills. That is why I would love to win this book.
Martha B
the Southern Matriarch
I absolutely love Needle painting! It makes my heart ache every time I see it. I didn’t know this book was out there! I’m new at hand embroidery and have had no idea how to create such realistic flowers and birds(my two favorite things to embroider) If I win this book I will cherish it. Thank you for this opportunity. Nancy T. in Seattle WA
Hello Mary,
I’m fond of Trish’s technic of needle painting.I’m already in an online course with Trish.Every evening, when I take my fabric on my knees, all the threads around me on the sofa (I swear there so many colors for so small areas…), the magnifiers on my nose, I am in paradise… and I don’t have this last book…
Sorry for my terrific english, I come from France, have a good day and thanks for your dayly newsletter.
Hello Mary – First of all thanks for a very wonderful website. It brought back for me all the wonderful memories of summer vacations back home in India when we cousins had to embroider atleast one project sometimes multiple. Ah those long forgotten stitches and threads!!. I would love to enter this giveaway and hope to win so I can revive my forgotten love for embroidery and work on some beautiful patterns. Thank you for the chance :). ~Vindya
Thank you for posting this give-away! When you reviewed the book, I was hoping you would offer a copy. I would like to win the book because it would be a wonderful resource for the crazy patch classes that I will be leading this fall. We will be studying spot motifs in session #2 & a little bird would make a great addition. This would also be a good book to donate to the township/county library system because it is geared to beginners.
I could definitely use some help with needle painting. I’ve tried a bit, but it never comes out as well as I’d like, resulting in a hasty retreat back to crewel and cross stitch.
Hi, I just foound your website this week and love it. I love to crossstitch and I ordered a kit but it was stamped on the fabric with no holes on the fabric( that is like the ada fabric has) anyway I thought well this would be a good time to learn to embroider and learn some new stiches other then the cross stich and the backstich. So I came upon your wonderful tutorial on stiches and I’ve learn a few more stiches.Thank You soooo much. I saw the pages of this beautiful book and just fell in love with it. I want to learn how to do this and this book will show me how.
Mary, I forgot to mention in my comment I live in South Jersey.
Hello Mary – First of all thank you for a wonderful website. It brought back many beautiful memories of summer afternoons spent embroidering various projects from handkerchieves, to pillow cases and even tunics along with cousins back home in India during our school vacations. Ah those wonderful times. I would love to enter this giveaway and hope to win to revive my old love and relearn to recreate the magic with threads. Thank you for giving a chance :). ~Vindya, New Jersey
August has been a very trying month. I’d love
to have a copy of this book and would try some of the projects.
August has been a really bad month and I’d love to win this contest and try some of the projects in this book.
I would love to win this book, because your review of it made me really want to own it. I’ve lost my embroidery muse a little, and I feel sure those lovely little birds would help me find it again.
I would love this book, in fact if I don’t win, I will probably buy it. I’m learning Japanese embroidery and think this will be a good addition to my library.
I just love seeing the little birds on the feeder outside my kitchen window and yearn to be able to put these images down on canvas, I think this book would help me achieve this
A Trish Burr book that isn’t in my collection? I *wants* it! 🙂
Great giveaway!
I am a beginner and I need this book
Hello Mary, I’ve just recently discovered blogging and learnt how to make a comment. I always enjoy your blog and learn from it. Thank you for the opportunity to win Trish’s book, I love needlepainting and it’s a technique I’d like to perfect, I think you can do so much with it. Thank you. Mandy
Hi Mary,
I am a beginner with embroidery and I am loving every bit of it!! This book would be perfect for me because it has easy instructions for me to follow and I absolutely love birds and flowers. I think needle painting is in my opinion, one of the most beautiful projects in embroidery. If I win this book it will be my first book EVER to own in embroidery and it will help me start me off as a beginner. I will treasure it forever and do every project in there. Thank you for all your newsletters, I enjoy reading them so very much and they are all so helpful to me. I hope you have an amazing day! 🙂
Hi Mary
Since my revived interest in embroidery 2 years ago, I´ve admired Trish´s thread painting and this book would be an absolute treasure to add to my collection…definitely an inspiration to perfect my attempts at this technique!
I started learning how to embroider when I was 6 and did it – as well as other things like knitting and cross-stitching- until I went to college! I recently, since graduated, picked it back up and have been doing all I can to get back into embroidering! Needless to say, I’m not nearly as good at embroidery as I want to be, I have a lot that I need to teach myself! This book would be an absolutely incredible addition to my library, since I actually don’t have an embroidery book. I can embroider the basics but my goal is to go beyond the simple.
By the way, This website is by far my favorite website out there… It’s the only one I check on a daily basis besides my email! Keep up the magnificent work!!!!
Blessed Be!
