
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Needle Painting Kits – Up Close – and a Give-Away!


Amazon Books

I’ve written about Trish Burr’s needle painting kits here on Needle ‘n Thread many, many times. And there’s a reason for that – her needle painting projects are so finally detailed, so charming, so pretty. Her flowers, her birds, her little miniatures – they appeal, you know!

But most of all, what I think I love best about Trish’s embroidery projects is her sense of color and color blending. No one else does it quite like she does.

Here are four of Trish’s recent kits, up close. To see them is to love them!

Trish Burr Embroidery

This first one is Redouté’s Sweet Peas. This is by far my favorite recent kit from Trish. The colors in it are exquisite! The whole bundle of flowers is so light and delicate, but still vivacious. I love this!

And while the flowers themselves might catch your eye first, it’s the leaves, stems, and tendrils that I really admire in the piece. The shading, the subtle details – very nice!

Trish Burr Embroidery

This second kit is the Briar Rose, another lovely floral piece. More stunning color and shading here, and perfect details on the branches, leaves, the centers of the flowers.

*Sigh* It makes me long for summer! And that makes me think it’s a perfect piece for winter stitching!

Trish Burr Embroidery

These two other kits belong to Trish’s collection of Vintage Miniature embroideries – a tiny needle-painted girl seriously munching a slab of watermelon and another little tyke pouring out milk for a fluffy, patient kitten. They’re both so sweet!

I’m particularly taken with the kitten, since she sports a red bow. We must be kindred spirits. (Not that I sport red bows…)

Trish Burr Embroidery

Trish’s kits come with the design pre-printed on a high-quality cotton muslin. The printing (or silk screening) is done in a very pale grey, so that that the outline are visible, but easy to cover.

You can see that the size of the sweet peas (which is the largest design of these four kits) is not large at all – it’s about four inches high. So the designs are small, which makes them manageable. They’re not “long term” projects. They’re the type of project you actually do have a chance of finishing!

Trish Burr Embroidery

The kits also come with a needle…

Trish Burr Embroidery

…and the instruction booklet. I like Trish’s booklets! They’re compact, clear, printed in full color, and they cover all the basics necessary for completing the project.

Each project booklet includes a stitch guide and color layout (like the one pictured above), thread charts with the colors & types of threads required for the project, and step-by-step photos and brief instructions showing the development of the project.

Trish Burr Embroidery

The instructions don’t go into meticulous detail on thread painting. You can find more detailed instruction in Trish’s books, especially her book Needle Painting Embroidery: Fresh Ideas for Beginners, which I’ve reviewed here on Needle ‘n Thread. It’s an excellent introduction to needle painting for beginners and beyond.

Trish Burr Embroidery

For those even slightly familiar with long and short stitch shading, though, the instructions are thorough enough to take you through the projects. The step-by-step photos often include enlarged details, so you can really see what your stitching should look like when complete.

Trish’s kits don’t include threads. This is actually a good thing for most people – you have a little more freedom in choosing threads and colors if you want to mix things up, and it is generally more economical to purchase the required threads locally.

Trish Burr Kits – A Give-Away!

Today, because it’s Thursday, and Thursday is a great day for a give-away – and because Christmas is coming, and you need your own little Christmas gift – I’m giving away all four of the kits featured above, with many thanks to Trish Burr, who sent them along for you!

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

One winner will receive A Sweet Slice of Watermelon and Redoute’s Sweet Peas.

Trish Burr Embroidery Kits

And another winner will receive A Saucer of Milk and Briar Rose.

Give-Away Guidelines

If you’d like to sign up for the give-away, please follow these guidelines:

1. Leave a comment below. Your comment must be left on this article on the website, so just follow this link and it will take you straight to the comment form. Comments sent in via e-mail or left on any other article are not eligible.

2. In your comment, please answer the following:

What’s your favorite embroidery kit or design available in Trish Burr’s Etsy Shop, and what draws you to it?

3. Please make sure you leave a recognizable name on the comment form, either on the “name” line or in the comment box. If your name happens to be Sue, for example, please qualify it somehow, either with a last initial, a location, a nickname, or something similar. This helps eliminate confusion when the winners are announced.

4. Leave your comment by Thursday, December 12, at 5:00 am Central Time (Kansas, USA). I’ll announce the winners that day. Look for the announcement – if you win, you’ll need to contact me with shipping information!

So, sign up for the give-away! And then go stitch something beautiful!

I’m off to drink a much needed cup of strong coffee.

It’s early, you know.

See you on the morrow!


(655) Comments

  1. I adore flowers, especially pink ones, so the Briar Rose that you reviewed is my favorite thing on her shop. The birds are lovely and so lifelike, but the flowers win out!
    Thanks for the give away – a nice way to start a Thursday!
    Carrie Plane Nut

  2. I love all of Trish Burr’s designs, and while I’ve always favored the little bee eater bird, I think that the miniature bluebirds and daisy design captures me just a little bit more! I think it’s both the colors and how the two little birds are interacting with one another – they look so cozy! Absolutely adorable designs, and I’d love to win one. Thanks so much for the chance and have a very happy holiday!

  3. What a GREAT give away, Mary! I love the African Pygmy Kingfisher. I’m drawn to it, because I love Trish’s birds. They look so real, and I have wanted to try one. This would be a perfect opportunity! Thanks!

  4. I really love the Autumn pansy kit and pattern. My grandmother had a pattern with pansies that she would transfer onto pillowcases and embroider as gifts. Trish Burr’s Autumn Pansy kit and pattern reminds me so much of her.

  5. I would love to recieve one of those needlepainting kits. I really like the redoute’s sweet peas, they look absolutely gorgous and the colours are glorious.
    Tania from Denmark

  6. Such beautiful work, and I’ve never tried her kits. I would have to say the Briar Rose, and that was no easy choice considering how many beautiful choices there are!

  7. I like the little Azure Kingfisher because he reminds me of a tiny kingfisher we saw in the outback of Australia.

  8. The orange butterfly! So lovely. The Midwest has these lovely orange sunsets n rises. Ellen B

  9. I love the Pansy Basket. I love flowers but that one caught my eye!! Would love to win!!
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!!

  10. I forgot to say why I’m drawn to it. It reminds me of the briar roses that grew in my Mom’s garden on the old homestead. Beautiful summer memories!

  11. I have always loved Trish’s books!
    My fav kit on the Etsy site just has to be the King fisher . It brings back memories of a time that I once saw one , alas ..they are not so “common ” ! : ) The colours are true to life ,especially that gorgeous kingfisher blue . Daisy Debs Cornwall England

  12. I love Trish’s African Pygmy Kingfisher. The colours are sublime, as is the attention to detail in the features of the bird. I can’t believe Trish is so generous in sharing her talents as the digital downloads of her designs are so reasonably priced. I have attempted many thread painting projects, notably those by Jenny McQuinney and this Kingfisher is on my To Do List for 2014.

  13. The Trish Burr design that caught my eye was the Chinese bird & flower because it appeared so delicate. Trish’s work is, as always, amazing! Thank you for this opportunity.

  14. I have been drooling over trish’s latest kits and my favorite also is the sweet pea kit! Here’s hoping!

  15. This is so difficult Mary – I adore every single one of Trish’s kits.

    However, if pushed, I would have to go for the latest Redoutes Sweet Pea. As you said, the colours and blending are stunning – I can almost smell their perfume. Just beautiful!!

    Ive got everything crossed here.


  16. Dear Mary,

    I would say the Bird and Flower project is my favorite because of the oriental style which interests me.


  17. I think my favourite might be the sweet peas you’ve featured above. When I was a kid my Grandma grew sweet peas along the fence in her garden and she’d let us pick huge handfuls to take home for Mom – they’re one of my favourite flowers still.

  18. I just love Trish Burr’s designs. My favorites are the birds because they are so life like but my very favorite one is the African Pygmy Kingfisher. He is just cute.

  19. Thank you, Mary, for the chance to win.

    My favourite design is the bluebirds and Daisies. I just love watching the birds, and I have been very lucky to have bluebirds come to my yard. They are very rare in my area. Besides, they are just so gosh-darn cute and fluffy, lol.

    Thanks again 🙂

  20. Thank you, first of all for the chance to win these gifts. I followed the link to Trish Burr’s Etsy shop and meandered around a bit. I ultimately chose “The Bee Eater” design as a favorite. First big draw was it was an adorable little bird, and if was green. My favorite color. Then, I looked at the shading and details and realized what a beautiful piece of embroidery this would be. This design is in her selection of BEGINNER kits! I haven’t embroidered for quite a few years, but since my kids are older I have decided I really miss the craft. I have long since given away all of my supplies, so I have been a little overwhelmed in trying to decide how and wear to start again. (Really. Boxes of spooled threads, hoops, specialty tools, needles, the whole kit’n kaboodle. They went too good homes though) These kits are a perfect start to re learning my stitches and start my collection of thread. That little Bee Eater is where, if I had to choose just one,(not an easy choice, but like I said…. He was green hee), I would like to start! I would love to try them out! Thank you again for the link to a great Etsy store and the chance to win!

  21. Believe it or not, my favorite kit of all is the Redout Sweet Peas offered in the drawing. I have not tried needle painting but have Trish’s book and am enthralled with it. This would be a perfect start on a new adventure. I look forward to the drawing and I hope I am the lucky one. Merry Christmas, Mary, and keep up the good work. I look forward to your daily email inspirations.

  22. Just bought the book recently and it is very easy to follow. The sweet peas are my favorite ….in life as well.
    Thank you so much.

  23. I am a lover of daisies and birds…One of my favorites of Trish Burr’s is her “Miniature Blue Birds and Daisies”…I so fell in love with her work, for it gave me a chance to CREATE a piece of “art”…through “needle” work…I have NO TALENT when it comes to “drawing”…not even a “stick person” looks very good. However, it was through your BLOG that I first introduced to Trish Burr’s creations. I am THRILLED for a chance to actually create something beautiful!

  24. Hi Mary! Another great giveaway.
    I like all Trish’s kits but my absolutely preferred is the Sweet Peas – they remind me my Mom so much – she loved them so much…

  25. I don’t think I can pick a favorite, all draw me to them. I have never stitched one but do have a book and love just looking. This would be great for me to try needlepainting.

    Patricia C

  26. I have been doing needle work for years but have never done a design like these. I would love to try it.
    Most of what I do is wool applique with crewel type stitching. Currently I use stitches out of Sue Spargo’s Creative Stitching Magazine.
    This would be wonderful way for me to try something new and the kits look Beautiful.

  27. Ohhh! That’s hard to pick just one ^_^ I definitely love the azure and african red butterflies, and the orange breasted sunbird. The colors are fantastic. The attic pansies also catch my eye, they are so sweet and cute! I love the red centers.

  28. Love all of Trish’s kits! The birds especially but the one I’m always drawn too is the African Pygmy Kingfisher – the colors are beautiful and he looks too cute! Thanks to both you and Trish for another fabulous give away!!!
    Jean B.

  29. I love all the kits but my favorite is African Red Butterfly. I did embroidery years ago but now do mostly needlepoint and I would love to learn more about needlepointing.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a set a wonderful instructions.

  30. I love the finches and mini apple blossoms kit probably because I am drawn to birds. I think they look happy sitting on the branch sharing a secret it looks like. Runner up to that one is the autumn basket of pansies. I just love the colors and pansies are among my favorites. Gorgeous!

  31. I love all of Trish’s work, and am the proud owner of several of her books and DVDs. I would be so thrilled to receive these kits. I love the color details in her kits. If anyone loves needle painting, 2 things are a must. Mary’s wonderful instructions on this website and Trish’s instruction books.

  32. The colors of the anemones piece are just breathtaking. They look like you just need to sniff the bouquet. All the birds and butterflies are also lovely, but the anemones just have such realistic colors in the blossoms and leaves.

  33. What beautiful kits!!! My favorite is the Rose Briar because I just bought a painting for my sitting room that looks like it. They are all breathtaking and like yourself the vintage miniatures are just so cute and reminds me of my youth…don’t know if Canadians are eligible, if they are yay!, if not 🙁

  34. The Victorian Children on Branch. The design is so real like, I can hear the stories these two are telling. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of Trish’s designs. It would open up a whole new embroidery experience for me to do this type of work. Merry Christmas!

  35. My favorite is the Autumn Pansy Basket in her shop. Pansies are lovely in all sorts of needlework embroidery and silk painting really makes them stand out so pretty.Very nice giveaway and success to all in winning it.

  36. What a difficult question! The blue and green butterfly must be my favorite and I will have to get it. I love butterfly’s and have set a mission for 2014 (and realistically probably longer) to make a crazy quilt for my green dining room wall that is covered with butterflies – thread painted, stump work, crewel, crocheted, lace, etc.
    I do love Tanja’s designs for their delicacy, wonderful use of color, and clear directions.

  37. Its so hard to choose so I’ll say the sweet peas because they are one of my favourite flowers and the azure butterfly because I love butterflies. And wouldn’t it be nice to win since we have just dug out after our 3rd big snowfall in 3 weeks and can actually get to the post office.

  38. I’ve so admired Trish’s designs but just haven’t had the guts to order to try! My favorite design – well it’s between 2, the Dog Rose or the Briar Rose. They remind me so much of my favorite pink dogwoods and lovely springs in Indiana.

  39. How can I choose between such gorgeous items. I think it still has to be the sweet peas though the vintage robin and pansies comes very close also

    Sweet Peas are my husband’s favourite flowers and the colours in this kit are just so wonderful. I fell in love with silk shading through doing your sampler with nine lessons earlier this year, and now I have several of Trish’s books with the idea of trying to do my own as I gain a bit more confidence.
    Thank you for all that you share – I really value your daily email.

  40. This was a tough decision! I love them all, but the personality of the Little Bee Eater spoke to me the most!
    Dawn from the Canadian Rockies

  41. What a NICE giveaway! A few months ago, I saw several differnt people stitch Trish Burrs vintage robin and pansy. They were all slightly different, but the ri-obin was adorable on each of them. That is my favorite. My second favorites are her butterflies which you featured earlier this year. They are just so brilliant! I never thought I wanted to do needle painting, but the more I see of Trish Burrs work and her instructions, the more I want to try–and these little kits are the perfect trial.

  42. I love the child and kitten. So precious, and I loved the birds too they are beautiful also. I would really like to win the package especially today, as it is my birthday and a significant 60th. Wow it looks worse writing it, lol. I know I probably won’t win as I am in Australia, but I am still sending my comment that I love all the things on your site and all of your encouragement and tutorials are so so good and easy to follow. Thank you for the chance anyway. Love and wishes.

  43. I think my favorite design/kit is the Little Bee Eater because it is so lifelike. I can just imagine it hoping off its branch and flying away or attacking a tasty insect. But, all the birds on Trish Burr’s site are beautiful as well as the butterflies. The colors are so vivid.
    Thank you for the opportunity to receive such a wonderful Christmas gift.

  44. Thanks Mary for the very generous give-away!
    It is a very difficult choice, as Trish’s work is so beautiful. I do love the sweet peas, though. Something in the blend of colours captures my attention. It is one of the kits on my wishlist!
    Have a great day and thanks again for all you do for us. You continually inspire me to tackle new areas of embroidery.

  45. Mmmmm,’tis a hard one though two features stand out.
    1. The Kingfishers. I love the intenseness in their eyes and the subtle colouring. 2. The sweetpeas. They’re an exquisite flower, the shape & the very artistic tendrils then of course the magnificent colouring. I can almost smell them. So, I’m torn but leaning toward the sweetpeas. Flowers are so cheerful, especially these.

  46. These kits are just wonderful and I would love to have either of the flowers to go with the awesome strawberries I did in the class last year. The little girl reminds me of my only granddaugther who is 5 and learning to stitch! Lynn

  47. I’m attracted to color, so I don’t really have a favorite Trish Burr kit. I love them all ^_^
    I love the colors she picks and the detail she can get using thread. One day I hope to learn this technique.

    But if I have to pick only one right now, it would be Bluebirds & Daisies (OR Azure Butterfly & Blossoms OR Victorian Children On Branch OR …) because the weather is so ugly outside and it reminds me of spring =D

  48. I have two girls–all grown now; however, the two little girls sitting on the branch brings back so many memories. I love this one! Trish does beautiful designing and stitching! What a wonderful talent. Her technique creates wonderful results and it has greatly helped me improve my embroidery work.

  49. As a Virginian, I am drawn to the Orange Butterfly with the Dogwood blossom.

    Thanks for getting up so early to offer such a nice giveaway.

  50. My spirits raced when I saw the new giveaways! I still have her blog from Nov 5th saved because I fell in love with the sweet pea kit and wanted to get it someday. Those colors are my favorite and long and short shading is a challenge I am still working on. Although I must admit her Bee Eater is a close challenger for a favorite new project.

  51. Hi Mary,

    Boy oh boy!!! I would love to win one of Trish Burr’s kits. I honestly love them all, but am particularly attracted to her butterflies. and, most especially, to the Azure Butterfly. Its color is wonderful. Thanks so much for this opportunity for a pre-season gift.

    Happy Holidays,
    Sandra F.

  52. I was drawn to Finches and Apple Blossoms. I just lost my ex-husband of only 7 months on July 30. The same day my daughter had a D&C to terminate an unsustainable pregnancy. My ex-husband loved my grandchildren as much as they were his own biological grandchildren. We were still great friends and I had talked to him only two weeks before he was found dead in his apartment. It was a shock when the police came to tell me. He loved birds. I was drawn to the unusual pink of the birds. With the holidays, I’ve really been missing him. Thanks for a great giveaway. Thanks for your gift everyday.

  53. Ooh, another generous give-away. Thank you Mary and thank you Trish! I love them all, I really love those crazy-looking South African (I presume) birdies, but as they don’t have a personal resonance for me I think my favorite would have to be the anemones. I’ve always loved anemones and I was also drawn to the lovely range of colours … I do botanical drawing too and I keep saying I’ll try embroidering some of my own drawings, but my needle painting just isn’t good enough. Maybe I should start with one of Trish’s kits and learn!

  54. The hardest part of all is picking a favourite among the gorgeous pieces that Trish Burr has designed. I love the Sweet Peas, and the Roses are fantastic but I really think I like the Chinese birds and flowers design in her Etsy shop. It’s so simple and elegant. I’ve just finished the Porcelain Pansy Freebie from Trish Burr and her instructions and colour choices are the best!

  55. I have been a long time fan of Trish Burr I am intimidated with these amazing design’s. Flower’s are my favorite and to win one would expand my technique and learn a new one.Happy Holidays to All

  56. Wow, I love the birds. They are so life like. My favorite is the Little bee eater I love the colors and the way they blend. He also looks like a little tough guy. Great for going after those bees

  57. I love these kits! My favorites are the little vintage miniatures. I love to stitch anything vintage. There is just something about those designs I find charming.

  58. Thank you Mary for this wonderful giveaway! My favourite is found at the link:

    what I love about these anemones is the big and impressive flowerheads, bright and pure colours and it will be just right for my level of experience to stich them; hopefully this will give me more appetite for future Trish Burr projects, have a nice day and thank you collaborating with such a talented artist;

    Mrs Halsey

  59. Trish’s work is just gorgeous. I love the Miniature bluebirds and Daisies in her etsy shop. What a generous giveaway! thanks to you both for the chance to win!
    Susan in Baltimore

  60. I love all of Trish Burr’s work! But I think the one on her Etsy site that most speaks to me is the French Rose kit. I love the deep reds and the thorny details ;-). Thanks for this opportunity!

