
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Not-So-New Embroidery Project Up Next


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After finishing the Medallion Project, I’ve got an itch to stitch something completely different, to get back to basics, to explore several projects that have been brewing in my brain.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way, with “next up” embroidery projects.

Goldwork & Silk Tudor Rose

I know! I know! The picture above looks familiar, doesn’t it? We’ve seen these goldwork & silk Tudor-style roses before – to the point of Tudor Rose Gluttony.

I hope you’re not cringing too much. I’m going to be tackling the larger of the two roses above over the next couple weeks. I need to do the large one. I need to work it out, to make it a bit of a sampler, to test different ideas with it.

I Needs Must Do This!

Felt Padding for Goldwork

And it starts today.

But never fear – there’s a bit more in the works, too.

With a slight nod to the Great Gods of Organization in the Sky, I’m going to be working on a few other embroidery projects at the same time. I think there’s some sort of metaphysical principle that states that a thing cannot be and not be at the same time, in the same respect, that it is impossible to be in two places at once, or do two things at once. In fact, psychologically speaking, it is impossible for the brain to pay attention (according to the true definition of attention) to two things at once. And that just bungles up every notion of multi-tasking, doesn’t it?

But I’m going to defy such principles! I’ve made up a jolly-complicated, color-coded schedule that will allow me to be a bit more productive, now that the Big Project is completely over. And you, my friends, will be the first to see the fruits of my labor.

Unless, of course, I scratch the schedule and head to Tahiti.

It’s always a possibility!

Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, enjoy your day!


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(11) Comments

  1. I wonder if colour coding would help me? I made a list of current projects last night. There are TWENTY SEVEN, most of which I have not yet admitted to in public!

    Oh, I’m sorry, that is just the quilt projects. Never mind all the other stitching projects…

  2. Dear Mary,
    I’d like to be a LOT more productive. If this colour coding system of yours works out I hope you can share it with us. However, I suspect it will need to come with the secret of your amazing energy as well … Looking forward to your next project(s).

  3. Right now running off to Tahiti sounds much nicer than organizing my stash and projects. 🙂 If you want to practice before tackling yours, you’re welcome to bring some method to my madness. I’m anxious to hear about your color coding plan. I tend to set out the patterns I want to do right away. But then my attention is captured by something new and the “urgent” becomes “some day.”

  4. This reminds me of a list I found in one of my old, old purses. Probably from, like, 40 years ago….. Buy milk, mail letter, make a quilt…. As if by just putting it on a list will get it done! I am SURE I need color coding!! haha

  5. The Tudor Rose in the large size will be a great finishing project after the Medallion Project. I’ll be following this closely, as I was wondering about how the stitches would translate into the larger size as well. I’ll be using a Tudor rose, or a variation, the Luther Rose, on an upcoming project as well.

    I see the padding in the areas where the goldwork will be. I don’t recall seeing padding on the Medallion Project for the Tudor Roses. Was padding used on the small Tudor Rose Sampler from last summer?

    Color coding? Hm…it has worked in the past when I would take all of my fabrics in one color, cut and sew, and then move to the next. But embroidery? Well, I guess I’ll have to wait for some ideas. 🙂 …

  6. Glad its not just me who has multi tasking in mind when I start a new project. How ever how many projects should one have? At last count I have 4 Quilts on the go at least 10 embroidery projetcs 2 knitting patterns and 5 sewing projects. This of course does not in clude the multitude of patters, fabric and ideas that I have for all my stash.There is certainly never enough time to do all that I would like but one could dream. Happy sewing Sue

  7. I know why you started that project up… You don’t have to change the header of ‘current project’ on the front page 😀 Just kidding 🙂
    Looking forward to it!


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