Sara T. from Upstate NY
I am so in awe of Trish’s embroidery work and yours Mary, I would love to win Trishs’ book and learn more techniques. I have been doing embroidery work now for nearly 50 years and thought my work looked nice but adding all of the new stitches and techniques would really make it beautiful.
I would be quite interested in receiving Trish’s book as her work is outstanding. I’m a beader at heart but love and do all types of hand work. I know Trish’s instructions and patterns I’ve seen are so well described and written it would be like Christmas to receive her book!
Thanks so much for offering this to your followers!
I just finished a goldwork class with Michele Roberts and I would love to add some needle painting with it. I am fascinated with the different techniques and am eager to learn everything!
Hi Mary,
I’ve just gotten into embroidery and am always eager to try new techniques. This book would be a great way to get into needle painting.
Oh and your website is the best!
I want to own this book because I’ve always wanted to learn the beautiful techniques it teaches!
Oh my, What a wonderful book to win, I have wanted to have someone show me how, to do this for so long. To have a great teacher show me the best way to learn is awesome. I love your work as well and i can’t get enough of reading and going through all your pages of valuable knowledge. I’m the only one in my family that loves to work with her hands, doing embroidery, even though I have a machine to do it. Thanks for the oppurtunity Hope I win!!!
Thanks so much Bonnie from Claremore
Thanks so much for this give away. I love your site and all the information you so freely share with us.
Thank you
Thanks again for another great giveaway. I want this book so I can sew new pieces for my friend who are getting hammered by Hurricane Irene.
Colleen Lim
Me facina el bordado, he encontrado en el una fuente de relajacion,de meditacion y de inspiración, se que no soy una experta,tengo 52 años y se que todavia puedo aprender, y me esfuerzo por hacerlo con la ayuda de Mary.
Nunca he tenido un libro o manual de bordado, asi que cuando encontre esta página me quedé facinada he aprendido mucho ¡claro que me encantaria tener el libro¡.
Ooh, I’ve been eyeing off this book!
I would love to win it because it is Trish’s book on crewel and surface embroidery that really fuelled my interest when I was starting out and made me wonder “could I really be good enough to do that one day?”
Thanks for the giveaway!
I would love to learn needle painting and your designs are beautiful! Once I learn how I would then like to teach both of my granddaughters who I’ve been teaching sewing and quilting to as well and they are loving it. I think they will love your work even more – just like me!
Thank you for this opportunity 🙂
My one effort at needle painting was obviously that of a beginner. I have seen examples of such darling birds & flowers that I would learn to do. Tris Burr’s are so pretty. I doubt that I would ever reach her level of expertise but I would sure like to try again. I’m am entranced with Trish’s use of color , the fineness of her stitches. I would love to win her book so I can better learn the technique of needle painting. It would MAKE MY DAY!!!
Thank you for running a giveaway Mary – whoever wins this gorgeous book will treasure their prize forever!
If I were to win I would give the book to my mum, who adores needlepainting and Trish Burr in particular. Unfortunately she hasn’t had a lot of luck teaching herself how to needlepaint – she was using Trish’s book to needlepaint the magnolia and her book got stolen!! To add to her woes it was a library book!!
So to answer your question: Even though I am a huge fan of Trish, and even though this book would be a treasured addition to my embroidery book collection, if I won I wouldn’t actually own this giveaway book – if I won I would give it to my mum. I know she would adore it and it would make her feel so much better after losing the first Trish Burr book she ever used!!
Dear Mary,
Thank you for your daily email which i am excited to read for there are such lovely things. I am a Cloistered nun , an Indian missionary in Africa. When I read your review of the book I said to myself,”I wish I could get it. It seems it would teach me to do the kind of embroidery I have longed to do. ” We make Mass vestments and other necessary embroidery for the Church.By ourselves we cannot afford the book. I was trying to think of whom I could ask to donate me the book. I am not being mischievous, but truly, considering your kind and generous ways in sharing your patterns etc., I did consider requesting you , if you have an extra copy to share it with me.The O.C.D. attached to my name stands for Order of Discalced Carmelites.
Thank you for your kindness and generosity.I like your website because it is mostly geared to Ecclesiastical Embroidery.May God reward you as only He can,
Sr. nirmala
I tried long-and-short stitch once. It didn’t look like that. I obviously need the book to learn how to do it correctly!
Ciao Maria, partecipo volentieri a questa occasione perchè gli uccellini mi piacciono moltissimo da ricamare, anche se non ho mai usato questa tecnica. Ti ringrazio per la gentiel offerta e auguri alla vincitrice! Baci
Hi Mary,
This book looks totally scrumptious! I’d love to win it and give the technique a serious try, but I should probably give it to my mother-in-law who could really do the projects justice. Thank you for all you have taught me and inspired me with.
Hi Mary,
I’ve tried a lot to get last give aways but couldn’t make it. I wish to have this time so i can make any new creation by using this book.