  61. Sweet peas were the first flowers I grew as a child, so they will always have a soft spot for me! Honestly though, it is really hard to pick from any of the flowers or birds. They really are beautifully designed.
    What a lovely giveaway!

  62. I love the Chinese bird and flower projects. The colors are beautiful and striking. The overall design is very pleasing.

  63. Hi Mary

    I adore Trish’s designs and have most of her books, but the design that appeals to me most at the moment is the beautiful sweet peas – they are luscious and I have so enjoyed the sweet peas in my garden this year and the lovely variety of bees that have fed on them.

    Thank you for the give away – how lovely!


  64. How does one choose a favorite? They are all awesome. I think if I were pushed, I would have to say the briar roses, since, roses are my favorite flower…..both to grow and receive.
    thank you and Trish for the chance to be a winner of one of her beautiful kits.

  65. Hi Mary, I think that Trish’s birds are the best. I love all her designs, but the birds win my heart. The detailing on the feathers, especially the wings, is so lovely. I believe the Kotare Kingfisher and the Little Bee Eater are my favorites. Thank you for the chance to win one of her kits. I would love the opportunity to try a Trish Burr kit, no matter which one it is.
    Happy Holidays!

  66. I have been teaching this technique, and I like the Briar Rose because it is so delicate, and the shading is very skillfully done.
    Audrey Bruner

  67. It is a hard decision to make looking at all those beautiful kits but the the one that stands out to me is Pois de senteur de la Redoute. The flowers have such wonderful colour. It makes me think of warm weather and cool breezes. Great giveaway!

  68. Love all 4 designs, but my favorite is the child feeding milk to the kitty. It’s so lovely and old-fashioned and endearing. These kits look wonderful! I’ll be looking at Trish’s site. You’ve piqued my interest!

  69. I love all the designs but my favorite is Adonis Blue Butterfly. I love the mix of blues, my favorite colors and Redoute’s Sweet peas are also very beautiful mix of color. I would love to give thread painting a try with one of the giveaways. Thanks so much.

  70. I am always drawn to floral embroidery, since I first embroidered a rather crude pansy on one of my Mom’s handkerchiefs (I was 10). I most admire the Sweet Pea embroidery; I love the colors and the tendrils. Thank you for the give-away!

  71. I love any of her kits that depict flowers or birds. What draws me to them is her use of color and the detailed instructions. Thanks for the giveaway!

  72. Mary, I love Trish’s designs, and it’s really difficult to choose just one, but the Orange Breasted Sunbird really caught my eye. I think it must be the unusual shape of the beak, and the orange that makes me choose this bird over the others. As a gardener, I love the flower designs, too.
    Thanks for the giveaway. Happy Thursday indeed!

  73. I like her series of butterflies with blooms the best, although her bird designs are wonderful, as well. I would say the Adonis blue butterfly is my favorite of the butterflies – such beautiful colors in the insect, plus a simple but lovely twig with berries included. Her needle painting is a pleasure to look at.

  74. Redoute’s sweetpeas is my favorite kit on Trish’s site. I love shades of purple, and the design is exquisite.

    Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  75. I agree with you in preferring the sweet pea kit. The colors are so delicate. What a nice Christmas gift for someone looking forward to spring flowers following the recent country wide cold snap and severe storm.

  76. I love all of her work but I am drawn to the butterflies. I love the freedom of movement with butterflies. Thanks for all your tips, tutorials and fun. Stacey L.

  77. What I love about Trish Burr’s designs is that she manages to put a great deal of beauty in such a small space. On her Etsy site, my favorite design is the African Pigmy Kingfisher. Apart from the delicacy of the bird itself, I love the way Trish has managed to add so much texture and depth to the branch on which this little bird is perched. Every nuance is captured beautifully.

  78. Trish Burr’s designs are exquisite. The little Bee Eater is my favorite design. The colors and shading make this little bird come alive! Thanks for the chance to win one of Trish’s kits! Brenda Jowers, Florida

  79. I happen to have a “thing” about birds! So, I absolutely love the Finches and Apple Blossoms miniature. It is so cute with frilly looking little feathers!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  80. Oh – my – love the kitty too – But I think I was really drawn to the Victorian chlldren on a branch – thinking of my two daughters as they once were – Of course, with over protective me – they wouldn’t be on the branch. Thanks for this wonderful chance!

  81. Good morning Mary
    I love those sweet peas – reminds me of my grandmother’s garden in Yorkton Saskatchewan, Canada. In those days they still had that wonderful perfume.
    Presently I am working on your needlepainting sampler and a pansy (Tanja Berlin -see her website, the commission link. She did the cover of my first book, ‘Letters to Jennifer’).
    I have done a lot of needlepainting with Appleton yarn but this one thread business is a true challenge for me. I had cataract surgery (both eyes) and this may be a problem (this is my story and I a sticking to it). I am getting it – Type A personality (squared)here so they all will be done.
    I am a new subscriber to your site and it is the first thing I open in the morning. This morning I was so please to see ‘needlepainting’.
    How did you know?

    Thank you, Mary
    Sharon Gray
    Winnipeg, Manitoba where it is snowing, it has been snowing, and it will snow some more.

  82. Thank you for yet another opportunity to win beautiful embroidery materials! If I had to choose only one favorite from Trish’s lovely offerings, it would be the adorable miniature bluebirds and daisies. I’m drawn to it because the birds in this piece are so lively. The colors of their fluffed up little feathers are gorgeous!

  83. Of all the available embroidery kits, I would have to choose the “My fair Lady” one. To be frank, I am not particularly wild about the subject matter nor the depiction (too girly), but I want very much to learn how to depict people in needle painting. As you well know, this is an essential skill in working Ecclesiastical embroidery, which is a great interest of mine. The kit promises detailed instructions, which are hard to find. I have seen Beryl Dean’s section on human faces and hands in her “Ecclesiastical Embroidery” book and am hungry for more. Although I find the floral works (including the Sweet Peas or Briar Rose) more aesthetically appealing, I would choose the “My Fair Lady” as a practice/study kit.

  84. I have been ogling at Trish’s designs for several month now and would love to start trying out this technique. I especially love her miniature designs – the Little Bee Eaters is so cute. They would make a fantastic. Her colour combining is so intuitive. I would love to get to know her method better. I hope to win a kit so I can try it out! Thanks Mary.

  85. My favorite thing about the Trish Burr embroidery designs is actually found in her book. I love her designs and the long and short shading within them. However, the fact that all colors used in the designs are listed in DMC stranded cotton colors is wonderful. This method of listing colors makes referencing simple for many embroiderers around the world as DMC is so widely distributed and available. It makes it so simple to visualize the designs in reality, not just on the printed page.

  86. I love the French Rose kit. My great grandmother had large french roses all over one side of her house. They are one of my favorite memories.

  87. Her Miniature Victorian Children on Branch is beautiful. For a couple reasons, one I love anything Victorian, two it’s in my colors (pink and green), and it is just down right sweet. Trish is exceptionally talented and her site has many complex kits also she will do a needle painting of your pet.
    I’ve always wanted to stitch one of her kits but have been a little intimidated because the finished product looks so real ad I’m not sure my skills are that good.

    Thanks for the fun give away!

    Melissa Bird

  88. It is nearly impossible to pick a favorite they are all so beautiful. But I do have to say I like the depth of the French Rose.

  89. My favourite is Bluebirds and Daisies, because of the colours, especially blues. And…I love bluebirds…and daisies!!

  90. REally appreciate the introduction to Trish Burr & her beautiful kits. I am a beginner, & I love the instructions, very understandable. I also love the kit Victorian children on a branch!! reminda me of my childhood days with my brother. The creek, trees, rocks, those are the ‘toys’ we played with. The Bluebirds also took my eye! this time of year especially, I am watching the birds at my feeder. Adorable!

  91. I love the Finches and Apple Blossums on Trisha Burr’s website. When I wake up, I watch our little red finches outside gobbling up the sunflower seeds that I have left for them. They look just like Trish’s finches!

  92. I like the African Pygmy Kingfisher. I really like the fuzzy little birds and this one has such beautiful coloring.

  93. Hello!
    I do love the sweet pea kit. I have always loved sweet pea flowers do the kit would be a great way to try needle painting.
    Good luck to all!

    Christy H

  94. I love all of them, but if I had to pick one it would be the sweet peas. Many of the bird designs also catch my eye, but there is something about the colors and the shapes of the tendrils on the sweet peas that just thrills me.
    Thanks so muh for sharing the lovely pictures and a chance to win such beutiful kits.

  95. I loved the Finches and Apple Blossoms miniature embroidery kit… they’re the cutest little birds I’ve ever seen.

  96. Well – not an easy request at all ! But let’s give it a go!
    The design of the Chinese flower and bird is my current favourite. There is a lovely balance in the picture. I have to say that this is a subject to change opinion. Then there is the glow of the Azure Butterfly and the colours of the Sweet Peas (and the memory of trying to grow these in the hot arid summer of Calgary ) and and and….

  97. I’ve never tried one of Trish Burr’s kits, but would love to. I really like her French Rose kit. It is so elegant. I’ve only been embroidering for a year and still have miles to go experience wise. I have been designing my own pieces so far, but feel I could really benefit from a structured kit such as this. I adore needle painting and I am determined to master the art.

  98. My favorite is her little bee eater. It is one I intend to get for myself someday! Of this set the briar rose is my favorite. Thanks for the giveaway!

  99. The sweet peas are my favorite, I plant them every year in my tiny flower garden. The colors are just divine.

  100. What exquisite patterns! There are many of these that I would be thrilled to have. The Butterfly wings nearly glow and the flowers so delicate. Sweet peas are one of my favorite flowers, but I might choose the Autumn Pansy Basket for the added challenge/interest of the basket. Thanks for bringing them to my attention

  101. Oh man! For me it has to be Redoute’s Sweet Peas. Like you, I love the delicate tendrils. Then the colors! And the fact that I’ve loved sweet peas since my first day as a volunteer at a public garden when I spent hours trellising them.
    Can’t wait for the next update on the Mission Rose. Thanks for all you do!

  102. I love the fact that you review Trish Burr’s work. I have been admiring her thread painting ever since I found her through your reviews. Going on her Etsy shop site I love to see the birds that she does and I really like the little blue birds. However, when she showed the little kittie with the red bow – well how do you decide? I’m partial to birds and to be able to do one of those is a dream. Thank you so much for the work you do. I look forward to all of your embroidery stories and pictures of the beautiful work. helen

  103. Oh my I so love the sweet peas my grandmother planted them every year on St Patricks day,,and come spring they were all in bloom . The perfume and the colours and oh how I remember my favourite colours of purple and cyclamen pink , and my other. Hold hood memory of sitting on the back stoop eating,a,big.messy slice,of watermelon.what lovely times of the year they were, and such happy memories they bring me Such happy times!!!
    I would adore to. Be able to stitch these lovely little kits and to have memories hanging on my wall ohhhhh my how beautiful!!!

  104. My favorite Trish Burr kit is the Briar Rose. It brings back memories of the wild rose bush my grandmother had in her yard – a huge bush that was covered with roses similar to Trish Burr’s – and had the thorns as well!

    Right now I’m stitching something beautiful just for me – a Christmas Santa. I hope to do several pretty things this winter.

  105. I love Trish Burr’s work. I follow her blog and love her embroidery. My favorites are her birds. They look so real and so cuddly. I like all the colors and way their feathers look so wispy. Thank you for this wonderful give-a-way. I would love to win one of these sets.

  106. While the floral pieces are lovely, I am smitten with the birds, especially the kingfishers. There’s a variety of them; I cannot pick my favorite, because they’re all beautiful! I have lusted over these kits since I discovered them a couple of months ago.

    I like the downloadable feature of these kits, with each person buying their own threads.

  107. What a fabulous giveaway! Love the birds on her site, but my favorite has to be the two little girls sitting on the flowering tree branch. I’d love to be sitting there with them! This piece would fit right in with the other things in my children’s-literature-themed guest room.

  108. I have not tried a Trish Burr Design yet, but so would love too. I am just getting into the needle painting. I think from the four that you have shown here the Sweet Slice of Watermelon (because I love watermelon) and the Redoute’s Sweet Pea (as my grandmother had sweet peas in her wonderful garden all the time. These would be wonderful to get. But I would also be happy with the other two also.
    Ronda S.

  109. Easy–I love the Vintage Robin and Pansy design. Robins are special to me anyway and Trish’s Robin is beautifully colored. The whole scene is just happy and peaceful.
    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  110. I just love the little girl with the saucer of milk for kitty. It reminds me of many years ago, when, as a little girl, I wanted sooooooo badly to have a kitty.
    Now, I’ve had 3 lovely Persian cats who bring great joy.
    I also like the vintage look o the piece.

  111. My favorite is Redoute’s Sweet Peas because of the flower and the colors. I would love to try this technique.

  112. My favorite? I love so many!!! Each time I see Trish Burr’s designs I’m so amazed with her ability to portray birds…all birds! I expect the African Pygmy Kingfisher to suddenly sidle away and the Little Bee Eater to cock his head and blink! Her birds have always been favorites, but the new A Saucer of Milk for Kitty with the big red bow is a new favorite as I’m a kitty lover and ….well, yes, I agree. Maybe it’s the big red bow!
    Best Wishes,

  113. I saw Trish’s “Sweet Peas” a few days ago & fell in love with it. Not only do I love Sweet Peas but Trish has captured so many of the vibrant colours found on one single stem. This has to be my favourite (for now) of her lovely designs. Since I have completed 2 “beginner” needle paintings with satisfactory results I feel confident to move up to a project that is a bit more challenging. At least that is what I am telling myself.
    Linda A
    Ontario, Canada

  114. Would love to be able to give my very best friend something extravagant for Christmas but funds won’t allow, so would love to win the kit because she loves embroidery and she deserves it.

  115. G’day Mary, and thank you Trish.
    What beauties those Sweet Peas are. They quicken my pulse, or something in there! They’ve been a favourite from childhood. Mum loved them and every season had a fence festooned with them. A rickety old wire and timber post fence which added to the charm.
    I never tire of photographing Sweet Peas. Different angles, different light and especially early or late in the day back lighting, and different focus points. Even the beautiful silk ones I own attract my camera sights. I love to get the fabric weave in focus in the foreground and from the middle distance and back, the others, in certain lights look real. The question mark is tangible.
    These of Trish’s are similar. Up close you see the stitches. Move back a little and the question hangs there like a realistic looking eagle kite hovering, but actually under the control of a human hand.
    The rich and subtle colours and tones attract me also. The buds, the opening and opened blooms rest like a flight of colourful butterflies from a dream world who have come to bring joy and memories from one fragile world to another.
    I love all Trish’s designs and kits but I think you probably get the idea that the Sweet Peas have a compelling power that draws me right into their beautiful little stitched hearts.
    Cheers, Kath from Oz

    1. Whoa, sorry this is so long Mary, didn’t realise it was running into a feature article until saw it in print.

  116. I would love to get that African Red Butterfly one! It looks like it would be fun to make and a very nice gift for my mother in law.

  117. So love her designs and would love to try one of them. Have been tempted to order one but now have a chance to win one. Would very much like to try the “pansy”. It absolutely looks so real. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win one of these and know it will be a challenge but I do enjoy challenges. Thank you again.

  118. Victorian Children on Branch is definitely my favorite – the detail in the design is just stunning. And how can you resist those sweet little “bottoms” sitting on the branch!

  119. My favorite Trish Burr kit has to be the Bluebirds and Daisies. We have bluebirds in our yard and feed them worms. They will eat right out of your hand! The colors and shading are so perfect. If you close your eyes and touch the embroidery I am sure you would feel their feathers.

  120. I love a lot of Trish Burr’s designs, but I think my favorite so far is Redoute’s Sweet Peas. I love the colors, the flowers, the tendrils. I also love the Sacred Kingfisher she has available in her shop. The color and shading really draws me in, especially the log that the bird is perched on. Frankly, it’s hard to pick just two!

    Dawn C.
    Southcoast, Ma

  121. Oh, oh, LOVE this give away, just in time for my birthday on Dec. 13th!!! (Yikes, I’ll be the big 6-0!)
    OK, a very difficult assignment but I’ll have to go for the Pygmy Kingfisher. I love all her designs, but especially her birds and this one has always been one of my favorites from the first day I saw it. The flowers are gorgeous, but I just love birds.
    One last thing, I really, really think you decked out in a big red bow would make a lovely Christmas card. 😉
    Merry Christmas, Mary, and thanks for your lovely daily emails. I always look forward to them, like hearing from a friend.

  122. Hello,

    This are so lovely. Your very generous with your giveaways, thank you!

    My favourite kit is the little robin with the pansies. My baby is called Robin, so I’m draw to everything with the little birds! 🙂


  123. I love the little girl giving kitty the saucer of milk. It reminds me of two things: illustrations in books I read as a child and al so my dear little kitty, Molly, who died three years ago two days before Christmas .. Trish Burr’s ability with thread painting is simply incredible. Sue

  124. Being a confirmed Crazy Cat Lady I also like the A Saucer of Milk kit. The kitty is so cute and fluffy, it looks as if you could just reach out and cuddle it. Adorable. Thank you for the give-away.

  125. Redoute’s Sweet Pea’s. It makes me Happy I want to laugh, dance and twirl. Because I think of Spring and new life and new start.

  126. I am immediately drawn to Bluebirds and Daisies. My favorite color is blue and I love anything with birds. The kits in the giveaway are all beautiful too.

  127. Love, love, all of Trishs, flowers. So delicate but strong
    Instructions are really clear and pure brilliance to design them in a manageable size.
    Thanks Trish

  128. The sweet pea is my favourite design as it has always been my favourite flower especially the older scented varieties. Where else can you get a flower with such various shades beautifully blended by nature . Something we always want to achieve in our embroidery.

  129. Hi Mary, I also just love Trish Burr Needle Painting Kits. Being a botanical artist myself I have a great appreciation for all those tiny details in beautiful colors. I have completed her Pygmy Kingfisher and it was so much fun! I would love to win one of these kits for a nice Christmas treat for myself. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    Mary Ann, Cincinnati

  130. I love “A Saucer of Milk for Kitty.” It reminds me of my childhood. The pinks in Briar Rose are just gorgeous. I’ve never attemped thread painting but appreciate the beautiful finished product.

  131. I am new to embrodiery and so enjoy your emails and the beautiful projects you share with me. The Trish Barr embrodiery projects are beautiful to say the least, my favorite kit is the Bluebirds and Daisies, so lifelike!

  132. I love Trish Burr’s thread paintings. They look so lifelike and the colors are lovely. I really, really, want one of these kits. 🙂

  133. There are so many lovely designs available on Trish’s site, and I love all the flowers, but to pick a favorite, I’m really torn between two living creatures:
    African Pygmy Kingfisher – I just love the colors on that wee little bird.
    Adonis Blue Butterfly – The butterfly seems to be flying right off the material. It almost looks like a stitching of blueberries that a butterfly landed on.