Hi Mary!
Lovely book, I’ve never tried needlepainting before and would love to give it a go!! I would like to try and embroider with silk, I usually use DMC or wool now. Silk would be a new challenge for me!!
Hello, I would love to win your lovely book as I do not really know what needle painting is and would certainly love to know. I do huckaback and ordinary embroidery so this book would show me a new craft which I can promote to the craft ladies here at our annual show as I am the craft steward. I can also promote your site for the ladies to contact you re your book and other items.
Hi Mary, this is a gorgeous book and I would love to own it so I can try my hand at needle painting.
Have a great weekend,
Nita Carroll
Hi Mary,
Thank you once again for such a generous offer.
I would enjoy having Trish Burr’s book. I’ve already started embroidering my Christmas presents and would love to implement this style to one of my creations.
I usually use DMC thread and would like to challenge myself using silk thread.
Thank you and God Bless!
Virginia W~~San Diego
I’ve been excited to try to embroider a la Trish and I think this book will actually teach me. Her samples (and work) are gorgeous!
Thanks for all the work you do on your site, too, Mary. You’ve really helped me get a feel for the fine art of embroidery. Thanks also for the chance to win!
Good morning Mary. I would love to own this book. Needle painting looks like it would be a fun thing to try.
Mary, I want to see more beauty in my life, and you have introduced me to so much I didn’t know existed nor that I could create. Trish’s work expands that world of loveliness, intricacy, detail, and subtlety with her exquisite needle painting, and I want to learn more so that I can share the loveliness with others. Such beauty brings peace and joy and fun!
I love all types of embroidery and am always looking for new techniques to learn. The sample of Needle painting are inspiring!!!!
Thanks for your informative emails and website, where I can always find inspiration and help.
Hi Mary,
Thanks for another try at a beautiful book. I took your online class & would be most anxious to try one of the items in this new book.
Sheila from CA
Wow, looks like great technique of needle painting. I am always looking for new ideas, this looks very inspiring.
By the way thanks for all of your tips, techniques, advice, instructions, tutorials and so on, I fee honored to be able to get this type of inspiration. Thanks, Sarma
I have always wanted to try needle painting and this would be the incentive for me to do it!
I would love to have some expert help with my embroidery projects … grandma taught me a LONG time ago but it was mostly the kitchen towel-pillow case style/type. I am now into ribbon embroidery as well as traditional and the combination of both. Help is needed and will be appreciated. Thanks, MOP
Hello Mary
It’s an interesting question but I guess you already have the answer. Just enjoy the idea of needle painting and would like to get more into it.
I have started doing some ecclesiastical embroidery and would very much like to be able to use needle-painting in my pieces. Ali in CT.
I would love to have this book. I have always wanted to try needle painting. If fact I have a project that I haven’t worked on because I felt I didn’t have enough experience to do it.
Cathie in WV
Hi Mary –
Oh, I would love to win this book…
I enjoy many types of surface embroidery and smocking, and have dabbled in needlepainting. How inspiring it would be to learn the tips and tricks from the master, and it would totally be an honor to win it from my “go to” blogger.
I am picking up my cross stitch and embroidery again and would LOVE to own this book!
Hi Mary,
What a beautiful,inspirational cover by a leading lady of embroidery.Takes my breath away! The little birds look like they could just suddenly fly away! If this book could help me learn to paint with threads, well, I’d be ecstatic! Such a lovely give-away.
Hi Mary,
This book is such an inspiration and would be a valuable addition to any library – especially MINE. Thanks for the chance to do so.
Trish, Whangarei, NZ
I’d love to learn needle painting! It looks like a beautiful book. Please enter me in your drawing. Thanks!
Hi, Mary –
I am salivating over this beautiful book and would love to win it! I have just started learning stumpwork and shaded embroidery (having done other types of needlework for decades), and am inspired by just looking at the pictures of the book – so I can just imagine what inspiration the actual book would provide.
Thanks for producing such a beautiful and inspiring blog. I enjoy it every day – it gives me a short little “stitching recess” in my busy work day.
Here’s hoping I’m the lucky winner! Thanks.
Another book I would spend a lot of time drooling over!! Needle painting looks intimidating, but I sure would like to try it.
I retired about 18 months ago and have been concentrating on improving my embroidery. I would love to have Trish Burr’s book on needle painting to improve my skills. Thanks for your blog and website. I have used your how-to videos a number of times and referred others to your site.
i would like to win this book because i was in a hit and run car accident that left my back hurt there are days i cant get out of bed .this would be something that i could in bed or in my chair .
I want to own/win this book because I want to learn how to needle paint just like you and Trish!
Debbie M.
What a beautiful book. I have always wanted to try this technique but I always thought it looked difficult. Seeing your review I can tell that this book takes you through the entire project step by step. It is definitely going on my wish list. Please enter my name into your drawing.