  134. The pansy kit is my favourite of those you are so generously offering to part with. Pansies have always been my favourite flower especially the old scented variety . Such a blending of colours by Mother Nature something we are always trying to achieve in our embroidery.

  135. Oh my goodness, her work is just beautiful.

    If I were to pick one kit off the website, I would pick the Bluebirds. We have bluebirds here and I love to watch them. I’ve never seen a bird who could actually look angry, but they surely do.

    I’ve been practicing my needlepainting and I think I may finally be ready for one of her kits.

  136. I love Trish Burr’s “A Saucer of Milk for Kitty” – so reminiscent of the ‘old” days!

  137. I have just decided to retire from teaching after 60 years so that I may devote all my energy to thread painting as a ministry. I began thread painting about 5 years ago and have made about 15 small quilts for my church’s ministry to the sick and dying. I am largely self-taught, except for what I can study on the Internet. A few days ago I bought Burr’s book for beginning thread painting and her book on colour. This offering today is a fantastic affirmation that I am doing the right thing.

  138. all her kits are lovely – but the Little bee eater appeals to me – such a cute little guy, a sweet expression on his face, beautiful colours.
    Elizabeth in Saskatoon

  139. I have to say that I love her French Rose kit the best. It’s both simple and lush at the same time, and those shades of red are to die for!

    Thank you for your timely post on the subject. Needlepainting is actually on my list of skills to dabble in during 2014!

  140. My favorite is the Autumn Pansies, but I’d love to give needle painting a try with any of Trish’s kits! Thanks for the give-away, Mary and Trish!
    Janet in Colorado

  141. I would love to win a kit. My favorite on Trich’s etsy shop is Miniature Victorian children. I like it because I love the colors (pink and green), I love children, and I love all things Victorian. They all add up to a winning combination.

  142. Trish Burr’s projects are all so beautiful I find it very difficult to choose one I love best, but I have embroidered her Red Poppy Spray many, many times for gifts for close friends and family.

  143. My favorite is the sweet pea. This was my moms favorite flower. we planted them every year in texas trying to get them to grow here. she was from Tennasee and they just could not take the heat. So I have been drawing and painting them since I was a child. My mom has been gone 20 years and I still see them and think of her.

  144. Trish’s designs are beautiful. I would choose the black and white kitty drinking her milk. She looks just like my sweet Cuddles. It would be a wonderful keepsake of my favorite cat!
    Thank you for your contest. I am just starting to get back to embroidery and really enjoy your website and inspiration.

  145. My favourite kit is Redouté’s Sweet Peas. I love the gradations of colour in the flowers. Sweet peas are my favourite flowers and this design gives me a warm feeling inside!

  146. I love them all (and strangely enough, so does my husband, its the first time I’ve ever seen him in awe of needlework!) Especially the apple blossoms, and the finches with apple blossoms However, the one that is going to be my Christmas gift to myself has to be the little bee eater! He is just adorable, and hes got attitude!

  147. It’s hard to pick just one, so I picked three. In order, these are my favorites. The sweet peas because I love sweet peas, the French Rose because it is so beautiful and the bee eater or the kingfisher because I think they are amazing. I guess I picked four! LOL!

    Thanks to you and Trish too Mary! Happy Holidays!

  148. I am really smitten with the little children but the little birds are so sweet. The blue birds look as though they are ruffling their feathers but my favorite is the Little Bee Eater Friends. I love the colors and the exquisite expression on the right hand bird.
    Carol b

  149. I love the children. They are so sweet and the colors so perfect – not too pastel, not too loud. Gee, can you tell I’m a grandma???? Thank you for sharing and starting my Thursday in a fun way.

  150. French Translation Miniature Victorian Children on Branch
    is my favorite – it reminds of a summer day with my sister. It makes me smile.

  151. Love Trish Burr designs.

    I have played a little with needle painting flowers and finished one of Trish Burr’s birds.

    Would like to give “Victorian Children on Branch” a try.

    My fingers are crossed I win this one 🙂

  152. Mary, I just love Trish Burr’s needlepainting kits. I have done 2 of her miniatures and have enjoyed them alot. I entered the Bluebirds and Daisies in the fair and won a 1st place ribbon. I think my favorite on her etsy site at the moment is the Orange Breasted Sunbird. I love the colors and the long beak and the thorny branch the bird is stanking on. I love all of the birds so it was very hard to pick. I would love to win one of these kits, I love the flowers also.

  153. I just love the sweet peas!!! This was my mom’s favorite flower and she always planted sweet peas in her garden every year.

    My Mom has been gone for almost four years and I miss her more every day. What a wonderful reminder of my sweet Mom..

  154. Ohhh, that an easy one…I have long had my eye on the Pygmy Kingfisher – and, in fact, keep a copy of it at my desk to look at for inspiration and perhaps give me courage to attempt it. I think the feathers and colors are georgious, but it is the tree bark that really gives interest as well as beauty! I also love flowers however so the Redoute Sweet Pea is also high on my list – I have a book of Redoute floral transfers and have often worked them and have used them as workshop patterns when giving instruction.

  155. I love all of her designs but I mostly love her birds they are just so real looking. I was especially drawn to the african pygmy on the third page of her shop-I really liked the colors and the detailed branch he was perched on.
    thanks for the chance to win one of these kits-I would really enjoy winning one of these projects

  156. I loved all the birds but the pattern that stood out the most for me was the French Rose. The beautiful depth of the full rose, the neatness of the bud and the glorious red. As a sucker for roses and the colour red that drew me in the most. I haven’t done any embroidery patterns yet, but it’s the next craft on my list. I can’t wait to get started on some designs. If I won one of these it would probably be a few down the list though, it has to be hard to get something to look that good.

  157. My favorite kit is the “Saucer of Milk”. All of her kits are so lovely, but this little girl looks so much like my daughter when she was a little girl. Her cheeks, haircolor, little legs, it just brings back memories. And her kindness and sweetness in feeding her kitty reminds me of my girl’s loving heart.

  158. My favorite embroidery in Trish Burr’s Etsy Shop is the Redouté’s Sweet Peas. Sweet peas remind me of childhood days in Maryland, my Mother’s garden where each year she coaxed sweet peas to grow. Pennsylvania’s cooler air does not allow sweet peas to flourish in my garden. Trish Burr’s lovely kit captures the allure of sweet peas, the tendrils, the shading of the flower petals, the kit brings back lovely memories.

  159. I like the little girl with the kitten. It speaks to a simpler time. I think the kitten is cute and could be adapted color wise to mimic a childhood pet. Of course all of Trish Burr’s designs are wonderful. Great giveaway!

  160. My stitchery has been my artistic vehicle since I began as a child. But I never have done any stitch painting. I am completely fascinated by the blending beauty of the threads and would like to try a piece that I can finish in my lifetime! I have two precious granddaughters….so naturally the Victorian Children on Branch appeals to me. I would love to stitch this for myself. Even though my granddaughters are tall and lithe, they love flowers and nature and would smile if they saw this piece in my home. It’s not likely that I will win….so if I do not, I will purchase the kit myself for Christmas! And now that we here in Minnesota are snowed in for several months, it will be a perfect time for me to have a new piece to call my own. Thanks for having another give-away. I love your daily emails. They keep me smiling and stitching.

  161. I love the Sacred Kingfisher because it looks so real. I find myself asking these questions: Can I touch it? Will it fly away? Is that really thread because the branch looks so realistic? Will this make my aging parent smile? If I put it on the wall near the window will it replace the birds who have gone south for the winter? Does any store in the U.S. sell these kits? Thank you for offering this give-away! I find myself wanting to make all her kits and master this thread painting technique. Mary Sue C

  162. Thanks again for one more Yummy give away Mary..such a nice gift from both of you for Christmas.
    For me every kit is unique and loved them all..if have to choose I go for Autumn pansy basket as flowers are my all time favourites..and in this kit there are more shades of colours used so there will be chance to learn more..

    Lakshmi Sadala

  163. How can one choose? But if I must, my choice would be between Redoute’s Sweet Peas or the French Rose. They are all so beautiful and realistic. Breathtaking.

  164. All of Trish’s designs are so amazing, but I love the birds best of all, especially Kotare Kingfisher. The bird looks so real, but the branch it’s sitting on is my favorite part. Beautiful rendering. Thanks for the giveaway!

  165. What a beautiful give away.
    I love the pansy kit.
    I hope that I win.
    Greetings Maria

  166. I have Trish’s CD and attempted a small pansy project. One doesn’t have a full appreciation of her thread painting until you try it. I completed the pansy, and it turned out adequate to someone who wasn’t familiar with HER work…but even if you use her color choices…it is the placement & execution of those threads that shows in her artistry. I will try again, as I read your encouragement of practice, practice, practice. On the Etsy site…I love the children pics, but am in awe of the birds, like the little bluebirds. My flower choices are the wild roses.

  167. Hi Mary, thanks for another great give-away! My favorite kit(s) on Trish Burr’s Etsy are Dog Rose..beautiful and simple; Briar Rose…wonderful colos; and Azure Butterfly..wonderful colors and soooo pretty!! I’ve done one simple thread-painting and LOVE the technique. Think it may be my favorite. Trish Burr is my favorite thread painting artist. Would love one of her kits! Thanks for the opportunity!!

  168. All of Trish Burr’s work is glorious but I’m particularly drawn to the African Pygmy Kingfisher- so many glorious layers of color and texture! I feel like I could stare at it for hours and still find some new detail. That said, it would not be my first choice to stitch, the kits in your giveaway look much more manageable for a novice like me.

  169. I absolutely love the Sweet Peas. I remember them from my Grandma’s yard and always think they are so lovely and old-fashioned.

  170. Bluebirds and Daisies – it has always made me smile.
    Trish Burr’s patterns, in Inspirations Magazine, are what drew me back into the world of Embroidery. Your blog has been an even bigger inspiration, thank-you for all the information, insight, tutorials and wonderful writing.

  171. Her work is beautiful. I have not yet tried thread painting…it so far has me intimidated. If I were to try, I love her Little Bee Eater. The colors and just the look of this sweet bird make me want to try.

  172. Good Morning Mary! I love Trish’s work, but I especially love the sweet pea. I like the little winding tendrils and the volume of colors she’s used throughout. Altogether a wonderful piece.

    Hope you’re staying warm.

  173. I`ve always been very fond of Trish`s birds. Then her flowers caught my eye and heart. But today when I saw the little boy and cute kitty,well they are the new desire. She has a true gift from God for color.
    Karole in Texas

  174. Frankly I love her bird kits the best, but the flowers are a close second. Thanks for hosting these wonderful giveaways. 🙂

  175. Beautiful needlework, most excellent, absolutely gorgeous and stunning!! Thank you for sharing and for this great giveaway. My most favorite of Trish Burr’s designs is the Chinese Bird and Flower. I would love to learn more about this great needle worker and her techniques. Thanks again.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!

  176. My favorite kit is the Azure Butterfly & Blossoms – it has beautiful colors and looks like a good start for a new needle painter.

  177. I just love the Little Bee Eater – he’s so cute and fuzzy, and the colour’s Trish has used are lovely. I’d put him in a little frame, and keep him in my kitchen so I could pretend, when I doing chores, that he’s sitting there keeping me company.

    Jacky (Bristol, UK)

  178. That is a hard question to answer. If I had to choose, I would pick Autumn Pansy Basket. It has such fine flowers and a basket too. One can’t go wrong with that combination.

    Shelia in Oklahoma

  179. Dear Mary

    I’m not participating in the give away but would just like to say what lovely designs how kind of Trish to donate these lovely kits and thanks Mary for the chance to win one of them. I have Trish’s book Confidence in Embroidery and it’s very helpful it shows how to match different colours for long and short stitch I refer to it often for thread colour matching lovely book.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  180. Trish Burr does amazing work. My favorite here is the Briar Rose and I just love how it looks so real.
    Thanks for the generous giveaway.

  181. The sacred kingfisher is my favorite Trish Burr kit. Her detail on the bird is so real it is as if you could just feel the feathers. I am also impressed with the detail of the branch and catkins. This is just such a wonderful piece.

  182. What lovely kits! The butterflies and the birds and the old-fashioned people! Still, I think I’m going to have to choose the briar rose as my favorite, because I have a rose in my front yard that looks just like it. Thanks for the give-away, Mary. This is a very nice surprise.

  183. I love all of the floral, but I really love the Dog Rose. I love dogwood flowers and this particular image reminds me of them. My second choice would be the watermelon as I love all things watermelon!

  184. I love them all, but if i must pick one, its Trish Burr Embroidery Kit: Orange Butterfly. I love Orange! and I love butterflys!

  185. Oh my goodness…I am in love with Azure Butterfly on Trish Burr’s etsy site. I am new to thread painting embroidery and her little beautiful kits are precious. Thank you ever so much for offering this give. Mary your blog is wonderful and very informative. I have been waiting to attempt some embroidery. I did the 1970’s on denim craze and that has been it. December Delights and Creative Stitching Bliss…

  186. I have two of Trish Burr’s books, but I have yet to work on any of the exercises. These kits are so wonderful and I am drawn to the Chinese Bird & Flower because of the delicate composition balance and it being slightly off-center and because it reminds me of beautiful hand-painted Chinese wallpaper.

    Chris from Montebello, CA

  187. I like the My Fair Lady embroidery kit. I have always loved the movie since I saw it when it first came out at the movies many, many years ago. This kit reminds me of the movie I have loved all these years.

  188. Trish can do no wrong in my book. I have always loved her flowers and her birds. The briar rose is my favorite of the ones you reviewed. I have nothing against the Victorian children they are adorable, but I do want to work my way through all the birds in Trish’s books. Someday soon I am going to do that bee eater.

  189. Hi, I love the birds the most. They are fluffy like baby birds and they each have a personality. I do love all of Trish’s designs. They are so lovely. I would love to win one. Thanks for your wonderful Blog. I enjoy it every day.
    Chris Handy

  190. I’m torn between her rose designs-so far Dog rose is coming up #1 but Briar Rose calls out to me too.
    The Birds and butterflies are all beautiful!

  191. Thank you for the great giveaway opportunity. I’m drawn to all of Trish’s kits. I love to stitch flowers and hers are beautiful. But her birds attract me the most because they seem so real. My favorite of all of them is the Sacred Kingfisher. I’ve loved that since the first time she blogged about it.
    Happy Holidays.

  192. I like the one with the little girls sitting on the branch. I’m drawn to it for two reasons–the figures remind me of my grandmother’s Hummel collection and they remind me of my big sister and me.

  193. Sweet peas have always been my
    flowers with their delicate colors
    And their wonderful scent .
    They come in sooo many colors as well

  194. I love flowers, birds and butterflies. They are my favorites. I like all her kits.
    Many thanks for the give away.


  195. So many of Trisha’s kits are gorgeous, it’s hard to choose just one! But I actually pinned her African Pygmy Kingfisher long before I knew anything about her or her other lovely kits. The way the bird Is standing is compelling and its colors are amazing. I’ve wanted to try needle painting for a while. I’m hoping this will give me the push I need to finally learn how to do it.

  196. I Love them all, but the sweet peas are really beautiful. They always remind me of my Grandma and the way they look so real is just so nice and fun to stitch. I love the quality of her designs. All Trish’s designs are so real you feel you can touch them and feel the life. Thanks for a chance to win. I love your site and all the information you have for us stitchers. Keep up the good work!

  197. My favorite kit is the sweet pea. Reminds me of the sweet pea flowers my mother would plant every year in front of the house to cover the down spouts. Spent may a time watching the bees on the flowers or cutting them for a tiny vase on the kitchen table.
    Anne in Vancouver.

  198. She has so many wonderful designs. The one that immediately called to me, even when the boldness of the African Pygmy tried to lure me away, was the Finches and Apple Blossoms designs. It just makes me smile. I love the detail, especially around the eyes. The birds are just sweet.

  199. I found it hard to pick one favorite but I finally decided on “Victorian Children on a Branch.” It is a perfect snap shot of summer sharing a perfect day with a best friend.

  200. Hi Mary
    I think my favourite piece would be the American Kingfisher or the common Kingfisher. My next favourite would be the Anemones – the depth of the flowers is great in this one.
    Thanks for giving us a treat – I really admire the work of Trish Burr.
    Beth Abbott

  201. For me it is a toss up between Azure butterfly & blossom and the Briar Rose. Both of them are delicate yet have such vibrant and alive colors. It almost looks like you could smell the perfume of the flowers and feel the kiss of the butterfly’s wings.

  202. It’s very hard to pick just one kit from the Etsy shop–I love the birds and I love the flowers and the butterflies as well. But I think I’ll go for the Miniature Bluebirds and Daisies design.

  203. Gee, you had to make this difficult. All of her work is gorgeous so it’s hard to pick just one. I love all the birds, so detailed and pretty. My first attempt at thread painting was a Chickadee which turned out really well. I foolishly gave it away to my best friend and now all I can do is lust after every time I see it at her house (I am in the will though!).
    Lois A., Idaho

  204. Oh, I just love her kits! I have been looking for a long time for a sweet pea embroidery I can do for my sister. She loves sweet peas, and that was her nickname given to her by our mother’s father the first time he met her, so it has a special meaning. That kit is the most gorgeous kit I have ever seen for sweet peas! And the little girl — how precious!

  205. I have been wanting to learn to thread paint but don’t have a favorite of Trish’s since I’m a complete newby. These sound like doable projects for someone like me. They are absolutely gorgeous. Great to have them to give away.
    Reading your blog and website has helped me so much in learning as I go along. Each time I forget about something or want to learn about a new thread/needle/whatever, I know I can just look here and find the information. Thanks for being to generous.

  206. Hi Mary!
    Thanks for the chance!
    I adore Trish Burr’s Redoute’s Sweet Pea……these are my FAVORITE flowers. So delicate and lovely and she has captured their essence in embroidery thread. LOVE that!

    Thanks again and Merry Christmas!

  207. My favorite Trish Burr’s designs is the Chinese Bird. Love the tail and the colors. All of her colors are beautiful. Hope to win this prize and it will be a good way to start the New Year stitching for 2014 Christmas gifts.

    Merry Christmas Mary!

    Lorraine Connelly

  208. Hi Mary,

    I must say the Redoute’s Sweet Peas is my favorite Trish Burr so far! Both the colors and the delicate pea tendrils are just exquisite, and I’d LOVE to have a chance to give this needlepainting a try. Thanks to you and Trish Burr for the generosity!!!

    Cathy in PA

  209. I love love love sweet peas….and Trish Burr has captured their beauty in a way that makes my fingers tingle to stitch them. Her exquisite attention to detail makes them come alive! I have almost all of her books, and would love to have one of her designs.
    I have coveted Trish Burr’s kits from afar for some time….please, Santa..er..Mary…pick me!

  210. hello, i really like A Sweet Slice of Watermelon, because i love vintage miniatures (and watermelons). 🙂 nice giveaway! tnx.