Thank you,
Linda M
Needle painting, would love the chance to win this book. As I am wanting to add depth to my needle work. And we are moving to our new home soon, and placing works of needle painting on the walls would really make it OUR own home. thanks
Hi Mary,
I’ve been reading your blog for several months now, but have never posted. I’d like to read this book because I’m very new to embroidery and need all the knowledge about it that I can possibly soak up! I love reading your blog, and I know I’ll never be as good as you at stitching, but embroidery just fascinates me! I don’t know how you get your stitches so perfect! I hope someday mine we be just good enough that I won’t be embarrassed to show my work to someone! lol
I am in the process of needle painting inspired by your website. Please include me in your give-away long list.
As I sit here waiting for the Hurricane to end (and my power to go out) I am grateful to be able to surf your website and look at beautiful images.
When I think of needle painting, I am in awe of the beautiful art that it produces. I am always in awe of people who can produce such beautiful work with any medium at all (paint, silk, wool, fabric).
I would love to be able to learn such a skill. Please enter me into your drawing and thank you for the chance.
Hi Mary,
I would like to win this book because we are always learning and Trish is an expert in needle painting.I have so many questions that the book can take.Thanks for the chance.
I would love this book only because I love and enjoy learning new embroidery techniques.
Why I’d want this book? Because I saw the beautiful patterns inside it when you did your review, and I found myself really wanting to be able to make such things for myself. I want to improve my embroidery skills, and I know that this is a book that would allow me to do that.
Thanks for making the contest an international one!
~ Yuuna
Hello! I just discovered your web site today! Seeing your book of designs was so exciting because they are exactly what I’ve been looking for. I started doing embroidery as a child and have picked it back up through the years. I’m currently having to stay off of my legs due to a medical condition and have found emboidery to be a wonderful saving grace for me. I LOVE your work! My wish is for your give away to not be over and perhaps I could be chosen to win this fabulous book. It really is just the kind of work that I would really enjoy doing.
Sincerly, Donna Tower
Hello Mary,with your review and a few pick of the content of this book. I would really like to win this book,as I am self learner. This book is very handy for reference as it was written with such care by Trish Burr, with the step by step instruction, explaination, with colours illustrated, in an easy to understand way. A book that I can relied on whenever I need without having to switch on my computer and start to search thru internet. And I will have more time to do my Needle Painting Embroidery, brush up my embroderies skill, and my other sewing projects.And also have time to read Mary webpage for idea and comments.
Thank you for your generous offer of “Give a way” book contest and its open to everyone in the world.
By the way, thank you being generous and kind hearted for sharing your knowledge in Needlework for free.
Kind regards
Goon Huay
Latina, Italy
I will be studying art in the church this semester and I would love to be able to look at the work and know how it was done. We’ll also be evaluating current embroidery and I’d love to learn how to needle paint.
Tina from Boston
I love your website and look forward everyday to you email. I spend so much time looking at your website. It is so easy to read and you make embroidery interesting. I feel like I learn something new every day. Thanks so much!!
I would love this book so I can learn a new technique!
What a gorgeous book. I took a weekend course on thread painting and this book would enable me to do more and expand my skills
Dear Mary,
It would be so fantastic to win & have this book because I gonna finish an online course with Trish soon and regarding your review I think this book would supply me with another gorgeous ideas! 🙂
Hugs from Hungary,
Hi Mary,
This might be an unusual request but I would like my dear friend Susan Curtis to when this book. She is taking an online class from Trish Burr and is doing a lovely job. She is so into this that she is designing her own pattern to put on a box. Her piece is to die for. She has the knack to focus and the talent to make any of her projects perfect. This book would help her expand her skills.
Thanks again for all that you do for the stitching community around the world!
Deb F
Hi would love to have a copy of this book! Although I have recently joined an Embroidery group and am learning lots of new techniques, we have no local tutor in this technique, and not enough interest amongst members to justify paying someone to come and teach! I have heard that Trish Burr is an amazing stitcher and would love to add one of her books to my resources.
That is one of the many books I have on my to get list! It sure would make a great addition to my small, but slowly growing, embroidery library!
Hi Mary,
Who wouldn’t love to have a copy of Trish’s newest book! I love needle painting, but have not mastered the technique. I need lots more practice and this would help me out. Plus what a great addition to my embroidery library. It’s fun just to browse though the books sometimes and look at all the beautiful projects. Gives me the inspiration to continue on with stitching, although I don’t need a whole lot of encouragement to drop everything and stitch!
What embroiderer wouldn’t give “hoops” for this book?
I am only a beginner in ssurface embroidery, but would love to learn more.
I would love to learn more about needlepainting, silk thread, technique The one thing I am sure of After doing needlework for over 40 years is that there’s always more to learn and there’s never enough time!
I’ve never tried needlepainting, but, based on your review, I’d say I’d be willing to give it a try if I had this book to guide me. I’d love to win it!
I would like to win this new book by Trish Burr to jumpstart myself back to embroidery. I have been busy lately, and a new book of inspiration and projects will be very motivating. Thanks for the opportunity.
I’ve just returned from my sis in law’s wedding, between a 23-hour train journey. Along with the usual travel paraphernalia, I carried in my rucksack, a packet of kerchief embroidery supplies- white cotton squares, white thread for the roll hems & white work, embroidery skeins, a handy scissors, pencil, pen and enough needles to factor in misplaces. Needlework is a luxury for a working mom and I welcomed the opportunity to indulge myself during the train ride and snatches of time during the wedding. I added the final touches last night and at work, this morning, I’m showing off the six kerchiefs, complete with hems, floral embroidered motifs and white work.
I’ve been photocopying and printing stitches and techniques from various websites and books. ‘Owning’ an original Trish Burr book (and not a downloaded .pdf) would be an unimaginable windfall! My patience, imagination and perseverance aren’t enough to perfect my shaded stitches-the turn-over on the petal, feathers, tree foliage. Like the classics, I need to learn from the feet of the needlework greats.
I love the generosity behind this giveaway idea and I know that whoever wins it could rightfully boast of a prized possession for life.
Natasha, India
Satin stitch, in its many variations, is one of the most challenging of stitches. Needle painting is a technique using satin stitch in its re-invention as long and short stitch. Anything that can help me master this beautiful variation would be most welcome.
This book is just perfect to refresh my long-forgotten embroidery skills that i learned during my school days.
This has lessons for crafters of all levels.
Must-possess book! Regards,
Hi Mary,
thanks for your wonderful embroidery site. I would love to win a copy of Trish Burr’s latest book on needlepainting. I have just completed a face-to-face class on needlepainting and was amazed at the reality that is possible with a needle and thread. Trish’s earlier books (I have 1) are truly inspiring so having access to another resource would be a real bonus.
I just found out your web. It’s amazing! So many tips for beginners. I have a project which needs some embroidery in it and your web just saved my life! And thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Dear Maria!
Very wonderful gift! I’d love to have this book in his library, learn a new technique!
Thank you Elena.
I’ve attempted needle painting, but have yet to perfect it…. the book, i feel, would be a great help!
a.mehdiyah – uae
Dear Mary,
I live in a small country yet with a rich embroidery history – Serbia.
This needlepainting book is a one time opportunity for me to study this technique since it’s rather beautiful and very endearing, and I don’t have the chance to buy it here somewhere, so it would be a really nice source for me!
Ekaterina M.
would like to make christmas gifts for my 5 daughters from ideas and designs in this book
I hace completed one Trish Burr project and have two more companion pieces waiting their turn to be stitched. The book would be an extremely useful resource to me, especially as there doesn’t seem to be any needle painting teachers in the US. If I’m wrong, please let name know!
I am branching out being a new grandmom to make some heirloom pieces.
I would love to expand my basic needleworking skills to the ‘thread painting’ level! I work mostly in historic patterns, and I know I need improvement…this book looks promising!
Thanks so much for the opportunity! Love your site.
Linda from Florida
I would love to win this book, as I think it would help me expand my embroidery!
I just think the book is beautiful. This book and a chance to Nest is what made me finally sign up.
As a Trish Burr fan I would love to add this book to my library!!! I wish I’d live long enough to do all the stitching I want to do, but how long do you have to live to do 5,893 stitcheries? Shoot, I’m already 52!!!! lol
Thank you for offering it!
Karen Gass in Joplin, MO
Great giveaway.
I would love to win the book so that I could learn to make my pieces look more realistic.
I am getting into embroidery after looking at your website, and would love to win the book and get started. When I saw your website I was motivated and need instructions.
I would love to receive this book because I just recently started doing “thread painting” and I’ve been “winging” so far. I haven’t gotten any books on the subject. Plus I love nature and those little birds look adorable! Thanks for a chance to win. I love reading your blog. And so appreciate that you share your vast knowledge so willingly. Pam G
I am a beginner in needle painting and I love it so far but I could use more help in how to do it so my stitching looks smoother and flows from one color to another. I think the needle painting book by Trish Burr would be very helpful.
I’ve been saving up … and sure would like to win — for my birthday gift (Aug 28).
Trish’s work amazes me, too.
I have planned on buying her new book … and will if I don’t win.
Dear Mary,
I have already posted a comment here about why I want the book. Reading through the reasons that others want this lovely book has been a beautiful and humbling experience. It is wonderful to see that the love of embroidery is still well and alive. I want to ask you not to consider me for the prize. I so enjoyed your review that I decided to order the book on Amazon. It isn’t likely that I would win, but if I did, I would hate to have two copies of a book when so many others would like to have it.