  211. I love all her designs but I’m drawn to the bluebirds and daisies. I love the tendrils on her sweet peas and would love to know what stitch she uses. I use stem stitch a lot but I’m not happy with my “deep” curves-sometimes they make a little “triangle” instead of staying curved. I’ve tried taking the smallest possible stitch & it didn’t look right either. I usually just couch it down with one stitch because it drives me bonkers-I really struggle with it. Anyway, the tendrils are icing on the cake. Thanks for your daily doses of knowledge and inspiration.

  212. Good morning from the Pacific Northwest,
    I love the Finches and Apple Blossoms kit. The birds look so sweet and life like I almost want to put my finger out and have them land on it. The color combination is very pleasing to the eye.
    Thank you for this opportunity.
    With my regards,

  213. I do some embroidery and would like to learn this technique. I know she small nature of these would make it possible for me to finish and do a good job without the frustration of learning a new technique on a larger project that may exhaust my desire to learn. Thank you for the awesome opportunity to learn a new technqique.

  214. The Trish Burr design that caught my eye was the Chinese bird & flower but all of her work is stunning. Trying to choose a favorite kit is like trying to choose your favorite child. Thank you for the wonderful give away.

  215. Hello Mary,

    My all time favorite design by Trish Burr is the Little Bee Eater. His round little chest/belly gives him so much personality. Trish’ expertise in stitching the feathers makes him seem so alive.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  216. The sweet pea pattern on Etsy is my favorite, hands down. I like the wild roses, too, but the colors of the sweet peas really grab me. I’m trying desperately to improve my long and short stitch, so this would be great practice.

  217. Something about the deep red in the French Rose! Lovely. I’ve purchased Trish’s DVD and a couple of the beginner kits but have not yet started. I’m just finishing a Christmas stocking and will settle in with the needle painting once it’s complete. Would love to add to my collection!

  218. I love all of Trisha’s flower pieces. Here in snowy Minnesota, I gravitate to floral pieces to fill the dearth of flowers in my garden!
    Trisha captures the subtlety of color and the preciousness of each individual blossom!

  219. I would love, love, love to stitch a Trish Burr piece. It is on my bucket list. My favorite one of hers on Etsy is actually Redoute’s Sweet Peas. I would be in heaven if I won this.

  220. They are all beautiful designs so it is hard to pick a favourite. I think it is the kit “Sacred Kingfisher” because of the overall composition on the wood in the grass. It seems more of a complete image to me vs the other things that are just floating on their own.

  221. I love all of Trish’ s kits and designs but if I HAD to choose just one it would be “little bee eater” because of the colors and cute details, like I could just reach out and it would sing to me.

  222. Hi Mary!
    What a great article. I would so love to win this giveaway! I have never done a Trish Burr kit, but oh, I so want to! The Redoute’s Sweet Peas is calling my name! They are so beautiful and I can see them framed and hanging in my bedroom! Please pick me!

  223. Pick Me! Pick Me! I love Trish Burr! Thank you so much for the opportunity. Truly love following your blog. I have learned so much.

  224. Oh, Mary, these are lovely! You and Trish are so generous – thank you for a chance in another wonderful giveaway.

    You are my usual study break, and, as always, I am extending my visit with you way beyond my allotted time!

    Today, my favorite ( may I choose 2? ) of Trish’s designs are the sweet peas and the bluebirds with the daisies. Those little birds look like they are in cahoots, and I’d really like to know what they are cooking up.

    See you tomorrow!

  225. I love all her designs but the one that draws my eye (for the moment) is My Fair Lady. It reminds me of some of my grandmothers fine linens.

  226. I have not seen a kit of Trish Burr’s that I did not like. She designs such beautiful work. My favorites are the ones she puts birds and flowers together. I love the sweet pea kit because of the intensity of color. It is really a beautiful piece.

  227. Trish Burr’s flower designs are beautifully detailed and my favorite is “Miniature Attic Pansies”. Also, Trish’s “Miniature Bluebirds and Daisies” could be a close runner up. The birds are cute and fluffy!
    Thanks for the give away offer. I would enjoy bettering my skills at thread painting and shading with her patterns.

  228. I love the fuzziness of the Bluebirds with Strawberries, and I fell in love with the Victorian Children on the Branch the first time I saw it. I’ve done a couple of Trish’s kits, and they’re the best. Thanks for doing the giveaway.

  229. My favorite for a good while has been the “Little Bee Eater.” When I flipped through the book the 1st time, I got all swoony over that little bird! My current favorite on the site is the mini “Bluebirds and Daisies” kit, although the thought of attempting a mini scares me silly!

  230. I love, love, the French Rose! All of the designs are gorgeous to say the least. Thank you for all the inspiration and hard work that you give away daily on your blog and website! You have truly inspired me and are a true blessing to everyone who loves to work with a Needle and Thread!

  231. I have stitched two of Trish Burr’s kits: the red poppy and the African pygmy kingfisher. At this sitting I still can’t say which is my favorite of the two. I love the poppy because the shading is so rich and beautiful. I love the kingfisher because of the cute combination of sleek feathers and fluffy feathers. I found the fluffy effect difficult to achieve, but her instructions were so good I finally got it. They are framed in my sewing room. What a wonderful give-away. Sandra in Denver

  232. Thank you for this give away.
    As far as my favorite of Trish Burr’s designs, it is the last one I looked at–lol. I keep changing my mind because I like all of them. If I really had to pick one it would be the bluebirds and daisies, but I like the Victorian girls on a branch, but I like–see what I mean. I really do like all of them.

  233. These flowers are so lovely, just what you need to cheer up a dismal and windy December day, Her designs are wonderful
    Regards to you, and thanks for the interesting things you write about,

  234. I love ALL of Trish Burr’s kits!!! The colors blend so well and seem so life like! I cen’t get enough of looking at her work and own several of her books.

  235. I love the look of the needle paintings I have not tried any as of yet but would love to. My sister has done a couple and they do look like a painting. I love the Slice of Sweet Watermelon because I am such a watermelon fan myself. I also love the Little Bee Easter. I am a fan of miniature things so I love the Miniature Victorian Children on Branch (by the way this is one my sister has done and it is darling)There are so many I like I just can’t limit it to one. Hope I can try my hand at it and win one of them. Thank you for the opportunity.

  236. I’ve always been fascinated with butterflies, largely because of the color combinations. That’s why I really want to do the Azure Butterfly & Blossoms kit. I love the blues and greens of the butterfly and how the pale blossoms compliment it. I might have to treat myself to it once I get past the holidays!

  237. It’s really hard to decide what my favorite is. The colors that Trish uses on the flowers and the birds are just so bright and cheerful. She combines the colors so that you would swear that your looking at the real thing. To make a decision on a favorite I guess I’d have to go with the birds. Any birds. They are magnificent.
    Trish DH from SWCO

  238. Ooh! Exciting giveaway!

    My favourite Trish Burr designs are the birds. They have SO much personality. Out of all of them, the Orange Breasted Sunbird stands out: his gorgeous colours, his plumpness, his supercilious attitude. He makes me smile.

  239. I love the blue butterflies – both the Adonis Butterfly and the Azure Butterfly – but the Vintage Robin was just darling too. It’s really hard to choose just one!

    Thanks for doing this –
    Mary in MN

  240. These kits are so awesome! I have been following your blogs for a while but have not had the time or energy to even think of an additional undertaking. However, I recently retired and now have the time to learn to do this beautiful embroidery and actually complete the projects.

  241. Autumn Pansy Basket is my favorite Trish Burr design. I am a fan of the floral designs, and the colors are beautiful in this project. The shading is wonderful also. I have always wanted to try one of Trish’s kits, they are wonderful.
    Enjoy your website very much, look forward to it in my email.

  242. These are just beautiful. I love the little birdies, it looks like they are alive and will just fly away! But the Briar Rose is my choice because it reminds me of my grandmother’s garden. She loved her rose bush and so did I!

  243. It is a really hard choice to make! But I really love Azure Butterfly & Blossoms kit.

    Thanks for the give away. I really love your blog!

  244. Trish Burr’s birds have always been a favourite of mine. Like her other designs, the colours blend so well and are realistic. I believe that designers such as Trish Burr are true artists, and stitchers like myself benefit from their expertise with her kits and colour blending. Beautiful work.

  245. I love flowers espacialy sweet pea.And I love butterflies. I am avid gardner as I do needle work embroidery. And I love Trish burr’s work. It would be a treasure to have one of her kits.

  246. I think your readers must have crashed Trish’s site because I couldn’t get it to open! My favourite of the designs shown here is the Briar Rose. I would call that wild rose which is the provincial flower of my province. Beautiful!

  247. The Little Bee Eater has always held a special place in my heart, since that is the first Trish Burr design that I ever came across. Although the miniature Blue Birds are also a favourite. I just love the little birds. Happy Holidays!

  248. I, too, love Trish’s work, books, kits, designs. I have many of them. The first book I purchased of hers was the Redouté (looking back it’s interesting to see how Trish’s embroidery has progressed). So, I’m partial to any of the flowers from that book. However, I would love to try my hand at embroidering people. So, today, my favorite is the child with the cat.

  249. Thanks so much for the chance to win in this great give-away!
    What a difficult decision to make! All of Trish’s works are exquisitely beautiful and detailed. Anyway, I think I like the African Pygmy Kingfisher the best! The shading of the bird and the piece of bark he’s sitting on is so life-like, one would reach out to see if it’s real! And then there’s the glow in his eye which makes it look as if one is being examined minutely! Even the shading and definition on the belly are very realistic! This one’s my pick!

  250. I like the Attic Pansies. They remind me of being a girl and picking flowers from the yard for my mother. Thanks for the giveaway.

  251. I have always loved flowers, especially Springtime flowers, and hers are simply extraordinary. This is my first time viewing Trish Burr’s work, and I’d love to win the Sweet Peas kit. These take me back to my early childhood, when a neighbor (who took care of me while my mother was at work) would embroider while I was playing. She also taught me a number of stitches. Thank you, both for bringing back memories and for this give-away.

    Barbara from Orange County, NY

  252. These make me smile! The colors are lovely and the size looks to be, as you say, manageable. Thanks for the info you give us about talented stitchers.

  253. They are so very sweet! Are they good for beginners in needle painting? I would love to try this! Anyway, wether I get this present or not: I am going to try to better my needle painting!

    greetings, Marjolein van Vessem

  254. It is very hard to choose a favourite at Trish’s shop, but probably the basket of pansies edges out the rest. The sunbird comes in second, because he looks quite jolly.

    But, I’d be quite happy to win either of these sets as well! Please count me in. 😀

  255. Thank you for the give away offer and for a great blog post!!! I love her little Bee eater kits, those little birds are adorable and have such an atitude-cute!!!

  256. I should have never gone to her etsy shop. So many to choose from. I love the colors on the sweet peas but the blue butterflies are gorgeousness and the bluebirds made me smile. Gorgeous all of them. I think my favorite would be the sweet peas as they remind me of a dear friend who has moved away who grew them in her garden every year! The bluebirds and daisies comes a close second. I bought her book that you reviewed and enjoyed reading it. I would love to have a kit! Thank you for the chance. Would you mount these on stretcher bars or a hoop to get adequate tension?

  257. Forgot to say which kit/pattern I liked best…actually that is very hard to chose as I love them all, but, I am inclined toward the robin with instructions on miniature stitching and I am happy to see I can download my selections which helps tremendously.

  258. I love the kit, “Victorian Children on a Branch”. I have purchased kits from Trish Burr’s Etsy store and have always been thrilled with the kits. She has fantastic images that are picture perfect. Thanks for the chance to win more of her kits!
    Deborah S. in Montana

  259. Hi – Trisha Burr’s designs are gorgeous. My favorite on etsy is African Pigmy Kingfisher because of its beautiful colors, varied layers, and the attitude of the bird! It’s gorgeous. I would love to win either of the giveaways. Thanks for doing this.

  260. So hard to decide, I do so love the look of the Anemones, but I’ll have to say the Chinese Bird is my favourite.

  261. The Kingfisher and the Bee Eater are my favorites, they remind me of a 3 tiered Chinese screen my parentw owned. I have done this type of embroidery but with wool, I should be lucky enough to win so I can experiment with other threads. Alas, I am not lucky.

  262. Hello, Mary!!It was easier than I expected…as soon as I saw the kit ‘”French Rose”, it reminds me of two flower prints I found at a yard sale!! They may have been originally done for a textbook,as they have the Latin names on them…,but beside that, it was THE DETAILS!!!! of the thorny stems and fuzzy leaves (so fuzzy I could almost feel them) and the wide range of shading in the rose itself – from the deepest red (almost black) to the bright yellow in the center! Thanks for the opportunity to admire her work! I am practicing the long and short stitch since your tute about a week or two ago. Still need patience and more practice, and looking at beautiful pieces like Trish Burr’s French Rose helps to encourage the perfectionist in me. Oh,my!!I am far from that!! Blessings to you and have a happy day!! Jackie Eckstadt

  263. Dear Mary,

    I like flowers and the redout’s sweet peas are my favorite. I love the colours and would really like to try one of the kits.

    Thanks for the give away!

  264. Her birds are exquisite. But my two favorites would have to be the saucer of milk and the adonis blue butterfly!
    Thanks Mary and Trish!

  265. She has such beautiful kits – I love them all! I really like her Digital Download – Chinese Bird & Flower, because of the artistic placement of the bird and the colors!

  266. While there are many lovely specimens in the shop, I have to say that the “A Slice of Sweet Watermelon” is my favorite. It hearkens back to fond memories of my childhood with my brothers, eating cool slices of watermelon in the sultry summer evenings on the back porch of my childhood home. We’d enjoy the fruit with juice dripping off our chins and we’d also make grand sport of spitting the seeds!

  267. I have to say that my fave is a tie between the sweet peas and the Kotare Kingfisher. I never saw sweet peas in real life until one day when I was horseback riding with my bff in Ireland (before real life set in 13 yrs ago). I saw them growing on someone’s arbor right near the street we were riding on along a low stone wall, so I jumped off my horse and smelled them. They were magnificent and smelled like roses. I love their curly little tendrils. You should have seen me trying to get back up on my horse, very unladylike. The kingfisher is gorgeous because we live on a little pond and I see one zooming around every now and then. Never could figure out what it was until I got a Peterson’s guide for birds and looked it up. It’s a spunky little guy that zooms around in the sky then dives for it’s meal. Amazing!

  268. Thank you for all the great posts. The design I like by Trish Burr is A Saucer of Milk, but this more so for my friend who is learning to embroider. She has worked on a couple of pieces she drew herself but this would be icing on the cake for her! Plus, I know she would enjoy working on a piece like this since she is a kitty lover.

  269. These kits are beautiful and anyone would be very lucky to win one.
    The flowers are so lifelike and the child giving the milk to the dog would be great in my granddaughters room.

  270. Briar rose is my favorite it reminds me of spring when the blossoms are fresh and pure delicate shades of pink just beautiful.

  271. I love all the bird designs. They are so detailed and lifelike – you feel like you could just pat them and they would fly away. But having seen it for the first time today I have to say that I really love the sweet pea design on offer. Many thanks Catherine in New Zealand.

  272. Utterly impossible to choose one favorite, but my heart goes out to the kitty being given a saucer of milk, for the utter cuteness of the cat. On the other hand, her needlepainting truly shines in the flowers, especially the French rose, which is luminous. The butterflies paired with flowers are enormously appealing, and the birds look like they could come alive if you blink. Let’s say, there is nothing here I don’t like.

  273. I lover all Trish’s items but I’m first drawn to the Finches & Apple Blossoms because of the colors and they look so alive. Reminds me of spring (which I am wishing for right now during the Artic Blast in Colorado). I have purchased her DVD Long and Short of It which I highly recommend. Would love to win one of the giveaways.

  274. I absolutely love Trish Burr’s kits. Her attention to detail and shading is incredible.
    A Saucer of Milk is lovely and the striped socks are just darling, not to mention I just adopted 2 kittens recently and it made me smile.
    My favorite though is the Briar Rose. It immediately brought back memories of a summer camp I went to when I was young. The path to the beach was lined with a wild rose hedge/bramble. The smell was incredible. It was truly one of the highlights of my childhood. I hadn’t thought about it in years but it immediately brought back some great memories.

    Thanks for the memories.

  275. Thanks so much for hosting this wonderful giveaway Mary! I’ve greatly admired Trish’s little birds for a while now, but I’m so glad that she’s now designing flowers too 🙂 I like all kinds of flowers, but I have a very special fondness for the Briar Rose. It was also once known as the Eglantine Rose, and I love it so much that it inspired my blog title, Eglantine Stitchery! I’ve never tried needle painting but I have always wanted to, and so I’d really appreciate the chance. I’d proudly display my finished rose on my blog banner 😉

  276. The Little Bee Eater. This has captivated me since the first time I saw it, perhaps because the stitching makes it seem so cuddly and “scoopable”. I am certain it is neither of these. Thanks for this give-away!

  277. Oh these kits are just so delicious – I am torn between the sweet pea kit or the miniature Victorian children on branch kit.
    Thanks for all you do, and this give away.

  278. I love Trish Burr’s designs. But to pick just one is hard to do, so since I love birds, that is where I picked from The American Kingfisher, it is. Thanks Mary, and Trish for such a generous giveaway!

  279. All the kits are beautiful! Her work is breathtaking!
    I am especially fond of butterflies. The African Red caught my eye. The colors are vibrant, the shading blends so well as to be from the same strand of thread. And the strawberry and flowers give it an almost 3d effect.
    I will be adding a lot of these to my Christmas wish lists!
    Thank you for your web page and the blog that lets me know that I really can do these again!
    Barbara Downey

  280. I love Trish’s needlepainting! I wish that I could do half as well. I love all the birds and flowers on Etsy, especially Attic Pansies – the colors are lovely, and the work is so fine. I really need to have some practice.

  281. sono sempre felice di guardare il tuo blog, sei sempre molto generosa, mi piacciono molto i ricami di Trish Burr,amo particolarmente i fiori, anche se ricamo da poco e non so se riuscirei, ma “tentare non nuoce”

  282. All of Trish’s kits are beautiful but my favorite is the African Pygmy Kingfisher. He looks as though he could fly away and the blue color is absolutely luminous.

  283. I have done a couple of her kits and I love them. The instructions are so very clear. I love all of the designs in Etsy but I think my favorite is the Little Bee Eater because of the feathers. A close second is Sweet Pea. I also like the kitty with milk since I have 3.

  284. I like the one called Children on a Branch because it is so whimsical, and reminds me of glorious days from my childhood, waaaaaay long ago. The colors are in my favorite combination, and it draws me into the little scene. I really do like it a great deal.

  285. Even though I’m a pansy fan and plant them every year, the sweet peas pictured above really caught my eye. My Mum grew these along her fence and year after year they grew thicker and taller. It was a beautiful wall of gorgeous blooms.

    Thanks Mary for having this give away.
    Lori from Canada

  286. I love her French Rose Kit. It is absolutely gorgeous. But then again all of her kits and things are gorgeous. Thank you for the chance to enter. I would love to try her kits out.

  287. I like the African pygmy kingfisher the best. It’s so colourful I had to go look up a picture to send to my sister. She didn’t believe it was a real bird.