Thank You
I love hand embroidery. I would very much like to receive your painting with embroidery book. I have done embroidery for most of my adult life. I love the designs I see in this book. I have not done an embroidery in some time. This would be a great way to get back into it.
Oh wow, I have really wanted this book since I’ve read your review. I’d love to learn this technique 🙂
When I received your email review on this book I loved it. I have a few books on needle painting by Helen M Stevens and I do like her work. But I think this book by Trish Burr is great! the insuctions seem so clear.
I have tried needle painting but I see from this book I have so much to learn.
Thanks Mary, I look forward to your emails each day, you are a great inspiration to me.
God bless!
I have never done this before and find it most exciting and would like to try it. I am experienced in all other aspects of sewing, crochet, weaving and would like to incorporate this medium with the others with which I am familiar. Hope you consider me.
I’ve never tried thread painting, but it looks wonderful. I’d like to try it sometime. Fabulous work and a great looking book. I’d like to own this book because I’d like to learn how to do threadpainting. I think the birds are too cute for words.
I am very much a beginner at needle painting and I truely love it,my wish is to become really good at it, so please, please pick me Mary it would make me so happy :-)Love your web site it is so full of wonderful information.
I would like to own this book because it appears it will teach me how to thread paint… something I do not know how to do yet.
I love to see needle paintings and I know that I will really enjoy this book. I also hope to try needle painting soon.
I love crewel and silk needlework and this book would develop skills useful in both.
would love to own this book so I can be inspired to venture into needlepainting.
Also, love your emails. They are so informative. Thank you!
I need another source of learning. I have some well known authors in my collection but none like Trish Burr. Never stop learning.
I feel like this is an area where I am flying by the seat of my pants with really spotty knowledge. I’ve been meaning to fill in the gaps, so this would be a good start.
This is a beautiful stitch that I have not mastered on my own. Thrish Burr’s “Needle Painting Embroidery” would be a fantastic addition to my library and hopefully help me master the art of needle painting.
Thank you
I want this book whether I win it in this drawing or buy it myself. I’ve taken an online course with Trish and found her a delightful person along with being such a talented needle artist. I love threadpainting and plan to do more! This book will add to my Threadpainting library.
I have tried doing this on my own and have completed a couple of projects, but didn’t turn out as nice as the work in this book. I would love to have this book to advance myself in it. I think it is so beautiful and still amazes me that it can be done and look so real. Having the book in front of me would be a big help. Thank you for offering this book and your site. I feel at home when I’m on here, and like I’ve known you for years. No one around me knows how to do any hand embroidery, so with the help of your site, I plan on teaching some of the girls and ladies in my church how. This book would be great to show them the things you can do when you get hooked on it.
I’ve wanted to learn/do better at this form for a long time. Ms. Burr’s books are so beautiful to look at and her designs so well documented, I’m sure that this book would be a grand inspiration as well as tool to help me become proficient in this beautiful form of needlework!
Thanks for the chance at winning it Mary!
hi mary,
im a watercolor artist at heart, and have tried several other mediums. being somewhat new to embroidery i have recently discovered needle painting and it is that aspect i find especially intriguing. im hoping that with my background using color, blending, gradating, using compliments, warm and cool colors, and some great guidance from this book, i can really get some nice results.
thanks for this opportunity.
loraine hara yolles
Trish burr’s designs are stunning and I like the idea that she is self-taught. Her love for embroidery shows in every design and stitch.
Always looking for ways to improve my stitching so this book sounds great for me as I love to see how others approach their needlework so I can find what works best for me!
I would love to win this book as I have only done a very limited amount of needlepainting in South Africa when I lived there and I would really like to improve my skills. Trish Burr was a guest speaker at one of our embroidery group meetings and it was a pleasure to see her work.
Thank you for the opportunity.
I’d love to win this book because I want to improve my needle painting, and don’t have anything by Trish Burr yet, so I’m hoping to get some new tips and tricks.
Those birds are so cute! I had them on my mind all weekend so I had to comment! 🙂
I have been a long time admirer of Trish Burr`s work. The exquisite colouring of her flowers, the delicacy of her true to life birds – some of which I have in my own garden. I am proud that she is South African like myself and would love to have this book.
Thanks Mary for your inspiring e-mails
Sorry pushed the wrong key!
I love needlepainting and I have a couple of projects going. It needs complete concentration and takes forever. Very economical!
Would love to have the book.
Elaine in New Mexico
Thank you for the opportunity of winning this new book from Trish Burr. I have some of her earlier books, and would love to have her very latest. She lives in a nearby suburb, and I particularly love the photographs that she occasionally adds to her blog.
Love your work too Mary.