  288. I was thrilled to see the kits and would love any one — but the little bee eater bird is adorable. I have had her book, did not realize it was her until I saw your newsletter. I have wanted to learn this technique and I am so pleased to see she has beginner kits on her site. Hope I win. – would be a great Christmas gift!
    I love your site and hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas.

  289. Hi Mary,
    I absolutely love Trish’s sweet pea design. I am a thread junkie and part of the reason for that is that all the colors are a feast for my eyes. The sweet pea design has a lot of mauve shades which are my favourite.

  290. My favorite is African Pygmy Kingfisher. I have requested this kit for a Christmas gift this year. Hope I get it as I can’t wait to try and create the rough branch bark and feathers through stitching. Many thanks to you and Trish for the give away.
    Noelle Frances

  291. Hi Mary,
    I absolutely love any of Trish’s designs with children. They are so cute and make for lovely framed needlework for children’s rooms. I adore them.

  292. I love the butterfly designs–the African Red is my absolute favorite. I have several of her books and love her work. I need a lot more practice. Thanks for another very popular give away…

  293. I simply love the Redoute’s Sweet Peas. The colors just draw me to them. Some of my favorite summer flowers. Thank you for the opportunity of this gift. As someone on a strict budget, its a way to try needlepainting.

  294. The Azure Butterfly and Blossoms kit is gorgeous. I love the subtle gradations of color in the butterfly’s wings.

    What a great giveaway!
    Judy T.

  295. Thanks for hosting a giveaway. I have admired Trish’s work for sometime. Her nature ones are my favorite of her work. Looking at the etsy site I am drawn to the African Pygmy Kingfisher …..looks like it is going to hop off the branch onto your hand at any moment.

  296. I love the Miniature Victorian Children on Branch because little Victorian girls would never had be allowed to sit on a branch. They would have been in the house stitching on their samplers!! But maybe they are stitching but we just can’t see them doing it because their backs are to us.
    I put Trish Burr’s books on my Christmas list so I am hoping Santa is good to me. My 93 old mother would love the vintage designs and flowers in the give away.

  297. I love the child eating the watermelon as it reminds me of myself, dirty, scratched knees, having a summertime favorite piece of fruit, watermelon.
    Choosing a favorite of Trish Burr’s is difficult as they are all so beautiful, but I think I would choose on of the bird patterns, as I love our feathered friends.
    Janet Truncali

  298. Any of Trish Burr’s designs would be wonderful to do. I am partial to Briar Rose, so that would be my favorite. The color and the soft way that the petals lay on the fabric makes you want to stick your nose near for a smell. I have never done needle painting but it is on my want to learn list. The instructions appear to be very detailed so this would be a good place to take a stab and try. Thanks for thinking Thursday was a good day for a give away!

  299. The “wild rose” is my favorite kit on the Etsy website because it looks just like the wild roses that grew along the roadsides in Nebraska when I was a child. The sight of that rose brings memories so vivid that I can even recall the wonderful fragrance and almost feel the soft delicate petals. Creating this rose in needle painting would be a delightful experience.

  300. Hello Mary,

    The item I was most drawn to in Trish Burr’s Etsy Shop embroidery kits is the one entitled “Traditional Embroidery Colour Schemes.” I love the traditional embroidery samples she includes and I want to learn about the colours she chooses and why and how to apply them in my own embroidery efforts.

    Thank you, Mary, and Trish, for this Give-Away Thursday.

  301. Mary,
    These giveaways are rally cute. I really like the sweet peas, but my favorite on her Etsy page is the Little Bee Eater. He is really super!

  302. Mary,
    Please would you correct the typo in my previus comment – It should read ‘really’ cute!!!!

  303. I love the Blue Birds and Daisies kit. They are so sweet and have great personality. The Sweet Peas are a very close second though. In fact all of her designs and kits are wonderful.

  304. My favorite kit is the Miniature Bluebirds.
    They are just so darling, with their little
    feathers going here and there. I would love
    to have my first try at needle painting by
    winning one of Trish Burr’s designs.

    Pat from Lebanon

  305. I love her little birds. All her designs are amazing but the detail and colour in the African Pygmy Kingfisher is exquisite.The flowers are beautiful especially the Redoute’s sweetpeas. Ok they’re all fabulous!! Thanks for thinking of us again in your generous give aways, a lovely way to begin the day!

  306. I can’t decided between the finches and the bluebirds, they are both so sweet!
    I would love to have a go at needle painting with these gorgeous kits!

  307. Dear Mary
    I’m with you Mary, I just love Trish Burr embroidery. My favourite is the miniature “Two little Blue Birds”. I love the colours and the way they look sitting on the branch is so cute.
    Thanks for give away Thursday 🙂

  308. I am new to the art of embroidery but I have been an artist all life.
    I recently picked up some embroidery to make for some baby gifts
    And I really think these would make the most beautiful
    Addition to a nursery! My daughter is under a year old and I just
    Love the colors in the sweet peas they are garden fresh even through the
    Poor color on a cell phone screen, amazing!

  309. I have always had a partiality for butterflys. So all the butterflys are great but the 2 blue ones are my favorites. I cannot deside between them

  310. I have been overwhelmed by how little i knew about the world of embroidery. Since discovering your site, i have been spending a good deal of time, looking at all
    the wonderful project i now have to do. Gertie being the first, then the Tudor rose.
    I came across Trish Burr’s web site and blog. And was able to download the pansy project. I was a bit reticent to attack it, the instructions are such that i have now everything together to get going.
    How i would love to know more about needle painting. Her kit, i know would hook me. I love the pansy and the birds….
    thanks for the chance to perhaps win one.

  311. I’m drawn to the pair of bluebirds, one because I love bluebirds but mostly because this rendering of them isn’t the smooth,settled, shininess usually associated with birdfeathers. I can picture them fluffing their little selves and preening.

  312. My favorite kit is the miniature bluebirds with the daisies. I established a bluebird trail along my pasture line many years ago and enjoy seeing baby birds being raised every summer.

  313. What a lovely give-away! I love her Victorian children on a branch and also the blue birds and daisies. Thanks for such inspiration.

  314. I really like the Sweet Peas design. It brings back such wonderful memories of the farm where I grew up. There was a fence line covered in sweet peas that bloomed every spring. I was allowed to pick as many as I wanted and to decorate the house with lots of bouquets.

    BTW, Mary, It was only about 15 miles from St. Marys, between Delia and Hoyt.

    I hope everyone has these kind of great childhood memories.

  315. Mary, I don’t know how you manage to do it! Every day I eagerly open your email just to find out what you are up to today!

    I adore these Trish Burr kits and especially love the wild roses! I have a wild rose tree in my backyard and Trish’s kit looks like the flowers were just picked off my tree! (Note: At the moment the tree is buried in 2 plus feet of snow! Taking its winter break!!)

  316. Trish Burr has been one of my favorite needle artists for a long time. I have her books “color confidence in embroidery” and needle painting embroidery.” Even if you do not sew you can enjoy her beautiful sense of style and color. I think she is one of the best I have ever seen. I love all of her creations, particularly her birds as I am a bird watcher myself!

    I love the sweet pea kit and the colors are simply georgous. Thanks for the giveaway and as always your column.

  317. I love Trish Burr’s stitching. I discovered it through this site some time ago. My favorite pattern on Trish’s Etsy site is FRENCH ROSE. I’m drawn to it because of the rich shading that leads to the center of the flower.

    I have to admit that her flowers and her birds always attract me. The birds especially have such realistic eyes that I can’t take my eyes off of them.

    I would love to win a kit.

  318. I like the sweet pea embroidery the best. They are my favorite flowers that I find so difficult to grow.I love the colors and the ‘butterfly’ shape of the flowers.

  319. I love the French Rose. It is stunning and I have a similar one growing in my front garden.

  320. Hi Mary. Choosing just one is oh so difficult….. I would have to chose the bluebirds — those little birds look so fluffly, remind me of springtime, and new love! I would love to see those little birds come alive as they are stitched.

  321. Hi Mary,
    I’m afraid I must be a “follower” because I absolutely love the Sweet Peas. Or the child with the watermelon. I”m still struggling to perfect my long/short painting stitches and would so much love to win one of these to get in more practice with a beautiful finished product at the end of my endeavors. Happy Holidays … Judy in Pittsburgh

  322. I love Trishes finches and Apple blossoms, I first saw it in inspiration magazine last week. all and I mean all her designs are beautiful and the colour combinations are incredibly lovely. makes me feel as if I’m in the embroidery myself feeling peaceful and special. Cheers Robyn

  323. I like the sweet peas because they remind me of my Great-Grandma Bird, who lived to be 105. She always had an abundance of sweet peas billowing over her backyard fence.

  324. I loved the red African butterfly, so much so that I bought a copy while I was there! Love what you do Mary, thanks.

  325. The Sweet Peas kit is my favorite. They are a favorite flower of mine, although not much seen in Central Texas. I love the delicacy of the flowers and the scent All that said, the Autumn Pansy Basket is a close second – another favorite flower.
    Thanks for a chance to win these lovelies!

  326. I just love the Kotare Kingfisher,
    Thanks for the chance to win one of Trish Burr’s Kits, what a wonderful Christmas present to work on over the holidays.
    Ros Australia

  327. I must admit I love the Common Kingfisher as it reminds me of Summer walks by Streams and Rivers and seeing the bright blue flash of the Kingfisher diving into the water to fish.
    Having just seen the kitten in the Etsy Shop that is just too cute for words.

  328. Wow! She has beautiful kits. Hard to pick a fav. I really like the birds and the butterflies, but I have to say my favorite is Briar Rose. The colors and the shape of the flowers really appeal to me. Thanks for the chance in the drawing.

  329. I think my favorites are the French Rose and the Azure Butterfly. I think I am drawn to them by their colors.

  330. I love the sweet peas. The picture reminds me of my Grandma who always had sweet peas in her yard. We would pick large bouquets and put them in a kitchen water glass to let them fill the room with their sweet scent. The memories are precious. Thank you.

  331. I love the Chinese bird and flower, it is beautiful and probably beyond my abilities at the moment but someday I hope to be at that level.

  332. It is sooooo difficult to choose. I don’t know which is my favorite. I love the vivid reds of French Rose. And then there is the sacred Kingfisher … besides the beauty of the bird itself the detail of the branch its sitting on and the vegetation … words fail me. And then there are the butterflies.

  333. At nearly 54, I am a brand new embroiderer and I LOVE IT!!!!! I needed a new hobby and since I’ve never really done any needle work (except sewing on a button), I thought I would give embroidery a try. I’m HOOKED!!!!! I was drawn to Trish Burr’s “Butterfly and Blossoms” because I love blue. And I adore this web site and particularly the videos which show me how to do new stitches! Thank you!!

  334. Oh look at the Chinese bird and flower 2 project–that bird’s tail is so elegant! But the African Pygmy Kingfisher just makes me smile–so bright and fuzzy! Tough to choose…

  335. I absolutely love the sweet peas — they would be my favorite, although I really like all of the floral pieces. I haven’t done much needlepainting, and would love to have Trish’s kits to learn more about it.

  336. Ok, well I like almost all of them, but would take the anemones digital download,
    And the kit miniature attic pansies, I love the color of the pansies.

  337. Ooh La La! Just gorgeous, all of them! I am very new to the art of embroidery. After years of drooling over it I have finally started teaching myself and what a delight it is to be able to create with needle and thread and ribbon too! I only wish I had started earlier! I am very partial to the briar rose, so simple, so romantic. What a treat it would be to win. Thank you for the opportunity 😀

  338. My favorite Trish Burr design is Bluebirds and daisies, although they are all beautiful. There are people in New England who attempt to help our bluebird population to flourish, since they are often crowded out by other species. Bluebirds are native to this area, and they are such beautiful little birds…what a great giveaway …happy holidays to all…Cynthia

  339. I LOVE the Bluebirds and Daisies kit. It makes me think of my mother who taught me to stitch, and taught me to appreciate nature. She was especially fond of bluebirds. We spent many hours out walking the fields looking for wildflowers, enjoying the bluebirds (and other birds), and then stitching in the evenings.
    I would like to win the kit with the kitten because it looks like our kitty…although she’d never put up with a red (or any other) bow about her neck!

  340. I would love to make any of her kits, they’re all so lovely. Adonis blue butterfly catches my eye. The blue color in the berries and the butterfly are gorgeous.

  341. My favorite embroidery kit /design on Trish Burr’s Etsy shop is – AFRICAN PYGM
    The colors are gorgeous and that is what draws me to this design/kit

  342. I do love the flowers, especially the roses. But I love
    cats even more. The little girl with the kitten is so cute.
    I like the old fashioned feel to it. I would love to have
    her hanging on a wall in my house. Janis

  343. I do love the flowers, especially the roses. But I love
    cats even more. The little girl with the kitten is so cute.
    I like the old fashioned feel to it. I would love to have
    her hanging on a wall in my house. Janis G.

  344. I think all of Trish’s kits are wonderful, but my favorite has always been the Pygmy Kingfisher. I love the blues of his feathers, and he’s got such a cheeky little gleam in his eye.

  345. You’re right – Thursday is a great day for a giveaway, and a wonderful one it is! I would have to say that my favourite has to be the ‘French Rose’ – I almost can smell the wonderful fragrance. We had single roses in our garden at our last home and I miss them so much.

  346. I have always liked the “Little bee eater” He is so cute, like he is waiting for me to bring him some food. Just like my finches.
    He has such life in him.

    Mary in Oregon

  347. I absolutely adore the Sacred kingfisher, the vibrant blue wings are gorgeous. I love the branch he is sitting on it is so real. Trish’s art work is fantastic it makes me want to whisper in case he flies away.

  348. I don’t know if I can narrow my favorite down to just one! I’m debating between the sweet peas and the African Red Butterfly. They (and the other designs) are gorgeous! I appreciate the realistic look of the stitching and the beautiful color combinations. I especially like the bright red of the butterfly! Thank you both for the give-away!

  349. Oh I can quickly say, with out a doubt, Red Poppy is my most favorite design. I think the poppy flower is one of the most gorgeous flowers ever, and one of my favorite things to grown in my yard.

    I just recently ordered from Trish Burr French Rose as she didn’t have Red Poppy in a kit. I LOVE, love, love the rich deep red color in both designs, but Red Poppy is outstanding in beauty. I do have her book Needle Painting with directions, so it is in my plan to work it.

  350. I love lots of Trish’s kits in her Etsy shop but my favourite is Briar Rose. I really like the birds especially the Miniature Bluebirds & Daisies but I wonder how difficult it is to stitch those gorgeous fluffy feathers!

  351. Wow, what beautiful embroideries. Each one is more beautiful than the last. Oh for a chance to win!

  352. I love embroidery. I am drawn to Chinese Bird and two flowers for its simplicty and calm. It brings a peaceful feeling and details the bird along with the beautiful flowers that I would love to stitch. I can see it gracing my home.

  353. Hi Mary!I really really love all of Trish: the books, the dvd, the kits, I think she is the really best in needle painting. I love the sweet peas, what for wonderful blending of the colors! Manuela in Italy

  354. I am very partial to all of Trish’s designs. The birds were my favorite till I saw the sweet peas. I can smell them now.
    Carol from Oakmont

  355. I love when you review these kits. I haven’t tried doing the thread painting and they just fascinate me. After looking over the etsy site I found that the azure butterfly really speaks to me. My oldest son loves Blue Morpho butterflies and this reminds me of those. The colors are so brilliant in this kit that you can’t help but think of summer and far off jungles, waiting for adventure around the next bend!

  356. I love Trish Burr’s embroidery. She has beautiful, realistic designs. Just browsing her website and Esty shop is a treat. I like all the designs but the birds and butterflies call to me. So unlike the birds in my area of Ohio. The feathers look real.

  357. I would love to try my hand at Trish Burr’s kits, and either kit would just tickle me pink!
    Thank you both for your generosity.

  358. Over the last 6 months I have been embroidering Trish Burr’s designs. Embroidering them gives me a sense of peace; a quiet challenge to ensure the thread colours softly blend into each other. A technique I thoroughly enjoy – painting with thread. I particularly enjoy embroidering roses,e.g. Trish’s burgundy rosebuds.

  359. I just adore the pair of bluebirds and someday I will be competent and confident enough to tackle them. I ordered two digital downloads from Trish Burr’s Etsy store and tackled the acute butterfly BEFORE watching your video on how to do needle painting. I was pretty happy with my results until I watched the video and realized all I had done wrong. With the benefit of a little instruction, I will try anemones next and perhaps I will really have something to be pleased about! Trish Burr’s work is so beautiful. She sets a very high standard.

  360. Without doubt the flowers – especially the Redouté’s sweet peas and the anemones! Gorgeous.

    Thank you and Trish for this beautiful giveaway!

  361. Oh! The Bee Eater! I love all the birds she’s done. The colors and textures wrought by each fine thread drawn through and laid beside the others…So beautiful.

  362. How can a person pick just one? They are all great ! The birds are so cute, but I do have a weakness for kitties . So if I had to pick one it would be the kitty , but I’d be happy with any of them.

  363. I love all of Trish’s designs, but especially the flowers because they look soooo real! I would love to have one of her kits to help better my needle painting skills. I’m just a novice in this kind of embroidery & would love to perfect it! Thanks for your great website with your wealth of information & wonderful giveaways!
    Julie H

  364. The birds are gorgeous! I love the Kotare Kingfisher. Embroidering really brings the birds to life with each thread appearing like feathers. Thanks for the giveaway!

  365. I love all of Trish Burr’s designs, especially the flowers. My personal favorite is the Anemones. Thank you for the opportunity!

  366. What a lovely generous give a way! I am a devoted Trish Burr fan and adore all her designs from the darling little birds and butterflies to the flowers. However what has taken my heart this time is the sweet peas as they immediately transformed me back to my childhood and my darling long gone Dad growing them on an old rusty fence by the side of the farm house. Mum always had these beautiful specimens with all of the colors Trish has used, in a vase on the long vestibule table. The sight and smell was divine. A real trip down memory lane for me.

  367. Hi Mary!
    Thank you for your great website and encouraging videos and how-tos…my favorite kit on Trish Burr’s Etsy shop is: Finches & Apple Blossoms. The little finches are so adorable and I LOVE how she has illustrated the fluffy puffed-up little birdies! So talented on so many levels!

  368. I want them all. But if I had to choose a favorite it would be the bluebirds, love the ruffled feathers. The sweet peas are beautiful too. I’d love to do them all. Barb from Portland

  369. Wow a giveaway, so generous! Thank you both for even considering it. It made visiting Trish’s shop and then coming here to type this become exciting.

    My favourite design in Trish’s shop has to be the African Pygmy Kingfisher. Her colours are so beautiful, lively and well blended, the sense of movement in the feathers given by the way the stitches are laid out and the texture lent by the contrasting stitches used…i could stare at that little bird for hours, it’s exquisite!

    My next favourite is the one with the fluffy little kitten waiting for it’s milk. The child looks like a friend of mine and the kitten with it’s red bow and tail curled to the side is just sweet! I have another friend who loves kittens and I know he’d love this as well. So if I got this I’d do this twice over at least!

    Happy Holidays Mary and Trish!

  370. The sacred kingfisher is my favorite kit, I am drawn to the beautiful blue shading, it draws your eye in and really makes this fellow pop.

  371. I like them all, but I think my favorite is Autumn Pansy Basket. Pansies are one of my favorite flowers and I love all the colors. I also really like the little basket.

  372. I am in awe of Trish’s embroidery. I have always been doing some sort of embroidery, such as cross stitch, shadow, smocking, and have done some long/short stitch embroidery, but as a novice. I love the Rose pattern, it reminds me of the dogwood flower, delicate, simple but so beautiful. I will definitely ask Santa for Trish’s embroidery book.
    Thank you for your instructive, innovative posts, you are such a talented person, it encourages me to be better in my work…all I need is another 24 hours in each day !

  373. All of Trish’s designs are lovely but I am drawn to the birds. The African Pygmy Kingfisher is my favorite. The things about her birds is they actually look fluffy and soft. The feathers look real like you want to reach out and stroke them.

    Patricia, Colorado Springs

  374. My favorite is the “Bee Eater” bird. I love all kinds of birds. I love all of Trish Burr’s designs since they are so captivating and interesting way of needle painting. I have never attempt one yet but would love to try!

  375. I broke my ankle last year – picking sweet peas – from my garden. I spent 3 months in plaster and couldn’t move. Thanks to embroidery of all kinds I was kept busy. So sweet peas are so appropriate!!! All my ufos were finished and now new projects I require. 🙂

  376. I love the French Rose. The depth of color in the flower petals and the detail on the leaves is really fantastic. Plus I love red roses.

    Jenny Ross

  377. I like the Sacred Kingfisher kit because it brings to life a scene that I was looking at out the window yesterday. We had a Kingfisher sitting on a branch with two sea gulls in the water below it. It was such a pretty picture but we were unable to catch it on film because they flew away when we went outside on the deck. Trish Burr captures the lifelike quality of that scene we couldn’t capture on film. Thanks for the give away and Happy Holidays. It always makes my day to see your email come in. Thanks for sharing.

  378. I Like the “Victorian Children on a Branch” I reminds me of my best friend and I. She has always been there for me. It just shows the sweetness of friendship.
    Thanks for the give away!!

  379. Hello Mary,

    This is a difficult one, decisions, decisions… I must admit that I’m drawn to the birds, they look so realistic and I absolutely adore the miniature bluebirds and daisies and the finches and apple blossoms. But overall I think my favourite is the Sacred Kingfisher. He looks so real, just as though he is going to fly off the fabric!

    Thanks for this giveaway.


  380. It’s very hard to chose a favorite, but I really like the African Pygmy Kingfisher kit. The textures are fascinating!

  381. Azure Butterfly & Blossoms – I’m drawn to this kit it for the colors and subject matter. It provides me with a warm, fuzzy feeling and a sense of excitement to try to recreate the beauty of the flowers and butterfly. As the kit is rated for a Beginner I would hope this would contribute to my embroidery skills. I’m pleased to have now been introduced to Trish Burr’s kits.

  382. Oh, I just love almost all of them. I’ve already made the Little Bee Eater, I’m actually stitching the Anemones, I have the Sacred Kingfisher and the Redoute’s Sweet Peas on my desk… I would like to stitch all of them. As a pastel painter, I like the way Trish Burr harmonize the colors and blend it. It’s always a pleasure to see something new from her.

    Diane from Montréal, Québec

  383. Can I buy these kits in New Zealand Mary? LOVE the sweet peas and would love to buy one if possible, thankyou

  384. Thank you, yet again, Mary for a great opportunity. And thanks to Trish Burr of course for supplying these wonderful kits.

    I will put my name in – again – one day it will happen, I will win, and probably have a heart attack from the sheer shock of it. But as my old Granny used to say, you’ve got to be in it to win it. I like almost all of Trish’s kits, except the birds. But I love those sweet peas – that would be my favourite kit. I believe they are one of the most difficult of all flowers to draw/stitch convincingly.

  385. Trish Burr’s kits are all beautiful which makes it difficult to pick only one. However, after much deliberation I settled on the briar rose because I love them so! What a wonderful giveaway and how fortunate the winner will be…the perfect Christmas gift. Thank you for the chance!! Your daily chats are so inspiring that I look forward to them every day. Thanks.
    Vivian Desrochers from Canada

  386. I’m pretty sure the Country Bumpkin website has a40% off sale on some of Trish Burr’s kits, but for today only … And Australia’s time zone is ahead of most places …

  387. Trish Burr’s needle-painting kits use good design and color. I like the fact that she refers to successful painters and illustrators for color references and I think it’s one of the reasons her kits have such eye-appeal. The briar rose is my favorite! I’m a bit of a “pink-freak” and those colors would be lovely in my bedroom. My grandmother grew roses all about her house and I remember how lovely the smell was on a spring evening . . .

  388. I fell in love with the Briar Rose the minute I saw it. It looks like the dogwood tree we have in our front yard. Being an Army Brat, we moved a lot. We always planted a pink dogwood in front of every house. It immediately reminded me of my parents and my wonderful childhood. Thank you for a chance to win such great kits.

  389. OM goodness! These designs are awesome! I love flowers and birds so many of her things spoke to me. I think my favorite was “Finches and Apple Blossoms”. I do also love the sweet peas, too.

  390. This is my next new thing to learn. I am in love with the painted look. Of course this must be a secret from my wife!!! I am forbidden to take up 1 more thing to work on. HEE HEE.
    Thank you for your blog you inspire me every time I read it.
    The give away is very nice. Everyone have a wonderful holiday season.

    thank you

  391. i love gardening and raising flowers i like the sweetpeas they are fancy i like doing the birds it is a fancy way of embroiderying janet no nickname

  392. I love most of Trish Burr’s embroidery designs. I think I like the Blue Birds as they look sweet and reminds me of Spring time. Trish Burr does a wonderful job on her kits and instructions. Thank you for these kits.
    Deb Puma

  393. Hi Mary!
    Thanks for the opportunity for the Trish Burr kits!

    My favorite is: well, any of the birds! I love birds and have done the little bee eater. I would love to do some more as I have a long ways to go to improve my technique. If I had to pick one bird to do next it would be the American Kingfisher.

    Thanks and hope your furnace is fixed. Sending warm thoughts your way!

  394. Redoute’s Sweet Peas is gorgeous! And definitely my favorite (though Ms Burr does have many lovely designs.) In addition, we call my granddaughter “Sweet Pea” and it would make a lovely gift for her to hang up in her bedroom.

    Thanks for a chance at the giveaway. Happy Holidays!

  395. I especially like the African Pygmy Kingfisher. The colours are so vibrant.
    What a super give away just before Christmas. Thanks Mary

  396. I am enamored of the Finches and Apple Blossom kit. I love that her designs are small and not too overwhelming due to size. And her designs are just delightful. Those little birds are so alive with the feathers and the color.

  397. I love Trish’s designs! I began by purchasing a couple of her booklets to save the international postage cost of the entire kit. My favorites are the birds.
    I also feel that the way she designates the colors to use to get the best effects is invaluable.
    It has been helpful to use magnifed “reader” glasses while using a clamp on magnifier to give me the best view of what I am doing. These older eyes do not see as well as they used to!

  398. I’m currently working on Trish’s Red African butterfly and it’s wonderful, her instructions are so helpful.
    It’s really hard to choose, but i do love “Redoute’s Sweet peas”. I’m drawn to it by my love of sweet peas and the beautiful colours in the piece.

  399. I love the ‘Little Bee Eater’ as we have many bee eaters where I live plus I am a keen bird watcher. Also Redoute’s Sweet Pea design reminds me of my 3 girls who I often call Sweet Peas so I would dearly love the opportunity to embroider both these designs in the future.
    Thank you so much for your news each day.
    Jude from Darwin River, Australia

  400. My favorite by far is the sweet pea piece! Not only do I love the colors, but it reminds me of a piece that was in my grandmother’s house! Such wonderful memories! Thanks for the lovely give away!

  401. Good morning Mary
    All I saw when I opened my post this morning were Sweet Peas, my favourite flower and I thought, about time, a beautiful kit to do. Then I see it is part of the giveaway, how wonderful.
    So in answer to your qustion, it just has to be the Sweet Peas. Simple 🙂
    Thank you Mary.
    Keep warm.
    Karen in Bonnie Scotland

  402. Hi Mary,
    I am drawn to the Chinese Bird and Flower because it combines 3 elements in one piece with Trish’s signature ‘colour confidence’ blending.

    Time to get my copy of ‘Colour Confidence’ out again for a luxurious read over the Christmas break. Be nice to be stitching something at the same time!

    Thanks Mary and Trish,

  403. I was so delighted when you put up Trisha Burr’s work in this article! Trish’s style of stitching has a very ‘painterly’ quality to it that I really enjoy looking at. Her colors are very beautiful, and I do feel like I am looking at very delicate ‘brushwork’ that has been carefully controlled in order to obtain this level of realism.

    My favorite piece of hers is ‘Redoute’s Sweetpeas,’ because of their classic appeal, and that they are my favorite flower! When I saw this stitched little gem, I almost thought I could smell the flowers! They also have a place in my heart because a close friend of mine who always gave me bouquets of Sweetpeas from her garden (her favorite flower also), just recently passed away. I am now growing Sweetpeas in my garden in the Spring to remember her. We knew each other for 35 years, so when they bloom I will again think of my dear friend, Lois.

  404. All of Trish’s art is beautiful! My favorite on this sie is the Finches and Apple Blossoms. The birds are so animated and cuddly and I love pink. Mary, thanks for sharing all of your knowledge and creativity!

  405. Love all Trisha Burr’s designs especially the Sacred Kingfidher with such detail especially on the log. Has been on my ‘ to do list’ for some time. Would love to do the sweet peas – so life like you can almost smell the perfume. My Grandma always grew them every year.

  406. Love all Trisha Burr’s designs especially the Sacred Kingfidher with such detail especially on the log. Has been on my ‘ to do list’ for some time. Would love to do the sweet peas – so life like . My Grandma always grew them every year.

  407. I love the sweet pea pattern best but the miniature blue birds and daisies also attracts me. My husband is a fan of Redoutes botanical sketches so I am delighted that Trish Burr is making patterns of them. Thanks for the chance to win one.

  408. I adore them all, but have decided on the azure kingfisher because we have the same bird here in Australia. I have not attempted needle painting but intend to do so after seeing Trish’s beautiful kits. Thanks for the opportunity.

  409. first of all, thanks for this gorgeous give away!
    I think, all of Trish Burr’s designs are really beautiful, but the ones I like the most would have to be the little blue birds and the finches. I love the fuzzy look about them!
    Have a nice weekend

  410. I love the colours of the African Pygmy Kingfisher and the wonderful fluffiness the stitching displays. The hidden wonder if the branch, so textural.

  411. To be honest, I like all the kits precisely because of the skilful shading and gorgeous colour throughout. But my total, absolute favourite would be the sweet peas. They just look so alive and fresh.

  412. I love the Briar Rose. Don’t know if it’s the colors (I just love pink!) or the rose itself, but my fingers are practically itching to start stitching .

  413. I love needle painting and how it looks and want to learn how to do this – by far my favorite is the sweet-pea design because this is my favorite flower – I have always loved sweet-peas – used to grow these and miss the fragrance … Plus this is in my favorite color purple so, what is not to love?! I will buy this kit someday for sure! Thanks for this give away Mary, enjoying another chance at playing. 🙂

  414. I love Trish Burr’s designs and her detailed instructions. My favourite is the Briar Rose. Thank you Mary for your inspirational blog – it’s helped me so much in my embroidery.

  415. I LOVE the vintage miniatures. Trish is so creative in designing these patterns. They remind me of the Norman Rockwell photos. Of a time that was so innocent.

  416. The Azure Butterfly Kit is my favourite. I just love butterflies and all Trish’s kits look so beautiful. I’d love to try one.

  417. The Sweet Peas is by far my favorite of Trish’s kits. It captures the true colors of the vines that grew on my fence in Houston, Texas, during the spring. I would love to recapture that scene for my home in Virginia.

  418. Right now, I’m taken with the Forget Me Knots & Pansy. It’s lovely, and it lead me to learn something new. I learned that pansies can be orange as well as purple.

  419. Hello Mary, Thanks for offering this giveaway, I’ve always hankered after one of Trish Burr’s kits! I love the birds, especially the sacred kingfisher and the sunbird; I’m also drawn to the azure butterfly, because the colours are so gorgeous, especially on the lower wings; but my absolute favourite has to be the sweet peas, which I haven’t seen before. I LOVE sweet peas, especially old fashioned varieties. The colours in this bunch are lovely, and the whole piece is so lighthearted, just looking at the photo is a pick-me-up!
    Thanks again for the chance to win – I’m off to bed, not to stitch!
    Good night, Judith

  420. I usually like all of Trish Burr’s birds, well all her designs. I am drawn to as my favorite is “A Slice of Watermelon.” It looks like I might look, or my sister, or one of my nieces. It reminds me so much of my mother, who recently passed away. She was a teacher and during the summers, she would raise watermelons, hoeing 4 acres and then loading the truck and taking them to market. When I came to visit, she and I would go out to the field with a knife and cut open watermelons and eat till we were full. The picture evokes sweet, drippy, memories.

  421. Hi Mary,
    Trashes work is the stuff dreams are made of. I never tire of studying her pieces and marveling at her apparent freedom with color and stitch placement meanwhile I stubbornly keep my self trapped by pattern lines. Ahh the freedom in dreams. Maybe mine will come true and I’ll win the kitty with a saucer of milk!

  422. My favorite is briar rose, but truth is, it’s really whichever of her designs I’m looking at! Would loooove to have one of her kits. Thanks.

  423. It’s really hard to pick just one kit to be THE favorite and I am really drawn to the vintage miniatures of the children. They are so adorable and a good example of my taste in art. BUT, my favorite design of Trish’s is the Miniature Bluebirds & Daisies. I love the fluffiness of the birds feathers and the sense of movement it evokes. I’d love to be able to accomplish that movement and realism with my needle and thread and the challenge is motivating. The finished design reminds me of a pet parakeet I had when I was a child. When he got excited he would ruffle up his feathers and they looked just like she depicts in her rendition of the bluebirds feathers. Daisies have always been my favorite flowers and the combination of blues and yellows my favorite color combination so there are many reasons I really love this design.

  424. All of her kits are beautiful! I love the butterfly ones especially the blue and green one! All the colors are fabulous.

    -Heather S.

  425. Hi,

    I would love to try needle painting, and these kits have such lovely designs espcially the sweet peas. It would be wonderful to be lucky enough to win one. Thank you for doing these give aways, they are fun to participate in, and you get to add things to your projects list!


  426. I waited to retire to take up embroidery but now realise I was foolish! I love flowers and want to have my embroidered flowers as pictures on my walls so as I age I can remember the pleasure and desire to improve my skills should my fingers fail me!

  427. Like you Mary, I love the sweet peas and for the same reasons too – the riot of colour! However, the kits and even the digital downloads are out of my price range so, if I don’t win here, then I need to hope it appears in a future book title. Of course, I also love the pink floral design….

    1. Hi Elizabeth! Im in the same boat right now. However Trish has two free downloads of two flowers! They’re a good start while we oo and aww over the others ; )

  428. Thank you so much for featuring Trish’s delightful embroideries. It’s hard to pick a favorite, but the Briar Rose is so delicately shaded, it looks real enough to pick. We grow heritage roses in this area rather than hybrids and I do love them so; how great it would be to have a tiny one to bloom in my kitchen all year.

  429. Trish Burr I love her needle paintings. I have two to do I have a miniature and I have her red rumpled parrot both are sitting and just waiting for me to pick up.
    The one in her etsy shop that always draws me is her Kingfisher. He looks so
    beautiful his colours are so rich and he looks so real. But all of her design draw me very hard to pick just one they are all so beautiful her colours are so rich. Thanks for the opportunity to win not one but two of her beautiful and cute designs.
    Merry Christmas Every One.
    Mary have a safe and happy holidays.

  430. I love the African Pygmy Kingfisher. The colors are incredible. And the shading exquisite, like the bits of white on the beak and the knots for the bark. It looks like the bird could fly off the fabric!

  431. Greetings Mary. To begin with, I really love your website. Your doing great work. And coming to the point, I was drawn to the “Victorian children on the branch”. It somehow reminds me of my childhood days ….carefree days…memories with my childhood buddy nibbling goodies n sharing giggles under the shade of the trees….I am actually having a smile on my face …Thanks to you.


  432. A Trish Burr giveaway is exciting, Mary, thank you! Picking a favorite design is always difficult, and my choice is different every time I browse her shop. I must be in a dramatic mood, because the French Rose is striking a chord today. Those deep, gorgeous reds are making my fingers itch to stitch!

  433. Mary, Another wonderful give-away. I did “needle painting” years ago when it was called Crewel work and done in wools. You have reintroduced me to something I dearly love and Trish Burr’s work is the best. I especially love the Sweet Peas (one of my favorite flowers) but I also love the Chinese Bird and Flower kit as it combines two loves of mine in design: birds and flowers.
    Thanks again for the wonderful give-aways.

  434. Oh, My Lord, I absolutely love the Sweet Peas. They would make a beautiful central design for a quilt. It would be a blessing to have these designs to make a quilt for my sister who just lost her husband to cancer.

  435. I have always wanted to learn needle painting, and the kit with the Redoute’s Sweet Peas captured my imagination. My mother’s 80th birthday is in April and she has a Sweet Pea collection. I would love to do this for her.

    Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  436. I love the Sweet Pea the very best – sometimes I find that embroidery looks …. a little stiff and this perfect captures how NATURE looks (if nature was a bit more lovely than perhaps it even is)!

  437. Her work is exquisite, so it is difficult to pick one or two. However, since I absolutely love animals and have 7 cats myself, “A Saucer of Milk” is a definite favorite. It’s very tender and beautifully executed. Next would be “French Rose,” because it’s so three-dimensional and I love roses. I think the way the stems on those roses are embroidered is amazing! Her butterflies are beautiful, her flowers all and, oh, those birds. Just look at those “Miniature Bluebirds and Daisies”! You just want to grab them gently and hold them close to your heart.

    Thank you, Mary and Trish, for this opportunity to win some of these lovely kits. What a Christmas present that would be for me to embroider and then for the two people I would give them to: my mother-in-law and a friend’s granddaughter.

    Blessings to you both.

    Doris HH

  438. Every thing God created is beautiful. To be able to create needle work like Trish is a talent received whereby nature is captured on needlepainting for ever.I do like birds and fowers so it is very difficult to be able to choose between them,however I would prefure – now I can not choose.

    Heleen Botha
    South Africa

  439. I love redoute’s flowers; I love sweet peas (my favourite flowers); how could I not choose this as my favourite of the kits? I greatly admire Trish’s skill and expertise with a needle – and long to emulate it. Hopefully one of her kits might enable me to get at least a little way along that road!

  440. My favorite Trish Burr designs are the butterflies. Second are some (but not all) of her birds. Then come the flowers; the flower basket almost comes in first. I’m not too fond of the people. She does do people better than most embroidery designers.