Hi i would love to have a book by Trish Burr especilly needle painting ,for needle painting kind of brings my embroidery alive , just one glance at the work it seems so real.That is what i admire of Trish Burr she allows you to get into your own world when u embroider its very satisfying.Embroidery is a hobby that i really enjoy.
Dear Mary, I love any from of creativity and I am always trying to learn a new skill. The needle painting looks stunning and I can’t wait to master it with the help of this beautiful book.
I’ve been cross-stitching for many years, but I started following your blog a few weeks ago, and now I’m really looking forward to trying needle painting and other surface embroidery.
Dear Mary:
Thanks for this give away.
I have just started to learn embroidery and I am always looking for new techniques to learn, so I would like to own this book because it appears it will teach me how to thread paint.
Thanks for the chance at winning it Mary!
I would love to win the book because it is Trish Burr new book ! Because it is needlepainting master book! I could learn a lot from this beautifull book!
I’ve always wanted to learn needle painting and this book will go a long way . YEA !!!! Hope I win because retirement sucks and there just isn’t any money for my hobby. hehehe I live in western Arkansas. Eileene
I appreciate the opportunity to win this beautiful book. I have done many textile arts and want so much to inprove my embroidery skills. I so enjoy working in the techniques of my ancestors. Your daily blog is a joy to read. Thank You again.
Mary, THis story brought back such wonderful memories for me. I first started to do needlework when i was about 6-7 years old. I was taught by my grandmother who came from Sweden. I can remember her sitting for hours painstakingly workorking her needle bringing to life butterflies and other creatures. She taught me how to do surface embroidery. I recently found a basket of kittens I had doone when I was about 8or 9 years old. I have never done stitch painting but would love to learn. Maybe she will watch over me as I venture to learn this new form of needlecraft. How did you get started in needlecraft? You seem so knowledgeable in so many forms of the craft.
I think this would just be beyond grand to win “Trish Burr’s Needle Painting Book” it looks like a wonderful book & I love the pictures. I am starting a “Crazy Patch Quilt” & this book would just help me sew much.
I really love your work also..your very so good. I’m new to your site, & I love it.
Keep up the great work….Blessings on you…
Hot & Dry in Texas….
Bobbin Along
Shirley Jean
This looks like a wonderful book.
Why I want this book? Because it’s Trish Burr of course! 🙂
Hi Mary,
I would love to own this book because I do crazy quilting and love to add embroidery to crazy quilt blocks. I love to add beading to the embroidery and sometimes when I make a set of pillowcases, I’ll embroider one pillowcase with bright colors of floss, and the other pillowcase in colors that remind me of antique colors and combinations. I have been doing embroidery for many years and love learning all that I can about it.
Embroidery and Crazy Quilt Hugs,
Velina B. in Maryland
I’ve been interested in trying some ecclesiastical embroidery at some point, and I’d love to learn this technique!
Needle painting appears to be even more refined than crewel work, and definitely more delicate. My mother was an accomplished crewel embroider, and working with a needle appears to be genetic in my case. The book looks to be lovely and informative.
What a wonderful resource this book would be. My embroidery skills are rather rudimentary compared with your work or the work in this book!
Thanks much for the opportunity to win.
Oops…I hit submit before I stated I am also a long-time admirer of needle painting and am hopeful this book will help guide me to success in the art. I haven’t tried this technique before, but would love to have Trish Burr’s instructions in book form to give me confidence. ~Another Retiree looking for new and exciting vistas!
Dear Mary,
Thank you so much for allowing me to join your site.
I would love to own Trish Burr’s new book,”Needle Painting Embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginners” because: I have begun to get back into embroidery. I have a disability and am becoming less able to do gardening as I have in the recent past because of weakness in my legs due to polio. I adore gardening and refuse to give it up totally.
I’ve read your book review and the fact that it will not cost much to do what is offered and taught in the book is a definite plus for me as I am on a very fixed income. I adore being creative and I love colour and making pretty things for others and my home.
Thank you so much for this opportunity Mary.
I have always wanted to try this. The books you have reviewed have been winners so far and I would love to own this one too. Thanks for the try. Chris Beresford
i real beginner, would love this
Yummy, I saw this book here and then in person. My friend and I started a stitching group at our local libairy. And then a stitcher showed up with this book and I fell in love. And this stitcher is not very experienced and her work is amazing. All thanks to this book. The photos and details are wonderful. This is a book I never plan on loaning out!
Well I think that this would obviously be a Brilliant Reward for me as I intend to paint all the doors in the upstairs of my house in the coming weekand, then what better way to relax than to begin to learn a New Skill to extend my crafting interests and carry on my passion for Needlecrafts. Thanks for the chance Mary Love and Hugs
I am a beginner and would like to learn needlepainting techniques from the expert! Also, those little birds are so cute!