  441. The African Pygmy Kingfisher is, by far, my favourite. I love the colours and his cute little saucy expression. One day I will work up the nerve to tackle one of her projects. Maybe, with some luck, I might be able to try sooner than later if I am the recipient of one of these lovely give aways.
    Heather in Sunny, Frigid -8 C), South Surrey (Canada)

  442. My favorite from Trish’ s test store is the Chinese bird with flower. My eye was drawn by the bird and the yellow shaded flower as I am an avid bird watcher and love seeing them around flowers. Trish had some beautiful designs but the coloring of this one and the clean lines made this one stand out for me.

  443. Just adore the little bee eater…..love the colors of it…..I have yet to try any of her designs but as soon as the holidays are over….I hope to attempt one! Happy holidays everyone!

  444. I LOVE Trish Burr. After 25 years of doing no embroidery whatsoever, I discuvered Trish. Wonderful!! I can, with a little patience, do her projects – and they are so beautiful! Out of little old me!!

    Please include me in the Give-Away!

  445. Wow, I love the look of Trish Burr’s needle painting and would love to get a kit. Thanks for the opportunity!

  446. G’day!
    I’ve been drooling over trish bur’s site multiple times since you posted this. The details are exquisite! Every time though I spend the longest time looking at the African Pygmy Kingfisher. The wings are breathtaking and they boggle my mind. How does one do that with just thread? The wings look too real. Then once Ive had my fill of looking at the wings I move on to the fluffy body. Fluffy and warm, a wonderful contrast with glorious shading. Then theres the perch! Subtly greyish so it doesnt distract from the bird… then you look at it closely and it seems slick and wet. Again boggles my mind…
    Wow ok I really do like that one! Next up would be the anemones, sweet peas, and the second chinese bird. They all have beautiful layout and colors. I want to plant a garden with these! The thorns on the french rose are amazing too, a favorite detail of mine.
    Thanks Mary and Trish for sharing! : )

  447. Just returned from a month in South Africa and the sights & sounds of South African birds are my favorite memory. I was looking for SA birds to embroider with my Bernina & happened upon these exquisite designs – love the little bee-eater so much I will take up hand-embroidery again!

    Many thanks for the link to Trish Burr’s Etsy shop – I especially like her fine detail, use of color and the instructional booklet she provides.

    Please include me in the give-away – it would certainly brighten a freezing winter day – thanks!

  448. These are gorgeous. I am going to give one to my embroidery teacher for Christmas. I have been going to her class for 13 years and my husband can’t figure out why I haven’t learnt everything yet!

  449. Trash Burr’s African Pygmy kingfisher is my favorite embroidery. I love the vibrant colours and the way she gets so much character and movement into a static picture. It would make a superb Christmas present for my embroidery teacher. Thanks Mary.

  450. It is nearly impossible to pick just one of her designs as a favorite but I think the Chinese Bird and Flower kit of Trish Burr’s is my choice. The intricate shading and details in all of her work is just so unbelievably beautiful. Her flowers and birds are all so deliciously delicious! Thank you, Mary Corbet, for the give-away and Happy Holidays to you. I absolutely love, love, love your website and your work and the way you teach. I’ve learned just so much from you and from your site. Thank you again.

  451. Long and short stitch has been my nemesis and I am now at 76 trying to perfect this technique through needlepainting. My favourite kit is the sweet pea design. I am drawn to this because the flowers are so delicate and my dad grew them when I was young.I can still remember the perfume they spread when mother displayed them in vases in our home.

  452. Redoute’s Sweet Peas
    Sweet peas are a warm reminder from childhood of a nearby field where they grew wild. The deep purples with the shades of pink and blue create a perfect combination of color which helped to restore the memory.

  453. Mary, what a leap from shisha beetle wings to needlepainting! I do love the assertive crimson french rose but my absolute favorite of Trish Burr designs is the African Pygmy Kingfisher. The complexity of the plumage would be fun to tackle but the clincher is the beautifully delineated lichen-covered bark of his perch. An artist/naturalist/ornithologist/teacher told me long ago that before you portray a bird you MUST know and illustrate its habitat. The saucy little kingfisher is poised on an old branch over a shady pool waiting for an unwary snack to swim by.

  454. What a difficult question to answer as I just love her birds but at this time of year in New Zealand Redoute’s Sweet Peas win out. I have just picked some sweet peas from our garden and Trish’s look so much like them as she picks out all the variety of colours. What an amazing kit – would love to win it.

    Jane G

  455. I have to say all of her designs a lovely. The french rose stands out for me as well as the american kingfisher. I’m a bird lover, so it’s hard to pick just one!

  456. Needle painting is something I have always wanted to learn, but for some reason I have been hesitant to get started. I love looking at the interplay between the colors, but just can’t quite bring myself to jump into this lovely art form. Maybe one of Trish’s beautiful kits will be just the push I need.

  457. Dear Mary,
    I really like the Chinese birds and flowers it’s a wonderful blend of colors that really go well together without taking too much from one another. The flowers aren’t to bright for the birds or vice versa. I would love to do either one of those and frame them.
    Fabulous give away, keep up the good work!

  458. My favourite is Trisha Barrs Redoute Sweet Peas as the blending on the needlework is absolutely beautiful.

  459. It’s a difficult choice, but I love those sweet little birdies in Bluebirds and daisies. My other favorite is Briar Rose; such beautiful pink roses! Thank you for giving the opportunity to win such beautiful designs.

  460. Hi Mary,

    What a great giveaway for Christmas!. I love the sweet peas and the briar roses that Trish has stitched. My husband brought me one of Trish’s birds this year, but I have yet to work up the courage to start it!

  461. I was initially drawn to Trish’s butterflies, I have a thing about butterflies. then I found out about her online classes and fell in love with the little Bluebirds and Daisies… How wonderful that every single stitch in the miniature picture counted. I had 26 colors to use in this tiny miniature at first it was daunting but with Trish’s guidance it worked and I am in love with these tiny thread paintings. Then she absolutely made my jaw drop with Redouté’s Sweet Peas. It will be a lucky person to win this kit, I hope it is me!

  462. I really like her orange butterfly die to the soft shading in the flower and the life in the butterfly. Her Redoute’s Sweet Pea draws me too though as my grandmother used to grow these in her garden and then have then on her table, just like in Trish’s design!

  463. What beautiful embroidery! My favorite item is the Attic Pansies design. Pansies are my all time favorite flower, so this design pulled me in immediately!

  464. I adore the butterflies! Especially the African Red butterfly, the shading is beautiful. It sounds silly, but I have been doing basic embroidery for a while, I have only just discovered the gorgeousness of needle painting. Her kits look like they would be challenging but not so difficult that I would get frustrated with my progress.
    I have just started my summer holidays here in Australia and I can see many of those kits will be on my Christmas list – if Santa doesn’t get them for me, I may have to get them for myself to do over the long hot days.

  465. It is difficult to choose a favorite because all of the designs on Trish Burr’s Etsy shop are lovely. After changing my mind several times, I would say my favorite is the Orange breasted Sunbird. I love the colors and I love birds.
    Linda M. from Kentucky

  466. Oh, it is so hard to pick just one favorite! But I am drawn to the Chinese Bird and Flower, because I can see them fitting in perfectly with my home decor. Also the blue is just beautiful.

  467. I just love the French Rose. The contrast between the deep red and bright yellow is so eye catching. I love it! Thanks for another lovely giveaway. I love your site. Such a great resource!

  468. I love all of Trish’s kits. I have just purchased the Australian Kingfisher for my Xmas gift from my loving husband because I love the local bird life where I live and the Kingfisher might become the start of a collection. I particularly love the new sweet pea kit as it takes me back to my childhood home where my mum used to grow sweet peas up a trellis.

  469. My favorite Trish Burr kit on etsy is Finches and Apple Bossoms. It is so cheerful and original!

  470. Thank you so much for the very inspirational article. I love embroidery and also lacemaking. Trish Burr’s kits is really amazing, she is an artist with a needle. All her designs is lovely. I love the African Pygmy Kingfisher design but I must say it is hard to choose one because everyone is something to wish for. I would really love to win one and thank you for the give-away.

  471. I just love Trish Burr’s designs! I was planning on purchasing both the sweet pea and briar rose patterns in the near future — after I have practiced a little more at the needlepainting technique. I guess my favorite design is the new sweet pea one, however, I love all of her flower and bird designs. They just all look so realistic and beautiful. I can’t wait until I am proficient enough at needlepainting to try to attempt them all!

  472. Everything on Trish Burr’s Etsy site is inspiring. I love her flowers. I did a couple of her smaller pieces and her directions are so clear and easy to follow. I love all of her work, but I confess I like the flowers best.

  473. Wow what a wonderful give-away. I so love Trish Burr’s designs. They are so beautifully detailed and her instructions are so user-friendly and easy to understand. The two designs that really appeal to me the most are the Sacred Kingfisher – the detail on the bird and the log do it for me; the other design is the French Rose – the richness of the colour red in the rose and the detailed centre of the rose is what stands out for me. The other designs are just as amazing and this is a wonderful give-away that I would love to win!

  474. I love “A slice of watermelon” Reminds me of my mother, summer’s and my children when they were small!! A true work of art!

  475. Oh, I can’t possibly decide! I love equally the Redoubt’s Sweet Peas, the Azure and Red Butterflies, and the Briar Rose. The intensity and the shading of the colors pull me toward them; I find it difficult to take my eyes from them.

  476. Bluebirds & Daisies is my favorite kit because I love blue and also have a picture done in chalk of one of these birds sitting on a fence post that my daughter drew for me.

  477. Im very new to the world of embroidery, I have been doing cross stich since I was a little girl. And so im try out something new. And these needle painting kits look so cool I think I found what I have been wanting. They are just a harder version of cross stitch. I think id really want the how to cd that is on her site but the briar rose kit is the one id like to try frist.

  478. I think the French rose kit appeals most. Probably because it reminds me of the lovely Mission Rose project that you have been doing and I have been avidly following. The red is so deep and luscious and reminds me of the beautiful roses in the garden of the house where I grew up.

  479. The Briar Rose is my choice! I have a lovely china plate with Briar Roses hand painted by my mother, a treasured item. I would like to stitch this design as a companion piece to display with the plate. Thanks!

  480. The African Pygmy Kingfisher – I feel as if he will hop off his branch any moment he looks so real.

  481. My favorite kit Trish is currently offering on Etsy, would have to be “Briar Rose” I am especially drawn to it, because for months now I have wanted to redo my bedroom in shades of pinks & greens, but not “little girlish”. The colors in Briar Rose are a beautiful example of my vision, I’m certain it’s in my needlework future.

    Thanks for all you do & share withu s Mary, Happry Holidays to you & ALL my fellowo needleworkers.

  482. My favorite Trish Burr needle painting is the African Pygmy bird on her website. The colors -especially the blue downy wings look soft enough to touch. The Sweet Peas’ embroidery is also beautiful and vibrant. ALL of her needlepaintings are beautiful! I wish I had a tenth of her talent.

  483. I have been a counted thread stitcher for years,but I’m now starting my needle in a new direction . I have done some of your surface stitching have enjoy it. I also have been looking at needle painting and Trish Burr has been one of the designers I have been studying . Her birds are one of my favorites. The idea of getting one of her kits would help me to continue the new travel of my needle

    Carol of Elgin

  484. I just love Trish Burr’s designs, but my favourite is the Little Bee Eater. So sweet, and lifelike. Thanks for the opportunity to win some of Trish’s kits!

  485. I am a botanist so I love the flowers, but I am drawn to the African Pygmy Kingfisher. I love the colors and the expression. I just want to hold the little guy. Wonderful give away. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.

  486. Have been away from embroidery for many, many years, but have returned to find your wonderful site and so much amazing information. My favorite Burr design is pansies because it calls to mind the last piece of embroidery I did for my mother, making pillow cases to match a pansy patterned blanket I was giving her for her birthday. Can’t wait to get her book and learn more. Thanks for all you do to keep embroidery fresh and accessible!

  487. Sweet peas or Briar Rose with a slice of watermelon or a saucer of milk…how does one choose? I love them all. Trish Burr’s designs are so enchanting. However, as much as I am a floral person, those bluebirds and daisies talk to me…look at those fluffy little critters. Those babies are adorable and look so cuddly!
    Carolyn J.(Freehold)

  488. Sweet Peas are my favourite. I absolutely love the plant, it was my childhood favourite.
    The colors are nice and delicate, the whole stitching is so lifelike, that I almost smell the flower… It would be wonderful to stitch it.

  489. I love Trish’s site because everything is so vibrant and life like I love her sweet pea kit!!!

    Merry Christmas to you too. I love following you blog. It inspires me to do more things and think outside of the box. I experiment more now than I every did. Please keep it up…I know that it is time consuming and a labor of love.

  490. I would like to complete all of Trish Burr’s kits but my hands down favorite is the Magnolia. The magnolia is my daughter’s favorite flower. I love Ms. Burr’s interpretation SO much because the colors are luminous and the contrasts are very pretty. The greens against the white of the flower and the one golden brown leaf are beautiful.

  491. I love the two bluebirds and daisies! It reminds me of my twin grandsons. The feathers remind me of a still fluffy baby bird and of my grandsons hair which sticks up!

  492. The Kotau Kingfisher caught my eye. It was actually the eye of the kingfisher that drew me to the piece. He has such a determined look about him. He is so alive!

  493. I love the children.. I have several of these prints and absolutely love them
    Please pick me
    Ellen in Highland Village tx

  494. Trish is quite the artist! Love all of her pieces especially the Victorian Children On Branch. I’m not that “into” birds, but flowers and kids drew me to this one. Thanks for the chance to win Mary & Trish!

  495. Redoute’s Sweet Pea is full of light….it lifts my spirits!
    Thanks for showing and sharing.

  496. Hi Mary! I’m drawn to the projects that have reds in it for some reason and I like the French rose and the basket of pansies and the anemones. The reds are so rich. I like the sweet peas too and would probably try them before i ever tried something like the French rose. Thank you for the chance. And thank you for the daily newsletter. It wakes me up every morning before heading to work!


  497. I love all of her work! But if I had to pick one, I’m drawn to the bluebirds and daisies. The texture of the feathers and the shades of blue definitely call to me. But they’re all beautiful. I worked her pygmy kingfisher a few months back, and it was a joy.

    Thank you, Mary and Trish!

  498. Trish is absolutely amazing! And I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the sweet peas! They have always been a flower dear to my heart (so gentle, and ethereal)and she has done them “to a turn” as they say. Her birds are quite wonderful, and other flowers, as well, but the sweet peas………….ahh! That is the one I want!!

  499. Trish Burr’s embroidery is simply beautiful. Like poetry. I would feel really honored if I won a kit. If not, much happiness to the person who does. Thanks for doing this,marywallis

  500. I love butterflies, so my choice would be Azure Butterfly. We have a lot of butterflies in our yard, and love to watch them.

  501. It’s almost impossible to pick a favorite Trish Burr piece, but the Sacred Kingfisher wins by a nose. The bird is so beautifully rendered, with its yellow feathers dusting the darker colors. And I can’t even imagine how she makes the branch so realistic! Kingfishers have always been my favorite birds, and all of the types she does are almost irresistible!

  502. My favourite design of Trisha’s is the Miniature bluebirds, just so cute and similar to the bluetits in my garden. Second choice would be the sweet peas, they are exquisite!
    Thank you for the giveaway, I love reading your blog.

  503. The colors in Autumn Pansy kit pull me in, & the pansys remind me of my favorite person,Grandma, who grew the biggest ones. She always put her used tea leaves in the soil. I am currently working on Finches& Apple Blossoms, again the colors & adorability (is that a word?) Love the new Sweet Pea kit- another grandma flower. I miss her so.

  504. I chose the African Pygmy Kingfisher. I was attracted initially because of the “first glance” iridescent coloration, which reminds me of your beetle wings. He’s a charming fellow and being a bit on the “pygmy” end of the height scale myself, I like small! When I clicked to see the close-up, I was(surprisingly)enchanted by the very effective depiction of the bark.

  505. Dear Mary,
    I have to say I have two favorite Trish Burr kits and I can’t choose between them. I am drawn to the French Rose, I think because of the rich vibrant color; but, I equally love the miniature Blue Birds because they are just too cute for words. I’m fond of cats and would love to do up the kitty with the big red bow as well as the sweet peas so winning either kit would be nice. Merry Christmas.
    Buttons F

  506. The first kit that caught my eye was the Azure Butterfly and blossoms. Those colors are my favorite!

  507. All her designs are to die for!! I’m liking the Little Bee Eater. What draws me it is it looks so real like I could touch it. It’s so darling. Thanks for a chance to win!

  508. I am not a fan of birds in real life, but Trish’s birds are so lifelike and adorable that I would love working on the project and looking at it displayed! The African Pygmy Kingfisher is my favorite – he looks likes he’s watching me from the corner of his eye!!

  509. The Briar Rose and Saucer of Milk brought tears flowing – Granma had roses outside her porch and loved to give her black cat milk in a saucer (which I still have). She taught me to embroider and sew and left me her treadle sewing machine. Thanks for bringing back some beautiful memories.

  510. My favorite is her sweet peas. They just look soooooo real. I LOVE them.
    What a beautiful piece of needlework. How much fun would that be to try to make. WOW
    Thanks for all the wonderful things you do for us all.

  511. Do I have to pick just one? Trish’s birds are astounding in their detail,
    especially her African Pygmy Kingfisher. But my favorite is the French
    rose, for her realistic detail, and because I love Redoute’ flowers. Plus
    I grow many different varieties of roses in my garden, of all kinds of
    sizes and colors. I get my love of roses from my grandmother, whose
    name was Rose, and who taught me to embroider when I was seven –
    and I’m still learning new stitches!

  512. I love the design Bluebirds and Daises. The overall picture is adorable but the birds look like they are fluffing up as look. It gives so much texture and reality to it. Just love it!

  513. I love the pick flowers and would enjoy having them in my house especially during the winter months when there are none outside

  514. My favorite? Really? There are so many truly extraordinary kits and each one has something wonderful, like the rich colors on the birds. For me, I would choose the Sacred Kingfisher…but not for the reason you would think. Look very closely at the detail on the wood. The texture accomplished with just a bit of thread is amazing and inspiring.

  515. I love the Chinese Bird & Flower design. The tail feathers would be so fun to do and the colors of the bird and flowers are so delicate, just beautiful!

  516. Thank you, Mary and Trish, for a fabulous give-away!
    My favorite is the Sweet Pea design, because I love anything and everything that includes purple!

  517. Well, very difficult to choose a particular design since flowers, butterflies and birds have always been a few of my favorite things–remind you of a song? I just spent many minutes looking at Trish Burr’s website. Her designs are beautiful.
    I do like the new Redoute’s Sweet Pea’s;has a lot of pretty colors.

  518. With every push of her needle Trish has artistically managed to capture the romance of stillness, birds included. Her pretty girls in the blossoms have inspired me to find the nearest fruit grove to try and catch that moment too.
    Thankyou for providing so much inspiration!

  519. Trish’s designs are all great but I am drawn to the nature ones, especially the birds. The Little Bee Eater Friends is my favorite. I love the facial expressions and the lush colors she used in the design. Thanks for this opportunity!