Please enter me, Mary. Reasons I’d like this book: 1) I’ve been wanting to learn needle painting, 2) The book is geared toward beginners, 3) I like the little blue bird. Thanks so much for holding another fun drawing.
My only attempt at needle painting was with a kit – the instructions were beyond pitiful – and the results were even more pitiful! I need something or someone to take me by the hand and show me how to do needle painting! I know I can do this!
Mary, this book sounds like the “ants pants” of needle painting. Personally it would make a great gift for my granddaughter, Lily, who is turning 13 next month, and has really taken an interest in embroidery. I am trying to get her a library of embroidery books. Thanks heaps for the opportunity to at least try and win this book.
Dear Mary, thank you for one more wonderful give-away. I would like to win this book very much. I have started learning needlepainting myself, so this book would help me very much.
Lithuania, Vilnius
i love the book because i have not found any other person who does such intricate work.the feathers of the bird are is done in such detail that you cant take your eyes off them.all the works in the book are so classy that i would like to copy them
Thank you for the chance to win such a lovely book. My sister wants to do some needlework. This book might inspire her to begin. Then we could enjoy each other’s company as we learn together.
Thank you for all you share with us!
Lauri from the Ville
Well, owning this book would be marvellous as I have admired these designs fro a long time…..and would need LOTS of instruction
Julie in Australia
I live in Cape Town near to Somerset West where Trish lives. Last year she ran a wonderful embroidered flower competition and members of our local guilds were invited to enter. To my amazement I won a magnificent prize of a most beautiful anemone needlepainting kit and to date I have been too intimidated to start in on it because I have never attempted needlepainting. I would love to have the book because I need every bit of support and encouragement to help me get the kit out, take the first stitch and start a new journey into a beautiful new field of embroidery.
I don’t know anything about needlepainting. If I win this book I might be able to learn about it. I might even be able to do a project using it from the book!
I just start learning embroidery and find out surface embroidery works the best for me. Only in needle painting you could brake the rules: use almost any fabrics and different tread and you would not be wrong. I like mix different texture and colors. It is huge fun for me. Not like in Real painting – tread does not leak 🙂 and easy to remove if you don’t like results with out mess. So, with new Trish’s book good chance to lern.
I started sewing when I was 12 year old and dabbled in embroidery only a little bit. It’s been my intention to really learn to hand embroider so I can make vestments for my church altars, but currently, I want to help my dear friend who is dying of cancer, make a keepsake for each of her 11 children. This book looks like it would be a great book to help me get through this and learn to make some simple beautiful work.
I missed it, but still here I am with what I want to say. 🙂
When I was 10 years old, I saw some Japanese Embroidery works in a Museum, in a city called Hyderabad, in India. Ever since I have longed to learn this kind of embroidery that I now understand is called needle painting. All that I longed to learn as a child, I have kept learning through my adult years – I am 46 now and still a student only! Never the master! In India, it is sometimes hard to get the beautiful books, embroidery accessories etc., that is so well written and designed in the West for people interested in such hobbies. I read all that you say about embroidery even if I have a few minutes to spare during a hectic day. I also go to the sites you recommend and spend hours just happy to be feasting my eyes on all the beautiful things available that I really cannot afford to buy in dollars, Euros/pounds. I log off in silence, happy that I could at least see all these things.
Trish’s book – I have struggled to get it via different book shops available in the city I now live in, that is Bengaluru/Bangalore. I could not get it. I keep dreaming that someday I will get it somehow! Work kept me away from this site for sometime and today when I logged on to read all that you have to say in here, I see that you have offered this book for free and I have missed begging for it. Awww.
Never mind. I hope the lucky winner treasures this book and appreciates your offer!
All I want now from you is: Can you just let me know if I can get this book via post. If so, from where? And how much will I have to pay for it?
Please let me know. This is more than enough for me. I will save for it and buy it from you or the source you will refer me to.
Thank you so much for making my mental world a happier one via all that you do and say in this site. I treasure you.
I love your site.
Thank you for being you.
HI, Bhavani – You can order the book through Book Depository (use Google to find it), which offers free shipping world-wide. Thanks for your message! ~MC
Hi Mary,
Found the time to log on today and read your prompt reply to my request. I have placed the order and will soon be receiving this book. Thank you. *smiles*
Hi Mary,
Just wanted to say that I got this book for Christmas, based on your recommendation, and I’m SO glad I did. I’ve already learnt so much without yet taking needle to fabric, so I’m really looking forward to trying out some of the designs and techniques. I also now know where I’ve been going wrong with ‘silk shading’ or ‘needle painting’ in the past!
This is awesome. I just discovered this art form yesterday and can’t wait to try it. I see some beautiful quilt blocks in my future.
I am not familiar with Trish Burr, but would love to lean to do Needle Painting and this book sounds like a perfect place to start.\