  520. Hi Mary, once again a fabulous give away, I have allready completed some of Trish’s embroideries and loved doing them her instructions are cery clear I started as a beginnerin needle painting. I have just ordered ” Forest Kingfisher”, her current patterns are beautiful, love the “Vintage miniatures” but “Redoute’s sweetpeas” would have to be my favourite. Would be a dream to win anyone of these.
    Regards Flora

  521. oh what a lovely thing-a chance to win what I’ve been drooling over for a few months now! I think the Briar Rose and the little miniature bluebirds are my favorites, as i do love birds and flowers so much. I think the little Briar Rose would make an excellent gift for my siser.

  522. The flowers are beautiful, especially the Briar Rose, French Rose, and Sweet Peas. But the design that I found most appealing is the Anemones. The colors are unusual, but I particularly like the casual bouquet showing the flowers at all angles. Very nice.

    Thank you for the opportunity for these kits.

  523. My favorite of Trish’s designs listed at her Etsy shop is the Redouté’s Sweet Peas! I love the incredible shading and the colors are beautiful; what a challenge to stitch . Actually, I love all Trish’s flower designs, but I love the Finches & Apple Blossoms too – very sweet little birds.
    Thanks for the give-away, crossing fingers and toes!

  524. I really am wondering if I should write in as its so hard to pick a favorite kit of Trish’s but I guess I will say I like the bluebirds with the dasies. But they are all equally beautiful!!!! Hope I win LOL


  525. It’s hard to select one kit as a favorite – but here goes – French Rose. I reminds me of my annual spring job of pruning my mother’s rose bushes….a job only to be handled with leather gloves because of the thorns. But once the pruning was finished and the roses started to bloom – there was nothing else like it! The fragrance, beauty and color was a feast for the eyes. Trish’s use of color – the deep rich burgundies contrasted with the silvery greens – is stunning, (not to mention the unbelievable detail of all of those fearsome little thorns). Her French Rose brings back wonderful memories.

    Thanks for the great give-away!

  526. I must say that I covet the butterflies. I don’t have a favorite, but rather love the deep, rich blues, reds, oranges and azure hues used in these beautiful embroideries. They remind me of all the butterflies we used to chase and sometimes catch when I was a little girl playing outside during the summers in Montana. It is sad to see that we rarely see any butterflies these days, and it makes me wonder why. Have we over used pesticides to the detriment of these lovely creatures? More than likely. Anyway, Trish Burr’s designs all take me back in time in some way, so I think they are all just lovely!

  527. The Bluebirds and Daisies are one of my favorites. I have a difficult time selecting the “most” favorite. She is a very talented lady and is able to bring these birds to life.
    Thanks to both of you for the opportunity.
    Susie Jarosz

  528. Hello. It’s hard to chose my favorite kit. I love roses so the French Rose or the Briar Rose plus all or any of the roses is lovely but the one I would chose is the African Pygmy Kingfisher from her Etsy shop. I know the Kingfisher is not a rose but the colors used are lovely and he is just too cute. They are a bit intimidating since they look so detailed and are rated at an intermediate level but I would chose the Kingfisher. 😉

  529. I love birds, so it’s the bird patterns for me! I think it’s a tie between two for my favorite, the African pygmy kingfisher and the bluebirds and daisies. The bluebirds and just so cute, and I love how the threads make them look so fluffy. And the kingfisher has such an animated expression on his face.

  530. I too love Trish Burr’s designs. My favorite one on her Etsy site is the Orange Breasted Sunbird. It’s bursting with life and the color shading is so brilliant! This little bird seems ready to just fly off the page.
    I also enjoy her designs that appear in Inspirations magazine. Thanks Mary for all your wonderful information and stitchery. xoxo Karen

  531. A simple question but with Trish Burr kits,its hard to decide.I cant start with one but I can start with 10 as I have ten fingers and I am thinking counting my toes as well. That is how many kits that are my favourites.

    These kits are more than splended. The colours coordinations are so full,vivous and lifely. The little birdies, the flowers,the little Victorian children… I cant decide which one is my favourite.

  532. I’ve never looked at Trish Burrs Etsy site before mainly because I didn’t realise that she sold pre-printed kits.
    I’ve decided that my favourite of her kits is the little one with finches & apple blossoms. My mother pased away only 5 weeks ago & she adored little birds. She was always feeding ‘the locals’ & had several small pictures of them in her home. My Dad always used to buy her Apple Blossom perfume when I was a child, so of course how could I go past the dear little finches with the apple blossom? It reminds me of days long gone when I had both of my parents living together. In fact, even if I don’t win one of the lovely kits, I will attempt the finches & apple blossom kit anyway, as it will be such a joy to sit thinking of those days while I embroider in one of the stitches that I can actually achieve to the point of my own satisfaction. 🙂
    I adore thread painting & am pleased to now have discovered Trish Burrs etsy site. Guess what I will be working on in 2014?
    Cheers & many thanks for the opportuniity to enter the competition.
    Wendy M.

  533. Dear Mary, Trish’s work is the reson i went into the embroidery world in the first place, so give away from her kits is… wow!
    my favorite kit is the Anemones. I live in Israel and we have huge fildes of Anemones in the spring time… just beautiful!
    thanks for the cance to win such a lovely prize.

  534. My favorite from her Etsy shop is the Bluebirds and Daisies kit. What draws me to it is her use of color and also the fluffy look of the birds. It’s adorable.

  535. it was difficult to decide which one is better than the rest…but if i had to choose just one as the best, it would be the “Autumn Pansy Basket”. I just loved that one..the colours, blending into each other..the basket…oo.its perfect. Would love to “paint” any of those kits…beautiful

  536. I really like the bluebirds miniature. The little birds look so soft and fluffy! I have not done any needle painting before but have seen many of Trush’s designs and have wanted to try one for some time.

  537. Bluebirds and daisies is my favorite. I love watching the arrival of the bluebirds in the spring before they leave and head toward the mountains.

  538. Finaly got my computer fixed and now I see this! So many nice surprises in such a short time.
    It is hard to pick a favourite but I am very fond of the Sacred kingfisher. I love the birds Trish makes, they are so full of life without a shadow of stiffnes or uncanines. And this one might be her best so far. I do love birds very-very much, but I am in awe over the shading of the branch. There are so many colors and they seem to almost flow! The whole piece looks like a watercolor painting, and to make something like that in needlework is just amazing.

  539. Being a beginner I would choose the little bee eater. The delicate green and goldish colours makes it a very lifely work of art and it would fit perfectly in our livingroom.

  540. I like the ‘My Fair Lady’ kit. I could make that for my momma and she would really enjoy it. Thank you for introducing me to the Trish Burr site!

  541. I would love to think that with proper instruction, my needle could learn to paint! Just beautiful.

  542. My favorite is the Red Rose. The multi-layers of petals are so real. Trish does the colour of the rose so lifelike. I spend time studying her beautiful pieces. I could only hope to do such beautiful work.
    Ana-Maria from Cambridge ON Canada

  543. Wow, Mary! What a task you have given us! To pick just one design. There are so many delightful choices.
    I am a sucker for butterflies, and Trish’s butterflies are beautiful. The African Pygmy Kingfisher is exquisite. The multiple colors, and the crackled bark on the branch are the details that stick out for me.
    But the one I keep going back to is the French Rose! It is a familiar subject for me, so I immediately felt comfortable with the idea of stitching it. The aspect that really draws me in is the detail! The knots for the anthers, the satin stitching around the ovary, the NINE different shades of green for the leaves! Amazing! I am not sure my talent is enough to do it justice, but I’d sure like to give it a try!
    Thanks for the giveaway, Mary!

  544. All of the kits are beautiful and having to choose one was a difficult task. However, I am drawn to birds as a result of my late mothers’s great love for our feathered friends. I would choose the African Pygmy Kingfisher. The number of colors in the head and the little grey “beard” are somewhat whimsical and stunning at the same time.

  545. I couldn’t pick just one at first as the website is very tempting but after a while I saw the Adonis Blue Butterfly. I’m usually a red person but the rippling blues across the butterfly had it shimmering in the sun.

  546. Love the children, such sweet faces. My niece is learning to embroidery, and I am so excited. I have been embroidering since age 12. My daughter nor granddaughter seems to be interested. I yearn to share this joy with another generation. These cute babies would be something different from flowers and leaves which may excite her into this wonderful passion of threads and stitches. Hope to win but if not, I will still be playing and making pretty items.

  547. I have long-admired the African Pygmy Kingfisher.
    His colors are gorgeous, and the little log he is perched on just has so much texture!

  548. I’ve never tried anything like this but would b excited to try. Thank you so much for all your giveaways. I think a lot of us would never get the chance to try some if these projects without them.

  549. Pink roses are my favorite flower, and I am totally in love with Trish Burr’s rendition in “Briar Rose.” I’ve always wanted to embroider pink roses using thread painting, so I would really love to win the kit! Thank you for a fabulously helpful, informative and friendly website!

  550. Hello. My favorite kit is the sweet peas. I grow sweet peas and love them. Thanks to you and Trish for the opportunity to win such great designs.

  551. Sweet Peas, I love those flowers. The shades of purple are well blended together. As always, all of her kits have a that little something to draw a needle artist into.

  552. Actually my favorite would be the sweet peas. I think I’m mostly drawn to that pop of red in among all those purples and green. So beautiful!

  553. I love the Anemones! Trish Burr’s designs make you believe that you could just reach out and pick one off the canvas and place in a vase, they are so vibrant and delicate!

  554. I know I’ve looked at her designs before, but this time I’ve actually remembered to favourite her shop!

    I can’t decide between Azure Butterfly or Redoute’s Sweet Peas. I think it’s the colours that draw me to the butterfly, but I love the flowers in the sweet pea design. They’re all absolutely gorgeous though.

  555. I love all of Trish’s designs but the love the Vintage series. I would love to do the watermelon and 2 girls on the tree for my grand daughter. I have been wanting to learn needle painting for a while and have just been on the Book Depository and ordered Trish’s book so that I can work my way through it. Then I will move onto her kits.

    I have enjoyed your emails since I stumbled onto your website about this time last year. I have incorporated several of your ideas and tips into some of my projects that I have on the go.
    Lynnette Auckland NZ

  556. What a shame to compete with so many other needle painting enthusiasts. My heart’s set on the African red butterfly. I love the colour scheme and the natural elements and the details. That’s true for all Trish’s kits and this would be lovely to embroider too.

  557. Thanks for this lovely opportunity – but how to choose? Her patterns and kits are all so lovely. I’m so drawn to all the flowers, but in the end, I couldn’t resist the dear little African Pygmy Kingfisher. The thread work is beautiful and so lifelike… And he looks cheeky, and smart. He’s a tiny, bright version of our charming, noisy kookaburras.

  558. My favourite kit is the Sacred Kingfisher. It would be very appropriate for someone I know who lives in Kingfisher St. I would love the Redoute’s Sweet Pea kit you are giving away and also A Sweet Slice of Watermelon. It is easy to imagine the perfume of the flowers and the little blond girl eating the watermelon reminds me a lot of one of my granddaughters who loves all fruit especially watermelon and blueberries

  559. Oh, Gosh! I adore Trish Burr’s work!! I had such a hard time narrowing down my favorite kit. It was a close call between the Sweet Pea and the Little Bee Eater. The little Bee Eater won out in the end, though. I have a framed picture of 2 bee eaters on the wall in my craft room. I just love their colors. Thank you for letting me know that Trish has an Etsy shop. I think I’ll have to get that little bee eater.

  560. Any of the kingfishers are an instant favourite. As a sometimes birdwatcher, I love seeing them in motion skimming and diving. They just give such an impression of energy and joy. Winner or not, one of the designs is on my to-do list.

  561. Trish Burr’s designs are wonderful – detailed and light while still substantial. Her instructions are clear and precise. I have always loved her birds, but I would be happy with any of her designs.

  562. Hi Mary
    I love all of Trish´s kits but especially those with birds and especially the African Pygmy Kingfisher- the colours are so vibrant! I MUST try one of them soon – maybe I´ll be lucky with your giveaway? 🙂

  563. I love all of Trish Burr’s designs, but the birds are gorgeous. My favorite is the Sacred Kingfisher,I hope I can do it soon.
    Thanks for the give away

  564. The Chinese Bird and Flower set is by far my favorite, but I covet pretty much all of the birds and butterflies.

  565. It has to be, a sweet slice of watermelon! It reminds me of summer when we were young and we would all have watermelon as dessert, the juice dripping down our chins and hands, we got all sticky, the ants and the bees just loved us. It was fascinating to watch the ants, never stopping, following the sweet nectar dripping down. Thank you for giving us inspiration every day with a world of color and stitching. I feel truly blessed.

  566. I love the flowers! They are so lifelike and beautiful! I’m particularly partial to the pansies, although an opportunity to stitch the sweet peas would be met with delight!–JudyJ

  567. I have to admit all of Trish Burr’s designs are my favorites. How do you choose one? Flowers are my very favorites. She captures the color and form like I have not seen in any other artist. I would love to win the sweet peas. I grow them every year.

  568. Thank you first of all for such a great news letter. I have learned so much. I love her work and have done a little thread painting with Appleton yarns. While growing up in northern Michigan,we often played in the open fields and woods, the wild roses grew in the sun in the poorest of soil. They were so beautiful and are my very favorite flower, Hers are beautiful. Thank you again. jean

  569. There are two designs that I just adore. First the Pygmy Kingfisher for it’s wonderful colours and life like appearance. The second is the Azure Butterfly and Blossom because of their colours and because they represent to me a promise for change and reflect true beauty in the world.
    Techiya in Ontario

  570. I can hardly process a request to pick one kit from Trish Burr’s site. I suppose Briar Rose for this moment in time. All her kits are lovely.

  571. What a wonderful giveaway! My favorites from the etsy store are the African Pygmy Kingfisher – I love the level of detail that shows through on her birds and this one has such beautiful colors. I also love the detail of all the back ground elements in the Sacred kingfisher – I would so love to be able to embroider a branch like that!! But I think my very favorite is Redouté’s Sweet Peas, the colors are so beautiful!

  572. Beyond question, my favorite pattern in Trish Burr’s Etsy Store is the “Redouté’s Sweet Peas” pattern.
    When my mother passed away, we were raised by my Auntie Esther. Every summer, she would plant sweet peas and baby’s breath. She would meticulously arrange them for a centerpiece, and the fragrance would disperse through the entire room.
    Incessantly, I still try every year to plant several packages of sweet peas and only one time produced a bumper crop that covered the entire front of our house.
    When my auntie passed, I made a memorial of artificial sweet peas, which will never die!
    I have purchased two Trish Burr books and have been practicing my split stitch and long and short stitch. I am looking forward to being able to advance to this pattern very, very soon.
    Your website is the best for learning all about embroidery, thank you, Mary~~~

  573. I really covet all of Trish’s butterfly kits. I keep thinking how much my grandma would adore them. She’s not crafty herself, but she loves handmade gifts, and collects butterflies! Needless to say, though, all the kits are gorgeous!

  574. I love Trish Burr and have wanted to start needlepainting for some time and what a splendid opportunity to start. a miniture kit. I love the bluebirds and daisy it reminds me of home back in England .The English blue tits that I miss so much.
    I would love to win a kit they are all beautiful. I have some of her books but have not had the confidence to start needlepainting.
    Thankyou for giving us the chance to win
    Yvonne of Oakville

  575. I love the French Rose pattern. It reminds me of Redoute’s roses; I had a favorite calendar of his art many years ago.

  576. I love Trish Burr’s birds, especially her blue birds. We have blue birds in Oklahoma and I used to put out blue bird houses to help increase the numbers. They are so fun to watch.
    I love the Briar Rose that you are giving away. Flowers are another favorite of mine. I love Mother Nature!

  577. The Sweet Peas is my favorite – it reminds me of the sweet peas my mother always had in her garden when I was growing up. But all of Trish Burr’s designs are lovely.

  578. Oh Mary,
    I found the Sweet Pea design so charming! What a lovely use of color and design in one compact piece, something that I could finish in a relatively short time. Love those tendrils, perfect! Trish Burr’s use of Redoute’s flowers is brilliant.

    I belong to a needlework group in my community and have been trying to make 2013 the year I finish up all the old projects. I am just at the end of finishing about 40 years worth of embroidery and was wondering what will I do next? I would love to have this be my new project.

    Thanks so much for offering this lovely piece and I would be happy to receive the Brier Rose piece if Sweet Pea is gone. If I do win, I will use the child oriented piece to teach my 11 year old granddaughter the finer points of embroidery. She has picked up watercolor painting from me, and want to share stitching with her too. Got to keep the older arts alive by teaching the grandchildren!

    Thanks for offering these competitions, so much fun.
    Cookie Z

  579. Trish Burr’s designs are all beautiful, but I’m particularly drawn to her flower studies. I love the French Rose and now that I’ve seen the Redoute Sweet Peas and the Briar Rose, I’m equally taken with them. I would love to stitch one of these designs as a gift for my Mum, because I know she would love it too. Thanks for a lovely giveaway, Mary.

    (BTW: This is my fourth attempt to post my comment, I’ve been having problems with internet explorer and my comment would disappear each time I tried to submit it. I do hope I’ve not repeat posted. Sorry if I have.)

  580. I love botany, but those butterflies are so lively it’s not easy to turn those down. But otoh her Redoute patterns are amazing. So intricate but still straightforward.
    So I’d have to say it’s a tossup between the rose and the blue butterfly (her shop is closed so I can’t give you the exact names, sorry).
    Thank you for your blog and your giveaways,
    Tessa in Stellenbosch

  581. I like Trish Burr’s birds very much. They are so lovely and funny. I wish to stitch at least one one day. And also flowers are very impressive. Well, all her works are great. It is so difficult to chose only one or few 😀

  582. Trish’s Etsy shop is closed for the holidays now but I have looked at her site before and if I had to choose just one it would be the pansies. My second choice would be one of the butterflies. All of her kits are beautiful and I would consider myself very lucky to win any of them! Thanks for the chance.

  583. I find I am attracted to both the delicately detailed Redoute’s Sweet Peas, and A Saucer of Milk, with that sweet beribboned kitten. I would enjoy working on either design, all 4 designs in fact. Thank you for hosting this give away.

  584. Hey, Trish’s shop is on vacation! So, no listings. But, I always enjoy viewing Trish’s embroideries of flowers, usually drawn to those in orange and yellow colorways. Happy holidays, Mary!

  585. Hello Mary

    Thank you so much for the wonderful X-mas give-away 🙂 It was quite recently I got to know about Trish Burr. Although I have been embroidering for quite a while now, I was astonished after I saw her kits online. I adore every single kit of hers. In particular I liked the ” Redouté’s Sweet Peas”.The reason being first they look very lively with all the color combination and secondly the attention to details and perfection.
    Have a nice Day !!!

  586. It is so beautiful, I love the flowers…..
    If I win I will share it with you
    The long and short stitch embroidery, A collection of flowers and needle painting embroidery, Fresh Ideas for beginners….I wish to know where is the difference..

    Thanks if I win….have a nice Holliday..


  587. tout les kits sont superbes, mais à mes yeux celui qui est mon préférée, est le pois doux de Redoute;
    à bientôt


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